#frozen baby food market
munsster · 2 months
fixer upper
A/N: IM ACTUALLY SO EMBARASSED TO ADMIT THIS IS BASED ON ‘FIXER UPPER’ FROM FROZEN 💀💀💀 does that mean it counts as a song fic…….. (gif creds: @buckysbarnes)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader (Season 3)
Summary: The kids aren’t saying you can change him, per se. They’re only saying that love’s a force that’s powerful and strange. 2.8k words
Warnings: fluff, babygirl steve, cursing, mentions of toxic (?) relationship, hopeless pining, pet names (sweetheart), shameless flirting
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Steve can barely see through his rose-tinted daydream, but he's sure he recognizes your smile as soon as you enter the food court. And you lead a trail of whiny teenagers right to his register. This is the fourth time this week you've heard about Steve's lusturous hair and dazzling eyes. You have to hand it to them, they're not bad salesmen, just a tad young to elicit ethos. What the hell do they know about love anyway.
That's what happens when you're licensed and free on a Friday afternoon: babysitting duty. Now, in the event that Steve had been the one saddled with the party on his day off, he would've argued that they're not really babies and they should be self-sufficient. Knowing Dustin, however, this argument proves to be false almost every time.
But it wasn't Steve, it was you. Steve doesn't think he's heard you complain about one thing in your life.
Not even your deadbeat boyfriend called Brad. Who, as Dustin and Max and Robin love to remind him, is utterly replaceable and on thin ice every other week. Steve knows better than to get his hopes up after three months of having them crushed, though. He's learned to live with the strong sense of yearning he feels whenever you're within thirty feet of him.
Take now, for example: you're coralling half a dozen brats into a somewhat single-file line without even having to raise your voice. He should think it's impressive, but he's too distracted by your lip gloss and your voice and the way you did your hair today.
"I hope you give discounts to distressed young women," you tease, brows knitting when you look up at him. This is the part where he's supposed to respond with something charming. Sexy and charismatic, maybe.
"Oh, uh," he chuckles, "No, I mean, yeah. Sure"—Oh, but you smile at him and all that pent up charisma flies out the neon-framed sliding doors. They chatter out their orders at lightning speed, and he can barely catch half of what they're saying when you look at him like that. You finally make it to the register and pay half price. And your cone is always on the house, of course.
"Isn't he such a gentleman?" Max says unenthusiastically. Lucas elbows her side before retreating with Dustin.
"He's also a great driver!" Will chirps, shuffling away to one of the booths with Mike and El who giggle the whole way there. You turn back to Steve who stares off at them incredulously.
"You see what I have to deal with?" you say with some degree of affection for the chaos.
"Aw, come on," Steve says, tilting his head with a shrug, "you love it."
"I think they keep forgetting I already have a boyfriend."
Not much of a boyfriend if you ask me, he thinks.
But what he says: "Ah, yes. The elusive Brad."
You roll your eyes and grin at him. You know Steve has a crush on you. Or else the kids and Robin wouldn't be so adamant on marketing him to you. It's sweet, really. And honestly, you don't think Steve's unfit to play boyfriend or anything, but you're also not disloyal.
Your scoop melts down the side of the cone between your fingers. Steve nearly hurls himself across the counter handing you a thick stack of napkins.
"Shit, thanks," you huff, lapping at the stream of sticky ice cream. His stomach churns as his face screws into a sickly smile.
"Yeah. No problem."
"No, really"—you wrap a napkin around the cone, shoving the rest into your pocket—"I don't know what I'd do if I had to pay the entire bill everytime one of them had a craving."
"Really, it's not a problem," he shrugs it off like it doesn't come out of his paycheck. "I like helping out pretty girls when I can."
You giggle and tilt your head. "Steve Harrington, you're my hero."
He's almost embarassed at how fast his face flushes red hot and frantic. He reaches for the back of his neck on impulse, and any attempt he makes at seeming suave is foiled by Robin patting him on the shoulder.
"If you think that's heroic, there was this one time he singlehandedly saved Hawkins with this sick baseball bat with nails—"
He huffs, "Robin—"
"No, seriously! Don't be so modest, Steve, you're selling yourself short!"
"I'm not trying to sell myself at all!" he says, turning her around and guiding her towards the door to the back room.
"Great seeing you!" she hollers over her shoulder just before disappearing behind the swinging door. You wave with a chuckle. Steve tuts, fixing his sailor hat and shaking his head.
"Did you really do all that? Save Hawkins, I mean?" you ask. And you seem genuinely interested which is why it guts him. The one girl who actually gives a shit is coincidentally unavailable.
"Yeah," he says, shrugging, "but only to clear my conscience. It's like penance, or whatever."
You giggle, not sure if he's being truthful or playing it off. He meets your eyes and he's sure his heart stops dead in his chest for a beat. Nobody pulls off mall lighting like you.
The kids come skipping back to the counter, declaring they've all got different wants and needs around the mall for the next few hours.
"Okay, hold on, I promised I'd have you guys back before my date," you say, Steve overseeing the conversation from over your shoulder.
"Well," he interjects, "when's your date?" All the attention shifts to Steve, and he suddenly wishes he could swallow up the words and take them back for good.
"Two hours from now. Across town," you say, looking a little guilty knowing he's about to make the kindest offer of the year.
"I'm off at five, so I can just"—stop talking—"take them home after my shift."
"Steve, really, you don't have to—"
El grins, eyes wide as she whispers in Max's ear.
Steve shakes his head, "Sweetheart, believe me, I want to. Besides, you've already been through enough with the rascals. Go have fun."
You turn to the kids, almost pleading with them to accept Steve's generosity.
"Is that okay with you guys? I don't wanna leave you stranded," you admit.
They nod in agreement, throwing out a couple yes's and sure's. They're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as ever, but you still feel bad dumping them on Steve like this.
Dustin interrupts: "This really just goes to show how Steve is a great candidate for marriage and other domestic relations. He can be odd at times and he might care too much about his hair, but you can tell by his actions that he would be a very reliable husband, a generous life partner, and—"
"And a great friend," you giggle, trying not to let Dustin get too carried away. You have sat through enough of his speeches for one day. "Now, quit trying to set us up!"
Steve rolls his eyes at the boy. "Seriously, at least wait 'til she's single. Then she can reject me for me."
You whip back to face him with a sour look on your face.
"Steven! That's not—that's rude to yourself," you huff, "Say three nice things."
He chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest and squinting at you.
"You're pretty, I like your shoes, and you smell nice."
"About you!"
"Ohh," he feigns surprise, "No." But you reach across the counter to whack him on the arm with a shocking amount of force. The kids chuckle from behind you. Steve can't help but smile when you raise your brows proudly. "Fine! I am deserving of love, I am great company, and my hair looks particularly shiny today."
"Good," you nod, "I agree. And I have to go, see ya!"
"With which one?" he says, watching you jog out of the store waving. "Wait! Sweetheart? Agree with which one??"
Steve sighs sharply, hands perched decidedly on his hips as his gaze falls flat on the militia of pre teens staring him down.
"What do you want?" he says.
"You're hopeless," Max says, mouth pressed in a hard line before she wanders off, arm-in-arm with El.
"Yeah, dude. And kinda desperate," Mike shrugs.
"Hey," he grumbles. Who knew such harsh words could come from such little humans. You'd think they'd be harmless at this age. You'd be wrong. 
"You're a total virgin," Dustin says, very matter-of-factly.
Steve cocks a brow, honestly trying not to laugh at the severity of Dustin's demeanor when he says it. "I don't even think you know what that means."
Dustin blinks. "Well, I think you haven't had sex in long enough that you qualify as one."
Much to Steve’s surprise, it only takes butthead Brad two more weeks to absolutely shatter your heart. No one knows the complete details other than it happened at a frat party and you had to walk back to the dorms alone. But Steve doesn’t need complete details to know he wants to shatter Brad’s jaw with his fist.
But he also vowed to use means other than violence to get his point across. He should be awarded for the amount of restraint it took to see your bloodshot eyes and not speed immediately off towards Asshole University like a Brad-seeking atomic missile.
Of course, he’s thankful you felt comfortable enough to call him. In fact, he was the first one you rang. And he knows this fact because you told him while you were sniffling away tears a week and a half after the break up.
Now, you’re sitting in the passenger seat of his beemer, curled into your sweater, and listening to late night soft rock radio while he focuses on the dark highway ahead of him. You hadn’t wanted to do anything else but sit in his car and think. His heart clenches everytime you wipe away a tear with your soggy sleeve.
He pulls off the highway during an ad break, finding a secluded diner surrounded by nothing but trees and gas stations. He pulls into a parking spot near the back of the lot where the overhead lights aren’t blinding, but you aren’t completely in the dark. He leaves the car on so the cold doesn’t seep in, engine still purring softly from under the hood.
“Who needs ‘em,” he says in attempt to lighten the mood. “Being single is way cooler. Take it from me. You get a bed all to yourself and you can fart whenever you want.”
You’re frowning, but you know he means well. You just can’t help the fat tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Oh, come here,” he whispers, leaning over the center console and dipping his hands over your shoulder and around your waist. His arms feel so strong and so warm where they envelop you entirely. Steve always was the best hug you ever receieved.
You can’t help but chuckle wetly into his collar after a moment.
“God, he was such an asshole, wasn’t he?”
“Uh, duh! Doesn’t take a genius to…” Steve laughs, pausing and brushing the hair away from your damp cheeks. “I know, sweetheart, and you deserve heaps better. You were always way too cool for that loser.”
You blink up at him in the low light. There’s a kind of twinkle in your eye that makes the tips of his ears hot. This time, you reach for him, weaving your arms beneath his jacket with a deep sigh. Your breathing slows against his neck, and he rubs your back while your arms tighten a little around his waist.
He can’t help but wonder what you’re thinking whenever you look at him with your doe eyes, seemingly sweet and far too inquisitive. He knows you’re probably just looking, maybe thinking of something else. But the hopeless romantic in him rattles his rib cage and shouts you might actually consider him this time.
“Wanna go get shakes? On me,” he whispers. You sniffle, wiping your aching nose on the cuff of your sleeve.
“I can pay for myself,” you tease, popping open the car door when he cuts the engine.
“Nope! Sorry, I don’t let girls pay, remember? Super sexist, I know. Plus the whole pretty privilege thing. Honestly, I should just be paying you at this point,” he says, hooking his arm around your back and feeling yours reach for his shoulder as you march towards the diner.
“I agree, rich boy,” you chuckle, “Reparations are in order for wrongdoings on behalf of your sex.”
He chuckles. He’s absolutely head over heels.
The waitress seats you at a cozy booth in the corner and makes a casual comment about the cute couple, asking how long you two have been together. Steve flounders at the question, flustered and pink in the face.
“Oh, we’re actually… not together,” you say, laughing awkwardly when she pouts and, again, remarks on how cute you’d be together. You order shakes for the both of you before perching your chin in your hand. Steve’s still reeling when the waitress walks away.
“Funny. We can’t even escape the third-degree from complete strangers,” you tease, winking at him from just a few feet away. Jesus, he’d think you were trying to kill him if you didn’t seem so lighthearted and playful.
“Yeah, pretty funny,” he sighs. And he’s probably being so obvious. Or maybe that’s how he is all of the time, so his heart eyes seem subtle. Or it’s obvious all of the time.
The waitress slides the shakes in front of you, and the bright red cherries sink further into the whipped cream.
“You know,” you murmur between sips, “I always thought you were pretty cute.”
He nearly chokes on his mouthful of chocolate malt, clearing his throat and trying not to crumble in on himself.
“Oh. Yeah, I get that a lot,” he huffs, “Mostly from little old ladies, but—Hey!”
You flick him and say, “Really! I know it’s not couth considering… Brad and all, but…”
“You’re being facetious,” Steve accuses.
“Try serious!” you hum, “I’m just saying, you’re very handsome. I was shocked to learn you were single when we first met.”
Steve’s blushing and puffing trying to maintain eye contact.
“What can I say? I’m just,” he huffs, “I’m not really worried about it.”
You tilt your head. “You’re not?”
“Nah. I know the right girl will find me in the end. Even if it takes a while. I don’t mind waiting for the right one.”
You settle back in the padded seat, wincing when it squeals beneath you. It makes you feel a little dejected, but you suppose he’s right. Especially because he seems so confident. So sure. It’s admirable. You want to be that sure of soulmates and love and the future.
“I feel the same way,” you whisper. He finishes off the rest of his glass with a smile.
“Though, it doesn’t exactly help having a bunch of little shitheads telling you to go get laid all the time,” he laughs.
“Oh, yeah, tell me about it” you lean in, “Just break up with him, steve is so much nicer. Dump that loser. Steve has a big crush on you.”
“They said that?” Steve’s not dumb, he’s sure you know by now, but he thought it was all conjecture. They will be hearing about this next time they want free ice cream.
“Yeah, that was like their main point. But I know with all the love in my heart they’re all full of shit.”
You shrug, and he chuckles dryly. He can’t decide whether you knowing is for better or for worse.
“Yeah,” he sighs.
Steve drives you home. You fall asleep in the car, and he keeps the radio low so as not to wake you. By the time he pulls into your driveway, he doesn’t care about the time or the fact that he lives far. He does, however, care about the way you smile lazily and peck his cheek in thanks.
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
He says it but he wants to tell you what he’s feeling. He wants to ask if you’re over Brad. He knows you’re not and that’s okay, but he wants to ask if he can hold your hand to keep it warm. He wants to ask what kind of flowers you like and if it would be okay for him to drop them off on your doorstep tomorrow. He has so much he wants to say and do, but he doesn’t want to suffocate you.
He doesn’t know that you wouldn’t mind him asking.
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aestheticaltcow · 19 days
No Phone Policy 5.0
Trigger/Content Warning: DV themes to an extent, prayers, lots of anxiety mentions, abandonment?
I feel like I got a little too angsty with this one, but remember, y'all permitted it.
Previous Part
The Bear Masterlist
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You were frozen. One of Carmy’s arms was draped around your waist as he slept peacefully. All you could do was stare at the wall and wait for Wolf to cry so you’d have an excuse to leave the room. But the cries didn’t come. The room was filled with the white noise of the overhead fan and Carmy’s soft snores. You swallowed and tried to focus on anything besides the twinge of pain Carmy had inflicted on your wrists. What were you going to do? Carmy had never done anything like this before. All the after-school specials and PSAs you’d seen as a kid said that domestic violence starts small. The abuser tests the waters - see what they can get away with. You were the perfect victim in some way.
A month postpartum, maybe $500 to your name, some family but not many friends… but Carmy wasn’t an abuser? Was he? You racked your brain for hours trying to compartmentalize the last five years of your life. Was Carmy the perfect friend? No. He wasn’t always the ideal boyfriend, fiance, or husband, as evident by how he’d been ignoring you the weeks prior to you giving birth, but he wasn’t that kind of man. He wasn’t the kind of man who had to hurt people to feel significant or noteworthy. He wasn’t the kind of man who had to manipulate or lie to people to get what he wanted. Hell, it took months of you asking before he dared to smack your ass in bed- he wasn’t the type to lay hands on you. As you lay in bed with him, your brain racked with any other times Carmy may have done something subtle, something you missed that could have been a predictor of what happened. You were brought out of your downward thought spiral when Wolf’s soft cries came over the baby monitor. Fear washed over you when you felt the weight of Carmy’s arm disappear. 
Carmy mumbled something before getting out of bed and slowly exiting the master bedroom. When he was gone, you rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling. “1,3,5,7,11,13,17,19…” you counted under your breath as you watched the ceiling fan slowly turn in counter-clockwise circles, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference…” you whispered to yourself. As you took another deep breath, you heard footsteps approach the bedroom. You closed your eyes and rolled back to your previous position. 
As Carmy got back into bed, you felt your stomach twist, “She’s okay, baby. Just needed a diaper change…” he whispered as his arms snaked around your waist. You felt like you were going to throw up when he pulled you to meet him in the middle of the bed. 
“So all it took was havin’ a kid?” Cerico laughed as he read the email Carmy had sent the night prior. “Hey, it’s sweet. He’s growin’ up.” Natalie commented as she scrolled through the email on her laptop, “Also, I don’t know how he spelled ‘special’ wrong four times with spell check.” 
“Okay—updates for the menu… so we are doing a singular special every night. It’ll highlight whatever produce is fresh from the farmer’s market. We'll make weekly menus instead of changing the menu every night. We’re also switching food vendors, so if you want extra hours, we’ll need an additional couple of sets of hands to unload the orders.” Syd explained this to the wait staff during their daily meeting before the dinner service. The sense of relief in the room was palpable; Richie thanked Syd for explaining the changes before taking the lead for the rest of the meeting. 
Carmy was sitting in the office that night when Richie found his way inside. He immediately noticed a picture of Wolf pinned on the corkboard above the computer, surrounded by post-it notes and various unpaid bills. He grinned and pulled a chair to the desk, “What’s good cousin?” 
Carmy looked up from his notebook when he heard Richie’s question. He shrugged, “I’m off the next couple of days… tryin’ help Syd out with some special ideas.”
“How are things at home?” Richie probed. Carmy shrugged again, much to his annoyance. “Y/N still pissed at you?” 
“We’re good. Babys good. Everything is okay.” Carmy answered as he ripped the page from his notebook and stuck it to the corkboard before getting up from his chair. Richie’s brow creased at Carmy’s explanation. There was no way ‘everything is okay’; he missed the birth of his child. While he hadn’t known for that long, he knew there was no way you’d just let Carmy off the hook like that. 
Carmy walked through the front door and heard noises coming from the kitchen. He smiled to himself as he found his way into the kitchen. Your back was turned to him; Wolf sat in her pastel Bumbo seat on the counter, babbling. You laughed along with her babbling as he stood in the doorway watching you wash dishes and continue your ‘conversation’ with Wolf. Carmy came into the kitchen and hugged you from behind, startling you. He felt you swallow hard as your body tensed. He pushed the concern out of his head and greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. 
“How you doin’ baby?” he asked as he let his arms fall and turned his attention to Wolf. You clenched your fist behind your back, watching Carmy lift Wolf out of her seat and cuddle against him. You shrugged, “Goin’ great. She napped like a champ, and I got some work done from home.” 
Carmy smiled as he rubbed Wolf’s back softly, “That’s great, baby.” You nodded in agreement and returned to finishing what you’d been doing before Carmy had gotten home. It had been a few weeks since Carmy did what he did, and you still felt conflicted about the entire situation. He was trying to be present and involved with all things parenting, but you couldn’t shake the way he’d hurt you. He pretended like it never happened. 
“How’d her appointment go?” Carmy asked as he entered the bedroom with a towel around his hips.
You locked your Kindle before meeting his gaze. “She’s good. She got four shots and was super pissed at me for like an hour, but she’s good now.” 
Carmy chuckled, “Did Feyre and Rhysand finish rebuilding the night court yet?” he asked as he got a pair of underwear from his drawers. You rolled your eyes at the question, “Not yet. I got to a good part, though.”
“How’d work go?” you questioned as Carmy got into bed. He shrugged, “It wasn’t anythin’ special. Just missed my girls…” his voice had dropped an octave as he scooted closer to you in bed. You felt your body tense as he snaked his arms around your waist. You glanced at the baby monitor, praying for Wolf to start crying. The idea of being intimate with him made you feel cold and clammy.
“Carm…” you trailed off as you tried to wiggle out of his grip, “I-I-I” you stuttered as you felt him press a kiss into the exposed skin of your shoulder. You squeezed your eyes closed as Carmy moved to hover above your body. The hair on your arms stood when you felt Carmy’s thumb run across your jaw. “I miss you baby… I know I fucked up, and I’m gonna spend the rest of my life tryin’ to make up for it… let me make you feel good…” he cooed. 
Before you could answer his demand, his lips were on yours. Blood rushed to your ears as he feverishly kissed you. Carmy was desperate to alleviate the frustrations that had been building since you came home from the hospital. Watching you take care of his baby left him feeling feral. The desire to ravage you had met its breaking point this evening when you strolled into the living room in those silky pajama shorts with the lacy trim. The pastel green popped against your skin; the material was tight around the fat of your thighs and beckoned for him to take you there and then. He just had to wait for the baby to go down.
Your stomach twisted as Carmy’s lips made their way down your jawline and neck toward your collarbone. As he sunk his teeth into the sensitive skin, you felt as if you were going to throw up. “Carmy,” you sniveled as he pushed a hand under the band of said silk shorts, lacing his fingers in the band of your underwear. You went unheard as Carmy sucked a hickey into your collarbone, “Carmy!” you cried as you brought your palms to his chest to shove him aside. 
Carmy was perplexed but concerned when he realized you were hyperventilating. “Baby- baby, are you okay?” he asked as he reached for you. You pushed yourself off the bed, stumbling as you rushed into the bathroom, desperate to get as far away from Carmy as quickly as possible. Carmy’s brow tensed as he scrambled to get out of bed, pulling on a pair of gym shorts that had been discarded on the bedroom floor before he got into the shower. 
Carmy knocked on the door before trying the doorknob. The door was locked, and he could hear your heavy sobs from the other side of the door. “Baby- Y/N, baby, talk to me. Did I do somethin’ wrong?” 
“LEAVE ME ALONE, CARMEN!” you chastised him through the door as your body shook. You sought comfort in the corner of the bathroom by the bathtub. With shaky fingers, you tried to tap against your skin to ground yourself, but the coping skin proved unsuccessful. 
“Baby? Please open the door,” Carmy pleaded shakily. “Y/N? Let me help you, baby.” He rested his forehead against the door as he jingled the doorknob. You didn’t respond to his pleas. Carmy took a deep breath. “Baby, please. " He begged and bargained for you to open the door. 
“CARMY, JUST-JUST GO AWAY!” Your voice cracked as you yelled through the bathroom door. You didn’t care about waking Wolf; you just wanted him to leave. “Baby, let me in. Let me help you,” Carmy demanded as calmly as he could. You took a deep breath before pushing yourself up from the floor. If you did this, it had to be quick.
The door flung open to Carmy’s surprise. You pushed past him and ran out of the bedroom. “Baby?!” he called after you as he tried to catch up with you. “Baby?! What the fuck! Talk to me!” he yelled as you reached the top of the stairs. He reached out and managed to get a hold of your wrist. Your eyes were wide as your mind flashed back to the last time he’d grabbed you like this.
You yanked your wrist out of his grip and quickly blinked away the tears welling in your eyes. You had to get away from him. “Y/N!” Carmy yelled as you stumbled down the stairs, tripping on your way. You landed on your hip hard, as a hiss of pain came out of your mouth as Carmy joined you at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Baby? Are you okay?!” Carmy sputtered as he pushed your hair out of your face. You shook your head and tried to push him away from you as he helped you sit at the bottom of the stairs. “Fuck Y/N! Let me fuckin’ help you!” Carmy protested as you pushed yourself away from him and up from the ground in a swift movement. 
“LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE CARMEN! I FUCKIN’ HATE YOU, ASSHOLE!” you screamed at the top of your lungs as you grabbed your bag from the table by the door. Wolf’s cries echoed throughout the house as Carmy watched you storm out of the house. 
“What the fuck?” Carmy grunted as tears started rolling down his cheeks. He sat momentarily on the stairs to compose himself before getting up to go into the nursery. 
“I’m sorry, princess…” he cooed as he picked Wolf up from her crib. She wailed louder as Carmy brought her to his chest. As he bounced her in his arms, he couldn’t shake the thoughts of something bad happening to him. “Mommy’ll be okay… I got you right now…”
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gloomlet · 1 year
Gloomlet’s TS4 Script, Gameplay & Replacement Mods
So I decided to compile a list of all the script/gameplay mods that i use or have used in my game. This was mainly made for my personal use, but i’m sure it could be helpful to other people too!
UPDATE! PLEASE READ!! This list is no longer up to date - use the Google Doc! - 04/25/24
Basic & Recommended!
TS4 Mod Manager ui cheats extension mc command center Carl's Sims 4 Gameplay Overhaul Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Wonderful Whims The Mood Pack Mod First Impressions Contextual Social Interactions Simulation Lag Fix Teleport Any Sim Better Exceptions
CAS Mods
Stand still in CAS More Traits in CAS Tidy details in CAS More CAS columns Lifetime Aspirations Child Aspirations Set Housewife - Aspiration Unlimited Likes + Dislikes Preferences Plus Homebody - Preferences 100+ CAS Traits Resized Facial Piercings
Replacements & Retextures
Fan Art Maps Map Replacements Overhaul Clean UI Sims 1 & 2 Font LIS Fonts Fluffy Clouds (Ghibli Clouds) Feet replacement Hand replacement Bra + Panty Default Replacement better babies + bottle replacement Another baby bottle replacement Default Cutlery! Cute Kitchenware Replacement Boxing Gloves Aquarium Fish Recolor Ceiling replacement paint it up mod A brighter mop Selfie Override
Objects Phone Replacement Smaller dollhouses Switch Controller + console Game controller PS1 console pc game override Remote control sponge & spray override Another Sponge & Spray override
Electric Toothbrush Razor Bassinet override infant rug +  infant tub child drawing replacement weather controller Cats & Dogs Fireplace Headphone/earbud override Old-fashioned Suitcase The slightly nicer Tree House Fireplace Lil Campers Light
Replaced + more Interactions Bed Cuddles Better Woohoo Reactions Realistic Reactions Brush Teeth From Toothbrush Holders Wake-up animation Greetings
Visuals & effects No overhead effects No zzz No object highlight no plumbob please Smaller Mosaic Minimalist CC Icon More Holiday icons
Playable Pets Slower infant needs Expanded Mermaids Who's Knocking More Visitors No Bad Microwave Buffs Memory Panel Smarter Pie Menu: Searchable Smart Sim Randomizer Play Chess on any computer Strangerville Story toggle
Careers & Jobs Career Overhaul New Careers Simdeed Recruitment Services Flex Part-Time Recruitment Agency Game Developer Career Ultimate Nursing Career Modeling Career Tumbling Tots Daycare Career Shear Brilliance - Cosmetology Seasonal Odd Jobs - Autumn Odd Job Overhaul Modeling and Makeup Odd Jobs Babysitting Gigs Freelance Chef
Education Uni Tweaks Education Overhaul Uni Application Overhaul University costs more Choose Your Roommate Long Distance Learning No Uni Housing Restrictions Uni Aspirations School Lunch Override Longer or Shorter Degree Requirements
Cooking + Food Food Retexture Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3 Breakfast Retextures Pizza Retexture Grannies Cookbook Chef Buffet S’more Options Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul Dine Out Reloaded Delivery Services Sims Eat and Drink Faster Porto Luminoso Market Cutouts Buyable Cakes Functional Mixer HCH Mixer & Cookbook Functional Air fryer Functional Blender Functional Cookie jar Another Cookie Jar Functional Toaster Functional Cake Stand Functional Rice cooker Functional Pressure Cooker Boba Tea Add-ons Functional Beer Functional Frozen Ice Cart
Pregnancy Realistic Pregnancy Cherished Moments - Pregnancy Science Baby Tweak
Services & Apps Sim National Bank “SimDa” Dating App Exchange Store
Interactions Meaningful Stories Cute Romance Drama Mod Autonomous Go Steady and Propose Autonomous Break Up and Divorce Dynamic Teen Life Parent-Child Relationships Let's Get Fit Modpack Sumba Fitness
Functional Items Playful Toddler Pack Toddler Play Telephone Little Chef’s Toy Kitchen Void Critter Tablet Functional Pool Slide
Functional Toy Bin Functional Hopscotch Functional Broom Functional Paper Sketchpad Functional Drumkit Functional Spiral Staircases In Your Safe Piggy Banks Film Reaper Movie Theater Left End Counter Dishwaser
Random Small mods
Loading and CAS screens
Free Sims 4, Free Loading Screen Bonehilda Loading Screen Custom Color loading screens Lights Out Loading Screen The Blues Collection Loading Screen Lin Sims Loading Screens San Sequoia Loading Screens Abstract Art + Landscape Loading Screens H-O-B & Sulani Loading Screens Autumn Loading Screens Pink Kitten Animated Loading Screen Life is Strange Loading Screens Cloudy TS2 CAS Background Ocean Waves CAS Room Old School - CAS Room Modern Minimalism CAS Room Plumbob replacements Crystal Loading Screens
lighting mods
sunblind lighting + installation Milk Thistle Better in-game lighting Gentle CAS lighting
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macsimagines · 1 year
Ahhh you write for them wonderfully? You’ve gone above and beyond my expectations and I appreciate all you’ve done ♡
I hope that you’re not too busy and that I’m not pestering you too much; may i request the same Yan! Shin/Izana/Ran trio stalking their darling throughout the city on their day off? Like them following and observing as their s/o runs errands, goes to appointments, etc?
Thank you for the love and thank you for your patience with me. Ive really enjoyed writing your requests
Was devastated when you told him he couldn't go with you. "My bad Boo, but you're too distracting and I really need to get these errands done today."
He took such great offense to that. What's so distracting about constantly having a hand on your ass and his tongue in your mouth- ok. Maybe he can be a smidge attention diverting...
But its ok! He can still be with you, just in a far off corner where you can't see him. Its almost nostalgic, it's just like back in high school before you two were dating.
Loves the way you're doing your errands though. Look at his baby go, being all domestic at the grocery store. Takes pictures on his phone because its just too cute the way you read all the store labels.
You end up catching him in the frozen foods section. "Hey there, sweet thang... Come here often?" Cheesy pick up lines and his stalking aside, at least he's cute right?
What in the hell? You chew his ear off about how you never get to spend time together and how he always blows you off and now that he finally has a day set aside for you, you can't even spare him a second?
"Sorry baby, I've got a really important appointment today and I can't miss it." "Are you shittin' me? An appointment for what?" "....hair."
You must think you're real slick if you honestly believe that he'll fall for a lie like that. He knew this was gong to happen. Obviously you're planning on leaving him.
Like he'll let you walk away, its his own fault, as if you can leave him alive, he should've paid more attention to you, you're not going anywhere but in a fucking body bag, please don't go.
He follows you, he wants to catch you in the act. Did you meet someone new? Are you trying to just dip out of town while his guard is down?
Izana does catch you. At an appointment. At a maternity clinic. So you did lie, but this is a whole other monster than what he was ready for. Could this mean...
Waits outside for an hour and can't even enjoy the shocked look on your face. All he wants are answers.
"Well, Y/N?" With shaky hands and tears in your eyes you hand him a picture of an ultrasound. He can barely make out the tiny blob in the photo but suddenly he knows why you were so moody and trying to blow him off.
"I'm sor-!" Izana isn't one for PDA, but before you can get even a single apology out he's embracing you in a tight hug. This is the best possible outcome.
Well ain't this a bitch? He wakes up at the crack of dawn, 12pm, and you've already left the apartment? Only leaving a note; Enjoy your day off baby! Running errands, be back 2nite!
Bullshit! He took the day off for you, and to sleep like the dead, but mostly for you! Ran had actually planned to take you out shopping then drop by that nice restaurant you like so much for dinner.
This will not stand. Using the app he had installed on your phone, he bought it and pays the bill he can put whatever he wants on it, he tracks your location all the way to the market.
He's going to surprise you and drag you home. You can't just take off like that. Who is he supposed to spoon when you're gone? His pillow? Pathetic.
But then he sees you. So cute in your skirt and sweater, holding a basket of all that fresh produce he knows use when you make him his food. You take such good care of him.
Ran really does want to be mad but how can he when you're just an angel....
When he finally confronts you he does try hard to front like he's mad. "You could've woken me up..." he pouts. You just pat him on the head. "Big baby. Want to help me pick out some fruit? I'm thinking of making a parfait for dessert?"
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duskkodesh · 1 year
I've had rats for years at this point now and finally want to put down the best tips I've learned. This won't work for everyone, some are very conditional to me, but maybe some of these will help someone. Fleece hammocks: Boo. Microplastics and too warming. Canvas hammocks: Yes, please. Highly washable. Far more tough. I wish they were easier to find. Coiled rope baskets are also a godsend. I hang them by the handles in the cage, they love them way more than anything marketed to rats. Bottles are nice but some rats wanna splash and have a place to wash their little hands. Fresh in pod peas are by the pound at my supermarket. I usually spend 70 cents on the amount for several treat sessions. All my frozen peas end up getting freezer burnt by the time I get halfway through the bag. Antibiotics will be needed if you keep rats. Do not give antibiotics with dairy, many classes of antibiotics bond to calcium thereby making them far less effective. Speaking of, antibiotics seem to have the hardest taste to cover up. Ground meat baby food, Hershey simply five syrup (Just a little), peanut powder (No added sugar, oils), fruit compote/jam/jelly, small absorbent bread snacks/cereal, smushed pasta, cream of wheat, are all options to get meds into rats. You can call exotic vets and ask for an estimate on a basic rat exam. Do it, the prices vary WILDLY. We had a vet who charged us 35$ to see three rats at once and one who quoted us 200$ to look at one. You're gonna notice a trend if you call vets in higher class/rich areas. Fuck em'. Also ask your vet if you can keep a supply of meds on hand just in case. If they last at room temp you can buy some preemptively. Things like doxycycline you can get from human pharmacies.
Zip ties are god. All hail zip ties. Same with swivel clasps. Between them both you can cage mount anything your heart desires.
Leave bedding in a hot car or freezing conditions for a night. Warehouses get mites. Mites are a dick to deal with. Kill em' all.
Give them a variety of fresh things while they're young. Not always but sometimes I'd get an older gent rescue who had no idea what to do with berries or tomatoes and would refuse them. They learn better what is safe when young. At some point you will have an emergency. Make sure you know where an emergency vet is and that they keep night/weekend hours. Keep funds on hand for that day.
Rats hide pain well. When they age you may need to start pain management if you notice them moving differently even if they don't show their pain blatantly. Just start with low doses and see if they act like their old selves again. Research your breeders. Get recommendations from other rat people. Check and see if there are rat rescues in your area. Also the Humane Society sometimes takes in rodents.
Controversial take: You will encounter people in ratkeeping who say buying feeders is a sin. It's not. Feeder supply will exist whether or not every rat fancier boycotts them. We are far far fewer in number than snake/lizard people. Wherever you got your rats it's valid so long as you give them healthcare, good nutritious food, love, and mental stimulation. A lot of the 'foods to avoid, foods to include' lists are not researched. I've seen lists that ban chocolate. Rats freaking love chocolate they just need to take it easy on fats and sugars but cocoa powder can be a good mix in and can help ratty blood flow. I've seen people ban mango. if you read the study that led to this they gave rats an obscene amount of D-limonene to trigger cancer and small amounts had no side effects at all. Read the studies, look for sources.
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midnight lovers
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pairing: sugawara koushi x fem!reader content warnings: written with chubby reader in mind, reader’s hair is long enough to be tied up (colour, texture, etc. is not mentioned), roommates to lovers, fluff, kissing, some suggestive parts - (light choking), mentions of food, one (1) very mean and aggressive guy, koushi is ready to fight. word count: approx. 3.5k
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these were the nights you loved the most. 
a fortuitous meet-up in the kitchen at 11:00pm between two roommates, unsuspecting of what’s to come later in the night. 
it was one of those kinds of nights. 
neither of you could sleep, though, it didn’t bother you. you just had to find a way to occupy yourselves. feeling quite hungry, you propose going to the super market for a late night snack spree. suga happily agrees. you don’t bother changing out of your pajamas, and neither does he. you, in your oversized shirt and sleeping shorts, and koushi, in a white wife-beater and plaid navy blue pants. 
within 5 minutes, you’re in suga’s car, pulling into the dark and empty parking lot. on any other day, this parking lot would be scary, and much too anxiety-inducing to even walk past. but tonight, with suga, it felt so right.
the minute your enter the store, you’re already going separate ways. 
“drinks?” suga asks.
“yep. snacks. meet me in the frozen desserts section in five.”
“alright, see ya.”
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four minutes roll buy, and you’ve collected all that you need, so you head over to the frozen aisle a minute early to scout the possible treats to choose from before koushi comes to meet you. eyeing the many different varieties of popsicles, ice cream flavours and cakes, you try and decide what it is that you’re the most in the mood for. usually, you would’ve chosen ice cream in a heartbeat. but tonight didn’t feel like an ice cream kind of night. you sigh and ultimately conclude that you’d have to consult suga when he got to you. 
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you stand there for a good 45 seconds before he spots you. your back is turned to him, and he sees you sigh. it’s a cute sight, he thinks. your hair is up, and your shirt’s collar is so stretched out, it falls, resting just below your shoulder. you’re wearing your slippers and fluffy socks, and carrying quite a few boxes. you’re practically cradling the snacks in your arms as though they were your babies. he chuckles lightly and advances towards you, holding out a shopping basket in order for you to place your items inside, along with the drinks he picked out. you sound relieved as you dump everything inside. koushi then takes a look at all that you grabbed and gives you an approving nod. 
you turn back towards the freezers,
“it doesn’t feel like an ice cream kind of night...” you voice your thoughts from earlier.
“true... kinda vibing with the popsicles” he responds.
“you read my mind.”
“should we just get the assorted ones?” he asks
you nod and open the door to grab the box, then proceed to make your way to the cash, suga following shortly behind.
the cashier offers you a smile and greets you when you get there. you don’t notice the look he gives suga. 
but koushi definitely sees the way the cashier was looking at you.
“late night spree, i’m guessing?” he inquires.
“oh, yes.” you say with a smile as you load the items onto the conveyor belt. 
suga stands still, holding the basket out to you as you converse with the man. he stares at him, piercing glare never wavering. the man’s smile may be pretty but, lord if it wasn’t recognizable. sugawara was never one to judge someone by their looks, but he knew the type. 
and you. how sweet you are, completely oblivious to the way the cashier is blatantly checking you out. licking his lips, dragging his half-lidded gaze from your face, to your collar-bones and shoulder, to your legs. he’s nodding along to what your saying, but koushi spots the way the man’s eyebrows jump up a bit at the sight of your legs. hell, he hasn’t removed his eyes from them since the minute he first saw them. in fact, he’s so entranced, he doesn’t realize that you’ve finished loading all your items, and that you’re ready to pay. it’s now that you notice his stare. feeling incredibly uncomfortable, you take a cautious step back, and clasp your hands together at your stomach in an attempt to ease your distress. 
suga’s always wanted laser vision growing up, but he’s never dreamed of it so badly as he did right now. he fantasizes of many situations, all of which involve very violent acts towards the cashier in question. gods, he wants to knock his teeth out.
but he doesn’t. instead, he lets out,
“excuse you, but i’d like to pay now.” suga says in the coldest tone you’ve ever heard from him.
the guy gets defensive instantly, and looks at koushi in disdain. he has no shame in his response.
“the fuck d’you say to me?”
“you heard me, keep your filthy eyes off of my girl, and let me pay.”
you blush at the way he addresses you, but think nothing more of it, knowing he’s only defending you and putting on an act. if anything, you found it endearing, how he would take it as far as to call you his girlfriend in order to protect you. 
the cashier says nothing for a couple seconds, and it essentially turns into a staring match, one daring the other to say something else. 
suga wins. 
the guy behind the counter looks away, feigning indifference when he says,
“whatever, she’s probably a slut anyways.”
koushi takes a breath, ready to yell, scream, jump over the conveyor belt and strangle the guy, but before he can do anything, a woman who you can only assume is the manager, wearing a bright red button-down vest and laminated name tag, cuts in.
“is everything okay over here?” 
you see her side-eye her employee as he responds in a brief and clipped tone,
“fine. we’re fine.” he says
though, all she needs is one look at you to know that everything was not, in fact, fine. she turns to you and suga, sympathy written all over her face,
“i’m so sorry for any inconveniences, it won’t happen again. your items are free of charge.”
before either of you can respond, she’s calling him into her office in stern tone you’d never wish to be on the receiving end of. 
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the walk back to the car is silent, and the quiet ensues as you enter. he sits in the driver’s seat with his hands on the wheel, you in the passenger seat with bated breath. you hands twiddle, unsure of what to say. you didn’t want him to be angry.
“i should go back there and punch him.” he breaks the silence.
“no. no, i really don’t think you should.”
“it was fucked. i know, but it’s okay. you were there with me. i’m safe.” you try to reassure him.
“he made you upset”
“and it happens. some guys are shit. it sucks, but it’s the way the world works. we’ll contact the managers tomorrow and make sure he gets fired if it makes you feel better? i’ll even put on my best crying voice, just for you. make it real dramatic, he’ll be out of there in no time.” you say.
at this, he lets out a breath that sounds like a chuckle, but it’s short-lived. 
“i really want to go back there. fuck, no one should ever speak to you like that. or even look at you like that. you don’t deserve that shit.” he says, exasperated.
“please, let’s just go. c’mon, we’ll go on a drive or something.” you try to sway him.
“okay, you’re right, i’m sorry.”
there’s a pause. though, it only lasts for about ten seconds until he’s up and out of the car, taking the snacks with him and walking towards the back of the store. extremely confused, you’re quick to follow him. 
“w-where are you going?” you ask, tripping on your slippers a little as you jog to catch up to him. 
“i’m taking you to my favourite spot.” he responds, as he locks the car without stopping or turning around.
“oh, great. woulda been nice of you to tell me the plan before putting it into action, or whatever, but that’s cool.” you say sarcastically.
“doesn’t matter, i knew you’d follow me anyways.”
you don’t say anything back, knowing he’s absolutely, one-hundred percent right.
he leads you to the back of the store, which was very shady, figuratively and literally. there was a single functioning light bolted to the brick wall of the store. you watched as dozens of little mosquitos and moths fluttered and flickered about it, bumping off the cracked plastic panes which enclosed the bulb. he led you a little farther down the alley, past the light and into the darkness. you could barely see him, so you decided to follow the sounds of his footsteps... until they stopped. naturally, you stopped walking too and looked around, though you were met with nothing but more darkness.
“this.... is your favourite spot?” you question cautiously.
he laughs,
“no, yn. give me your hand.”
you struggle to find him in the dark, so he hold his hand out to meet yours. 
ever so gently, he wraps his grip around your wrist, and leads your hand to the wall. it lands on something very cold and rusty and metal. he lets you feel around for a couple seconds.
“a ladder.” you say with a smile. of course, you thought to yourself. of course, it’s a ladder.
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he gets up first, and uses his phone’s flashlight (finally) to show you where and where not to step as you follow. it doesn’t take long before you’re up and on the roof. it was glorious. this high up, you could see all the lights. street lights and store lights, lamp-posts and car lights. he walks over to a small hidden box, and opens it up to reveal several fluffy blankets. 
“and now, we have all that we need!” he exclaims.
“how’d you even find this place? s’ not very often that you find easy access to the roof of a building like this.” you ask, still admiring the view.
he notices you shiver. the wind was much more apparent up here, so he begins setting up the blankets to form a sort of nest for you guys to sit and hangout as  he tells you how his friend had once dared him to explore the back alley as a joke when they were all hanging out in the parking lot one night. that’s when he found the ladder. he called his friends over to check it out and they dared him 2,500 yen to try and climb it. seeing how rusty it was, they didn’t actually expect him to do it. it looked as though it would crumble under the weight of a feather, but still, he went on with the dare. 
the result was a nice hangout spot and a couple extra yen in his pocket. 
“do you know if anyone else comes up here?” you ask.
“not that i know of. that ladder may just be enough to shake off anyone attempting to get up here. if it weren’t for the dare, i never would have even attempted to climb something like that! it looked like it would break any second. that’s why, afterwards, i made sure to memorize where to step when climbing it” he explains.
“awe, look at you with your sneaky little spy moves. you could be secret agent, y’know. you’re very agile.” 
he chuckles “thanks, but i think i’m good.”
by this point, he’s finished setting up the blankets so you go to join him. he sets out all the snacks, chips, cookies, iced tea, popsicles.
you both sit there, as if you were the only two people in the world. it surely felt like it, snacking, talking, sharing secrets, reminiscing.
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“so, any pretty people worth talking about? you crushin’ on anyone?” 
you ask with a giggle and a smile, though, deep inside, you’re desperately praying that he says no. you’ve liked him for far too long, and seen him fawn over far too many people to know that his type isn’t you. but even so, you can’t help but ask every once in a while. 
“um, actually, yeah.” he admits slowly. shyly.
you’re quiet for a while. he’s never been apprehensive in admitting his feelings about anyone. especially not to you. 
could that mean he really likes this person?
could he love them?
“oh.” is how you respond. you try not to look or sound disappointed, but he knows you all too well. it’s not difficult to figure out that something’s bothering you. not when you go quiet, and certainly not when you look out on the horizon, obviously avoiding his gaze. 
he’s watching you. you know it.
from the corner of your eye, you see him staring at you, a slight frown on his forehead as he tries to figure you out. 
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koushi knows you can see him. 
he also knows that you’re purposefully avoiding his eyes in an attempt to evade the rest of the conversation. hoping that if enough time passes in silence, he’ll let it go and the topic will have been forgotten. but he doesn’t let it go. you’re acting strange, and he’d like to know why.
do you like someone too?
or do you already know that he likes you?
that thought makes his heart stop. could that be why you’re looking away? the last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable or ruin your friendship.
do you not feel the same?
he purses his lip, disallowing his bottom lip and chin to quiver and concentrates on the burning in his tear-ducts, willing it to go away.
you finally turn your face back to him after a long while. he’s thankful that it’s dark enough that you can’t see the glassy shine in his eyes.
you speak very quietly when you ask him,
“do you love them?”
his breath is practically taken away. did you really know? was he so obvious? 
the air around both of you suddenly feels heavy. 
he doesn’t want to be dishonest with you, so instead of giving you a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ he asks,
“how long have you known?”
“known what?” you question back.
he hates that you’re making him say it out loud, but if this is how your friendship ends, he’d much rather be open and clear about it.
“that i’m in love with you.”
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you’d never seen him so look helpless. he looked like a kicked puppy, and it honestly shattered your heart.
“how long have you known?” he asks. 
confused, you question back,
“known what?”
he pauses before answering in the most dejected voice,
“that i’m in love with you.”
surely, you heard that wrong. surely, he couldn’t be talking about you. he must be joking. messing with you, as friends do. you wait for the punchline. you wait for him to say anything, but he doesn’t. it’s then, when you realize that he’s serious. it’s also then when you realize how long you’ve gone without responding to him.
when you finally process it all, you look to him, but he’s no longer sitting cross-legged on the blanket beside you. no, he’s curled in on himself, head ducked into his arms, resting on his knees. 
he took your silence for rejection. 
“oh, my love. my angel, no, nonono, it’s okay. please, it’s okay.” you rush to his side clumsily, your blanket still wrapped around your shoulders as you caress his curved back before making your way to his front, trying to take his face into your hands.
he keeps his eyes scrunched shut, hard, as he tries to turn his head to keep you from holding it.
his lips turned downwards as he lets out,
“no. don’t wanna ruin what we have. please, don’t wanna hear it. i already know.”
there’s a pause, and he takes a deep breath. with his eyes still closed, he repeats,
“i already know..” he sounds defeated.
“please, koushi. look at me.” you beg gently, stroking his tear-stained cheeks with your thumbs. 
he gives in. of course he does. he’d do anything for you. 
when his eyes peel open, they’re watery and red. he looks so vulnerable as his lips quiver. fresh tears threaten to fall as he realizes once again that this is probably the end.
“do you mean it?” you ask.
he didn’t think his heart could break further. 
he nods without breaking eye contact. he looks from one eye to the other, searching your face for something. anything. he has no idea what you’re thinking, or what to take from this whole mess.
finally, you let out a breath, though it sounds more like a sob. his brows furrow slightly, in hope and confusion. you drop your forehead and rest it against his, palms still cupping his cheeks. 
“i’ve loved you for so fucking long, koushi..”
lips quivering and eyebrows furrowed, a breath of relief and disbelief stumbles from his lips. it’s shaky, and he lifts his head to look into your eyes, searching for a lie, for pity. but he sees none of it. 
“you have?” he asks, as if he can’t believe it. 
you nod, with a small smile, “i really have. and i do. i couldn’t even tell you because...” you trail off, just the idea of it making your chest feel tight.
“because?” he urges you to continue
“i thought you were in love with someone else!” you cry as the tears finally roll down your cheek. 
“fuck, baby, im so sorry.” he out breathily.
“no, don’t apologize. you couldn’t have known.”
“i should have been more obvious. or.. fuck, i shoulda just told you. you mean everything to me, baby. i shoulda just told you.”
“it’s okay.” you whisper, kissing his eyelids. you pull back to look into his eyes once more. “you’re my favourite person in the whole world. you make my heart happy and i couldn’t fathom a life without you in it. i’m sorry it took so long for me to tell you. i didn’t want to risk losing you because you’re so so special to me. i never thought that you could want me.”
“i’ve wanted you ever since i’ve known you.” he responds. there’s a silent moment where you’re both just looking into each other's eyes. lips parted, breaths mixing. his eyes dart down to your lips. 
“can i kiss you?” he asks in a whisper. you can only nod.
it’s nothing like the movies. his lips don’t rush to yours, and there’s no clashing of teeth. 
not yet, at least.
he’s careful in the way his lips approach yours. when they meet, it’s soft, but there’s an unmistakable desperation. he tastes sweet, the remnant juices from the watermelon flavoured popsicle he had earlier still on his lips. 
he’s holding back, but still, he’s slow in his movements. his hands snake to your cheeks holding your face firmly. the backs of his fingers then drag down the sides of your neck. his left hand stays at your neck, placing itself there, while the other continues it’s tantalizing path. his other hand moves down your exposed shoulder, down the length of your arm, then back up, just to make it’s way down to your waist. the kiss never falters. not on his part. 
he’s wanted this for so long. and you have too, but god, he’s making it hard to stay focused.
you whimper slightly into the kiss, the feeling of his hands on your body so much and not enough all at once. 
he can’t help himself. his left hand, the one on your neck, experimentally winds itself around the column of your throat, squeezing ever-so slightly. he’s testing the waters. your breath only stops. not from the little pressure he applies, no, but from how weak you feel. you’ve never seen him like this. and you’ve never felt like this. 
he pulls away ever so slightly. he’s stopped kissing you for now, but his lips haven’t travelled too far. 
“is this okay?” you’re so close his bottom lip brushes against yours as he asks the question. 
“yes. yes, please.” he brings his lips back to yours. he’s not holding back so much this time, using his grip on your neck to pull you closer. to deepen the kiss. 
“you’re so perfect.” he whispers into your mouth. you can only tangle your hands into his hair.
you stay like that for a while, whispering to each other, kissing each other. proclaiming your love for each other and making up for all the time lost. for the years you spent pretending to be friends. roomates. best friends, when you were truly so much more than that. you were soulmates.
midnight lovers.
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darkmaga-retard · 6 days
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
The Marshall Project, a “nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system,” just published an investigative report about a topic I have written about for the past decade, which is that States can take your baby away from you anytime they want based simply on a drug test, even if that drug test is false.
Hospitals use drug tests that return false positives from poppy seed bagels, decongestants and Zantac. Yet newborns are being taken from parents based on the results. Susan Horton had been a stay-at-home mom for almost 20 years, and now — pregnant with her fifth child — she felt a hard-won confidence in herself as a mother. Then she ate a salad from Costco. It was her final meal before going to Kaiser Permanente hospital in Santa Rosa, in northern California, to give birth in August 2022. It had been an exhausting pregnancy. Her family had just moved houses, and Horton was still breastfeeding her toddler. Because of her teenage son’s heart condition, she remained wary of COVID-19 and avoided crowded places, even doctor’s offices. Now, already experiencing the clawing pangs of contractions, she pulled out a frozen pizza and a salad with creamy everything dressing, savoring the hush that fell over the house, the satisfying crunch of the poppy seeds as she ate. Horton didn’t realize that she would be drug tested before her child’s birth. Or that the poppy seeds in her salad could trigger a positive result on a urine drug screen, the quick test that hospitals often use to check pregnant patients for illicit drugs. Many common foods and medications — from antacids to blood pressure and cold medicines — can prompt erroneous results. The morning after Horton delivered her daughter, a nurse told her she had tested positive for opiates. Horton was shocked. She hadn’t requested an epidural or any narcotic pain medication during labor — she didn’t even like taking Advil. “You’re sure it was mine?” she asked the nurse. If Horton had been tested under different circumstances — for example, if she was a government employee and required to be tested as part of her job — she would have been entitled to a more advanced test and to a review from a specially trained doctor to confirm the initial result. But as a mother giving birth, Horton had no such protections. The hospital quickly reported her to child welfare, and the next day, a social worker arrived to take baby Halle into protective custody. (Source.)
And if you are tempted to think that this was all just an honest mistake made possible by too much bureaucracy, and that this could never happen intentionally, I will remind you that this is the same county in California, Sonoma County, where a foster and adoptive parent was just sentenced to six consecutive life sentences in prison last week for torturing, starving, raping and sodomizing his three foster children, whom he kept hidden from the public for 10 years, with the help of the Sonoma County Family, Youth and Children’s Services (FYCS). See:
California Foster Father Sentenced to 6 Life Terms in Child Sex Trafficking Case: Hid Children for 10 Years Where They Were Chained, Raped, Tortured, and Starved
The Marshall Project investigation does a good job showing how widespread and common this problem is of taking babies away from parents on false drug tests.
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 11 months
Befriending a Nosedeenian HCs
-Being friends with a Nosedeenian is like having a child. A very hyper, highly destructive, mischievous, alien child.
-They want to have fun and they want to have fun all the time. And as their best friend you are gonna have fun with them! You won't be able to sit down and relax for even a moment if they have a say in the matter.
-It takes a while but eventually they come to understand that you NEED sleep and so they reluctantly finally let you get a full night's sleep.
-Loves attention and gets super huffy if you don't give it to them. Will act up to get it. Please don't let them act up.
-If you're busy with something then they will sabotage that thing so that you will spend time with them. Taking too long talking on your phone? Bzzt! Not anymore, it's got no battery left! Microwave taking too long warming up your food? Bzzt! Now it's-! Oh, it exploded. Oh well, at least the explosion was funny!
-Love to prank you but because they like you so much their pranks are mostly harmless and pretty mild compared to what they could do. Things like giving you a little zap, messing with your electronics, those kinds of things.
-When not pranking you they are dragging you with them to prank someone else. You will have to keep a bit of a tight leash on them to keep them from doing any actual harm.
-They either fly and zap around your head or you carry them like a baby, there's no in-between. They just love it when you carry them, it makes them feel special. They only ever behave when you carry them so this is a good way to keep them out of trouble.
-Loves, loves, LOVES it when you praise them. They are a real troublemaker but tell them they did a good job or that you really appreciate them and they will just light up!
-Tries to make you food? They don't really get it though so they end up bringing you leaves, rocks, twigs, frozen goods stolen from Super Markets, candy stolen from babies. At least it's the thought that counts.
-If you're friends with one then it's only a matter of time until you're friends with a whole bunch of them. One day there's just one hanging out on your couch and the next there's a dozen of them causing havoc in your home. They are all just as bad as the other but they all care about you so that's something.
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moominofthevalley · 10 months
The Girl with the Glass
Trystan finds a mysterious scrapbook. Emily has a deep conversation with a stranger.
trystan x emily
teen | wc: 2.5k | cw: mentions of grief
cfwc prompt: ‘visiting a holiday market’ & ‘the holidays won’t be the same now that they’re gone’
a/n: happy holidays, everyone! this drabble is inspired by an influx of things – mostly my favorite film, “amélie,” if you couldn’t tell by the title. (which, of course, is not-so-subtle-symbolism). enjoy! ♡
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“It’s your turn, Trystan!” 
Snow sprinkled downwards, little husks of angels drooping to the wintry ground. Crowds of faces walked the busy New York streets, surrounded by shiny knickknacks and dusty clothes. Cheeks were stained pink, and lips curled upwards in the holiday spirit. Trystan urged out a cocky grin, arms around Emily’s waist. 
“Is it, now?” 
“Yes, it is! I’ll go and get something for us to eat.” 
Trystan pecked her forehead, whispering, “Do something good!” before disappearing into the crowd. He grew fond of these new habits of love, searching for a trinket to take back to their hearth. 
It was a silly tradition, but a tradition nonetheless. It began with a scratched Pierrot figurine Emily bought from a vintage shop. Ivory skin and porcelain eyes, and a black-and-white costume with a frilled collar. Like some haunted elf on the shelf, the clown explored the apartment all by itself – according to Trystan, at least. The second well-loved piece was a gift from Marguerite: a brass ladybug ashtray. Neither Emily nor Trystan smoked, though the aureate bug was far too interesting to be thrown away. The most recent find was a print of Renoir’s The Luncheon of the Boating Party Emily purchased from a local art gallery. Both of them adored it; the celebration of warmth and good company, the splendid wines and fruits, calmness and beauty in the mundane. Drinks and company aside, Emily was far more fascinated with the girl with the glass. A sullen woman drinking wine in a sea of chatting strangers.
It was Trystan’s turn, and he was keen on finding an old book of sorts. He insisted on a leather novel of yellowed papers and annotated lines, with intricate Victorian details along the spine. Trystan paused, exhilarated at the antique booth before him. Forgotten scrapbooks, noir polaroids, rotten thrown-away cameras, and fringed lamps cornered him with an enticement to explore. 
Emily wandered around the opposite side of the market, searching for food vendors. A strange harmony bubbled inside her; a soft scent, a beam from the clouded sun. She breathed in the scent of chestnuts and red wine, a wintry chill slipping through her bones. Silver bells danced in the December wind, faces greeting each other with a blissful smile. It was a perfect moment, a painting from her own eyes. 
On the sidewalk stood a white-haired woman in a vibrant Christmas sweater, her cane tapping the frozen ground. Breaths escaped her parted lips in subtle clouds of white. Trystan’s words repeated in Emily’s head, a determination settling within her. This was peace and contentment; the mundanity of a random December afternoon. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, do you need help?” 
“Yes, please!” 
“Careful of the curb, here we go!”
The woman held onto the cane, her other hand wrapped around Emily’s. Her heart burst at the scene developing around her. Laughs and joyous days echoed around her, the wind so sweet she gulped for more. 
“Hear that? That’s a florist laughing, he has crinkly eyes! A booth that smells like eucalyptus and rose is selling crystals and botanical postcards. The food truck across them is selling lollipops and hot cocoa for children. A farmer’s booth has rows of persimmons, oranges, and tangerines. Next to the fruits, a baby is watching her dad throw his hat in the air. We’re at the end of the market, there’s a bookstore and a vinyl shop in front of us. I’ll leave you here, goodbye!” 
The elderly woman struck out a pleased laugh, touched by moments folding around her. Memories of today fell like dominoes, scattering about like new snow. Her cheeks shined pink as Emily cradled her hand, stilling the woman’s trembling fingers. 
“Have a good day,” She whispered before walking off. 
“Wait,” The woman called out, “Are you hungry? Let me get you something to eat!” * * * *
Emily and the white-haired woman split an orange and two empanadas on a quiet bench. Emily, of course, peeled the oranges in thirds, ignoring the pith underneath her nails. 
Familiarity struck her as she handed the woman an orange. Her father’s willow-leaved eyes resembled the stranger’s. Perhaps in another life, Jimmy Rose grew old and never walked the grounds of Box Thirty-Two. To breathe with wrinkled skin and grey hairs, lines creasing about his lips and forehead.  
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Emily,” she hid the third orange wedge in her coat pocket, “Do you like the food?” 
“I love it,” Diana grinned, “God, that vendor was beautiful, wasn’t she?” 
Emily gulped, taken aback, “How could you tell?” 
The other woman laughed and patted her lap, “Partial blindness. I can only see things if I’m up close.” 
“Oh!” Emily blushed awkwardly, “I’m sorry – I didn’t-” 
“Don’t worry.” 
“But, er, yes, the vendor was beautiful.” 
Diana perked up, casting an amused grin, “Are you a lesbian?” 
“Bisexual. My partner wanted to check this market out. He’s looking for…I dunno, some trinket to take home, and I told him I’d get us some food. Are you…also…?” 
Diana nodded. 
“How old are you?” 
“Sixty-eight. And you?” 
“Twenty-eight,” Diana winced. 
“Don’t worry, it does get better.” 
Emily shrugged, unconvinced. Her bones were brittle as if made of glass, jaded memories of Drakovia hitting her like violent waves against a sandy beach. Grief thrashed inside her head so intensely she’d wake up in the night, begging for air. There was avoiding it, no going under or over it. Whether she’d acknowledge it or not, trauma and grief permeated her life. 
“When?” Emily asked innocently, her eyes burning. Diana scooted slightly closer, resting her wrinkled hand over Emily’s. 
“When does it get better?” Emily nodded, cringing at her childish question, “However long it takes. Eventually…it’ll pass.” 
It had been sixteen years. Sixteen years, and it had, indeed, not passed. She swore that she’d be done with everything by twenty. That foolish promise broke, and twenty-eight was no different than twenty. All that was left of Jimmy Rose’s legacy was a cruel memory. 
“It’s been almost twenty years. I don’t think it will.” 
Emily gritted her teeth, furrowing her fingers into her hands until they became beet red. With a blink of an eye, she was no longer the famed private detective who took down the Heartache Killer; but a tall child with no father. 
“Oh, Emily,” Diana cooed, “I’m so sorry. But that’s simply not true,” She murmured, struggling to find the right words, “Nothing lasts forever. Things pass, lives go on, and it feels fucking awful when you’re…stuck. But when we are stuck, all we have is each other. To get by, at least.” 
Emily’s walls began crumbling. Her hands instinctively covered her face, sheltering herself from the world. Diana granted her some space, moving closer to the other end of the bench. 
“I’m sorry,” Emily rubbed her face, grasping at anything to change the subject. With a pained sigh, she uttered, “Y’know, I don’t really like Christmas. I just–I’m just here because of a stupid tradition.” 
“I don’t either,” Diana said, “But my wife loved it. Every year, God bless her soul, she’d always cook the worst beef wellington ever!” Diana with a familiar gleefulness, “I’d always eat it. I mean, it was atrocious and entirely raw, but she cooked it. Made with love…and absolutely no seasoning. I would do anything to have it this year.” 
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Emily whispered, “Her wellington must’ve made your day. My dad took me to Rockefeller Square every year until he passed. I always thought he was a king for that,” She chuckled, “I remember seeing it for the first time. I didn’t even know trees got that big.” 
“He sounds like an amazing Dad. I am so sorry for your loss.” 
“Thank you. I try to remember the good things about him. It helps keep his spirit alive.” 
Inklets of snow trailed down and stained their hair, solemness in the wind. Emily cleared her throat, pushing past the silence. 
“Can you tell me more about your wife?” 
“Of course,” Diana beamed, “Her name was Dani. She lived in the apartment next to mine. She was an amazing pianist - I’d always hear her playing through the walls. One day, I knocked on her door and asked if I could listen to her.” 
“Do you remember what song she played?” 
“Yes! It was, hm, ‘Camptine?’ No – ‘Comptine d’un autre été.’ You really should listen to it sometime.” 
“I’ll hold you to that…how long were you two together?” 
“Twenty years and ninety-eight days – but who’s counting? We were completely different,” Diana’s face grew serious, “And she was so different in the end, too. It’s odd to see someone die when they’re already gone and so, so small.”
Emily fiddled with her hands, jaws clenched, “I’m so sorry, Diana. I can’t imagine losing–” She choked on a small pit in her throat, “I just can’t imagine a loss like that.” 
“Thank you. The two of us had an amazing life. We really did. I mean – sometimes I still see her, even in little things, I still feel her with me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I see her everywhere,” Diana’s lips quivered, “I see her when it rains, and I think of the song she played for me when we first met. I saw La Traviata last summer, and all I thought about was her. Whenever I walk by a deli, I think of her God-awful beef wellington.” 
A glint of doubt shimmered in Emily’s eye. Uncertainty twisted her insides, striking with fierce ripples of despair and mourning. 
“Listen to me,” Diana said sternly, “One day at a time is all we got. So go on and live. But, when the time does come…kiss his forehead, rub his feet, play a song. It will be hard, and I don’t think it will ever go away completely. But I promise – after some time, you’ll wake up and feel, maybe not better, but as if you’ve adjusted to the pain of it all. And then it won’t hurt so much.” 
A surge of preemptive grief washed over Emily, though tears never flooded her eyes. The burdens of the past and deaths of the future weren’t gone, but instead quiet and still in her mind. Death is only a moment, a bitter soul slipping into the next room. Two words repeated in Emily’s head until she was content. 
“Thank you. I never thought of it that way…thank you.” 
Easy silence lay upon them, the words shared by each other warm in their throats. Flurries of unknown faces passed by, snowflakes tangling in their hair with ease. Spotting Trystan in the crowd of strangers, Emily greeted the mischievous smirk on his face, hands tucked behind his back. 
“Hey partner,” Trystan kissed the top of Emily’s head, “And who’s this?” 
“I’m Diana…and you must be who Emily was telling me about!” 
“Oh, yeah? What’d she tell you?” 
“Your deepest and darkest secrets, obviously,” Emily deadpanned, “...You hiding something back there?” 
With a smug grin, Trystan unveiled a wrapped gift. He chuckled, “You’ll see! I’ll show you later.” 
“Hey, I also got you something!” Emily grabbed the orange slice from her pocket, wiping away tiny beads of lint. Trystan’s face lit up, mouth agape. 
“I love you. Thank you,” Trystan pecked her forehead once more before biting into the citrus, “And it was lovely meeting you, Diana. I hope Emily didn’t tell you every secret of mine.” Diana laughed, shaking his hand. 
“Of course not. And Emily?” She whispered into her ear, “Remember what you’re here for.”
* * * *
“Do I seriously need to be blindfolded for this?” 
“I mean,” He pressed his hands tight against Emily’s eyes, “Yeah, you do.” 
Emily grumbled, rolling her eyes through the thick wad of fabric tied around her head. A week had passed since she met Diana, and all that was in her mind were her tender words. Emily fixed her pout, forcing a tooth-shining smirk as Trystan led her across the apartment. 
“The things I do for you.” 
“Careful, darling,” Trystan gently moved her away from hitting the coffee table, “And sit…err, right here!” 
“Can I take the blindfold off now?” 
“Not yet!” 
Sounds of scuffling surrounded her, and Emily grew curious. Trystan had been hiding something since the trip to the market. Whenever she’d mentioned it, he’d waggle a finger to his lips and utter gibberish. 
Emily scoffed, amused, “Is this about that thing you got last week?” Trystan snickered with a childlike excitement. 
The tussling stopped, and Trystan sat beside her. Resting a hand on her thigh, he grinned, “Okay! You can take it off now.” 
“Oh…my God!” 
A leatherbound scrapbook and a dainty film camera plastered with Hello Kitty stickers sat across them. Colorful children’s doodles scuffed the book cover, crayons covering every inch. Squiggly letters in blue and red revealed the title: RoSe fAmilY aDveNtureS. Emily gasped, flooded with faint memories of her father. With flushed cheeks, she turned to Trystan and gawked. 
“Trystan!” Emily squealed, “You found this last week?” 
“Mhm,” He bobbed his head, “I showed it to Tommy to make sure. He said he must’ve accidentally donated it while cleaning up the attic. It…may or may not have taken me a long time to figure out how to use the camera – but it works! I’ll hook it up to the TV, okay?” 
“I fucking love you.” 
Emily and Trystan flipped page after page, soaking in long-forgotten moments of Emily’s past. At the top of each page contained a laminated label. Little Emily as San, Halloween 2002. Trip to Luzon, June 2005. Fluffernutters and Chocolate Rocks! 
Stacks of polaroids were taped against each other, smiles and blissful memories in every photo. One quickly seized Trystan’s attention. ‘2001’ was written at the hem of the photo. At the center, a pigtailed Emily smiled widely at the camera, boasting her half-eaten yan yan. 
“God,” Emily grazed her thumb over the polaroid, “I can’t believe you found this.” 
“Me too. Maybe we can look through Tommy’s attic sometime. There has to be other books we can find.” 
“Can we look through the camera now?” 
“Of course!” 
Emily grinned at Trystan, warmed by his gift. It’d been years since her heart grew so fondly, a quiet ease running through her body. Her bones were, indeed, not made of glass. She was not brittle and weak, but rather brimming with love and sentiment. Pain and sorrow were in her veins, too, yet on this still and snowy morning, Emily was at peace.
* * * * A/N: This fic was both such a pain and so nice to write lol. I wanted to give a little thank you to @jerzwriter @lexicook74-blog and @logolepzy for helping me edit this fic! Thank you all so much for your feedback, I appreciate you all SO much.
Tags: @choicesprompts @choicesholidays @choicesficwriterscreations @jerzwriter @logolepzy @mooserii @starsarewithinme @jonathanmoores @shadyinternetblizzard @urcowboyboyfriend @lexicook74-blog @leahtine @jahrobin @icarusfallsforever @kyra75 @calisomnia (let me know if else would like to be added to my crimes tag!)
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
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A Court of Tangled Flames - Chapter 17 (This beast is nearly 9000 words)
A fine snow fell, dusting them as they winnowed to a magnificent castle nestled in the mountains of the Winter Court. It was a fortress of white stone shrouded by a thick pine forest. Nesta remained frozen to the spot, awed by the sight of the palace. It looked straight from a story, spiralling turrets stretching towards the sky, the grey slate roofs covered in a crust of snow. She knew from her studies with Maceo that the Winter Court had never been breached. The weather made it impossible for all except the Autumn Court to penetrate but they had never ignited a war with their neighbour. It would be folly. The mountains of the Winter Court protected its largest cities making them difficult to reach; even more villages existed beneath the ground where miners extracted gems to be sold for much needed income to the court.
‘Winter isn’t so bad,’ Eris murmured as he drew an arm around her body. His gaze tracked up to the castle, a look of appreciation settling on his expression.
Immediately, Nesta was grateful for his warmth. She nuzzled closer as they followed a representative of the Winter Court through the massive gates of the outer walls towards the palace. Their boots crunched and squeaked over the thick layer of snow.
Within the castle’s walls, children raced past them. Their laughter rang out as they pelted each other with snowballs. An older child with wings like an insect fluttered above them, targeting others, her giggles making Eris smile. Smaller children were rolling the biggest ball of snow they could while their parents chatted nearby. If they’d had school, it was over for the day. The grounds were large enough for smaller market stalls to pop up, creating a busy atmosphere as people hurried by. Despite the cold, many females carried pink-cheeked babies as they strolled through the market purchasing food. There were stalls of hot cider and little apple pancakes that caught Nesta’s eye. Their scent wafted through the air. More than the food, she was entranced by the children. All had the characteristic piercing blue eyes and white hair of the Winter Court, but even they were not immune to the low temperatures. Their noses were pink and visible breath curled in front of them as they scarpered across the snow. Parents had stuffed hats on their heads or wrapped them up in scarves.
‘There are so many children.’
Nesta had never seen so many fae children. She’d seen a handful in Velaris but this was something else entirely. The majority of adults seemed to be responsible for at least one of the children. Their joy was a beautiful thing. All day, she could have watched them playing,
‘It’s very cold and very dark here. There’s one activity that keeps those cold, dark nights exciting,’ murmured Eris in her ear. It should have been a throwaway comment to snicker at but she could feel herself turning beet red as she thought of spending a cold and dark winter with Eris. 
They were shown to their sprawling set of rooms in one wing of the palace that overlooked a sheer drop into a pine-covered valley below. Branches sagged from the weight of the snow. Their bedroom came off a gathering area where Beron stood scrutinising the view as if to take any every possible detail for intel. He might catch sight of a few birds swooping for shelter, but there seemed to be nothing but endless evergreen forests otherwise.
Eris hurried her along quickly to their room for privacy. An enormous bed was set against the centre of the wall. The heavy wooden frame was needed for the mountain of furs draped upon the mattress. Unable to resist, Nesta flopped on top of it, delighted as she sank deeper into the nest. 
‘How do they manage to do anything here? I’d simply never leave the bed if it was this cosy inside and so cold outside.’
Eris fell onto his back beside her within the web of blankets. ‘We do have a celebration to attend to so you might need to leave tonight. We could feign an injury to have an early escape.’ He rolled onto his side, propping himself up onto a bent elbow. He dropped his voice as low as he could. ‘We will need to share the bed here. I don’t put it past my brothers not to enter without warning and if they find me sleeping on the floor, tongues will wag.’
Her face grew hot again so Nesta avoided looking at him. She gazed up at the dark wooden beams of the ceiling. ‘I’m sure I could manage one night beside you. If you snore-’
‘If I snore? Nesta Vanserra, I was blaming Safera for nights until I realised that demonic noise came from you.’
They went for their promised sleigh ride, wrapped up in thick coats, gloves and scarves. Nesta had hoped to take Eliška with them to finally speak with her alone but Beron had taken her to his meeting with Kallias. She would keep trying to snatch a moment alone with her mother-in-law for her husband’s sake – though the greatest obstacle seemed to be her father-in-law.
Reindeer were tethered to a varnished sled with red leather and bells. Eris shook his head and muttered that it was a tourist trap as he handed over a decent amount of coins and lifted Nesta into the sleigh. Sure enough, there were many sleighs lined up with reindeer or horses ready to pull visitors to the main city around on a tour. The court had to make an income somehow, and with little produce growing in the land, they relied on these avenues. Nesta reminded Eris of that fact as the driver charged them through the nose for two cups of hot cider.
On the padded benches were furs that they could bed down in for warmth. Heat from the cider rippled inside of Nesta’s stomach, making her brave enough to snuggle next to Eris, a hand slipping into his out of habit as the driver urged the creatures forwards. She had never been this way before – never so tactile. Or perhaps there had never been anybody to be soft with, never anybody who let her be soft. When she was angry or bitter, Eris had never taken it personally. He’d never tried to make her angry to prove a point. He had only ever wanted the best for her. When her storm met his calm, she was soothed.
Eris picked at one of the furs. ‘Do you think that when they can no longer pull the sleigh, they skin the reindeer?’
She brushed her hand against the soft, brown pelt. ‘Stop ruining this lovely moment.’
‘Reindeer is a staple food here. I’ll be sure to feed you it tonight. They like seal too. And fermented shark. A delicacy.’ 
Nesta pressed a hand over his mouth. ‘Eris, this is a moment lifted from my romance books.’ She gestured to the snow-capped trees the sleigh was pulling through. ‘Play your cards right and you’ll find out what happens in the final chapters of my books.’
His brows rose as she let her hand fall away. 
‘We’re playing pretend here, aren’t we?’ She backtracked in voice quiet enough that the driver wouldn’t hear. ‘We can be playful and romantic, can’t we?’
‘We’re pretending,’ he reiterated, stroking a finger down her cold nose then kissing the tip. 
Since the invitation arrived, they had mulled over the possibility of not attending. Rhys was already on edge. Taking Feyre out of the court whilst she was pregnant made him more volatile. Mor had managed to soothe a few issues. To refuse the invitation would further weaken their relationship with the Winter Court so Mor had gone ahead to seek out her friend, Viviane, to inform both her and her mate that Feyre was expecting a child. For that reason alone, Kallias shared some security details with Mor if only to keep Rhys’ temper under wraps.
Before they arrived, they knew which suite they’d be staying in – and there was the option to return to Velaris that night if need be. For their arrival, Kallias had lifted the winnowing restrictions on their suite so Feyre could be transported directly to their room. Amren would remain behind in Velaris with Varian but would remain on standby if they needed to winnow to them.
The central room was bedecked with white furs and rugs thrown across the furniture. All of it clustered around a massive stone hearth where a fire blazed. Azriel had reluctantly joined them, offering no explanation over his whereabouts for the last couple of weeks. He hadn’t tried to speak to anybody, merely arrived a few minutes before they were leaving, stared at the paintings in the river estate then winnowed with them in a show of solidarity.
Cassian pointed to their room. Two generous beds were tucked next to opposite walls with a narrow trench running between them. ‘Sharing like old times.’
Azriel shrugged one shoulder. ‘I can swap with Lucien if you’d prefer.’
The male had also travelled with them. He was more than happy to extend a hand to Elain to winnow her, much to her chagrin. He had his own room whilst his mate shared with Mor – dashing the latter’s fantasies of a rendezvous with Helion.
Leaving Azriel to wallow with the shadows that were already swimming around him, Cassian returned to their lounge. Feyre stood beside the window, a hand on her rounded stomach whilst Rhys unpacked their belongings. At the sound of his steps, she turned. Her eyes went wide then she side-stepped, blocking the window further.
They were only on the first floor – at Rhys’ request. He did not want Feyre walking up too many steps. Cassian peered over Feyre’s shoulder and was met with a sight that stole the air from his lungs.
The light was fading from the sky, casting it in a strange twilight that reflected from the snow. Nesta stood up to her shins in snow. The tip of her nose glowed pink and her cheeks were flushed from the cold. She didn’t look like the same female he’d seen in the Night Court. It was her smile that caught Cassian off-guard. He’d seen her smile like that perhaps once or twice and only for a moment or two. Her cheeks were stretched wide, the smile refusing to leave her as she trounced backwards in the snow talking to a Winter Court child. The boy reached as high as her waist and he was gesturing to the gap in his teeth where he’d lost one.
Seeing Nesta again felt like a punch in the gut. In the weeks that she had been gone, he had thought of her endlessly. Cassian had mulled over every meeting, every exchange, imagining a different outcome. He imagined himself rushing to her and holding her after she had killed the king. He never should have let her go. Whilst he had responsibilities to Illyria then, he should have made time for Nesta when she needed someone. Feyre had Rhys to lean on. Elain had chosen the wraiths. Nobody had gone to Nesta – and she wasn’t likely to ask for help. He thought of her on the last Solstice, barely more than a ghost. Cassian had caused an argument. They’d screamed at each other on the bridge, saying cutting words to force a reaction, to make all the pain justified. He wished he’d have just sent Azriel after her to winnow her home rather than trailing her, invoking her anger. He wished he’d have done a thousand things differently where Nesta was concerned.
Cassian had imagined her in the Autumn Court, beaten down and broken. At night, he’d hardly slept, warring with himself; should he damn everything and save her from Eris or bide his time and hope she wasn’t worn down there? He had been wrought with terror that Nesta was being hurt by the males there. More than once, he’d had to stop himself from flying to the Forest House to demand her return.
‘Don’t torture yourself like this,’ Feyre murmured, resting her head against his arm.
It was a deserved torture. He had let Nesta slip through his fingers.
Cassian continued watching her from the window. She’d managed to hit Eris with a snowball – a fact she was delighted with. She was trying to hurry though the snow, but he melted the path with his flame, making it easier to chase her. Nesta’s high-pitched squeal rose up to their floor, drawing the others. They saw the moment where Eris hauled Nesta into his arms and threatened to chuck her into a pile of snow. The Winter Court children playing with them encouraged it too. Cassian couldn’t make out her words, but she was fighting a smile and stroking his face, likely pleading with him even as he lowered her towards the mound of snow. At the last moment, he cradled her back to his chest and kissed her forehead before settling her gently back onto the ground.
Each moment was a slow, drawn-out injury. He expected Eris to treat her abysmally. Cassian had almost counted on Eris snapping at Nesta or hurting her in some way at the Winter Court to give him a reason to plunge his blade through his chest. Seeing his affection towards her was painful. A burning sensation grew in Cassian’s chest. Never before had Cassian seen Nesta smile so readily. He couldn’t tear his eyes away as Eris knelt in the snow talking to child. More gathered to him and Nesta as Eris brought flames to his hands. Her hand slunk against his neck, stroking the back of it softly. The male created birds from flame that sizzled through the air, acting as targets for the children to aim their snowballs at. Through it all, Nesta leant against him, a hand stroking up his spine as if she was unable to stop herself from touching him.
‘Eris Vanserra playing the kind, loving male in front of these adoring children,’ Mor muttered. ‘A tremendous actor.’
Azriel moved away from the window, shrugging his shoulders once more. ‘Or maybe we see the actor and this is the reality.’
A cold sliver of dread crept through Cassian’s veins. Could there be truth in Azriel’s words? He had nurtured a hope that when the opportunity was right, he could reach out a hand to bring Nesta home where she belonged. But that was relying on the Autumn Court being a miserable jail where she was sequestered against her will. Cassian hadn’t expected Nesta to relish Eris’ company. Hadn’t expected her to be giggling and embracing Eris willingly. She had never been so generous with her touch with him. They had danced around their feelings until they bubbled over, but with Eris, Nesta seemed drawn to him – and him to her.  
Lucien blew out a breath. ‘They’re perhaps more similar than we realised.’
‘Your old tutor is teaching Nesta to ease her into life as a fae,’ Azriel said flatly. ‘She stays with Eris’ friends, learning how to ride a horse or training physically. Eris is training her magic. She travels with him to the army where she’s endeared herself. She’s educating herself thoroughly. She’s happy.’
‘How the hell would you know that?’ Mor demanded.
Azriel threw up his hands. The shadows that had been slithering over his body skittered away. ‘Because I’ve seen her twice. And Eris’ friend won’t stop coming to Windhaven and arguing with me because of all of you.’
‘What do you mean because of us?’
‘Why haven’t you done something about an Autumn Court male coming to our court, Az?’ Rhys demanded. ‘You’ve known about this but didn’t think it pertinent to tell us?’
Azriel blinked at him. ‘Because she comes to watch over Emerie in case we torture her for information. Because Eris has ordered her to whisk Emerie away at the first sign of danger from us. That’s what they think of us.’
‘Why would we harm Emerie?’ Mor scoffed.
Cassian stared at his brother as if he had never seen him before. The aloofness and cold demeanour wasn’t anything new; Azriel had many spells of distance and closeness like a wave returning to the shore. Never did he think his brother would hide something like this from him, from any of them.
In a chair, Feyre settled. Her brows were furrowed. She’d been withdrawn recently – as was to be expected with a troubling pregnancy, an absent sister, and regular court duties. Rhys went to her side, stroking her hair. ‘I’m disappointed that you kept secrets regarding our court from us, Azriel.’
‘I’m disappointed you painted a portrait of a father who neglected you and not the sister who followed you to the Wall.'
A bracing silence enclosed the room. Night-chilled mist swirled around Rhys’ hands. Not that Az cared. The pair stood opposite each other with expressions carved from granite. Azriel was towing a dangerous line with Rhys so highly strung as Feyre’s pregnancy entered the final few months. The room seemed to cave in on them with such power swelling within.
‘Feyre owes Nesta nothing.’
Azriel glanced at Cassian then shook his head. ‘No, she doesn’t. And Nesta owed us nothing yet she is the one who had Beron listening, the one who killed the king, the one who now has a target on her back from Briallyn because we brought her into this life.’
The breath that came from Rhys rattled in his chest. In an attempt to subdue him, Feyre reached for his hand. His cold demeanour remained. ‘How can you defend her after what she did?’
‘What did she do, Rhys?’ Azriel asked the question softly, so soft that it seemed to tip-toe in the room, weaving around them.
And what had Nesta done as the final straw? Followed their rules, trained daily, worked in the library, then told Feyre the truth about the child.
‘It wasn’t about the truth, not really. It’s the fact that Nesta still dared to defy you after you took her home and her freedom.’
‘Az,’ Mor breathed.
All of them seemed to hold their breath, awaiting Rhys’ reaction. Even Cassian couldn’t predict what his brother might do – what either of them might do. He’d not seen Azriel like this before, so adrift within their group.
‘I dare say that Kallias would be fairly cross if the pair of you levelled his palace,’ said Lucien. He spoke casually though Cassian noticed that he’d taken a step closer to Elain, ready to spring into action and protect her if the situation arose.
Perhaps coming here was a mistake. It didn’t bode well for them if they had dissent within the ranks. Azriel would be punished for it – maybe not on this night, but he would be.
Rhys kept his feet planted as he addressed Azriel. ‘If you will be a liability, you may as well return to wherever it is you’ve been hiding.’
‘Leave Nesta alone tonight. Let her be happy.’ Without even looking at him, Azriel skulked to their room – but Cassian couldn’t let it lie. He couldn’t understand why Azriel would choose Nesta over them. What she had done to Feyre was malicious – even she would attest to that. He tore after his brother, throwing a shield at the door to block the others.
‘You’re supposed to be my brother. And what? Nesta’s more important than me?’
Azriel screwed up his face in distaste then perched on the corner of the bed, eyes glancing out towards the window. Cassian couldn’t bear to peer out of it again to see Nesta. Azriel’s scarred hands gripped the soft, white fur thrown on the bed as if to stop himself from reacting in a different way.
‘Do you actually give a crap about her, Cass?’
That hit him like a stone to the temple. ‘Of course, I do. How can you fucking ask me that?’
‘Do you want her to be happy?’
‘Yes.’ Had Azriel hit his head? Yes, he wanted Nesta’s happiness. He wanted a life with her. He wanted children with her.
‘Then look out of the fucking window, Cass. It’s not with you.’ Azriel scrubbed his face with his hands. His brother appeared tired. The shadows beneath his eyes were more defined than usual. More than anything, Azriel just seemed without hope. ‘I’m sorry. I am. I’m sorry, Cass. Emerie has let me stay at hers and Nesta was so miserable with us. I know you care about her, but I can’t condemn her to life with us. She doesn’t want to be in the Night Court. I can’t make her sad to keep you happy. If you give a damn about her, you’d sacrifice your happiness for hers.’
‘But Eris-’
‘Eris cares for her,’ Azriel interrupted. ‘I hate to admit it, but she is happy with him. Emerie said he doted on her. Neither her nor Gwyn are afraid of him. Eris hasn’t forced Nesta on a hike where she’s collapsed and hasn’t had to rush her from the city after his brother has threatened to kill her.’
‘Rhys didn’t mean that. You know he didn’t.’
‘Cass.’ Azriel stared at him in disbelief, shaking his head. ‘You’re still not getting it. If you think she’s your mate, why do you still put Rhys ahead of her?’
That caught him off-guard. He didn’t just think Nesta was his mate – he knew she was. He’d suspected it since the moment he had seen her, that beautiful mortal woman who refused to show any sort of fear. But Rhys had saved him in every way that mattered. If Rhys hadn’t taken pity on a sullen, orphaned boy, he’d likely be dead.
‘Rhys is our high lord. He’s our brother.’
‘And he would use you as a shield to protect Feyre. He’d kill all of us if we threatened Feyre in any way.’
‘I would never threaten Feyre.’
‘That’s the difference though, isn’t it? We all accepted Feyre because she made Rhys happy. Nesta has always been seen as an opponent. Rhys threatened to kill her – I don’t give a shit if he didn’t mean it, he still fucking said it, Cass. No matter what she is to you, she is his mate’s sister at the end of it all. Do you want Nesta with you if she’s miserable? If she’s afraid of Rhys?’
It was almost tempting to leave her slumbering. Eris lay beside Nesta watching her steal the sleep she wasn’t supposed to have. He’d told her to bolt the door while he showered, but when he’d returned, she was in the same spot on the bed, buried beneath blankets. Her mouth had fallen open. The fresh air had done her good – then she’d met the warmth of the room and slipped easily into sleep.
Eris skated two fingers up her arm until Nesta grumbled. She buried deeper into the blankets.
‘This isn’t fair,’ she murmured.
There was no necessity to play husband and wife in their rooms, but Eris couldn’t resist smoothing her hair from her gorgeous face.
‘Do you think Kallias would notice if we stole the bed when we return home?’
Nesta stretched her body as she rolled to her back. ‘If you steal this bed for us,’ a smile played about her lips, ‘I would never ever leave it.’
‘That does nothing to dissuade me.’
He had to haul her out from the nest with promises of treats and trips.
‘I had this made for you. If you don’t like it, I understand. But I will throw it into the fire to be dramatic.’
From the wardrobe, Eris retrieved a gown for Nesta. It was red and heavy, showing off her arms and chest with its scooped neckline. He helped her into it, holding his breath as her slip fell to the floor and her bare back was exposed to him. Black ink stretched down her spine forming an eight-pointed star. Eris recognised the shimmer of it to be magical. Now, what deal had his wife made that he didn’t know about. He traced a finger down her spine, making her head tip back towards him.
‘What’s this?’
‘Oh.’ Every sinew in her body seemed to tighten. ‘If I did one hour of training with Cassian, he’d do whatever I wanted.’
Eris had to bite down on his knuckle to keep from laughing. ‘Those were his terms? Anything? Anything at all?’
His light mood popped as Nesta turned. The dress clung to her chest. He tried to prevent his eyes from tracking down to her breasts but they were hard not to notice. She was utterly devastating. The skirt was split up her thigh but the gown was heavy enough to not notice it unless she strode. A small train dragged on the floor behind her. Eris could not decide if he wanted to tear the gown from her or make love to her in it.
Colour bloomed in Nesta’s cheeks at his ravenous stare. ‘Is it acceptable?’
‘You are divine.’
He smoothed her brow before kissing it. He couldn’t help himself. He knew they didn’t need to pretend here but Nesta was too beautiful to resist.
‘So that I understand it, Cassian literally promised to give you anything you wanted for one hour of your time? And you fulfilled your end?’
‘I’m not sure I like the glint in your eye, Eris Vanserra.’
‘Don’t full name me, I enjoy it too much,’ Eris warned, raising his brows. ‘Don’t you see the potential this has? We can bend them to our will. Let your friends visit or else Cassian dies.’
‘I won’t really – but they don’t have to know that. The threat should be good enough. Hand over your entire court or Cassian dies.’
Nesta sucked in a breath, making her breasts swell even further, the wicked female. ‘Eris, I don’t want to make Cassian’s life a misery. Not tonight, not ever. I just want to forget about him.’
‘You owe him nothing,’ he said sharply.
Her head cocked to the side, glancing at the fire. She’d frozen in the doorway when they had returned from their sleigh-ride. Her hand had gripped his arm then she’d begged him in a whisper to bank the fire and use his magic instead of wood to heat the room.
‘When you’re angry, your flames turn red. They’re golden when you’re happy.’
To embarrass him, his magic pulsed and flickered with such bright gold flame, it looked as if it were gilded. He hadn’t known that Nesta had ever noticed the subtle changes within it. The fact that she had sent a current of warmth running through his veins. Nobody had else had ever noticed. Then again, it had been so long since he’d had happiness like this, like her.
‘I have a reputation to uphold,’ he reminded her. ‘I want the Harp. I want your weapons in our possession. But I also want your friends to visit you and to save your sister.’
‘And if you don’t get what you want?’
Eris threw her an incredulous look. ‘I always get what I want.’
As per tradition, they followed behind his mother and father as the future rulers of the Autumn Court with his brothers flanking them. The Autumn Court had few friends; only a formidable army, a destructive magic, and a hoard of treasure unlike any other allowed them to be invited to such events. Eris had warned Nesta of that, as if she hadn’t seen it first hand at the High Lord meeting where she’d rendered him wordless with her power. He had been more interested in catching a glimpse of the female mated to Lucien that day. He’d known there was a third sister who had been thrown into the Cauldron, but she’d been of no consequence until Nesta had made his father stop and listen. No other had ever managed such a feat.
The ceiling of the ballroom was curved but thick, wooden beams crossed the width of it. Each one was dripping with garlands of crisp, white faelight and ivy that illuminated the room. Sculptures carved from ice were on each long banquet table. Delicacies of the Winter Court were artfully arranged on crystal plates. Eris nudged Nesta then inclined his head towards the fermented shark to prove he was not a liar and she shuddered.  
For a moment, Eris wished he could have looked upon his father’s face because the orchestra was made entirely of lesser fae. He imagined there would be a curl of top lip or a pinching of his brow in disgust. His father never did hide his prejudices.
They swept into the room, feigning ignorance to the sudden tautness running through the crowd at their arrival. No, the Autumn Court was not liked. But more than that, it was the first public appearance of he and Nesta as a couple. So much of politics was posturing. He drew Nesta closer to him. She kept her head raised, proud and fearless, unlike his mother who bowed hers in submission to Beron.
Then, Eris realised, the drop in volume was for another reason. The Night Court had already arrived. The High Lady of the court had commanded attention. She carried the heir of the Night Court and her mate stood to attention beside her. Eyes flitted between her and Nesta trying to guess what was the cause of the fractured relationship.  
‘What a ghastly outfit,’ murmured Uther behind him.
Eris was inclined to agree. Although heavily-pregnant, Feyre wore a dress of sparkling black panels that exposed much of her swollen body. She didn’t look at all comfortable and Eris almost pitied her. Still, she had chosen the life of the high lord’s trophy. She was happy to play his whore in the public domain. Silently, he vowed to himself that if he ever tried such a thing with Nesta, she deserved the chance to kill him.
Eventually, the chatter rose again as folk mingled for the first time since the meeting in a broken-down human manor after the war. It was an opportunity for Eris to forge alliances under his father’s watchful eye. He couldn’t be too ambitious, but he was loathe to waste an opportunity either. Holding Nesta’s hand, he aimed for the Summer Court delegate, hoping to seek out its princess, Cresseida. She was a female who did not mince her words; a fact Eris was glad for. He also imagined her becoming a companion of his wife one day; two females who did not yield.
‘Has Eris Vanserra gone soft,’ came a deep, smooth voice.
The High Lord of the Day Court stood with Rhysand, Feyre and a handful of others that Eris didn’t recognise, likely from Helion’s own court. He saw a pair of Illyrian wings, the towering male keeping his shoulder to them, engaging another in conversation rather than acknowledging him and Nesta fully – but likely listening in along with his sneaking glances.
‘I am tender only with my wife,’ he replied curtly, rubbing a hand down the tattoo on Nesta’s back. ‘Rest assured, I am every bit as vicious as I always have been. And if anybody seeks to ruin my wife’s happiness or harm her in any way, they will find out exactly how I carved my reputation.’
When he continued through the crowd, he was met with no resistance from Nesta. She’d simply turned from them, a cold expression on her beautiful face, and followed. He squeezed her hand.
‘Not too painful to see them, I hope,’ he murmured in her ear.
‘A little,’ she admitted, then, ‘I want to speak to Elain or Feyre. Both. Somehow.’
It was understandable. Despite the disaster that was his relationship with Lucien, Eris still searched for his face in a crowd, still hoped that he’d attend meetings in the Hewn City. And Eris could not help himself from hammering more nails into it, to say cruel words and hurt Lucien. He destroyed it further because he knew it would never repair. It was better to watch it burn to ash than admit that it would never be whole. Nesta still had a chance to repair the relationship with her sisters – but she needed to know she was not the one who ruptured it.
‘I’ll see what can be managed with Elain. Feyre will not be parted from Rhysand tonight.’
‘I haven’t had a conversation with my sister without him butting in since he forced himself into all of our lives.’
If Cassian believed that seeing Nesta and Eris playing in the snow was painful, he was not prepared for the agony of them gliding into the ballroom. It should have been his arm that Nesta held onto, not that snake’s. Yet there was an undeniable balance between the pair that Cassian hated to acknowledge. They were cut from the same cloth; fierce and regal, proud to a fault. The Autumn Court suited Nesta.
They sat for a meal after Viviane had given a gushing speech about her mate to the crowd. The High Lord of the Winter Court stood like one of the sculptures of ice, perhaps wishing the roof would collapse upon him.
Their delegate was seated with Helion’s group from the Day Court which was perhaps the best choice given Rhys’ temperament that night. Azriel remained just as aloof and argumentative as the afternoon, perched at the end of the table with Elain and Mor as a buffer; they were the two best-suited to not invoking another argument with him.
Cassian couldn’t stop his eyes tracking to Nesta across the room. They always sought her out. They always snapped to her as if unable to resist. Never had she worn a gown like the one tonight. She turned the heads of males within the room, but her silver eyes only looked at Eris with adoration. The male kept touching the tattoo on her back. It was the only link Cassian had left to her and he knew the male did it on purpose to try and rile his temper.
‘Do you think he’s coerced her?’ Feyre was eating little, too nervous from Rhys, Azriel, the party and Nesta to manage more than a couple of forkfuls. ‘She didn’t even acknowledge us. Just followed him blindly.’
‘She looked through us completely,’ Mor said, frowning into her own plate of food. ‘I wouldn’t put it past Eris to not be controlling her.’
Azriel said nothing, but he folded his arms across his chest. Shadows slithered over him.
‘Will you try and speak to her, Rhys? Just see if she’s alright?’ Cassian hated the plea in his voice. He’d gone over the possibility of Eris giving Nesta whatever she wanted in return for being his wife. But what could he offer her that Nesta would want? Her head wasn’t turned by wealth. She had power and never wanted that either. It couldn’t be love. It couldn’t be.
They tried to remain casual, speaking quietly over mundane topics while they ate. Beside them, Rhys’ face slackened. Daemati powers reached out in the room for Nesta. For a long while, he didn’t move, didn’t even blink.
Then he sucked in a breath as if breaking the surface of the ocean. He fell back against his chair, wincing slightly.
‘You’re bleeding!’
Mor reached for a napkin. Sure enough, a harsh line cut across the back of his hand. The blood pooled along it like a row of rubies before a bead dribbled along his skin. He pressed the napkin to it, stemming the blood.
‘That’s not just a daemati they’ve got in their ranks,’ he murmured, eyes canvassing each one from the Autumn Court. ‘That’s the most fucking powerful one I’ve ever encountered.’
‘More than you?’ Feyre asked, brows rising in alarm.
He flexed his fingers, grimacing at the pain. ‘I can go into a head and rupture it. I can’t cause a physical injury like this by going into a mind. I didn’t know it was possible. Whoever it is, that's a power I've never seen before.’
‘What happened? Do you think it’s Nesta?’
He shook his head. ‘It was a trap. There were no mental shields and she was inviting me in. I reached for her hand but her wall came down on mine like a guillotine. I don’t think it’s Nesta. It’s one of them though.’
‘He knew enough about daemati to protect himself from us before.’
Trying to be subtle, they cast their eyes over the Autumn delegate once more. Eris had his arm around Nesta, murmuring something into her ear. Cassian felt Mor’s hand against his knee, pinning him to the spot. She’d read him well; read that he’d wanted to fly across the room and drag Eris away from Nesta each time they were tactile with each other.
With a flare of jealousy, Cassian watched as Nesta leant back against Eris’ hold then wrapped her arms on top of his. They had never been like that with each other. He doubted that Nesta would have ever let him touch her like that – or in public. Worse still was the moment when Eris kissed the side of her head and she seemed to exhale deeper into his arms. Even he had to admit that Nesta was comfortable with him. There was a lightness that he hadn’t seen before; her figure was softer, eyes brighter and smiles came more readily.
‘We must be on our guard. I’ll keep shields around all of you – but don’t seek them out.’
Cassian blinked. ‘And we just accept that Nesta isn’t being forced by Eris to be his wife?’
‘Like Rhys forced Feyre to spend time with him,’ Azriel grunted.
‘I am about to do something stupid.’
Eris tipped the last dribbles of his drink down his throat. He’d been watching his brother who mingled easily with the contingent from the Dawn Court over dinner, choosing to build his own bridges rather than sit with the Night Court. As dishes were collected, Lucien had chatted easily to Tarquin, the high lord of the Summer Court on the edge of the ballroom floor as dancers waltzed past them. ‘Is that what you said before we married?’
His wife rolled her eyes. ‘I’d like you to seize a moment with your mother in any way you can.’
‘My mother reviles me – and besides that, my father won’t ever let me near her.’
Even tonight without her gaggle of servants and sentries who jailed her, Beron had not let his wife out of his sight. Nesta inhaled then rose from the chair. ‘That is why I am about to do something stupid.’
He caught her wrist, skin tingling where their bodies met. ‘Nesta.’
‘We are in public. There’s nothing he can do to me here.’
She prised her fingers from his and strode with confidence towards Beron Vanserra. Nobody ever did such a thing. His heart was in his mouth as his wife gave a coy smile to the High Lord of the Autumn Court then gestured to the dance floor. Eris hadn’t known she could dance.
To his complete horror and surprise, his father took Nesta’s hand and led her to dance.
For a moment, Eris sat in disbelief. His father’s hand slipped into Nesta’s whilst his other settled around her waist, drawing her close. Their eyes were fixed on each other. To onlookers it might have been adoration on Nesta’s part, but he knew her better. Silver fire would be simmering in her eyes entrancing Beron. He couldn’t waste his wife’s diversion.
Eris sought out his mother, sat alone at their table. He hated how brittle he had to make his voice to command her to come with him. She wouldn’t have followed him without the barked order. As quickly as he could, he led her out of the ballroom and into an empty council room. His fire leapt to the lamps, reflecting off the long, mahogany table running through the centre of the room.
‘Mother, I am not the villain you believe me to be.’
‘I do not recognise you as my son,’ she replied, swift and brutal. ‘I have only one son and it is not you.’
Cracks spread across his heart. ‘Mother, please. I can’t-’
She raised a hand to silence him. It hadn’t been two sons she’d grieved for that day when Lucien was exiled, but all of them. All of them lost to Beron’s cruelty. Eris swallowed down his hurt.
‘Please believe that your goodness is still within me. It has never extinguished. Look for yourself.’
That gave her pause. Her russet eyes swept over his face then Eris felt her piercing into his mind, turning over his memories. It was a power her husband had never learned she possessed; the only secret she could keep from him. Her son only knew of it because he’d been a child who loved to lie and it was the only way she could seek the truth.
Eris stood as if being inspected. He forced his memories of Nesta to the surface, of being gentle with her, laughing and teasing; he brought forth his vast cache of memories of Orla so his mother could see he was not as wicked as the world believed him to be. He thought of all the dogs he'd loved and doted on as if they were his children. He hoped his mind was not black and rotted.  
Something broke in her expression.  
Tears welled in her eyes.
Without thought, Eris reached for her. His hand weaved into hers. It was so thin. So delicate. His mother had only been slightly younger than Nesta when she’d been married off to a tyrant. Within weeks of the marriage, she carried the heir to the Autumn Court. Barely a grown female and forced to be a mother and a wife. Eris had grown alongside his mother. He was closer in age to his mother than Lucien.
‘I thought you were lost.’
‘I will never be like him,’ Eris vowed, dipping his head to press his forehead to his mother’s. ‘I will always be your son. Hold on a little longer. We will see the sun again.’
It was only them. Only them and this ballroom. Nesta did not know how many dances she had shared with her father-in-law. The rest of the world was sepia compared to him. She’d fixed his gaze, held every grain of his attention to give Eris as much time as possible with his mother. Flames danced in her eyes, his too. Beron coveted her power so she let him see it, let him be tempted by it despite the danger. For Eris, she would do this. His happiness was everything to her.
Finally, a handsome male with dark hair appeared at their side as the musicians faded their instruments out.
‘Father, perhaps I could share a dance with Eris’ lovely wife.’
Without a word, Beron handed her to Phelan. Compared to the frostiness of Beron, Phelan felt like an inferno. His hands pawed at her, groping too tightly to be polite. The corner of his mouth tipped into a sly grin.
‘Now what web are you laying with my brother?’ he hummed.
‘Why would I tell you a thing?’
Phelan turned her sharply on the spot so the momentum had her colliding with his body. ‘It’s better to have me as an ally than an enemy.’
She pretended to consider it for a moment. The grip of his fingers on hers turned them white. She tried not to wince from the pain. Phelan crowded her with his body as if they danced a tango. Over his shoulder, Nesta scanned the crowds for Eris to no avail.
The male’s fingers dug into her waist hard enough to bruise as she snapped back into hold after another violent spin.
‘Stop,’ she hissed at him.
A slow grin spread over his handsome face. He was as Eris had made him out to be.
Phelan twisted her wrist as they danced, subtle enough that others wouldn’t notice, but it was enough for Nesta’s face to begin bracketing with pain.
A broad, tan hand grabbed Phelan by the shoulder, stilling the dance. ‘Move.’
Cassian stood before them on the floor, the red of his siphons matching her gown. Half of his ebony hair had been drawn back into a knot while the rest hung loosely to his shoulders. As usual, he wore his Illyrian leathers. Faced with the two males, Nesta knew who the safest choice was – but it was cruel of fate to deal her this hand.
‘Why would I let my brother’s wife anywhere near an Illyrian brute like you?’
There was a ringing in Nesta’s ears. The walls felt as if they were collapsing in on her. She swallowed. Again, her eyes searched for Eris’ outline.
Cassian’s hazel eyes fell to her, imploring her to seek sense and choose him over Phelan. Their sudden stop was gathering attention.
‘Play nicely, Phelan,’ she crooned, throwing off his arm as she reached for Cassian.
The male wasted no time in striding across the room, out of the thicket of dancers, with Nesta tugged along behind him. The music chased them down a deserted corridor. His hand fell away then Cassian whirled on her.
‘What is all this, Nesta? Dancing with Beron then one of the brothers? Why are you putting yourself in danger for him?’
Nesta stood taller. She was thankful that he’d saved her from Phelan, but she did not want to be here with him. Nesta wanted nothing more than to forget Cassian. Whatever they’d had – whatever they could have had – was over.
‘It’s fine for me to put myself into danger when it benefits the Night Court though. Do I understand that correctly?’
A streak of annoyance lanced through his expression, twitching his brows into a thunderous frown. ‘You volunteered to help.’
‘Because you all threatened that if I didn’t co-operate, you’d make Elain do it. There was no choice.’
Cassian pinched the bridge of his nose. It was one method that Nesta knew he used to try and get a hold of his anger. She took a step back, out of his reach. Without knowing what had happened since her departure, Nesta knew this night would be difficult for him.
‘Just come home,’ he pleaded. ‘Do you want to live every day of your life in fear of Beron Vanserra?’
‘I would spend every day of my life fearing Rhysand in your court.’
Cassian’s eyes flashed with anger. ‘That’s a lie.’
‘He threatened to kill me, Cassian.’
‘He didn’t mean it.’
The guise was gone. Nesta could finally see Cassian in the light; a male who would never hear a bad word about his high lord. That was not the life she wanted. Nesta would never be put first. Rhysand’s long shadow would always fall across their relationship. Had Cassian not noticed how miserable she was – or had he seen and not cared because she was there to fuck when he wanted her?
‘Tell me why you want me to return with you.’
‘Because Feyre is your sister.’
Nesta crossed her arms over her chest. It shouldn’t have hurt, but it did. For so long, she’d been holding a crumbling building together, trying to keep it whole. Why? What was the point in trying to keep a ruin from disintegrating further? The sun never shone on her Velaris.
She allowed herself a few seconds to gather her emotions. Her voice level, Nesta said, ‘Is that the only reason you can think of?’
Cassian fumbled then declared, ‘I love you.’
Maybe once, Nesta wanted to hear that from him. Many times, she had wanted to be more to him. She had wanted more than being the female he sought out in the darkness. More than the one he tossed aside when his family were present. But Cassian could never treat her as more, could never give her more because he was too ashamed of her.
‘What do you love about me?’
The hesitation told Nesta all that she needed to know.
She turned on her heel but he followed, boots echoing in the corridor.
‘Nes, you’re the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen. Since I met you, I was drawn to you. I want-’
‘Why? Why were you drawn to me?’
Every moment stood in this corridor with him was worse. Nesta was punishing herself by lingering to hear his flimsy reasons. Hearing how little she meant to him was painful as much as it was needed. She could see him struggling to drum up a reason why he cared for her. A hand ran through his black hair. Eris had not hesitated to tell her when she’d asked why he’d cared – and he’d gone on and on with reasons. He had noticed every little thing about her. Cassian could manage nothing except her beauty.
‘You cannot tell me one thing you like about me, Cassian.’
‘I was ready to die for you in the war.’
‘Do you know when my favourite season is? My favourite food?’
Cassian’s wings involuntarily tightened against his spine. ‘That’s not important. I know you, Nes.’
‘That is important – to me. You don’t know me, Cassian. You’ve never tried to know me. You’ve just assumed what you wanted to assume.’
His vicious laughter boomed in the hallway. Cassian’s hurts came out as barbs. ‘Oh, and Eris knows these fucking things, does he?’
‘Yes. He does.’ Eris’ deep voice seeped over them as he stepped along the white tiled floor. He put an arm around Nesta, tucking her close to his body. A thumb drove in a small, smoothing circle against her hip. ‘Her favourite season is autumn, but only the early autumn when the leaves start to fall. The end of autumn scared her when she was younger because it meant winter was coming and they’d be cold and hungry. And Nesta’s favourite food is apple and blackberry crumble fresh from the oven and drowning in cream.’ Eris gave Cassian a tight smile. ‘And if that’s not available then she’ll settle for the crispiest roast potatoes you can manage.’
The pulse of his siphons warned Nesta that Cassian was skirting into dangerous territory. They needed to leave. She wouldn’t risk Eris being hurt by Cassian’s uncontrollable temper.
‘There is no court where I belong, Cassian. But it doesn’t matter where I go, because my husband will always be at my side. With my husband is where I belong.’
It would be so easy to let Cassian ruin her mood. For once, Nesta refused to let those feelings settle. She refused to allow her heart to bruise. Why should the pain linger? Nesta had come to terms with the fact that her and Cassian were nothing but a regret now; a decision made because she had nobody else to turn to for comfort back then.
When they departed, Eris tried to steer her back to their rooms, but Nesta forged a different path. Her fingers linked with his, leading him back into the great hall.
‘You’re sure?’
‘I want to dance with my husband.’
Eris gave a slight nod. Soundlessly, he led her straight onto the dance floor where his arms went around her. She danced with her cheek pressed against his heart. The soft thud was her anchor. Steady Eris would always settle her storms.
‘A heart can always heal, Nesta.’
‘It already has.’
Nesta closed her eyes, trusting Eris to guide her through the gentle dance.
‘Pretend,’ Eris whispered, cradling Nesta’s head against his chest. His lips grazed the top of her head.
‘I don’t want to pretend anymore.'
His hand brushed against her hair. Nesta remained with her arms clamped around his waist. She turned to look up at him. The faelights above them twinkled, casting him in soft, white light. His mask slipped. Nesta thought she saw disappointment in his expression.
‘I don’t want to pretend anymore,’ she repeated, stroking his cheek with her knuckles. ‘I want you. I want all of you. I want you in every moment, in every day.'
Then, despite the crowd, despite the world turning around them, Eris cupped her face and brought his lips to hers. He kissed her with reverence. Nesta did not care who saw - for there was only him. Only Eris mattered. The male who had led her through the darkness and showed her that the sun still shined. The heat of his lips against hers sent a flurry of excitement racing through her body. She was his. He was hers.
As Eris broke the kiss, the tip of his nose brushed against hers. ‘I love you.’
@owllover123 @rarephloxes @this-is-rochelle @sv0430 @fanboy7794 @sugardoll22 @kitkat-writes-stuff
This is my girl's gown by Teuta Matoshi
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morethansalad · 7 months
hi hi, i'm currently homeless and trying to eat more vegan food (or rather, less non-vegan food)-- do you know of anything warm that could conceivably be made in a microwave that isn't largely expensive frozen foods or those red bean and rice packets? my go-to lately has been microwaved scrambled eggs, but i really don't want to rely on animal products. thank you either way 💛
helloo. first of all, if the ethics of veganism are on your mind, honestly, just do your best. veganism is about doing as much as you're practically able to do in your situation. my family and I were homeless for a stretch of time when I was growing up, and it wasn't until that situation was over that I had the liberty (i.e. mental bandwidth) to be so choosy about what I ate (granted, this was before veganism became popular at all. we were "crazy" for being vegetarian already).
but secondly, I would suggest mostly going for canned food, cup noodles & sandwich items. also, oatmeal/porridge if you're into hot cereal. those usually make the most sense to rely on. a canned soup + microwavable rice + your favorite spice blend could, I hope, be a fairly easy go-to in your situation. (rely on complex carbs: rice, bread, beans, oats, pasta, tortillas, and potatoes/sweet potatoes/cassava/etc). and tea is nice for keeping warm and your tummy full when your meals are a little scanty. hydration, in general, is good if you're able to keep on top of.
last thing, if you're able, try to keep incorporating some fresh or dried fruit, veggies, and herbs from time to time. I remember super craving fresh food. your health can really take an impact without it. you could even stop by farmer's markets towards closing hours to get a good deal or shop the produce in stores that are marked down for "imperfections." bananas, leafy greens, tomatoes, raisins, baby carrots, celery, kiwis, parsley, sweet potatoes, frozen berries...get something. ethnic markets tend to have better prices on produce than supermarkets, for the record. foraging is also a way to acquire free food (even if you can't find that much). enough pine needles to make a tea, enough mulberries to make a snack of, or enough dandelion blossoms & leaves to garnish a meal is better than nothing when it comes to getting more nourishment into your body.
best of luck, anon. I hope lots of unexpected sweet times are in store for you💚☺️
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l0serloki · 2 years
Snezhnaya’s Festival
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Tartaglia x Reader
Genre : Fluff
WC : 1.5K
Summary : You enjoy a day out in Snezhnaya with your boyfriend and his siblings.
CW : Hints to sex at the end lol, fem!reader, mentions of anxiety, that’s really it
You were unsure of what to expect. You had been in Snezhnaya for a few days now, visiting your lovely boyfriend's family. They were so sweet and hospitable, truly making you feel like part of the family.  You hoped that one day that would be true, but you were happy with what you currently had with Childe.
Childe had told you that today was the Christmas Festival and everyone was going. “It’s a big deal”, he had murmured to you at the last minute in bed the night before. You could only smack his chest, butterflies bracing in your stomach. You didn’t want to make a fool of yourself.. 
Teucer’s rambunctious screams echoed across the house as you searched for your sweater. The bodies of Ajax’s many siblings filled around you, all getting ready as well. 
You made your way into the living room, hues meeting Childe’s. “You good, little star?” He questioned, wrapping his arm around your torso as your eyes scanned the room. Your sweater was still nowhere to be found and it only made you more anxious. “Yeah, just can’t find my sweater…” Your voice trailed off as he hummed next to you. “The red one? Did you check the laundry room? I think Tonia washed it with hers.” You hadn’t, feet taking off to said room.
You had finally acquired your sweater, calming your nerves a bit. Today would be fine, a bit chilly, but fine. You shook off the negative thoughts as you rejoined with everyone.
Childe held your hand tightly, Tonia grasping the other. All of you had quite the trek to make it to the market, your nose feeling almost frozen off.
“The walk always sucks but it gets better. Plus we can get some nice warm cider when we get there, Y/N!” Tonia smiled, her hand squeezing yours. “Yes, you’ll have to show me around. I would love something warm right about now.” Tonia nodded and went on about how last years festival planned out.
To say you were shocked was an understatement. The frosty streets were lined with lights and the bustling of people. Food stalls furrowed on the cobbled streets, and a giant tree smack dab in the center. It almost seemed like a fairytale. You could hear Childe’s laugh as you continued to glance around.
“I think she likes it.” Your lovely boyfriend elbowed you in the side, snapping you out of your stupor. 
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it.” You felt heat reach your face as Childe smooched your cheek. “You’re adorable. Just wait till the lights are fully on. That’s when it’s impressive.” There would be more lights and decorations than just this? Snezhnaya was truly on a different level..
“Well, where are we going first?” Childe raised an eyebrow to you and his siblings, hands gesturing out to the crowds.
Teucer ran in front of you all, pointing towards a cart. “Big brother, can we please go get a drink. I think Y/N can use one too. Tonia even said we would get one! So obviously, you can’t dehydrate us.” His convincing argument worked, Childe quite the easy target. 
“Yes, let’s go. Tonia - keep hold of Y/N’s hand. I don’t want to lose you all in the crowd.” 
You followed quickly behind Childe, pushing through the masses. The wait in line was not long and before you knew it, your gloved hands had a foam cup in them. You brought the scented drink up to your mouth and took a sip, the warmth spreading throughout. 
“This is so good!” Tonia chirped beside you and you hummed. “For real. I could drink about twenty of these.” 
“The drinks were good, but what about we go to the pond?” The kids screamed in excitement, ready to bolt at the first chance. Childe took your hand in his, telling Teucer and Tonia to go. You watched their energy filled runs book it to a frozen lake. It seemed to be a skating rink, people spinning in circles to the soft music. “Don’t worry, if you fall I’ll laugh at you baby.” Childe pressed a quick kiss to your cheek as he bought the skates, handing you yours. You could only roll your eyes at the sarcastic comment. “Thanks babe, you really know how to put a mind at ease.” 
You eased into your skates, feet wobbly against the cold ice. Childe gripped onto your arm, pulling you slowly with him. “You’ll get used to it quickly. Even if you don't, that gives me an excuse to hold onto you.” You breathed out a tiny laugh at the grin on his face, his cheeks red from the freezing temps. He always managed to look good even in the worst of times, you swore he was a work of art. The two of you continued at the pace, Childe helping you to relax into the feeling. 
Even if you were cold, you couldn’t help but feel warm. Your heart swelled at the sights of Childe’s messy red hair peeking out from his hat, his scarf flapping in his face occasionally. “Whatcha starin’ at?” Childe’s squeeze scared you, unable to stop your body from toppling. You slowly opened your eyes from the fall, expecting the worst. You were met with your lover's arms tightly wrapped around you, his body tanking the fall. He leaned closer, whispering into your ear. “Babe, we are at the rink.. Control yourself. If you wanted me that bad you should’ve just told me.” You let out a shocked guffaw as you stumbled off of him. “Get up, you big fool. I can’t believe you.” Your embarrassed comments only fueled the man's fire, his laughs echoing around. 
“Y/N, are you okay!?” Tonia stopped on the edge of the rink next to you, pulling you into an embrace. You patted her on the back, feeling honored that she cared so much. “Yeah! Your brother is just an idiot.” You gave Childe a glare and dusted your pants off. “You’re right! All of my brothers are idiots. I’m starting to think it’s genetic. Also, Teucer is getting worn out so I think it’s time we take a little break.” 
You all had made your way through town, Teucer piggybacking on Childe’s back. Tonia pointed out a few restaurants that were good, eventually choosing one to have a rest at. Your order was swift and the food was at the table in mach speed. 
“We should be able to see the Christmas tree light up from here!” Teucer turned your attention to the window. You had noticed that the dim tan lights from earlier now illuminated up the streets in bright colors of green and red. “It should be coming on any minute. Good pick on the restaurant, Ton.” Childe rubbed the girls head as you all waited anxiously for the spectacle.
Not even a moment too soon, the Christmas tree lit up. Bright colors reflected across the glittering snow as if it were a disco ball. It was almost surreal how beautiful it was. Today was a day of many firsts, but you could now see why Ajax had loved his hometown so much. “That’s amazing.” You sighed out, Childe’s head leant against your shoulder. “Could you get used to it?” He asked and you simply nodded. He had been trying to get you to make the move for a while but you were always unsure. You didn’t want to leave Liyue and everything you had known, but maybe this was a new adventure. “Yeah, maybe we can move. I’ll think about it.” You kissed the top of his head, enjoying the moment. The Christmas Festival was nothing short of amazing and you were sure you would remember it forever.
The lot of you got home, stripping the large winter gear at the door. Childe took Teucer and Tonia to bed and you went to go take a bath. You were lounging in the tub when the door opened, making you jump. 
“Childe, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that!” 
“Probably a lot more, honey. Have fun today? Are you feeling alright?” He knelt next to the tub, hands massaging at your shoulders. You relaxed into his touch, nodding. “Yeah, today was amazing. Won’t forget it for a long time. Makes me kind of want to stay.” You met your boyfriends cerulean hues, his eyes going foggy at your words.
“I bet Tonia and Teucer would be glad to hear that. I am too. I am really happy today went so well. I love you, Y/N.” Childe leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss. His hand rubbed at the nape of your neck, dragging you closer to him.
Childe pulled away, his breath fanning your face. “I want to keep kissing you but I really don’t want to fall in the tub. Hurry and finish up.” He growled and you snorted at the thought. 
“I could. Or you could just join me..”
It’s safe to say that Childe would never turn down an offer like that.
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jinsai-ish · 2 months
WHO WANTS A FOOD RANT?! What's that, you do and didn't even realize it till now?!
Right, so I love cooking when I have time and fresh ingredients. Not grocery store but like farmers market, home garden, chicken eggs from the coop. I've been growing my own fresh spices for a while now and I've extended to vegetables this year. Thanks to my grandfather, who was the son of German immigrants, I learned to be very good at taking either leftovers or food from cupboards to transform it with fresh ingredients.
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Cue the chili! Leftover roasted sweet potatoes and baby bella mushrooms. Tomato from the garden boosted with a can of fire-roasted. A little bit of frozen corn, onion from the store, fresh green pepper and jalapeno from my garden. Canned kidney beans. Sage and parsley and thyme from my garden, some paprika, red chili flakes, sea salt, and a pinch of cinnamon from the store. Apple cider vinegar to taste.
Ok, sounds like a mishmash and not to toot my own horn but it was Good. Like a complex flavor profile , noticeable sweetness from the potatoes (which also gives it a perfect not too thick or thin texture), some heat, and you don't taste the vinegar - it just cuts the sweetness and accents the other ingredients.
My husband? Says he really liked it but it was "too complex". Like, he could savor a few bites but probably wouldn't eat a full bowl and I'm just like DUDE! Your favorite food is Taco Bell!!
And it just kill me that people (my mom) throw carbs (potatoes/bread/pasta) together with mayo, the blandest cheese ever, and some unseasoned meat.
Like nooooo!!
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elliethejellie · 1 year
Tainted Magic, Tainted Blood - Chapter Three
A "The Sun and Moon Show" AU x Reader
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter Two || Chapter Four
"Can you show me how to do that, too?" 
"Of course I can, Sunbite, just not right at this very moment," Sun assured, handing the girl a bowl of the steaming potato soup he prepared. Several of the young ones whined in response, wanting to join him in the tavern's kitchen to make the dessert. He needed to give them a reason not to, but couldn't come up with one quickly enough. "Just eat your food, and I'll be out with something sweet before you know it!" he promised sprightly.
He then disappeared back through the door to the kitchen, sighing as the sound of the children laughing in the dining room reverberated through the open window. He stared at it as he pressed his back to the closed door, his mind replaying the moment he had to endure not long ago. 
"Where did you learn how to make this?" one of the newer arrivals had asked, peering at the boiling pot through the hole in the wall that was normally reserved for sliding finished orders through. Sun had frozen in place, a darkness clouding his gaze that he tried his best to keep subdued. One of the other children that often frequented the place had kicked the boy who had asked the question, whispering something furiously about not asking about Sun's past. He snapped his head up, shoving aside his stupor to chastise the girl with a wagging finger.
"Now, now, there's no need for violence," he had said, reaching with his other hand to grab the salt. He mindlessly pinched some up and sprinkled it into the pot before grabbing the wooden spoon to stir it again. "Let's just say, I have a knack for catching on quickly." The children had hummed in response to this, accepting his answer and moving on to another topic.
"You know, you could have just told them you learned from Mother." 
Sun rolled his eyes, pushing off of the door to begin cleaning the mess from making the lunch. "Yeah, I could have. But you and I both know that would have ended up in conversations about her," Sun whispered. To anyone else, it would seem as if he were muttering nonsense to himself. But in reality, he was speaking to his twin brother Moon, who was currently stuck listening to Sun from inside of their shared mind. "And I really would rather avoid that topic of conversation if that's okay with you."
He grabbed up the dirtied knives and cutting boards, placing them into the sink to be washed later. There was a moment of silence as he turned back to the rest of the small kitchen, mentally planning out what he would make for dessert. Moon suggested pie, speaking to Sun from his invisible prison and making the normally happy twin regain his chipper attitude. "Pie is a wonderful idea!" he exclaimed, before slapping his hands over his mouth and nervously glancing at the open window as if just remembering that there were others around that could hear him if he wasn't careful.
The sound of laughter and excited conversation continued on, so he let out a breath and marched to the ice chest to search for fruit. After a minute he realized that there was no fresh fruit for him to bake a pie with, so he placed a hand to his head in a nervous fidget. He could run to the market stalls quickly and pick up something, but then he would be forced to leave the children behind.
"You and I both know they can handle themselves," Moon claimed, and Sun was sure if he could see him, he'd be rolling his eyes. "The older ones have been handling themselves for years before they showed up here. We can't baby them all forever."
"I know," Sun whined. "But that doesn't mean I enjoy leaving them behind." He reached behind his back to untie his apron nonetheless, placing it on a hook by the door. "They've dealt with that enough already." He grabbed his satchel and with one more glance out to the children laughing and eating their soup, he disappeared out through the back door and towards the market.
For as long as the twins could remember, they had been working in the dank tavern, repurposed by Sun during the day to be a place where some of the lost souls on the kingdom’s outskirts could come and have a warm meal. He couldn't stand walking around and watching the young ones beg for food, covered in weeks worth of dirt and grime while most people turned a blind eye. Sure, most people had problems of their own to worry about, but he couldn't imagine ignoring the youth living in such a sad reality.
During the day, Sun would get the children cleaned up and fed, learning of their individual stories as they watched him cook. He saw a lot of himself in them when they complained of their absent (or willfully ignorant) parents to him, making mental notes of each and every negative thing that went on. Moon would listen carefully as well. When day turned into night, the twins would have the forefront of their consciousness seemingly swap - with Sun now being the one watching and listening from inside their shared mind. Moon would slip out into the night, seeking out the children's homes. Sometimes he would just mess with the children's parents - rearranging their stuff into odd places, letting their farm animals loose, or even stealing some of their more expensive possessions to be sold off out of spite. 
But sometimes, Moon would show up at times that called for more... permanent solutions. During these times, Sun would go silent in their head, watching as Moon performed horrific acts to people that didn't deserve to be parents. He had no regrets or guilt as he sat back and let Moon do what he needed to do. Sometimes he even enjoyed watching the wastes of skin get what they deserved. But it was usually rare for things to get to that point.
Everyone that knew Sun assumed that he had some tragic backstory filled with saddening details of his past that drove him to take care of the children he did. But in reality, he didn't know much about his past. Neither did Moon. The two of them knew some basics, like that they had an older brother that they despised, and that they had been ostracized from the family for being a nuisance, given their curse. Sometimes they'd get a brief twinge of emotion, but it had always been just that.
That was, until last night. 
The brothers had heard from the buzz of gossip yesterday that the Spring Masquerade Ball was taking place that night. The children wouldn't stop talking about it - daydreaming about how the palace must look and joking about what they'd do if they ever got the chance to attend such an event. 
Moon had come up with the idea to attend the ball, knowing that nobody would recognize him given his lack of existence during the day on top of the fact that he would be wearing a mask. When Sun questioned why he would even want to attend something so... pretentious, his brother had merely chuckled and responded with, "The children would be entertained getting to hear what it's actually like."
Sun continued on his path down the back alleyways towards the market, mind wandering back to the night he watched behind Moon's eyes. As far as he knew, the two of them had never stepped foot in that palace before. Their older brother, Eclipse, was always the one to fit in with the high court. He had worked his way up to being a Lord in the last year. Moon had even overheard some townsfolk gossiping one night that Eclipse had been the one to console the princess after the tragic accident with her parents rendered her an orphan. 
But somehow, crossing over the threshold into the ballroom made the twins' shared head spin with fragmented memories. None of them fit together to form a coherent story, but rather colors and scents tugged and pulled at their heart until Moon decided he wanted to leave. But just as he had turned back to the balcony in which they arrived, someone called from the balcony inside the ballroom, announcing the princess's arrival - alongside their older brother.
Sun remembered feeling Moon become overwhelmed with hatred then, foreign to either as to why. But he sat back in the shadows of the crowd, watching as Eclipse descended the stairs with the princess and shared the first dance of the evening with her. The twins observed patiently as Eclipse was swarmed with maidens and dismissed the princess with nothing more than an apologetic glance. She wandered to the long table with refreshments and downed a glass of champagne before heading out to the same balcony that they were already going to leave from.
The princess had her shoulders slouched, leaning a little too heavily onto the railing as she stared out at the garden. She yawned as Moon approached her, sealing the suspicion that she was exhausted. But her fatigue wasn't what had caught Moon's attention. 
When the princess had turned away and laughed at his joke after their friendly banter, his body went rigid and his heart skipped a beat. There was nothing Sun and Moon had been more sure about in their entire lives.
They knew her laugh.
But neither of them could remember how. They had chalked it up to her possibly having a similar laugh to someone they knew, but something felt off about that assumption. Especially as the two danced together. The chemistry seemed far too great for them to have only just met. And somehow the princess had felt the same way about it, given that she asked Moon if she knew him.
"Hello, dear brother," a familiar voice called from behind Sun, startling him from his thoughts. He turned around and locked eyes with his older brother Eclipse, who looked to be in fairly bad shape for some reason.
"E-Eclipse..." Sun stuttered, his mind failing him in words. He felt Moon watching with full attention now, drawing back the same anger Sun had felt from him the night before. Though it wasn't as intense now, given that Sun was the one piloting their body currently.
"I need to talk to you," Eclipse said, sounding desperate and like he was holding back emotion in his voice. What emotion, Sun couldn't tell, but he still hesitated when his older brother motioned for him to follow down a smaller path veering from the alley. "Be careful, Sun," Moon cautioned from inside their head. "I don't trust this at all."
Sun didn't know why Moon didn't trust Eclipse, given that they barely remember much about him from before they were ostracized from the family. What Sun could remember, it seemed that Moon couldn't - which only made trying to decipher their past that much harder. Still, Sun ultimately decided to follow Eclipse, absentmindedly fiddling with the strap on his satchel to calm his growing nerves. The oldest brother led the twins to a door at the end of the alleyway, looking behind Sun before opening it and ushering him inside. 
Sun blinked repeatedly as he tried to adjust to the dim lighting. Slowly, the room before him became more visible. It looked like the storage room for a weaponsmith of some kind - filled with large cast iron molds and massive tools that Sun didn't recognize. He wondered why Eclipse led him here, but before he had another chance to think about it, he felt his older brother's hands on his shoulders.
"Sun, you have to help me," he said, looking crazed in the dim lighting.
"Wha- What's going on?" the twin questioned, feeling panic build in his chest at the sudden emotional display. Eclipse pulled away from his brother and turned away from him, bringing his hand to his mouth to fidget with his bottom lip. 
"I-It's the princess," he whispered. Sun immediately rushed forward, his instinctual need to help overpowering any amount of suspicion that was seeding doubt into his brain. 
"What about the princess? Where is she? Is she hurt?" Sun gushed, now wringing his hands together.
"I-I don't know-" Eclipse responded, a choked sob emitting from his chest. Sun hesitated, but reached out to console his brother with a comforting hand on his back. Moon stayed silent, but Sun could feel even his own panic rising at the mention of the princess.
The older brother took a shaky breath to calm himself before turning to face Sun. "She's been kidnapped... By a demon," he said finally, sorrowed eyes piercing into Sun's with a desperation he'd never seen before. 
"A-A demon?" Sun repeated, confusion now drawing his brows together. "I-I thought demons could only do such things if someone else summoned them-"
"I know that! Maybe I have a jealous maiden that thought it to be nothing real, but that doesn't matter now." He turned back away from Sun, burying his face in his hands. The twins couldn't ever recall a point where Eclipse had been so distraught, or even a time where he had shown this much emotion. It made Sun feel a sense of responsibility in helping resolve the situation, so he placed a hand on Eclipse's shoulder and stood a little taller.
"Do you know where the demon took her?"
"I don't know for sure, but I have an idea," the sobbing brother responded. He sniffed and tried to calm his labored breathing to describe the location. "There's a neighboring kingdom that was abandoned when theirs and ours merged. The people came here and abandoned the entire place, leaving the buildings to rot. He might take her to the castle, but I wouldn't know for sure."
"Well that's better than nothing!" Sun exclaimed in his usual chipper tone. He smiled at his older brother, attempting to cheer him up a bit. "I promise you, I- we will find her. You should stay here. You still have a wedding to plan and now a kingdom to take care of until she gets back."
"But what about the kids?" Moon asked inside their shared consciousness. Sun ignored him as Eclipse perked up a bit at the assurance he was being offered. 
"Thank you, dear brother," he said, looking Sun in the eyes again. With that, Sun left back through the door behind him and marched with a determined pace back towards the tavern. 
"Sun!" Moon yelled, making his twin flinch and place a hand to his head. 
"What?" he cried back, irritation dripping from his tone. 
"We can't just leave the children here alone," he said, quieter now that he was being listened to. Sun could hear the hesitation in his voice, despite it being only in his head.
The chipper twin perked up as he rounded a corner and the tavern came back into view. "Someone once told me we can't baby them all forever."
Y/N placed a hand to her head, a pounding discomfort rousing her from sleep. Her brows drew together as she struggled to open her eyes, squinting up at what she had assumed was the ceiling to her personal chambers. Sunlight spilled onto her body from a window next to where she laid, seeding confusion into her mind. 
She didn't have a window next to her bed.
The princess sat up immediately, her head screaming in protest. She ignored it to the best of her ability, trying to determine where she was. The bed she was perched on was old, worn down - much smaller than the bed she was used to. Its wooden frame had definitely seen better days, but it was nothing compared to the tattered bedding that clung to her legs. She scrambled off of the bed, standing to take in the rest of the room. She was right in her original realization - there was a large window on the wall above the bed, casting sunlight where she had just been.
Besides the bed stood a short nightstand with a candelabra donning old candlesticks. There was also a quill and a small bit of blank paper sporting water damage splayed in the corner. On the opposite wall of the bed stood a large, beautifully carved wardrobe. She wandered to it and opened the doors, finding surprisingly intact clothing inside. The style was old and outdated, but given the state of the room, she assumed it had been here a long while. The wall to her right wasn't a wall at all - a knee height to ceiling window covering the entire thing. Where the window ended, there was a long, cushioned windowsill seat, faded in color from the many afternoon suns it had seen. There was a book still on it, and curiosity forced her to pick it up. 
Its cover was so faded that she couldn't tell what the story had been, but upon opening it and reading a few lines, she immediately recognized it as the story of Rapunzel. She looked up from the book and out of the window, not recognizing anything from where she was. The panic returned to her chest as she dropped the book and turned back around. 
How did I get here? She couldn't remember anything past leaving the ball last night for some reason. But obviously several hours were missing from her memory if she wasn't in her personal chambers. Hell, she probably wasn't even in the palace, given that she couldn't recognize anything out of the window.
Determined to find out where she was, the princess marched over to the door of the room - but paused in front of it, a thought crossing her mind. If she didn't remember bringing herself here, had she been kidnapped? It would make sense - her headache, lack of memory, the unrecognizable scenery. 
But if that was the case, who had kidnapped her? As far as she knew, her kingdom had no enemies. The neighboring kingdom didn't even exist anymore, as they had merged years ago, under her grandfather's rule. 
With every passing minute, more questions clouded Y/N's mind, so she finally decided to chance opening the door. She turned the knob and was surprised when the door clicked open.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice mused from behind the princess. She startled and spun around, fear contorting her face into an expression of horror. She recognized the voice, though she couldn't remember why.
Now on the bed where she was minutes before sat a literal demon. She could tell by the horns protruding from its head and the deep red color of its skin. It had heterochromatic stars for pupils, and long, black claws at the tips of its fingers. It stood, striding over to the princess as she cowered until her back was pressed up against the wall next to the door. The demon stopped directly in front of her, raising an arm towards her. She closed her eyes and waited, expecting to feel the worst pain of her life, but rather flinched when she heard the sound of the door beside her being closed again. 
She opened her eyes slowly, surprised to find that the demon was now standing on the opposite side of the room, looking out of the window. "This is no fun," it said. "No. No fun at all."
Y/N decided to pull some level of bravery out of her ass and spoke to the demon. "What's no fun?" she questioned, taking a few steps towards it.
"No games to play when we can't touch you," it said, turning to face her again. "Pretty red here all to ourselves, but nothing to do."
The princess paused, trying to make sense of the words the demon was speaking. Why couldn't it touch her? If she was remembering the stories she was told as a child correctly, this... thing in front of her was a blood demon. Which meant someone had summoned it for the exact reason of killing her. But if it couldn't touch her, that made no sense... 
"Why have you brought me here, demon?" 
It tilted its head at her, curiosity in its eyes. "Demon? Demon, she calls us! Oh, how insulting! And after the lovely accommodations we provided you!" The demon approached her again, smiling mischievously as she flinched a step backwards. "A few touches wouldn't hurt, would it, dear brother? Me thinks not, it would be rude not to introduce ourselves~" 
With that, it reached forward and grasped Y/N's hand gently, bowing its head down to kiss it. She froze, not knowing how to react to the gesture. "Pretty red, pretty red... Call us BloodMoon, yes?"
"B-BloodMoon?" she repeated, the bravery from her voice before now gone as she stared into the demon's eyes. It dropped her hand and spread its arms wide.
"The one and only~" it said, winking at the princess.
Y/N stepped backwards, her throbbing head now becoming too much. She walked over to and sat down on the bed, putting her head into her hands. The demon seemed curious by this, unsure of why she was acting so strange.
"I must be dreaming," the princess mumbled into her hands. 
"Oh pretty red, this is not a dream. I promise, we're as real as we'll ever be," BloodMoon singsonged. The demon was suddenly overcome with its own bloodlust, and it chuckled to itself as it made its way over to where Y/N sat. It hesitated for a moment, and the princess could see its feet in front of her, so she looked up.
"Pretty, pretty red," the demon whispered, placing a clawed finger under her chin and caressing her cheek with its thumb. "How we cannot wait to draw each and every last drop of blood from your body~ What a sight it shall be. Red everywhere... Princess blood... Surely to taste sweet, don't you think, brother? A little appetizer surely wouldn't hurt anyone..." 
Y/N couldn't find the strength to move her head away. She stared in fear at the demon as it moved its hand from her chin to her arm, lifting it and pushing back her sleeve. With one of its black claws, it pressed into her wrist just enough to pierce her skin. She flinched at the sharp pain, eyes drifting down to stare as a small bead of red formed where its claw nicked her. She felt her heart fluttering from the intensity of the moment as BloodMoon's eyes widened at the sight. Several seconds passed as the two of them just stared at the droplet of blood, Y/N allowing her mind to wonder what it must be like to have such a need for something so fickle. She felt a pang of fear once more as she watched the demon finally bring her wrist to its mouth and, ever so slowly, drag its tongue across her skin. 
BloodMoon's eyes shut instantaneously as it savored the taste. Curiosity piqued, Y/N watched as the demon hummed and dropped her arm seemingly fighting off the urge for more. She pulled her legs underneath her and scooted back on the bed until her back was against the wall, suddenly wanting to put as much distance between herself and BloodMoon as possible. She brought her wrist to her chest as the demon placed both of its hands to its head and keeled over.
"Princess blood, taste sweet it does!" it shouted, growling and sputtering like a caged animal. "Your little savior better hurry! Yes, yes! Hurry he must!"
"S-Savior?" the princess repeated, hope sparking in her chest. The demon only laughed, throwing its head back and spouting more nonsensical rhymes up towards the ceiling. 
If someone were really coming to save her, she hoped it would be soon.
"THAT BASTARD!" Eclipse howled, throwing a random book at the wall across from his desk. Solar Flare stood silently beside him, watching on as Eclipse essentially threw a tantrum. 
"My brainless brothers better hurry their asses up!" he continued, hurling another poor book across the room. It hit the wall and fell to the ground where several other books were lying, adding to the sad pile. 
Eclipse placed both of his hands on his desk as his chest heaved from the rage boiling in his body. He made his conditions with BloodMoon as clear as day, but the idiotic demon had barely made it ten minutes before he lost it and hurt her anyways. He stared back at the star that just moments before displayed his beloved fiance and sighed. The only thing he could do right now was wait. 
"Advisor, inform the waitstaff that their presence is requested in the banquet hall. I would like to discuss the details of the wedding events and officially begin preparations," Eclipse said to Solar. The advisor nodded without a word and left the room immediately, leaving Eclipse wondering why he hadn't used the star on him sooner. He was more obedient than a dog staring down a box full of treats now that he couldn't talk. 
Eclipse sat down in the chair at his desk and stared at the star that still floated several inches above it. Its red glow was almost mesmerizing to Eclipse, and he couldn't help but wonder about the details of it.
When BloodMoon created it, the orb was red as it now stood. But whenever Eclipse touched it himself, the color shifted to a solid white. Was it because he was the owner? Or was there some level of significance to that? Would it turn white for anyone else? Or maybe even a different color?
He sighed, leaning back in his chair. Maybe summoning a demon to do all of the dirty work isn’t at all worth it, he thought bitterly. He didn't even know if his current plan to lure the princess into loving him instead of Sun and Moon was actually going to work. 
For all he knew, slaughtering the twins would only make her feelings towards them that much more present and intense. But he couldn't just will their existence away. He had spent so many days trying to come up with the most desirable outcome for his plan and even with the help of the star itself, he knew this was the only way to get Y/N to the altar. Once that was done, he didn't need the princess anymore. He would be king. He would finally be at the top. Everyone would have to kneel before him and tend to his every beck and call as if their life depended on it.
But as much as the appeal of all of that was near perfect, Eclipse couldn't deny that throughout his teenage years after he had finally met the princess, he dreamed of ruling the kingdom by her side. But BloodMoon had his orders, and would kill his fiance as soon as Eclipse was crowned King of Adrastea.
His heart ached at the thought of not having Y/N there to help him lead the kingdom into its most prosperous era. And if he had any way of avoiding her demise entirely, he was sure he would implement it. But still, none of that really mattered.
Memories drifted through Eclipse's mind of the many interactions he had with the princess as he laid his head down on the desk. Faint wafts of summer air mixed with the scent of roses and freshly cut grass wafted through his mind. He remembered her laughing, the feeling of her dress against his skin - even the way his heart hammered in his chest when she looked up at him.
"I'm struggling to get the sky right."
Eclipse smiled as Y/N's brows furrowed together, staring intensely at the painting upon her easel. She had her thumb between her teeth the same way she usually did when she was thinking hard about something. He chuckled slightly, which brought her out of her staring contest with the canvas. "What?" she asked, listing her head to the side slightly.
Eclipse stood from the picnic blanket on the grass to get a closer look. He couldn't at all tell what she was so torn over - her painting of the rolling hills beyond the farmland of the kingdom looked like something straight from his imagination. He looked from the painting to the scene in front of them before rolling his eyes. "It looks perfect, rose," he said, the nickname making her shove her shoulder into his side.
She went back to staring down her painting while Eclipse tried to tempt her to take a break with the little strawberry cake they brought with them. After a moment of protest, the princess gave in and joined Eclipse on the picnic blanket. She rambled on about an encounter she had the day before on her way back to the palace, stopping by one of her favorite merchants to pick up more paintbrushes. He watched as she mindlessly took a small bit out of the cake and popped it into her mouth, closing her eyes suddenly as the taste exploded on her tongue. "Wow, Eclipse, you really outdid yourself with this one. Where'd you get it?" Her face then immediately contorted into worry. "It had to have cost you a fortune. I can pay you back if you need me to, I brought my-" 
"There is absolutely no need for such a thing," Eclipse interrupted, placing his hands on hers to stop her from reaching for her bag. She looked ready to argue, but he stopped her by scooping up a dollop of the white frosting and swiping it onto her nose. She looked rather taken aback for a moment, and Eclipse felt his body go rigid at the realization of what he just did. "I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me to do such a thi-"
Y/N scooped up a larger bit of the frosting and smeared it on Eclipse's cheek, giggling like a maniac before getting up and turning back to her painting as if nothing happened. She snapped her fingers together. "Aha!" she said, before picking up her paintbrush and dipping it into the white paint. "The clouds just need a little bit of frosting," she said resolutely, before continuing on her painting. Eclipse chuckled to himself, wiping the frosting from his cheek and watching her as she worked.
A/N: I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up today! I prommie I'll try my bestest not to let this happen again! Anyways, how are y'all feelin?
As always, likes, comments, kudos, and reposts are greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay sweet, my lovelies~
Taglist: @jack-o-cell (comment or message to be added to the taglist~)
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thebonegoop · 2 months
Summer Memories
Sitting down as I write this; I can hear the splashes of water from children making cannonballs in the neighbor's pool and the subsequent banshee-like screams of a pack of now-drenched mothers yelling at their kids. I'm also sneezing gunk like I'm having a demon exorcised from my body (The Zelda Rubinstein way, of course).  
You may be asking yourself right now - Lincoln, what does that have anything to do with this post?  Well, my dear Watson, it means summer we are just beginning another summer! So, for the inaugural post of The Bone Goop, I'll discuss eight great summer memories!  
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#1: Ice Cream Trucks
Okay, okay – Maybe I never had a traditional Ice Cream truck come down to my town – so sue me. I was raised in – said in my best George Burns Voice – God's Country—a place forgotten by all who didn't dwell there. But like an oasis in the desert, we did have one truck that came around town once a month - THE SCHWAN'S TRUCK. While serving primarily to adults looking for overpriced frozen steaks and vegetables, they did sell a minor assortment of ice cream goods. Let me tell you, orange cream push pops never tasted so good as when I bought one from the Schwan's man. He dressed in all white like Reggie from PHANTASM and would sometimes take pity on poor country kids by putting in an extra push pop for us to fight over like wild dogs.
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#2: Summer Minutiae 
I'm a big fan of waxing poetically about life, so only I could think back so nostalgically about the utter boredom summer can bring as a kid. We all remember the highs that summer can bring, but there is also beauty in the lows. While I'd take riding bikes with my friends any day, many summers were spent alone, bored in my mother's backyard garden, watching fish in the pond or imagining a safari adventure through her overgrown Pampas grass.
And if one was truly bored in the summer heat, find the closest slab of concrete and a bucket of chalk and spend your day expressing the inner Ar·teest inside of you.
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#3: Water Parks! 
I have a confession – I've almost drowned twice while visiting these water-themed wonderlands. I was 11 and full of youthful confidence in my swimming abilities as I stepped foot in Lexington's Pirate-themed water park during a trip with my best friend. That was until I was pinned underwater by a giant plastic riding Crocodile like I was in a Wrestling Federation match. It takes real love to enjoy something that tries to kill you.
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#4: Sleepovers
As a kid, one of the best things about summer was the Sleepover with your buddies. A one-night no-holds bar contest of wills - fueled by junk food, movies, and chaos. We had it down to a science: Blanket forts, Hot Pockets on tap, Gameboy Colors holstered in our pockets ready with Pokémon (complete with link cables), and maybe most importantly the tape rentals. Setting the mood for the night was imperative, so finding the perfect movie was the priority. STAR WARS or JURASSIC PARK were the faithful standbys, but the best nights were when someone smuggled a VHS TV recording of ROBOCOP and HALLOWEEN. It was like sneaking contraband through airport security.
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#5: Jackass
While the show was watched under cloak and dagger at night, my friends and I would often recreate the extraordinary stunts we saw during the day. Johnny Knoxville had a shopping cart, but we had a Big Wheel and trashcans! Hot summer days were spent building ramps up coal piles and flying off in terror. Hi, I'm Lincoln, and this is Jackass!
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#6: Calling Your Bluff
Many of my formative summer years were spent at my neighbor's kitchen table playing various card games like Canasta and Poker or Scrabble. We didn't have air conditioning, so they'd make Kool-Aid pops out of plastic ice trays wrapped in plastic with toothpicks poking into each cube. These were MacGyver: The Adolescent Years.
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#7: Yard Sales
Summer is Flea Market season, Baby! Truthfully, I don't make the time for Yard Sales like I used to, but rummaging through other people's trash was like second nature as a kid. So, it was even more devastating that my mom once went without me while I stayed with my grandparents.
The fogs of memory preclude me from knowing why, but I remember being extra grumpy about life while she was gone. The childhood vitriol melted instantly when she picked me up, and I saw the treasures she'd bought me – a pristine RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK VHS tape and a MONSTER IN MY POCKET figure!
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#8: It's Good to Be King
Summer wasn't summer if it didn't include one trip to King's Island - the Ohio amusement park made of dreams and overworked costumed employees. At the time, every ride and character were made to resemble Hanna-Barbera properties. Having lunch with your partner is great, but having lunch with Scooby Doo AND Space Ghost? On top of riding roller coasters? That was pure magic.
The night was complete only if I bought a blue Candy Rock stick for the ride home. It was the perfect day (Ignore that everyone but me got Pinkeye on that trip.)
I hope these memories stirred up some of your own about the magic of Summer. Thanks!! 
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metamatar · 1 year
Portland state university and PCC sylvania have hella brutalist architecture ! And love joy fountain is one of the places the jackass guys did “urban kayaking”. The South Park blocks that the campus surrounds have a farmers market on the weekends.
The Saturday market on the waterfront on Naito Parkway is super mid. Really underwhelming.
There’s a stripclub called the Acropolis off 99e and Tacoma that has really good steaks. There’s a lot of strikes among Portland strippers tho and idk where they land.
There’s a lesbian bar called the sports bra?
Baby ketten klub has karaoke. There’s private rooms but also just one big karaoke bar in the middle. They have this blended frozen cocktail that’s like $6 or smth.
Also rocky butte has a rlly pretty view of the mountains. There’s this weird dome-shaped concrete church down the road from it. Idk if it’s brutalist but it’s fascinating.
There’s also a viet store on 82nd and Burnside Hong Phat. There’s Shun Fat further down 82nd idk what their vibe is tho.
Third Eye is the only Black-owned bookstore in Portland. Def check it out on SE Division. Powell’s books can suck my dick and balls (derogatory)
Mt tabor is beautiful and involves a lot of walking depending on where you park. Worth it tho. My favorite view of the city ever. It’s also an inactive volcano :)
If you really like hiking you can wander around tryon creek state park. It’s next to PCC sylvania and Lewis and Clark College. There’s also forest park but forest park is So Huge. Tryon is def more manageable on a budgeted timeline.
Laurelhurst park off stark st is also really pretty!
There’s a rad food truck owned by queer sex workers at a new pod called little America that’s also off stark street
this is all v cool! appreciate the lovely writeup <3
also the sports bra is dedicated to women's sport omg this is literally laser focused to me. it's an official thorns viewing location too i might catch that away game with fans!
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