official-nikuniku · 2 years
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🚨Spalla acchiappa baci in primo piano! 😜🥰 Post semi-serio sull’abbigliamento (nello specifico quello per bambini). I bambini, si sa, crescono molto in fretta e spesso e volentieri hanno un guardaroba davvero smisurato rispetto alle vere necessità. È vero, questi vestiti minuscoli e colorati sono così carini che vien voglia di acquistarne tantissimi. Ma il consumismo legato al mondo dei bambini non ha davvero limiti e quello che vedo da quando sono diventata mamma è che il più delle volte molti di questi vestiti rimangono inutilizzati ed immacolati. 👉 Allora non sarebbe meglio scegliere pochi capi ma di qualità? E per qualità intendo qualità dei tessuti che andranno a contatto con la pelle dei bambini, non la pseudo qualità associata ai brand famosi e costosi che spesso producono in maniera insostenibile sfruttando gente e risorse. Devo dire la verità, noi siamo stati fortunatissimi perché abbiamo ereditato un sacco di vestiti da amici/parenti in seconda mano. Ma per quei pochissimi capi che acquisto io, mi avvalgo di cose di qualità (come quelle che vendo io) oppure di capi in seconda mano (a tal proposito magari farò delle storie nei prossimi giorni). 🥰 Se avete letto fin qui, fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate e che strategie avete attuato per rendere più sostenibile l’abbigliamento di tutta la famiglia! ————————————- Dai un’occhiata alla sezione abbigliamento bambini sul nostro sito! 🛒 www.nikuniku.it ☎️ 3920244135 #abbigliamento #sostenibilità #cotoneorganico #duns #cotonecertificato #bambini #gots #capi #moda #secondamano #riduzionedeirifiuti #famigliagreen #dunssweden #piccalilly #frugi #abbigliamentoetico (presso NIKU NIKU) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjS7ZKusAyz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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marcus licinius crassus & his sons
hey do you guys ever think about how crassus' father and brothers died, leaving him the surviving son, and then the tragedy repeats with marcus jr (with his father and brother dying at carrhae)
anyway, tfw you tell your brother not to do reckless shit when you're not around, and he immediately goes off and does All Of That the second he arrives in gaul. what do you MEAN there was a hostage crisis. what the fuck.
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The Sons of Crassus, Ronald Syme
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Publius Crassus - ‘optimus adulescens’ and his unfortunate career, Ireneusz Łuć
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Pompeius Trogus, in the epitome of Justin, 42.4.6
society6 | ko-fi | twitter (pillowfort, cohost) | deviantart
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ghoul-haunted · 1 year
my favorite part about whatever the hell is wrong with pompey, crassus, and caesar, is the part where caesar arranges a marriage with pompey to his daughter, and then goes to like. arrange a meeting with crassus one on one. no need for an intermediary or more permanent arrangement there, they know each other.
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frugi compilation as myfirst post on this blog bc it's essential. my most important oc, ok? look at the animal, boy
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trial of Fabia
date: 73 BCE charge: apud pontifices [trial before the priests], for incestum [unchastity] (sexual relations with L. Sergius Catilina pr. 68) defendant(s): Fabia (Vestal Virgin) (and others?) advocates: Q. Lutatius Catulus cos. 78, pont. by 73, cens. 65 M. Pupius Piso Frugi (Calpurnianus) pr. 72?, cos. 61 (ORF 104.I) prosecutor?: P. Clodius Pulcher aed. cur. 56
Cic. Catil. 3.9; Brut. 236; Sal. Cat. 15.1; Q. Cic.? Com. Pet. 10; Asc. 91C; Plut. Cat. Min. 19.3; Schol. Gron. 287St; Oros. 6.3.1
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"The Kate Effect:" Often imitated, never duplicated 👑
Determined to help, Kate has now persuaded 19 British brands to donate more than 10,000 NEW items to more than 40 baby banks across the UK.
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The Duchess of Cambridge donned a mask, apron and gloves today as she launched a major initiative to support vulnerable babies and children. On a visit to the baby bank charity Baby Basics UK in Sheffield, she revealed how she was moved to tears by the stories of families she met during secret lockdown visits to its West Norfolk branch near her Anmer Hall home.
As she unloaded pallets and unpacked the first deliveries at the charity’s temporary distribution centre, she told volunteers: "It can get very emotional. I remember a couple of the families I met from King's Lynn and I went home and literally burst into tears, their stories were so moving. The struggles they have gone through, the bravery they have shown...in extraordinary circumstances. Helping their families through extraordinary times."
Volunteer-run baby banks provide essentials such as nappies, clothing and bedding to vulnerable families who are referred by health visitors, midwives and social workers. But while baby banks across the UK have seen an increase in demand during the Covid-19 outbreak, many have been unable to accept second-hand donations because of health and safety concerns.The Duchess also spoke via videocalls to Amy Cotton, who fled a violent home with only her baby son Ricky, now three, and received a buggy, clothing and toys from Little Village. She is now a volunteer for the charity and has a 12-week old daughter, Ellie-Rose.
Kate told her: "It is brave and not often the easiest thing to do but it is really fantastic that you've reached out, that you are so open about your own struggles but also the fact that you are in such a fantastic place now. I suppose it is real credit to you, the journey that you've undertaken and the courage and strength you've shown to get there. So well done. And I love the fact that you are volunteering too."
She also spoke to Ella-Mae Michalski, whose 21-month-old twin girls Bella and Ruby were born prematurely with chronic lung disease. Little Village provided them with a double pram, clothes, muslins and other essentials.
"As a mum the one thing you want to be able to do is to provide for your children and it was difficult not to be able to do that but Little Village helped," said Ella-Mae. "It's something as basic as getting a cup of tea when you come here and people asking how you are and being able to offload without fear of what people might think."After learning about the situation during private visits to her local branch, where she helped to pack Moses Baskets with essential products for babies, the Duchess spearheaded a campaign to get UK companies to donate items to baby banks run by Baby Basics UK, London-based Little Village and Aberdeenshire-based AberNecessities.
Retailers taking part include John Lewis, M&S, Tesco, Sainsbury's, The White Company, Matalan, Trotters, Boden, Frugi, Mamas & Papas, Jojo Maman Bébé and Kit & Kin. Green People (Organic Babies), My Little Coco, Bloom and Blossom, Kokoso Baby, Childs Farm and Bramley have also made donations, while DHL Express is providing transport.
In Sheffield, Baby Basics CEO Cat Ross told the Duchess: "Often in a world where there is a lot of judgement and stereotyping about being poor, that additional stress can be even more difficult for parents who are doing amazing things to keep their families going with such strength, such determination."
"Yes," agreed Kate, "One of the mums I met was a nurse. These are families who do fantastic jobs and even they are struggling."Talking about community spirit during lockdown, she added: "It is those small volunteering acts that everyone can contribute to that make such a difference. That inter-generational support system has been amazing. Knowing that you can make such a big difference to another family is wonderful."
Kate also met Ali Wartty and Sahara Hamawandy, and their one-year-old triplets San, Shan and Laveen. An emotional Sahara told the Duchess how she was referred to Baby Basics after struggling to cope. The charity provided them with a triple pram, Moses baskets and starter packs, as well as clothes and toiletries as the babies have grown.
"I was living on the 12th floor of a block of flats and trying to cope with the three of them," she told the Duchess. "It must have been so stressful," sympathised Kate.  
Sahara told her: "How do you take your three babies down from the 12th floor without a pram? We weren't able to go out at all." Speaking afterwards, Sahara said: "To give support to mum means giving support to the whole family. That’s why the charity has been so important to a mother like me. It gave me power. It transformed me. I just want to say thank you to everybody."A Little Village survey of more than 50 baby banks has found that 77% desperately need more nappies, mattresses and other products as demand for their services increases. The charity is set to support more than 6,000 children this year, double the number they helped in 2019.
Founder and Chief Executive Sophia Parker said: "The pandemic appears to be making the situation much, much worse for many families. Every child should have the right to a good childhood and this new initiative is a much welcomed step towards tackling child poverty in the under 5s."
Danielle Flecher-Horn, Founder of AberNecessities, added: "By providing parents with the resources to build a positive relationship with their children - from pregnancy and throughout the first years – we can make a real difference to a child’s development, health and overall happiness."Speaking aftewards, Baby Basics CEO Cat Ross said: "A lot of people have heard about food banks but don’t necessarily know about the baby banks and what we do. Having someone like the Duchess behind us is amazing and her helping us by getting in all these amazing brands has been incredible."
Announcing the initiative, Kate said: "Over recent months, I have heard from families who have been supported by baby banks through the most difficult of times and I have been deeply moved by their stories. Having somewhere to turn to for support is important for all families, and baby banks work every day, up and down the country, to provide immediate, tangible and practical help for parents and carers when they are most in need.
"Baby banks are driven by incredible volunteers, demonstrating the power of community spirit in supporting families and coming together to raise the next generation. Thanks to the generosity of the companies taking part in this initiative, baby banks across the UK will be able to support even more families through this particularly challenging time."
"In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets."¹
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@skippyv20 I remember when you told us to spot the difference. No photos of "the wife" out shopping with mom for baby items.🧐
¹Matthew 7:12
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vodkacheesefries · 4 months
Another household from my Great British Sims Challenge!
This time, it's Laelius' house:
Laelius Frugi - Materialistic, Jealous, Mean
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Laelius has ambitions. He was careful about them at first, his brother Antonius acting as his sword arm and doing the dirty work that needed doing. But now that he's gone, he's accepted the fact that he's going to have to get a little messy himself.
Silvina Frugi - Childish, Clumsy, Cheerful
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Silvina was happiest in the early days of her marriage. But as Laelius advanced in the senate and became more entrenched in the world of politics she has slowly started to fall out of love with him and has thrown herself into the world of hosting parties. The death of her brother in law, Antonius, hit her awfully hard, for some reason.
Laelius I Frugi - Vegetarian, Good
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Laelius couldn't be more different than Laelius. Laelius the Younger has devoted himself to the study of philosophy; he has a fondness for the Greek philosopher, Dio Chrysostom. Due to this, he disapproved of his father forcibly enslaving Finn and quietly did his best to treat Finn with kindness and the respect he deserved as another human. He doesn't necessarily want to be a senator, but he feels a responsibility to help those that society has otherwise forgotten or hurt.
Aulus Frugi - Fussy
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Aulus is the definition of "No thoughts head empty." Mostly because he's only a toddler. But also, he's not going to be as academically inclined as his brother and will likely end up enlisted in the Legion.
Antonia Frugi - Calm
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Antonia was born shortly after Laelius' brother, Antonius, was murdered. He felt it fitting he should honor his brother by naming his daughter after her. She even looks like him. You might say its a miracle. Or you might say Laelius needs a DNA test. Good thing those don't exist in Ancient Rome.
Other Households:
The Emperor
The Gladiators
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aurevoirmonty · 1 year
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"Au moins théoriquement, Ungern est resté luthérien, mais il était aussi un mystique avoué, et les mystiques russes de cette époque ont montré des tendances que nous appellerions maintenant "totalisantes": soit ultra-orthodoxes, en tenant toutes les religions et confessions restantes comme des instruments de le diable, ou universaliste, à considérer le fondement des éléments communs à toutes les religions (ou, ce qui revient au même, l'unité transcendantale dans laquelle ils convergeaient). Ungern était un mystique de ce second type, et bien qu'apocalyptique et fondamentaliste, sa conception religieuse était toujours inclusive: dans sa vision, la dynamique théologique de l'empire russe devait aussi être expansive et universaliste, capable d'en inclure toutes les graines en son sein, du musulman au bouddhiste en passant par l'orthodoxe russe."
Mehmet Frugis, Il Signore terribile – Vita del barone von Ungern-Sternberg
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breitzbachbea · 6 months
"Frugi faras, fures intro" Also fantastic joke for Michele to greet the Irish for dinner. But I cannot reference obscure pompeiian graffito in my Fanfic, please sir, it's already too niche by virtue of referencing all over the place.
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b44tterfly · 1 year
Boze jutro mam limit 1000kval przdz ta jebana Warszawę💀💀 na frugi dzień liquid fast.
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ragnarssons · 2 years
alina, genya, zoya, baghra, that frugi girl... wow the darkling sure loves using and abusing girls/women
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pluto-sims · 2 years
I love your kids kit recolours! They really remind me of the clothing company 'frugi', if that was an inspiration :) Thank you for your hard work!!
Ahhh, omg, thank you so much?!?! That's so kind of you 😭 YES, they were definitely inspired by Frugi! I love that brand so much, I'm constantly buying things from there for my nephews, so I just knew I had to recreate some of their stuff! Thank you so much 😭😭😭
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brother-emperors · 1 year
url change apolinariomabinis > liciniicrassi
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ghoul-haunted · 9 months
there's a world where I never found out about crassus frugi and scribonia and would've been relatively normal about crassus and pompey as a result. in that world, though, I would've read about the the lex pompeia licinia and gone completely nuts about the intimacy of. roman laws or something. unfortunately/thankfully, I live in a world where I've found out about both and now I'm sitting here going. oh this is another ten thousand years situation, huh.
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hexaconto · 3 months
Choisir son expert-comptable à Saint-Pierre-de-Frugie - 6 critères incontournables
La région de Saint-Pierre-de-Frugie compte moins de 10 experts-comptables. En tant qu’entrepreneur, dirigeant ou créateur, cela vous fait donc autant de possibilités pour choisir l’expert-comptable adéquat qui vous
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trial of Licinia
date: 73? BCE charge: apud pontifices [trial before the priests], for incestum [unchastity] (sexual relations with M. Licinius Crassus cos. 70, 55, cens. 65) defendant: Licinia (Vestal Virgin) advocate: M. Pupius Piso Frugi (Calpurnianus) pr. 72?, cos. 61 (ORF 104.I) prosecutor: Plautius (or Plotius?), = ? Plautius tr. pl. 70?
Cic. Catil. 3.9; Plut. Crass. 1.2; see also comp. Nicias Crass. 1.2
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