#fruit friend Zesty
inlovewithpandora · 4 months
ꕥ — Found Someone Better / Forest Meets Reef
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Artists — Tonowari x fem!avatar!reader
Genre — Chapter Two
Lyrics — Coming into Metkayina territory has you anxious, scared that they won’t except you and your son but those thoughts are pushed out the way when the Olo’eyktan accepts you with open arms, while having his eye on you at the same time.
Music Advisory — Pre-Atwow, slight angst in the beginning (from Jake & Neytiri), fluff, widow!tonowari, implied/undertones of flirting (from Tonowari & Reader); the character Ralak is @zestys-stuff’s oc and will be depicted as Tonowari’s best friend.
Duration — 3.5-3.7k
Index — Uniltìrantokx - dreamwalker/avatar・Uturu - a Na'vi tradition stating that any refugee seeking sanctuary must be granted safe harbor・Vey - food・Mawey - calm ・Karyu - teacher
Words From Artist — Chapter Two is finally here! Thank you to everyone who commented, liked, and reblogged part one! I appreciate all the love and support! I hope y’all enjoy and always feel free to comment and reblog, I love reading y’all reactions!
Current Platforms — Chapter One ・ Series M.list ・Series Taglist・Main M.list
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Village life is now settling down, meaning families are now returning to their homes so they can rest and recover from today’s activities. As Jake and Neytiri walk home with the kids trailing behind them she can’t help but think about how harshly she’s been treating you lately. She feels bad because she knows that over the years all you’ve done is love her purely and she nor Jake have been reciprocating that.
Neytiri knows she can’t change Jake’s actions, he’s far too stubborn to muster up any regretful emotions but she can at least acknowledge her mistakes and apologize for her own actions. When she gets home she wants to talk things out with you in hopes to change your relationship around for the better.
After a few more steps the family finally makes it home and the kids start running around looking for you. “Mama!” Neteyam shouts while running throughout the marui, wanting to greet you with a hug. When Neteyam doesn’t hear your voice or footsteps it makes him wonder where you could be. “Where is Mama?” Neytiri can only respond with a simple answer, telling him you’re probably out gathering fruits for dinner even though she doesn’t know your whereabouts either.
Neytiri’s mind starts reeling with memories from throughout the day, trying to remember if she’s seen you since she and Jake left early to start their clan duties as leaders. “Jake, have you seen y/n today?” Jake shakes his head no, not being much of any help, making her hiss in annoyance at his lack of care about you.
“Mom, what does this say?” Kiri runs toward Neytiri with an open letter in hand, making her brow bones fur in confusion as to what it could be. As her eyes scan the letter, taking in the mixture of english and na’vi words that are written on the paper, tears begin to pool her eyes which grabbed Jake’s attention, making him wonder what could be so bad that it brought her to tears. “What does it say?”
The Tsakarem quickly tells the children to go to their room so she could talk to Jake alone and not scare or worry them. Once she sees the kids are gone Neytiri walks over to Jake and clings to him, letting her emotions take over. A shaky breath parts from her lips before she burst into tears, feeling like her world was crumbling at her feet. She didn’t mean for this to happen, for things to get so bad and cause you to do something drastic like this but now it was too late, too late to repair the relationship you once had. “She’s gone, Jake. y/n and Lo’ak are gone!”
After an eight hour flight and dealing with a restless child you finally reach the coastal reefs. As you’re getting closer you’re riddled with nerves but you put on a strong face for Lo’ak, not wanting him to see you rattled with the new environment. The most frightening part about this whole situation is worrying if the Metkayina would be kind enough to let you and Lo’ak seek refuge with them, especially since both of you are considered demons in the eyes of the Na’vi.
Once you fly over the atoll you notice how the pattern of water goes from rough to calm and how the dark blue to color shifts to nearly crystal clear. From your perspective you begin to see an island, humongous trees erupting out of the water, holding together the structure of multiple homes, and multiple palm trees scattered across different areas of the sand. Your nose begins to fill with the scent of salt water, the windy breeze is blowing through your hair, and the sun is beginning to warm your skin.
All of these changes in the atmosphere makes you realize you finally made it to Awa’atlu, the place Mo’at described to you vividly. When you fly over the seawater lagoons you can see multiple Reef Na’vi averting their gaze from their duties to you, making them dive into the water so they can quickly get to shore to figure out why you’re invading their lands. The sound of a horn being blown rings through the air, causing a sleeping Lo’ak to stir in your arms and eventually open his eyes. The sound is familiar to you, it’s a universal sound used in all Na’vi clans when the village needs to be notified of something.
Hufwe lands on a strip of sand, finally able to rest her aching wings from the tiresome journey. She lets out a screeching sound before clawing her nails into the sand. You disconnect your queue and gracefully slide off the back of your ikran, doing a quick stretch so you can release the tension in your muscles. You place your hands under Lo’ak’s armpits and raise him off your ikran and place him onto the ground. “Mawey, okay?” You kneel in front of him and begin to straighten his clothing and fix his hair that became a little messy along the ride, wanting him to look his best in front of the Metkayina. He nods in response, making you smile before grabbing his hand and walking toward the crowd of people.
The Metkayina can’t help but stare at you and your son, of course they’re curious to why you’re here but most of all it’s because of how different your appearance is from theirs. There’s plenty of chatter and whispers among the Metkayina, questions and concerns bouncing between the clan members. The crowd is getting louder but once a loud husky voice shouts throughout the area everyone silences themselves. “What is the meaning of this?” People immediately begin to disperse to make a path for their Olo’eyktan who’s dressed in traditional leader clothing, carrying a large spear into his hand, making an entrance on a large aquatic creature. You start using your context clues and realize it’s Tonowari, the fierce warrior, respected leader, and well-spoken statesman Mo’at told you about.
You and him exchange a formal Na’vi greeting, slightly dipping forward and your hands touching your forehead as a sign of respect before he speaks. “Why have you and the little one come to us?” He inquires as he looks between you and Lo’ak with softened eyes.
“We come seeking uturu, Olo’eyktan.” You say in the most confident voice you can muster, feeling slightly intimidated by his presence. Even though he was tall and had an authoritative demeanor you can tell he’s a kind man and you’re hoping he will show some of that kindness today and allow you to live in his village.
“I no longer want to live in the forest. I don’t feel safe there anymore so I gathered my things and brought my son, hoping to create a new life here.” As you speak you feel Lo’ak’s tail curl around your leg, something he always does when he’s near you and feeling nervous or anxious. When you pick him up he immediately clings to you, resting his head on one shoulder and placing his arm around the other.
Tonowari takes in you and Lo’ak features, noticing your thin tails, skinny arms and legs, and lack of fins. In his eyes your bodies were weak which means you will be slow in the water. “We are Reef people, you are Forest people, your skills will mean nothing here.” He knows it will be hard for you both to keep up, especially since your physique is accommodated for forest activities instead of aquatic.
While Tonowari contemplates on your capabilities, some of the villagers decide to outburst their concerns. “They aren’t even true Na’vi!” A random man shouts amongst the crowd of people. “They have demon blood, you can’t possibly let them live among us!” A woman angrily yells out while pointing at you and your son’s four-fingered hands, making the crowd of Metkayina surrounding you gasp in shock.
You wince at their comments, knowing that their words can make or break Tonowari’s decision. “I know I was once a sky person but now I’m Na’vi, I’m willing to adapt and do whatever it takes to fit in here.” With each word your voice begins to tremble and the exhaustion in your eyes is beginning to become overshadowed by tears. You’re practically begging him to accept you at this point, if he turns you away you will have to go search for another clan and you don’t know where to look. “I promise we will hold our weight and not cause any problems. All I ask is a sanctuary for me and my son, I just want to keep him safe.”
Tonowari lets out a sigh as your words run a mile a minute around his head, thinking about your request. Making this decision is difficult for him to make on his own, usually he would have his mate Ronal to share the burden of decision making with but she unfortunately went to live among Eywa years ago. He often thinks about what she would do or say in situations like this and that’s what helps guide his decision of you staying.
“This young woman and child will stay with us. We will provide them with food and shelter. We will help them find a role in the clan and learn our ways. We will treat them as our brothers and sisters, if there is anyone who is not treating them with respect and kindness they will be dealt with accordingly.” As Tonowari speaks he turns to look at the crowd of people, placing heavy emphasis on his last sentence so everyone is aware. Hearing the sternness in his voice the clan shows no objection or resistance, making him end his speech with a content nod. Even though he’s still curious to the true reason you were here and still processing your surprise arrival, he’s still willing to welcome you with open arms and to save his questions until you settle in.
When you hear his statement you finally release the anxiety induced breath you’re holding and let out a sigh of relief before immediately showing your appreciation. “Thank you Olo’eyktan, you will not regret your decision.” You can’t possibly express the gratitude you currently feel, now that he’s allowed you to stay the hard part is over, you can finally have a shot at a happy life again. He returns a smile your way before telling some of his warriors to go grab your belongings from your ikran. Once they collect everything they ask you to follow them, leading you into the direction of an empty marui, your new home.
The sound of birds chirping and waves crashing against the sand were powerful, it was something you would have to get used to but you know the adjustment won’t be hard. Your marui is near the heart of the village, giving you easy access to anything nearby. You love how all the mauri’s are placed above the reef, allowing you to see the beautiful oceanic creatures as you walk along the spongy pathways.
As you watch Lo’ak play with his toy Toruk beside you, making his own screeching noises to bring his imagination to life, your heart swells with joy knowing that you were able to achieve your goal, moving him into a safe environment. Your family is now miles away from the Olo’eyktan and Tsakarem of the Omatikaya clan and you can’t be more rejoiceful. When you hear the sound of footsteps coming toward the entryway of your marui your head turns swiftly, wondering who it could be since you aren’t expecting visitors.
“Hello, y/n. I hope I’m not disturbing you.” Tonowari saunters inside with his children trailing behind him, a boy and a girl.
“No, not at all. What brings you by?”
“I wanted to introduce your son to my children, Tsireya and Ao’nung, they will help guide him in learning the way of water from a child’s perspective.” Tonowari places his hand behind their backs, slightly pushing them forward, silently encouraging them to go and talk to Lo’ak.
You think it’s sweet that Tonowari’s children are going to help him navigate learning the ways of water because you want him to be social with the village children and make new friends and who’s better to be friends with than the Olo’eyktan’s children. “It’s nice to meet you both.” You flash a smile towards the little ones before looking at Lo’ak, waiting for him to introduce himself.
Once your son tells them his name and all three of them move in the corner of the room and begin to talk and play amongst themselves, trying to get familiar with one another which gives you and Tonowari an opportunity to talk. “I really want to say thank you again for accepting me and Lo’ak into the clan, I’m beyond grateful.” You’ve expressed your gratitude every time you see him throughout the village because you truly can’t thank him enough, his kindness truly saved your life.
“No need to thank me, I did what any man with a good heart would do.” As both of you continue talking he begins to admire your features, your wide yellow eyes and the eyebrows that frame them, your black braided hair that reaches the middle of your back, adorned with wooden beads, and your four fingers. He’s heard plenty of stories about how the Omatikaya accepted humans into their lives to create Uniltìrantokx but he never thought he would meet one in his lifetime.
“Well, I appreciate it a lot Olo’eyktan-”
“Please, call me Tonowari.” His statement catches you off guard, you’re used to a man demanding respect with the title of Olo’eyktan so you assumed he would want to always be called by his title. You nod your head slightly with a small smile, making a mental note to call him by his birth name.
“I also brought along some clothes that are more suitable for the water.” He walks outside and within a few seconds he comes back inside with a basket in his hand, filled with child-sized loincloths for Lo’ak and matching sets of bra tops and loincloths for you. Everything was embellished with seashells, beads, flowers, and anything else that Eywa provides as decorations.
You grab the basket from him and place it on your wooden table, placing your hands inside and start rummaging through to look at each piece of clothing. “Thank you, these are beautiful. I can barely decide which one I should wear first.” You chuckle softly to yourself, knowing that when it comes to clothes you have a tendency of being indecisive.
“How about this one?” Tonowari places his hand in the basket, going to grab the top he thinks will look appealing against your dark blue skin. When he finally locates it he goes to wrap his hand around it but he stops when he feels something warm against his skin. He shifts his gaze downward and that’s when he finds the source of warmth, your hand tangled together with his.
When it registers in both of your minds what’s happening you lift your head, causing your golden orbs to lock with his oceanic eyes. This goes on for a few seconds, staring into each other’s eyes with a light blush on your face. The moment would’ve lasted forever but the sound of the children’s laughter brought you both back to reality. “I think this one is pretty.” You say in a tone that’s barely above a whisper, trying to keep yourself at ease while Tonowari towers over you. “I will wear it when I come to communal dinner tonight.”
“Well, I will leave so you can get ready.” Tonowari turns his head and beckons for his children to come, telling them it was time to go home. He leads them outside the marui and before he turns to walk along the spongy pathways he looks at you one last time with a small smile, making your blush even more apparent. When he’s fully out of your line of sight you let out a sigh, feeling like you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of him. If Tonowari makes you feel like this with the smallest interaction you don’t know what you’re going to do during lengthy conversations.
Tonowari is sitting with some of the hunters when you arrive at the beach for communal dinner. Lo’ak was walking beside you but once he saw Ao’nung, Tsireya, and the other children sitting together he ran off to be with them, leaving you by yourself. When Tonowari notices you, sitting down by yourself with a shell plate filled with grilled fish and cubed fruit, wearing the golden colored reef macrame top he recommended, he can’t pry his eyes from you no matter how much he tries.
He’s trying his best to not make it noticeable to the hunters around him and it’s working, no one noticed, except for his right hand man, Ralak. He can see a small twinkle in Tonowari’s eye, the same look that casted upon his face whenever he saw Ronal. Ralak doesn’t want to bring it up in front of everyone but he’s definitely making a mental note of it so he could bring it up later.
He can Tonowari wants to come up to you, he just assumes he needs a little nudge. Since they are sitting beside each other he places his hand on his shoulder, gesturing his head in your direction. “Go to her.” When Tonowari hears his statement he scrunches his eyebrow bones, wondering how he knew you were on his mind.
Tonowari decides to listen to his best friend and come up to you, hoping that the conversation will go smoothly. “It seems like you're enjoying your vey.” He predicts while taking the empty seat next to you, surprising you in the process. You didn’t expect him to come up to you, especially while he was talking to the other hunters which made you assume it was an important conversation.
“Yes I am, this fish is very tasty, better than what I used to hunt back in the forest.” The different spices you’re tasting were mouth watering, the food is delicious, the best seafood you’ve tasted in a long time. You wipe your mouth with a cloth you always keep in your pouch, wanting to make sure your face is free of any crumbs while speaking.
“Feel free to take as much as you like, we have plenty to go around.” When Tonowari finishes his sentence he notices your gaze is on your son who was eating and laughing with the other Na’vi children. “Your son will have a good life here. We have plenty of things to occupy him, the karyu’s are wonderful at teaching the children the skills and abilities they need and he has plenty of opportunities to make friends even though it seems like he’s made some already.”
“Yeah it does, I’m so glad he’s already adjusting to life here.” a smile spreads on your face, happy that the children were accepting him despite his differences.
“Soon you will adjust as well and a good way to start is with learning our ways, do you know how to swim?”
“Only in shallow waters.” Your swimming skills weren’t the best but they were decent enough when you lived in the forest and only had to deal with rivers and lakes but now since you’re living in the reefs you need to be able to reach the depths of the ocean.
“Well, you need to reach all levels of the ocean to properly be one of the people. I will meet you tomorrow near the shore at sunrise.” Tonowari was willing to teach you himself, even though there are many qualified people who can do the same thing. Most would say he’s just being the kind man Ewya molded him to be but in reality he’s doing this so he could be closer to you.
“I will be there.” You’re excited to learn from Tonowari and gain more knowledge about the Metkayina since you were a scientist at heart but you know it won’t be easy, especially since you’ve been so programmed with how things were done in the forest. Rewiring your brain to make room for the way of water is going to come with its challenges but you know you’re capable of doing it.
When the clan conversations begin to simmer down everyone starts making their way home, ready to spend the rest of their evening with their families. When the kids walk over to you and Tonowari, yawning and rubbing their eyes, the two of you knew it was time to call it a night so they could rest. “C’mon, Lo’ak. Let’s get you home.” Lo’ak, Ao’nung, and Tsireya exchange goodbyes before you picked him up and start walking down the beach and toward your dwelling.
As you disappeared into the shadows of the night Tonowari began walking his own children home. As he walked along the bouncy pathways he began to anticipate his lesson with you tomorrow, he couldn’t wait to teach you the way of his people, he was excited to see you again, up close and personal.
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Previous — Chapter One ・Next — Chapter Three
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castianii · 6 months
my Ninjago headcanons!!!!
• Is TikTok famous. He likes to put his camera in everyone’s face while they do normal everday things then says “ooh this is perfect, everyone will love this!!” and then everyone does love it.
• Spends most of his time trying to annoy his teammates. He finds it funny how easily Nya gets ticked off, so he annoys her most often. ex) going into her room and just singing really loud.
• Thinks Tarayummy is his soulmate. He sits in his room in the dark and just watches her videos. He has a hatred for every man she has ever talked to.
• Says she hates dressing up/wearing dresses, but at night she secretly puts on pretty ball gowns she hides in boxes in her closet. (I do this)
• Loves art, but she mostly paints. She picked it up after seeing the paintings Jay did after seabound. He taught her a lot of it.
• Anytime she sees a friend or someone she knows out in public she has to talk to them. It’s like when you were little and your mom/dad saw someone at the store and they just had to talk to them forever. She does that.
• There’s a desk in his room with the most random junk on it. He doesn’t even know where most of it came from. This junk varies from model airplanes to defused pipe bombs.
• He’ll give himself weird accents sometimes. If he’s bored he will just put on a new accent and talk to the others to see their reactions. One time he did a Russian accent that scared Jay so much he peed his pants.
• He could watch those videos of dancing fruit for hours. He just loves brain rot, and that’s okay because it keeps him busy.
• Religiously watches edits of himself of TikTok. Once he accidentally reposted one and everyone lost their mind.
• Thinks Halo by Beyoncé is the greatest song ever written. It’s the only song he will sing in front of other people and he will put his whole heart and soul into it every time.
• Likes to skateboard, but doesn’t have enough time. He thought it would be a fun hobby to pick up before he was a ninja and actually got really good at it. He isn’t as good now, but he can still do some tricks.
• This man is so zesty oh my god. Everyone in Ninjago thought he was gay until he got together with Nya. There are still people who think it’s all just an act to cover it up.
• If this guy sees a river he is getting in. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 80 degrees, this man is ready to jump in any river he sees. He tries to get everyone else to join, but they aren’t as stupid (except Cole who obviously has to join him)
•Watches Instagram reels instead of TikTok. He thinks they’re funnier, and Kai thinks that it’s the funniest thing in the world and never shuts up about it.
• A lot of people think this, but I think that he bleach’s his hair. He doesn’t want to look anything like his dad, and he thinks his dark hair makes him look evil.
• Also likes art, but mostly draws. He likes to do art with Nya, but picked it up when he was younger. He used to make his own comic books about the ninja in S1.
• Wants to be a theater kid so bad, but he has to focus on his ninja work. He’s made everyone watch Hamilton at least 5 times (so far).
I have other headcanons about a lot of other characters, and more about these guys if you’re interested.
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makoodles · 1 year
Hello again my zesty bestie ):3 I am here with the previously mentioned fluffy scenario! I’ve always pondered what Navi would think of certain human holidays, I can’t get the specific idea of Tsu’tey learning about Mother’s Day from Jake, and bc we all know Tsu’tey loves to spoil his little tawtute mate, he is all up on it! He’d even rope Spider into it too to help him treat his mama to a lil special day! Getting her favorite fruits and nuts for breakfast, maybe Tsu’tey took some time off/later hunting shift(?) so he could spend the day with reader and Spider, going on a lovely walk/sightseeing through their favorite spots in the forest, maybe play some homemade card games Spider managed to scrounge up from the science guys lab, have a big family cuddle-puddle in a warm sunny spot like the cats they are, and perhaps for dessert Spider stays the night with the Sullys so Tsu’tey and reader can get some alone time? Do with this what you will my delightful friend :3
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tsu'tey is definitely the kinda guy to insist that it was all spider's idea, but you can see the way his tail is wagging all proudly, like an excited puppy as he waits for your reaction.
tsu'tey learns about the sacred human art of card-making from norm, and he tries his best at it in an attempt to show his little human mate how much he appreciates her. thing is, he's terrible at it. spider very quickly takes over, and tsu'tey is banished outside to go and look for some pretty flowers or something
the thought of a family cuddle puddle in the warm sunny spot has my heart melting oh my god
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The Blue Moon Ball: Feast
Oh food glorious food, how I've missed you so. My mind tells me to try and maintain my composure, but my body has already taken off to the nearest spread. It looks like cheese, grapes, crackers, veggies, pinwheels, dip, all the typical light snacks one would find at a party. I begin to realize the severity of my starvation when I completely disregard the silverware, electing to take matters into my own hands by skewering the snacks with magically made icicles. Absolutely barbaric, I know. I end up crafting a chilled charcuterie kebab and scarfing it down. Did I look refined? Probably not, but at this point I'm too hungry to care much for manners. Ivory must also be starving because he detaches from my staff and starts picking at the vibrant berries. Where we live, our diets typically consist seafood, root vegetables, grains, and magical flora adapted to the climate of a frozen coast, so this dinner will be a welcome change of pace. After satiating ours stomachs on a base level, I can begin to truly appreciate the spread. The variety is astounding! I start to search for a real meal. I look at the dining table and see it stretched the length of the hall to an almost imperceptible length. At glance, it looks to be an enchantment that causes the room to loop on itself to accommodate every guest. How clever! I walk past the chairs and benches until I can find a spot that is open and somewhat close to Lurien. I let him get away once, not again. After walking for a bit, I finally spot him. He is surrounded by friends, all laughing while eating away merrily. It doesn't seem a seat is open in that particular circle, but one is available close enough to get in his sight. Moving quickly, I slide onto the bench next to a stranger.
My my mouth waters as I take in the options: chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish, vegetables of all kinds, exotic fruit slices that look perfectly ripe, bread rolls of every variety and, oh be still my heart, CALAMARI! Ivory and I notice at the same time and immediately snatch the plate. Such golden crispy chewy goodness paired with thick zesty sauces. As we bite down, that oh so satisfying first crunch is enough to make the whole night worth it. Forget the waltz music, this is the real symphony we needed. The squid's flesh gives way to our teeth and we munch away blissfully. Calamari has always been our favorite. I'm not much of a chef, so making it ourselves has been... difficult, thus we typically depend on restaurants to get our fix. However tonight has increased my standards tenfold. No calamari will ever top this, not in a million years.
After I scarf down the last piece, I scan the table for something more novel but catch the gaze of the woman to my right (@these-detestable-hands) . She wears some brilliant combination of pirate apparel and ball clothes with a red and white polka dot sash. Though that isn't what stood out to me first. As I locked eyes with her, a horrified visage burned into my memory.
"You monster!" she shuddered in a low and tense tone, "That was my sister you just ate!"
Confounded my eyes finish observing her and spot her hair. Well, it isn't so much hair, but red octopus tentacles growing from her scalp. I immediately put the pieces together, and throw myself into a coughing fit out of shock.
As profuse apologies tumble out of me, her shell shocked grimace turns into a delighted grin as she begins to laugh unyielding. She pats my back saying,
"Oh calm down red-head, it was just a joke."
My horror subsides and I begin to chuckle a little which then grows into a contagious laughter I must have gotten from her. We both revel in the absurdity of the moment. As we calm down, she introduces herself,
"The name's Haley."
"Ah! A pleasure to meet you, Haley! My name is Seros. I apologize for the whole 'eating your sister' debacle. Think you can forgive me?"
She expels another hearty laugh. We have a delightful conversation over our meals and the time flies. It's not until we say our momentary goodbyes when I realize I have yet to meet with Lurien. I think I still have time. He seems to be up and mingling now! Ok, time to get some answers.
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monmuses · 1 month
[DRINK] for the whole family:
Inside his humble shack, the mechanic had sat Krieg, Maya, and Yasmin down at the bar he had cleaned off for the occasion. Gone were the bits and pieces of ruined metal that were the lifeblood of his livelihood. Tonight, he was celebrating having a livelihood at all, thanks to Krieg, and had invited the family down with him.
"Alright, tell me what you think!" Jonathan placed a glass in front of each of the three.
Krieg got a drink as orange as the sands outside. Its rim was distinct from the others, as it was coated in salt crystals. A taste would reveal the secret: dried pomegranate juice. "Learned this one from friends in the wastes, a lifetime ago. When you need to stretch alcohol out, you get the Salty Puppy."
Maya's glass contained a blood-red liquid that was accepted by a lemon slice. The flavor would be part earthy, part sour, with a hint of sugar to prevent it being too puckering. "My father called this a 'shrub' growing up. The red color comes from a vegetable called a 'beet' I've run into off-planet."
Yasmin's drink was what looked to be orange juice, but it had a foamy top like a beer. The hybrid would find that it was indeed juice, but the sourer notes of the citrus had been smoothed out, leaving the fruit sugar firmly in charge. It was also a bit bubbly in her mouth. "And for the young lady, a virgin Garibaldi discovery of my own. No reason she should be left out of the party."
The trio had been invited to the mechanic's shack shortly after Krieg's trip into the Dust, ridding the place of bandits attempting to rob Jonathan of his belongings and anything valuable. It was perfect timing for Krieg and his good choice to help had brought all three of them to a little celebration hosted by him.
Each of them sat comfortably, but eagerly to see what Jonathan had brought them. Maya, surprisingly, was the most interested of the three, but Krieg was just as curious as she was. He hadn't had a good drink in a very long time, and he was more picky in his tastes preferably. Yasmin wanted to try some kind of alcohol, but that wouldn't be the case.
Krieg was first, being given an interesting drink that reminded him of the beach near the ocean. It sparkled, but there was more to it that had him try it. Take a sip. Let's see how it tastes. He pulled his mask forward to get the glass to his lips, tasting a sip. Immediately, the eye behind his mask lit up, emitting an exclaim of joy.
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"SWEET BLOOD JUICE!" He cheered, tempted to chug the entire thing. "I'll lick the glass CLEAN of its sweetness! HAHA!"
Maya was next, surprised at the look of the drink in the glass. "Now this looks like something he'd call blood juice," she joked, nudging Krieg in the shoulder. "Beets, huh? It looks promising. I hope this doesn't make me into some kind of vampire."
Taking the glass, she carefully took a couple of sips from the rim to get a taste, taking the lemon slice and squeezing the juice into her mouth for the zesty taste. To her surprise ... she liked it, giving a satisfactory hum.
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" ... huh, this is pretty good!" She spoke, gently swirling it in her hand. "I'm pretty fine on sour stuff, but hey, this isn't half bad. You did a good job on the mixing. It's almost sweet in a tart kind of way."
Then lastly was Yasmin. She was curious at the foaming near the top of the glass, carefully taking it with both hands and sniffing the drink. It smelled pretty sweet, and she licked the foam with her forked tongue before taking a couple sips. It was sweet! And fruity!
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"Hey, I can almost try alcohol!" In a few years, maybe. "But this is close enough. This tastes real good! You sure you didn't just make this by yourself, mister?"
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reminiscentreader · 11 months
I am calling my friends science teacher “Mr. Zest”. My guy was zesty
I am allergic to citrus fruits and science teachers 😃
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etes-secrecy-post · 4 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with Uncle John's Chili Con Empanada and Sprite Lemon Plus [Recorded: Mar 30th, 2024]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls.
Today, it's time to share my food thoughts from the past month of March 30th, 2024; "Black Saturday" on Holy Week 🙏✝️. Once again, I break the "Holy Week" ❌🥩 rules because I ate the Chili Con Empanada from Uncle John's (formerly named: "Ministop Philippines") 🌶️🥟, with a refreshing drink of Sprite Lemon Plus in a can 🍋🥫. So, how's it taste of the Empanada from Uncle John's? 🤔 Let's find out, right now.
If you haven’t seen my previous episode, then please click → [CLICK ME!].
IMPORTANT NOTE: No #OnThisDay throwback post for this date.
So, without further ado, let’s get started:
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• It's morning, 7:50 AM 🕖. And I'm somewhere at random Uncle John's convenience store 🇵🇭🟦🟨🏪 branch with my parents and my related family members for paying a visit at our ancestral house. But before we depart, I haven't... or WE haven't eaten breakfast by the time we arrive. So, I decided to purchase a nice hot Chili Con Empanada 🌶️🥟 worth ₱35, and a nice refreshing Sprite Lemon Plus 🍋🥫. in a can worth ₱45 (₱33 in the original suggested retail price)? I'm not sure but, I haven't tried it yet, aside from the only default Sprite flavor. 🤔
Did you know #1: I remember drinking the limited edition of "Sprite Lebron's Mix"? Yup, a collaborate with NBA superstar, LeBron James and Sprite. Which, by the way, I don't know much about NBA nor watching NBA matches because I'm not a basketball fan. ❌🏀🤷‍♀️ Nevertheless, as far as I know, this one tastes like authentic cherry flavor fused with Sprite's flavor, and I was surprised that this flavor Sprite drink was so good, I wish it'll be returned, soon as a normal production rather than limited. Man, I missed it, so much. 🍋🍒🥫😃😋
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3rd to 6th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Nonetheless, here's my first bite of the Chili Con Empanada. It is spicy yet very juicy with all the meaty goodness inside. 😃😋 But, is it hot though? 🤔 Nah, not at all. I can't help myself eating it, and I should order two Empanadas (of the same flavor). Here you two, want some? It is delicious! 😋
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7th to 10th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Now, what about the Sprite Lemon Plus? 🍋🥫🤔 For my taste, it's the same taste as the OG Sprite, unlike the "Lebron's Mix" cherry flavor. And if you want a take a peek at the color of the "Sprite Lemon Plus", I'd say it slightly yellowish blur color instead of the clear carbonate that we all know. To be honest, the appearance of the Lemon Plus is something that came out of dishwater with a dash of lemonade fruit that was squeezed in. I don't know, who knows? 🤷‍♀️ If only I had bought a glass to see the color, or maybe a plastic cup in my bag, or maybe I should it bought the plastic bottle format. 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, it says here that the "Sprite Lemon Plus" had a zesty lemon flavor, sharp fizz, caffeine, and vitamin B3. Yes, this Lemon Plus has indeed put "Caffeine" on a yellowish color carbonated drink. It's a Sprite with a little dash of Energy Drink, basically (I guess). 🍋⚡🥫 Looks like, I want a go another round of Sprite Lemon Plus, and see if I compare to the OG Sprite and the well-known Coca-Cola for the caffeine taste. Maybe, someday. 🤔
Did you know #2: That "Uncle John's" 🇵🇭🟦🟨🏪 convenience store used to be "MiniStop Philippines"? The latter was launched in 2000, until September 2022 owing to the death of former RRHI (that's "Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc.", by the way) founder John Gokongwei, Jr. ✝️🧑‍💼, as well as the ending partnership of "Ministop Co." and "Mitsubishi Corporation" of Japan 🇯🇵🏢. Thus, the entire branches of "MiniStop" Philippines are now renamed to "Uncle John's" already effected by July 1st, 2023. Meanwhile, the OG "Ministop" still operates today in selected Asian regions outside Japan like Kazakhstan 🇰🇿, South Korea 🇰🇷, Viet Nam 🇻🇳 (our neighbor Southeast Asia country), and China 🇨🇳.
• It's a solid breakfast meal! I dig the Chili Con Empanada over the greasy chicken sandwich that I've tasted before, in my previous topic. 🌶️🥟😋👍 And regardless of my thoughts of Sprite Lemon Plus, it is pretty damn refreshing. 🍋⚡🥫😋👍 And as I said, I will do a comparison between the OG Sprite for the color, and the OG Coca-Cola as well for the caffeine effect, in my next topic. Yup, this is going to be a "Sugar Rush" of soda test, I suppose. 🥤
BTW: This WASN'T the only meal I munch on because I have another meal on the same date as before. So, stay tuned for that. 😉
Well, that's all for now. 😊
If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste:
○ 2021 Food Reviews: ○
• Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
○ 2022 Food Reviews: ○
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich [Dec 31st, 2022]
○ 2023 Food Reviews: ○
• Foods from Delicious Restaurant & 1919 Grand Cafe [Jan 8th, 2023]
• Homemade Churros by my lil’ bro [Feb 12th, 2023]
• Lugaw Sisig from Mang Boy Alfredo Lugawan Restaurant [Recorded: Feb 18th, 2023]
• La Prato Stakehouse [Recorded: Apr 10th, 2023]
• Salt ‘n Light Snack Shack’s Cheesy Bacon Burger & Fries [Recorded: Apr 14th, 2023] (Published on May 5th, 2023)
• Delicious burger meal at Tokyo Tokyo Restaurant [Recorded: May 6th, 2023]
• Delicious meals at the Valenzuela Food Fiesta Christmas Bazaar 2023 [Recorded: Dec. 10th, 2023]
○ 2024 Food Reviews: ○
• Mang Inasal Pork Sisig [Recorded: Jan 10th, 2024]
• Mr. Shaw Shawarma Rice [Recorded: Mar 24th, 2024]
• Mang Inasal's Chicken Inasal - Pecho (Chicken Breast) [Recorded: Mar 26th, 2024]
• Samgyupsal dinner night at the Samgyup Mukbang restaurant [Recorded: May 12th, 2024]
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bharathi1908 · 6 months
Beat the Heat: 10 Refreshing Summer Food and Drink Ideas
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Without a doubt, summer has arrived! And with summertime here, the extreme heat makes everyone feel hot, tired, and uneasy. The most crucial thing to do to be healthy and persevere through this intense heat is to stay hydrated and eat foods that help the body maintain its coolness. There are healthier and more nutritional options available to help you combat the summer heat, even if it’s tempting to go for sweet drinks and ice cream. Cooling down with refreshing drinks, such as mocktails or cocktails, can be a breeze during the summer heat. It helps you quench your thirst, cool you down, and elevates your selection of refreshments.
In the article below, ten cool food and drink suggestions are listed. They can help keep you hydrated and cool on the warmest days of the year.
1. Watermelon: The Hydration Hero
The official fruit of summer and outdoor cookouts is watermelon. It replaces fluids lost through sweat and tastes like a juicy slice of hydration. Rich in antioxidants like lycopene and vitamins A and C, watermelon can help shield your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. While watermelons are a delicious snack to feast on, just as is, there are also multiple different delicious recipes out there. Watermelon is one of the tastiest summertime fruits; its juice is much better. Its hydrating qualities help keep your body moisturized and invigorated, making it incredibly refreshing.
2. Cucumber: Cooling and Crisp
Cucumbers provide a delightful crunch and keep you hydrated because they are over 95% water. They also include silica, which is known to support joint health and maintain the radiance and suppleness of your skin. Savor it in drinks, smoothies, salads, or as a snack with luscious hummus. Refreshing drinks are not only enjoyed but practically required on the hottest summer days, and cucumber is one of the best ingredients for DIY summer drinks. Cucumber and watermelon together are the perfect way to relieve your thirst because it contains two of the most hydrating foods on the planet. An easy recipe with the two includes a nice glass of white wine sangria with watermelon balls, cucumber slices, and lime slices. The most hydrating drink you will ever try!
3. Coconut Water: Nature’s Electrolyte Drink
Coconut water is a healthy substitute for sports drinks in the summertime heat, especially if you are sweating profusely. High in electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, coconut water helps replenish vital minerals lost via sweat and helps maintain appropriate hydration levels. A refreshing glass of coconut water will lift your spirits right away. Its refreshing flavor and subtle sweetness make it the ideal beverage to ward off the summertime blues. Consume enough coconut water if you feel dehydrated since it is an excellent electrolyte. 
4. Mint: The Zesty Refresher
Mint is a plant that helps you stay cool and gives your meals a flavor boost. It can be blended into smoothies or used to create cool beverages like mint lemonade. Mint leaves also make a refreshing infusion in water or an addition to salads. For an additional level of hydration and coolness, it’s always a good idea to bring its cold friend, cucumber, over for a delightful spritz in a tall glass of sparkling water.
5. Berries: Bursting with Antioxidants
Not only are berries like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries delightful, but they are also a great source of antioxidants. These tiny powerhouses can improve your general health and shield your skin from UV harm. Snack on them, puree them into smoothies or mix them with yogurt for a tasty treat. Alternatively, pick some and consume them right from the bush!
6. Citrus Fruits: Vitamin C Boosters
Vitamin C, abundant in oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, boosts immunity and keeps the body cool in the summer. Make your zesty drinks or savor freshly squeezed juices for a nutritious and “Z’esty” boost. The best drink that is easily indulgent is the classic lime juice or lemonade, the most popular summertime beverage. This refreshing drink has ingredients like mint leaves, lemons, sugar, salt, and water. It’s really easy to create and tastes fantastic every single time. In some parts of the world, to add some distinctive flavor, you can also spice up lime juice with additions easily found in the kitchen, like cumin, coriander powder, and black pepper, among others.
7. Yogurt: A Cool, Creamy Delight
There are several ways to enjoy yogurt: a cooling and adaptable snack. In addition to supporting digestive health, it has probiotics and can be cooling on a hot day. Try making flavorful yogurt dips or parfaits with fresh fruit to make your meals filling and light. Unquestionably, one of India’s favorite curd-based drinks is buttermilk, also called chaas. The advantages of chaas, such as a fantastic digestive system, are further enhanced by spices like jeera. Enjoy this delicious masala chaas dish on any hot and sunny day. On the other hand, yogurt can be made into delicious snacks by adding berries to a bowl of plain or flavored yogurt.
8. Cilantro: Flavorful and Fresh
Based on the consensus, you either love or despise cilantro. Some people find it to be a tasty herb that gives every meal a freshness, and some cannot stand the taste of it. However, for those who love cilantro, it tastes great in cold soups, salsas, and salads. It has cooling qualities and improves digestion, and it tastes fantastic.
9. Tomatoes: Juicy and Nourishing
Tomatoes, high in vitamins A and C, also cool and support good skin. Savor them raw or sliced with a little salt for a refreshing snack, or add them to salads or gazpachos. Tomatoes are one of the most versatile foods; they can go into any mainstream dish, be made into a sauce or soup, and add flavor and tang to anything you desire. 
10. Leafy Greens: Light and Nutritious
Even though you might be eating lighter over the summer, you don’t have to give up on nutrients. Powerful sources of nutrients are leafy greens, including kale, spinach, and arugula. Their high water content keeps you hydrated and packed with important vitamins and minerals.
In conclusion, stay cool and healthy simultaneously, without compromising taste or flavor, with the help of food and drinks that naturally contain cooling nutrients. You’ll stay hydrated, nourished, and cool as the temperature rises by including these cool foods in your summer diet.
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azareeart · 6 months
Once upon a time, on the 2nd of March, amidst the green & rustic atmosphere of Barndoor beer garden in Osu, Accra, a litty time was had- Plant and Sip with Azaree. This love affair was a fusion of mixology and plant care, a carefully crafted experience.
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We started with the Mix and Sip sessions, where participants made their own cocktails under the expert guidance of yours truly. Two delicious cocktails graced the menu: the Sweet Berry Lemonade and the Ginger Lemonade. The Sweet Berry Lemonade is a burst of flavors with sweet and sour notes, muddled fresh mint leaves, apple liqueur, berry gin, and a touch of mixed fruit jam, all topped off with a spritz of sprite. Our favorite thing about this girl is her deceptive sweetness, it's sneakily sweet yet packs a punch!
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The latter, an original Azaree fan favorite but now with a local twist, featured homemade ginger syrup, zesty lemon juice, coconut vanilla syrup for a hint of sweetness, and the bold essence of ginger liqueur. What set this drink apart was its alcoholic base - the renowned Ghanaian spirit, Akpeteshie, made from fermented Palm wine adding a distinctive depth to the libation. This combination was to die for, and we absolutely loved hearing all the great reviews!
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Transitioning from mixology to horticulture, we switched the conversation to plant care. Fresh cuttings of pothos and monstera were our green friends for the day, teaching us about nurturing new roots and ourselves. Sourced from Ahaban (ahabangh.com), these cuttings require a very simple routine; changing the water weekly until they sprout roots fit for replanting in soil.
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Our favorite twist was that this nurturing ethos extends beyond plants into self-care rituals. Each water change becomes a gentle reminder to indulge in personal rejuvenation. Participants opted for diverse self-care practices, from long walks to soothing body scrubs, highlighting the importance of reconnecting with yourself no matter how crazy life gets.
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The laughter-filled photos captured the Plant & Sip essence perfectly - great vibes, new skills, and a whole lot of fun. It was so clear that the experience fostered a deeper connection to nature and self-care.
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We’re still savoring the amazing event, & we can’t wait to see you all at the next one, ‘See Thru My Ice,’ a nature photography and cocktail tasting experience. It will be an amazing evening celebrating the natural beauty of Ghana & the rich flavors of our Culture on the 30th of March at Buro in Osu. Hope to see you there 🥂
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mamamittens · 9 months
I've got one last art piece left for my December event and it's finished! Hopefully I'll get that done (checks time --WHOOPS ITS 3 AM--)today? And then I've got a gift for a friend to do but I'm of half a mind to just write a fic instead but ig we'll see what I do.
OC sleepy ramble time!
Okay, so if I didn't go with the Elite Rangers Nikia backstory, what would I have gone with? Devil fruit I'm pretty sure I'd like to keep now included?
We'll I'm fond of "Random, randomly useful NPC energy" so I'd have likely chosen a traveling merchant who makes items with unusual properties. Jewelry, clothing, knickknacks, and the like. She's got a weird boat she sails like Beedle in Wind Waker (but more clothes and not as tiny or hard to use lol)
Very much a wandering spirit who very much likes giving incredibly useful if troublesome gifts to people. Most of the time they're worth it, but you definitely have to work for the benefit. Like, she may have made an amulet that Marco can have that slowly siphons DF powers so that they can be gifted to another. But it's like, it has to be a constant use thing to charge it and the time scale is wonky. Not very equal. So if Marco's constantly using it on a low level (maybe keeping him from feeling exhaustion cause he never sleeps) it would take a few weeks to have a second of charge.
If done right, this would be very useful in a pinch, enabling someone else to basically have Marco's power for even a short amount of time. But getting it there would be a BITCH and everyone would know just how self destructive Marco's bad habits are.
Shit like that. Not even sure if it would be a DF or just Weird Bullshit People Can Just Do like the pearl guy who lights himself on fire. It'd be funnier if it was just totally DF unrelated.
Then again I've always liked the concept of someone making Weird Powered Shit for no discernable reason. Just seems zesty to me.
Thatch courting her would be twice as funny this way because he'd constantly be on the lookout for this random ass boat and constantly trying to get her to stick around. Try out his food. Just, won't you stay? That ship can't possibly be safe on the Grand Line, can it?
Maybe she'd still have wings and she just decided to travel instead of being a ranger. Really fuck with people about what her deal is.
The real dream is to be a cryptid, mystifying everyone with random bullshit so they never know how horrendously awkward you are. Pity I, and by extension Nikia, hate fish. Like, as a food. Never liked the texture. No, not even shrimp, crab, lobster, river fish, or ocean fish. Sea creatures just don't appeal to me. So eating at sea would be a real fucking struggle, yikes lol
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@offrozenmemoirs / cont.
With six nieces and nephews, you grew attuned to the delicate shifts in the moods of young ones. Granted, your cousin Kara's perception of her children is unmatched. Alas, frequent observations of the countless students at the library honed in reading the atmosphere better to moods and emotions.
Sunlight traces against the sharp claws hidden beneath caramel-and-white fur, the sheen sparkling in your amber-bright eyes.
"Means I don't have to talk much to figure out what goes in that head of yours, Madam Zarin," you explain, slightly rolling your wrist as your other paw dives into your side satchel. "Not to say that my findings are the most precise; that sophisticated and quick assuming isn't quite my specialty."
"Not as refined as intuition," you muse with a chuckle, "but something more accurate is a gut feeling."
As you rummage inside the pouch, digits brushing against a feathered quill, a compact inkpot, a scroll holding this week's tasks, and a handful of coppers, you think, 'No way I could've misplaced that. She'd get on my case if I did.'
Cheery in demeanor and still smiling, conversation with the young student is made effortlessly. Still, her subtle discomfort doesn't slip past you.
Glancing past Creed to the small courtyard leading to the library, you remark, "It feels like a whole other world when you're here, Creed, and this is how the world is." Ears flatten, "Time moves faster than people do, but you at least know the world works like this."
'People may move or never move on. The same way they can change or never change at all.'
Your ears suddenly perk up, "Ah, found it!" Your interjection briefly disrupts the conversation, but the discovery from the satchel remains a mystery.
Cupping the item in one paw and concealing it from Creed's prying eyes, your other paw's digits curl inward, revealing natural claws. "Food gets the brain going," you start, wrinkling your button-pink nose and forcing your claw through the mystery. "Mine hasn't been running quite as it should be. It's been running empty since my morning 'breakfast.'" Irises narrow into slits, tongue slightly hovering out of your maw from concentration.
The morning menu was always a rushed sip of coffee that stayed untouched until late afternoon. At that point, it was lukewarm and despicable for most to drink, but that made it all the better when you knew no one else would try to take a swig of something that was yours.
Trajectories for breakfast changed if there was the presence of a golden-eyed magus. Conjuring mage hands to chase after you with toast, tomato, or a tangerine! The lengths she'd go!
Wafting around the air, besides fresh air, was a hinted aroma of sweetness and zestiness. Peering beside the secretive feline is a curious sight: a growing ribbon of orange. Undisturbed and all connected, an impressive feat. A subtle thud comes as the gray cobblestone meets a vibrant friend: a tangerine peel.
"A quick snack on the way. That way this--" You begin, holding up a tangerine wedge in front of the student, positioning it to resemble a frown. "Can turn into this!" With a deft twist, you flip the tangerine to form a cheerful, crescent smile.
"Here you are," you place the fruit slice in Creed's palm. Eleven more juicy wedges await, enough for a shared moment of tangy delight.
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atsoukalidis · 2 years
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A great “orange” style wine to enjoy with friends. This is how the producer describes the wine: “Királyleányka, Rhine Riesling, Hárslevelű and Furmint in a field blend, macerated for 5 days in open cask, destemmed, finished the fermentation in tank. No wood, no filtration or fining.” I found a clear, bright medium orange color wine with brown and golden hues. Clean on the nose with medium+ intensity aromas suggesting of orange peel, vanilla, minerals, petrol, apricot, nectarine, peach, jasmine, honeysuckle, and cloves. Fully developed. Dry on the mouth with medium+ acidity, medium alcohol, medium+ flavor intensity displaying orange peel, vanilla, minerals, petrol, apricot, nectarine, peach, jasmine, honeysuckle, and cloves. This wine balances an expressive sweet fruit with a zesty acidity and has an oily texture giving an overall fresh, elegant and vivid expression. Its length is medium+ with sweet yellow fruit aftertaste. Very good quality wine with high fruit concentration, and complexity and medium+ length. Best to enjoy now with heavy fish or chicken dishes in the company of good friends!
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myflowertree12 · 15 days
New Year Cake: A Delicious Tradition to Welcome the Year Ahead
As the calendar turns and a new year begins, celebrations are in full swing, and one delightful tradition that stands out is the New Year Cake. This sweet treat is more than just a dessert; it's a symbol of new beginnings, joy, and the promise of the year ahead. Whether you’re hosting a grand party or enjoying a quiet evening with loved ones, a New Year Cake can make your celebrations even more special. Here’s why this cake deserves a prominent place in your New Year festivities and how you can make the most of it.
The Significance of New Year Cake
The New Year Cake is not just about indulging in a scrumptious dessert; it holds significant meaning. Traditionally, cakes represent prosperity, good luck, and the sweetness of life. By including a New Year Cake in your celebrations, you’re embracing these positive wishes and sharing them with your family and friends. It’s a way to mark the end of one year and the exciting start of another with a touch of sweetness and joy.
Choosing the Perfect New Year Cake
When selecting a New Year Cake, consider the flavors and designs that will best complement your celebration. Classic flavors such as rich chocolate, moist vanilla, or zesty citrus are always popular choices. You might also opt for seasonal flavors like spiced gingerbread or creamy eggnog to align with the winter season. The design of your New Year Cake can range from elegant and sophisticated to fun and festive, featuring decorations that reflect the theme of your celebration.
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For a more personalized touch, think about incorporating elements that are meaningful to you and your guests. Whether it’s a cake shaped like a clock striking midnight, adorned with edible gold stars, or topped with a simple "Happy New Year" message, the personalization will make your cake even more special.
Baking Your Own New Year Cake
If you enjoy baking, making your own New Year Cake can be a rewarding experience. Start by choosing a recipe that suits your taste and skill level. Whether you’re aiming for a classic layer cake or a decadent bundt cake, there are countless recipes available to guide you. Don’t forget to plan ahead; baking a cake requires time for preparation, baking, and cooling, so ensure you give yourself ample time to create a masterpiece.
Decorating your cake can be a fun and creative process. You might use frosting, fondant, or fresh fruit to add a festive touch. For a unique New Year twist, consider using edible glitter or metallic-colored decorations to symbolize the celebration of a new year.
Serving and Enjoying Your New Year Cake
Once your New Year Cake is baked and decorated, it’s time to serve it! A cake can be a focal point at any New Year’s Eve party or New Year’s Day gathering. Slice it up and serve it alongside other festive treats and drinks. Don’t forget to capture the moment with photos—after all, this cake represents a new chapter in your life and deserves to be remembered.
As the clock strikes midnight and you raise a toast to the coming year, a slice of New Year Cake can be the perfect way to add a touch of sweetness to your celebration. It’s a delicious way to embrace new beginnings and create lasting memories with those you cherish.
In summary, the New Year Cake is more than just a dessert; it’s a symbol of joy, prosperity, and new beginnings. Whether you buy one from a bakery or bake it yourself, this cake can make your New Year celebrations even more memorable. So, as you prepare to welcome the new year, let the New Year Cake be a sweet and delightful part of your festivities!
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mayamiwynwood · 20 days
Start Your Day Right: The Best Breakfast in Wynwood at Mayami Wynwood
Wynwood is known for its vibrant art scene, lively culture, and eclectic dining experiences. But when it comes to finding the perfect wynwood’s breakfast spot, one name stands out: Mayami Wynwood. Known for its unique fusion of Latin-inspired flavors, Mayami Wynwood isn’t just a top nightlife destination — it also offers an unforgettable breakfast experience that will leave you energized and ready to explore all that Wynwood has to offer.
A Breakfast Like No Other
At Mayami Wynwood, breakfast is more than just a meal; it’s an experience. Drawing on the rich culinary traditions of Latin America, the breakfast menu at Mayami is designed to awaken your senses with bold flavors and fresh ingredients. Whether you’re in the mood for a light, refreshing option or a hearty, satisfying dish, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Signature Breakfast Dishes
One of the highlights of Mayami Wynwood’s breakfast menu is their take on classic morning dishes with a Latin twist. Here are a few of the must-try items:
Huevos Rancheros — A true breakfast staple, this dish features perfectly cooked eggs on top of a crispy tortilla, smothered in rich, flavorful salsa. With a side of black beans and avocado, it’s a delicious way to start the day.
Chorizo Breakfast Tacos — For those who want something with a little kick, the chorizo tacos are a perfect choice. Made with spicy chorizo, scrambled eggs, and fresh salsa, these tacos pack a punch while staying light enough for a morning meal.
Avocado Toast with a Twist — Mayami’s take on the trendy avocado toast adds a unique spin, incorporating zesty lime, cilantro, and a hint of smoked paprika for a vibrant flavor profile. Paired with a poached egg, it’s a fresh and filling option for health-conscious diners.
Tropical Fruit Bowl — For a lighter breakfast, the tropical fruit bowl offers a refreshing mix of exotic fruits like papaya, mango, and pineapple, topped with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of granola. It’s the perfect way to enjoy Miami’s fresh, local produce.
Freshly Brewed Coffee and Refreshing Drinks
A great breakfast is incomplete without the perfect beverage to pair with it. Mayami Wynwood takes coffee seriously, offering a variety of freshly brewed options, from rich espressos to smooth, cold brews. Their baristas are skilled in creating both classic coffee drinks and unique, Latin-inspired blends that will satisfy even the most discerning coffee lover.
For those looking for something refreshing, Mayami also offers a selection of fresh juices and smoothies. From tropical flavors like passionfruit and guava to energizing green smoothies packed with nutrients, there’s a drink for every taste. And of course, if you’re in the mood for a brunch-style drink, Mayami’s signature Mimosa or Bloody Mary is always a good choice.
A Vibrant Atmosphere to Start Your Day
One of the things that makes breakfast at Mayami Wynwood truly special is the atmosphere. Located in the heart of Wynwood’s art district, the restaurant’s design is a blend of modern chic and Latin flair, with bright murals, greenery, and an open-air setting that lets you enjoy Miami’s beautiful weather while you dine. The laid-back vibe is perfect for a leisurely breakfast, whether you’re meeting friends, having a casual business meeting, or simply enjoying some quiet time to yourself.
Mayami Wynwood’s breakfast seating is designed to encourage relaxation. With both indoor and outdoor spaces, you can choose to sit in the airy patio surrounded by colorful street art or indoors for a more intimate, cozy setting. Either way, you’ll feel the vibrant energy of Wynwood all around you.
Perfect Location for Exploring Wynwood
After enjoying a satisfying breakfast at Mayami, you’re perfectly positioned to explore everything that Wynwood has to offer. The neighborhood is famous for its street art, including the iconic Wynwood Walls, which are just a short walk from the restaurant. Stroll through the streets and take in the murals, visit the many galleries showcasing local and international artists, or pop into the trendy boutiques and shops that line the area.
If you’re visiting on a weekend, you may even catch one of the many cultural events or markets that take place in Wynwood, making it the ideal spot to spend a day immersed in Miami’s creative scene.
Why Mayami Wynwood Offers the Best Breakfast in Wynwood
What sets Mayami Wynwood apart as the best breakfast spot in Wynwood is the combination of bold, flavorful food, a welcoming and stylish atmosphere, and a location that places you in the heart of one of Miami’s most dynamic neighborhoods. Whether you’re a local or visiting Wynwood for the first time, breakfast at Mayami is a one-of-a-kind experience that brings together the best of Miami’s culinary and cultural offerings.
Mayami Wynwood takes the traditional breakfast and elevates it with Latin flair, making it a must-visit spot for anyone looking to start their day with a memorable meal. From savory dishes to sweet, tropical treats, and everything in between, there’s no better place to enjoy the best breakfast in Wynwood.
Plan Your Breakfast Visit to Mayami Wynwood
Breakfast at Mayami Wynwood is served daily, offering an array of options that cater to all tastes and preferences. Whether you’re stopping by for a quick bite or settling in for a leisurely morning meal, Mayami Wynwood guarantees a delightful start to your day. Be sure to check out their breakfast hours and plan your visit to experience the best breakfast bar in Wynwood has to offer.
So next time you’re in Wynwood and craving an extraordinary breakfast, head over to Mayami Wynwood and discover why it’s quickly becoming the go-to spot for both locals and tourists alike.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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Plant a Lemon Tree Day
Lemon trees are good for the environment, and incredibly useful. Make lemonade, salad dressing, cocktails and more. Just plant a lemon tree and reap the benefits.
Let’s dive into the world of lemons and celebrate Plant a Lemon Tree Day together! Every year, on the third Saturday of May, we gather to appreciate these bright, tangy fruits.
That means in 2024, the day falls on May 18th. This special day isn’t just about planting a lemon tree; it’s about bringing zest and health to our lives and communities.
Lemons have a rich history, spreading across the globe for their flavor, health benefits, and even perfumery use. Imagine a fully-grown lemon tree in your backyard, capable of producing up to 220 pounds of fruit annually!
That’s a lot of lemons for lemonade, cooking, or sharing with friends and neighbors. The beauty of Plant a Lemon Tree Day lies in its community spirit.
Lemon trees can become gathering spots where neighbors share the fruits and enjoy the shade together. Plus, with varieties like Meyer, Eureka, and Lisbon, there’s a lemon for every taste​​​​.
But it’s not just about the fruit; it’s about the impact on our environment and well-being. Planting lemon trees supports nature conservation and raises awareness of the importance of green spaces in our urban landscapes.
It’s a chance to make a tangible difference, beautifying our neighborhoods while contributing to a healthier planet​​​​.
History of Plant a Lemon Tree Day
The story of Plant a Lemon Tree Day is a mix of history, culture, and the sheer love for lemons. While the exact origins of the day are a bit fuzzy, the appreciation for lemons stretches back centuries.
Lemons have been around since at least the time of the Romans and were considered a luxury item. Fast forward to the 18th century, when the health benefits of lemons, particularly their vitamin C content, began to gain recognition for treating scurvy among sailors.
The day itself seems to have been established without a clear founder or precise starting date. However, its purpose is clear and widely embraced: to encourage planting lemon trees in communities everywhere.
Lemons are celebrated not just for their culinary and cleaning uses but also for their health benefits and the fresh aroma they bring. The idea is that lemon trees can serve as a communal resource in neighborhoods, providing fruit and a place for people to gather and enjoy the shade.
Plant a Lemon Tree Day has grown into a global event where people are encouraged to plant lemon trees in their yards, community gardens, or even pots for those with limited space.
The day highlights the lemon tree’s easy-to-grow nature, its beautiful aromatic blossoms, and the abundance of zesty fruit it provides.
By planting a lemon tree, individuals contribute to biodiversity, beautify green spaces, and foster community spirit by sharing the harvest.
So, while the history of Plant a Lemon Tree Day might not be documented in detail, the spirit of the day is rooted in a deep appreciation for the versatile lemon tree and its many contributions to our health, environment, and communities​​​​​​​​​​.
How to Celebrate Plant a Lemon Tree Day
Let’s add a twist to celebrating Plant a Lemon Tree Day with some quirky and playful suggestions. Keep in mind these ideas come from blending the spirit of various sources without directly copying any specific instructions:
Throw a Lemon Party – Invite friends over for a lemon-themed bash. Think yellow decorations, lemonade stands, and lemon tart contests. Who will be crowned the Lemon King or Queen?
Lemon Dress-Up – Encourage everyone to wear yellow. Better yet, see who can craft the most outrageous lemon-themed outfit. Bonus points for lemon hats!
Lemon Art – Get creative with lemon prints. Slice lemons in half, dip them in paint, and stamp them away on T-shirts or canvas. It’s art with a citrus twist!
Secret Lemon Santa – A bit like Secret Santa, but you gift lemon trees or lemon-themed presents. Imagine the smile when someone receives a miniature lemon tree!
Lemon Scavenger Hunt – Hide lemon-themed items around your garden or home. Participants must find all things lemon to win a zesty prize.
Lemon Recipe Swap – Host a virtual or in-person event where everyone shares their favorite lemon recipes. Discover new lemony delights from friends and family.
Adopt a Lemon Tree – If planting a tree isn’t possible, why not adopt one? Some organizations allow you to adopt trees and receive updates on their growth.
Lemon Movie Marathon – Watch films with ‘lemon’ in the title or that feature lemon in the story. Don’t forget the lemon-flavored popcorn!
These ideas combine the fun, community, and love for lemons that Plant a Lemon Tree Day embodies.
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herbiesrestaurant · 2 months
Discover the Best Places to Eat in Exeter City Centre
Exeter, a historic city in Devon, England, is renowned for its stunning cathedral, rich heritage, and vibrant cultural scene. Beyond its architectural marvels and picturesque landscapes, Exeter boasts a thriving culinary landscape that caters to all tastes and preferences. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor, Places to Eat in Exeter City Centre exploring the gastronomic delights in Exeter City Centre is a must. Here's a guide to some of the best places to eat in Exeter, including the beloved Herbies Restaurant.
Herbies Restaurant: A Vegetarian Haven
Located in the heart of Exeter, Herbies Restaurant is a beloved institution that has been serving up delicious vegetarian cuisine for years. This charming eatery is known for its cozy atmosphere, friendly staff, and a diverse menu that caters to vegetarians, vegans, and those seeking gluten-free options.
Must-Try Dishes:
Mushroom Stroganoff: A creamy, flavorful dish served with brown rice and a fresh salad.
Herbies Nut Roast: A hearty and wholesome option that is perfect for any meal.
Vegan Chocolate Cake: A rich and decadent dessert that is a favorite among regulars.
Herbies Restaurant is not just about great food; it's about a dining experience that makes you feel at home. Whether you're a vegetarian or simply looking to try something new, Herbies is a must-visit.
The Oddfellows: Gastropub Excellence
For those who enjoy a mix of traditional pub fare with a modern twist, The Oddfellows is the place to be. This stylish gastropub offers a relaxed atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a leisurely meal or a night out with friends.
Sunday Roasts: Indulge in a classic British roast with all the trimmings.
Craft Beers: A wide selection of local and international craft beers.
Seasonal Menu: The menu changes regularly to reflect the best of local produce.
On The Waterfront: Riverside Dining
Situated on the historic Exeter Quayside, On The Waterfront offers stunning views and a delightful menu. Known for its famous pizzas, this restaurant is perfect for a casual meal with family or friends.
Menu Favorites:
Waterfront Pizza: A massive pizza that's perfect for sharing, with a variety of toppings to choose from.
Seafood Platter: Fresh, locally-sourced seafood served with a variety of dipping sauces.
Dessert Calzone: A sweet twist on the classic calzone, filled with chocolate and fruits.
Harry's Restaurant: Family-Friendly Atmosphere
Harry's Restaurant is a family-run establishment that has been a staple in Exeter since 1993. Known for its warm and welcoming ambiance, Harry's offers a diverse menu that caters to all ages.
Top Picks:
Harry's Burger: Juicy and flavorful, served with a side of crispy fries.
Spicy Jambalaya: A zesty dish packed with chicken, chorizo, and prawns.
Homemade Cheesecake: A creamy and indulgent treat to end your meal.
Rendezvous Wine Bar: Elegant Dining Experience
For a more sophisticated dining experience, head to Rendezvous Wine Bar. Tucked away in a charming courtyard, this restaurant offers an extensive wine list and a menu that focuses on fresh, locally-sourced ingredients.
Signature Dishes:
Lamb Rump: Cooked to perfection and served with seasonal vegetables.
Wild Mushroom Risotto: Creamy and rich, perfect for mushroom lovers.
Cheese Board: A selection of local cheeses, perfect for pairing with a glass of wine.
Exeter City Centre is a culinary paradise, offering a wide range of dining options that cater to all tastes and preferences. Places to Eat in Exeter City Centre From the vegetarian delights at Herbies Restaurant to the elegant dining experience at Rendezvous Wine Bar, there's something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in Exeter, be sure to explore these fantastic eateries and enjoy the diverse flavors this historic city has to offer.
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