#fuck Qiqi
quesadilla-day · 4 months
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delicious jade 😋yummy yummy 😍
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selkies-and-cycles · 9 months
"Who is he?" Qiqi asks, her hands scrunching the fabric of the sheets as she peers over the edge of the patient's bed.
"His name is Dainsleif." Baizhu says as he wipes his hands off on his pants, sighing as he adjusts his glasses. "Other than that, I am not sure. But for now, he is our patient, and we will treat him as such, okay, dear?"
"Okay." Qiqi nods quietly, still peering at the sleeping blond man's face.
"Well, now that that's settled, I believe it is time for bed. Come, Qiqi." The doctor slowly pads across the floor, making an effort to muffle the creak of wooden floor boards as he reaches for the door handle. As he slowly twists the knob, he pauses, turning around once more. "Qiqi?" He asks.
Qiqi still stands at Dain's bedside, watching the man with curious eyes. When Baizhu reapproaches her side, she let go of the bed sheets, settling back onto her heels.
Baizhu raises a silent eyebrow at her, and Qiqi thinks on her words for a few moments. "...We are... similar." She points to the blue veins pulsing on his corrupted arm, struggling to find the words to fully explain it. "Not dead, not alive. Not human, not monster. He is like Qiqi. Like me."
Baizhu's face softens, although he only grasps an inkling of what she's saying. "Do you mean his abyssal energy?" He asks, kneeling down beside her.
Qiqi shakes her head. "...Abyss?" She thinks about it, then shakes her head again. "No. He is not bad, like the Abyss. He... glows, like stars." She turns back to look at Dain, then back to Baizhu. "...Dr. Baizhu, does he like coconut milk?"
Baizhu blinks.
Then he laughs, the sound soft and airy against the quiet of the creak of the floor and their patient's tired breathing. "I don't know, dear." He says, gently taking Qiqi's hand. "But you can ask him when he wakes up, okay? I'm sure he'd appreciate it."
"Hmm... Okay." Qiqi nods, and diligently follows Baizhu out, but not before dutifully tucking in the edges of the sheets.
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runawaymun · 3 months
sorry for the continued Genshin/Baizhu&Qiqi brainrot posting BUT
I knew Qiqi was scared of Hu Tao bc of the whole thing of her chasing Qiqi around to try to rebury her/lay her to rest (got that much from Qiqi's lines & stories) but I just got up to friendship 6 with Baizhu and
It was satisfying hearing how genuinely upset Baizhu got there for a second tho like listen listen listen pretty much all of Baizhu's voicelines are so calming to listen to. Like he's so gentle. So hearing him actually raise his voice about it and lose his composure??? the way it gets all sharp like a scalpel and tense like he's holding back so much more than what he's saying??? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's the good stuff.
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youichi-kuramochi · 4 months
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[bonus collab chibis under the cut]
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localplaguenurse · 9 months
I was looking up Diluc's age for fic plotting and came across an article with like the actual fucking worst info on all playable character ages, like literally half of the characters are just "young man/woman" or they're labeled as "unknown" when you can literally look up the genshin timeline and find their actual ages somewhere. Zhongli is literally the only correct age at over 6000. I am losing my mind. Kaveh is almost thirty and older than Alhaitham but he's labelled as "graduate student" but Alhaitham gets "suggested to be older than most." This is awful. I need there to be a comment section. I need to know I'm not alone. What the fuck.
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alligaytorswamp · 5 months
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Baizhu's birthday letter
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incorrectfatui · 15 days
not a quote but today is Razors birthday and I thought you should all know that
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Zhongli headcanons
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HI HELLO I'M BACK-- i finished my h/c list ages ago but then brainrot took over and i was caught between mini fic writing and schoolwork lmfao. anyway, zhongli's my precious lil mans and i must SCREAM abt him for a moment thank u.
current list: - FLUENT in the art of yapping. could weave a story abt a blade of grass, and y'all know bitches are listening. - i feel like most ppl are kinda intimidated by him. like regular average ppl look at him and are shaken by this sort of regal air he's got around him. - straightforward! he doesn't beat around the bush when he's got a point or needs something. this kinda thing also makes ppl more intimidated of him bc he's just very confident abt it. - WARM HANDS,,, - he gives me the vibes of a fidgeter. like he spins his rings on his thumbs, and will fiddle with the sleeves of his coat. like it's just a habit he picked up, and now he can't help but do it when his mind is wandering. - ON THE TOPIC OF FIDGETING: Guizhong's puzzle box. Zhongli's usually pretty good abt figuring things out when he's confronted w/ something confounding/confusing, but when he can't figure it out or it's a very hard thing to work through, i am CONVINCED that he fiddles with Guizhong's puzzle box. like it's sort of like him trying to solve her final question helps him solve the current Difficult Question he's faced with. absolutely probably fiddled w/ it when he was deciding what to do abt retirement. - this man LOVES antiques and art/music (he likes a lot of things tbh) and he will do anything to talk abt them. like he's probably one of the best antique appraisers, and has stories abt specific antiques he's seen before. as for opera and music and art, he just really appreciates their creativity! also sorry he would absolutely indulge in the art of calligraphy. - he hoards rocks. listen, he hoards them. he loves rocks, and when he finds a Perfect Rock, he just yoinks it (Perfect Rocks are hard to come by yk!!!). - he's usually very sweet and nice, and has a good attitude, but i'm PRETTY sure he's got a bit of pride to him yk. - listen,,, he was in a really long war and lost a lot of ppl he cared abt in the Archon War, and i'm like pretty sure he's got battle anxiety now bc of it. like he would MUCH prefer talking things out, but if push comes to shove he will still fight; he just tends to push himself to the front so that less people get hurt. he just REALLY wants to protect people, which makes him a little self-sacrificial (he's usually fine). he's also fucking PROTECTIVE as FUCK. - Zhongli has gold blood. not red blood, gold; i think this makes him more nervous around red blood bc it means to him that someone is hurt and he wasn't able to protect them. it's equated with Really Bad Things. - back to sad things, i'm 90% sure he's afraid of forgetting things due to erosion. he's always had a good memory, so the idea that he might one day have his memories eroded is one of his greatest fears. - i feel like all of his worries and concerns have turned him from a stern War God to a very gentle mans that will make u soup when ur sick. - Zhongli and Venti are the best of friends and he would deck that guy so hard if someone asked him to. Literally besties for the resties, they hate each other but someone fucks with one of em, the other's got his back. - Zhongli talks pretty, so ya know he's got That Sass that hits different. Like it's out of left field, and it probably doesn't register as a slight at first. sometimes it takes u a good hour before u realize he wasn't complimenting u and instead was calling u an idiot. - the definition of "curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back". literally exudes pure curiosity when he sees something he hasn't seen before. - he adores little gifts,,, like these small gestures would Never Be Noticed by anyone, except him, and he just thinks it's so fuckin sweet. - secretly a prankster. you Would Not Expect It from him, but that's what makes it so perfect. he's the PATIENT type of prankster, too; the one who moves the flower vase a cenimeter to the left every day over the course of a month type of patient.
HERE'S THE LIST, LOVE THIS MAN SO FUCKIN MUCH YALL plEASE,,, he's my pretty mans and i just foam at the mouth over him i s w e a r.
Up next is Neuvi, bc i love him, and then i'll be delving into the Very Specific Niche Ship i obsess over which is them as a poly.
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princeinsomniavoid · 11 months
Just leveled my Wriothesley to 90 lets gooo
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t-a-l-i-a18 · 3 months
Me after playing the new imperial theater or whatever the fuck it’s called update in genshin impact:
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cursedbygacha · 2 years
[Scaramouche Boss Fight]
Scaramouche: You’re too late, Traveler. Behold, a new god—
Ei, carrying Nahida on her hip:
Scaramouche: …What is that. (Points at Nahida)
Ei: My new kid.
Scaramouche: *seething with jealousy*
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
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Baizhu’s Room
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(note: this was written without any leaked spoilers or lore in mind)
Genshin 3.6 finally gave us access to the back room in Bubu Pharmacy, in anticipation of Baizhu’s upcoming release and story quest. And I have to give all the praise to the designers and developers here, because this small room has some of the best environmental storytelling I’ve seen in a game in a while, with only a few simple details. Today is Baizhu’s birthday, so I wanted to talk about it a little 💚🐍🌿
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Nothing in this room is neatly in its place. The chairs aren’t in position, everything on the desk is messy and strewn about, and some of the drawers are left open. There’s a pillow on the desk, as well. Baizhu is quite frail and sickly, so this all paints a picture of him constantly looking for things and working, both as a doctor and frantically on his research into immortality, without having the energy or care to keep everything neat, and probably often falling asleep at his desk out of exhaustion (hence the pillow, though admittedly it could be for Changsheng, but I kind of doubt it).
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There’s medicine on the bedside tables, which is probably just as much for Baizhu as it (and all the other medicine in the room) is for his patients. The bedside chair indicates he likely sits with patients there a lot so as to be as comforting as possible, but again, it’s also likely for people like Gui and Qiqi, when Baizhu is the one in bed. The sole small washtub thing stuck in the corner behind the screen... just makes me sad. I don’t know why in particular... it just does.
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All of this, combined with the lighting, and the new, unique song, creates a room that manages to feel both warm and welcoming during the day, but solemn, lonely, almost suffocating, and unbearably sad at night, completely befitting the person who practically lives here, and the two very different sides he has. I say “practically”, but we have no indication so far that Baizhu actually does live anywhere else -- with his low energy and poor health, and all those damn steps leading up to the pharmacy, I’m fully convinced now that he does live here full-time, after seeing the state of it, which is... heartbreaking. He puts on a smile for everyone around him who are relying on him to care for them (and he loves his job, he truly does!), but his tiny, cramped patient room seemingly doubles as his living space, and even though Baizhu may lie and try to hide his own suffering... this room itself does not lie, and said suffering is bleeding from every corner here. The music is elegant, gentle, comforting, and soothing, but also delicate, weak, mournful, and again unimaginably lonely...... just like Baizhu. 💔
If you haven’t been here yet in the game, I highly recommend you visit it at least once; the atmosphere is simply unmatched. I can’t wait to see what happens here in Baizhu’s story quest, and how it will wreck our hearts even more 💚💔
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runawaymun · 3 months
just ascended Baizhu to the 4th tier and I'm ...... ;-;
"My energy is on the rise... I suppose it is due to the recent improvements in my condition. I don't feel so weary, even after a full day of seeing patients. This is all thanks to your efforts."
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bubupharma · 5 months
After all these years, Qiqi finally came home AND GUESS WHAT SHE BROUGHT WITH HER????
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Like I HAD to give it to her she LITERALLY BROUGHT IT HERSELF
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s4no · 1 year
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