#fuck bees and wasps
br4tphobia · 1 year
winter >> summer
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bunnis-monsters · 1 month
Ahh your bee hybrids are making me think of the dynamics of the bulls and cows ♡♡ So doting and loving~ Soft and fuzzy!
I keep thinking about a nearby wasp or hornet colony getting a little jealous hearing about such a pretty queen - they're so big and scary..
Just rambly thoughts hehe, enjoy your day/night~
Let’s just say that you had a good relationship with the wasp hybrids before becoming the queen of the bee hybrids. You may have even had a fling with one or two, and they told the others.
For a while they watched on in jealousy, wanting you for themselves, until some got brave.
A few wasps get in and mate with the queen, filling you with their own eggs. It’s different than mating with the bees, they fuck and stuff you, leaving you with bite marks and hickeys… it feels so good…
The bee hybrids are devastated when they find out and aren’t sure what to do… while they hate the idea of sharing you, they’d also prefer to not go to war with the wasp hybrids. Hive vs Hive won’t end well, and your safety is their top priority.
So they find the wasps responsible and execute them… but you don’t really like that. Now the bees have made their beloved queen sad, and their next suggestion only angers you further.
They want to just kill the eggs, but that upsets you! They’re your eggs, and you get to decide if you carry them or not! The bees are at a loss. While killing them isn’t allowed by you, they can’t stay in the bee hive, that’s dangerous. Wasps are aggressive and they’re afraid they’ll hurt your bee hybrid babies.
The wasps send an ambassador, who says the other hive will go to war with them for the queen… but they offer a compromise.
Since both hives love you and neither of them wants to suffer through a war, they suggest sharing you.
So they hesitantly accept the offer to share their queen, the only stipulation being that they have more access to her and their eggs are the priority. The wasps don’t really plan on obeying that rule, but they agree because god they want you so bad.
Now imagine being surrounded by the aggressive and rough wasp hybrids that are deliciously rough on your fat cunt while you’re also being worshipped and adored by the bee hybrids who mate with you however you please…
You’d spend your days going from one hive to another, being given more and more love and affection as both hives try to stay in your favor and possibly convince you to stay with them forever.
They’re both very possessive species, and aggressive when it comes to their hive and queen. Who knows how long this treaty will last.
This scenario could be explored more if anyone’s interested.
I think the bees would usually not do this, but with the added lore that the queen was once friendly with the wasps and they are more desperate to have her means the bees would rather share than potentially lose to war. In their minds they can’t comprehend that the wasps would never hurt you, they think that they will take out the entire hive along with you.
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Okay, entomology brain is annoyed by a Tumblr ad
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Specifically, this one. First, Albert Einstein never said that.
Secondly, and more importantly, that is NOT a honey bee, or even a bee at all. That is a bee fly, a very important, very cute pollinator. However! They have parasitoid larvae! This means that they lay their eggs in the larvae of other bugs. Those eggs hatch, and those larvae eat the bug they're in from the inside out. Sounds horrible, but it's the way of things and I cannot understate how important these guys are.
The reason I'm annoyed about the picture of choice isn't even that they didn't picture a bee (not even in the right order- bees are hymenopterans. Flies are diptera.) What's really grinding my absolute gears about the choice here? Bee flies parasitize bee larva.
If you're going to use the wrong picture, at least don't use the picture of something that actively kills what you're trying to protect instead of the animal you're protecting.
Also, honeybees, Apis mellifera, don't need protection. They're fine. They're invasive in North America, even. Humans take care of them just fine. I'm a beekeeper, and I love them, but that's not where our efforts should be. We should be trying to protect native bees, there are a whole bunch that I bet you've never heard of that need help.
Anyway, rant over. Sorry, I just could not let that one go.
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i am in some sort of bug hell
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shinotail · 11 months
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also misc pd doodles because i am brain rotting
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ants are apart of hymenoptera
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suckinitup · 2 months
DAKOTA. TUXEDO. ROSE IN HIS MOUTH. listen i know everyone's into ghostknife around here but william wisp has two hands
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m0th-t33th · 1 year
do you think dracula fucking HATES summer but not for the “more sun” reason, but for the “renfield keeps eating bees and his face keeps puffing up like a dogs and i have to keep healing him every other day and it’s fucking annoying” reason?
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officialpenisenvy · 4 months
mesmerized by the huge ass bee incessantly banging against the window of my room trying to get in
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andreusaxolotl · 1 year
I really hate wasps
Had to say this
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bunnis-monsters · 11 days
I am so unwell about the idea of a bee/wasp hybrid ???? Absolutely CLINICALLY down bad.
They’d be so soft and squishy and fluffy but so angry. . . Like a poorly trained purse dog.
Trying to do literally anything but bee/wasp hybrid bf just worming his way into your arms, grumbling and buzzing in annoyance. Can’t you see your cute boyfriend wants your attention?
God you can’t bring this man out in public. To most he looks so soft and sweet, but if anyone even looks in your direction he’s threatening to skewer them. Wasps and bees are very protective, so combining them is like throwing gasoline and fire into a tornado.
He’s so clingy, you’d think he’s been surgically attached to your hip. So soft and fluffy, but handsy and a bit rough. You never know what you’re getting with him.
One second he’s snuggling into you, little purrs and buzzes as his wings twitch in pleasure, then all of a sudden he’s biting your neck to establish dominance and shoving his cock into your fat cunt, stuffing you full of his eggs.
He looks like any other bumble bee hybrid, but he’s a bit angular like a wasp if that makes sense, with a reddish tint instead of yellow. Kind of like a person with strawberry blonde hair that leans more towards ginger!
He’s got terrible separation anxiety and instead of getting nervous he gets PISSED when he can’t be with you 24/7. Will absolutely show up and start fighting anyone that tries to keep you away longer than an hour or so.
Now imagine an ENTIRE HIVE of these bee/wasp hybrids! They’re absolutely overbearing… some combine the best aspects of their differing species, while the others bring out the worst.
But god you love them, and they adore you. They’re just angry, fuzzy little things!
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kagedbird · 11 months
Allora: *standing rigidly next to a group of flowers, pale in the face and lightly shaking* Taliesin: Allora? Are you all right-? Allora: There is. A bee. In my hair. Taliesin: Oh dear. *gently guides the bee out from her locks, cooing* Naughty little thing, my Cherub is not a flower. Bee: *buzzes curiously as it smells honey on Taliesin* Taliesin: Very flattering, my lady, but I'm afraid I'm taken. Off you go. *gently herds the bee to a flower, where it happily digs for pollen* Now then- Allora: *ran off as soon as she was free, clinging to Kaidan back at camp and trembling like a baby* Taliesin: -Ah. *to the bees* Please excuse her, I do believe she has a phobia of you lovely ladies. Best of luck on your work! Bee: *waves at Taliesin as he leaves*
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jazz-downtown · 3 days
random fun fact! Wasps are EVIL
Bees are lovely though!!!!
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lumatotuwu · 1 month
okay so like there's a wasp nest situated right next to my backyard door and for some reason i just want to fucking set it on fire. idk maybe the little caveman inside my brain just wants to make fire but i just wanna fuckin turn the wasp's home into ash. i wouldn't even use a lighter, my burning hatred would suffice to set that mass of evil ablaze.
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lotus-sunn · 7 months
Hate cicada killer wasps. Hope they kill themselves.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 7 months
watching bee n wasp nest removal videos >>>
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