#fuck border patrol
wh0rganic · 8 months
You definitely shouldn’t submit fake responses to the Texas “border support” volunteer form. That would cause them to have to spend extra time and effort cleaning data to discern real responses from fake. We wouldn’t want to take up time that could be used on dehumanizing migrants, would we guys???
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plethoraworldatlas · 1 year
PHOENIX (AP) — The construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border under former President Donald Trump toppled untold numbers of saguaro cactuses in Arizona, put endangered ocelots at risk in Texas and disturbed Native American burial grounds, the official congressional watchdog said Thursday.
A report released by the Government Accountability Office offers the first independent assessment of damage caused by the building of more than 450 miles ( 724 km) of wall while in-depth environmental reviews were waived and the concerns of Native American tribes went largely ignored in the rush to finish the barrier.
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bothpartiesarebad · 2 years
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(via Christian Jesus Leftist Chiga La Migra Abolish ICE Borders - Etsy)
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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mangoes-and-mothman · 5 months
i forgot how much i fucking love jawbone
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dandelion-wings · 6 months
Came across a post yesterday where someone was trying to come up with alternate explanations for that bit in the Friends From Afar event where Eula says Amber and Mika can't drink, clearly with an Eula/Amber, "Amber isn't actually underage" bent, and it got me thinking. Eula/Amber is one of those pairings, like Jean/Diluc, that I tend to like only in narrow circumstances that I struggle to define, but I think something I got out of that post is that I like it best with an age gap? I've mentioned before the joys of tiny Amber looking up at teenage Eula and declaring that she's going to marry her someday, but even if that's not the specific scenario, I only really care for the ship when it has that vibe. Amber is much younger and Eula views her fondly in a pseudo-familial way due to their shared relationship with their grandfather, and Amber's crush is a mix of embarrassing, amusing, and cute right up until Eula turns around and when did little Amber grow up, and also little Amber is going full-on Determinator on snagging Eula.
Which is to say: my preferred version of Eula/Amber is that yes, Amber can't drink because she's underage, and yes, she is absolutely dating Eula. XD
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haleviyah · 2 months
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Gaza Strip Vs. Rio Grande Valley: Who Really Needs Help?
I recall as a child that it takes about 35 -40 minutes to drive straight from Mission, Texas to Mercedes, Texas. This is the same distance to drive across the Gaza strip (South to North) with no traffic or detours.
From Lopezville to the River? roughly 8 - 12 minutes. That's how far Gaza is from east to west. Or should I say, that's how far WE are from the river Rio Grande.
McAllen's population alone in 2024 is 145 K with about 90% or more being of Mexican Latino descent, however the current metro population of McAllen FINALLY broke 1.1 million in 2024 with a healthy increase of population excluding immigration. (Congrats!)
As of right now:
Rio Grande Valley as a WHOLE is 2,671,028 and counting.
Gaza is CLAIMED to have 2 million. Yet Gaza received more in foreign aid in 9 months than the city of McAllen's police force has received in 20 years! Mind you, the State of Texas' Troopers and Rangers are their own and fighting a battle against human traffickers and cartel members. Biden never visited once to congratulate/support our force directly.
So... Biden, D.C. Pro-Hamas folk, Netanyahu... explain your logic here!
How does a strip of sand filled with radical militants get all the sympathy or media attention in contrast to honest Hispanics protecting their home?
I am not angry at Israel, but Zion my rebuke to you is you should know better and quit listening to what the government says, likewise with the United States. Israel, listen to the Rio Grande. We know the hearts and the underbelly of American Politics like our sister cities along the border. We know what they are really like and if they won't give a rat's ass about us, they won't give a rat's ass about you, Israel. I hate to say it but it's true. So don't fall for their charms. Need proof? Ask them "What about the Rio Grande? Are you going to help border security near McAllen?" and watch them dodge the question or clam up I guarantee that. Just try it and watch, Israel. You'd be amazed of how much these guys don't care... You are going through enough as it is, the last thing we want for you is to be fed more BS from D.C. Keep that in mind.
Now for Netanyahu: You are a lot of things, but humble isn't one of them. You do realise you drove the Jews out of Gaza during your political career while Arik Sharon was PM. You were the one who okay'ed the kibbutzim to have realestate near the border of Gaza unarmed... yet you're flabbergasted when the Hamassacre happened? WOW! And I thought D.C. treated the Rio Grande poorly...
Israel is even paying up the welfare for everything while you drag your feet and kick the can down the road... and you are surprised how your enemies are taking advantage of you? Taking advantage of "being nice" or "being friendly". I guess you were too distracted by your own dumb decisions on "making friends" you fail to realise that your war is costing others as well beyond Gaza. I am not talking about the universities shouting "From River to the Sea!", I am also talking about US border towns such as the Rio Grande and Yuma, Arizona. We have seen our fair share of radical extremists come through the river thanks to men like Biden, Netanyahu! THAT SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING! Why are Latino towns suddenly seeing Hamas headbands?
American Jews are being attacked by these people sneaking in, this open border policy Biden wants is fuelling the antisemitic invasion into the USA... And you're not going to talk about it?!
I don't know why in Hell you congratulated Biden's illegitimate ass back on November 3, 2020 but know this: if you give a shit about America, Benjamin, if you say we're "friends" or "allies" or even see us as "New Zion" as some Jews have fondly nick-named us, then tell Biden to close the border NOW! Tell Biden to leave Gaza and Ukraine alone and fix his own borders first!
Am Yisrael Chai. The Holy Land deserves and WILL receive better than someone like you.
And as for Biden... you want to say "Sorry"? You want to say "Let's send help!"
You're too late.
50+ years too late!
Let's not forget how cartels spiked ever since you started your career, Joseph. You were ILLEGALLY sworn as a Senator of Delaware, since then you had every open opportunity to send the Coast Guard of Delaware since '69 to Texas to fight king pins taking over Latin America.
Ohio did it recently.
Florida is helping Texas.
Where the hell are you?!
Pablo Escobar's cocaine empire was taking off in the 80s, you were still in office Joseph, and you just sat on your ass with "Just Say No"... you do realise that sometimes people don't have the option of saying "No".
There are hundreds of cases where there are women and kids that were kidnapped and trafficked over the border because of YOU! They never had a chance to just say "no" because they were COERCED! Do you know what that word means, Biden? It means they were FORCED to come with the cartel otherwise they'll kill their families or loved ones. Some kids that were kidnapped their parents are probably dead by now, there is no way they can return home. The men and women posing with them at the check points aren't even their real parents and yet you want them to come in... "Come in, come in" Kamala said. "Thank you, Biden" the coyote responded on the Rio Grande... I remember those instances.
Biden, do you know why the cartel kills the parents? No witnesses! They want to leave the impression that they were never there, they work in the shadows and the best way to cover their trail is by DEATH. Killing anyone who spills the beans or even low-key saw what they were up to. Just like how Hamas is treating Gazans and Israelis... they're just like the cartel if not worse! And yet you're giving them leeway to keep going.
So that little "Just Say No" slogan didn't do shit then and won't do shit now. For 50 years you didn't do shit and you're still not doing shit! Yet you want to latino vote with your couch of a wife chopping up Spanish faster the your son chops cocaine?
You abandoned the Rio Grande Valley for a strip of sand that hates us and Israel for hatred's sakes... there is no making peace with Hamas or the cartels. That opportunity was gone ever since the first shots were fired; they want everyone - Jew and Gentile - dead, and yet you give money to them... You abandoned you post as "president" to these United States and chose a bed with terrorists and king pins that are killing us all. You don't care about anyone but your own form vengeance for Beau - everyone else be damned.
I hope you remember this before you close your eyes one last time Biden: YOU DID THIS, YOU FANNED THESE FIRES!
You will see the people you screwed over in the next life, including people from the Rio Grande, Gaza, Israel and Mexico... and no amount of ass kissing to G-d or the devil is going to save you.
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jerichoes · 1 month
travelling from the istanbul airport to domodedovo airport feels like getting hit with a baseball bat across the dome
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morgenlich · 3 months
it’s an 8 hour drive to the nearest actual border crossing but having crossed at that point (from ontario into michigan) before i think it’s safe to tack a couple hours onto the overall time just because you’ll be sitting in your car waiting to go through customs for a bit
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ophilosoraptoro · 8 months
"Militarizing Texas Guard"- Texas Governor Greg Abbott FIGHTS Biden Administration On Immigration
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deodatasslawson · 1 year
Fuck off I refuse to join your shitty fascist organization.
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I am genuinely disgusted that I got this ad while browsing YouTube considering the fact that the fucking Border Patrol (ESPECIALLY ICE) has been actually terrorizing migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers and putting them in actual full-blown concentration camps (and probably even death camps/extermination camps considering recent events).
Anyways if you are a Border Patrol agent or an ICE agent, or if you support the fucking Border Patrol or ICE, unfollow me, fuck off, and die. 🖕🏻
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plethoraworldatlas · 6 months
Migrant rights defenders on Thursday cheered a federal court ruling ordering U.S. Customs and Border Protection to stop holding undocumented minors in squalid open-air detention sites in Southern California and to transfer all children held in such locations to "safe and sanitary" spaces.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) contended that people held in the open-air detention sites (OADS) are not yet in U.S. custody. However, Judge Dolly Gee of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles issued a 12-page ruling that found migrant children are entitled to protection under the Flores Settlement Agreement, which established national minimum standards for the treatment of detained minors.
Gee found that CBP violated the 1997 agreement by detaining children in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, failing to properly feed them, and taking too long to process them at seven sites near San Diego and Jacumba Hot Springs. Migrants detained in these OADS have waited as long as five days before being transfered to indoor lockups.
"The court's decision to recognize CBP's custody of children in open-air detention sites is a crucial step towards ensuring accountability and protection for vulnerable migrants," said Lilian Serrano, director of Southern Border Communities Coalition, a case plaintiff.
"There are minimum standards that must be followed if CBP will be detaining families, children, and other people," Serrano added. "We are pleased to see the federal court acknowledge this fundamental truth. Now we expect the agency to comply with the court's order immediately."
As the number of migrants entering the United States without authorization has surged during President Joe Biden's tenure, U.S. border authorities have forced migrants—including people legally seeking asylum—into OADS, where they face what case plaintiff National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) called "profoundly inhumane conditions."
NCYL said migrant children are "forced to take shelter from harsh rain and wind in porta-potties, burn toxic brush and garbage to stay warm, and survive on nothing more than a granola bar and a bottle of water each day."
"But it remains a tragedy that a court had to direct the government to do what basic human decency and the law clearly require," Desai added. "We expect CBP to comply with the court's order swiftly, and we remain committed to holding CBP accountable for meeting the most rudimentary needs of children in their legal custody, including food, shelter, and basic medical care."
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nando161mando · 8 months
Recently, migrants from Africa and South Asia began arriving in Sasabe, hoping to be arrested in order to exercise their right to request asylum.
Border Patrol is refusing to respond, leaving asylum seekers stuck in the desert, vulnerable to the elements:
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cerneterydrive · 2 years
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reallysleepymermaid · 2 years
Stupid cop came in and was like “omg sowee can I pwease get these 5 orders charged separately???” And then proceeded to give me the wrong card on the first order and as I’m voiding it he’s like “omg I’m so sorry I’m not that bright I’m a law enforcement officer so obviously I’m not that bright 🤪” and I was like if you don’t shut your stupid pig mouth right now-
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marmett · 7 months
im going to attack and maim my brother for how he talks to our mom.
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