#fuck college im glad im out of here soon
shalpilot · 5 months
everyone wish me luck on this exam tomorrow if i fail i don't graduate on time and ill have to spend another fuckng 93 dollars i hate this stupid school
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mrsjavierpena · 9 months
not (un)expected | part 1
javier peña x f!secretary!reader
summary: Javier has one, only one very strict policy: to not ever fuck a co-worker; specially if that co-worker is his own secretary. but you make it such a hard promise to keep
chapter warnings: narcos' spoilers, smut, grinding, unprotected p in v, kind of exhibitionism, (light?) angst, a lot of cursing (its javier pena), kinda slow burn/slow start, unspecified age gap, work dynamics, reader has no name/descripition (but has hair long enough to pull), no use of 'y/n'
IMPORTANT: English is not my first language, i've done my best with grammar but there will be mistakes (fuck prepositions i hate them), so pls overlook those
wordcount: 7k
an: this is part one of a two part story; feel free to reblog and leave your comment. im so happy with the reception of this fic, its my first time posting something here, thank you guys so much for the support - also, if you want to be tagged in part two (really don't know when is coming out) just lmk in the comments.
hope you enjoy!
Javier was known for being an asshole.
Everyone in the office called him that; not to his face, of course, since he was the boss, but he knew, and honestly? He kind of did it on purpose. Being sent back to Colombia to be the CIA puppy didn't in fact thrilled him, but he also wasn't there to make friends. A little bit later than one month into his new position and Javier had already changed secretaries twice. Just by being himself.
The first one was a kind old lady that liked to talk a little bit too much for Javi's taste - which was none. To be fair, he tried to handle her. He listened to her talking of her yougest child finishing college, but she asked him if maybe he could get him a job at the deparment - what in the actual fuck? -, she felt the need to tell him that her older one and his wife were trying to have a baby - he wondered what gave her the impression he wanted to know that her son was fucking someone raw. She just wouldn't shut up. She left not much after a month, at his first snap - took him too long, to be honest.
The last one was a young man fresh out of the academy, who thanked him for the opportunity every time he saw him - which, since he was just outside his office, was pretty often. Despite how thankful he was for the job, he wasn't very interested in working, at least not as he was to flirting with another secretary in the floor below. But that wasn't the worst part, the kid had no idea what he was supposed to do and would go ask Javier for help for every task given to him - he swore he was shaking everytime. Javi didn't care that he was young and was learning, he didn't receive enough to raise a child at work. Didn't last a week.
Javier had headaches just by the thought of who would be sent next. With his current luck, it could be his ex-fiancée. He definitely didn't expect you knocking on his office door and introducing yourself as his new secretary. He was speechless for a moment; you were the combo of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life with a killing black pencil skirt, so tight it showed all your curves. You gave him a firm handshake and asked if he needed anything from you, and, when he denied, that was it. You went to your desk; didn't ask him questions, didn't tell him your whole life, didn't thank him for an opportunity he didn't give you, just went to do your work.
For a while, Javier was glad that you didn't give him any trouble, but that was until you quickly learned his habits. As soon as he arrived the office, you would receive him with a polite smile, a cup of black coffee and his schedule for the day. When he dove into files and forgot he was a person, you would bring him his lunch and wouldn't leave until he had at least a bite - as if he was a kid, what an absurd -, you would sense when he was stressed and would excuse yourself into his office with coffee and a pack of cigarettes and leave without saying a word.
He hated how much he appreciated that - even worse, how he liked that. It didn't take long for him to want to fuck you, to become obssessed with you. And it wasn't just him, he could see every other men in the department - single or not - turn their neck as they watched you pass by. But it was not just that you were hot, you were nice too; he would watch you from his office - not in a creepy way, though, he just didn't have anything much better to do - and you would distribute smiles and polite greetings to every soul that passed your desk, people would constantly stop by to small talk with you and you would let them be for five minutes or so before politely dismiss them to go back to work. Every fucking body there adored you.
Things had always been very professional between you both. Javi held back his flirty instinct and you- well, you didn't even seem interested in him at all. That was untill a very stressfull friday with Stechner giving him shit again. He left the building straigh to the bar, ready to drown himself on whiskey and find a quick fuck for the night, not expecting at all to find you aparently doing the same. Javier considered just ignoring you and go sitting with one of the women that turned their heads in his direction as soon as he entered, but something inside of him made him take the few steps to the bar and get the stool beside where you sat.
You almost spilled your drink when he approached.
"Sorry" you coughed "Wasn't expecting to see you here"
Your body language told him that you weren't comfortable with him there, he saw your backs getting as straight as when you were at work, and immediately regretted joining you.
"Well, that makes it two of us" he raised his hand to order his drink "What's the occasion?" he points to your drink with his chin.
Your grip on your glass seemed to tighten and you took one very long sip before answering dryly "I could ask you the same"
"Work" he raised his brows "It's always work"
"Did something happen after I left?" you pinched your brows.
"No, no, just people giving me shit"
"Oh, I see..." you sighed and silence fell between you.
"Well..." you both started talking together and laughed akwardly.
"You go" you said.
"Am I bothering you? Cause I didn't mean to, I can sit somewhere else" he didn't even know why he was asking, he should've just said goodbye and left. He was already standing when your hand found his arm.
You sighed heavily "No, not at all, I'm sorry I gave that impression, sir" you seemed genuine, that's why he sat back "I'm just stressed"
Sir. Why were you calling him sir in a bar?
"Do you want to talk about it? If there's something bothering you we can discuss it and sol-"
"It's not work related" you were quick to interrupt "Work is, honestly, the simplest part of my life right now"
"Things must be pretty bad then, 'cause I see the amount of papers on your desk everyday" that made you chucke "The offer still stands, if you want to"
You took a big breath before dropping the bomb "Broke up with my boyfriend"
Now that was a new territory. He knew absolutly nothing about your life besides you moving to Colombia from the United States; he didn't know anything from your life back there, not your family, friends, definitely not about your boyfriend; and now, somehow, knowing you didn't have one anymore made it even harder for him not to want you.
"What happened?"
"Well, actually, it seems like we had already broken up a while ago and he just forgot to send the memo" you drank your whole half glass all at once ", since he was fucking every pussy that crossed his fucking way"
He was stunned. One thing about Javier was that he was never to deny any woman; honestly, he found every body attractive and apreciatted every woman that gave herself to him. He couldn't say he had a type, but you, with what he saw with your clothes on? He would fuck you every minute of everyday he could. It was absurd to believe someone would give up on you.
"Damn!" he couldn't help but say loudly, making your eyes go wide as if just then realising what you had just said.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be telling you this. I apologise, sir"
"You don't- don't apologise" he almost raised his hand to touch you, but stopped himself before "How did you find out?" you looked at him with raised brows "If you don't mind me asking"
"One of my friends called me last night and told me. She saw him at a bar with two women" you laughed, but there was no humor to be found.
"And you were still smiling at everyone at work today" he was impressed.
You smirked at him "Don't let my personal life mix with work, sir"
"Smart woman" he nods "We for sure have a reason to drink, then" waving his hand to the barman "Let me buy you one"
You don't even bother to refuse.
After three more glasses of what he found out was tequila, your shoulders were much more relaxed and so was your tongue. He found out that you and your ex had been dating for six years when you got the opportunity of job and had to move; two months had passed already.
"And you know what the worst part is?" your laugh is dry "I don't even feel bad because my heart is broken or any shit like that, it's just that is so fucking humiliating" you groaned with your hands on your face "I'm from a small town, you know, by now every soul there knows what he's been doing"
He had to laugh "That's what you're worried about?" you looked at him with false ofense.
"It's my honor we're talking about here!" he laughed even more "It's silly, I know..." you sigh shakly as you take another sip of your drink "But it is humbiling, being cheated on"
"I can't fucking believe anyone could ever cheat on you" he thought. At least he thought he did, but by the way you were looking at him - pinched brows and a curious look in your face, he had to have said it out loud "I mean, only shitty people cheat on nice people. Only shitty people cheat, that's it."
You nodded after a few seconds of silence "You're right, sir"
"You should stop calling me sir"
"I don't think so"
"Why not? We're already half drunk together at a shitty bar"
"Because you're still my boss"
Without any response to that, he looks at you. Really looks at you. Your eyes glassy from the alcohol, red puffy lips looking more appealing than ever... It would have been so easy to just lean in and kiss you. When his eyes came back to yours, it almost seemed like they were on his lips too, that you were leaning in too, that you desired him as much as he desired you and... Then it was not there anymore. Suddenly, you seemed farther than ever, backs as streight as always and eyes avoiding his.
"I should go home"
He agreed. He put you on a cab. He wished you a goodnight.
Then went back to the bar to find someone to not spend the night alone.
The next Monday, though, you seemed even more professional than ever. Wouldn't be around him more than the necessary, wouldn't look him in the eyes and it fucking bothered him.
"Yes, sir?" you entered his office after he called your name.
He sighs as he looked you up and down, his eyes lingering to your skirt pressing against your tights "How are you?"
"I'm fine" you hesitated "Why do you ask? Is something wrong?"
"Lying to me, 's all" your eyes went wide "Listen, last night-"
Your nostrils flared, your hands clenching into fists; you took a deep breath before interrupting him "I am fine"
"Ok, then" he raised his hands in defensiveness "It's just that last night-"
"Last night I was drunk!" you passed your hands through your face "I said things I shouldn't have and I am embarressed and would very much appreciate if we pretended that it never happened"
Javier was silent for a moment. He understandood your apprehension, but damn if he wasn't dismayed by it.
"Alright, 'm sorry I brought it up. But just to let you know, you don't have anything to be embarressed for, you have my word that I wouldn't hold any if that against you and..." and it was nice to talk to you "Yeah, don't worry about that"
You looked at him for a few seconds before nodding "You need anything else, sir?"
Many things, yeah. For starters, you calling him by his name; second, being able to have a casual conversation with you when alcohol isn't envolved and third, your fucking clothes off because he got embarrassingly hard just by looking at you. But instead, he only denied and you left before any other word could leave his mouth.
Javi knew it was for the best. Fucking you would be no good - well, he'd bet it would be hot as shit, but too much trouble for a one night stand. He had a whole city to fool around with, to be focused in someone from his work place, his own secretary, was nonsense. You never even gave him any hint you wanted him, if anything, the actual opposite; you told him yourself last night, personal life away from work.
Javi made sure to remember all that.
He didn't keep those thoughts for long, though.
A few days later, you met at a bar once again. A better one this time and with half of the office joined. It was Feistl's birthday and he invited the whole department for drinks. Nobody could hide their surprise when Javi aproached them; usually, he wouldn't attend this type of gathering, in his rarely free times, he better prefered the company of a good whiskey and a woman, and his colleagues knew that. His employee had invited him just to be polite and that was clear, but he knew you were going to be there, Javi just wanted one more opportunity to prove to himself that you didn't feel the same way he did, that he didn't have the same effect on you that you had on him. Once that prooved, he could move on. So he was there on a mission, trying to be the most discrete he could as he watched you from afar.
The two of you seemed to be the reflexion of each other from across the table, tense bodies and drinks in hand, the only difference being you talking with your colleagues and him not making the effort. To his defense, people weren't trying to talk to him either. Honestly, Javier kind of felt like it wasn't just that they were surprised to see him there, it felt like they didn't want him there at all by some looks he was receiving.
He was okay with that, he guessed, he would much rather analyse your behavior outside work. You didn't seem to change much, honestly; maybe your smile were a little bit more genuine, but the conversations were pretty much the same he heard you have back in the office and it could have been the larger amount of alcohol in your system that night, yeah, but you seemed more relaxed alone with him.
After half an hour there, Javi couldn't bring himself to talk to you, you seemed too interested in a conversation about the new coffee pot in the scullery with another secretary. He was getting frustrated, in another times he would interrupt the other woman and flirt with you effortlessly; it probably had to do with the environment, you were surronded by co-workers, or maybe he was losing his touch - it was almost like he was too afraid to make the move.
Javi decided to leave soon after one hour there. He congratulated Feistl for his birthday, said goodbye to whoever recognized his leaving, paid his bill and passed through the door.
"Hey" he turned around at the sound of your voice, seeing you walking towards him "Are you ok?"
He ran his hand over his chin "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know" you shrugged "you kind of ran out of the bar"
"'S fine, you should go back inside" Javi pointed at the entrace with his chin.
You tilt your head to the side "I don't really believe you"
"I'm not asking you to" he crossed his arms "And, what, you wanna talk now? You've been quiet at work all week"
"We're not at work, though, are we?" you were quick to answer.
Javi looked you up and down "No, we're not"
"You know" you took a few steps forward ", it's not like they don't like you, they are just kind of scared of you"
Were you watching him too? Why would you say that? How would you notice?
He furrowed his eyebrows "Scared of me? Why?"
You looked at him with yours raised "You know how you act at work, don't you?"
Javi sighed and looked away. He did act like an asshole at work, it didn't seem to bother you, though. Your gazes met again as silence fell between the two of you and he decided to take the few steps left to get you as close as you never got before.
"Are you scared of me?"
You kept your eyes locked as you answered "No. You're not as bad as you think you are" you licked your lips "At least not with me"
The air thickend between the two of you, the only sound being the noises of a night in Colombia. There was no way you were not feeling that too, the way your bodies seemed to linger to each other's direction. He's sure he's not imagining the way your breath heaved, how your chest expansed, the brightness in your eyes.
No, that was real, he was not mistaking it.
A voice broke the tension, you taking a few steps back to a safe distant from him. You both looked in the direction of the sound: a woman was calling you, the same woman you talked all night, at the entrance of the bar, a few feet away from where the both of you stood.
"Maybe if you went back there and paid the next round..." he swore he saw expectancy in your eyes.
"Maybe another time" you nodded; you both knew it wouldn't happen.
You looked at him one last time before walking away "Good night, sir"
Javi nodded even though you weren't looking anymore and his eyes followed the sweet swing of your hips as you made your way back to the bar. He could hear the woman asking what it was about:
"Nothing" you answered.
He would disagree.
Javier was in a terrible, terrible mood. Things weren't going how he thought they would go, not even close to it. Feistl got a good lead about the Rodriguez brothers, one worth following, and he could do nothing about it; had to look to his subordinate and say no to his face. In the beggining, Javi had plans on reediming himself by catching Los Pepes, making amends with the city and it's people by arresting those who he felt like helped to ascend. He felt like a failure, and by the look on Feistl face, he thought so too. To worsen everything, as if it could get any, he had a huge, massive amount of piles to go through.
He lifted his eyes from the paper for the first time in hours when you knocked at the door. He knew your shift had ended a couple of hours ago, but you decided to finish the paperwork of the day so it wouldn't affect his own work the next morning, even though you couldn't have finished it on time because of the extra work put over you. It was something he frequently saw you doing, leaving much later than the others.
"I am leaving, sir. Is there something I could do for you?"
He scratched his chin and sighed heavily "Well, if you could make this fucking paperwork disappear I would built a statue of you"
You exiled a short laugh "I'm afraid that's not possible, sir"
"No, it's not" he reclined on his chair and looked at your body on the frame for a few seconds "Have a goodnight"
You nodded and left. He stood up to get a drink right after, hearing some noises outside that must have been you grabing your stuff. You were probably the last person on the floor besides him, and soon enough he would be alone, like he had been for so many nights, working until late, only able to go home to shower and come back. It wasn't much trouble, though, it's not like he could sleep even if he had the time.
A soft knock on the door surprised him, glass and bottle on each hand.
"Sorry to bother again" you said with only your head in the room after he told you to come in "But do you want help?"
He looked at you, at the pile and then at you again "You wanna help me with that?" you nodded "Why?"
"Nothing better to do" you shruged.
He should've said no. Should've told you to go home and have some rest.
He should have, yes.
"Have a sit" he pointed to the couch with the piles of papers he's been on for the last three hours.
You closed the door behind you and something on his skin tingled. You had never been this alone.
"Want a drink?" you didn't hesitate in accepting, as if waiting for him to offer.
Javier poured you one too and handed you the glass, something you thanked him for as you took a sip and he sitted beside you. You two stayed in silence reading, the only sound being the papers as you tossed them around.
"Can I give you an unasked opinion, sir?"
He almost laughed at that "Go ahead"
"You're separating these by topics, I see" he nodded "Taking one paper at the time and seeing what they are and then doing them separetly " he nodded again "I think it would be quicker if we made piles by the specific topics you have"
"You mean..."
"I mean" suddenly you stood up from the couch and knelt on the floor. Fortunally you didn't see his eyes going wide as you took a pile in your hands and put it beside you "You have a huge office, you should put the files on display and organize them better" you looked at him while taking the other piles "You helping?"
He smirked and hushed to help you. He liked this side of you; more relaxed, kind of bossy, tongue more loose... It was a shame you only showed him when there was alcohol running through your system.
"This, if you don't mind me saying, is how I organize the piles on your desk when I bring them to you, but you seem to prefer the hardest way"
Fuck, he was getting hard.
It was nuts. Absolutly nuts. What the fuck was happening, what effect was that you had on him? You did nothing but say a few dirty words without intention. Completely. Nuts.
"I do prefer the hard way" came out of his mouth before he could control it. If you didn't notice the double meaning or chose to ignore it, he didn't know "But I never noticed, no" he sighed "Honestly, I don't even know how it got to this point"
The paperwork, somehow, did accumulate, even though all he did of his life was working.
"I understand, I can see how you get lost in work" your focus was on the papers and you didn't seem to notice how he shifted on his place on the floor, trying to hide the beggining of an erection.
With your efficiency and new way of working, one hour and a half later and almost the whole paperwork gone, you're on your third glass and him on his fourth. He's used to drinking whiskey, but it was still alcohol, and it was making his skin buzz. You had already took off your blazer - his own gone hours ago - , wearing a thin blouse with a very modest neckline; your legs were crossed, making your skirt move up a little, and he was going crazy with just the tiny amount of skin you were showing.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Go ahead" you didn't even move your eyes from the paper.
"Why didn't you go home?"
You don't talk for a few seconds and he took the opportunity to stare "There's nothing waiting for me at home"
That got him thinking about your moving there. To go from a small town in the countryside to a city like Bogotá, not knowing a soul; you had acquaintances, yes, but he saw you that day at the bar, they surely were people you liked to be with, but were not friends of yours. Javi had been there, too, actually, if he would be honest with himself, he was still in the same situation. When he moved to Medellín, he had those people he could go out with and grab a drink after work, but that was all; at least until Steve came into the picture, the person he never thought he would befriend with, the only real friend he'd had in years.
"Yeah, I kind of get that" your eyes meet "Work until late for a reason"
"I guess we both need to get a life, then" you smirked.
"Cheers to that" he raised his glass to you, you did the same until it clicked with his "So, life... How is yours going?" he tried to act nonchalant by moving his eyes on the paper in his hand "With that ex-boyfriend thing and all"
Your laugh was low "Don't do that"
"Do what?" he raised his eyes again to find yours still on him.
You tilted your head to the side "Don't go down that road when we're like this"
"Like what?" he caught the exact moment your eyes fell to his lips, so he casually wet them with his tongue. If he wasn't so absorbed by the thickness in the air, he would have laughed at the way your eyes shut and your head fell back to rest on the couch.
"Drunk and... Not thinking straight"
Javi raised his eyebrows "I like the winding thoughts I'm having, though"
"Yeah" the look you gave him made him shiver.
Without breaking eye contact, Javi belted down his drink to gain courage and slowly moved his body until you were pressed side by side, giving you time to get your space again if you wanted to.
"This fine?" his voice was barely louder than a whisper.
You nodded.
"What if I wanted to kiss you right now?" he rested one forearm on the couch to lean his face closer to yours.
You gulped as you stared into his eyes "Then I think you should do it before we-"
He didn't give you the time to finish your sentence before his lips were on yours. Your lips were soft, he could taste the whiskey on your tongue as well with the gums you would chew all day. His right hand went straight to your jawline to lead the kiss. It was not a lulled kiss, neither a gentle one, Javier was ruthless, taking out on your lips all the built up tension from the last few months. He couldn't believe it was finally happening. You were quick to follow his pace, your fingers grasping his shirt and pulling him even closer. The first moan you let out get Javi even more eagered, his hand passing down your body to grab your ass. You took advantage of his action and, before he knew, you were climbing up his lap, knees on each side of his torso, and once you were fully sitted on his lap, you both couldn't contain a moan. At that point, your skirt barely covered half your ass; because of that, he figured that you wouldn't mind his hands slowly rubbing up your tights until they reached the fabric and rolled it up your waist.
Javi parted your mouths to take a good look at you on his lap, his eyes wandered from your heavy eyelids, your lips puffy and red from the kisses, your blouse-covered chest raising and falling as fast as his until they got to the black thong you were wearing and he couldn't help but moan "Oh, fuck me"
"You like them?" your mouth came down his neck to give him wet kisses.
"How wouldn't I?" he held you by the nape of the neck and brought your mouths together again "I've wanted this for so long"
You released some kind of laughter "I know"
"Oh, do you?" he raised his brows.
"You're not exactly subtle for an agent" you murmured between kisses.
He snorts "Well, thanks for the insight"
Javi couldn't resist the urge to touch you through the tiny piece of fabric and you moaned at the pressure at your clitoris, but he moaned too at the wetness he found.
Javi didn't ask you how long you had wanted him, you were grinding on his lap at that moment and that was all that mattered. But he wished you had said it, that you had desired him as much as he had desired you, that all this time he had been imagining this moment, you were imagining it too.
"Fuck baby, you are so wet already" his tongue licked a stripe on your neck "All this for me?"
You answer was muffled by a moan; it seemed positive, but before he could confirm you were linking your mouths again in a searing kiss.
You started moving your hips on his erection and you both moaned at the pressure. Suddenly, his torso is being pushed down to the ground, chests pressed against each other, your fingers tangled his hair and pushed and he fucking whimpered.
Jesus Christ, he was in heaven and was not even inside of you yet.
You grinded furiously against him and he found it absolutly beautiful how you were using him to pleasure yourself and was not embarressed to do so. So. Fucking. Hot.
He felt like he was coming in any second.
"Fuck, you keep doing that and will have me cumming on my fucking pants, bebita"
"Oh, say it again!"
"What? That I'm within seconds to cumming?"
You moaned loudly at that "No- I mean, that too, that's hot, but- oh fuck"
"Bebita?" he felt you shiver at the pet name and chuckled "You like that, huh?"
You grabbed the nape of his neck and lowered your head to crush your lips to his again, tongues fighting heatedly. Javi started to feel that heat boiling at the bottom of his stomach, his hips grinded against yours and the pressure were just perfect; by the sounds you were making, you were as close as he was. Javi reached for you ass and grabbed it with both of his hands and squeezed, adding even more pressure to the grindness. At last, he sucked the pulse in your neck and you started to shake above him; that combined with the sweet noises that came out of you, he was gone.
You collapse on top of him, fingers unconsciously running through his hair; his members were sore and he was so tired and satisfied that he could sleep right there. The both fo you took deep breaths while your head rested on the gap of his neck and his on the floor.
"I can't remember the last time I did this" he was the first to break the silence.
"I actually do this everyday to my pillow" you mumbered humurously and he moaned.
"Shit, you're gonna be the death of me" his hand ran up and down from your ass to your backs, loving the feeling of your curves.
You raised your head to find his eyes and the moment was gone. You both realizing what you just had done, the before contentedness in him that was mirrowed in your eyes then turning into panic.
"Shit" you clumsly stood up. You put your skirt down as quickly as you could.
"It's getting late" it was already late when you came to his office "I should go" you should stay, he wanted to say.
But instead he only nodded. He knew it was for the best. He shouldn't have let it come this far.
You quickly get your stuff and wishes him a goodnight. His eyes don't leave you until you pass through the door, yours, though, don't meet him once.
He stayed there on the floor, cum staining his pants, and even though he was fully clothed, the room had never felt colder.
The next day was pure craziness. After you left his office, Javi went home, took a shower and lied in bed thinking of what had just happened between the two of you and what would happen from then on until he had to come back to work. Before he could even get to his office, you intercepted him with a cup of coffee and the news of a surprise and excruciating slow meeting with the ambassador, which led to another one with the CIA and then the atrocious combination of them both together. By the time Javi was freed from hell, everybody else were already leaving; due to your situation, he thaught that would be your case too, so he was surprised to see you still on your desk.
"I was waiting to see if you would need something else from me before I left" was your answer to the question on his face.
"I think I'm heading home too, actually" after a day like that, he felt like maybe he could even get some sleep.
He had work to do, yeah, and usually it didn't matter to him if his mind wasnt in the right place - it rarely was anyways -, but he knew nothing productive would result from working in that state. Javi also wanted to talk to you; he had so many thing in his mind, what he thought about during that whole previous night: he wanted you. So bad he didn't even know how to express it, so much he let himself cum in his pants just to get the little you were wailing to give to him. And he was concerned about what your reaction to that would be, because it was obvious that you wanted him too, but your actions showed him that you didn't want to want him. All those thoughts were consuming him, but it would have to wait for another day, he didn't think that was the right time, not at work. Maybe he could invite you for drinks and talk things through or-
"I was wondering if we could talk, too" you interrupt his thoughts "About yesterday"
If Javi wasn't a trained professional, he probably would've had his mouth opened in absolut shock. It was like you read his mind.
"Of course" you both looked around the department, the couple people remaining already preparing to leave. Still, he opened his office door and nodded for you to come in.
You were flustered, nervous even. Javi didn't know what to expect from that talk, he wished you would cave in to your needs and fuck him already, but he felt like you wouldn't be easy on him. Honestly, he couldn't read you.
The both of you stood akwardly in the middle of the room, door closed behind you. He waited patiantly for you to start talking, for you to take the lead of the conversation.
"So" you sighed "I wanted to apologise"
His face contorted in a deep frown "What for? You have nothing to apologise"
"I do, yes" you shook your head "It was completely irresponsible and unprofessional and we shouldn't have done that"
If you said you were embarressed last time, about the things you had said on the bar, Javi didn't know what you could possibly be feeling at that moment: your face was getting red, your eyes wouldn't meet his, your hands squeezed each other in your front; he kind of felt bad he was the cause of your discomfort.
"You didn't do anything by yourself"
"I jumped on you like a crazy-ass-horny woman!" over your shoulder, you look outside to see if there was anyone to witness your voice raising; there wasn't.
Javi could barely contain the smirk forcing itself upon his mouth at the memory of you riding him in that very same floor, just a few steps from where you stood. He really couldn't contain the beggining of an erection, though.
"And I loved that" you looked at him as if he was crazy for saying it "I did!" he took a few steps in your direction "And honestly, if anyone should be blamed it's me, I'm the boss, aren't I? The authority in the room or some shit like that"
The way you look at him said that you agreed, that he should be blamed too, should've had more self control, but you didn't say it and that made him smile, the way you still tried to keep your composure at work.
You sighed "Still, it wasn't right and I'm sorry"
"I'm not" he took another step towards you.
"It's not the point, sir"
"I don't think you are that sorry either" your brows raised in surprise "And fucking quit calling me 'sir' now, there's just us in here" another step.
"I'm just-" you shrugged "I'm trying to be professional, that's all"
"Baby we're a little too late for that now"
"Jesus Christ" you pinched the bridge of your nose, he could feel the frustration exhaling from you "You don't like to make things easy, do you?"
"What's the fun in that?" the joke landed flat "I have a proposal"
That got your attention "I don't think I like where this is going"
"Well, that's the thing" he took one more step "I think you do. You fucking grinded on me on this floor until we both came. You want me. What are you so afraid of?"
"You're my fucking boss!" your exasperation made him want to laugh and scream out of frustration at the same time "I like this job, I want to keep it"
"I would never put your job in risk"
"You can't be sure" it was true, Javi barely had a say in anything, but he would do anything in his power for you not to lose your job, especially because of him "And even if this" you pointed between the two of you "didn't make me lose it, it would be living hell if people found out"
"I can be discreet"
You crossed your arms "You're not taking me seriously"
"I am, I promise that I am" he really was "I just- You gave me a taste of what it would look like and now I'm starving for more" he scratched his chin, a little embarressed he let that slip out "I would do anything to have you for one night, we don't have to take work to the bedroom"
"Oh" you snorted "there's a bedroom in the scene now?"
"What?" he raised his brows "You thought I was fucking you in my office?" you went silent "You fucking did"
Javi is no romantic man, he thought about fucking you in every place possible, in the bathroom there, against the nearest wall, but when truly thinking about taking you, it would always be in a bedroom, somewhere you both would be able to take your time.
"Do you fantasize about it?" a step closer "Do you touch yourself thinking about me?" your eyes wouldn't meet his, so he carefully took your chin and angled your head until they did "Where?"
You gulped "Where what?"
"Where did you imagine?" his voice was barely above a whisper.
"Your desk"
"Fucking dirty woman" he smirked "I'm gonna fuck you on my desk, bebita" he took you by the waist, colliding your body to his "And on my couch" his nose traveled from your cheek to your neck "On the fucking window so eveyone can see how pretty you will look with my cock deep inside of you"
"Shit" your voice broke, breathless.
"Do you want it? Huh? To be full of my cock?" you nodded "I want words"
"Yes" you puffed.
"Yes what?"
You looked at him with a defiant look "Yes, sir"
He had to laugh "You are the worst"
His lips collided with yours with so much fierceness he was surprised they didn't start bleeding. His hands were all over your body, your breasts, your back, your ass. You pulled his hair with both hands and he moaned. Javi wanted you so bad it hurt. He decided to be bold and lifted you skirt to your waist, then placed you sitted on the edge of his desk, each of your legs on each side of his hips, pushing everything that was on your way to the floor, paying no attention to anything that wasn't you.
"I hate how you kiss me" you mumbled frustrated between kisses and he pinched his brows.
"You have a very distinct way to hate things"
"You just do it so well" your hands covered his cheeks "Makes me want to do this everyday"
Javi couldn't help but to smirk "I don't see why we can't"
"Yes, you do"
"All I see is a gorgeous woman with tasteful lips" he reached your covered mound and passed a finger through your folds, making you moan loudly ", wet lips" he smirked "telling me she wants to kiss me foverer"
You snorted "I didn't say that"
"That's what I heard"
"You are so cocky" you rolled your eyes.
"Damn right I am" Javi pressed his erection to your thigh.
"Yeah, I felt it yesterday" your hands went to unbuckle his belt, quickly reaching for his cock through his underwear and pumping him a couple of times "You're big, sir"
Javi moaned and threw his head back, enjoying the feeling, barely believing it was finally happening. You put down every piece of cloth in your way to his thighs, put your own panties to the side and started to guide him to your entrance.
"You think is gonna be that easy?" he murmured in your ear, dodging his dick to press on your clit instead, making you moan at the contact, but also groan out of frustration.
"After all this time, it should be"
"You know what I want to hear, baby" he peppered kisses on your neck while still grinding his dick from your clit to your entrance, you were so wet he knew you would have no difficulty to take him.
"Put this thing inside of me, already" you tried to move your hips to get more friction, frustration consuming you.
Even though Javi had a purpose of you to stop calling him 'sir', he could barely hold himself from sliping inside of you, so that's what he did. Your moan as he slowly made space for him inside of you will forever be in his mind. Javi cursed under his breath as your walls squeezed him and he had to take a moment to absorb the feeling. So warm, so wet, so tight, he was in heaven. But you were impatiant.
"Please, move"
"Say my name and I will"
"Why are you so attached to this?" you pinched your brows.
He did the same "Why are you so against saying it?"
You licked a stripe on his neck "To piss you off"
"That's okay" he smirked "You don't have to say it, I'm gonna make you scream it" he held your legs and roughly pushed inside expecting to hit your special place; by the way you gasped and grabbed him, he got it just right "Found it"
Javi ran his nose through your neck and your skin bristled "You're so sensitive here, aren't you, bebita?"
"I'm starting to think that you make me sensitive everywhere"
He laughed and stopped his movements again "Now that's a confession"
"What can I say?" you huffed "It seems like you make my mind go blank when you have your huge dick inside of me and won't. fucking. move"
He laughed and started to slowly take it out just to push it in again at the same speed.
"You're gonna fucking kill me" you whined "Please, faster"
"Are you needy, baby?" he licked your neck "I can feel you squeeze me. You're desperate for my cock, huh?"
"Yes, what?
"Yes, sir"
He increased the speed and you moaned louder "Unbelievable" his hips were reletless and he felt you getting tighter and tighter "You're almost there, aren't you, baby?" you couldn't speak, mouth half opened and nails digging into the skin of his arm "You like it rough, don't you?"
Then he stopped.
"What the fuck?" your voice is hoarsed.
"I'm fucking you slow, baby, is that a crime?" his smile was smudge
"You're evil" you whined, hips moving to find relief.
"I am evil? Who are you to talk about evil? You're fucking teasing me here, bebita. That's so wrong" he started to move slowly again "Just say my name and I'll let you cum"
You nodded your head no.
"Say it"
"Fucking say. It." he changed the angle to repeatedly hit that spot inside of you and pulled your hair until your back arched.
"Oh my God, Javi!" you screamed as you came hard on his dick, eyes closed tight, mouth opened and body tremblimg.
His name coming out of your mouth was like music to Javi's ears, and hearing it for the first time fomented something insane inside of him. He licked his thumb and pressed it hard against your clit, your eyes widened in surprise and he got a strangled sound out of your mouth as you came again, your body violently shaking under his hands.
"Oh shit, that's it, baby. You're fucking milking me. Shit, shit, shit."
His name was now floating through your lips like a hymn, and he loved to hear it.
"I'm gonna cum"
His words seemed to wake you from your trance "On my mouth"
"Shit" he steped away and out of you and one second later you were on the floor, knelt before him. You grabbed his dick with one hand, put the tip in your mouth and that's all it took for him to cum the hardest he had in his life. You sucked it, greedy until he had nothing more to give you "Let me see it, baby" he asked with a hoarsed voice, asking you to open your mouth, showing that you had swalloed it all "Fucking dirty woman"
You smirked and rested your forehead on his thigh, exausted.
"Come 'ere" he took your hand on his and got you to your feet, holding you against him by your waist "Can you walk?"
"I think I can learn how to do it again, yeah" he chuckled.
Javi lowered your skirt before sitting you on his desk again "How are you getting home?" he asked quietly as he slowly buttoned up your blouse, trying not to startle you and have you running away again.
"I'm taking a cab" you more gently than not stopped his fingers to continue the work yourself.
"Let me take you home" he fished your panties from the floor and put it in his pocked as he wore his pants again
"You don't have to"
"I know I don't. But I'm kind of worried if you will be capable to support yourself for enough time to call a cab after I fucked you this good"
You released the louder chuckle he had ever heard you give as you stood up "You're the absolute worst, Javier."
He started to get hard to the sound of his name on your lips.
"See? Perfectly stable" one of your eyebrows was raised and all he wanted to do was to kiss your attitude away.
"I guess I'll have to fuck you harder next time, then"
"I guess"
You both went quiet as you made your way out of the building and to his car, you only speaking to give him instructions to get to your place.
"There will be a next time, right?" he spoke as you left the car.
How silly of him to think that fucking you once would be enough, would make all the consuming desire go away, if something, it only made him want you more.
You took your time to look at him, as if staring directly to his soul and gave him a small smile.
"Good night, Javi"
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liyatime · 2 days
“ spread your legs ” . . | ˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ (enjoy!)
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📷 pairing ; mark lee x tm!reader
📷 genre ; smut
📷 cw ; male x transmale/cuntboy intercourse , cursing , kissing , cunnilingus , fingering , c in v sex , vaginal descriptions , raw sex (wrap it before you tap it!)
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mark lee , one of the smartest kids on your college campus not only happened to be a top student but he was also your boyfriend of a strong 3 years.
he spoils you so much you dont even know it like buying your lunches for you , paying for your dorm rent , and all around spending a ton of money on you. mark also spoils you by taking you on car rides , he drives you multiple places without asking for gas money and often takes you on trips , like today. he called you out to the parking lot during a fairly busy day saying that he wanted to eat out with you.
you walked out the college building with your tote bag on your shoulder that was filled to the brim with books and your laptop. you were on your phone looking for places nearby to eat at when you looked up and saw mark’s navy blue hooded convertible and him waving at you.
you did a light jog towards his car and leaned onto it giving him a peck on the lips. “i didn’t bother you? calling you out of class like this?” he asked unlocking the car. you walked around to the passenger side and got in , “not at all , i’d tell you if it was a problem. honestly i’m kinda glad i got out of there.” you said smiling. he smiled back and started up the car , “i found a place already, it’s not far from here.” mark said , backing up his car and getting on the road.
on the way to the place mark picked out you guys joked around and laughed , talked about school stuff (which was honestly kind of boring) and listened to music. both your music tastes were diverse but you guys enjoyed critiquing each others choices. you guys also looked at the menu of the place and decided ahead of time what you guys should order , most of the options looked delicious but what matters is how it tasted , mark's the only person who's been here before so he told you to wait and that it'd be a surprise.
the both of you soon arrived at a restaurant-type establishment , with the awkward name of it that you couldn't pronounce it must've been french or italian or something.. but before you could step out of the car mark grabbed your hand and locked the doors , "hold on.. i gotta tell you something," he paused and put his fist over his mouth before trying to explain "— i actually brought you here for something else." he said with nervousness in his voice , "you know we haven't been able to like.. do it because were busy , so i brought you to this uh.. place , because if we did it on the college campus a lot of people would find out and i really wanted to try car sex and i didnt know how to tell you and like—" "mark. it's fine , you could've just told me." you said laughing, "you're such a nervous wreck when it comes to sex like we haven't done it before , but in a car? im excited." you said.
"so this is okay? You're right though , i should've just told you.." mark facepalmed. "I told you its fine mark , if anything you made me really horny , having sex in a parking lot feels exciting." he blushed at your words. "really?" "yeah!" you replied "we should.. get in the backseat then right?" he asked. "yeah.." you two were awkward about this , but mostly mark because he thought you'd think he was weird and gross for wanting to have sex in public and tell everyone on campus , so now that you admitted it made you horny he got excited and was ready to fuck you so bad. mark and you lowered the front seats forward so you'd have more room in the back and then hopped in , immediately jumping to making out.
mark ran his hands all over your body , but he was OBSESSED with your waist , he loved holding it especially when he felt jealous or possessive. you smiled as you kissed him. you both slowly moved into a laying position as he unbuckled your belt and unbuttoned your jeans to gain access to your pussy through your boxers. he threw your jeans on the center console along with your belt and and began rubbing your clit through your boxers , feeling how wet you've gotten in the past minute. you moaned and held onto the door behind you , "fuckkk..." you stretched out the word at the feeling of him toying with you , slightly lifting your hips. he soon removed your boxers and looked at the color of your pussy , admiring how it looked when it was soaked in your juices. he placed his hands at the back of your knees and pressed your legs to your chest then licked a stripe up your cunt and placed a wet kiss onto your clit.
you cried out in pleasure. whenever mark ate you out it was amazing , you're the first partner he's ever had with a vagina but he knew exactly what to do. he must've been studying up for your sake. top student on campus , top student at eating pussy. "is this good?" he said , rubbing his thumb up and down your folds. "yeah.. keep going.." you responded out of breath from moaning. mark reached over to his glove box in the front and pulled out a packet of lube , ripping it open with his teeth and spreading it all over your cunt and his fingers. "take a deep breath (m/n).." he said , sliding his middle finger into you slowly and thrusting it in and out. you threw your head back and gripped the door handle , moaning out your boyfriends name and whimpering. "it's alright baby , i got you." he said , leaning over and giving a tender kiss in which you melted into.
mark inserted a second finger into your sopping cunt , "you're so fucking wet.." he said before dipping down and having a make out session with your clit , running his tongue over it and flicking it with his tongue. "mark im gonna cum.." you said biting your lip and putting your hand in his hair. this only made him suck on your clit harder and faster. you couldn't take the pleasure anymore and came so hard , a clear liquid shot out your pussy and onto mark's face and seats. he slid his two fingers side to side on your cunt as you let loose and immediately went back to eating you out. you were so sensitive and he was so hungry.
mark lifted his head back up and started unbuckling his belt and discarding it , taking the rest of the lube in the packet and spreading it all over his cock. he looked at you like he was a fox and you were the rabbit he couldn't wait to devour , his cheeks were red and he was sweating from his forehead. he slid his cock over your clit and between your folds and gave you a hard kiss , rubbing his tongue against yours and pulling on your bottom lip with his teeth. "mark.." you said , reaching your hand forward and rubbing his cock again your entrance. he smirked and took his cock , slowly sliding it into your entrance. your eyes rolled back but before you could let out a moan he took it out teasingly. you honestly werent having it. "put it in..!" you said , rubbing your clit and looking into his eyes. he laughed and inserted his tip back into your cunt , doing this a couple more times until he snapped his hips against yours and started thrusting into you at a fast pace.
mark replaced your fingers rubbing your clit with his thumb as you moaned his name and let out a whimper each time his hips met yours. the only noises in the car were grunting and the sound of skin slapping against skin. "fuckkk (m/n).." he groaned. he watched as your eyes rolled back into your head and you lifted your hips up so his thrusts were angled directly towards your prostate , your head fell onto the car seat and you gripped his arms. "im gonna fucking cum!" you exclaimed. "fuckin' squirt again for me.." mark commanded , after he said that you immediately squirted all over his dick as he pulled out and rubbed your clit. he then put his cock back into your pussy to help you ride out your high. "s..shit.." he stuttered , pulling his dick out and cumming all over your glistening cunt with his mouth wide open. mark was panting and so you , you were both wet and sweaty making the car smell like sex. he'll definitely need to air out the car and buy air fresheners for future purposes.
mark leaned down and made out with you , tracing the sides of your face with his palm and holding you by your waist. "we need to have car sex more often.." he said smiling. you giggled at his joke and held him close , eventually having to let go. "we should go to our dorm and get new clothes.. they're really wet.." you said. "Lets go." he agreed , giving you one last peck on your cheek before putting his soaked clothes back on just for the ride back.
lets hope nobody questions why he smells like that when he walks through the halls.
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c/n: HI IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK LONGER THAN I SAID TO PUT OUT! my job has me busy and im still buying furniture for my home , im going for a modern look so i gotta save up and work hard to get what i want!! i noticed i improved in my writing, especially when writing smut because i used to skip the prep parts and it was so bad 😭 . im a virgin so writing smut is a struggle but im always on tumblr so reading others smut fics and studying up on anatomy and how sex like WORKS was a big help to me. i still suck at dialogue but practice makes almost perfect! i hope you guys enjoy this work more than my others, cuz they really suck lol. 💙
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cloveroctobers · 7 months
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A/N: it’s going to be tough getting through the cleaning lady this season but it’s always the work that lives on that continues to inspires us. Just from the premiere also sparked this little thing + I also assumed I’d stop writing for Angel once Mayans MC ended but after a name drop in TCL here I am lol! That angel was handsome too IJS. Bet you thought you could get rid of me huh!? Hope y’all enjoy my first spring prompt of the year!
PROMPT IS FROM HERE & I’m using:  “Spring is so boring there aren’t any good holidays.” “Have you forgotten Easter, St patty’s day, Mother’s Day, April fools-” “I get it, I get it!”
The Vegas heat was doing what it does best, roasting down on you despite residing in a mountain area. You’re used to it, being from this state and living here all these years; although it was the fresh start of April, the eighty degree heat demanded to be felt. You’re out on the balcony, leaning over it, one arm exposed to the sun while the other went to work fanning yourself with your silk handheld folding fan staring out into the view.
Your bathing suit is somewhat dry still clinging to you although you, Angel, and Mavy got out of the community pool (over a half hour ago) as soon as it started to get over crowded with your fellow neighbors. Your body was slouched over the balcony, mindlessly fanning yourself as you sank into your boredom.
Angel chuckled at you from behind, leaving the balcony door open just a crack behind him with a beer in one hand. He briefly touched your lower back in greeting before moving to dramatically copy your movements but instead with the back of his hand resting on his forehead. “What you doin’ out here querida?”
“Oh you know, just losing my mind. Nothing too serious.” You replied while Angel snorted at you.
He sips at his cold beer before saying, “I asked you if you wanted go cruising this weekend and maybe end up in the city for a night but you weren’t feeling it. So…I’m guessing you didn’t enjoy your time at the pool?”
“With my two favorite boys…of course I did.” You weren’t sarcastic this time, “it’s just that I’m imagining spring break to be a real drag.”
Angel furrows his brows, not even knowing when that was coming up but still said, “so what are you saying? You wanna live out your college dreams again, head down to Miami to get wild or something?”
It was your turn to laugh as you tug on his shorts waistband, “Why would I need to relive Miami when I got my hoochie daddy right here?”
“Ah, Fuck outta here,” Angel laughed as he playfully smacked your hand away from him while you winked.
Pressing your temple into your balled up hand you sighed after awhile, “what im getting at is: Spring is so boring there aren’t any good holidays.” 
Angel raised his brows at this, not entirely believing that you found the season to be boring since you just went out the way last weekend to go shopping for spring decor. He was glad he had to work that weekend because he just knew you would have him in those stores for hours like you commonly did, he just felt bad for maverick in the end though.
“…Have you forgotten Easter, St. patty’s day, Mother’s Day, April fools-” he ticks off with his fingers while you roll your eyes.
You interject, “I get it, I get it!”
It’s not like angel cared much about those holidays either…(he wasn’t the best at remembering dates) well maybe the last one he found the most interest in but now he was trying to do something different in life for Maverick and since he met you (who did care for holidays) after the big move here. That sweet baby boy changed the trajectory of the way angel looked at life now and he wanted his kid to experience nothing but greatness and if he could provide that he would. He also liked watching you interact with Maverick and you both seemed to have a good time on Easter, doing kids activities like: painting eggs, going Easter egg hunting, and even getting a picture with a weird looking Easter bunny that now sat on the mantle in the living room.
Angel was even going to church now when he felt up to it and knew his mother would probably be proud of the way he turned his life around. How life was so different from what it could have been. He could be the one in the ground with his family but Angel knew he was meant to be right here, no matter how painful it got to be here.
He reshaped his life and was glad to say that he did it.
“You know, there’s plenty of things we can get into now that Mav’s down for his nap. I can be your source of entertainment.” Angel hints, slipping an arm underneath your cover up and tugging you to him.
You smirk as you meet his dark eyes, fanning yourself with one hand while the other grips his tatted arm. “Is that right?”
“Uh huh,” Angel hums pressing into you as he bites his bottom lip before pecking yours.
It wouldn’t be the first time out here on this balcony but you wouldn’t make it a repeat since it was too hot for all that. And you didn’t need to hear angel’s complaints of his ass being scorched thanks to the material of the balcony! However with the way the both of you ended up, tongues battling, hands roaming and squeezing with Angel’s back against the balcony now, it was becoming difficult trying to get the words out.
His hand’s are full of kneading your backside and he lets you breathe while he’s attacking your neck now, just the way you like it underneath your ear, his facial hair tickling your skin as he does so. Your fan and his beer are both out of your grasps now as you’re scratching at his back, which is just enough indication for Angel to lift you by the waist and up against his hips. He buries his face back to your skin, loving the way you smell as you hold onto him.
Your eyes peek open, breathing still ragged as you hold on but soon your eyes focus out towards the fence that blocks the condo’s from the main highway, spotting a figure who has their attention solely on you. At first you expect it to be some sort of creep watching you be intimate with your boyfriend but a palm goes up into the air before they remove their sunglasses.
Your breathing stops and Angel instantly notices you go still against him. He pulls back to glance at you, “you alright?”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you slowly place your legs down and Angel steadies you, still keeping a hand across your hips before he follows your stare. Angel’s eyes are in slits now, craning his neck and he’s on defense mode now, “fuck are you doing here?!”
You slap Angel’s arm to ease him while the man slowly steps closer to the building and both of your eyesight’s.
He says your name in greeting, “…hey, can we talk?”
Angel’s against it once he spots your hesitance but once you move, he’s not far behind you. You’re waiting at the front door, eyes to the right as you await for the man to make his way up the steps. He jogs up the last few steps, quickly making his way over to you while holding his sunglasses.
You’re still holding your breath as you take in his appearance, and it’s still the same man that you had the chance to spend your childhood with. The both of you don’t say anything, just staring and tracing over each others features with your eyes and Angel doesn’t like the feeling that sinks to the bottom of his stomach.
“You’re Armando right? You don’t look like any of the pictures.” Angel breaks the silence from behind you, arms crossed.
Arman flicks his eyes to your boyfriend, he takes in Angel’s appearance for a second before turning back to you, “Please, call me Arman…and Pictures?”
You exhale, “oh…yeah just two. The one from Costa Rica and your personal favorite: The selfie you took with my digital camera, the one you stole to impress that girl in photography class who already had a boyfriend—
“Did she though? I don’t recall.” Arman smirks and you scoff with a roll of your eyes, “but yeah I think I remember that one. It was the week after we finished junior year, Back when you were working at the skeeball section and Alicja Bosko purposely threw the ball at your shoulder to show off to her jackass boyfriend.”
You nodded remembering that huge bruise you received later that night, “Steven Jefferson. He was actually one of the nicest on the basketball team, if not the only one.”
“That’s because he was in love with you.” It was Arman’s turn to roll his brown eyes while you shook your head.
“No he wasn’t,” you crinkled your nose, “he was too far up Alicja’s ass.”
Arman argued, “yeah well maybe he should have been in theater instead of his brother because he wasn’t fooling me.”
You shrugged your shoulders with a small smile at the little walk down memory lane but knew to agree to disagree. It’s not like it wasn’t possible since you and Steven shared a few classes together, worked on a project or two because you sat near or next to each other but it didn’t cross your mind then. And you also weren’t aware that Steven questioned Arman once, after school when you went home early if the two of you were some secret couple. That was just the clean version of what Steven really said, which landed Arman on a three day suspension and Steven missing out on the next two games.
“…but the picture? It had to be of you having Alicja by the throat in the background while I had the most mischievous smile on my face…I can’t believe I forgot how much of a little shit I was.” Arman chuckled to himself while you nodded at him in amusement before he turned back to Angel, “plus it would make sense that I look different as a teen to present day right? Being a grown successful man does that to you, huh?”
He playfully slapped Angel on his shoulder before he squeezed himself by, taking in your home.
‘Now who the fuck did this guy think he is?’ Was exactly what Angel was thinking.
You squeezed Angel’s wrist as he sent you a look before kicking the door shut behind you.
“Feels much better in here and I see you’re doing well for yourself too.” Arman stood in the middle of the home.
Although he resided in the same state as you but at a great distance, Arman was still aware of your professions of once being a PI but now worked for a cybersecurity company as an intelligence analyst. He was proud to see that you were still driven but ultimately knew that wouldn’t change.
Angel muttered, “I bet it does when you’re not dressed like fucken blade in Vegas.”
“What was that?” Arman’s got his hands on his hips, bringing his attention back to the tatted man.
“Angel’s just wondering what you would like to drink.” Smiling hard at your boyfriend, he sucked his teeth with a roll of his head and rushed by you two.
He went around the corner by the dining area to the left where the closed off kitchen was. Once he pulled the fridge open, he missed out on you and Arman reaching out for each other to give each other a squeeze but not long enough to the point it would bring tears.
Arman couldn’t take tears from you, never could.
“Angel’s also wondering what brings you here and why you felt the need to stalk his girlfriend from the bushes.” He inquired, appearing just as you’re motioning for Arman to have a seat on the couch.
Angel slides a Gatorade on the coffee table (this Arman character wasn’t getting any of Angel’s good beer. By the looks of Arman, Angel had a feeling he probably wouldn’t drink it anyway.) and plops down on the sitting chair on Arman’s left.
Arman awkwardly laughs, “right…didn’t mean to intrude on you two…” he sends a knowing smile at you while you shrugged with a flick of your hair, “and I know that probably looked insane so I do apologize for that. I just had to make sure I had the right place.”
You suggest, “Next time maybe a phone call would be better?”
“Can’t exactly trust that lately.” Arman admits which makes Angel sit up, sending you a glance before Angel is pressing his elbows into his knees while Arman continues, “Look…I’m not here to cause any trouble but I had to see you…just in case.”
Angel wasn’t sure what that means but he had a feeling and he didn’t like being out of the loop of what was going on. He left Santo Padre for a reason and he found something special with you…yet someone from your past just shows up out the blue—that you haven’t seen in who knows how long, with a nice cut on his lip, brow, and cheek! and who knows where else! Arman didn’t seem to be walking normally if you asked Angel and this guy was saying things like he was preparing for the worse! In conclusion: sounded like a red flag to Angel.
“Before you expand on that…there’s just a few things that I do need to get off my chest.” Angel interrupts the intense eye contact you were sharing with another man.
Arman blinks over at Angel, “okay…”
“How long has it been since you two last saw each other?”
Arman looks to you again and you round off, “it’s been years, maybe fifteen? but the postcards and little figurines made it seem like less.”
Angel wasn’t aware of any of that but it’s not like you kept your friendship with Arman much of a secret. There wasn’t anything to hide in the first place. You always spoke highly of him and Angel couldn’t really grasp the idea of a man and a woman being just friends if they weren’t family. Yes that was his projection but he’s never seen anything like this that wasn’t romantic.
He rubs at his face in thought while Arman smiles softly at you, lightly shoving your knee and in that moment Angel was thankful he did the honors of tying your coverup before you opened the front door. Sorry not sorry.
Angel just comes right out with it, “so…were you two ever a thing? Serious or just foolin’ around?”
Your eyes go wide and Arman laughs at this, which irritates Angel.
“No.” Arman clearly states, “We maybe soulmates but not in a romantic sense, which makes this friendship so much more easy to have, no matter how many years pass us by. I love your girlfriend but you don’t have to worry about me falling in love with her because that’s your job, right?” He stares hard at the bearded man, almost daring Angel to say the wrong thing.
Angel immediately nods his head, feeling the tension ease somewhat from his jaw although he can feel your heated stare on him also. You already told him what it was with Arman when he asked you about your love for him once before and didn’t particularly like that he was bringing it up again to Arman. However Angel wanted to make sure that this wasn’t one sided and he had no shame in that.
“Good!” Arman claps, “then we have nothing to worry about. As long as you’re good to her, then we won’t have an issue.”
“…we’re good to each other.” You tell, wanting Angel’s eyes to settle on you, which they do before he sits back with a crooked smile.
You shake your head at him and turn back to Arman who’s watching the exchange. You place your hand on Arman’s which is now thrown along the top of the couch, “And I’m glad I have all of my boys back underneath one roof. Except one of them doesn’t work my nerves as much.”
Arman scowls as he looks at Angel, “I find that hard to believe.”
“Fuck does that mean?” Angel feels his lip curl while Arman holds his hands up in surrender with a smile as Angel says, “she’s not talking about me but you don’t have to assume shit with that smug smile on your face, man.”
‘Lookin’ like the damn monopoly man and shit.’ Angel thinks to himself but he was trying to keep things cordial.
Arman tilts his head at this, “…there’s another guy that loves to take up your time? Don’t tell me—
“Relax,” you soothe, “I didn’t biologically have Maverick but I love him like he’s my own.”
“And I can’t thank you enough.” Angel tells you with a glint in his eye, “you have any kids, Armando?”
Arman slowly shakes his head putting the pieces together silently after spying a picture above the fireplace before he thinks of his own situation, “no but I too know a kid that I’ll always protect.”
“Aw, look at you having the parenting bug.” You wiggle the man’s shoulder.
Arman sighs trying to fight back a smile, “I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to. Your face did.”
“She’s right.” Angel agreed.
Arman attempts to whisper, “Don’t say that too much or her head will explode.”
You pinch the back of the skin on Arman’s hand who hisses before yanking his hand away. Angel laughs at you two, finding that this Arman guy might be alright in his book.
“I’ve missed you, you know? Even when you still do that pinching shit.” He shakes his hand about before rubbing it.
“I know and so have I, Armani-man.”
He chuckles, “haven’t heard that in awhile.”
“What?” You gasp as you mention, “Don’t tell me Nadia hasn’t hit you with annoying spins on your government?”
Yes you were also aware that Arman found his Mrs. Morales out there in the world. At first you felt a way about it since he simply sent over a picture and a brief letter to your mailbox during your late twenties and not an invitation to the wedding. Which he later explained in the attached letter that it was a spur of the moment ceremony out of the country. You only knew bits and pieces of what Nadia was like and what she looked like. However there seemed to be a shift in Arman at the mention of his wife.
As soon as you noticed it, it was gone, leaving the guarded man to exhale, “…only when she wants something.”
“You too, huh?” Angel cracks open the Gatorade before taking a sip, “ever get hit with a ‘hoochie daddy?’”
Arman blinks before oddly staring back and forth at you two, “A what?”
“Never mind my boyfriend,” you fan your hand, “you said you came here to visit me just in case of what exactly…”
Arman dips his head and clears his throat. When he starts cracking his fingers with one hand, you notice it’s still something he does when there’s a lot on his mind even with the both of you settling into your own adulthoods. That alone makes you scoot closer to him, balling your legs to the side of you as you rest your head back against his arm.
“I’m here. Always.”
This he knew.
He never imagined plopping back into your life like this, on the run and keeping it all away from the two women he’s in love with but it was a fact that you knew the start. And if that’s what he had to go back to, then so be it. Part of him felt like he should feel guilty bringing you back into this, while at the same time he knew the levels of your relationship and that you would always look out for him too.
The both of you grew up together and then separately because arman sought out for more that his father didn’t approve of and the connection between you two was just as strong then as it is now. It wasn’t conditional on your part, which is why the both of you still had a friendship. That was evident with the way you two moved around each other and Angel felt like he should be jealous.
Oh but he was! especially with the bits of affection he witnessed, that was something he didn’t want to get used to but maybe he was starting to understand? Angel would grasp it more if he saw how Arman was around this Nadia person and had a feeling he probably would the longer Arman stayed or came around. However both you and Arman knew it wouldn’t be a long span of time. It’s just not the way he operated.
He was always on the move.
“Do I need to give you two the room?” Angel places his hand on his chest, “I really don’t want to in fear that I’ll start smoking again but my heart, yeah I got that, is saying I prolly should.”
You peek up at Arman, the both of you sharing a laugh before Arman nudged his head and you’re patting the empty spot next to you. “Get over here.”
“I dunno…the way you two look at each other gives off more than just friends.” Angel cautiously makes his way over, while you toss your legs right over his lap, leaving him to caress your bare ankle.
Arman shakes his head as he meets Angel’s eyes, “you’ve never loved a best friend so much that you’ll do anything for?”
“Well yeah…” Angel starts with a lift of his shoulders, “but I never had stars in my eyes when I looked at coco’s crazy ass. And he wouldn’t be walking up in my house like he owns the place. I’ll tell you that much. Actually—he’d probably find a way in here without us knowing.”
You’ve heard stories about Coco—Johnny plenty times before and wished you would have had the chance to meet him. With the way Angel spoke of him and the one’s he once called his brothers, made it seem like you already have.
You snort, “might as well have stars with how much you speak on him and Ezekiel.”
Angel blows out a breath at how much he missed those guys through it all, “I guess I get it too. But i do have to say, if this turns out to be more harm than good to us…you may see a side of me you don’t like and that can get ugly.”
That was aimed more at Arman than you, you were sure but as good as you knew the man to your left, he didn’t take threats lightly yet he could respect it since you chose Angel.
“Well at least you’re honest about your lack of looks…but we can both agree every side is my good side.” Arman jokes as he pinches his chin, caressing his facial hair with a grin.
Angel huffs, “get a load of this fucken guy! First you waltz in here and now this? You’re something else, man. But I guess…you’re alright for now.”
Arman leans over you as Angel goes to give him a fist while Arman was ready to give his hand a shake. Angel stares at Arman’s hand, not budging before Arman huffs and decides to bump fists instead with a shake of his head in disbelief.
“Yay, my bestie and my boyfriend getting along!”You grip Arman’s shoulder to place a kiss on his cheek before flopping your body against Angel who squeezes your shoulder, kissing the corner of your eye as you say “Love to see it…maybe spring break won’t be so bad after all.”
Arman and Angel both share a knowing glance, being aware that this probably wouldn’t be some simple visit of a friend coming to town—although you were no stranger to Arman’s lifestyle—but for both of their sakes they’ll relish in your happiness.
That’s mainly what both men wanted for you.
Continue along with my spring anthology prompts here.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
One Year 🫶
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies! masterlist
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liked by bestie, dylanduke.25 & others
yourusername Happy one year to my favourite sickly victorian child looking, incredible hockey playing, American eagle modelling, devil(ha)ishly handsome personal chauffeur! 🫶 Love you Luke, here to a lifetime 
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User83 put that fourth pic in the Louvre it’s a damn masterpiece! 
Yourusername It is exquisite isn’t it 
Adamfantilli Mackies face really makes the picture 
Dylanduke.25 oh he does look bad in that photo!
Yourusername idk what youre talking about, he’s never looked better
Lhughes_06 happy anniversary you nut. Love you!
Yourusername love you too lukey!!
Jacobtruscott_20 I take credit for this. 
Sholtz_024 the fuck you do!!
yourusername yeah sorry J, Steve gets creds for this one
Mackie.samo remember when he thought you were dating Steve?
Yourusername he what!!
Markestapa oh yeah! The first time you met at the arena
Bestie OH MY GOD!!! That was Luke? The cute awkward guy you bumped into that day?
Yourusername babe who the hell did you think I was talking about?
Bestie I dont know!! You’ve said a couple of them are cute before 
Yourusername SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
DylanDuke.25 no tell us more!! It was me wasn’t it?
Yourusername hahahaha
Lhughes_06 haahahah
Edwards.73 lmfao 
Makie.samo hahahaha
User74 omg poor Duker
UmichHockey our favourite couple!!
Yourusername my favourite social girlies!!
User838 can you get him in more team videos?
Yourusername I’ll lovingly bully him into it for sure!! Hell make some vlog appearances too!
Yourmom he’s good for you
Yourusername he is isn’t he🥰
Friend9 remember us sobbing over never being loved as freshman? Glad you finally found someone
Yourusername omg I forgot about that!! You’ll find someone soon!
luca.fantilli Hi! 😍
Yourusername sooner than I thought apparently 
User83 you guys are so cute!!
Yoruusername thank you lovey!
User290 gonna go stargaze on a train track
User939 no same 
User02 same 😭
user84 Thats a hard launch if I've ever seen one
user215 girl did you not watch her latest video?
user84 lmao no, guess I'm behind
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liked by yourusername, _quinnhughes & others
lhughes_06 happy birthday & anniversary babe!! To many more coffee dates & beach trips
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Yourusername Thanks for always buying me coffee! Love you 🫶
lhughes_06 a caffeinated y/n is a happy y/n. Love you
yourusername true dat
Adamfantilli thats one way to never forget an anniversary 
Luca.fantilli youre not wrong
Edwards.73 happy birthday favourite roomie!!
Dylanduke.25 she doesn’t live here 
mackie.samo practically does tbh
Yourusername I have a key. I’d say im a roomie
Markestapa WHO GAVE HER A KEY! We’ll never have any peace!
Edwards.73 not like we had it before, Dylan lives here
_quinnHughes  happy birthday y/n!
yourusername Thanks Quinny!! Need to visit Vancouver soon!
_quinnhughes text me! We’ll sort it out
TrevorZegras I can’t believe you’ve had a girlfriend for a whole year
lhughes_06 a year longer than you’ve ever had one
Yourusername ooh burn 
Markestapa she’s a cougar
Yourusername doesn’t that make you old too?
Markestapa shut up
JackHughes happy Birthday!!
Yourusername OMG my sixth favourite Hughes!! Thank you
JackHughes hang on SIXTH favourite?! Theres 5 of us!
Yourusername oh, I met your cousin Julia last week. She’s much cooler than you
JuliaHughes Hah I love you!
Yourusername Ah, love you too!
Yourusername JackHughes if it makes you feel better, youre my fifth favourite NJDevil!
jackHughes fuck that Luke doesn’t count 
Yourusername oh he’s not included
NJDevils who make the roster?
Yourusername I’m so glad you asked!! Nico, Dougie, Johnny & Timo!
NJDevils thats a solid top 4!
jackHughes I got booted by the new guy?😦
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liked by Rutgermcgroarty , user50 & others
yourusername 21 & hella fun. Birthday Vlog up now
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Big thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate & _quinnhughes for the Can-ucket all the way from Van🫶
 User73 happy belated birthday!!!
Edwards.73 Birthday queen!
rutgermcgroatry hella hella fun!!
_quinnhughes I love can-ucket!! Hope it was a good day!
lhughes_06 you went hard for a Tuesday
Yourusername Only turn 21 once!
 User73 Quinn sent her a present? I love this 
User91 its cute how close they are!
User13 already watched it! Looked like fun!
User61 Luke was so sweet in it!! User72 Can’t wait!!
user29 I love that your birthday is Pi day!!
yourusername I like it too!!
214 notes · View notes
thefrontofmymind · 2 years
photographer!reader x matty healy instagram blurb
(FC: Maude Apatow)
a/n: hey hey hey i wasnt sure if this was gonna be posted soon bc i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and i didnt know how i'd be feeling but i'm doing pretty well so here you go! kisses!!
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yninstagram tokyo!! i am in you <3
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ynfan1 are you taking photos at summer sonic???
>yninstagram can neither confirm nor deny ;))
1975fan1 wait who is this girl?? why did matty like her post?>1975fan2 probably just thought she was hot lmao
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yninstagram SUMMER SONIC 2022 // @/the1975
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ynfan2 so proud of u!!!
>yninstagram thank you babes xxx
trumanblack thank you for joining us
>yninstagram thank you for having me 😊
1975fan1 oh so THIS is why matty liked her post 🙄
yninstagram via stories:
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yninstagram home again, home again :))
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ynfan1 so pretty!!!
rass1975 looking good mate
>yninstagram thanks mate 😎
ynfan2 are you staying in london for long??
>yninstagram a little bit and then i’m off working for a few months again!
1975fan1 ugh im so jealous of her shes so pretty !!!!
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trumanblack You're beautiful. Yes, you are, you're very very beautiful. Extremely beautiful.
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yninstagram aw shucks don’t make me blush <3
1975fan1 omg matty and yn how cute !!!
yninstagram via stories:
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trumanblack took her back to her homeland and all she does in work :/
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bedforddanes75 women, eh?
ynfan1 love that matty is feeding us the yn content!!!
yninstagram we’ll you are paying me to take photos,,,
>trumanblack yeah but of ME
1975fan1 this tour has only just started and im already overwhelmed by all of this!!
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yninstagram THE 1975 // AT THEIR VERY BEST // MADISON SQUARE GARDEN // 11.07.22
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1975adam looking fit @/bedforddanes75
>bedforddanes75 fuck off prick
>yninstagram cmon boys, dont fight, or i’ll put you in time out
1975fan1 miss yn feeding us!!!
>yninstagram always baby !!!
ynfan1 so proud of how far yn has come 🥲🥲
>ynfan2 i remember when she was still in college and would just post her assignments!! and now look at her!!
trumanblack so glad you be right there with us
>yninstagram <3
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yninstagram it’s Big Man’s sixth birthday!! I’m sure he pissed with me being away for his bday but he’ll understand when his mom comes home and explains she does what she does to fund his extravagant lifestyle
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ynfan1 so cute!!
ynfan2 yn, our fav cat mom
trumanblack hbd big man please dont scratch me next time i see u
>ynfan3 omg matty has met Big Man im so jealous ynfan4 happy birthday Big Man !!!!
yninstagram via stories:
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caption: may not be the bday boy but still pretty cute
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yninstagram and that’s it for At Their Very Best North America! I cannot thank the band, their management, the crew, and everyone else that helped me make the most of this opportunity enough. I never thought I’d be in control of such a project and enjoy myself as much as I did. Can’t wait to come back in the new year <3
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rass1975 it was a pleasure having you with us mate!
>yninstagram thanks so much mate! Miss you already!
trumanblack wouldn’t want anybody else with us
ynfan1 omg im crying!!! she’s made it!
1975fan1 THE best tour photographer!!!
ynfan2 can't wait to see more in january!!!
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trumanblack my girlfriend just finished her first leg as a head tour photographer, wbu?
TAGGED: yninstagram 
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lilmaemae · 4 months
tagged by the lovely lovely @thestrangeillusion !! you're so cool actually, and i'm glad to have learnt more about you on your own edition, ehe <33 im a few days late but here are my answers !!
do you tidy your bed
no, because i'm going to lie in it in a few hours lmao. it feels more cosy in its nest state
what's your favourite number
15! or 5? as my birthday dates, they're precious to me
what is your job
i used to work as a veterinary nurse (for the past 2 years) but i just quit!
if you could go back to school would you
... i'm going back to school in september (college lmao), for vet school, so uh,,, yes? 😂
can you parallel park
not at the moment, but in the near future i hope so!
a job you had that would surprise people
i used to sell cured meat at a branch in the airport. or the time i helped my mom's friend with her candle making workshops?
do you think aliens are real
i think that there are many things different from human-likeness that can exist. whether or not they have "intelligence" in the definition relative to humans, however.,,, i think chances are slim. i think they'd be smart in their own ways.
can you drive a manual car
close! i'm learning how to drive right now, have been learning the the month or two!
what's your guilty pleasure
reading ao3 on my light tabs. i don't use incognito because it keeps logging me out of shit, and it's way easier to keep track of the fics im reading.
none atm, but i do wish to get either an animal/astronomy related one eventually !
favourite colour
greeeeeen and pink!
favourite type of music
i like pop/r&b? music that sounds melancholic. like day6, d.o (kyung soo), jeff satur
do you like puzzles
i've never had the space for physical ones but brain games are pretty intriguing!
any phobias
hate the fucking cockroaches 👎👎👎👎👎 genuinely, the occurance of those shits randomly in my bathroom gives me so much anxiety that i stopped washing my hair in the specific toilet
favourite childhood sport
,,, i've never exaclty done sports ngl, but i do have a brown belt in taekwondo?
do you talk to yourself
yes. it's the ✨anxiety
though on good days it's a silly narrator in my head that makes life a little more fun!
what movie(s) do you adore
ngl i'm not a huge movie girl but tangled and more recently nimona!! tangled's soundtrack is just, amazing, i adore mandy moore'a voice so much. and nimona is such a treat, especially with all the shape shifting and the gay dads.
coffee or tea?
tea! matcha lattes are so good. and green tea, hojicha, chrysanthemum tea, fruit teas, bruhh the list could go oN. for coffee, i only like mochas that are so sweet they'd make a religious coffee drinker puke. not to mention they either give me headaches or cause me to vibrate so intensely that i might as well be the flash trying to phase through solid objects.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
a zookeeper! i always knew i wanted to do something animal related, and im glad i'll be able to learn more soon.
tagging @emberfaye @mousydentist @venagrey @jez-bez @chaeul @fairlylokai @the-cookie-of-doom @awiderangeofgreen @ella-norah and anyone who wants to do this challenge!!!
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celestie0 · 16 days
Ellie I’m gonna cry I was never into any of this stuff until kickoff like the trajectory of my brain chemicals has just been manipulated by ur writing I’m so hyper fixated and ofc the reason I was reading fanfictions in the first place was bc I was victim to the gojo girl labotomising pandemic that came with jjk season 2 like after growing up and being out of anime and all for a good year and a half and then that happened so suddenly when I was literally reluctant and cynical in watching the season on a whim and next thing I knew I was deranged in my gojo/geto/satosugu obsession but girl if I had one wish and I’m being so fr rn like if it had a time limit and I couldn’t have a family discussion to deeply contemplate what would be the most worthwhile wish that they dictate to me, if an angel came down to me and I had like 10 minutes and I had something in my system so I don’t freak tf out and I’m feeling chill and don’t think about being selfish then you’d think I’d wish for gojo to come to life and fuck me into the earth but the logistics of that are fucked so I’m pretty decided that I’d either wish for kickoff gojo to be my bf irl or to be y/n in kickoff and be written by you <3
moral of the story now I love ur fic and version of the characters more than the actual series
I’ve used my sign off too often I hope this isn’t annoying or creepy im just going into college/uni next year and I have a lot of dreams and aspirations so ig kickoff rlly resonated with me in that way
this isn’t the fat ask that’s pending hehe I just wrote this sitting on the doorstep of my house with my shoes still on cause I just got home
imma need a good relaxed night to get that down but I’m sorry I didn’t offer my support earlier I’m glad sm people did bc even though my possessive nature makes me think I’m ur biggest fan the truth is a lot of people are as taken by you and ur work as I am, I just should of typed up something on the matter as soon as I saw ur post but I rlly wanted to put thought into it and any kind of writing is a real chore for me so I’m waiting until I have that down time
ik it’s not much to anticipate but it’s important to me lol I wanna be here for u along with the many other anons
also that TikTok was random but this Olympic lovey doveyness is making me sick while im in such a state
this was never suppose to be this long I belong in yap jail
-spinster anon or wtv
AW SPINSTER ANON!! THAT'S SO SWEET PLEASE!! OF ALL THE WISHES YOU COULD HAVE!!! (yes def look out for your family first though xd...although i can't lie and say i wouldn't at least THINK about wishing for gojo to come to life and put me in a mating press)
TO SAY YOU LOVE THEM MORE THAN THE ACTUAL SERIES CHARACTERS i'll sob stop. and aww i'm so glad kickoff is resonating w you as you start your journey to college!! that's really why i started writing it. there was so many things i wish i had done differently and also so many things i think i took for granted in college, but also so much to celebrate and find joy in! it's hard especially when you don't quite know who you are or what you want and yea i think that's kind of a theme in kickoff, and will be through to the end, but anywho i'm like being very preachy rn haha i wish you best of luck in starting college <3
and aw that's sweet bb thank you, i appreciate you. honeslty the thought enough and to know you love my works is so much support enough!! :'') i appreciate you. and yes that olympic couple was sooo cute i love the way he just picked her up how cute.
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ellecdc · 2 months
YES YES IM BACK AND I MISSED YOU LOADS!! i think the last time i sent you an ask was in april..?? so there’s tons of stuff i didn’t get to tell you about!!
i turned 18! i started adult drivers ed, and i’m slowly but surely getting it done (it’s like 6 hours in total and i have 3 left) so i should be taking the actual test soon… even though i’m scared to fuck it up when it gets to the parallel parking part. which, before i get into a full rant about, doesn’t make sense because in the part i live there’s ZERO places to parallel park at unless you go downtown, which downtown is such a boring place to go to so in conclusion: parallel parking in an unnecessary thing to have on the drivers test!!
ANYWAYS, i also graduated! which was very fun even though i was sad getting to see all my little babies i’d leaving behind in high school, im very excited to start college and i already got signed up for classes that im not mad about! ummm i had some very bad fallouts with 3 of my friends where 1 lied and said i talked bad about the other, and then ANOTHER friend took their side and was helping them talk bad about me which i was NOT going to tolerate so i cut all three of them out!! not necessarily a bad thing because all 3 of them weren’t the kindest to me and always made me feel smaller than them, but they were still my friend you know?? one was even a friend from MIDDLE SCHOOL but she treated me the worst so…
but anyways to end this on a good note: i’m getting my snake bites pierced on tuesday which im super super excited about since i’ve wanted them ever since middle school!!! my moms worried about jobs, but every job i think about applying to i ask in advance about piercings, and half of them have an open piercing policy which is good!! sorry it’s so long i’ve just missed you and i turn into a yapper lolol
but how has your life been??? anything as eventful as mine haha
- 🍓
Honestly bestie, parallel parking is pants. I learned it long enough to pass my drivers tests and then immediately deleted it from my brain; if it requires me to parallel park, I’m not going.
Glad to hear things are going great for you! Lots of exciting stuff it sounds like; nothing nearly as exciting over here for me 🥰
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starjxsung · 3 months
dear darling star <3 how are you?
i hope im not bothering you with this message
it’s been a while now and tumblr just doesn’t feel the same without you </3
i hope you’re doing good (both physically and emotionally)
i’ve been out of order lately because my life has been super hectic, so here’s the rundown till now:
i passed the semester with equal parts a’s and b’s (ngl the b’a hurt a bit bc it’s the first time in like 6 years i’ve gotten a b in a class😪 but im just glad that i made it)
my uni friends and i went out drinking to celebrate the semester being over( there were a lot of college students and we felt old af). we got so drunk that it was so weird for me but it was so fun to let loose for the first time in a loooooong time.
we just finished booking everything we needed for lolla and im a bit more excited now.
i’ve also been watching kdramas now (?!?) and im kinda addicted
bittersweet news:
i’ve also been a lot more proactive in donating to help palestine (i still donated monthly b4 but i’ve tried chip in a bit more lately, considering what’s been happening in rafah)
for the not so good news:
two stray cats that we haven’t been able to spay yet gave birth so there’s that. i love kittens, they’re the cutest but i always get so stressed at socializing them and/or finding homes for them because people are irresponsible af with their pets here but i can’t keep taking cats in without my cats and my other financial responsibilities being affected </3 i’ve been kinda guilty for the trip too bc of the money we’ve spent
my dad found a premature newborn kitten and it sadly passed away too </3
and, finally, i’m taking my masters’ comprehensive tests in two weeks and im terrified of failing them (i’ll update when i get the results so 🤞🏻).
i hope you’re doing well, what have you been up to? i hope you’re taking good care of yourself💜
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(adding some life pictures too, look at the babies, look at my mom’s big ass piece of pizza and of course, i hope you still drink your iced coffee consistently <3)
i wish you the absolute best, always <3
sending you love wherever your are, whenever you are✨
My love!!!!!! The love of my actual life. I was just thinking of you because skz posted they would be doing that little kitten interview thing (they did it for us and us only ‼️‼️) I’m so excited we get to see Jisung with kittens 😌
you’re NEVERRRR a bother with your messages. They’re absolutely the best part of all my days and I’ve been thinking of you so often while on my little break from the internet. First I am SO glad to hear you finished with a’s and b’s????? You should be so proud of yourself my love!!!!!! And you went out to celebrate, I hope you had the most fun everrrrrr 🥹🫶
my sister and I just got our lolla wristbands in the mail and it’s all starting to feel so real. I’m excited but also nervous??? As fuck??????? And I still have 2 Ateez shows before then I’ve done absolutely nothing to prepare for 🥲 it’s crunch time when I get back home frfr
also pls send all the kdrama recs as soon as physically possible !!!!!!
I’m so glad to hear you’re able to donate and be of help 🫶 I’ve been continuing to donate to save the children and participating in active boycotts. Tuning into the news every day is just so fucking heartbreaking. I’m so proud of everyone on here doing what they can and donating ❤️🍉 I love you so much
Also FEEL YOU on the kitten thing…. kittens are so so so much work and they stress me out so bad. One of my neighbors at my parents’ house once left behind their cat who gave birth in our shed and we has to care for the last kitten who survived (super tiny little premature baby) and even though we rushed her to the vet and watched after her for a few days, she passed 💔 that was the moment that I remember being like….. kittens are just so much more fragile than people think and difficult to care for. You did the best that you could :( thank you for being there for them regardless.
Also how did the comprehensive test go? (If you already took it) I hope you did so so amazing my love!!!!!!!!
I love you endlessly and I’m thinking of you always. Momo and I are rooting for you (even though she’s with my dad rn) and we hope you’re taking good care of yourself. All my love to you, always always always 💓💞💫🫶 I’ll be back properly very soon and in the meanwhile I’m sending you all my love from the middle of nowhere ! I hope it reaches you
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meera000 · 1 year
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Two unrelated photos. trash and then me in the allston starbucks bathroom
I started watching sex and the city, and i’m so glad i started it at 22 rather than any time before going to college. Otherwise i would have sucked way more than i already did as a teenager who was interested in fashion, wrote for an online magazine, and was desperate for her first kiss.
it’s such an irritating show but i can’t stop. i’ve started watching it before work and maybe an episode when i get home. i just cant stop.
People have compared me to carrie a few times over the years. I never took as a compliment even though they meant because of the way i dressed or whatever— i am not a self-important white woman. Now i find it even more insulting because god is she annoying!!! but she sure can dress!!!! so i guess that’s nice. also i’m not in a toxic relationship cycle and dating around with men who don’t deserve the time of day. lucky me !
now im trying to think of how to write this without sounding like an absolute dick. maybe i’ll frame it like this: my friends who haven’t lived in boston as long as me have this joke where they refer to me as an “it girl.” this is only because i have met and thus know many people from being here for so fucking long. i go for a walk and run into someone i know. im out with my friends and run into an acquaintance. so then my friends ask me how i know these people and i’m all like, i really have no idea i just have lived here for most of my life . the other week my friend introduced me to the guy he’s seeing, who said “ohhh you’re the allston it girl!!” i was so tired and had emerged from sleep to use the bathroom and in that moment i wanted to vanish. that being said, sometimes i find it funny when my friends say that to me because it’s wildly untrue.
i don’t really understand what constitutes being an “it girl,” but i think it’s hot girl who does something cool for a living and seemingly knows everyone. in the case of carrie bradshaw it’s that she has her column and is a hot woman who goes to a lot of parties and meets/knows all these people. i don’t see much of that in myself. i still don’t know what my thing is— my equivalent of writing a column. but i like a lot of things! hopefully i’ll find my thing soon. i don’t care much about knowing everyone and getting into parties and dating around. i couldn’t ask for more when it comes to my friends and my partner and the opportunities i have. well, maybe i could do more styling stuff. but rather than having all the stuff that carrie does, i want to have my thing.
maybe there’s more to say on this but i don’t really feel like diving deeper into something so trivial that really doesn’t affect my life at all.
so now in true carrie fashion, i can’t help but wonder:
that’s not true. i don’t really wonder. it just is what it is
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
*sighs* ryen ryen ryen…
- ok so first of all i must be a bit 3tan-brainrotted because tell me why i woke at 6am sharp and the first thing that came in my mind was the new chapter:&,!/‘d 🥴
- jk has a fucking audacity like…i get he’s desperate and full of remorse but reader has move on/start to finally move on and he’s throwing her back into those old memories :((( idk i don’t think that’s fair towards them
- besides i don’t think he still love them in the same way he loved them during their teenage years like they broke up before their twenties and those are the years where you change and grow the most…i think his love is the same way as reader described with the worned jeans parallel etc etc
- i was really touched by bro :(((
- im glad the backstory for bro and reader was developed during this chapter like the dynamic between them is much more understandable, have you always have that kind of family problem in mind for their personal story when you started to develop the characters?
- SO HERE COMES THE GUILT AND PAIN :D sobbing crying throwing up right fucking now like when reader understands what yoongi represents to bro im just…jfc..this is going to get ugly so fast when their relation is out… i appreciated the moment of clarity by reader when she’s like « oh if yoongi can do all of these for me when we’re not even together then i can’t even imagine for my brother during college»
- THREE FUCKING MONTHS KDKFKD no wonder they trashed the desk after such a long time lmaoommg’fnf
- the aftercare, sobbing crying screaming AND throwing up again the whole speech by reader in the car about how she missed him…yoongi snapping up omg’fkd and the whole cuddling and humming and shedding tears im just 🥺🥺 my babies 🥺🥺🥺 just wanna build a bubble or shelter for them to live in in peace 😞
- you know what i thought of when i read the last part about oc coming home and bro waiting for them ? that damn spoiler about someone/bro (??) telling « it’s about yoongi. isn’t it. » DDBSKDKDKDK ryen gdi
- and now i think i should’ve voted for the whole story with the 30k etc like i’m addicted i think and i cannot wait to see the following for this damn cliffhanger once again how dare you
i’ll probably reread this a dozen times more during the weekend except sunday because i have a second date with that same person ☺️
rest well and hope to read more soon 🫶
CD PLSSSSSS oh my goodness, love. thank you so much for this wonderful commentary! i got my own things to say under the cut so let's gooooo
ok so first of all i must be a bit 3tan-brainrotted because tell me why i woke at 6am sharp and the first thing that came in my mind was the new chapter:&,!/‘d 🥴
nooooo way. wait really?! that's too much for me to handle i'm biting my fcking fist dsklfjdskljf what an honor!
jk has a fucking audacity like…i get he’s desperate and full of remorse but reader has move on/start to finally move on and he’s throwing her back into those old memories :((( idk i don’t think that’s fair towards them besides i don’t think he still love them in the same way he loved them during their teenage years like they broke up before their twenties and those are the years where you change and grow the most…i think his love is the same way as reader described with the worned jeans parallel etc etc
love these commentaries on jk and reader! it's so hard to have something like that happen.. especially if it happened when they both were far from mature enough to handle it. you have a great ass point about the formative years, too! wow i actually really like how you approached that whole section. this shit is why i love hearing from y'all forreal!
i was really touched by bro :(((
man i love that man.
im glad the backstory for bro and reader was developed during this chapter like the dynamic between them is much more understandable, have you always have that kind of family problem in mind for their personal story when you started to develop the characters?
YES! i'm so happy you liked their backstory build. it was necessary to flesh out so that we could understand where they're both coming from, as painful as that was to finally say. this was my plan for awhile, but gosh it was still hard to really write.
SO HERE COMES THE GUILT AND PAIN :D sobbing crying throwing up right fucking now like when reader understands what yoongi represents to bro im just…jfc..this is going to get ugly so fast when their relation is out… i appreciated the moment of clarity by reader when she’s like « oh if yoongi can do all of these for me when we’re not even together then i can’t even imagine for my brother during college»
GOD I KNOWWWW like damn. yoongi's choice was so jarring at first, but when we get this background on bro? it makes sense and brings a whole new wave of guilt. it isn't just "we don't wanna get between them" anymore, it's more like "shit... we could potentially destroy something much bigger than we thought." and like,, knowing what we know about yoongi? he hasn't had the best time before reader showed up..... so.... yeah.
THREE FUCKING MONTHS KDKFKD no wonder they trashed the desk after such a long time lmaoommg’fnf
the aftercare, sobbing crying screaming AND throwing up again the whole speech by reader in the car about how she missed him…yoongi snapping up omg’fkd and the whole cuddling and humming and shedding tears im just 🥺🥺 my babies 🥺🥺🥺 just wanna build a bubble or shelter for them to live in in peace 😞
the way i want the gd same! the aftercare scenes were some of my absolute favorites to write, and i even saved them for last so that i could finally breathe after working on the rest lol. they're as much of a relief for me as the writer as they are for y'all and the characters. i'm so proud of reader for the car thing! bc we've seen them finally say something in basketball, but i think this was even better.
LMFAOOOOO i meeeean yoongi was pretty far around the corner if it took seven minutes to get to him, but YEAH. MWAHAHA.
you know what i thought of when i read the last part about oc coming home and bro waiting for them ? that damn spoiler about someone/bro (??) telling « it’s about yoongi. isn’t it. » DDBSKDKDKDK ryen gdi
I AM SAYING NOTHING!!!!! i can't believe you remembered that though omg??
and now i think i should’ve voted for the whole story with the 30k etc like i’m addicted i think and i cannot wait to see the following for this damn cliffhanger once again how dare you i’ll probably reread this a dozen times more during the weekend except sunday because i have a second date with that same person ☺️rest well and hope to read more soon 🫶
thank you so damn much! nahhhh the 30k would've taken me all the way out lmfao. this would've taken SO much longer if we waited. i think this gives everyone time to breathe! an intermission of sorts, or like when an episode ends on a cliffhanger ahahah.
read as many times as you want to! thank you so much for reading so soon, and i hope the second date goes/went very very well :D happy to hear about it, too!
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tragedyforthcoming · 3 days
Hi its another day (another c@lorie deficient win!) so heres how it went! (Under the read more ofc like all of my other posts ; follow the tags b4 u read!!)
(ps: $h = spaghetti harm; Use this tag too if u want ig? I'll be refferring to it as that aswell in other posts aswell :) )
right so idk if anyone else experiences this but recently when I eat breakfast, I cant finish it, its not even a whole serving its only like 1/4 of one, but I start to feel rlly nauseous and cant finish my food in whole, like its a rlly strong feeling aswell to the point I cant finish the food in my mouth. I wanna guess it has something to do with the £d? Like my brain blocks off my eating or smth when I've ate a little and makes me nauseous??? If anyone else has any opinions I'll be glad to hear em :)
College was alr today; and I might be getting an actual Dyslexia evaluation in my college soon! And then I also might be able to use a laptop in all my writing exams (Thank fuck If I'm able too lmao). O had practical today and we went to one of the rooms to clean out (I do an animal management course), and I started feeling nauseous AGAIN! But this time also a bit faint, I think I was actually paler then I actually was; but no one picked up on it so it was fine...
Some other people sat with my group today and Istg, I like the other group more than my actual 'friends'. I know it does sounds like I'm a dick 4 admitting that tho. with my 'friends' It feels more like a chore just being w/ them and they always seem pissed off with everything that I do?? Like I had to move far away from one of them just cause of my laptop. Like yeah I understand But I had repeatedly brought it up that I was bringing a laptop and you only say it the day AFTER I do it; it mildly makes me upset tbf. Also im surprised that no one is even noticing me, like I'm only seen if I speak, which I cant do on command btw. There are times where i physically cant speak cause my throat hurts so much it feels like its closing in on itself, and they tried to get me speak. Its honestly so annoying.
In my last lesson of the day I had animal welfare and ethics, we talked abt slaughtering today for some reason my urges like broke thru rlly badly and then I r£lapsed when I got home :/
but enough abt that lets talk numbers!! My weigh in is tmr morning so I'll keep a record then (Hoping I've lost more plsplsplspslpslsplspsl) Today I ate 475 cals and then did 7,918 steps (Nearly 8k gonna kms/j)
But thats all rn cause I'm rlly sleepy, but heres ur song of the day:
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villanevehaus · 1 year
tme anon here with my thoughts on Raw. This is going to be way too many notes despite the fact I've actually cut this down to about 1/3 what I wrote originally. I am so sorry, but...
I fucking loved this movie! I watched it twice back-to-back because reasons. Here are toooo many notes:
walking on the side of the road with an overcast sky is giving me donnie darko vib—the fuck! okay, it’s that kind of movie. good dive though, i give her 8/10 for form.
wait, what. oooh they’re speaking french. my silly ass forgot this is a french film. brb guys.
SUBTITLES—there we go, much better
this is not what it was like when i went to college. i mean, a kid did die from hazing, but still
is this…what having a sibling is like? 
oooh specimen lab. sidebar: i have always wanted to see the Mütter Museum 
Don’t scratch. Don’t scraaaatch. BUDDY IMPULSE CONTROL STOP IT.
HORSE! This shot is the tits. The sound, the music, the running. 
Hahaha, I hope you wear the dress over the sweatshirt just like that, babygirl, you look ah-mazing.
Vegetarian options be like mashed potatoes and steamed carrot coins. 
Oh my god, this is like the clown handkerchief trick but for trichophagia. 
i’m an only child, i really, really, really do not understand this peeing sister scene. 
Wow, those are sharp scissors. 
How drunk are you that you’re letting the dog lick your sister’s finger stub. Like, sure, eat her finger, but stop the bleeding and keep the dog away. You two are in vet school, you know about surgery and infections and shit. What is this.
She is eating the finger like how Tom Hanks eats the baby corn in Big. HAHAHAHA
I am that old guy with dentures! I laughed so fucking hard at this, I would be exactly this man in the film. 
I have yet to watch Cronenberg’s Crash (1996), but this is just screaming Crash at me right now.
I know this isn’t the focus of this soccer scene, but it cracks me up when men rub their faces together to express aggression. 
This is some very Tina Belcher-quality dancing in front of this mirror.  
Trainspotting vibes. Pretty soon the baby from Yellowjackets is gonna crawl across her ceiling. That’s how this works, right?
Is your sister hitting you with a sock full of coins? Of all the things in this movie, the sound and screaming here is the one making me flinch. 
She blue herself. 
THERE IS A whole ass chunk missing outta his lip. That is beautiful. 
I can see a lot of this in TME, I feel like I’ve been let in on a bunch of little inside jokes, love it.
Hahaha, having sex with her is like trying to catch a fucking snake before it strikes. 
Oooooh, man. That bite, though. Oooof.
The shot at the party that tracks through the kissing couple up to her deliriously horny face sitting against the wall? Amazing. 
How much cadaver did you eat, bro?
BoyfIghts: Sisters edition. (how many AD jokes can I maaaake)
You should probably have locked that door.
(3 minutes later) Yep, shoulda locked it.
I love that you can see blood on the sheets right by her head before she figures it out.
Chekhov’s ski pole. 
Reflection mirroring with the mother YASSSSS
Love wins.
the horse shot!!! yes!!!
i am also an only child and was like??? is this normal?? and my femme who has sisters says it is NOT!!! i need to convince people who have siblings to watch it
i also have yet to see crash 1996 i saw an edit of it to a NIN song and was like uh oh i can feel a crash 1996 and titane double feature approaching
i love the AD references i love AD
chekov's ski pole
the end the end the end the end WAWAWA
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT it changes my brain chemistry im sure of it
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rrxnjun · 2 years
hiii I'm sorry it took me sm time to reply i miss sending you these asks and talking to you 🤧 my hols have been going crazy with just tution class after tution class hh i did go on a 2 day trip last weekend tho and it was a nice break <3 (minus the part where we got drenched in the rain for like 2 hours straight. weather forecasts are scams.)
also screw uni for giving you a hard time :( just so you know I'm so proud of you for having the courage to move to a new place and to work on whatever you're studying right now despite not liking the city <33 manifesting sm fun moments and things to look forward to for you 🕯️🕯️ the weekends coming so hope that makes you feel better !!
help i had to Google up fire and air signs my astro knowledge = pinterest memes lol hfhfj all ik is I'm taurus. so after extensive research I've learnt that I have a thing for * drumroll * aquarians and capricorns (and the occasional Aries and cancer <33) hfjjf i had to search up all of my biases' zodiac info. i literally remember only hoshi's gfdhj He's not my bias (yet ??) but i find it funny before he's like, the Gemini of geminis 😭😭
YOO SEHUNS RAPS ALWAYS, LIKE ALWAYS, GET ME 'thats right my type' from his part in monster is stuck in my head rn. monster by exo <333
(OMG also you can drive ?? THATS COOL i wanna learn it so bad i can only drive a bike rn lolll bc you can only learn to drive cars from when you're 18 here)
HFJKDJFBJ i have a couple more exo memes (half of them are cursed hope no one checks the gallery in my phone) but for sm reason I'm not able to send pics or link things here Tumblr do be getting nastier by the day
the ncit coding thing was jungwoo the mechanical engineer and the others era LMAOO but that concept was 🥴 ngl college aus are a guilty pleasure for me and the shit they did just made my imagination go wild lol THE SPIDERMARK AGENDA THOOO DIDNT THINK HED ACTUALLY DO IT but again mark is the most likely to do smth like that
2 baddies is the catchiest song there exists the title makes me crack the fuck up its so funny DJFKLA i love it tho!!!!! havent checked out the whole album yet but designer's been on repeat its so good!!!! if you listened already, tell me your faves and ill make sure to get to it soon so we can talk abt it :pp
2 baddies 2baddies 1 porsche stil makes me giggle ngkf i haven't checked out the album yet hh (damn i have this and brand new by xiumin but i chose 28 reasons by goddess seulgi over both of them shhh) but i did listen to designer and hmmm <333
p.s. ily bar take care !! and stay safe 💕
its okay!!! we are both busy and mentally tired, send asks whenever you want to! i miss talking to you too tho and i wish life wasnt such a bitch to both of us lately 😡😡 im glad to hear u had fun on the trip!!!!! I got drenched last week as well bc my dumb ass forgot to bring an umbrella with me so im kind of sick ever since and its getting on my nerves 😭
thank you!! i am really fortunate that for the first time in my life, im interested in what im studying and im actually having fun in classes, so thats whats keeping me going tbh <3 also i think im slowly making new friends so i feel a bit better now :')
AHAHA VALID im only like a 30% astrology hoe i only know the very VERY basics. and omg youre a taurus!!!! my best friend is a taurus :) i seem to be getting a lot with tauruses AHAHA also aquariuses 😭 90% of the kpop scene is an aquarius so its very valid but i get it bc i am weak for them as well.
SEHUNS RAPS >>> also BRO my tiktok suddenly decided im in my exo-l era i keep getting exo tiktoks on my fyp and its so funny bc its so random but i also love it ???? 😭😭
i cant drive! 🥰 thats one of the main problems bc im supposed to have the driving exam in like 2 weeks and bro am i not doing well. i keep making stupid mistakes and im so scared im not gonna do it AHAHA here u can get your licence at 17! they let u drive with someone 18+ with at least 5(?) years of experience until you turn 18 and then u can drive on your own :) i actually waited longer to get my licence bc i was scared LMAO but its weird that at 19 i was the oldest in my course
college aus!! my weakness!! jungwoo and hyuck in sticker era 🥴🥴 but also 2 baddies jungwoo?? i lowkey think him and yuta are my 127 biases now if we exclude markhyuck bc im a devoted dreamzen LMAO
i did listen to the whole album but only in the bg as i was doing an assignment so i wasnt really paying 100% attention 😭😭😭 bUT designer has been on repeat its so good!!! other than that one i really enjoyed time lapse, gold dust and black clouds! Let me know which ones u like when u listen to it!!
I GOTTA LISTEN TO SEULGIS ALBUM AAAAAA i havent had the time to yet!!! but i did hear the title track on tiktok and the "i kiss your brother" is all i needed to hear to know that this will be lifechanging and i need to listen to it soon
I love you a lot! :) thank you for always finding time to come here and talk to me. take care and tell me all about how youve been next time!! hope you have a good week <3
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erenisms · 3 years
chapter 23
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WHAT WE CAN BE : in which eren deals with his crush on you like an elementary school kid and you’re having none of it.
eren likes you. a lot. but he treats your existence like it's god's punishment to humanity. and you, not having any idea why he loathes your presence so much, decided to not give a single fuck about him.
pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader, +slight!reiner x reader
genre: college au, e2l, fluff, crack
CH. 23: we're drifting.
masterlist. | prev. | next.
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If there was one thing you’re proud of, it’s the fact that you don’t think before doing something yet it still somehow manages to get you in favor. Not this time though.
“Liar.” Reiner states and flicks your forehead.
You blink. Eh?
“Huh? What? No, don’t you understand–?”
“About Eren,” he clarifies, smiling down fondly at you.. “I think you’re lying. You said there’s no way you’d like him.”
“Okay, maybe I was exaggerating to prove a point.” You puff your cheeks. “Eren is complicated sometimes, but he’s really nice. I enjoy his company, too. He gets so riled up quickly, it’s fun to mess with him. Plus, he let me put his hair in pigtails once so that was kind of cute.”
The blonde stares at you, then he snorts at your little speech. You feel a little embarrassed.
“Sorry, was I rambling?” You scratched your head sheepishly.
“No, no, it’s fine.” Reiner tries not to grin. “It’s been awhile since I heard you talk a lot, I was starting to think your saliva’s starting to expire.”
“You’re gross.”
“I’m just saying.” He rolls his eyes. “Don’t say you don’t like him if you do. Who knows how he’ll feel if he hears you say that?”
“Hm, I guess you’re right, I do like him. Not the way I like you though.” You hum, facing the male. “And you wonder why I see you as a brother?”
“Clearly.” Reiner glares at you and starts messing with your hair. “Rub it in, why don’t you?”
“I’m sorry, ‘m sorry!” You giggle, swatting his hands away.
Reiner retracts his hands and bids you goodbye, saying something about he’s actually on an errand for his mother and he needs to go back soon.
Clearing up and not ruining your friendship with an old friend, you’re glad you clarified things up. Along with your other friends from Marley, you all have different lives now and you don’t have to force yourself to fit in with them the way they wanted you to. You’re happy that Reiner understands.
You let out a sigh as you stand in the middle of the mall.
If I knew I had no choice but to go out anyway, I would’ve just gone with Eren.
Fighting the urge to pout, an idea sparks up in your head.
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You didn't get a reply.
im back nd alive, i did not die. im so so sorry for being late
it's all downhill from here
taglist: closed — @lamiapony @sofijaeger @hvneyluvr @kjd55 @tumerixs @songbirdgardensworld @freedomlsaburden @itsannayalll @jelliou @lagrimasdeglitter @erens-eyebrows @chewymoustachio @ayyisasra @tzobio @diestheticu @ravensleepyeyes @y2klove @mikasavqx @mockingjaytributes @littlemochi @mariaerdgzn @philfont @fwess @teenageangeldiaries @backstagepaige @renjunvibes @shunkaza @je-suis-argent-miel @lavender-moon13 @the-princess-button @kaitlyn2907 @blrqt @xaibs @rory-cakes @bubs-world @pennylanewrites @usernamehere91 @reinertiddiejuice @tjjjrsj @oprantodomar @persyhange @ilovemydinoboi @jellyfishpalace @justanotherkpopstanlol @tatiquichi @newestro @dumbabyspeaks @anonymossii @yeagerfushiguro @r-xochitl & more in the comments
- love, zari
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