#fuck i fucking love seongjun
wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
So you write for Seongjoon huh?😏
I have a request for him (I love him so much!!)
His s/o breaking up with him but not because he was a Yakuza member but because of something else, maybe something related to his ex gf and him trying to get back together with reader.
I love angst to fluff🥰
Thanks in advance !!
Black anon
Listen, I promise I read over pretty thoroughly every ask I get. Then I go away, start writing, thinking yes yes this is it. Then come back and read over the ask again and realise I've barely hit the mark.
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Broken
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You were there to put back the pieces after Hwang Hye-yeon.
You could never blame her. You would have done the same thing in her place, assumed the same motives.
But it's unfortunate that you find yourself loving a man so irrevocably damaged. You're not even sure if he has a heart. Maybe he had one that was fragmented and splintered and never put back whole again, maybe it was never there in the first place.
You made do with the pieces that you had. Cutting yourself, willingly let yourself bleed on his sharp edges. Painstakingly pouring your love and adoration and devotion into this task. Giving him all of yourself.
Sometimes you would find him staring off into the distance, his mind and thoughts a world away from you. These moments he shuts himself off from everything and everyone.
Sometimes he treats you like you're the only human in the world, the only one he sees.
You take the good with the bad. The shards still finds itself under your skin. Finds your doubts and insecurities.
Seongjun comes homes to you with your bags packed. You had nothing else to give. What else was there to say? What else could you do?
Out of everyone, he had never expected you to give up. His rock, his anchor. He had taken for granted that you would always be there.
Your dedication to him had always been easy to see. Why had he never shown you the same courtesy? Why does he find it so difficult to wear his heart on his sleeve - to show you what you truly mean to him?
To show how hard it is, how frustrating that he couldn't bring himself to bare everything to you. That his past and his true self is a monster, that he couldn't handle the rejection if you knew.
His tears surprise you both. He approaches you and murmurs promises into your hair. That he thinks he could make you happy.
That you make him feel honourable again, like someone he used to be.
(Who did he used to be? You didn't know. He never let you in.)
He wraps his arms around your waist. Clinging on, willing you to stay in his life.
"I love you. I'm trying."
The words hits you like a gut punch.
"Will that be enough?"
You look into his eyes. Beneath the tears, you see a new-found clarity and steely determination.
"Everything I am belongs to you."
Your breath hitches at the admission.
The days and nights you have spent with him, the scars you have formed. What's another chance.
He lays every part of himself before you.
The puzzle of Baek Seongjun becomes easier now you can see the whole picture. His worst fears are never realised. You stay by his side.
Slowly. Piece by piece. Together, you mend his heart.
For the first time in a long time, Seongjun finally feels it: happiness.
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nalivaa · 2 years
damn not only killing your youngest nephew but also incriminating your son to keep him under your control,,, that is Fucked Up i didn't expect it holy shit
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
Hi 👋👋
I love your writing. Could you please do How He Would React When You Received A Sexual Text From An Unknown Number for Taehoon and Seongjoon?
If you don't want to that's fine. Thank you either way 😊☺️
How Would They React When You Receive A Sexual Text From An Unknown Number.
GN Reader.
Request Rules.
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Seongjun Baek:
"Babe, dinner is ready."
Seongjun opened the door and saw [Name] shivering while looking down at something, he wondered on why they were shivering.
He walked towards them and sat down next to him. "[Name], is something wrong?" He rubbed their shoulder as they leaned against them while shivering, and now it was making Seongjun worry on what was happening with his significant other.
"[Name]? Please tell me what was wrong.."
They were quiet for awhile before they looked up as Seongjun morphed into shock after he saw the look on their face, it was fear. Evident fear plastered on their face.
"Seongjun.... I am so scared, I don't know what to do.."
"Why? What happened?"
They gave him their phone making looked at what made them so scared, he looked through the phone and swear he saw red when he read the text messages.
Someone was asking nude photos of them, begging, threatening, and guilt-tripping his partner. He grit his teeth as he sighed and turned off their phone, he comforted them and whispered sweet nothings to them.
Wanting to make sure they feel safe but deep inside, Seongjun was ready to kill someone.
"It's going to be alright, now let's go and eat dinner."
He tilted his head as he looked at the guy with a sack over his head, he sighed and took the sack off revealing a bruised face. He looked at Seongjun with fear in his eyes.
"P-Please... let me go, I will do anything... please, i-if I own money th-then I will pay i-"
Seongjun laughed as the guy looked at him with confusion and fear, after awhile, he stopped laughing. "Oh... god... don't worry, you don't owe money..'' The guy sighed in relief.
"But you I will fucking beat you, for messing with my partner, you bastard."
"Wha- AAGH!!"
The guy was kicked in the side of his head causing him to fall down on the floor and he was being kicked around, as Seongjun looked at their leader.
"You can do whatever you want to him, just make sure to tell him the details. Alright?"
"Of course."
"Seongjun, where were you?"
"Oh, just doing some business."
He kissed their forehead, [Name] hummed and hugged them. "I cooked dinner, come. Let's eat!" They smiled as Seongjun smiled.
"Alright, I'm excited to eat your food."
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Taehun Seong:
"Oi, let's fucking beat this guy up."
The group were stunned as Taehun was showing a photo of a guy, they wondered on what the guy had done to Taehun but they think it was probably stupid.
"Why?" Rumi asked as Taehun showed the others the messaged as they looked over it and they were absolutely horrified about it, as Rumi stood up. "Yup! Let's beat this guy up.''
While Hobin was in shock, as he tried to calm the others down to make sure they don't cause any trouble. After awhile, the meeting ended with Troubleshooter TV doing the request.
And Taehun was basically ready to beat the bastard up but they had said to Taehun to calm down and let Eunu handle it, even though Taehun wanted to beat the guy so badly for doing that to their partner.
So, now. They were going to meet with the guy, and when they met him. They asked for confirmation and when they got it, Eunu started to talk.
But it was irritating Taehun, every word that came out of their word, trying to justify on what they did made him very irritated and annoyed.
"So of course I- ACK!!"
He was thrown back as the everyone was in shock at what they had seen, Taehun had kicked him by the chin. He stared down at the male on the floor.
"You try to do that shit, I'll follow you and beat you up every time."
He huffed as him and [Name] were basically having a staring contest, he looked to the side.
"They were piss-"
"You don't need to explain or justify yourself, Taehun."
He pouted as he felt the seat next to him sank down and then felt soft plump lips against his cheek, he looked at [Name] who was smiling.
"Thank you."
He smirked and pulled them closer to him.
"Ow~ my lips hurts. Can you heal it?"
"You can just do it, right?"
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Since your bored here an ask that pops out to me right now.
Every character of lookism choose between Kiss, F*ck, Kill, Marry, or Troll them.
Hope yah feel don't burn out!
I decided to add extra characters from other PTJ webtoons bc they’re all connected somehow. And I couldn’t help myself…
Marry: Gun (my one and only psychotic man 🖤 that I lowkey wanna kill too but he’s fine)
Fuck: Hudson (it’s obv from that dream, mate. I even wrote ab it LMAO), Goo, James Lee, Jake, Samuel (there’s no way I can fix this man), Eli (I hope I don’t give him another Yenna-), Warren (I thought he was attractive the moment I saw him oop- sorry Sally), Ryuhei (if I can kiss him and get his dick up, then sure), Taesoo (what a mega chad), Manager Kim (DILF #1 he’s hot in the other webtoon), Jincheol Park (DILF #2 also hot in the Manager Kim webtoon), Hansu Seong (DILF #3 also hot in Manager Kim), Kwak Jihan (come here snake daddy), Kwak Jichang (dang another 1st Gen king, hello!), Elite (younger version of Charles Choi), Gapryong Kim (younger version) , Hajun Gu (broooooooo he’s so fine), Seongjun (I mean… have you seen him in HTF?), Update: Jaeha (from Questism, bc even though he's a dick, I think hateful sex w/ him would be hot) & Daniel (Again, from Questism since he's hot too even though I don't like him))
Kiss: Daniel, Zack (sorry Mira), Vasco, Jay (idk if he’ll be willing but ok), Johan, Vin Jin, Sinu (sorry Yeonhui), Jerry (a sweet kiss on the cheek bc he’s precious), Jace (c’mere w them ears), Jinyoung (sure why not, love me some crazies), Taehoon Seong (not part of Lookism but I’d still kiss), Gaeul (she’s my lady crush in HTF, I love her), Lua (female crush in Lookism), Zoe (I miss her), Mary Kim (I miss her too), Crystal (yes, I’d kiss her. sue me), Mira (???), Haru Seong (from Questism), Bomi, Rumi, Gyeol
Kill: Daryl, Logan, Channing Choi, Stalker girl, Pet hoarder, James (even tho he took those kids in, I still don’t like him), Jasmine (she can join James), Eugene (I’m sorry to the Eugene fans), Kwak Jibeom (idk he rubs me the wrong way), Charles Choi (current version), Tom Lee (he’s creepy to me sorry), Gun (almost forgot him), Dog Man (from that one recent chapter)
Troll: GUN (bc teasing this man is pure entertainment), Kouji (I love this kid), Zack (sorry Zack, but you’re funny to piss off to me), Hobin (bc man’s is goofy bro. Have you seen him???), Tank Top Suhyeon (from Questism, goofy too), Gukja (from Questism, one of my fav characters there)
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year
blackbird - choi san
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pairings :: choi san x jung wooyoung guest appearances :: son seongjun (castle j; mcnd) genres/au's :: angst, fantasy, pining best friend!san, best friend!wooyoung, lowkey sorta yandere!san in one section viewer rating :: 13+ content warnings :: cursing, blood, knives, name calling, mentions of hurting a close friend word count :: network tags :: @preciousillusions-net @k-labels @cacaokpop-fics @timenote-library song :: blackbird; black veil brides a/n :: i was too lazy to edit the title & idol out of the header this is one of my first fics i ever wrote SHUT UP OKEH!! and also the second section was originally san x bf!hongjoong, but ive been obsessing over woosan lately and its more canon and makes more sense so i went ahead and changed it to pining!san x bestfriend!wooyoung
(reposted from old acc)
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living near and endless night / you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from...
the voice behind him, the voice of the boy chasing him, cackled with insanity and immeasurable lust for blood... san couldn't get away.
he just fucking couldn't.
so san stopped. he skidded to a stop in the middle of the hallway and turned around, bristling himself. he closed his eyes tight and bowed his head, breathing heavily, ready for the feeling of the knife in seongjun's hand to pierce through his chest.
but when the pain never came, san looked up from the puddle of blood he was standing in. seongjun was standing there a few feet away, an uncertain grin on his face.
he was just...
standing there.
"just kill me already." san spat. "you've killed all my friends, the only people i care about. you've taken everything i love away from me, what more could you want? i have nothing else to give you! you know you want to, you disgusting, blood-starved little psycho."
"i can't, man..."
it took a moment for san to get over the initial shock of what the other boy had just said. but once the shock faded, san sighed heavily. a song came into his head- one that the crazy little monster in front of him had sang to himself so many times...
"you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from..."
hold on to hope / take back your soul
wooyoung let loose a broken, tired sigh that unintentionally came out as a sort of half-whimper, half-groan.
"why, san..."
"i didn't mean for any of this to happen, joong, i mean it... seriously, i love you..." san whimpered, "you're my best friend, i love you..."
"if i was your best friend, then none of this would have happened."
san had unknowinglly hurt his best friend.
wooyoung had come home to san crying in a ball on the couch, and being the soft-ass caring little shit he'd always been, wooyoung immediately went to comfort him. they'd sat in silence for a while, san with his head nuzzled into joong's chest, before joong got up the courage to ask what was wrong.
when san confessed to what he'd done, he hadn't planned out how he was going to deal with the backlash...
and now he had to dea with the extra consequences.
san wanted to move over to sit next to his friend, hold him close to his chest...
maybe forget any of this ever happened...?
but he could see that joong didn't want that right now.
so san had nothing else to do but work it out. he had to hold on to that little bit of hope, keep his eyes on what he had left...he had to fight for the man he loved. san had never known someone who was as loving, understanding, and caring as wooyoung, and he wasn't about to let go of him just because of a silly, stupid, idiotic mistake.
"woo... please..."
"san, what else do you want from me?? you've done this two times before, i... i just can't..."
"i can't do this anymore, san..."
so just look into the sky and you’ll become the blackbird...
san's heart skipped a beat as the lyric entered his head.
he could simply...
run away.
it wasn't as if his mother was abusing him or anything, but she wasn't exactly being very much of a mother, either. she hadn't been for just about the last three years now.
they'd never find him. san was a master of hide and seek, he'd gotten it from his childhood. his father had hated him with a passion, and frequently come after him in a blind rage over his own miserable life, up until his mother came home and caught him red-handed one day.
no one had dared fuck with choi san ever since.
san held onto hope, clung onto that one shining thought: he would be eighteen soon. in less than an hour.
the second he turned eighteen, he could join the ravens and soar away in the currents of the wind.
when that split moment came, san all but ran from the house, a maniacal grin smearing his handsome, chiseled features during every second. he'd packed away everything he'd need days before, his possessions were already with mingi and jongho. san's mother had just walked in the door when san woke up; she seemed to know exactly why he was so excited...
she didn't even say goodbye.
but it wasn't like san cared.
san stood in the gravel driveway of his house, the brightest smile on his face that had ever been. he thought gleefully of maybe taking a last look at the place he'd been forced before to call his home, but his face wouldn't move toward the wreck of a house that was no longer his home.
it still wasn't like san cared.
san looked happily into the bright, blue sky and willed his invisible wings to come out of hiding. he let them fly open and grinned once more, the smile on his face and the freedom still shining in his dark, warm, chocolate-brown eyes as he spread his wings, shifting into a blackbird and soaring away into the golden morning twilight.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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stolenwetfloorsign · 2 years
My red flag is wanting Jinho to win, thank you (I'm sorry Hobin, I was on your side bro, but you're bland as fuck now)
Anyway, I just read the rest of what's posted on Webtoon. Disregarding all the writing and pacing problems, you know what I miss about Jinho while Seongjun was alive? His playfulness.
It makes sense that he's now this serious bad gang leader; his control over the situation lessens by the panel.
But I miss when he had full control. He was able to let loose and have a little fun here and there.
It's really funny to imagine him doing all this gang shit behind the scenes, while dressing up and entertaining Seongjun.
It almost feels like he no longer has an artistic outlet. Like Newtube was probably a bit of a bore, but also a way to express his art and love for animals with like-minded people. Now he doesn't seem to do any of the fun little side things like makeup or art. (To be fair, he's pretty busy atm)
My favorite era of him will forever be the shock factor of tattoos x they're fucking drawn on, and the overall fuckery this dude partook in.
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livinglifeonpause · 6 months
BUILD UP EP 1 - who are they even?
V1: Seunghun (24) (CIX) (All-Round) teaser - 4/10 votes - 7 **ohhhh, he is MUCH better than this teaser. It's too low. - ep1: brown jacket, white pants - I'm crying I love him so GD muchhhhh! - NO. you give this boy ALL the good things and only the good things. V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) (Soul) teaser - 8.5/10 votes - 23/40 **he's got a Crush vibe with how he gets kinda whiny. here for it. -he goofy looking, but seems soft-spoken and I dig that -ep1: white shirt, tan pants
V3: Bain (22) (JUST B) (Soul) teaser - 9/10 vote: 9 **I NEED MORE OF THIS.
V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) (Unique) teaser - 2/10 votes: 24 **this does nothing for me -
V5: Lim Junhyeok (30) (Ex-Day6) (Power) July 17, 1993 teaser - 1/10 vote: 7 **never have liked this kids voice. isn't it for me V6: Jeong Inseong (29) (KNK) (All-Round) teaser - 5/10 vote: 22 **biiiiitch for singing Day6, wonder if it was before or after that other kid, it's fine V7: Kang Hayoon (20) (Loud) (Unique) teaser - 7/10 votes - 27 **not here for the tone, but I 100% want to hear more! - look at Seunghun straight staring at this baby - ep1: blue shirt, pink vest, black pants V8: Choi Haram (22) (Musicals) (Power) teaser - 2/10 votes: 14 **meh V9: Lee Minwook (23) (NewKidd) (Soul) teaser - 4/10 votes: 11 **like fine, I dont really care V10: Lee Geonwoo (22) (JustB) (All Round) teaser - 2/10 votes - 11 **what a fucking weird ass song to do for a vocal show?? - ep1: orange hair, blue sweater V11: Jeon Woong (26) (AB6IX) (Unique) teaser - 3/10 votes - 14 **also a weird ass song for a vocal show - ep1: denim shirt - V12: Wumuti (24) (Solo?) (Unique) teaser - 8/10 ***6 once he started rapping, ??? votes: 13 ***okayyyyyy, here for this I think? oh wait, whys he rapping? V13: Taehwan (30) (Vanner) (all round) teaser - 9/10 votes: 12 ***i like his pic, i like his voice, im down V14: Lim Sanghyun (26) (solo?) (soul) teaser - 5/10 votes: 25 **ooh, okay deep ass voice. Tooooo low for me to enjoy, but I want to hear more, cause i like the tone V15: Park Juhee (17) (trainee) (soul) teaser - 1/10 votes: 13 ***look at this cute ass angel baby. Hard pass though love. V16: Kim Seong jeong (24) (nothing) (soul) teaser - 1/10 votes - 25 **WHAT? no. get that deep voice away. dislike - tan jacket, tie, leather pants (what??) V17: Choi Suhwan (22) (X101) (all round) teaser - 3/10 votes: 11 **too nasally i think. squeaky. like not here. V18: Kim Seohyung (22) (musicals) (unique) teaser - 2/10 votes: 18 **cool. stick with musicals. PASS. V19: Lee Gwangseok (25) (solo) (unique) teaser - 1/10 votes: 32 **wtf, why this sound muffled. He eating the mic? - leather jacket - omg the english kid that goes "whaaat" after homie said he works as a model V20: Lee Donghun (30) (A.C.E.) (soul) teaser - 6/10 votes - 18 (oh fuck them all) ***oh, we 100% here for him cause A.C.E, but objectively I think he did well. and YAS that power note! - ep1: khaki jacket, tie
V21: Hong Sungwon (25) (solo?) (unique) teaser - 7/10 votes: 21 **weird song to do bro. but I 100 get why you did! I WANT MORE. I need to know more about homie here. Is he a musical actor? Because he 100000% needs to be V22: Hyukjin (30) (100%) (Power) teaser - 7/10 votes: 10 **he screamed, I was out. He sang I was back in. V23: Yun Inhwan (32) (solo - ENAN) (Power Voice) teaser - 4/10 votes: 13 **mehhhhhhhhhhhhh, whiney V24: Ji Yeonwoo (??) (nothing) (All Round) teaser - 7.5/10 votes: 17 **not 100 sold, but I do want to hear more. V25: Ma Jaekyung (27) (Romeo) (Soul) teaser - 3/10 votes: 12 **not here for it. regretfully pass. V26: Jo Hwanji (28) (Musicals) (Power) teaser - 3/10 votes: 18 **okay, but he look dumb af at the beginning bopping around like a dick. Maybe with a different song choice, but not here V27: Hong Seongjun (24) (BDC) (All Round) teaser - 5/10 votes: 13 **like its not a BAD voice.... butttttt "All Rounder"?? No. V28: Taewoo (26) (solo) (Unique) teaser - 5/10 votes: 25 **Im not real sold. but not 100 turned off. the tone & rasp are kinda cool. V29: Hwang Inhyeock (25) (Nada) (All Round) teaser - 3/10 votes: 22 **meh. oh, he started singing and no. pass. WHINE central. V30: Jung Soomin (19) (Solo) (Soul) teaser - 4/10 votes: 25 **feels kinda average. I do like the tone, but I need a little more? V31: Jang Intae (26) (nothing) (AllRound) teaser 1/10 votes: 5 **i hate everything about this. I hate the generic back-track, I hate his whiney ass voice, I hate the lack of passion, I hate the odd gasping. dislike dislike. V32: Jeong Yunseo (??) (nothing) (all round) teaser - 2/10 votes: 13 **what? why? this is just boring V33: Neon (23) (nothing) (unique) teaser - 1/10 votes: 13 ** why is he like rapping? i hate that. fucking stupid. I feel like I love his voice, but this is bullshit. - ep1: green sweater, looks old af.
V34: Park Jeup (30) (Imfact) (Power) teaser - 8/10 votes: 28 **DADDY! If he isn't in the final, I'm fucking mad. - I'm glad they all recognize talent - HAHAHA, the kid in the beanie's Faaaaace! V35: Kwon Euibin (24) (Idol Band) (Unique) teaser - 4/10 votes: 24 **its pretty, but I am so fucking bored V36: Bitsaeon (28) (M.O.N.T) (All Rounder) teaser - 5.5/10 vote - 21 **okayyyy, okayyyy. Dumb ass song. - ep1: looks like Code Kunst, white fuzzy sweater V37: Kang Seokhwa (23) (Wei) (Soul Voice) teaser - 7/10 votes - 15 **he has a real pretty voice - ep1: blonde, pink sweater V38: Lee Hwanhee (25) (UP10TION) (Unique) teaser - 3/10 votes - 15 **WTF is this song? just sing bro. I cant hear your gd voice at all. - ep 1: denim shirt V39: Kim Minseo (21) (nothing) (Power) teaser - 4/10 votes: 13 **I hate when ppl cover this song, especially non-english speakers. It sounds awful. That said, his voice is okay. better than this song. V40: Yeo One (27) (Pentagon) (All Round) teaser - 2/10 votes - 22 (WHAT?) **hey, I know that kid. why is it so lowwwww. - blue shirt, black blazer So is the premise we're picking one from each?? Ep 1. - fuck yes Seunghun is too famous for this show! I was surprised! - Who said "I'm a small time player?" cause he is effing adorable! Jung Soomin) - *crying* how is Jeup so cute with his little bow?? - (((why did they drop subs while this beezy was explaining the ruleeees!))) - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me Jeup + Seunghun interactions. I am literally begging!
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baekhvuns · 2 years
What what I didn't hear all of the football news?! I expected Bale to retire soon, but Lloris too? And lmao NOT Busquets and Ronaldo together?! Finally said something I agree with Zidane didn't win 3 CL titles with RM in a row to be disrespected by some old dick, bfr 🤡
Hey, I haven't been hurt in a while! Except for burning myself while cooking sometimes... and at times I hit my head on a cupboard 😭 I'm not the quirky and clumsy Y/N who falls down the stairs every second!
I don't see a lot of Harry and Meghan stuff and I'm okay with being blissfully unaware, let's just... stop. I get it, they hate the royals, so do I, but stop milking it unless you're gonna reveal something BIG.
Ofc stans want Lookass back, even though he was so unnecessary, like... didn't anyone else want to join, him of all people??? The fact WayV had a cb without him, but he's gonna show up in SuperM makes no sense to me. SM is deadly quiet, so I can't imagine him showing up suddenly?
I didn't see that many LSF performances and they definitely don't sing live as much as some stans think, but wbk people are delulu. Still, I enjoy their performances a lot! And miss Yunjin's song!!!
Stop that guy from the IG video needs to debut omg
Yeah the talent shows that exploit children 🔪 the parents are the biggest villains though. SM levelled up their promo game, and I'm so glad. The DCM/Atlantis photos were so beautiful as well, I've already noticed the improvement
I'm sorry I had to do it to you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 these boys are killing me. The blackhaired one is a good boy too, a bit of a tsundere at first, but ❤ this love triangle will kill me...
Wait that's the other guy, not Seongjun... what's his name Seungyeon 😭 but yeah the wet shirt happened
Omfg that remix YESSSS I couldn't find it for some reason thanxx!!! That Jopping video, hello?
That San fan call video is so funny idk if he meant it in bad way, probably not but akdhjsjskaknshajahs.
Mr Cedric Diggory deserved better! Nvm Damiano went bald, cancelled 😭😭😭😭 I'm supposed to see Maneskin later this year again, the hair better grow back. Lmao Tom Hiddleston as Loki yeah that too, I just really like Tom Hardy, not necessarily into him rn, but he's an amazing actor. Not Miraculous Ladybug? 🤔
And if I sink my teeth into his arms then what I'm not ready for more Park Seonghwa naaaaaurrrrr
This thread... and judge Hwaaaaa?!
Man really wants it all, cat, bunny, snake, bird... and now a duck? That's Seonghwa now
Maybe the Aussies like snakes...? I mean if it was skinny it can't be that bad 😅 is it weird I'm always more worried about tarantulas and other big ass spiders than snakes? Even though it's easier to escape or capture a spider
Hear me out, bad boy Hwa looking like this 👀
I have some MOTH spoilers, so Tasir has become the Royal Consort 😭🥰 that's my man! However the 2nd baby was born and I have a strange feeling it's Sonnaught's... and that Tasir will leave at some point 🔪 he can come visit me, no problem. I wouldn't get pregnant with some other guys' 🤫 - DV 💖
hi hellooo!!!
What what I didn't hear all of the football news?! I expected Bale to retire soon, but Lloris too? And lmao NOT Busquets and Ronaldo together?! Finally said something I agree with Zidane didn't win 3 CL titles with RM in a row to be disrespected by some old dick, bfr 🤡
YEAH LLORIS’S WAS A SHOCKER,,, busquets ramos and somehow even modric 😭😭 rare mbappe W, but the president resigned so thank fuck,, coming out here disrespecting the man who put your country on the map 🔫 but i have to say french football has the best drama dbdbdb,,, and a kaka lookalike coming to chealsea hopefully the skills come too 🤲🏻 and i HAVE to share this i don’t know how i didn’t see this earlier but the way i threw myself away after reading this A VIOLATION !!!!!! HAS ME SCREAMIFNFNF HE IS A PURE HATER AND I RESPECT THAT SO MUCH and a shakira pique dis track??
Hey, I haven't been hurt in a while! Except for burning myself while cooking sometimes... and at times I hit my head on a cupboard 😭 I'm not the quirky and clumsy Y/N who falls down the stairs every second!
as im writing this i also just sustained an injury by hitting my knuckle on the wood corner <3 this one time an iron fell on my hand <3 THE QUIRKY YN STOP i didn’t say anything 👀🤚🏻ur the yn with long hair till ur waist that need to be tied in a ponytail bc u hate opening it 😩 and has a bad boy waiting outside ur door 😮‍💨
I don't see a lot of Harry and Meghan stuff and I'm okay with being blissfully unaware, let's just... stop. I get it, they hate the royals, so do I, but stop milking it unless you're gonna reveal something BIG.
ur so lucky for this bc i can’t escape them 😭😭😭 the most odd thing about them is that they call each other H & M 😭😭😭,,,, anon if i had to listen to this, u have to also im not doing this alone
do you think if charles and diana had a daughter, things would be completely different now and that whatever history happened would be changed? 🎤
Ofc stans want Lookass back, even though he was so unnecessary, like... didn't anyone else want to join, him of all people??? The fact WayV had a cb without him, but he's gonna show up in SuperM makes no sense to me. SM is deadly quiet, so I can't imagine him showing up suddenly?
no bc it would’ve made sense if they tested his come back with nct but with superm it’s a no no but i think sm’s trying to cater towards the western audience bc it’s what superm was for & it’s easier to forget everything with the western culture??? 😭😭😭
I didn't see that many LSF performances and they definitely don't sing live as much as some stans think, but wbk people are delulu. Still, I enjoy their performances a lot! And miss Yunjin's song!!! //// Stop that guy from the IG video needs to debut omg
right!! i get so mesmerized when they perform i don’t even care if they sing live or not! the enjoy factor in their performances are so high AND YUNJINS SONG I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT WOMEN SO TERRIBLY, I AM DOWN BAD FOR HER !!!!!!! we need the guy to debut bc he did one with new jeans too 😭😭😭 old jeans need to be their group name and uh baemon 1st member is 15 named haram..
Yeah the talent shows that exploit children 🔪 the parents are the biggest villains though. SM levelled up their promo game, and I'm so glad. The DCM/Atlantis photos were so beautiful as well, I've already noticed the improvement
no seriously!! wanting ur kids to be famous so u can exploit their fame for money is 🔫🔫 THEY DID THE TEASERS ARE STUNNING sm’s artistic excellence is untouchable,, red velvet’s feel my rhythm teasers and the birthday album design???? TOP TIER !!!!!
I'm sorry I had to do it to you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 these boys are killing me. The blackhaired one is a good boy too, a bit of a tsundere at first, but ❤ this love triangle will kill me... ///// Wait that's the other guy, not Seongjun... what's his name Seungyeon 😭 but yeah the wet shirt happened
the way i stuttered, held onto the closest thing to me to stabilize BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK ANON 😭😭😭😭 the black haired is my favourite and i haven’t even read it,, that is a park seonghwa reincarnation OHHHHHHH but wet shirt 🤚🏻
Omfg that remix YESSSS I couldn't find it for some reason thanxx!!! That Jopping video, hello? //// That San fan call video is so funny idk if he meant it in bad way, probably not but akdhjsjskaknshajahs.
ofc!! THE JOPPING VIDEO !!!! WHAT A MASTERPIECE I AM STILL SO INSANELY SURPRISED BY EVERY TIME I SEE IT, art! whichever way he meant it’s so funny id never show my face to him ever again 😭😭😭
Mr Cedric Diggory deserved better! Nvm Damiano went bald, cancelled 😭😭😭😭 I'm supposed to see Maneskin later this year again, the hair better grow back. Lmao Tom Hiddleston as Loki yeah that too, I just really like Tom Hardy, not necessarily into him rn, but he's an amazing actor. Not Miraculous Ladybug? 🤔
HE DESERVED EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING BETTER but draco deserved even better esp in the last 3 movies 🤚🏻 HES WHAT???? HES IN HIS MILITARY ERA???? WHAT THE FUCK???? he do this for what. why. U BETTER SEND US HD PHOTOS OF HIM !!!!!!! and eurovision in liverpool???? 👀 he is a great actor and the choice of movies he picks is amazing! CHAT NOIR. I WONT SAY ANYTHING.
And if I sink my teeth into his arms then what I'm not ready for more Park Seonghwa naaaaaurrrrr //// This thread... and judge Hwaaaaa?! //// Man really wants it all, cat, bunny, snake, bird... and now a duck? That's Seonghwa now
omg his skin is so smooth 😭😭😭 CLOSE THE GYMS KQ !!!!!! PLEASE KEEP HIM AWAY 😭😭😭 PLS DBWKHDKE SEONGHWA HITS ALL THE ANGLES KCBWKDJCJC we need hwa on a dance mentor show to see his judging,, wait felix 😭😭😭🤚🏻
Maybe the Aussies like snakes...? I mean if it was skinny it can't be that bad 😅 is it weird I'm always more worried about tarantulas and other big ass spiders than snakes? Even though it's easier to escape or capture a spider
AN ORANGE SNAKE AND A BLACK SNAKE ANON FJQKFHWKHD THE WAY IT SLITHERED HAD MY SKIN CRAWLING IT IS NASTY DISGUSTING DISFUCKINGGUSTING TJEHDWK spiders and snakes are equally scary bc one can swallow u whole or poison u the other just exists and crawls..
Hear me out, bad boy Hwa looking like this 👀
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I have some MOTH spoilers, so Tasir has become the Royal Consort 😭🥰 that's my man! However the 2nd baby was born and I have a strange feeling it's Sonnaught's... and that Tasir will leave at some point 🔪 he can come visit me, no problem. I wouldn't get pregnant with some other guys' 🤫 - DV 💖
SONNAUGHT BABY???? 😭😭😭🤚🏻 IF ONLY THAT FUCKER WAS NICE ID BE CELEBRATING IN THE STREETS,, TASIR DESERVED BEST DUO !!!!! if sonnaught get’s his shit back together im sorry to say it’s over for tasir
a day to remember 😔
and? 🧍🏻‍♀️
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seongjoon · 4 years
nope. ❤️
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morownic · 2 years
don’t you wanna love me at all?
character(s): hisoka morow warning(s): 18+ mdni, nsfw, hisoka himself is a red flag, consensual nude photography, afab/fem pronouns a/n: college!au. no beta we die like seongjun. insp by swmrs - hannah
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He looks so pretty.
Perhaps the lust and euphoria are speaking for her, but she has never seen a sight more beautiful than the one before her. It perplexes her, considering he is one of the most obnoxious sybarites on campus, particularly one that would fuck anyone who is conventionally attractive. The thought of having a brief moment of appreciation for the narcissist has never crossed her mind until today. She ponders if it’s a given since he himself is an artist; it only makes sense for him to be as exquisite as his artworks. If so, she wonders if she is the critic that is responsible for his appraisal—
“Take a picture, darling. It’ll last longer.”
His sultry voice is the first thing that pulls her out of her trance. Then, it’s his lustful grin and the small whimper that escapes his lips when she shifts slightly. Then, it’s the way his cock twitches inside her. Upon discovering his silent dilemma, she offers him a grin of his own.
“That’s what I’ve been doing,” she purrs, hips beginning to move ever so slowly in a tortuous pace.
Frankly, she was content with having him tremble and whimper under her touch, but when he brought up the proposition to have a little ‘photoshoot’ after discovering her major—and of course he would be the one who came up with the idea—she couldn’t resist reaching for her polaroid camera and taking a picture for herself.
However, one picture turns into two, and two pictures turn into three; then, she finds herself spending her last stock of films. She doesn’t mind, though, especially when her view should be pictured, framed, and displayed at the most exclusive art gallery.
“A-Ah,” he moans wantonly, hands gripping the juncture between her waist and hips. “You’re gonna kill me, darling.”
“Mm-hmm,” she hums, still slowly bouncing on him as she takes advantage of his flustered state to take another picture. Click. “What would you do if I did?”
The question seems to fall on deaf ears; he clearly enjoys himself a bit too much. His expression shows one of pure euphoria—brows furrowed, eyes shut, lips parted. She might even have come from the sight alone. Still, she wills herself to stop, effectively pulling him out of his headspace and making him open his eyes. She almost shivers at how dilated his pupils are.
“This—” His grip tightens and he effortlessly lifts her before slamming her back onto his hips. The loss of control is not unwelcome. In fact, she lets out a moan just as wanton as the one he gave her before. “Is a good way to go. The best, even.”
She chuckles. “Do you say that to everyone you fuck?”
He feigns thinking. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
“You should think it over,” she breathlessly responds. A smirk graces her face when she takes out the freshly printed photograph from the top of the camera. “Wouldn’t want people to see this.”
He twitches again.
“Oh, you want people to see this.”
Her smirk only grows as she flicks the photograph a few times. After several seconds, it has developed nicely, and her breath hitches once she takes a good look at it. Even with only a flash as the source of lighting, she can clearly see how his pale complexion has a pretty rosy tint to it. His red hair is splayed on her pillow, framing his face in a way akin to a halo. His expression is contorted into one of pleasure, and it is downright sinful—she subconsciously clenches at the sight, drawing a whine out of his mouth. She understands why he would have wanted people to see this photograph. Other than the fact that he himself is a narcissist, the way his lips are parted and how his skin glistens in the photograph would have attracted a good number of bidders in an auction.
Alas, she wants to keep this one for herself.
“Well,” he speaks and pulls her out of her trance again, this time while sitting up to face her properly. It pains her how his movement makes the tip of his length graze her sensitive spot. He takes the picture from her hand and hums in approval. “I do think that I’m quite handsome, after all.”
She hums. “You think?”
He puts away the photograph and the camera—after swiftly taking it away from her—on the nightstand. In a blink, he pulls her into a kiss, letting her weight push him back onto the bed. Unlike him, their kiss is far from pretty; their teeth clash with each other and their tongues fight relentlessly for dominance, and at some point, she even tastes blood in her mouth. Even so, she takes it all in and gets lost within him again, failing to notice the way he grabs her waist and locks his legs around hers.
In one swift motion, he reverses their position without pulling out of her. Her surprised yelp is muffled by his lips, though he pulls away shortly after. A frown etches itself onto her face when she realizes he has just taken advantage of her dazed state to take control. However, she barely gets a word out of her mouth as he begins to thrust. Hard.
“I think—” He plants a kiss below her ear. “You got—” He nips at her bruised neck. “Sidetracked.”
When he stops, the whine that leaves her lips is undignified. Even when she clenches around him, he doesn’t resume. Instead, he reaches for the polaroid camera that he has put away earlier. At first, her face contorts in confusion, but realization quickly dawns on her when he locates the viewfinder with a mischievous grin.
“My turn.”
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summerdazed · 3 years
Can you make nsfw scenarios/headcanons of seongjun??if you can then make them extra spicy 😼
Sure! Tbh sorry this took a little bit to come out but I’ve been kinda busy. Honestly, there was suppose to be more but I lost inspiration halfway through so I'm sorry. Also I tried to focus on making it longer so yea.
NSFW Baek Seongjoon Headcanons
Let’s just say that I was very inspired today while reading. So, you know how he's absolutely ripped? Well, I think he could probably lift up his partner and use them as his own personal fleshlight if he wanted to. Also, this opens the opportunity for shower sex and if he happens to be in a mood, he might just pick his partner up and fuck them against the wall.
If you are feeling extra frisky, tell him you are going to suck him off at work. Do not ask, just do it. If you are lucky, you might fluster him a bit. Fish boy is weak for his lover after all. Imagine if someone walks in while this is going down? Especially if his s/o does not let up? Man you might as well call an ambulance cause he might just fall over dead. Game over if his partner makes eye contact with him because he is busting right then and there.
WEAR HIS CLOTHES!!! WEAR EM!! Especially if you want a reaction if you know what I’m saying. Literally one of the easiest ways to turn him on. Honestly, do not even bother with anything underneath if you two are at home cause it is either going to get ruined or taken off almost immediately so there is really no point.
Would totally be into degradation. I sorry he just seems like someone that would be into seeing his partner cry while stuffing them full. I could totally see him kissing away their tears and telling them to just take what him gives them like a good lover.
He totally would be a mean dom if his partner was in it. Like slapping their cheeks hard enough to leave red handprints. Oh! He might be into spanking until he leaves bruises but I am still on the fence about that.
Knife and food play. He's a chef so I feel like he sort of just developed those kinks along the way. Always makes sure to help clean up those. I feel like he is the king of aftercare since he loves and cares for his s/o so much. They deserve the best in his eyes.
Would overstimulate his partner until they were sobbing and begging him to stop. Might not actually stop until they almost pass out. However, if discussed beforehand, he would not stop if that is what they truly wanted. This also plays back in to liking to see his partner cry.
He is absolutely going to fuck his partner stupid every time. He can do soft and sensual sometimes but he really likes it rough. Soft is mainly reserved for morning times before work when he wants to stay home as long as possible.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Can I request for Taehoon and Seongjoon NSFW??👀👀👀
Black Anon
Here's a cookie for you 🍪
Hi black anon! Thanks for the cookie and the ask! Taehoon came (heh) pretty easily but Seongjun will be in a part 2 unfortunately.
Seong Taehoon x Reader: NSFW hc
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This guy just screams pretty. Pretty eyes, pretty lashes, pretty lips, pretty skin. You know where this is going.
You bet he's got a pretty dick too.
Good god does he know how to use it. You would never have guessed he was so inexperienced, but you've seen how abhorrent and prickly his personality can be at first. A deterrent for anyone that even tries to get close and in his pants.
And his moans? The prettiest, bar none. And he will blush furiously in the afterglow if you tell him and call you cringe for even saying something like that. Though if anything, he'll take that into consideration and might be a bit louder next time too.
The best is when Taehoon is fucking you, and the orgasm catches him unexpectedly. Like a rupture of a dam. He lets out the prettiest, sluttiest groan you have ever heard. Especially if he has to cut himself off from degrading you.
Oh yeah, degradation? He has a thing for that. It didn't actually start off as anything conscious. Just Taehoon being Taehoon. Awfully mean and condescending, that includes when you're in the middle of sex too. And then when he felt how wet you got and your walls clench around him as he berates you? Guess this is a thing now.
However, the words aren't too harsh. For him to even sleep with you, he has to like you a fucking lot. Taehoon does not do casual.
So yes. He will degrade you and prod enough with his words that some stuff sting in a good way (like the first rush of cold air after he spanks your ass), but nothing over the line or that crosses your boundaries.
Mr. Live However You Want likes to to fuck you anywhere, any place, assuming you're ok with it.
More than anything though, he wants to fuck you in the Taekwondo studio. Just imagining you bent over on the mats in his favourite place makes him a little feral.
And don't worry, it'll definitely happen at some point. Unfortunately for Taehoon that the days after that event, practicing with his dad standing right there also makes his brain malfunction.
Hansu being in the same spot where Taehoon has railed you as you're screaming out, drawing waves of pleasure with his tongue and fingers. Gross. Yeah the studio does a 180 and becomes a turn off.
It never happens again. But he does have a soft spot for that corner when he fucked you up against the wall, and the mat by the sandbag where you held on for dear life as he took you from behind.
Surprisingly sweet and thoughtful with aftercare. Doesn't need you to even ask. Taehoon is very efficient. Here's a towel, here's some water. Pulls you into his arms after you're both cleaned up. Silently observing you and checking over to make sure he didn't hurt you or go too far.
Think about it though, why wouldn't Taehoon be thoughful with aftercare. You just let him do that to you.
And, as mentioned, he likes you a lot to be even in bed with you. Probably has no qualms telling you he loves you mid sex. Just don't throw it back in his face, or he will be the sulkiest motherfucker ever and it will be a long time until you hear those words again.
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randynova · 3 years
Seongjun definitely has an authority kink and loves to fuck their partner stupid. I rest my case -🌿anon
🌿 anon, yes, yEs, YES!! God yes, that sounds like the man himself!
Seongjun has an authority kink, loves to be called/refer to himself as 'master' as he makes his S/O cry from how good his cock is stretching their walls, how his cockhead presses bruising kisses to her womb, yet all they can focus on is the mind-numbing pleasure from Seongjun's dick.
Seoungjun grins from ear to ear, rutting his hips at a wild pace, your legs placed onto his shoulders, giving him the perfect angle where the wet clicks of your squelching cunt are in perfect pitch with your pathetic moans. He couldn't help but admire the drool leaking from the corner of your mouth, the way your glossy eyes rolled to the back of your head, the dazed, fucked-out expression on your face — like a goddamn sinful painting only he can create.
A crying, beautiful mess only he can make.
"Look at you, so needy and desperate for your master's cock, like a useless whore, hm? Fuck – your pussy missed me too, baby, squeezing around me like the perfect cocksleeve. Ugh, s-such a good girl for me, such a good girl for master. Can't fucking wait to cum inside your sweet cunt, baby."
These will be short because I accidentally posted this while scrolling through my drafts and i couldn't save it as draft again lol🥲
Hope you like it tho!
©𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚊 || 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 || 𝚗𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜, 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚜, 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚎𝚝𝚌. 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚌𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚖𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜.
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eatsbop · 2 years
totally not coming from a jihyeok stan but WHYY does he get so little screentime??? i thought HE was the MC'S BESTFRIEND so tell me why rumi gets more screentime than jihyeok when all she does is stand around?? no hate to rumi she's my gf i love her nd all but still. so sick and tired of this gaeul-hobin-bomi love triangle tbh. gaeul already got rejected once i dont understand why she's still trying to shoot her shot. nd did hobin just forget all that happened between him nd bomi in that movie café or something place. she was quite literally on top of him. why does he still think they're still friends how dense nd dumb does one have to be to think this way 😭😭
in conclusion, ptj needs to bring seongjun back. its been incredibly boring w/o him. nd i miss his lil dramatic & problematic ass ❤️ and that jinho nd seongjun divorce drama be entertaining as FUCK. so, stan jihyeok. #jihyeokforpresident2022
Well, anon. I had to pick up HTF again to answer this.. and I still have nothing to say lol (I mean not that you're asking me to say anything lmao)
I don't think Hobin thinks he and Bomi are just friends though? I mean I was reading quite fast so maybe I missed him implying he thinks they're only friends? They've also agreed on "putting a distance" between them since Bomi needs to focus in school but pretty sure they've got to be aware they're exclusive to each other to agree about such an arrangement. And with all the permission asking for the subchannel and the female cockroaches guarantee-ing, Hobin and Bomi know they're a couple.
I'd understand if Hobin thinks they're just friends though (but I don't think he thinks that way). Some of us grew up ugly, anon. Unless you shoot your affection point blank to us and spell it out nuance by nuance, we won't be able to read between the lines. That's just not something that happens to us. I mean him. I mean. Anyway. Totally not about me. Moving on.
I also don't think Gaeul's hoping for any chance with Hobin. Like at the moment. Kind of? I mean she likes Hobin so if Hobin pays attention to her it'll be exciting for her. If Hobin's gushing about Bomi, she'll get jealous sure. That's just the nature of people's heart. (Based on nothing lmao)
I think there'll be more Jihyeok appearance next update. Who knows maybe a plot twist. Maybe Jihyeok would be so hurt of the Gaeul/Hobin couple subchannel that he'll sell them out to Jinho.
I always appreciate the og team appearance so I won't complain about Rumi. But yeah, totally miss Jihyeok. I can't talk shit about him if he's not being an idiot. Bring Jihyeok back.
I'm afraid there won't be any necromancy in this story though, anon. Hate to break this to you but don't hold your breath for Seongjoon's reappearance.
Thanks for the ask. Fistbump.
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yankee-am · 2 years
In your opinion, which are the "best" and "worst" written characters in HTF? (both male & female, since they have different roles in the story^^)
Edit: Err, I just noticed you only asked about HtF. I guess I had Lookism on the brain. I'm keeping it in anyway. :'D
Lookism Male: It's a tie between Jiho and Olly for me. Both have excellent progressions from tiny baby dweeb to EVIL VILLAIN MASTERMIND. Jiho's arc did kinda stumble and fizzle out at the end, but up until then it was very solid. Olly's stayed strong until his death, so I guess if I had to choose I'd give him the award. :D
Lookism Female: I gotta give this one to Sally. She's vulnerable and imperfect, while still growing into a realistic leader of her little gang. (Personally I've gotta dock points for making her magically fall in love with Warren in the recent chapters; I hate the recurring message in this webtoon that if a guy likes a girl for long enough, even if she's REPEATEDLY indicated she has zero interest in him, eventually said girl is somehow obligated to return his affection. But almost none of PTJ's female characters escape without a bad romance subplot, so I'll let it go.)
HtF Male: I mean, I've been vocal about how much I love Seongjun's writing. Manages to be a hateable piece of shit while also being sympathetic and lovable. I'm going to COMPLETELY ignore his post-120 retcon. It never happened, ch120 was just a collective Mandela Effect delusion. I gotchu.
HtF Female: I'm tempted to say Gyeoul; she has that same balance of being a terrible person but understandable and enjoyable to watch her escapades. But I've gotta give some props to Rumi as well. Though she does get pushed into superfluous romance, it hasn't drastically changed her personality or taken over her arc like it has for many other characters. And she's had a great progression/reveal from "heehee shallow pretty girl" to brave, cunning hard worker.
Lookism Male: The entire Ansan crew, sans Taesoo. What the fuck were they, PTJ?
Lookism Female: I'm out here waiting for Mira to get some depth. I'mma be waiting for 300 more chapters at this rate.
HtF Male: m u n s e o n g
HtF Female: Oh, Heeyeon, you poor pathetic attempt at a #girlboss. Protip, male writers: Putting a girl in a suit and giving her a high-powered occupation doesn't mean shit if you make her ENTIRE personality and character arc revolve around falling in love with a man anyway.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
y'all i am losing my entire fucking mind
so if you know me like, at all, you know that i am absolutely obsessed with theatre, especially musical theatre, and lately, I've been trying to study foreign musical theatre, especially Asian musical theatre (which is entirely due to the Korean Hamlet rock opera, which i discovered like three years ago and listened to on repeat even though i had no idea what anyone was saying lmao). ANYWAY i've found as of late that Korea has numerous musicals based on Western classic literature, which fucks because 1) musical theatre 2) most of those stories would be made better by being musicals but western musical theatre either won't do them or fucks them up (like there's a Dorian Gray musical??? i've been waiting for one of those for fucking ages???? help)
so today i am going to talk about the Korean musical Frankenstein (프랑켄슈타인 ), which will be opening Nov. 12, 2021, and running through February of 2022 at the Bluesquare Shincard Hall (if you have a chance and can go see it for me, please do) and how fucking GALAXY BRAINED IT IS. NOTE: I am not a Korean speaker, nor do I have any connections to the culture, so if I make an error or say anything offensive, please let me know (My credentials are that I have a degree in theatre and have read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein an unfortunate amount of like four times). Also these are my personal opinions and interpretations of the text, so don't take them as fact, and feel free to discuss your own interpretations!!
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The show was first written and directed by Wang Yongbum, with musical composition and direction by Lee Seongjun, in 2016, where it sold out its 23-show run and was given a 3-week performance extension because of how popular it was. It's since been performed 3 times, coming back to the stage in 2021 for a fourth.
As far as my knowledge goes, Korea has a fairly limited musical theatre canon, at least for original Korean musicals. Typically, when they perform musical theatre, they outsource to other countries for shows, or adapt shows from other languages for Korean audiences, which is absolutely fine, but that makes Frankenstein very exciting, because it is an original Korean show, and made by a team that is known for their original shows. They're also known for not casting kidols in productions in order to draw ticket sales, so the fact that this show did as well as it did with odds stacked against it is incredible (also the amount of tech work in this production is??? incredible).
Anyway the songs all slap and the production value is ICONIC and they double-cast every single part, which brings me to my main topic of conversation: the absolutely galaxy brained decision to make this incredibly gay and also good.
so in the original version of frankenstein, victor is a terrible disaster bastard man and i hate him. If i saw him in real life i would punch him in the face. He is gay and homophobic. a terrible person and a terrible scientist. actually the only character i like in this book is Henry, who deserves the world actually.
WHICH IS WHY THIS MUSICAL GOT ME SO HYPE!!! because they MADE HENRY A MAIN CHARACTER!!! and not only that, but they changed the script so that Victor is like, a military general, I think? idk he's tasked with creating like superhuman soldiers for the military, and since his parents died when he was young, he's got some sort of weird notion that he's cursed, so he decides to go PLUS ULTRA and just. make people. and to do this he grabs field surgeon henry dupre and is like "bitch let's make some people" and henry's like "fuck ok"
now, in the novel, victor is obviously. very into men. given the fact that he creates the most perfect man imaginable with the best proportions and all of his kinks as his creature, but then becomes disgusted with him due to his repression. BUT IN THE MUSICAL henry gets accused of murder and sentenced to death, but before he dies, he sings a whole love song to victor and they hold hands through the jail cell bars and he asks victor to use his body for science, to complete their shared goal, which UM. BITCH. THAT'S????? FUCKING ROMANTIC AS SHIT anyway here's the love song bc it's making me go insane i literally started sobbing when i watched it for the first time. not only is it gorgeous, it's also so full of love and lost dreams and the desire to stay with someone even after death? catch me crying in the club. please do yourself a favor and listen to it, it's gorgeous
Edit: I watched a version with dialogue at the beginning and basically Henry takes the fall for a murder Victor did and when victors like “why did you do that when you’ll die?” Henry says, “because you’ll live” 😭😭😭😭
BUT THEN. THEN. VICTOR HONORS HENRY'S WISHES AND USES HIS BODY TO CREATE THE CREATURE, BRINGING HIM BACK TO LIFE. WHICH. FUCK. makes SO much more sense than him just being like "oh fuk big scary monster lol" and freaking out. if he freaks out because that's his lover, the person he cares most for, and he's just sentenced him to a lifetime of being almost-human-not-quite? I'd freak out too. (Also the lab set when he’s making the monster FUCKS HARD)
(anyway then he like??? sells him to a fighting arena?? idk there's this whole dance number with them throwing henry all over the stage and chains and he gets punched a lot. very very fun you know).
i won't spoil the ending but just know that it's WAY better than the book, with like, an actually satisfying ending for both the creature and victor (satisfying plot-wise), and I'm obsessed with the changes they made, and also just how this musical is tonally and everything overall? i'm gonna start learning korean just so i can go watch theatre.
uhhhh this really wasn't that much of a post just??? i needed to scream about this??? also the love song is once again gorgeous, please go watch it if just to see how beautiful the actor playing henry in this version is
if you're interested in watching more of this show, they have a whole performance of the first act songs here. The cast album (with at least half of the songs) is on Spotify.
The writer said that in the future he hopes it could come to Broadway or West End and I fucking hope so too!!! pls cry with me about this show i'm absolutely not okay
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