#fuck i need to stop rambling in the tags
adriancatrin · 4 months
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katara sees her brother and bff approaching something that can make them happy and says no interruptions
based on this photo from the live action cast
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lucy-ghoul · 2 months
can't believe a show based on a videogame (usually games adaptations are notoriously bad, which isn't the case here tho) gave me the beauty and the beast/twisted mirrors/enemies to traveling companions/ruthless antihero+optmistic but still badass heroine who takes none of his shit/age gap but make it sexy dynamic of my dreams. as much as i love maximus and i think he deserves the best writing ever because 1. he's a clever deconstruction of the aspiring Knight bro who's actually a bit of a loser and, as much as lucy, sees the world in black&white at first and then doesn't get what he thought he wanted but what he needs (or at least i hope he'll eventually get it), and 2. he's a cutie and i want an epic love story for him too, it's very funny how they tried to give us a puppy kind of romance and the tumblr girlies still fixated on the "toxic ~she bites his finger off and he cuts hers off and sews it on his hand in what we'll pretend it's a symbolic marriage rings exchange or whatever~ asshole who used to be a nice guy/good girl™ with a lot of spunk and hidden anger but unshakeable morals" kind of relationship.
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krakenshaped · 2 months
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Fresh Start || Part 1 || Part 2
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every time i see transandrophobia discourse on my dash i am soooo tempted to just turn around and leave tumblr forever. you guys have nooooo idea how tiring it is to see ppl have to justify why theyre allowed words to describe their oppression over and over and over and over and over and fucking over a fucking gain. can you use your brains for 2 fucking seconds. can you maybe find a tiny speck of solidarity. can you please just fucking stop thinking of oppression as one dimensional x oppress y and nothing else. can you maybe just shut up if your stance is that x group is talking about the way they experience oppression too much or in the wrong way. oh my god. shut UP
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thefloatingstone · 9 months
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I really want to draw something meaty and put some characters into The Situations but I am dealing with a double whammy of art block and some REALLY insane migraine/Sinus issues the past 3 or 4 days.
So all I managed was a quick Solana. I wanted to give her a cool leg prosthetic but then I didn't really draw her legs sdjfdsjkfsdhf So that's the level of cognitive function I am dealing with at the moment
Fun fact! I really dislike a lot of the female turian design! So I just... ignored the parts I disliked lol.
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crescentfool · 2 months
i've been doing a bunch of tartarus runs in reload lately, and it got me thinking about how i miss certain ways FES's clunky gameplay can characterize minato… (ramble about the great clock mechanic + leveling up party members in reload vs fes under the cut)
when i got to yabbashah block in tartarus (block 3), i remember commending the developers for adding the great clock mechanic. it's a much more convenient way to keep party members at the protagonist's level- so when you think about p3 from the perspective of trying to make it easier for people to play, the mechanic succeeds in this respect.
but now that i'm in adamah block, and that i've done lots of my once-a-month tartarus runs… i think that i got a little too dependent on it, and the way that i played through reload feels like a vastly different experience from how i played FES.
in reload, my party's levels are very lopsided. minato, yukari, akihiko, mitsuru, and fuuka are all level 90+, meanwhile junpei and aigis are at level 79, and then… poor ken and koromaru are at 71 and 64 respectively. (i never got to have a great clock for them…)
meanwhile, in FES, my party's levels were much more evenly distributed and were at least level 90. i did all of this manually for every monthly tartarus run because i enjoyed having options available for the taratarus guardians and monthly operations.
with how i perceive minato, i feel that the way i played FES feels more in-line with his character than me dawdling around waiting for the great clocks in reload.
FES's gameplay loop left me with the very strong impression that minato has to work twice as hard as everyone else in SEES does. it makes sense because, yeah, he's the leader, but something about having minato run through tartarus multiple times with different groups of people just to make sure that they are adequately prepared speaks volumes about his character, to me.
and while the tired mechanic is present in reload to some degree, most notably with allowing you to freely raise your courage stat when you visit edogawa after school… the tiredness system doesn't hit the same way that FES does, i think.
the way your party members in FES will call it quits when they return to the entrance floor at tartarus when they're tired, versus minato, in spite of all his tiredness and sickness, still pushes through tartarus because it's his responsibility…. idk!!! i miss that! i feel like this really hammers home the difference between minato and the rest of SEES, how minato doesn't really see himself as a human with needs worth respecting as long as he's useful to someone.
i don't think that tartarus being tedious (in FES especially) is not what most people would describe as fun, and i can respect people thinking it's a slog. but, regardless of how it feels to play, it doesn't change that FES's gameplay loop is a fundamental building block in how i perceive minato…
of course, i do recognize that you can just opt to NOT use the great clock in reload (and it's great when players are offered the choice to not partake in mechanics)! i definitely think that if someone really wanted to, they could manually level up party members, but i do feel that kind of playstyle isn't necessarily "incentivized" to the type of people who are into playing games for Having a Good Time. it's kind of like… "why would you do that when there's a much more convenient option available to you."
in any case! despite my woes, i do want to emphasize that i'm glad that reload has a much more smoother gameplay loop than the original P3 did, because it does make the game more accessible to people. having played both FES and reload, it feels very strongly apparent to me how the core gameplay formula of persona has really been refined in the past 18 years (to think og p3 was 2006 and reload is 2024.. time flies!). and reload has made revisiting a story that i love so dearly much, much easier because the gameplay just bops!
at the same time, due to my "i miss characterization informed by weird and dated FES gameplay quirks" woes, i still think that playing FES is worthwhile. (really, i feel this way about all iterations of p3! i think it's worthwhile to see what each version and side media has to say even if it doesn't Land™ for you.) but i also understand why people wouldn't want to play it, so i will keep writing posts about things i liked from FES's gameplay because i'm still very fond of FES (especially in respects to minato. these mechanics are so telling about him!!!) 💪
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lesbiansanemi · 4 months
I hate self proclaimed “queer theorists” on this stupid fucking website because 90% of their posts are like “All lesbians are terfs because gender can change which makes sexuality obsolete so that means lesbians automatically hate trans ppl <3 What about gay men you ask? No, it’s different, don’t ask me to elaborate <3 Haha I love trans women so much *insert most insane transmisogynistic take three lines down* And this is all real and true because I am a boygirl fagdyke and I said it is !!!!! Btw if you argue or point out any flaws here it’s because you’re an awful evil gate keeping exclusionist >:( Peace and love go firebomb a Walmart” and then somehow the post has 563782922992737228 reblogs of ppl agreeing
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crazymecjc · 1 year
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manga redraw bc I’m in a silly goofy mood
panel and version without text below the cut!
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theokusgallery · 6 months
What do you think about middle aged sunflower ????
Okay I'm going to pretend I'm normal and didn't just have a conversation about it yesterday within which I had to restrict myself because of Discord's stupid character limit
Anyway. Gonna talk about fanfics briefly, because fics tend to get more complex with characterization.
A while ago, I got really into Marvel, and for two months I did nearly nothing except read spideypool fanfic all day and night. If you know anything about these two (that isn't from the MCU) (I hate the MCU, I hate it so so much, this is not who Spidey fundamentally is, he is supposed to be a friendly neighborhood loner loser and you Cannot just give him an Iron Man suit and a mentorship with Stark and intergalactic missions at 16 or however old he is in those movies when the essence of the character is that he is an average struggling teenager who just happens to get superpowers and fucks up a lot at the beginning of his journey and mostly works alone and quit the fucking Avengers himself) (wow I started rambling sorry. Ignore that), you'll know that they are both around... 25-30ish, currently. Something like that. The only other fandom that I read as many fanfics of was Ace Attorney, where depending on the timeline, they can be from 23 to like, 35 with a kid. So I'd say me being so invested in a ship with 16 year-olds is... kind of an anomaly.
I don't usually like the coming-of-age, teenage love stuff, and I honestly have never found a single sunflower schoolfic I liked (except Spiral of course but even then they're in college) because all of them tend to... infantilize both Sunny and Basil at great length. And also tear down anything that makes them interesting characters. I think a lot of OMORI artists (that includes writers) are very afraid of doing anything substantial with teenagers, despite, you know, the actual plot of the game, and as a result, a lot of the time most fics where the characters aren't aged up tend to be... incredibly boring. Of course there are some that are good — exceptional even — but in the end all I can think of is the huge gap in... quality? that sounds wrong to say about a creative thing... interesting-ness, let's say (a very personal and subjective concept), when I stopped reading Marvel and went back to OMORI. I stopped reading fanfics altogether because I just couldn't find one I liked as much as the average Marvel fic that I hadn't already read.
Maybe it's a result of the writers themselves being young? I know OMORI's fanbase is generally a lot younger than Marvel's, so that could affect it. I mentioned schoolfics because there's a lot of them and because they were mentioned in my rant yesterday, but it's not really about the fact that they're schoolfics, it's about the fact that more often than not, the setting is the plot, and since it's just your average highschooler writing their favorite blorbos into their own environment and projecting (which is very cool btw, 99% of my own writing is projecting), the plot is... basically nonexistant. It's boring. It's boring and the characterization is usually dull. But even outside of schoolfics, I think I stopped trying to read fics that start with Sunny getting out of the hospital after the True Ending for the same reason : it's often plain and plotless and boring. And, fuck, my favorite books and mangas and such are slice of life, I'm all for mundane plots! But there's a difference between a mundane plot/realism and just no plot at all.
(This is not, like, an attack of OMORI writers who make schoolfics or fics that start with the above mentioned premise, btw, I want to make that very clear. It's very much a personal preference. I think it's boring because all of the fics I read in Marvel had a very unique plot/premise is my point. And also because the characters were a lot more mature and complex. Different strokes for different folks)
I think that's what I'm kind of sad about. OMORI characters tend to be complex and morally grey in their own way, and people tend to forget about that because they're teenagers and obviously no one can do no wrong before the ripe age of 18. Children are all innocent and therefore cannot be more morally complex than cinnamon roll soft boys/girls (looking pointedly at Sunny, Aubrey and Basil. But mostly Basil). Also, I think people tend to straight-up forget that 16 year-olds aren't, like, 10? Of course they're not going to be as mature as grown adults, especially Sunny OMORI, Dissociative Amnesia World Champion, but like... When I was 16 reading OMORI fanfics, half the time I was like "a 16 year-old would not fucking say that". But also generally more mature characters are inevitably more interesting to explore to me because I prefer more mature themes — I'm simply extremely upset at the fact that people don't explore the complexity that's already there when they're 16, including the very mature themes that are already there.
TL;DR: I love middle aged sunflower, I love middle aged ships in general ! In fact, I will tend to prefer sunflower when it's aged up.
(... I probably should've led with that.)
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fluffydancer618 · 1 year
Happy neighbors are drilling their fucking walls again day 🎉🥳
They've been doing that for 4 months and I am on my fucking limit 🥰
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user1286 · 1 year
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Kratos was as stoic as ever to the untrained eye, but if you looked closer, you could barely see the tightening of his jaw, the small twitch of his eye, or the way his muscles hardly tensed. His cold eyes held the smallest amount of helplessness like Mimir’s as he dragged the screaming boy behind him.
Atreus though is the one who stole the show. Fat tears ran down his face, snot dripped from his nose and his face was a bright cherry red as he uselessly kicked his legs behind him. He clawed at his father’s tight hold on his wrist and let out a scream like sob as he struggled behind the man.
“NO! Nooohhooh. I-I don’t want one! Please” Atreus screamed, his shrill shriek making Mimir wince. Kratos refused to acknowledge the boy as he approached Brok and Sindri, leaving Atreus to bawl his little soul out behind the men.
I I fucking aggressively love this fic it is just so funny and so beautiful at the end I can’t stop re reading it.
I have a wip on the ending bc I love it, my only issue is I’m losing motivation on it, but at the same time, I could post like a very rushed/sketchy version of it, but idk, a any thoughts anyone????? Idk 🤷
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joyflameball · 10 months
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I've tried writing long posts explaining this but I feel this is the only way anyone will actually fucking read it and listen
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dragonkingz159 · 2 years
A theory that not a lot of people are going to like but.
I don’t think Belos is going to die.
Defeated? Absolutely. Dead and gone? I don’t think so.
I honestly think he is going to be trapped in the mirror realm that the Collector was trapped in and Luz accidentally went to in Yesterday’s Lie.
Trapped unable to escape less someone lets him out again. He becomes a myth, watching and waiting, trying to manipulate someone desperate into opening the door for him. Hell maybe when the door slams shut behind him he can do nothing but watch. Glaring out at both the Witches who trapped him and Humans who moved on without him.
He becomes some creature remembered only as Belos the "Mirror Monster" or the "Witch Hunter", not Philip Humanity's Savior or Witch Finder General. But importantly...He is a Monster that can come back.
Because Philip is a creation of humanity. He embodies the worst of us and we are constantly Dealing with Philips, whether in our personal lives or as a society when they become a Belos, someone with power and influence and uses that for their own gain and goals instead of the betterment of us all. People who want to see others gone, who won't stop until they eradicate or crush what they see as unnatural or weird. And you can't reason with them because they do not see you as a Person but as a enemy. They have to be Drowned out by Others. Others who are capable of love and reason, who when they see suffering have compassion and can be appealed for help.
So that the Philips in the world are outnumbered and afraid because they know that people KNOW that they are wrong. That they have their power taken away and made to be seen as fools, incapable of love or kindness, and when they appear only met with looks of disdain for every word out of their mouth is laced with poison and hatred.
I think its paramount that we make our Philips into Jacob Hopkins essentially. And if that fails, we lock them away.
And so the evils of humanity are defeated, for a time, we learn and grow better but we stumble and fail. Fall back on our baser instincts and forget kindness and compassion and allow the Evil Back Out.
And I am rambling. What was I saying...Oh yeah
I think it would also be ironic if the puritan witch hunter basically became Satan locked away forever for all of his crimes. Unable to self reflect and recognize that he has become the "ultimate" evil, trapped in a hell of his own making.
Anyway byeeee
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boatemboys · 2 months
i forgot how much i like ahasbands/redwood?? whatever. theyre so domestic they make me sick
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amazingmsme · 4 months
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Uh, yeah I’ll give you one better
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Works better than any tag system ever could! 😊
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eryanlainfa · 6 months
Wondering why I havent made this or that varigo au and then remembering its because if it continues I'll just be making varigo content out of all my other ships
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