#fuck marry kill Hinata answers
hinataxsunshine · 1 year
fuck Marry kill Tae, Karube and Hatter
“ What cruel cruel people are putting so many hot people together.. this makes it hard. I have to think about this ..
… okay. I’ve thought about it.
Kill Tae
Marry Hatter
Fuck Karube
…… I’m so sorry </3 “
— Hinata ☼
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shanastoryteller · 8 months
happy winter time! naruto, dealer's choice. thank you!
a continuation of 1
Sakura is terrified that she’s going to mess this up.
Naruto’s never been mean to her, and has complimented her hair several times, but they’re not really friends. Back when she was friends with Ino, she’d see her at the Yamanaka compound sometimes and they’d play together, but she doubts Naruto remembers that.
Sakura doesn’t think she and Sasuke have ever had an actual conversation. He used to be the center of all their competitive crushes, to his hilarious dismay, but then he got betrothed to Naruto and no one was willing to piss off the hokage’s daughter by flirting with her fiance.
Well, besides Ino, but everyone knows she does it just because Sasuke hates it and Naruto feels duty bound to defend him.
Also because Shikamaru ended up taking Sasuke’s place as Cutest (and Available) Boy and Ino would rather stab herself in the eye than bat her eyelashes at Shikamaru, even if that means there’s a social game she can’t win.
Sakura's on a team with son of the Uchiha clan head and the hokage’s daughter, Rookie of the Year and Top Kunoichi, and their sensei isn’t even some normal jounin, but the Inuzuka clan head.
Tsume-sensei seems dismayed when they pass, although Sakura thinks she should have expected this. Naruto and Sasuke have been working as a team for even longer than they’ve been engaged.
Maybe she’s just surprised that they folded Sakura in with them instead of leaving her behind. Honestly, she’s pretty surprised by that too.
“Does this mean we get a dog?” Naruto asks brightly as Sasuke picks twigs out of her hair. “Mom says I only get one pet and doesn’t believe me that the frog doesn’t count.”
“No,” Tsume-sensei snaps, then, “Maybe, I don’t know. I hadn’t actually expected that I’d have to train you, fuck.”
Sakura can’t see this going well.
Naruto walks home with Sasuke, because her mother is working late to avoid her father and her father is working late to avoid the fact that her mother is working late to avoid him.
She wishes they’d just get a divorce. Maybe they will now that she’s legally an adult. Maybe she’ll move out and take herself out of the equation.
She won’t. But she thinks about it a lot.
“Maybe it’s good that it’s Tsume,” she says. “Sakura’s biggest weakness is her conditioning and you know that Tsume will train us into the dirt.”
Sasuke hums. “Maybe we should introduce her to Gai.”
She stares. “Do you hate Sakura?”
“She’s fine,” he says dismissively. “It’s too bad we didn’t get Hinata, but both my father and hers would have thrown a fit and gone to complain to yours. He’s the best at taijutsu, if she joins Team Nine’s morning workouts then she’ll be up to par in no time.”
“If it doesn’t kill her,” Naruto says dryly. “Why don’t we see what Tsume cooks up first, yeah? The first chunin exam is months away. She has time.”
“How do you know Tsume will sign us up for that one?” he asks, although by the glint in his eye he already knows.
Naruto answers anyway. “Tsume is going to take the first opportunity to get rid of us that she can, which would be the chunin exams. She’ll be praying for us to either pass or die.”
He laughs, a breathy sound that wouldn’t qualify coming from anyone else.
They arrive at the Uchiha compound and she stares at it wistfully. After helping uncover the almost betrayal, every Uchiha is nice to her now. The compound is so warm and bright and everyone is happy to see her and there’s always somewhere she can go.
“You can join me,” Sasuke says. “Mom always makes extra.”
Just in case she shows up.
“They’ll be expecting me to be home after the test,” she says, trying not to sigh. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
Sasuke nods, a pinched look on his face that she pretends not to notice.
When they get married, she hopes they live in the compound.
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hoperenae · 3 months
Playing FMK w/Kenma and Kuroo (f!reader)
BACKGROUND — You've been best friends with Kenma and Kuroo since elementary school. You go to all their volleyball games, therefore you’re friends with all the other volleyball boys by default. You’re like everyone’s favorite sister. But one friendly game of ‘fuck, marry, kill’ could change all that.
A/N — Wrote this on the clock at work, so does that mean I’m a paid author now? 🥴
“I’m not playing that.” Kenma glanced up from his game long enough to roll his eyes at you. You were all sitting on the floor in his bedroom.
“Oh come ooooon,” you pleaded. “It’ll be fun. What about you, Kuroo-kun?”
“You know I’m always down for a little drama,” Kuroo grinned slyly. You clapped your hands gleefully.
“Ok, we’ll start with you, then!” You turned to face Kuroo. “Hmm…Bokuto, Yaku, and Lev.”
“Oh please, that’s too easy,” Kuroo said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Fuck Bokuto, marry Yaku, kill Lev.”
“Fair enough,” you laughed. “Ok do me.”
Kuroo rubbed his chin in contemplation. “Kageyama, Shrimpy, Akaashi.”
“Oh man.” You paused. “I guess it’s gotta be fuck Kageyama, marry Akaashi, kill Hinata. Sorry Hinata.” You and Kuroo both laughed, and you swore you saw Kenma snicker out of the corner of your eye.
“Your turn, Kenma,” Kuroo said. “Give one of us 3 names.”
“No,” Kenma retorted plainly.
“Kenmaaaaaaa,” you groaned. “Please please pleeeeease.”
Kenma, finally done with your shit, took a deep breath, set his phone down, and said, “Fine. This one is for you, Kuroo. There’s only two people, and you can choose between fuck and marry.”
“That’s not really how it works,” you interjected. Kenma shot you a death glare that instantly shut you up.
“Me and y/n. What’ll it be?”
Kuroo’s face went ghostly white at the same time yours turned beet-red.
“Th-that’s not fair,” Kuroo stammered. “You can’t use people in this room.”
“Why not? Are you scared?” Kenma’s lips curled up in a cruel smile.
“Of course not!” Kuroo declared.
“Alright, then choose.” Kenma crossed his arms across his chest with the same sly look painted on his face.
“I-I don’t think you should be allowed to just change the rules like that,” Kuroo said, his voice cracking.
“Quit stalling, Kuroo,” Kenma said with raised eyebrows. You were still as stone, not daring to show any emotion one way or the other. But you had to admit, you were very curious to hear Kuroo’s answer.
“Okay fine!” Kuroo shouted. “I’d fuck and marry y/n because, frankly, I don’t want anything to do with Kenma right now if he’s gonna be a little brat.”
“So I’m your last resort? I only win by process of elimination?” You tried to suppress the grin forming on your face.
“What? No, that’s not what I meant!” Then, seeing the coy look on your face, Kuroo said, “I hate you both.”
“You love us.” You playfully punched his arm, very much aware of the blush that had crept onto his face.
It was late. You were in Kenma’s living room, and the host of the evening was fast asleep on the couch, leaving just you and Kuroo sitting on the floor in front of the couch watching a movie.
Of course, you were only half paying attention to the movie. The other half of your brain was preoccupied with how close Kuroo was to you, something that never seemed to matter until now. Your arms were nearly touching, to the point where every once in a while his arm hair tickled you. He was giving off heat like a radiator, so much so that you discarded your blanket long ago. Was he this close when the movie started, or did you gradually gravitate toward each other like magnets?
You moved ever so slightly to relieve your aching tailbone, and your arm bumped against his.
“Sorry,” you mumbled. He waved it off.
Despite the movie, the silence between the two of you felt deafening. You had never felt awkward around Kuroo before, so why now? Was it because he was so nervous to answer Kenma’s question earlier? Was it because he insinuated that he had feelings for you? Or was it all just part of the game?
You felt his gaze on you, so you turned to look at him. Your faces were mere inches away, close enough to feel his breath wisp across your face. It smelled like the pink Starbursts he had munched on earlier, refusing to eat any other flavor.
“What?” you whispered.
His eyes briefly flickered down to your lips and back. “Nothing.”
“It’s clearly not ‘nothing,’” you said, your stomach turning over and over and over. He said nothing for almost a full minute.
“I just…I hadn’t thought about it like that. About you like that.”
“Oh,” you breathed. “And now?”
“Now, I can’t stop.”
You stared into those familiar hazel eyes, and time seemed to slow down. Neither of you moved even an inch for fear of losing the moment. You felt suspended in midair, as if you were floating and falling at the same time. Everything you thought you knew was collapsing in on itself, but something new was being rebuilt from the rubble. Something beautiful and familiar and utterly terrifying.
“Would you guys just kiss already?” Kenma mumbled from behind you.
You both jolted and, realizing how close you were, quickly scooted apart. The spell was broken, and now you just felt flustered and embarrassed.
“Oh hell no, I’m not letting him ruin this.” Kuroo leaned back toward you and, in one swift motion, cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours. And it was perfect.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Fuck marry kill:
Jiraiya, Danzo, third hokage
Hashi, Tobi, Minato
Naruto, Hinata, Temari
Jail. Jail for a thousand years. For a million years. TO SUPER HELL WITH THE GAY ANGEL
Anyway so for the actual answers
Fuck Jiraiya kill Danzo Marry the third. 😡😡
Fuck idk um fuck the tree one (insert wood joke here) kill the one that has the whole gay thing with Madara because I’m not getting in the middle of that . Marry Minato best boy.
;____; another war crime thxs fuck nart my baby boi we can still be friends after. Marry Hinata. And like any good gay that doesn’t know how to deal with my emotions kill Temari.
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attroxx · 9 months
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❛ @orangeshinigami said . . . "Hey Naruto, let's play marry, fu-- kiss & kill. Here are three names for you: Sasuke, Sakura and Hinata." [ >:) ] ❜
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𝐈𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋, 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐎'𝐒 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. what kinda question was that ? the corners of his lips fall, now full on frowning at the idea of answering this. no matter what answer he gives, it's a lose lose. ichigo must know this too . . . no wonder he's smirking. straightening his posture the blonde crosses his arms, head lulling to the side.
❛ you can say 'fuck' ichigo. i'm not twelve. ❜ he sighs, a finger pressing to his chin before averting his gaze. ❛ i guess i'd say . . . marry hinata, fu - excuse me i mean kiss sasuke. ❜ that only leaves him with one option left and his frown grows. ❛ kill . . . sakura i guess, but i'd never do that !! i just . . . ugh !! this game is stupid, ichigo. ❜ none of his answers are one - hundred percent accurate but, that's not the point of this stupid game is it ? naruto swears he'll get ichigo back for this one.
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unprompted asks. ― always accepting.
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spatio-rift · 1 year
6,7,13,16 for the ask game U CAN ANSWER PRIVATELY I JUST WANNA KNKW
THANK YOU LAB i think i can answer these publicly
6 (which ship fans are the most annoying?): i mean considering ive had the first image saved on my phone for years and i made the second one based on it months ago i feel like i couldnt possibly answer anything else
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i dont even dislike sns itself but the way the fans act about hinata in particular makes me so genuinely angry.LOL like theyre so pissed naruto didnt marry sasuke that they invent a whole new narrative where hinata was always fully in control of the hyuuga clan and saw & treated neji like a slave and would happily brand one of her children with the caged bird seal. nevermind the fact that she was practically disowned and her own father told her teacher that she could die for all he cared, that she worked with neji to change the hyuuga clan all throughout the timeskip despite him almost killing her shortly before, and that they have canonically succeeded in making the branch family equals to the main one and that they do not use the seal anymore. like can you shut up about hinata if you dont even know that the only way to break the seal is by dying so shes not simply refusing to undo it and that they dont brand people who dont have the byakugan because the whole point of it is to protect the secrets of the byakugan so its not like boruto or himawari would ever be at risk of getting the seal since boruto doesnt have the byakugan. which btw doesnt make sense w the established hyuuga lore and neither does himawari awakening it since theyre supposed to be born with it and its the sharingan that people have to awaken but whatever. this is unrelated to sns fans im just annoyed that kishimoto forgot. ALSOOOO sns fans making post after post about how hinata forced this marriage on naruto, and that he is sooo unhappy in it that he GOTTA cheat on her with sasuke. WHY DO YOU ALL WANT HIM TO BE A CHEATER SO BAD go outside and mind your own business!!!!! ohhhh it annoys me !!!!!! sorry.
honestly the second one is more that theres a specific clique of fdkd fans that ive passionately hated since 2018 but like... if theyre the only fdkd fans i see then i can say i hate fdkd fans. but unlike sns i also happen to fucking hate the ship. LOL
7 (what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?): i think this one is a little hard to answer because im too stubborn to ever really let fandom make me hate a character for real? but people have definitely made me care WAYYY less about sasuke. sorry this is about naruto again and definitely related to the people from the question above but also as a taka fan i just kind of hate that most people talking about taka are sasuke fans and they tend to do it in a way where like. they dont like team7 so taka are their replacement and they dont acknowledge at all everything shitty sasuke did to them or even the circumstances of their getting together. like theyre not a team because sasuke likes them as opposed to team 7 they were just the most useful to him for his revenge against itachi... like it all just feels a little like sasuke fans only think of taka as sasukes accessories and dont really care abt them as characters really which has def lowered sasukes likeability ratings for me. LOLLLL but honestly when i read naruto i dont dislike him at all i quite enjoy everything abt him but when i log into tumblr and see a post hoo mama 💢💢💢
also i similarly quite enjoy reading kusuo in the saipsi manga but the way people talk about him on here makes me roll my eyes so hard sometimes. i like to be a hater w my friend privately sometimes cuz its funny LOL but its whatever idrc about him anyway
13 (worst blorboification): oh my god i dont think i can answer this one because i literally dont think i know what blorboification specifically means. i vaguely get it but i dont think i can confidently say anything unless someone gives me a clear definition 😭😭 sorry
16 (you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)): MAKING SAIPSI ANGST I DONT GET ITTTTTTT WHY ARE YOU READING A GAG MANGA TO GET SAD AND DEPRESSED I DONT GET ITTTTTTTTT
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hellbubu · 2 years
I’m handsome, tall, and rich
Chapter 2
“Yes, father?” Hinata ducked out of the KTV, leaving Sasuke to finish the duet alone. She ignored the men throwing up on the other side of the hall, instead, pressing her phone closer to her ear. She pursed her lips as she heard what her father said.” I see.”
She walked into the room to find Sasuke proudly as the screen showed his perfect score. As he turned around, she could see one of those small, rare smiles and wished she could be as happy as him.
“I got a perfect score!”
“Sasuke, tell me exactly what you did.” Hinata tried to sound menacing or maybe bossy but her voice came out mostly dejected.
“I sang my heart out and got a perfect score.”
“That’s not what I meant!” Hinata exclaimed.” What did you do on that blind date that made President Hatake want to marry me?”
“What?” Sasuke’s smile dropped.
“What did you do to make him fall for you?” Hinata grabbed his shoulders before letting go and sinking to the ground.

“Are you really gonna marry him?” Naruto asked as Kakashi continued to stare at his screen.”
“Yes. Are you going to keep on asking?”
“He’s someone who dates more than one person at the same time.”
“That’s the past. Who cares?”
“What if something happens after the marriage.” Naruto walked closer to Kakashi’s desk and rested his hands on it.” I just caught a glance of him and he seemed quite eccentric.”
“He’s an heir. What’s to be expected?” Kakashi had still to as much as glance at him, too busy looking over data.” He’ll be a good asset.”
“You should marry for love.”
“Define love.”
Naruto struggled to put the feeling into words.” It’s to care with your whole heart. To miss even when they’re gone for just a few minutes. To connect-”
“I don’t buy that. Going on blind dates will just be a waste of time.” Kakashi looked up.” I liked Hyuga-ssi. He’s very honest and direct.”

“Hello?” Sasuke answered the call without bothering to see who was calling him.
” Guess where I am.” Sasuke heard Hinata’s voice through the phone.” A hotel.”
” Ever since the proposal, father has been trying to get our families to meet. I’m hiding out here.” Hinata said.” Now what will we do about this?”
“We?” Sasuke scoffed.
” Yes we! You got me into this mess.” Sasuke could hear Hinata pacing the hotel room.” I told you we should have gone with the exorcism.”
“I told you, he’s after your family’s name.”
” Maybe I should become a monk.”
“Chill. Just come clean.”
” My father will kill me.” Hinata sighed before flopping into the bed.
“Hey, maybe he’ll stop sending you on blind dates after this.”
” A blessing in disguise?”
“Yes.” Sasuke stretched out in his bed, almost like a cat.” I’m the one who should be worried. What if I run into him at work?”
Sasuke sat up. His heart started raising as he thought of the President’s reaction. Would he get fired? Would he make his life hell? Would he be humiliated in front of his colleagues?
” You gave nothing to worry about.” Sasuke heard Hinata laugh.” The chances of you running into each other are basically nonexistent.”
“I guess you’re right.”
Still, it kept bothering Sasuke. It got to the point where it was past his usual bedtime and he was still tossing and turning in bed. But why? Hinata was right after all.

Hinata was not fucking right! Sasuke stood in a corner of the elevator. Chairman Hatake, President Hatake, and Chief Secretary Uzumaki all stood behind him. He discreetly tried to brush more of his hair into his face.
“What brings you here?” Secretary Uzumaki asked.
“It’s my building, I can come whenever I want to.” Chairman Hatake said.” Kakashi made an announcement yesterday and didn’t say a peep afterward. I’m just tailing him.”
Sasuke gulped.
“I said all the important details?”
“So you’ll get married that quickly?”
“Perhaps you should discuss that later,” Naruto suggested as the elevator reached Sasuke's floor. He internally sighed in relief.
The doors opened and he quickly stepped out, letting his ID card accidentally fall on the ground. Kakashi quickly stepped forward to grab it.
” Mr. Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha?” The president called out.
I’m dead, Sasuke thought as he stopped in his tracks. How does he even know my name? Did he send someone to investigate me? Did someone follow me home?
“Yes?” Sasuke turned around but keeps his head down.
“You dropped your ID card.” The president held it up.
“I’m so sorry.” Sasuke kept his head down as he walked over to the three men. He didn’t even look up as he tried to grab the ID card.” Thank you, sir.”
The moment the ID card was in his hands, Sasuke speed-walked to his team’s office.
“Uchiha Sasuke,” Kakashi muttered to himself as he looked up the employee on his computer.
“Are you serious about marrying Hyuga-ssi?” Sakumo asked. Kakashi just ignored him as he kept muttering the name while searching the list of employees.
“ No wonder.” Kakashi finally said.
“What do you mean no wonder?”
“ No wonder I recognized the name.” The president looked at the profile picture of the employee.” He proposed the bucket fish.”
“You had singled him out for coming up with the idea, right?” Naruto chimed in.
“Yes. He seems to have an innovative mind.” Before Kakashi could continue, his father interrupted him.
“ Enough with the business talk. What are you up to?”
" What do you mean?” Kakashi turned to look at him.
“ You thought dating was stupid, but now you’re getting married after just one date?”
“ I’m getting married, just as you requested.”
" Are you really sure Hyuga-ssi wants to marry you?”
“Who wouldn’t? With my face, my body, and my personality?” Kakashi looked his father in the eyes.” I’m always calm and I have charm. Who’d say no?”
The two men laughed. Naruto pretended to laugh before turning around and cringing. This would not end well.
“Oh!” Hinata exclaimed as a kid ran around with a marker, accidentally staining her lavender dress. She kneeled to be at eye level with the kid and gently grabbed the marker from his hand
“You shouldn’t run around with this.” The kid nodded and Hinata smiled.” If you promise not to do it, I’ll show you a way to make it look prettier, okay?”
The kid nodded. Hinata smiled at him before drawing a flower with her marker.
She quickly grabbed her canned coffee before leaving the store, confused as to how the kid mistook her flower for poop. I forgot my phone!
As she turned around, a handsome blond man came running toward her.” Ms! You forgot your phone!”
Hinata looked into his eyes and felt as though the word stopped for a moment. There were tulips everywhere.
Thank you." She smiled sweetly at the man.
Don't sweat it." He smiled at her and left before she could get another word in.
I didn't even get his name, Hinata lamented.
“I’m not meeting with President Kang for you,” Sasuke said, taking a sip of the coffee before passing it to Hinata.
“Please. He already arranged the meeting but I have a business meeting.”
“No way! I’ll get caught.” Sasuke grabbed the can from Hinata.” Reschedule.”
“You won’t get caught.” Hinata begged.” Plus, you owe me one for that time.”
Sasuke sighed. Of course, she’d bring up that time.
"Is he running late?" He checked the time on his phone once again. And to top it all up, he chose a place so close to Genma's.
He unlocked his phone and texted Hinata, a small pout on his lips. Just as he ducked his head, President Hatake walked in, marking Hinata’s phone.
He stopped in his tracks and looked at him, then at his phone. He silently walked over to him.
"Do you have more than one phone?" Kakashi grabbed his phone from his hand.
Sasuke took up and grabbed his phone just after Kakashi had saved his number." You can't just grab my phone!"
" If we are to get married, I should at least be able to call you."
They both sat down." I'm not interested in getting married to someone I've only met once."
"You wanted to get a room with a man you've only met once." Kakashi leaned on the table." Why even show up to the blind date if you're not interested?"
" I was pressured into it." Sasuke stood up." Forget about this whole marriage stuff."
Sasuke walked away, Kakashi not far behind him. Sasuke cursed and sped down the stairs before Kakashi grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around." Listen to me-"
" Marriage is not a joke. You can't just ask anyone-"
" You're not anyone. I've traveled the world and I chose you."
"No way. I don't know you."
"Then let's go on another date."
"Get to know me." Kakashi leaned closer to whisper in this ear." You'll find that I'm good at many things."
" What do you mean?" Sasuke took a step back and felt himself fall down the stairs. Well, almost fall down the stairs.
Kakashi’s hand shot out to grab him and pull him closer, almost to his chest.
" What did you think I was talking about? I meant that I'm good to my dates."
" No way." Sasuke blushed." I don't even want to date you. Let's never meet again."
Sasuke then turned around and calmly walk down the stairs. Kakashi stared at him until he was out of sight.
"Why is he so desperate to get married?" Sasuke asked himself just before crossing the street. He was halfway to the other side when he spotted Genma.
He quickly ducked down and turned on his heel. I can't run into him dressed like this!
He speed-walked in the direction he was coming from and opened the door of a random black car and sat down. He looked up only to come face to face with President Hatake.
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
HQ!! Manager being protective when people insult their player
(ft. oikawa, hinata, tanaka, yachi, osamu, kuroo)
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Warnings: threats, physical altercations, bullying, public humiliation
I usually don’t condone the usage of violence, but I woke up mad today lmao
the pretty setter was getting ready to serve, his fangirls screaming in support while the rest of the team took a break.
to the side were a couple of guys staring in jealousy, “heh, his weak ass gets a big ego just because—”
they continued their insults and while they didn’t reach oikawa, his team members certainly heard it all
teasing oikawa was different when it came from them because they genuinely cared about him,, but for someone else to continuously bully the setter without reason?? it was infuriating
before any of them could kick their asses, their manager approached them.
(name) was perhaps the most polite individual they’d met; always patient and kind despite their antics
“ah, i can see the misunderstanding that oikawa is a weakling. he’s got a broken knee and constantly pushes himself despite the excruciating pain.”
the aura surrounding them suddenly turned dark and cold as (name) clutched the shoulder of the main bully with an iron grip
“what about you? shall i break your knee so we can find out if you’re stronger than him?”
at that moment, their gentle mannered manager had the eyes of a beast, unyielding as the guy tried to escape their grip
when they left, the players approached (name) who still glared in that direction. “woah we didn’t know you could be so scary (name)”
now calmer, they replied, “you’re my team, i would kill anyone that tries harm you.”
it was such a matter-of-fact that the males couldn’t help but laugh “haha you’re funny too”
“am i laughing?”
that day they learned their precious manager would deadass commit murder for them
extra: when oikawa found you defended him, he ran with open arms, “(name)-channnnn marry me!” squeezing the life out of you
competition hadn’t even started and people were already shit talking karasuno
“flightless crows” blah blah blah
as their third manager, you would be in the benches with yachi, supporting the team
however, hinata had gone to the bathroom and he wasn’t back. daichi had sent you to get him since the game was about to start
you found the team’s sunshine nearly corned by a tall player “aah you’re so short and you’re a middle blocker?? i’ll be looking down on you little shrimp!”
he didn’t get to say more because your leg swiftly hit the back of his knees, falling to the ground harshly.
no one and i mean no one messes with hinata without you getting a few hits in, regardless height
“oh look. you’re below him now”
mans was lucky y’all were in a competition, otherwise he wouldn’t have left unscathed
with that, you steered your baby hinata away from that asshole, throwing him a dirty look in case he wanted to try anything
if he did, you would not hold back. literally on sight
fyi hinata was totally not blushing the entire way back. everytime you approach him now he gets all flustered
everyone else is like ???
the ladies man, tanaka had encountered a group of attractive girls at the arcade so he decided to shoot his shot
when they declined, tanaka was prepared to leave them alone, respectful of a woman’s boundaries, but they decided to verbally attack him
“who’d wanna go out with you?” “yeah you’re so ugly, stupid baldie”
wrong move
unfortunately for them, you were also at the arcade, having heard how the entire conversation went down
you knew tanaka would never use violence against a girl, even if they were rude, but you would.
equal rights equal fights bitch
those girls never saw it coming, you grabbing the leader’s hair roughly and yanking it back, “you’re right, longer hair is much better”
you went feral; simultaneously slapping the others away when they tried to pull you off, your tight grip never faltering.
only when tanaka placed a gentle hand on your arm that you released her
“insult him again and you’ll be the baldie next time”
in short, tanaka now sees you as his personal deity. boy will adore you
the third years were gone now
kiyoko had left the team in your and yachi’s hands, with you mainly taking charge as the now-third year manager
the team all sat together for lunch (yes, tsukki too), they were waiting for you since you’d been talking with a teacher
a girl in front of you side-eyed yachi, watching with envy as the blonde sweetheart spoke with the handsome volleyball players
plan brewing in that toxic mind of hers, the girl pretended to trip, spilling her lunch all over yachi. the team didn’t have time to react, watching in shock as food splatted on her lap
sis even had the audacity to say “oh sorry didn’t see you there” as if she didn’t just purposefully throw her food on someone else
worry not, because you returned the favor.
as soon as she gave her faux apology, your food was already making its way down her head to her shoes
there wasn’t a part of her left uncovered
“my bad, i thought you were the trash” you did not look sorry at all
half of the cafeteria watched this unfold—tsukki even making some snide remarks. you grabbed yachi’s hand, guiding her to the restroom to help her clean off
from that moment on, people got the message to never mess with the volleyball team lest they face the wrath of their manager
osamu was your best friend, the reason why you joined inarizaki as their manager
currently, you were in home ed, making the assigned dish but it wasn’t difficult so your movements were lax so much that you couldn’t help but overhear the conversation going on in front of your table
at the mention of osamu, your ears perked up
“he was SUCH a jerk. i kept asking hoping he would grow tired and say yes, but nooooo. apparently osamu thinks he’s better than me”
some of her friends looks uneasy at her inability to take ‘no’ for an answer but the girl continued on her rant
the teacher stepped out for a moment. “HAHAHAHHAHA” the class turned to look at you, laughing like a maniac while you chopped vegetables with scary precision and inhuman strength
“you sure got some nerve, harassing someone like that.. especially my best friend”
that was the moment the grew knew she’d fucked up. she couldn’t even answer back because the teacher was back.
you made a point to ask the teacher if you could be partners with that girl for the next lesson, making her gulp in fear as you ran a finger across your throat
to say the least, she stopped talking for the remainder of the class
chemistry?? you and kuroo?? friends?? together in class???
a fucking chaos
just kidding. the two of you were actually really good students. the best, if you had to brag
despite being the teacher’s favorite, you were lowkey about it while kuroo liked to insert as many chem jokes as he could in presentations
it was kinda embarrassing and you subtly teased him, but never with malicious intent
during a lab, you got partnered with a bully. you tried to ignore him and continue working, but it kept getting worse.
the breaking point was dragging in kuroo to all of this. you’d rejected his offers of going on a date and when kuroo made a motion to ask if you were ok, the dude took it as a sign to talk shit
“seriously? him? he’s a fucking nerd. his jokes are lame and has shitty hair—”
your eye twitched. “oi you better stop if you don’t want me to burn your face off”
clueless in class, he didn’t know how to handle the material so you were doing all the work. he didn’t believe you
bringing in the acidic substance near his face is when he finally backed away, at which point you had already called the teacher and told them that he was playing around with dangerous chemicals
although it was the other way around, who do you think the teacher believed, their star student or the school bully??
lmao, bitch could ask his detention buddies out on a date now
kuroo: ??
363 notes · View notes
captnjacksparrow · 3 years
if you had to rank your fav naruto characters how would it go? love your blog btw!!
Hmmm... Complicated ask, anon.😂
[My personal life would be splashed here and there. Please bear with me]
Before 5 months, if you asked me about Naruto, my response would be ‘What the fuck is that?’. I absolutely had no idea such a treasure existed. For me, it started out like a blockbuster movie for the sheer variety of fights and the resulting emotions it brought within me. 
However, there was a point I stopped and thought, ‘Wait a fucking second. This resembles my family dynamics. This person is speaking the exact same lines I spoke to my parents few years ago. This person’s situation resembles mine. Did this creator a time traveler?’. Naruto is the only piece of media that gave me such feel. Am not even exaggerating, believe me. 
I really liked so many characters very much but am going to try my best to list just 10. 
The only characters I hate in this series are Danzo, Sakura and Hinata in no particular order. Meaning, I absolutely cannot see any positives in them. They are crassy, cringey and completely detestable.
10. Killer Bee
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HaHaHa :-) Just seeing this character makes me smile and light-hearted.
It’s a pity that he is the only character who don’t belong to Konoha in my Top 10 rankings who was developed well apart from Gaara.
I loved him from Frame 1 onwards and I sincerely wished Team Taka should be packed up with their ass beaten up mercilessly. And that’s what happened.
Despite being a Jinchurikki, he never bothered to mind his surroundings and filled his heart with love from his over protective Brother alone was nice to watch.
He makes a great Tag Partner with Naruto next to Sasuke. No doubt.
The way Killer Bee treated Team Taka like some annoying flies and his cool and don’t care attitude was top notch. It’s not just with Sasuke, Bee treated Naruto with the same IDGAF attitude at first.
Best Moments:
Lariat punch to Sasuke (TBH, Sasuke deserved it. LOL)
Blasted off every member of Team Taka like a doll
His entire conversation and fight sequence with Kisame (Their banters and exchanges are way too hilarious)
His dynamics with his Elder Brother (God!!!! Whenever Raikage gives him an Iron Claw.... What a hilarious duo!!!!)
9. Hatake Kakashi
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Kakashi was my most favourite character when I started the series for simply being ultra-cool with the way he conducted the Bell-Test and taught a valuable lesson for those bratty kids in Team 7 called ‘Team Work’. 
Best Moments:
Kakashi vs Obito Hand-to-Hand Combat (the best in the series)
Kakashi in the Gaara retrieval arc (His fight with Itachi & Deidara gave a good start to the shippuden series. His Mangekyou reveal was surprising).
Kakashi & Guy teaming up with Naruto to reveal Obito in a twisty and tragic way. (Kakashi couldn’t handle the truth at all and neither did I)
Kakashi vs Zabuza (That’s when I realized that the series was getting real serious)
8. Jiraiya
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Jiraiya was my next favourite to Kakashi during my Part 1 days. His open perversion and his entire dynamics with Naruto was one of the best things during the Chunin Exams arc. Taught Naruto about Chakra Control and about the way of a shinobi by just enduring. Naruto follows this even today.
Best Moments: 
Kuchiyose No Jutsu training (Man, I never expected him to push Naruto off the cliff)
Rasengan Training (One of the best arcs in part 1 and it was soo satisfying to see Naruto punching his first Rasengan on Kabuto, He also acted like a quasi parent to Naruto... heartwarming)
Jiraiya Vs Six paths of Pain ( 6 vs 1 was always doomed but still he had the guts of a shinobi and plunged ahead)
7. Uchiha Madara
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Geez. What is there to not like him?? 
Everything he did was absolutely wrong ever since he broke up with Hashirama in a romantic way much similar to how couples break up in my country.
I am an Uchiha. You are a Senju. I wish it had been different.
This roughly translates to how 75% of lovers break up and marry someone else from their own clan in my state. (Duh!!!)
I am from XXX clan, you are from XXX clan. So we can’t love each other and my parents won’t accept this relationship. So let’s break up.
Alright, my first shipping couple in this series is HashiMada for this exact reason. (I started shipping SNS only after episode 478). 
Just like Hashirama, Madara had an extensive build up right from episode 1 where Kurama compares Sasuke with Madara. And flashbacks from Itachi and Tobi spiked my curiosity and I wanted to see his face so badly ever since.
But the moment he landed gracefully like a diva in episode 321.... Woaahhhh!!!! He literally danced in the battlefield and ate up 100′s of guys with just a fucking Sharingan. 
Best Moments:
Going Shirtless before 1000′s of people with Hashirama’s face, no less (Well, I literally went heart-eyed for 5 minutes. Sorry Sasuke, your ancester was way much sexier than you in the Orochimaru hideout and beats you by a million points).
Screaming Hashirama’s name like a cockatoo for 300 times even till the very end (Sorry Naruto, your obsession towards Sasuke for about 6 arcs is pale in comparison to Madara’s obsession which was established in just 6 or 7 episodes.)
I have 25 clones now. Do you want me to put Susanoo or not? You can’t answer. The answer is yes. (Man, his I don’t give a fuck attitude is just an alien level thing)
Openly admitting Only Hashirama Can Beat Me (Say what you will about Sasuke, Madara has no qualms about accepting his inferiority in terms of power. An absolute Straight Forward diva-queen)
Awakening Sharingan for breaking up with his ‘friend’ rather than for his 3 dead brothers. (Geez, Poor Soul. He is the forefather of a Romantic Uchiha. That romantic blood still flows in Sasuke)
6. Senju Hashirama
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Man, I would have placed him somewhere in top 5 if only he was introduced early or had more scenes. I started watching Naruto only because of this very name. There is a local podcaster in my state who goes under the alias of Senju Hashirama and in his podcasts, he hinted about this character and how he was inspired by his ideals. I just googled and saw that this character belonged to Naruto series and I considered watching it. Here I am, making analysis on that very series.
There was this excellent build up for him right when we got introduced to Captain Yamato. He was constantly referred in flashbacks from Itachi and Tobi especially.
But the moment he was reanimated again..... Geez..... It was an hilarious ride all throughout. Out of all the flashbacks we got from this series, Founders Era flashback was my absolute favourite.
From where I come from, we are still under the stupid influence of Clan infrastructure and are not growing up in many aspects like people in western countries do. For me, I hope, one day, someone like Senju Hashirama appears in our state and change our lives for better by uniting all clans as one and treats everyone equally without the shitty favouritism for their own children, friends, parents, siblings.
That’s why this dialogue struck a thunder in my heart
“Be they a friend.... Be they a sibling.... Be it even my own child. I will not forgive anyone who threatens the village.”
Because the clan leaders in our place are absolutely selfish, trash bastards who serves their own needs with no regards for other people from other clans. For a person like me, Hashirama is not just a fictional hero, he is someone who many aspires to become. No wonder that podcaster chose this name as his alias.
He rightfully deserved the title ‘God of Shinobi’. And no one can surpass him, not even Naruto.
Best Moments:
Wood Style vs Eternal Mangekyou sharingan + Kurama powered Madara (He just beats Madara’s ass by a wide margin. This shows he was a whole fucking different level than Naruto + Sasuke combined. In terms of strength, nobody surpassed him YET. Sorry Naruto and Sasuke, you guys are no match even now with your Rinnegan and Kurama lost forever).
His entire banters with Madara (ROFLLLL. Without him, it would have been just another lifeless arc.)
5. Senju Tobirama
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Hmmm, let me tell you something about him.
First off, he is not a racist or fascist as many hardcore Sasuke fanatics claims. He is one of the best hokages according to me. He is abso-fucking-lutely practical, rational, logical and holds no grudge. And Sasuke resembles Tobirama with all these characteristics as compared to soft and naive Naruto. If only he had more screen time, he would be easily in my top 3. 
Just because he didn’t lick the boots of Uchiha (many people’s favorite clan or may I say the only clan that was given any shit about in this series), it doesn’t make him a racist or fascist.
No, he never persecuted the Uchihas. Danzo, the crass bastard, driven off the Uchihas only after the Kyuubi incident. It was explicitly mentioned in the databook and was clearly explained in the series. 
He literally gave the highest position in the village for the entire clan. That is, a military power inside a military village. ‘Shinobi who can cause crimes can only be stopped by shinobi who are even better’. In my state, if a powerful clan decided to persecute another clan, they simply start by cutting off basic amenities like Water and Electricity. Compared to what I’ve seen, Tobirama did nothing but given the Uchihas, the highest position in their village. 
Orochimaru only said giving such a power made them conceited (arrogant). Tobirama had a trusted subordinate called Kagami, an Uchiha in his team. He suggested Kabuto to help Sasuke and even teleported him on his request. He even spited Madara for killing Sasuke, an Uchiha. He openly claimed Uchiha clan exceeds Senju in terms of Love. He openly appreciated Itachi and Kagami as someone who sees beyond their clan. In what world, would a racist or fascist do all this for a clan he hates??? 
Yes, he was cautious of Sasuke at first because he saw him with Orochimaru and even went full-on battle mode because of Sasuke’s carefree threat to destroy the village. But once he decided to go to the battlefield to fight Madara, he simply forgot everything that happened before and started to work with him as a comrade, and even helped him twice. In which world, a racist or fascist behave this way?
Believe me, a person like me who was grown with these clan politics surely can say who is a fascist. He was not. He was just cautious of them because of their ability to attain superpowers with just emotions alone. Let me ask you all this, ‘Would you be okay with people getting crazy powers whenever they are depressed?’. Being cautious is not racism. It really disrespects people who faced real oppression under fascism.
What Madara and Danzo did was a classical example of fascism. 
And No, Izuna didn’t die only because of Tobirama. He died because Madara was too arrogant to instigate war with Senju clan. And this was way before forming Konoha. If Tobirama killed Izuna after the alliance between Uchiha and Senju, I would agree that he was a racist. Izuna lost his life just like any other Uchiha and Senju soldiers in that battlefield. 
Just because he shitted your beloved ‘Sasuke-Kun’ doesn’t mean he is a racist too. Tobirama saw Sasuke along with that scoundrel Orochimaru who once used this very two hokages to destroy the very village they strived hard to create and protect. What will you do, if you were in his place?? Please don’t lie and say ‘I wouldn’t be judgemental’. 
And Imagine you are Tobirama, Sasuke is threatening to commit genocide against the entire village who had no idea about this coup detat instead of going against those old hags. Will you sit quiet as a Hokage?? 
He was the first person to suggest his brother, Itama, that Revenge against Uchihas are futile. All we need is an agreement to make truce. That gave the idea for Hashirama to pursue his dream. And Tobirama was happy to follow that dream and very supportive. 
It’s because of all these reasons I placed him above Senju Hashirama.
Best Moments:
Amazing power display against Sasuke & Co with just an index finger (It was a pleasure to see everyone’s face trembling with mild sweat including Sasuke).
Acted as a decoy to save his young subordinates. (The way he sacrificed his life saying young wills of fire must be protected is just Woow!! I wish his subordinates listened to his words and passed the mantle to the younger ones rather than playing game at such an old age and screwed up many lives. Pfft!!!)
Any time he says ‘Shut Up’ to Hashirama (ROFL)
His absolute ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude to Naruto, Sasuke, Hashirama, Minato and Madara (He trolled them all mercilessly and I love it)
4. Senju Tsunade
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It hurts me to say that Tsunade is the only female character in my list because every other female characters were written in a much more piss poorly way. Only Konan came close to Tsunade but her role was very short. 
Despite her character’s purpose revolved around another male character (Dan) and a blatant objectification of her breasts, I liked everything about her other than those mentioned above. 
She is the Second Best Hokage who took Konoha right after the destruction made by Orochimaru, excellently handled the aftermath by making friendly relations with Suna (Sand village), provided her best medical support to Konoha in the Pain Arc and successfully handled the fourth Shinobi world war. 
She is such a badass who developed her own original jutsu called Byakugou no Jutsu, which can heal herself. 
She is just way too amazing and it’s a pity that we got very less scenes in Shippuden.
Best Moments:
Took 25+ stabs from Madara’s Susanoo like a piece of cake (Man, I simply couldn’t describe that scene. All the other Kages were shocked and even Madara too)
Lifted her advisors like a cabbage sack (Those fucking old hags deserved it. Those shits should’ve died)
Her index finger flick assault on Naruto (Aww, Naruto was definitely bratty in his first meeting and Tsunade didn’t hold back at all)
Played Orochimaru like a basketball (In that same arc, she fought Orochimaru mercilessly like a devil left and right. Someone who claimed to have surpassed Tsunade never even dared to fight Orochimaru’s student and crying for his attention after just receiving one stab from Madara. Just saying)
3. Uzumaki Naruto
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Naruto is the titular character and your emotions evolve along with him. He surely deserves a spot in Top 3. The only reason I didn’t place Naruto even more higher is because he didn’t experience something very important which many characters in this list faced. That is, Losing a loved one before his eyes. Every villain in this series became what they are because they lost someone important before their eyes like Nagato, Obito. (Nope, I don’t count Neji as his loved one). I think this tests the mettle of any character and Naruto failed to experience this. The only person he ever lost was Jiraiya and that too from off-screen. That’s why I felt his journey to his dreams seemed little easier compared to the rest of the characters.
His best block of episodes will always be the part 1 Episode 1, 2, 3. Episode 1 is the character defining episode for Naruto and what he learned there will be applied everywhere till the very end of the series. He learned 3 things
Forgiveness, Empathy and Acceptance
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
From then on, this boy wins many friends to his side, not only from Konoha but from other villages too and even made them to acknowledge his strength only through his sheer hard work. 
However, there is this person, whose acknowledgement he wants the most.  That person is his most important bond along with Iruka Sensei. He is none other than Sasuke. One day, Sasuke left him alone for some unavoidable reason at the end of part 1 which left a huge scar in him and he vows to bring him back to the place where he belongs. That becomes his ultimate goal rather than becoming an Hokage.
The way he goes to any extent to protect the people he cares about is just simply entertaining to watch.
Every time he makes an heroic entry to save the day was never boring, not once. 
Best Moments:
Sobbing from his heart after hearing Iruka Sensei acknowledging him (It just makes me feel heavy for no reason. The anime team did an awesome job to capture his emotions convincingly)
Awakening Kyuubi Mode for the first time after seeing Sasuke die in his arms (Man, out of all the collective hatred he got from the villagers, this moment affected him a lot speaks volumes)
Punching Neji from the underground to win the Chunin exams (God, I honestly believed Naruto lost but he just surprised us heavily from nowhere. And that failure speech was just pure bliss to watch even today)
Pain Vs Naruto (One of the best arc for Naruto. Because unlike other arcs, where Naruto fought with a team, this arc he was all alone fighting a person with Rinnegan. Be it the exuberant landing from the frogs with a dramatic kabuki music, creating multi-step attacks, coming up with novel solution in that difficult situation, finally ending the conflict without killing the enemy, becoming an hero. Superb journey. The only thing I didn’t like in that arc is some shitty selfish proposal. PUKE!!)
Bearing the burdens of his most important person and die along with him (This boy always shouts he will never die until he becomes an Hokage. But for Sasuke, he was ready to die along with him in order to not leave him alone proves how much he loves him. This shows his emotional maturity rather than shouting at Sasuke like he always did before which never reached his ears. This time it did)
Final Good Bye to Minato (Honestly, I was bawling just like Naruto in that scene no matter how many times I watch it. It started out slow but as he speaks more and more, he simply couldn’t hold back and wept a sea of tears 😭😭😭)
2. Uchiha Sasuke
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One of the well written characters in this series, with all the flaws and positive stuffs which makes him more of an Anti-Hero. He always subverts my preformed opinions and never ceased to surprise me.
Despite being aloof and cold, his warmer side will always be exposed towards Naruto. This is evident by many things he had done for Naruto which he don’t have to or no reason to. Starting right from roasting Sakura, offering lunch, asking for tips, enquiring about breakfast, protecting him many times and dying for Naruto. 
Why I placed him above Naruto is because of his unavoidable decision to tread in a complicated dark path primarily due to the trauma he carried and was stirred up again by collective factors such as Orochimaru’s cursed seal, Itachi’s arrival and Naruto’s growth. Compared to Sasuke, Naruto had an easier path because he never saw anyone die before his eyes and hence he don’t carry any trauma which can divert his path.
Even after watching his entire clan and family members murdered before his eyes at an age 8, he managed to pull himself and never snapped out like many other good characters does. But the moment when he found out that Itachi was good all along, he simply couldn’t tolerate the truth and gave himself to Vengeance. Because, he loved his brother more than he hated him all these years. This shows he loved his brother more than his parents. His resolve to destroy Konoha was perfectly understandable. But is it good? Nope. He can kill Danzo and those old hags but killing other people was never justifiable.
But still, his resolve to have his vengeance was diverted by Naruto and weakened by Itachi, at some point. So, he decided to know the truth and when he heard it, he understood the Hokages also sacrificed many precious things to protect this village just like his Brother Itachi. He understood the mistakes of his clan and decided to protect the village which he swore to destroy. [Many Sasuke fanatics think that he succumbed to the Government and Kishi wrote Sasuke to bootlick them. Their idea was to tackle genocide with another genocide. What a stupid idea!!!!]
And No, I don’t consider him trying to kill Sakura, Karin and Kakashi as his bad moments (though I feel bad for Karin). For the simple reason being, he became a monster by losing himself in the darkness who lost the rationality to differentiate friends from foes. Much similar to how Naruto lost himself to Kyuubi’s hatred against Orochimaru and in Pain Arc. It’s so hypocritical to ignore Naruto and accuse Sasuke here. Plus, Sakura had no business to be there otherwise Sasuke would not have tried to kill her. 
But does it mean Sasuke did nothing wrong???
He definitely shouldn’t have joined Akatsuki and hunted Killer Bee like an animal. Because, he knew that Tobi was the one who helped Itachi massacre the clan. When fighting Itachi he specifically vowed to kill Madara (Tobi). On top of that, Itachi passed on Amaterasu in his eyes specifically to stay away from Tobi. Why did he ally with him? Plus, Sasuke was one of the few characters who was exposed to the name ‘Akatsuki’ in part 1 itself. He clearly knew that this organization targets Naruto, his closest bond. Why did he join there? This is where the stupid part of Sasuke came out. I was grunting... ‘Oii Where did that clever Sasuke, who faced 1000 soldiers without killing any of them, went??’. 
And his plan for Revolution???? I thought it would be reasonable. But his vision was eerily similar to Danzo’s vision. Grrr..... Danzo also wanted to create his ideal village by destroying the current Hokage. He wanted to unite the Five Village and put himself on top of everyone as evident from the Kage Summit arc. 
I appreciate him that he finally adopted the Will of Fire, by wanting to protect the village at all costs just like Itachi and Hashirama did. But his methods are not very democratic. Plus, he wanted to do it alone. I was screaming at him... ‘Grrr, Sasuke, did you listen to Itachi at all???. He failed because he did everything alone. Why can’t you understand????’ This is also another instance, Sasuke’s stupidity glanced out.
I am happy Naruto knocked some sense into him by telling him not to do it alone but together.
Many fanatics also ask, ‘What did Sasuke do wrong to atone for his sins at the end?’.
I was like ‘Reallly????’
He joined Akatsuki, an organization which terrorized all the 5 villages and he hunted someone like an international criminal.
He spoiled the Kage Summit and attacked Raikage who lost his arm because of him. I know what happened over there is not Sasuke’s fault. But these are the kages who was loved by many people in their own villages. How can the world forget it and simply let him go?
It’s exactly because of all those lovely stuffs he did in Part 1 and all these mistakes he did in Part 2 but willing to correct his mistakes by sharing the burdens of his other half in the end made him more interesting, complicated and exciting and that’s why I love this character.
I also have a personal bias to love this character sooo much because of the character on top of my list.
Best Moments:
Defending Naruto before Sakura (Awww!!! Such a good boy he was. Eventhough I thought he was a typical arrogant K-Drama hero, he just subverted my opinion in that one scene. I always have a thing for people who stands up for someone even though they don’t have to. This is where I started to like Sasuke)
My body moved on its own. (Is there anything that trumps this scene in terms of emotions and love in this series?. This moment is where I understood the depth of Sasuke’s emotions towards Naruto).
What is a Clan? What is a Village? What is a Shinobi? (I was really hoping for Sasuke to question himself something similar to this. Because he was so self-absorbed in his hatred and failed to look outside him ever since he left the village. It was so gratifying that he did that)
Killing Orochimaru (I always thought Sasuke will kill him only after he tries to take over the body. Never imagined that he will strike the snake first)
Killing Danzo (Man, what an amazing battle!!!. It was so gratifying to see such a crass bastard die many times over and over).
His dramatic confession through his monologue (After the mystery of Who is this Tobi, Sasuke’s obsession towards Naruto remained a mystery for me. Why did he listen to Naruto under the bridge? Why did he protected Naruto in the War? I got the answer only after this confession. It was so heartwarming to see this mellow side of Sasuke)
1. Uchiha Itachi
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I could write pages about him. The foremost reason I like Itachi and earns the top spot in my rankings is because he shockingly resembled me in many ways. As I already said, I come from a place where clan politics plays a major role and when I see Sasuke’s flashback in part 1, I was simply dumbstruck by such a detailed similarities.
Elder child of the family - ✅
Have an adorable younger sister who loves me more than my parents - ✅
Same age gap (5 years) with my sister as Itachi and Sasuke - ✅
Parents paying total attention on me while ignoring my sister completely - ✅
Parents constantly comparing my achievements with my sister - ✅
A sister who bear hugged me every time I entered the home after returning from my school - ✅
Despite my mom being a teacher, my sister always prefers me to teach her stuffs as she considers me to be way too better than my mom -  ✅
Love my sister more than my parents - ✅
Clan-Obsessed parents - ✅
Used me as a tool for the benefit of the clan - ✅
Sending another person from my clan to spy on me - ✅
Strained relationship with my parents - ✅
Disgusted with my clan - ✅
Most importantly, this dialogue from part 1 episode 129,
Clan? Clan?
Obsessed with the organization, Obsessed with the clan, Obsessed with the name, that’s merely the detestable action that restrict yourself.
I have given up all hope in this worthless clan
Because, people obsess themselves to their clan, a thing so petty, they lose sight of the things that are truly important.
A real change cannot occur under restraints and controls
I confronted my parents with the exact same dialogue (almost 98% similar) in my own native language some years ago. 
I didn’t even know the existence of Naruto series at that time. I was simply shell-shocked by all these similarities with this character. 
And Yes, The moment I heard these dialogues, I knew Itachi, was a good guy, who had a very strong reason for his actions and I instantly knew Sasuke’s revenge will not bear him any happiness. 
It is exactly because of all these striking similarities of myself with Itachi, and my lil’l sister with Sasuke, my family dynamics with the Uchiha family.... I could understand the magnitude of Sasuke’s love towards Itachi. 
And precisely because of that, I could understand Sasuke’s love towards Naruto is not fucking ‘brotherly’ one but something that leans towards Attraction. 
No wonder, Itachi left Sasuke in Naruto’s care. 
Anyways to speak objectively, 
Itachi is an extremely self-sacrificial person whose life is full of pain and miseries but never blames it on the world unlike other Uchiha members like Madara, Obito and Sasuke to an extent.
He did things considering the bigger picture which never benefitted himself in anyway and was willing to go to any extent even at the expense of his own family and his brother’s happiness. That is, Uchiha Clan Massacre and Joining Akatsuki. None of this benefitted him in anyways but he did it anyway, for the village of Konoha. 
His ideals are shockingly similar to Hashirama, Which Sasuke pointed this out and Hashirama acknowledged that Itachi was a better shinobi than he was. ❤️❤️❤️
Now, does this means I support Uchiha clan massacre?
No way. Even Itachi didn’t.
This massacre happened because of the huge clusterfuck from Hiruzen’s incompetence, Danzo’s paranoid arrogance, Uchiha clan’s devious plan to over throw the government by force rather than approaching it in a peaceful way, say, a peace talk or a protest. 
All these people acted on their own self-interest. Itachi and Shisui caught in their whirlpool, bear their burdens and paid for it with their life. Sasuke suffered for it.
But, it’s not the only reason I love this character. It’s because, the moment he decided to massacre everyone, he marked his own death by the hands of his beloved brother. I love people who owns up their mistakes and face the consequences rather than making excuses (even though it’s not entirely his mistake).
Itachi is also the only character in this series who realized his failures on his own without anyone’s interference or Naruto’s Talk-No-Jutsu. 
And he apologized for everything he did to Sasuke.
Again, some hardcore Sasuke fanatics criticize/hate him for torturing their poor ‘Sasuke-Kun’ with his Tsukuyomi. I was like ‘Hmmm...What?’. 
First off, Itachi apologized to Sasuke for not thinking out from his point of view and also for not telling him the truth earlier.
Second off, Sasuke never even blamed Itachi for anything (even he didn’t hold him for killing their parents). If Sasuke himself, forgiven Itachi... Why are his fans being so rabid?
Third off, for all of his supposed ‘crimes’, he paid for it by dying as a disgraceful Madman rather than a Hero who really saved the village. He is someone who should be celebrated like Naruto but instead died proudly as a Traitor of Konoha.
All in all, One of the wonderfully written character I have ever seen in the media. 
Best Moments:
Itachi vs Sasuke (That battle was a pure brilliance and highly emotional especially after knowing the truth. When Sasuke released his Kirin, Itachi showed off his ultimate armour Susanoo like a badass. Seeing Susanoo for the first time gave me chills. No, Sasuke didn’t kill him. Itachi died on his own)
Itachi vs Orochimaru (Man, Itachi may look mellow but when it comes to Orochimaru he is a pure Sass. He screwed that snake up both the times by a wide margin. It seems Uchiha brothers like to fuck up Orochimaru, LOL)
Talk-No-Jutsu’ing Naruto (Geez, Naruto was being completely bratty and was full of saviour complex like he was going to bear everyone’s hatred by himself. I was almost annoyed. Thanks to Itachi, he realised. Probably he is the only character to shut Naruto using his own jutsu)
Izanami’ing Kabuto (Other than Naruto, he is the only character to go out of his way to empathize with a villain and put extreme effort to change him. I think this is why Sasuke loves Naruto, for seeing these similarities??? ).
Goodbye to Sasuke (The first time when he said ‘Forgive me, Sasuke. This is the last’ by poking his forehead and finally closing the distance by butting with Sasuke’s head softly saying ‘I will love you always’.... It always evokes uncontrollable tears in me, no matter how many times I watch it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
Uchiha Obito
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God, Am such a sucker for Uchiha guys individually, though collectively as a clan they fucked up big time. I simply couldn’t find the place for him in the top 10. He is a classic example of What Naruto will be like if he becomes a villain?
However, all those horrible stuffs he did just for a girl whom he had a crush on which was never reciprocated seems childish. That’s why I couldn’t put him in Top 10.
And his understandable but weird obsession on Naruto was always enjoyable to watch. 
One cute thing I liked about him was, whatever criminal stuffs he may have done, he was never a cheapskate though. He had every chance to take back Kakashi’s Sharingan to activate his own Susanoo. But he never even thought of such an idea. He was a bad guy. But a good friend, no matter what. 
Pure Baby!!! But lost his way!!!
Best Moments:
Importance of Team Work (’In the ninja world, Those who break the rules are  scum. But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum’. This very legacy he left to Kakashi came to defeat him later. And Naruto follows this motto even today)
Sacrificing his Sharingan (’I am giving you my Sharingan. No matter what the villagers say, you are a great Jonin. Please take it’. Awww!!! Obito. He left his Sharingan which helped Kakashi to complete a jutsu called ‘Chidori’, which is a go-to jutsu of Sasuke)
Thanks for the ask, anon. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. ❤️
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rogueyami · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Fic Recs
I love reading fanfics, and I have so many bookmarked that I want to share. Hope you all enjoy and give these writers all the love. All of these are completed works, and they are a mixture of one shots and multi chaps.
where the night goes by bigspoonnoya (M)
When their bond loses the immediate context of volleyball, they're left to consider why it's still so vital and important.
Meeting again, by chance, six years later.
Somewhere to Belong by Esselle (E)
Once a year, all the villages that follow the way of the sun offer up one of their own to be taken to the sun god's divine temple. Kageyama Tobio, an orphan and loner, never wanted to be chosen—and until the sun god appeared, no one ever wanted to choose him, either. All Tobio wants is to find a place he fits in. What he actually gets is another story entirely.
by this time next year by reeology (T)
"I got offers from two universities," Kageyama announces, pointing at his chest with his thumb. "I'm going to play volleyball at Keio this spring."
"You still have to pass an exam, even if it's an easy one," Takeda-sensei hurries to add, although he is beaming and bursting with pride at his fluffy little crow chick taking off to play volleyball at a university level.
"I'll pass," Kageyama says with the same kind of confidence he uses when he tells Hinata he'll get the toss to him. He looks straight at Hinata, and Hinata jerks and turns red, wondering if maybe Kageyama knew he was daydreaming about something as stupid as the way Kageyama talks to him during a game. But then Kageyama just points at him and says, "You'd better get in, too."
Hinata, stupid, naive, idiot that he is, grins wide and nods and says, "Yeah!"
He doesn't know what he's in for.
Not Alone by seconddaysea (E)
"I'll visit you," Hinata says. "So you're not allowed to get lonely, you got it?" He turns so they're facing each other, hands warm against Tobio's back. "I'm already lonely," he replies quietly, and he presses his face against Hinata's heart, squeezing his eyes shut, because if this is a dream he doesn't want to wake up.
maps, from me to you by tothemoon (T)
This is a (non-chronological) account of the memories they make out of millimeters.
we can do better than that by spaceburgers (M)
Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn't go as expected, but maybe that's not such a bad thing after all. 
we shine like diamonds by whiitemists (T)
Oikawa is nine when he first hears the word. The boys on the playground whisper it like it's dirty, like the way they daringly mutter the word fuck and then look over their shoulders to check their parents hadn't heard.
"You know Abe-kun from class?" they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they're passing along a filthy secret. "I hear his older brother is... gay."
here comes your man by newamsterdam (T)
Iwaizumi’s left his cell phone on the bench, and while Suga keeps his gaze away from Iwaizumi the phone lights up with a new message.
Iwa-chan, it reads, Have a good day today! Good luck! <3 <3 <3
Suga chokes. It’s hard to imagine anyone calling the scowling and fierce Doctor Iwaizumi “Iwa-chan.” But marriage probably comes with all sorts of liberties.
Mrs. Iwaizumi must be quite the doting wife, Suga thinks. Delivering hand-made bentos and sending along loving messages.
No one really knows much about the new surgical resident, Doctor Iwaizumi, other than the fact that he's married. Suga's determined to find out more, and make a friend of him in the process.            
just hear me out by loveclouds (T)     
To stimulate Japan's low birthrates and take most of the guesswork out of dating, a beeper system was biologically developed in people's wrists, an audible confirmation to show romantic compatibility.
Iwaizumi's beeper has been going off for Oikawa since they've been kids. Oikawa's has only ever been silent.
 Call Security! by DeathBelle  (T)    
Oikawa Tooru is attractive, charming, and irresistible.
He thinks so, anyway, until he meets the mall's new security guard.
In which Oikawa has a crush, Iwaizumi has no interest, and a chain of shoplifting incidents brings them together.
(Don't) Touch Me by DeathBelle (E)         
Akaashi has always had an aversion to human contact, but earlier in his life it had been bearable. It isn't until his last year of high school that it becomes intolerable. By the time he enters college, any skin contact has the potential to send him spiraling into a breathtaking panic attack.
He reconnects with Bokuto in college, and he seems to be the only person with the ability to calm Akaashi down. He finds himself relying on his old captain more and more, especially when Bokuto deems himself Akaashi's own personal guardian. Despite their connection, he can't touch Bokuto, either; no matter how badly he'd like to.    
Upstairs by yoogiboobi (E)    
Bokuto first sees his neighbour at the supermarket, three days after he's moved into his new place.
For about a second, a heartbeat, he's met with a pair of dark, piercing eyes, with what is probably eyeliner, looking back at him. It really is just a split second before his hand knocks down three cereal boxes that hit him square in the head, effectively making him break eye contact and drop his groceries to the floor.
In which some of the first things Bokuto learns about his upstairs neighbour are the colour of his eyes and the sound of his moans.         
bang! now we're even by Authoress (E)
Akaashi only has two rules when it comes to his profession. One, complete the job as swiftly and cleanly as possible. Two, never trust anyone who smells like blood.
Rule three is to shoot Owl Eyes in the face should he ever come across him, but Akaashi never tells anyone about that one.
Crisis Converted  by valiantarmor (E)    
Akaashi Keiji is just a normal cop with a penchant for getting himself into trouble, when quite suddenly he finds himself with a big promotion and a brand new partner.
But his habit of finding trouble hasn't gone away -- if anything, it's only gotten worse. 
cracks in the pavement will lead you home by deusreks (M)    
Bokuto often thinks about Akaashi, especially when he’s running. It’s like his legs know where they’re supposed to take him. He grows into a habit of running a lot, just to keep that feeling going. Cracks and holes in the pavement aren’t fun to jump over if the final reward isn’t seeing Akaashi’s face.
An alternate universe with a little bit of magic and a lot of growing up.         
died in my dreams by MTrash (Makaria) (T)
If anyone asked Ushijima how it came to this, he wouldn’t be able to formulate a proper answer.
Ushijima likes his quiet, his order, and his solitude. That is, until a loud, talkative and a little chaotic cyber tech convinces him that that's just plain boring.
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) by pseudoanalytics (T)     
Of course if there was one thing that could be counted on, it was Ushijima’s blunt, total honesty. “Do you think Tendou is attracted to me?”
Reon froze. “T-Tendou?”
Tendou was notoriously hard to read, but Reon kind of figured that he wasn’t the type to be anything less than painfully overt with romantic affections.
“I... I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I think if Tendou was attracted to you, he would let you know,” Reon said. “I'd guess he just considers you his best friend.” He hoped his answer would satisfy whatever frenzy the guy had worked himself into so Reon could finally take advantage of his last precious hours of sleep.
But instead, Ushijima visibly deflated in front of him. “Yes. That’s what I thought too,” he said miserably.
Oh, Reon realized. Oh no...
Executive Excursion by DeathBelle (E)    
Tendou is fun, quirky, and interesting.
Ushijima is none of the above.
It's no surprise that Ushijima is drawn to Tendou's magnetic personality. What's surprising is that Tendou seems to like Ushijima, too.
With a little support from his coworkers, Ushijima decides to take a chance and ask Tendou on a date. The results are better than expected.
fascinating facts about geckos by miracleboysatori (T)        
Ushijima Wakatoshi.
That’s the coach’s name. And he’s the new biology teacher on campus, so not only is he incredibly beautiful, he's also smart as hell.
Tendou can tell he’s completely doomed.
Affection, and other Quantifiable Actions by badbavarois (T)   
(He's a monster) Ushijima Wakatoshi isn't a monster.            
Misc/ Other ships
but not for spring to well up by tookumade (T)  OsaSuna 
After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.           
the more things change by deadseasalt (E)  OiKage   
“So let me get this straight. You went to the Meiji-Chuo game and saw your old crush and after watching Meiji bring Chuo to a crushing defeat, you realized you were still crushing on him big time?”
Kageyama wishes he could spit in Tsukishima’s drink. “It’s not a crush.”
Tsukishima laughs. “You poor dumb fuck.”
Third Impression by DeathBelle (E) Kuroo x Semi
If Semi has a type, Kuroo isn't it.
After their first meeting, Semi concludes that Kuroo is smug, presumptuous, and a little too flirtatious for his own good. Their second encounter doesn't change his mind, and Semi does his best to avoid a third.
Kuroo has other ideas, and Semi finds himself tricked into an impromptu tutoring session with Kuroo himself.
It doesn't go as badly as Semi expects.
Mannequin Men by surveycorpsjean  (E) BokuAkaKuroTsukki
The modeling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path.
In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
Efflorescence by h_lovely (E) MatsuHana
"Are we flirting?"   "Do you want to be?"
[Efflorescence (n.) a state of blooming, flowering, and development.]
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
xvii. “Oikawa’s Worst Nightmare” • Two
Smau Masterlist
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Written Part
Wc: 2.2 k words
7:43 PM 
“I am so sorry love, wake up for me, yeah?” He puts on a sad smile, he wanted to hold your hand but he felt too undeserving to do so. How could he hold you when he caused this? “I’ll be better next time, I’ll be my best, I’ll do anything for you,” he promises, his eyes holding so much pain as they looked at you, he just felt so responsible for what happened to you.
Oikawa sat on a not so comfortable chair beside your bed, scanning the bandage on your head, the light purple bruise on your right cheekbone and the slight scratches on your arms. He could never forgive himself, not that he wanted for that to happen to you, but he really could’ve tried harder or did something better in order to prevent this right? 
“Y/n,” he mutters under his breath, his voice hoarse from the crying after the match ended. The entire match, he held it in, he held it all in- the pain, his worry, the suffocating guilt, it all made his hands shake and his mind a mess, he knew he sucked so bad during the game. He didn’t care that he looked so pathetic, he didn’t care who had seen his tear stained eyes and heard his sobs- he just bolted, leaving his bag, because he just had to see you. 
He was about to caress your cheek, his fingertips almost touching your skin when he hears someone scoff behind him. Turning around, he sees Kageyama with his arms crossed, a scowl on his face as his eyes sharply glare at Oikawa. 
“I’ll take it from here,” he says, “go home or whatever,” he adds, his tone icy as he approaches Oikawa and stands beside him, waiting for him to get up from the chair. “I’m not going anywhere, Tobio-chan,” he responds without looking away from you, his voice devoid of its usual liveliness. 
“I’ll stay with her,” Oikawa says more firmly when Kageyamas huffs at him. “You have no right to!” He slightly races his voice and immediately winces as he receives a kick on the shin from Oikawa. “I understand the resentment but shut the fuck up Tobio-chan, she’s resting,” he says with a fake sweet smile as he looks up at him. 
“You don’t deserve to be by her side,” he scoffs and Oikawa stands up from his chair to be on eye-level with him. “It’s not like you do either,” Oikawa bites back, his childishness getting the best of him. “If you wanna say something then let’s take this outside, you’ve been enough of a pain for her already,” Kageyama sneers and when Oikawa chuckles at him, he felt like he could punch your boyfriend right there on the spot. 
“If you wanna go outside, do so on your own Tobio-chan, I’ll stay here with y/n,” he says with a sigh, remembering where he was- in your hospital room- he had to be at his best and most mature behavior. He was supposedly done with arguing with the fuming boy but he was caught in surprise when he was yanked by his collar. 
“Drop the act, let me see you crumble Oikawa-san,” he says and Oikawa knew exactly what he was talking about. Tobio saw right through his pretending, there was no way in hell he was okay enough to exchange some petty comebacks with his junior because at any moment he was gonna have a breakdown from all his emotions. “You know you’re not good enough for her, no matter how serious you are with her right now, no matter how much you care, you’ve been really shitty in the past right? You really didn’t approach her with good intentions at first, y/n knew that and accepted you but look at where that got her, Oikawa-san,” he spitefully says in a low voice, “all because of you.” 
Oikawas eyes were slightly wide, Tobio was right, spot-on correct. He was tongue-tied, he knew he couldn’t argue back at that at all. “If you care about her like you say you do, then leave her alone, break up with her or whatever,” but that just drove Oikawa over the edge. Yes he was still unworthy of you, but he knew how much you loved each other and leaving you was totally not the answer. 
“I’ll marry y/n Tobio-chan, I already bought a ring so shut up about it,” he clicks his tongue in annoyance, he understood why Kageyama was mad at him, he was thankful you had such a friend, but to tell him to break up with you? “Face it Tobio, you’re just pathetically using this as an excuse to a drive a wedge between us but that would only make my princess unhappy, I couldn’t possibly do that now can I?” He knew just what to say to piss off the boy.
Blinded by anger, he was about to throw a punch right across Oikawa’s jaw but a firm tug at the back of his collar pulls him away from Toru. “I will throw your asses right out that window,” Iwaizumi glares at the both of them. “If you wanna kill each other then do it outside, I’ll watch over y/n,” he says and the two setters just stand there in silence. “Oh, and Tobio, Hinata’s outside.” 
They both look at Iwaizumi as he approaches you, placing a gentle hand on the top of your head as he shows a soft smile. “I’m sorry you have to be with these idiots,” he mutters and Oikawa could be heard scoffing childishly at the background. They all still when you slowly squint your eyes a few times before they open. 
Oikawa just stares at you with wide eyes, feeling his chest lighten at the sight of you finally waking up. “Iwa,” you say with a smile and you may or may not have seen Iwaizumi’s eyes get glossy as he says, “y/n ever so dramatic, what took you so long to wake up.” And you just chuckle at him. 
You try to push yourself up and instantly grip your head as a short but painful throbbing appears at the area you fell on. Kageyama was quick to move to your side and Iwa respectfully gives space for your best friend. “Tobio!” You say with so much enthusiasm that he just felt so happy. 
“Y/n are you okay? Does it hurt? Should I-” but you cut him off as you wrap your arms around his neck, ignoring the pain at your sides. “Don’t get so worried now, bakaa!” You grin at him as you pull away. You cup his cheeks in your hands and scan his eyes, and as you do so, you feel how hot his skin was against yours. 
“Hey you’re burning up,” you scold as you put your hand on his forehead and he just pulls your hands away and holds them in his. “You feeling okay? Does it hurt anywhere?” He asks and you just shake your head and suddenly remember the events of a while ago- more importantly your beloved Toru’s match. 
“Tobio what time is it? Oh crap the match! Wait Iwa’s here! Where’s Toru?” You panic and immediately go quiet when your eyes land on him. He was standing a few feet behind Iwa, he didn’t know how to react. He may also have felt so small when he saw how happy you were to see Tobio, you both looked too close and familiar with each other that he actually wonders for a second how you managed to choose him. 
“Toru,” you pout as your bottom lip quivers and the three of them immediately panic as you were about to cry. Iwaizumi clears his throat before resting a hand on Kageyama’s shoulder, lightly pushing him outside with him. He wanted to oppose but he’d rather not be here either because he didn’t want to see the both of you together anyway. 
So now you were both alone and he still does not take a step towards you, he didn’t understand himself either. Was it the guilt? Or was it the indescribable feeling he felt as he saw how at home you looked with Kageyama? All thoughts were diminished when he sees you bury you face in your hands.
“Y/n, baby, what’s wrong?” He asks as he swiftly makes it to your side, sitting beside you on the bed. His tenses when you hug his waist, burying your face against his chest; he was surprised, but he soon recovers and hugs you back carefully after that. You both held each other, and he patiently waited for you to finish crying as he strokes your hair. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your match,” you sniffle, pulling away from him and he was left speechless. You were crying about that?! “Y/n what- that’s okay, it doesn’t matter, I was so worried about you,” he tells you and you could hear the pain in his voice. Observing him closely, you notice his puffy eyes and you could tell he had been crying. 
“Y/n please forgive me for Jen, if I wasn’t- well if I hadn’t gotten into anything with her, or if I hadn’t been involved with you-” and you cut him off with a kiss. “If you hadn’t, then neither of us would be this happy,” you say in a stern voice. “Don’t you dare blame yourself Toru, you’ll only make me sad,” you tell him and he bites his tongue to keep himself from saying any more about how sorry he was. 
“Come here,” you sigh as you take in the sight of him, opening up your arms; he was clearly fatigued, and his puffy eyes made your heart ache. He doesn’t refuse your hug at all and practically throws himself at you, hiding his face at the crook of your neck as he allowed himself to be vulnerable, whispering a lot of apologies and promises on how he’d never allow anything to hurt you in any way ever again. 
You feel his shoulders lightly shake as he tried to silence his sobs, though you felt his tears anyway, “you’ve had a rough day,” you sigh as you rub his back soothingly, he had just told you about the match they lost too. He pulls away, a pout on his lips as he looks at your face. “Y/n, I love you, I love you so much, and you- you love me too much and I just wanna thank you, uhm, because you stayed and you make me wanna love everything about life,” he rambles on and you simply hug him again.
“I love you so much, my precious Toru” you whisper the last part as you snuggle against him, oblivious to the fact that hearing you say that made his heart clench with so much love and adoration for you.  
A few minutes later, Iwaizumi and Kageyama head back inside and stop in their tracks the moment they see the both of you. He was still sitting beside you, you had your cheek against his chest, your arms around his waist, and he just held you securely so you wouldn’t fall. “Uh, she fell asleep,” he sheepishly says at the two who had just entered. 
Iwaizumi chuckles at the sight. “You’ll stay the night?” He asks his friend. “Of course, and the doctor told me she could be discharged by tomorrow evening if all goes well,” he smiles as he looks down at you, all cozied up in his arms. 
“Hey Iwa, could you maybe watch her for a bit? I’m starving,” he asks, and Iwa notices how Toru had now let go of whatever guilt and sadness he has been feeling a while ago. He was quite amazed actually, Oikawa had a thick skull, it was hard to pull him away from his thoughts, but with you he believes and does anything. 
“Sure,” Iwa replies and Oikawa carefully tries to tear you off him but you slightly whine, opening your drowsy eyes to look at him. “You’re leaving?” You ask and he chuckles at you. “Of course not princess, I’ll just-” 
“Okay so let’s sleep,” you grumble, tugging at his waist so that he lies down with you. He positions your head on top of his arm and felt so content when you wrap an arm around his torso with your face snuggled into him. “We’ll just eat breakfast together,” he tells Iwaizumi before turning his back so that he was now facing you. 
Without saying another word, Kageyama walks off, he didn’t know if it was even possible but the sight of the two of you that way actually made him feel even sicker. 
“Toru I’ll die if you leave me,” you whisper, barely awake and he just hums in response, trying his best not to fall asleep himself because he wanted to listen to whatever you’d be saying while you were asleep. 
“I’ll wear your jersey some other time.” He chuckles softly, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. He found it so adorable how you’ve been looking forward to wearing his jersey and cheering for him as much as he did. 
“Toru, don’t ever leave,” you say again and when he doesn’t answer, “you’ll never leave my side, right?” You ask and he pauses for a while. 
“I’ll be right by your side at all times y/n,” he assures, kissing your lips for a brief moment. “Now go to sleep and rest up, my love.” 
It had been quite a while since you’ve fallen deeply asleep and he just looks at you, caressing your cheeks lightly with his fingers. “I’ll stay, y/n,” he sighs. “I’ll let go of Brazil for you,” he mutters to himself as he looks away from you and up at the ceiling in thought. 
“Who am I kidding, I’d stay here even if you’d ask me to leave,” he chuckles at his silly self, so deeply in love. He was so sure of you that he had indeed already bought a ring.
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hinataxsunshine · 1 year
FMK: Kuina, Chishiya, Niragi
“Ah.. that’s a really hard one!! I like Kuina, I really love her. But I’m not into girls.. so my answer would be;
Fuck Niragi
Marry Chishiya
And Kill Kuina “
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baronvonriktenstein · 2 years
no no you understood the assignment, ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONNNSSSSSSSS LET'S DO IT AGAINNN
is there something that's already been invented that you would've liked to invent, or maybe discover or name? what's something you would like to get "the recognition" for?
fuck marry, kill, saw trap: henry townshend, data star strek, yugioh, hinata naruto
what's one of your old catchphrases? mine used to be "cool beans" when i was in high school
what's a dessert or dish from another country you're dying to try? i'm fucking losing it wanting to try authentic korean black bean noodles
if you were a silly little youtuber what would your channel be and what's your hottest discourse
oh I mostly meant "pick one video" "idk here's 5" "here's 3 cosplays" lol it's fun!!! 💚💚💚💚💚
I can't really think of anything... Although if I had invented chocolate oranges.... maybe, maybe
oh no!! hmmmmmm this is rough this is rough Fuck: Henry Marry: Hinata Nartbort Kill: Data (this hurts but at least I'm not super emotionally attached to Star Trek but he ain't deserve this) Saw Trap: Yugioh because ok early yugioh vibes pretty well with saw trap but like funny (Yugi the character does not deserve this but-...)
Oh I don't remember. Uhmmmmmmmmm I think I did used to say "cool beans" too lol. "Hella?" I think I said "Awesome Sauce" too!!
Oh neat!!, hmmmmmmm I don't think about it much but... I wanna try a good Katsudon? And this one's not a dish exactly, but I do wanna go to a Korean BBQ place someday.
You got me. I'd probably be one of those channels that talks extensively about anime, only I'd only talk about Saiyuki so it'd be a very niche channel. This would require me to get better at deep insightful evaluations. lol
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tobio Kageyama x F!Reader ( part 9 )
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❝ goodbyes hurt when the story is not finished, but the book is closed. tell me, have we started a new one? ❞
description: it had been years since you and kageyama broke up. it had been years since the two of you left each other, hatred brewing. fate works in funny ways, you thought, as you caught his eye across the café. love works in funny ways, you thought, as you woke up in his bed the next morning, his fiance calling his phone.
genre: forbidden love, cheating, ex lovers, (all characters are aged up)
word count: 2,109
warnings/notes: im so sorry for the delayed update!! midterms have been kicking my ass. anyway. only one part left!
tag list: @kara-grayson04​ @sadhwstudent​ @unlikelytigerqueen​ @kageyamavibes​ @monviemoo​ @tazzi-baby​ @1800xibal​ @amirahroronoa​ @lozzybowe​ @stinkybitch1919​​ @sillykittt​​ @pinknugget​​ @celamoon​​ @bokutosworld​​ @elianetsantana​​ @chao01248​​ @vhskenma​​ @yoitsseulgi​​ @milegonzalez96​​ @doremifa-so-fucking-done​​ @cuddlejeongin​​ @yeahhemmings-​ @melanieacademy​ @killuaking​ @animewhore28​
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The second that the words left Oikawa’s mouth, he was paralyzed. He hadn’t expected to say it. His eyes were wide, skin flushed and mouth agape. Surprise and regret immediately masked his anger.
He couldn’t even move as you turned and left.
Let’s paint the picture, shall we? You, a girl who still had an incredible amount of love for your ex boyfriend to the extent that you were comfortable being the mistress in his affair. Kageyama, said ex boyfriend who still had a lot of unresolved feelings for you to the point where he had considered (on more than one account) disregarding his entire upcoming wedding. And Oikawa, your best friend and fuck buddy for the past five plus years who had just accidentally revealed that he was, in fact, in love with you.
Let’s just say that you walked a lot that day.
You walked through the city until the sky turned dark. You walked along the neon lights, through the park, and back into the city streets. You walked near the water, you walked past hundreds of people. It was incredibly melodramatic.
It wasn’t until you realized that you were actually tired, and your feet hurt, that you sat on a bench. It was pretty secluded. The bench sat facing the water, the city behind it, and you did nothing but sit.
A body sat beside yours, on the complete opposite side of the bench with as much space as possible between you. You almost giggled to yourself, despite everything.
“Hey.” The person spoke, and you knew who it was. There was only one person on the face of the earth that would take it upon themselves to be that respectful to sit on the opposite side of the bench you were sitting alone at, at night.
“Hey, Hinata.” You looked up at him. He’d grown a lot since high school.
“You found my bench.”
“Your bench?”
He chuckled, making you smile. “No, not my bench. But the bench I like to sit at when I have a lot to think about.”
“So, you would sit and think about volleyball on this bench?”
“Yeah.” He smiled brightly. There’s something about Shoyo Hinata that made it impossible not to smile. “It’s really pretty here. And there’s a lot of good food behind us.”
You turned back to the water, eyes scanning for answers.
“I’m still in love with Kageyama.” You told him.
“I know.”
“And Oikawa just told me that he was in love with me.”
“Wait, really? Finally!” He stopped himself. “I mean. I knew that, too.”
“Does everyone tell you everything?”
“Yeah, usually.” He moved a little bit closer, but not by much. “If you think you know someone’s secrets, I’m sure I already know about it.”
“Even Tsuki?”
“You mean how Hana cheated on him with Kageyama and now you are going to the wedding with him, him being Tsuki, to make them both jealous?”
“Damn. You’re insane.”
“Nah, I’m just a short stack of secrets.”
Another bubble of laughter. 
“You don’t plan to ruin the wedding, do you?” Hinata asked. 
You shook your head. “No, no. We aren’t monsters. We just want to make the two of them shake in their boots a bit. There’s way too much money being spent for us to ruin the wedding. Besides, I would somehow end up being the one sending out apology letters to family and friends for coming.”
“Yeah that would be embarrassing.”
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The wedding was the next day.
You didn’t go to the rehearsal, and even took it upon yourself to stay the night at Tsukishima’s.
When you arrived at his door with a bag (that you quickly snatched of necessities from Kageyama and Hana’s), Tsuki just opened the door and simply asked you to join him in watching a murder mystery podcast. You accepted.
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“Why can’t I wear a fucking suit?” You complained as you shoved yourself into the nicest dress you owned. It was beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and hugged you in exactly the right places. You just hated the process of getting ready.
“Because you look great in that dress. Now hurry up because we don’t want to be the only ones late.”
You left Tsuki’s bathroom in full glam.
You watched Tsuki’s eyes shift from your chest to your eyes. You smirked. “I guess the dress works.”
“It definitely works.” Tsuki rolled his eyes, bringing his arm up for you. You linked your arm through.
“You guys have fun!!” Yamaguchi called from the living room. You waved as you walked by. “Holy shit, you guys look likes gods.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you cuss.” You said.
“You’ve obviously never talked to him.” Tsuki scoffed. “We’ll be back later. Or, at least, I will be.”
“Don’t die. And don’t kill anyone!”
“No promises.”
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Tobio Kageyama always thought that on his wedding day, you would be the one walking down the aisle in white.
He would never admit it; but to be completely honest, he had thought about it a lot during the duration of your relationship. He had imagined standing at the end of the aisle and you walking down, and kissing you as man and wife. It was a stupid imagination for a high school relationship, but he did imagine it.
He watched as you walked into the building by yourself. He was greeting everyone, welcoming them before the wedding and telling the women where to find Hana in her dressing room.
You were absolutely stunning in the most brilliant red dress he had ever seen. The wedding was white and blue, and you stood out in the most amazing way he had ever witnessed.
Kageyama couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you turn to the door, where Tsukishima just entered. His stomach churns when he sees you greet him with a hug and the two of you laugh at something Tsukishima said. And he hates how evidently the man is your date.
He has to physically stop himself from chasing after you when you pull Tsuki by the hand and drag him through the sea of bodies to where a few members of the old volleyball team are (ie Hinata, Daichi, Suga, and Noya).
His heart leaps violently against the bones of his chest when a thought floods into his mind. The thought that you were with Tsukishima, the thought that you knew of everything that happened since you’ve been gone.
He felt as though he couldn’t breathe.
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You kept yourself at Tsuki’s side the entire time.
There was a little get together before the actual wedding. Everyone just stood around and chatted with everyone that they only get to see once a year, greeting the groom and making him more nervous. After a bit, it would be time to sit down and watch the ceremony.
The thought made you want to eat dirt.
Tsuki put his hand on your waist and you looked up at him. The two of you were still in the middle of talking to the old volleyball boys, Hinata talking about his travels.
“He can’t take his eyes off of you.” Tsuki muttered into your hair. It wasn’t unnoticed by Daichi and Suga, who just exchanged a look (as they always seemed to be all knowing).
“Just wait until Hana gets her eyes on you.” You lean into his side. “She won’t make it down the aisle.”
He chuckled and placed a kiss on your temple, feeling the eyes of Kageyama on your back.
“The man of the hour.” Daichi spoke up.
Kageyama appeared beside you. Tsuki’s hand stayed on your waist.
“How are you feeling?” Suga asked, eyes shifting between you and him. You could swear he knew more than you could ever imagine.
“Good, good.” Kageyama plastered a fake smile on his face. “Just nervous.”
“Well that’s normal.”
“Can I borrow her for a second?” Kageyama turned to Tsukishima. You blinked. “I just have to talk to her for a second.”
“Yeah.” Tsuki let go of your waist. He sent you a look, basically telling you to fuck the shit outta him in the broom closet.
“I’ll be right back!” you sent them a smile.
Kageyama looked absolutely delicious in his suit. Black, with a little bit of blue accents throughout. It brought out his eyes. You couldn’t focus as you followed him to an empty room.
“If you have something you have to say, you could’ve said it out there.”
“No I.” I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I should just leave with you right now and run away and get married and live in a forest. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Instead, “What are you doing here with Tsukishima?”
“What do you mean? He’s my date.” You shrugged.
“Yes. But why?”
“You expected me to come to your wedding by myself?” You blinked. “Or, rather, you expected Tsuki to come by his lonesome?”
“No, I…”
“That’s a bit selfish, don’t you think Kags?” You felt anger rising in your chest. “To think that I can’t have a date to a wedding when you’re literally getting married.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?” You were exasperated. “It’s incredibly clear how you think of me, Kageyama. But as for someone who will never be loved by anyone, it’s nice to go to a wedding with…”
“You’re loved by me!”
It was the first time in Kageyama’s life where he truly understood what earth-shattering silence was. It was deafening and loud; too loud. He stood there motionless as the howling of his blood pumping in his head, his heartbeat inside his chest. You were silent.
His world seemed to have stopped the second he had said those words to you. The moment those words left his lips, he wished to take them back. Not because they were lies, but because it was the first time he had said them in the most honest way possible.
You shook your head.
You shook your head and Kageyama’s world shattered. He knew that he had hurt you, over and over and time and time again. But he had done it. He had hurt you to the point that you would simply shake your head at the confession of his love.
Whatever was left of whatever the hell was still there was gone.
“Kags,” You closed your eyes. “You don’t. I’m not.”
“I do.” He reached for your hand. You backed away.
“Me and Tsuki coming to your wedding together was not to get you to tell me that you love me.” You were muttering. You were babbling. You couldn’t do this. “It was to get you jealous, yes, but.. not this. Maybe rile you up. Get Hana to admit her bullshit for sure. But not… not this.”
“You are getting married today.” You reminded him. “To Hana. You’re getting married to her. Today. And I cannot do another confession like that.”
“Who else has confessed to you?”
“Oikawa.” You said before you could think.
“Tooru Oikawa told you that he was in love with you?” Kageyama laughed as though it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. You basically heard your heart break.
“See? That right there?” You headed for the door. “That’s why you can’t possibly be in love with me. You’re so fucking convinced that I can’t be loved by anyone because I fucking moved away in high school. Jesus, Kageyama, get over it!”
“Sorry, sorry.” He was literally wiping tears from his face. “It’s just. I knew it. I fucking knew it.” He stopped when he seen your face. “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Seriously fuck you.” You moved to open the door to go back to your date and get ready for the ceremony. Because this was for Tsuki, not you.
You started to walk out, but turned to him with a glance over your shoulder. “By the way, I’ve been in love with you for years. This shouldn’t be new information.”
You didn’t stay to gauge his reaction.
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gumidols · 4 years
Komahina Family AU
•Makoto is the baby
•So is Komaru
•There’s a 15 year age gap between Hajime and Nagito and Makoto and Komaru
•Hajime and Nagito are 23 when Makoto is 5 and Komaru is 4
•so when Makoto is 15 they’re 30, and when he’s 19 they’re 34
•Hajime’s a Police Officer
•Nagito is a fashion designer
•and he’s over his whole “Fuck anyone who isn’t an ultimate” phase
•Hajime helped him with that
•But it comes back in full force after Junko’s done with him
•Hajime finds Makoto and Komaru in a burnt down house and says fuck it and adopts them
•He didn’t think things through
•His Ultimate Dad instincts came thru ig
•Hajime did the Izuru Kamukura project in high school
•but nothing happens
•Or so he thinks
•it was just like inactivated
•or was it?
•Why can’t I just give you a straight answer?
•cause I’m a bitch
•Junko’s 19 and she manages to manipulate 16 adults
•Hajime gives Makoto the middle name Chiaki because she insisted
•but for some reason they didn’t give it to Komaru
•because she thought Makoto was a girl and he was the oldest
•So his name is Makoto Chiaki Hinata
•Nagito took Hajime’s last name because he wants to distance himself from the Komeada name
•His dad was a dick
(•he still died tho)
•Nagito thinks he’s gonna be a dick and a bad parent to Makoto and Komaru because of this and ends up distancing himself cause he’s scared of his luck and he just buys them things
•he’s rich as fuck, from both the inheritance and all the money he makes from being one of the most popular fashion designers in the world. He has a massive company and could practically do anything. Hundreds of companies are trying to buy his business including the Togami’s but Nagito’s refused them all
•he’s basically the Gabriel Agreste of Danganronpa but with a better fashion sense
•Makoto the fucking 5 year old goes into therapist and lecture mode and tells Nagito that just buying them things isn’t going to work and that he doesn’t need to buy things for them to love him. He is incredibly mature. Well as mature as a 5 year old can be. He says it in a childish way but it’s the thought that counts
•after that Nagito learns that Makoto is immune to his luck. Not Komaru, only Makoto
•On the first day of HPA, Makoto has like a really big fight with Hajime, who doesn’t want him to go there because he knows how shitty it is, and Hajime says “I lik ur g cut” and smacks him
•When he comes back they make up sure but Makoto can’t remember that since Junko wiped his memories from that day onward
•so for the entire killing game Makoto is scared that he’s going to die without being able to apologize to his dad
•and it almost convinces him to kill
•but then Maizono beats him to it
•Makoto, Komaru, Hajime and Nagito all have like a lot of fond memories together like baking, playing tag and hide and seek, shit like that
•Just thought you should know
•when Makoto is 19, Junko strikes and kidnapps all of the previous members of class 77 (63 in this au)
•Makoto is still in class 78 btw
•Chiaki is pitted against children
•obviously she goes ham and wins, making it to the goal
•then she gets speared
•Junko met Izuru like a good few months earlier
•turns out he was taking over Hajime’s body after he fell asleep and just walked around, bored out of his mind
•how nobody knows this or noticed this when Hajime and Nagito sleep in the same bed I don’t fucking know Ultimate Luck or sum shit. Ultimate Spy? Smh
•Junko tries to convince him to murder Nagito, Makoto, and Komaru, telling him that he’ll feel massive despair and that he’ll never be bored again
•Izuru declines
•he doesn’t truly know why
•the previous members are still really close to this day, with it being normal to see any of them randomly at the Hinata household
•Souda to this day is chasing after the already married Sonia and Gundahm
•”She’s just playing hard to get!”
•you caught me the only reason I wanted to make this au is because I wanted to write Makoto calling Souda and everyone else Aunties and Uncles fucking fight me
•Uncle Souda, Aunt Sonia, Uncle Gundahm, Aunt Mahiro, Aunt Hiyoko, you get the drill it’s fucking adorable
•Hinata and Nagito are the only ones with children, with Sonia and Gundam having started getting ready for their honeymoon
•They’re all really close so when Chiaki dies they all go HAHHAH DESPAIRRR and then while Hajime is despaired Izuru takes over his body completely, believing to have erased Hajime’s existence completely
•I’ll give you hint, he’s not completely erased
•Komaru, who was waiting in the car, goes into the school
•Uh oh
•Makoto, hearing the commotion, runs out of his classroom even though his teachers told him to stay as the school burns down, along with the reserve building
•(yea, the reserve course is still going. Jin is a fucking snake)
•Then he watches Nagito shoot his sister
•she lives, because it was only a shoulder hit, but Makoto thinks she died
•Nagito goes to finish Makoto off but Izuru beats him to it and throws a knife at him, making sure not to kill him
•the two have a really deep talk about why they were doing this, with Makoto begging Izuru to remember him and calling him ‘Daddy’ but not in the sexual way but in the ‘I’m scared and I need comfort and I know you still love me somewhere in there dad’ way in complete pain and anguish and it’s fucking hurting me to write
•after he’s passed out Kamukura wipes his memories, and heals him so he can go into the killing game
•Makoto in the killing game talks incredibly fondly of his family, and it’s obvious that he cares for them a lot, to the point of even contemplating murder to keep them safe
•Makoto’s mood can switch at the drop of a literal hat, because while he may not be Hajime and Nagito’s birth son, he still takes after them a lot thanks to their influence
•so Makoto can go from caring angel, to pissed off grouchy ass, to fucking hoping psychopath, in the span of mere seconds, although he mostly goes into crazed compliment all ultimates mode to make people (cough Munakata, Juzo and Togami cough) leave him alone or when he wants to get out of situations
•he also has a switch in one of his pockets, and a game boy in the other, kudos of Chiaki
•the real reason he wears a hoodie is to hold all those games
•At random times he can just flash from normal guy trying to figure out class trials to a fucking psychopath that’s apparently so fucking scary and intimidating that the Genocider herself admits to being terrified of him when he gets like that, the rest of his classmates agreeing never to piss him off
•Byakuya excluded. He’s still terrified of Nagito mode Makoto but he still fucks him over multiple times
•Later, Byakuya finds out that Makoto has more money then him, and he goes absolutely bonkers
•if anyone asks why Togami asked for a few custom made suits they’re all getting executed
•Makoto’s like really good at sewing
•Like really good
•Like give the Ultimate Seamstress a run for her money kinda good
•Like he touches a needle and suddenly you can’t stop him. Komaru and Hinata learned the hard way not to give him and Nagito both needles and put them in the workshop together. They wouldn’t come out for days.
•Makoto refuses to admit this though, and thinks he sucks at sewing
•Makoto is always embarrassed to invite people/friends to his house, because of his parents, but they always end up loving them because of how fun they are
•Makoto is always grumpy by the end and asks them ‘Have YOU had to be in their presence for more then a few hours?’
•After learning about the Tragedy, about how both of his parents played gigantic roles in it, how they put him into the killing game and wiped his memories, and how they ‘killed’ Komaru and almost killed him, he still forgives them without a second thought, both during the killing game, and after Hinata and Nagito wake up. He stated that he knows it wasn’t their faults, and that the person who really killed Komaru was her, Junko.
•When Makoto is executed, his luck manages to save him, managing to shock both Nagito and even Kamukura, who both initially thought that he had no luck whatsoever, and was simply immune to Nagito’s luck
•Kamukura cares about Makoto a lot, taking care of him in ways that only resemble fatherly urges. He’ll threaten and kill anyone who puts Makoto’s safety at risk, and is over protective and incredibly overbearing
•he refuses to admit it though
•He pretends he doesn’t care and A.I Junko finds it incredibly amusing
•he threatens the FF daily you didn’t need to know that I just wanted you to imagine Kamukamu as a Karen
•Like they think he’s finally come to kill them but instead he just switches to Junko’s teacher personality and all hell breaks loose
•Ok but Kamukura in a ponytail and glasses like #blessed
•Nagito also wears reading glasses. And he keeps his hair tied in a ponytail. Normally. Just thought you should know
•Hajime also has reading glasses
•Makoto also has a gun
•That escalated quickly
•Like Nagito got him a glock without telling Hajime and he’s just hiding it in his jacket
•He’s literally just Nagito 2.0 with Hajime traits and it’s scaring everyone
•He also has a rusty hello kitty pocket knife
•Multiple rusty hello kitty pocket knifes
•nevermind, that’s why he has so many pockets
•also for pens
•Why? Do you think I know?
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uzumak1dump · 3 years
i don’t exactly remember where i found these questions but i really enjoy answering them… anyway, this has been sitting on my drafts for way too long so here it goes lol
Favorite male character/s?
naruto, gaara and shino
well naruto is a giveaway lol, gaara coz i just freaking love his character development, he’s a fucking killing machine i am honestly scared back then but now he’s a walking sunflower enigma who loves his friend naruto, shino bc he is actually really funny without knowing he’s funny which makes him more funny lol plus my boy got da drip
Favorite female character/s?
hinata and temari
hinata coz hello, she’s like the loml! i’d fight for her lol temari coz she has big dick energy and also she’s the sister i want growing up, i think it also stems from my love for the sand siblings coz like they’re weird and are all equally crazy, i mean, daz mah jam.
Comfort character?
Favorite soundtrack/s?
idk if this is an official soundtrack but “Strong and Strike”. when i fucking hear this starting to play in the background i lose my shit. you hear the drum beats and you know the villains are truly fucked. you know it’s time for the fucking trump card. i also like listening to “gaara’s childhood theme” when i’m feeling melancholic. AND BLUE BIRD!!! HOW CAN I FORGET THIS SONG IM GONNA PLAY IT IN MY FUNERAL
Favorite scene?
oh kami this is hard. hmmmm, i got so many! but i’m gonna go with this one
LMAO LOOK AT HOW DETERMINED LEE’S FACE WAS AND NEJI WAS SO DONE WITH HIM KDJDJDHDHD neji and lee’s friendship would be one of the funniest for me like lee pushing neji to do the most ridiculous stuff. ahhhhhh they really should’ve let hiashi go instead of neji :/
If you could meet an anime character who would it be?
oh wow can i say the whole naruto characters? except for danzo cuz he creeps me out. ok wait hmm my answer would deffo be naruhina and team 8 but if i meet them i’ll probably cling to them until the end of time… so i’m going to say.. suigetsu? coz he’s funny and crazy unstable, we might accidentally raise armageddon or something. also thinking of kankuro, so we can like scare the living shit out of kids with his puppets also he’s one crack character, too so i think i’ll have fun. maybe we can diss gaara until he chokehold us with his sand or tease temari on how she thought shika asked her to do it until she fan our ass out of suna lol
Which character is most similar to you in terms of personality?
hmmm man idk, kushina? maybe bc i ramble a lot irl lol idk idk
Favorite thing about naruto?
the fact that they have hinata in it 😅 and the talk no jutsus. and the fight scenes. the fight scenes are dayum.
Least favorite thing about naruto?
how badly female characters were developed lol
Favorite ship?
guess! loool, naruhina X)
Favorite crack ship?
shikamaru x neji - idk why but they look so cute in my eyes. you know like 2 boring kids who think like they’re 60 yr old geezers, idk why they haven’t play shogi together, i actually think neji can beat shikamaru in it and shika will be so shocked and immediately fall in love. plus they both have long hair. shikamaru asking neji how he grew his hair without a hint of split ends or how he maintain his silky hair something like that. they’ll get married and have that boring, lowkey relationship. shika coming home to neji babysitting himawari, them talking about some village budget cuts or diplomatic things while himawari braid neji’s hair and mirai with shikamaru’s. it’s cute to think about.
Favorite fight scene?
madara vs might guy. i watch it everytime i feel down. might guy fucking disrespected madara like that. i love it. 11/10. lives in my mind, rent-free. and and and itachi vs kakashi coz they’re hot lol
Favorite jutsu/s?
gentle step twin lion fists ;) and any hyuga clan jutsu, also i love eight gates, frakin sick it’s so cool but the jutsu i always like hearing is the uchiha’s katon no jutsus. itachi saying “katon” makes me go feral
Favorite art style?
hmmm i’m not really meticulous with the art style… actually i’m not sure to what definition of art style this pertains to like is this like the design of the character? idk but im just gonna go with that. yeah, i really dig the inuzukas’. it’s kinda edgy, the red fang markings really makes them distinguishable amongst other characters. like i remember when i first watch naruto, kiba was one of the first character i find cool, bc a kid… with a RED TATTOO… IN HIS FACE. plus i also thought the fur in his jacket is his hair and he also has a dog!!! so i was like “damn he’s cool, me likey”
Favorite team?
TEAM 8 AND THE SAND SIBLINGS. pls don’t ask me why or this post will never end, thank u very much.
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