#fuck me this is superior seasons time i love it
paddockbunny · 2 months
Fraternisation Clause II
Summary : Working for McLaren is hard, being Lando’s PR girl is even harder….so maybe you need to make a tough decision that will be even harder yet Rating : 18+ Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader Word Count : 4005 words Trigger Warnings : language but clean, kissing but nothing NSFW Images : curated from Pintrest Authors Note : same as part 1, there’s a couple of bits that probably don’t make a whole lot of sense but hey, it’s a work of fiction people ☺️
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Sakhir ‘23
You fanned yourself with the notebook you were holding in your hands. You watched as the timings on the screen were continually switching, shifting, and jumping around. Every now and then you were writing things down in your little black notebook. Ideas, things to pitch to the team, notes about managerial style - in truth you just wanted to show people you were suited for the job. During winter break you caught up with your old superior and mentor Charlotte to give you some pointers and help with the step up. She was so helpful but reiterated to just “fake it til you make it”.
As your mind wandered your eyes panned over toward Toto Wolff and instantly you attempted to shrug off the feelings of imposter syndrome. He thought you were good enough. He wouldn’t have suggested you to the Chief PRM if he didn’t. You found out from Zak on your last day last season that Toto himself had enquired about you and called you a “hard little worker” which filled you with confidence. If he saw your potential then you needed to believe in yourself. In your head you internally repeated; “I am good enough, I deserve this position, I can do this.”
In the afternoon you walked down the paddock with your new ward, Lewis fucking Hamilton. The man was a God in your household. Ever since he entered F1 your whole motorsport mad family acted like he was the new messiah. You naturally loved him because it was who everyone was always rooting for and in all seriousness, he was the reason you wanted to work in the sport in the first place. You had several pinch me moments throughout the day. First when he handed you his phone to hold while he signed some autographs. The second when he sweetly placed a hand on your back to stop someone bumping into you. And the latest was when he complimented your sense of humour making you blush so hard you were scared your cheeks would become Ferrari red. It was as if you were in an alternative universe and you were living your childhood dreams. It was completely surreal. You weren’t to be his PR overseer but since they were currently not available due to the birth of their baby overlapping the beginning of the season you were happy to step in for the next coming few months.
Approaching the Mercedes garage you realised the euphoria feeling wasn’t to last long. Heading in the opposite direction (and straight toward you) was Lando (and the new girl they hired to replace you). You wanted him to catch your eye. You wanted him to at least smile at you. Lewis said hey as you all glided past one another. Lando nodded in response.
“Hey!” You took the opportunity when he was close to say hello and nothing. Zilch. Nada. He didn’t even look at you. “That was frosty,” Lewis looked at you. You didn’t want rumours to start or any questions raised so immediately lied. “Ah, he’s joking. When I left he said he would have to ignore me now I was a traitor.” I laughed and Lewis raised a small smile “Just don’t be a traitor to Mercedes and you’ll be fine.” He jested. But you bit into the inside of your lip as you felt nothing but sadness. Lando cut you off so easily and acted as if your friendship meant nothing to him. He didn’t even want to look at you. It was as if you didn’t exist now you were in white and not orange. You had spent many nights over winter break worried if you had done the right thing. You flip flopped between moving to Merc or leaving the sport all together. You felt like a teenager again concerned about a boy and friendships. But you also realised you were being completely ridiculous. If it were true what everyone joked about and he really did have feelings for you or even just a fondness for you, then he had to have known he was going to get hurt. There was no way he wouldn’t know about the fraternisation clause and him ignoring you really was because you were dead to him.
Australia ‘23
Race three and the third one that Lando had totally ignored you. And while you were annoyed, pissed off and frustrated you shrugged it off. If he wanted to act like a petulant child then fine. You had done nothing wrong. There was no point getting upset about it. You couldn’t force him to speak to you and you knew you couldn’t cause a scene even if you could. But you took the time to focus on work. It was important to you after all.
After qualifying - when Lewis came a disappointing 11th - the media duties were tedious and boring. The same questions being peddled again and again and again. It was monotonous and repetitive. So far it was the lowest Lewis had qualified in three races and none of the journalists’ failed to bring it up. No one could blame him for any of the answers he gave in response. You tried to get the rounds done as quick as possible and get Lewis out of there. It felt like it was taking forever till the final interview ended and the pair of you swiftly headed for the media pen exit. But the universe wanted to fuck with you today as while you and Lewis were heading out Lando and Chloe - his new PR officer - we’re heading in. There was no way you could hide. You braced yourself for the awkwardness of the situation.
“Lando….” You smiled and he just tiled his head back and turned his attention back to Lewis. You noted how Chloe clocked the international and prayed she would just ignore it. It was awkward enough and you didn’t want to have to answer questions that you didn’t even know the answer too. Small talk was exchanged between drivers before finally you could get back to work and get Lewis back in time for the Merc briefing.
Lewis headed away inside ahead of you and just as you were about to ascend the stairs when your name was called from behind and there was your former colleague Sarah who threw her arms around you.
“I’ve missed you! I can’t believe we haven’t seen each other since we got back” She held on to me tighter and you agreed with her. You missed the laughing and the camaraderie of being a part of that team. They were all wonderful humans who each made working a total pleasure - something you needed when you were away from home so much. Conversation flowed easily. You spoke about your new roles and how different Merc was to McLaren and she told you all about her new boyfriend. It twigged something inside of you and for some reason you took it as the perfect segway to ask about Lando.
“How is Chloe getting on? Is she managing Lando?” You smiled to show her you didn’t mean anything bad from your words. But she immediately gave you a look, one you knew exactly what she meant. “In one word, No!” She exclaimed. “She’s been struggling to gain his respect. I think shes not firm enough and is a bit too placid. He walks all over her. Its not like how he was with you. He’s being a bit of a pain in the arse to work with.” This you already knew if you were being honest. You had observed it yourself in the paddock.
“Do you think you could do something?” She asked and it truthfully took you aback. You hadn’t expected her to make this request of you. It took you aback considering Lando’s sudden distrust and even hatred toward you. With a sigh you admitted it for the first time;
“Sarah, I don’t know what I CAN do. He doesn’t speak to me anymore. He won’t even look at me. Ever since I left he acts like I’m poisonous or something.” She furrowed her brows in confusion. “Wait, what?” She expressed. “I don’t understand. He adored you. He talks about you so all the time!” She exclaimed. “He doesn’t speak to you anymore? Not even to say hi?” You shook your head. “Wow!”
“I know. I know we were just colleagues but it feels like I’ve lost my best friend, Sarah.” “Yeah it would, you spent so much time with him.” She sighed “Wait, you don’t think he’s actually y’know, been in love with you? I know we used to jest about it but…”
You shook your head. It was something you had spent hours upon hours considering. It was plausible and it wasn’t exactly as if it was what you had been afraid of when you left - not to mention WHY you left. At the absolute most he may have had a slight infatuation with you but that was it. You were now 100% positive of that. He wouldn’t have refused to look at you if he had remotely even fancied you.
China ‘23
That was where Lando finished. On the podium. You had to hide your smile and bite your inner cheek. Lewis finished P9 so it was another tough one. No one in the garage had even the faintest smile upon their faces when the race came to a close.
As Lewis gave his fourth interview you attempted to pay attention when behind you a jubilant, triumphant Lando waltzed into the media pen. You stared, his curls still wet from champagne clung to his forehead. He needed his hat. He always needed his hat after he had been up on the podium, he used it to control his hair so it didn’t get frizzy - he didn’t want to be on TV with frizzy hair you remembered. You looked at Chloe and it wasn’t in her hand so you wondered if she had forgotten. This was Sarah had been hinting at back in Aus. She wasn’t prepared enough and Lando was eating her alive. You knew how he could be and how he could get sometimes and you knew the tricks to calm him down. As Lewis moved on you quickly grabbed her arm.
“When he’s finished, give him water. He won’t drink it but he’ll use it to smooth his hair out a bit. Don’t worry about the hat. I did it too.” You had never once forgotten his hat but you didn’t want her to feel bad. She mouthed you a thank you and followed your advice immediately. Lando paid her no attention. You felt him staring at you. His eyes locked on you and you had no idea how to read it. It made you nervous which angered you. He had no right to make you feel nervous anymore.
His next interview was the one right beside you and Lewis. And you knew he stood closer to you on purpose. He was only a few feet behind. You could hear his answers, zoning out of Lewis’ completely. He was talking about the win and something that happened on track. He laughed at a joke and then started praising everyone at McLaren. He mentioned Chloe by name and you wondered if he was doing it on purpose. You were sure he was.
“Everything is going the right way and we’ve got a good team now, I have a good team behind me finally.” It was a gut punch. Lewis was finished and you turned off the recording on your phone. Your face had fallen and he immediately asked if you were ok. You nodded. Just a nod. Annoyance took over your body and you didn’t want to say something you might regret. Lewis’ hand gently caressed your back and if only your younger self could see you now. Soothed by Lewis Hamilton after being incensed by Lando Norris.
You could barely lead the PR team meeting you had been so distracted. You tried to give feedback on socials over the course of the weekend but kept thinking about how Lando had tried to throw you under the bus earlier. He had insinuated you were no good and it was such a grossly childishly, petulant stunt to pull. You struggled on to take notes on feedback from the team but you had let it stew inside you. So when finally you told everyone to head back to the hotel and get a drink to chill out, you tried to think of a way to sneak into the McLaren camp to speak to him (or give him a piece of your mind at least). You hadn’t realised but you had been sitting for a while just staring at the table. And it was Lewis who brought you out of your daze as he was walking past to head home.
“Are you sure you are ok?” You snapped and took a big inhale. The attempt you made to brush his concern off didn’t work. “Lando?” He asked “that was a dick answer today” you hadn’t realised he had heard it and you sighed while rolling your eyes. “You should talk to him.” “I can’t. He ignores me in the paddock and I can’t just waltz into his drivers room anymore.” “You can’t, but I can. Come on.” He as good as ordered you to stand up and follow him. You were going to get a bollocking for this. He shouldn’t have been doing this, least of all for you! It probably wouldn’t even work anyway.
“Norris still here?” He asked and the two mechanics he asked looked instantly starstruck. It was how most people reacted to Lewis and he clearly knew it. They nodded and pointed to where his drivers room was. “Cool just need to collect something…oh wait…” he slipped his phone out of his pocket and he said your name “can you get it for me? I need to take this.” AND THAT WAS IT! It was that simple. His face card never declined. One of the mechanics registered it was you and smiled. Astonishment befell you as he simply turned back to packing up some of the tools. It was as if you hadn’t left at all. Lewis’ spot on acting (and face card) was all you needed to slip past and enter the inner sanctum you had once known so well.
Steadying your breathing you raised a hand to the door and rapped quickly in succession. What was the worst that could happen? That he slam the door in your face? At least you would know once and for all he despised and loathed you. It took a few seconds for the door handle to depress. You swallowed hard. Hoping Lewis’ persistence you talk to him - and giving you no time to refuse - would at least earn you some answers. Or perhaps you would need to be the one sharing them, you thought as suddenly Lando was standing in front of you, face to face.
“Can we talk?” Your voice wasn’t as confident as you hoped it would have been as it flowed out of you. Lando stepped aside, a silent gesture to allow you in. You pushed your better judgment about it aside and walked over the threshold. No going back.
What proceeded wasn’t exactly an argument but it was two people who had clearly very different views on the past couple of months and the desolation of their close friendship. Lando protested he had done nothing wrong. That he was treating you the same as anyone else who had left the team (which was completely and utterly untrue). You called him a child and he scoffed. The fight to remain calm was hard. You wanted to shout at him and plead that he see sense.
“You wanted bigger better things. You didn’t want to stay here, with me.” It hit you in the centre of your chest and you felt all of the emotions rush at you. The ones that you had bottled up for the whole past year. It was you who was childish. You were transported back into being a scared teenage girl who didn’t believe she could be desired - or loved. You had done as he suggested. You ran as soon as you knew things were getting a bit too close with him. But still you tried to deny it;
“Lando…I don’t know where you’ve got that from but I,..”“Please, I’m not fucking stupid.” He seriously couldn’t believe that? “I didn’t leave because of you….well I did but it was because of me, because of…how we were” You couldn’t quite find the words. His confusion plastered all over his face.
“What does that even mean?” “Because of how close we were.” You admitted but he was looking at you - staring at you - in sheer disbelief at your words. “Stop talking in riddles” He demanded and you simply just stopped talking altogether because you couldn’t find the right words and didn’t even know how to say what you wanted to actually say. The silence grew within the small room and it was suffocating.
“God, you’re so fucking…” Out of the blue he groaned through gritted teeth. And that was all it took. It pushed you over the edge. You couldn’t stand it anymore.
“There’s a clause in the contracts. No fraternisation between employees” Lando looked at you blankly. The words you had uttered weren’t registering with him.
“It means two employees of McLaren cannot be employed and be in a relationship or be, intimate or whatever. They could be… they could loose their jobs and considering YOU are Lando FUCKING Norris, YOU aren’t going anywhere. I would have lost my job and my career and everything I’ve worked for…”
“When? Why would you have lost everything? What do you mean?” He interrupted. This time you were so frustrated. Not just with him - and his his blatant naivety and how he wasn’t able to read between the lines - but because he had you feeling something. Something completely and utterly reckless. But your conscience didn’t kick in in time to register what exactly you were doing. It was all simply out of your control. The following series of manoeuvres that were as if you had become possessed.
You strode purposefully and confidently over to him. Body slamming against his with a sexual ferocity you had never experienced within yourself before. Outstretched hands reached out and pulled his face to yours. Lips attaching. It felt like it was completely normal to be kissing him. As if the world had willed it. Then you felt his hands gripping, grasping and seizing your sides like they belonged there. The sheer sense of overwhelming comfort overcame you, you felt to at home there in his arms with his tongue toying with your own. It was a feeling that was enough to startle you and so you pulled back.
“That. That is what I mean.” You were out of breath and you would have been speechless but he needed to understand what you had been attempting to convey. Like a scene from a Shakespearean play, you relinquished all control and gave in as Lando slid his hand effortlessly against your neck. His eyes seemed to go on staring into yours as if he was sending you a silent signal that he understood. It was enough to send a shiver up your spine. It came from pure unadulterated want, desire, need. And you succumbed to it all. Your lips went back to his.
Seconds, minutes or hours could have passed as you relaxed as he kissed you. Everything blended all into one and memories of all of those months you had spent denying your obvious attraction to him flickered quickly in your mind. For a brief moment Lando stopped and pulled his lips from yours. “Do you think I would have let them fire you?” Lando asked. “I would have walked before I let them do that.”
“Lan…” he pecked your lips to shut you up and you let him.
It was like one of the smutty dreams you had last year but, undeniably better. His pouty, reddened lips trailed down to your jaw and you tried hard not to gasp when he continued his decent to your neck. He softly groaned and the vibration made you feel woozy.
“I’ve dreamt about kissing you for years.” His admission. All of the jesting and joking had indeed been true and he tried to kiss you again but you pulled back. Scared of how far you would let him go.
“Lando, we cant…” “You don’t work for McLaren anymore. There’s no contract saying you can’t kiss me.” He had a point. A very strong valid point. Your eyes and his were locked together. You were searching his green orbs to find something, anything, that you could convince you kissing him again was a bad idea. Your heart thundered in your chest and you realised your breathing was erratic and you were breathless.
You were about to surrender and give into him. Feeling his sudden desire for you exuding his body. His hunger radiated through him, you could feel it reverberating into you. And truthfully, there was nothing you craved more than wanting to feel his lips again. But as a knock echoed around his drivers room, you snapped back into reality. You grabbed something inconsequential and laughed loudly just as the door opened. It was a desperate attempt to cover up your tracks and explain why you were in a rival team’s driver room.
“Thank you so much for this. He can’t believe he left without it…” You tried the best you could as Chloe, your replacement stared at you suspiciously. “No problem, I only remembered this morning.” Lando played along and you swallowed as you felt the newbies eyes on you.
“Have a good week off, Lando. Get some rest.” Any thoughts of kissing him again had now been forgotten about. The only thing that consumed you was getting out of the way and back to the safety of the Mercedes camp. You walked (pretending to do so calmly) as fast as your feet could carry you. It was so stupid of you to be so flippantly brazen. What the fuck did you think was going to happen? How could you have been so moronic to go to his drivers room of all places? You glanced down at the headset in your hands and saw the McLaren logo staring back at you. It didn’t even make any sense as to why Lewis would need this. What had you been thinking? You scoffed, it was so fucking obvious that you weren’t thinking at all. All of your thoughts were so consumed about your predicament you didn’t watch where you were going and ran straight into your boss - practically head first…well, your head to his chest. His large, imposing body sent you jolting backward and instinctively your hands flew up and against his wide, broad, muscular chest for stability.
“Toto, oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You exclaimed but he just smiled down at you. You felt so small in his presence. While you had gotten more comfortable around him in the past coming months and even started to have a bit of banter with him, you were still intimidated by him.
“Where are you going so fast, kleines kätzchen?”* you didn’t speak German so had no idea what he said but the fact his eyes were soft and he was still smirking meant it couldn’t be anything bad. “Just uh, I forgot something.” You tried to quell the rushing thoughts in your head. “A McLaren headset?” He motioned to your hands. FUCK!! You needed to quickly modify the story because he (of all people) would not buy the Lewis story.
“It’s silly” You tried to cover up “A game with Lando before I left, it’s my winnings.” You prayed it might miraculously sound convincing. “A souvenir” He added nodding.
“Yes, something like that.” You agreed but your lips tingled and you wondered if Lando kissing you back was actually your souvenir? You had been interrupted before you could discuss anything with him. What if now he had a taste for you he no longer wanted you? Fuck. You were such an idiot.
“Well, slow down, you might hurt yourself.” Toto winked at you and you felt a little flutter of butterflies way deep down in the pit of your stomach. There was no denying your boss was attractive and very, very desirable but you internally reprimanded yourself for your reaction. He was older, married and completely out of your league - but then Lando was also out of your league and you had just fled his drivers room after he stuck his tongue down your throat - and Toto fucking Wolff for crying out loud.
As you began walking (slower, calmer and more composed this time) you looked at the headset and swallowed. What the fuck were you going to do now?!
*little kitty
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melancholymegumi · 4 months
woah, baby where ya' goin'?
multichars n what hybrids (cats , dogs & bunny) they prefer! (bllk , bnha , jjk)
cw. hybrid talks , nsfw (mdni) , breeding kink , fem!reader , use of the word 'cunny' , heats n ruts mentions , kind of co-dependency (?) in puppy hybrid if u squint . lemme know if I need to add any warnings
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bunny girls fever !
these guys love and need a soft , submissive and behaving little hybrid. they are already stressed the fuck out with their work, they do not have time for a misbehaving and feisty pets like a cat. But they also just want a pretty little girl who'll have her pussy prepared for them. Face down ass up with no complaints , begging to be cared for and nurtured for every single time. Wanting bunny girls also meant that they have a staggering breeding kink. Soft breedable cunny that's ready to give them babies , they are a family person after all. Why else would they get a bunny?
Nagi Seishiro , Reo Mikage , Chigiri Hyoma , Barou Shoei , Isagi Yoichi (he just likes them because they're cute, mainly.) , Chris Prince , Itoshi Sae, Nanami Kento , Naoya Zenin , Geto Suguru , Megumi Fushiguro , Higuruma Hiromi , Yuta Okkotsu , Kong Shiu , Izuku Midoriya , Yo Shindo , Todoroki Shoto , Enji Todoroki.
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come here , kitty kitty !
these guys are freaks. they want cat girls mainly because of their mean and bratty demeanor. they want something to tame, and that 'something' is you! Perfect , mean and elegant little kitty who misbehaves just for the sake of it. and he eats it the fuck up. he looveesss your little outburst. Encourage it even, just so he has a reason to fuck you nice and deep into the mattress. Of course, they love your heat seasons too! but it's not like they can't breed you everyday, so it's just a nicer occasion<3
Shidou Ryusei , Aiku Oliver , Karasu Tabito , Reo Mikage (you didn't hear this from me.) , Kaiser Michael , Gojo Satoru , Fushiguro Toji , Ryomen Sukuna , Atsuya Kusakabe , Izuku Midoriya (you didn't hear this from me) , Touya Todoroki , Katsuki Bakugo , Tokoyami Fumikage , Shinsou Hitoshi , Aizawa Shouta (even though you're a hassle, you're his hassle)
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Puppy girls demeanor !
oh, sweet loveable loyal puppy. he loves good and obedient yet cheerful and loyal girls. aka , you! A sweet little puppy who whines for his attention, gets happy from a little bit of praise and needy as fuck. Just what he wants. It makes him feel superior. You being able to fend for yourselves sometimes is also a game changer for him. You're literally perfect for him. You , completely clueless yet happy whenever he does something. It makes him want to knock some babies into ya'. he loves loves loves your rut season <3 begging for him and whining about how it hurts but not launching yourself onto him. Being completely patient and only doing subtle things until he finally realizes and takes care of you!
Kunigami Rensuke , Noel Noa , Alexis Ness , Kirishima Eijiro , Sero Hanta , Denki Kaminari , Present Mic , All Might , Yuji Itadori , Aoi Todo , Gojo Satoru
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all writing is made and owned by @melancholymegumi on tumblr and only on tumblr. do not repost or translate without my permission.
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spacerockfloater · 3 months
hi! i noticed you learnt about what ryan condal said regarding blood and cheese. it was…something. i would like to know your thoughts on the matter. though it would be completely understandable if you need sometime to gather them together or if you would rather not at all! thank you and bye!
Hello beloved, thank you so much for asking me! I’d love to share my opinion!
If anyone’s wondering, @rhaenelle is referring to this interview where Ryan Condal essentially says he believes that Blood & Cheese’s brutality and heinousness was exaggerated by the Greens in a propagandistic attempt to convince their subjects that Rhaenyra and Daemon are the worst villains ever born, hence why he toned the event down; to show us what he thinks is the accurate version of Jaehaerys’ murder.
Now, I am aware that Condal had already warned us that HOTD was going to be a feminist retelling of the events of F&B, which practically means that his plan has always been to whitewash the everlasting fuck out of Rhaenyra. So what do I think about this?
Well, for starters, I think that Ryan Condal is an excellent businessman. He knows what kind of tropes are going to make the audience engage with his show. He understands that people need a hero to cheer for and a villain to hate, therefore he removed the moral ambiguity from all of the characters and divided them into two categories: the Blacks, enlightened revolutionaries full of passion, deserving of admiration and correct in everything they do, and the Greens, pious fools with a moral superiority complex who are stack in the ways of the past and commit despicable crimes. The average viewer does not possess the intelligence to comprehend that both parties have their good and bad moments, and that they’re both correct in fighting for what each believes is rightfully theirs. Simultaneously, he benefits from the modern trends that want women in media to take revenge when they are wronged and emerge as triumphant girlbosses, because of course a white upper class woman’s suffering in a western world (or Westeros) society has everything to do with her gender and nothing to do with her personality or decisions (even if this works solely for Rhaenyra, because Alicent seems to be held accountable for every single one of her actions). Finally, it is obvious that Condal is trying to appease disgruntled Daenerys fans, so he has rebuilt Rhaenyra into this tortured martyr that wishes to change the world for the better in an attempt to make her resemble her great granddaughter six times removed.
For all of these reasons, I find it very logical that he is going out of his way to minimise the tragedy the Greens experience. It just doesn’t make Rhaenyra look good and honestly, who wants that? The producers saw how unhappy Danny’s stans were when they made her lose her shit; they’re not going to make the same mistake twice. They don’t want their show to tank like the last season of GOT did, so they’ll do everything in their power to keep the audience happy. And it’s working! What’s the last thing Condal says in this clip? “You kinda start rooting for [Blood and Cheese]!” and boy oh boy, the TB stans sure do! Literally hundreds of memes that rejoiced at Jaehaerys’ death were posted on X this week, with tens of thousands of likes. But when Lucerys died, it was presented as the most foul thing to ever happen in the ASOIAF universe. It is the TB supporters that dictate which child murder is good and which is bad, and that decision usually depends on which child came out Rhaenyra’s womb, not let’s say, the fact that one kid was a toddler that could barely walk, while the other was a teenager that laughed at the disabled person he mutilated himself.
It’s all just marketing
That being said, I want to clarify that I understand why Condal and the HOTD producers do what they do, but being a good entrepreneur does not necessarily make you a literary genius. Now, I’m not gonna explain why stripping Rhaenyra off of every character trait that made her interesting is a bad decision and that in their attempt to remove the blame from her so that they can elevate her as this righteous patron of feminism, they’re accidentally removing all of her agency and turning her simply into a victim, because I have a whole blog dedicated to that. But let’s just say that presenting Rhaenyra as this sexually liberated idol that’s incapable of evil, when in fact she’s an entitled aristocrat who’s completely at the mercy of men around her, from her father to her husbuncle, is the most performative activism move ever pulled in recent TV history, as well as pushing the narrative that Alicent suffers from internalised misogyny because duh, a woman can only be good and a feminist if she supports Rhaenyra, not when she pursues her own interests.
Ultimately, I think we just have to accept that this show is not meant for TG fans. We are not going to find any satisfaction in it. Everything that was unique and admirable about the Greens in the book has vanished. Their family dynamic is fucked up, Alicent’s children hate her, Aegon and Halaena cannot stand one another, Alicent is constantly a victim and never someone that chases her own ambitions, Halaena is very vague, Aemond appears to be more angsty than angry, Aegon is a stupid rapist, Jaehaerys’ death was turned into a mockery, Alicole was weaponised in order to make us shit on Alicent and Criston even more and so on. This show barely caters to us because we’re not making them any money.
The reason that there are more TB than TG stans is because (I’m gonna get so much fucking hate for this) most people who watch TV are fucking morons. I swear, when F&B came out 6 years ago, no one gave a flying fuck about Rhaenyra, because we all understood that everyone involved in the Dance of the Dragons was fucked up in their own way and that the message of this story, just like the general message of ASOIAF, is that nobody deserves to sit on that fucking throne. We were all in agreement about that. But then this fucking show came along and all the oblivious simpletons that swallowed whatever the producers shoved down their throats, grabbed the book and decided that “Woah, this book is obviously a critique on patriarchy and Rhaenyra is obviously the victim of the story”! As if GRRM, the man who said that he doesn’t sit down and think “Oh, I’m going to write a woman now” but instead he believes women to be people just like men, with complex personalities, would ever do that. And they just can’t believe that it is possible for book!Rhaenyra to be an evil racist classist full of entitlement! Surely it must be because the Greens are rewriting history! There’s no way GRRM, the man that created Cersei fucking Lannister, would ever make a female character that’s vicious and crazy just because she feels like it! Y’all need to sit down for a moment. I say this as a radical feminist that supports the 4B movement: you’re projecting your own ideas onto George’s work. Not all the media we consume has to reflect our ideologies, but if you think that it has to, then this book isn’t the anti misogynistic masterpiece you wish it was.
Like, when it comes to F&B, I am firmly anti Targaryen and did not wish for any side to win. I wanted them all wiped out to be honest. But when it comes to HOTD, I’m TG basically out of spite at this point.
All in all, I just think that things are going to go downhill for us from this point on. They’ll just keep glorifying the Blacks until the very end.
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sukunas-wife · 2 months
sukuna who's over heels with y/n, but y/n is stupidly in love with yuuji who is falling in love with megumi?!
I tried, 🤍 I don’t where my brain went but it was everywhere 🙂‍↕️
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You loved Yuji, and it hurt him, he was infuriated
All those times you spent together, had you only ever saw him as friend and nothing more? Even when he bullied and teased you, he made sure to never dig into you as crudely as he would others.
He proved in many ways he was superior to counter part, he remembers your giggles and bashful smiles when he’d prove himself superior and you’d compliment him.
We’re your words lies??? He scoffed, and turned to you beside him, you had just confessed to him you had a crush on Yuji, and it as much as he tried to hide it, the sour taste on his mouth and the bitter expression on his face told you everything you needed to know. He was upset with you, you expected him to be, because it was his brother, it would ruin you’re entire friendship. But that wasn’t the true reason he had become so upset.
He wanted to snap you that Yuji wasn’t even straight, that he knew his brother was interested in that Fushiguro brat. He wanted to make you understand why you had chosen incorrectly, why you’re little idea was foolish. So he tried to explain in a way without outing his closeted brother.
Of course you became upset thinking he just didn’t want you and Yuji together. You yelled at him and watched how he clenched his jaw, his eye twitched before he sighed and physically deflated. He leaned forward, testing his forearms on his thighs and dropped his head. You almost felt bad seeing how he reacted, but he stood up, not giving you time to put your hand on his shoulder, he didn’t face you, he didn’t even glance in your direction when he told you, “Y/n, I’m not going to stop you from doing whatever the hell you want. But as Yuji’s brother, I know damn well this isn’t going to work the way you think it is. If you’re so fucking set on going and pouring your heart out to him, you do that. I’ll be right here when you realize it’s not what you thought it was.”
He left you on his bed in his room and he went out to smoke on the back patio. There he found Choso, their step brother. Sukuna wasn’t as close to Choso as Yuji was, but in that day the silence between the two as they sat there in the others presence was enough to sway their opinion on the other, “Maybe he’s not as big of an ass.” “Maybe that sleep deprived brat ain’t to bad.”
—- —- —- —- —- •*•*•*•*•*• —- —- —- —- —-
THEN YUJI REJECTED YOU in his oh so bashful manner saying he liked Megumi..
It was later that week after mulling over your thoughts, over Sukuna’s words, what did he mean when he said he’d still be there. Of course you didn’t put much thought into the finer details as you made your way to Itadori’s house hold. You found Yuji sitting on the front porch basking in the sun with a smile on his face. It was the fall season and you know how much he loved going on walks and stepping on the “Crunchy” leaves. He opened his eyes hearing your steps, if anything he knew everyone by their walk. He smiled waving a hand, “Hey! Didn’t think I’d see you this week, you haven’t called or messaged so I thought you were busy with your college classes.” You smiled at him shrugging “It’s just been a busy week I guess, a lot to think about but it feel like I can’t even think straight about what I need to focus on.”
He hummed “Yeah, me too…” you both fell into after he offered you the spot next to him. Sitting out under the afternoon sun, the soft breeze and sounds of leaves scraping over the street and side walk. Your face felt warm as you found the courage to finally say what had been on your chest. “Yuji, I need to tell you something.” He was staring off with a smile at the sky, he turned to you with that same smile, eye brows furrowed a bit in curiosity, “It’s gonna sound weird since we’ve known each other for so long but I think I really like you.” You didn’t miss the way his eyes widened and his face paled.
He was scared shitless, and fumbled over his words before he sighed looking down. He leaned back on his palms staring up at the sky with a neutral expression. “Y/n…” he couldn’t look at you, you felt sick at the tone of his voice. He knew Sukuna adored you, he wasn’t blind, weather Sukuna could admit it or not no one would know him better than Yuji, no one wouldn’t be able to notice the slightest change in his personality if not his brother, “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I don’t like…” he hesitated, “I don’t see us…” he sighed thinking it over, “I don’t see you in that light, and it’s not you exactly it just…” he huffed, he didn’t know how to tell you, he wasn’t interested in you without making it seem like it was because of you, he didn’t know how to tell you he had fallen in love with his best friend, and he went through his own breakdowns and trauma, he remembered how he cried and pulled at his hair, in frustration and confusion. How Sukuna had to forcefully hold him down in a strange embrace to keep him from pulling his hair, he remembers laying in bad crying into Sukuna until Choso came home and tried to offer consolation and a level head to help him think and process everything.
The three spent their night on Yuji’s bed in a comforting silence. It was interesting watching Yuji laid on his stomach watching tv at the foot of his bed, Sukuna who was scrolling aimlessly on his phone with his feet propped up on Yuji’s back, and Choso who was sat against the headboard occasionally watching the movie while being one of the three to actually go their college work ahead of time.
“I’m gay Y/n… and I well, I already have plans with someone else…” you felt sick and stupid. Your weren’t sick because of your best friend gay, you were sick from your embarrassment. Yuji didn’t catch on having not looked away form the setting son. But you felt nauseous, you felt the embarrassment in your bones. Rejection hurt you nonetheless even though it was based on pure honesty. You couldn’t hate him or his answer, but you could fight the sentiment building up inside as you felt heat on your face. With a shaky breath and voice you answered him, “Thank you for letting me know, Yuu.” He turned to look at you concerned, he saw the tears in your eyes, “…y/n.” You smiled through your tears, “Don’t worry about it, I just hope your happy.” He wanted to comfort you but you stood up quickly, “I’ll see you around, I’m gonna go for a walk.” You waved him off quickly making your way out of sight. Staring at the sun set you ducked your head and let yourself cry until you found yourself at a park bench where you sat down letting your head fall back. Tears still flooding your eyes, you closed them shutting the evening sky out of sight. You tried to repress every sound, your ears and nose stuffy, your phone ringing with messages, probably your parents or siblings asking when you’d get home. You couldn’t stand to answer, rubbing your balled fists aggressively over your eyes trying to force the tears away. It didn’t work because it felt like they were rushing out faster. No one was there to dry your tears, your heart screamed out for just someone to come and hold you, your heart held out for a fantasy for a dream of Mr.Perfect coming and sweeping you off that bench into a hug and comforting you while you cried into the stary sky. But Mr.Perfect was a dream, and the stary night was a illusion as your hands were pulled away so you could see the full moon rising and over casting the stars to disappear. Face hot and red puffy eyes, you hated it, you hated the moon, you hated that you knew who was holding your wrists hostage, “Shitty brat, you have people losing their shit wondering where the hell you are. Is it that hard to answer your phone.” You leaned your head further back, your teary eyes and distraught face didn’t faze Sukuna as he sighed walking around the bench and sitting next to you. In the same manner he had held Yuji down he did to you when you quickly started to wipe your tears away.
“Stop it dumbass you’re gonna make it worse with how hard your rubbing your skin.” It was a quick movement he pulled you at an angle so your back was to his left side side, his left arm thrown over the back of the bench and your shoulder, his single hand held both your wrists hostage. Hi sighed and you only sniffled quietly, at least he’d given you the decency to not be seen when you cried. “You’re family called ask if we knew where you were…” you sniffled not answering, “Yuji told Cho and I everything…” silence fell over both of you. Your little movements from sniffling kept Sukuna from losing his train of thought. He lets your hands fall from his grip as he moved his hand to hold a loose choke hold over your shoulders and pull you closer against his side. He was nonchalant when he sighed, “I said it wouldn’t work out y/n, now look at us, you’re crying and I’m here holding you hostage from your own hands, way to spend a Friday night huh?” You hands sound it in you to say anything yet, your hands coming up to hold onto the loose black sleeve that covered his arm, finally your let your head fall left against his shoulder, “Did you know Yuji was gay?” “Yeah, he’s my brother, kinda knew before he knew.” You let out a single laugh, “Guess that’s why you said all that stuff then.. huh?” The silence was inevitable, Sukuna wasn’t a man of words, but the way he squeezed your shoulders was enough to comfort you.
Sure enough, it took a month, before you found yourself foolishly falling for Sukuna and his rough edges, snide comments and crude behavior. But what you loved more were the nights he’d sneak into your room when he knew a thunderstorm would come at night. And you’d sleep with the curtain open tucked into his side to watch the storm pass. Staying at the Itadori house all day to be with him and his brothers. Meeting Megumi who seemed very out of place when he first arrived, he was so docile and reserved it was humoring to think he and Yuji would be a pair. Then again anyone would say the same about yourself and Sukuna. But what really shocked everyone was when Choso brought home a friend, and announced his friend as his girlfriend, Yuki was her name.
(Alternate ending: the way Yuji made you cry? of course it fueled Sukuna’s anger. Why? because Yuji had made you cry and broke your little heart, (he’s bi he just doesnt like you and is a bit blunt with it so it comes off rude) so Sukuna decided, he’d have to make sure if he wasn’t happy no one could be happy, he convinced Megumi that Yuji actually hated him and was just being nice to him because he felt bad “A gay little twink boy” like Megumi was always alone and had no one to talk to or hang out with. Which in retaliation make Megumi shut out and cut off Yuji with no hesitation and Yuji is confused and sad, because the day he was going to confess to Megumi, he was left alone waiting all day in a cafe thinking “Megumi would never not show up without texting me?”
SurpISE on his way home Yuji see’s Megumi crying and walking solemnly in the night misty rain, he was going to approach him until he see’s someone else approaching Megumi and pulling him into a hug. He watched as Megumi slumped against this person and just stood, his forehead pressed to the teller person chest. Yuji was wide eyed when he saw the teller person left their chin from megumi’s head and using their finger tips to angle Megumi’s face up. He felt sick, that wave of nausea, embarrassment, the ache in your body that makes you wanna puke and leaves you weak, it hit him hard when he saw the taller person lean down, he saw clearly how Megumi’s tear stained lashes fluttered slowly when the other person moved in closer and kissed him. Yuji did in fact puke, but he swallowed it down. It wasn’t til the two pulled apart and started to walk together under the street lights he realized who the other guy was. He was Noritoshi Kamo, a relative of Choso’s through choso’s father’s side. Someone of a respectable and well known family who would fit Megumi far better than Yuji would’ve… he stood there in the rain looking down at the side as he slowly made his way home.
By the time he got home he was soaked, he wasn’t hungry, he just wanted to sleep. He thought about you, it weighed on him if this was how you felt? He wanted to apologize to you and maybe even consider take you out on a date instead. But he didn’t get that chance, he walked into Sukuna’s room to try and get tonight off his chest, out of his head. Instead he found you curled up in his brother, you were wearing a tank top arms wrapped around Sukuna’s torso, using his shoulder as a pillow as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You were wearing Sukuna’s sweats pants and had your leg thrown over his waist snoring away. Sukuna’s eyes were closed, his free hand tucked behind his head. It was obvious he wasn’t asleep when he opened his eyes and saw his brother in his door. “What’s wrong brat?” Yuji simply shook his head, “I’ll talk to you in the morning.” He passed Choso in the hallway who immediately stoped him concerned. Yuji cried to Choso unable to get the words out, Choso held him tight comforting his brother all night letting him know everything would be alright in time.
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Tags: @mammons-wife @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira @princessluvz @furiousblacktiger @anyaswlrd @shytastemakerthing @alialucille @lexiene @domainofmarie @sad-darksoul @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @venus-seeks @bofadeezs @shytastemakerthing
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bigblab-talktotalk1 · 1 month
I feel a lot of people misunderstand Portia in why she ask about Colin's love
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One thing I find really disheartening about reactions/opinions on this episode is the conceptual clap backs of "Did Debling love her?!?!"
Because that response makes me feel someone is missing something in the storytelling. As a response, it has never made sense to me, because.... he never had to!
'Lord Debling was a reasonable match." This guy has acted in every single way The Gentleman. This guy has money, this guy came to Lady Featherington like a respectable adult and asked for Penelope's hand, this guy will be absent, and so THIS guy also Won't Hurt Her! She laid this out in episode 4, To Portia he is an IDEAL catch.
Then comes this news of Bitch-boy Colin (painting from a Portia-esque perspective), that she read IN WHISTLEDOWN!! He does not hold water with her 🚫 This Season, all she has seen of this dude is that he is a flirt. "The most desired man of the season." Regardless of what she thinks Penelope's feelings likely are, she only sees that Colin is NOT serious about her. Freshly back from galavanting across the sea, she does see Colin as serious PERIOD. All the letters Pen wrote, All the teas at Bridgerton house....for years Portia has watched him NEVER WANTING HER! Yet somehow an engagement occurred some time between her daughter leaving a party and family breakfast the next morning... 🤨🧐 Chat shit right?? Her mind must be screaming: HELP ME UNDERSTAND! (In a snarky, passive aggressive way - because she's the one)
Portia has a right to feel awful disrespected that Colin "I'm a gentleman" Bridgerton didn't come to her first. Like they don't have beef!! 😳 He's been engaged to someone from the Featherington household before, yet... there was no wedding. But Pen (who she thinks of is having less attractions than Marina) somehow is different?
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You know who extended the olive branch to the Featherington name to help saved them from drowning in the social ruin of the reveal of Marina's pregnancy? DAPHNE! He was mad at Marina sure, but you know who he showed he didn't care what happened to while he turned his back? You Penelope!! 🤷🏻‍♂️He could have helped soften the blow like Kate, Edwina, and Anthony tried to do after their failed wedding. But he didn't. And that's who Pen threw away an entire future to gamble on?? 🫨😣
And while Portia doesn't know it yet, the fault for them being in that super precarious social is the SAME EXACT fucking person who is standing in front of her like she don't smell her own shit!! (personal mad when sitting in Portia's perspective)
THAT 'S the guy Pen wants Portia to celebrate, who Pen believes is a better choice. Portia's looking for the better. "What more can you ask for?" she says an episode 4. The only thing Penelope seemed to believe held her back from commiting to Debling as her husband is this 'Love' nonsense. So if Colin is the Superior choice, he must be giving her what she thought was missing from a marriage, something she thought Debling couldn't provide!
"You have it?" - Portia.
Penelope says she's SURE he CARES about her. But 'care' wasn't the exceptional parameter? To be so certain that you just threw away a good 90% qualification-meeting gentleman, you must have heard this truth that gives you that 10% to match the fantasy were "LOVE"(which Big P don't believe in) is. Right? You thought, you know, but what did he say it??? Has he told you he's giving you what makes choosing him over Debling worth it? Are you getting what you gambled for?!
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Portia looks DEFEATED because Pen is betting on fantasies and wishes, without even the vocalized proof of Colin's feelings!!!!!!
"Oh Penelope"= "Girl I feel bad for you", "you sweet summer child." She's repulsed that Pen was SO short-sighted.
I feel like while her reaction is extreme and harsh, it really isn't too difficult to imagine a semi-reasonable parent (with Portia's trauma) may be distraught hearing that their daughter chose to follow a career in ..... like the Arts, that she loves (Colin), when she already had a place at Yale law School (Debby). Without Colin's declaration it's like she mailed in her withdrawal letter and is packing to move into an artist collective commune -- without a lease! Not even guaranteed a spot, setting fire to your previous life plans! It is not right, and it is not okay to treat your children as if they need to live their life as you would. However, for someone who holds security above all Pen has thrown away her last chance at a good life. Pen has shattered a chance at bedrock that Portia knows Pen don't even understand how much she should value! Portia has shielded her from how it feels to watch the ground you've built your life on crumble from underneath her. The fear of having no husband, no son, and no money. Which I think adds to the anger in her tone.
Debling never NEEDED to love Penelope. Why he was a better, more secure match than Colin was everything BESIDES love. What makes Debling a valuable prospect has a very little overlap with what makes Colin Penelope's first choice. Therefore trying to grade them on the same standard..... it doesn't matter if Portia cares about love, it doesn't matter if Debling would EVER say he loves Penelope. So while it matters if Colin has told her that he loves her, he's the only one who has to.
I do not think she is right all the time, or even often. But one can likely tell from the above that I'm a Portia Featherington fan. I'm a fan of food in tummies and shoes on feet. Did she decide she needed big bucks to eat and dress the way she wanted.......👀🙄
As someone who looks at Colin as an insecure 23-year-old male... He is my baby. I defend all his big emotions. When he's having a temper-tantrum, I let him kick himself tired. I'm never villainizing him for basically anything he says or does because..... I know he's really a soft boy. And I know Pen doesn't mind. But that doesn't mean we can blame Portia (without having the audience view) for seeing him differently.
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: After catching your boyfriend cheating on you, you find an escape with your old best friend.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader, Jason Carver x fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.2kish
Warnings: Cheating (readers partner on reader), Angst, readers feelings are hurt, crying. SMUT (!!) slight dry humping, making out, vaginal fingering, raw sex, unprotected sex (!!!), multiple orgasms, dirty talk, cream pie, exhibitionism kink, seniors in high school, season 4 vibes, Eddie didn’t fail in this world. Anything else? Let me know!!
A/N: I got this request (idk why I can’t tag the person, but it’s @lilsp00nvstheworld) and holy shit!! I totally fell in love with it and then this happened!!! Song inspo: “I was made for lovin’ you” by KISS
All my mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other site nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions. Please message me your thoughts!!! It fuels me!
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Eddie Munson hated Jason Carver. 
Absolutely hated him. 
He fucked hated his guts. The stupid blonde annoyed him to no fucking end. 
He hated the way he walked. The way he talked. The way he acted as if he was king of the school. He hated the way he acted superior because he was good at basketball. It was infuriating. 
He hated the way he was the golden boy of the school. 
Mr. Popular. 
He hated how just hearing his voice made Eddie’s blood boil. It made his insides turn. Made him want to vomit. Made him clench his fists in rage. 
He especially hated how he had stolen his best friend away from him. 
His best friend, Y/N. 
His best friend in the entire world. Aside from his hellfire club. You were always his number one. Ever since the third grade. 
But then, you both entered high school and you became a cheerleader. 
You had managed to balance both hellfire club and being a cheerleader. But then at the end of freshman year, you started dating fucking Jason Carver. 
And you chose him. 
You chose that ugly sack of shit. 
Eddie knows it wasn’t your decision. He knows Jason was the type of guy to give you an ultimatum. “Either you leave the hellfire club or I leave you” type of guy. 
So, you left the club. You couldn’t even meet Eddie’s eyes when you had told him on the day before summer break that freshman year. Eddie was distraught. He couldn’t believe it. He remembers clutching onto your hand, begging you to explain, but you simply tugged your hand away and ran to Jason’s side. 
Eddie remembers the smirk Jason gave him when you weren’t looking. That’s the day that fueled the hatred Eddie had against him. 
He tried endlessly that summer to talk to you again. But every single time he went to your house, you either weren’t there or you told your mom to tell her you didn’t feel well. The look of sympathy your mom gave him never stopped. 
Soon enough… he stopped trying. 
Now, almost three years later, you guys are seniors. In your last year of high school. 
And you’re still dating Jason Carver. Head cheerleader. The captain of the cheer squad. Best friends with Chrissy Cunningham. Miss popular. The most beautiful girl in school. Everyone loved you and without shame. 
You’re beautiful, kind, funny, caring, and a total babe. A real sweetheart. And Eddie missed you. Missed you every single day. 
He also thinks… 
Eddie thinks a part of him still loves you. Eddie thinks he’s always loved you a bit. Ever since you guys became best friends. But.. you were always out of his league. Even as stupid young kids. So, he never tried to make a move. 
And now, he hasn’t spoken to you since that day in freshman year. Not with lack of trying on his part. But he figured you were happy. Who was he to try and stop that? 
So, he stood in the background and let you be happy. 
He watched you prance around the hallways in your tiny green cheer uniform with Jason’s letterman jacket covering your upper body and his arm wrapped around your waist tightly. Never letting up. He’d kiss you sloppily against the lockers every chance he got and he’d even run his fingers in the inside of your thighs.
You’d instantly close your thighs, blushing furiously, telling him to stop, and he’d only try to keep going. 
It always made Eddie furious to see this, but he never intervened. You had been with Jason for over three years already. 
You knew him better than Eddie did. 
Now, Eddie was at a celebratory party for the basketball team winning the playoff game. Eddie didn’t really mind coming to parties. He enjoyed the free beer. He enjoyed providing his drugs to pretty girls and handsome guys. Sometimes… sometimes if the night felt right, he’d end up in bed next to someone.
But tonight was a little different. 
Because you were here, too. 
Usually you and Eddie partied with two completely different crowds. But since it was the basketball team that was being celebrated, surprisingly the two groups merged together into one big party. 
So there he was. 
Sipping on his beer, huddled into a corner, laughing with his friends, and he sees you from across the room. 
It’s almost like a magnet is attached to you by the way his eyes always find you in a crowded room. 
You’re looking around, peering over different shoulders, a confused look etched on your pretty face, and you look amazing tonight. 
Eddie bites his bottom lip as he zones out from the group conversation to admire you. 
Your outfit is simple, but Eddie still thinks you’re the prettiest girl in the room. You’re wearing a pair of high waisted jean shorts, a striped brown with yellow oversized sweater, and a pair of white chucks. Your hair is still in the teased updo from the basketball game and you look flawless. You’re still wearing the makeup from the game and your lips are glossy. What a beauty. 
Eddie watches you trying to peer over the groups of people. Probably searching for Jason. 
He hears you ask another cheerleader if they’ve seen him and she says that she thinks she saw him going outside with Chrissy. 
The way your face falls makes Eddie’s heart still and he sees you quickly turning on your heel and walking outside. 
Eddie isn’t sure why, but he follows you. He follows silently behind you, not hovering, but close enough to where he can see what you see. 
You make your way outside and you’re immediately peering over the dark corners of the backyard. You stop in your tracks when you see something from the corner of your eyes. You look down into the dark alleyway of the house and Eddie sees your frown with the tears filling your eyes at what you see. 
You instantly turn around and run inside, covering your face, and Eddie sees you running up the stairs. You didn’t even notice him a couple feet away. 
Eddie walks over and peers into the alleyway. He stops the gasp from escaping his throat when he sees your boyfriend, Jason Carver, making out with your best friend, Crissy Cunningham. 
He has her up against the wooden panels of the house, her leg is wrapped around his waist, and he can see Jason finger fucking her underneath her skirt. They don’t even notice the second pair of eyes that have caught them tonight. Completely lost in their own world. 
Eddie almost wants to beat him to a pulp right now, but he’s more worried about you than bashing Jason’s face in. 
So, Eddie leaves them and goes back into the house. He goes up the stairs because he saw you run up them and slowly starts opening each door he comes across. Hoping he doesn’t catch another pair going at it. 
But this is high school. He catches another girl riding some guy. He doesn’t catch their faces because he quickly closes the door shut. 
He mumbles a few cuss words and proceeds to go down the hallway. 
He opens the last door of the hall and that’s when he hears your soft cries. 
“Y/N?” He asks into the dark room as he walks into it. 
You quickly sniffle, wiping your tears away, and looking around for the voice. Your face crumbles when you see him. The moonlight shines bright through the open window, coating your features beautifully. 
“Eddie?” He hears your confused tone ask breathlessly in between a sob. 
Eddie quickly closes the door behind him as he walks into the room. Not wanting anybody to see you like this and rushes towards you. 
He’s reaching out for you out of instinct and your arms are falling around him, you melt into his body, your face buried into his chest, and his ringed hands go to your hair. He tries to console you the best he can with the teased ponytail you’re rocking, he sticks with just twirling your hair in his fingers, and you cry into his chest. 
“Shhh, it’s alright. Let it out,” he whispers to you as he wraps his free arm around your shoulders. 
“D-did you see?” You ask, sounding a bit muffled, into his chest. 
Eddie sighs, “He's a jackass. Doesn’t know what he has.” 
You continue to cry into his chest, trying to control your breathing by matching his own, and holding him tightly against you. 
“I’m so sorry, E-Eddie. I was such a bitch to you freshman year! Why are you even here right now? You should h-hate me,” you cry out as you tilt your head up to look at him. 
Eddie’s already looking down at you with a small smile on his lips, he caresses your cheek gently, wiping away your tears, “I could never hate you. Never.” 
“Never,” he quickly cuts you off. “It’s high school. We all make mistakes.” 
Your cries stop momentarily as you take a second to look at Eddie. 
To really look at how much he’s changed in the past three years. 
He’s really grown into his features and wow, he’s hot. He’s always been sort of hot to you, but you knew it would never happen. Because he was always your nerdy best friend.
His hair is the longest it’s ever been. Long messy brown curls frame his face perfectly and teased in all the right places. His full pink lips are resting nicely, looking wet and kissable. His big puppy brown eyes are looking at you warmly. As if you’ve never done anything wrong before. And you know it’s not the case. Because you’ve been such an awful friend to him. 
You were supposed to be his best friend. And you betrayed him. 
You whimper are your thoughts and Eddie caresses your face again. 
“Hey, hey. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” 
“I’m… I’m really sorry, Eddie. I-I can’t believe I did that to you… and then now you’re consoling me about stupid Jason. God, I’m such an idiot!!” You move from his chest and cover your face with your hands, feeling angry with yourself for being so dumb, and ashamed for Eddie seeing you like this. 
“Hey, hey…” he grabs your hands, pulling them away from your face, and holds them in his big ones. 
“You’re not stupid, okay? He’s the stupid one. He’s the one who messed up here. Okay? Not you.” 
He sounds so sincere. You look at him with a pout. “What about you?“ 
“What about me, angel face?” Your old nickname slips out of his lips with ease and you flush under the darkness. 
“Do you forgive me?” You whisper low, feeling nervous, and your heart is racing. 
“I mean… of course, I do. I was… I was hurt. I’ve been hurt for a long time. But all I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. And if Jason made you happy, then I let him make you happy.” 
“Oh, Eddie.” You wonder how his heart is still so big and caring even after all this time. 
You wonder why you didn’t fall in love with Eddie instead of Jason. Eddie would have never broken your heart. 
You find yourself moving closer into Eddie’s space again. Your head tilting up to his, your lips ghosting above his own, and you feel Eddie’s body tense up against yours. 
“What are you doing?” He quickly asks, his voice shaking slightly. 
“Make me forget, Eddie.” You say lightly at him, your lips moving towards him, and you touch his lips slightly with your own. You hover over them for a little bit. Wanting to see what he does. 
All you want is to forget and who better to help you… than Eddie. You’ve heard the rumors. You know he’s not a virgin anymore. You know he’s had plenty of sexual experiences. You’ve only had Jason. You want more than simple Jason. 
You want Eddie. You want Eddie to rock your world and help you forget about stupid blondie. 
“Please,” you whisper into his lips, your eyes peering up at him, and hoping he says yes. 
Eddie is looking down at you, watching your pretty eyes eating him up, and he’s hesitant on doing this with you. He’s always wanted you. Always wanted to have you in this way. And he’s not sure if he should now that he has the chance. 
But seeing the way your body is leaning over him, almost on top of him, your glossy lips hovering over his, he can smell your minty breath, and he knows you haven’t had a drop of alcohol. 
This is all you. 
Fuck it. 
Eddie surprises you by gripping your face with his big palms and pulling you into him. His lips crash against yours hungrily, you moan into his mouth instantly, your body melting into his, and his tongue fights its way into yours. 
He could taste your sweet lip gloss against his tongue and you could taste the slight beer on his. But you didn’t care. You could care less right now. 
You’ve never been kissed like this before. Fire erupts into your belly. 
His fast hands move down to grip your waist, pulling you more into his body, and he tugs you onto his lap after he adjusts himself onto the bed some more. 
You wrap your legs around his waist, back arching into his chest, and you both don’t break the kiss. Your teeth clashing against his slightly as you both try to get a quick breath of air between open mouth kisses. 
You can’t believe you’re kissing Eddie right now, but you can’t help but increase the speed in which you’re kissing. Your lips move against his hastily and hungrily. 
Eddie moans at your eagerness against him, his hands moving from your waist to your bare thighs right underneath your shorts, and he grips onto your naked flesh tightly. Which makes you grind your hips into his. 
Eddie pulls away with a groan as you tug onto his bottom lip. “Fuck,” he mutters as he watches you grind yourself into him again, your arms wrapped around his shoulders limply, and you look beautiful sitting on his lap. 
You both are breathing heavily, staring into each other’s eyes, asking without any words if this is really happening, and you both simultaneously lean into each other to continue kissing. 
His hands are tugging at the bottom of your sweater, trying to untuck it from your jean shorts, you pull away from him, leaning back on his thighs, and hitch up your hips to him. 
“Fuck, are you sure?” He asks, breathlessly. His eyes locking with yours. 
“Mhmmm,” you moan out, biting your lip. 
With ease, Eddie unbuttons your jean shorts, tugging down the zipper, and untucking your sweater. 
You don’t bother waiting to see what he does, your hands go down to the hem of your sweater, and you pull it over your head. Exposing your breasts which are covered in a black lacy bra, almost popping out of the cups due to all the movement you’ve been doing. 
Eddie’s eyes move from your hips up to your breasts slowly, “Holy shit. You’re fucking…” His words stop flat in their tracks as his swollen lips pout in awe. 
He moves his hands to cover your breasts and he squeezes them into his palms. 
You gasp out in pleasure, rolling your hips against him, and moaning loudly when you feel how hard he is underneath you. 
“Like that?” He asks you and you can only nod at his question. Waiting for his next move. 
He lowers his head and starts leaving small peppered kisses all over the top of your breasts. You pant as he continues to move between both breasts and he unclasps your bra with his free hand. 
The straps of your bra fall down your shoulders, your arms still wrapped around his shoulders, and you proceed to lean back to let your bra fall off your chest. 
Eddie pulls away slowly when he sees what you’re doing and his eyes never leave your breasts. You let your bra fall off your arms and onto the ground slowly as you watch Eddie watching you.
He then takes his time palming each of your breasts in his big palms. Pinching your nipples in between his thumb and index fingers. Then, he goes on to lick and suck your nipples. Taking his time making sure you’re feeling the most absolute pleasure in everything he’s doing. 
Your head tilts back in a moan, reveling in the bliss, and you don’t think Jason has ever taken the time in loving your body like this before. 
Even when you lost your virginity to him, it was in and out. All these feelings were new to you and you didn’t want it to end. 
Is this what it feels like to have a man worship your body? 
Has Eddie always been this giving to his past lovers? 
Eddie continues to kiss each of your breasts, leaving small bruises to remember this night all over your delicate skin, and he moves one of his hands to run his fingers along the curve of your waist. He smirks when he feels your body break out into goosebumps. 
“Eddie,” you whine in wanting more, your eyes closed, and legs trying to grip onto him. Trying to relieve some of the built up pressure you’re feeling in your center. 
“I got you,” he whispers into your neck as he sucks a bruise into it. 
Your hands move underneath his shirt, trying to remove it to feel more of him, and he lets you. 
You admire his naked skin, running your hands down his chest, and touching his new tattoos that you didn’t even know he had. And he smiles down at you. A toothy smile. 
“Hot, huh?” He asks with a wink. 
“You don’t even know,” you reply, kissing his lips again. 
He kisses you slowly this time, but with the same sense of hunger. You almost jump when you feel his hand sneak into your panties. 
You gasp out as you feel his fingers spread you open, feeling how wet you are, and he moans with you. 
“Fucking drenched, angel face. All for me,” he says as he continues to cup your pussy with his hand, spreading you open, and slipping a finger into you with ease. 
He slowly opens you up with one finger, his movements slightly constricted because of your shorts, but it doesn’t stop him. He continues to finger fuck you, inserting a second finger when he feels you’re ready, and goes in between your breasts to kiss each of them. 
You’re already whining above him once again. His thick fingers feeling so good inside of you, clenching your eyes shut in pleasure, and you start rolling your hips against him to try and catch your impending orgasm. 
Eddie moves away from your breasts and chooses to simply just watch you come undone in front of him. 
He can’t believe he has you like this right now. 
He watches the way your chest heaves up and down, your skin coated in a light coat of sweat, your eyes closed with your head tilted back, but you have a smile on your face. Your body is feeding off of the pleasure you’re feeling. 
And Eddie is reveling in it. 
He inserts a third finger, which makes you moan loudly, and he moves his thumb to your swollen clit. Which causes another loud rippling moan to escape from your lips. 
Your hands move from the back of his neck to intertwine into his locks and Eddie continues with his movements. 
He can already feel your legs twitching with your closing orgasm. 
He wonders for a second if Jason ever made you come undone like this. He seems too self involved in himself. 
He pushes Jason out of his mind and focuses on you again. The way your jaw is slacked open, soft whimpers coming out, and you’re riding his fingers so perfectly. 
“Almost there, baby?” Eddie asks you and you can only whine in response. 
He adds a bit more pressure on your clit with his thumb and continues to move his fingers into your tight walls. Your thighs clench around him, your lower stomach getting that familiar feeling that you usually get only with your own fingers, and you whimper sweetly above Eddie. 
Your fingers grip onto his roots when you finally feel your orgasm take complete control over your body. Your legs are shaking, tears are pricking the corner of your eyes, and an exasperated scream breaks out of your throat as Eddie only increases the speed of his fingers. Milking out your orgasm as best as he can and he’s smiling like an idiot underneath you as he admires your blissed out state. 
He slows down his fingers inside of you, sucking on the bottom of his lips, his eyes taking you in so greedily, and you pant above him. Your body relaxes against him in your post orgasm haze. 
Your soft eyes slowly open, taking him in, and smiling when you feel how hard he still is under you. You untangle your hands from his hair and hold his face in your palms. You peck his lips, licking his bottom lip, and proceed to suck a bruise slowly into his neck. Smiling to yourself when you see the pretty purple bruise against his milky soft skin. 
Eddie let’s put a moan at your actions, eyes hooded, and a dizzy smile on his face. He slips out his fingers from inside your shorts and grips into your waist. He gently lifts you up over his legs and you stand up in front of him. Your hands resting on his naked shoulders as your legs feel unsteady underneath you. 
He starts tugging on the bottom of your shorts, pulling them down, letting them fall to your ankles, as you kick off your shoes, and watch his eyes fall down to your lacy pair of black panties. 
“Fuck,” he mutters out, you reach down to unbuckle his belt, unzipping his pants hastily, and trying to tug them off as he’s sitting down still. He chuckles at your frustrated grunts, “Eager there?” You roll your eyes playfully and cross your arms over your chest. 
Eddie mutters something under his breath and stands up, towering over you. 
He kicks off his dirty Reebok’s, shoves his jeans down with all the chains hanging off the hoops, and brings down his boxers with them. 
His thick, red-rimmed, hard cock springs out from the fast movement. Your thighs immediately clench together at the mere sight of him. 
“Fuck me,” you blurt out and blush at your own comment. 
“I will,” he replies cockily, his fingers reaching down to the sides of your panties, and he slowly pulls them down. 
The cold air hits your warm pussy, making your entire body break out into goosebumps, and you shiver slightly as you kick off your undies. 
Your pussy is glistening in front of Eddie and he can’t take his eyes off of you. 
“Look at that,” he whispers. His fingers spread you open, “Glistening and all wet for me. C’mere.” His grabby hands hold your waist again as he helps you come back and sit on his lap. His cock sitting pretty in between you and you can’t wait to feel him inside of you. 
You lean back, one of his hands is holding you by your back, and the other is holding his cock. 
You lift your hips up, mouth open in a whine when you feel him move himself in between your folds, his pre cum spilling into you, and your wetness coating his thick cock. 
His ringed fingers grip your flesh as he aligns you above his cock and swiftly slides into you with one movement. Bottom out in you easily, your tight walls suctioning him in, and you both whine at the connection. 
Your arms hold onto his shoulders, nails digging into them, and your head falls into his shoulder as you whine at how big and thick he feels inside of you. 
You’ve never felt so full before. 
You’ve never felt so open. So spread out. Your walls burn at how thick he is. 
His cock is fitting perfectly inside of you, letting your body adjust to his size, and he almost comes undone when he feels you squeezing against him. Trying to feel more of him. His fingers digging into the fullest part of your hips as you both adjust to each other’s warmth. 
“Oh my god, you’re so fucking big!” You whine out, biting the flesh around his neck, and leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses. 
“Me? F-fuck, you’re fueling my ego. You’re pussy is fucking heavy, angel face.” 
His grip on you never falters as he starts to move you up slowly, the tip of his cock at your entrance, and he moves you back down again. 
You both whine again, feeling so blissful, so fucking wonderful. 
“You feel amazing,” he mutters out into the curve of your neck, biting down gently, and he continues using your body as he pleases. Continues moving you up and down on his hard, pulsating cock. His hips meet yours as you start to increase the speed. 
Rolling your hips into him as he moves you as he wishes, both moaning together, and the sweet smell of sex starts filling the room. 
Eddie suddenly grips both of your hands, moving them behind your back, and holding them by the wrist in one of his own. He holds you steady, your body leaning back, but his cock never stops moving inside of you. You feel fucking amazing right now. Never having felt like this before. 
You both look down at the same moment, both watching the way his cock pulls out of you and swiftly enters back into your soaked pussy, and they way you both enjoy watching. 
Your nails dig into your hands in pleasure, your wetness soaking his thighs, and Eddie moves his head down to your breasts. You arch your back to give him more access as he swirls his tongue over one of your hard nipples, you cry at the pleasure that rocks into your spine, and he moves one of his free hands to massage your other breast. 
“You fit my cock perfectly, fuck. You’re taking me so g-good. Oooohhh, honey. You feel like heaven, angel.” His thrusts only increase in speed, the sound of thighs hitting against each other fills the room, with the loud sound of his cock destroying your pussy. 
You can feel your orgasm building up once again and it’s as if he can tell because he releases his hold on your wrist. You instantly reach down in between your bodies, and cry out when you finally reach your awaiting clit. You hold onto Eddie with your free arm wrapped around his shoulders and he buries his head against your breasts, but continues to hold your hips to keep the pace fast and hard. 
“Oh, f-fuck!! E-Eddie, I’m s-so fucking close. D-don’t stop! Are you close?” You whine out, increasing the speed of your finger against your clit, and you squeeze his cock inside of you with your velvety walls. 
“Oh, sweetheart.. I’m fucking close. Keep going, k-keep touching yourself,” he sucks a couple more bruises into your breasts and then he moves his big hands to the bottom of your ass, cupping both cheeks roughly as his thrusts continue to enter you deeply. 
Your head is tilted back, jaw slacked, mouth open in your whining, your bodies melting together into one, and you feel your orgasm almost taking over. 
“That’s it,” he coos you and then suddenly, you hear the door open loudly. The door hitting the wall in a bang, but Eddie’s doesn’t stop your movements and you don’t either. 
“What the fuck?! Y/N! What the fuck are you doing with this f-fucking freak?!” You hear your boyfriend's loud voice yelling into the room, but you don’t care. All you care about is your orgasm. You need to come undone on Eddie’s cock. That’s the only thing on your mind right now. 
“Shut the fuck up, Carver! And look at your beautiful fucking girlfriend drunk on my cock,” Eddie yells back at him and you finally reach your climax, tears prickling the corner of your eyes. 
“NO! What the fuck?!” Jason yells from the door, slamming his closes fists onto the wall next to him, his eyes locked onto your fucked out body on top of Eddie, and he can’t look away. 
The stimutanous feeling of Eddie fucking you hard and the pressure you’re putting on your clit feels overpowering. And somehow being caught by Jason fuels a kink you didn’t know you had. 
A loud scream explodes from your throat and Eddie follows suit with a loud groan. His thrusts don’t slow down, instead your release triggers his own, his cum spurts out and coats your walls, your pussy clenching around him, squirting on him, and your thighs are shaking. The most overwhelming orgasm you’ve ever felt consumes you. 
“Be fucking loud,” Eddie demands against your neck as he watches you come undone. 
Your whining loudly still, your vision turns hazy with spots filling the corners, your hands gripping onto him as you come down from your climax, and you let out a breath of satisfaction. Your body feels like jelly against his. 
Eddie’s breathing is jagged underneath you, a smirk on his face as he pulls himself away from your breasts, and you finally take a look at the door. 
Jason is standing there, a shocked look on his face, mouth dropped, wide eyes, and he’s speechless. 
You can’t help, but notice how hard his dick is in his khaki colored pants. 
Eddie must have noticed, too. 
“Liked the show, Carver?” He asks cockily as he gently lifts you up over his throbbing cock, you hiss at the sensation and the emptiness. You stand up and you clench your thighs together when you feel Eddie’s cum leaking out of you. 
Jason doesn’t even speak. He’s only watching. His eyes moving down your naked bruised body and locking onto your fucked out pussy. 
Eddie maneuvers his hand in between your thighs, his eyes on Jason, and pushes his cum back inside of you. The squelching sound of his cum getting pushed back inside of you makes your knees buckle. 
You moan at the feeling, squeezing around his fingers, and you look at Jason. 
“I saw you with Chrissy,” you say causally and his eyes snap to your face. “We’re obviously over. So… maybe get the fuck out?“ 
Jason looks as white as a ghost and he quickly rushes out the room, slamming the door shut behind him. 
Eddie’s fingers are still in you when you look down at him and he’s already looking at you, with a smirk on his face and he bursts out laughing. You follow suit, a loud giggle bursting through your lips. 
“Did you see his face?“ He asks between his laughs. 
“It was priceless,” you say as you kiss his lips. 
“Mmm,” he moans into your lips, “Pussy so tight for me. Filled with my cum.” 
“Want to go again?” You ask, eyes glittering with want as you met his own. 
“Fuck yeah, but I want to take you home instead.” 
“Okay,” you whisper against his lips with a smile and a small kiss. 
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paintedperiwinkle · 7 months
plant dashboard simulator
🍁 nevergreen Following
when are we gonna talk about the superiority complex that evergreens have just because they don’t go dormant
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
🌳 oakspoke Follow
um it’s quite literally the opposite actually?? evergreens are always ostracized because they don’t turn colors in autumn
🍁 nevergreen Following
found the evergreen apologist
#evergreens if i see u on this post ur getting blocked immediately
25,398 notes
🍌 fruitsalad Follow
just a reminder that imported produce take away from the desirability of locally grown produce!
🍓 berrysweet Following
what the fuck??
🥥 tropical-chill Follow
op i’m outside your house with a weedwhacker
#tw discourse #tw idiocy
36,294 notes
🥕 carrottop-deactivated10022023
demeaning crops who weren’t sowed with higher quality soil and fertilizer is elitist btw!
🍒 redandjuicy Following
literally who is doing that
🪴 homegrown Follow
flop post i fear
🍂 autumnbreeze Follow
bro deleted his whole account 💀
97,173 notes
🥀 wiltedbeauty Following
can we PLEASE talk about the pretty privilege of garden flowers?? weeds and wildflowers are always cast out just bc we aren’t “aesthetic”
🪻 violet-and-violent Following
and the most stuck up ones are ALWAYS roses and sunflowers
🥀 wiltedbeauty Following
5,746 notes
🌻 de-flowered Follow
just got pollenated for the first time…
🌳 oakspoke Follow
some things can stay in the drafts op
🌷 pinkandpretty Following
don’t listen to them you go girl!
5,229 notes
🪴 homegrown Follow
dni if you think that kudzu shouldn’t be held accountable for the damage it’s done to native flora communities
🍌 fruitsalad Follow
op they aren’t gonna like this one…
🍁 nevergreen Following
your ass is always at the scene of the crime huh
57,385 notes
🍄 not-a-fun-guy Follow
do you guys ever feel like you don’t belong
0 notes
🌵 aloesoft Following
gentle reminder that the terms succulent and cacti are not interchangeable!! all cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti! it can be offensive to some of us to use them incorrectly!
🍓 berrysweet Following
reblogging so more people see this
3,385 notes
🍃 soil-lover Following
all lawns are beautiful!! lawns with weeds! lawns with sparse grass and dirt patches! clover lawns! overgrown lawns! you are all beautiful!
🍂 autumnbreeze Follow
one of these things is not like the others…
🌾 gonewiththewind Follow
the real issue is that “lawns” exist in the first place. what happened to wide open fields?
🍃 soil-lover Following
can you make your own fucking post
17,220 notes
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
vegetables that can be grown throughout multiple seasons i love you <3
🥒 cute-cumber Follow
so just fuck single season veggies then huh?
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
that is literally not what i said. but now i am. fuck you
#??? #are you stupid on purpose or
6,383 notes
🪷 hightide Following
some of you guys need to start including aquatic plants in your advocacy. we are the most overlooked plant group
🌵 aloesoft Following
🪷 hightide Following
why are you the only one who understands me
#aquatic plants 🤝 desert plants
104 notes
🌿 fabulousfern Follow
no offense but indoor plants will literally never understand what wild plants go through
🎍 bamboozled Follow
you want a medal or something?? as a wild plant myself we’re not somehow better than them because we don’t need humans to take care of us. they didn’t ask to be born house plants
🌿 fabulousfern Follow
kiss ass
#did they pick you? #i hope they see this bro
9,385 notes
🍀 luckyday Following
shoutout to all of the big trees that share their nutrients with us little guys down here!! we love you!! 💚
11 notes
🌳 oakspoke Follow
no one tell the climbing plants but it makes me feel a bit claustrophobic when they grow up all over me
🌲 suburban-spruce Follow
HELP i thought i was the only one 😭
🍁 nevergreen Following
oh that’s not…
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
it’s not too late to delete this…
🍇 leavesfromthevine Following
like literally wtf???
#sorry that not all of us have a fucking trellis to grow on?? #we literally can not help how we grow??? #yall pretend to care about plants different from you but then post shit like this #did u think no one would see this? be honest #pathetic
62,590 notes
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alecscudder1987 · 1 year
ive just had a thought. see ive been joking as much as the next person about the ineffable beurocracy getting their shit together after 3 dates while it took aziraphale and crowley since literally before time was invented BUT it's quite literally just privilege.
you saw the shot where aziraphale grabs crowley's shoulder just after beelzebub and gabriel declare their love--this level of visibility is unprecedented, and something he and crowley have never been able to afford. while they (and we) might have softened to not-gabriel throughout the season, the second gabriel is gabriel again, he uses his position and leaddrship weight as archangel to fuck right off with his beloved. which, good for him.
but to aziraphale and crowley, this is fucking bonkers information. they spent their entire existences compromising on their relationship in order to not...be compromised. and gabriel just up and speed-runs dating the enemy because the worst consequence he faces is getting fired. gabriel and beelzebub never face consequences for their relationship, so of course it goes off without a hitch. no one looking over your shoulder because you're the guy looking over everyone's shoulder.
while im thankful they fucked off to alpha centuri so i don't ever have to see gabriel's smug face again, i do wonder if the "going off together" is really the good relationship A & C ought to model. if it's a happy foil to miserable wee morag and her girlfriend from the minisodes, it's still not what i believe crowley and aziraphale are going to do.
they've spent all of time becoming increasingly codependent, and while that's fun and all for a while, crowley and aziraphale really need their little human mundanities. going on walks. getting dinner. going for a drive to blow off steam. their path is getting distinctly more human-looking, and i think someday they're going to have to reckon with the idea of letting other people into their lives.
to bring it back to my first point, i've just been thinking about WHY crowley and aziraphale are Like That, when we've been presented with a new couple who most certainly isn't, and it made me think about it in terms of power. they have leverage, but they built it for themselves by learning everything about earth their superiors didn't know, getting a leg up anywhere they can. gabriel and beezlebub don't need a leg up. they have it. they're stepping on your chest and brushing dust from their costs as you try to climb past the first stone.
you could also look at it like queer versus straight relationships. queer relationships are often by circumstance somewhat secretive and full of codes and longing glances and not-talking-about-your-feelings BECAUSE it might get you into trouble. straight relationships often don't have this problem (though they might have others relating to other intersecting & marginalized identities) so they can get straight away into the declaring it part.
TL;DR beezlebub and gabriel got hitched immidiately while it took crowley and aziraphale all of time to kiss because the ineffable beaurocracy has about a million times more power and a billion times less consequences for getting caught about it than the ineffable husbands do.
406 notes · View notes
mncxbe · 1 year
can i request dazai x reader where the two end up getting side tracked on a mission and end up kissing and stuff the entire time . and reader is nervous because they know kunikida will KILL them if he found out but dazais just chill
oh my I absolutely loved writing this. Also I imagined dazai in that pretty suit he wore at the end of season 3. I hope it's what you were looking for♡ Enjoy
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ passionate kisses?
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It was usual for Dazai to skip work or do the bare minimum. He's good at reading people and he can solve any case in only a few minutes so why bother putting in some extra effort when he can spend time with you instead?
That being said, when the time came for you two to go on a mission, he was more than prepared to slack off.
"Don't worry darling" he said in a playful tone "Let's just enjoy ourselves. After all we finally have privacy"
You were currently sitting at a table at the far end of the dim lit room. The beautifully ornated lampshades were casting dark shadows on the walls; the smell of tobacco filling the room. The restaurant was chic, quite elegant but secluded, exactly the place criminals choose to meet to discuss business.
A few days ago Kunikida received a tip from one of his informants: two underground organizations were planning to join forces in order to rob a bank and they would meet at that certain restaurant to discuss the details. Naturally, your job was to eavesdrop on their conversation and report everything back to Kunikida. Your superior even made a reservation for the table next to their and allowed you to buy a bottle of expensive wine to set the scene.
That said wine was now being poured in your glass by your boyfriend. "I really can't believe that Kunikida was this generous" he chuckled
"Well, it would be suspicious if we just stood here and did nothing"
"Good point darling"
The two of you clinked glasses just as your targets entered the room.
"Osamu, they're here" you spoke lowly. Your boyfriend nonchalantly looked over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of the two men through the wooden shade that separated your tables.
"And now the party starts" He took another sip of his drink, resting his arm over your shoulders.
The targets ordered something and immediately began discussing their plan, not minding the fact that there were people around them; so it was quite easy for you to hear what they were saying. However, only a few minutes later, Dazai's fingers started ghosting over your thigh.
"Tell me, dear. Are you enjoying the wine?"
"Sshhh" you snapped at him "I'm trying to listen"
Your sudden outburst amused him, a sly smile making its way to his lips. "Why so serious, hon? Just relax a bit." He leaned in, cold lips leaving a trail of soft kisses along your neck.
You tried to protest again but he wouldn't buy it. He could tell by the way your pulse incresed that you were as eager as him. You slowly batted your lashes as he tilted your chin to the side, exposing your neck even further. Dazai's lips were warm and wet against your skin, his occasional needy moans driving you crazy. You snapped out of it when his hand slid up your thigh. Your fingers instinctively wrapped around his wrist, pushing his hand away.
"Dazai, can we please focus? Kunikida is going to kill us if we mess this up and~"
He suddenly pressed his lips against yours, earning a muffled moan from you. His arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer, teeth nibbling at your lower lip. You felt your body get hotter with each second that passed; the taste of red wine on his lips shutting down your senses. Dazai's kisses always had this effect on you. As soon as his lips pressed against yours, all sounds became distorted, as if you were underwater and all you could do was melt into his embrace.
You kissed for a good number of minutes until you heard the men behind you yell.
"Oi, you two. Get a room for fuck's sake" they cursed. You suddenly became aware of the position you were in, your cheeks taking on a red tint.
"We're so sorry, sirs I~"
"Just shut it, woman" they spoke again before returning to their conversation.
"Assholes" you mumbled under your breath as you turned to face your boyfriend, who was grinning at you.
"See now, bella. Maybe you should be more quiet next time." You didn't find his remark amusing in the slightest, but all you did was pout as you tried to focus on what the targets were saying.
Unfortunately, the two men asked the waitress for the bill, threw a stack of money on the table and left. A sudden wave of despair took over you and you started panicking.
"Shit I didn't catch the time and place. I'm done, I'm so done. I'm gonna get fired"
"Bella, it's alright" Dazai said in a soothing voice, placing a hand on your shoulder "You're lucky you have such an amazing partner, you know? I have all the information we need here" he continued, gently patting his head with a finger.
You exhaled deeply and allowed yourself to rest in his comforting embrace. "Thanks, Osamu. You're amazing. But please, next time don't distract me like that"
"How about you don't let yourself be distracted, pretty girl?"
A scoff left your lips as you rolled your eyes. Your boyfriend chuckled and downed the last sips of wine. "And what now? The mission is done and we still have half a bottle left. It'd be a shame if it went to waste." His slender fingers caressed your thigh again, making you shiver in anticipation "How about we finish the rest at home?"
"Sounds wonderful, dear" you replied in a honeyed voice "But we have to write the report first"
He kissed you one more time, a soft peck that melted your heart "I believe that can wait 'till tomorrow morning, darling"
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vintagetvstars · 2 months
Clint Walker Vs. George Maharis
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Clint Walker - (Cheyenne, Kodiak) - Low melodic voice, fucking enormous chest, and he's 6 feet 6 inches for some gaddamn reason. Loved him as Cheyenne Bodie so very much.
George Maharis - (Route 66) - "...I don’t know if I can fully capture what makes him so hot to me, but haven’t we all loved a bad boy with a sensitive soul at some point in our lives? And for me, nobody did it better than him..." Full text propaganda below the cut.
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Clint Walker:
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George Maharis:
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One of the stars of Route 66 (1960-1964,) one of the most ambitious television shows of its time. The series followed two drifters traveling the country in a Chevrolet Corvette convertible, Maharis played Buz Murdock, the working-class bad boy with a sensitive soul. Each week he and his friend Tod would arrive in a new city or town and stumble into some local drama (all filmed on location around the country.) Although he was supposed to be one of two leads, as the show went on it became clear Maharis was the superior actor and the scripts started to reflect it. The writers would give him increasingly demanding roles (in one episode, for example, his character is temporarily blinded and has to learn to adjust while staying at a school for the blind) which he always pulled off the aplomb despite the minimal prep time and demanding schedule of shooting 30-episode seasons of TV in a new location every week.
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All of this should’ve set him up for a long career as the next Brando or James Dean, but the long hours took a toll on his health and the producers refused to lighten his work schedule to help him recover. On top of that, he was gay in an era when that could ruin your career. The producers weren’t happy when they found out and that probably influenced how they treated him. Subsequent vice squad arrests after leaving the show would hamper his ability to find high profile roles. I don’t know if I can fully capture what makes him so hot to me, but haven’t we all loved a bad boy with a sensitive soul at some point in our lives? And for me, nobody did it better than him. So vote for him for that reason, or as an F-You to all the homophobes who ruined his career.
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CW: Brief discussions of murder and (implied) attempted assault
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mr2swap · 1 year
Football this season
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-calm down boy I got A+ on your exam it was a piece of cake for me, you're going to play American football again this season-
I flexed my huge arms to show my intellect and genetic superiority while the obese middle-aged man just looked at me sadly and jealously, he had been in Johnson's body for 2 days and had already stuffed the ass of the captain of the men's swim team and the basketball one, but the pathetic look behind those square glasses was the best reward.
I never tire of showing off those huge arms and those abs that the fags at school fall in love with, now I understand why all those athletes spend all day in the gym instead of in the library.
As an algebra teacher, every year I have a group of young idiots who beg me on their knees in front of my office to help them pass their exams. Qualifying so they could play the field, but he didn't need any of that crap, all he wanted was their lives.
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Of course, the kids don't want a tutor or some kind of extra essay, they just want to bribe me with their parents' money to put a D+ on their exams, luckily I've found a way to take advantage of my situation.
I was never very popular when I was young, but now I get to live 1 week a month in the carefree life of an airhead jock while he lives my shitty life as an underpaid high school teacher with a small penis who still lives with mom, I used to believe that football was stupid, It feels fucking great to be the center of attention on the field Johnson hasn't even played a game since he entered high school all he does is train his body so that I get all the glory after winning the game.
From the moment I saw him enter my class I knew I would put my hands on that rather muscular and fucking handsome body, Johnson was always an idiot, most of the time he was talking to his friends in the back of the room or sleeping in my class.
Stealing the portable body swapping machine from the science fair 7 years ago was the best idea I've ever had, ever since then I've been secretly "helping" my students, Even the Principal has complimented me on my good work with the students .
Although being young and having all my hair is great, the part I enjoy the most is watching my students suffer in my body, after we return to our original bodies they become valedictorian, so they don't have to spend another week in my shoes But there are always Jocks or thugs lining up outside my classroom door for me to receive their bodies.
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The rumors that the quarterback was found walking into a hotel while holding hands with an obese 60 year old man is just a small price for an A+, like I said my salary is a pittance so I don't see any of it. Bad at taking a little more of My new youth and charging a bunch of old Homos For worshiping my muscular arms, kissing my perfect abs And kissing my huge stinky feet.
Maybe in a couple of years when I retire I'll steal the body of the new master of chemistry, I wouldn't mind "teaching" again for a couple more years as long as I have this machine.
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Hello, if you like bodyswap stories take a look at my patreon, I have a lot of more stories, and you can help me keep creating more stories!
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bullagit · 4 months
honestly it's just funny to me when people are like "aziraphale had to be talked into even trying to save the earth blah blah blah" trying to make him out to be a Bad Person. meanwhile in canon it took like, 1.5 conversations and less than a day because he DID want to do it and jumped on the first feasible idea.
and then they conveniently ignore that he spends the rest of season one actively continuing to do everything in his power that he can think of to save the earth, despite every obstacle and despite CROWLEY actively saying they should give up on that and run away together instead
(which all these same people conveniently... never seem to mention or frame as crowley being a Bad Person. the same way they never seem to try to frame him calling aziraphale stupid or his little "i'm leaving forever and when i'm gone i'll never even THINK ABOUT YOU AGAIN" moment as him being a bad person, instead suddenly being much more willing to sympathize and give him the benefit of the doubt. hmm go figure).
like he literally tries to talk to GOD up close and personal to change her mind. he throws down his uniform, refuses the war, and goes AWOL back to earth determined to save it, even knowing that he's pretty much signing up to lose EVERYTHING that he's built on earth for himself, even thinking he possibly lost crowley already by pushing him away, like.
when satan is en route to the airbase, wouldn't you know, crowley is the one who says it's over we're fucked there's nothing we can do and aziraphale is the one who says no, we can't give up now after everything, and gives crowley the push he needs to buy them some time.
i'll never say he's a perfect uwu bean or that he always goes about things the right way but like, this weird thing (especially post s2) where people try to project some different character onto him just never goes over. he's not self-absorbed or callous or power-hungry or stupid or too naive or completely selfish. fundamentally.
also he wouldn't take angel crowley over modern crowley. he loves crowley in every capacity and every form and through every change and tbh like. he understands that those aren't actually two completely separate entities, and crowley is one person who's been through so much and had to change so much, and he loves all of him.
their relationship is not toxic or abusive. they understand each other in ways nobody else ever will. they push each other to be better and appreciate each other for everything that they are, that they have been, that they could be, and they continually choose to come back to each other no matter what fight they have or challenge they face.
every day i gotta get out here like you know you can just like the character crowley better... and relate to him more... without having to twist around to justify it as some moral superiority thing. like that's fine and normal, to just like a character better than a different character and focus on them more.
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actual-changeling · 1 year
bear with me here but i think michael would actually be quite a nice person if they were alone with someone they're not in a power struggle with.
we see what heaven is like, the higher your position, the more influence and power you have over the other angels, archangels included, and being a low ranking angel fucking sucks.
there is michael and uriel hashing it out over gabriel's position and they never STOP doing that, every single time we see them they're still competing to see which one will take the empty throne/have the most to say. it's michael bringing up being duty officer, it's uriel being the one to turn off the alarm with that smug little look and voice, it's the entire scene with the match box - all of it.
gabriel has no one to fight for power and he makes the others feel it. especially his arrogant, almost mocking "you can ask but i don't have to answer". the fact that they all let him go and only belatedly are like "fuck me he doesn't have a desk".
and then how absolutely terrified they all are when they realize who the metatron is. did we do something wrong and suddenly all power struggles with each other fall away because holy shit he can hurt us in a way we cannot (and never would) hurt each other.
i think an interesting little tidbit is also michael's behaviour when they bring the holy water to hell for the trial in season 1. that aura of smug superiority to defend their status and be the person with the most power in the entirety of hell in that moment.
all of this does have a point, and we're getting to it now.
get michael and dagon alone in a room, and, after the initial awkwardness and once they realize there's no reason to play tug of war with power, i am certain they'd bond. angels are lonely, and dagon honestly seems like fun (their fake vomiting gets me every time), and give michael the room to just relax for a fucking second and a person to catch them, and they will.
we see it happen with crowley and aziraphale, we see it with gabriel and beez, even with muriel in their initial conversation in the bookshop.
dagon and michael having somewhat secret meetings because their companies are a fucking mess, and it's nice to share the responsibility with someone, to not have to keep up a mask. a few meetings in, michael's had a horrible day, and right before they leave for heaven, they hesitate.
it's a i don't wanna go back and it's nicer here with you and i'm exhausted and it scares the shit out of them. but there's that moment during which they just look at each other, and dagon is a demon, they're not supposed to feel any good feelings, let alone love or care, yet they reach out and squeeze michael's hand, and they're both so shocked they let it pass without a word.
then michael spreads their wings, dagon mutters "fucking show off" because it isn't actually necessary, and with one last thankful little smile, they're off.
(somewhere in heaven, the metatron gets a sudden headache.)
(somewhere in... somewhere, god smiles)
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auspicioustidings · 9 months
Summary: Silly little festive Price x reader x Soap for @bunnyreaper
Words: 1.2k
“You're right Captain, wouldn't be professional would it?” 
Gaz snorted a laugh at that. Simon's dry tone paired with the fact that the two of them were currently very much wrapped up in one another was making Price look like he was sucking lemon slices. 
Honestly he felt bad for his Captain. Soap and you were up excitedly flipping through the karaoke book and were even more casually affectionate than usual with the alcohol flowing which in turn was clearly driving Price mad. It probably didn't help that the dive bar that you all frequented was so endearingly decorated for the season, the twinkling multicoloured lights giving everything a whimsy feel to it that so suited how you and Soap always were together.
Honestly him and Simon would lay in bed at night and gossip away about this whole thing like a pair of old dears. You, Soap and the Captain were so stupidly in love with one another and all of you were so steadfastly ignoring it. It had been funny at first, but after a year of this it was now just getting frustrating to watch. 
“Oh sod off, you two aren't the same” Price grumbled into his whiskey, eyes never leaving you and Soap.
“I mean if you want to promote me up to Lieutenant then maybe that would be true and if I really have to take a promotion to help you out I suppose I could.”
“Cheeky git.”
“Just taking the piss Captain.”
“Doesn't make him less right. If you're fine with me ruining a Sergeant for anyone else why can't you?”
“Simon you say the most romantic things.”
“I'm a regular casanova.”
Price watched as Soap handed you a microphone with a flourish after hugging you and you both stumbled to the stage, faces flush with the effects of mulled wine and excitement. Goddamnit the two of you were going to be the end of him. He had been fine (so he tells himself) when it was only his wildly inappropriate feelings for John MacTavish he had to contend with. Then a year ago he gets told about some little firestarter medic that was facing a severe disciplinary for disobeying direct orders and assaulting a superior officer. You had refused to leave a man behind and then punched your CO and really he should have known then he was going to fall ass over teakettle for you. You were so like MacTavish in so many ways, and my God did the two of you bring out the best in one another.
He had watched with unbridled pride as you earned a promotion within 6 months of working with them. Overdue really, you should have made Sergeant well before then but you had the same problem that was common with the 141; a stunning lack of respect for those who did nothing to earn it but wear a set of stripes.  
And fuck, it was an absolute joy watching Soap take you under his wing. John always knew he was meant for big things, but watching him be able to teach you made him feel like tearing up. While you teased one another and got into mischief all the time, he also saw how gentle Johnny was with you. He saw the way he looked at you when your eyes were elsewhere, so much adoration that it made his heart hurt. 
Yes, you two were practically made for one another. He was just made to sit and nurse his whisky on the sidelines, cheering you on even if it made his heart break.
“Ye should replace it with… uh… yer maw watches Taggart!”
“But you watch Taggart!”
“Aye because it's a pure fandabbydozy show.”
Honestly made sense to you. Well, it made sense when you had tried several of the wonderful Christmas themed cocktails. Fairytale of New York karaoke was your stunning idea, but you were trying to avoid shout singing the word faggot at the top of your lungs and thus you would instead be viciously disparaging Johnny by suggesting his mother watched a detective show. Savage really. You nodded vigorously and Johnny smooshed your cheeks.
“Yer so cute wee yin, ma wee baby bunny” he cooed.
You did try to blow a raspberry at him but the smooshing really fucked up your attempt. Oh you wished John was here too, he always sighed and bonked you both on the head when you'd get into childish little exchanges like this. You frowned, suddenly sad about being too scared to drag him up with you. 
Johnny was easy to pull into stupid things like this, but with John it felt trickier. It wasn't like rank seemed to matter much out of the field in this team, Kyle and Simon were proof enough of that, but deep down you knew that wasn't what made you nervous about it. It was that you had stupidly fallen in love with more than one man. And even worse, you were fairly sure that they were in love with one another. The thought of them pitying you for your crushes horrified you something awful, but you just could not keep yourself away from them.
“Yer sad” Johnny said, seemingly devastated by the prospect. “Dinnae be sad bonnie, cannae stand it when yer sad.”
God he really couldn't. Not that he was ever really able to say it out loud sober. Fuck he was so irrevocably in love with two of his team mates, what a place to find himself.
“OK, gonna sing out my sadness” you said, going a little overboard on the gloomy dramatics.
“Och that’s a pure sin, c’mere my wee darlin’” he replied as he wrapped you up in his arms and squeezed until you couldn’t breathe and were smacking him to let go.
Time to bury your feelings and give the best performance of your life.
“Jesus, they’re terrible.”
Kyle looked at Simon and Simon looked at Kyle before they both looked back at Price. He wasn’t wrong, you were God awful, but he was still staring like you and Johnny had hung the stars in the sky nonetheless. It was awfully cute. He was too distracted to even notice that there were eyes everywhere flitting between him and the stage, after all most of the regulars and all of the staff were very much involved in the betting pool on how this was eventually going to play out and maybe tonight would be the night.
They all watched with delighted anticipation as Price eventually downed his whisky just before the end of the song and stood, making a beeline for the stage. 
“Oh! Don’t remember that being part of the song” Kyle said with a choked laugh as Price very much lost all composure and thoroughly crossed rank lines.
Simon tilted his head in amusement and gave a low whistle.
“Suppose we should stop them before they commit a public indecency felony on stage.”
They didn’t have to in the end, the riotous cheering of everyone in the place distracted the three of you for long enough to realise you were very much in public. Surprising nobody, you decided to leave early and turn in for the night. It was not lost on Simon or Kyle that you all went to the same bedroom.
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Love To Hate Me || Kylian Mbappé
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Plot: Kylian had it all figured out, he'd finally move away from PSG after one more year in red and blue, so why did this random woman have to come and ruin everything for him?
Warnings: Kylian being very mildly sexist (for character growth of course<3)
Word Count: 1276
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"But you leaked it?"
"No, I didn't."
Kylian's face was a flat line, though with every word she said, his lips inched closer to a frown. His hazel eyes were fixed on her, sat across from him.
"Your team did and given that the main man in your team is your father, I'd say you were well aware it was going to happen."
Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, each strand neatly slicked back. Surely that hurt her head, maybe it restricted blood flow to her brain- maybe that's why she was such a dick!
His life had been perfectly planned out, his career finally making sense, looking like it was going somewhere. Then, the new manager had arrived and so had his stupid, new PR head. What had been wrong with the old head of PR? Nothing! Sure, he was elderly, out of touch, and not very good at his job and his replacement was young and sharp and beautiful and... that wasn't relevant to her work.
How dare she barge in here in her six-inch heels and her tight, tight blouse and tarnish his name? Who even needed heels that high for work?
He was Kylian Mbappé; he'd given everything for this club and for his country and when he'd written that letter all he'd wanted was a peaceful exit from the team. Now, not only the Parisian media but all media in France and worldwide hated him. Maybe the only people who liked him right now were Spanish journalists.
"Kylian, I admire you greatly. You are a brilliant player and I know your worth." Enrique, the coach, said from his seat beside y/n, "So do my superiors and surely you're aware that we really can't let you go on a free transfer."
"I didn't ask to go on a free transfer, I just said I am not willing to extend my contract." he defended.
"But you want to play until the end of the season when your contract runs out, and no team in their right mind would therefore buy you weeks before you become a free agent."
Y/n spoke quickly yet clearly, sure in her words and sure in herself. When she finished, her lips, painted a dark rose, settled in a line, as she blinked once, twice, her long lashes fluttering.
"Last time I checked, dealing with transfers wasn't in your job description," he bit back.
"No, I'm in charge of the team's image which your transfers are really tarnishing, so you've kind of dragged them to my attention yourself."
"I told you, I didn't leak the letter."
"Oh, well if you say you didn't, you must be telling the truth. I will get my goons to slowly torture each of your teammates until one of them admits to the crime."
Her composed watch didn't shift from him. He glared at her. If looks could kill.
"That won't be necessary, Miss Briggs. Kylian, we have two options here." Enrique said, calmly, "Option one, you and your posse agree to start negotiations with us for a contract extension and-"
"I choose option two." Kylian cut in, bluntly, scowling at the entire room.
"Great. So, option two, we'll exclude you from the squad for the Japan tour and you can spend the Summer training with the loft." Enrique declared, standing up and gathering his files from the desk, "Great talk. Very productive."
As the coach exited, his team leaving with him, Kylian sat there dumbfounded. The only person who remained in the room was y/n, as she jotted something down in her notebook. Finishing writing, she snapped the cover shut and slotted her pen into her blouse's chest pocket. His eyes followed it. Glancing up, she watched him watching her for a couple of seconds before she stood up.
"So, that's it, I'm just fucking cut from the squad?" he seethed.
She nodded, easily humming, "Mhm. What did you expect?"
"You know I love this club. You and Enrique can't just march in here and bench me. I'm Kylian Mbappé."
"I didn't bench you." she scoffed, starting for the door.
"Please, I don't know who you are but for some reason, Enrique listens to what you say and I know you had a hand in this. I don't know why he trusts your opinions since you don't even know football, but stay out of my way, okay?"
She stopped dead in her tracks, spinning around slowly, her mouth slightly agape, though her lips curled up ever so slightly in a way that told him he was a dead man walking.
"Luis respects what I say because I'm good at my job. I know that you're not used to working alongside women and maybe your fragile ego can't handle being booted out of the squad but you brought this on yourself, Mbappé. I don't work for you or Luis, I work for Paris Saint-Germain and I'll do what's best for the club. So, here's my advice, from one master of their field to another, get your shit together and sign a new contract or come September time you might find yourself at a club you like a whole lot less than this one. How does the Qatari league sound? Your whole internalised chauvinism thing will go over a treat there. Like one of the locals already!"
With that, she stormed out of the door, her hips swaying, and he was truly alone in the huge meeting room. Hesitantly, he pulled out his phone and quickly punched in a Google search: chauvinism definition.
chauvinism: excessive or prejudiced support for one's own cause or group, in particular male prejudice against women
He frowned, surely that was a bit far. He didn't hate her because she was a woman. He hated her because she was ruining his life. That had nothing to do with her gender. Well, maybe his burning desire for her contributed to his hatred. He'd never hated the old head of PR this much and maybe that was because he was old and wrinkled and didn't wear blouses that tight or skirts that tight or watch him with eyes like that and-
No, he wasn't attracted to her. Well, not like that. Yes, she was a very attractive woman, that was a fact, but he knew lots of attractive women. He wasn't attracted to her, he could just appreciate that she was, well, attractive and- God, what was he doing? Why were his thoughts spiralling like this, perv?
Maybe he just hated her because she was loud and arrogant and seemed to think Kylian was the enemy and that in vanquishing him, she was doing Paris, nay France, a great service. Noble warrior.
Well, she'd made a big mistake.
Maybe journalists and fans would turn against him for a couple of weeks, caught up in the excitement of his gripping transfer saga. That didn't matter because at the end of the day, he was Kylian Mbappé. He'd lead France to that trophy in 2018, even if he'd been a teenager, and he'd scored three goals and a fucking penalty in the world cup final after that. The country wouldn't turn against him for long, that was for sure.
She'd tried to turn him into the enemy but all she'd really done was make the biggest mistake of all. She'd made herself his enemy, and she'd sorely regret that.
Groaning, he stood up, his chair scraping against the floor as he did and stormed out of the meeting room. He wasn't leaving and he wasn't signing that new contract. Nobody could make him: not Enrique, not Al-Khelaifi, and most certainly not y/n.
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Masterlist Chapter 2
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bl00dlight · 23 days
Now that I've had some time to process and review. Here are my final thoughts/ hot takes. Some of these will probs conflict with my initial reactions to thing.
It wasn't a mischaracterisation of Alicent to abandon Aegon and Aemond, considering she never liked them to begin with. Which is literally the reason behind Aegon and Aemond being dysfunctional; her love was given conditionally. She only ever defended them against Rhaenyra, meaning she didn't bother to actually form loving relationships with her sons outside of projecting Otto's ambitions onto them.
She was ALWAYS a hypocrite. Her fucking Cole, even though yes it was annoying as fuck - is pretty in line with her characterisation. She literally let Larys wank to her feet in exchange for his loyalty/ her having more subliminal power. Remember how...she ostensibly gave Larys the green light to like murder Ser Harwin... and then attempt to murder Mysaria... yea...
Her idea of virtue was literally only ever used to maintain the idea of superiority over Rhaenyra/a justification to usurp the throne. It was never a real value of hers. It makes sense she'd abandon it when she is rendered powerless. Because it makes no difference either way to her.
Alicent may be a victim of the Patriarchy, but equally she is 100000% an abuser and an enforcer of Patriarchy. I won't elaborate. It's clear.
It also isn't out of character for her to not give a fuck about Jaehaerys either. Considering she massively projects her own trauma onto Helaena, and in general projects herself onto Helaena. She hasn't spent much time at all with the kid... like ever. And hardly even spends time with Helaena? She also like... willingly ignores Daeron.
It makes sense that Alicent probably feels little connection to Jaehaerys by virtue of the fact she seems to struggle with connecting to her sons. And Jaehaerys is an extension of Aegon and also of the crown.
Alicent has to an extent been traumatised by Targaryen men. All of which lean in to their "Targaryenness".
Helaena who, doesn't ride Dreamfyre (which annoys the fuck outta me that they made this choice). Seems to have little interest in her own House, thus is the most removed from being a Targaryen and to Alicent, is more aligned with herself.
So all in all, it makes sense why Alicent would basically be like "fuck them all but Helaena."
I think Alicent is deeply traumatised by the male dominated world. And in order to survive she had to adopt the qualities she knows men expect of women in order to maintain a level of power/control she had. Her entire life has been gaining power through the proximity of men and being used by them. She used virtue as a way to protect herself and maintain a level of power. That's why she opposes Rhaenyra, because Alicent has convinced herself that this is the reason she has cultivated her position. Because she is righteous. And Rhaenyra (whom is not righteous or virtuous) does not deserve to rule because of it.
However, once Aegon is on the throne, she realised that it was never her virtue which gave her power but her PROXIMITY TO POWERFUL MEN, WHICH DID - this entire farce collapses. She realises that the mask she wore means nothing. The entire identity she built herself around means nothing. She was never a good mother and she knows it. That's why she can turn around and abandon Aegon and Aemond. She made monsters who she can't control and she doesn't even want to. She'd rather abandon the Targaryens altogether and dissociate herself then face the fact SHE FUCKED UP. And... she legit did that throughout season 1 to... so....
Remember how Helaena said she didn't want Jaehaerys to be King? It's because even Helaena is aware of the dangers being on the throne causes. She knows her son would constantly be under threat and also living a life of despair. She just wants him to be happy because she loves him.
Alicent? On the other hand, literally hears Aegon SAY he doesn't want the crown. Literally hears how miserable he is once he has it. And basically doesn't give a fuck because her ambitions come before his wellbeing. She literally has never been a loving mother. She may have loved Aemond and Aegon deep down. But she wasn't loving. People for some reason think the two are mutually exclusive and they aren't. Abusive people can love you. But they can only love to the capacity they know how.
To Alicent, abandoning her sons is probably the most loving thing she can do. That way they can be free of her, and she can be free of them.
Think about it this way, if your sons were like... genuinely lowkey diabolical, would you stand by them without question?
If the first was a known rapist, enjoyed watching kids being beaten, treated his wife like shit, neglected his kids, spent most of his time drunk and having sex with prostitutes, tormented his younger brother etc; how positive would you feel about him?
If the second was a known maniacal edgelord who killed his own nephew, then tried to kill his brother, then also killed his cousin and then..... also lowkey committed genocide, etc; how positive would you feel about him?
Oh and they were both kinda misogynists?
In the real world, the mothers of fucked up men won't stand by their sons. Some do, but society has agreed those mothers are fucked up for being enablers.
Why do we expect Alicent to love her sons unconditionally, when she literally never did?
The problem isn't her arc, the problem is that the writers didn't actually explore the Green properly this season in order to allow us to understand Alicent. We saw so little of the Greens interacting with each other and so little of their dynamics that... in contrast to S1 Alicent, yea it does feel like they fucked up her character. But they didn't. They just sped run through her arc.
People comparing Ceresi to Alicent are greatly missing the point of Ceresi too. Whom was a raging narcissist - though yes she loved her children. She loved them because they were an extension of her and Jamie entirely. And her love for them meant she enabled Joffrey to become a fucking psychopath. Which again, is what the Patriarchy expects of women. It expects them to stand by men regardless of what they do. It expects them to be good and loyal. But Alicent is neither of those things and she never really was. Alicent is ALLOWED to be a bad mother. And she is ALLOWED to subvert our expectations of what a good mother should be. It's not anti feminist to let Alicent
I don't think it's a bad choice to have Alicent slowly start to develop reservations about the war. The only person who shouldn't of had those reservations is Rhaenyra.
The problem truly was, everything was so rushed, we didn't get the time to spend to see Alicent's arc develop properly. But all in all, like... I think people just be mad because, they are projecting their own ideals of womanhood and motherhood onto her. She is a victim, but she is also the abuser. And that's pretty much standard with the Greens. Both Aegon and Aemonds are both both victims and abusers too. That's legit what makes the Greens SOOOOO interesting.
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