#fuck off dude. i was angry at him before for pressuring me to do things i don't want (like using tinder or sth which... wouldn't make-
irritablepoe · 11 months
one thing about me is that i'll freeze to death when angry. like i'm shaking and not from anger, it's just that i get so cold
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sideblogofthcentury · 2 years
Steve had blacked out. All of his senses had dwindled to nothing but blind rage. He was lost in a sea of darkness, and all he could do was breathe. And with each breath he took, he began to return to himself, began filling in the missing puzzle pieces of what had just happened.
Steve breathed in and smelled the crisp cold air, shortly before snow or a cold rain, and Steve breathed out.
Steve breathed in and tasted the quickly souring aftertaste of the strawberry milkshake he’d shared with Robin, and Steve breathed out.
Steve breathed in and heard the high pitched ringing in his ears, the echoes of a spat “freak” reverberating in his head, and Steve breathed out.
Steve breathed in and felt the stinging of his knuckles, the weakness after a heavy exertion traveling up his arm, and Steve breathed out.
Steve breathed in and saw the beautiful angry red trickle down Jason Carver’s face, soaking the front of his white shirt, and Steve breathed out.
Ah. Steve was caught up now.
Jason’s eyes flashed with what Steve first mistook as anger. Steve breathed in and braced himself for another big drawn-out fight that would end with him unconscious.
And Steve breathed out and only then recognized that flash in Jason’s eyes as fear.
Steve smiled, a big toothy grin, and let himself chuckle at the broken little sound Jason made as he backed away.
“Don’t you ever. fucking let me see your face again, Jason. I will break it in two.”
And just like that, Steve saw Jason walk away.
Steve turned around to see Eddie, Robin, and Dustin standing in a semicircle, not a single closed mouth among them.
It was a long moment before anyone said anything, but it was Dustin who piped up first, with nothing but a simple “dude.”
Steve let Eddie drive the Beemer, Robin excitedly rambling instant replays as Dustin wrapped Steve’s hand in the backseat.
Dustin was dropped off first, with a “See you in the morning, badass.”
Robin was dropped off second, with a “Remind me not to piss you off.”
And then Steve moved to the front seat and stared at his hand, clenching and unclenching it, feeling the pain shoot up his wrist, the pressure of the bandage feeling good, like it was holding him together.
Eddie drove them to Steve’s empty house, neither boy breaking the silence that was so loud, the trilling guitar and shouted lyrics couldn’t even drown it out.
Eddie put the car in park in Steve’s driveway, staring ahead for a long moment before pivoting in his seat to look at Steve’s hand.
“You good?”
Steve breathed in.
Steve breathed out.
And Steve told the truth.
“No. Honestly, no. I can’t fucking stand it anymore, Eddie, I don’t know how you do it.”
Eddie knew what he was referring to. “You uh, get used to it?”
“No. I refuse.”
“Well damn Steve you can’t go punching the entire town. What will you do when the next person is an 80 year old woman? You gonna hit an old lady, Steve?”
“If she deserves it.”
Eddie shook his head and barked out a laugh that was definitely not a laugh. “So you’re really looking forward to that prison time, huh?”
“If I deserve it.”
Eddie threw his hands up into the air like the exasperated mother of an impossible child. “Steve!! you’re not getting it. It’s never going to stop. People are going to talk and say things and think whatever the fuck they want to think! And you can’t ever change their minds because they’re right. I don’t belong. I’m the freak.”
It lingered in the air again and for a moment Steve thought he was going to black out again.
Steve breathed in.
Steve breathed out.
Eddie gaped at him. “Steve-
“No. Goddamn fucking no, Eddie. There is nothing wrong with you. No. Not a thing. You care about people, and you’re kind, and you’re smart and funny and they’re… they’re-“ Steve sputtered, unable to come up with a word deserving of association with them, finally settling for a disgusted face and a sigh.
“People don’t like you because you don’t check their boxes. You don’t, and you don’t care to, and they don’t like that. It makes them think. Every time they see you they’re forced to think; to wonder why they work so hard to fit in when you seem so defiantly happy refusing. People don’t understand, and it scares them. People don’t like what they can’t understand. And you’re so boldly you, you’re-“
Steve breathed in.
Steve breathed out.
“You’re terrifying.”
Part Two
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
This Wasn’t Supposed to Happen
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Warnings: protected sex, oral, face fucking, cheating, drug use,
I showed up at the bar on The Cut twenty minutes after I received the anonymous picture of my boyfriend with another girl on his lap. I was not about to let him get away with cheating on me or humiliating me. Especially with some Pogue girl. I burst through the door, my eyes immediately scan the room but don't see him anywhere. I was going to kill him.
I finally spot the cheating bastard across the bar, sitting outside on the patio with a different girl on his lap. I see red as I start across the room when a warm hand catches my wrist, pulling me to stop.
"Easy, princess." I roll my eyes at the sound of JJ Maybanks' voice. I try to yank free of his hold but he's much stronger and easily pulls me back out the front.
"Let go of me." I hiss, trying to plant my heels only for him to keep manhandling me like I weigh nothing.
"You go over there like this and you'll go to jail. Kooks press charges." JJ scolds, letting me back over to my car.
"He's humiliating me! On The Cut no less." I fume, the need to break something too great as I pick up an empty beer bottle and toss it then kicking at the gravel.
"Well, I'm from The Cut and I would never cheat on you." JJ plasters on his best flirty smile.
"Shut up."
"Come on. Don't you think it would drive him crazy to see you all over a Pogue. He'd lose his mind." JJ steps closer, my back hitting my car door as my heart skips a beat. My insides were heaving in my chest. I could hardly catch my breath with how angry I was but now.. I wanted revenge.
"Going after a Pogue is a low blow." I murmur, trying to resist looking at how good JJ actually looks. He was a nice change from the wannabe frat guys with their polos and colored khaki shorts. JJ didn't give a shit about appearances and it showed. His clothes looked several years old, worn and tattered, but he still pulled it off well. His blonde surfer dude hair was a mess and tucked into his backwards ball cap. He didn't have the pressures of dealing with all the bullshit that came with being a Kook. JJ was free.
"You can blow me if you want. I won't make you." JJ licks his lips, the smell of alcohol on his breath as he moves in closer.
"Shut. Up." I scoff, looking anywhere but his overly cocky face.
"I've had a crush on you forever. You know, back when you were a Pogue." JJ leans in, his lips brushing my bare shoulder in my tank crop top. I shudder, pulling my shoulders back as he straightens back up. I hated his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that didn't miss thing. That never looked away even when I wanted him to. I hated how good he always looked without trying. I hated that he could do whatever he wanted without being judged while I was a prisoner to my own world.
"I hate you." I growl, shoving at his chest. He needed to get away from me. I couldn't think with him so close. He made me want to do things. JJ smirks, biting his bottom lip as he looks down at me.
"That turns me on.” JJ smirks, showing off his adorable dimple. “I love it." He murmurs in a deep, sexy voice that has me needing to clench my thighs and change my panties.
"We're not doing this. I'm not doing this." I turn to leave but he catches my elbow, pulling me against him. I loved the way his hands felt. I wanted him to touch me everywhere with those warm, callused hands.
“You might hate how I make you feel or what I’m doing to that uptight little body but you don’t hate me. You’ve never hated me.” JJ’s voice is soft, despite the firm hold on my elbow. I yank away from him, opening my car door and getting inside before watching him walk away.
My eyes find the bar entrance through my rear view mirror in time to catch my stupid boyfriend walking out with each arm around a girl that’s not me. My blood boils as I turn in my seat to take a picture with my phone. I immediately send it to him, wanting him to know that I know.
He’s laughing with them as he stops to pull his phone out, his expression hardening for a moment at the picture before he tucks his phone back in his pocket and leads the two girls away. I throw the door open of my car, so angry I can hardly breathe, but I don’t go after him. I race towards where JJ went.
I find him just as he kick starts his bike, hating that he looks good no matter what he does. His eyes find mine as I come to a stop next to him and he smiles, nodding behind without saying a word. I don’t hesitate before straddling the bike and wrapping my arms around his waist. I try not to press myself against his back but he revs the engine, startling me so I scoot closer.
My skin ignites further when his hand finds my knee, giving me a reassuring squeeze before taking off into the night.
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We get to his house out in the marsh and I’m genuinely surprised by how nice and quiet it is. He seems to value what he has because it’s well kept and maintained, not a single thing out of place. It was different than how we’d grown up. That brings me to wonder where his dad is if not mooching off his son but JJ distracts me, taking my hand and leading me inside.
“Hungry?” JJ asks, leading me into a small functional kitchen. The place is entirely outdated but it’s homey.
“A little.” I sit down at the round kitchen table, watching him rummage through the cabinets then the fridge.
“Are you going to cook something?” I’m mildly shocked, most twenty something year old Kook guys can’t cook from what I’d witnessed. But Pogues grow up being resourceful. JJ’s favorite growing up was always shrimp and grits and while he takes things out of the fridge after sitting a beer down in front of me, I realize that’s what he’s making.
“I like to eat.” JJ smiles, giving me his back as he starts to cook. His green shirt is stretched across his back muscles, making me want to reach out and run my hands all over him. Why did he have to be so annoyingly cute and self sufficient? Why was he perfect expect for being a Pogue. I could just picture the heart attack my mother would not doubt have if she even seen me around a Pogue. I down half my beer in one go, needing something to dull my nerves.
“Where’s your dad?” I ask without thinking. JJ tenses slightly as he stirs the food.
“He’s around. Last I heard he’s still living in my old house.” JJ says, flipping the burners off and making up two bowls. He turns, sitting the bowls down with salt and pepper shakers before sitting down across from me.
“He’s still a piece of shit, if you’re wondering.” JJ chuckles, stirring his food. I look down at my bowl, my mouth practically watering. I hadn’t had shrimp and grits since the last time I had it with him. When we were kids.
“My mom is still the same.” I mumble, meeting his blue eyes before I awkwardly look back down.
“How is life as a Kook? Do you even have to pay taxes?” We both break out in smiles, the tension dissolving as we talk while we eat, downing several more beers.
By the time I look at my phone, three hours have past and my stomach hurts from laughing so much. I help JJ do dishes while listening to some music. Everything about him gives me butterflies. He was special. He was goofy and charismatic. He was passionate. Not to mention an obvious flirt who made me blush uncontrollably constantly. It made me not want to leave. I liked feeling like this.
“So do you want to talk about your boyfriend? I know it’s not easy being cheated on. You can talk to me.” JJ says after we make it to the living room and make ourselves comfortable on the couch. It’s well after ten and I need to leave but I can’t bring myself to have him take me back to my car. JJ lights up a joint, taking a long few hits before offering it to me.
“Not really. I just want to forget about him.” I mumble, taking a hit before handing it back. I’m consciously aware of every time our skin touches. It only makes me crave more. Especially now that I was buzzed.
“He’s a piece of shit. Always has been.” JJ exhales between hits before offering me another. I happily accept, the tension in my body finally starting to lesson with every bit. He takes his ball cap off and tosses it on the coffee table, his wild blonde hair on full display. I’d always loved how he kept his hair. JJ catches me staring, that cocky smirk reaching his lips again.
“You checking me out?” JJ asks, biting his bottom lip in an attempt to be seductive. It works.
“Sadly.” I force a pout on my lips and he chuckles, leaning in to tuck my hair behind my ear. I lean away from the warmth of his touch, his lips too inviting. “You’re such a flirt.” I mumble, my back meeting the armrest as I attempt to put distance between us.
“You’re one to talk. Flashing these long legs at me with your bubble butt.” JJ leans towards me again, his warm hand skating across my shin and up my knee. JJ traces circles along my skin, causing my breathing to hitch as he moves a little higher up my thigh then moving back down to my knee. My shoulders sag in disappointment as his fingers trail over my shin and around my calf.
“These legs would look really good over my shoulders.” I suck in a breath, his heated gaze finding mine as he pulls my sandals off and tosses them on the floor.
“You’re awfully full of yourself.” I breathe, watching as his hand moves up my thigh and traces the hem of my shorts.
“You could be full of me too. With the buzz you’ve got going, you know it would be so fucking good. You’d be sore for days.” His husky voice goes straight to my core, making me shudder. I don’t realize how close he’s gotten until his breath fans across my neck, his lips finding my sweet spot and making me moan softly as I feel his tongue.
“No one has ever made me sore.” I admit breathlessly, my skin on fire just from his touch. I was practically melting, my panties stuck to me.
“I’ll take that as a challenge.” His free hand comes up to grope my breast through my shirt, gently tugging my nipple through the material. My nails bite into his bicep, my head tipping back as goosebumps cover my skin from his lips on my neck.
“JJ.” I moan, feeling him cup my neck and tipping my head back up. I dont get a moment before he’s kissing me. His lips soft yet dominating against my own. He kisses me like he’s starved and I’m the only remedy. I groan as his tongue strokes mine, his hand tangling in my hair. He kisses the way every girl wants to be kissed. The way that has your toes curling and your pussy throbbing. I arch into him, my arm circling his neck as we get comfortable on the couch.
I find the hem of his shirt, tugging it upwards until he lets me remove it. I can't help the way I openly gawk at his bare torso. He was lean but muscular in all the right places. I especially liked the dark patch of hair that disappeared into his tented shorts. I loved a man having man things. I especially loved how painfully hard he was for me. Now more than anything I wanted to know what JJ Maybank felt like in my mouth. I wasn't a giving person. I hated giving head but right now, I wanted to be the source of all his pleasure.
"I want to suck your dick." I whisper against his lips, pushing against his chest so he knows to sit back.
"Jesus." JJ growls, wasting no time in tearing his shorts open and freeing himself from his boxers. I lick my lips, practically salivating at the sight of him. He was the perfect size. Not too long that it would hurt with a decent thickness. My clit throbbed at the thought of feeling that inside me. I wrap my hand around him, a bead of pre-cum slipping from the thick mushroom head and running down his shaft. I raise up on my knees, hovering over him as I prepare to take him in my mouth when he stops me.
"Get on your knees in front of me. I want to watch you swallow me." JJ rasps, his chest heaving with every breath. He wanted this just as badly as I did. I quickly comply, getting comfortable between his parted thighs and watching his eyes become hooded as I run my tongue up his shaft.
"Fuck." JJ groans, his eyes threatening to roll back just from a few kitten licks along the prominent vein on his shaft. I suck the weeping tip into my mouth, gripping his thighs when his hips buck on their own.
"God, I want to touch you." JJ pants, his expression almost pained as he watches me. I loved this feeling of power I felt over him. I could give but I could also take away.
"Tell me." I whisper, sucking harshly while stroking underneath his shaft with my tongue. “Tell me what you want to do to me.” JJ gulps, fighting to find his words.
"I want you naked." JJ breathes, his eyes widening as I pull away long enough to slip my top and bra off. His eyes zero in on the way my breasts sway and my nipples harden into painful little points. I swipe my tongue over his tip again before standing to shimmy out of my shorts. I leave my bright pink thong on, loving the way his eyes zero in on the tiny triangle of fabric with his mouth hanging open. I brace my hands on his thighs, leaning in to give him a teasing kiss on his parted lips before sinking back down between his thighs.
"Keep going." I instruct, wrapping my hand around the base and squeezing, using my other hand to cup his heavy balls. JJ hisses through his teeth, practically glaring at me as I suck the head back into my mouth.
"I want you on your hands and knees," His breathing catches when I take more of him into my mouth, keeping the suction as I slowly bob my head. "I want you spread out for me while I eat you out from behind. I won't stop until you're crying, begging me to stop fucking you with my tongue." I moan around his girth, squeezing my thighs together as wetness seeps out of me. My clit was throbbing painfully in sync with my racing heart.
"Only then would I finally fill your aching, empty pussy." I moan again, my eyes squeezed shut as I picture him filling me up from behind.
"I'd use my fingers first. I'd start with one then quickly get to three. You'd be so wet that you'd let me right in even with the stretch."
"JJ." I pant, stroking him with my hand as I try to catch my breath.
"Don't stop. Keep my cock in your mouth." JJ growls, threading his fingers through my hair and pushing me back down. I couldn't explain it but I loved this. I was on the verge of cumming already. My thong was absolutely soaked and stuck to me as I gagged on his cock.
"I'd eat your ass while I fucked you with my fingers. I'd make sure I claimed all of your greedy little holes tonight and just when you're about to cum, I'd stop." My entire body trembles as I picture him doing something so vile, so humiliating. So.. dirty. I whimper around his girth, ready to burst just from his filthy mouth. I could tell he was close too with the way his thighs were flexed and his voice strained.
"I'd have you a wet, cock hungry mess before I finally slipped my cock inside your desperate little hole. I'd fill you up nice and slow. You'd feel me in your stomach as your pussy contracts around me, stretching to let me in."
"JJ, I can't. I'm gonna--."
"I didn't tell you to stop. Keep going." JJ pushes my head back down, hitting the back of my throat as he jerks his hips to fuck my face.
“Picture it,” JJ grunts, both hands on either side of my head as he roughly fucks my throat. Tears and droll run down my face, my pussy throbbing with need as I unravel at the seams. “Picture me fucking you hard. Picture yourself screaming my name as you cream my cock. Picture me pumping you full of my—.” JJ guts off with a groan as he releasing down my throat, triggering my own earth shattering orgasm without so much as touching my pussy. I’m practically limp as he uses me until he’s sated, the sexiest moans I’ve ever heard leave his lips as he gently pulls me off to watch me swallow.
“Good girl. You did so well for me.” JJ’s praise has another burst of energy shooting through me, my body ignited all over again. I push myself up from my spot between his thighs and smash my lips to his, loving how he immediately groans into my mouth and gets a firm grip of my ass.
“Goddamn. You made a mess.” JJ pants, stroking my slit through my thong. JJ doesn’t break our kiss as he yanks the thin material down my legs and drops down on his back on the couch, pulling me on top of him.
“I know I said I wanted you from behind but I really want you to ride my face right now.” JJ all but growls, hauling me up his chest. Self consciousness grips me as I debate how he’s going to breathe but he doesn’t give me a moment before he’s manhandled my knees on either side of his head.
“JJ, I think—.” I’m cut off when his tongue finds my clit, my body keening as pleasure zaps through my body. His hands clamp down on my thighs, holding me tightly on top of his face as his tongue works me into a frenzy. Part of me is worried he’ll die from lack of air while another part of me is worried I’ll die if I don’t get this orgasm. I fist his hair between my legs, grinding myself on his tongue as pleasure like I’ve never experienced shoots all the way down to my toes until I’m practically screaming in bliss.
I’m not even through my high before he’s got me on my back on the couch, his naked body looming over mine as he rolls a condom on.
“I want you to know, that after you go back to your life and start to forget who I am,” he presses inside me, stealing the air from my lungs and hitting something deep, “I’ll be there to remind you.. every fucking time.” I brace my hands against his chest, spreading my legs as wide as they’ll go as I try to accommodate the stretch, barely hearing him. His arms start to shake on either side of my head as he withdraws almost to the tip and slams back in.
“Fuck, Y/N. You can take it.” JJ growls, seeing the pained expression on my face as he pushes in deeper. I lift my hips to meet him, feeling some sort of relief as he starts to move. His mouth comes down over mine as he fucks me into the couch, his teeth biting in my lips as I cry drag my nails across his skin.
“Just like that, oh god, J.” He buries his face in my neck, kissing and biting as his hips snap forward harder and faster. I feel his arm snake under me to fist the hair at the nape of my neck, yanking back as my body arches.
“Cum for me, baby. Let me have it. I wanna see how beautiful you are when you’re cumming on my cock.” His mouth closes around my nipple, my hair drawn back tight as I cum harder than ever. I almost blush at the obscene wet sound that squelches between us while more arousal seeps from me. I was a literal mess. My bottom lip quivers as he fucks me through my high, his own release filling the condom a moment later. His breathy moans meet my ear and I almost wished we’d recorded the act so I could hear those sounds whenever I wanted. He was so vocal and sexy.
JJ’s heated gaze softens as he brushes my hair from my face between kisses, his cock still rock hard inside me. I felt like I could pass out but I needed to get back to my car. I couldn’t stay here. This was just a distraction. But this wasn’t supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen. He must sense my distress because he pulls back to get a better look of me,
“Just so we’re clear.. we’re just..”
“Friends.” I respond, seeing the way his jaw ticks as he nods his head.
“Friends.” JJ agrees before getting to his feet and discarding the condom. We both quickly get dressed in silence and he takes me back to my car. The parking lot is empty now aside from my car but I’m still worried about people seeing us together. I jump off his bike, trying to slip away when he catches me.
“No, no, no not here. No goodbye kisses. This ends here.” I push against his chest, my back meeting my car as he presses against me.
“Until I send you another picture of that loser cheating on you.” JJ bites out, making my jaw hit the ground. It was him. “You deserved to know. He doesn’t deserve you and I’d do it again.”
“And you do? You sleep with me one time and think you know me?” I shove him, angrier at myself than him. How could I have been so blind? Of course he was waiting on me when I got here.
“I do know you. Better than any of them. You’ve always belonged to me more than them. You’re just too blind to see that.” JJ snaps, his nostrils flared as he glares down at me. The sweet, flirty JJ was replaced with something else. Something that broke my heart. I hated seeing him like this. I yank my arm from his grasp, dodging another attempt from him to cup my face.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. This wasn’t supposed to happen. We were never supposed to happen. It was a mistake.” I try to keep my voice even as his blue eyes visibly harden before me.
“We’ll see about that.”
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sauvhffp · 4 months
★| should've just told me.
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sypnosis: you and ushijima are fuck buddies. he comes to you to let off steam and vice versa. you suddenly confront him and tell him that you want to end things with him and he fucks that idea out of you.
𝅄 ༊࿐⠀ִ⠀ i am ashamed to say that this was inspired by a scenario with an ushijima bot i had in ca.i except i took the route that contained more angry sex
CONTENT WARNING ! — ushijima wakatoshi x m!reader (both are in 3rd yr of college) cockwarming, manhandling, aggressive/angry sex, semi-public sex, mirror sex, hair gripping, ooc, reader and ushi have a heart-to-heart session while ushi jr. is drowning in reader's ass. minors do not interact.
word count ; 2.2k
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"Whha—hng!" You clench your teeth as his dick knocks on the entrance of your stomach, forcibly trying to pop its head in the tiny opening for him to be able to fill you up with his seed in the literal way. "Slow dow—ushi!"
You could do nothing but whine, ass swallowing his cock in its full glory. You can't even move an inch, even if you flinch. He's got you elevated in this position; strong arms hooked under your knees, hands gripping your head that's forcibly making you stare at the way his dick was undoubtedly pounding your poor ass, your legs just stupidly swinging up and down along with your still hard, bite-sized, penis.
He was manhandling you in a way he knows you love.
You were someone who loved a good dicking down every now and often. You loved the feeling of going dumb, body aching with pleasure and your brain a mess, unable to think of anything but just cock. Outside that, though, you were a smart, quick-witted guy who excelled in everything academic related.
So with all the stress piling up due to the upcoming finals, you found yourself in search of dick to cool your jets and to not overload your brain with pressure. Of course, you'd have never expected to find someone like him and be in this kind of relationship with the heart of this university's volleyball star; Ushijima Wakatoshi.
You guess it probably was the alcohol you downed three bottles of during that one senior party that influenced the slut in you to make a move on the famously stoic individual you've ever met. I mean, have you seen the guy? He was every woman's wet dream! Including yours, too. Though, you were never truly expecting anything to happen with all your drunkenly spew you called "flirting." You were wholeheartedly expecting a nonchalant response from him, not a body left with bruises and hickies paired with a gaping hole when you woke up in an extravagant motel room.
You've never left him alone since.
How you managed to convince him to use you as an outlet to release his own stress and basically become his personal cumdump was beyond you. It was a story to tell your nephews and aunties in the near future because fucking a hunk; a volleyball dude; was the first for your entire lineage. For now, you were getting fucked like you were nothing but a breathing fleshlight.
"Fffhuu—hgkk!" Ushijima purposely sent a particularly harsh thrust in your ass. His dick was pressed against your prostate, and by gods, did it feel so deliciously painful. Your hands fumbled about, scratching his firm muscle that was hooked beneath your knees from the mind-numbing pleasure. Your face, contorted in pleasure, reflected on the abandoned bathroom mirror of the uni building you both attend in. Your soft, pink tongue peeked out of your mouth, the upper half of it resting on your teeth as thick globs of tears dripped down your starry eyes. The tears contributed to the shine in them. "Uhg—Ushii—!"
"Plea—hngg" Gulping down the spit before you start choking from being unable to breathe, you throw your head back on his shoulder blades as he slowly grinds his cock against your spot. "S—Slow down for a moment—god... Why're you so suddenly—?"
Ushijima, this fucking dickwad (questionable), didn't even let you finish your complaint before continuing his pace. You can't even look at him through the mirror because your body feels so putty, and you're fighting the urge to roll your eyes at the back of your skull. You don't have the strength to raise your head nor grind back on his cock to tease him. The only thing you can do now is grip on his hand, keen, cry, and be used. In any other time, you would have loved this kind of sex, especially because Ushijima was a bit of a freak himself behind that picture of nonchalance.
But like—aren't you supposed to be breaking off this arrangement in the first place...?
"Angh!" You cried out as your dick spurted clear cum. Ushijima sank his teeth on the slope of your neck. He littered soft kisses all over it all the while destroying your insides. He sucked and nipped on the teeth marks he left, sighing when he felt you clench weakly around him. "Hhhng... Seriously..." Sobbing, you can feel him chuckle on your skin. He wasn't even sorry for you. This bastard...
"Wh—What is wrong with you...?" Taking all the remaining strength you have left, you raise your head to look at him through the mirror. "I already missed my 4th lesson because of you. Wh-What the hell is your deal...?!"
"..." Ushijima didn't say anything. Though, when he directly looked at you with a heavy gaze, you felt your heart jump (and ass clench).
"What? D-Don't look at me like that!" You scream in embarrassment, closing your eyes to save yourself from the shame of seeing Ushijima slut you out in the middle of lecture hours. You don't want to have to suck off your professor just to save you from his unfair grading of your marks again. You remember having to skip dinner from the appalling stink that left a bad taste of his unwashed, uncut, dick on your mouth. Ugh. "Are you upset that I said that I didn't want to have sex with you anymore?! Is my bussy that good?!"
Of course, you just had to crack such a hilarious joke when his dick is still perched snuggly inside your ass. You can't even be rewarded with the embarrassment from committing such an atrocious crime cause his dick was pulsing inside you. You can feel it throbbing, feel every length and ridge of its veins. No other dick can ever compare to this guy's, and it's the reality you've come to terms with.
While you were busy shaking—with your ass gobbling his cock like it was the last supper—you failed to notice the stare that Ushijima had been shooting you darkened even more. You could feel his fingertips scrape against your skull when he curled his fingers to grip your hair in his hands, tilting your head so that you could fully face the mirror in front of you.
"[Name]." The tone in his voice made you curl your toes, dick squirting pre. You came so much that it was beginning to sting. "... Open your eyes."
Well, shit. If he's asking like that, you might just sign off your freedom of choice to this guy. You slowly crack your eyes open, eyesight getting trippy from all the harsh movements of before and from clenching your eyes shut. Once you adjust, you look into the mirror. No, you look into Ushijima.
You cum.
In relflex, your legs buck themselves and try to close, but with Ushijima's firm arms locking them in place, spread eagle style, you don't get to save yourself from the shame of squirting from the intensity of his gaze bore into you. You weren't even allowed to look at your squirting dick when the strands of your hair were being gripped by the hands of someone who passionately spank balls. His amber eyes spoke more languages than humans could not fathom. Hell, you think that it might be speaking to you in ceasar cipher.
In short, he looked fucking annoyed. Frustraded, perchance. Moreover, he has this look on his face whenever his team was at a disadvantage or when he was playing a losing game.
Ushijima Wakatoshi is pissed.
"Hey..." You slowly start realizing the situation you're in. Realizing how much you've been overlooking when you refused to acknowledge your own festering feelings. "You're not actually mad about that, are you?"
Despite the serious atmosphere, the dude's dick was still hard. Talk about commitment.
"Hey... mngh- T-Talk to me, damn it..." You shudder as you feel him slow down, opting to just spread you open on his dick as he straightens his back into a more comfortable position for the both of you. It makes you wonder if his muscles were getting sore for carrying a heavy ass like you while thrusting so wildly into your heat. Christ, the thought itself does things to you that you can't put into words. "Stop moving for a bit- god, you animal-"
"No." Was all that he could say. You felt your stomach twist.
""No" what?" You clenched your teeth as you stared into his amber eyes refusing to look away from your own. "No to slowing down? Oh, c'mon, dude... Just- hng- gimme a break-"
"Why?" Oh my god, "why" what?! Is this bitch seriously asking why I want to take a quick break from this mind-numbing bathroom stall sex?!
"Listen, Ushi, do you really need to ask-"
"Do you want me to stop?"
Now he's asking coherent questions. Gosh, finally. "Well..." You close your eyes, actually pondering the answer. "Not really. It feels good, so no. Just give me a moment to catch myself." You answer with a sigh, grabbing onto his forearms as you relax in his hold (even though your thighs are literally spread in mid-air with your micro-dick exposed) "Seriously, though... The fuck's gotten into you?"
"..." Ushijima didn't answer. Instead, he let go of your head and thighs gently as he wrapped an arm around your waist, lifting you up while he used his other hand to close the toilet lid. He then maneuvered your clueless ass to sit on his dick as he sat down on the toilet. This man... Is he... Seriously treating you as his cocksleeve to warm his still hard dick? While you both have a conversation? While you both miss both of your remaining lectures of the afternoon? Insane shit.
You both sat there in silence with you looking and feeling hella confused and Ushijima leaning to bury his face on the crook of your neck as he held you in his arms. He leaned back on the toilet and you both stayed like that for a while. Huh.
... What the fuck...?
"Oi. Will you just hurry up and tell me? You don't want to break the arrangement, don't you?" You grumble. "You coulda just told me straight up, y'know. And to not try to fuck the thought out of me. That's cliché as hell, and I didn't think you'd resort to bullshit like that."
"You should be, asshole." You scoff. You lean against his lean build, stirring his junior inside of you but Ushiwaka jr. isn't important now. What's important is this big baby clutching onto you like you're going to sprint out of here any second now.
You reach out to scratch his scalp, adjusting your position on his lap while ultimately letting out little noises from grinding onto his shaft. Man, couldn't he just have pulled out, just for this moment? You can't help but scratch his head a little harsher from the thought. "Idiot. If you liked me so much, you really should have just told me. I like you too, for the record. And I was trying to break off our arrangements 'cause I thought you had a thing for the woman in the sports department. You and her seemed really close, y'know. I didn't want to hold you back for a girl like her."
"Hmf." Ushijima scoffed before raising his head, perching his chin on the blades of your shoulder. "Look who's talking. Who was it that said "You should have just told me" a while ago?"
"Touché. I got confirmation from your teammate, though. He told me that you went to date with her the other day." You huffed back, tugging on his hair as you snarled. "You can't really blame me, can you?"
"You still should've just asked." The thick pad of his thumb caressed your stomach through your shirt. He mumbled next to your ear in a low, mellow tone. "I did go on a date with her because she asked me out first. I figured I'd go and see where it leads, but..." A small smile made it's way to his lips as he held you closer. "I like you too much."
"Oh yeah? Is that really the reason? Or is my bussy just too good to let go?'"
"Mm. Whatever you say."
In the end, you both stuck around inside the bathroom stall until this period of the lecture ends. Of course, you both fucked until it was time to peel yourselves off of each other. Once you both did and fixed yourselves, you didn't just gave him a slap on the ass for the good fuck this time. Instead, you cupped his face and gave him the most passionate kiss you've ever given to another breathing person (not like you ever did that to a non-breathing person anyway) and gave him a slap on the ass after you muttered the words "Love you, Ushi." and practically skipped out of the bathroom with a face filled with glee.
You wouldn't admit it, but even if you didn't like Ushijima, you'd still bet that the fuck you have received in that bathroom would've definitely fucked the thought of breaking things off with ushijima out of your brain.
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౨ৎ sauv speaks: chat how many months has it been? my bad if this is bad TT my ass gon b missing after ts cs i gots so much to do... i'm so cooked this year
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artists-ally · 3 months
I wanna start a blog but I’m not sure how to start off, I know I want to write and have some vague ideas but not sure what to do.
Any ideas or tips?
Alright get comfy I have so many things to say.
Above ALL. ELSE. for the love of god, do not give in to the pressure to constantly write. One day things will click on Tumblr, and asks and requests will start flooding in. You’re gonna get hundreds of likes and comments asking for more parts and whatnot. Do. Not. Give. In. To. The. Pressure. You’re going to get really excited, like “oh my god, finally I’m getting noticed and appreciated let me give them more!!” No. You will get burnt out and will hate it. Do it on your own time, whenever you want. Write what YOU want. Use that excitement in a way that has a positive impact on your work.
When it comes to planning what to write, just keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be some elaborate top to bottom detailed guide. I personally just use bullet points. And trust me, none of it has to be cohesive. It can literally just look like this:
Reader goes to a party
Azriel is standing mysteriously in the corner
They catch eyes from across the room
Reader is dancing with friends, and some rando dude comes up and starts feeling up on them
Reader tells him to back off
He doesn’t
Readers friend goes to intervene
Azriel comes from the corner and takes the guy outside to show him what happens when you disrespect a woman
Az makes sure you and your friend are okay
You two get talking and plan to go on a date
It can just be something like that. Or sometimes the best plan is no plan and see where your brain takes you. Whatever you do, just make sure you’re writing it because YOU want to write it. That it’s the kind of context you’d like to read, and everything else will fall into place with time.
3. Write whatever you’re feeling. If you’re sad, write whatever you need to make yourself feel better. Whether that’s fluff, angst, or something else. If you want to be comforted, write something about a character taking care of you. If you’re angry, write a crazy betrayal. It is just you, your mind, and google docs.
4. Don’t be worried if your writing doesn’t INSTANTLY take off. THATS just not how shit happens here. And here’s a little tip, depending on your timezones, you’ll want to post at different times. I’ve found that posting later in the evening, at like 6-8pm on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday will yield the best results. It’s when people are settling in for the night and want to relax and read some good shit. But honestly, post whenever, people will find it.
5. Make yourself a rules/who you write for and post it on your masterlist. By all means, go ahead and look at mine for inspiration. When you find your audience, they will ask for more. Let them know what/who you’re comfortable writing for.
6. MAKE FRIENDS. Having some support when you’re stuck on a plot point and don’t know where to go from there is so nice!! We have such an amazing community of writers here and I have made lifelong friends on this app. Everyone has their own bits of advice they could give and having a different perspective or fresh set of eyes is really helpful.
7. Model what you see. Everyone has to start their writing journey somewhere. I’m not sure if you’ve ever written fanfiction before, but the first couple you put out there are definitely not going to be your best work. And be okay knowing that. The more you read, the more styles of writing you look at to develops your own is how you get to that sweet spot where everything you write is consistent and good quality. It could take months and years, it certainly took me a long fucking time to be able to produce the work I do, and that’s just how it goes. I’m proud of the work I post, no matter if it’s for Suits or ACOTAR, I love everything I put out. Be patient with yourself and allow room for mistakes.
8. Have a note in your phone for all your random ideas you come up with while out and about. Happens to me ALLL the time. I constantly have new ideas and having one collection of them all, that’s easy to access anywhere, is so smart.
9. Let’s talk about the layout of your blog!! The number one thing you should have is a masterlist! A collection of all your links to your writing. Take a look at mine and any of your other favorite writers to see what aspects you like/dislike. It should be organized and easy on the eyes, try not to have a billion things on there that are unnecessary. You can link who/what you write, all your fics, and whatever else you wanna post about!! Whether your requests are open or closed. Stuff like that. Make it to your aesthetic and exactly what you want. It’s like decorating your room, it can be anything.
10. Last but certainly not least, welcome to the tumblr writing community. We are so excited to have you here love, and I cannot wait to see all the amazing work you put out. If you’re nervous, don’t be!! We’re all here to lift each other up and help along the way. If you ever have questions, feel free to reach out!! All of us had to start somewhere. We know what it’s like to spend weeks and months posting stuff to only get 30-40 likes. But it’ll happen one day. With one re-blog everything will change, you just have to be patient
I’m going to tag some of my besties and hopefully they’ll re-blog or comment some of their advice and welcome you in!!
@thelov3lybookworm @sarawritestories @readychilledwine @berryzxx @bubybubsters @claireswritingcorner @milswrites @fell-in-luvs @riddlesb1tch @pit-and-the-pen @thehighladywrites
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wosowrites · 1 year
Loosing Control (Jordan Nobbs x Reader)
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Warnings: none
a/n: for my well being, i’m going to pretend Jordan is still with arsenal!! also, jordan is the love interest and plays a big part in the story but it’s also kind of an arsenal x reader fix. based on this request:
Prompt: In which fans were getting disrespectful ( i’ll be using this prompt a lot bcs i love it )
You loved playing at the Emirates. It was one of your favorite stadiums to play at, behind Wembley. But, with big stadiums, came more fans, and usually you loved the environment they brought. The cheers, the happiness, the support… it was always welcome by the Arsenal girls. Except today, it seemed as though people were unusually un-tamed.
It was Leah’s birthday, and the second leg of the quarter final against Bayern, you were 2-0 up at half, and then after. Arsenal was playing amazing. Your girlfriend, Jordan Nobbs got subbed on in the 73 minute. You were worried about her, she wasn’t getting the playing time she deserves. But that was a thought for later. You pushed hard, working to try and keep Bayern out of Manu’s box. As a defender, you were making crucial tackles constantly, and by the end of the game, you just fell down onto your back.
Jordan ran up to you, smiling wildly and kneeling down behind you, doing a drum roll on your stomach. "That was fucking amazing!" She yelled, you let out a laugh and sat up, soon helped up by the smaller girl. You hugged her tightly, then pressing your forehead against hers.
Your bubble popped when you saw the Arsenal girls and staff lining up and holding hands, all of them looking at the fans. You and Jordan ran up to them and you grabbed Leah’s hand in one, and Jordan’s in the other. You all ran up to the fans and lifted your hands in the air, the crowd was wild.
You took a few pictures, and talked to a few of the girls on both teams, consoling Giorgia Stanway. Then, fans started calling your name and you walked over to them, smiling. You signed jerseys, hats, flags, scarves, arms, paper, phone cases. Everything. But it was starting to get a lot. "Y/n!! Look over here! Y/N! WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!" An especially angry man was yelling at you, and most fans around him were eyeing him weirdly. Jordan was signing things beside you and Manu was busy talking to a girl wearing her keeping jersey on your left. You didn’t really notice what was going on in the cluster of thighs being waved at you. But then you heard someone say. "Y/n! Can you sign my cleat?" And then you saw something flying towards you.
The object made collision with your head, making you let out a scream and double over in pain. You rested your hands on your knees, bending over. After a second to recover, you brought your hand to your forehead and felt sticky, wet blood. There was then a hand on your back as you straightened up and placed the entirety of your palm on your cut. When you took away your hand, you saw it covered crimson red. Manu looked at you, worried and then Jordan noticed the commotion as the crowd had gotten quite silent. The people in other sections of the stadium were looking around in confusion and so we’re both teams and their managers. You looked up at the fans, anger you couldn’t hold in on your face. You slipped off your shirt, and then the fans started yelling, thinking you would give it to them. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" You yelled, but no one but Manu and Jordan who were at your side heard. Pressing your jersey to your forehead, you walked back to the bench, accompanied by your keeper and girlfriend. "What the hell happened?" Jordan asked, stopping you in the field and placing her hand over yours that was keeping the jersey to your face. She pulled the jersey away gently and looked at the cut before applying pressure with your jersey again. "Some psycho threw their cleat at me. They wanted me to sign it." You said. "You’re joking." Manu said, looking behind her shoulder. "I wish. Shit it fucking hurts." You were now almost at the bench when Jonas and the medical team came rushing up to you. "What happened?" Jonas asked, doing the same gesture Jordan had done and taking the jersey off your forehead. "Someone threw their cleat at her. I’ll kill them! I’m not joking." Jordan snarled. "I’ll kill them too! Let’s go!" Jonas said, "Hey! I’m coming too!" Katie yelled, wobbling on her crutches. They all started to walk towards the section you had just came back from. But most of the Arsenal girls, having noticed a commotion had surrounded you guys now, and Jonas got held back by Stina and Rafaelle, Leah held back little Jordan and Caitlin stepped in front of Katie. "Calm down. Okay everyone take a second to breathe. Let’s go in the tunnel." Stina told the group as loudly as she could.
The medic had replaced your dirty jersey with a wet towel that you were holding to your head as you walked into the tunnel, you walked into the changing room and everyone took places at their cubbies. "Okay girls, we’ll address the… y/n situation-" Jonas started saying as you laughed. "-later. But right now… WERE ON TO THE SEMIS!" He yelled. The group started screaming and jumping out of joy, but you stayed put because the medical examiner was cleaning your cut. "You won’t need stitches. I’ll just put a bandaid over it to keep it closed." The man said. You nodded at him and thanked him. He put on the bandaid, informed Jonas and then walked out. "Do you think they got the person throwing their cleat at you on video?" Katie asked you. "I don’t know. Maybe?" You asked.
There was a TV in the changing room and sooner than you knew it, Leah had turned the broadcasts on and rewinded it. Surely enough, there was a camera panning the stadium just as you got the cleat to the head. You can clearly see how you doubled over and how Manu came rushing to you.
"Ten bucks says I can go back out there and make the person who threw that shoe wish they were never born." Jordan said, only half joking. "I’d pay good money to see that. But you don’t want to end up on those 'when arsenal women loose control' videos on youtube." Caitlin joked. "Oh my god… I yelled. I yelled at the fans when they started screaming for my jersey when I took it off to wipe my blood. Am I gonna be on those videos? I can’t be on those videos. Those are like.. 98% clips of Katie!" You said, making Katie scowl at you even though she knew you were right. "Don’t scowl. You know it’s true." You said to her.
"No one heard you, the stadium was too loud. It’s all good." Manu said, smiling at you from across the room.
You went on to shower and then change, and eventually it was only you and Jordan left in the locker room. "I’m proud of you. You played great." You told her, walking up to her and putting your hands on her waist. She held your arms and smiled at you. "Thank you. It felt good to be on even if it was only for 20 minutes." She told you, tucking a strand of wet hair behind your ear. She leaned in to kiss you, and you kissed, tangling your fingers through her hair. "Let’s go love birds." Kim Little said, peeping through the door way. "We don’t get any privacy, do we?" You laughed, keeping your hands on Jordan as you both looked at Kim. "You’re making out in the changing room like teens. Let’s go." She laughed, walking away. "Sit with me?" You asked, looking back at her. "Why do you always ask me that? I’ve been sitting with you every trip for years." Jordan said, grabbing her bag and yours. "For old times sake. To remember the first time you asked me to sit with you." You said simply.
7 years ago.
It was your first away game since joining Arsenal. You had joined only a month ago, but due to international break and the schedule, all your games had been home games. You were nervous, not wanting to be the one sitting by yourself. You had gotten close with the girls, but you were still shy. Jordan Nobbs had caught your eye, having talked to her a few times. You were 21, and fresh out of the university of Portland. Moving to London… it was hard. But you knew it would be worth it. The team were all waiting at the training centre with their luggage, waiting for the bus that would take them to Manchester for their game against City. You were standing quietly in a circle with a few of your teammates when Jordan came running up, the girl looking even smaller beside her large luggage. "Am I late?" She said, joining the group. "Yep. As always." Leah teased. "Damn it. Don’t tell Pedro." Jordan said. You smiled at yourself, finding her tardiness funny. "What you laughing at?" She teased you, nudging your side. "You." You laughed, looking into her eyes with a smile. Jordan looked back, ignoring the girls who had started up their conversation again. "Hey, sit with me?" She asked. Your eyes widened at the offer, but you nodded. "I’d love too."
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dsireland86 · 10 months
There is Beauty in the Pain: Chapter 4 Pt.2
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"Cause your love is fire warm I'll be the calm babe, before the storm You got me fallin' in love, in this bad dream" -bad dream- Nerve
TAG LIST: @lma1986 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @missduffsblog @bngurngheart @thatamazingvampirestory
“She’s a wreck, Jolly. I don’t know how she’s managed a normal life with all the baggage she carries.” I was pacing the living room floor back and forth, hands on my hips, then to my hair, then to my jaw then back to my hips. “Dude, calm down before you become almost as wrecked as Sophie. She’s okay now; she’s safe. Relax.” Nicholas was right. I needed to relax. “I know, I know,” I agreed, flopping down on the couch next to him. Sighing, I ran my hands through my hair again and laid my head back. “You should see all the fucking bruising on her ribs and stomach. They stretch around her sides to her back.” I choked back sob, afraid to let the others know how affected I was by Sophie’s appearance, although I’m pretty sure they could already tell by the way I was acting. “Shit, that bad? He really fucked her up then,” Nick said, seeming to be seriously shocked. “Did you not think it was that bad?” I asked, my voice taut. “No, I knew it was that bad, I just, I don’t know, guessed it wasn’t that bad,” he confessed with a shrug as his brows drew together in concern. I turned my head away, laying it back down on the couch. “What a fucking mess,” I breathed, dragging my hands down my face. “It’ll be fine, Noah; Sophie will be fine. She’s got us now.” Glancing up at Jolly, I wished I could have his optimism, but I didn’t. My gut was telling me this was only going to get worse. 
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I was pulled from a deep sleep, awakened by the intense pain and pressure in my body. Even though I should've been used to it, I wasn’t. Healing sometimes hurt more than the actual abuse and it was those moments that always made me break down and close up into myself. But oddly enough, this time I didn’t feel the need to; I didn’t want to. Maybe it was because subconsciously I knew Noah was around and the idea somehow made things a little easier. But if there was anything I knew for sure from past experiences it was that laying around after being used as a human punching bag always made things worse. I needed to get up. Taking a deep breath, I used the muscles that were screaming at me not to to sit up and toss my legs over the side of the bed. I seethed in frustration, angry and disappointed with myself that all of this was a result of me not being strong enough to fight Perry off. I should have been. I should’ve been ready for him, no matter what. 
The quick, sudden breaths I took burned as they penetrated my lungs and I wished that the arms that held me last time were holding me now. For some unknown reason to me, I desperately wanted Noah; I needed him. “I can do this,” I told myself, taking short breaths through my nose and lifting myself up. I cried out softly, pushing through the pain, and the longer I stood and straightened myself, the more the pain subsided and I felt better. I exhaled with a sigh, looking around for the door.
“Dude, you have no idea what it’s like being up in the back with barely any light. I can’t see shit,” Folio laughed. “Wasn’t that how you hurt your knuckle that one show?” “Yeah, I wacked it with the fucking stick so hard I thought maybe I broke it.” Laughter rose from down below as I walked out into the dark, empty hallway. I was hesitant to leave the room, unsure if I was ready for anything; I wasn’t, but I had to at least try. I peered over the side of the wall and looked down, recognizing the three faces: laughing, passing popcorn, and watching Anime. But there was one face I didn't see. Where was Noah? My head raced with all kinds of negative thoughts about him and why he wasn’t here, none of which I knew were true. But that was how my anxiety worked in my head most of the time. It took a situation, made up shit, and ran with it. The end result was always horrible. Breathing deeply through my nose, I sat down with my back against the wall, fixing my mind on things I knew were fact; my name, my age, my phone number, things like that. Then I thought about the color of my eyes and my hair, then somehow switching over to the color of Noah’s hair and eyes both brown; a warm sort of brown like smooth chocolate. How was it that he kept finding his way into my thoughts every time I needed him? I scowled, trying to think about something else, but failed. Noah was it, the perfect distraction away from my anxiety attack and I swear at one point I felt the feeling of his arms around me. “Wishful thinking” I told myself. Getting up off the floor, I made the quick decision to return to the room. I wasn’t ready for all of this yet. I needed more time.
"Sophie!" I jumped, startled by the calling out of my name, looking down to see Jolly peering up at me. Shit. Before I could process anything the sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs wrecked my plan as Jolly appeared, not even the slightest bit out of breath even though I was pretty sure he took the stairs two at a time. 
"Sophie, hi," Jolly greeted, his smile wide and bright. It was hard not to smile back at the tall, handsome Swede. Jolly had one of the sweetest smiles I’d ever seen and it made me feel less anxious. “Hey, Jolly,” I replied, only glancing at him before dropping my gaze. I didn’t know how my appearance looked, but from past experience, I knew it wasn’t pretty. “You’re up and walking around. That’s a good thing,” he expressed with a slight grin. I could tell Jolly was trying to be encouraging, “I guess so,” I replied. “How are you? Besides all of this,” he said, waving his hands around between us. I shrugged, not really having an answer. “Honestly?” “Of course,” he replied sympathetically. The evidence of my sadness became visible as a few single tears rolled down my cheeks. “I’m scared, Jolly. I have no idea what to do right now. I don’t know if I should stay, if I’m even allowed to stay, or if I should go home, assuming Perry isn’t there anymore.” The words kept rolling off my tongue as the anxiety in my chest rose, making me feel like I was starting to spin out of control again.
 “Okay, hey, hey, hey, listen to me, relax, Sweets, you’re okay,” Jolly asserted, pulling me into his arms carefully and stroking my hair. He pressed my head gently against his chest making me feel that safety and security I’d been longing for earlier, and even though he wasn’t Noah, he was a perfect substitute. I took some deep breaths while gripping the back of his shirt until I calmed down. “See, you’re okay,” Jolly repeated as he pulled away to look me in the eyes. I nodded, wiping my tears aways with the sleeves of Noah’s large hoodie I’d forgotten I was still wearing. “It’s a little big on you,” Jolly chuckled, eyeing the length of the hoodie that reached almost to my knees and the sleeves that protruded out way longer than my hands. I laughed, finally feeling calm and together. “I was cold.” “Sure you were, it’s okay. Noah won’t mind. You good?” I nodded, tucking some hair behind my ear."Come on," he urged, holding out his hand to me and nodding towards the stairs. I was reluctant at first, but decided to trust Jolly despite my feelings. He tucked me snuggly into his side, wrapping his arm around my waist to safely secure me close to his body and led me down the stairs."You still good?" he asked when we reached the bottom. I shot him a painful smile, clenching my teeth. “Yup.” "Liar," he chuckled. 
Walking into the living room, lots of eyes turned and looked at us. I lowered mine so I didn't have to look at them, knowing I couldn't handle the scrutiny. Jolly led me to a long, white sofa where Nicholas was sitting, and I sat down next to him, feeling very self conscious and nervous. Usually the day after, I would lay in bed and avoid the world, and try to process everything that happened, but this time that wasn’t an option. I was quickly realizing with these guys, I didn’t have very many options; and that was a good thing. 
“Hey beautiful,” Nick greeted, reaching over and placing his warm hand over mine. I shifted around, trying to get more comfortable while Jolly took the chair across from Nick. “Here,” Nick said, placing a pillow behind my back for support. “How’s that?” I sighed as I leaned back, feeling a hundred times better. “Better?” “Mmmhmm, much,” forcing a smile and sitting back with better ease. “You’re awake!” I looked up to see Folio coming out from the kitchen, holding another bowl of popcorn and wearing such a sweet smile that my heart skipped a beat. I returned the smile, quickly looking away out of self conscious fear. “Don’t worry, you’re still pretty,” he sweetly complimented, handing over the bowl still in his hands to Nick. Folio was a very easy going guy, never critical, never judging, just understanding and supportive. He reminded me of an oak tree; dependable, resilient, and strong. He took a seat next to me, our shoulders pressed together, and at first he just sat there with me with no interest at all in talking. Then he reached over and took my hand and placed it between his. They were slightly cooler than Nick’s and more calloused, but the feeling of mine tucked safely between them was indescribable. I raised my eyes to meet his eyes, seeing nothing but concern in them. “Be honest,” he advised, biting his lip then looking away. “How are you?” When he looked back, his mouth was taunt and I knew he was thinking of things that weren’t sitting well with him. I examined his face and all the little things about it that made him so irresistible, one of them being the small gold hoop that sat snuggly in the bottom left of his nose, and the other was how his unaligned teeth made his lips look so pouty and soft. I smiled and he noticed, cheeks turning slightly red. Sighing, I swallowed, trying to make my dry mouth moist, thinking of how to properly put my thoughts and feelings into the right words. I couldn’t though and since Folio asked for honesty, that’s what he was going to get. “Like shit,” I answered bluntly. Nick and Jolly both snickered and Folio grinned. “Honest enough?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. “Honest enough,” he repeated with his grin growing into a wide smile.  
The sound of the front door closing disrupted our small reunion as Noah walked into the living room, wearing a pair of band merch joggers and a hoodie. He was sweaty, the moisture covering his forehead visible even from where I was sitting and out of breath. He had yet to look up and notice me, as he placed his earbuds back into their case, but man did I notice him. His tall presence loomed before me, looking like something that had just walked out of a wet dream. My core tightened just from the sight of him. With a lump in my throat, I brought my hand to my neck, quickly diverting my gaze away from him and began to nervously play with my skin. Even though my mind and body had been longing for Noah since our last encounter, I suddenly found myself uneasy. “Hey,” his voice called to me, soft yet low and deep. My eyes snapped up to him, finding his dark brown eyes intently fixed on me. There was a look of relief in them, yet I could see the tension. He looked worried. “Hey,” I answered. At first we just stared at one another, but then he walked over, offering his hands to me. He opened and closed them quickly, implying he wanted me to take them. Obliging him, he helped me up, steadying me before placing both long hands on my hips. “Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked, looking away. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. “I’m happy,” he stated, plainly. “Do you stare at every girl like that just because you’re happy?” I quickly glanced at him, seeing the grin on his face. “Just you.” It felt like there were a million butterflies in my stomach. “Nice hoodie by the way.” I looked down, completely forgetting again that I was still wearing it. I thought that maybe I'd overstepped a boundary and Noah was upset, but the smile on his face said otherwise. I couldn't hide the shy grin on my face, but I turned away just the same. Noah leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, before wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. I didn't hesitate to lay my head on his chest, inhaling the scent of his cologne, and slide my own arms around his waist, suddenly feeling a small sense of possessiveness which was utterly ridiculous. Noah was not nor would he ever be “mine”. But I couldn't overlook the fact of how easy it was for the two of us to share such intimate affections with each other either. “You should sit; take the pressure off your feet. Standing too much might cause more swelling.” I looked at him, puzzled. “And how do you know that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. His coy smile made me feel so weak. “Doesn’t matter. Now sit.” He pointed to the spot next to Ruffilo. “I'm gonna get you some pain medicine and a glass of water. Are you hungry?” I shook my head, thanking Noah, before he walked off towards the kitchen. 
I was at peace; completely relaxed despite the excruciating pain ravaging my body. Folio left his spot next to me, saying something about having to do his laundry to which Jolly asked if he would do his too. Folio grumbled and rolled his eyes, but in the end agreed. Nick, however, was still next to me, busy sketching flowers in the notebook on his lap. “Those are beautiful,” I commented on the simple, yet intricate detail on the vines and roses. Nick’s charming smile did something to me. The way his soft green eyes twinkled when he looked at me took the edge off my nerves. “I can give you one if you want.” “A flower?” He chuckled. “Well yes, but as a tattoo. Do you have any?” “Yeah I have a few.” Nick raised his eyebrows. “Really?” “What? Why is that so surprising?” He shook his head, turning back to his work on the paper. “You don’t look like a girl who would have tattoos, that’s all.” Jolly laughed as I scrunched up my face in confusion. “Holy shit, Nick, judge much,” he chided. “What! I’m just saying.” Nick dropped his pencil and looked at Jolly. “So rude,” Jolly teased, shaking his head. “She has three tattoos,” Noah’s deep voice startled me as he appeared from the kitchen, holding a glass of water and some crackers, and my pain medicine. “And you know this how, exactly?” I stared at Noah, puzzled that he would know such a detail about me that most didn’t; not even Alex. “Who do you think got you into those clothes,” he pointed out, handing me the stuff in his hands, his magnetic eyes trailing me up and down. I licked my lips, wincing when my tongue skimmed the swollen cut on my lip, trying my best to steady the nervousness rousing up inside me. Not only was Noah implying he saw me in only my underwear, but that also meant he saw all of the bruising on my body, and that didn’t sit well with me. 
Taking the medicine and handing the glass back to Noah, I couldn’t bring myself to look at him again knowing what he saw. I was too embarrassed. “Anyway,” Nick chimed in, quickly changing the direction of the conversation. As I listened to him I risked a glance at Noah only to find that he wasn’t there anymore, and a part of me was glad. I wasn’t ready for that yet. I wasn’t ready for all of Noah’s sympathy and words concerning my bruises. They would fade in time and eventually be forgotten and when all was said and done, the trauma of it all would too. I knew this, but Noah didn’t and I had to consider that; for his sake. “Now that I know you like tattoos, I can do one if you want.” I smiled. “I would love that, Nick. One of those?” nodding to the paper in front of him. “Sure. The ivy would look sick on you.” The excitement in his voice was adorable. Discussing tattoos was obviously something Nick liked doing. “That’s what I was thinking of too.” We both chuckled and Nick went on drawing, but I couldn’t escape the uneasy feeling I had. Noah was upset. I saw it on his face and it hurt me that he was. But he would just have to learn that once something bad happened to me, I didn't like talking about it. What was done was done. Besides, none of it was his problem nor his burden to bear.
“Are you watching the next season or can I put something on?” Nicholas snatched the remote from Jolly quicker than lightning. “Don't even, bro,” Nick growled. “There's one more season left and we're watching it.” “Ughh, fuck Nick, come on man, no more Anime. You can watch it later. Let me pick something.” “Okay, fine, Sophie gets to pick.” I popped my head up from Folio's shoulder, who had finally come back from laundry duty, shaking it quickly. “Nope, I'm good. Honest. Let Jolly choose.” “See,” Jolly said hotly, grabbing the remote from Nick. As Jolly picked out something new to watch, Noah appeared freshly cleaned and looking more relaxed, holding a thick fluffy red blanket. His hair was still wet with pieces of it falling over his forehead and eyes and it made me squeeze my thighs together because of the unholy feeling he was giving me. “Here, I brought this for you,” he spoke softly, holding out the blanket, but I didn’t take it. Instead, for some stupid reason, I hung my head and to avoid letting Noah see the tears that had formed in my eyes. Nick got up and Noah sat down, gently laying the blanket around my shoulders. I shivered from its warmth that created a warm barrier between me and the cool air. Noah was still, our knees practically touching, and to say my body wasn't screaming internally would be a lie. 
I took a deep breath, breathing in the intoxicating scent of him and slumped into the warmth and security of the blanket. The feeling of his hand slipping over my thigh caused me to stiffen. Noah retracted it, but I grabbed it quickly before he could take it away entirely. “It's not what you think,” I said softly as I drank in the beauty and handsomeness of his face. His full, pouty lips, the freckles over his nose, his dark almond shaped eyes, they all did something to me I'd never felt before and weakened all senses. His eyes searched mine, looking for answers that I believed he would never find, but those eyes saw right through my tough-girl act; they saw through my walls.
Tears threatened to fall again so I dropped my gaze, breaking the connection and retreating into myself. I didn't deserve to get close to anyone, let alone Noah. I was toxic. I was a mess, and I wasn't about to drag this perfect man down with me to the gates of hell and force him to battle shit he had no obligation to fight. 
"He's never going to hurt you again, Sophie," Noah whispered in my hair.
I stiffened and tears that I’d been fighting finally flowed down my cheeks. “It makes my blood run cold when I think about what he's done to you; all the pain, all the hurt. It's not right.” Tears dripped from my chin. “I'd give anything to battle this fight for you.” I shook my head in confusion? “Why?” I asked a little louder than I meant to. “Why would you want to, Noah!?” I jumped up from the sofa, shrugging off the blanket. “I'm a fucked up mess, Noah. I'm nothing but a broken vessel, all used up, battle worn and tired.” By now the tears were falling faster than I meant for them to and my words were more hurtful and mean than intended. “You owe me nothing. None of you do. And I can't,” I paused for a moment and as the tears and crying caught up with me, I began to sob uncontrollably. The shit that had been pent up the last forty-eight hours was now coming out, as if the dam had broken. Folio got up and stood beside me and for a moment just stood there, but when I couldn't catch my breath, he took me into his arms and there I cried until my throat hurt. The reality of my life was all coming to a head and I couldn't or  maybe just didn't want to, deal with it all anymore. I wanted out. I wanted to die. I screamed this into Folio's chest as he held me tightly. I gasped for air and when it didn't come, I began to panic. The anxiety attack came harder and faster than ever. I slipped from Folio's embrace and dropped to the floor hard, and there I sobbed completely and utterly confused about everything. “Shhhh… It’s okay. I've got you.” Noah's arms snaked around me and wrapped me up tight against him. His body covered mine, covering me like a shield. “I'll keep you safe, Sophie .  I'll shelter you. No matter the cost.”
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thedancingclowns · 6 months
Yeah– that's a thing, right?
I go by Evan or Vinnie (Vinnie being a nickname FOR Evan), but I also use the name Alex or Lex.
he/they (well... he/him or they/them)
Stuff I do here:
head cannons, fanart, oc stuff, maybe polls, random stuff that I think is amusing or like "oh wait-- huhhh??"
Stuff about me:
I have AuDHD, I like to at least attempt to create stuff and have for pretty much my whole life, I am trying to be a functional grown being, my birthday is April 22. I am interested in film and writing, and plan on making a movie or series at some point in my life.
Human Synopsis:
my name is Evan (I also go by Vinnie for short), I am a (ftm) man, I am here to like fanart and writing and cool people (and also memes sometimes) while posting the most random shit known to humankind, I am legally an adult, a polyam quoi demi and nebula pan or omni dude (dunno man, romance is weird), I call people man/dude/bro gender neutrally (sorry bout that), I'm constantly worried about pissing people off, I have ADHD ASD, and GAD, and my birthday is April 22nd.
Do's and Don't's
please Do not
- ask NSFW stuff (I don't feel comfortable with it)
- ask for personal information (I won't give it to you, I don't want to)
- Continue to try to get me to do or say something if I turn you down. (If I turn anything down it's because I'm uncomfortable.)
- Send me "send this to _ more people!" things in asks, I understand they're popular but they make me freeze up because I don't want to make people angry with them, but I also REALLY want to participate. (I'm all for @ -ing stuff because that I can more easily point out that it's 'no pressure' and feel like I can answer whenever I want. With asks, I feel more limited in the amount of time I can wait before answering.)
- Tell me to "chill" on my vent posts. If I CHOOSE to post about things that piss me off, I am NOT asking you to tell me to chill. I fucking hate when people say that. It only makes me angrier.
- Tell me to "chill" or try to dictate how I should post (ESPECIALLY on my fixations) this is a dick move. And NOT okay.
- be respectful (most of my content will be opinions / up to interpretation stuff. my views might not be your own, but that doesn't mean you get to argue with me about them; respectful disagreements are chill though!)
- in general just try to understand that everyone has boundaries (meaning, follow my rules when interacting with me; and I'll do the same when interacting with you)
DNI stuff (will be worked on when I have energy/motivation):
*cw because I'm pissed as fuck right now, and tell some of y'all to fuck off. – 7/25/2024*
Racism, Homo/Trans/LGBTQ+phobia, MAP, TERF, like... super proship stuff, pure NSFT blogs, anti-kin/anti-therian, anti-agre, anti-petre, NSFW agre/petre, Zionists, anyone who is anti-palestine, anyone pro-KOSA, anyone who supports the shithole that Christian nationalists, religious extremists, political extremists, pro-life people etc plan to turn America into.
If you are, get the fuck off here, and if you interact you are INSTANTLY getting blocked. Go to hell you stupid cocks, I fucking hate you. (You are making things worse and the world needs to get its head out of its ass and deal with shitheads like you.)
^^ that last violent ramble is talking about racists, lgbtphobes, sexists, terfs, swerfs, maps, zionists, anti-palestine fuckers, pro-kosa fuckers, Christian nationalists *I don't give a shit if you're just religious but if your GOAL is to make AMERICA A FUCKING CHRISTIAN NATION FUCK OFF*, political extremists, pro-life people, and people who support the Amercian Idiocy that we've let fucking fester for some reason. *which will DESTROY ALL REMNANTS OF A FUCKING DEMOCRACY*
(will likely add more guidelines, but those are the ones I can think of for now)
Do not stop fighting, we have to make things right. Free Palestine, fuck KOSA, vote blue, etc, etc. Do NOT let this world continue its fall to shit.
I never hoped to be political but life is a fucking shitshow right now, so if I don't I'll feel like just another ignorant American ass. I don't want to be just another fucking coward blending in and hoping things will get better without trying.
PFP does not belong to me.
Using some of those: "this user ..." things.
(None of them belong to me and I continually forget where I get them from...)
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(Wait- fuck, that last bubble is a lie. I made the Sally Face one. That one actually is mine??? I only noticed that after someone used it like??? WOAHHH?? Someone used it???)
@theclowndoes-selfships (my selfshipping side)
@iamdevouring-god (my Endless One / Devourer of God Sally Face RP side blog)
@habitual-creatures (my HABIT / Evan Myers kin/SORTA rp ask blog *primarily based on kin as I am a fictkin. 👍 I feel okay admitting it here now. :']*)
@everymanvenom side blog for all of my EverymanVENOM AU dabblings and stuff!!! this is an EverymanHYBRID x Venom crossover AU sideblog!
(and see other blogs for more resources!
I do not compile them on this site!)
(Last updated September 14th, 2024)
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echowithpain · 6 months
Buckle Up, Bitches. This is a long one.
Okay, I've definitely had some gripes with episode 2 and the fact that it took me this long to rewatch the episode to collect my thoughts says something. I even stopped the episode halfway through and got distracted with something else for about 3 hours before remembering what I was doing and resuming it.
I didn't like this episode. Unfortunately the bad outweighed the good for me.
First up, Lola, Norman, and Julien.
Why the FUCK did they do a storyline where Lola cheats on Norman?? Their whole introductions/characters in season 2 were about how Norman didn't see her after they had a kid so she went out of her way to force him to look at her by flashing the freeway. Go off Queen.
She gets arrested but she and Norman are super happy and making out, and they even admitted that the situation saved their marriage when Josh and Sue gathered people Maddie helped to convince her not to quit. The cheating storyline is so out of character for Lola that when I saw episode 1 and she was acting weird around Julien, I thought she knew he was a bad guy but he had threatened her off screen or something and she didn't want to worry Norman, not that they were seeing each other???
I thought Julien had just mistaken them for smugglers since they were living on the cruise ship, Lola found out and confronted him, and he threatened her to keep quiet about the operation but didn't get to call off the guys he was working with in time so Lola and Norman ended up getting jumped.
When Norman found out Lola was cheating on him after getting shot and was groaning in pain, all he could do was go into denial and talk about how Lola cheating couldn't be true. Then when he was lying on the poker table talking about the life he and Lola had, 37 years, selling all their stuff with handmade price tags, it made me feel both genuinely sad and angry. Not angry at Lola, angry at the writers for making this storyline for them. If people who have never seen the show go back to watch all the seasons and get to Lola and Norman's episode, they're gonna have it in their mind that their love is a lie and apparently Norman doesn't love Lola enough to keep her satisfied which is why she's cheats on him later. They're gonna see it as Lola being a horrible person this whole time, someone who likes to sleep around, or even just chalk it up to "Women ☕" and that pisses me off! That's not their characters and the fact the writers were portraying them in that light is horrible.
Then we have the whole Hen storyline, and oh boy do I have words about that.
Episode 1 did an amazing job reintroducing the characters to new people (except for Athena, I don't care about Marisol). In fact, if not for the Athena thing, I'll make a post about that later, it would've been a solid 10/10 (9/10 cause Karen wasn't in it lol).
Hen was shown to be a great captain when under intense pressure, going with her gut about which wire the pilot said to cut and even double checking, being a teasing but helpful friend to Chim about the forever dating thing, being kind and knowledgeable with the woman in the hot tub incident and teasing Chim again, and being an ear Athena could rant to when she thought Norman killed Lola. She was absolutely amazing...
Episode 2 ruined all of that.
She's at the car accident and is caring and attentive to the daughter and her mom, but then she's suddenly in a bad mood and making assumptions when it comes to the guy who blew through the light. She sends Chim over to him and when the dude is acting rude, telling them off, and threatening their jobs, she does the right thing and asks if he's refusing care. He says yes, he doesn't consent, so she doesn't give him care. Even in a bad mood she's still doing her job properly. Chim's been a firefighter/paramedic longer than her and should know that if someone refuses care, you can't force the care onto them, so he had no reason to try to make her change her mind about that.
Putting that aside, her words to Chimney really made me upset,
"No, he's done. Why is it that drunks always come out of these things without a scratch?"
Why the fuck did the writers make her say that? What did the dude being drunk have anything to do with it? Also Aisha's delivery is great but the line is terrible. Why put so much emphasis on the guy being drunk?? Hen doesn't act like this. She gets pissed off sometimes, yes, but in season 1 when Bobby had a relapse and she and Buck found him in his apartment, she was empathetic and sensitive to his struggles and has been ever since. You can't tell me if Bobby was the captain on that scene, she would've said it anyway because she wouldn't have. So I'm just supposed to believe that when he's not there, that's how she acts??
I think the thing that really made me upset was the fact they kept going back to the guy being drunk. He could've been completely sober but texting on his phone while speeding, he could've had a muscle spasm that made him hit the accelerator, he also could've just been a dick and decided to run the light for the hell of it. The part about him being drunk or not shouldn't have gotten so much attention, because either way HE STILL REFUSED CARE!!!
They could've still had the whole Hen's intern captain position being paused because it's a councilwoman's son and rich people use money to sue and try to make things go away to keep themselves in a good light with their public image. Like the chief said, all the signs of impairment could've been indications of the brain bleed the dude had, but again, THE GUY REFUSED CARE!!!! Hen says this but still gets put on pause cause rich people.
Buck saying they can't fire her for one bad call is true, but it also wasn't a bad call??? Toxic reports or not, if the guy refused care then he refused care!!! It's not her problem!!! It would've been worse if he refused care, she gave it to him anyway, saved his life, but now she's getting sued for bullshit reasons and can't be a firefighter/paramedic anymore because she went against protocol.
And they're talking so much about how the guy was definitely drunk. So drunk that obviously everyone could smell it off him. WHY DOES THIS MATTER????
You might be wondering why I'm repeating myself but I was wondering the same thing watching the episode. Why are they repeating the fact that the guy was drunk??? And then Hen thinks all of them betrayed her because they don't know for a fact if the dude was drunk or not.
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Hen's ranting to Karen (omg Karen hi!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I'm so sorry this is your only scene 😭😭😭) saying,
"I just feel like if I was any other captain, I would not have been benched."
Shut the fuck up, yes you would have. It doesn't matter who the captain is, what mattered was who the victim was. I'm sure there's been times where someone refused care and ended up dying because of it. It's like that woman's dying mother with cancer who took a bunch of pills but had a DNR so when Hen and Chim showed up they legally weren't allowed to do anything. Even though the daughter was freaking out and telling them to do something, they stayed professional and said they couldn't. Neither of them got benched for letting that woman die. Hen's getting benched because the dude's mom was a councilwoman, not for any other reason.
Hen's upset cause she thinks Buck, Eddie, and Chim were trying to comfort her because "they assumed she screwed up", then she starts second guessing herself on whether or not she did screw up and goes on about how she thought the guy was an "entitled rich brat" anD OH MY GOD WHY WERE THEY ON THIS FOR SO LONG!!!!!
Entitled or humble, rich or poor, brat or dom, drunk or sober, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!
And then the reports come back and it turns out he actually was drunk plus had drugs in his system. Whoopty fucking doo. That didn't matter nor did it excuse the fact they carried that stupid plot for no reason across the entire episode.
The guy. Refused. Care. That should've been the end of it.
*sigh*... I have a headache.
Sorry guys, I love 911 but this episode was a flop for me. 3/10. If not for the cool action scenes and beautiful transitions, it would be much lower. Hopefully things are better in episode 3.
The Lola cheating on Norman with Julien storyline fucking sucked, and everyone and their mother focusing on if the guy who caused the car accident might've been drunk or not storyline fucking sucked too. He refused care so it shouldn't have mattered if he was drunk or not.
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shieldofiron · 1 year
Hey dude your writing inspires me a lot so I was wondering if I could request a tigerfreak hurt/comfort?
Of course you could! Always dare for hurt/comfort!
Jason’s pretty sure they have to break up.
Not that they’re dating.
Only Munson keeps hinting about it, high on his own supply and the idea that he (probably, actually, really) will graduate this year. He’s been talking about a road trip with his band while Jason hastily dresses after they fuck, or in between puffs in the back of the Jeep, unwrapping chocolate bars and kissing Jason with candy and weed on his breath. About how he’s tired of people asking him if he’s going places. He wants to go places. Deserves to.
And he deserves better than Jason, though this he doesn’t say in so many words. But Jason gets the hint. Kind of wants to snap at Munson to just do it already.
But why would Munson do it when he already has a sure thing, an easy fuck practically every night. Certainly that’s why Jason keeps crawling in the window of the trailer long after Mr Munson gave him a key and told him to stop almost breaking the damn window.
Jason sticks with what he knows. He knows he comes over too often, so the window makes it feel spontaneous. Not like he lies awake in bed when they’re apart, wishing he was curled up in Munson’s arms in his too-small bed. Not like he can’t watch Thundercats anymore without Eddie. Not like he’s not sure if he’s strong enough to break it off like Eddie so clearly wishes Jason would.
He's going to be stuck in this same town with what he knows, while Munson drives off to something better, and Jason's known that from the start.
It’s what every couple in town is going through, deciding whether to break up before college or stay together.
Not that they’re a couple.
Things just get mixed up in Jason’s head sometimes. Sometimes when Eddie says to stay it sounds like go. Sometimes when Jason wants to keep going it comes out as frustrated tears. And when he wants to tell Eddie he loves him, that he wishes Eddie would never go anywhere he can’t follow it comes out like…
“That’s the last time,” Jason says roughly, swiping tears on the back of his hand.
“Graduation is tomorrow,” Jason hates how tight his voice is, hates how close he is to tears so he forces it out angry and pressured. “So that was the last time.”
“But…” Eddie sputters.
“Come on, don’t make this harder than it has to be,” Jason slips the trailer window open and starts to put one foot through. “Oh. Wait.”
Eddie hasn’t moved from the bed, sheets still tangled around his waist. And Jason can’t believe this is the last time he’ll see him this way. Maybe in a few years the memory will soften and seem sweet. But right now it’s razor sharp, like a blade in a bar of chocolate.
Jason digs the key out of his pocket and leaves it on Munson's dresser. He almost wants to yank his 'Hawkins High Honor Student' keychain off of it, it makes him cringe in the worst way. But he doesn't want to stay here any longer, there's no way he can stand to be here any longer.
He slips out the window, not bothering to look back, and walks down to the end of the trailer park, rounding the corner and heading to where his car is hidden.
And he feels fine, just fine. He swipes his face on the back of his hand and unlocks the Jeep, crawls inside, slams his hands on the wheel until they hurt, closes the door and screams because he feels fine. He feels just fine.
It's not raining, but there's a hint of it in the air, petrichor and car exhaust and Jason's exhaustion.
And then there's a knock at the window.
"I'm moving the car, I swear, just hold your horses Mr. Roberts, I-" Jason scowls, wiping what definitely isn't tears on the back of his hand.
"Jay," It's Eddie, hastily dressed in jeans and one of Mr. Munson's flannels. "Let me in."
"I'm going, I just," Jason sucks in a breath.
"Let me in, angel," Eddie knocks again. "Come on. You would never leave me like that."
"Fuck you, what does that mean?"
"It means you would never leave all calm and cool like that," Eddie shook his head.
"Fuck you."
Eddie actually smiles, and it's like tasting Easter chocolate after a long empty lent. Jason wishes he wasn't so weak. Jason wishes he wasn't so in love with this boy it hurt.
Jason's arm aches, actually hurts, as he rolls down the window, "I don't have anything of yours in my car. I can look and send it-"
Eddie cups Jason's jaw, swipes his thumb across Jason's cheeks, "What happened?"
It takes Jason a beat, but then he scowls, "I told you, that was just the last time."
"Are you tired of me?" Eddie asks.
"No," The word really is too easy to say. "That's just... it's just the last time."
"B-because," Jason jerks his head back, "It just is, okay? Fuck, you've been talking about leaving for weeks. What do you want me to write it in the sky? I fucking understand it...."
"I was... I wanted you to come with me," Eddie blinks, "Did I not ask you?"
"What?" Jason croaks.
Eddie's cut off when the sky opens up, pouring rain down on him, and through the open window. They both yelp, and Eddie yanks at the back door until Jason lets him in, rolling the window up and scrambling. As soon as Eddie's inside the car, he pulls at Jason's arm until he joins Eddie in the backseat. He's too shocked to do anything else, frozen by Eddie's admission.
"I wanted you to come with me," Eddie practically has to yell to be heard over the storm, "Before you leave for college. I swear to God, I... I wasn't trying to rush you. I want all the time with you that I can get."
Jason's just frozen, blinking with lashes wet from rain and tears.
"I fucking love you," Eddie yells, "Please, don't do this right now. We still have time before you have to leave me. Just..."
Jason scrambles into Eddie's lap, pressing kisses to his throat, wanting to stop the sweet words even as he can't bear not to hear them.
"I thought you wanted me to break it off. I don't want to leave you, not now, not for college," Jason shouts, "You kept talking about the trip, over and over-"
"I was trying to ask you. Clearly I failed," But Eddie didn't sound too upset when he pulled Jason close.
"I love you," Jason yells, "I love you too."
"I know," Eddie yells right back, "I fucking love you and I know."
They're both grinning, happiness that can't even be dimmed by Mr. Roberts knocking on the window and telling them not to yell all fucking night.
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oumaheroes · 2 years
Pushed to The Limit
Day 27 of Whumptober
Muffled screams/ Stumbling/ Magical Exhaustion
Characters: England, America, France
Context: From the FrUK Chosen Consequence/ Cardverse Chronicals AU with the incredibly talented and lovely @thedisappointedidealist12
Day 26
'No more drinks thank you, we're fi-'
'Sure! Get me a beer.'
Arthur was completely thrown. Alfred shot him a quick flash of a grin, likely to try and reassure him. It didn't work, Arthur felt the furthest thing from reassured.
'Arthur's right, this conversation should be had privately.’ Alfred turned back to a stony faced Francis, ‘Where can we go to talk?'
'Alfred, what-'
'Like I said,' Alfred spoke over him, raising his voice, 'it's clear you've got something to say and like Artie here I don't believe in letting things sit. I wanna go somewhere where we can have the talk that you seem to have so stuck up your ass.'
He was too angry. Alfred was far, far too angry. Something that Francis had said or done had got to Alfred more than it should have done and this was dangerous. Both Kings had drunk at least one drink, both of them were angry and Arthur trusted neither of them to be rational, including Francis. Especially Francis.
Arthur didn’t know him at all anymore.
Arthur shot a look to Vash, who seemed to have transcended past the point of exhausted to reach a whole new plane of stressed, and Lily, who seemed on the verge of tears.
He thought about his promise to Francis not to practise any more magic whilst in Diamonds and quickly buried it in the back of his mind to think about guiltily later. What Francis didn't know wouldn't hurt him and he'd promised Arthur many, many things that were now untrue. Arthur no longer had a home in Diamonds, Arthur was unlikely to be asked back to the beach house by the sea, and it was painfully clear, growing more so with each passing second, that the Francis who had sworn to be his until they died was not the one stood before him.
Arthur had to let the Francis he had once known go and not let any lingering attachment to his memory affect his life now, or his future.
He took a deep breath. Feeling the magic within him catch at his request, Arthur expanded his awareness out to cover the room, feeling each and every person and thing within it. It swept over the space like a wave, lapping against the walls and resting there thick and icy.
A crushing, intense pressure. It felt as though Arthur was lifting the world up in his mind, holding back time with his very soul and he was. Everything in the room was still, everything unmoving and Arthur used one more burst of energy to slam the doors to the foyer shut, preventing anyone else from walking in.
With monumental effort, he reached out with a heavy deadened arm to grab hold of Alfred, closing off his mind to not drain him. He didn't have long.
Alfred came crashing to life in a sharp gasp, blinking about before turning to Arthur in horror as he recognised what was happening, 'Arthur, what the fuc-'
'Are you sure about this?' Arthur cut in quickly, shaking his arm, and Alfred closed his mouth with a small click of teeth, 'You need to calm the fuck down. If you’re going to talk with just your emotions and not your head you need to stop and remember what we're working towards-'
'Yeah dude, okay I get it you can stop this now,' Alfred was looking at him in panic, 'please, Arthur, let it go, you can't hold this! Remember last time-'
'Don't do anything rash!'
'I know, I won't, I'll be calm- Arthur, let go!'
Alfred twisted his arm out of Arthur's grip without breaking their contact to close fast about his shoulders, holding him steady. By Suit this hurt. It felt like he was drowning in sand, the weight of the world and time filling his lungs and pushing against him- a small pebble holding back the tide. What would it feel like, to hold it all still? Was it possible?
'I know,' Arthur sluggishly, haltingly, stood up straight and moved to stand as he was before he cast the spell before prodding Alfred, who was still gripping one of his arms, 'turn to him as you were.'
Reluctantly, Alfred stood further away and turned his face to Francis, letting go of Arthur at the last moment. As soon as Arthur felt Alfred still, felt him become another living entity he was holding in place, it hit him as another enormous weight on his chest, another life pressing and protesting against him. He closed his eyes and breathed out, dropping his mental barriers and releasing the foyer back to join the rest of time. It flew from him in a tidal rush, pulling him in every direction and causing him to stagger and grip Alfred's arm to hold him upright.
'Woah there!' Alfred's voice, far too bright and false, came to him through a muffled fog. Arthur felt an arm come to curl around his waist and hold him up, 'The drink finally hit you, huh, Art? Or one of your headaches again?'
Arthur shook his head, trying to clear it. His heart was fluttering far too quickly, too shallow, and his lungs couldn't take in enough air.
'Yes, my head,' He forced himself to speak, 'my apologies, I'm not sure what's come over me all of a sudden.'
'Maybe you should go back to our Chambers for a bit; me and Francis can have our chat alone somewhere, eh Franny?'
Day 28
Full Masterlist
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outsiders-apo · 9 months
Hello! Call me Purple Voice! I have been here a while, but never spoken before so, uh, sorry if this gets a bit rambly, I just want to get some of my thoughts out there.
Uh, so, Glitched Text Owen, Gto, and Normal Text Owen, Nto, seem to be almost entirely separate entities a lot of the time. I don't know how obvious it is on your end of things but I have seen Nto and Gto give contradictory answers to questions with no knowledge or acknowledgment of the other speaking, seen voices have conversations with Gto while Nto is increasingly confused and both doesn't seem aware of Gto speaking or have the knowledge Gto has on the topic, and also seen Gto and Nto start quite literally arguing/fighting with each other when they do notice the other.
It only seems to be when one or both gets upset, usually scared or angry, that the lines seem to blur more between them. And then when they calm down and separate more again it leaves Nto questioning what he did, why he did it, and being utterly terrified of himself.
I hope that me throwing out a bit of what it looks like from my end of things helps somehow. -Purple Voice
(Sorry if this is way off base or something. This is my first ever time interacting with an ask blog or people online in general, and my brainrot is unreal.)
[ooc below cut]
Hey, Purple Voice! No worries, man- I think we're all kinda fucked up right now, what with the whole... yeah.
You think that Owen is, like- two people? I... huh. Yeah, I dunno what 'glitched text' means, but when Owen gets static-y he does tend to... be different, I guess.
So you think that Static Owen and Normal Owen- yeah. I have noticed that. I think you might be right, at least to some extent. He does...
And I don't know if you can see it on your end, but when his voice is static-y, he doesn't... talk the same? His eyes go all blank and stuff and he doesn't move his mouth, really? It just opens and the words come out, without him forming them with his actual mouth. It's confusing.
Yeah, I don't think... I don't think that Owen really wants to hurt me, or anything- or at least I hope so. It would be a shame if that were to happen again... all this work for nothing. We'd have to go and do another fucking repeat.
Yeah, this helped a ton, Purple Voice. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts! This was... really enlightening for me. Thank you.
dude genuinely no worries, this was a SICK ask!!! definitely definitely not off base or weird. i had so much fun answering your ask rarararararah!!! no pressure but i definitely wouldn't mind seeing more from you in the future :3c
-admin felix (the only one)
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nightttdreamers · 3 years
Dude (Lovingly) / Stan x Kyle
hi heres my first south park fic :) u can read it on ao3 as well. i hope to write more so any and all feedback is appreciated and will bring me immense joy. thanks!
Link | 3k words | One-shot
Kyle knows something is wrong. Not just because Stan just climbed through his window with a nasty bruise on his cheek and a bloody nose, but because he won't tell him why.
AKA, late night conversations and confessions
“This is gonna sting,” Kyle says, holding the cotton ball just above the other’s brow, hovering. Stan makes a noise that barely counts as words, but it's enough of an answer for Kyle to continue. He presses the cotton ball to the open wound, trying to keep the pressure light. Still, he can see Stan wince, pulling away from him slightly. “Stop shifting around or its gonna take longer.”
“Sorry,” Stan looks up at him with a surprising sincerity that instantly makes Kyle feel like an asshole. This isn’t the first time he’s cleaned Stan up. The two have stuck band-aids on each other and even gone to the emergency room together for as long as they’ve been friends. They have their cadence; Kyle barks at Stan for doing whatever stupid thing that got him hurt, and Stan rolls his eyes and tells Kyle he doesn’t need another mom. But this isn’t like the times before, everything feels off. Stan isn’t meeting his eyes, just picking at the cuts on his knuckles. Kyle doesn’t often find himself at a loss for words with Stan, but every time he tries to talk, his mouth just feels dry.
He takes in the other’s state, watching Stan’s slumped posture as he sits on Kyle’s bed. When he gets close, he gets the faintest whiff of beer from Stan’s breath, but he doesn’t seem drunk, just exhausted. Kyle sits at his desk chair which has been pushed to the bed, giving him some height over the other.
“Is it bad?” Stan asks, breaking the silence.
Kyle pulls the cotton ball away, having cleaned most of the blood off. It’s not deep, but it did split the skin on his eyebrow. He pulls away, looking over Stan’s face, taking in the bruise beginning to blossom on his cheek and the dry blood beneath his nose. “Could be worse, I guess.”
“Let me stay here tonight.”
Stan says this suddenly, taking Kyle’s wrist and pulling his hand down, forcing the ginger to look him in the eyes. Kyle recognizes that desperate look, Stan’s gotten worse at hiding it over the years. Or Kyle’s gotten better at reading him.
“Yeah, sure, okay,” Kyle says with a short nod, reaching back to the first-aid kit for a band aid. “I still have shit to do, though. Fucking gov’ test tomorrow.”
“I know,” Stan says, gaze returning to his knuckles. A small smirk crosses his lips. “Maybe I’ll go hang with Ike. Show him my badass new injuries”
Kyle punches his arm, though not as hard as he usually would. “That’s not funny, dude. He looks up to you, to all of us. I don’t want you guys rubbing off on him.” Kyle reaches to put a bandaid on Stan’s face, but he pulls back.
“Because it would be so awful if he turns out like me, right?” Stan asks. He doesn’t sound angry, voice falling flat, it’s hardly a question.
Kyle presses his lips together tightly, he doesn’t want to be the second person to fight Stan tonight. “Getting his shit rocked by Eric Cartman on a Thursday? Yeah, I don’t want my little brother turning out like that.” His voice is tight, but there are much worse things he could say.
Stan lets out a little puff of breath, but doesn’t say anything else. Kyle presses the bandaid to his brow, then kicks his desk chair back away from the bed. “Which, by the way, is so fucking middle school of you.”
Stan rolls his eyes, leaning back against the wall. They’ve just started their senior year, and though there’s been plenty of petty fights between their circle, it’s been a while since anyone’s had a playground-style fist fight. “I’m tired of him, dude, I should’ve wrecked his ass a long time ago.” He sits up a bit. “Wait, that came out wrong-”
Kyle snorts. “Sounds like I missed a pretty homoerotic brawl.”
“Shut up!” Stan retorts, voice raising. Kyle’s smile falls and Stan leans back once more. “Why do we still put up with him? Because he has these little moments of humanity? He’s a total shithead.”
Out of the four, actually, out of their entire grade, no one hates Eric Cartman more than Kyle. It’s a deep-rooted type of hate, the scowl that comes across Kyle’s face at the mention of the other is intrinsic at this point. Though he’d love to take the time to go on a ramble about why Cartman deserved to be ditched years and years ago, there’s something brewing in Stan right now that stops him. Kyle can practically feel the rage radiating off him. 
“I mean, yeah. We’ve known this forever. I don’t get how he could’ve said something so bad that you’d literally fight him, though. Since we’ve been listening to him spew the same stupid shit for years.”
Stan looks at Kyle for a while, something unplaceable about his gaze. Kyle just looks back, brow furrowed, waiting for an answer until Stan speaks up.
“Don’t you have to study?” He asks, looking at the open textbooks on the other’s desk.
Kyle looks down at them, forgetting what he was doing before Stan came climbing through his window earlier. “Uh, yeah.”
Stan nods curtly. “I’ll be quiet.” Before Kyle can speak again, Stan is already kicking his sneakers off, laying down on Kyle’s bed. He curls up, avoiding Kyle’s pillows, simply rolling over to face the wall. How quickly he can shut down a conversation is frustrating, but it’s typical Stan.
When you see someone basically every day since birth, it's hard to notice the gradual changes in them. Stan is a fixture in Kyle’s life, an extension of himself. Wherever he is, whoever he’s with, Stan’s impression can be felt. There was nothing else Kyle was more sure of than his best friend. People would make jokes about them in elementary school. Then, snide comments and taunts in middle school. The boys learned to be quieter, stop walking home together every day, and spend time with other kids. None of their friends would understand what it was like to have someone that was just as important in your life as your right hand. Of course, Kyle noticed when Stan started changing. It just took him some time to realize that same sadness that had followed him since they were little was starting to consume him. Sure, his random emo phases told everyone else that Stan was hurting, but there was something deeper, something below-the-surface. Kyle was sure that he was the only person who could see it. Stan knew he couldn’t lie to his best friend when he asked what was wrong, so he’d simply close himself off.
Staring at Stan’s back, Kyle let out a breath. He hated when he shut down like this. Still, he’d return to his desk, opening his textbooks to attempt some practice questions. This was the routine they’d fallen into. It started with more impromptu sleepovers on weekends, then during the week. Stan would show up at the front door or climb through his window depending on what time he’d show up. Sometimes he brought video games, sometimes he brought his headphones, sometimes he smelled like pot or booze. If Kyle didn’t have work, the two would stay up and mess around, talk. If he did, Stan would keep to himself, playing games on mute and listening to music. Right now, he was just laying there, silent except for his breathing.
Kyle studied for what felt like ages, but was probably closer to an hour. He was consumed with thoughts of Stan to properly focus anyway. Why did he fight Cartman? Did he finally snap? Were they too drunk? Wasn’t Kenny with them, why didn’t he stop it? Most concerning, why wouldn’t he talk to him about it? Kyle closed his textbook, making a big gesture of it so Stan would know he was done. It worked, the dark-haired boy rolling over to face the other. “You done?” Stan asked.
Kyle nodded before standing and heading over to his closet. He pulled his sweatshirt off, looking back at Stan. “You want pajamas?”
“No, that’s okay,” he replied. Kyle grabbed a clean t-shirt and sweatpants, heading to the bathroom wordlessly. They knew their nighttime routine by now. He took a quick shower, returning to his room after changing into the pajamas. Stan had done the same, sitting cross-legged on the bed in his boxers and t-shirt.
Kyle stood in the doorway for a second, just looking at Stan. His hair was getting longer. When it covered his face like this, hiding the bruises, he looked younger. Football had bulked Stan up a little, but he quit last year, so he’d lost that visible muscle. Kyle had a quiet pride for the few inches of height he had over the other. Stan was fit, built despite how he stopped trying to maintain it, while Kyle stayed gangly no matter how much he tried to change.
“You can keep a pair of pajamas here if you don’t want to squeeze into mine,” Kyle said, crossing his arms. “What is this, the third night you’ve slept here this week?”
Stan rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, it is. Shit, sorry, I should just head back to mine. I didn’t really want my mom to see me, but she’s gonna see it anyway. I’ll go-”
“Woah, Stan,” Kyle stepped forward just as Stan stood up, grabbing the hem of his sleeve. “Dude, I’m not kicking you out. I’m literally trying to tell you that you’re welcome here.”
Stan turned back to him, his face all scrunched up. “Yeah, but you’re trying to study and you’ve got important shit and I get that you’re being nice ‘cause we’re friends but you can tell me to fuck off, I can handle it.”
“Why are you saying this shit? I just said I don’t have a problem with you being here!”
“But do you want me to be here?”
A silence fell over the two. Stan’s breathing was shallow as he held Kyle’s gaze. That dry mouth feeling returned, but Kyle swallowed it down. “Of course I want you here, dude.”
Stan sat down on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees. “Sorry. Um, I haven’t really been able to sleep.”
Kyle sat cross-legged beside him, hands folded in his lap. “I can tell.”
Stan looked over at him briefly. “Really.”
“I mean, you’ve got bags under your eyes and you slept through two classes the other day. It’s not hard to tell. Do you know why?”
Stan shook his head, his foot tapping restlessly. “It’s easier when I’m with you. I mean, like, in your house. I dunno, probably because it’s not my room. It’s weird.”
Kyle doesn’t refute that immediately. It is a little weird, being told that Stan can’t sleep unless they’re together. But, he does sleep a lot better with the other beside him, even if they don’t touch, just feeling Stan’s weight and warmth beside him is enough. “I get it.”
Stan is quiet, shifting to face Kyle. “Cartman called you a faggot earlier.”
It stings to hear, but mostly because it’s Stan saying that word. Cartman’s been throwing slurs at him since they were nine, it doesn’t quite have an impact anymore. “Cartman says shit like that all the time.”
“No, not like he did tonight,” Stan says. “He asked me where you were. Me, him, and Kenny went to Stark’s. We were kinda drunk, throwing shit at the ice, whatever. He asked me where my boyfriend was and I told him to kiss my ass. He kept going, saying that you probably went to the motel to suck Mr. Garrison off for an A in the class. And I warned him to shut up, but he just wouldn’t fucking stop-”
“Stan, Cartman calls me gay more than he calls me by my actual name. Who gives a shit what he says? Why are you letting him get to you?” Kyle asks. He can see the anger building up in Stan  again, his fists clenching.
“He didn’t say gay, Kyle. Not fairy, not gay, not queer, not even fag. He looked me in the eyes and said you were a faggot and that you-”
“Stop it! Jesus! I don’t wanna hear this shit!” Kyle gave Stan a shove, but the other wouldn’t give up. 
“I had to hear it! I’ve had to hear it for years! He doesn’t get to talk about you like that!” Stan’s getting as loud as he can without risking waking Kyle’s parents up, his face getting red.
“So you fought him? I don’t need you getting hurt for me, you’re not my fucking boyfriend, Stan.”
This hit a nerve, Kyle could see it. Stan didn’t stop though, talking over him. “He can’t say that kind of shit about anyone! I can’t just sit and listen to him anymore!”
“What changed? Where was this attitude when Cartman was making my life hell? God, who cares if he calls us gay? He’s a fucking idiot!”
“Because it hurts, Kyle!” Stan’s voice breaks and he looks down before Kyle can look him in the eyes. “I care if he calls us gay. I know he’s an asshole, I know he’s an idiot, it doesn’t change the fact that what he says hurts.”
Stan can’t hide his feelings, never could, not from Kyle. He’s breathing heavily, fists clenched, cheeks red, looking anywhere but straight ahead. Kyle watches him, jaw tense. His chest feels tight, like it’s about to burst. How could he be so blind? Stan’s been protective of him, sure, but why else would getting called gay make him so mad? His brain works this out quicker than his mouth, and when Kyle tries to speak, all that comes out is a very stupid “Why?”
Stan looks at him, finally, letting out a breath. “God, you’re so fucking stupid,” is all he says before he leans forward, his lips crashing against Kyle’s. They stay like that for a moment, lips pressed together awkwardly. Kyle doesn’t shove him off, he barely even moves except for a slight parting of his mouth. Stan kisses him for real, not just slamming their faces together. It’s weird, they don’t exactly fit together, their noses squished, and Kyle can feel how Stan is holding his breath the whole time. Stan is the one to pull away, moving slowly at first, then all at once. Kyle can hardly think, only feeling a soft buzz on his lips and the pounding of his heart in his chest. Stan watches him, eyes darting all around his face. “Are you gonna say anything?”
Kyle had forgotten that he needed to speak, he was just trying to breath. “Yeah, once I think of something that doesn’t sound as stupid as ‘Dude.’”
Stan lets out a breath, his lips slowly curling upwards. “Dude.”
Kyle laughs nervously, though it doesn’t sound quite right. “Sorry, fuck. I just- That’s not what I thought you were gonna do. I didn’t know you, uh…”
“That I’m a fucking faggot?” Stan offers, smirking.
This snaps Kyle out of his daze. “Don’t say that! I don’t want to hear you talk about yourself like that.” Stan raises his hands apologetically. Kyle looks at them, then reaches out and takes one in his own. His movements are tentative, he’s not quite sure how to go about this. Sure he’s had flings with girls over the years, but this wasn’t some chick that would dump him in two weeks, it was Stan Marsh. Their hands fall to the bed, Kyle still holding on as Stan curls his fingers around him.
“Sorry. Just, you still haven’t really said anything,” Stan says nervously, and Kyle is surprisingly  entertained by the fact that he is making Stan nervous. Before he can quite understand what’s happening, he’s leaning forward to kiss Stan. It’s better this time, still clumsy, but in a sweet way. Kyle uses his hand to pull Stan closer and the momentum continues until Kyle is laying on his back, Stan straddling him. He has no idea how long they stay like that for, but he starts to feel dizzy when Stan puts a hand on his chest.
“Hey-” Kyle says, pulling back. Stan looks down at him like he’s just now realizing he’s on top of his childhood best friend as they make out. “Is- is this okay? I mean, can we just do this?”
Stan understands what he means without further explanation. He lets out a little laugh, flopping onto his back besides Kyle.
“I came out to you like, five minutes ago, Kyle. Yeah, it’s okay if you just wanna kiss. I’m just happy you didn’t kick me out.”
Kyle nods. “Cool, cool.” He shifts a bit, grabbing his comforter from under himself and sliding it over the two. Stan helps, both of them staring up at the ceiling once they’re under the blanket. “I can’t believe we just proved Cartman right.”
Both boys begin laughing at this, taking turns shushing each other and clasping hands over their mouths, which only causes them to laugh more. When they quiet down, they’re facing each other, smiling.
“Sorry it took me so long,” Stan says.
“Sorry I didn’t notice sooner,” Kyle replies. “You don’t have to talk about it more tonight, if you don’t want to. But, I do want to talk more.”
“About what happened with Cartman? Or about,” Stan gestures vaguely between the two of them, “Us?”
Kyle holds on to that for a moment, it’s always been him and Stan, but now there’s an ‘us.’ “We can figure it out in the morning.”
Stan nods, still smiling. “Yeah, okay. So, like, you’re cool with me, um, being gay and also wanting to kiss you and stuff?” His voice is small, it’s adorable. Kyle wants to kiss him again, so he does.
“Of course. You’re my best friend. And stuff.” 
That’s the last thing spoken that night. Of course, there’s a million things left unsaid, but for once Kyle’s not rushing to get it all out. Tonight, he’s going to sleep next to his best friend and relish the feeling of their hands still holding each other.
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noteguk · 4 years
any way you want it | kth | m
— summary; in which your best friend, Taehyung, finds out about your unsatisfying sexual experiences and decides to put an end to that track record himself. 
— contents and warnings; smut, childhood best friends, Taehyung x reader, bigdick!tae, breast play, oral (f receiving), dry grinding, dirty talk, tae has a praise kink, unprotected sex (be responsible!!), rough sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, Taehyung takes things personally but he has good intentions, this is what happens when mutual thirst gets suppressed for years of friendship 
— words; 6.6k
— author’s note; i have no idea why but this fic was so fucking hard to put down into words??? I felt mentally constipated the entire time but it’s finally here 
Tumblr media
Taehyung wasn’t the slightest bit surprised when you called him at almost two in the morning, complaining about your newest nightmarish date and practically begging to come over. Like the good friend that he was, he made sure to tell you that you would be more than welcome to join him in his newest documentary marathon about aliens, and wondered if you could bring him some takeout on your way over there. Like the bad friend that you were, you said no. 
To be fair, the nearest takeout place was across the city from his apartment (about thirty minutes away and in a bad neighborhood), and you were already having a horrible night as it was. Besides, you refused to take part in Taehyung’s search for a high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, arguing that it wasn’t the right time to stuff his face full of hypercaloric noodles. 
But you did pity him enough to comply with his second request: a big pot of vanilla ice cream, which you were sure you’d end up consuming too. You were in a crisis.
As if to prove that the gods above were laughing at you, during the walk of shame to Taehyung’s apartment, it had started to rain (because of course it did), and your umbrella was only able to save you from the shoulders up before it crumbled and flew away from your gasp, rolling on the asphalt like a ball of dirt in a Wild West movie. By the time that you dragged yourself to his front door, you were completely soaked (and not in the way you had planned for that night to end), and about to break down crying. 
Taehyung, like the angel that he was, helped you with your heavy coat and talked you into taking a warm shower before you got sick. He took the supermarket bag from you (where the ice cream had probably already melted) and walked you to this bathroom, excusing himself so he could grab you some dry clothes — and you only saw the ones he had picked when you got out of the shower. 
With a silly smile dancing on your lips, you fumbled with the black booty shorts that Taehyung had jokingly gifted you that past Christmas — one that read “daddy’s juicy butt” in big, bold, neon pink letters over your ass — and then decided that your dignity was already dead by that point, so another kick wouldn’t hurt. Taehyung had also given you one of his favorite band shirts, which he only revealed during desperate times. 
Your heart melted with the thought of your best friend trying to comfort you, and pulled the fabric close to your face so you could take a deep inhale, drowning in his scent. It smelled of that stupid cologne that Taehyung had used ever since he hit puberty, and a bit of fabric softener. 
The two of you had an extremely close friendship, to the point that it got kind of strange at times. Ever since childhood, it was joked that you and Taehyung had been long lost soulmates — doing everything together, from going to school to laughing at the same exact jokes during movie marathons, often at the same moment and for the same amount of time. Before puberty hit (and the hormonal rage took over your first teenage years) you couldn’t remember disagreeing with him even once. You two had always been in sync. 
But the uncomfortably close part only hit after you two went to college, and your anxiety for being a virgin in a sea of starving sharks got the best of you. After long conversations, you had managed to convince Taehyung to help you learn a thing or two about the art of naked wrestling. 
Apparently it was weird to give your best friend a handjob and a blowjob for the sake of education. Go figure. 
Regardless, your friendship wasn’t affected by any of that — even if you two had agreed to never mention any of it ever again — and you could always count on Taehyung to catch you when you fell. 
Even if it was at two am on a Tuesday, after one of your nightmarish dates. 
You threw yourself on the couch next to him, hugging your knees against your chest to form a barrier between you and the divine providence that had taken you to that point. You had half-assedly dried your hair, but pools of wetness had started to build on the back of Taehyung’s shirt. 
Instead of accusing you of ruining his favorite piece of clothing, Taehyung reached for the remote and paused his documentary just as the narrator was starting to explain how hieroglyphs were actually part of an alien language. “Just tell me how bad it was,” he said, a mustache of ice cream melting over his top lip.
You took a peek at the bowl of melting vanilla on his center table, and decided that you would probably pass the desert for the night. 
You glanced at him sideways, voice coming out monotone. “You sure you want to go down that path?” 
Taehyung licked his sweet mustache off and nodded, clearly intrigued. “Yeah, hit me with it. You look like you need all the help that you can find.” 
You sighed, turning around on the couch so you were facing him — legs still against your chest. “Okay so… I went to his place...” 
“And... we had dinner, talked for a bit.”
“How was the talk?” He asked. 
You shook your head, trying to kill the memories inside. “He didn’t let me say a word. He just went on and on about this new website he’s working on, and how expensive his wine glasses were.” You scoffed, angry at yourself for ignoring the clear red flags of an arrogant douchebag. That was what the desperate need for immediate human connection could do to someone, you thought. “Apparently it’s supposed to be the next Facebook or something. Or twitter. I honestly wasn’t paying much attention.”
He chuckled. “Starting off strong.” 
“That wasn’t even the main issue,” you said, lowering your forehead so it was touching your knees. You just wanted the world to end at that moment, so you wouldn’t have to go through those experiences again. “After that, we sat on his couch and started watching a movie. And you know how that goes, we started kissing, he pushed me down and got on top of me…”
“And?” He instigated. 
With a sigh, you raised your head, meeting your friend’s gaze. Taehyung thought he had never seen you look so dead inside. And he had seen a lot from you. “And he humped like… my lower abdomen for about three minutes and came in his pants.”
Taehyung cringed visibly, taking one hand to cover his mouth. “Oh, man. That’s bad.” 
You nodded, strangely relieved at his reaction. Part of you was worried that you were the evil witch in that scenario, that maybe you had done something wrong. “The worst,” you agreed. “Wanna know what else?”
“What? There’s more?”
“He didn’t even ask me if I was satisfied with whatever the hell that was.” You told him, bitterness dripping from your tongue. In the grand scheme of things, that was something silly to get mad over, but the fact that your date didn’t even have the guts to ask if you had gotten something out of that was ridiculous. “Not that I could possibly be. But it’s like he didn’t care and I was just a pillow for him to hump like a… sexually repressed religious teen, I don’t know.”
Taehyung only nodded, realizing that there wasn’t much that he could say to fix the situation. “Was he a good kisser at least?”
You sneered. “I think he was trying to crush my face with his.” You glanced at your friend, only half of his face bathed by the yellow and orange shades coming from the television. Maybe a documentary about ancient history and alien expeditions wouldn’t be so bad. Worst case scenario, it would knock you out, and you wouldn’t have to think about that mess anytime soon. “Also, too much tongue, just… the amount of saliva…”
“Got it. You can stop there.” Taehyung raised one hand, his eyes closing for a second. His palm lowered and met one of your knees, standing there in a silent attempt at consolation. “I’m sorry about your terrible date experience, dude.” 
“If you could even call it that.” You ran one hand through your hair, suddenly overtaken by a wave of anger. “God! I was just… so… ugh! Like… ughhhh!!” 
Taehyung, bless his heart, sometimes couldn’t understand the random neanderthal sounds you threw his way. “So... what?”
At last, your makeshift protection came crumbling down, and you collapsed on the couch dramatically, legs dangling off the edge. Taehyung thought that you were being possessed for exactly two seconds before you started talking again. “I did a full body shave for this night, Taehyung. Do you realize what that means?” His lips fell open, but, before he had the chance to answer, you continued. “It means that I really wanted to get railed tonight. Actually, I wanted to find a guy who actually knew what he was doing for once in my life.”
Taehyung chuckled, trying to disperse the tension in the room. “Come on, the dating pool can’t be that bad.”
“Oh, it’s bad,” you said. 
He wasn’t giving up that fast. “How bad?”
You raised your head to look him dead in the eyes, a silent threat, before finally uttering, “Try no-man-has-ever-made-me-cum bad,” and crashing your head back against the sofa. 
If you weren’t so hyper-focused on your own sexual melodrama, you would have noticed the thick silence that fell between the two of you, Taehyung’s face contorting into fifty different emotions within a few seconds. He thought that he had heard it all — from the secrets hidden in Machu Picchu to the obvious extraterrestrial influence on earthy religion — but no amount of bad documentaries could ever prepare him for that revelation. That didn’t make any sense. 
“Wait. Seriously?” He finally found his voice and managed to push his doubt out of his throat. “You’ve never had an orgasm before?”
You chuckled, humorless. “Oh no, I’ve had plenty of those. Just not from another person.” 
“How’s that possible?” he asked. 
“I ask myself that every single day.” You sighed, forcing yourself to sit back up. Taehyung was staring at you like you had just grown two extra arms, and you wondered what an amazing sex life he must’ve had for that confession to get him so confused. “Guess I’m just really bad at picking partners, who knows.”
There was a soft grunt on your throat as you fixed your position on the couch, suddenly feeling the exhaustion of your entire day piling up at once. Your gaze mindlessly traveled to the TV — a big plasma monstrosity that Taehyung had bought compulsively during a Black Friday sale — looking at a white-bearded man pointing maniacally towards a specific, round-shaped hieroglyph. You didn’t even need to hit play to know that he was making it seem like it was an UFO, but curiosity got the best of you. 
“Can you pass me the remote?” You asked, pointing at the small device that laid beyond Taehyung’s body. “I kinda wanna see what—”
“I’ve made tons of girls have orgasms,” Taehyung interrupted, looking at you like he had just clicked out of a transe.  
You laughed at his monotone voice. “I’m happy for you, Tae.” You leaned over his legs so you could finally reach the remote. “That wasn’t a jab at your masculinity, I’m sure you’re a very caring partner, and I’m sure there’s tons of guys out there that—”
“I can make you cum too, if you want.”
You had just grabbed the small piece of plastic when his sentence hit you like a smack in the face, making you drop the remote back on the couch, eyes widening. “You… what?”
He suddenly broke eye contact, taking one hand to massage the back of his neck. “Did that sound as creepy as I think it did?”
“A bit, yeah.” You forced out a light chuckle, trying to break the ice. There was no sign of mockery in his voice, and you didn’t know how to react. You could not say that the offer wasn’t tempting (you’d be lying if you claimed that you didn’t think Taehyung was attractive), but his proposal was so oddly-placed that it sounded like a joke. “What are you talking about?”
Taehyung sighed, turning his head to look at the television. “I just think it’s really unfair that no one has ever made you cum before.” 
You smiled. “That’s very nice of you, but…”
“And I want to help you with that.” He looked back at you. Oh, he was being a hundred percent serious. There was no longer a single ounce of doubt in your mind. “We’re friends, it’s not gonna be weird. We’ve done similar stuff before.”
“We were a lot younger, though.” You didn’t know why your mouth suddenly felt so dry, your fight or flight response kicking at full strength. You could tell that Taehyung was also trying to convince himself about the strangeness of the situation. “It’s gonna be kind of weird, yeah.”
“Not if we don’t make it weird,” he threw back. Was it bad that you were actually considering it? Maybe it was the piled-up exhaustion combined with the years of sexual frustration, maybe you were finally out of your mind. But you were really considering it. “I don’t wanna pressure you, alright? Just making a friendly offer. If you don’t want it, that’s fine.” 
You kind of wanted it, though. There was too much accumulated libido inside you from years and years of unsatisfying partners, and you trusted Taehyung with your entire heart. It sounded like a safe enough bet: if all went to shit and it got too awkward, you two could just stop, no hard feelings. Besides, you knew that Taehyung cared about you, which was more than you could say about all your dates in the past couple years. 
And the more you stared at him, probably looking like a deer in the headlights, the more you grew soft under his presence. At once, you were hit with desires that you had never considered before: you wanted to kiss those soft lips, wanted to know how his large hands would feel around you. You really, really wanted to know how it was to have a good sexual experience with someone, and you couldn’t think of a better candidate than your best friend. Even if you still thought it could be seen as a little bit weird. 
But you also kind of didn’t care. 
You licked your lips, finally finding your voice after a long moment of silence. “How… how would you do it?” 
Taehyung turned his head and looked at you, noticing the expectation in your eyes. “How would you want me to do it?” He asked. 
You tried to think, but your mind was completely blank. What did you want him to do? What did you like? Suddenly you weren’t sure about anything anymore. “I don’t know,” you admitted, glancing down. 
Taehyung smiled at your nervousness, one of his hands moving to your chin and tilting your head up. “How ‘bout I start by kissing you?” He questioned, gaze flickering to your parted lips. “Is that alright?” 
There were no words in your throat, so you simply nodded, closing your eyes as he leaned in. 
Taehyung’s mouth tasted of vanilla and you thought, even for a moment, that you were in paradise. The second that his tender lips met yours, your anxiety melted away, giving space to a newfound flame of desire. Taehyung kissed you softly, sensually, taking his time caressing your mouth and drowning in your heat. His hand moved to the back of your head, pressing you closer to him and leaning your head to the side so he could deepen the kiss. 
He sighed heavily into your mouth when your tongues met, his other hand moving to hold your waist. The position on the couch was kind of awkward for kissing, with the two of you sitting side by side, so it wasn’t an unwelcome surprise when Taehyung tugged you onto his lap, making you straddle him. 
The kiss was starting to get hungrier, messier, a small whimper dying in your mouth when his palms traveled down to cup your ass, pressing you down against his semi-hard cock. Taehyung sighed and groaned at the feeling of you on top of him, loving the way that your fingers played with his hair, your body so perfectly tight against his. If there was any hesitation before, it had completely vanished by that point. 
It caught you off guard when he suddenly broke off the kiss to ask you, “Do you like any pet names?”
You blinked, taken aback. “Hm? What?”
He placed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You know, you want me to call you by something?”  
You realized that Taehyung was really taking that personal service to a different level, and you couldn’t say that you were let down by it. If any of your past partners had the dignity to ask what you liked, you wouldn’t be in that position in the first place. “I… like being called ‘baby’,” you told him. 
Taehyung smiled. “That’s cute. Baby it is.” 
Before you had a chance to respond, Taehyung’s lips were back on yours, a dreamy sigh leaving his mouth as your tongues met once again. Only a few seconds passed before he shifted his weight to lay you down, never breaking the kiss as he positioned himself between your legs, hovering over you. Taehyung started trailing a path of kisses down your neck, his large hands slithering beneath your oversized shirt and caressing the skin of your stomach. 
“Can I take this off?” He asked, tugging at your shirt. 
You agreed and, within a heartbeat, that piece of clothing was already on the floor, and Taehyung was diving in to kiss the valley of your naked breasts. You moaned timidly when one of your nipples was wrapped by his lips, his tongue coming out to play with it. Taehyung’s other hand was occupied fondling your other breast, tugging and pressing down on it, and the sensations were taking over your mind. 
“You have great tits,” Taehyung mumbled against your skin, switching to mouth your other nipple. 
“I’m glad you like them,” you teased, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. You were letting out these cute little whimpers that were making him lose his mind. “Feels really good.” 
“Yeah?” He asked, moving back to kiss his way up your neck. His tongue was hot and heavy as it danced on your skin, and you knew that those sucks he was giving you were surely gonna leave a few marks on your flesh. But you didn’t really care. “Gonna make you feel even better, baby.” 
Your eyes fluttered shut at the pet name — it sounded heavenly when Taehyung used it with his deep, honeyed voice; his warm breath hitting your neck as he continued with his ministrations. 
He kissed his way to your cheek, placing a small pec on your lips before saying, “Can you do something for me?”
You nodded. “What is it?” 
Instead of responding right away, Taehyung’s gaze fell to your lips, and he was once again attacking them. That time, you weren’t able to hold back the whimper that you let out, your panties already glued against your core with how much he was turning you on. 
One of his hands had trailed down your exposed abdomen, teasingly playing with the hem of your shorts. You held your breath when he tugged them down, bringing your underwear with it and throwing them somewhere in the living room. Taehyung grunted loudly when his fingers slipped past your folds, digging into your heat. His brain almost short-circuited because of how wet you were. 
He broke the kiss and looked you deep in the eyes. “I want you to sit on my face, baby,” he said, and his request shot straight to your core. “Let me take care of you, okay?” 
“Are you sure?” You asked. You had never done that before.
But Taehyung wasn’t sharing your reluctance. “Yeah,” he said, voice hoarse and eyes darkened. “Wanna taste you so bad. Sit on my face, please.” 
And you didn’t need any more convincing than that. Taehyung helped you get up from the couch so he could reposition himself on it, laying flat on his back and watching as you settled yourself above him, thighs on either side of his head. The couch was the exact size for that, a little smaller and you’d have one leg dangling off the edge.
Taehyung took his hands to your thighs, running them up to your hips. His eyes were focused on your pussy, and you never felt so exposed when he started pressing you down lightly, guiding you closer to his mouth. 
You held the back of the couch for support and did as he requested, lowering yourself until Taehyung had you flat on his tongue. Your breath trembled and caught in your throat when he licked a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit, humming around the taste before doing it again. Taehyung was an expert at erasing your worries because, with a few more licks, he had you fully losing yourself in his sinful ministrations. 
It wasn’t long until you were whining out his name, your folds lazily dragging against his tongue as you started to grind on his face. “God, Taehyung!” You called out, hand coming down to tug at his hair. Taehyung grunted in satisfaction, the vibrations of his deep voice sending shockwaves through your pussy. “That’s… that’s really nice. You’re really good at this.” 
He moaned in response, closing his eyes at your words. Taehyung was eating you out like his mouth was made for it, like he was starving for your taste and you were all that he could think about. He licked you from your entrance to your clit, playing with your sensitive spots and enjoying the tremors of pleasure that ran through your thighs, his hands locked tight around your hips. You sobbed and cried over him, making special effort to keep your legs steady as you rocked yourself on his tongue. 
It was only when he decided to suck on your clit that you realized how absurdly close you were. You clenched your teeth and whined out, yanking his hair harder. “Do that again, please,” you asked and Taehyung, like the good friend that he was, was quick to comply. Taehyung wrapped his mouth around your clit in a way that had you trembling over him, licking and sucking on your sensitive nub like his life depended on it. “Fuck, that’s so good, Tae. Feels so good…” 
He moaned again, more desperate this time, and some part of your mind understood the pattern that he was presenting you: Taehyung really, really liked your compliments. And you had no problem giving away any more of them. 
“You’re licking me so well, Tae, you’re gonna make me cum like this,” you told him,  meaning every word you said. Taehyung was a Greek god beneath you, staring up at you with those dark, focused eyes as if he dared you to cum on his tongue. “God! You’re so good for me.”
And then your praises ran thin, because your mind was gravitating somewhere else — seeking for the high that was dangerously close. It was only when Taehyung started toying with your entrance, brushing two of his fingers on it, that you came undone, crying out his name like it was a personal prayer. 
There was a smirk on your mouth as you came down, a flooding relief that overtook you. You never thought that you could come so hard in your life, especially when it depended on another person, and you were so, so happy to be wrong that you could cry. 
With shaky legs, you removed yourself from Taehyung’s face, straddling his lap and watching as his lips glistened with your arousal. His pink tongue came out to lick them, a hum on his throat as he took in your fucked-out expression. 
“You did so well, baby,” he said, placing one of his hands on your waist. “Come here.” 
Obedient, you leaned in and sighed as his mouth met yours. This time, Taehyung didn’t wait to eagerly insert his tongue inside your mouth, making you taste yourself on him. 
He pulled away leisurely, his voice hoarse. “Can you taste how sweet you are?” He asked. “I loved making you cum on my tongue, baby. You looked so pretty.” 
Taehyung breathed out, planting kisses on your neck, one hand trailing down to squeeze your ass. You whined at his tight grip and pressed yourself down on him, feeling his hard cock poking out against the fabric of his sweats. 
Taehyung groaned at the stimulation, pressing down on your asscheek again. You rolled your hips on top of him, wincing in sensitivity as his member brushed your clit. “Loved your pussy so much, baby,” he continued, sounding like he was lost in a daydream, “I can’t wait to be inside you. Bet you’d be so tight for my cock, hm?” 
“Yeah,” you managed to speak. Even if you had just reached your orgasm, you were still aching to feel something inside you. You wanted Taehyung more than you could understand. “I want you to fuck me, Tae, please.” 
He breathed out, his hands tightening around your flesh as you rolled your pussy against his cock once again. Taehyung looked like he was one heartbeat away from completely losing his self control, and hearing you beg for him to fuck you wasn’t doing him any favors. “Gonna need to lie down for me, baby,” he asked. 
With a few more shifts on the couch, Taehyung had you beneath him once again, your legs open for him as he removed his shirt and pants. It wasn’t long before his cock sprung free from its confinement, standing erect. You licked your lips at the lustful sight, pussy clenching in anticipation as you took him in — Taehyung was big. Bigger than anyone you’ve ever had, that’s for sure; long and thick and already leaking for you. 
You would’ve cried out in need if he didn’t interrupt you. “What are you looking at?” Taehyung asked, the ghost of a smile creeping up on his lips. 
Your stare oscillated toward his own. “That’s why you have such a good track record, your cock is huge.” You bit your lip, thinking about how good he would feel inside you. You didn’t know how it was possible, but you were pretty sure the last time you’ve seen his cock — back in the dark ages of your freshman year of college — it wasn’t as big as that. Or maybe you just didn’t have anything to compare it to. 
“Hey, I just used my tongue on you, don’t ignore my efforts,” Taehyung teased, wrapping one of his hands around his member so he could pump himself a few times. The playful atmosphere swiftly shifted back, and, when he spoke up again, his voice was deeper. “You think you can take it?” 
“Yeah, I can,” you said. You couldn’t be sure, but you were sure going to try. 
Taehyung hummed, moving a bit closer so he could brush his tip against your pussy, coating it with your wetness. You closed your eyes in expectation, knowing that you’d love the stretch he would give you. 
“You want it?” He asked, a touch of desperation covering his words. Taehyung was nearing his breaking point, and the fluttering of your pussy on his cock was making him go insane. “Want my cock inside your tight little cunt, baby?” 
You nodded, frantic. The brushing of his thick tip on your hole was becoming too much, your walls clenching around nothing, seeking for something to fill you up. “Yes, fuck, I want it so bad.” 
“Are you tight for me, baby?” He was trying to prolong that moment for as much as he could, keep the pretty face you made when you pleaded for him to fuck you burned in the back of his head. Making you cum once was a victory he would take forever, but making you cum around his cock might as well be his life’s biggest achievement. “Ready for me to fuck you?” 
You cried out when he started pressing himself inside you, guiding his crown inside your pussy, then stopping. “Yes, Tae, just put it all in, please,” you whined, hands fumbling for support on his broad shoulders. Taehyung already had you clenching around nothing, you didn’t know what else he wanted from you. “Please, please, fuck me.” 
Taehyung chuckled, looking down at where you two met. He was only human, and his self control was short lived. “Since you asked so nicely…” 
Your back arched off the sofa as you felt the delicious drag of his large cock inside you, opening you up gradually, taking its time before filling you up to the brim. You gasped and sobbed at the overwhelming feeling, nails digging on the skin of his back as Taehyung groaned besides your ear. 
“Fuck, that’s so good.” He let out a shaky breath, and you swore you never heard his voice get so husky before. “I just slipped right in. You’re so fucking wet.” 
Your mind was an apocalypse of confused thoughts and forgotten exclamations, eyes fluttering shut as you dove into the sensation of Taehyung inside you — his hips angling backwards, tilting up just enough so he could move himself away from you core, only to come slamming back inside. The stretch of his cock was amazing, it was making you drunk, and all that you could think about was how much pleasure it was giving you. 
“So-So big—“ you muttered, half aware that the words actually left your lips. 
“How do you like it, uh?” Taehyung asked, his voice dripping sin and hunger. You could tell that he, too, was getting carried away by the feeling, his hips rutting themselves against you at a lazy pace. “Gonna give it to you any way you want it, baby.” 
You bit your lip, a small moan leaving your mouth when Taehyung leaned closer to you, distributing hot kisses on your neck. You swore you’d be happy if you died then. “I like it rough,” you answered. 
He groaned, apparently satisfied with your response. “Whatever you want.” 
Taehyung got to his knees on the couch, deciding to put one foot on the ground for support, his hands raising your hips to help him reach even deeper inside you. Faster than your brain could compute, the shallow, lazy pace he had sat was being replaced with a harsh, fast pumping that made you cry out his name, eyes closing in sheer bliss. 
“Tae! Yes, yes, just like that,” you sobbed, running one hand through your hair. You felt like your body was floating, every cell of your body overheating with the amazing pleasure that Taehyung was giving you. You never had someone fucking you so hard, his cock pistoning inside you, your body bobbing up and down on the couch. 
Taehyung’s eyes were glued to the bouncing of your breasts as he continued to fuck you, a deep groan leaving his chest. “That’s it, take it,” he moaned out, quickening his pace even more. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, mouth opening in a silent scream.  “Gonna make you cum so hard around my cock, baby. Gonna fuck you until you cry. Want that?” 
“Yes, yes, please,” you moaned. “Feels so good, Tae.” 
“You like my cock, baby? Like it filling you up?” He asked and you could only nod pathetically, your entire body too fucked out to even respond. “F-fuck, your pussy is so good. Tell me that you love my cock.” 
“I love your cock,” you whined, feeling like a complete hot mess under his thrusts. “I — fuck! — I love your cock so much, Tae, it’s so big.” 
Your words motivated him to fuck you even harder, his member hitting even deeper inside you. Taehyung was getting lost in the stretch of your pussy around him, the glorious sounds you were making, the lust that coated your face every time you called out his name. 
“Shit, I don’t know how anyone could look at you like this and not want to see that pretty face cum.” He was breathing out hard, grunting every time your cunt tightened around him. Taehyung wanted to see you like that forever, taking his cock like a good girl, creaming all over him and begging to do it again. You were wrapping around him so perfectly, taking all of him so well, that he didn’t think he’d manage to move on from that anytime soon. “So fucking hot.”
Taehyung chased after your high like a starving man looking for food, experimentally changing the angle and force of his thrusts to see what would get the best reaction out of you. At last, after a pathetically loud cry from your part after he raised your legs up, it seemed as if he had found it. “I bet you’d be so tight cumming around my cock, baby,” he was thinking out loud at that point, trying to make sense of the pretty sounds and expressions you were giving him so eagerly. He wanted nothing more than to see you cum — it was personal at that point. “I wanna feel you cum around me, baby. Wanna feel it so bad.” 
“I’m c-close.” Your nails dug into his shoulders, eyes closing tightly. There was a light heat in your cheeks and sweat on your forehead that was making Taehyung wonder if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. “You’re so good, T-Tae, you’re fucking me so well…” 
Taehyung thought that he could cum right then and there, pushed over the edge with those sweet words alone. He loved being good to you, loved making you feel things that no one else managed to before. He was intoxicated by that sense of superiority, drowning in your praise. He wished that he could fuck you forever. 
“Cream my cock, baby, come on,” he pushed you on, his words hanging somewhere between an order and a breathless plea. You were getting so tight around him that it was making him crazy, your wetness coating his cock and dripping down between your legs like his own personal brand of aphrodisiac. “You can do it, come on. I wanna see you cum so bad.” 
You smiled at him, a cute, fucked-out smirk that made Taehyung go to heaven and back. “So good for me, Tae, you’re so big,” you said, your voice so needy and high-pitched. Your orgasm was looming over you, pressing down on your lower body and making you see stars. It was only a matter of time before Taehyung got you crying out his name, back arching off the couch and mouth falling open in delirium. “Tae! Fuck! Don’t stop, please, I’m gonna—“ 
But your warning came a second too late, because you were already spasming around his length, body shaking as Taehyung thrusted hard inside you. Just as expected, you were absolutely fucking gorgeous when you came — all quivering lips and rolling eyes —, and Taehyung was beyond satisfied to know that he was the only one who saw that pretty face of yours. 
“That’s it, baby, fuck.” Taehyung was starting to feel his own high approaching, called by the delicious tightening and releasing of your pussy around him. His thrusts were messy and harsh; his sweaty hair falling over his eyes like a cascade. “Can I cum inside you, baby? Can I fuck you full of my cum?”
You noticed the desperation in his tone and, with the throbbing of his member inside you, you knew that he wasn’t far. “Yes, please,” you said. “You were so good for me, Tae, you can cum wherever you want.” 
And it was that final taste of praise that pushed Taehyung over his limit; waves upon waves of cum filling you up as he rode out his high. “God— fuck!” He cried out, drunk on the feeling of your walls milking the last drops of cum out of his cock. A few lazy pumps later, and he was collapsing on top of you with a mumbled, “F-Fuck.” 
There was an instant of silence after his orgasm, the quietude only filled by Taehyung’s heavy breathing. You took one hand to his head, caressing the strands as a smile blossomed on your lips. “Well, I believe you now,” you said playfully. “I’m sure you made a bunch of girls orgasm.” 
Taehyung chuckled, breathless. “Thank you, I try,” he said, looking up at you. The darkness in his gaze was gone, and it was just your best friend staring back at you. “You alright?”
“I’m great,” you admitted. You never felt so good in your life. “You?”
“Fantastic, thanks for asking.” He leaned back so he could sit up, running one hand through his disheveled hair before saying, “I’m gonna grab you a towel, hang on.” 
Taehyung left you for a couple minutes before coming back to clean you up, tenderly wiping away the mess you two had created. After he was done, he discarded the towel on the floor and crawled back to rest on your chest once again. 
There was a comforting quietude that floated in the atmosphere, only filled by the muffled buzzing of his freezer and the vague sound of raindrops drumming on the window. You didn’t really know how to deal with that entire situation, didn’t know how things would stay between the two of you. But, at that point, you made the decision to keep those worries for the following morning and, instead, just enjoy his warmth radiating all around you. 
The glorious silence, at last, was broken when Taehyung started mumbling against your breasts.  “Hey, ___?” He called. 
“How many dates have you been on?”
You hummed, thinking for a moment. “Ever?”
Taehyung made a clicking sound with his tongue. “I don’t know, like, this past year.”
“Uh… like… five or six? I think?” You answered, looking down to meet his gaze. You knew that wicked expression very well. “Why?”
He smiled. “Because we have a lot of shitty dates to make up for.”
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h0neypjm · 4 years
Confident 02 | jjk
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↳ Summary: After giving Jungkook the best suck of his life he’s left wondering if what you said was true. Was it really your first time? ‘Cause Jungkook thinks you might’ve lied.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
↳ Genre: Smut, fluff, angst, college au, fuckboy! jk, our fav cheeky virgin reader!
↳ Rating: 18+
↳ Word count: 8.8k
↳ Warnings: swearing, mentions of past toxic relationship, mentions of being pressured into sex, mentions of body image, mentions of stds, Jungkook being very confused, no smut in this part
↳ a/n: here it is !!! thank you for all the love for the first part, i hope you enjoy this part ! please feel free to leave any feedback <3 
↳ Series: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
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“She said it's her first time.” He pauses, looking up at his friends' concerned faces. “I think she might’ve lied.”
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“I’m sorry, what?”
Jungkook groans, cradling his head before banging it on the table. The utensils on the table rattle and clang, bringing unwanted attention to his mini breakdown. Taehyung is quick to place his hand under Jungkook's forehead just as he goes in for another blow. “Ok, Jungkook- Jungkook!” Jimin giggles beside him. “Fucking stop, people are staring.”
Jungkook pauses and subtly peeks out of his long bangs, checking to see that Taehyung’s words were indeed true. He breathes out and sits up in his chair, fixing his shirt to play off that he wasn’t just having a mental meltdown.
Jimin rolls his eyes, “soooo are you gonna talk now, cause’ I have a horrible headache and you’re really not helping.”
Jungkook nods opening his mouth to speak. “Alright so uh, I met a girl last night and-”
“I thought you went home?” Taehyung shoves Jimin’s shoulder and Jungkook glares, “yeah, well that clearly didn’t happen.” He rubs his temples, “could you do me a favour and let me speak first, and then you can ask the questions. Ok?”
The two boys nod, settling into their seats as Jungkook delves back into his story.
“Alright so anyways, I saw this girl and like, I haven’t ever seen her before? She was literally perfect”. He exhales looking at nothing at particular as he continues. “Gorgeous face, prettiest lips and oh! speaking of her lips, God the way she sucked-”
Despite what Jungkook said earlier, Taehyung feels the need to intervene. “Ok as much as I love a good suck myself, I need you to stop here, we don’t need the graphics.” Jimin nods in agreement even though it’s clear he’s not paying an ounce of attention. Jungkook smirks at the memory, but it soon drops as he remembers one tiny detail. He places his hands on the table, total seriousness etched onto his face. “But here’s the kicker, she said it was her first time.”
“So did you or did you not take her virginity?”Jungkook crosses his arms. “No, after that she just up and left.” “Wait, fuck”, Jungkook suddenly realises, “I didn’t even make her cum”, he groans and Taehyung bursts into laughter. This finally garners Jimin’s attention, his dazed eyes squinting. “Who’s the girl?” Jungkook sighs, “if you were listening before you would’ve heard me say that I don’t know her.” Jimin leans forward,“well can you at least describe her? I pretty much know everyone who attended the party”
Jungkook doesn’t have to think that hard. “She was wearing this plaid skirt and like a white top-” Jimin’s eyes widen, “Holy shit, Y/N?! Man, Jin’s gonna kill you.” This makes Jungkook pause, thoughts running back to the text he had received from Jin. “Wait, they’re not a thing are they?” Jimin chokes, “God no, they’ve been family friends since like forever, Jin’s practically her protective older brother.”
That explained his text earlier. Jungkook furrows his brows, more questions beginning to arise and spill out of his mouth. “How come I’ve never met her and if she’s a virgin, then how- how did-”, Taehyung cuts in, “dude she’s done other things before.” More confusion. “And how would you know that?” Taehyung smirks, shrugging as he gets up out of his chair. “I'm gonna get a drink, Jimin, you want anything?” God, his head is spinning. “Sure, you know my usual.”
It was the way Taehyung spoke too casually, like your lifestyle choices were common knowledge. How the fuck hasn’t he met you, yet his friends seem to be well acquainted with your existence? “What the fuck was that look?” He focuses on Taehyung from where he orders his drinks. “Did you see it Jimin? Kinda sus.”
Jimin remains nonchalant, blowing a strand of hair out of his sight before answering one of Jungkook’s urgent queries. “Jin never introduced you to her because well…” He looks Jungkook up and down with an unimpressed look. “You would get your grimy hands on her immediately. And Then after that, It’s like she never existed ” Jungkook opens his mouth, rebuttal on the tip of his tongue. “Don’t argue with me boy, the second you met her, you already wanted her on your dick, did you not?”
Jungkook is shocked to say the least, jaw hanging open as Taehyung makes his way back to the table, drinks in hand. “Oh God, what did you tell him?” Jungkook slams his fist on the table, yet again grabbing the attention of people around them. “That is not true! I have standards, and what about you two. You guys are just as bad.” He points accusingly at the bruises peeking out of Taehyung’s loose shirt, “Look at Tae! Those hickies are probably a combination of the three girls he fucked last week!”
Jimin doesn’t want to get kicked out of the cafe, so he attempts to calm down a soon to be raging Jungkook. “Look, to put it nicely, you’re a heartbreaker, you lead girls on whereas Tae and I actually tell people we’re not interested in anything more than a hookup.”
Jungkook seems to understand where he’s coming from. He can admit, he does have quite the reputation if the amount of times he’s been slapped in the face says anything. But now, with this newfound information, he can also admit that you’ve certainly intrigued him, that was for sure.
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Jungkook wants to see you again.
Not for a rump in the sheets, but rather a friendly conversation. 
It was just his luck that he had heard through the grapevine that you had been invited to one of Jin’s small pool party get togethers. If Jungkook was being honest, he’s quite excited to be within your vicinity again but he knows he needs to keep his cool. Especially after the series of death threats and slaps on the neck from Jin. He shudders at the memory.
And so, Jungkook prepares himself more than he usually does. He wants to do it right this time. No flirty teasing, just friendly innocent conversation. He makes sure to carefully pick out the right swim shorts that display the thickness of his thighs. Not for any sexual gain, more so to show off the hours spent at the gym in hopes that maybe he can get you to become more interested in him as he is to you. He sounds desperate, and he’s sure you’re not that materialistic, but he has this nagging want to impress you somehow. He huffs and does a few pushups, for extra measure of course.
He’s not sure as to why his brain decided to make him act this way. You’re more or less a stranger to him. However, when Jungkook begins his short journey to Jin’s house he really lets himself think, which usually isn't a good idea. 
Jungkook doesn’t know you, but you’ve definitely left an imprint in his mind which makes you all the more fascinating. It’s news to him that you seem to be very close to his small circle of friends which is probably thanks to your deeply rooted friendship with Jin. That new piece of information had been bugging him since the day he met up with Taehyung and Jimin. Surely his reputation couldn’t be the only reason why you’ve never met him. Right?
Parking his car in Jin’s enormous driveway, he makes his way up to the grand front door. Sometimes he wishes he could live a life like Jin. He grew up being fed with a silver spoon his whole life. Having everything paid for instead of rolling in the miseries of college student debt.
Once Jungkook makes his way into the large house, he sets down the drinks he had brought onto the kitchen counter and watches his best friends goof around and enjoy the summer sun with a warm grin. He chuckles quietly when Jin pushes Jimin and his perfectly styled hair into the pool. Jimin screams a slur of curses while Jin quickly runs beside a sleeping Yoongi for protection.
Slipping out of his loose oversized shirt, Jungkook scans the entirety of Jin’s backyard, looking for the face that has been haunting him since that fateful night. She’s not here. He reexamines the pool seeing nothing but the chaotic mess of his favourite people, and he sighs. Just as he prepares to step out into the blazing sun, the sound of his stomach growling stops him in his tracks. 
Thinking about you made him nervous. So nervous that his stomach couldn’t bear the thought of breakfast. However, after the realisation that you hadn’t arrived just yet, makes him do a full one eighty, long strides taking him to Jin’s expensive fridge.
His head is already deep into the fridge when he hears the sound of the sliding door opening, revealing a dripping Jin with a small scowl on his face. It seems Jimin finally got his revenge. “I’m starving you got any leftovers?” Jungkook queries, his head popping out from the cool air of the fridge.
Jin grabs a fresh towel and whacks it against Jungkook’s naked back. “What’s the point of even asking when you’re already going through my damn fridge!” Jungkook flashes Jin an innocent grin and glows when he discovers a small bowl of Chinese takeout. 
It very quickly dawns on Jungkook that in order to enjoy a nice warm meal, he would need to heat it up. His stomach all but roars, not used to the lack of food in its system and Jungkook wants to cry. He wants to cry and it's not from the angry hunger pains, but rather something extremely laughable. He has to use a fucking microwave. 
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You’re running late, there’s sweat running down your brow and you feel like your arms will fall off any second. The weight of snacks and alcohol you had brought making you stagger as you finally enter Jin’s enormous home.
The one and only thing that’s on your mind is the refreshing feeling of slipping into Jin’s pool while sipping on an iced beverage. This motivates you enough to put all the strength left in your exhausted being to speedily walk into the kitchen and throw everything onto the counter. 
“AHH FUCK!” You flinch at the sudden scream, hugging your body protectively. Jungkook slowly pops out from behind the other side of the counter, his doe eyes big and wide. “You fucking scared me Jesus!” He exclaims, running a hand through sweaty bangs.
The air had escaped your lungs long before you could utter your next sentence as the sight before you has you freezing. There he was, Jeon Jungkook in all his glory. Tanned skin and taut muscle sculpted by the Gods. You didn’t mean to stare, but how could you not! Your eyes had a mind of their own. He’s glorious, every single part of him, and you’re not even afraid to admit it. Your eyes are quick to eat him up, tracing the art staining the whole of his right arm and you wonder what every swirl of ink means to him.
Jungkook coughs awkwardly, going in to scratch at his neck. You imagined he would tease you about your obvious ogling, but it never came. Strange. “Why were you hiding?” You ask, dropping your gaze from his body in order to arrange the snacks into neat piles, using it as an excuse to slowly step closer to him. “Oh! Uh-”, he scratches his head, looking down at his feet before jumping five feet into the air, a startled gasp leaving his lips when the timer of the microwave goes off. 
You burst into laughter and Jungkook flushes in embarrassment. Jin had told you about Jungkook’s embarrassing fear of microwaves but you never thought you would see it first hand. You hold in the laughs that tickle your throat and try to settle him down by lightly touching his shoulder. He flinches at your touch.
“Are you okay?” You’re really close to him now. Your chest is practically pressed up against his and Jungkook gulps. How was it possible that you could look even more stunning than the last time he saw you? Your cheeks are glowing from the soft golden rays of the afternoon sun and the way you look up at him, your soft smile curling makes his head spin.
“Yeah, I’m good”, he breaks eye contact in embarrassment. “Sorry, just uh, microwaves are scary you know?” You giggle up at him. Is this really Jungkook? The Jungkook you’ve seen flaunting a new girl every week just to abruptly break her heart when he can’t promise anything more than sex? 
You’re not complaining, he’s quite adorable like this.
You’re not too sure why his personality has the sudden switch up. It could possibly be the fact that he’s with his closest friends and doesn’t feel the need to put up his playboy persona. Although, the way he blushes when he looks at you plays a different story. Do you make him nervous? Surely not, if the memories of that heated night are anything to go by.
“So uh, are you gonna head into the pool?” His empty stomach is long forgotten as he gestures to the large backyard, you nod up at him excitedly. It’s then Jin decides to bust back into the kitchen, a stern gaze set on his face. “Y/N, can I speak with you for a minute?” Jungkook cautiously takes a step away from you, your bodies no longer close to each other and you notice this with a small frown.
“Yeah, sure”, you relent walking over to Jin who places a protective arm around your shoulders. Unknowingly to you, Jin traps Jungkook down with a hard stare and signals Jungkook to go outside, to which he accepts with a nod.
“I know what you’re gonna say, and no I do not see him like that”, you cross your arms defensively. Jin sighs, “I just don’t wanna see you get hurt again.” He places his hands on your shoulders, full lecture mode on. “Let’s face it, you’re a hopeless romantic, I can’t trust that you won’t do something stupid, but you and Jungkook… You’re both important friends of mine and-” 
You’ve heard his overprotective brotherly speech plenty of times, “I know, and I’m so thankful that you’re looking out for me. I just don’t see the harm in befriending him, you’ve never let me speak to him before.” Jin releases his hold on your shoulders to fix the mess of his wet hair, “and there's a reason for that.”
Why was he so damn hard-headed. Jin loves Jungkook like he loves his family. It just didn't make any sense to you that Jin could approve of their friendship but when it comes to you, he completely shields you away from any interactions with the so called playboy. 
“When are you going to stop protecting me from boys?” Jin senses your frustration immediately. “I may be younger than you, but I’m also an adult just like you. An adult that can make her own choices.” You exhale slowly, “You’ve let me befriend your whole group and they’ve been nothing but wonderful to me, I don’t see the wrong in getting to know Jungkook.” 
Jin lets his guard down. You do have a point, maybe he was being a little too overprotective. He gives you a soft smile, you look away. 
“You’re right, I am in no position to dictate your decisions and who you choose to hang around with, it was wrong of me to treat you like that. Jin looks out into the pool, watching Jungkook tackle Taehyung. “I’m sorry I was a bit too harsh, Jungkook’s a good kid, he just got into the wrong crowd at first. Although, you gotta promise to tell me if he hurts you, cause he knows I’ll beat his ass.” 
You laugh accepting his apology, “are you sure about that? He’s a literal muscle pig.” You both begin to make your way outside and Jin shoves you slightly, “hey! You know I’m right.” Jin shakes his head and brings you into a comforting hug. “Yeah, yeah whatever.” He rolls his eyes, you beam up at him and together you walk out into the warm sunlight.
It hadn’t even been a second since you stepped outside, and already Yoongi’s long term girlfriend, Jieun is squealing your way. “Y/N! I’m so happy you're finally here, the amount of testosterone out here was starting to make me feel faint.” You giggle at her exasperated tone, pulling her into a tight hug. 
Nonchalantly you peel off your flowy sundress, it’s stickiness from your sweat making you cringe. “I missed you last week, why didn’t you come to class?” Jiuen pouts, “I'm sorry bub, I somehow caught a cold, but I trust you have some notes for me.” 
The way Jieun flutters her lashes at you innocently forces a roll from your eyes. Slathering sunscreen onto your arms, you reprimand her, “I swear you’re only using me for my notes, you literally never listen in class! Can you get my back please?”
She hums while you turn around, her small hands kneading sunscreen from your shoulder bones to the small dip in your back. Jieun continues to blabber on about the joys of life, not even checking if you’re listening to a single word she says. Instead your eyes are zeroed in on a certain someone.
Your staring is blatantly obvious but you don’t care. It’s only when Taehyung spots your burning gaze with a small smirk does he signal Jungkook to turn around to meet your flirty grin.  
Holy shit
The sun does a real great job of highlighting the gorgeous curves of your body adorned in quite possibly the smallest baby blue bikini he’s seen on a woman. Your breasts practically spill out of the tiny triangle cups and the pretty colour compliments your skin beautifully. 
Whilst Jungkook can admit you have one of the hottest bodies he’s seen in a while, his eyes surprisingly don't linger on your delicious curves for too long. Instead, he finds himself utterly enamoured by the way your eyes crinkle slightly when you smile prettily at him, your cheeks glowing with it. 
It suddenly dawns on him that you are the first girl that has truly enchanted him, and no, your ridiculously gorgeous body had little to do with it. 
Jungkook does not mind this change one bit. 
So, instead of staring at you like a gaping goldfish, he matches your flirtatious body language with a boyish grin and a small wave. His previous nerves dissipating only to be replaced by confidence and polished charm. He doesn’t want to scare you off with his sudden look of epiphany just yet, but the new unfamiliar feeling you give him is surely doing exactly that.
“My, my, Yoongi wasn’t lying.” Jieun stifles a giggle when she notices how Jungkook’s attention has steered towards you and only you. You’re quick to turn around, brows furrowed. “What are you on about?” 
“Oh you know… You and Jungkook”
You grimace, tired of the repeated topic of conversation. “Just because I sucked his dick once does not mean we're a thing” 
“Oh really? He’s asked me an awful lot of questions about you I was beginning to think otherwise”
“Wait, really?”
Jieun has the widest cheshire grin plastered on her face, it's starting to look quite unsettling.
You’re thoroughly shocked to say the least. You thought your fast, fleeting blowjob, sort of, was nothing special. A usual escapade to get his daily fill. Ordinary. Unmemorable.
However, it seems to be quite the opposite.
Jieun grabs your hand and swings it back and forth, exactly like a mother would do, although she’s merely two years older than you. “I know Jin’s been up your ass about Jungkook and frankly I don’t blame him he’s still a little shit from time to time but, he’s actually quite fun to be around and honestly I think his playboy tendencies seemed to dial down a bit since he met us.” The two of you giggle quietly amongst each other, quick feet making your way closer to the pool to avoid the scorching pavement.
Your toes are the first to dip into the pool and you practically moan at the cold water melting away the blistering haze that sticks onto your skin. The water is icy at your waist and you love it. “So my advice would be not to worry about him, instead it's his little army of plastic bimbos that you should watch out for.” 
“Ahh, internalised misogyny. We love to see it.” 
Jieun acknowledges you with a hum as the two of you float around the calming abyss. She then swims closer to you, nodding her head into the direction of a lonely Jungkook, who lazily stares at your alluring form. “I think your loverboy over there wants to talk to you.”
Jieun swims away before you can protest, leaving you to face the handsome man before you. His eyes are round and docile, yet his stare is tantalising, it pulls you in as if he’s slowly reeling you in with a rope. 
The water delicately ripples around your body when you approach him and you internally sigh in awe at the striking features of his stunning face. You want to use this opportunity to finally get to know him, and perhaps form a new friendship. 
You take note of the lack of Jin’s hawk-like eyes or for better the lack of any eyes on the two of you. You’re alone, huddled into one of the far corners of the pool, your conversation private, just for two pairs of ears. 
You open your mouth to speak, “So-”
An uncomfortable silence stills the air and you both halt your words to giggle quietly amongst yourselves. God, this is awkward. 
“You go first”, You offer, tucking a wet strand of hair behind your ear. Jungkook follows the subtle movement of your fingers before taking a deep breath. 
“I feel like we should discuss the elephant in the room”
You're stunned. “Huh?”
“You know… That Friday night?”
Of course you knew what he was referring too, yet you wondered why as you honestly didn’t think that night had much impact on the man. 
With a raised brow you ask, “What about it?”
“I’ve just had a lot of... thoughts”
You scratch your head feeling puzzled. You’re sure Jungkook has had better blowjobs in his lifetime. Hell, Jungkook did most of the work that night. “Do you usually discuss the past hookups you have, or am I just lucky today?”
You’re teasing him, nevertheless Jungkook tilts his head back towards the sky. All he wants is clarification, only this conversation is heading down an awkward path, so he decides to spit out what’s been bothering him for the past few days.
“Okay listen, I know this is odd to say, but ever since that night, It’s like I can’t get you out of my head.”
Your ego inflates at his statement and you smirk. You knew you could suck dick well, but according to Jungkook you seem to have quite the talent.
You smile proudly, “damn, look at me go, I can’t believe I have the campus playboy wrapped around my finger.”
Jungkook scoffs, both in annoyance and embarrassment because shit, he could have worded that differently, now he sounds like the clingy girls he fucks.
“Yeah, yeah let’s not pretend like I was the only one enjoying myself here. Weren’t you the one practically begging to be touched?” 
You’re amused. “Weren’t you the one who couldn’t make me cum. Yet came from their own handjob?”
Jungkook tongues his cheek and looks away. The way you speak so casually intimidates him. No girl has ever spoken to him this way, in fact, Jungkook’s the one who usually likes to tease. He can slowly feel the creeping heat alighting his cheeks and God does he hope you don’t notice.
You patiently wait for Jungkook’s reply, a sly grin adorned on your pretty face. However, Jungkook doesn’t say anything, rather he frowns and immaturely splashes water at your face. 
“Jungkook!” You sputter, wiping at your face to rid of the chlorine in your eyes. “What the fuck was that for?”
He shrugs, “sorry my hand must’ve slipped”
You don’t take that for an answer, your petty nature crawling out as you splash him back harder than he had done. “Hand slipped, my ass.”
You cross your arms smugly, a small laugh blossoming out of your mouth when Jungkook cutely rubs at his eyes. 
It’s after a minute when you realise Jungkook hasn’t stopped furiously rubbing his eyes. The circular motions of his hand move so intensely that it begins to look painful and irritating. “Fuck, it stings”, he exclaims in agony.
Shit, you inwardly curse, gently touching his wrist, concern lacing your features because you didn’t think getting chlorinated water in one's eye would sting that much. You analyse his facial expressions closely and you wince at the redness surrounding his eyes from his harsh rubbing. 
On the contrary, Jungkook knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s competitive and won’t back down from a fight, even if it’s just fun banter, so he continues his little scheme just for the fun of it and hides his small grin under his large hands.
You’re now slightly panicked, “fuck, Jungkook I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit the water that hard I-”
Jungkook cracks.
Ever so slowly, he peeps his eyes out at you and watches with a mischievous smirk as your face morphs from alarmed to annoyed in less than a millisecond.
You tighten your grip on his wrist and attempt to slap his hard chest with your free hand, however Jungkook’s reflexes are fast and he grasps your hand tightly, a teasing glint in his eye. 
“You little shit-”
All of a sudden a loud holler is heard from the front door, rousing a relaxed Jin out of his chair as he sprints while simultaneously yelling at the ruckus being made. It’s then a stampede of both familiar and unfamiliar faces come crashing in. Some jump straight into the pool to cool off from the blazing sun while others rush to the table of assorted alcohol, desperate to get an ounce of it in their system.
Word seemed to go around about Jin’s supposed small get-together unbelievably fast, causing the once tranquil Kim Seokjin into a raging volcano. 
You’re pressed right up against Jungkook’s solid chest and he surprisingly pays you no mind, even though your perky tits are deliciously pushed up perfectly against his body. Jungkook’s eyes are not settled on them, rather he pays close attention to the amount of people dangerously plunging into the pool at a fast rate.
Jungkook protectively hugs your shoulders to shield you from the rowdy party goers who definitely do not understand the definition of personal space. Your heart swells when he then delicately places your head in the crook of his neck and wraps an arm around your fairly exposed body, essentially guarding you from frantic wet limbs and ignorant individuals.
You feel comfortable and safe, so comfortable that you wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while if it weren’t for the throng of college students delving into the cooling water. 
Jin’s house begins to fill with unexpected guests very quickly and you wonder how Jin is handling the situation. You suppose not very well when you see him whipping people with towels, red ears making an appearance and his booming voice following him.
Jungkook wants to get out and he’s sure you feel the same way which is why he smoothly slots his hand into your own, long fingers wrapping around your hand to carefully pull you through the growing crowd of people in the pool.
Whilst pushing past a variety of college students you are met with many stares, even worse, numerous envious eyes and whispers of possible gossip. You try your best to avoid their gazes, the hard stares reminding you of the last time Jungkook held your hand to push through groups of people. 
Water drips down the curves of your body and lands in little pools around you when you step out of the pool. At this point you’ve garnered even more turning heads that examine every inch of your skin closely. Their stares itch your skin and you feel akin to an animal kept in a zoo enclosure, curious eyes breaking down your confidence, you want to hide. 
You usually like to pride yourself on your confidence because you know you’re hot and you know your worth. It had taken many failed relationships to build up your self love and nourish the scars and memories of questioning if you’re good enough. 
You fight on and squeeze Jungkook’s hand, mostly for some sort of reassurance. It shocks you when he astonishingly squeezes back and softly rubs his thumb over the back of your hand. It’s almost as if he knows how you’re feeling. 
You glance up at him shyly. Jungkook keeps his eyes straight ahead. He smiles a different kind of smile than the one he had directed to you a few hours ago. His lips are in a permanent smug smirk. His usual playboy smile. He flashes it at everyone as if he’s asking for their approval and even goes in to high-five a few people who are unrecognisable to you. You soon realise that this is what Jungkook thrives on. People, validation and his notorious reputation he’s created for himself.
Jungkook lights up at the presence of crowds, flirty smiles and people calling his name, whereas you want to crawl into your skin and run away because from the perspective of outsiders it looks like you’re just another one of Jungkook’s flings that will soon be forgotten by next week.
Well, you hope you won’t turn out to be one of them.
At last you find yourself away from the heart of the party, your dress in hand but your body still wet nonetheless. Jungkook is in the same state as yourself, droplets of water dribbling from his dark hair and onto the timber flooring. He leans into your ear, “I’ll go get us some towels, stay here.”
He’s gone before you can reply, making small conversation when he passes by various people, his boisterous laugh echoing down the halls. 
You’re alone now, and defenceless at that. There’s not many people you know here, besides the few odd people you share a class with and some sleazy frat boys that hold a similar reputation to Jungkook. You want to find Jieun so you can hug her or maybe ask her if she can take you home, but she is nowhere to be found.
Fuck, You remember leaving your bag on the kitchen table, unsupervised with many personal belongings stowed away inside. Using your dress to cover the most of your exposed skin like a blanket, you stride over to the kitchen and sigh in relief when you find your bag untouched and in perfect condition.
Snatching up your bag, you grab your phone and immediately text Jieun to find out where the fuck she’s hiding, but there’s a part of you that knows she’s probably fucking Yoongi somewhere. Traitor.
Jungkook finds you to be in a completely different part of the house than where he asked you, one towel wrapped around his neck and the other draped over his arm. You haven’t noticed him yet, your frantic fingers texting a treacherous Jieun, “princess, didn’t I tell you to stay put?”
You’re startled. Switching your phone off you stick your arm out, waiting for Jungkook to pass you the towel but he doesn't. Jungkook gently pushes your shoulders so that you turn away from him and carefully wraps the towel around your body like a cape. You hold the edges of the fabric to help him hug the towel around yourself, keeping it tighter to your body.
Your voice is quiet, “thank you.”
Jungkook leans down to meet your face, “What was that?”
Even though Jungkook had been in the pool longer than you, his cologne still sticks to his skin and you kind of want to breathe more of it in, but that would be weird.
“Oh, I said thank you.”
You’re close to him again, although this time he towers over you with a look almost identical to a predator meeting its prey.
Jungkook’s eyes flirt around your face and descend. He shamelessly drinks up the swell of your breasts and whatever skin is visible amidst the fluffy towel around you. It’s strange. You had noticed Jungkook doing the exact same thing when you were alone with him. The difference though was that his looks were cursory as if he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Now, It's like a new persona had taken over him and he was ready to pounce at any sign of a green light. 
He’s stuck in a trance, fuckboy tinted glasses fogging his vision.
You force out a giggle and playfully shove his shoulder, “my eyes are up here, you know.” 
His reply comes lighting fast, he’s definitely been in this position before. “I know, just admiring them.”
Jungkook wants to hit himself the second his reply spewed out of his mouth. He desperately wants to reassure your unimpressed (though also very cute) face, because goddammit he wanted to be respectful. Jungkook knows he has a tendency to slip into a new personality when the right amount of people hyped him. Call it being two faced, he knows it's one of his fatal flaws. 
“I'm sorry.” 
He says it genuinely. 
Jungkook only just got to properly meet you, he doesn’t want to give you the wrong impression! He can admit, your first ever official meeting (moreso hookup) wasn’t ideal, yet the way Jin dragged him through the mud undoubtedly made him understand that you weren’t the type of woman that should ever undergo the treatment he puts his hookups through. Scratch that, any woman shouldn’t be treated the way Jungkook treats them.
You're now fully covered under the towel, not a sliver of skin on display. You don’t know if his apology was genuine. “It’s ok I guess, I expected nothing less from you anyways.”
“Right.” He’s messed up.
You clear your throat, “I’m gonna go get changed, maybe look for Jieun unless-”
Jungkook finishes your sentence, “-she’s fucking Yoongi.”
You exhale, “yeah.”
“Jeon Jungkook!”
The voice makes you halt at its familiar tone. Jungkook doesn’t notice your growing panic as he too freezes in his spot. 
No, it can’t be.
The world plays in slow motion when he walks into your line of vision. His assertive stride, smug smile and sharp eyes.
Jeong Suho.
His name explodes inside of you like a blistering fire yet your heart feels ice cold. He is the very man you have spent weeks trying to avoid and even more trying to get out of your head.
The world plays at a normal speed when he approaches Jungkook. Their facial expressions are the same, the way they greet each other is the same. They’re practically the same breed of fuckboy, born from the same mother.
“Been awhile since I’ve seen you around.”
Jeong Suho was a person that Jungkook didn’t really mind, In fact there was a point in Jungkook’s life where he would’ve considered Suho to be one of his closest friends. They were two peas in a pod freshmen year of college. Never giving a fuck about their education and always present for any opportunity to get completely wasted with as many girls they could possibly seduce. Nowadays, Jungkook would rather keep his distance from him.
On the contrary, you were one of the many girls that had fallen deeply for Suho’s alluring charm. You fell so hard, you thought that maybe just maybe there was a possibility that you could secure a future with him. Obviously that was not the case.
You thank your lucky stars that Jungkook was there to distract Suho while you make your haste escape. All you need to do now is somehow locate an unoccupied bathroom, preferably without having to walk in on someone getting it on, and then you could get the hell out of there.
You must admit, you look quite ridiculous right now. Navy blue towel wrapped tightly around your body, your small head peeking through. You could probably pass as some form of E.T cosplay right now. You don’t care if you look rude, pushing and shoving whoever stands in your way. You only have one goal and you’re so so close to succeeding-
“Wait, Y/N! Is that you?”
Do you run? Maybe duck behind some poor innocent student looking for a good time? You huff, you're already sticking out like a sore thumb, there’s no use in trying to hide when the enemy has already spotted you. Even worse Jungkook motions you over with a wide gleaming smile. If only he knew how much you’re dreading this interaction.
Grudgingly, you walk over, looking like an irritated gremlin with your towel still firmly secured around you. Jungkook makes matters worse by pushing the towel off your head, releasing your scruffy ball of hair. You grimace. 
“I didn’t know you knew Y/N?”
Suho sends a smirk your way. You however, glower.
“Yeah we go way back, don’t we baby?”
You force a tight lipped smile, howbeit you look as if you have a mild case of constipation. 
“Sure.” It comes out rough through gritted teeth.
Suho notes your frustration, a sly grin carving onto his punchable face. He turns towards Jungkook, seemingly blocking you from their conversation, yet you know Suho wants you to hear what he has to say.
“You know it’s a shame. Y/N’s gorgeous, ten outta ten body, knows how to put it to good use, however she never let me fuck her. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
Jungkook stays silent for a minute, eyeing your shaking fists and angry eyebrows. Jungkook may be dumb, but he sure knows how to read a room, thus leading him to the conclusion that your relationship with Suho isn’t something you’re very fond of and that he should probably get you out of here.
“Uhhh no, that’s not weird at all actually. What I think is weird is the fact that you think you have this sick claim on every girl you’ve defiled and even worse, you’ve always had this strange need to chase after every virgin you see like some perverted cherry picker. Yeah, that’s weird.”
Suho laughs right in his face, spit grossly tickling his skin. “That’s rich coming from you Jeon, weren't you quite the cherry picker in your freshman days, no?”
Jungkook doesn’t know what he expected from this conversation. It definitely wasn’t this.
It's obvious that Jungkook isn’t a saint, he really fucking far from it. Although, one thing's for sure, it’s his absolute hatred for the way his brain was wired in his freshman year of college. Yes, Jungkook still remains as one of the standing campus fuckboys but he’s gained a few more brain cells since then. 
Jungkook opens his mouth to retort, only to be met with Suho’s back as he turns his attention towards you.
“Y/N, darling if I were you i’d make a run for it, ya know keep your chastity intact or whatever.” His smile is saccharine sweet, though his words are sickly sour.
The months of pent up anger stored within your being bubbles and overflows like a bad science experiment. You’ve quickly decided that now’s that time to expose the shitty excuse of a man, and quite frankly you don’t care that you have an audience. Actually, an audience would make this all the better.
Your finger is strong, pointing accusingly at his broad chest. “You know what you stupid motherfucker? Don’t waltz in here with that dumb smile of yours when you know you have some disgusting cheesy infection growing down there.”
Suho’s eyes widen slightly. It was no secret he was a walking STD, just about infecting every girl that was naive enough to sit on his dick. 
Everyone at the party has definitely stopped to listen to what you have to say. You even spot Jin from the corner of your eye sending you a proud smile. “And while we're on the topic of cheese, Learn how to wash your fucking dick!”
You don’t let him have a moment to speak, grabbing Jungkook’s hand and pulling him out of the house.
A few people applaud, some girls praise you on your way out. You give them no mind, you’ve had enough for tonight.   
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Jungkook starts his car, no questions asked. It’s obvious to him that there’s bad blood between you and Suho. What you don’t know is that Jungkook can also relate. 
Technically there was no bad blood between them, moreso the hurtful memories and manipulation Suho put him through. To put it simply, Suho was probably the worst influence Jungkook could ever have as a vunerable freshman. 
The crunch of gravel and soft melodies that spill out of Jungkook’s radio converse with eachother and fill the defeaning silence that sits between you and Jungkook. 
Jungkook doesn’t even know where he’s going, he just drives. 
Every so often he checks up on you from the corner of his eye. Your knees stick tightly together and point away from him. Your fingers curl and uncurl, leaving cresent moons in your skin. And to finish it off, your face remains still, hostility completely washing over your features. If Jungkook didn’t know any better he would think you’d jump out of his car and make a run for it at the chance of him stopping the car.
It’s seven sniffles later when Jungkook decides he knows where he should take you.
The night sky is clear and the stars burn brightly to accompany the full round moon. It’s the perfect setting for release and maybe a screaming session if you’re up for it.
Jungkook makes a stop behind a forest of tall trees and a dirt path. You sit up immediately. 
“Where are we?” Your eyes are rimmed with tears, “I want to go home.”
Jungkook shuts the engine off, “you never told me where you live.”
“Well you never asked!”
Maybe you shouldn’t have yelled because from the looks of it, Jungkook just wants to help you out and clearly you’re not being the friendliest right now. 
You curl back into yourself, “sorry”, another sniffle.
Jungkook brings your fists into his hands and warmly opens them up. You refuse to look at him, it doesn’t deter Jungkook one bit.
Tenderly he brings a finger under your chin, gradually bringing your eyes up to his. Jungkook takes his time with you, careful to not set you off until you’re face to face with his warm eyes. 
“I brought you here because it’s apparent we both need let out some pent up steam.” He drags his fingers delicately across the curve of your chin and back into his lap. His touch is fleeting, you miss it already. “I just thought you may want to vent or just shout out into the void, it’s up to you.” You nod, fully trusting Jungkook’s intentions. “And at any time you feel like going home just say the word and I’ll take you there, okay?” 
Your heart swells in adoration at his caring nature, though you can’t help but wonder how he can have such a sudden change in personality depending on where he is and who he’s with. It’s unnerving. 
Jungkook clicks his seatbelt off and heads out the car, “put your dress back on princess, I’ll be out here waiting for you.” You mutter your confirmation and do as he asks.
The cool summer air kisses your skin and runs through your hair as you step out of the car. Jungkook is already by your side dressed in an oversize hoodie with another in his hand as well as a fuzzy blanket. 
Jungkook steps closer to you, holding the hem of his hoodie to slip over your body. Without a second thought you raise your hands causing Jungkook to chuckle at how cute you look dwarfed in his clothes.
The same cologne you smelled on his skin earlier lingers on every fibre of fabric around you. His scent is everywhere, swirling around your head, instantly calming down your anxieties. You smile at him, “Lead the way Jungkook.”
Jungkook leads you up a small hill and you notice the trees opening up to display a lush field of grass. However, the sight before you leaves you in absolute wonder. You stand completely still and take it all in. 
The night sky is dark but the city below illuminates is beautifully. Your gaze bounces over all the buildings, skyscrapers and their dazzling bright lights. It’s peaceful up here, you decide as you take a glimpse of the hundreds of tall structures looking so tiny, so ant-like.
Jungkook is settled behind you, his legs comfortably folded underneath himself. He remembers what it was like the first time he saw the view, which is why he doesn’t blame your stunned silence and glazed eyes. 
“How did you find this place?”
You find your way towards Jungkook and plant yourself right beside him. “I don’t know, I was just driving aimlessly one night and found it, It’s nice right.”
You hum, “it’s beautiful.”
Jungkook murmurs in agreement as you lie down on the woolly blanket beneath you. The stars twinkle and glimmer amongst the deep blue sky, creating a serene experience. You shut your eyes.
“I hate him.”
Jungkook looks down at you, you don’t see him though. “Suho?”
“Yeah”, you exhale deeply, “I can’t believe I had to see him again.”
Although Jungkook knows you can’t see him, he swivels his body around to face you properly. “Did you guys date or something?”
You scoff, “pffft you know Suho doesn’t date anyone.” You open your eyes, meeting a pair of round docile ones. You continue, “Suho was the first guy who every gave me an ounce of attention. Before him guys never looked my way. Jungkook remains silent, letting you pour out what’s on your mind.
“Suho had me fooled, I thought I was special to him, thought he saw something in me that was different from the others. Turns out that was his game after all”
You speak so animatedly, your hands wave around in the air, your eyebrows scrunch when the memories come back to you. “It’s stupid really, how I used to gush to him about finding the one person in the universe that was created just for me. I guess he used this as my weak point.” 
Inhale, exhale. 
“He made me believe he was that special person for me, used it as an excuse to pressure me into sex.” A tear rolls down the side of your face, falling perfectly in a straight line. “I almost gave in, but something just felt so wrong. Every time I said no he would call me terrible names, tell me that no one would want me if I never gave them what they wanted. And I believed him.”
Another tear escapes your wet orbs, Jungkook is there to wipe it this time.
“I broke it off after I found out he fucked my roommate and gave her some disease.” You chuckle, “I guess I’m lucky I never let him fuck me huh?” 
Jungkook’s heart breaks at your saddened eyes and the way Suho treated you, he sweeps a stray hair out of you face. “I think you dodged a bullet there princess, what he did to you was pure evil, no one, and especially you don’t deserve that”
You sit up, wiping remaining tears and thanking him as you go, “It’s your turn now.�� You pat his thigh, “tell me why Suho got you so riled up tonight.”
Jungkook shuffles in his spot, “It’s actually kind of similar to you.”
You gasp sarcastically, “no way he pressured you into sex too?”
He laughs, eyes squeezing shut, “No, no, nothing like that.”
You lean closer to Jungkook, giving him the same attention he had given you. “My father left when my mother found out she was pregnant with me, so growing up I had no male figure present in my life. My mother stopped at nothing to give me that to the point that almost every week I’d wake up and see a new man drinking out of my favourite mug. I didn’t mind it because I was only a child and some part of me always hoped they would stay, but they never did.”
“My mom was a hopeless romantic. She held so much sentimental and idealistic views on love that it stuck to me. She always told me that there was someone special out there just for me.” You smile at the similar belief, Jungkook sighs. 
“Cut to college, Suho was the first friend I made. I had no experience with girls whatsoever, and I still held on to my mother’s faith. Whenever I talked to Suho about it he would always shut me down or make fun of me.”
“He told me that all my feelings are bullshit, and that I only felt that way because I’ve never hooked up with anyone before. Next thing I knew we were going to parties every week getting absolutely shitfaced and fucking every girl I laid eyes on.”
You nod, listening intently. “And tonight, he hit a nerve. What he said made me realise that I’m just as bad as him. He moulded me into this person and now I have a reputation.”
Jungkook’s eyes drop, “he broke my concept of love before I even got to experience it.”
You never knew Jungkook was in a place like this. You always thought he was like Suho, built to break hearts and show no emotion when it came to love. Jungkook was nothing like that. His heart was truly big, desperately longing for someone.
Placing your hand on top of his own you comfort him as best as you can, “oh, Jungkook, trust me when I tell you this, the love in your heart is not broken. Think about it, most people you’ve met have been through college right?” He nods, “there are so many other people out there that you’ve never met, soon you’ll be able to find that someone and learn how to love. I know you present yourself as this emotionless playboy, but once you let that part of you go it’ll feel so freeing.”
Jungkook stares deeply into your eyes, he’s so thankful that he decided to bring you here, he can’t contain his happiness. 
“Can I like, hug you?” Jungkook asks shyly. You smile, and it’s so big and bright Jungkook might as well be staring at the sun. Before he knows it, you’re tackling him into the most wholesome hug he’s ever had. You’re warm and you smell like vanilla, It feels like home.
“Get up”, he says abruptly, extending his arm to pull up your confused self.
“What-”, Jungkook cuts you off, “have you ever just let yourself scream?”
Jungkook has intertwined your hands together, and your heart pounds at the realisation of how well they fit together. “Well, no but I assume that’s what we’re about to do right now.”
He pulls you closer to the edge of the small hill, the view of the city sparkles right in front of you. “On the count of three, one- two- three!”
You scream, you let it all out and God does it feel refreshing.
The two of you sound utterly insane, but none you give a single fuck. You scream until your lungs burn and your throat itches you to stop.
The volume of both of your voices ring out into the night sky only for the moon, stars and yourselves. The night is still young but Jungkook wouldn’t have it any other way.
With you he lets go of everything, all the past mistakes, all the hurt because at this moment he feels like he could fly, soar into the clouds. 
He feels infinite.
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Taglist <3 
@zibermuda @uskookie @jeonscandies @melaninkpops @apollukee @hollowtree10 @liliskies @madygswich @pjmochii @eggbutnotyolk @gyukult @yukiehyukie @purplepearl07 (couldn’t tag) @tae165 @youurkryptonite @94ser0da @french-myfries @zippytheshark37 (couldn’t tag) @we8joon @tearvantae​ @emrysts @inspinkyring​​
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#1)
Summary: Jungkook gets jealous when he sees your nobody ex trying to dance with you and you are as oblivious as ever.
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 4k (sorry)
Warnings: jealous jk, light choking, spanking, orgasm denial, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, blindfolds, restraints, oc says sir like once lol
Notes: lol I miss them. Anyway enjoy guys! lets chat if ya want:)
© taestefully-in-luv
Jungkook is new to this whole relationship thing, like for real for real. He constantly wants everything to be perfect and to go smoothly but what happens when your ex makes an appearance at the bar you’re all at? And you haven’t mentioned that Jungkook is your boyfriend now not just your best friend.
Jungkook needs you to say something before he does and if he is the one who has to do it he’s going to somehow feel like a dick. You’ve drank just enough to become that right amount of tipsy, right amount meaning you find everything funny. Your ex isn’t even that funny? Your ex also bellows over every now and then when you talk and Jungkook thinks damn are you even that funny? Like, why is he laughing so much? Jungkook looks over at the two of you and awkwardly smiles. He reaches his hand out and squeezes your thigh but you barely react! You continue talking to what’s his face and what’s his face completely ignores Jungkook’s obvious territorial hand.
“And you live there now? That’s amazing!” You yell out over the music, “Jungkook and I live—”
“Wow, you two still live together?” What’s his face asks and Jungkook is nodding his head, not amused with the conversation.
“Oh, we recently just started living together again.” You mention shyly.
“Oh? You two always have been really close.”
“Oh, actually we are—”
“y/n!!” Jimin runs up to you three at the bar, he breathes out heavily from all the dancing he’s done tonight.
“Hi.” You slightly slur towards your friend.
“Come and dance with me and Tae!” He gives what’s his face a quick nod. “You too, Jungkook.” He says now facing Jungkook and his face immediately falls when he notices Jungkook’s tense state. But then he’s smirking.
“Want to come dance with us too?” Jimin asks what’s his face and Jungkook groans out loud, literally out loud.
Jungkook is trying to behave. Being a boyfriend is new to him and his relationship with you is still fresh. But when is he allowed to show the world you’re his. He wants to show this entire bar of people that you belong to him. Oh god, is that possessive? Jungkook groans into his hands, sighing out in frustration. He doesn’t want to come across as possessive…is that annoying? Or maybe you find it sexy? He doesn’t fucking know!
But what he does know is he’s starting to get real pissed off at the way your ex leans into your space every time you two giggle. Jungkook scoots his bar stool closer to you and his arm pulls you into his side. You turn your head to face him and you smile. Jungkook melts right then and there as soon as he sees your lips curve into some dopey ass grin and he tightens his grip around your waist.
“What’s up baby?” you chirp happily.
“Come sit in my lap.” Jungkook softly commands, he’s already dragging you over to him and you barely protest.
“Why? So we can watch you two make out?” You hear Jimin whine from behind you three. “Again.”
Your ex watches you two with careful eyes and nods towards all of you,
“I’ll see you guys on the dance floor.”
Did Jungkook not make his point? Was this not super obvious? Should he have kissed you in front of him? Fuck you on this bar top to make a point?
You know that phrase when you’re angry… “All I see is red”? Well, Jungkook never understood that. He would think “How the fuck do you see red?” but now, he’s sort of starting to understand.
Because he sees nothing but cloudy red waves in his vision or at least a really bold orange color. He wouldn’t call this anger…no, more like pure fucking annoyance and irritation. And you? You have no idea…
“y/n” Jimin calls for you, “Let’s go dance!”
“Yeah, let’s dance!!” Taehyung claps his hands excitedly as he makes his way you to guys.
Jungkook tongues the inside of his cheek as he looks between all of you. He just got you in his lap, surely you won’t say yes.
“Yes!” you yell out over the music. “You coming babe?” You look at Jungkook who just shakes his head slowly.
“You sure?” you ask, “I can stay if you want..”
“No, it’s okay baby. Go, have fun. I’m just going to drink.” He squeezes your thigh and you smile, leaning down to kiss him.
You stand from his lap, and you, Jimin and Taehyung make your way to the dance floor. You guys find a spot in the center, many bodies covering Jungkook’s view of you and it’s admittedly driving him nuts. He wants to at least to be able to see you. But alas, he has no view.
Maybe 30 minutes and 4 whiskeys later Jungkook has decided he has had enough, he’s going to just go to the dance floor and have a good time. He slowly approaches you three when he sees there’s a fourth person. Your fucking ex. And he’s trying his hardest to dance with you and you are barely fucking noticing. This guy has the audacity to snake a hand around your waist to steady you, but his hand lingers—And Jungkook now, finally really does see red.
Because what the fuck?
“y/n!” He calls out for you but you don’t hear him, you’re too lost in the music. You sway your hips from side to side, your hands in your hair and this dude goes behind you and tries dancing with you some more.
“y/n!” he finally gets to you and you open your eyes and give him a smile.
“Hi.” You slur out. Just slightly.
“Come here.” He reaches for your wrist when the dude stops Jungkook with the booming of his loud voice.
“Can’t you see we’re dancing?”
Red. Fiery red.
“Mine.” He growls. He tightens his grip on your wrist and you finally register something is wrong.
“What’s going on?” your innocent voice doesn’t do much to help Jungkook’s anger, just fuels it.
“We’re going home.” He says lowly, giving both Jimin and Taehyung a curt nod and turning around to face you. “Now.”
“But I don’t want to go home.” You whine, basically stomping your feet. “I want to dance with my friends, and you.”
“No.” he groans, his voice deeper than usual. “We’re going home and we’re having a talk.”
“Can’t we just talk here?” you fold your arms over your chest, “I don’t want to go home.”
“y/n.” Jungkook warns. “Don’t choose now to be a brat.”
“So what if I’m bratty?” you pout, “What are you going to do?” you can’t help but challenge him. Jungkook quirks a brow at you and frowns.
“You want to be this way? Fine.” Jungkook turns towards the other side of the bar, dragging you along with him. He’s walking like he’s on a god damn mission and you’re struggling to follow behind him thanks to your heels.
“You’re sure about this?” Jungkook snaps his head to speak to you.
“Sure about what?” you feel intimidated by his dark gaze, he looks at you with narrowed eyes and you shudder.
“You sure you won’t just listen to me?”
“Nope, don’t wanna.”
“Didn’t think so.” And with that Jungkook pulls you into the hall where the bathrooms are and knocks on one of the doors. When there’s no answer he swings open the door and lightly shoves you inside.
“Still gonna be a brat? Still won’t listen?”
“So what if I am?” you answer his first question, “What are you going to—” Jungkook cuts you with his lips on yours. He adds a lot of pressure into the kiss like he’s mad and desperate. His fingers drag up the front of your body until they’re crawling up your throat and wrapping around it. You gasp when he lightly squeezes. His other hand makes it way to your ass, he grabs onto it and pushes you into his crotch.
“No.” Jungkook breaths out heavily, “I’m going to show you what happens when you don’t listen.”
Jungkook goes back to kissing you, his tongue expertly exploring your mouth. You moan into his mouth and he pulls back from you.
“Bend over.” His deep voice commands. He looks at you with a serious and dark expression.
“I said, bend over.”
You stare at Jungkook with disbelief filling your eyes. Surely he isn’t going to…no, there’s no way. These walls are paper thin and—
“Bend over baby.” He says a little more softly. “I’m going to spank you because you aren’t being a good girl.” He explains. “Only bad girls get spanked.”
“And I’m…bad?” you stutter out.
“Very.” Jungkook’s eyes grow even darker as he stares down at you, he licks his lips as he watches you shake your head.
“Jungkook, people will hear—”
“Who’s fault is that?”
“That’s right baby, you are mine. And I want you to be reminded of that.”
“I know I’m yours though…”
Jungkook chuckles bitterly, his hands going to his pants pockets.
“You need to let others know that too.” He nods his head in the direction of the bar, “People can get the wrong idea if you aren’t clear.”
“Babe…” you begin to blush, the idea of Jungkook spanking you in a bar bathroom gets you feeling really fucking hot.
“Now, be a good girl and bend over.” His sly smile grows on his face as he watches you bend over for him.
“L-Like this?” you ask, your hands on your knees as you shove your ass in the air. You whimper when you feel his hand go to grab a handful of your ass.
“Just like that baby.” He smiles, “Now lift your skirt for me and take off your panties.”
Your eyes go wide, he’s going to spank you bare?
There’s something about Jungkook that you listen…his voice, his gaze…god, you want him to fuck you.
You slip off your panties and lift your skirt over your hips, your ass proudly displayed.
“Give me your panties.” Jungkook commands, and you do. You hand him the piece of thin fabric and he stuffs them in his front pocket.
“Good girl.” He smirks, “I’m going to spank you 5 times okay?”
Before you can answer you feel his hand come down on your ass hard.
“This is all mine, right?”
“No one else is allowed to even touch you, got it?”
“Any other guys allowed to touch you?”
You release a high pitched moan as a response and Jungkook chuckles darkly, he shakes his head in disapproval.
“Words baby. I’ll ask you again…Any other guys allowed to touch you?”
“N-No!” You whimper out, your legs are shaking. You feel the ache between your legs with each slap he offers your ass. Jungkook massages your cheeks, his fingers sliding down until he’s playing at your pussy.
“My girl getting wet from this?” He whispers to himself, his fingers gathering your juices and he plays at your clit causing you to moan loudly. Your whines bouncing off the bathroom walls.
“One more spank baby.”
His fingers leave your pussy, he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks them clean. Then he’s rubbing your cheeks again.
“P-Please Jungkook…” You practically beg for him to spank you and he laughs at how desperate you are for his touch.
“You’re all mine. Say it.”
“All you—”
And his hand is coming down on your ass for the last time, the sound echoes in the bathroom and you’re crying out in pleasure.
“Good girl.” Jungkook rubs your ass lovingly, “Should I fuck you now? Will you be so loud that this whole bar knows who you belong to?” He continues to massage where he hit.
“P-Please.” You beg, “Fuck me, Jungkook.”
“No.” he answers quickly. “ Your punishment is just beginning. You have to wait til we get home.”
“Jungkook…” You drag out his name between your teeth, you wiggle your ass in attempt to lure him into fucking you but it doesn’t work. He just laughs and spanks you lightly.
“Put your skirt back down and lets go.”
“I need to clean up…” You admit. Jungkook’s eyes travels to the your inner thighs where your slick has dripped.
“No.” Jungkook says softly, his eyes boring into your pussy. “I will do it.”
Jungkook goes behind you and squats to his knees, his face has that perfect view of your pussy. He holds on to your hips as he leans in, his tongue darting out to lick you clean. Your whole body goes tense at the contact, you want to be quiet. You need to be quiet. But god, his tongue feels so fucking good.
“Don’t stop!” you scream out, the pleasure taking its toll on your weak body, “Please!”
And Jungkook doesn’t stop, he continues licking at you, swirling his tongue over your clit, licking it, sucking it, and making it ache. The buildup happens so fucking fast, you don’t know if it’s because you two haven’t had sex since two days ago, or because you know people can hear you or because he’s just that fucking good.
“God, Jungkook…yes…yes…” You cry out, “So good baby.” You praise him and he groans into your pussy.
“I’m all yours!”
You can feel you orgasm quickly announcing its arrival, it has your toes curling and your legs shaking but right before you can fucking taste it…Jungkook detaches his mouth from you making everything just stop. It dies down so fast that you are left so dissatisfied.
“What the fuck?!” you yell, “I was just about to come!”
“I know.” He says with a smirk. “Only good girls get to come.”
“Jungkook, you asshole!” you say out of breath, you feel so incomplete. “I’ll be a good girl, I promise. I promise.” You repeat over and over, “Please let me come.”
“Maybe later tonight. Now let’s go.”
“Whatcha got there?” you ask Jungkook, he stands in front of you with something behind his back.
“3 questions for you baby…how do you feel about blindfolds?” he shows you the silky material in his hand and you feel your pussy ache.
“How do you feel about being tied up?” he shows you more silky material and then he winks at you. “And what’s your safe word?”
“I look forward to both,” you release a long breath “And Jupiter.”
He moves behind you, pulling your hair to the side and pressing soft kisses on the side of your neck. You moan at the feeling of his lips caressing your exposed skin. He then slowly drags his tongue on the delicate expanse of your throat and sucks bruises.
With his lips brushing against your ears, he whispers “I need you to trust me, okay bad girl?”
“I do trust you.”
Jungkook holds out the silky material out in front of your face and you shiver in anticipation, your pussy clenching at the sight. He carefully pulls it over your eyes and ties a knot behind your head, leaving you completely sightless. You see absolutely nothing.
“From now on when we meet people you introduce me, okay?” he says softly.
“Yes sir,” you whisper out and he groans, loving the name.
He presses himself up against your ass and you can feel how hard he is, god it’s driving you insane.
Jungkook leaves your body, making you feel lost without his touch…a few moments pass and you start to become antsy until you feels your arms being pulled back behind you and the feeling of silk wrap around your wrists.
“You’re all mine, right?”
“All yours…”
You stand at the foot of your shared bed in nothing but your lacey bra and panties, while being restrained in silk. He had you dress up for him. Jungkook stands by the wall, leaning against it as he admires you. You look so beautiful, so lost, so needy.
“Jungkook?” you call out, wondering where he has gone. His footsteps are light so you don’t feel him walk towards you but your body goes absolutely tense when you feel his finger tip drag extremely slowly across your bare stomach. You shudder at the contact that you were not expecting. You breathe in and out trying to calm yourself, anticipating his next move.
“Jungkook…” you whimper and he darkly chuckles. He presses himself against you and leans in to whisper in your ear.
“What do you want?”
“Your cock.” You admit through harsh breaths. “Want you to fuck me.”
“You really think you deserve my cock yet? I want to play with you first.”
Then he’s stepping away, all his heat gone with him. You’re left cold and lonely and trying to steady your breaths…you didn’t realize how intense this was going to be.
“Jungkook.” You whine, “I need you.”
But you don’t sense him near you at all, you begin to become antsy again. That is until you feel his feather like touch grazing across your stomach again and a long moan drags out between your lips. You feel him get closer to you, his fingers traveling to your breasts. He feels your hardening buds through the thin material of your bra and he grunts in approval. His hand travels south until his fingers are sliding down your stomach. He grips your hips tightly causing you to groan.
“Want to get touched baby girl?” He whispers over your lips and you cry out.
His fingers drag down to your covered pussy, touching your dampening folds.
“My god, you are soaked.” He comments. “You love when I touch you, don’t you?”
You only nod your head frantically but Jungkook grabs a hold of your jaw and says, “Not uh uh. Words, baby.”
“Loved being touched by you.” You whine.
“Let’s lie you down.”
He takes you by the shoulder and leads you down to lay in the middle of the bed, treating you so fucking delicately.
Jungkook steps away to remove all his clothing, leaving him in nothing but the skin he wears. He crawls onto the bed, momentarily hovering over you and leaning down until he’s kissing your throat again and sucking bruises into your neck.
“Have to mark you so others know you are taken.”
The sensation of his wet tongue leaves a chill behind in its tracks, giving you goosebumps all across your body. You release a few shaky breaths at the feeling.
“You’re my pretty girl.” Jungkook slides down the bed until he’s hovering over your hips, his hot breath fans over your desperate, needy cunt and you can’t help but cry out how badly you need him.
“Going to be a good girl for me?” He questions and you scream yes over and over.
Jungkook spreads your legs wide apart and lays down with his face just inches away from where you fucking need him. He lets the anticipation build for a moment as he fans his hot breath over your pussy, before he playfully moves the lace material to the side and licks a long strip between your folds. You can’t help the moan you let out at the contact of his warm tongue finally on your aching clit.
“Only I get you this wet?”
“Only you.” You pant out.
“That’s right baby.” He connects his lips to your clit and wraps them around it and sucks lightly. Being blindfolded has your senses going into overdrive, the sensations too fucking powerful. He licks, and sucks on your clit, each lap of his tongue sending you over the edge. Getting you closer and closer and ah, fuck. You can come, you want to come, you’re so fucking close…but then he pulls away again leaving you fucking frustrated.
“Jungkook!” You cry out, your body betraying you.
He’s silent, its making you feel even more on edge.
“Please baby, I’m so close.” You beg him, you feel overly sensitive.
Suddenly, you feel his fingers being shoved deliciously into your wet pussy, you cry out in surprise and pleasure as he curls his fingers into you. You’re moaning incoherently by now, not able to get out any real words as he finger fucks you.
“That’s it baby.” He praises, not slowing down. “Want my cock now?”
“Yes, fucking please, yes!” You beg. “Need you to fuck me, please fuck me. God, please fuck me.” Your words spill out of your mouth and Jungkook chuckles.
“Only because you’ve been so good.”
He lifts your legs and wraps them around his waist, you anticipate the feel of cock but Jungkook takes his sweet time.
He takes his throbbing cock in his hand and lines it up to your entrance, you moan at the feeling of him touching you but it’s not enough.
“Please.” You beg him again.
Jungkook very fucking slowly starts inserting his member into you, one inch at a time. You choke on air as you feel him start to bottom out. He feels incredible. You feel so full, you feel so satisfied. You wish he would stay inside you like this forever.
Jungkook falls forward, releasing short, deep breaths as he feels the way your walls tighten around him.
“So tight.” He mentions in a husky voice. “So fucking tight.”
He takes a moment to be inside you like this, breathing harshly into the crook of your neck. You start to get uncomfortable with your hands behind your back.
“Please, let me touch you.”
“You were bad tonight.” Jungkook breathes out, “You think you get to touch me?” He says while sliding his cock out of you before he’s slamming it back in. You whine and moan and feel so fucking overwhelmed.
Jungkook thrusts in and out of you over and over, his cock brushing that special spot inside that’s got you seeing stars. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s gotten to know your body over the last couple of months and he has not disappointed.
“Jungkook!” You scream his name and he grins down at you, loving his view. “Fuuuccckkkk.” You groan out as he continues fucking you faster and harder. His moans are no better than yours, his whine and whimpers filling the room. You feel so fucking good and look so fucking beautiful.
“Fuck, I’m going to come.” Jungkook admits, not slowing down. “Come with me?” he softly commands and you cry out in frustration.
“Let me touch you! Let me see you!”
“Not this time, my love.” His voice is strained as he tries to hold on for you, his fingers finding your clit as he rubs quick circles on it, getting you there faster.
“Fuck, please come,” he begs. “You’re allowed to come now baby” and you finally let go. You release moan after desperate moan. Your orgasm hitting you so fucking hard that it leaves you shaking and breathless. Jungkook finally comes as well, his hips stilling as he shoots his cum deep within you.
“Good girl, good girl.” He pants out, his body collapsing on top of yours. He stays inside you for a few moments as you both calm down. He caresses your cheek, his hand going to the back of your head as he slowly unties the blindfold…it falls from your face and your eyes are stained black with smeared makeup. He chuckles at the view, he finds you so fucking sexy.
“Good girl.” He says again, leaning in to kiss your lips. You kiss back instantly, and smile at him as you pull away.
“Untie me.” You request, and Jungkook lifts himself off you and helps you sit up. He unties the silk restraints around your wrists and throws the material off to the side.
“You did so good baby.” He leans in to kiss your cheek and you blush.
“All this because I didn’t introduce you to Ian?”
Ian, that’s that bastards name, Jungkook thinks.
“He was trying to dance with you…” Jungkook pouts, “He didn’t understand that you are mine.”
“I’ll be more cautious next time.” You promise. “And speaking of next time,” you say with a smirk, “It’ll be you tied up and blindfolded, not me.” You leave a quick kiss to his lips.
“Fuck, I would like that a lot.”
“Oh baby, I know.”
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