#fuck you steven knight
wadeswebs · 2 years
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I come bearing a gift
(BTW this is my art 😭 I just never sign shit)
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disasterofcondom · 2 months
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Oh fuck oh my god, sir.. sir, are you there?
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sadwetcatmk · 1 year
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It's literally them
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spctrsgf · 2 years
marc spector is the type of person who…
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a/n: since steven got one, imma do marc and jake too also because im feeing demotivated to write but we dont talk about that
steven | jake
hates swimming in open water (especially caves) because it reminds him of his brothers death
cant cook
wants to sleep in but physically cannot
bottles up his emotions and then trauma dumps steven
buys juice boxes to heal his inner child
acts like he hates steven’s vegan diet but secretly loves it
leaves a piece of meat on the countertop to scare steven
will steal jake’s hat and tries it on
he thinks he looks better with it on, jake tolerates this only because he knows marc wouldnt put a scratch on it (marc is scared of jake and his threats)
is so deprived of compliments he doesnt even know how to take one
reels when anyone says his name in the same sentence with anything good. it scares him tbh
watches rom coms in his free time
loves to visit the museum steven used to work at and get a free tour from his counterpart
when comfortable with someone, he’s a mess of words and frantic hand movements and bright eyes
gels his hair back because steven “wont let him get one fucking haircut”
has yelled at jake out loud and thoroughly embarrassed himself and gotten kicked out of his favorite grocery store
has bursts of confidence that usually last twenty minutes max
gives shitty advice
either overthinks things through or doesn’t think at all. no in between. he thinks or he doesn’t.
looks like they could kill you, could kill you but wouldn’t
is a cinnamon roll
really needs wants a therapist but cant ask for help so he uses steven instead
yells at khonsu all the fucking time but deep down loves him and appreciates what the god has done for him (good and bad, granted)
hates being calles by his full name (that fucking shitshow of a mother he had called him that when she was mad)
justice for marc spector my sweet bbg
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moonyflesh · 3 months
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wazzappp · 2 years
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Don’t get me wrong, Miles can ABSOLUTELY take care of himself. But it would also be a shame to have (counts on fingers) 6 murder uncles and never make use of them.
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usaigi · 2 years
On the subject of "People don't really like pwTrauma/Mental Illness," people's "activism" is so fucking transparent. Characters like Steven Grant are praised and coddled because his mental illness is cute and uwu look at his little bear paws aw he's so nervous vs character like Marc Spector are perceived as "bad" because he's a liar or rude or violent. Or on the other side, the "Marc has never done anything wrong, he's just a wet cat" people who attribute all of Marc's violence to Khonshu.
You can like Steven and think he's endearing and also acknowledge he called Marc a parasite and punched Marc after seeing their trauma.
You can like Marc and recognize he is a liar and is extremely guarded because of trauma. You can recognize he likely only became a mercenary because he was kicked out of the army and it was likely his only option while also acknowledging that he killed people.
Matt Murdock is a depressed man who lies and manipulates his friends and is also an earnest person who wants to protect his community.
Jessica Jones is an alcoholic to pushes everyone away but she gives a shit.
Wanda Maximoff was so hurt and lost her grief exploded and created a fantasy where she could be with her husband and have kids.
None of these characters are good or bad. They're people. And sometimes, people with trauma are assholes. People with trauma are bad friends sometimes. They can be manipulative, liars, clingy, insecure, aggressive, and violent. But guess what. Acknowledging the times they're "problematic" is not an attack on the character nor is it stigmatizing.
But, if you hate a character for exhibiting behaviors typically associated with pwmental illness, maybe you're not as good of a person as you claim to be.
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my-secret-shame · 2 years
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fruitsofhell · 4 months
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Anyone give a shit about my Kirby-Steven Universe AU I developed for 3 seconds last year?
Broader Plot Synopsis:
Midnight Agate (Meta Knight) was a young quartz assigned to watch over the colonization efforts on Popstar with a small brigade of Rubies (The Meta-Knights). While waiting for things to truly get started, she let her sentimentality get the best of her and got to know the natives rather than killing them as were her orders. Seeing as it was a backwater planet and mission no one was watching carefully, she thought things would be fine.
While she was playing at being a knight for King Dedede (King Dedede) an undercooked Rose Quartz (Kirby) popped out, and caused some Kirby style antics for them (KDL, Adv, RoMK plots). Agate attempted to be subtle about what Quartzby's existence meant - not wanting to let on to her king friend she was an alien sent to blow up the planet - but in her continued waffling she began to watch the quartz take a liking to the planet just as she had, and started doubting the entire thing.
Eventually, after defusing the silly rivalry between her and Dedede, she began to work on deactivating gem structures (all those Ancient Artifacts we know in canon) and halting the colonization process, but accidentally alerted homeworld authorities whom then proceeded to send Halcan Quartz (Galacta Knight) when it was obvious things were a mess.
That's about as far as I got with solid ideas, but I have more fun disjointed ones. Like Midnight Agate falling in line with Halcan Quartz for a while out of pure fear and obedient instinct before eventually confronting her with the help of Quartzby and her rubies. And from there Halcan Quartz's own sentimentality gets tapped into for a redemption arc.
And from THERE the equivalent to the Diamonds in the would be Zero - a white Diamond I would suppose. I also had lots of fun ideas expanding on Agate and Halcan Quartz's connections to their planets (especially the latter to Halcandra CAUSE I LOVE HALCANDRA).
I really like how both Kirby and SU use their science-fantasy themes to tell stories about enjoying the little things and how you can kinda redeem almost anyone by tapping into that universal humanity. Or atleast I've always read the text of SU into the subtext of Kirby just cause the latter informed my media tastes so much.
I'd def fuck with this AU again if I have another SU phase. But I'm literally just talking about this cause I'm overwhelmed by how much Kirby stuff I have ideas for and needed to fart SOMETHNIG out.
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thedevilsoftruth · 5 months
I just finished reading the midnight mission, and I have never cried so hard since watching infinity war for the first time last year. Shit hit harder than the Lemire run. Anyways, here are my some of my favorite panels.
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madlencen · 2 years
Random Moon Knight shit
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Steven has little canopic jars on his desk <3
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Steven uses Head & Shoulders, do with this information what you want-
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I really wanna know what/who this is supposed to be since I could not find one depiction of Ammit with a sun or moon disk, neither Sobek. Anyone got any info?
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I am re-watching Moon Knight in full for the first time since I saw the last episode.
Watching it with a friend who has never seen it. The info dumping is REAL. I've been waiting over a YEAR to explain these things to someone. You don't understand.
I'm going full Autistic Special Interest people.
It's about to be your problem.
Special thank you to everyone in this fandom that has spent SO much time compiling all the information, the screen shots, the DETAILED BREAK DOWN OF STEVEN'S ROOM. The Jewish content, the play by play DETAILS. I love you all.
Now to weaponize it and drag my friend down into my special little Moon Knight hell.
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ronn-uuu · 2 years
Party Pooper
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I'm writing my own request(?)
An: Ok I wrote this request:
POV: You're hyping yourself up/ while getting ready for a party with loud music. And Marc/Steven/ Jake are trying to sleep but guess what causing them not to sleep? Your music. So they go next door to have a chat. And when you open up the door they're dumbfounded on how they have not seen such a FINE ASS PERSON WE AREEE the rest is up to you babe 🥰💕 ( and please either do gn or with he/they/she prns😊)
Me being meek and not very out there,,, I decided not to send this out there so I decided that I'll write it myself. Also this is my first posted fic pls have mercy on me. I hope you enjoy it.
pairing: Gn!reader x Marc spector, Gn!reader x Steven Grant, & Gn!Redaer x Jake Lockely
Warnings: none. (other than me using google english to spanish. Pls if you found a better website, PLS TELL. pls dont gatekeep. ) Fluff(?) also bad grammar???
Part 2
You stared at the 2 outfits you had rested on your bed, you couldn't pick between the slightly slutty one or the one that had more decency. You knew you were going to be slightly fucked up by the end of the night, so did you want to do it in a slutty way or sexy way? You still didn't know. You decided that you were going to play some music to get you in that partying mood. The music rang in your ears and your next door neighbor's.
Marc was laying in his bed finally being able to sleep after being up since 2 am the day before. Khonsu had been making Marc, Jake and Steven do his unforgiving bidding, all three of them were exhausted from all the trouble they had been in. Just when they thought they could get a break, they heard their neighbor's music.
"Jesús puto cristo," Jake spoke as the weak and exhausted body jolked up.
"Bloody hell. I think the universe just hates us, yeah?" Steven said as he took over the hands and rubbed their eyes.
"I don't think they know the walls are kinda thin," Marc mumbles out tryin to excuse their actions. Jake started saying that they could just go next door and warn them but Marc and steven felt way too tired to do so. And after they responded to Jake's proposal the music died down.
"See, I think they're done," Steven said as he takes over and lays back down and closes their eyes. Oh it was painful how wrong he was. They got 10 minutes of sleep before hearing the music even louder this time.
You weren't doing this on purpose, you didn't even know that you had a next door neighbor. You and the boys never crossed paths, and they were never loud so you had thought maybe you could blast music with no interruptions. Though you were about to be proved so wrong. That's when you heard a knock. You were confused, " I thought I told them I'll meet them at f/n's house," You said as you pressed paused on your phone. You smoothed your skirt/pants one last time before opening up your door.
"Hello," The man said as he waved at you. You waved back as you noticed that he was in his slightly rinkled Pjs. Steven did that same to you and lawd have mercy on him, you were so fucking fine.
His eyes rack over your frame, you had your hair pulled back, plum lips with beautiful jewelry hung around your neck, and gods your clothes looked fucking hot on you. Steven felt all the air in lungs leave and so quickly that his chest started to ache. Marc and Jake were the first time in history very quiet in a long time. There were no remarks on how they were sleepy and this to be over, they were only in awe of your form.
"I'm sorry, is there something I could help you with?' You asked as you tilted your head in question. For the first time Marc, Steven and Jake had gotten this nervous about someone. They all knew that steven had to stay in control but it felt like they were going slightly override.
"A-ah! yes the music... the music is too loud," Steven softly said. Then it finally hit you, he was trying to sleep and your music was too loud. He's your next door neighbor! Guilt started to flow through your veins, how could you keep a tired man from sleeping, reader???
"Oh! Im so sorry! I didn't know that I had a next door neighbor! I'm so sorry for keeping you awake! Yes! I'll keep the music down!" You rambled. The boys thought it was very cute. Now all three of them were wondering how they could get your number without making it sound cringey nor weird.
"Again, I'm so sorry for keeping you awake.." You paused waiting for a name. You wanted the name of your cute neighbor you had no idea about.
"Steven Grant," Steven stammered out. He started to fidget with the hem of his shirt.
"Steven Grant," You repeated, "I really like that name." Steven smiled widely and Jake remined him that he was still fucking tired. Don't get him wrong he liked 'speaking with you' but their mission was not only nerve racking but exhausting. Steven started to feel the sleepiness weigh his bones down. He'll have to settle for just speaking to you. Marc told him to tell you thank you and good night.
"Thank you... well I should head to bed, have a nice night," He promptly said before you replied with a good night back. He went back to their flat while they talked about how to get your number next time. All three of them wanted that to be very soon. Now they all started to feel a little grateful for the loud music you played. And all in that moment they remembered that they don't even know your name...
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howaboutcastiel · 8 months
Now is a good time to remind everyone that Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley and Layla El-Faouly are all pro-Palestine. ❤️ 🍉
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