#fucking love zoe saldana
ylove-bandaesthetics · 8 months
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Hi Yessy love! How are you? I hope you’re doing better! We miss u but make sure you’re taking care of yourself like you deserve! Have you watched GotG 3? I would love to hear your thoughts!!
Best trilogy in the MCU hands down omfg!
Here’s a pic for you of beautiful Gamora, played by a latina queen. A latina queen for another latina queen!! Haha <3 We love u!
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drivef1 · 1 year
I gotta say… Zoe Saldana’s acting in Avatar: The Way of Water was fucking phenomenal. The pain, rage, and horror in her voice, the love and fear in her screams, and the awe-inspiring power in her fight scenes. Neytiri’s characterization was one of my favorite parts of the film, there were so many amazing touches, from the way she always called her husband “My Jake,” to standing up for her mate even when it embarrassed him, to being described as “batshit crazy” and being an ultimate badass who inflicted terror throughout an entire ship with her revenge filled mother-love. I fucking love the Sully family.
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pumpkinspiie · 3 months
echoes of kin.
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- “echoes of kin” follows twin sisters Liana. and Thalia, who are devastated by the sudden loss of their mother in a tragic car accident. As they pack up her belongings, they stumble upon a hidden shoebox in her closet. Intrigued, they open it to find Polaroid pictures of their mother and famous musician Elvis Presley and letters addressed to and from a mysterious figure named CTP.
as they piece together clues and follow leads, they encounter unexpected challenges and revelations in hat lead them closer to the truth. along the way, they learn more about their mothers past and the hidden connections that tie their family together.
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characters ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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marsai martin as liana egan-presley (nine years old)
“I’m nine not five, fatty.”
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navia robinson as thalia egan-presley (nine years old)
“you ever thought about loosing weight?”
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zoe saldana as jenifer egan (32- years old)
“i love you two and i always will. before and after life.”
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joseph sikora as tommy egan (33- years old)
“I told you to stop fucking with him along time ago! he’s bad news and you know it.”
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elvis presley as himself (33- years old)
“I don’t give a damn about what you and the colonel thinks! You kept this from me for nine years?”
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priscilla presley as herself (23- years old)
“They were a threat to us. to our family!”
chapters ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
- chapter one
main masterlist
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wanderlustmagician · 5 months
cast a legend of zelda live action movie
I saw this as I sat down at my desk at work and out loud said “oh noooooooooo”. It was a giddy oh no though.
So I was thinking of like who to cast for who by like age cause well, wanna stay true but shit if there wasn’t anyone with right look… so I said fuck it. No pics because I can’t get anything to load on my phone. I work in a blackhole for cell service send help
So for Link, maybe Shayne Topp. He has the right body type and look (twink, non derogatory). He’s a shorty like Link, overall decent fit.
For Zelda, maybe Sabrina Carpenter. I think she also fits the look but definitely more BOTW Zelda vibes. Or Dove Cameron.
For Ganondorf, personally I’d say CGI that man 100% and throw Matt Mercer at his voice again LOL If I had to choose a person though… Dwayne Johnson or Dave Bautista. Both have the ability to pull the right aura and while both have good comedy chops, I bet they’d pull off the haughty, king of the desert vibe really well. I threw Bautista in as well because he showed a lot depth with Drax (even if Drax was mostly goofy).
Now for Ganon, the pig/Calamity/Etc, absolutely CGI that into the coolest shit and get Matt Mercer for the voice. Done. DONE.
For Impa, it depends on which version of Zelda they’re doing. If it’s anything other than BOTW/TOTK, then someone who can pull both intimidating and soft would be a good fit. Zoe Saldana would be a good fit. Right look and capable of switching between the differing sides. I’m not casting someone as BOTW Impa. Nope. You can’t make me lol
Should there be a Malon in this, then Elizabeth Olsen. I think she could pull her off pretty well.
Tingle AND HIS BROTHERS should be cast as Brennan Lee Mulligan. I don’t care if he’s not really an actor. I’m convinced he could do it and do it well. The man has breadth, he has depth, he could do different voices for each with no issue. Plus. I LOVE him, your honor. Tbh this came to mind immediately but I was like wait, let it cook do some of the others first.
Who am I missing? Uhh…
If there’s a Hero’s shade character, Damian Haas for the voice. He’s done a lot of hero characters as a VA and I think letting him loose on a character like the Hero’s Shade would be really cool.
Not gonna lie, I’m forgetting every other character that exists in Zelda rn. My boss let me soapbox about how stupid people fucked up my shit by not doing what we told them to and now I’m all heated about that.
Give me some of your thoughts too tho, Somer!! (Or Ryan?? Which do you prefer??)
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claraheaux · 7 months
It seems that black (usually male) mainstream filmmakers seem physically incapable of representing darkskinned women in a feminine, positive light.
My roommate has been delving more into black art and film and while I try to ignore it, it's 2023, the cat has been out of the bag. It's impossible. A biracial woman is the main protaganist/love interest in almost every. Single. Iteration. Just saw Spike Lee’s the Black KKKlansmen, and there’s Laura Harrier in a 4C Afro wig. Don’t worry, though, there’s a dark skinned best friend who loudly interrupts the stale, forced chemistry between the two protagonists-I think she gets about 5 minutes of screentime in total. If we manage to be under the age of 60 we’re the overprotective sidekick that the male (same skin shade as the sidekick, too) protaganist inevitably shoos off screen, then her feminine foil apologizes on her behalf. I've seen this same scene play out in black films wayyy too many times.
To be clear, Laura Harrier is a lovely actress-I’m not going to dog upcoming black actresses for taking roles that aren’t explicitly meant for darkskinned women (cough-Zoe Saldana)-a job is a job. It’s not their fault that black creators seem to have such a difficult time seeing us outside of these narrow tropes.  Zendaya has gone above and beyond to keep the stage clear for us by taking white and biracial roles.
 I’ve seen a lot more representation as of recently. I don’t really think I rely on the media for those things anymore, but it’s still a nice treat. It is little embarrassing for them that I’m seeing myself more in the goddamned Sonic movie. The SONIC movie. Oh, and the Great fucking Comet of 1812?! OH, and the same actress who plays Natasha in that being in the Gilded Age. You know who's involved with the Gilded Age? Julian Fellowes, the screenwriter for Downton Abbey, which, if you've ever seen it, is the pastiest show ever. Our own community is getting outdone in terms of darkskinned female representation by a 74 year old British man, a movie based on a Japanese video game, hell, Shakespeare, and a musical based on a 19th century Russian novel. As someone who's into period dramas, I never expected these genres to represent me diversely, if at all. And yes, there's a lot of flaws in some of these representations; but guess what? They're actually trying.
And before you get on me about rEsPECTaBiLITY PoLitics and EnfORcING gENder RoLes: I have no issue with characters that aren't presented as traditionally feminine, loud, or that act 'hood'. Women like that are staples, I love those girls to death. But don't gaslight darkskinned women for being tired of that being ALL there is for us, and act like we're the ultimate traitors when we finally give up and look elsewhere.
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gigawatt-conduit · 1 year
Zoe Saldana needs to get the hell outta franchises like ASAP, but NuGamora is so fun in Guardians 3 that I kinda want a show about her? She’s so delightfully off her shit and it feels like there’s more to this version than the OG one, who kinda got shoved into The Girl Among Dudes/Sensible One role
Quill: You’re not the Gamora from 2018 that I loved 🥺but you could be
NuGamora: Leave me alone, shut the fuck up. I will put you in the ground and go back to my pirate gang without a second thought
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everythingneytiri · 1 year
Zoe Saldana in this scene, FUCK.
Let me just remind y’all this is the same hottie who plays as the even hotter Neytiri.
I can’t help myself but severely crush over a movie character that I can’t have and it’s so frustrating lol, But that’s why I write shorts and smuts an all the good shit like that about the attractive Sully’s.
ANYWAYSSS please..PLEASE send me request for Avatar Smuts, head cannons, short story’s, long story’s with several chapters, and ANY avatar character, ECT. Please do not be shy and ask away! I will write ALMOST anything, if it is something I don’t agree with I will tell you why respectfully! I will have on my page soon explain what I will and won’t write.
All interactions with this post will be so so appreciated, you have no idea how much it means🥺. I’m a very small writer who just wants to grow big for doing what I love most, so in advance THANK YOU so so much❤️❤️
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itshype · 1 year
Avatar: The Way of Water
I saw this film the other day and I'm trying so hard to be normal about it.
Mission failed here we go.
Cannot believe the army paid for all their scientist puppets to have fully working reproductive organs. Sperm maybe but ovaries??? They have ovary money?
Every child to have prolonged contact with Jake Sully is fucking stupid. These kids are all so so so so so dumb.
I love how the best way to find the AVATARs is to count the fingers like they're fae or AI art.
Sigourney weaver once again kills it - best actor there.
I felt it was pretty clear that Kiri's other patent is Eywa? When they tried to merge Grace at the magic tree in the first movie? Seemed clear to me but apparently this is just a theory. It also fits though with her playing both characters - Eywa doesn't have any physical features for Kiri to inherit.
Atla did criticism of the military industrial complex so much better. (SORRY)
Best part of the film is the animals - the design, the animation etc so so good.
Lot of characters do a lot of cool things but none is scarier than Zoe Saldana screaming and crying over her child's body and then Jake says "they have our daughters" and she goes DEAD QUIET. THAT WAS INTENSE.
All the kids knowing human swears and military lingo was *chef's kiss*.
I knew that a kid would die. They had way too many kids for them all to live. And Kiri has magic powers, The Son Who Doesn't Die has literally all the plotlines (romantic interest, a soulbond thing, trying to prove himself etc) and Spider has Sequel Potential. So it was either the eldest or the Baby. Then the Eldest son had that argument when his brother said the Whale was his brother. And I was like "yeah he's about to die."
Them staying with the ocean tribe felt weird with the plot and I know they stay as Maori aliens in the end because of all the money spent on the special water motion capture technology.
I cannot believe that when looking at his two sons, dealing with their fights and misbehaviour and clashing personalities, there's zero reflection about his dead twin. What was that?
He's literally living in his dead twin's body (a body made from his twin's DNA) and there's zero reflection about that, about how his kids are more his brother's on some level. a fic author would never squander this angst.
IDK I overall enjoyed it, but for a film that took 12 years overall, there were too many issues with the storyline, script, emotional payoffs, plotholes and unearned or inexplicable character behaviour.
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dilfdoctordoom · 11 months
The prompt you got about justice for Peter perfectly illustrates exactly what's wrong with vol 3. The movie focuses on abuse victims getting healing, closure and set on a new path they deserve except Gamora who it blissfully ignores is one of the biggest victims of all.
She's not given multiple scenes to explore how she feels about a family she was robbed of. She's not given any scenes about what it was like to be 9 years in the future, find out her abuser murdered her and that she would have to build a new life while lots of other people know her as a guardian never got to be. Her own struggles are absent in vol 3 and that echoes through the fandom/audience.
You mentioned some people think this is feminist because she doesn't end up with Peter and that's really sad. Being single doesn't equal automatic feminist win and if people's feminism isn't intersectional or taking context into consideration they're doing it wrong. Gamora being loved, supported and fought for by Peter and the rest of the guardians in the other movies was not anti feminism. Especially with her being played by a woc. It's more obvious when you see people absolutely adoring how all of vol 3 is about Rocket getting loved, supported and saved by everyone.
Being sidelined, kept away from regaining her superhero team, having no arc of her own and miniscule representation on merch is also not feminism. More women, more poc, more diverse heroes, more women included on merch etc are all things fandoms have said they want and vol 3 said bye bye bye to a lot of that with Gamora. It's as if more people are happy she's not with Peter due to troubling concepts of what makes a strong female character than angry she was murdered. That's the exact opposite of feminism.
I'm sorry if this reads as ranty. I don't mean for it to. It's just getting harder to be at peace with this being the end of the road for Gamora. I don't think she was a perfect character but I do believe she was one of the best they had in the mcu before her murder. I am still trying to grasp what it means that they wanted to murder the first woc lead character we had so her abuser could advance and what it means that nothing about vol 3 portrayed this as something heinous we should all be upset about it.
This does read as ranty and this is the perfect place for that as I am consistently ranting about how Gamora was ultimately treated.
Gamora's very presence ruins everything Vol 3 aims for. The message of escaping your abuser and living your own life, becoming your whole self, falls hilariously flat when she's included. You cannot try to have that message alongside fridging a woman to make her abuser more sympathetic.
Add in how this movie even brought up Thanos's abuse-- it's treated as a punchline for the most part. The only time it isn't a joke (like with the eye scene between Nebula, Gamora & Peter) is when Nebula says "it's worse than what Thanos did to me" after finding out what happened to Rocket. That line drives me crazy; abuse isn't something that can be measured, as a basic thing, and if Gunn really wanted to try that... tell me which one of these characters is 70% cybernetics.
Gamora's such a non-entity in this film. Of course she gets to be mad at Quill-- but she doesn't get to speak to the others Guardians, doesn't get her new relationship with Nebula fleshed out, gets a single throwaway line about her alternative self having escaped Thanos. Does she know the details of how she died? Does she know she sacrificed everything for Nebula? Does she know she begged Peter to kill her?
We have no answers. Fuck, it's barely acknowledged that she knows Thanos murdered her.
I get that Gamora is green, but people really don't seem to get that she's played by Zoe Saldana, a woman of color, and how that does impact things. WOC get held up to very different standards and while there is obviously overlap in harmful tropes, it's insane to pretend that there aren't different ones applied to women of color. Acting like Gamora being robbed of a love interest that brought her true joy is feminist isn't a girlboss move; it's fulfilling a trope that women of color don't "need" a love interest.
What happened to Gamora was just sickening and so was the fandom response. There are a million think pieces on why what happened to Natasha was wrong; there isn't even a quarter of that for Gamora, when hers was, objectively, worse. I despise what happened to Natasha but god, at least it wasn't done to uplift her abuser.
I think it's also very telling how these characters have been treated post-mortem; Natasha received a solo movie & was memorialized in Hawkeye. Gamora... gets everything that mattered to her stripped away like it's nothing, her most important relationship (with Nebula) goes stagnant, and her horrific murder is brought up as a silly little joke.
Yeah, Gamora's treatment is rooted in a lot of sexism, but also a lot of racism and it's that second bit that has heavily impacted how the fandom reacted.
There's a lot of overlap between misogyny and racism in regard to the Guardians women, specifically, Gamora and Mantis, and there's also this strange refusal to see it addressed.
Seeing the interview Zoe Saldana gave recently really made it worse, IMO. She spoke about how even she wanted Gamora to return to the Guardians, but that wasn't the story Gunn wanted to tell... so now, just like us, she's left hoping that maybe in the future, Gamora gets to have her family back.
The Gamora aspect honestly killed the Guardians trilogy for me. I think it breaks the established pattern of the past 2 movies in a bad way, is nonsensical a finale to that story, and is overly reliant on downplaying the suffering of women to glorify a fucking raccoon.
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dizzymoods · 1 year
i watched Avatar 2 yesterday. Of course James Cameron is an anti-indigenous pos so all attendant qualifiers stand. The mouse needs to be eradicated posthaste too.
That being said. The backdrop of the film (seas of pandora) is a great and robust place to explore. Even the lil sea people being biologically different, culturally different etc; there was a lot to work with there. Everybody knows im an aquatic kinda guy so this is all fun I'd love to go snorkeling there.
This sequel tho feels like the force awakens. Just a lazy retread of the first movie. but in the ocean and not a forest. Bringing back the bad guy from the first movie was so boring like with force awakens. How many times do we need to see the death star defeated? Besides, you shouldve given edie falco some room to eat!! Honestly bringing back humans was dumb. i get it environmental destruction, colonization. But it's so dramatically uncompelling if you're gonna rehash the same beats.
ostensibly this franchise is supposed to get us to care about the environment. The last movie had such environmental damage and poisoning happen that its wasted potential for the film not to have dramatized what forest clean up looks like. The labor of that, the relocation, the building anew, what heals and recovers vs what remains scarred. These kinds of hollywood films cant dramatize these things bc they aren't "conflict-based"
Regardless of James Cameron's intentions, I think the series so far actually goes against a white savior narrative. Fairly consistently the white guy isn't saving people so much as fucking them over and blowing their shit up. And at every turn when he relies on "human" (read: American) ways shit goes left. Only the "indigenous" ways have lead to healing and solvency. Making Zoe Saldana a lowkey villain bc if she closed her legs to white men none of this shit would've happened and he'd've been forgotten by now.
This guy's reliance on traditional family values too is constantly fucking him and his over. Him being tough on his kids leads them to resent him and defy his authority as an act of self-determination. The lesson throughout really is that the family is insufficient in nature. Nature is part of the family. and the village is family as the family is village is nature.
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redrascal1 · 10 months
Both Zoe Saldana and Chris Pratt intended to quit GotG after chapter 3.
So, putting it bluntly, they DID NOT have to end their love affair. They could have rode off into the sunset together.
I am a woman with no sex drive. A woman that nevertheless loves romance, and finds it in fantasy - films, tv and books.
Disney are breaking my heart. They are robbing a lonely het asexual woman of enjoying in fiction the romance she will never find in life. Star Wars, Guardians, Mulan, Thor....the list is endless.
People have pointed out that Disney seem to be promoting 'family love' over romantic love. So, Rey finds love with her new adoptive parents and Peter with his grandad.
One big problem...Peter's granddad is in his dotage. Rey's 'parents' are already dead.
Why can't we have BOTH?
Fact is, Peter will lose his grandad. He will be alone again.
Rey already is.
Please Disney...for fuck's sake stop promoting loneliness. It's overrated. Trust me....I know.
Give me - and everyone else - back our escapism.
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hepbaestus · 1 year
Thoughts on The Adam Project (2022)
I'm bored so let's watch The Adam Project (2022).
All I know is that Walker Scobell is playing a young Ryan Reynolds (Walker's also going to be Percy Jackson which I'm really excited about)
Cool Earth shot bro
Set in 2050. Huh, only 17 years from now.
Oh he's bleeding and is a Captain
Oooooo wormhole looks cool
And so he stole the ship
Ahh young Adam gets bullied
Tryna shoot his shot
Poor Chuck
He's asthmatic, I was too
Oof Adam's a smol child
I love the sass of this kid
Such a nice house
Oh no his mum's nicely dressed up - going on a date
Walker really does remind me of Ryan, he's done a fantastic job
"Make good choices".
Of course he just has a vr headset
Ominous music and lighting. Nice
His dog is named Hawking??
The fact that he just has a giant woods behind his house astounds me
Oooo cool embers
How does this remember the way in that woods, I'd get lost so easily
Oooo dusty old shed, probably his father's??
"What are you doing in here?" "Mostly bleeding." God I love this film already.
I hate the squelch of blood.
Good doggie
I love the exasperated adult and curious unathletic child dynamic
Born 2010? God I feel old.
Poor Hawking
The wound farting at older Ryan's cough breaking the moment is so on point for a Ryan Reynolds film.
The CGI of this film is really cool
Just the use of the flashlight is cool, how it shows when he's lying and stuff.
"Hey there kiddo." I hate that phrase.
The lighting in this film. Ugh I love it
That's a lot of letters
Ewww Cheerios, one of the worst cereals known to mankind.
They're just casually talking about this in public, as you do
Good ol' adult threatening a child, also as you do normally, you know?
The area where this was filmed is beautiful.
The emphasis on "ever more" hurts
Meaningful conversation with mum and older Adam, weird
Oooooo ship over water?
Ahhh the people searching for old Adam.
The conflict is beginning
They still have the same mannerisms? That's cool.
His dad invented time travel? That's so cool
The dog knows that they're here.
That taser spin? Hot.
Cool not-lightsaber
Oh fuck.
Emotional manipulation?
I feel bad for young Adam to explain this.
That's a fucking lightsaber
Young Adam's outfit reminds me of Steve Harrington's when he and Robin were getting their jobs at Family Video.
Into the woods where the trees could easily be set alight causing a forest fire? Of course
"Don't you just want to hold him underwater until the bubbles stop" what a line
Aww sad conversation where she has to stay in young Adam's timeline while Ryan!Adam has to go back to fix things
Ooooo weapons
Ooo explosives
College is a high point? Oof
Losing his scholarship? Oh no.
The emphasis on the "we're". Awwww
Is this where she dies? Oopie
I wish Mark Ruffalo was my lecturer, he seems so fun and simultaneously morbid at the same time
He's such a dad omg
The fact that they're arguing in public about this
"Stop being a scientist, be a father."
Omg this is he talking to her younger self
I love that he can't cook
Young Adam's nicknames for Ryan!Adam is brilliant
Gotta love the daddy issues laced into this film, it like me fr
This fight scene gives me Guardians of the Galaxy vibes
Hell yeah young Adam with the fake lightsaber
The way he held the saber, can't wait for that in the Percy Jackson show
Ah yes the sad parting talk with their father
Healing the daddy issues by playing catch
That's such a sad shot, the glove on the ground with the wind moving the leaves and his dad is not in focus behind it
Please tell me Ryan!Adam gets a good ending
They meet again at the academy!
Hell yeah good ending.
Overall score: 8/10
Recommendations welcome!
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riosnecktattoo · 1 year
why don't you like spider from avatar the way of water :(
(spoilers obvs)
Firstly I would say that aspect of the plot was utterly uninteresting to me and every time it cut back to it I was kinda bored. I didn't mind him so much when he was with the Sully's at the start. Who we are sold as his family unit along with all the Na’Vi who he views as his people.
This was then the cornerstone for my dislike of him as the film progressed.
I went with my best friend and there were MULTIPLE times, in Spider’s scenes, where we turned to eachother with a wtf stink face that conveyed fuck this guy lol
He’s horribly unevenly written. From scene to scene his loyalties and affections change and that’s very hard to warm to. Especially since we are obviously Team Jake and his family and the Na’Vi.
Spider had one moment where he seems (rightly) sad over who his biological father is and then.......he’s captured by him and they become best buds. He really seems more fascinated than disgusted.
He is fully aware that Quarritch is a genocidal evil man and he’s literally actively hunting down with a view to murder Jake and his family. And Spider’s......chuckling and laughing with him? Having a good old father-son bond while they laugh about how he’s pronouncing I see you wrong. Just sweet little father-son things.
I feel like those scenes are written and performed so oddly that it’s hard to know what the film wants me to think about that character. And he is a perspective character, so how he engages with things is how we engage. In some ways he’s meant to be the audience surrogate, since he’s the only human lead. But Spider was all over the place. And not in an intersting ooooh where do his loyalties lie way because.......they should fuckin be with his people! Jake! Not helping his would-be murderer find him!?!
He’s literally smiling and laughing with Quarritch for the whole film and then just....present for a lot of war crimes that at best he’s overwhelmed by and at worst he’s....kind of interested in. And it made me (and most of my screen judging by the chorus of do it’s that sounded out when Neytiri had him under her knife) dislike him intensely.
This quote from an article - -  “Those scenes just don’t have enough emotion from Spider to really communicate the depths of his identity struggles, so he just seems weirdly interested — even complicit! — in harming these sick-ass majestic animals.” - - Like....exactly!
There’s definitely an argument that he doesn’t know where he fits in and Qaurritch obviously cares for him when Neytiri was calling his bluff but..........no? fuck that guy? 
Your ‘brother’ died saving you. They were all safe and away and they came back for you. And you save the man responsible for his death. Cool.
oh ALSO the two scenes where he’s.....scared of Neytiri cause he saw the video of her killing his dad? He should be fuckin impressed not having evil little thoughts which he so obviously was. Like....woman kills the evil man who is about to murder Jake, the man she loves. The evil man who also nuked her home and murdered thousands of her people and destroyed sacred sites with glee. That’s applause only!
Lastly just in general, in such a creative and visually stunning film I thought his character design was......bad, bland and thoughtless. And there were many times when I don't think the acting performance was very good. Like Zoe Saldana out-acted him (and everyone else) and she was a CGI cat. He often took me out of the world and in the worst spots I had to suppress a laugh.
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daensa-fangirl · 19 days
I have been watching TV series my whole life
But there are three major disappointments I have while watching TV series and anticipating next seasons of TV series. Three major disappointments regarding TV series in chronological order:
1) Game of thrones season 8 had been so abyssmal that all the love I had for that show dwindled into bits of pieces. Fuck you David Benioff and D.B Weiss 😡😡 for fucking up Daenerys and Emilia Clarke and other cast members too by butchering their character arcs.
2) Killing Eve season 4 ending was the worst . I am angry 😡 on Laura Neal for fucking up the whole series by killing off Villanelle and doing justice to Jodie Comer.
3) Latest is the depression I am having right now because of the announcement of Special ops lioness season 2. That is Taylor Sheridan has not announced Stephanie Nur for season 2 of this series. She was instrumental for the success of this series along with Laysla De Oliveira, not big names like Zoe Saldana and Nicole Kidman. People watched the series for Steph not for some bullshit military propaganda. I am so pissed off. Taylor Sheridan you are doing a mistake.
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nsfwhiphop · 2 months
Incoming Text for Tracey Edmonds:
Hey, Tracey! It's me, your sweetheart.
I know you're upset because you're getting only $2billion.
You are an African-American woman, have you ever seen a black woman wealthier than Oprah? No, they don't exist.
You need to understand this, you're not allowed to have more than $2billion, if you have more than this amount, you will become the target of slander and media attacks because black people in America are not allowed to have that much wealth in their bank accounts.
Wake-up lady, we are living in a racist world.
Listen, don't be jealous of @missdade because she is getting $30billion dollars, she is allowed to have this wealth because she is Hispanic, okay?
Hispanic women are allowed to have $30billion dollars in their bank account. No one can stop her, she is untouchable.
But you're a black woman living in America, and you want $30billion dollars, guess what? You will never succeed, they will make sure that you lose all your wealth.
In other terms,
The United States Government is like Ike Turner.
And Tracey Edmonds is like Tina Turner.
I told this to Zoe Saldana in one of my conversations, I just don't remember when that conversation occurred.
I remember I told Zoe Saldana this:
The United States Government is like Alejandro "Alex" Sosa.
And Zoe Saldana is like Tony Montana.
So, you know why you have only two billion dollars now, ask your slave owners in America, they have all the answers.
They told you Slavery was over, well, guess what? That was a lie.
Tracey Edmonds and Zoe Saldana are asking me: "So, what does this mean? Are you telling me that I could have been $30billion dollars richer but I can't because of the United States Government?"
Angelo says: "Here is my answer:
"Yes, you dumb broads, wake the fuck up. You broads love the American territory so much but you are not allowed to become a female billionaire with $30billion dollars in the bank account. This is what you signed up for, so don't blame me, okay? Blame your slave masters, they own you."
I'm sorry I said dumb broads, but I had to use those words to help you realize that you are dumb if you don't even realize these things.
Any black woman in America who doesn't know this is dumb, period.
Any latina woman in America who doesn't know this is dumb, period.
You are owned by the U.S. Government, just like Ike owned Tina.
Guess what? I'm bouncin', I'm gonna live happy with @missdade.
Bye, bye!
I will give $2billion to Tracey Edmonds, so she can go live in the territory of Ike Turner a.k.a. the U.S. Government.
I also gave something to Zoe Saldana, so she can go live in the territory of Alejandro "Alex" Sosa a.k.a. the U.S. Government.
I think you get my point now, I'm bored, I'm changing the subject now.
Okay, this chat was fun.
I love you, Tracey! Have fun, big hug for you.
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e-i-l-f · 5 months
i know this is my own insecurity but i need to vent to the void and i'm probably not going to be very articulate but i am so SICK of the world wide obsession with big boobs, super sick of big boobs being a symbol of maturity, sexiness, womanhood etc in fictional characters and that mentality bleeding so fully into real life.
i'm sick of there hardly being any characters who are full grown women with b cups and under, like //fuck// off.
smaller chested characters are almost exclusively children, and when we do actually get a woman character with smaller boobs, i often see real life women CRITICIZING this choice, especially if that character has any kind of romance, people being like "it's problematic that she looks so young" SHE LOOKS LIKE EVERY OTHER FEMALE CHARACTER SHE IS JUST LESS CURVY. A lot of real life women look like that so fuck off about it.
like do you want us to apologize? sorry i don't have big boobs? sorry i don't fit the criteria that proves to you that i'm a woman???
this has been exacerbated lately by real life stuff, bc a lot of transfem art online, especially by furries for some reason, are like obsessive about having big boobs like it feels like all the jokes lately are about "haha she told the trans dr to make her boobs huge and now she has back problems". just makes me rly fucking annoyed bc i'm a borderline furry i guess and these are my people and i enjoy interacting and hearing trans perspectives and furry perspectives and all other sorts but.
i'm all over the place. TL;DR people i interact with online seem increasingly vocal lately about the old-as-time and incredibly obnoxious human obsession with big boobs, and it's been getting to me.
this isn't anything i'd want to block anyone over, like i love my mutuals and they are funny, vibrant people but tumblr has been the one safe social media for me, it's the only one i have anymore, bc it's been the only social media i can be on without immediately feeling like shit about myself.
sometimes i feel like i finally love myself, and then something that seems like it should be rly insignificant just builds and builds until i'm crushed.
shout out to public figures like Zoe Saldana and Kiera Knightley for making me feel normal. shout out to my irl transfem friends who do not seem to have this obsession and ground me when i feel crazy about this.
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