#full goat curry
deshifoodchanneldfc · 5 months
আমেরিকান প্রবাসী আপার টাকায় আস্ত খাসি ভুনা Full Goat Curry For Needy Vi...
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nba24highlights · 2 years
Steph Curry Five Full Court 3 Pointers! Right Angle 2023 #stephcurry #curry #shorts #nba24highlights #NBA24Highlights
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chickenwayindia · 2 years
Top Dishes Which Can be made with Fresh Mutton
Mutton is considered one of the most delicious varieties of meat, whole worldwide. There are a variety of fresh mutton dishes that can be cooked and enjoyed with your family and friends. Fresh mutton meat has a delicious flavor and unique texture, making it an ideal pick for curries, kebabs, and tandoors.
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mxlktxa · 1 year
tlou mlist — quick reads/rambles — full mlist
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you screamed as abby pushed you on the ground rolling off the bed to crawl on top of you and tickle you til you could barely breathe.
“you wanna fuck around and find out, we can fuck around and find out!” abby laughed fingers attacking your sides and neck.
“i didnt mean to! i just wanted one bite!” you squealed, gripping her wrists trying to pry her away, “abby, stop it, im gonna pee!”
surprisingly thats all it took for abby to stop and place kisses on your face before pulling you up to your feet. you kissed the dirty blonde then giggled after you pulled away from her.
“maybe dont order curry for yourself. i like it too, y’know.”
“i dont like sharing my food.”
“but you like sharing everything else!” you laughed, pinching her cheek, “why don’t we cook some tonight? goat curry, m’yeah?”
abby scoffed, mocking your stance and rolling her eyes “m’yeah,” she said, “why do you say ‘yeah’ like that?”
“why are you such a dick?” you bit your lip to muffle a laugh, covering your mouth as extra protection.
“excuse me?” abby raised her brows, hands reaching for your stomach again. you slapped her hands away, bolting to the bathroom.
“nothing! im going pee now, meet you in the kitchen!”
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eonars · 5 months
waitress at indian restaurant left speechless as my white ass goes to absolute town on some goat curry, stops by to ask if ive ever had it before as im two cheeks full of goat, doesn't realize im a fellow resident of goatistan and i know full well what im doing
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 5 months
Hi Lemon!! 🍋 nice Ask week🍑 right back at ya!
1. Same question as you asked me, when did you join the ls fandom and what made you join?☺️
2. In honor of your Eid fic for the platonic relationships event (which I’m sorry I haven’t gotten the time to finish and give the love it deserves yet since I got home😫) If you could choose one platonic relationship that got more focus in s5 which would you choose and what would be the storyline surrounding it?
3. Since you’re so good at putting silliness and laughs into the fandom, if Tim and Ryan asked you to write an episode (or just some of it) full of crack and shenanigans that includes at least three out of these 5 things: 1) a stubborn pony, 2) a midieval gown 3) a basket full of peaches 🍑🍑 3) a shit-ton of five-spice and 4) an accidentally unsexy sexy playlist, what would roughly transpire?
(You can choose to answer as many of the questions as you want no pressure)
Hope you’re enjoying your weekend!! - Mar🐟🌼
Hi Mar!! Thank you for this very nice 🍑!
1. I’m not really sure, lol! I’ve been watching the show since the first episode. I used to creep on Reddit. But I found myself getting more and more annoyed that all of the important Tarlos scenes kept happening offscreen. And then Push aired and I got super annoyed with them going from TK waking up to moving into the loft with not so much as a conversation. And I remembered someone on Reddit had mentioned that Tim made a snarky comment about how people should go to fanfic if they want resolution for any of his dangling thread stories so I was like okay I guess I’ll check that out… and then at the end of season four I found myself on tumblr!! 😂
2. Marjan and TK!!!!!! I want more Marjan and TK content so bad!!! I want Marjan’s sister to visit and the three of them to go to the Turkish tea house. Maybe an earthquake hits while they’re out, and Marj and TK have to pull a bunch of people to safety and save some folks and they enlist Sahar to help. And at the end of the episode Sahar comes to Catan night and she and Marjan have a lovely talk about how she really sees that Marjan is living the life she’s meant to live and she’s built this beautiful supportive found family and she’s proud of her 🥰
3. Okay, Tarlos spends the weekend at the Reyes ranch. Carlos takes TK horseback riding but he’s worried about putting TK on an actual horse, due to all the head injuries, so he assigns him a pony named Tator. Except Tator is very stubborn and refuses to take left turns!!! So he walks straight into a lake with TK still on his back. Carlos comes to his rescue and TK tries to turn it into a sexy Mr. Darcy in the lake situation. Except Tator is eating his shirt.
Undeterred in his quest for sexiness, when they get dried off TK goes out to the orchards snd comes back with a basket of peaches and a very suggestive look. Carlos gets the hint and they start to get their sexy on but before they can get too far they’re interrupted by Tator, who has broken out of the stables and tramples their sexy peach picnic.
Once Tator is subdued TK sequesters Carlos in the bedroom and puts on a sexy playlist. But instead of Sade and Barry Manilow, they’re blasted with WHAT’S NEW PUSSYCAT WHOoOOoOOooaaaH!!!!!
Meanwhile, Paul is making his famous goat curry for lunch back at the station. Mateo tries to help but he gets distracted by a woman wearing a medieval gown who’s entered the firehouse with a basket of peaches for the handsome fire captain who resuscitated her after she fell off the pole in her pole dancing class. She tries to flirt with Owen, but is mercifully cut off by the bell. The crew races downtown to a spice factory, where there’s been a malfunction and a machine is spewing five spice everywhere. Judd is red faced and crying about his Scotch-Irish constitution. Being the smallest one, Mateo has to climb inside the machine to shut it off.
In the end, everyone is covered in five spice and they spend the whole trip back to the station crying about how they can never eat Chinese food again 😂
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Drop a dish recipe, and I can share my absolutely thrilling recipe for non-specific Scandinavian fish soup.* *I'll be honest, Idk if it's even in any way Scandi, but I cooked it here, so it counts... there's no banana. Fuck bananas.
Oh, Banana!anon! It's been a minute, how have you been?
Stew and Rice
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2 pounds of fresh tomatoes 2 large red onions 2 cans of tomato sauce 1-2 pounds poultry (chicken, turkey, whathaveyou) 1-2 pounds beef (or goat or lamb) 1-2 pounds of a white fish (cod or pollock) 4-6 Habanero peppers Maggi cubes Curry powder Thyme Cooking Oil (either Canola or Olive) Liquid Aminos to taste (more conventionally this would be salt, but my mother has high blood-pressure so I'm used to not using salt-to-taste anymore) Rice (typically Parboiled rice but Jasmine or Brown work well too) Optional: Broccoli Mixed Vegetables Plantains
First, after rinsing them, cut the tomatoes into large chunks. Then blend them until smooth with a combination of ½ one of the tomato sauce cans and water. This may take several rounds due to having to pour out a full blender into a pot and starting over. However, when you're on your last round of tomato chunks, make sure to blend in the Habanero peppers as well.
At this point, the tomato/tomato sauce/Habanero mixture should be in a large pot. Cover it and set it to boil on low heat. Your main goal is to boil off the excess water.
While the tomato mixture is boiling down, cut your white fish into large portions. Place them on a baking sheet (or a baking pan lined with foil) and place them into the oven at 400°. The goal here isn't to make the fish crispy but to make it so that the fish won't fall apart when introduced to the stew, so keep an eye on it.
While that's going, chop up your red onions. Set them to the side.
At this point, cut your poultry and your beef/goat/lamb into chunks. Put them into a pot with a handful of your cut onions and 4-5 crushed Maggi cubes. Let them boil, covered, on medium heat until the proteins break down and the meat is tender (around an hour or so).
Check back in on your tomato/tomato sauce/Habanero mixture. It should have boiled down a bit but not all the way. Add in the rest of your tomato sauce (the leftover can and a half) and half of your onions. Stir before covering the pot back up.
NOTE 1: Whenever you uncover the pot, be wary because the mixture is volatile and will splash quite a bit. And the splashes burn no matter how experienced you are.
NOTE 2: Occasionally scrape the bottom with a rubber spatula to prevent any of the stew from catching and burning on the bottom of the pot.
By this point, your fish should be removed from the oven (remember, the goal is to firm it up, not to crisp it up). Once your poultry and beef/goat/lamb are tender enough, you can begin the process of putting everything together.
When the tomato/tomato sauce/Habanero mixture has boiled off all of the excess water, retrieve another pot (seriously, if your stove doesn't look like the Battle of Waterloo by the time you're done, you're doing it wrong) and pour in half a cup of cooking oil. Once heated, add in the rest of your chopped onions and cook until tender.
Then, pour your stew mixture into the pot with the oil and onions to essentially 'fry' the stew mixture (you're really just trying to temper everything to the same temperature and consistency). Carefully add in your fish, poultry, and beef/goat/lamb. Stir while adding in healthy amounts of curry powder and thyme. Depending on the consistency, you may have to add more cooking oil at this point.
Allow this to cook for a few minutes while you grind up more Maggi cubes (5-6). It's preferable to use a mortar and pestle, but if you unwrap several cubes, put them in a bowl, add a tablespoon or two of warm water, and wait for a few minutes for them to crumble, that works too.
Pour that into the pot and stir. Add in a few healthy splashes of Liquid Aminos (or a few pinches of salt-to-taste) and cover. Let this cook on it's own for ten minutes before cutting the heat.
Boil yourself a pot of rice (or use a rice cooker, they are better than sex after all). When the rice is up to snuff, plate out several scoops. Uncover your stew and ladle out one or two scoops (you don't want to drown your rice in stew; keep things balanced). Plate with cooked vegetables (broccoli is my preference but mixed vegetables are another option) and fried plantains.
Grab a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, or a responsible beverage and enjoy!
NOTE: Depending on what part of Nigeria someone's from, they may have a strong appreciation for Ponmo (otherwise known as Kanda). This is basically cow skin. And I fucking HATE IT because eating it is just constant chewing and cooking it is a neverending balancing act of 'if I don't cook it long enough, it's going to be hard and if I cook it too long, it's going to turn into jelly'. I mention this because sometimes people like to add this to stew and rice as well. And the adjustment to the recipe in that case would be as follows: While your poultry and beef/goat/lamb are boiling, clean your Ponmo/Kanda (remove and stray bits of fur or unsavory bits). When your Ponmo/Kanda are clean, just before your poultry and beef/goat/lamb are done boiling, add in the Ponmo/Kanda to make sure it gets some good initial cooking time without going gummy.
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luthied · 6 months
The power trip that comes from making your own yogurt is. Weirdly addicting.
I have been falling into making things from scratch that I just never considered or thought would be too hard. After last year though I decided to just try to do things. Push myself to not just talk about doing something Some Day.
Partner has definitely encouraged this behavior and allowed me to splurge on raw materials. So when I had the fortune to get some goat milk from a friend I jumped at it with Partner’s full blessing.
Now my dear friends I have a confession. I have never had goat’s milk. Heck I have rarely had goat based products, milk or otherwise, because my mother was very much not a fan of them. I mirror her disdain and have been slowly been relearning how to truly enjoy food. So this was a big gamble. I would either hate it, tolerate it, or maybe even like it.
Turns out goat milk isnt half bad! There is a slight tang but nothing major. It is definitely very good with mocha chocolate chunk cookies!
Partner started cooking with it. Adding it into our reheated soup and a curry. If anything it made the flavor richer! So I decided to try to make yogurt. This was a big step for me because it was always a One Day project.
Today was that day.
I successfully made yogurt! It definitely has a stronger tang but honestly I dont usually eat straight yogurt anyway so I am excited to try it with a bit of honey.
And now dear friends? Now I wanna make ricotta.
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nugulover69 · 1 year
Go-onger vs gekiranger movie livewatch notes (spoilers for all of gekiranger btw)
-Gou lost Bae in India and he does not care nor does anyone else care. that fly cured you of your werewolf disease you ungrateful bitch
-Hant hit on Miki when she would visit the curry shop he worked at. milf liker Hant
-The Engines and Jan talk in the same cutesy baby language incroyable
-Jan is immediately willing to trade Long's Ball Prison in exchange for the baddies not zapping Speedor. Sosuke has done worse things to Speedor but Jan's dainty kitty heart doesn't need to know that
-Jan scaling a building like spoider man
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-Retsu and Gou playing the piano with their toes. big win for the Fukami liking feet freaks
-The baddies being able to hammer Long's Ball Prison into an Engine Soul shape is so concerning. why is it so malleable. i know its for the funny but still
-Ken's horndog behavior for girl yellows is mostly Not Funny Didn't Laugh but him giving Saki a ginkgo leaf with a smile drawn on it was cute
-Ran poking Gunpei's cheek also very cute. i too wish i could do that
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-Jan being the reasonable one opposite Sosuke is so WeirdChamp. feral turned domesticated cat vs unneutered batshit orange tomcat
-Go on Wings already know beast fist because of course they do
-There are also plentiful Renn and Hant feet shots. toku foot perverts rejoice
-POV you are just a little upside down hater
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-Actually I think teaching beast fist to the go ongers is a dangerous idea. they should NOT have this power they WILL do stupid shenanigans with them
-Sosuke getting his geki powers not though training but by being really passionate about saving Speedor. they would be so yaoi if Speedor wasn't a sentient toy car
-Incredible Blueisms on display here
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-Go on Wings trained under Gorie Yen specifically what is this lore
-Bruh it was literally that easy to revive Leo and Mele lmao that doesn't cheapen their deaths at all
-Oh but they're going to perma super hell after this aight sure
-2 minute roll call babeyyyyyy
-Long's bipedal hydra form is so silly looking. tho i guess anything would be a downgrade compared to a horse hydra
-Bae is back from India (in a turban) no thanks to WORST FRIEND EVER GOU
-God the go on mechs are so ugly
-"Engine beast grand prix" sounds like a wild mario kart track
-Jan's hair is very long and pwetty
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-Unhand him you purple furry
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-Just as well Natsume's favorite food is egg tarts bc it seems Renn canonically cannot cook anything that isn't egg based. also Gunpei being so proud of buying the eggs ough kawaii doggy
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-Jan doing Bomper's "bom bom!" ahhhhhhhh kitty
-Genki reds genki redding
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-Oh neat they included some bonus live event footage. G3 princess rap and engine formation rap goated
-LMAO THERE'S A PREVIEW FOR KR DECADE HERE? also shinkenger. wow 09 sure was a while ago huh. don't like the passage of time much
Closing thots: cute lil movie! nothing particularly amazing or funny but the contrast between "competent and sensible people" gekis and "heads full of sawdust" go ongers was amusing enough. i would say that bringing Leo and Mele back from the dead AND releasing Long from his Ball Prison kinda cheapened the ending to geki but man. its sentai it ain't that serious lol
6/10 not enough genki red shenanigans for my liking. maybe Jan and Sosuke should have kissed a lil idk
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cakemeistro · 10 months
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🚨 News Flash 🚨 The Christmas Menu 2023 event last call for order will be December 10! So be sure to secure your order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Can’t wait to get started on crafting your stress-free Christmas feast. Again thanks to all my supporters as we make 2023 a year to remember!
For those yet to order, you don’t want to miss out on some festive sensations:
✨ Jerk Chicken
✨ Curry Goat
✨ Jerk Sausage
✨ Macaroni and Cheese
✨ Fruit Cake
✨ Cookies ‘n’ Cream Cake
✨ @baileysofficial Red Velvet Cake
✨ Pineapple Upside-Down Cake
✨ Apple Crumble
✨ Sorrel (non-alcoholic)
✨ Jerk Ketchup (condiment)
Looking to have a bountiful feast this Christmas and need a few items to make your dinner table truly festive? Email me for the full menu, pricelist and how to order — [email protected] !
#jerkchicken #jerksausage #jerkketchup #currygoat #macaroniandcheese #macaronincheese #fruitcake #blackcake #rumcake #rumcakes #jamaicanrumcake #cookiesandcream #baileys #irishcream #redvelvet #baileysredvelvet #pineappleupsidedowncake #pineappleupsidedown #applecrumble #sorrel #cake #christmas #christmasdinner #christmasdinnertable #christmastime #christmasdinnerideas
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আস্ত খাসি দই মিষ্টি ডিম দিয়ে ২০০+ মানুষের জন্য জমজমাট খাবার আয়োজন Full G...
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nba24highlights · 2 years
Steph Curry Five Full Court 3 Pointers! 2023 #nba24highlights #NBA24Highlights #stephcurry #curry #fyp #viral
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lalazeewrites · 2 years
Ahhh, thank you so much for tagging me in such a fun quiz! I am LOVING reading everyone's answers! All of you make me smile so much 😍 @stocious @shinygalaxyperson @energievie 😍
what are some movie / tv quotes that you quote often?
"Keep it secret, keep it safe!" - LOTR (any time I hand anybody anything) "What, like it's hard?" - Legally Blonde A million quotes from Arrested Development, Seinfeld, and Simpsons, because I'm annoying.
what is your favorite flower?
Iris, tulip, daffodil, bleeding hearts.
if you were in avatar: the last airbender what element would you want to bend? earth, fire, water or air?
what was your first job?
An ice cream shop where I had to sing full length songs about ice cream and also sing every time I got tipped.
what is your favorite breakfast?
Difficult! I'm a breakfast PERSON as a LIFE RULE. I eat breakfast food often more than once a day. Maybe a giant waffle with all three of the fruits. Although my local place does a waffle with bacon and chocolate that I love. But when I say that, I miss meat. You see my problem. Scottish square sausage is the best sausage.
what’s a meal from childhood that you love?
Going fishing with my dad, he'd clean the fish outdoors (or have me scale & gut them), and then he'd fry them til super crisp over the fire, cooking in a pan with masses of butter and salt.
what’s your favorite joke to tell?
My kid is the joke-teller, I'm funny on the fly/in banter.
what’s your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
The reptile & amphibian house!
what’s your go to quick meal to cook / make at home?
Packet ramen that I load up with egg, meat, veggies etc. Chocolate chip pancakes. Omelets with whatever filling is in the fridge.
what’s your go to meal to cook someone to impress them?
Shrimp red curry from scratch, lamb & okra curry (recipe from my Pakistani ex-father-in-law), lasagna.
what’s something you want to do better?
I don't know. I try to be kind to myself and not give myself expectations that may fail, and rather try and work toward a general goal. Like, I would like to continue to learn and grow in handling my PTSD, triggers, and symptoms in a healthy way.
if you’re working do you like your job?
Yup! I love it! I haven't been able to work in 6 months, because of my spine injury, but I'll be back once I heal from surgery. I work at my daughter's grammar school as a recess and lunch monitor, so I get to see her every day, as well as her friends. We have a good time!
do you collect anything? what?                                              
I of course collect all my concert tickets. I collect horror movies, like I have hundreds of horror DVDs, a lot of them obscure (and many of them not). I've been collecting different editions of Anne Rice books since I was 11yrs old.
if you were trapped in a kids tv show, what show would you be okay with being trapped in?
Sailor Moon!
an adults tv show?
God, all the shows I watch & love are all so fucking fraught with Horrors LOL Can I be on Supernatural as long as y'all promise I don't end up like all the other women on the show?
what kind of job did you want as a child?
I wanted to be a garbage lady!!! I wanted to actively help save the environment lol. So, I was always really happy when the garbage people came along to take away the trash and recycling. Later, I wanted to go into zoology. (Didn't do any of those things, I got a scholarship in Theater & Arts lol)
do you follow any sports? what team do you root for?
if you could be any animal what would you be and why?
I've always wanted to be a sea turtle! Drifting and dreaming through the pretty seas and having a million lovely beautiful babies.
if you could be any mythological creature what would you be and why?
Probably like a pan. Y'know, with the goat legs, playing music all day and getting drunk, partying with the other forest fae.
what’s the most obscure thing you’ve had to google for a fanfic you were writing/reading?
I was definitely googling how nuclear power reactors function for Star Trek fic and learned more than I imagined I would lol.
what milkovich do you identify with most?
Ooof, of course Mickey. Growing up terrified of a severely abusive father who would snap at the smallest thing, having an eastern european immigrant family, growing up with anger issues but being excessively soft on the inside, and hey, my parents are chicago born-bred folks (first generation american).
which one are you actually like the most?
ughhhhh. . .Why I gotta decide?! Mickey lol.
what gallagher do you identify with most? 
Fiona. She had to deal with Frank the most. My dad is a lot a lot a lot like Frank (narcisstic alcoholic genius level asshole who is happy to abandon their kid & make them feel bad about it instead of taking responsibility), to the point where I will sometimes get triggered by his presence in an episode and have to stop watching for months at a time when I was first watching the show. She's always trying her best to be everything for everyone, usually to the detriment of her own personal identity and happiness. She's absolutely easily the most like me.
 which one are you actually like the most?
No, still Fiona lol
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missjoolee · 1 year
tagged by @fandomscraziness22 (thanks!)
Tag some people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Married to my high school sweetheart. i don’t call him that though. complete punk.
Song stuck in my head: I’ve been waking up with the INVISIBLE by Conquer Divide stuck in my head the past few days
Last song I listened to: Someone Like You (cover) by Ice Nine Kills (i’m listening to a playlist of metal covers of songs at work and honestly it’s been pretty fun)
Three favorite foods: Oh golly. Ummm. Mapo Tofu Tonkotsu Ramen. Japanese curry rice. and any variation of mac n cheese? (this one is so hard lol) (Curses! i forgot about garlic bread!!)
Last thing I googled: I think it was what the difference between download and magnets for torrenting. 
Dream trip: I’ve had the good fortune to be able to travel a bit early in my adult life. But Europe has never been attainable. I’d love to go to some of the festivals there as well as spend time in nature so different from the flat plains of Nebraska.
Anything I want right now: I want a small acreage full of trees where i can have chickens and goats, fiber internet, and perhaps a small garden. a cozy fire pit and a koi pond. Old trees would be preferable but any amount of breathing room from other people would be fine.
Tagging @story-courty, @claire8216 @preoccupied-educator @bex2313 @onlygenxhere and anyone else who would like to join in!
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fleurdelanuit13 · 1 year
FFXIVWRITE 2023: Prompt 16 - Jerk
Lyla and Zhai'a were once again sat in Zhai'a's "formerly spare room, now a proper office" office at Stillglade Fane. After reviewing reports for what felt like bells, they broke for lunch and returned with their food just as the skies unleashed a torrent of rain.
"Are you alright...?" Lyla asked. Zhai'a had taken one bite of his meal and was already coughing.
"I am... perfectly fine," he wheezed, then reached for his water.
"That won't help with—" Lyla began to say but he held out his free hand to interrupt her.
"It is not the heat," he said after a large gulp. "I simply ate it too quickly."
"Uh huh." Lyla remained skeptical.
"And I didn't let it cool enough."
Lyla covered her mouth as she spoke with it full. "So it is the heat."
"Of temperature, not spice." He made sure to blow on the next forkful but still coughed a bit upon eating it.
"How long has it been since you last had jerk dodo?" Lyla asked through another mouthful.
"Um..." He thought about it, and then his brow furrowed as he kept thinking.
Lyla cracked a smile. "If you have to think that hard, it's been too long."
Zhai'a motioned at her. "Well how long has it been since you last had it?"
"Far too long."
Zhai'a pulled his plate closer. "I can tell. You've already inhaled half of yours."
Lyla gave a small shrug. "So if you don't plan to eat yours..."
"I do plan to eat mine," Zhai'a said. To prove that point, he took a large piece of it and sliced it into smaller bite-sized portions. "I am savoring the flavor. It's particularly tender and well-seasoned."
"Hmmm..." Lyla took another bite of hers as if to test his claim. "Can't argue with you there."
Zhai'a honed in on the plantains. "And I mean no offense to Gridanian cuisine, but..."
Lyla moved on to her rice and peas. "You'd be hard-pressed to find this in the main city and it's always a blessing for our tongues when this shop's open?"
Zhai'a chuckled and sat back in his chair for a moment. "Aye, something like that."
A crash of thunder shook the Fane. "We should've ordered more before the storm hit," Zhai'a mused.
"I thought you didn't want to attract attention when we got back," Lyla said.
"Yes, but I now realize that we were in such a hurry, we forgot to get curry goat..."
Their coveted bounty was from a restaurant in the Shroud that only opened a few times a week and was not well-known to the majority of Gridanians. The takeout containers were airtight and excellent for travel, but carrying too many would've had more people noticing than Lyla would've liked. She even put up a barrier on the office door, for once the smell was in the air, every passerby would ask for some.
Lyla shut her eyes and groaned a bit. "They might still be open, but do you really want to go back out there?" she asked. More thunder boomed.
"You are very fast on your broom," Zhai'a said after a pause, "and good with weather charms..."
Lyla finished the rest of her dodo breast. "If you really want the goat, you're coming too. You can take the umbrella."
"The magicked umbrella, I presume?"
"It's easy to fly. And I want sweet plantains."
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allpromarlo · 1 year
5, 11, 17 and 28 for the ask game!
this was harder than i thought lol anyways thanks for the ask bb!
putting this shit under a readmore bc you know how it gets sometimes
5: a song that needs to be played LOUD
trademark usa - baby keem
i feel like this is so obvious lol that beat switch needs to be heard by the masses...the song is goated in and of itself but you don't have the full experience if you don't get to scream "I'M A HOT GIRL" alongside 15,500 other people
11: a song you never get tired of
ziplock - saba
i feel like saba has never made anything below average but he put the power of the gods into this song. literally every second is perfect like how did he do it. i could prolly listen to this 20x in a row and i wouldn't get tired of it
17: a song you would sing a duet with on karaoke
lovely - billie eilish, khalid
extreme generic answer but given the fact that i sing with the vocal talent of a strangled goose and i barely know any songs w 2 artists on them that you can sing at a karaoke...yeah this was a last resort
28: a song by an artist with a voice that you love
switch it up - denzel curry
i talk about zel too much on this app but like i don't CARE i love that mans music and i'll never get tired of it. switch it up isn't my favorite off ta13oo (mad i got it my beloved) but the things he does on this with his voice have my soul leave my body. his voice & cadence is generally one of his strong feats but when he starts getting creative with it? that's where magic is made i fear (also that lil bit in sirens w the "this for trayvon and tree"...who allowed him to be this good)
n e ways once again thank u vv much for the ask and goodnight!
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