#best mutton curry
atithidevobhaba · 21 days
Khasi Mansa Aloo Jhola in Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar - Atithi Devo Bhaba
If you're craving the Best Khasi Mansa Aloo Jhola in Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar at Atithi Devo Bhaba Restaurant is a must-try. This traditional dish features tender mutton and perfectly cooked potatoes in a rich, flavorful gravy, capturing the essence of home-cooked comfort food. Atithi Devo Bhaba takes pride in using fresh, local ingredients and traditional cooking methods, ensuring an unforgettable dining experience.
The Khasi Mansa Aloo Jhola in Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar at Atithi Devo Bhaba is more than just a meal—it's a journey into the heart of Odia cuisine. Whether you're a local or visiting the city, this dish is sure to become a favorite, making the restaurant a top spot for food lovers in Bhubaneswar.
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আস্ত খাসি দই মিষ্টি ডিম দিয়ে ২০০+ মানুষের জন্য জমজমাট খাবার আয়োজন Full G...
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yummraj · 6 months
Venu Biriyani Hotel (Dindigul)
This is a series on food that we had at Madurai & Dindigul, March 2024. Read earlier posts here – Konar kadai, Murugan idli In a nutshell: What started as a search for the famous ‘Dindigul biryani’ of Tamil Nadu, ended up being a memorable lunch, with a lot beyond a great biryani Address & other details: Instagram (Singapore) –…
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veeraflavourssg · 1 year
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Best Andhra Food In Singapore!
Our top selections for the best restaurants in Singapore that specialize in this delicious meal will introduce you to the world of authentic Indian cuisine.  Here, you can find your favorite!
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tapsavi-rishi · 1 year
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Low-key I added too much manjal and now my curry tastes super healthy but yk whatever
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petermorwood · 7 months
Is "Uh, nope" a frequent US response to lamb?
Or is US lamb somehow different?
This is just a vaguely mystified response to some comments here.
I'm guessing the "G-word" is gamey. I've smelt gamey meat, I don't like it, and Irish lamb definitely isn't that. Also, most people I know don't need to screw up their courage before cooking or eating it.
Mutton, mature sheep-meat, has - or so I've been told, because I've never found it in any local butcher - a much fuller flavour, still not gamey, but more ... robust, pronounced, emphatic, choose your descriptor. It is, after all, a more mature meat.
For terminology reference (though this may not be current any more), "lamb" is up to one year old, "hogget" - remember the farmer's name in "Babe"? - is up to two years old, and "mutton" is over two years.
As I said, I haven't seen mutton anywhere, and haven't HEARD of hogget.
This might be, as I hinted, because terminology has been simplified and all meat from sheep is now "lamb" - and that may answer my own question. Sometimes US lamb has a fuller flavour than, say, Wicklow lamb in Ireland, because sometimes US lamb is hogget or mutton instead.
If so, it restores a possible original meaning to "mutton dressed as lamb". That's now best known as "an older woman dressed inappropriately young", and though the meaning has been around for a long time (this Rowlandson print is dated 1810)...
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..."dressing" is also the term for preparing meat for sale.
And THAT makes me wonder if the critical phrase goes beyond fashion into the fine old tradition of adulterating food, and wily butchers transforming elderly sheep into the semblance of younger lamb then charging undiscerning customers accordingly.
I don't know how they might have done it, but if they could then they would. The ways in which 18th-19th century foods were fiddled with is amazing, and more than a bit Yuck.
Or in this case, Ew.
Comments, corrections, criticisms and all the rest are cordially invited.
Side-note; in keeping with the way nicknames get attached to surnames - "Chalky" White, "Dusty" Miller etc. - anyone called Curry usually ended up as "Mutton".
Two brothers at my school had this happen; Tom Curry, the older one, had been "Mutton" for a couple of years, and when his kid brother Will started school he became, of course, "Lamb".
Oh, how we laffed...
ETA: @bellyoftheblast just messaged me this:
It turns out, and I only learned this very recently (I think it's in Hannah Glasse) that "dressed" used to mean "cooked" rather than "prepared for sale". Which would mean "mutton dressed as lamb" would be fast-cooked and thus greasy, unpleasantly tough and decidedly stringy. (Meanwhile I'll never waste good lamb on stew again now that I have a source for mutton -- MUCH better flavour for slow cooking).
Thanks for this snippet! We've got the Prospect Books facsimile of Hannah Glasse 1st ed, so I pulled it down, blew off the dust - it's been a while - and yes indeed, I found the following recipes in just four successive pages:
"To dreſs a Leg of Mutton à la Royale",
"To dreſs a Leg of Mutton to eat like Veniſon",
"To dreſs Mutton the Turkiſh Way"
"To dreſs Veal à la Bourgoiſe"
Mutton dressed (or dreſsed) as Lamb doesn't get mentioned, probably because Mistress Glasse knew better, though that business of Mutton to eat (taste) like Venison is interesting.
It involves cutting the leg of mutton "in the shape of a Haunch of Veniſon" then steeping it in the sheep's blood "for five or six Hours" before wrapping it in layers of buttered paper and roasting it, basted frequently with butter or beef dripping.
Not quite mutton as lamb, but still mutton disguised as something more expensive...
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room-surprise · 10 days
do you think the lamb stew kabru mentioned could be some variation of rogan josh?
omg anon I'm so sorry, you sent this message just when my life was going completely insane (tree fell on house, living in a hotel, etc), and I wanted to answer you but I just didn't have time... So I forgot.
And then another anon (or maybe it's still you!) sent me another, similar ask!
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Which reminded me that I needed to answer you-- and now them, too!!
Food is not an area of expertise for me, so I had to look up all of these dishes. I'd heard the term "gorkhali" before, and heard of rogan josh, but that's as far as my knowledge went.
Let's talk about what we know about where Kabru comes from and what foods he likes, the food culture of South Asia in the real world, and then we can discuss if any of these dishes might be Kabru's childhood lamb stew!
I've written about the real world cultural references Kui has made with Kabru's character before. Evidence that Kabru is from a fantasy version of South Asia (India/Nepal), and Where exactly in fantasy South Asia is Kabru possibly from?
Two additional data points that suggest Kabru could be from a fantasy version of South Asia are his love of tomatoes, and mutton stew being an important dish from his childhood. What does that mean?
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An important thing to note while discussing the cultures of this region is that all three modern countries have a lot of cultural overlap. So many of the foods eaten in one country are also eaten in the other two, with minor variations.
I'm attempting to generalize and speak broadly as best I can, but I am not an expert, so I apologize for any errors on my part. Sometimes finding English-language information on these topics is challenging.
The cuisine of Nepal is a mix of Nepal's own unique culture, plus the influence of its neighbors, India and Tibet.
The Nepali diet primarily consists of rice, wheat, corn, lentils coupled with fresh vegetables and meats. A typical Nepali every-day meal can be characterized by Dal (lentil soups), Bhat (steamed rice) and Tarkari (vegetables), also known as "The Trinity", supplemented by some meat.
Though many people think of them as two distinct things, curries are a type of stew, so I think it's valid to look at both stews and curries when trying to identify Kabru's childhood stew.
Tomatoes turn up in dishes all over the Indian subcontinent, but they are not a traditional ingredient in the local cuisine. Europeans introduced New World foods like chilies, potato and tomato to the region in the 16th century, at which point they were added to the food culture, and in many cases the modern version of these recipes has completely eclipsed the traditional one, both on the Indian subcontinent and abroad.
But while potatoes and chilies were adopted almost immediately, the tomato did not catch on until centuries later, in the 1860s, and they did not become a widespread part of the local culture until the 1960s.
Because of this, the popular global idea of food from the Indian subcontinent often has tomatoes in it, while traditional recipes do not... And this is interesting because Kui tells us Kabru's favorite food is tomatoes! I'm guessing she chose tomatoes because of how common they are in modern Indian food.
Did Kui not know that tomatoes aren't a native part of the cuisine of the Indian subcontinent? It's possible her research didn't go that deep and she just assumed the modern food isn't that different from ancient food.
It's also possible that Kui knew that tomatoes aren't native to the Indian subcontinent, but that Dungeon Meshi has already experienced their version of the Colombian Exchange, because the east and west have had extensive contact with each other for (probably) thousands of years, so then the use of tomatoes in the West (where Kabru is from) would make sense, and doesn't need any further explanation.
Mutton (the term for goat, sheep or lamb meat) is the most consumed red meat in the Indian subcontinent. Goat is the most popular, most likely because it is the cheapest out of the three.
Like in the rest of the subcontinent, mutton is very popular in Nepal. It is considered a major delicacy, and goat stew/curry is often eaten by Nepali families during important holidays, and for many Nepalis, goat stew/curry is associated with big family gatherings, similar to how Americans think of eating turkey for Thanksgiving, or ham for Easter.
Let's talk about some of the dishes anon(s) asked me about!
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Rogan josh is an aromatic curried meat dish originating from Kashmir. It is made with red meat—traditionally mutton—and colored and flavored primarily by alkanet flower (or root) and Kashmiri chilies. It is one of the signature recipes of Kashmiri cuisine.
A number of origins/meanings of the name have been suggested, such as "stewed in ghee" or "red meat/red juice."
Its characteristic deep red color traditionally comes from dried flowers or root of Alkanna tinctoria (ratan jot) and from liberal amounts of dried, deseeded Kashmiri chilies (lal mirch).
Many modern interpretations of this dish add tomatoes to the sauce. This is especially common with ready-made pour-over cooking sauces to the point that Rogan josh is often described in the modern day as a tomato-based dish.
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The word Gorkhali (गोर्खाली) is historically synonymous with "Nepali," so Gorkhali lamb could also be called Nepali lamb. The name change, from Gorkhali to Nepali, occurred in the 1930s.
(In the modern day, Gorkha is usually used to refer specifically to military units in the British or Indian army that were made up of men from the North Indian/Nepal region. Starting in 1816 the British East India Company frequently recruited these men as mercenaries, and over time the Gorkhas became very distinguished as exceptional soldiers.)
I couldn't find much about Gorkhali lamb aside from recipes, most of which just echoed the same information, and many of them didn't seem to come from very authentic sources.
From what I've been able to piece together, you make Gorkhali lamb by marinating lamb meat (usually meat on the bone) and cooking it over a charcoal grill. Once it's done, you coat the grilled lamb with a sauce made with chilies and tomatoes, and serve with rice or roti.
I'm not an expert, but it seems like Gorkhali lamb isn't a stew or a curry, it's a sort of marinated, grilled lamb with a sauce. If someone knows more about Gorkhali lamb, please let me know!
Like the Rogan Josh, the addition of tomatoes is a modern invention.
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Thukpa is the Tibetan word for any soup or stew with noodles. Thukpa can be prepared in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian variations; the most popular non-vegetarian variation includes chicken, but it is sometimes made with mutton as well.
The Nepalese version of Thukpa is predominant vegetarian, and has a spicier flavor. The protein ingredients are replaced with vegetarian alternatives such as various types of bean.
However, non-vegetarian thukpa is also enjoyed in Nepal, and egg thukpa is probably the second most popular type.
Thukpa is made like most other noodle soups. Some modern recipes include tomatoes in the soup paste, most likely a modern addition.
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There's many different variations of mutton curry (Kosha mangsho, Mansa kasa, Tapelu, Rezala etc.) throughout the entire Indian subcontinent. Some recipes include tomato, some don't, and as with everything else in this post, the tomatos are a modern addition.
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As I said before, mutton is incredibly popular in Nepal. It's reserved for special occasions and celebrations, like Dashain, Nepal's biggest festival. There are many different types of stew and curry in Nepal that feature mutton, and mutton is a popular meat to use in momos or fried rice as well.
Unfortunately we still don't have enough information to give a definitive answer.
However, I would say that thukpa and Gorkhali lamb can both be ruled out, since noodles are the core of thukpa and Kabru doesn't mention that his stew is missing noodles. Meanwhile Gorkhali lamb doesn't seem to be a proper stew.
So then what we have left is Rogan josh, and Indian or Nepali mutton curries. Based on all the little tidbits we know, I'd be inclined to assume Kabru's stew is one of these Nepali curries, since they are so iconic of Nepali cuisine and are a big part of the local culture, and that seems to match what Kui tells us in the manga - that this food is a cherished childhood memory.
I've sprinkled some links throughout this post, but you can read more about Nepali mutton curry, and other Nepali food at all of these sites:
MUSHROOM POSTSCRIPT: I have seen some people get confused by the goat stew page in the manga. They think that when Kabru says "my mother used to make this stew for me" he is talking about Milsiril, the elven woman who took care of him after his birth mother was killed.
Though we do not know 100% for certain, I think this is an objectively incorrect reading of the text. I may make a more comprehensive post about this another time, but:
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Kabru says he ate this stew as a child, that he hasn't had it in a long time, and that he's looking forward to having it again. He says he is relying on childhood memories in order to make the stew.
If this stew is something Milsiril made for him, why did she stop making it? Why hasn't Kabru had it in a long time? Was there a goat blight for the last 10 years? Did she stop making it to punish Kabru for wanting to leave her? This seems like important information Kui would have told us.
The much more logical assumption is that Kabru's birth mother, who died when he was 7, is the one that made lamb stew, and that's why Kabru hasn't had it in a long time, struggles to remember how to make it, and also why he's so excited to eat it.
This is in direct contrast with the elf fruit cake that Milsiril forced Kabru to eat as a child. Kabru's birth mother made him something he loves, that he is eager to eat again, while Milsiril forced him to eat elf cake so often that it has become his most disliked food.
Kabru and Ryoko Kui never refer to Milsiril as Kabru's mother, the phrase “foster parent” (養母 or 育ての親が, lit. meaning “parent who raised me” in contrast with a birth/blood parent) is used instead in both the manga itself and in the World Guide.
There are several other things like this (how Kabru talks about Milsiril) which I think makes it clear that Kabru probably doesn't call Milsiril mother willingly, and that he goes out of his way to put distance between her and himself. He doesn't hate her, but he doesn't want her to be a part of his life.
Milsiril is a wealthy noble in a society where women are equal to men. It's unlikely that she personally does much cooking, and even if she does cook as a hobby, it's unlikely that Kabru watched her butcher a goat - servants or the butcher would prepare the meat for her.
Milsiril is a fussy eater, and hates most foods. Goat tends to have a strong flavor and is sometimes gamey. I don't think she'd eat goat... Meanwhile, as I stated previously, goat is a delicacy in Nepal, so it would make perfect sense for goat to be a special treat Kabru grew up eating.
Yes, Milsiril sometimes does things she doesn't want to do because Kabru asks... But both examples we have of this, she tries to turn it into a punishment. She explicitly says she's training Kabru so that he'll give up, not because she wants him to get strong and succeed. She wants him to fail. She takes him to her family reunion to prove to Kabru that it's unpleasant, so he won't want to go again. Both times this tactic doesn't work, but she clearly states that this is her intent.
I could go on about this for hours, but this post is really about goat stew!!! But just wanted to throw that in there in case anybody is confused about who exactly cooked goat stew for Kabru.
As I said, there's always the possibility that I'm wrong, but I think the evidence is pretty overwhelming that when Kabru says "my mother cooked this for me" he isn't talking about Milsiril.
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six-white-venus · 9 months
if you ever see him, there is just one thing you would like to ask him:
how do i forgive?
because you've been trying, lord knows you have. it's been a year. he never loved you. it's as easy as that. why can't it be as easy as that?
you recently came across a letter you wrote him after he left, one where you're begging him to come back. you tore the paper copy into shreds a long time ago, but this one must have escaped your notice. you remember his response to the message. a thumbs-up emoji.
"whose name will i call, a thousand times over?" it said, "who will I call my love, my love, my love- exasperated, scandalised, laughing? who will I call?"
it's been a year and you know the answer to that question, more or less. no one. you will call no one. you will sit and stare at the paint peeling off your wall, that ugly, powdery blue that has started making your skin crawl. you will sit on the cold kitchen floor till your mom pulls you to your feet and brings you tea. you will call no one. you will make yourself forget.
except, it's not that easy.
he pops up in every mundane aspect of your life. the other day you found a keychain you bought him a month before his birthday, a month before he left you. you give it to someone else because why waste money? it's not like he lives in it.
(but he does, he does, he does.)
he is dating someone you used to know. you don't care. you want to throw up. you just want to ask: how do I forget?
a friend recently asked you, "do you think you had a savior complex, when it came to him?" you said you didn't, but maybe that's not the whole truth. maybe you did have some sort of twisted need to save him in every single way possible just so that he'll love you.
i would help you stitch yourself up. i swear i won't scream when you gut me like a fish. i will feed you soup and keep you warm. i won't sob when you knock my portion to the floor. you bleed. i do, too. no, you're right. i don't bleed as you do. I'll never understand. i am so sorry. i love you. do you love me?
after a week, you receive two texts:
lol kys ily <3
you are so happy you could sob.
he does none of this now, apparently. he smiles instead of smirking. he cradles things. he tends to wounds. he calls her baby. he says, "I love you so much." the whole thing, all spelled out. how crazy is that?
and you just want to ask: how do I stop caring?
he always held you between his teeth. there was nothing gentle about it. the bite marks on the back of your neck still hurt and you could swear it still bleeds. your mom says you're imagining it. you must be.
but here's the thing! you have people who hold you in their arms now. they are so gentle, so careful with you. you didn't cry, not once, under the clutch of his canines but now in their arms, all you do is cry. it's so strange. and you really are happy. it's so much better than what it used to be. you wake up and he's not the first thing you think of, not anymore. you dream that he apologises to you (you forgive him every single time). you go to therapy. you don't remember the last time you cried over him. you are loved, but not by him. you never were.
it doesn't matter, because you know what love feels like now. it is popcorn and nacho cheddar cheese seasoning and mutton curry. it tastes like tea and chips in an orange package and instant noodles you made with your best friend the day before she left for college. you know love now. you know happiness.
but in moments like these, you can't stop yourself from thinking that if you see him again, you would like to ask him one last thing:
how do you stop missing being held between one's teeth?
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irul · 5 months
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my best friend made us mutton curry for eid
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atithidevobhaba · 4 months
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Looking for the home-style Mutton Curry in Bhubaneswar? Atithi Devo Bhaba in Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar is the best Odia Restaurant in Bhubaneswar, serving authentic and home-style Odia food. Mutton Curry is one of our signature recipes loved by both local and visitors. It is served with Chakuli, Rice, Paratha, and so on. Visit us today and try the delicious mutton curry in Bhubaneswar.
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
Greetings from Finland! (Or I suppose it could be considered Eastern Skyrim) What are some of the spices or ingredients that could be used in food making from each race? I plan to make up a recipe of my own. And how about most famous meats for every race? (And possibly their real life counterparts for some of the meats?) Best wishes, thank you!
Hello! You can find a list of commonly used Tamrielic spices here. With regards to meats, there are a range of different meats preferred by the races based on geographic regions and subsequent availability.
Summerset favours fish over most other meats, but the High Elves also farm a range of more common mainland Tamrielic livestock such as cows, chickens, sheep, and deer. However, indrik heart is the most prized of all meats, and is highly sought after due to the illegality and difficulty of killing these magnificent beasts. The preparation and consumption of indrik heart is purportedly painstaking, and is a closely guarded secret of Altmeri gourmets. It is my goal to one day try this coveted dish!
Guar, bantam guar, and chickens are the main meats favoured by Black Marsh Argonians, primarily due to their ability to cope with swampy conditions. Grilling, baking, and frying are the most common ways of preparing these meats, whether they're served on their own, with noodles or saltrice, or salads.
If it's meat, the Bosmer will eat it. Whether it's wild boar, deer, timber mammoth, or even monkey, all game is fair game in Valenwood! Timber mammoth steak with blue timber mammoth cheese sauce is one of my favourite foods in Tamriel.
If there's one race who's mad about mutton, it's the Bretons. While High Rock is also known for its pork dishes, today I'm focusing on all things mutton. Mutton stew, mutton chops, mutton casserole, and even Orcish-inspired mutton curry are favourites both at home and in taverns. One of the more popular ways of consuming the meat is a mutton and rosemary sausage, that is served fried with eggs, goat cheese, and roasted artichoke hearts.
Aside from guar, the Dark Elves love nix-hound and nix-ox in equal amounts, with the former being more akin to crocodile or turkey in texture, while nix-ox is named such due to its uncanny similarity to beef in flavour (though not in texture). As they are bugs, however, you're not going to get thick steaks or drumsticks as you would from other animals. Instead, nix-ox and -hound are best served minced or stewed. A staple dish in Dunmeri households is nix-hound casserole, made with finely minced and baked nix-hound with saltrice, hackle-lo or ash yams, and scuttle.
Imperials love beef the same way that Bretons love mutton. However, the most unique and exciting beef you can find in Tamriel is Cyrodiilic wagyu, a special kind of fatty, marbled beef that is exquisite as it simply melts in the mouth with a rich, meaty flavour. Whether it's served as tender filet mignon or thinly sliced as carpaccio, Cyrodiilic wagyu beef is an expensive but absolutely divine treat.
There are many exotic meats that are native to Elsweyr, and jerboa is probably the most popular. These small (and unfortunately very cute) rodents are delicious when deep fried or roasted in moon sugar sauce, though their small size means you'll have to eat a few to fill up. If you don't mind picking bones from your teeth, jerboa is a must-try for adventurous foodies.
Beef, chicken, elk, goat, horker, rabbit...in Skyrim, if it moves, we're probably eating it. However, the consumption of specific types of meat, and whether it's processed or fresh, really depends on where you are in the Province. Major towns and cities are more likely to eat fresh farmed meats like poultry, mutton, and beef, while rural areas rely more on wild game. Whether it's Markarth barbequed goat skewers or Dawnstar horker casserole, there's a whole new world of regional dishes out there for meat lovers visiting Skyrim.
Echatere, chub loon, horker, and mammoth are the cornerstones of Orcish cuisine, and they're enjoyed in abundance. Wrothgarian Orcs in particular love their echatere, which are lovingly hand-reared or hunted in the wild. Either way, it's delicious, albeit with a rather acquired taste and gamey aroma. Echatere meatballs topped with crispy chub loon bits and an echatere cheese and frost mirriam gravy are a timeless classic hailing from the region.
If goats were ever to become an endangered species, the last place they would disappear would be Hammerfell. Anyone who's visited the Alik'r will know that despite the sandy, Oblivion-hot depths of the desert, these hardy creatures will survive just about anything. As a result, goat meat plays a central part in Redguard cooking. Goat koftas, kebabs, shawarma, curries...no matter what form it's in, you're bound to have a tasty, meaty meal no matter where you are in Hammerfell.
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dykevotions · 3 months
hi heres a list of what each mctom(+) would bring to a potluck
yuri - melon. a lot. of melon. other fruits if they like you beetle - the best pasta you'll ever have. it is gone in minutes pit - sandwiches . ham and cheese probably ngl aster - soda. they shake it beforehand F - suprisingly good salad. like. really crunchy n shit sltom - meat !! probably chicken or mutton sleepy - store-bought cookies sheep - rabbit stew :3 bunny - homemade bread 💪💪 dogboy - burgar (autism be damned he can work a grill) fishi - snack mix (chex mix. whatever u call it)
angel - charcuterie board
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jacket - probably a curry ^_^ fruitbat - cheesecake :D
this has been a tedtalk thank you if i forgot any im gonna cry
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veeraflavourssg · 1 year
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Tasty & Spicy Mutton Rogan Josh!!!! 
Veera Flavours is an authentic Indian Cuisine restaurant. We have a tasty menu and excellent service. There is a great deal of value in Andhra foods. Whether you are a meat eater or a vegetarian, we have a wide selection of food options on our menu.
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calenhads · 5 months
🎂🍎👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and 🍛 for sabina!! :D
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
i still haven't figured out exactly how months work in sabina's world because there isn't the same historical context that we have for our current month systems, BUT her birthday is the equivalent of july 25th and she's 20! making her a leo sun, gemini moon, and scorpio rising apparently :3 i thiiink she fits some of these characteristics, but she's much more reserved and not nearly as charismatic
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
sabina was born in krineia, the capital city of arete in my fictional little landscape. she still lives in arete, though she was forced to flee out of the capital city after she was almost murdered. happens to the best of us. as of the beginning of the story, she's living in one of the coastal towns just southeast of krineia.
she absolutely loves the place she grew up in, and misses it every day. not only was she royalty, but as the second child, she had the freedom to explore. much of her early childhood was spent wandering the gardens and creating in-depth field guides to the flora and fauna of her city. and yet, it is also the city that her family was murdered in, and it has changed greatly in the four years since. she's trying to figure out how she fits back into a place that was once her home.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
in sabina's immediately family are her mothers, kalina and cressida, and her three siblings. she certainly has extended family, as cressida has three sisters each with families of their own, but sabina rarely got to interact with them as a child. they live elsewhere in arete, and very rarely visited krineia. both sets of grandparents passed away before she was born. she's closest with her adoptive father and regent, felix, who was a close friend of both her mothers before they passed. she sees him as a father in his own right, as he helped raise her.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
sabina's typical dinner is pretty limited given the fact that she's on the run; some type of bread with beans, figs, and cheese. depending on her luck with getting meat for everyone, it might include fish or even mutton on a particularly good day.
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vezlayfood1 · 3 months
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From vegan meats to snacks and ready-to-eat meals, Vezlay Foods has a vast selection. Whatever you’re craving, we’ve got it covered.
Ethical and Sustainable
Our production methods are eco-friendly and ethical. When you buy our vegan products, you’re making a choice that’s good for the planet.
Easy Online Shopping
User-Friendly Website
Our website is easy to navigate. You can find detailed descriptions and customer reviews to help you choose the best vegan products online.
Secure Payments
We offer secure payment options, including credit cards and digital wallets, so you can buy Vegan Products without any hassle.
Fast Delivery
We partner with top courier companies to ensure your vegan products online arrive quickly and in perfect condition.
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Top Picks from Vezlay Foods
Vegan Meat Alternatives
Our vegan meat products taste just like the real thing. Try these popular options:
Vegan Chicken Strips: Great for salads, wraps, and stir-fries.
Vegan Mutton Slices: Perfect for curries and stews.
Vegan Fish Fillets: Delicious in any seafood dish.
Ready-to-Eat Meals
Short on time? Our ready-to-eat meals are a great choice. Favorites include:
Vegan Biryani: Spiced rice with plant-based protein.
Vegan Keema Pav: Spicy minced vegan meat with buns.
Vegan Butter Chicken: Creamy and rich, just like the traditional dish.
Vegan Snacks
Our snacks are perfect for quick, healthy bites. Try these:
Vegan Nuggets: Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside.
Vegan Samosas: Filled with spiced veggies.
Vegan Momos: Steamed dumplings with flavorful fillings.
Health Benefits of Vegan Products
Our vegan products are packed with essential nutrients, ensuring a balanced diet.
Heart Healthy
Low in saturated fats and cholesterol, our vegan products are great for heart health.
Weight Management
High in fiber, our vegan products help with weight management by keeping you full and satisfied.
What Our Customers Say
Satisfied Customers
People love our vegan products online. Here’s what some of them have to say:
"The vegan chicken strips are amazing!" - Sarah M.
"The ready-to-eat meals are so convenient. I love the vegan biryani." - Raj P.
"My kids love the vegan nuggets and momos." - Emily T.
Expert Praise
Nutritionists and food critics praise our commitment to quality and taste. Our vegan products are featured in numerous food blogs and magazines.
Vezlay Foods is your go-to for delicious vegan products. With top-quality ingredients, a wide variety of options, and ethical practices, we stand out in the market. Choosing Vezlay Foods means choosing a healthier lifestyle and a sustainable future.
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