#full sausage mode
stimulantparad0x · 2 years
My mom got me some vacuum bags and I packed up all the small diaper inserts and newborn-6mo clothes that were in my closet 🥲
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bottomschlatt · 1 month
^ essential gem characterization clip btw to Me <3
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princessbrunette · 7 months
this is so specific but we all know that grey coors light muscle tank that jj wears in season 1 i’m pretty sure, but imagine him waking up to reader wearing that shirt NO BRA dude would go fully teenage boy mode and just stare at your chest cause like HELLO THEY ARE ALMOST SPILLING OUT
he wakes up quite literally a minute before you, sitting up on his side of the bed as he wakes up fully, rubbing his hands over his eyes. he didn’t remember falling asleep that night, just that he’d passed out after giving it to you for a solid hour, sweaty and spent. he hasn’t even noticed you yet, more so what you’re wearing — because when you stir and he turns half around to check on you, he quite literally forgets how to breathe.
you’re on your back, blankets jostled around your legs as you stretch— eyes still blissfully shut. you must’ve pulled his shirt on before you’d fallen asleep, and he had to say you wore it better than he ever could. it hung loose on you, the large armhole gaping, pulled a little across your chest to the point where the fat of your tit spilled out the side, had it been peeled any further to the right and your nipple would be on display.
“good lord, good morning to me.” he rasps, yawning and your eyes flutter open, a soft smile on your face as you reach a hand toward him, stroking the skin you could reach.
“hi, jayjie.” you hum, and he’s convinced you could have called him any name — because he’s not listening to a word, eyes on your tits.
“you know i thought i looked pretty good in that shirt, but holy mother of mary you’re wearin’ the shit out of it. like, seriously. you kinda just woke my dick up too.”
you giggle, looking down at yourself with one eye as you rub the sleep out of the other. you pull the material so you’re more decent, much to his dismay.
“i forgot i put it on.” you sit up slowly, stretching once more and arching your back, hard nipples from the cool morning air sticking through the light grey fabric. he stares for another moment before he just can’t stop himself.
“i hate to ask this of you so early in the mornin’ but uh— please let me touch them.” he rushes out, eyes wide and saucepan-like and you roll your eyes tiredly, taking his hands and pressing them to your tits.
“dont have to ask, jj. they’re yours to grab whenever you want.” you pur, knowing the effect it’ll have on him. he keels over a little from his now knelt position.
“oh wow— okay, yeah saying that kinda thing is totally unfair. you know that’s gonna brick me up babe. c’mon.” he lightly scolds as he massages your chest, getting his moneys worth.
“such a shame jj… can i help you with it? the least i could do?” you flutter your lashes and gently paw at his chest so he lays back down, quickly sliding down his body and dropping kisses to his pelvis making his jaw drop.
“its like i made you in a freaking lab… jesus.”
“i just like breakfast in bed, jayj.” you giggle, starting to mouth at his tip as he reaches full stiffness. he tucks his tongue between his lips with a smile as he watches you, before commenting quietly.
“yeah. sausage n’eggs right? ow— okay, that’s my bad.” he’s met with your teeth sinking into his thigh.
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greenaswildfire · 2 months
Half the fandom rn: HAHAHA The dragonc*ck with no sausage got what he deserved, eunuch life muauhauha >:D
Me: *crying over the fact that Aegon said this not because he went full "immature man" mode, but because he can't pass on his legacy, he will never have another chance of being a father, of proving his father wrong for ignoring him his whole life. And after the conveniently forgotten death of little Jae, this is way more touching than most of storylines this season* ú_ù
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taesanluv3r · 3 months
as the sun rises. (snippet ver!)
myung jaehyun x reader
heavily inspired by one of my fave romance movies 'before sunrise' <3 a lot of dialogue (just like the movie), a lot of cuteness! ignore any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. enjoyyy!!
full fic HERE!!
snippet wc: 1,225
"no but i'm telling you honey, that's just not how it works! you never believe me when i say..."
a young and pretty girl sighs, trying her best to drown out the sound of the arguing couple as she leans against the seat of the train and stared deeper into the book in her hands. she can't really focus though, the aforementioned couple's quarrel only getting louder causing the girl to finally get off her seat in frustration to sit in another one just a few windows down the cart. as her body makes contact with the plush leather material once again, she can't help but feel a set of eyes fixed onto her. the girl furrows her eyebrows, slowly moving her gaze away from the book and over to the guy that sat directly adjacent to her on the other side of the train cart. they make eye contact, he's quite good looking. an asian man, about a couple centimetres taller than she was. and he, too, had a half-read book in hand.
the boy smiles at her first, she returns the gesture before reverting back to the page that remained opened. "what are you reading?" he suddenly speaks, and she looks up at him in surprise. "um, this" she replies, lifting up the paper-back to show him it's cover. pride and prejudice by jane austen. he nods, familiar with the infamous piece of literature. "and you?" she asks, eyes lingering at the hard-cover book in his hands. "ah" is all he says, lifting up the collection of paper so she could see it well. metamorphosis by franz kafka. she nods too, going back into reading mode, and he does as well. they don't say anything to each other for about three minutes or so until the guy abruptly shuts his book and turns his body fully in her direction.
"hey, i'm heading to the dining car...care to join me?" he's standing and she's sitting, their eyes stare into each other's for a moment before she smiles at him. "um...yeah, let me grab my bag" she doesn't notice but the boy has a sort of proud glint in his eyes, waiting patiently as she gathered her things and making way for her to walk in front of him.
"so...that couple, huh?" the boy says, beginning to slice at the sausage on his english breakfast plate. the girl giggles, "yeah..." she looks at him intently, her eyebrows knitted together. he notices, tilting his head off to the side. "what? is there something on my face?" she laughs, "no, no! it's just...you're not from around here, huh?" he smirks, "that obvious?" they share a mutual laugh. "well, you're right. i'm here on holiday...er, maybe not a holiday. i'm not really sure what to call it...but anyways, i come from korea" her eyes widen and her lips form an oval shape as she nods in understanding. "your english is amazing" she states, "i'm jealous" and he chuckles, "yeah...i studied abroad for a while. and you? are you from here?" she shakes her head at his inquiry, "oh, no! i go to art school in france, i was just here to visit a friend" he nods, sighing as he stares out the window. "so...you're going back there, then? to france" the girl smiles, watching the trees and clouds that passed by outside the train cart. "mhm...and you are...?" he answers right away, "i get off in vienna, catching a flight back home from there tomorrow morning" the girl responds with a hum, "how's europe been? your not-so holiday trip" she asked and he looked up for a moment as if he were really thinking of a good answer. "it's beautiful, really..." the guy trails off, "...but?" she's curious, her gaze on him getting stronger. "i don't know...i guess being on trains for most of the trip and not really knowing where i'm going...it's just...is starting to get to me" she laughs at his response, taking a sip out of the iced tea that sat in front of her on the table.
"i think this is vienna..." the young woman says, watching the world that stood behind the large glass window. the young man nods, "guess that means i have to get off soon..." they shared a moment of silence, juxtaposing the way natural conversation seemed to ricochet among the pair for the past hour and a half or so that they sat in the dining car. "we have arrived in vienna, please be careful as you exit the cart and don't forget your belongings...have a safe trip!" the announcement sounded scratchy and muffled coming from the old speakers that stuck against most corners of the transport. "so...um...i guess this is goodbye" the guy says, retrieving his stuff and getting off of the seat. she nods, "have fun in vienna" and then he turns around to leave, the girl left all alone as she watched his figure slowly disappear. she sighs, some sort of uneasy feeling starting to rumble up in her stomach. surely he can't just leave like that? right?
and as if he could read her mind from miles away, the girl gasps when she is met with his face again. he looked out of breath, his hands entangled with the strap of his carry-on bag. she's confused, not really understanding what exactly was going on. she was about to speak, not being able to stand the silence that flowed between them. however, he spoke first, though his voice was still a little mumbly from the way he had ran right back into the cart. "come with me" is all he said to her, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. "what?" she asked, not believing the words that came out of his mouth. "c'mon, it's just one night. and i'm not gonna lie i really enjoyed talking to you and i know you feel this connection too and i think this short vienna trip would be a lot more...fun if you were around...?" the last bit of his slight monologue came off as a question, like he was almost unsure about whether taking a stranger off the train to a foreign country with him was a good idea. she laughs, "okay" is all she said, getting her stuff and standing in front of him. "okay?" he asked, eyes widened like he had just seen a ghost.
"yes! c'mon, the train's about to leave again, we have to get off"
the pair walked closely beside each other as they hopped off the train, the automatic doors shutting tight behind them. he grabs onto her bag, taking it away from her hand to help her carry it and she thanks him silently. they stop a few feet away from the train tracks, breathing in deeply to take in the new air. "so..." he starts suddenly, "what's your name?" she widens her eyes, giggling at the thought of agreeing to get off the train before even learning his name. "i'm yn" he smiles, "what a pretty name for a pretty girl, yn" she rolls her eyes, tilting up her head to look at him. "and you?" she asks, tumbling in a zig-zag pattern as they began to walk. he grins, the corners of his mouth pointing up as he did so.
"i'm jaehyun, it's nice to meet you"
end of snippet.
FULL FIC SOOOON!!!! and hiiii im finally out of hiatus 😭😭😭😭 im EXHAUSTED from my trip and i have a fever rn 😭😭😭 but i was watching before sunrise on the plane recently and i just thought it wld be so cute as a myungjae fic <333 hope u enjoyed this teaser snippet moment, reblogs n feedback is VERY appreciated 🍭 love, kona.
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meteor752 · 2 years
Flower Husbands This Day Aria AU
(Technically it would be ‘A Canterlot Wedding AU’ but like the song is the best part)
Jimmy and Scott are set to be married, and Lizzie is not happy, partly because there’s a lot of fish courting traditions that were just skipped (Including the one where Scott had to ask her for permission, which he never did), and partly because protective big sister mode. Also, she received the news from a fricking wedding invite, not face to face.
Most of the other Emperors were given tasks to help organize the wedding (Joel and Gem is on decorating, fWhip is on the aftershow, Pearl is on food, Katherine and Joey is on clothes, Sausage and Shubble is on music, Pixl is officiating), but as the sister of one of the grooms Lizzie is set to take of everything and make sure everything’s alright.
And boy is she pissed when she arrives in Rivendell, chewing out her little brother for everything. Jimmy defends himself, saying it was a bit of an impulsive decision, and that he’s been too busy with organizing everything that he hasn’t been able to go to The Ocean Empire himself.
Lizzie is still seething, but forces herself to calm down because her lil brother does seem rather ashamed about it.
Her rage flares up again when Scott approaches them, dismisses her entirely, acts cold towards Jimmy, then leads him away.
Oh yeah something’s up.
None of the other emperors have the time to even notice the change in how Scott’s acts. Pearl is preparing food for two white empires and then some, and even with a full kitchen staff she’s still running around like a mad man. Doesn’t even notice how Scott throws away the Sweet Berry tarts she gave him.
Gem and Joel are in disagreements on how it all should be decorated. Gem thinks it should be subtle, with a lot of lights, and illusions of fish and snowflakes in the air. Joel believes in more bolder colours and grander designs. Scott sneers at them that neither is fitting.
Katherine and Joey try their best to design the Uniform Scott will be wearing (As Jimmy will be wearing his mother’s old dress), and yet how many times they make it he never seems to like it. They shrug it off as him just wanting what is best.
Scott yells at one of the birds apart of the musical choir. It was singing off pitch, but needlessly rude.
fWhip is busy in his workshop and barely sees the guy.
It all comes together when Lizzie goes to Jimmy and Scott’s room to discuss it with her brother, only for her brothers fiancé to take him to another room, berate him for the dress he’s wearing (Again, his mothers dress), and then seemingly cast some form of spell on him that made him all woozy. Lizzie runs away in shock.
She goes to tell the others, but surprise surprise! those who weren’t already Jimmy’s bride maids and men (Joel, Sausage, fWhip, Gem), has been chosen as Scott’s (Katherine, Joey, Pearl, Shubble was already best maid). They’re clearly also under some form of spell, Lizzie concludes.
She chooses to confront Scott in front of everyone during the wedding rehearsal, because sometimes Lizzie ain’t that smart. She yells at him, saying that he’s evil who’s casting spells on her brother, being all demanding towards and friends, and just genuinely being evil. Scott runs away crying, and Lizzie stands there all smug, feeling good about herself for approximately two whole seconds.
Then she turns around, and meets her brothers furious eyes.
Jimmy yells back at her, saying that Scott has been demanding because he’s been planning an entire wedding that’s trying to incorporate two very different cultures, plus dealing with his advisers who’s been holding meetings for hours on why marrying Jimmy is such a bad idea. And the spell he cast on him wasn’t because he was “evil”, but because he’s been having trouble breathing in the high altitude, and sometimes the air breathing enchantment on his cod head just ain’t enough.
He leaves the room to go find and comfort Scott, but he snarls at her that maybe it’s best if she don’t show up at the wedding.
Everyone else leaves the room as well to go and comfort Scott (And give Lizzie quite dirty looks as they do), and Lizzie is just left there on the floor crying.
And then, Scott appears in her field of vision, with a comforting smile. She apologizes profusely, says that she never meant to hurt him, but he just chuckles as his eyes gleam red for a second, and then Lizzie is no longer in the throne room…
This Day Aria part 2, aka this is where the second episode starts and it’s gonna be way shorter than this because the pacing on the second one is shit
Lizzie is surrounded by red-pinkish fire, and when it vanishes, she finds herself in a crystallized cave. She can see her reflection in all the glittering cave walls. That is, until a familiar face shows up.
Scott’s eyes have a very distinct red glow as he appears in the thousand of reflections, but Lizzie is too pissed off to even notice. He taunts her, saying that this is old underground Rivendell mines that have been forgotten by even the oldest of elves, and that no one will find her there. Lizzie grows so enraged that she throws her trident at one of the reflections, making the cave wall crumble to show a bigger part of the caves.
And there stands Scott, dirty and bruised, but in the flesh. Lizzie doesn’t even wait a moment before she throws herself at the elf, fully intending to kill.
This is of course the real Scott, who is very confused over how Lizzie ended up there, but all he knows is that he needs her to calm down quickly.
So he grabs her wrists to stop them from pulverizing his face, and does the only thing he can think of to prove his real identity. He starts singing.
Deal with Destiny is a song only the two of them actually know. Lizzie’s siren song was heard across most of the server, but it was vague and most misinterpreted the lyrics, and it couldn’t even reach Rivendell.
It was Scott.
The elf explained himself, that he’d been taken weeks ago, before him and Jimmy had even gotten engaged. He doesn’t know who took his place and why, but he knows that he will do whatever he can to get back and save Jimmy from whatever horrible fate the Imposter has in store.
Que This Day Aria. This whole AU is centered around the song, of course we’re gonna have it be apart of it. If you wanna know what happens in this segment, then listen to the fricking song. Thank you.
So the wedding has begun, Jimmy fully brainwashed and not even aware of what’s going on, with Fake-Scott standing tall with pride. But just beneath them, Lizzie and Scott are trying their best to find a way up to the surface. Lizzie spots a light source not too far away, and Scott grab’s onto her and flies her up, just as the vows are coming to a close and the wedding is nearly over.
In the middle of Pix saying his final words and announcing that the two grooms now can kiss, Lizzie barges in all feral, standing at her full eleven feet with murder in her eyes. And while most of the guests were fucking terrified, I mean that was the ocean empress of crying out loud, most of the emperors were just kind of annoyed.
That’s until other Scott, real Scott, bursts into the room.
And Fake-Scott looses his sad crying facade, replacing it with maniacal laughter as the ruse is up, and red flames engulf him.
Red vines pop out of the ground, snaring Lizzie and Scott in their clutches (The guests have all escaped or something lol), the flames subside and in their place stands Xornoth,
(Plot twist you all saw coming, waaaaw)
And here the plot is unveiled.
So this AU is basically, Xornoth didn’t immediately start harassing people across the server, but instead waited for the perfect time to strike. Their biggest and only threat was Scott, so they needed something to keep him in line, something that would stop him from trying to fight back.
Enter Jimmy.
Xornoth watched the two grow closer and closer, go on multiple dates and form a relationship. They was frost gonna wait for the two to actually get engaged, but turns out that’s a long ass process, something they don’t have the time for. Exor is waiting after all.
So they yoinked Scott, put him in the mines, and took his place. They proposed to Jimmy, and used a slight bit of mind control to get him to agree to Wes right away and not have a long courting process.
When Lizzie started to get suspicious, Xornoth knew that their ploy wouldn’t last forever, so they kept using their mind control magic they now have absolutely, to keep Jimmy in line. It was easy to get him to believe the breathing spell lie, Jimmy is quite Gullible.
And now they have Jimmy under their control, and neither Scott nor Lizzie can do anything to harm them, unless they want the poor cod boy hurt.
But there was one thing Xornoth didn’t saw coming.
And that was Joel with a steel chair.
He yells at Gem and fWhip to get Gem’s spell book, while Shubble and Katherine work on getting Lizzie and Scott free and the rest do what they can to distract Xornoth.
Gem and fWhip run for Gem’s room where she left it, and as she collects it and on their way back they’re suddenly blindsided by a flurry of red blue and yellow feathers. Because while Xornoth didn’t go on the attack at once, they have been busy collecting allies.
So Joey and Sausage who managed to sneak after them in all the commotion is standing there ready to stop them from getting anywhere close to the throne room.
The twins put up an honorable fight, but both are holding back on their punches since they don’t wanna hurt the other two emperors, so they’re easily taken down. Gem does manage to slip a small crystal into her robes before Sausage grabs her spell book and wand.
When they’re escorted back into the throne room, they’re greeted by Joel, Pearl, Katherine, and Shubble hanging upside down by vines from the ceiling, Lizzie properly snared down beneath them, vines holding onto her so tightly that she can’t even wiggle, and Scott standing helplessly in front of the throne, where upon Xornoth sits with a wide grin, Jimmy by their side looking at them like they hung the moon in the sky.
Hypnotism will do that to ya.
Xornoth grins widely when then enter, easily catching the spell book that Sausage toss them. All the emperors yell at Sausage and Joey, calling them traitors, but only Lizzie can detect that familiar red gleam in their eyes. She stays quiet.
Xornoth burns the spell book in their grasp (Gem and fWhip are very upset by this, that was their fathers old book), and as a classic villain they of course begin to gloat, saying that the emperors will all turn their power over to them and not fight back, unless they wish Jimmy any harm.
Fuck it maybe they sing the reprise as well, that shit’s a banger too.
While they’re monologuing, Sausage and Joey by their side, fWhip sneaks up to Scott and gestures to him to go to Jimmy.
And the sight of Jimmy, eyes glazed over from the hypnosis, is enough to make Scott crumble to his knees in front of him, burying his face in the cod hybrids neck.
And yeah true love and all of that, a subconscious part of Scott’s magic manages to free Jimmy from the hypnosis.
Still, cod boy is weak and absolutely not a fighter, and Scott doesn’t wish to harm his brother nor his friends, so there’s little to do with that.
Xornoth is to put it simply, just a tiny bit pissed that Jimmy is freed, but they don’t let that put them back. They still have all the emperors captured, two of them possessed to do his bidding, and the entirety of Rivendell is under a panic because of the red vines sprouting all over the kingdom.
They can still salvage this.
So just as they are about to summon vines that will snare Scott and Jimmy as well, the power of love happens.
Scott and Jimmy together, through their love cause eugh, summons a powerful spell that blasts Xornoth back, or more exactly, blasts them into the small crystal Gem manages to sneak with her.
So yeah, happy ending for all, the vines vanish from Rivendell, Joey and Sausage are snapped out of their trance, and Lizzie can take pride in the fact that she was right.
Then they decide to actually get married. Sure, they rush things and skip the courting process, but after all that you could say that they’ve earned it. Plus, down in the mines Lizzie saw how determined Scott was to get back to her brother, so yeah.
They replan the wedding, Scott loves all the things the other Emperors organize, Lizzie is put as the best maid, happy ending.
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hmshermitcraft · 11 months
!For theme!
It’s fall! Aka Halloween time for the hermits everyone’s ecstatic this year because the empire’s server are gonna visit for it! Many of the hermits are excited to see their pals react to the various traditions of the hermitcraft server such as the traditional see if you can spook Etho competition. And who can forget Cleo’s zombie hide and seek-don’t worry Jimmy there’s only one actual zombie-but this year Gem gets to add her own event granted none of the hermits nor emperors have seen her the past few days except for Impulse and Pearl who aren’t saying anything.
Not even fwhip or sausage are spilling the beans! So when they all got a message to come to a birch forest at night from her everyone was reasonably spooked to see her in full blown goth mode. Black lipstick and eyeliner a large black sunhat with antler holes which wear decorated in chains and jewelry. And the gothic vampire dress she wore sell the look making both Impulse and Pearl go red in the face…now both groups can understand why those two got sworn to secrecy. Because no one could have expected Gem sweet ball of sunshine and happiness to go from cottagecore to drop dead gorgeous goth. Nor did any of them expect her usual chipper voice to be replaced with a low and sultry one.
For what she had planned for both groups was a test of courage to get through the forest. And everyone thought it be easy….they thought wrong. What they all experienced was a veritable horror cascade of monsters, witchcraft, and things they couldn’t even begin to imagine. She even managed to terrify Etho! Etho of all people! And when all groups were through well the ones who weren’t being pulled through by skeletons after fainting from fear poor Lizzie and Jimmy never stood a chance…She asked them in her usual chipper voice with a wicked grin “So how’d ya enjoy my little event~.”
Rando anon
She looks incredibly proud of herself for the entire experience. The rest of them all feel like they need a week, minimum, to recover. They can congratulate her once their hearts have stopped beating out of their chests!
It's okay, Gem takes pity on them. Several of the hermits end up with black lipmark stains on their cheeks by the end of the night, and a promise to use that voice more often.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Weapons of Choice
@justanaveragelizardperson has spoken! (Thank you so much, not being able to decide was driving me up the wall)
We'll hit this in alphabetical order, my headcanons for these are a combination of canon inspiration and pure, world-building results. Also this is not 100% accurate to how swords especially work in real life, this is a fantasy genre story and we embrace the "But It Looks Cool" here.
Fwip: His preferred weapons are potions and explosions, he always has a fireworks crossbow to hand. As far as bladed weapons go he has a long dagger that doubles for chopping potions ingredients when he doesn't have his actual tools to hand.
Gem: Primarily uses her staff in combat, but if the occasion calls for it will just haul back and punch her opponent in the face. Is scrappy and level-headed, which is a dangerous combination.
Joey: Primarily fights with a smallsword when he has to fight but is the least martially minded of the rulers. Keeps totems of undying on him at all times.
Katherine: Her sword is a light-weight saber, her fighting style relies on her being light and quick on both her feet and her wings. She can also call the Overgrown to defend her and itself if the occasion calls for it.
LDShadowLady: Fights with a trident. She has a sword but doesn't really use it. The trident is the traditional weapon of the Oceanic royalty, thus both hers and Jimmy's. Will also sic axolotls on her enemies without hesitation.
Mythical J. Sausage: The Blood Sword is a zweihänder. He also carries a short sword to wield with a shield. His grip is half-open, giving a bit less flexibility but greater power to his blows. He acquires his sorcerers staff at one point and then favors that about equal with the Blood Sword.
PearlescentMoon: Equally proficient with her sword, axe, and scythe, as well as hand to hand. Is also skilled with the bow but prefers close combat methods. Her sword is a longsword that she wields both two handed and with a shield. She has a very rooted fighting style, her footwork is minimal, but when she does go more mobile she is very well balanced. She relies somewhat on her ability to tank hits, which serves her well, as her endurance is incredibly high, as demonstrated by her ability to go toe-to-toe with semi-immortal beings on a regular basis and hold her own. Shes very adept at using her elytra in combat, to the point that multiple rulers with natural wings have commented on her flight proficiency.
Pixlriffs: His preferred weapon is a Channeling Trident, his second choice is his basket-hilted sword (a schiavona) or recurve bow.
Shrub Berry: Joey gifted them a smallsword which for her functions as a broadsword. She's relatively new to combat but is proficient with a hatchet and a recurve bow. Their greatest weapon is the wolf pack.
Smajor: (There is no war rune blade in Ba Sing Se.) We're sticking with the LotR aesthetic for weapons as well, so that is what his sword looks like (A long-sword after the style of those used by the Lorien forces at Helm's Deep in the films) Also proficient with a longbow. At the time of the story beginning is not even close to considering using his ice magic in combat.
SmallishBeans: Equally favors a Mezalean shortsword (based off a xiphos) and a battle axe. He does have a trident and is fairly proficient with it but prefers to use it for travel rather than combat.
Solidarity: The Codfather Sword is a two-handed sword, closest to a claymore, he wields it with an open grip. (Which allows for more flexibility and control of the blade but the strikes are less powerful) When he's in Fish Mode it is more of a bastard/hand-and-a-half sword. He also uses a trident, mostly for aquatic combat.
Xornoth: Two swords. Has never willingly used a shield in their life and isn't about to start now. Is either dual wielding elvish-style short swords or has a full-size battle axe. Will sometimes throw fire and lava but tends to be cautious with it.
AU Masterpost
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Paris, France
Author’s Note: i got the foundation of this from “What’s Mine is Yours” by DoflamingosStrings on ao3 and i couldn’t help but insert my OC as i headcannon that the Fantastic Four plus my OC would have qualifications of a poly!queer platonic (questionable) relationship. A little background, my OC, Adelaide, is an unapologetically black fem who is Johnny’s agent and social media manager. She’s more comedic relief, but also takes no shit. In my headcannon, she follows the quartet into Outworld at Johnny’s request and starts off as more of a spectator (essentially doing all the recording that you see Johnny do in story mode). However, she becomes a kombatant by subduing Mileena, saving Kenshi’s sight. A little joke is that she threatens to get Johnny cancelled for colonial behavior had he not given Sento back to Kenshi. This is more so an extension of DoflamingosStrings’s work, as if the couples’ mingling has gone on for a while now. Everything else remains relatively the same.
WARNING: MDNI. This fic contains graphic descriptions of sexual activity including threesomes - M/M/F, PIV intercourse, anal sex, oral sex (fem and male receiving), dom/sub dynamics and more. Read at your own risk!
Kenshi hunched over the kitchen counter, reveling in the smell and taste of the freshly brewed coffee Adelaide had made him before she and Johnny left for a meeting about future roles. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him, breaking him out of his quiet solace.
“Finally, some peace and quiet, huh?” Kung Lao’s timbre sliced through the silence.
“If you’re anything like me, you’ll learn to miss Johnny and Adelaide’s boisterous voices. Keeps my head clear of dangerous thoughts.” Kenshi straightened his back and leaned into the younger’s touch. Kung Lao placed his chin on Kenshi’s shoulder and breathed in his scent. He had originally woken not to be comforted by Kenshi’s presence, but because Adelaide had also made breakfast. A spread of pancakes, fruit, eggs, and sausage laid covered on the dining table, tempting him with its decadent smell. Small divets signaled that Adelaide and Johnny had gotten their helping before rushing out the door to beat L.A. traffic.
In fact, Johnny had invited Raiden, who remained asleep upstairs, and Kung Lao to spend time at his “humble” abode to allow for proper rest after their endeavors tasked by Liu Kang. They eagerly agreed wanting to spend more time with the trio seeing as their origins in China would not allow for frequent visitations.
“Hmm..” Kenshi began as he felt Kung Lao’s morning erection against the small of his back. Kung Lao raised his head a bit to listen to what he had to say. “Raiden sure is missing out right now.”
Kung Lao chuckled, his breath tickling Kenshi’s ear sending chills down his tattooed arms. “Sure is. Not only would he love this scene right now, but I also might clean the assortment before he wakes up.” His arms made his way beneath Kenshi’s shirt to feel his ribbed abs. His fingernails lightly grazing across, not helping as Kenshi gasped at the feeling.
“I would bend you over right now, but I have to get some sustenance in me first. Can’t please you on an empty stomach.” Kung Loa said, quickly pulling away and grabbing a plate from the cabinet just above Kenshi’s head.
When all was said and done, Kung Lao did indulge in a hefty portion while Kenshi kept his very moderate. The latter shifting in his seat knowing his fate was set after Kung Lao was full.
Raiden awoke to the vulgar sounds that came from Johnny and Kenshi’s shared rooms. The sunlight peaked through the blinds and Kung Lao’s scent in the sheets began to dissipate. He arose to stretch his limbs, the tension nearly gone now as he got the opportunity to relax rather than continuously prove himself as Earthrealm’s champion. He opened the bedroom door which acted as a soundproof barrier, the sounds having increased tenfold. He walked down the hall, the sounds still increasing. But he passed the door to Johnny and Kenshi’s bedroom where they were evidently coming from in favor of taking the stairs to the kitchen.
‘For Raiden. :)’ - From Adelaide
The note made him smile as he picked up the still warm coffee cup on the table. He helped himself to the scraps Kung Lao had left and picked up the newspaper that had already been read by someone prior. Once he made it to the last page and filled out the remaining crossword boxes, he hadn’t noticed that the sounds had stopped. Only lifting his head due to Kung Lao’s heavy steps coming down the stairs. Kenshi followed, sex written all over his body that was now scattered with hickeys and bite marks. In addition, he had a bit of a limp to his gait.
“Have fun?” Raiden leaned back in his chair, amused at the scene that lay before him.
Kenshi raised a finger at him before collapsing face first into the couch in the living room.
“Careful or else I might begin to think that Johnny is rubbing off on you.” Raiden joked, biting his tongue from laughing at his expense.
“Actually I was rubbing off on him.” Kung Lao chuckled as he approached Raiden, leaning in to peck him on the cheek.
“Neither you nor Cage are funny.” Kenshi’s voiced, his usual stoic demeanor returning to him.
Kung Lao gathered the plates on the table and began to clean them, knowing that Adelaide would be pissed to come back to dirty dishes and also as a gesture of appreciation for her work.
Raiden also made work of cleaning off the tables and counters. He would’ve asked Kenshi to help mop, but decided against it knowing that he definitely would be of no use right now. After cleaning, he plopped himself on the couch and turned on the TV, opting for some animal documentary. A comfortable silence came over the trio before Kung Lao spoke.
“You know, sometimes I feel bad that Adelaide is left out of the fun.”
“What do you mean?” Raiden questioned as he used the small of Kenshi’s back as a headrest. His feet were propped in Kung Lao’s lap.
“Like…” Kung Lao scratched the back of his neck, not knowing how to voice what may be a controversial opinion. “Like how me, you, Kenshi and Johnny interact. I feel bad keeping her in the dark after everything she does for us. Do you think she even knows?”
Raiden pursed his lips. He definitely was attracted to Adelaide. In fact, he was the one who pointed it out to Lord Liu Kang about her potential as a kombatant. To say that her fighting style and flexibility in kombat didn’t turn him on would be a flat out lie. Did she know? She didn’t necessarily live with Johnny to be privy to such information. Sure, she had her own apartment, but often times would stay at Johnny’s due to his close proximity to work and city life. He didn’t doubt her intelligence either, surely she would have picked up some clues.
He was broken out of his train of thought as Kenshi’s chuckling caused his head to bounce some.
“What’s funny?” Kung Lao quirked an eyebrow at the unusual response.
“She definitely knows.” Kenshi spoke directly.
“About all of us or?” Lao edged on.
“She knows about everything. I vividly remember her mocking Johnny and I for weeks when she caught Raiden coming out of our room one night.”
Raiden’s face flushed immediately. How would that change the way she saw him? Would she still respect him?
“So she doesn’t mind?” Kung Lao spoke again for him.
“Mind it? She’s an active participant.”

Raiden rose so fast that he got a headache. “What?” he voiced in unison with his boyfriend.
“Sure, its a breach in her contract, but Adelaide has definitely slept with Johnny and I on multiple occasions. It’s like a little treat whenever we’re having good or bad days.” Kenshi spoke so casually about everything he made this whole interaction seem normal.
“And?” Raiden finally was able to find his voice.
“And what?” He smirked.
“Dude, you can’t drop a bomb like that and then not expect us to want more info!”
Kenshi rolled his eyes before filling them in.
“For one, the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. I think I could spend hours between her legs, in fact I have. And you would think her body was crafted by the Elder Gods themselves. I think Johnny has pictures and videos stored on a second phone.” Kenshi squeezed the decorative pillow as he began to daydream about the scenarios.
“What else?” Raiden looked over to Kung Lao and rolled his eyes, he playfully reached over to close his jaw.
“I verbally cannot describe to you half of the sinful things our bedroom has seen. I think that’s something you guys have to see for yourself.” Kung Lao and Raiden were hook, line, and sinker. They gave each other a knowing look, wracking their brain for a plan to get Adelaide in bed.
“I can hear you guys thinking from here. Literally just ask her. She’s a nymphomaniac so I highly doubt she would reject the proposition.” Kenshi’s boisterous laugh made the duo blush as he spoke so casually.
“Well at least tell us what her dynamic is like.” Kung Lao had a smirk of his own. In his relationship with Raiden, he hadn’t anticipated that he would be the submissive one, but Raiden knocked him down a few pegs and put his abrasive ego in check. Adelaide was 5’ 2’’ so maybe he would be able to make his comeback.
“She would put you on your ass Lao. She’s a brat for sure and she can take a punishment, but she’s mainly a dominant leaning switch. I never said I was in control when I was between her legs.” Kenshi finally sat up from his position on the couch, he could hear the sound of Adelaide’s car pulling into the driveway. The conversation was over.
The trio pretended as if the indecent discussion never happened as they heard Adelaide and Johnny’s voice get louder as they approached the house. Raiden quickly grabbed the remote and turned up the volume to cover the obvious silence. The door opened and Adelaide entered, irritation heavy in her voice, “Johnny I will rip your dick off if you ever speak without being spoken like that again.”
Kung Lao gulped, his plan of returning to dominance already looking pretty weary. “Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad.” Johnny took his sunglasses off and placed them on top of his head. Adelaide was kicking her black heels off and placed them haphazardly next to the door before removing her blazer and hanging it up in the closet down the hall. She came back and pointed at Johnny, who stood like a toddler being scolded at the door.
“You joked about the co-director being on her 3rd divorce. In what world is that funny?”
“I was trying to relate!” Johnny testified.
Adelaide ran a hand through her sister locs in frustation before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. “I will deal with you later.” A threat which Raiden and Kung Lao know now is probably code for something else.
She turned to the trio and changed her entire demeanor. “I hope you guys enjoyed breakfast.”
“Delicious as always, Adelaide. Thank you. We also cleaned up. Seems like Johnny already has your plate full. Didn’t want to add to it.” Kung Lao looked at Johnny who had made his way to Kenshi for sympathy, the latter rubbing his back as he pouted.
Adelaide crossed the room and placed Kung Lao’s face in her hands. The scent of vanilla encompassed his senses completely. her hands were soft and her acrylic set well-manicured. Kung Lao felt himself burning as she placed a kiss on his forehead, running her nails through his hair which felt great on his scalp, and said, “Bless you, my sweet boy.”
She rose again before stretching, commenting about how she was going to shower and get comfortable. She also declared that she was staying at Johnny’s for the weekend as her place was staring to bore her. Kenshi looked over to Lao who was still dazed by the interaction. Even better, he could see the growing erection in his pants as he watched Adelaide leave the room, paying close attention to her curves as she walked away. Raiden bit his lip at how easily she hypnotized his man.
“Ok. What’s going on?” Johnny lifted his head from Kenshi’s chest. He could smell the remnants of sex on him, but that’s not what had him confused. “Why are you guys so nervous? Kung Lao, you’re gonna need a cold shower at the rate you’re headed.”
“They didn’t know.” Kenshi spoke matter-of-factly.
“They didn’t know? They didn’t know?!” Johnny whisper-yelled when he put two and two together. “Oh, you guys are in for it. You may have saved my ass tonight…literally.”
In another one of Johnny’s guest bedrooms that he set aside just for her, Adelaide was just finishing up her routine. She had slathered on shea oil, vanilla scented lotion, and finished up with vanilla perfume. In addition, she had just discarded her face mask in the trash and finished applying a moisturizer before reaching for her staple product: lip gloss. Just as she finished, there was a knock at her door.
“Come in.”
It was Kung Lao, who looked stressed out of his mind. Adelaide turned from her vanity to take a good look at him. She noticed his tense muscles and staunch posture.
“What’s up with you? Something stressing you?” She placed her lip gloss back on the vanity before opting to sit on the edge of the guest bed, patting a spot next to her. Kung Lao let out a gulp before approaching, trying not to be obvious about his goal. Though, Adelaide was not making it easy with the matching pajama set she chose. She had a tank top on that had cherries on them. The bottoms matched but hiked up around the bottom. Her cleavage, v-line, and undercarriage were essentially on full display. Even in her simple attire, he felt as if she was out of his league in his shorts and sleeveless top.
“Probably not as stressed as you having Johnny as a client. I just wanted to talk.” Kung Lao messed with his hair which was not in its usual ponytail. The ends tickling his shoulder. He was trying to focus on anything else but her to stop an awkward conversation about the tent in his pants. By the Elder Gods, where did his confidence go? “You know, like check up on you and make sure you were good since you already have a lot on your plate and still manage to do stuff for us too.”
“Aww,” she placed a hand on the lower part of his back and leaned in for a hug.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
In returning the hug, he breathed in deep, allowing for the scent of vanilla to fill his senses again, his eyes damn near rolling to the back of his skull.
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness Panda,” the nickname that stuck after they met. ‘Panda” as in Kung Fu Panda. This reminded everyone of just how close Adelaide actually is with Johnny, despite her professional approach with him. “I’m doing well. Johnny may piss me off sometimes, but I understand he comes from a good heart. You can tell him I’m not mad if that’s what he sent you in here for. What about you? How are you and Raiden doing?”
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh, no. I hope everything is ok.” She placed a hand on his arm. In this moment, Kung Lao simultaneously loved that her love language was physical touch.
“Everything’s great. It’s just that…” Kung Lao finally looked back her and his words were caught in his throat. As she was much shorter than him, she had to tilt her head to see. This caused her to peer at him through her eyelashes. He also notices just how close she was as she had leaned in to hear him better.
“Lao? Are you feeling ok? You’re running a bit hot.” She reached up to feel his forehead, but he caught her hand. That’s when he leaned in and kissed her. The first thing Kung Lao noticed was that she didn’t pull away, rather she wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. When he pulled away, the second thing he noticed was that she was smirking.
“You’re so easy to read Panda.”
“I don’t know what you mean?”
“I would ask you if Raiden was okay with this, but…” She broke away from him to head to the door. She opened it and grabbed Raiden’s arm and pulled him inside. They were caught like deer in headlights. She brought him to sit at the edge of the bed also.
So now she stood before them, her arms crossed over her chest. “Kenshi?”
They both nodded, understanding the context through a single phrase. They watched in anticipation as she grabbed the chair that she was using for the vanity and placed it so it was facing the side of the bed. She then pointed to Raiden and then the chair. “You. Here.”
Raiden gulped as he realized that she was wasting no time. They were actually doing this. He looked to Kung Lao, a silent ‘good luck’ before making his way over to where Adelaide stood and sitting in the chair. She then walked back to Kung Lao who fiddled with the bed sheets in anticipation. She graciously placed herself between his legs, his hands coming up to roam her legs and backside. While standing, she cupped his face again before placing a swift peck to his lips. She did this a couple more times before deepening the kiss. She ran her fingers through his loose hair again which caused him to moan. She loosely gripped his hair and pulled his head back, allowing a gasp to escape.
“If you found out from Kenshi, that means you know how I play, yeah?”
Kung Lao nodded. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. I’m sure Raiden has taught you better than that?” Adelaide tilted her head.
Ok, fuck regaining dominance. Kung Lao would let this woman use him as her red carpet runway. “Yes, ma’am.” He corrected himself.
“Good boy.” She cooed before pushing him back on the bed and climbing onto his lap. Immediately, Adelaide began peppering kisses on his neck. When she found that spot that made him vocal, she attacked it relentlessly, nipping, licking, and even fully biting. Her hands had made their way under his shirt, tracing and lightly scratching down his abs, much similar to the way he had teased Kenshi earlier. Perhaps Adelaide was his karma to knock him down a couple more pegs.
Kung Lao’s breath became more ragged as he also relished in the feeling of her body atop his. Her core was pressed right up against his erection causing him to hiss whenever she moved. “Take this off,” she commanded, lifting his muscle shirt up and over his head. Once his chest was exposed, she kissed down from his neck and rubbed her hands over his nipples.
“Please ma’am,” Kung Lao accepted his withering state, having been reduced to begging already.
Adelaide chuckled which caused a lump to form in his throat, “But baby, I’ve barely even begun.” With zero hesitation, she took his left nipple into her mouth and reveled in the groans the man underneath her released. She did this until he began to squirm before relenting and showing treatment to the other. She hummed a little as she felt his hands roam her ass before firmly gripping it as if to ground himself. She relinquished him with a pop before kissing further down his abs, tracing them with her tongue. She turned to look at Raiden who had shuffled his own pajama shorts just below his hips and was rubbing himself through his boxers at the scene playing out before him. She’d allow it.
Using her acrylics, she teased by tracing his v-line, barely breaking the seal of his waistband. Her lip gloss rendered was useless as it was smeared across Kung Lao’s lips and waist.
“Please,” Lao whined this time, desperate for her to do something about his affliction.
“That’s not how you ask.” Raiden interrupted quickly. His eyes low in pleasure which presented as a glare.
“Sorry sir. Please touch me ma’am. Anything.”
“Ah, so it is true. Raiden did teach you humility.” Adelaide commented before reaching in Kung Lao’s shorts and pulling out his dick. He hissed at the feeling of the air before moaning as she wasted no time in moving her hand up and down on his already stiff member. Just as Kung Lao was getting ready to beg again, he watched as she placed a kiss to the base before licking and sucking the bottom of his shaft while she stroked the top. He threw his head back in pleasure. However, he felt a grip at the back of his head force him to keep eye contact with her. He didn’t even realize that Raiden had moved from his seated position to the bed. He now sat behind him, his back on Raiden’s thighs with a large hand around his throat.
Raiden then leaned down and began whispering in his ear.
“I thought I drilled manners into your head by now. What do you say?”
“Thank you ma’am.”
Adelaide hummed, a silent ‘you’re welcome”. She then proceeded to take his entire length in her mouth. Even with his impressive length, she pushed herself until her nose pressed against his happy trail. Kung Lao gasped and moaned. He desperately wanted to throw his head back and hide from her sultry gaze, but the pressure around his neck reminded him of the consequences of doing so.
Raiden and Adelaide looked at one another and nodded. Kung Lao in his already fucked out state was unaware of just how much noise he was making. So Raiden sat back a bit letting Lao’s head lay flat against the mattress before doing away with his own clothing. When he returned in Lao’s vision, Lao looked up only to be met with Raiden’s dick. Lao wasted no time opening his mouth and allowed Raiden to slide in until he hit the back of his throat. Raiden let out a hiss as he began to move his hips, effectively fucking his throat.
With his moans subdued, most of the noise came from the squeaking of the bed, though every now and then a soft moan from either Raiden or Lao would escape. However, Raiden noted how the frequency of Kung Lao’s moans increased. He spoke in between breaths and strokes, “He’s gonna cum.”
Adelaide pulled back, the loss of suction releasing a ‘pop’. She pulled his shorts and boxers the rest of the way off, leaving him completely bare. There was little time for Lao to make complaining noises as Raiden did not stop his thrusting. She then rose from her spot on the floor before lifting her tank top over her head. She then pushed her pajama shorts down until they pooled at the floor. Now, it was Raiden’s turn to drool at the fullness of her breasts and hips. She had to have been crafted by the Elder Gods with the way her form invited them to look upon her as if she were a work of art. Raiden gave a couple more thrusts before pulling out of Lao’s throat who gulped for air.
Lao didn’t dare move afraid that the wrong one would prohibit his orgasm for even longer. He then watched as Raiden and Adelaide switched spots. Raiden now stood in between his legs and Adelaide saddled his face looking toward Raiden. There was no talking, only anticipatory silence as Raiden lifted Lao’s legs over his shoulders, and before he could protest, Adelaide shut him up by sitting on his face. And boy was Kenshi right, she tasted divine. He began licking and suckling at her slit which made her gasp and that was all that he needed before attacking her clit and tongue fucking her hole. He drank her wetness down as if it were nectar that granted immortality. Meanwhile, Raiden used the spit that Adelaide left behind as lube before slowly pushing into Lao’s hole. Adelaide was rewarded with vibrations that had her grabbing at Raiden’s shoulders. Raiden set the rhythm, his thrusts medium paced, but brutal in their strength.
Lao could only whimper and gasp into Adelaide’s sopping cunt which in turn had her whimpering and gasping into Raiden’s mouth as they shared a kiss of their own.
“Is he making you feel good, darling?” Raiden whispered.
“Yes, sir,” she grabbed at his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. She shoved her face in his neck, leaving bites and hickeys in her wake. Raiden made sure to keep the interaction in mind to tease her about later.
“Fuck, he’s so good. Good boy, Lao.” She broke away, her moans increasing in volume which let both Lao and Raiden know that her orgasm was approaching. Lao wrapped his arms around her thighs and increased the force and speed in which he circled his tongue on her clit which elicit a squeak from her as she tried to pull away to stave off her rapidly approaching orgasm. Fuck a breath, he’d die here happy.
“No running, baby. Cum for us, yeah?” Raiden had served her the same treatment, threading his fingers through her locs and forcing her to look at him. Lao moans increased as well, letting Raiden know he was close again also. So while Raiden stopped, Kung Lao continue his attack.
“There you go…” Raiden encouraged as he watched her eyes roll back and her breath hiccup and gasp as her orgasm hit her. She shuddered and shook violently as Lao drunk her juices down. He did so until Raiden tapped his thigh to avoid sending her into overstimulation. When she lifted herself off his face, the evidence was pretty damning. From his nose down, there was a glistening wetness and he was licking his lips to commit the taste to memory.
“Don’t you think Kung Lao deserves his treat now?” Raiden looked down at the mess of a man below him, the hickeys and bite marks were beginning to show.
Still in a daze from her orgasm, she simply nodded before lifting herself above Lao’s dick, with her back against Raiden’s chest. She guided his dick until it caught on her slippery walls. There was no resistance as she sat herself fully on his dick. If it weren’t for the fact that he wanted to continue being a good boy for the both of them, he probably would’ve bussed right there. Adelaide gasped at how Lao’s dick sat perfectly against a spot that had her seeing stars. Lao let out a pornographic moan at how Adelaide’s pussy was squeezing him.
Kung Lao’s hands came to rest on her hips while Raiden released his partner’s legs in favor of running his hands up and down her body. He cupped her breasts and pinched at her nipples. He then brought his hand up to the back of her neck to push her down into Kung Lao’s chest, immediately picking up his thrusting again. In response, every thrust caused Kung Lao to haphazardly thrust up into Adelaide. Lao merely wrapped his arms around Adelaide’s body as she reduced to a babbling mess similar to him.
Adelaide wailed in pleasure as Raiden delivered a hard smack to her ass. He grabbed her hair again to lift her back to his chest. One hand wrapped around her neck while the other reached down to circle her clit. He made her bounce on Lao’s dick as the latter did his best to meet her halfway. Lao felt his orgasm fast approaching and after being denied the first two times, he begged for release.
“Please. I’ve been good. Please let me cum.”
Adelaide was a broken record at this point. “Yes. yes. yes” and “good boy” were all she could manage. Raiden also felt his orgasm approaching as his hips began to stutter some.
“Shit. Gonna cum.” Was Raiden’s only warning as he bit Adelaide’s neck to stifle his moans. It was like a chain reaction, Adelaide started as she clamped and squeezed around Kung Lao as her second orgasm hit. This caused Kung Lao to cum as Adelaide essentially milked him dry. For the same reasons, Raiden stumbled into his own orgasm. They each held on to one another as they attempted to collect their breath.
Raiden pulled away from the group first and picked up the towel Adelaide had used for her shower. He began to wipe down Kung Lao before helping Adelaide off of him and cleaning her up too. Kung Lao and Adelaide made no move to get up and in fact, when Raiden returned from throwing the towel in the hamper, he found both of them already fast asleep. He just chuckled and opened a window, allowing the smell of sex to dissipate into the cool night air before climbing in the large bed himself, snuggling up behind Adelaide who laid on Kung Lao’s chest and drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, the breakfast table was silent. There was nothing to say or rather, Kung Lao physically couldn’t speak due to a sore throat.
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fatteningmenstories · 9 months
Benched part 2
Treating himself to the luxuries of his pampered life, Ajay had already taken the time to hire a full-term chief and housemaid, as well taking the liberty of slipping the chief something here and there to cloud the number calories in the meals he would serve if Devon of the question ever arose . The housemaid's job was clear keep the house clean and the pantries and the fridge stocked with all the snacky food Devon had sworn over the last couple of yrs, they had also been instructed to add a little something extra to Devons shakes in the morning but this again was kept hidden away from Devon. Ajays job was easy enough, he would wake up with Devon in the morning as the chief served them both the full English breakfast, which something Ajay always insisted on - explaining to Devon about the yrs he lacked the money to fund it for himself. He also had the task that while Devon went full pig mode on the fat sausages, stripes of queen bacon, the numeorus slices of toast and who could forget the maple-slathered doughy pancakes, he would go down on his throbbing member. He’d like to thing of it as conditioning the pleasure Devon felt with as his meat entered Ajay’s sloppy mouth with the feeling of stuffing himself silly until he popped and squirmed like his sausages in the pan . And when Devon was getting ready to leave, leaving Ajay with a kiss that smelt of bacon and sausage, Ajay admired his work of seeing Devon leaving stuffed with his bloated stomach tightly pushing out his from fitting kit.
“Okay sweetcheeks I’m off, enjoy yourself” Devon said as he pulled away and went to grab his a daily protein shake.
While Devon was out of the house for most of the day, Ajay should have been doing anything productive, however, he fully took on Devon's word to enjoy himself, lazing in bed all day stuffing himself with the pastries the maid will leave- and even having a bell put in to signal the chef to make a hearty lunch. And when the day was done, Devon would always come home with McDonald’s in his hand begging Karan to recreate their first date - and as the Ajays short stay turned into weeks the takeaway bag filled with greasy fast food got bigger and bigger. However all this was only the warm-up to dinner where chief once again outdid himself, it was as if the chief enjoyed stuffing BOTH their employers until there would be too full to even think about ringing his bell once more . Serving up stuffed lobster, glistening hams and deep dish of pasta served with heavy sides, followed by oozing chocolate cake or whatever sweet tooth the footballer and his rent-boy was carving. When the two had finally digested their glutinous dinner, Ajay and Devon would end the night by having hot steamy sex in their quarters, and it wasn’t only their affection for each other that was growing. Over the weeks as they continued to indulge themselves Ajay’s trim frame was bending under his fattening diet, with fat slowly spreading all over his body, covering his once exposed ribs and filling in his stomach, the same however couldn’t be said for Devon whose strict training regime was working overtime to burn off the extra calories.
“Daddy, Daddy, this isn’t happening fast enough “ Chad whined “ Devons barely putting on any fat hes just getting more swole, we have our first game of the season soon and he looks no different “
“Don’t worry Chad, let me sort this out with our little rent boy “
“Ajay! You have to be out of your mind , I ordered a fattened up jock gone to pot not a beef-cake footballer , pull yourself together , or the deal is off and I will go public I promise , and you can kiss that new lifestyle of yours goodbye “
Hanging up , Ajay gulped , deciding it it was time to go take things up a notch
“Honey do you have to go and leave me’
“Leaving so early, I thought we could have a round two”
“But babe the chief made an extra portion of food and it would be a shame to let it go to waste”
Ajay was pulling out all the stops, every day he made a new excuse to lure Devon into staying home and eat into his training time, he would drop the babes and the honeys like smooth butter to guilt Devon into staying home and riding the bell for seconds
“Okay baby just this once”
“Well if you insist, but this time we gonna try things a bit differently”
“I guess it would be shame to waste such fine food’
Devon didn’t know what was happening to him, but how could be leave Ajay here all by himself in this big townhouse, sure he needed to train but he guessed one day couldn’t hurt, and besides his personal coach had seemed to taken early retirement having apparently won it big on the lotto and was now jetting around the world. So he gave in to Ajays puppy eyes, and he was happy to do so as his stomach growled out for more food
It was just the day before an important match that would commence the new season , and as Devon opened his eyes he was met with the new and improved vision of chubbier Ajay, moving in with him was definitely plumping up his lover, but as he admired his chubby lover with rolls of fat and chubbier frame Devon felt his dick harden as he saw all the effects he was having on Ajay, they certainly won’t be running away with anyone else with this lard filled body. All Ajay kept was his slender face, his body was swelling at every angle, his once tender stomach was swollen and bulging over his tight underwear, it curvature supported his puffed up man tits His thighs were starting to become embroidered in small yet noticeable stretch marks that led to his growing arse. Devon only chuckled at Karan’s misfortune, he on the other hand was in the belief that he had the same body he had when they first met, coxed on by Ajay’s lies and the web he had spun. As he stirred to ring the bell- a feature he was quickly getting used to, he felt Ajay wake up beside him as their young chief started serving their 5-star English breakfast. Were the portions increasing or was it just too early in the morning to be thinking straight? Devon’s eyes opened widely as he stuffed the sizzling sausages into his mouth, each one more juicer than the other, he ate like he had been starved , coating his food in Ajay’s favourite maple sauce. As his Arms turned into machines, continually grabbing food from all corners of his plate into his mouth, he felt Ajay stir, abandoning his plate to perform his duty. It was like clockwork, as Devon stuffed pancake into his mouth his meat was being stuffed further and further into Ajay’s mouth. Finishing his plate in he quickly reached over to consume Karan’s leftover fueled by a hunger he didn’t know he had . And damn did it feel good. He came gasping at the sides of his bed as he came straight down Karan’s mouth.
Standing up he realised he was already running late for his training, he didn’t notice however that like his fattened lover his abandonment of his strict training sessions and his ravenous hunger for food was bearing its effect on his once muscular trim-cut body, his rock-hard abs had been the first to disappear and be buried in fat as the burgers and lobster went straight to his now starter gut, the disappearance of his abs followed by his once firm pecs which were now plumped up and were swelled up with pure fat. And as he got up to put on his newly gifted underwear he didn’t notice his meaty butt-cheeks that were supported by his plumped thighs, all over he was the image of a once jock gone to pot as he stuffed himself into his athlewear and yet he still remained oblivious to this, infatuated by his fatty lover
“Don’t go, I get so lonely without you “
” Ajay unlike you I can’y just laze around all day I have to train “
” But please, without you I feel so incomplete and what good is all this money and hard-work of you can’t spend your time with me “
Devon was taken back, it dawned on him that everything he ever wanted he got, why should he waste his time doing the same thing every single day.
“Fine, but I do really need to train“, he remarked as he ditched his tight sports clothes to cuddle in bed with Ajay who was already ringing the bell
As match day approached, Devon felt like in the worst shape ever, him and Ajay had really overdone it last night, it was as if the chief was using magic, the 5 course meal paired with a good amount of beers made him yearn for his sleep. Leaving Ajay sleeping in bed he decided it would definitely be better to forgo their daily feast of a breakfast. Even after his shower he still felt drowsy, shaving of his starter beard that he had been growing since he met Ajay was like a slap to the face. Was that, no way, what in the hell no matter how much he prodded it and smudged it the beginnings of his double chin was going no where, pulling his face close to the mirror he couldn’t deny his face was definitely fuller , his cheeks were rounder and his winkles were creased out . Stepping back in this new harsh reality he surveyed more of the damage, the cold bathroom light was not forgiving - gone were his abs gone were his pecs and gone was his waistline. He had plumped up all over a that food definitely found space to expand, running his hands over he was softer and dumpier, it was easily a pure gain of 15kg of fat, and the worst offender was easily his gut. The drastic difference from his trim frame of abs to his now rounded out gut that jutted out ,this was definitely going to be hard to hard.
Only grabbing a shake for breakfast and resorting to his largest clothes, Devon quickly fled the scene, what was he going to do, sure the damage was bad and it wasn’t going no where - finishing his shake he had to fight with himself not to help self to the pastries in the locker room. No Devon this is exactly how you got like this, but still his stomach grumbled until it was unbearable - sure one croissant won’t hurt, and if I’m gonna have one I might as well have two. This logic was exactly what led to only handful of pastries being left, but luckily his stomach had quietened down and now was time for his first test his kit.
He thought it would be wise to start with his shorts, it was all going fine until it got to his more sizeable arse - long gone was perfect square butt now his cheeks were plumped up and won’t fitting in no size 30, it took a lot of struggling and suck in the put them on - and dam were they tight but at least they were on. Putting on the jersey was a real shock he was used to the breathable loose fit -that was long gone, his wider frame filled up his jersey with ease and the biggest problem would be his gut, it jutted out a few inches and refused to be hidden. God he felt fat, checking himself out in the mirror he looked like a fattened up caricature of himself, what was going on.
In pre-training he kept it light, luckily his team failed to bring up his noticeable weight gain, but he couldn’t help but see the looks and whispering just out of earshot, Chad seemed to be the only one would bring it up
“Looks some needs to hit some cardio”
“Come on big guy catch up”
Big guy, god was it that noticeable, damn the diet starts tomorrow, and why was he sweating so much even after a few light exercises he felt as heavy as a truck. Sure he had missed a couple of trainings but he was the star footballer, what was going on and was that his tummy rumbling.
If Devon had felt self-conscious earlier on the pitch with the thousands of spectators now, he felt like he was being watched from all angles, and it didn’t help that he was far from his a-game - he was slower and barely keeping up with his team, he was red in the face after all the running he had do to keep up. He just couldn’t do it, running was like there was lead in his legs and he felt his fatty body sweat up and rub against his kit - and by time halve time was called he was panting.
A nil-nil start sure wasn’t the worst, but his team were wholly less supportive sure he had missed a couple of goals but surely it wasn’t that bad. Lurking away from the training room, he find a tv running - some commenters on the game were yapping on he didn’t pay attention till a picture of him for last season popped
“I mean look at his shape, fit prime and in charge’
“Now look at this”
A picture for todays match popped, a very unflattering photo he was red in the face covered in sweat and if they say the camera had 10 it looked like it was 20 today, he looked massive taken form a bad angle you could see his gut prodding out, even a bit of underbelly piped out, his sweat hugged the curvature of his gut and his arms and legs were giganitc and with the face he was pulling it like like had rolls
‘Im mean it obvious someone defiantly porked up a bit”
“Ha ha - he’s defiantly pigged out this off season”
“Oh definelty - Devon looks awful and it obvious affecting his play did you see him out there - he was sluggish and red”
“And did you see that backside - God it looked he had a bbl done”
“Geez yh, if this things keeps going I won’t be supposed if he is benched till next seas”
He switched it up, God he felt humiliated ( even a bit aroused tho - God what was happening to him ), He had to pull out all the stops this next halve,
And that he did, he ran faster and tried harder than anything, but still it didn’t work - 5 minutes on the clock and it looked like there was nothing to show but a panting red faced Devon, then suddenly in just the final moments on the game , he saw it - an opening it was just right. The entire world was still, he saw his moment, he felt his breath panting but he didn’t care. With one powerful kick he lobbed the ball into the goal, it went flying soaring straight into the top left corner. The crowd went wild, it was in - he felt on top of the world, but in his moment of victory he just couldn’t see Chad running straight for him, too fast to stop. He only saw it from the corner of his eye - second too late, it all happened so fast, like a train wreck, it all went silent until
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twodiamondhoes · 3 months
Oh wow, I didn't realize my ask would be replied back with a fic snippet!
Concept 1 sounds a bit like The Highwayman so I'm glad Dirges took a new turn (the snippet was awesome though!). Concept 2, though, that sounds so cool! I'd love to see a fic where Tango takes more of a proactive role in death and protection as a soulkeeper! Maybe you could spin it into an AU with it's own brand of spookiness, with or without Del Sombra.
I now want to ask another thing: what made you decide to use Empires characters in Dirges? And are we going to see more of them in the character stories?
Haha, hope you enjoyed it! I figured it would just end up continuing to collect dust in my docs folder otherwise, and your ask was the perfect reason to post it.
This got longer than expected, so I'm going to put it under a cut. :D
Fun fact 2! I was about halfway through plotting the revamped second concept when I read The Highwayman (if you haven't read it, go go go!! it's so good) and let me tell you, the crisis I had once I'd finished it and come down from that "I just read an excellent fic" high was major. I was in full on panic mode for a few days, worried that even though I'd already changed so much from that original concept that Dirges would still be too similar. My partner had to remind me that there are entire library sections out there that are similar premises with vastly different executions (please see: westerns, lol), that no one could write the story I had in my head but me, and that even if no one read Dirges, it would still be worth writing.
But let me tell you there was a period of twenty-four hours where I tried to think up a fic that I would want to write more than Dirges for the sake of the Big Bang and I just couldn't. So in the end, I kept going, ended up with the final concept for Dirges, re-plotted the whole thing, and then basically ate, slept, and breathed Dirges for about four months. I'm not going to be doing that with the sequels because holy smokes that was a lot of writing in a very very short time, but I still can't quite believe I pulled it off in the end.
As far as Soulkeeper Tango goes, I might see about giving him his own au! The idea is so near and dear to my heart. I've got a lot on the docket for the future, but I'm going to keep him in the back of my head, in the hopes that inspiration strikes and I can give him the story he deserves. I have toyed with the idea of a smaller fic, loosely based around the original Concept 2 plotline for Dirges (so basically an au of my own au lol), but we'll see!
Oooh excellent question! The short answer is, I needed a huge cast. The longer answer is, it felt odd to have Jimmy be the only non-hermit in the entire story, and to separate him from his buddies on other servers, especially because I wanted Lizzie as the fourth Ratcliffe sibling, so it would be Lizzie and Jimmy versus the Hermitcraft members. There was also the factor that both Pearl and Gem were on Empires 1, and the HC/Empires crossover made it an easy leap to make. I wanted Jimmy to have been able to make friends, and to make the world feel populated, without having Del Sombra be the only place the Hermits congregated, since I'd already made Joe Hills Mayor of another town, and the places I could think to put a lot of the other hermits were Elsewhere. My options ended up being: either come up with a bunch of OCs, or see if I could sprinkle in some Empires characters, and it all kind of spiraled from there! I wasn't sure how people would receive a plethora of OCs, and since the Hermitcraft cast was a limited pool of folks that I'd already placed in the world, I figured adding in some other MCYTs couldn't hurt. So, I started with Shelby and Sausage and it all kind of fell into place from there!
As for if we'll be seeing them in the other stories, absolutely! There are some Hermits I haven't included yet (sorry Iskall, my beloved), and there are parts of some of the sequels that will be taking place around some of the Empires members as well as HC members that we've seen, and some that we haven't! For example, the reason Iskall isn't in Del Sombra to pester Stress and the others is because he's a holdover from one of the Earlier Concepts and I like his role too much to change it, so it's going to be folded into one of the later stories. Oli will also be showing up at a couple of very specific points! Those are the two examples off the top of my head, but there is definitely more to come!
Thank you for the questions! This is a lot of fun XD
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Not Again! (The "Drunken Sailor" Incident)
Triggers: annoyed coworkers, insanely catchy earworm, bad singing, Dr. Gears is annoyed, liberal use of duct tape for unintended purposes, 073 saves the day, Dr. Bright!
It was a quiet Tuesday in Dr. Gears' office. I had just sat down after handing him a coffee, ready to start the day's tasks. We had just gotten to reviewing the new proposals when it started. The unmistakable sound of Jack Bright, attempting to sing. Dr. Gears closed the door, muffling the sound a little. This did not deter Dr. Bright in the least, if anything he just got louder. Dr. Gears looks at me.
"It's clear we're not going to get anywhere with him caterwauling like that. Rabbit, you have earplugs?"
"Did not expect to need them, Boss." I shrug. He hands me a set still in the Foundation packaging.
"Pop those in and go find help. No need for both of us to suffer." I nod. That's Dr. Gears for you, noble and devoted no matter the threat. I insert earplugs, exit office.
Strangely, but not unexpectedly... no one is in the hall. Can't say I blame them. It's well known Jack Bright cannot sing. And whomever taught him that old sea shanty should be used for target practice. With throwing knives and maybe a sledgehammer. I can sort of hear him.
"Weigh hay up she rises, weigh hay up she rises, weigh hay up she rises early in the morning..." I book it before he hits the verse and I get tempted to keelhaul him in 682's unit. And, as luck would have it, manage to knock a box of duct tape out of 073's hands when I run straight into him. He's trying to talk to me, but I can't hear him. I pull out the plugs. Good. No more singing. I pick up the scattered tape rolls.
"Hey, want to help us out? Dr. Bright is stuck in 'Drunken Sailor' mode again."
"Third time in a week. Let's go." I pop in my ear armor, and we approach our target. Sure enough, he's in the third chorus. Cain starts unwrapping the silvery silencer, and I try to distract Dr. Bright.
I start dancing with Bright, holding onto his sleeves. Cain neatly steps up, and slaps a patch of tape directly over Bright's mouth. After half a roll, no more sea shanty. The full roll had him strapped to his own chair. Just in time for Dr. Gears to come in, with three very annoyed MTF members.
"Huh. That deescalated quickly. Who came up with the duct tape idea?"
"It was a joint effort between Agent Rabbit and myself, Doctor. I'm relieved it seems to have been successful." 073, modest as ever. He did the hard part, all I did was wiggle around and hold Dr. Bright's sleeves.
"Nicely done, you two. Have a free coffee from 294 on me." He hands us each 50 cents. We accept, sheepishly. Dr. Gears turns to the guards. "Wheel Dr. Bright down to the antimemetics department, let them figure out how to erase that earworm from his mind. I swear, one more time, and I'm going to beg 05 to send him to Antarctica. With no winter gear." Bright is wheeled out, looking horrified. Serves him right, he cannot sing. Sounds like a wounded casowary with a leg caught in an industrial sausage grinder.
"Hurray for industrial strength duct tape and quick thinking."
"You know why duct tape is silver, Cain?"
"Why, Rabbit?"
"Silence is golden." That gets a chuckle out of him.
"And in Dr. Bright's case, far more rare." This had Dr. Gears smirking.
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ilexdiapason · 1 year
exactly. not only wouldn't Scott want to depart from his very lovely bf, but Martyn has gone and caught feelings too. and as Scott's changes become more and more clear and closer to becoming real, Martyn has to decide what to do about all this...
okay i know you hadnt read the last one yet when you wrote this but im picking up from there <3
okay so like. there are two mer and one human in this cave. for all his longevity, martyn was never the powerful one underwater; it's scott who got the siren tongue, the deceptively sweet song that led everyone astray while martyn lurked in the shadows with his sword at the ready. scott denholm has never sung a note of siren song - he's not drowning sausage if he wanted to, and he won't, that's his boyfriend. they have a witness.
martyn doesn't want to stab sausage either, though. the man is sweet and funny and so quick with clever comebacks that it rivals martyn's famous wits, although a tad more sexually inclined on an everyday level. he doesn't think this witness is likely to snitch, either. claiming scott as his prize was enough of a win for sausage - he wouldn't want the siren strung up and displayed as a trophy, too.
so martyn just needs to make sure that sausage decides the two of them are more valuable alive.
(of course this is martyn going full crisis mode, sausage would not sell them out for being freaks of nature, he thinks they're both lovely and he likes a paycheck but not that much)
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hersheyotaku · 2 years
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Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rating: T Characters: Donatello, April O'Neil Pairings: Donatello/April O'Neil Tags: Mistletoe, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Kissing Summary: There’s more than one way to keep warm on a cold winter’s day, and Donnie discovers a new method that goes by the name of viscum album. A gift for the lovely @chubs-deuce for the Apritello Server's Secret Santa Gift Exchange! 😘 Read on Ao3 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/42633939
Donatello Hamato hated the cold.
He hated the way it made him feel lethargic and slowed his productivity, he hated the way it numbed his fingers to the point that it felt like he was handling tools with uncoordinated frozen sausages, he hated the way the nip in the air made his nose run with disgusting bodily fluids, and he hated the way it made the metal in his lab ice-cold to the touch.
Even his tech seemed to hate the cold, the metal components contracting and the lubricants thickening with the chill, causing his more temperature-sensitive machines to lag or fail. He’d had to outfit Shelldon with thermal insulation just to keep the little drone from shutting down into his own tech version of brumation.
All that being said, Donnie didn’t, however, hate the methods one could use to combat the frigid winter temperatures that permeated the subterranean lair. Soft clothes, thick blankets, steaming beverages, thermal battle shell enhancements, Genius Built™️ heat lamps, and best of all?
The shared body heat of his incredibly warm-blooded best friend and romantic partner, who was currently sharing three layers of thick sherpa blankets with him as they sat cuddled together in an oversized beanbag chair. The projector screen flickered with images of Jupiter Jim’s Pluto Vacation IV, the merry chiming of the current musical number only adding to the cozy winter ambience that permeated the festively decorated room.
Despite the entire family spending the day indoors partaking in traditional holiday activities such as cookie baking (Mikey’s favorite) and metaphorically ‘decking the halls’ with lights and greenery and the assortment of chintzy decor Splinter had acquired over the years, his brothers were now notably absent, having decided to ride out the night’s chill within their shells in a state of temporary brumation. 
And while in years past Donnie would have opted to join them, this year he had a very compelling reason to stay awake.
His reason for wakefulness reached across him for one of the mugs of hot cocoa Shelldon had delivered moments prior. April had opted to spend the night thanks to the blizzard raging across the city above, and while Donnie had installed treads on the turtle tank that could have delivered her safely to her doorstep, they’d decided spending a cozy night together watching holiday classics was much preferable to driving through blinding sleet and snow.
And if Donnie was being honest, he rather enjoyed having this uninterrupted time alone with April—a rare luxury unless they resorted to retreating to his lab in lockdown mode to avoid nosy family members.
And he planned to take full advantage of their cozy solitude.
Surreptitiously, Donnie shifted himself to make just enough room for a single metal arm to extend from his battle shell, the metal appendage snaking out from the cozy nest of blankets to hover over their heads. Within its claw dangled a small sprig of greenery adorned with tiny white berries that he’d acquired for just such an occasion as this.
With the scene properly set, Donnie made a show of clearing his throat.
April glanced up from sipping her chocolatey beverage with a soft ‘hm?’ before her eyes caught on the greenery hanging above them.
“Whatcha got there, Donnie?” she asked, raising her mug for another sip to conceal her smile at her dorky boyfriend’s antics.
“Oh, this?” Donnie waggled his sharpied eyebrows at her, pleased that she’d asked. “Why, it appears to be an evergreen obligate hemiparasite of the Santalales order, specifically the European variant viscum album, as can be identified by the small oval leaves and white berries. Which, fun fact, are each traditionally supposed to elicit lip contact when held aloft and removed like so.”
Reaching up, he proceeded to free a pale berry from the cluster before puckering his lips in expectation.
April snickered against the rim her mug. “Right, yeah, okay Mr. Subtle,” she teased, setting her drink aside before snagging the front of his purple sweater. “Bring it in, Dee.”
The touch of her soft, cocoa-sweetened lips warmed Donnie like no sweater or hot beverage ever could, and the turtle melted like a marshmallow on a bunsen burner, his insides feeling just as ooey and gooey as the toasted confection, a soft churr rumbling in his chest.
Their lip lock continued for one warm, blissful moment before April pulled back with a soft ‘smek,’ eyes half-lidded as her holly-red lips curled into a coy grin. 
“So how ‘bout we get busy using up the rest of these berries?” she purred, reaching up and plucking another small berry from the sprig, rolling it between her fingers and arching a brow at him in a challenge that Donnie was all too happy to accept, leaning in to meet April halfway as she claimed her mistletoe-sanctioned kiss.
Ah, the merits of seasonally-appropriate botany—who knew a parasitic evergreen plant could serve as such an effective method of keeping warm?
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enkisstories · 8 months
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One use of his comlink and a long silence later, a droid arrived from the cafeteria, carrying a tray on its head. There were freshly fried toast and a pan full of large mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon and sausages. Apparently the interrogation was taking so long already, that the cafeteria had switched to breakfast mode by now.
Chris: "Since you mentioned the cafeteria... they offer a delivery service. So, uh, I didn't expect to sink this low, but... Meal for information?"
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Timothy: "All of this?"
Chris: "I figured you didn't have anything all day, so, yes. Just swallow before you talk to me. I don't fancy having to clean spittle off the table."
Timothy: "Alright, start taking notes!"
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Timothy: *munch, munch*
Chris: "Stop! I entered the info you gave me into the table, and it contradicts what a different cadet learned from his interrogation!"
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Timothy: "Which one?"
Chris: "What do you mean?"
Timothy: "Which cadet's information doesn't line up with what I gave you? Might be one of my friends played one of yours for a fool by feeding them lies. And the good little cop fell for it."
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Chris: "You're right. If I delete everything RH-215 learned, the pieces snap together. Perfect!"
Timothy: "Two-fifteen? That's the child..."
Chris: "RH-215 isn't a child. He's almost fifteen."
Timothy: "Knowing how young you guys are was always the hardest part of fighting First Order soldiers. Even when they fired at us."
Note: RH-215 is Rohan Elderberry.
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konrul · 10 months
Stranded in Monaco di Baviera
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I started preparing for this trip by watching the first season of Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl. Little did I know that my short vacation will double in length.
There was a time when München was known as the Haupstadt der Bewegung, but in the last few days there was no bewegung of trams, buses and most of the flights were canceled. So I got stuck.
The first thing that hit me in the city was the smell. Later I would feel the same smell (or another, a mixture of pork, sausages and Glühwein) even from the 91 m high tower of the St. Peter church.
However the first thing to warm my soul was this Osram advert:
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On the way to the Glypthotek I was happy to see this:
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Of course one goes to the Glypthotek to see the Medusa Rondanini.
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"the mere knowledge that such a work could be created and still exists in the world makes me twice the person I was"
And in München one goes to eat and drink.
Obazda goes very good with beer (look up a recipe and make it as soon as you can).
Pork knuckles were a disappointment (I think the ones I am used to are smoked beforehand).
The beef soup? My mother makes better soup from chicken!
If you care about sacrificed animals and you think that every possible part of it should be used, also if you like to eat organs, you might try Milzwurst that is a thick sausage made with spleen. You might try it, but it's just meh...
What to drink? Drink helles, Feuerzangenbowle, Enzian and Bärwurz Schnaps and generally spirits that are so obscure that even the young waitress doesn't know about their existence (Bockbierbrand).
Now about something else. On the third day the snow was so big that the airport got in full chaos mode.
On that day I have seen a young woman skiing on the sidewalk. Next level for sure.
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In six days I have seen almost everything I wanted and some things I didn't even care about so much and I made a daytrip to Norimberga.
Not much photos on my phone. I will make later a then and now post.
The End
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Nyissz! at Asamkirche
the music for this trip was:
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