#fullmetal alchemist fic
queenofmoons · 8 months
The first thing Al thinks when he’s tethered to his body again is, it hurts.
His joints are screaming, his muscles are atrophied, the sun burns his eyes. He is so cold. He presses his hands into the concrete beneath him and takes in the sharp, sandy peaks that leave indents in his palms.
He feels the dull ache of a lump in his throat for the first time in years.
(Or, Al learns how to have a body)
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Royai Week 2023
Day 5: dreamers
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lady-charinette · 2 months
Letters from War - Chapter 35
Black Smoke and Shattered Mirrors
There is nothing more dangerous than not knowing where the enemy is. – Sun Tzu, probably
Fury seeped into Riza's blood and fueled her footsteps towards Raven's office, her resolve hardening as soon as the door closed shut.
"Lieut. General, I-" Riza started speaking but her tongue got promptly caught in her throat when a heavy hand squeezed her shoulder in warning.
"Now, now, Mrs. Mustang, there's no need for these hostilities, is there? Orders are orders, after all. I suggest you forget this little mistake on my part, I'm sure your husband is all right on the frontlines and will return safely even without reinforcements." Raven smirked, massaging Riza's shoulder in a way that made her skin crawl and feel naked despite her heavy uniform. "I suggest we take a seat and drink coffee together-"
When his hand fell lower, Riza acted.
Grabbing Raven's offending hand, she slammed her heel on Raven's foot to throw him off balance and hauled him over her head.
"That is Lieutenant General Mustang to you."
Raven's outcry and the resulting crash of him slamming and destroying his own coffee table caused multiple footsteps to rush towards his office.
Raven noticed too late that Riza had torn the side of her uniform at her breast pocket, still covering her modesty but leaving little room to suggest what had transpired, or what Riza wanted it to look like had almost transpired, seconds ago in the room.
Sheska and several other officers stormed into the room with their weapons raised, Sheska froze in fear when she saw Raven collapsed on the floor and Riza looking none too pleased and disheveled.
Once the Lieutenant General turned to address the officers, they all saluted her. Some of their faces twitched in dismay and disgust at Riza's appearance. "Lieutenant General Raven has attempted to sexually assault me, I would like for his conduct to be investigated immediately and I wish to speak to the Führer now."
The group of soldiers all glanced down at Raven, who was frozen in stunned silence at the sequence of events that transpired within seconds.
Riza's gaze hardened and she slammed her boots together. "Now, soldiers."
Sheska snapped out of her stupor. "F-Follow me, Lieutenant General Mustang, ma'am."
Keeping her composure carefully blank but reasonably distressed enough so the other soldiers wouldn't question her demeanor after such an apparently horrid experience, Riza followed behind Sheska while she heard Raven whine and scream as several soldiers surrounded him to detain him.
'I may not be near the white king to protect him…' Riza's steps were measured, her lips twitching into the barest of smirks. 'But the white queen can eliminate all other figures on the field and I've captured your knight, Bradley.'
Chapter 35 is up now on Ao3 and FFnet!
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My FMA fics!
We've got a couple wips and one finished works and more fics are planned.
This is and i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies. Featuring Roy and Riza dealing with their ptsd, guilt, and suicidal ideation and Roy helping Ed through something similar.
Featuring Roy and Hughes going undercover as a couple, disabled Maes Hughes acting as a disability mentor for Ed, and Hughes bonding with the Elrics.
Featuring the Elrics early days in the military, team bonding, angst, soft, utter chaos, trans Ed, and the reason why under no circumstances should you leave Edward Elric alone without something to do. He will find something to do and you will not like what it will be.
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fmapika · 1 year
Alphonse stared at the mirror.
An unfamiliar suit of armor stared at him back.
He still hadn’t gotten used to it— he wasn’t sure if he ever would.
Suddenly remembers I have a fma tumblr account. Check out my Al fic :)
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horoyois · 1 year
summer sunlight | royai drabble
✦ roy is not good with changes.
—pairing: roy mustang x riza hawkeye
—genre: angst, teensy bit of fluff, mentions of war
—word count: 700
—a/n: yeah i should be studying but here i am, lost in royai hell
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The weather is too humid in East City.
The Sun sets long past its time with the Summer days, and its rays make his skin itchy and sore. The wool uniform does not help, either, and the surrounding buildings are not tall enough to provide shadow where he sits in his office.
“Is it possible to bring a fan into my office?” he asks one of the soldiers posted in the reception desk. “It’s too hot and we would want to survive the summer months, ideally.”
“Survive, huh. Are you not used to the heat in the East already, Lieutenant Colonel Mustang?” the officer responds.
And his skin itches more than before.
Whether he is referring to the couple months that have passed since he and his team were destined to East City or he is snarky enough to mention the scorching weather in Ishval in front of the Flame Alchemist (it turns even hotter with a snap of his fingers), Roy does not know. He touches a weak spot, anyway.
Because he is definitely not used to this, yet. He is not used to this city, too small compared to his home and too big compared to where he spent most of his childhood. A city bustling under the daylight, but completely silent when it turns dark and the crickets sing. A city close to the land he burnt to ashes, too close for comfort. Is this a punishment? It may as well be.
He was never good with change. A slow learner and slow adapter, not the best when it comes to new things. Bad with new routines, he still wakes up at three hundred hours sharp (like during the war, like he has to do rounds); bad at remembering where his things are inside his new apartment. 
He is chewing his nails off now, and he needs to get out, hide from the sunlight and from the heat that makes his skin feel like it is bubbling (like their skin after a taste of his alchemy). 
He runs off without saying a word to anyone, and he can hear the surprised shouts of “Lieutenant Colonel” coming from his new team, but never his name. He is not Roy anymore; he has become nothing but a military title.
He hides inside one of the toilets, the one he knows is often empty, and tries to swallow his emotions, his sorrow and, most of all, his guilt. But it is a big bite, his guilt, and his throat is well closed.
After a while, he decides to go back to his office. The sun is almost gone now, and the golden hour makes pretty shadows out of the regal building that is Eastern Command. By the shadows and the light, he guesses it has to be around nineteen hundred hours. Everyone must have clocked off already. However, he is surprised to see the doors to his office wide open. 
And in the empty office, at the desk closest to his and focusing on a paper that means nothing after all they’ve done, sits her. The light is playing with her hair, illusions of sparkles and golden strands dancing in between her frowned eyebrows.  She has taken her jacket off, probably taking advantage of the absence of her peers, and her frame looks tiny compared to when she wears the stiff uniform over her shoulders. Her gaze is so serious it almost makes him chuckle, and the same ray of light that was bothering him earlier is now making her hazel eyes seem almost golden.
He feels his chest deflate, now a thousand times lighter. 
“Unbearable, this heat. Right, Lieutenant?”
The corners of her mouth go up a bit, and she lifts her gaze to watch him closely.
“We have seen worse, sir”.
And the way she says “we” helps him find his ground, finally. And he smiles fondly, understanding that change is going to come again and again, but if he can have her by his side like this, his constant, his stability — then he will let it come. Again and again.
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© horoyois - all rights reserved. reposting/translating/modifying is not allowed.
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shrimphearted · 2 months
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First image is based on this video by @jjkyaoi anyways i miss the belly of the beast arc </3
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infestedguest · 7 months
A relatively common trope of fma fanfiction is the modern Amestris au, which is basically your standard modern au for all your slice of life needs except stuff like alchemy and automail still exist, so the author doesn’t have come up with real world equivalents when that’s not really the point of their fic.
This is all fine and dandy, but one thing that’s always bugged me is that most of the time in these fics Al is just like. a normal, not disembodied, fully abled child. There are several issues with this, mainly that this alteration significantly changes the character dynamic between Ed and Al in ways the author often doesn’t account for at all.
This is also a common issue is regular modern aus, but I bring it up in the context of modern Amestris aus because an idea just occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve seen before: since alchemy still exists, why not have Al just straight up still be in the armor? Put that boy in public school and give him the strangest IEP known to man!
Touchscreens don’t recognize his leather fingers so he has a blackberry (which his hands are way too big for so it takes him twice as long to send most messages because he doesn’t like to leave in typos).
He was both pressured into joining and permanently banned from his middle school’s basketball team within the span of a week.
His condition isn’t secret or anything, it was kind of a big deal at the time and it made the news after it happened but after awhile the buzz mostly died down.
They were contacted by one of those medical mysteries documentary shows (a la extraordinary people), and Pinako told them that if they thought she would let an entire camera crew into her house they were fucking insane.
The initial publicity is the only reason the Amestrian government hasn’t kidnapped him or anything, but they do stalk him and the brothers and the Rockbells have definitely noticed.
If Izumi is Ed and Al’s legal guardian they are much more discreet about it because whenever she spots them hiding in the bushes or whatever she starts reciting castle doctrine law “to no one in particular.”
Because the modern world is a bureaucratic panopticon from hell and also CPS exists instead of just going out into the world to find the philosophers stone the Elrics just have to study real hard and try to eventually get into Alchemy MIT I guess.
Al is physically unable to use any kind of headphones because he has no ears.
He and Mei Chang are playing Minecraft right now as we speak.
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Ageswap AU comic
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polypolyanna · 2 months
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What if Trisha was Xerxian and she and Hohenheim got married and had Ed and Al? And of course Homunculus is there. A nice happy little family.
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Trying to learn how to draw Ed again
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i-have-fma-thoughts · 2 months
I want to see this mf's dark side
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I want to know how far you'd have to push him and how far he'd go
I want to watch him lose it.
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Chapter 4 of “i’m building an empire (starting from scratch it began with stones)” is up!!
Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow in America, I’m posting a day early so I don’t forget!
Hope you enjoy!
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royaibrainrot · 1 year
Sometimes I hate that biblically accurate Roy always wears dress clothes. What if I am tired of saying he’s wearing slacks. What if I want to have fun.
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areyousanta · 7 months
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Warm, Fuzzy Feelings
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flowersforriza · 17 days
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some royai wips i should probably finish.....
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