#fun fact (morbid):
hellenhighwater · 1 year
Wait is that actually your ex-boyfriend's hand? What happened to him?
He works with real live dinosaurs so....
Nah, he and are are super good friends--we were before we dated, and remained so after, because the breakup was extremely amicable, and he's one of those people who's a terribly good gift-giver. Most years we still exchange gifts sometime between our respective birthdays and christmas, and he sent me that hand (it's a replica) as a gift one year. I made him the archaeopteryx fossil bowl this year.
Just because this is the OG bone-stealing witch website, I will clearly state that the only real human bones I possess are my own. My animal bones are all either scavenged myself or gifted to me by the people that scavenged them. (I have a sort of energy that consistently makes people go "I saw this dead thing and thought of you!")
I don't have a problem with owning human remains that are ethically sourced, but the reality is that unless you can very precisely trace the origin of human remains to the specific person who clearly and unequivocally stated in life that they're cool with someone keeping and displaying their now-unused crunchy bits, it's...probably not ethical. So if someone has some of their own bones that they're done using that they want to send my way: cool, let's talk, ideally before it's necessary to have the conversation by seance. Otherwise, I will continue to be perfectly happy with my replica remains.
I'd like to will my crunchy bits to someone who will make dramatic monologues to my noggin, but hopefully that's not an issue I'll need to deal with for a while yet.
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sp0o0kylights · 11 months
Mimic Steve!!! at number Seven I see,,, was that, perchance, on purpose? :D
AYYYY you caught that! I'm so glad someone did lol.
I had to go hunt down what I already posted about the Mimic Steve AU lmao
It's honestly easier to read the first part here , but basically, it's an AU that centers around how the Steve we know isn't actually Steve Harrington; he's a replacement that his parents bought and paid Brenner/The Lab for.
What he actually is, is a being similar to humans with mimic-like abilities from another dimension. They kidnapped him at a young age and then later tortured him into being Steve when the real one passed away from cancer as a child.
There's a vast number of problems happening when the story starts but the biggest is that Robin and Nancy have accidentally discovered that the real Steve Harrington is dead and the house Steve lives in doesn't actually belong to the Harrington's.
In a panic-ridden attempt to prevent them from discovering he's a monster from an alternate dimension whose stuck, Steve taps Eddie for help on grounds that he has romantic feelings for Eddie and already thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved in return. I he loses Eddie as a friend over this then well-- chances were that was gonna happen anyways because he sucks at hiding that he's in love--but he can't lose Robin.
In his head, that means Robin can't learn that he's not human
“Sweetheart, you are Steve.”
He frantically shook his head. “No, I’m not. I’m a copy of Steve, one they forced so hard that it--it overwrote the real me. I don’t know who I actually am, Eddie.” 
Besides a fucking monster, from somewhere else. 
(At his lowest, in the dark of the house in the middle of the night, Steve turned himself back into his base form. 
The thing he was--or at least thought he was--before he’d been kidnapped. 
Stared at himself in the mirror and felt only terror, because he didn’t recognize himself. )
Eddie stepped up, gently took one of Steve’s hands. 
Threaded their fingers together. 
“Okay.” He said, eyes searching Steve’s own. “What can I do to help you find yourself?” 
Steve stared back. 
“I haven’t--I never…” He trailed off faintly, all thoughts of who he had been and who he was impersonating vanishing in the face of his reality. 
That Steve’s life had been so preoccupied with keeping himself safe by living within a lie, he never actually spent any time trying to figure out who he was. 
Eddie seemed to realize this, and nodded once as if Steve’s expression was an answer in and of itself. “It’s okay. I mean it. It’s a big thing, and it’ll take you some time, but I’ll be there with you if you want me to be.” 
Steve sniffed.
“Even if I turn into a car again?” 
Eddie laughed softly. ‘Yeah Sunlight. Even if you scare the shit out of me by turning into a car again.” 
“They’re emergency purposes only.” Steve said--and he meant it. 
(The fear of getting stuck as something non-human had terrified him so badly the car incident had left him puking up his guts for two days after, nerves shot.) 
“Now about changing into that courthouse clerk…”
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This is gonna be a more... gruesome question, but how recent does the body have to be for a Taker to take it? Could one, in theory, use the remains of an older body (even though it wouldn't work nearly as well)?
If it's decomposing? No. But they can take older bodies as long as the skin hasn't started to rot.
Technically they could take half rotten bodies, but it wouldn't cover their own forms fully, so it'd be pointless to them.
But in theory? They could pilot a skeleton without skin. Takers just need something to wear on top of their own bodies.
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Decapitation then
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)]
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serpula-lacrymansss · 5 months
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Nice night tonight.
Cold night- the best kind.
I know it's not really a popular opinion, but I've always preferred colder climates to warmer ones. In hot weather, the heat feels inescapable, pushing in from all sides. I hate feeling sweaty, being damp all the time is the absolute worst. It feels like rotting.
In hot and damp climates, a body can decompose to the same level in a couple of hours that it takes a cold body several weeks to.
It's been cold, but also wet, though, so I'm not sure.
Of course there's other factors, in the woods scavenger animals would get to you before you had the chance to rot. But in somewhere like the desert you could be mummified totally.
What's really interesting is what happens to the body in different chemical environments, though.
Sometimes, when a body is left in an alkaline environment, it forms a soft, grey, greasy substance all over the skin. They called it adipocere, from the Latin 'adeps' (fat) and 'cere' (wax).
Adipocere forms through a process called saponification and tends to develop when body fat is exposed to anaerobic bacteria in a warm, damp, alkaline environment, either in soil or water. This process is also sometimes called soap-ification, and it will stop the decay process in its tracks by encasing the body in this waxy material, turning it into a 'soap mummy.'
Pictures under the cut
The two most famous 'soap mummies' are the 'soap man' and 'soap lady,' who are now housed in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and the Mütter Museum respectively.
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The soap man, Wilhelm von Ellenbogen, who died of yellow fever in 1792 aged 63.
Born in Philadelphia and was buried there around 1800. The body was discovered in 1875 during the digging of a train depot foundation.
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The woman, who's surname was also Ellenbogen, but whose first name is unknown, died in Philadelphia, died also of yellow fever in 1792, aged 25-35
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She was buried alongside the soap man, so she was also dug up in 1875.
Makes you think.
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nguyenfinity · 5 months
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Another project, a dozen drawings based on 3 rules you set for yourself!! mine were flower heads, shows the sky somewhere, and they're all different times of day
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nebulousfishgills · 6 months
I am aware that I'm sinning and that I'm gonna feel bad about it after, but fuck it
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nedsseveredhead · 1 year
🙃 what is a weird fact you know?
the way every weird fact i know of has left my brain lmao UH
On October 5th 2003 a man and his girlfriend were killed and eaten by the grizzly bears they were studying. He had made the dire mistake of thinking of the bears as friends, and not wild apex predators who would get desperate for a meal as the winter season was coming on. Their death was fully recorded on their video camera, albeit with the lenscap on, so all that exists is the audio. His ex partner has this audio. Only one person has ever listened to it and suggested strongly that she destroy it.
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dark-ethereal-visions · 11 months
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strebcr · 5 months
❝Did  you  know  that  if  the  sun  exploded  right  now,  we  wouldn't  know  about  it  for  another  eight  minutes?❞
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"Did you know in the Poltergeist, the corpses in the pool scene are real skeletons! Which were cheaper than fabricating."
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thestressedsimmer · 8 months
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Volkivia swept up and it was like nothing ever happened. Ulric brought her out to the forest to show her how to properly forage - but since he knew that she loved to run and it was a wide space to do so, he figured it would be a good activity to do together.
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He also was enjoying listening to his daughter. She was smart - which was why it was so frustrating that it seemed like so much slipped her mind.
Right now, she was telling him about how the other girls in the village were thinking of boys and she was entirely uninterested. And besides, the boys are so immature that it drives her crazy. Most remind her of Kid more than someone she would want to be with. She thinks that she would like to build skills before moving on to the rest of her life.
Ulric reassured her that she still had plenty of time to think about such things and besides, even when she was ready, they would have to save up for a dowry and seek permission from the lord. Then there would be the marriage tax and tithes. She would be lucky to be married before she was 20! That made her laugh and seemed to calm her down. He wondered what those girls were saying to her....
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The conversation lapsed into nothing and they both focused on running and looking at the plants around them. There were no sticks or roots in sight, so there was no reason for Ulric to be concerned about his daughter losing her footing....
And yet. She seemed to trip on thin air a moment later.
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At first, he didn't notice anything. It wasn't until he heard the gentle 'oof' and thud that he realized that she fell over. How is that even possible? There was nothing to trip on. He purposefully brought her through a clear path, knowing that she is extra clumsy.
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"Volkivia, are you okay?" He asked, rushing over to her side.
"Yes, papa. I'm... I'm fine." She mumbled, sitting back. Her ankle hurt. All it took was one peek under her skirt to see that it was swollen and bruised. ". . . ow."
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"Let me take a look."
"Papa, I'm fine ---"
"I said let me take a look." Ulric said firmly, kneeling by his daughter's side. He was just thankful to the Watcher that she didn't hit her head on a tree or poke her eye out. As he inspected, he nodded. . . He'd been injured like this before when his wife was still alive, so he knew what to do.
But he had been hunting. His daughter had fell over herself for no reason. That was concerning, but the village physician cost more money than he could afford. He would have to save it for an emergency.
"You shouldn't walk on this, little gem. Let me carry you home."
"No, no, you don't have to. I'm far too big now for you to do that."
"Nonsense. You're my little girl. You'll never be too big for me to carry."
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
reading your and jaspers posts about bryce with silent admiration because im too scared to contribute but i really love bryce so much hes my girlfriend and my husband and i like hearing u guys talk about him because youre Right. especially as someone who struggled from grief and trauma and being abused i think bryce's case interests me more than any of the other characters (even though liam is my favorite, and it says a lot because i find all of them interesting) because there is so much to him. i doubt he has processed a single thing about what happened. i think stellas death was recent too honestly, within the last few years at least, and he copes by... not coping. burying himself in work and drinking in the hopes to forget about it. not even to mention the fact that in episode 7 it showed him driving home drunk personally i feel he was past the point of caring to the point of engaging in risky/dangerous behaviors (this speaks for itself, i dont think i need to say why). i think that the plane impacted him so much that within those 7 months after leaving he got his shit together. i cant speak for if hes totally sober or not but at the very least he doesn't drink as much as he used to and i doubt he's putting himself in danger anymore. to be honest i think bryce is one of the characters who has changed the most because of the plane, which makes him being rejoined all the more interesting to me. im probably just making shit up but i like to read into it a little more than "bryce and liam were getting along but now theyre separated and liam has to fix it oh no". sorry this ask is kind of word vomit im not in the headspace to tidy it up but i hope you get what i mean
i think if one had continued for longer than it did it would have been interesting to explore bryce finally accepting and coming to terms with his past (him not seeing his childhood home in the wr anymore kind of representing this). i love bryce and he deserves to heal
TY!!!!!!! im glad my thoughts warrant admiration to you :D!!!!!!!!!!! (i will say tho that every time uve ever posted YOURE thoughts i am like ohhhhh.... ur SO RIGHT. i think u have some of the BEST interpretations of the one characters ive seen!!!!!)
(talked SOOO so much .so there is a readmore :) )
brcye really IS such an interesting character???? ik ive said it before but i AM biased towards protagonists so i usually focus on liam but like ...... bryce really IS probably one of the more. indepth ? characters in one in terms of like. background and how he Acts. i think ALL of teh characters are written really incredibly but i think, given how much of his bg is clarified (esp in contrast with how little is shown of the other characters lives pre-one) his motives, personality, emotions all end up being SUPER super elaborate and i REALLY love how he was written ??
(that said i think the reason he IS elaborated on sm is bc like. one doesnt elaborate on character backgrounds like MOST of the time. even charlotte is mostly left up to interpretation, bc one is more about the HOW people respond rather than WHAT made them respond that way. but charlotte and bryce are both outliers, and bryce ESPECIALLY so. because both obviously have Things they havent worked through properly, but bryce is directly just. Living in it. its the fact that he WONT acknowledge the actual Things that hapepned enough to heal that warrants the elaboration. while the other characters stop acknowledging ANYTHING about their lives , save for charlotte, who gradually works out her issues themselves, because THATS whats effecting her, bryce is CONSTANTLY just. he Needs to go back, but his problems ARE about what happened, and the fact that his life outside of the plane was what MATTERED to him, but that even then, he just Wouldnt acknowledge that life when he Needed to. idk if that makes sense but ohhh i think about the decision to elaborate on some characters and to not on others bc it feels Important)
hes so. he mirrors all of the contestants in some ways, but he mirrors amelia a LOT in that both of them respond to trauma by Setting It Aside. like That Trauma Cant Affect Me If I Dont Look At It. like. ur right bryce has NOT processed ANY of his trauma. which like it makes SENSE bc. it prob feels so much easier to him to not think about it by drinking instead, because its a Lot to think about. its a Lot to come to terms with. but bc he WONT acknowledge it but its still AFFECTING him he just gets More and More miserable (the detail about him driving home drunk and not even caring is so. :( )
what IS one of the most. compelling? aspects of his character to me is the way he responded to Everything after getting eliminated. bc it just feels So Real. because he IS healing, not completely, and not in the best way, but he clearly like. started putting SO much work into improving his life??? (the detail of him finally getting an end table for his bed instead of just... using a cardboard box ALWAYS gets to me. and that + the fact that the photo of stella is put up makes it seem like. THATS what was in that box. he LITERALLY started Unpacking thigns. its like poetry to me.) because it IS hard, and i think hes still putting things to the side, shoving the trauma from the plane to the side now instead of all his other grief and trauma. and the removal of the cans from his room yknow?? that hes getting up for work on time now?? its like. yeah i agree idk if hes necessarily SOBER yet but he really does seem like hes working really hard
its not perfect, but its BETTER and it feels. correct?? (and tbh? trying to brush off the plane as a dream isnt even teh worst thing he couldve done with that, i think, bc reasonably what WAS he supposed to do w that experience?? i dont think there WAS a good answer) bc the plane was a whole new kind of trauma. and i think surface level, one would THINK hed get WORSE after further trauma but like. i think he DID in some ways but in the ways that actually affected how he acknowledged and responded to his pre-existing trauma DID get better bc, as he puts it, hed Thrown his life away before, and didnt want to do it again. bc this time, he very well couldve died. and while he was on the plane, being home, on earth was SO much better than the plane, and it recontextualized Everything. hell, maybe after that, the earth finally felt Less daunting, like somewhere he Wanted to be, because for once, he WANTED to be back, and rationalizing That and the fact that he got Lucky, that something Worse couldve just full on Killed Him Forever really DID mean he didnt WANT the worse to come, at least not as much as before. but that meant he HAD to start actually Working on improving things, and i think he may not have Intended to acknowledge Worse things, but simply because the things he had to do to improve his life, like drinking less, making his house more Livable, they all Forced him to think about things More. hes still certainly not thinking about them as much as he Should, hes still not Processing things, but hes Heading in the right direction . he really was SO changed by ONE
and then liam showing up forces him, once again, to think about something he tried to push to the side. aaaaaaaandd then he rejoins and its so. it feels thematically fitting and IS so so SO interessting. because for once in his life hes REALLY facing his trauma head on. but then is brought straight back into it. and i need to think about that aspect more bc those thoughts are a bit less Focused than my other thoughts but given how complex his writing is after he gets OUT, its. SO interesting to think about how being BACK affects him
esp bc like. him starting ep 18 Pissed Off- which historically his responses to trauma are to either just Be Shocked, as depicted a LOT in ep 14, or to get Very Vocally pissed, as shown through the first half of s1, esp ep 6, and ep 11, and ep 13, and ep 18. ive seen it written as 'he doesnt have anywhere to direct the sheer amnt of STRESS and fear so he just. ends up yelling at people bc what else CAN he do' and i think thats?? probably fairly accurate. i dont think hes as Constantly Irritable and Irrationally Angry as fanon presents him , bc it tends to be. excessive. but he DOES get reasonably angry in response to stress !!! i always think abt how his body language in the 'credits' scene of ep 6 look like hes yelling at airy. and im. lays on the ground. i dont even know if thats ever as much 'just anger' as it is Fear and it FUCKS ME UP
but the way i see it, that ties to ep 18 a LOT. because he was really Getting better. hell, what he thought was the WORST that could happen HAPPENED (dying) but he. came out OKAY? its like he was being forced to think about and work through his trauma and he survived and was ok. but being sent back is like. 'oh god i did that all for nothing.' but i think it also sort of?? serves as the Last Push for him to really, REALLY acknowledge the plane (which is why it makes sense so thematically for him to be the rejoiner. he WAS the only contestant whod Chosen to ignore it all. but that has nothing to do with the plane, he cant choose if the plane ignores Him.) past talking about its affects, how its affected people. because after everything hed worked toward, hes Back. hes back, and everyone else is STILL HERE. liam had said they were all still There but seeing them there is a whole other thing. hed SEEN the effects of making it out after 7 months. but he never saw what it was like to still BE there after all that time. and bryce CARES about them (fanon sometimes treats him as if he is a bit. coldhearted? but i think people misattribute him being unhappy with liam as him not caring. i think the problem is that he maybe cares too much, and was affected a LOT, but didnt and doesnt know how to handle that. so he WANTS to ignore it, because it was all he could do, and haaving to backtrack on his haphazard healing from the plane is. highly daunting and uncommfortable and terrifying. thats not being cold though, thats VERY different) and now he HAS to acknowledge Everything, has to be a part of it Again. and i think its a combination of 'liam was here for 7 months after we all thought itd only be a few weeks. Anything could happen. who knows how long ill be here for?' and 'liam didnt have anything when he came back. will I have anything when i come back?? will i have worked so, so hard to heal and fix my life for Nothing?' and 'i dont WANT to be here again.' and 'oh my god all of them Really Really Are Here. Theyve been here the whole time.' and i think all that culminates in an appropriate amount of horror, and that prompts him to do what hes STARTED doing, which was All He Can. and hes pissed off cus hes terrified, so he spurs everyone into pulling out the plug. and then. it doesnt work. it doesnt work and thats the LAST of what he had, and i think iirc hes the LAST one to close his eyes afterwards. because hed BEEN off the plane, hes the one of them who had any hope to give them anymore. and it didnt work
(i also think a lot about how it mustve felt seeing the contestants all so. resigned. because bryce was like that before all this, but ever since one began he was stubborn, and didnt WANT to give up. and i think finding out that these people youd seen try so, so hard just to Handle Any Of This be SO resigned would be. so fucked up. he knew amelia when she was so determined to leave, and while charlotte seems a bit saddened by her resignation, bryce was there BEFORE that happened. he wasnt there like liam or charlotte was to see it gradually develop, and to develop that despair alongside them. all hes seen is that amelia was so determined. and that he may not have known her THAT well before, he knows shes different. he knows she Gave Up and like. GOD. and also i think abt how he mustve Felt seeing the plug for the first time because ehs the only one of them who hadnt seen it before (given its likely all the other characters had, since they casually refer to it). and given the short time frame between him getting there, and the contestants trying to pull the plug? it almost seems that that was like. the last straw. and ive never posted it but i once drew stuff abt it bc. the damage to it is noticable. and i think hes already aware liam was fucked up, but this is like. a tangible, permanent record of that on the plane. and he cares about liam, and has been grappling with all the things liams told him, but thats. thats something he can See. And i think it all of it culminates in him deciding that what hes been avoiding is doing Soemthing about all this, because before he couldnt, and then it was. an awful idea to, and then he didnt have many choices BUT to help. but now theres hardly anything to do, but he has to try. he doesnt want to give up. and it makes me soooooooooooooooooo. head in hands.)
anyway that was a LONG tangent the point is. YEAH. i think rejoining would be. very very significant for his character i dont think youre making shit up its DEFINENTLY a topic w a lot of things to discuss about it
but god. yeah it wouldve been SO nice to see him come to terms with everything hed been through before one. i think the show purposefully included what it did and ended when it did because it makes more sense thematically for it to go unresolved, because the point was that NOTHING was able to be resolved nicely because unfortunately, many things are Out Of Their Control. things COULDVE resolved almost perfect but enough things went wrong at just the right (or more fitting, wrong) time for all of that to not work. i think him no longer seeing the suburbs may have signalled more that maybe, just maybe, he could Do something to help the other contestants even if HE was Dead, that now he finally HAS a goal, if that makes sense (though i think even in the timeline of the series it still wouldve taken way longer for him to process everything Fully, they WERE only in the waiting room for probably about a day) but the idea of finally seeing the waiting room as it is bc hed finally worked through everything .... man.............. man
ik ive already said it though but i DO think it is sooooo so possible for him to heal post canon. im a firm believer that no matter what, at LEAST bryce and ameliaa get home (liam and charlotte have more room for error but i DO generally interpret the ending as them both getting home too, theres just less room for things to go wrong w amelia and bryce). and i think after everything? hed be able to heal. it would SUCK but i think hes, shockingly, in a better place Logistically for things to improve, because he has a support system, he has what hed already worked on in those 7 months, he has so much to aim for. it would be rough and take long but i think ultimately? hed be able to heal :) and its what he deserves
#ask#got SO rambly in this answer . this ask made me think SO MUCH#man tho. the theme of people responding to Trauma in one is legitimately so.#it feels so significant and i think it was done SO well#like. fun fact but ep 6 was what REALLY sold me on the show when i first watched it#which SOUNDS morbid but it was the post credits scene that Got me#because it jsut. sounded so much like how trauma is discussed irl. when liam like#says 'i was riding home on my bike when it happened' i remember i was so. Ohhh My God#bc i was. oh this show is just. having characters naturally respond to and discuss trauma#like it wasnt just an element of the series anymore it clicked that the show was developing a literary THEME and it made me sooooo emotiona#like it esp hit hard bc . discussing trauma is a LOT and seeing them Talk Abt It like that hit me so hard.#and to this day that scene is just so. emotionally impactful#AND sidenote its so. at that pt in the series nothing has been Revealed abt bryces life before one#but the fact that hed Been Through Shit Before makes the scene feel so important.#because bryce has been through a LOT of trauma already. and bc of that? of course hes the one talking to liam. because he *gets it.*#of course he talks about it so naturally. he may not have really worked through anything but he KNOWS this#and whether or not liams been through stuff before doesnt matter here. because this isnt something he knows how to live through#but bryce has experience with living through things. hes the only one able and willing to talk eith liam through it because he Gets it#and it makes me so. AUUUGHGG#alcohol#ask to tag#(also as silly as it is liam abruptly cutting the convo off to talk abt the grass is like. yeah. yeah#emotional convos with friends abt trauma can very often end abruptly for completely unrelated reasons#at least in my exp#which is prob bc eventually theres nothing TO say bc the topic sorta. speaks for itself?? and that feels like what happened in their convo#though i think liam prob ALSO mentions it bc. id imagine its unnerving to notice . like this place would just FEEL so abnormal#and it was prob on his mind bc the two of them were already talking abt fucked up things about the plane#and its a small detail but. a detail about the plane nonetheless)
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potential-fate · 11 months
like a month ago I got tagged by @pixelatedpanic as well, anyways I forgot it in my drafts. oops. Here's 5 more songs I've been listening to recently.
Horror Show - Hot Milk (music video)
Casualty - Mothica (music video)
Always Tired - Weathers
Anomaly - I See Stars
Suburban Legends - Taylor Swift
no tags cause I'm behind the curve.
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swallowtail-ageha · 1 year
Wdym that kimbo had a inbreeding coefficent of 31.3%
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So I know I made a post recommending my top-favorite Hidden Object games of all time. But. I forgot to mention a big one.
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Bonfire Stories: The Faceless Gravedigger
There are technically 3 games in the Bonfire Stories series. But Faceless Gravedigger is my favorite among them, the ending was cool and had me POGGING!!! The title screen looks sick too. All in all, a great game!
I also loved Heartless, it was my first play of the Bonfire series. Title screen is great too. Big recommend, especially if you happen to be a furry(just trust me on that one). I'm so glad I found the series through this game.
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...I didn't like Manifest Horror, and it's probably the worst of the three. It feels too convoluted to me, and fell short on my expectations. If you want to complete the series, feel free to try it out, but I only recommend playing Heartless and Faceless Gravedigger.
These are kind of expensive games on Big Fish, so get them if they're on sale, or check out some playthroughs on Youtube!
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xxstrawberrybunxx · 2 years
"Oh you have intrusive thoughts? I do too, you can tell me anyth- oh."
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