#fun fact i have never played dead plate ever
u-kuwago · 8 months
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transl. "i said i wanted chicken fingers, why'd you give the whole hand"
dumb doodles of these two the sequel electric boogaloo Fresh off the stove
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christmasjade · 3 months
My thoughts on Married in Red+ My general thoughts on Studio Investigrave !
So I really like this game
It was fun to be able to play it on my own with no help from Youtubers and stuff ^^
The game has 1 ending, though you can have 2 different kinds of game overs lol (I'll get to that later)
The mc (Bok-su) and her relationship with the bride (Da-Jeong) is sad , but not shocking lol. You can kind of tell from the promotional art (and the theme of atonement said in the itch.io description) that Da-Jeong and Bok-Su are not on good terms.
I like that Bok-su was able to get her revenge on Da-Jeong. Obviously her way of doing it is horrible, and the groom (Myeong-hoon) being a main part of her revenge is sad, because he had nothing to do with this.
However, I dont feel that bad for Da-Jeong at all. Yeah, two wrongs dont make a right, and people panic, but she essentially ruined Bok-Su's life and reputation to save her own ass, so I really can't bring myself to feel too bad for her.
Sure you can argue that the situations are different, with Bok-Su purposefully killing Myeong-Hoon meanwhile what Da-Jeong did was a mistake, but I personally am a firm believer of getting your lick back, so 🤗..
I also like how the deaths and reactions are the exact same lmao.
The patient Da-Jeong killed was a man, and his mother said something along the lines of like.. "You killed my son" (I dont exactly remember, depsite me literally just playing LMAOO) and Myeong-Hoons mom literally says the same thing/something adjacting to that too Da-Jeong.
Da-Jeong runs off and during her break down says "I didn't do it-", which is what Bok-Su says when shes retelling the story of what Da-Jeong did to her.
Bok-Su had to goal of getting her payback to make Da-Jeong atone and she accomplished it. And the crazy thing is, despite everything that happened, Da-Jeong never said sorry.
She never said sorry. Not when Bok-Su showed up to the wedding, not when the two of them where alone in the garden, and damn sure not when Da-Jeong had "enough" of Bok-Su being there.
She never said sorry, not even when she pointed the blame onto Bok-Su. In fact, Bok-Su repeats a line that Da-Jeong said to her when (I'm assuming so anyway) the incident happened. Da-Jeong told her that she didnt have anything to worry/be mad about.
The ending of the game, obviously, isnt really a happy ending. Bok-Su gets her revenge and makes Da-Jeong go through what she did but 10× worst. So sure its happy for her,but its still horrific lol
Which is why I love endings for the games that Studio Investigrave makes. With the exception of Cold Front, all of the endings across all the games arent truly happy ever after kind of endings.
With Dead Plate, Rody either has to kill Vincent after finding out his ex was killed and turned into food by him AND after he tried to do the same to Rody.
Yeah Rody makes it out alive, but theres still a horrible and traumatic incident that happened. He knows why Vince did it, and was able to get rid of him, but it doesn't erase the fact that Manon is still dead. (Or with the other ending he leaves the restaurant and never find Manon, because shes in the fridge "missing".)
With Elevator Hitch, the cycle repeats for Protag. When he finally gets the chance to leave the Elevator and the building, hes stopped by some..guy ?? (Who looks like an alternate lmao) and is convinced that he needs the job. The exit doors then open up into the elevator again. He never leaves that building, and is probably stuck in a time loop.
With Eloquent Countenance, Angelica either gets the ritual redone on her by the cult, or is stuck in the cult with the knowledge that shes not the only one in her body. But that she shares it with an angel pretending to be the dead wife of the cults pastor.
Yeah, she lives, but she has to wait until Forcas can fully save her from her possession by said angel. The ending, like Dead Plate and Married in Red, is horrific.
And then with the other ending of Cold Front , if you push Winnie off the stairs, he dies in the crash and Auggie takes his place. It's a happy ending for Auggie, sure, but he never gets the closure or the realization that Winnie was never the wicked and mean person he made him out to be in his head. Its disturbing how content he is with it, with the fact that his former best friend is dead and how he replaces him.
But yeah, erm... the game was fun, 10/10 ^^
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Risen under false dragons
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Viserys iii x fem!reader
warning : mentioned torture of Viserys, mentioned death, fear, hurt/comfort, cuddle, tiny tiny emotional, i try not to make it too ooc hope it works, no y/n
Summary : A golden crown full of pain he had gotten the death he should suffer for being there for his sadness. But if he was dead, where did the screech of a dragon come from? Where did a female voice come from? And why did his life come back to him in the form of a female dragon rider? Had he sinned enough to finally be free?
info : I've been meaning to write for Viserys for a while, I like him and even though he sucks (like everyone in asoiaf) I feel sorry for him because he was manipulated and taken advantage of from an early age. Now have fun reading as always ;)
Pain and love are two things that are very close to each other. Pain came in many forms - pain in childbirth for the mother, for a queen without a kingdom, a queen who died giving birth to her daughter Daenerys and at the same time caused pain to her young son Viserys when there was nothing left of her but the crown.
A crown he was always supposed to wear, he was always whispered to a child, a young man, and ever since he could remember, the world had been brutal and harsh to him. For him, a dragon who could fly above them all, he was the blood of a dynasty of several hundred years.
And yet and yet here he was in a camp of travelers from the wild, a group that had to take him further to his crown that his sister had brought into play in the first place. Her existence is pain and love he always thought when he saw in his little sister the expression of his mother - those violet eyes a little brighter than his own, those soft features, that smile he had seen so rarely in his sister as in his mother.
But this line between jest and love was something the prince was in danger of drowning in. The hatred grew with each passing day as he saw his sister's echo in this wild evil, as the lies he told himself about how he had been told grew weaker each day.
It was his birthright that was taken away by this right to the throne. How long would this go on? His sister had him this leader and he? He had a sword and himself he had nothing...he was the pathetic pitiful product of a dynasty of dragons defeated by a fat king now feasting in King's Landing.
A fact that left him silent at night, even shedding tears as he looked at himself in plated silver plates. ,,I'll bring us dragons back to the throne I'll take my birthright and if it kills her the army is mine" he muttered knowing what he had to do knowing that he had to force his sister to hurt her. A resolution that ended in a pain that punished him for life.
Pain inside him was something he carried with him but physical pain was something he had rarely experienced but not when the golden whip with the claw-like end heated up again and again, the gold burned away the right side of his face and his screams echoed in his own ears as everyone around him laughed.
But it was his sister who hurt him the most that night. He was no dragon, fire can not kill a dragon words that hurt him worse than anything he had experienced that night. But did it even matter if he closed his eye and hoped that when the Khalasar moved on and he simply died, he would simply disappear from a world that would never have him without him.
But then in the sea of darkness the sea in which he was to sink forever not buried with his ancestors he heard something. Something far away, something worthy of his home, it was a whispering of the wind, as if the air was coming back to him. When something shook the ground a scream a scream like he had always imagined. Dragons.
His heavy eyes opened wide even from the light of the stars he saw only outlines but he saw it saw the wings, the size saw the bite with the teeth and saw it. His savior. He wanted to say something, but before a word left his lips he fainted again and sank into his own mind full of pain, hope and fear.
The night lay over the endless grass more the heat gave way and it became pleasantly cool in the middle of this endless expanse - an expanse that seemed to have no end. Flew on her companion flew on these beasts almost endlessly without a destination until her flying animals smelled him. ,,He is a relative of yours... a prince of the pure Valyrian blood," she told her two creatures, who snorted and looked disdainfully at the man lying on a homemade mattress made of soft grass and other things.
The sight was ugly and handsome, it had taken her hours of the night to carve the gold from his head with a heated knife, injuring him even more and bandaging his right side as best she could. He's blind in the eye such a beautiful violet she thought and bit into the torn sheep meat they had stolen out of the air that night. She saw Vaes come a little closer, the darker and taller of the two nudging the stranger and scowling as he smelled the wounds.
Smirking and pushing him away slightly, she saw Braen looking at the Targaryen with green, interested eyes as if waiting for something. Reaching for the small bowl of water and grabbing the cloth to take care of his wounds, she knelt down next to him and was about to start on the wound on his arm when she saw him open his eye. It was only a moment before he realized that he wasn't dead and hastily tried to get away, which barely worked as he hissed and landed on his wounds.
Raising her arms and shaking her head, she first spoke in Dothraki but realized that this only made him even more nervous and insecure before she pointed to her heart and spoke in a mean tongue, ,,Calm down I found you I helped you you are badly hurt" and pointed to his body.
She saw how realization gripped him again, how his eyes showed fear, anger, grief and despair. Things she had felt and still felt, saw his fingers digging into the sandy earth and his lips trembling slightly as he tried to understand why he was being punished to live as a cripple. ,,Why? Why didn't you let me die?" came only a few crickets chirping and the stars shining in the sky after minutes of silence.
A question she knew very well, a question she had asked herself. All she had to do was look at herself, the marks still visible. They didn't kill me... maybe it was my destiny to save him? she asked herself and reached over to the campfire where the meat was sizzling and held some of it out to him.
,,You're not from here, stranger, your hair, your eye, you're a Targaryen, a dragon right?" she asked, ignoring his question for the time being and seeing how he didn't respond to the food, in contrast, he still didn't seem to understand.
But before the violet-eyed man had a whale of a time, she put the meat in his hand and told him to eat. ,,I can't let the son of my former king die," she murmured, running her hand over the golden drachma coin she wore tied to leather around her neck.
The symbol of the dragon back when she was a little girl all seemed so long ago. She didn't have to look at him to know that he was looking at her, that question and curiosity graced his gaze...the fact that someone in this world really stood up for him and didn't lie to him.
Viserys hastily wolfed down the meat and turned to her, still keeping his distance, but still seeing the golden coin. ,,You are from Westeros! Were you part of the court?" he asked louder, full of excitement, as if the Targaryen dynasty was in front of him.
But she just shook her head with a tired smile before she duetted at him, ,,Not quite my father was your father's ally...a now extinct house and now a former slave who has escaped," she said and pulled up the sleeve of her blouse, the brand from the Free Cities adorning her skin.
Hiding the pain under the fabric again, she saw how his face changed as the prince thought about how a ruler should do it this time and not just start marching. ,,I'm sorry my father couldn't protect you, I don't have the means to give you anything back," he said in a whisper and shuddered to the ground as his hand ran over his bandage.
But she just shook her head as she came a little closer to him, ,,We're even, you couldn't save me and I couldn't save you," she said and took the wet rag to remove the dirt from the wound.
But Viserys was quicker and grabbed the rag, surprising her with his stubbornness, but she didn't mind.
She had only heard rumors from the last two dragons, rumors and stories but he was a dragon and arrogance was part of it, ,,I can do it myself" he mumbled and she rose understandingly to reach for her leather drinking bag the water would run out soon anyway it had to be drawn further so she might as well give it to him. ,,Thanks," he had the decency to take a sip after he had finished and his body seemed to be more than a little shaken.
,,Your sister, where is she?" she asked as she wondered why she would leave him alone and in such a state. The last two dragons were always together but now what had happened? But this question she had asked showed her enough of a reason to reach for his sword at his side, which he pulled out and rammed it into the ground beside him. ,,She is one of those wild ones not a dragon! She owes everything to me and now she has betrayed me!" he almost shouted with rage as he was reminded of the events with a thud. She saw exactly how he tried to get up again to help him but he pushed her away which was not firm but she let him do it.
He had the build of a warrior rather than a nimble young inexperienced fighter he was not like his brother he was like a coin of the gods but his grip on the sword was firm and determined. ,,She will regret it...it is my throne" he hissed and she saw his gaze go over the horizon towards the sea beyond which, after a long time, was King's Landing.
A fact that made her smile and then laugh - her house destroyed, he a broken prince and his sister on the best way to gain power here. ,,What's so funny?" he asked, raising his sword against her, trembling but determined. A portrait of his betrayed father, it flashed through her mind as she came up to him and made a playful curtsey.
Before she looked at him again, ,,It seems to me that the song of the king without courage fits you or the night that ends," she replied and pointed towards the horizon where the sun would slowly appear in a few hours and bathe the fallen dragon in new splendor.
They would probably start a new chapter of history together. She saw how he took this as an insult at first, but to her surprise, he gave a serene impression of himself and put his sword away before looking at her again. ,,Prince Viserys without a crown and a fallen high lady is this how my journey is to begin?" he asked into the night, probably speaking his thoughts aloud, and she slowly stepped closer.
She stretched out her hand and slowly placed it on the edge of his sword and saw in his violet eyes that something had changed. The acceptance of his death had disappeared, the chance they had both been given should be used. ,,I follow you my prince as our ancestors did" she assured him and she saw the nod he gave her before his hand squeezed hers ,,Be my royal hand Lady Wyvern" he replied proudly and she agreed with a slight bow before looking behind her in confusion. She saw that he had distinguished Wyverns from dragons with a simple glance.
This made her laugh and she broke away from Viserys as she walked to her dragon-like creature Vaes who was waiting curiously. She stroked the warm leathery skin and still saw the uncertainty in Viserys. ,,Wyverns are wild and native to Sothoryos, what are two of them doing here and still tamed?" he asked, keeping a distance everyone knew in Westeros and beyond how dangerous wyverns and wyrms could be.
But even if she knew this was true, ,,Not for the two of them, they were also captured ones, I freed them and we escaped...but Braen seems to have taken a liking to you," she said and pointed at the slightly smaller greenish dragon, he was young but brave. She let go of her wyvern and grabbed Visery's hand, feeling the warmth emanating from him even afterward, and pulled him towards the green dragon-like creature.
She heard the sword fall as the prince touched a piece of his family for the first time, at least one of his ancestors. She saw joy flash in his violet eyes for what must have been the first time. ,,A creature full of mysticism and power you are," he spoke to the non-fire breathing creature and let his hand move over the body, stroking the leathery, shiny skin and his violet eyes looked at the green ones.
It pleased her, it pleased her that he could feel such joy despite the pain, a fact that made her heart beat faster. ,,How about a flight with your prince...an order of course my lady" he added hastily and pressed lightly on the back and Braen and it actually gave in.
At first she was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold on because of a his wounds, but then the euphoria and the dream of a dragon seemed to spur him on. ,,If you wish, my prince, let's go," she stopped and swung herself onto Vae's back before rising first with her dark wyvern, seeing Viserys follow her only moments later and counting a broad, sincere smile on his face.
For the first time, he felt no pain and ignored even the injuries, ,,It's unbelievable!" he shouted, letting out a free roar as he flew through the dark night. She saw how he sometimes flew slower and sometimes faster, holding his hand in the cool air and praising the Wyvern, which both creatures shrieked joyfully and gave their rider a good time.
She followed him herself, rejoicing with euphoria that she was finally no longer aimless, that she had finally found someone...that she had someone to love her and that he was being loved again. ,,I thank you Viserys!" she called to him and saw the Targayren look behind him, a smile adorn his lips and he gave a ,,I thank you with all my heart for the faithfulness of a new beginning, my lady!" before he gently lent his wyvern to her and they knew that she would spend many hours in heaven.
The hours passed up here and indeed they flew towards the rising sun before retreating from the heat to old ruins they had seen. The wind had ruffled her hair and she smiled, wanting to leave it that way when Viserys, leaning against the ruined wall, told her to come here, ,,My mother always did it, it suits you," he said, pointing to her hair after she realized that he had braided a few strands as best he could and looked at her tiredly.
Returning his gaze, she leaned against the wall next to him and slowly leaned her head on his shoulder in exhaustion. She mumbled a ,,Thank you“ but fell asleep after a few more moments. Leaning against her prince. While the Targayren tucked the simple blanket a little more over her both and gave her a fond look before looking up into the sky that held a new day.
The heaven in which something blossomed between them, the heaven in which they would both eventually find the throne that was his. But who knows every prince needed his queen at some point and maybe she would be the one as they flew through the air into a future with hope and without pain.
Maybe I do a part do I need to see ;)
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gauloiseblue · 6 months
Asra Alnazar | Modern AU
[+18 | Adult Content MDNI]
A/N: sorry for the random ass post, but I miss soft romance AU, and he's the only comfort character that I know would fit into this. (it's a wonder what a half heart could do to a lady, huh?) Anyway, enjoy my take on him ^^
He might not realize it, but most of his clothes are women's clothes. For a reason that he find the texture softer, and more comfortable, compared to men's clothes
Like shirts, and the outerwears
He likes woman's shampoo (*cough* Diane) as well, because it makes his hair smoother, and smells good
He also wears skincare, but limits himself to moisturizer only. Because he once brought so many products, but he ended up not using them because they didn't fit his skin type. He had learnt his lesson
Books and poetry are his weak spots. He likes to read, and can never resist a novel with an interesting title
He treats Orpheus and Eurydice story like the Bible
Sometimes he writes, but he finds his poems terrible, so he never shares it to anyone
Surprisingly, he doesn't have any favorite movie. While he does like a few movies, there's none that touched him—to the point that it changes him as a person
People around him would debate over his pet preference, some would be so sure that he's a dog person, while the others were dead serious about him being a cat person.
(Imagine their surprise when they found out that he owned a ball python)
He prefers to cook his own food rather than buying take-out, except for the food that (1) took a long time to make, and (2) sourdough bread (or any kind of artisan breads, really)
Talking about preference, his favorite beverages are smoothies and wines. But for wine, he only likes them when they're sweet. If it's a red wine, he'd like them hot and spiced. For white wine, he prefers port wine. I can see him liking any sweet cocktail like Baileys, Sangria, or Margarita. He only indulges in alcohol every once in a while, but smoothies? Oh boy…
Contrary to people's belief, he doesn't listen to music that much. Even if he does, he's listen to instrumental music
He values his concentration a lot, and would do anything to keep himself focused. That's why he practices meditation, and he'd take some time to meditate, at least once a day.
I can see him as someone who owns a perfume shop, or a place for an art exhibition. And he won't have just one job either, he'll have many things on his plate that's relating to arts, fragrances, and wellness
When people ask him about his belief, he'd say that he believes everyone is responsible for their actions. He doesn't believe that God would meddle with people's affairs, and strongly believes in karma. He also believes in reincarnation, that's why he tries to not make enemies with anyone, because he doesn't want to deal with them again in the next life
While he doesn't necessarily believe in the personification of God, he believes in the existence of Deities, and he respects their existence as something beyond human knowledge
Which, in turns, makes him luckier somehow
(Maybe it's because Deities favor him, but who knows)
He's really bad at video games, mainly because he never takes it too seriously. But his friends would invite him to play, because he always makes them laugh
He also sings, very badly at karaoke, because he never listens to the songs
Despite of his easy-going nature, no one's really close to him. He's a private person, and wouldn't disclose anything about himself too much
But strangely, people would claim that they know him best, solely on the random facts that he had told them separately
(And it's always fun to watch them arguing about it)
Like I said earlier, he's easy-going, and that means he's easy to approach too. But that's it, that's what he'd ever be
He's approachable, but unavailable at the same time
And the reason for it, is because his idea for love is very complex. He couldn't love someone if they didn't connect on deeper level
In the past, he's not afraid to kiss anyone he found interesting, but as he grew up, he did it less and less, to the point of stopping
(Once, he got into an argument because the person he kissed believed that they had something, but he firmly stated that they're nothing. Which snowballed into a fight, and their relationship became a gossip for quite a while)
He never slept with anyone either, because he believes that sex is an exchange of energy, and he didn't want to give a 'part' of him to someone he didn't truly love
I think he's pretty much the embodiment of 'fell in love first × fell harder' trope
He wouldn't know his feelings before they hit him all at once
And when it happens, he won't know what to do, because it's very unfamiliar to him
He'd distance himself with the person he loved, while trying to make sense of his feelings. Does he really love them? Is it something that's genuine, or will it pass?
But once he found all of the answers, he's committing, hard
You won't see any hesitation from him when he confess to you
Would just marry you on the spot if he could
Of course, he'll take it slow at first, but he knows that there's no one else he wants more than you. So he'll work hard to make sure that you're happy with him
Having conversations with him hits different, because he knows you and your way of thinking. You'd say just one word, and he'd already know the whole sentence
On the fluff sides, I think he'll pretty much share things with you
He'll let you move in with him, and will let you use his things without complain
That includes his clothes and skincare
You'd be surprised to find that many of his clothes fit you perfectly. Because they are women's clothes after all
Would prefer to cook for you, but wouldn't mind taking you out for dinner either
Dating him consists of a lot of talking, a lot of kisses, and a lot of cuddles
If you need help, he won't hesitate to do it for you. He'd take care of you when you're sick, he'd pick you up despite of the distance and the time. Whenever you phoned him, you knew he'd pick up in an instant
(He knows it's not healthy, but he can't help it, his world revolves around you now)
You know the post where a man was at the party before he said he missed his gf and went home immediately? Yeah, that's him
If you wear lip balm/lip gloss, you'll find him staring at you, until you apply it to his lips as well
Since he takes good care of his hair, he'll do it to yours too. He'd buy the best products for your hair, and would take care of it twice a week, leaving your hair soft and healthy
In terms of social life, he'd pretty much introduce you to everyone he knows. Whether it's his family, or just friends
Speaking of his family, his parents already welcomed you long before you even met them. They both would exchange a meaningful look whenever their son talked about you. They trust his choice, and will give you both their support if needed
(Now that you've entered the picture, his parents won't stop talking about your relationship with him. They'd gossip like two bored wives in the lazy afternoon, about how he'd propose, or what the wedding would look like)
And Faust!! That little thing is pretty much your child now
When the two of you are cuddling, Faust will find a way to nestles between you and him
(He usually lets Faust out of his tank whenever he's alone, but he'd only do it once you're comfortable with it. Which you did, eventually. And that's an order)
You both pretty much behave like an old couple, and many of his friends point it out to you—mainly in the form of complains, because he's becoming more and more unavailable since you both started dating
But what can you say? It's not like you can escape from him either when he's clinging to you 24/7
If you remember what I said earlier about his thought on sex, then you shouldn't be surprised when I told you he's a virgin
When the two of you had sex for the first time, he swallowed his pride and told you that he had no experience. But he made it up to you by giving you oral
While he lacked experience, he definitely knew about women's anatomy (because he secretly read it in women's discussion pages)
And he's an attentive lover, he'd be in tuned with your feelings, and how your body reacted when he did certain things
He only lasted one round the first time, for a reason that it took tremendous energy to keep him focused on pleasuring you. But now that he knows your body like the back of his hand, he won't hesitate to tire you out every time you both have sex
At the end of the sessions, he'd relish the afterglow as he kissed your shoulder tenderly
The feeling would persist, even days after the passionate night. You called it 'lover's bliss', but for him, it's the remnant of 'your energy'
Since he avoided porn like a plague, his view on sex is really different from other people, and that includes the kinks that he's into
Choking and slapping are barbaric to him, but he'd hold you in his arms really tight as he pounded into you from behind. He won't shout vulgar words at you, but he'll whisper unbelievably sweet, but dirty things that'll make you squirm. You won't be forced to pleasure him with your mouth, but he'll eat you out until you cry rapturous tears
While there's no definite correlation between fruits and sweeter cum, his taste is definitely sweet, or at least less bitter than normally. (Yea, I'm nasty, what about it)
About birth control, he won't let you take one, because he knows of the side effects. He'll use condoms instead, or have unprotected sex when it's your safe day
He's a vanilla, but he won't hesitate to make you pass out from overstimulation
Though he won't do it often, since he needs to have the energy to wake up the next day
His MBTI type is INFJ
He wears 3 rings—2 on his left hand, and 1 on his right hand—and one of them is actually your engagement ring. He just hasn't give it to you
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strayheartless · 11 months
In honour of Prompto Argetum’s birthday have a few fun head canons of the boy (promptis. Don’t like don’t read. You know the drill.):
He’s VERY fond of strawberry Mochi
When Noctis takes the vegetables out of his food, Prompto will start moving them onto his own plate. Food is good and Prompto will eat whatever’s going.
He’s naturally cuddly, and gravitates towards heat sources in his sleep. Noctis would not mind this if it were not for the fact that Prompto has the core temperature of a polar ice cap.
Prompto’s entire speech pattern is comprised of movie quotes and song lyrics (I feel like that one’s just cannon at this point.)
He gets really sweet when he’s sleepy. Rubs his eyes, puts his head on peoples shoulders. There’s always a point at which someone will teasingly say “are you tired Prompto?” And all they will get is a sleepy nod before Prompto curls into whoever’s shoulder he’s decided to commandeer as a pillow.
The hair style was an accidental choice. He did it for a party; Noctis said he liked it; now it stays.
He’s a big fan of hair playing and scalp scritches. 10/10 will do tricks for scritches.
He’s got a favourite camp chair. He’s convinced it’s magical, because apparently whenever he sits in it campfire smoke never follows him. It’s not Gladio just can’t be arsed hearing him whine all night about the smoke so he places Prompto’s chair against the wind.
Prompto kissed Noct first. It was spur of the moment and he’s pretty sure he blacked out from panic during it but Noctis just looked so pretty, and UGHHHH.
Their first date was low key a disaster, because Prompto tried to be smooth and ended up just being clumsily tripping head first in the castle fountain. BUT, Noctis laughed and kissed him again so he will sheepishly classify it as a win!
“Ever at your side” is Prompto’s “as you wish” it’s his I love you when I love you doesn’t feel like it’s enough.
There are too many pictures of Noct of Proms camera honestly. Noctis looks cute while he’s sleeping? *click* Noctis laughs at Iggys horrible dad jokes? *click* candid moments watching the sun set? *click* gross double chin close ups? *click* intimate moments with permission to take a photo? *click* Noctis stupidly assumes the camera battery is dead and lets his guard down? *click* Noctis is failing to use chop sticks while eating instant Raman in the snow? *click* honestly he has a problem.
If you have some of your own feel free to drop them in the comments!
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just-alittle-spooky · 6 months
Pairing: John Dorian x reader Summary: The story of how JD and the reader ended up together. Warnings: none. Just fluffy. My poor attempt at a Dr. Cox rant.
• • •
It could be said that you had unique taste. Maybe even unusual taste. At least, that's what Dr. Cox, Dr. Kelso, Laverne, Mrs. Sullivan—hell, even The Janitor—had all told you. It wasn't the way you dressed, or wore your hair, or the music you listened to. That was all fairly normal. In fact, most of your interests were as ordinary as they came. Still, your most acquired taste was that of your peculiar boyfriend: the one and only John Dorian.
JD had been there for you in your first year as a medical intern. He was only a few years ahead of you, and you'd been one of the newer interns while he was in his last year as a resident. One time in particular, patient had coded. She was a sweet elderly woman that you'd grown unnecessarily close to. Even though she'd been your patient, you froze when you heard the flatline, and it wasn't until Dr. Dorian got there that you felt like you could breathe again. It was always easier to handle things when there was someone more experienced in the room. He let you run the room, and pronounced Miss Fleming dead at 7:02pm. Afterwards, he'd reassured you that you'd done your best, and there wasn't anything else you could do. To your great humiliation, he noticed the few tears that rolled down your cheeks, and he had scrambled to give you the crinkled, brown, cafeteria napkin he had in the pocket of his scrubs. It managed to pull a smile out of you, and from that point forward he was your go-to guy whenever you had a question.
It was only fair. JD was brilliant, and more than approachable. Dr. Cox and Dr. Kelso were terrifying, and you got the sense that Dr. Reid didn't like interns very much. Or maybe it was just you that she didn't like. Carla was loving and supportive, but she always seemed like she had enough on her plate, and didn't need you adding any more on.
That left JD. You'd called him Dr. Dorian at first, until you heard some of his friends refer to him by the two letter nickname. And one day you finally mustered up the courage to ask if you could call him that as well. He gave you a crooked smile and enthusiastically informed you that you could, and that he'd love nothing more. After that, JD wasn't just a superior, but a friend.
He made your first few years a whole lot easier. It was nice having someone around that you could always go to with a question or an emergency, and who always seemed to have the right answer. Furthermore, he was always eager to help, and it was a lot easier to ask him than the surly Dr. Cox or the neurotic Dr. Reid.
As for JD, he loved playing the hero. He'd never understand why Dr. Cox got so irritated when interns asked for his help. JD loved it, he thrived on it. And sure, maybe he was a little extra helpful when it came to you. But, really, who could blame him? You were attractive, fun, kindhearted, and smart. It wasn't his fault that when you asked him for help, out of all people, it made his heart flip.
Which brought you to a few weeks ago. By now, you'd settled in quite well. You were in your final year of residency and you'd gotten to know the hospital like the back of your hand. Stop by the nurse's station and say hello first thing every morning or there'd be hell to pay, always be in the cafeteria before or after the lunch rush to avoid getting trampled, don't ask Dr. Mickhead about his wife, don't take Dr. Kelso's insults to heart, and avoid the Todd at all costs. Beyond that, you'd made friends with JD's gang, a title that you'd given them in passing which the namesake had latched onto and refused to let go of. Carla had stayed just as maternal as ever, Turk was supportive and surprisingly wise, Elliot was still wary of you but warming up every day (even if her hands never did), and JD, of course, was JD.
He was handsome, witty, goofy, and sensitive, with his heart eternally in the right place despite the countless missteps he might've taken. John Dorian was nothing short of the guy of your dreams, even if he had no romantic feeling towards you in return. Or so you thought, anyway.
Carla had been telling you for months to just ask him out but you always had a reason not to. He was busy, or you were busy, or he wasn't interested, or Dr. Cox was hounding you, or you thought you saw JD flirting with the cute radiology nurse, or you were too young, or he saw you like a sister, or you didn't know what Carla was talking about at all. JD? Who's JD?
"For the love of God, just ask him!" Carla groaned, feeling the wall of composure she'd carefully built up start to crack. She'd had about enough of your and JD's endless pining. If it kept up like this for much longer, she was about to take matters into her own hands. "If you don't, I'm gonna ask him for you because I can't take your weepy looks and his dreamy sighs anymore."
"Absolutely not," you shook your head, picking up a random chart to busy your eyes with. Mr. Simmons in room 201; classic case of gastroenteritis. "If I ask him, he'll just say no. And then I'll have to quit being a doctor and move to Costa Rica. Or just kill myself, whatever's cheaper."
Carla rolled her eyes but a smirk danced on her lips. "Oh please, he's had it bad for you since you were an intern. He's not gonna say no."
"I'm not asking JD–" you began to say, having intended to finished that sentence with 'out on a date.' But you found yourself very grateful that you didn't get to finish your sentence when you registered what the interruption had been.
"Ask me what?" JD wondered, strolling into the waiting room where you and Carla stood talking by the desk. The two of you faced him, her with an expectant and irritated look on her face and you, white as a sheet with embarrassment. When no one answered, JD's overactive imagination filled in the blanks and he asked with a giddy look, "does somebody need a date to the zoo?"
You and Carla both shook it off, used to his daydreaming and odd idiosyncrasies by now. Before you had a chance to answer him, however, Carla jumped in, "(Y/N) has a question to ask you but she's too scared."
You glared at her but she only met you with a swift, "you're welcome," and sauntered back behind the desk.
Turning back to face JD, you saw his eyebrow raised, and you felt yourself start to sweat. You knew you had to give him a question, but for the life of you, you couldn't bring yourself to just pull the ripcord and do as Carla said.
"(Y/N)?" He prompted, "why are you scared? You know you can ask me anything."
God, you wanted to swoon and die right there. Damn that crafty nurse for putting you in this situation. You quickly shook your head and came up with a lie, "um, Mr. Simmons, he's presenting with abdominal cramping but I just can't figure out why."
Carla slammed a stack of charts down on the desk, causing you and JD to jump. She glared you down for a second before shrugging innocently and saying, "oops, my bad."
"Alright, well, let's have a look at the guy," JD answered you, recovering quickly. You nodded and handed him the chart. As you expected, he diagnosed Mr. Simmons immediately. But luckily for you, your goofy prince didn't question you for not knowing something so simple. You didn't know if you should feel comforted or offended. Didn't he think you were a good enough doctor to figure it out, yourself? Maybe he knew it was a cover and he was just being kind. Maybe he knew... oh god, maybe he knew you liked him and that Carla was trying to force you into asking him out and he was sparing your feelings by not blowing your cover and–
"Oh, for God's sake, Candace, if you stare at her any harder you're gonna wear a hole in her face," came the harsh, unmistakable voice of Dr. Cox, gearing up for one of his famous rants. "Now, I know you like to be the little spoon, but one of these days you're gonna have to just put on your big girl pants and ask her to the prom, o-kay?"
Your cheeks burned red, and by the time you turned to look at JD, he was gone.
"What did you mean?" you quickly asked Dr. Cox, heart beating out of your chest. "About the prom and all that?"
"Oh my goodness, shorty, you can't possibly be that oblivious. You just can't," he shook his head, staring down at you with disbelief.
"Can you cut to the chase, please?"
"Oh, tou-chy. I guess you like her back," he teased and held a hand up to cover his mouth as he pretended to giggle. Just as suddenly, he dropped the act and crossed his arms, "look, seeings as you are somehow a doctor and ya do have people's lives in your hands, I'm gonna go ahead and assume there's just no way you haven't caught on to Newbie's little crush on you. I say 'little,' of course, when I mean very big. Very very very big. Humongous, even. So big, that when Jordan asks me how those new jeans make her ass look, I say, 'Newbie's crush on (Y/N).' And, of course, I assumed that you knew all about said crush but you were just ignoring it because the thought made you nauseous in places you didn't know you could be nauseous. But now, I'm thinking you got so wrapped up in your own big scary feelings that-cha didn't even notice his, am I right?"
All you could do was nod. Awestruck and a little intimidated.
Dr. Cox made a sound between a growl and a groan and huffed out, "and now I'm nauseous." He grabbed a chart and swept out of the room in one fluid motion.
Carla met your eyes across the desk, satisfied grin playing on her lips. You just mumbled, "I gotta go find JD."
As you fled the room, you could hear her call after you, "I bet you do!"
You finally found him in the break room, staring up at the TV and not really watching. He was holding a pillow close to his chest, face buried into it to the point that he almost couldn't breathe. He didn't hear you enter the room so you had to announce yourself.
"JD?" you started.
He jumped and threw the pillow, startled. "Hey," he drawled and spoke your name, causing your heart to skip. There was an insincere laugh in his words, "about that thing that Dr. Cox was talking about, that thing he said... about the–"
You cut him off, "will you go to the prom with me? I mean– crap. Not the prom. I don't think there even is a prom. There's no prom! Forget the prom!" You took a deep breath and sighed heavily, wiping a hand down your face. Finally giving in, you figured it was better to just tell the truth, "JD, will you go out with me?"
He paused and everything was silent for a long while as he just looked at you. After a moment, that crooked smile lifted up his mouth and he said in a low voice, "I'd love to."
And that brought you to today. You and JD sat across from each other at a small round table in Coffee Bucks. You giggled about crazy patients and crazier coworkers, feeling lighter than you ever had in your life. JD leaned in for a kiss and you swore you tasted mango and soap on his lips. Definitely an acquired taste.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What type of milk do you like to drink? I never drink milk by itself – I mean mainly it’s not a practice where I’m from to just down a full cup of milk; but also I don’t drink it because rushing to the toilet immediately afterwards is not exactly my idea of fun.
Do you have a first aid kit at home? Yeah but like it barely counts as one at this point. We’ve taken bits and pieces from it over the years and have never really replenished it.
What's the absolute bare minimum in terms of facilities when you're camping? I’ve never gone camping, but I live in the Philippines so I feel like my tolerance would be quite high lmao. It would take a lot for me to start counting facilities as the bare minimum.
How many places have you lived in your life? I’ve only ever lived in Manila and this current city I reside in.
Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? They’re dog people, and I’m the same. Cats and I never really jibed even though I’m always trying to understand them better.
What's your favourite flavour of potato chip? Original; it’s a fool-proof recipe. I feel like brands do flavors very differently, so like some chips will have shitty barbecue while others would actually do a good job. But since I don’t like the uncertainty of it all, I tend to just go the route I know I will enjoy.
What's the longest your hair has ever been? How long is it now? Down to my waist. That’s usually my sign to cut everything off already. But right now, it’s just up to my collarbones; I recently had a big portion chopped + dyed my hair purple as well.
What video games remind you of your childhood? Inappropriately enough, the Grand Theft Auto series. But there are other games too that I enjoyed watching my dad/uncles/cousins play, like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, House of the Dead, Metal Slug, Pokemon.
What does your body wash or soap smell like? Doesn’t really smell like anything other than clean.
Are there are sounds that bother you on a visceral level? That high-pitched sound that sometimes comes out when you scrape your utensils in a certain angle against a plate. That shit has me sending daggers to the people who accidentally do it, regardless of who it is lol.
What was the last thing you bought online? Just food delivery. I believe the last order I got was from McDonald’s.
Name something you always have in your fridge. Eggs.
Have you ever had to hire a lawyer? Why? Nope.
Have you taken a walk today? Did you see any dogs? Eh, not really. And no, I have not seen any dogs today other than my own.
What vegetable do you really hate? I steer clear of ampalaya because my grade school textbooks have done a magnificent job shoving down my throat the fact that it’s the most bitter vegetable, so I’ve always been conditioned to think that it’s terrible. I’ve never actually tried it, though, but I think it’s the closest to being the vegetable I ‘hate,’ if any.
Does your family have any traditions or rituals? The only thing I can think of is Monito Monita but then again nearly every Filipino does that during Christmas.
If you could learn any language, what would it be? Korean, so I can visit places beyond Seoul and not have to struggle with the language barrier.
What was the best thing that happened today? Something that seems minor can still be awesome. A new episode of Run BTS came out and I couldn’t stop fucking laughing and clapping for the whole 39 minutes of it. OH and the fact that Angela and Hans picked me up so we can hang out at Starbucks earlier tonight :) I didn’t have my car around today but they were the first to insist to pick me up, which had been really sweet of them.
Have you ever donated money to a charity? Which one? NGOs for stray animals and a few ARMY-driven fundraisers for typhoon victims.
Did you have a large circle of friends in high school? Towards the end of it, yeah my circle got pretty huge. My circle had connections with other circles within our batch, and our group also consisted of people from the neighboring schools so that made it all the bigger. I’m only *really* close with just a handful of them now but I do continue to keep in touch with everyone else every now and then.
Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? Yes! This has been something Angela and Reena have been talking about for quite some time now. We’re probably getting something BTS-related but keep it very subtle.
What time do you usually go to sleep? Any time between 12 to 2 AM.
Do you have a job? Yes.
What colour are the plates in your kitchen? They are black.
What was the last gift you received? Bea sent me a Korean food starter pack last month – tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, and gimbap.
What is your Chinese zodiac animal? Tiger.
Are you inside right now? If you're home, what room of the house are you in? Kind of but also not kind of? I’m at home but I’m at the rooftop, so technically outdoors hahaha.
Are you good at remembering faces? Yes. What I am awful at is remembering names + where I remember them from. So it’s usual for me to recognize someone and end up staring at them for a long time trying to remember where I encountered them.
What will you do after this survey? I wanna take another survey but it’s 12:30 on a Wednesday morning...
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drakenology · 4 years
Arguments - feat Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Tamaki Amajiki
author’s note: i’m feeling angsty today. so this is gonna be about arguing with some of the bnha characters. anyone else feel off today? just me?
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff 🥺, and suggestive themes not full on smut. characters aged up! some of these are long.. i was feeling dramatic
headers from @annicon
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as much as i love this man i can admit he would be SOO stubborn
would get frustrated easily
yells 🥺
he knows when to walk away when the conversation isn’t getting anywhere which is good
would NEVER hurt you (i’ve seen ppl write that this mf hits you... girl...domestic violence is not an aesthetic.)
he isn’t the best with words so it’ll take him a little while to admit he’s wrong because he can’t verbalize how sorry he is sometimes
when he does he’ll hug and kiss you and apologize like a million times after he’s done being a stubborn little prick.
gives you the best “i’m sorry “ dick imaginable holy shit
Bakugo done did it. He pissed you off. You were already having a terrible day and then you come home to this motherfucker with a bunch of people over after you told him that you weren’t in the mood for company. So for the rest of the night when everyone left, you gave him the silent treatment knowing that he HATES when you ignore him on purpose.
You say nothing, continuing scrolling through your phone to look like you were preoccupied.
“Y/N, what’s your problem? I know you hear me.” Bakugo persists.
You ignore him, turning your back to face him. He grunts and grabs your shoulder, turning you back around to face him.
“Y/N if you’re pissed at me just say that. But ignoring me is fucking immature and it’s pissing me off!” He yells. Translation: “What did I do? 🥺”
“I’M pissing YOU off!? That’s funny. Because it’s not like you didn’t completely ignore my fucking feelings tonight. Why did you invite Kirishima and Denki over after I specifically said I didn’t feel like playing fucking HOSTESS!” You shout back, throwing your phone somewhere.
“Are you serious!? I never told them to come here they just showed up. What was I supposed to do tell them to piss off!?” Katsuki asked.
“YES!” You scream, annoyed that he’s not getting the reason why you’re upset. You never minded having Bakugo’s friends over but you just wanted to have a calm night with just the two of you. You were exhausted and fixing dinner for you and 3 other people and listening to loud chatter about sports and video games was not on your to-do list.
“This is so fucking petty! I don’t get why you’re so mad that they came over.” Katsuki said shrugging his shoulders.
“That’s the problem, idiot! You don’t fucking get it! I worked all day today. I just wanted us to relax but no, you wanted to have a fucking guys night in my living room! It’s the complete disregard for my feelings that’s pissing me off not the fact that they came. I told you I was tired and you having them come over anyways was like a big fuck you to me!” You explain, your face pulled into a face Katsuki knows is your angry face. Bakugo sighs, not ready to admit that he was wrong.
“Tch. Whatever. I’m gonna go sleep on the fucking couch. Let me know when you’re done being fucking frigid.” He shouts, clearly out of anger.
Katsuki leaves your shared room and slammed the door, you throwing yourself onto the bed. You feel tears sting your eyes as you sob into your pillow. You hated fighting with Bakugo, and you knew he hated it too. He has a hard time expressing himself without getting defensive sometimes. But you knew he felt bad. You sigh and close your eyes and go to sleep.
The next morning you get up from bed and get ready to start your day. You shower and brush your teeth, you and Bakugo strategically avoiding each other all morning to go and do your daily routines. You didn’t utter a word to each other. Just questions and short answers.
“Got work?”
The silence killed you both as you sat at the table and ate breakfast, Bakugo’s face pulled into a frown as he ate. You roll your eyes and go to put your dishes in the sink and grab his once he’s done. You can hear him get up from his chair as you wash both your plates and dry them. You had assumed he was leaving so you just wash all the rest of the dishes without turning your back. Suddenly you felt familiar arms wrap around your waist.
“Let me go.” You say, tearing up at the sudden touch. He was trying to make up with you and you were so ready to forgive him. The tension was almost too much to bear. This fight was small and it turned into something way bigger than need be.
“Not until you listen to me. I’m sorry, ok? I should have never yelled at you the way I did. And calling you frigid wasn’t ok either. I shoulda just told everyone to go home. We have those dumbasses over all the time. One night wouldn’t have killed me. I’m sorry. Can we just forget this shit ever happened? I hate it when you’re mad at me.” He pleaded, burrowing his face into the crook of your neck. You smile and turn around to look at his face, cupping his cheeks in both your hands as you stand on you tip toes to kiss him. He kisses you back eagerly, happy that you and him are back on good terms. He pulled away from the heated kiss and looks at the clock on the microwave.
“6:30...we still have an hour to kill. If you’re late I’ll drop you off.” Katsuki says, his eyes turning dark with feral lust.
“Late? What are yo-“ you’re interrupted by Bakugo pulling you into your bedroom with determination to make things right.. his way.
Tamaki (🥺 my new found love)
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Tamaki is NOT a confrontational person so arguing with you is really hard. He hates raising his voice or even getting to a point to where he’s angry because he doesn’t want to think about hurting you in anyway.
He’ll shut down and turn cold or try and act nonchalant.
he might even avoid conflict by changing the subject
if he’s riled up enough though he’ll cuss you out.. to his dismay
doesn’t like being mad at you and vice versa
hates arguments.. like honestly can you just get over it so he can eat you out now?
speaking of eating you out, he gives apology head and he won’t stop until you say you forgive him.
Tamaki didn’t like to admit it but he was really jealous. Like really really jealous like YANDERE type jealous. You and him were out to dinner with Mirio so you were all chatting about mindless nothing, catching up like you always do. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary for you but to Tamaki it appeared that Mirio was a little too playful at dinner with you. He was cracking jokes and poking fun and Tamaki took it as him flirting with you; which Mirio would never disrespect your relationship like that. Rage sat in the pit of Tamaki’s chest as you laugh at all his jokes. He was furious but hid it pretty well for the night.
“And then Tamaki wet himself in front of the whole class when I scared him with my quirk in middle school. Can you believe it?” Mirio laughs, causing you to laugh at the thought.
“Oh leave him alone, Togata.” You giggle, waving your hand in front of your face to stop the tears from laughter. He had been making you laugh all night all to Tamaki’s disliking. He was quiet all dinner, which you noticed immediately after Togata’s last joke.
“Hey Tamaki, is everything ok?” You ask, concerned that he might not want to be out anymore.
“Yeah.” He said coldly. “Actually I’m just gonna go to the car. I feel kinda sick.” He stands from his seat and walks to the exit, absolutely fucking furious that you were “flirting” with his childhood friend right in front of him.
“Awkward. What’s up with him?” Mirio asks, completely dumb founded by Tamaki’s sudden disappearance.
“I dunno. I’m gonna go to the car and see what’s wrong. Do you mind?” You ask, standing from your seat.
“Nah that’s cool. I’m actually gonna head out. You go on ahead, Y/N. I’ll take care of the tab.. this time.” Mirio jokes. You giggle and thank him, walking towards the exit. You walk through the parking lot and find the car, seeing Tamaki sitting in the passenger side with his arms crossed across his chest. What was his deal? You open the car door and sit in the driver’s side to meet a thick tension.
“What’s wrong Tamaki? Do you really feel sick or are you upset with me?” You ask.
“Why don’t you ask Mirio? I’m sure he’ll be able to answer since he’s the only guy you talked to all night. It was like I wasn’t even there.” Tamaki says, calm but obviously pestered.
“Is that was this is about? Tama you know it wasn’t like that. Mirio has always been a jokester what’s the difference now?” You ask, getting a little upset at his accusation.
“The difference is that he was trying to make a pass at you. He was so obviously flirting with you.” He says, his tone becoming stern. You’re shocked at how he was getting, frowning at how unreasonable he was being.
“No he wasn’t, Tamaki.” You say, looking him dead in his eyes.
“Yes he was. I’m not about to fight with you about this he was clearly fucking flirting with you. He joked with you all night and you laughed at every single thing he said. You must want to fuck him, don’t you?” He asked, looking at you with some sort of betrayal in his eyes. This infuriates you.
“What are you talking about!? You know I would never cheat on you Tamaki. Especially not with your best friend. What’s with you!?” You ask sternly, not amused or pleased in the slightest.
“Whatever, Y/N.” Tamaki says, looking out the car window while turning the other way so he’s not facing your side of the car. He knew this was stupid and he knew your loyalty was never to be questioned but he couldn’t shake this feeling of jealousy.
“No. You don’t get to start a fight and then blow me off when you’re through arguing! Talk to me!” You yell, furious at this point. Tamaki shrugs, avoiding the situation entirely now.
“Just drive. I wanna go home.” He says, not taking his eyes off the view from his window. You roll your eyes and start the car, pulling out of the parking lot to start your way home. The drive home was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You were so angry that you didn’t talk to Tamaki the whole way home, knowing you’d probably cuss him out if he said the wrong thing. Tamaki immediately felt bad after picking that fight. He didn’t know what came over him, he knew he had to make it up to you before you two go to bed angry with each other. You approach your shared apartment and park the car, silence still riddling the car. The tension between you both was intense and it scared you. You’ve never seen Tamaki this upset. Jealousy was always an issue for him but he’s never reacted this strongly.
“Y/N?” Tamaki says breaking the silence. You look at him, a little relieved that he’s talking to you again.
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you. I know you’d never cheat on me, of course. But I was just so jealous. It felt like you and Mirio were on a date and I was just the third wheel. The thought of him taking you from me drove me crazy. I wasn’t thinking. Can you forgive me?” He says, placing his hand on top of yours on the steering wheel. You sniffle, tearing up at his apology.
“Tamaki, I’m sorry I made you feel like that. I love you so much. No one could ever take your place, not even Mirio. I’d never betray you like that, ever.” You sob, tears flowing down your face. Tamaki questioning your loyalty really hurt your feelings and he hated seeing you cry.
“I know that. Please don’t cry. I’m so sorry, Y/N. It was so stupid of me to even assume.” He says, taking his hand and wiping your tears away. He took your hand and gave it a sweet kiss to soothe you, rubbing circles with his thumb on it as he consoled you. You giggle and wipe your tears, happy that you guys made up after that silly fight.
“Let’s go inside.”
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arguments between you two get heated. It gets to a point where sometimes you don’t speak to each other for days. he’ll definitely give small reminders that he still loves you to butter you up to alleviate some of the tension.
raises his voice
just as stubborn as bakugo
to a fault of his upbringing facing his emotions was hard for him sometimes, causing him to be cold when you fight
when it’s time to get over it and make up he’ll make it a huge event; flowers, chocolates and lots of freaky apology sex
cant stand arguing with you just like tamaki but wont back down in the slightest
is sure he doesn’t say anything harsh to make the situation worse.
“Why are you being so stubborn?!” You shout at your bi-colored haired boyfriend. The two of you have been fighting all day to your surprise. Shoto was usually easy going and you two hardly fought. But today, a bug seemed to have crawled up Todoroki’s ass and he’s been picking fights all day. You’ve been arguing about small things like who left the bathroom light on or who ate the last hot pocket. Right now it was an argument about when you’re going to meet his father Endeavor. It’s been almost a year since you two have been together and you don’t even think his father knows you exist.
“For the last time Y/N we’re not going to my dad’s house. That’s final! You can argue with yourself about this. End of discussion.” Shoto says, very annoyed at the thought of being near his father. He still couldn’t stand him, even as an adult. He can’t bring himself to bring you around him because he knows how he can be. If he even says something slightly rude to you he’ll flip the fuck out. You groan in frustration, wishing he’d at least consider.
“He doesn’t know we’re together does he!? What am I to you some secret? Why did you stay with me all this time if your family doesn’t even know I exist !?” You shout, tearing up with seering anger.
“It’s not that. Of course he knows we’re together; my whole family knows! Why do you want to involve him so badly?!” Shoto yells.
“Why wouldn’t I want to meet my fucking boyfriend’s father!? You’re not making any sense.” You say, getting more and more frustrated as Shoto makes excuses.
“You know what? Fine. We’ll go meet him tomorrow. But as soon as he treats you like you’re not good enough for me don’t be surprised when I tell you I fucking told you so. God you can be so stubborn sometimes.” Shoto shouts, rolling his eyes at you.
“Oh I’M stubborn!? That’s rich coming from you. You’re being so unreasonable right now. I know you and your father-“
“YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT MY FATHER. Stop speaking on things you haven’t the first idea about!” Shoto yells, punching a nearby wall. (Oop.) You flinch, shocked at how angry he got so quickly. You tear up and run off to your bedroom, Todoroki immediately regretting getting so upset with you. He scared you and that’s something he never wanted to do to you under any circumstances. You cried yourself to sleep that night, angry that things got so heated. Why did he react like that? And why was he treating you as if you knew nothing about him and his father. He would vent to you about him all the time and you gave him advice when you could. But tonight you felt like you were nothing but an outsider. Shoto didn’t even bother coming into the room. He couldn’t face you after making you cry. Right now, he hated himself for treating you like that. He was just so afraid of his father’s judgement he didn’t want him to hurt your feelings with how crass he was. If Endeavor found the slightest thing wrong with you he’d never let you or him forget it. He could hear him now calling you unworthy of the Todoroki name. The thought alone enraged him. In his own cryptic way, he was trying to protect you from him but this was no way to do it nor did he have the right. Todoroki slept on the couch, missing your warmth against him in your bed.
The next morning the two of you drove to the Todoroki estates in silence. You were still pissed at him and Shoto didn’t want to say anything to further upset you. He was annoyed he was making this trip in the first place but he knew he had to man up for your sake. It was unfair of him to try and keep you away from his family especially since you would one day take on his name and be a part of the family when he married you. He knew he couldn’t keep you away forever, but god couldn’t he have had a little more time? He dreaded this day.
“Ready?” Shoto asks coldly, trying to hide his remorse from his tone. You nod, getting out of the car before he could walk over and open the door for you. Shoto is surprised and gets out with you, guiding you to his old home. He can’t lie, he’s so fucking nervous. What if he hates you? Not that he cares what he thinks, he’ll marry you anyway but still. He at least wants his blessing. You walk with Shoto to the main room of the home and wait for Endeavor to come downstairs. Suddenly you hear footsteps from across the room. It was him. He was tall and his aura was so dark and intimidating.
“You must be Y/N.” Endeavor says, looking down at your small frame. You nod, a wave of nervousness shooting through your body.
“N-Nice to meet you sir.” You bow respectfully.
“No need for that. Please, have a seat.” Endeavor says gesturing to the couch. You and Shoto sit down next to each other, Endeavor following suit by sitting across from you two.
“So.. how long have you two been together?” Endeavor asks, his booming voice almost sending an echo throughout the empty room. You gulp and look towards Shoto.
“10 months.” He answers for you, taking your hand to calm you. You’re still mad at him but god you’re glad he’s doing his best to ease your anxiety.
“And you just now arrange a meeting? Hm.” Endeavor questions, looking at you as if he was scanning you to find something irredeemable about you. You look down at your lap, unable to keep eye contact with the intimidating man.
“I-I wanted to meet with you sooner. Me and Shoto fought about coming here last night but I convinced him.” You say nervously.
“I see. You seem like an ok girl. Shoto has had his fair share of.. inadequate women in his life so, you’re a step up from the rest.” Endeavor says, motioning for a maid to make you all some tea. You laugh nervously, Shoto squeezing your hand in annoyance. Was that a compliment?
“You two seem like you’ve been fighting.” Endeavor says suddenly, observing both your body language. You’re both shocked as you turn to look at each other. How’d he know that?
“What’s it to you?” Shoto asks, glaring at his father.
“Oh nothing. But if you’re planning on marrying this girl it’s probably best to not argue too much with her. Hell, she might up and leave.”
Shoto looks at you, pain in his eyes. The look on his face alone said “I’m sorry.” Shoto hated to admit it but his father was right. Fighting as much as you have been, especially the fight you had last night was toxic and could take a toll on your relationship.
You smile at him and turn to Endeavor
“I’d never leave him.” You say, snuggling closer to Shoto as he blushed. He was embarrassed that he was being so vulnerable around his father but he knew that only you could make this happen.
After a long conversation with Endeavor and Shoto, you leave with a feeling that you might have won him over. You think? He was hard to read, just like Shoto. He was more like his father than he likes to admit. Shoto opens the car door for you to get inside and then walks to the drivers side to come in. You sit in the car for a while, silent until Shoto grabs you and leans over to kiss you. You kiss him back, tearing up into the kiss.
“I’m sorry, snowflake. I can’t believe I raised my voice at you like that. I was just so scared that he was gonna hate you and say something disrespectful. I should have just told you that instead of being defensive. I’m so so sorry I scared you. Please forgive me. ” He pleaded, peppering kissing on your face.
“I know. And I forgive you.” You giggle, pulling Todoroki closer to you to kiss him again.
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Out of all the boys he’s the least stubborn when it comes to fighting. But don’t be fooled, he’ll argue you down. he’s very good at managing his temper when it comes to you.
Regrets starting a fight in the first place
Just wants to cuddle and go back to normal
But when he’s angry hooo boy
doesn’t even yell, he’s like a calm angry which is terrifying
tries talking over you, trying to plead his case
will not rest until the situation is resolved and over with so you guys can move on
like all the others... apology sex
will try not to lose his patience
You and Kirishima had been together for a while now so it was only inevitable that you two have your first fight. You were always a vigilant person and wanted to help others even though you were quirkless like Deku was at one point. Kirishima is protective of you to a fault and the thought of you getting hurt or worse didn’t sit well with him at all. You assured him that you were capable of taking care of yourself and protecting yourself but he wasn’t having any of it. You spent years perfecting your martial arts skills, training your ass off for countless hours everyday and he knew that. But he didn’t want you to one day meet your match without him there to protect you.
“Y/N, drop it. You’re not going on missions with me and that’s final. It’s too dangerous.” Eijiro said, his brows furrowed. He was trying not to lose his patience with you but you kept insisting. He just wished you’d forget about this whole thing; for your safety.
“You don’t have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do! I’m fully capable for taking care of myself and you know that.” You yell, irritated at your boyfriend underestimating your abilities. Eijiro sighs and stands up from the couch to stand in front of you, inching so close you could almost kiss.
“I’ll die before I let you go out there. Do you know what would happen to me; to your friends and family if something happened to you!? We’d be crushed. Please just drop this.” Kirishima says, wanting to avoid this conversation all together. But alas, nothing was changing your mind. You were very head strong and stubborn to no avail so you weren’t going down without a fight.
“You can’t stop me!” You yell
“Oh I can’t?” Eijiro challenged.
“No. You can’t. You can’t treat me like a child, Eijiro.” You say. “How can you say I’m not ready if you don’t give me a chance to prove I am!?”
“Because you just aren’t! Okay!? You say you’re not a child but you’re acting like one and a petulant one at that. Just drop it! God, you can be so stubborn sometimes. Don’t you see I’m just trying to keep you safe!?” Kirishima yells, instantly regretting raising his voice at you and losing his cool. You tear up, furious that he’s treating you like some kid. You grab your stuff and prepare to leave his apartment.
“Where are you going?” Kirishima sighs
“Fuck you, Eijiro.” You say, walking away from him and going outside to cool off. Kirishima tries to grab you before you leave but you snatch your arm away from him and walk outside with a huff and a slam of the door. You wipe your hot tears away and start aimlessly walking down the street to go home. Hell, you don’t even know your way home from Eijiro’s place but you’ll be damned if you go back there. As you walk you see Kirishima’s car pull up to the side of you, driving slowly to keep up with your walking pace.
“Y/N please get in the car.” He says out the car window
“No! I don’t wanna talk to you so just go away!” You yell, continuing to walk as the brisk wind assaults your bare skin. Dammit you forgot your coat.
“Y/N! You’re being ridiculous just please get in the car. You left your jacket; it’s freezing out here!” Eijiro shouts, getting out of the car and grabbing you to pull you inside. You groan, obviously being overpowered by your strong boyfriend. Kirishima slams the door and gets back inside, drives back to his apartment and parks in the driveway. He sighs and leans his head on the steering wheel.
“I’m sorry I got so heated with you. But can you blame me? I’m worried about you. Sure we’ll be on these missions together but what if something happens? What if I’m not there to protect you when something goes wrong? These missions are unpredictable; anything could happen and I’d literally die if even a scratch is put on you.” Eijiro pleads. You start crying, sniffling at his words. He was right to be worried.
“I love you, Eijiro and I appreciate you being so concerned about me. But that doesn’t give you the right to shelter me. You can’t just force me to not follow my dream.” You sob, wiping your tears away. Eijiro grabs your hand and kisses it.
“I know. I just can’t bear the thought of you being hurt. But if this is what you really want, I have no choice but to at least see this through.” Kirishima says, holding your small hand in his two massive ones. You smile, putting your other hand on top of his.
“Thank you. Also, I’m sorry for saying fuck you to you. That was mean.” You say pouting.
“It was. Hurt my feelings.” Eijiro said faking sadness, immediately laughing as he watched your face frown up again at the thought of hurting his feelings.
“Oh shut up.”
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
[10:02pm] k.ys
Tw: Mind numbing fluf, this was fun to write ngl, v cute, blushy yeosang, extroverted reader.
“So who else is gonna be there?” You ask with excitement.
“Well, San and us. Then Yunho, Mingi, and Jongho, I think Seonghwa and Hongjoong are busy though,” Wooyoung counts of on his fingers, “oh, and Yeosang obviously!” He finishes with a smile. You do your best not to show the disappointment on your face, but Wooyoung knew better.
“What’s wrong with Yeosang?” He asks with an arched brow.
“Nothings wrong with him! I just don’t think he likes me very much.” You admit, tuning your head to your feet as you keep walking.
In truth, you’ve had a crush on Yeosang from the first time you met him. But you can never quite forget how when you came up to him that night asking him for his number with a smile, he had just stared at you. It was so embarrassing. He didn’t even say no, he just looked at you with an expression so blank you honestly thought he hadn’t heard you at first. That was until he had gotten up and left you at the table without another word.
But alas, he was Wooyoung’s best friend, so avoiding him was hard, and ignoring him when he looked so pretty every time you see him is damn near impossible. You tried to be friendly with him, you really did. Pretending like the first night had never happened seemed to be the best way to go. But still to this day he rarely even looked at you, much less responded to you. You got maybe a word out of him at a time if you were lucky.
To your surprise, Wooyoung started laughing his characteristic high-pitched laugh. You frowned at him and continued walking.
“You this Yeosang hates you?” He choked out through his laugh.
“I didn’t say hate!” You began, although you kind of expected he did, “I just think he prefers it if I wasn’t around.”
Wooyoung looked at you again in amazement.
“Trust me, he doesn’t hate you.” He said, and although his laughter was dying down there was a hint of amusement in his voice.
“And what does that mean.” You ask, unable to see what was so funny.
“It’s not important,” he giggles.
Later that night you find yourself out to dinner with the rest of your friends who could make it. And of course, by some divine intervention (otherwise known as Wooyoung) you are stuck at the end of the table, with none other than Yeosang sitting to your right. Jongho was across from you, but you had a feeling he was on special orders from Woo to not talk to you because you were now sat in awkward silence.
You did your best not to pout at the others at the table as they chatted away, completely ignoring you, but even you could feel the scowls on your face. The whole situation was made even worse by the fact that Yeosang looked as perfect as always. He quietly ate his dinner without a care in the world and it annoyed you to no end how even when forced to sit next to you, he would rather stare into his plate than even look at you.
Once or twice during dinner, you saw him glacé at you from the corner of his eye, but nothing came of it at all. He was probably just wondering why you were being so quiet. If anything he was probably great full for it, as you had always suspected that was the reason he ignored you. Which didn’t make any sense in itself, Wooyoung was his best friend, how could talking be the thing that set him off. Though perhaps he got enough of that from him. Still, it wasn’t your fault. You frowned even deeper at the thought and continued to push your food around your plate, having long since lost your appetite. Only more annoyed when a certain pretty boy glanced at you again.
Walking home wasn’t much better either. Whatever game the others were playing by forcing you to get along with Yeosang was kept on as your little group made its way through the park. Everyone else surging ahead, leaving you both in the dust with at least a few feet to spare.
You were surprised when he kept pace with you, though it was dark, and you doubt the others would appreciate it if he left you behind and he knew that as well.
After a few minutes of distinct laughter coming from the group ahead of you, you expect even Yeosang was tired of the awkward silence. That is the only way you can reason as to why he spoke up.
“Are you feeling ok?” He asked in his quiet deep voice. He glanced at you, before turning away quickly. Though you should be excited that he is speaking with you, you only felt more upset.
“And what’s it to you?” You spat back with a scowl. At your words, Yeosang’s head whipped around to face you. It was too dark to see his exact features, but his wide eyes shown clearly in the dim light. He looked shocked. If you were in a better mood you would have apologized as he clearly looked shocked, but you didn’t. He turned away and looked twords the ground.
“Well, umm, you looked a little off at dinner tonight and you weren’t talking much so I-“ he trailed off, gaze rooted to the ground.
“Oh and I bet you enjoyed that,” you grumbled. You didn’t feel any real animosity towards the man. How could you? Especially with your harbored crush, but you still said the words. At this Yeosang stopped dead in his tracks, and you had to do the same. There was a street lamp only a few feet away so you could see him a little better now. The only expression on his face was confusion.
“Why would I enjoy that?” He asked, almost too quiet to hear, even with the voices of your friends fading as they got further away.
Now it was your turn to look confused. You shook your head a bit with a laugh before looking at Yeosang again.
“Because you don’t like me?” It came out as a question, and you quickly tried to qualify it, “listen, I know that we’re both in the same group of friends and everything but I don’t blame you for not wanting to talk to me, I know I can be a bit much sometimes and I-“ this time you cut yourself off because Yeosang’s face was twisting into something completely other than agreement. It was disappointment.
He waited for you to fall silent before looking down and kicking his shoe against the pavement with a sigh. He muttered something that sounds like “-idiot” and you briefly started to get angry with him again before he spoke up.
“I don’t hate you,” he mumbled. He looked up ever so briefly before his gaze flew back to his shoes. You could faintly see him biting his lower lip and if you didn’t know better you would almost think he was? Blushing?
“Then why-?” You trailed off, surely looking stupid with how flabbergasted you felt. It’s not like you expected him to tell you outright how much he disliked you, but this? It felt way too sincere.
“It’s because he likes you!” You heard Wooyoung shout from a safe distance away. You whipped around to face the rest of the group, only just now noticing that they had come to a stop to watch your exchange. Wooyoung had his hand up to his mouth to help his voice carry, not that he needed it. His word sunk in slowly.
You had half a mind to run and punch him for making fun of you, because there was absolutely no way that The Kang Yeosang could possibly like you, especially with how you talked his ear off for months on end when you were still trying to befriend him. You blushed bright red. You turned back to Yeosang, ready to tell him to ignore Wooyoung, but Yeosang was blushing as well. Far more than he had been before, possibly more than you. He was biting his lower lip again. Staring at you, waiting for your reaction.
And then the realization sunk in. The Kang Yeosang liked you as well. You whipped back to Wooyoung.
“Wooyoung you jackass!” You hollered, flinging your arm in the air for good measure. He had fingered out your crush on his friend a long while ago apparently. Then you turned to face Yeosnag again. You heard your friends laughing in the distance. He looked mortified.
“I-I’m sorry, you don’t have to say anything. I know I have been a-“
“Yeosang, please let me say something.” You cut him off. You said with a smile. He looked surprised, still deeply embarrassed, but surprised. And still incredibly pretty, but you put that thought aside for a moment.
“Yeosang, I like you.” You began, “in fact, I have since the day I met you, which is rather pathetic on my part but let’s ignore that for now.” You continued with a laugh.
The man stood frozen. The seconds passed. And then he cracked the tiniest hint of a smile.
“Oh,” he started, as if coming out of a trance, “well,” he paused again to look away before turning back, his pink cheeks shining in the light from the streetlamp, “would you like too-“ he trailed off.
“Yes, yes I would.”
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Johnny Cade X Reader *SMUT*
Warnings: Your first time with Johnny Cade
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The feeling of Johnny's touch always lingered on your skin, his burning touch sent sensations that ran through your veins in such a way. It left goosebumps on your skin, the kind of goosebumps that only Johnny could give you.
  The sensation was almost like nothing you had ever felt before, his touch only ever made your skin burn with anticipation in the best way possible. It made your heart race ten times the normal speed.
  Your pupils would dilate times ten, so much so that your eyes would cloud up with love and lust only towards Johnny. Your cheeks would brighten from the inside effect he could cause. Your chest would tighten from anticipation and excitement. Every part of you felt like it was on fire just by Johnny lightly caressing your skin.
  You didn't know this, but your touch did the exact same for Johnny Cade. His moans and drawn out whimpers would let anyone know how desperate he was for your touch. The same tingling sensation would run through his veins causing him to let out a strain of moans from the contact of just your finger tips or your lips in contact with the sensitive skin on his neck.
You and Johnny had never had sex before, the farthest you both had went were intimate make outs. You hadn't even seen each other naked yet, for Johnny the farthest he's ever went was sliding his hands under your shirt and resting them on yours hips; not wanting to go any further incase you go uncomfortable.
  For you the farthest you went with Johnny was grinding against him, Johnny was to shy to ask for anything and he was to shy to do something about it. He didn't want to go over boundaries, and sometimes he was too afraid to ask so you both would just end the make out with slow pecks and hand movements.
  Neither you or Johnny were experienced, so when it finally did happen it would be both of your firsts. The Curtis's were having a family dinner with the whole gang, and being apart of the gang with Johnny they insisted you both came and stayed for their annual family dinner.
  Johnny agreed but only if you were going, you agreed as well wanting to spend time with your second family. Well technically they would be more like your first since you barley seen your real family, they were always gone on job trips or vacation. You were happy that they didn't drag you alone to say the least, that meant you got to spend extra time with Johnny.
  The times your parents weren't home which would usually be all the time; as of now your parents were home but resting for a trip they had planned the next day ahead. During these times when your parents weren't home you would take Johnny in and let him stay with you, you'd feed him, let him take showers, wash his clothes, and let him sleep in your room with you with the price of cuddles of course.
Both you and Johnny entered the Curtis's cozy home, everyone greeted you both with warm welcoming smiles and greetings. As always Darry came out of the kitchen wearing an old apron, drying his wet hands on the apron that rested around his waist as he let out a warm smile "make yourselves' at home" He tilts his head to the unoccupied couch.
You grabbed Johnny's hand with a warm smile and walked over to the couch, after greeting everyone yourselves you and Johnny take a seat close by. The room was always a bit tight considering there was only two rocking chairs, a love seat that could hold four people and a coffee table.
You sat closer to the arm of the couch, Johnny sitting so close to you your arms and legs were touching. Not that you minded, but his touch always just seemed to make your body light up in flames. A small blush covers your cheeks as the small sounds of Mickey Mouse playing ignited the room.
Two-bit sat on the floor as always, with a whole chocolate cake also not surprisingly; he always spoiled his dinner first as Darry would like to call it. You interlocked you and Johnny's hand together, resting both your intwined hands on the middle of your leg but still super close to your thigh.
Your exposed legs and his touch only made your skin burn more with anticipation, you decided it would be a good day to wear your flowered skirt that went just past your mid thigh. Since it was a hot and sunny day out, you also matched it with a black tank top that had a string tied in the middle way of your chest, with your worn out white converses.
Now you were starting to rethink the whole skirt idea, but maybe it would come in handy later on. Soon Dallas entered the house and all of a sudden the once small, quite house was now full of laughter and small talk.
Soon dinner was ready and Darry was calling everybody in the kitchen, Pony boy was setting the plates and silverware. Steve grabbed a few extra chairs for everyone and made room at the table, Darry had made his famous mash potatoes, steak, and vegetables; everyone's favorite.
Everyone over flooded their plates seeing as Darry made enough for three and a half families. You were seated next to Johnny on your left and Pony boy on your right. Everyone said grace before digging in and stuffing their faces with delight.
"This is really somethin' Darr" Dallas complimented with his face full, as everyone followed behind with praises and thank you's of the food.
Darry responded with a simple 'Thank you' in return before stuffing his face. Soon everyone was stuffed from the nice meal, though once Two-bit finished swallowing his last bite he sighed stuffed before standing up from his seat "I got the chocolate cake" he sates before rushing to the counter and grabbing the cake causing everyone to let out a little chuckle.
Everyone was able to eat a thin slice of chocolate cake while Two-bit on the other hand was back at his mission of sitting on the floor watching Mickey and eating the rest of the cake using his hands.
Darry collected all the empty plates and silverware before placing them in the sink, starting to wash the dishes. You kissed Johnny on the cheek and let him know you were going to help Darry with the dishes. He responded with a gentle nod before pecking your lips and taking a seat on the couch beside Dallas, Dallas immediately grabbed Johnny in a head lock and ruffled up his hair.
"Hey Darr, need some help" You offer, walking over to the sink.
"Sure Y/n, that'd be nice" He smiles moving over to let you stand by the strainer, while he washed and rinsed the dishes you dried them off with the kitchen towel given to you.
In a matter of five minutes you both had managed to finish up the dishes faster than just one person would've. Walking into the living room you take an open seat beside Johnny, resting your head on his shoulder to which Johnny lays his head against yours and snuggles into your side.
Soon the laughter and fun times ended once the sun went down and it started getting dark, you and Johnny said your goodbyes but before you could leave the porch Dallas came running over to Johnny. He tugged him away for a second before slipping something in Johnny's hands, it reflected off of the moonlight and you could tell it was a packet of some sort.
Once Johnny took a look at whatever it was he quickly shoved it in his Jean jackets pocket with an embarrassed blush covering his features "good luck" Dallas grinned, with a cheeky wink as he walked back into the house.
Johnny walked back up to you and slipped one of his hands in yours while his other rested in his pocket. It was quite chilly out, causing Johnny's small frame to shake from the cool air. You only shook once but that was enough for Johnny to pull off his jacket and drape it over your shoulders, your head snapped up to Johnny's.
"Johnny m' fine really, here" You tried to give it back to him but he refused to take it back, his small frame still shaking.
"Nah' Y/n I'm good really" He tries, but you clearly see behind his shaking features.
Grabbing Johnny's arm you lift up the jacket letting his arm slide through the collar but also draped around your shoulders, as you drape your shoulder around his letting the jacket cover his freezing frame.
You look up at Johnny, catching his loving gaze as he stares back at you. No one had ever really put him first like you have, even if he protested against something like this you always found a positive way to help the situation.
You smiled up at him shyly as you both continue to walk down the road, "wanna' come to my house?" You question.
He shakes his head "your parents' are there I wouldn't want to intrude" He says.
"You wouldn't, you never do... but how about' we go to the lot then?" You question curiously.
Johnny looks up at you "yeah, that'd be nice" He smiles small.
A couple more minutes of walking and you both arrived at the lot, the moon reflecting on the old seat car seat that you and Johnny have cuddled on many times. Johnny removes his arms from the jacket to grab his lighter and lighting a couple of dead leaves placing them on top of the wood, causing the sticks and limbs to ignite a warm fire.
  You rest your hands in Johnny's jacket pockets before feeling a sharp paper like object touch your finger pads, while Johnny was busy rearranging the limbs to keep the fire going you slipped out the golden packet from the pocket that read 'durex: one latex condom'.
  You soon heard the steering of leaves and branches come to a halt causing you to move your gaze to Johnny. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were slightly bulged open as well. There was a loud silence, the only thing that could be heard was the burning of the fire.
  You walked over to Johnny and sat down on the seat next to him, Johnny's gaze followed you as his expression never changed. "So this is what Dal' slipped you eh?" You giggle slightly, something you only found yourself doing with Johnny.
  A bright red blush covers Johnny's features as he looks down embarrassed but slowly nods, confirming it was in fact what Dal had slipped him.
  You lift his head up with your pointer finger, your eyes meeting once against you raise one of your legs and place it on the other side of Johnny now fully straddling his waist.
  Johnny gulps nervously as your body's continue to touch each other's, you gently caress Johnny's arm with the pads of your fingers causing goosebumps to ride down his spine. He continues to watch your every move, studying your features like none before.
  "Johnny I'm ready" You mumble softly, looking into his soft brown orbs.
  "Wait. Are you sure?" He mumbles resting his hands just above your hips.
  "Yes, are you ready?" You question softly.
  "I am" He gives consent, a small blush forming across his cheeks due to this conversation.
  He was terrified, what if's kept running through his mind 'what if you don't like it?' 'What if I'm bad?' 'What if she leaves me?'. He hadn't ever been in this position before and this meant a lot to him, because it was a sign of love for your partner and he didn't want to dis-satisfy and disappoint.
  You place your hands gently on his cheeks and bring him into a loving kiss, fireworks go off, your lips tingle against one another, slowly but surely the kiss started to heat up along with the speed.
  You were now both hungry for each other, you pulled away for air but immediately placed your lips against the sensitive skin around his neck, Johnny lowly whimpers in response as his head tilts back. You were starting to get greedy, your kisses became more desperate as did your grinding on his crotch.
  Though you kept that at bay not wanting to frighten him. Your breathing started picking up as you nipped and kissed his soft spots on his neck. Johnny felt as if he was floating with the immense pleasure and you haven't even started yet.
  You lifted your face from his neck and went back to his lips, closing the gap. You slowed down the kiss, gently you bend your head down a little and take his bottom lip in between your two lips, kissing slowly before moving to his top lip and showing all your attention there. Soon your place your lips on his, he runs his tongue under your bottom lip asking for entrance to which you allow.
  His tongue slipping into your mouth, interwinding and fighting for dominance with yours. You pull away slightly for more air, you get a good look at Johnny's eyes and see that they have darkened and lust clouds his eyes as he looks at you lovingly.
  You grind your hips against his hardening cock causing him to gasp in shock and in pleasure as he grips your hips and follows your rhythm. You close your eyes and let out a light moan from the stimulation. You never would've pictured Johnny like this, his eyes were practically begging you; speaking words he was to embarrassed to speak himself.
"Johnny..." You whisper, going back to your current position of kissing and nipping at his neck, making sure not to add noticeable loves bites.
"Y/n.. Can-can I touch you" He practically begs out.
"Yes..." You breath out, trying to maintain your breathing.
Gently he grips your hips and turns you over so he's hovering over you, his eyes pierce through your soul. You almost spill out all your dirty thoughts you've had about Johnny right then and there.
It felt like hours as Johnny's brown orbs stare into yours, when in reality it had only been a couple seconds. Everything seems to play in slo-motion as Johnny straddles your waist, knees on either side of your waist. Kneeling down so his forearms are resting beside each side of your head laying on the old seat.
Johnny peppers small kisses around your neck and under your jaw, slowly he makes it down the valley of your breast; not going any further than that he starts sucking on the sensitive skin leaving little loves bites in places that wouldn't show to much.
You run your fingers through his greasy hair, not caring that in return your hand was starting to get greasy from the intense amount of hair grease placed in his hair.
  Johnny slips his Jean jacket off your shoulders placing it on the ground next to you, he places gentle kisses all over your exposed shoulders. His hands began to shake from nervousness, this action causes you to lift Johnny's head up with your finger.
  "Johnny... are you sure you're ready?" You caress his cheek lovingly.
  He nods his head "I'm sure, are you?" He makes sure.
  "I am" You confirm, bringing him down to press a loving kiss to his chapped lips.
  He fumbles with the string of your top nervously, trying to untie it; his shaking hands not allowing him to do so. Eventually he manages to untie the bow, following with unbuttoning the rest of the buttons with a nervous struggle.
  He slips the piece of clothing off your shoulder, exposing your black bra that held a little diamond bow in the middle. You blush as Johnny stares at your chest lovingly, "Y-you're beautiful..." He gasps out.
  He doesn't give you to to thank him before placing little kisses above your breasts, gently sucking and creating little love bites causing you to let out a little moan. You tug at the hem of Johnny's black t-shirt, signaling that you wanted it off.
  Johnny stops what he's doing to lift up his shirt off of his body now showing of his tan skin. A couple scars rest on his chest and torso, you gently rub your finger pads over some of the old scars. Lifting up your body you rest on your elbows maintaining eye contact as you press a few kisses to his scars and chest causing Johnny to melt in his position.
  Johnny blushes as you lean back a little to get the whole view of your Johnny Cade, still resting on your elbows you look up at him with excited eyes. You run a finger down his chest to his stomach, stoping at the hem of his pants that held a very noticeable bulge.
  You lift yourself up, wrapping your arms around Johnny neck before bringing you both back down and pulling him into a lust filed kiss. Letting your hands wander you end up being back to the hem of his loose jeans, you let your fingers rest there for a bit as you and Johnny continue to make out.
  Soon you start to fumble with the button, then you start unzipping his jeans. You leave it at that before breaking the kiss for air. Johnny lowers his his butterfly kisses to your stomach, soon being face to face with your skirt.
  Looking you in the eyes he slips his hands in your skirt, rubbing your thighs as he does so. He grabs the edges of your underwear and tugs them down, licking his lips hungrily as he does so.
  Placing them on top of his jean jacket so they don't get dirty he spreads your legs not quite seeing your exposed core yet. "Can I taste you Y/n?" He asks innocently, his breathing picking up as he looks up at you his once light brown eyes now fully black and clouded with lust.
  You nod your head furiously your stomach tightening from excitement, lifting your skirt above your thighs your core now being exposed to Johnny. You were so into it you didn't feel embarrassed about showing him your body at all.
  He places kisses on your thighs, slowly leaning closer to the place you needed him the most. Looking up at you he wraps his lips around your clit, the feeling of his tongue causing you to gasp at the stimulation.
  He continues to swirl his tongue around your clit, flicking faster as your breathing picks up. Johnny gets more confident in his movements as he hears you moan, he speeds things up and slowly starts to add one finger into your now dripping core.
  Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he lets you adjust to one finger before slipping in two. You let out a strained whimper as his tongue continues to work on your clit and his two fingers stretching you out, getting you ready for him.
  Since this was your first time being eaten out and first time period, your climax comes closer than you would've expected. Your eyes roll back as your hips push farther into Johnny's hold, "I'm gonna cum, Johnny!" You whimper out as your high soon rolls over, causing your hips to stutter and Johnny to moan at the satisfying taste.
  He lets you ride out your high before coming back up to you, a panting mess as you try to calm yourself. Johnny's lips glisten in the moonlight as he's covered in your cum. He licks his lips and sucks off his fingers hungrily as his eyes continue to stare into yours.
  "You taste amazin'" He moans out as he presses a kiss to your lips before getting up and sitting on the other side of the seat and tugging off his jeans.
  Sitting up you wrap your legs around his waist, grinding yourself on his clothed bulge. You run your fingers down his stomach until you get to his boxers "can I?" You blush.
  Johnny nods shyly as a blush covers his features, you tug down his boxers revealing his cock that springs out and hits his stomach. You lick your lips as you place the piece of clothing on top of the pile of clothes. You run your finger pad over the tip of his cock smearing the pre cum that rested there.
  Johnny's breathing picks up as his head falls back, his mouth falls open and his eyes screw shut; having being touched for the first time. Getting more confident you grab his length and start to stoke his cock in up and down motions, slowly since he was sensitive.
  Small moans fall out of Johnny's pink lips, your mouth falls open as you look up at Johnny, his moans turning you on even more. "Oh my..." you mumble lowly, as you continue to stoke his length.
  Grabbing the condom that sat beside you, you slow down your motions before stopping causing Johnny to look back up at you. You gently open the packet to the condom, sliding out the lubricated latex. Flipping it to the right side you place the condom on the tip of Johnny's cock before sliding it down correctly.
  Johnny watches in amazement as you adjust the condom on his length, you press a loving kiss to his jaw before gazing into his brown orbs "are you ready?" You question, caressing his redden cheek.
Johnny nods furiously as he places his hands above your hips, shakily. Lining up his cock with your entrance, you start to slide down his cock. Your tight walls closing on around Johnny's length, it didn't really hurt as he slipped in your walls but more so stung a bit. It was a very tight fit as you continue to slide down further on his harden cock.
Johnny's eyes slam shut at the tight fit around his length, his breathing picked up as his cheeks reddened along with the tip of his nose. His stomach heaved up and down from your walls closing in on him, his hips stuttered from him being so sensitive but he maintained them as best as he could until you were ready to speed up.
  Soon your walls started to get used to Johnny's cock allowing you to speed up your actions, your head rolls back as your chest arches from the stimulation. Just now realizing you weren't completely naked since your bra was still connected to your body, you continue riding Johnny at a medium speed whilst reaching your hands behind your bra strap and unclipping it.
  Throwing your bra to the other side finally freeing your breasts, Johnny's eyes widen at the skin burning sight. He looks up with his doe brown eyes, asking to touch you. You nod as you continue to ride Johnny, your boobs bouncing as you do so. Johnny's eyes fall back on your perky breasts before letting his hand trail up from your waist and stomach to your boobs, lightly twisting your harden nipple causing you to moan and roll your hips.
  "Oh Y/n~" He all but whimpers as his hands continue to rest on your chest, Johnny throws his head back, mouth gape open, eyes shut as you feel his cock reach your sweet spot.  
  "Oh my, Johnny" You moan out, skin slapping together as you ignore the burning sensation in your thighs.
  Johnny lifts up and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your heated body closer to his as your motions speed up. Your hands fall to his neck, playing with the little hairs that rested there. His head rests on your chest, his breathing constantly heaving as he feels the burning sensation in his abdomen.
  He lets out a muffled whimper against your skin as his cock continues to reach a point past your sweet spot and your walls clench around him greedily. You swirl your hips around his causing Johnny to gasp, "do t-that again' p-please" he begs out, squeezing his eyes closed.
  You continue to swirl your hips around his length feeling that same burning sensation in your abdomen. You speed up your actions, ready to reach that point. Johnny places his lips against yours for support as he feels his body shaking from anticipation and also chasing his high.
  His hips stutter upwards causing his cock to be buried deeper inside your walls. You moan out into the silent night as your motions only increase, "y/n... I'm gonna' cum" Johnny warns as his breath catches in his throat, you nod your head in agreement.
  With one final thrust Johnny cum's in the condom, you're able to feel the warm cum inside you from the thin latex that was preventing him from spilling inside you, that set off your orgasm as you start to cum around his cock. Your hips stutter along with Johnny's creating more friction against your sensitive core.
  Once both your highs decrease you slow your movements, not quite quitting as you press a loving kiss to Johnny's lips. He accepts the kiss, only becoming more needy as you run your hands through his hair.
  You pull away gently before gazing into Johnny's loving orbs, "that was amazin' Y/n..." he gasps out as you agree, slowing sliding off his cock slowly causing you both to whimper as Johnny's hips stutter in the air.
   Before Johnny could slip the condom off you take action and began slowly slipping it off for him and tying it before discarding of the latex in the trash can beside the seat.
  You slip on your tank top, not bothering to put your uncomfortable bra on as you hand Johnny his boxer and jeans. Johnny slips on his clothes the same time you do.
  Johnny looks at you lovingly as you finish up the buttons on your tank top, half your chest still exposed until you finish buttoning the last button.
  You glance at Johnny to see him staring at you, "what?" You smile bashfully.
  "You're just'... beautiful" He admires you as you crawl over to him and cuddle into his side, taking his Jean jacket and covering you both up with it.
  "That was really breath takin' Johnny" You giggle slightly as you shyly look into his puppy eyes.
  Johnny smiles as a blush covers his features "i love you Y/n" Johnny admits as he cuddles into your side.
"I love you Johnny" You smile as you both stare at the burning fire, soon your breathing lured Johnny into a restful and deep sleep, you soon following behind moments latter.
Requested from Wattpad!!!
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clockworklozenges · 3 years
So, a good five or so years back, I played in one of the best worst DnD games I have ever been in. The DM had bought the Libris Mortis book, which, if you were unaware, was a 3.5 splatbook adding in a lot of undead stuff, including some monsters and undead player races and stuff. Wanting to try it out, me and my gaming group decided to play things from it, our then DM deciding to run a completely homebrewed session. This proved to be a...
Terrible Idea™
(for the uninitiated, never homebrew something you do not fully understand unless it's just cosmetic. If you want to make all elves worship the god of garlic bread, Ultimo-Metatron-Omega, go ahead, but unless you know how the game works, don't make mechanical changes). So we all picked stuff from the books-one player played a skeleton Sorcerer who in life was a tribal shaman, but an attempt at healing went wrong, turning him undead as his life energy was replaced with negative energy, explaining why most of his spells were necromancy and suchlike.
Another player played Krug, an antipaladin in very spiky full plate. He was a zombie made by a necromancer of a paladin who was fighting him, but his allies killed his would-be master before he could assert control, and not wanting to just off him, his allies just...yeeted his body into a portal and hoped it'd re-kill him. It did not kill him hard enough. It did, however, explain his stats which...oof. He had already got debuffs to some stats due to being a zombie, and rolled abysmally. Fortunately for the player, he played mostly to socialise, so didn't much care.
I played... Count Nox Feratu, the Campire. As in, a vampire with a very camp German accent, which I did not break for the whole time I was playing him. To the point where "ach, nein, I haf bin heet! Heal me, meine freunde!" was par for the course. My overly camp vamp was a wizard, but due to level adjustment was a bit of a shoddy one. For backstory, he'd been ousted from his clan for ineptitude, and had sworn revenge. I was going for a swordmage build but never got there. All his spells were utility or just necromancy spells.
Our last player played...sigh...Damien Bloodmoon, cleric of Nerull, God of murder and undeath. He was one of the clerics from the book's murder Domain, meaning that he got buffs to damage. He was a vicious arse both in character and out of it, and was so dripping with edge compared to the paladin with the same IQ as a horse after its trip to the glue factory, the shaman who thought killing fixed people and the Campire that if you gave him a pat on the back you'd have finely diced your hand into a red mist. Not going too outlandish with his backstory of wanting to dominate the world as his undead thralls, Damien F***ing Bloodmoon had only taken spells which either charmed live people, dealt negative energy damage or messed with ability drain and suchlike, which he used with aplomb on townsfolk on our way to our objective. He was also, importantly, playing an elf of some sort, I forget which kind. Meaning that of the party, only one was alive.
So, just as an aside, for those of you that haven't played 3.5e DnD or have only played 5e, in Libris Mortis, undeath was gone over in detail, and had a litany of pros and cons. For one thing, undead had only the HP they had-folks like Damien F***ing Bloodmoon could be 'dying', and had some time to be stabilised before meeting the reckoning of Papa John and dying proper. Undead did not, it was just how much you had and if you ran out, poof, you're dust, bones and fertiliser again. You were also harmed by positive energy, so healing spells hurt you, as did potions of healing. However, undead were kind of hardy - poison immunity, some had resistance to non-magical melee damage, stuff that drained your ability scores and levels didn't work on them, some crits wouldn't do extra damage, and the best part- negative energy healed undead. Meaning all the spells our party had which damaged others like the living Damien Bloodmoon were curative ones for us. Keep this in mind.
So, we began our quest, learning of a necromancer a nearby town was plagued by. After using our skills (to whit: Damien Bloodmoon charming and drawing the life force out of random villagers and the only potion seller in the town whilst we went shopping. Krug got a snazzy hat, which we put on top of his helmet, and we chatted to townsfolk as I looked alive enough to pass as human and the shaman had a fake beard and toupee that people were too awkward to point out was fake so went along with it) we learn that the necromancer has a base of operations in the cemetery. "Oh ja, zo original, dahlink. Ve vill need to educate zis guy on vhat is chic and vhat is just shabby!"
So we head there and the nightmare begins. Damien Leads the charge, using all of his knowledge to deduce that the shambling horde moving towards us were stronger-than-your-average-bear undead, and he was right. These were powerful armoured zombie mages of some sort, casting ability draining spells, negative energy ray spells and even having auras of negative energy that dealt damage on a failed Fortitude save. Even their punch and quarterstaves did negative energy damage as well as the usual bludgeoning or unarmed. However...only one of us was really in danger and the DM's face fell when the squishy casters walked up and began shanking their super-special homebrew zombie wizards, being healed by the damage of their attacks as we cut them down.
Like I said, one of the benefits of undeath is that negative energy actually heals you. So the strikes of the magic staves and punches that hit us did some basic damage. Which was then immediately healed by the negative energy their weapon strikes and spells were doing.
However, you'll recall that Damien Bloodmoon was an elf. And not dead. Being a Cleric of a death god doesn't mean that you have the abilities of an undead. That meant that even with the DM being merciful, by the end of the first fight he was covered in blood, mud and withered away to just above half his original strength and constitution. More were patrolling, so we had to run. But that posed a problem.
Remember Krug had heavy armour? And recall his awful stats? He in fact, hadn't got enough strength to wear the armour he'd been given for backstory. He didn't, according to the DM, have enough to remove his own armour. And we attempted to, but also failed our checks according to the DM. And Damien Bloodmoon refused to help, simply blaming Krug and his player. Krug's player thought it was hilarious, and Krug only had enough Intelligence and Wisdom to say his own name, so saw no problem. And Krug, Nox Feratu and Shaman realised that there really...wasn't a problem.
For us, at least.
We slogged through three combats dragging Krug and wading through the mud with him. His speed was so slow that for every step he took, we took about ten. The DM was confused and infuriated that his encounters weren't working, but refused to change them. So we had fun role-playing. Or at least three of us did.
Damien Bloodmoon refused to roleplay, and none of his ranged spells could affect the zombie mages. When he went into melee, he came out wounded as all hell. He went down twice, and it was only the healing supplies of the shaman that saved him.
All the while, he was... Let's say not best pleased. Damien Bloodmoon was getting increasingly wounded, exasperated and longing for the sweet embrace of death as reprieve from the humiliation. His player was getting increasingly redder and rage-filled as time passed. Each fight ended with our characters stronger than ever and his a bloody pulp on the floor, with poor in-character knowledge (and terrible rolls) preventing him from realising why.
Eventually, we reached the final boss, pausing only to paint Krug's armour in contact poison just in case, and to find a stick to help the now-partially-crippled Damien Bloodmoon, cleric of death and murder, walk after being beaten up by angry zombie wizards for hours. And it had, indeed, been hours. Among us, only Damien had a bonus to strength, and we had two swords, a mace and a staff between the four of us. Meaning it was re-death by a thousand cuts for the enemy and a slog and a half for us.
We reach the necromancer and, having taken so long due to dragging the oblivious Krug with us, his big ritual is complete- he raises a fist-sized black onyx egg aloft, crackles with arcane power and causes the bones around him to coalesce into one massive creature - an undead, giant-sized rust monster, radiating an Aura of pure negative energy. Krug opened his arms wide, eager for the metal-eating monster cockroach to free him from his poison-painted metal prison. It ignores him as he's still very far away. Me and the others have our weapons and armour devoured.
Our DM was very much a stickler for note-taking. So because Damien Bloodmoon hadn't written 'clothes' on his sheet, his armour being eaten by the monster left him naked and afraid.
It became clear that the DM had done another f***y-wucky. See, the Aura of negative energy healed me and the Sorcerer by more than its other attacks did. So whilst Damien Bloodmoon was naked, soaked in mud and bleeding to death almost crushed to a pulp in the fetal position, rocking backwards and forwards as his player seethed with hatred, the Shaman and the Campire set about beating the thing to death with our bear hands and a stick.
The session ended once we killed the necromancer, or rather when Krug walked up to him, closed his arms and just crushed the noodle-armed bad guy to death with the weight of his ridiculous armour and poisoned him with its paintwork.
We never revisited the game afterwards. We were told later on that the DM wanted us to use the non-undead races. But at no point had he said as much, even when we asked him about our characters and the restrictions on them. We also learned a valuable lesson. DM for the players who are there, not the ones who you have an idealised mental image of. Tailor your game, otherwise you'll get a sitcom featuring a camp nosferatu, a shaman with no healing, a paladin who could barely move and a Cleric of murder who was ironically the only one at risk of actually dying.
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yoonsshadow · 4 years
Strike! - OT7
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❥ prompt ; ‘could you please do an ot7 where they all go bowling or to the arcade together? (I also love your eternals series so much!!)’ sent in by @deathbybigsisrory​ 
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❥ pairing ; ot7 x fem!reader
❥ genres ; non-idol!au, rom-com, friends-to-[future]-lovers, [they’re not together yet but everyone is very much in love]
❥ themes ; fluff!!
❥ warnings ; none
❥ word count ; 1.7k
❥ note ; Thank you so much for the submission!!! (And also thank you for your sweet words darling xx) I may have strayed a little from the prompt, but I hope you still like it. I haven’t been bowling since I was like 11, so I’m sorry if some details are incorrect. I have never been to an arcade, so I thought this was the safer option. [this isn’t edited]
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Somewhere, in the back of your subconscious, is a loud knocking.
It’s a rapid noise, insistent and forceful, but the dream you’re submerged in is far too pleasant to pay it any heed. It will go away eventually.
Except it doesn’t.
As you’re lying in the paradise of a warm coastal beach, mermaids off the coast and dragons in the distant sky, muffled yells are lost in the ambience of crashing waves and mer-song. You are so incredibly comfortable on this beach chair. You think, perhaps, that you’d happily stay here for an eternity.
Eternity does not last very long.
Your idyllic fantasy dissolves the instant hands shake your hunched shoulders, voices now louder in your ear as you are rocked from your sleep. It aches to move, to be moved, but soon you are sitting upright rather than folded over your desk, cheek pressed into papers.
“Hey there, sleepyhead.” Namjoon’s deep timbre vibrates through you; shocks you into clarity faster than your mind is ready.
“Hmrrfh?” Is your unintelligible response. He seems to understand.
Seokjin is crouched beside you, one hand on the back of your office chair, the other on your knee. “I thought you said that you were finished with your work.” You rub your eyes and yawn as he speaks, quickly taking notice of the other figures in the room. “You were supposed to have a break, remember?”
You hum. “I don’t get paid to take breaks, I get paid to have my work done by the deadline. Which is soon, might I add, so I’ll have to rain-check today. Sorry.”
“Nope.” It’s Yoongi who speaks this time. In the next moment, your office chair is rolled away from the desk and into the group of men who have somehow entered your home. Which reminds you-
“How did you even get in?”
“We found the spare key,” Taehyung says, as if the fact should be obvious.
“Yeah,” Jimin adds, “when you didn’t respond to our knocks and calls we thought you might be dead or something. Ggukie damn near kicked the door down when Namjoon-hyung lifted up the doormat.”
“Terrible hiding spot, Y/N,” Namjoon says. You can tell that he’s trying to sound disappointed, but he looks just a little too endeared.
Moving in front of you, Hoseok flashes you a warm smile. His eyes become crescents, his lips a heart, and your fingers twitch with the want to reach forward and caress his cheek. You don’t.
“There’s no way you’re getting out of today,” he says without a hint of malice. “You need a day to relax, and we haven’t seen our girl in far too long. So, will you be coming willingly, or by force?”
“But-” Your protests are cut off.
“By force it is. Gguk.”
Your vision is suddenly filled by a broad chest as thick arms sweep you from your seat. Gravity has no effect on the young man who now holds you bridal style, nor on the Bambi smile that naturally grows on his face.
“We’re going to have so much fun today,” Jeongguk says, muscles flexing around you as they all begin walking towards your bedroom. You have no doubt that Hoseok and Taehyung already have an outfit planned for you, and you even hear the bath beginning to run.
Your boys never fail to look after you. God, you care for them so much.
[You won’t admit to yourself that you may feel something deeper. Not yet. But one day, perhaps soon, you’ll realise that you don’t have to be afraid of that feeling.]
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Retro music swirls around you as your group makes their way towards your assigned lane. Bowling shoes in hand and a competitive spirit growing, a weight seems to melt off of your shoulders.
All thoughts of work, of responsibilities, have simply disappeared.
“How are we going to decide teams?” Namjoon looks around the group, as if calculating a mathematic equation. “Rock, paper, scissors?”
Yoongi scoffs. “We’ll be here forever if we do that. Let’s just do Hyungs versus Youngs.”
While Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin are cheering at the quick resolution, you lift a brow at the unbothered man. “But what do I call your team then, Yoongi oppa?”
For a moment, he says nothing, merely ducking his head to hide the rosy tint that dusts across his cheeks. Hoseok is the one who steps in to answer, clapping a harsh hand on Yoongi’s back as if to wake him from a trance.
“We can come up with team names!”
Jimin jumps up and down, wide beam blinding you all. “We are team Young and Beautiful!”
“No, we should be Bold and Beautiful! Like that American hand-wash show,” Taehyung suggests, equally as enthusiastic.
Namjoon sighs. “It’s soap opera, Tae.”
“What about Y/N’s Angels?” Jeongguk seems to be thinking hard, ever competitive even in the sport of picking a team name. “Because we are angelic, and Y/N bosses us around.”
That lands him a swift chop to the neck, much to his giggling delight.
“We are the Young, Bold, and Beautiful Angels,” you decide, rolling your eyes. “And what about your team?”
Seokjin does not hesitate to announce: “We are team Kim Seok Jin!”
Yoongi sighs, but doesn’t object, and Hoseok leans his forehead on Namjoon’s shoulder as if he needs the support to keep standing.
“Thank you for consulting the rest of the team about this decision, Jin-hyung,” Namjoon says, deadpan but not upset.
“You should be thankful that I’m allowing you to use my name at all,” Seokjin replies, hands on hips. “It is, after all, a national symbol of good luck.”
“National...?” You mumble.
Jimin groans out a sigh, easily bored and antsy to win. “Can we just play already? We don’t need to have a board meeting every time we make a decision.”
“Let’s go hold some heavy balls!” Jeongguk then grabs your elbow and drags you to the bowling ball racks, uncaring that you’ve only laced one of your shoes on.
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“Do you need me to teach you how to bowl?” Jeongguk’s voice in your ear startles you as you stand in front of your lane, ready to go. The pink ball is heavy in your hand when you turn around to glare at him.
“I know how to bowl, Gguk. Now shoo, I need to concentrate.”
“Yes, but do you know how to bowl properly? Like a pro?”
“I am this close to dropping this ball on your toes, don’t test me.”
“Pleeease? C’mon, just this once?”
Damn him and his doe eyes. “Fine. Just once. But you’re going to buy me a plate of nacho fries.”
You shouldn’t be surprised when he stands behind you and circles his arms around yours, but you do jolt a bit when his hands touch your waist.
“Some people think that it’s the wrist movement that’s most important, but really, it’s the hips. Even if you mess up the bowl, if your hips are at the right angle, you can’t really go wrong.”
“I’m pretty sure wrist movement is actually pretty important.”
The man has the nerve to shush you. “Angle your hips like this,” fingertips press into the soft flesh over your hipbones, “and then take three steps before you let go of the ball. The trick is to start with your non-dominant foot, so that when you bowl, your dominant leg isn’t in the way.”
Sighing, you humour the youngest and stride away from him, following his steps and then releasing the ball from your grip.
It lands a perfect strike.
Jeongguk walks back to the group with a smug smile and a pep in his step, while you simply chuckle at his pride. Meanwhile, the other boys are glaring at him.
“So,” Hoseok says as you wait for your ball to return so that you can have your second go, “are we all going to be allowed to teach you? Or is this favouritism?”
Heaving a deep sigh, you look up to the ceiling as if it, or any higher being, may give you an answer as to why you’ve chosen these seven as your favourite people.
Deep down you know why, but it’s times like these that make you question yourself.
It’s also times like these that make you feel impossibly endeared.
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Night has crept up on you by the time the boys drop you back at your apartment, ribs aching from laughter and cheeks sore from smiles. No tension resides in your muscles, in your bones, or even in your mind; you feel as though you are floating, ears brushing against the clouds, with how light you are right now.
“You have to promise that you won’t do any work until tomorrow,” Namjoon says, watching you dig through your bag for your keys. 
“After a full night of sleep,” Yoongi adds.
Seokjin then says, “And a nice, big breakfast.”
“And plenty of water!”
“And a comforting shower- Or a bubble bath!”
“And you have to take plenty of breaks.”
“Maybe we can drop by at lunch to make sure you eat-”
“Would it be better if we stayed over tonight?”
“Why don’t you just stay with us? We can help you-”
“Guys.” Your voice is sturdy as it cuts through the overlapping voices of seven worried men, all eyes turned to you as you stand in your open doorway. “I appreciate the concern, truly, but I’m a big girl. What happened yesterday - well, this morning - was a one-off. I assure you that I can take care of myself.”
You’re met with silence that sounds an awful lot like doubt.
“But,” you sigh, “maybe you can come over for lunch?”
Gleeful voices whoop into the night air, and you have to bite back your laughter as you hurriedly hush them, wary of your neighbours.
One by one, you give them a hug and a kiss on the cheek as you exchange farewells, peeling the younger ones off of you as you tell them that yes, I really do have to go inside now.
It’s only when you’ve closed the front door behind you, leaning on the wall beside you, that you come to the full, unafraid realisation.
You are in love with them. And you think they might love you back.
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homoose · 3 years
Love Has a Learning Curve: Part III (x reader)
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Summary: Spencer has to face Anita and Sam— and learns a little about reader’s past. Reader and Spencer babysit for Michael and Henry. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: fluff, a tiny smidge of hurt/comfort
Warnings/Includes: implied smut, drinking/alcohol, vague mentions of previous emotional/mental abuse (Owen)
Word count: 4.2k
a/n: This picks up right after the end of the tmsidk epilogue! I also worked two requests in here.
Series Masterlist
Spencer stacked the last of the tiny chairs in the center of the room, stepping back and dusting his palms on his trousers. He looked over to see Y/N playing a sort of container tetris with the bins of supplies in her closet. He smiled a little to himself, his head still in the metaphorical clouds with her confession of love. 
She maneuvered the bins to her satisfaction and shut the closet doors, pushing against them to squeeze everything in until the latch clicked. She turned to see him watching her and wiped imaginary sweat from her brow. She gave him a wink and a grin, and he was falling all over again. 
She perched on the corner of her desk with a tired sigh, and he made his way across the room to her. She reached for him as soon as he was within arms length, wrapping her arms around his middle. She snuggled into his chest, and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Let’s go to dinner to celebrate.”
She laughed and looked up at him. “Celebrate what?”
He shrugged. “You. Summer.” He brought his arms around her shoulders. “Love.”
She smiled and scrunched her nose at him. “You just want me to say it again.”
His lips twitched. “Maybe.”
Her hands came to rest on his hips, her fingers squeezing lightly. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he answered immediately and rather dreamily. 
“Yo, Y/L/N!” 
The call of her name from the hallway startled them both. Anita began to step over the threshold, continuing, “You ready to get absolutely crunk tonight or— oh.” She stopped dead in her tracks, eyes tracking Spencer’s frame. “Dr. Reid.”
Spencer stepped back from Y/N, smiling a little awkwardly at the formality and giving a wave. “Mrs. Lopez. It’s, um— it’s nice to see you again.”
Anita hummed noncommittally, and Spencer shoved his hands in his pockets. She turned her attention back to Y/N. “So, are we going out or what?”
Y/N groaned. “Anita, I’m exhausted. Can we keep it low key? Oh!” Her eyes lit up with an idea, and Spencer could already see where this was going. “Spence and I were gonna get dinner to celebrate, um— summer. Call Sam; we’ll all just go together.”
Anita spared a glance in Spencer’s direction before sighing heavily. “Fine. But I’m drinking.” With that, she turned on her heel and disappeared back into the hallway.
Y/N chuckled. “I swear she’s not actually an alcoholic.” Her eyes landed on Spencer’s face, and she smiled gently. “I know you weren’t expecting a Meet the Friends night, but it’ll be fun.”
“She hates me,” Spencer surmised.
“She does not hate you.” Y/N stood from the desk, pressed a reassuring peck to his lips. “She’s just… protective. That’s all.”
Y/N was entirely wrong. Anita Lopez hated him. That was the only explanation for her absolutely icy demeanor. 
They’d met up with her and Sam at a Mexican restaurant in Tenleytown. Sam was wonderfully kind and funny, even apologizing for having “flipped him the bird” the last time she saw him. And it was a good thing Sam was being friendly, because Anita was decidedly… less so. 
Spencer understood completely of course. He’d broken Y/N’s heart. Penelope had been ready to hunt her down at the mere thought of him being hurt. As Y/N’s best friend, Anita had every right to be wary of him. She had every right to hate him. He’d just... hoped that she wouldn’t. 
Thankfully, Y/N and Sam were more than happy to carry the conversation— he and Anita chiming in here and there. He learned that Sam worked as an attorney at a firm specializing in family law. She and Anita had two kids, Riley and Sidney— one in 2nd grade and the other in preschool. 
“Y/N is still Riley’s favorite teacher ever,” Sam told him. “I mean, it helps when she’s also your aunt, I guess.”
“He didn’t get any special treatment,” Y/N insisted. At Sam’s raised eyebrow, she laughed. “Okay, maybe a little special treatment. But you raised a good kid! And I can’t help it that he was the most trustworthy of the bunch.”
“Oh my god, the field trip,” Sam groaned, rubbing a hand over her face. 
“The field trip!” Y/N turned to Spencer. “My group of kiddos from two years ago— they were kind of a tough group.”
“Kind of?” Anita squeaked. “Let me just tell you, I can hear them through the floor. The entire middle school is literally dreading the day they make it upstairs.”
Sam piped in, “I chaperoned on said field trip to the zoo. And I vowed that I will never, ever go on another field trip. Ever.”
“What happened?” Spencer asked incredulously. 
“So many things,” Sam baited. 
Y/N covered her mouth to stifle a cackle, leaning a bit into Spencer’s shoulder. He couldn’t help but smile, looking around at the three women. Even Anita was chuckling, and she’d barely cracked a smile all evening. 
“Okay, so many things happened,” Y/N started, “but the worst was—”
“The poop!” Sam wheezed. “The poop was the worst part of that day. The smell alone, oh my god.”
Y/N composed herself as best she could, gesturing over the table. “So after this nightmare of a day, we get on the bus, and there’s this— smell.”
“The absolute worst smell you’ve ever smelled, Spencer,” Sam assured. 
“It’s awful. It’s so bad,” Y/N agreed. “And I’m literally going seat to seat, checking to make sure no one has shit themselves.”
“You could not pay me enough,” Anita chimed in. 
“And I get to the seat that is very clearly where the smell is coming from. And I can’t, like— hold my nose, right? I don’t want to embarrass him!” Y/N turned to Spencer with flushed cheeks. “So I ask, ‘Sweetheart, did you have a bathroom accident?’”
Spencer let out a nervous laugh. “Oh no.” 
“But oh, it wasn’t a bathroom accident,” Y/N clarified, waving her hand. “No, no— that would be too easy. This child had somehow managed to obtain copious amounts of poop from one of the zoo animals and packed it into his lunchbox to take home.”
Spencer could feel his jaw drop. “Oh my god.”
“So, he unzips his lunchbox and it’s just— overflowing with shit.” Y/N dropped her head into her hands, overcome with giggles. 
“And don’t forget the worst part: his mom was on the field trip!” Sam lamented, throwing her hands up. “I will never understand.”
Y/N lifted her head with an exasperated grin, and he wasn’t sure if it was the story or the fact that she loved him, but Spencer felt like he could float away into outer space. 
“I told you I had a lot of poop stories,” Y/N reminded him, drawing another round of laughs. As they composed themselves, the waiter came by their table to clear some of their plates and refill their water.
“God, I said we were keeping it low key, and then I drank half a pitcher,” Y/N complained, pushing back from the table. “I’m just gonna go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” 
She gave Spencer a reassuring smile, and he tried not to panic as she stood and left him with Sam and Anita. And because the universe was toying with him, at that exact moment, Sam’s phone began to ring. She pulled it from her pocket with a sigh. 
“Shit— I’ve been waiting on this call all day.” She kissed Anita’s cheek and stood from the table. “So sorry; I’ll just be five minutes, I promise.”
With that, it was just the two of them, staring intently at their water glasses. Spencer was certain he should say something, but he wasn’t sure what. Anita broke the silence first. 
“You know what’s annoying?”
Spencer wasn’t sure he wanted to know. “Considering that the issues one might classify as an annoyance vary for each individual person, there are over seven billion potential answers to that question.”
Anita tilted her head with an unimpressed purse of her lips. Spencer hedged, “And I understand now that it was probably rhetorical.”
“I actually kind of like you.” She leaned across the table with an irritated sigh. “I wanted to hate you, but I don’t.”
He cleared his throat. “Well, I’m, um— I’m glad to hear that.”
“You’re good for her. Smart, humble, kind. Enamored with her, as you should be,” she deadpanned. She dropped her chin into her hand. “Almost as hot as she is.”
He laughed a little at that. “Thank you?”
“You’re welcome.” She dropped her hand back to the table. She still didn’t crack a smile, and her gaze bore into him. “I don’t know how much you know about Owen, and she’d probably kill me for saying anything. But he was a real piece of shit.”
This was not the direction he thought this conversation would take. He didn’t know anything about Owen; he’d tried not to think too much about anyone Y/N might have been with before him. 
“It didn’t start out that way.” She drew her brows together. “Well, I don’t know— maybe he was always an asshole, and he was just good at hiding it.”
She shook her head and leaned back in her chair. “The point is, I didn’t know he was treating her like garbage until it was too late. He was already all…” She gestured wildly around her head. “In her head, telling her lies about herself, fucking her up, isolating her. For years he did that. And then it took her years to get him out of her head. To— unlearn all the lies. To build herself back up.” 
He could see her grinding her teeth, trying to calm down. He was intensely grateful to not be on the receiving end of Anita’s wrath. He was also immensely glad that Y/N had a friend like that. And his blood absolutely boiled at the thought of her ever feeling anything less than adored. 
“You’re a fed or whatever, so I shouldn’t be telling you this,” she continued, “but I would love nothing more than to put that fucker six feet under.” She ran her hand through her hair, and when she continued her voice was the quietest he’d ever heard it. “All that to say, I… I wasn’t there for her when Owen was destroying her from the inside out. And I will never let that happen again.” 
Anita locked eyes with him and her voice was resolved. “I like you, Spencer. And I want to keep it that way. So, just— don’t give me a reason not to.”
She didn’t drop her gaze, and he couldn’t quite think of the appropriate response. He opened his mouth, and then closed it again. His brain was still fixated on the idea that anyone had ever hurt the loveliest and kindest woman he’d ever met.
“Where’s Sam?” Spencer turned just as Y/N slid back into the chair beside him, a comforting hand coming to rest on his knee. 
“Some bullshit from the office that her idiot partner can’t handle.” Anita raised her eyebrows at Spencer, and he nodded minutely. She shifted her gaze back to Y/N with a grin. “Don’t worry. I didn’t scare him too much.”
“Easy.” Spencer steadied Y/N with a hand on her waist as they made the way up the stairs to his apartment. 
“Jesus, I’m so sorry. I just— really can’t drink like I used to.” She clutched a little at the railing, and he held his breath until they were at the top of the stairs. 
He slipped an arm back around her waist as they crossed to his apartment door, fumbling with his keys and fighting back a shiver as she snuggled close and ran her hand low over his tummy. 
“Can’t believe I’m tipsy from a couple margaritas.”
“To be fair, you had four,” he chuckled, turning the key and pushing open the door. 
“Okay, okay,” she relented. “But I used to be able to have a whole pitcher and be totally fine.”
“A pitcher?” Spencer laughed as he locked the door and turned to face her. “I can’t even have one without being completely incapacitated.”
She ran her hands up from his waistband, over his chest, and wrapped them around his neck. “Mmm, so you’re a lightweight.”
“Very much so,” he confirmed, bringing his hands to her hips. 
“Just one more sweet thing to love about you, sugar.” 
He couldn’t stop the smile from stretching across his face at the endearment, the way that North Carolina dripped syrupy and thick over every syllable. She pulled him down to meet her in a sweet kiss, quickly deepening it as he dug his fingers into the softness of her hips. Her hands wound into his hair, tugging lightly and holding him close. 
He broke away to rest his forehead against hers and catch his breath. She laced their fingers together and leaned on him while she kicked off her shoes. He toed his own off and then allowed her to lead him toward his bedroom. 
She sat him down on the edge of the bed and straddled his lap, bringing her hands up to tangle in his curls once again. 
Before she could lean in for another kiss, he murmured, “I’ve been thinking.”
“Sounds dangerous,” she teased, ghosting her lips over his.
“Ha, ha.” Part of him wanted to bring up Owen, but she was so happy and warm and comfortable in this moment. He didn’t want to ruin this night of celebration. He didn’t want to ruin this day that had been so full of love. They had plenty of time to discuss Owen. 
He wrapped his arms around her middle. “You’ve met Penelope. I’ve met Anita. Now that the school year is over… we could tell Michael.”
She pulled back, and the smile she gave him could only be described as radiant, and he knew he made the right decision. “He’s gonna lose his mind.”
A week later, the pair of them were strolling up the sidewalk to the LaMontagne house. Will and JJ were long overdue for a date night, and Spencer had jumped at the opportunity for the two of them to babysit. When they reached the door, Spencer rang the bell and Y/N waited slightly behind him. 
They could hear the joy from behind the door before it even opened, Michael’s high pitched giggle and Will’s booming laugh. Spencer was already leaning down in preparation, and Michael absolutely launched into his arms as soon as the door swung open. Spencer clocked the moment that Michael spotted her, purely because he practically squealed and squirmed right out of Spencer’s grip. 
“I knew it!” Michael cried. 
He wrapped himself around Y/N’s legs and squeezed tightly, and she rubbed a hand over his hair with a bewildered smile. Michael broke away to turn back to Will with a grin. “I told you.”
“You did, buddy.” Will gave Spencer a lopsided smile as Michael tugged Y/N forward by the hand. “Michael had an… inklin’ that uncle Spencer might be friends with Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Not friends, Daddy,” Michael said exasperatedly. “He’s her boyfriend.”
“Oh, excuse me, sorry.” Will held his hands up in apology as he stepped aside to let them all in the door. “Michael had a feelin’ that uncle Spencer might be Ms. Y/L/N’s boyfriend.”
Y/N’s cheeks had turned a very pretty shade of pink. “What— um, what made you think that?” 
Michael waited patiently for her to take off her shoes. “Well firstly, he started picking me up all the time, which was nice but weird. And then he wouldn’t stop asking about you. It was kind of annoying.” Spencer made a choking sound, and Will stifled a laugh. 
“You guys wear the same shoes, and you both love Halloween and tea and reading. I knew you’d like him if he could be a guest reader.” As he led her into the living room, Michael continued, “Oh, and you wore his purple scarf. He doesn’t let anyone wear the purple scarf.”
Spencer vividly remembered that morning— she’d slept over after a midweek date night in April. The temperatures in DC had plummeted overnight, and the outfit she’d brought left her woefully under-dressed for the chilly spring day. He’d wrapped her up in the soft, purple scarf without a second thought. 
She caught his eye with a shrug, and Will tried not to look too smug. Spencer watched her be dragged further into the house, turning to Will with a sheepish smile.
“Well, guess I can’t take all the credit,” Will decided. “Who knew we had a mini matchmaker this whole time?”
Spencer huffed out a laugh as Michael pulled Y/N into the playroom. “This is the best,” Michael sighed. “Now we can play restaurant forever.”
Spencer pulled his legs up in the tiny chair, resting his elbows on his knees and taking a moment to watch the scene in front of him unfold. Usually on nights like this, Michael ran him ragged with demands for magic tricks, story time, and playing pretend. Tonight, he’d actually been able to catch up with middle school (middle school!) Henry, because Michael was totally and completely enthralled by Y/N. 
She was helping with the last of the setup for the “restaurant,” organizing Michael’s menus and straightening his clip-on tie. Of course he’d seen her with kids before. But something about being in this playroom— one that he’d spent so many hours in, watching two of his favorite kids grow up— had him feeling warm from head to toe. 
Henry had bounded down the stairs at the news that uncle Spencer was dating his former kindergarten teacher. He hadn’t realized that she’d taught Henry, too, although with the timeline of her teaching career he should have put two and two together. The generally reserved middle schooler had positively beamed when she gasped out, “Gosh, I always forget how tall you’ve gotten!”
And now three of his absolute favorite humans were in one room, and he couldn’t stop smiling. 
“Hen!” Michael called. 
Henry turned from his spot in the chair across from Spencer. “What?”
“You’re the chef,” Michael informed him. 
Y/N tilted her head. “I thought I was the chef?”
“No, no, no.” Michael pushed her toward the kid-sized table. “You and uncle Spencer are on a fancy date.”
Henry rolled his eyes playfully and stood from the chair, pulling it out for her like a perfect gentleman. She beamed at him and gave him a wink. “Thank you, sir.”
She dropped lightly into the chair across from Spencer and laughed a little at his folded limbs. “You look very comfortable.” 
He laughed and stretched his legs out straight. “The picture of comfort, really. These chairs were clearly designed with six foot men in mind.”
“I’m sorry I’m so under-dressed for our fancy dinner date,” she teased, dropping her chin into her hand. 
“You look stunning, as always.” He gestured to the messy braid Michael had folded her hair into. “I especially love what you’re doing with your hair.”
She sucked in a dramatic breath, bringing up her hand to pat lightly at her hair. “You’re making me blush, doctor.” She peeked behind her and then lowered her voice. “I’m probably going to cry when I try to brush the rats out.” 
He looked at her sympathetically. “I know the feeling. I think I’ve got a wide tooth comb, and I can help. I’ve gotten pretty good at detangling Michael’s handiwork.”
Before she could respond, Michael made his way to the table, holding a dish towel over his arm. “Good evening, sir, madam.” 
“Good evening,” they chorused, with barely suppressed grins. 
“Compliments of the chef.” Michael held out his hand to reveal two slightly smushed strawberries.
“Oh, wow,” Y/N said, eyes wide and gesturing to Spencer. “Honey, do you want to—”
Spencer waved his hand, eyeing the berries warily. “No, no, please, help yourself.”
Y/N held back a smile and accepted the strawberries, holding them carefully in her hand and turning her attention back to Michael. “Thank you so much. What a wonderful appetizer. Could we hear the specials?”
That helped Michael remember the menus, and he pulled them from his pocket and cleared his throat. He handed them the construction paper menus. “Our specials tonight are roasted octopus and a steak tartar.”
From the kitchen, Henry mumbled, “Tartare.” 
“Tartare. Steak tartare is our special,” Michael corrected. 
“Hmm, I don’t know if I’m that adventurous. Maybe my boyfriend is though,” Y/N told a grinning Michael. “What do you recommend for a picky eater?”
“My favorite is the chicken nuggets.”
“Well then, sign me up. One order of chicken nuggets.” Y/N handed him the menu. 
Spencer was still perusing the menu for Le Chateau LaMontagne. He smiled at Michael’s handwriting, but particularly at the places where he could tell Y/N had helped. “Everything looks delicious,” he finally decided, “but, you know... I think I’m also going to have the nuggets.”
When the boys were finally in bed, Spencer and Y/N settled down in the living room to untangle the mess of her hair. She sat on the floor in between his legs as he gently pulled each braid strand free. He smiled at the way she arched up into his touch, shivering when his fingers brushed over her neck. 
“You’re lucky,” he remarked, laying the last braid strand back into its original place. “Michael seems to have gotten a little better at braiding.”
She leaned her head back into his hands. “You detangled the whole thing?”
“Mmhm.” He leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead, then her nose, then her mouth. She brought her hands up to hold him against her, trying to deepen the kiss before laughing at the awkward angle and giving up. 
He sat up as she stood and moved to the couch, snuggling up close to him and tucking herself under his arm. “I’m very lucky,” she agreed. “For many reasons.”
Her hand drifted to rest on his tummy, her fingers immediately tracing little shapes over the fabric of his shirt. He pressed a kiss into her hair. “And tired, too.”
He leaned his cheek against her head. “When you get tired, you, um— you start drawing on my stomach.” 
Her finger paused. “Do I?”
“Yeah.” She shifted to raise her head to look at him, and he shrugged. “I don’t mind. I’ve just— noticed.”
She smiled a little sleepily. “You know I love all of you. But I— well, I don’t know, really. I just like your tummy.” She gave it a quick squeeze. “It’s just— nice and comfy and perfect for resting on.” 
He covered her hand with his own and leaned forward to press their mouths together. She drew his bottom lip in between her own, sucking a little and then giving it a quick peck before pulling back and stifling a yawn into his chest. “Man, I am tired.” She snuggled back into him and resumed her tummy tracing. “What, um— what else have you noticed?”
He rubbed his hand down her arm and pulled her impossibly closer. “You like to play with my hair.”
“Mmmm, guilty as charged.”
He smiled at the sleep creeping into her voice. “I like it, too.” He ran his fingers up to her shoulder, and then back down to the crook of her arm, soothing her closer to sleep. “Hmmmm. You always have at least one point of contact on my body at all times. It’s usually your hands, but sometimes it’s your head or even your toes— like when you tuck them under my leg.”
“Ugh— I’m sorry. Clingy and putting my feet on you,” she mumbled.
She might have been joking, but Anita’s words were replaying in his head. He couldn’t change what had happened in the past. He couldn’t go back and prevent her from being hurt by someone else. But he could be different in every way. He could be open and honest and vulnerable with her like he’d promised. 
“I’m not sorry. I love all of you,” he murmured, pulling her in closer and repeating her words back to her. 
“Even my feet?” 
He could also show her that there was absolutely nothing that he didn’t love about her. “Especially your feet.”
She huffed a sigh into his chest. “Y’got a foot thing I don’t know about?”
He laughed a little at that. “Only for yours. They’re very cute feet.”
“You’re weird,” she muttered, but she hugged him tighter when she said it.
“You love it.”
Her fingers on his tummy had come to rest comfortably just above his waistband, and he knew she was on the very edge of sleep. “Mmhm. Love you.”
He thought of all the little moments over the past few months.
Doesn’t live up to expectations? Sorry for overstepping. Are we dating? Sorry for being clingy. Sorry for taking so long to tell you. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
“I love you, too,” he murmured. “So much.”
Permanent tags: @spacedikut @andiebeaword @averyhotchner @pinkdiamond1016 @shadyladyperfection @coffeeandendlesswords @justanothetfangirl @no-honey-no @ajeff855 @sapphic-prentiss @rexorangecouny @rainsong01  @blameitonthenight21 @moviequeen51 @90spumkin @reniescarlett @ncsls0515 @daybabyx @sturmmhond @takeyourleap-of-faith @calm-and-doctor @reidtheprettyboy @atabigail @ayo-cowbelly @muffin-cup @ssa-natalya-reid @wheelsup @reidingmelodies @this-is-gublerween  @s1utformgg  @reidemandweep @sonnydoesrandomshit @rigatonireid @luwheezey @joalsglasses @je-suis-prest-rachel @dr-omalley @spencie-adams @honestimanormalfan @blurryreid  @elldell1204 @babyhoneystvles
Permanent (sfw) tags: @mrs-dr-reid @eevee0722 @goldentournesol
Broken tags:  @radtwinkie
Series tags:  @uhuhuh @itsametaphorbriansblog @magenta145 @annesauriol @watermelongubler @ampal98 @mggsprettygirl @ceeellewrites @joalsglasses @chevyimpala00067 @misshale21 @ilzieah @froggybagels @gublersbooblers @matthcwgraygubler @andromedasstarship @reidspurplescarfs @hanniebee33 @nazdaniels @irisisonline @nazifa94  @rotinireid @outer-spacious @stupidcrazylittlething @princesssmooshie @luvspence @samanthareid06 @maddievevo @saspencereid​
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duskamethyst · 3 years
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a/n: a remake so some might have read this but i switched up a bit because i wasn't particularly happy with it.
word count: 2.2k
genre: mature, nsfw
warning tags: implied noncon at the end, stalking, yandere behavior
pairing: yan!iwaizumi x f!reader
summary: you find out that you are your best friend's obsession.
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iwaizumi has always been a good friend to you; more like a doting brother that’s always looking out for you, cheering you up as he listens to you cry over the phone over a bad and sudden break up or helps you when you need a hand– whether it’s from studying or changing the light bulb and he never expects anything in return. he’s amazing and it’s rather strange that he never had someone special as long as you’ve known him.
you’ve asked him about his love life plenty of times before but he often finds a way to avoid the topic. though it’s unusual, you only think that he probably has a shy side to him despite how tense he usually looks. you couldn’t find anything wrong with him that could drive others away– from his looks to how he treats people around him. and honestly? he is too good to be true.
but when something seems too good to be true, chances are, it really is.
you know iwaizumi more than anyone else– with oikawa as an exception. you cling onto each other almost every day and you often go out together to finish up an assignment. your friends are always poking fun at you about liking iwaizumi whenever you’re with him but you’re always quick to get defensive, afraid of making him feel awkward and also because it isn’t true– you don’t really feel that way about him.
he’s aware that they’re just teasing but he couldn’t help the blush creeping up on his cheeks each time he hears the untasteful joke and his heart breaks over how you get quite uptight about it because boy, he actually feels happy at the thought of you having feelings for him.
as much as you think you know the guy, to iwaizumi, you don’t actually know him.
you don’t know how he feels about you, but he understands that. it’s his fault for not confessing to you directly but he also wants to protect the relationship you both currently have. iwaizumi doesn’t want to ruin it. he doesn’t want the probability of losing you when he knows he’s nothing more to you than just a friend. you don’t know that you’re the only person that fills his mind day and night, jerking off to the image of you before going to sleep. and you don’t know how he spends so many hours at the gym, letting out his anger and frustration to the punching bag when you tell him that you’re seeing someone.
iwaizumi is mindful of the fact that he won’t ever get to be your boyfriend; let alone the one to spend the rest of your lives together and it pains him for having someone so close but couldn’t quite reach for.
little that he realizes, he begins to have an unhealthy obsession over you.
he usually pretends to find interest in your relationships and hookups just so he can use it to his advantage just so that in a couple of months, you will run back into his arms and talk about how sad you are over it and blame yourself about how you aren’t good enough to anyone.
he feels bad when he sees your sorry state. it hurts him more than it hurts you but he keeps reminding himself that even though he is the cause of your breakup, it’s for your own good. of course he can’t say that out loud, he’ll just coax you with sweet words, things you want to hear like how you deserve someone so much better. he will tell you that you should look closer, find that person who has went through thick and thin with you but god– it’s a shame that you’re just so blind.
iwaizumi begins to stalk you at night. using an excuse to ‘watch over you’ when he only wants to see you at your most vulnerable state which he believes to be the ‘real’ you, unraveled. he wants to see how you are when you’re alone and unmindful of the presence of others, including him.
your schedule for your night activities differs each night so he finds himself lucky when he’s just in time to see you strip off your clothes piece by piece until you have nothing on before hopping into the shower. a loud gulp downs his throat when he watches you turn to the full length mirror, bare and perfect ass conveniently facing the window when you observe your figure from the side– probably to see the progress from that work out he has been telling you about.
his jaw clenches at how careless and oblivious you are of your surroundings (but can he really blame you, though?) but it gives him all the more reason to stick close to you so he can protect you. he can already feel his cock throbbing inside his pants and if it’s not for the fact that you don’t know that he’s stalking you, he’d say that you’re purposely teasing him. iwaizumi quickly fishes for his phone and takes the opportunity to take a picture of you.
he can’t help to imagine how you smell like after a nice, long shower. that mere thought alone makes blood rush to his dick. a whiff of you from each time you’re sitting next to him is never enough. he already memorizes your nightly routines; you skip two days to wash your hair, you have a separate towel to wrap your wet hair and the steps of your skin care routine and then you will proceed to turn on the music as you do your assignment on your desk.
that reminds him that he has better things to do too, but he can’t and won’t walk away until he makes sure that you’re asleep peacefully in your room. he wants to make sure that you’re not inviting some guy to your place because who knows who you’ve been texting when you’re not next to him? he still trusts you though, there’s no way you’ll keep it a secret from him. even if you won’t tell him, it’s not like he can’t go through your phone when you leave for the bathroom, and it’s not like you’ll notice the extra face ID in your phone’s settings.
it’s just a precautionary measure, he thinks.
but iwaizumi’s favorite part from his immoral activity is when you’re laying down on your bed, legs spreading as one of your hands disappear between your thighs and lips parting in inaudible whines. the look of your fucked out face as you cum makes his own body flush with primal heat.
if only you’d ask, he’d be more than glad to help you with your sexual needs. he’d give you the best fuck of your life until your little hole can only remember the shape of his fat cock; not anyone nor anything else would make you feel stuffed full and satiated. he often wonders how sweet you’d taste and how nice the sound you’d make when you moan his name.
oh how he wishes that you’re getting off to the thought of him. a guy can only dream.
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“iwa, i’m in front of your house!” you say through your phone while pressing his doorbell at the same time. the door opens to a half-asleep iwaizumi, a phone in his hand and another rubs his eyes before inviting you inside.
“were you asleep? jeez, you look bad. did you stay up or something?” you whine, putting your bag down on the couch.
“hah, you could say that,” he snickers. “but you’re early.”
“why not? i bought breakfast too. let’s eat!” you chime as you walk to the kitchen and start to take out the food from the container and place it on the plates.
“sure, i’ll wash up and brush my teeth. hold on.” he mindlessly puts down his phone on the counter and strides to the bathroom.
after setting up the table, you sit down and play with your phone as you wait for him to come out. his phone suddenly vibrates and you glance to see that his mom is calling. you hate to pry but you innocently think that it may be urgent so you run to his room to where the bathroom he’s in.
you can hear the running water through the door, thinking that he would still be inside the bathroom. “sorry, you have a call from your mom so i’m coming in!”
though you’ve been to iwaizumi’s house plenty of times, you’ve never gone inside his room to study or finish up a project and he’d always keep the doors closed while you both do work in the living room. you were never really curious anyway, nothing would be interesting coming from a guy in his 20s. you’re willing to bet that it would just be a messy bed and clothes laying around on the floor.
but you’re dead wrong.
your heart almost drops to the floor as your eyes are greeted with a pair of your own from across the room. it’s placed nicely as if it serves to greet anyone that opens the door to the room. it’s one of your selfies that you posted on instagram from some time ago and it is one of the biggest pictures on the wall so there is no denying that it doesn’t immediately catch your nor anyone’s attention.
he has other pictures posted neatly on the wall, next to where he lays his head on the bed and the biggest one is in the center while the smaller ones surround it, built like a shrine that’s usually made by an obsessive fan for their idols.
as you walk closer, you realize that they are all pictures of you taken when you were idle and your stomach churns when you notice that they are all taken while you’re in your own solitude. it has one of your many expressions, from how happy you looked as you sing to how your face displayed lewd expressions when you were enjoying yourself during your sinful moment.
your breathing starts jagging and the voice inside your head tells you to run. and as you turn your heels around and reach for the exit, a pair of hands suddenly close the door shut in front of you– instantly having you pinned between the door and the tall figure towering from behind you.
the room falls silent for a second, you can hear your own heart pounding in your ears. you quickly try to collect yourself, though not daring to turn and look at him as you speak.
“h-here... your m-mom called.” you extend your arm back so iwaizumi can take the phone from your hand. “i... um... have to go.” you gulp, “i left… my stove on.”
classic, nice going. who even uses that excuse anymore? he’ll never fall for that.
you can feel the hair behind your neck start to prickle when he chuckles from your back. he’s so close, you can feel his breath when he speaks and how his voice echoes throughout the silent room.
“you didn’t even cook this morning.”
“j-just let me go, iwa.” at this point, iwaizumi notices you begin to lose your composure as you try to pull the door open but to no avail as he pushes his arms harder to keep the door closed. damn him and his strong arms.
“i’ll have to thank my mom later for bringing you here.” he laughs, wrapping his arms around your smaller figure and easily lifts you up to his bed before proceeding to trap you underneath his muscular body and grabbing a pair of metal cuffs from the drawer next to his bed.
it’s almost like he has been planning this all along.
“iwa, please– you don’t want to do this.” tears are forming in your eyes as you feel the cold metal graze your skin and hear the locking sound from above your head to restrain your hands from fighting back, as if you would have succeeded in the first place anyway.
“why not?” his grin is maniacal as he watches you wriggle helplessly underneath him. “when i can have you all for myself now? baby, this is all i’ve ever wanted.”
“you– you’re scaring me.” the metal rattles against the headboard as you struggle to free your hands, but of course, to no avail. iwaizumi’s eyes bore through your panic stricken face; your eyes are glazed and he can make up the reflection of himself in them. he feels rather accomplished– he’s finally everything and the only one that you see.
“iwa..” fat tears start to roll down your cheeks as you sob helplessly. iwaizumi seems to be startled a bit, then his face softens.
“how are you so beautiful,” he leans down to kiss both corners of your eyes. “even when you’re crying like this?”
you thrash your head side to side in a sign of protest but he gently cups your face in his large hands so you can look back at the pair of dark eyes that are filled with longing and desperation for you.
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry for making you cry.” he kisses your forehead. “i don’t wanna be like those guys.” he kisses your nose before letting you go and draws himself back to be on his knees.
what once your comfort has quickly become a nightmare. his height and taut physique has never been deemed to be daunting until now; when he’s propped between your legs while his hand reaches down to caress your soft thigh and up to undo the zip of your skirt.
“please, let me make up for it– make you feel better. i promise i can.”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
On A Cruise with the Akatsuki
Done at the request of @deaththesyd ((I hope I’m spelling that right)) thank you for such a unique ask! This was fun to write😊
All work and no play makes a bunch of killers very dull, indeed. A vacation is absolutely necessary sometimes, and Pein comes up with the brilliant (?) idea of sending them all on a relaxing cruise.
When Konan hears that there’s a full spa on the cruise, that’s it, she’s sold. She heads out of her cabin early in the morning and spends an entire day basking in much-needed luxury and relaxations. While she chooses to indulge in any and everything, some other members of the Akatsuki choose to drop in and join her for certain elements. For example, Deidara shows up for the face masks (he’s surprisingly fastidious about his skin and almost spends more time on his face than Konan does hers). Itachi comes to join her when it’s time for massages, becoming so calm and relaxed that he falls asleep mid-sentence (and Konan admonishes the workers to be as gentle and quiet as possible, because, obviously, the kid could use the rest). Hidan surprises her most of all when he pops up in time for the manicure and pedicure portion of the treatment, but he makes it a point to say over and over that “I’m not a wimp or nothing; I just like clean nails.” At the end of the day, after being pampered and preened and made even prettier, she finds Sasori sitting on the deck, and joins him to watch the sunset and see the first stars appear in the night sky.
Deidara has a mind that goes a mile a minute, and finds it immensely difficult to stick with doing one thing. Therefore, he’ll try to fill his days on a cruise doing everything that there is to go. An on-board pool? He’s the first one doing a flip off the diving board. A mini casino? He’s “borrowing” money from Kakuzu and playing until he goes bust. The thing that appeals most to him, however, are the complimentary breakfast, lunch, and dinner buffets. He, along with Hidan, will strike fear into the hearts of all the other passengers, as they load plates higher than the ceiling and scarf down more than seems physically possible. Because Deidara spends so much time eating and indulging in various merriments, towards the end of the day he’s more than likely to sit down in a deck chair to “rest a second” — and end up sleeping there until Sasori comes to look for him and make him go lay down properly in his cabin. Then the next day, Deidara will be the first one up, and his antics will repeat themselves.
Kakuzu is very much against the idea of the Akatsuki going on a cruise, because you know, money; but Pein offers to pay to send everyone out of his own pocket ... and Kakuzu isn’t one to turn down anything free. Once on board, he really doesn’t intend to do anything other than nap in his cabin ... but that’s before he hears about the on-board casino. A hidden (but profitable) talent of Kakuzu’s is the ability to count cards, making him a veritable nightmare to the dealers working at the blackjack table. But he’s smart; he knows that if he wins too many hands the proprietors will become suspicious and likely kick him out. So he wins just enough to make it worth being out of bed. Other than the relaxation and the gambling, the others can convince him to join them when they eat at the ships buffets or small restaurants, although, as he does on land, he’ll always go for the cheapest thing on the menu. Shockingly, a cruise is one of the few places in the world that he can really get along with Hidan; something about being on the sea brings out more of the calm and quiet side of the Jashinist. The two will spend some time sitting in the deck chairs and having avid, whimsical conversations about life, likely enjoying a glass of wine or two as they do so.
Zetsu goes with at the behest of the others, but doesn’t really want to be there. An endless body of water? Over-bearing sunshine? Happy people? No, thanks. He’ll likely stay in his cabin and sleep ... during the day, that is. Nighttime is a different story. He’ll use his powers of infiltration and camouflage to find his way into passengers rooms, and have himself a midnight snack or two (or six, but who’s counting?). When he’s done with the bodies, if there’s anything left he’ll toss them into the ocean. It’s one thing if a passenger goes missing, but another if they’re found dead. He’ll clean the cabins out too, getting rid of the blood and evidence, so as to lessen the alarm raised when others notice the dead’s absence. He also likes to spend a bit of time with Obito and play cards in one or the other’s cabin.
Tobi (Obito)
Unfortunately (or, in another light, hilariously) Obito gets horribly, horribly seasick. The rocking motion of a ship, or even seeing the water move around outside the ship, has the guy running to his cabin’s bathroom (or if he’s outside of his room, the deck) and puking his guts out. He didn’t really want to come in the first place, but the others insisted and besides, Obito likes to spend time outside of typical Akatsuki businesss with them. Deidara, in a surprising show of kindness, will visit Tobi’s room with seasick medicine he buys at the on-board store, and this will help Tobi to at least get vertical without feeling like he’s dying. After he’s feeling better he sticks to low-impact activities so as not to trigger a relapse, and will likely spend more time with Konan at the spa than anywhere else. He’ll also join Kakuzu for a bit at the casino; like the old man, Obito has a knack for gambling and predicting good odds. Poker is his specialty; the mask he wears makes reading his face impossible to his fellow players, and his goofy demeanor pulls others into thinking they can take this guy … and lose their shirts in the process.
Ah; the sea. Being out in the open waters, feeling the sun on his face and the most of water, brings out a side of Hidan that nobody’s ever seen before. He’s calm, he’s quiet, he’s downright friendly. Kakuzu comments that maybe he was a seaman in another life … although “pirate” seems a bit more accurate for him. No matter where Hidan is, however, his competitive spirit never dies. There’s several exercise and game rooms on board that offers table tennis, volleyball, golf, basketball, and a variety of other things, which Hidan takes part of. There’s even a small rock-climbing wall that he challenges Deidara and Itachi to, which he (gleefully) beats them at. When not playing games he also loves to eat, and will join Deidara at the ship’s buffets to stuff himself silly. Normally, as a follower of the way of Jashin, Hidan doesn’t drink. However being at sea seems to be cause for bending the rules, and Hidan will enjoy a stiff cocktail or six while relaxing in his cabin.
Whereas the rocking motion of the ship makes Obito feel sick to his stomach, it effects the other Uchiha in another way entirely; it relaxes him. Getting someone who’s as stressed as Itachi to relax is no small feat, but a cruise is one of the rare things that can do this. The first few days on the cruise will likely see the young brunette sleeping as much as possible. He’ll put up the Do Not Disturb sign on his door and nap away his worries. Around the third or fourth day, he’ll wake up feeling wonderfully reinvigorated, and actually have the energy to join the others in their activities. He’ll share a meal with Hidan, he’ll wander into the spa that Konan’s practically made her home and indulge in massages and facials. He’ll even take up Kisame’s offer to participate in the ship-offered scuba diving lessons (although Kisame has been teaching Itachi how to dive for years and neither really has the need for professional training, they find it fun to be around the others who are just learning). Deidara even seeks him out join him in the game room to compete against him (although he accuses him of cheating with his sharingan every time he wins). At night, he enjoys sitting on the top deck with Sasori, and the two have deep conversations about life and culture and art. Sasori doesn’t sleep so he can literally sit up with Itachi all evening until the stars disappear from the sky and the sun comes up over the waves.
Nagato makes the decision not to send his Pein-body on the cruise. Nagato, like Obito, gets very seasick, and this isn’t a sensation he wishes to experience through the Pein-body. He utilizes Pein’s time alone at the hideout, however, by gathering the other Pein’s together to practice sparring and different fighting techniques. They’ll get the house quite messy, and will have to work together to frantically clean before the others return.
Kisame is in his element on a cruise. As could be expected, Kisame tends to stick solely to the activities on board that are based around the water. He’ll be one of the first ones in the ship’s pool when it opens, in fact going so far as to strip completely naked until somebody else comes in and ruins his fun. He participates in the deep sea fishing offered by professionals, although Kisame’s tips and tricks for catching fish far outshine those of the instructors. There’s even a chance for him to be heroic; one day a woman slips and falls over the railing and into the waters below. Everybody panics, but before anyone can make a move towards rescuing her, Kisame is diving into the water and pulling her to the surface as easily as one would pull a sack of feathers. He stays with her until she’s stabilized, and the woman thanks him by hugging him and kissing his cheek, which will have him blushing from head to toe. Besides his water activities, he also enjoys spending time with the others, in particular Itachi and Konan. One thing that these three do together (to the delight of Kisame) is play pranks on the others. They manage to get into Deidara’s room and steal all of his shirts, they sneak black hair dye into Hidan’s shampoo. One particular funny feat involved then going into Kakuzu’s room safe (Itachi was able to use his sharingan to see into the old guy’s mind to get the combination) and replace all of his money with IOU slips. It was funny … until Kakuzu burst into Hidan’s room at 3am and threatened to strangle him as “the most likely fucker who did this”. Kisame loves cruises and wishes the Akatsuki could afford to go on one every month.
Another soul who really didn’t want to go on a cruise. He ends up going because (and only because) Deidara pestered him relentlessly until he gave in. Eating, games, swimming, gambling … none of these things hold any appeal for the puppet master. One day he’s walking along one of the lower deck and happens upon a group of ship staff taking a mandatory CPR/basic medical training class. Being somewhat of a medical expert himself, he goes in and offers his expertise, as well as some tips that not even the instructors thought of. Sasori also spends some time with Deidara, as the blonde was the one who made him go in the first place. They find an art class and it offers painting, a medium that neither are familiar with. The subject is a bottle of wine. The instructor is somewhat horrified when he finds that Sasori has painted the wine bottle being smashed into someone’s kneecap; and Deidara has painted it exploding and sending glass fragments into innocent bystanders. On one of their nights, Deidara falls asleep while the two are sitting in deck chairs under the stars, and Sasori manages to pick him up and carry him to his room. Sasori also likes spending time with Itachi; he never passes up an opportunity to get into Itachi’s head a little, as he thinks he has one of the most fascinating minds in the Akatsuki. Sasori comes to enjoy his time on the cruise, and will actually find himself a bit melancholy when it’s over and they return to land.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
This Is How I Disappear (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Realizing how much of a bad father Reginald is, Y/N finally stands up to him. 
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: This Is How I Disappear x My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 1.2k words
Warning: neglect, swearing
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Not a day went by where I wondered how my real parents were doing. If they ever thought about me or hoped I was leading a good life. Reginald never told us where we were really from, he refused to tell us any information.
All he told us was that he adopted us to become one big family. That turned out to be a lie considering the fact that this stupid mansion never felt like home nor was anyone living here my family.
We trained, fought bad guys, studied and maybe had half an hour of free time to talk to our siblings. Our life was controlled by this crazy man for his fucked up experiment.
I never asked to be born with powers, this life wasn't what I wanted at all. I wanted to go to school, have crushes, gossip about stupid things with my friends like a normal kid.
Being controlled about my powers and my life by some stranger that doesn't love me wasn't fair. I knew it was hopeless to think that my parents may want me back or maybe even regret giving me away but dreaming about that possibility sounded better than being stuck in this loveless mansion.
Everyday I hoped to have the courage to talk to my siblings about all of this, wishing to have a normal life or joking about running away. I knew that if I even brought up the idea, they would've made fun of me; They were just different from me.
The other six seemed to enjoy being superheroes and saving lives. Being the city heroes, flashing a smile and waving to the camera. Sure, it felt accomplishing doing the right thing and fighting the bad but was it something I wanted to do for the rest of my life?
'Number Eight, I suggest you stop playing with your food and get to eating. You will lose your dessert privilege.' Reginald yelled from across the table.
I had the worst day in training, my powers were drained and it was just so hard to focus. Maybe the will and motivation was just not there anymore, there were no more reason for me to try.
'Sure, I don't care.' I mumbled under my breath. It didn't matter if Reginald heard me or not, I was at a point where nothing mattered to me.
'What did you say?' I knew he heard me, Reginald was just going to get mad so I never understood why he asked again.
Standing up from my chair, I looked at him dead in the eye. 'I don't care about some stupid dessert.'
'You better watch your tone young lady.'
My siblings all had their eyes widened; Not only were we not allowed to talk at the dinner table, raising our voice at Reginald was something we thought we'd never see.
As tired as I was of our dear father, I never thought there would be a day where I stood up to Reginald let alone scream at him.
'Either Number Three has rumored you to be utterly stupid or you suddenly have Number Four's power and is possessed by a psychopath. Cut it out this instant.'
'I don't need powers to tell you how bad of a father you are.' I clenched my fist, 'Do you ever think about how I feel? Wait a better question is: Do you even care?'
Reginald stood up quickly, shaking the tables as the plates and silverware clinked against each other. The rest of the siblings flinched as our father shout angrily. 'I advise you to think about what you want to say next, Number Eight.'
'Avoiding the question, hmm I see. So you want me to obey your orders but when I ask you a simple question you can't answer?'
'Number Eigh-'
'What? I just want to know if you genuinely care about us?' There was not a day where I care about this man, I have no good memory of my childhood. But for some reason, I had tears forming under my eyes. 'Did you ever, ever love us?'
Maybe deep down I always thought there was a small chance of Reginald actually caring about us. Perhaps he did love us, it was just that he didn't know how to act on it. Maybe he was just a bad parent not knowing how to show love.
Reginald and the rest of the Umbrella Academy just stared at me, funny how we were supposed to look out for each other out on the field but none of my siblings had my back now. It wasn't like I had formed a genuine relationship with my siblings anyway; they were an experiment to our dad's little project also.
'It's okay, I hate this family. I never loved being here, I'm just used for your amusement right dad?'
It was mind-boggling how all Reginald wanted to do was boss us around but this time, he didn't say a word. Not that anything that came out of his mouth would've stopped me from leaving this family.
‘Y/N, maybe you need a bath? Perhaps I can read you your favorite book?’ Grace said sweetly, it made me sad that she was so sweet to us yet she wasn’t real. Robot or not, she was caring than anyone I’ve ever met.
‘I’m fine, mom. Thank you.’ I smiled lightly, I knew that that wouldn’t mean anything to her; She was a machine after all.
I took a good look at Reginald again, he didn’t move a muscle nor did he try to speak a word to me. As I chuckled lightly, shaking my head. ‘Goodbye dad.’
‘You come back this instant!’ Reginald yelled, chasing me as I stomped my way towards the front door. I could hear the rest of my siblings running after us, mumbling amongst each other.
Turning around, I glared at father and put my hand in front of me. My power to manipulate physical action made Reginald stop immediately, causing him to scream even more. ‘You do not walk away from me Number Eight!’
‘I’m done listening to you. I’m done being unhappy in this stupid house!’ Motioning to zip his lips with my hand, my power caused him to keep his mouth shut. I looked over my siblings who all stood next to Reginald. I never used my power on them yet they froze in place, worried and scared for me. ‘Are you guys going to try to stop me?’
Luther bit his lips, shook his head as he stared at me seriously. Diego snickered, ‘Do whatever you want, you’re not going to survive a single day out there alone.’
‘Diego!’ Allison bickered, hitting him on his arm.
‘You’re just a kid, you know?’ Five cautioned, spoke to me as if he was over me as always.
‘As long as I’m away from here and out of this family, I don’t care.’
Klaus, Ben and Vanya looked at me with a sad face, it was as if they felt sorry for me. At this point, I didn’t even care if they worried for me. All seven of them never had my back, even until now.
‘Even with the lack of respect and love between us, I do wish you guys the best.’ I glanced at Diego, nodding to him as I acknowledged him. ‘Even you, Diego.’
Reaching over for the front door, I looked at my family one more time. Leaving this dysfunctional, insane family would be the best decision that I’ll ever make. No other words were shared between us. it was just me walking out the front door and never looking back.
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