#fun fact this is how my mom found out she was pregnant with me
chlix · 19 days
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bf! minho x fem! reader: you have baby fever. your boyfriend wants to be with you forever. turns out you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone
genre: fluff, crack, suggestive (MDNI, explicit dialogue)
word count: 3.3k
warnings/tags: pregnancy scare, jokes about a breeding kink, marriage proposal, y/n is a little spoiled i gotta admit, this one is all over the place ya'll
a/n: minho's fic in my album series! this one is based on "juno". y/n is a LOT in this one but i found it way more fun and fitting to the song to write her that way rather than actually being down to earth and reasonable lol
You’re out at a mall with your friend Jia, having a lazy day shopping and eating overpriced food from the shops in the central plaza. It's been a while since you had time to bum around with her, and your boyfriend, Minho, had said he'd drive you there and take care of his own errands while he waited. He'd even handed you his second credit card and told you to get whatever you wanted, much to Jia's amusement. You wish you were more put off by him flaunting his money, but unfortunately you passed that point long ago. It's also due to the fact that his money is much appreciated at this point in your life. Currently, you’re a bit of a NEET; after you had to quit your last job, you’ve been doing little except sitting at home, attempting TikTok recipes, doing housework and fantasizing about having things like hobbies and life goals aside from marrying your boyfriend.
“That’s nothing new for you, though,” your friend Jia says. “You inherited the suburban princess aesthetic from your mother.”
“You say that as if we weren't raised on the same street” you say, words thick around the spoon of froyo in your mouth. “We’re both suburban princesses.”
Your eyes roam around the mall, people watching as you often do. Next to the frozen yogurt place you had just visited, there is a mother with her small toddler at the counter. The mother is stylishly dressed, in cute jeans and a red sweater, and her daughter matches perfectly in a tiny little red turtleneck and a corduroy pinafore press. She’s wearing little charms in her hair and has a backpack with a bunch of dangly charms that jingle as she fidgets. She is eyeing the froyo on the counter with big eyes as she waits for her mother to pay for it, ever so patient and polite. The cashier waves at her and the toddler waves back.
“Stopppp, look at them. Isn’t that girl so cute?”
Jia follows your eyeline to the mother and daughter at the froyo counter.
“She is. I love how her and mom are matching.”
“I can’t wait to have a little mini-me that I can wear matching outfits with.”
“You and I wear matching outfits all the time.”
“Yes, but I want to do it with someone cute.”
Jia’s eyes roll so hard that you know it must’ve hurt.
“Since when do you want kids, y/n?”
“Since always. Or I don’t know. Maybe I just was worried that it would be difficult? Or that I’d never find the right guy? But I think Minho would be a good father, so it’s kind of made me think about it again.”
“He seems like he’d be good with kids.”
“When we babysit my nephew, he’s really good with him. And he’s always been so attentive to me in everything, so I just know he would double down during pregnancy. He’d take bullets for me. He’d protect me, he’d bring me all my favorite foods he’d take care of me-”
“He really should be doing that all the time, not just when you’re pregnant. Like, what kind of cavewoman logic is this? Are you in heat or something?”
You take another bite of your froyo and savor it.
You’ve known Jia forever, and at this point her comments to you about your love life just go in one ear and out the other. She’s the one who introduced you to Minho, actually, so you’d thought maybe she’d spare you the lectures, but she seems to think your impulsivity would overrule Minho’s common sense. This isn’t you being impulsive, though. You’ve actually thought about it an embarrassing amount- the concept of Minho fathering your children. It’s not just some passing fancy.
When you’re thoroughly done enjoying your vanilla-passion fruit swirl, you deign to answer her.
“First of all, shut the fuck up. Second of all, no I’m not in heat. Is it so wrong to dream of motherhood? To yearn for something to care for?”
“You have three cats and seven potted plants.”
“I mean something that can love me back.”
“I’m telling Dori you said that.”
You ignore her, already lost in your little domestic fantasy. You could already imagine it. You could have a little girl who looked exactly like you. Or maybe just like you with Minho’s pretty eyes. You’ll develop all the “mom skills”, like sewing and kissing boo-boos and making baking soda volcanoes. And Minho would be there, giving her piggyback rides and pushing her on swing sets. He’d call both of you his “princesses” and you could take cute family photos for Christmas and mail them all your relatives. A perfect domestic life.
“Hello? Earth to y/n?”
You blink. Jia is looking at you with an exasperated expression.
“I’d ask you what you’re thinking about, but I already know.”
“Oh, really.”
“You only get that stupid expression on your face when you think about Minho.” Jia crumples up her trash and reaches behind her to throw it in a trash can. “Does he know you are having delusions of domesticity?”
“It’s not delusional. We’ve been together for like two years. We’ve talked about the future.”
“So he wants kids?”
“He wants whatever I want,” you say, and you can hear the lovesickness in your voice even before Jia lets out a long-suffering sigh.
“Go ask him to get you pregnant right now then. He seems like the type to think that’s really hot.”
“Everything I do is hot. I’m a catch. I’d look extra hot pregnant. Working so hard even when I’m just sitting around all day.”
“Your favorite activity.”
You wink cheekily. “Of course. You should give it a try sometime.”
“Give what a try?”
A familiar voice from behind you makes you perk up. You whip around to see your boyfriend in the flesh, coming up behind you. He’s finally arrived. His presence improves your mood by approximately one thousand percent. You can sit up straighter and breathe deeper. The sun shines brighter on your face. His pace is so leisurely that it’s driving you mad. You want to stand up and drag him closer to you, so that as much of you is touching you as possible. The meter between you feels like a nautical mile.
Christ, maybe you are in heat. You think it’s possible you’ve been permanently ovulating since you met Minho. Just seeing him coming has you contemplating breaking several civil laws.
Jia rats you out immediately. “We’re talking about pregnancy.”
“Oh.” Minho stops where he is, as if blocked by an invisible wall. “Is someone you know expecting?”
“Not yet,” Jia says.
“Jia,” you hiss.
Jia ignores you, revenge for forcing her to listen to you for the past half hour.
“Y/n thinks that pregnancy suits her lifestyle. She thinks she’d look hot pregnant. What’s your opinion on the topic?”
“Don’t answer that,” you tell him. “Jia, come on.”
Jia shrugs. “I don’t think it’s that crazy of a question. Your boyfriend should think you look hot all the time.”
“And I do,” Minho interjects, smiling slyly. “Especially right now, as you’re staring daggers at me.”
Jia leans up and stage whispers to Minho, eyes still trained on you. “She specifically said ‘extra hot’, just so you know.”
“I struggle to think she could get any hotter,” Minho says in answering stage whisper. “She’d look equally pretty frozen solid, or zombified.”
 “You know the saying is ‘until death do us part?’ You don’t have to keep loving her as a zombie.”
You try to be annoyed but you’re too busy cheesing for it to have any effect. “Okay haha fun’s over. Take me home now.”
Jia boos you as Minho grabs your hand to help you off the bench.
“As you wish,” he says, and kisses your hand with a flourish.
“I’ve gotta get going too. See you later, y/n.” She stands up and grabs her bag, then pauses and turns back. “If you’re pregnant the next time I see you, I will kill you.”
“You seriously give me no credit.”
Jia gives you an absolutely withering look and walks off.
“I shouldn’t have even brought it up,” you say mournfully. “She’s gonna start keeping tabs on me.”
“We’ll lock our doors and windows,” Minho says, and presses a kiss to your hair. “Home?”
Later that night, you’re lying on the couch searching up pictures of baby clothes. You have an entire Pinterest board for your future baby, and today’s scene at the park has inspired you to add to the collection. You scroll through little images of kids in duck outfits and Hello Kitty themed socks, of cute little barrettes to put in their wispy bangs. Your kids are going to be so well-dressed. They’ll make the other toddlers at the daycare jealous, and maybe even the moms too.
That’s good, though. It’s important to learn how to deal with adversity from a young age.
Your daughter is gonna be so well socialized and assertive and thick-skinned, just like her parents. She’ll get such good grades and be very polite. And you’ll get to show up to parent teacher conferences as the hottest mom in the entire class, which will be good for your ego, and then you can pass that confidence down to your child. It’ll be perfect. Your life will be perfect. You can see it in such clear and vivid detail.
Minho passes by you on the way back from the bathroom and glances down at your phone.
“Baby clothes?”
You blink up at him. You’re not embarrassed at being caught, but you are a little annoyed that he’s interrupted your daydreaming with one of his gateway questions.
“Yes. Our future child has to be up on fashion trends.”
“The fashion trends will have changed by the time you have a baby to dress up.”
To your own surprise, your heart actually stutters with the reminder that you are currently not, in fact, with child.
“Don’t remind me,” you whine, rolling over to hide your face in the cushions. “Jia already lectured me today.”
You partially roll back over to look up at him. “She says that I’m being delusional for wanting a baby so badly.”
“How is wanting to be a mother delusional?”
“Right? And I told her like what are you talking about, we’ve already talked about the future, and we’re gonna have kids, and she just gave me this look.”
“Jia’s just looking out for you. She doesn’t want you to rush into things.”
“Jia is a cynic and a skeptic. She thinks we’re too young to have a baby.”
“Well, aren’t we?”
“Are we?” Your visions of being a MILF dance through your head. “I think having kids young would be cute.”
Now Minho looks skeptical. “Really? Since when.”
“Since I had a paradigm shift. I always knew I wanted them, in a vague sense. But now I know that I want to have them with you, specifically, so it’s been on my mind a lot more.”
“You want to have my kids?”
You bristle. “Well they’d be my kids, too, y’know.”
“I know that-”
“And who else’s kids would they be? Do you envision us breaking up?”
“Absolutely not,” Minho says. “You’re stuck with me forever.”
“Right. So then eventually I’ll be having your kids. I mean, if that’s okay with you.”
Minho sits down next to you on the couch. “That’s really what you want?”
“Yes?” A single pang of doubt flashes across your chest. “Do you not want that?”
“No, I do, baby. I’d love to have a family with you. I just want to be sure we’re on the same page, and we’ve thought it through.”
“Well, like you said, we’re still young.” Jia’s admonishment of not being married flashes through your mind. “But sometimes I see little kids in public, or on TV, and I think, God, I want a baby so bad. Y’know? I want to be pregnant. I want to glow like that, and everything.”
Something complicated passes over his face. A lightbulb goes off in your head. It’s the same expression that he had when Jia had mentioned to him the topic of your conversation.
“Oh my god. You actually do think I’d look hot pregnant.”
“Didn’t I say that at the mall?”
“No, you were teasing me. But now you’re being for real. You want to knock me up.”
Minho says nothing, but the tips of his ears redden. You shoot upright, delighted at the turn of events.
“Oh my god, you actually want to knock me up!”
“Would you rather I didn’t?”
“No! Of course not. I want to be the only girl you want, and I want you to want me in every way.”
“Well you are, and I do,” he says flatly. “Congratulations.”
“Congratulations is right,” you say. You’re giddy with energy. “Have you thought about it a bunch? Is that why you wanted me on the pill? So you could cum in me and indulge your breeding kink?”
“I don’t have a breeding kink.I just love you. There’s a difference.”
“You’ve said at least five times today you think I’d be hot while I’m pregnant,” you remind him. “Seems kind of breeding kink-ish to me.”
“You have spent the entire day fantasizing about having my kids. That’s the definition of a breeding kink.” Minho leans further into your space, and though his words are teasing, his tone is decidedly not. You feel heat start to run through you, and not from embarrassment. You scoot closer to him, pulled by magnetic forces beyond your comprehension.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just life planning. I’m making vision boards.” The lie is so flimsy your lips trip as you try to say it.
“Uh-huh. Right. Because you normally start breathing heavy when you make vision boards.”
“This is unfair. Of course I’ll get turned on when you start talking like this.”
“Like what?” he says, leaning even closer. You can feel his breath on your face, and a shiver goes down your spine.
“Like you’re going to fucking breed me.”
His smile is absolutely feline. “That can be arranged.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Baby, I want whatever you want.”
You grab onto his shoulders, tight. “Then take me to bed, hot stuff.”
His eyes darken. A hand comes up to your face, and he kisses you gently. He grabs you by the hand…
and of course, he gives you what you want.
Your period is a week late.
It’s actually Minho who notices and points it out, which causes you to freak out and call Jia, who freaks out worse than you and demands that you go to the store immediately and buy a test. You get three different brands, and also an entire chocolate cake which will either be for congratulations or for emotional support.
Minho waits outside the bathroom door, an encouraging presence as you try to calm yourself down enough to read the labels.
“Whatever happens, I’m here,” he tells you. You can’t tell whether he wants it to be positive or negative. You aren’t even sure what you want. Yes, you want a baby, yes, babymaking sex is hot and you want to keep having it whether it gets you knocked up or not, but you’re both still young, and he has a career, and your apartment doesn’t have a third bedroom so there’d be nowhere for the nursery that you’ve already meticulously planned out in your mind-
The timer goes off. You open your eyes and look down.
“Negative,” you say, loud enough for Minho to hear outside the door. “All of them.”
Minho doesn’t say anything. You let out a deep breath, tension falling out of you, and open the door. Minho is on the other side, expression cautious.
“Is it bad that I’m a little disappointed?” he says, and his tone is joking but the words stick in your chest because you agree. The relief you expected to feel is nowhere to be found.
“I hope not, because that makes two of us.”
He draws you into a hug, and you sink into him, processing all the events of the last hour.
“And I was all ready to start building a crib.”
You snort. “Picking up carpentry as a hobby?”
“A real father should work with their hands. I need thick, callused hands to hold my baby with, so they feel smaller and daintier by comparison.”
“Wild thing to say, honestly.”
“It works on you.”
You break free and shove him playfully. “You’re ridiculous. You’d be a good father even with your soft city boy hands.”
“You think so?” he says, his tone heavier than before. You don’t even hesitate.
“Yes. Any child would be lucky to have you as a father.” You sigh dramatically. “Unfortunately it seems my uterus didn’t pull through this time.”
Minho is silent for a moment. “Well. We could…try again.”
You stare at him. “Sorry?”
“I mean, you said I’d be a good father. You said you wished the test was positive. I want that too. Just because it didn’t work this time doesn’t mean that-”
“Wait. Wait wait wait wait. Are you serious?” You’re gob smacked. You can’t believe that your usually cautious boyfriend is proposing you have a baby right now.
“I’m serious,” he confirms. “You’d be such a good mom. And I know how much you want this.”
“And you think I’d look hot pregnant.”
“Obviously,” he says, without a hint of jest.
“But I’m- we’re so young, and I’m unemployed, and-”
“Sorry, were you planning on getting a job any time soon?”
Your cheeks heat up. “Oh shut up.”
“No, it’s perfect. You can be a loving stay-at-home mom. I’ll be the breadwinner.”
“Stop it. Stop talking this way. You’re- do you know how pissed my friends would be? What would I tell Jia? She almost bit my head off over the phone earlier, did you hear her? She was so pissed that I was thinking of motherhood instead of marriage-”
“Then let’s get married.”
“Don’t start.”
“Y/n, I’m not joking.”
You actually think you’re going to faint. Your heart is racing and you’re breaking out in a sweat. Is it hot in here? Did you forget to pay the AC bill this month?”
“Are you proposing to me right now?” You’re trying to joke but you’re breathless. “You’re proposing to me as a gimmick to get me to bear your children?”
Minho cringes. “Saying it like that makes me sound manipulative.”
“It’s kinda manipulative.”
“You’re the one who said you wanted to be married before having kids. And I want to do both of those things with you eventually, so why not now?”
Your vision is blurring. For a moment you worry you actually are fainting, but then you realize that you’re crying instead.
“Stop playing with me, Minho, I’m so serious.”
“I’m not playing with you. I actually already bought a ring, but I didn’t know if the timing was right. Like you said, we’re young, and I didn’t know how you felt about getting married so soon. So I thought I’d ask eventually but-”
You lunge forward and kiss him. If you’d felt stressed earlier while taking the test, that’s nothing compared to the depth of emotion you’re feeling now as you hold each other. It’s like joy is filling you up so much that you don’t know where your body behind and ends.
When you finally separate, Minho asks,
“Is that a yes?”
“You’re not proposing to me in our living room,” you tell him. “You have to ask me again. Later. Don’t even show me the ring. Wait, what color is it? You know I only wear gold.”
“You think I’d forget something like that? I’m going to be your husband. I know what jewelry you wear.”
If he wasn’t holding you up, you think you’d actually collapse to the ground from the way you absolutely swoon.
“Propose to me again and I’ll say yes. Right now, I need you to put a baby in me.”
“You want to walk down the aisle pregnant? Your dream wedding dress has a corset.”
“Oh my god, we’ll do it before I start showing, just fuck me, please!”
Minho doesn’t make you ask a third time.
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
American Honey. (Alejandro X Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, Sex Pollen, fuck or die, unprotected sex, reader getting bullied by Alejandro and his men, poorly translated Spanish, (sorry if I missed any)
I love the way this turned out, I hope you guys love it too! This was a request :) please comment and reblog so that this can reach other places, Alejandro is too good to go unseen 🥵
(Not edited because I’m lazy.)
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Truth be told, you weren’t the biggest fan of this place.
You’d been adopted as a child and your adoptive family loved Mexico, which is how you ended up here. It wasn’t always the safest, but they seemed to like it. It was difficult growing up in an English speaking household, school was difficult, the kids there were mean to you, and as you got older, it only got worse.
You decided to join the special forces in the hopes that you’d be tucked away in an office somewhere, as little interactions as possible. But it’s not how everything worked out. You were on the front lines.
Everyone had a cool call sign, or nickname.
But you? You were just Gringa. Nobody liked you, you were different and people didn’t like different. Especially not the special forces.
You ended up on Alejandro’s base by chance. He didn’t want to let you in, but because you were the most skilled out of a lineup, he had no choice. He picked fun at you too alongside everyone else. The only person that was even remotely nice to you was Rudy. He and his wife had you over for dinner a couple times, and he even called you by your name. It was nice when people were kind to you, because it didn’t happen very often.
On more than one occasion, a few of the women on base cornered you in the women’s barracks. It got so bad that you had to be separated. When you brought it up to Alejandro, he told you that you either had to deal with it, or be separate. Of course, when you were given your own room, it only ramped up the harassment you got on a daily basis. Jealous that you were getting special privileges. They found other ways around you not being in the same barracks.
Which is why you walked around with a black eye and a split lip almost every day.
You didn’t want to fight back. They were your people and you refused to lay a finger on your own. You just wished they thought the same. You had just sat down, water bottle in hand. You knew better than to get in line to eat first. They’d always push you to the back.
“Gringa. You have mail, in my office.” Alejandro nods. This was unusual, usually he’d just bring it to you. You stood up and followed after him. Despite the fact that he harassed you too, you always obeyed him. You did right by him even when he didn’t reciprocate. He sits down at his desk, sliding a box out of his drawer. “I need to see what’s inside, that’s why I brought you in here.” You nod your head, pulling out your pocket knife and cutting the box open. You open it up, there’s a small black bag inside along with a letter. You unfold the letter, reading the inside.
“Hi Honey, we miss you so much. We wanted to let you know we’ve been thinking about adoption once again, you’ll have to give us a call when you get the chance. Your real grandfather from America sent this for you along with a small card on the inside. We thought it was sweet because you’re our American Honey. We hope you have better luck than you’ve been having. Keep your head up and don’t let them get to you too much.
Love, mom and dad.”
You pull the black bag open, sliding the contents into your hand. It’s a bunch of Honey Sticks. You smile, finally understanding the joke she’s made, American Honey. You take the card out that she mentioned and open it up. Inside is a photo of a woman, but you don’t really understand.
“Hello, I know you probably don’t know me, but I’ve always wanted to meet you. Your mother was a little young when she found out she was pregnant with you. She was a wild child, I’m sure you’re a wild child just like she was. I adored you from the day I met you, and when I found out your mom was giving you up, it shattered me. I hope I’ll get to meet you one day, I never did get the chance for anymore grandkids. You’re my only granddaughter. Here is some American Blueberry Honey from our farm, it’s all organic and it’s very sweet like I imagine you are. I’m writing this to you because your mom passed away unexpectedly. I felt you deserved to see her. I’m attaching a couple photos of her, and my address and phone number in case you ever want to call or write back. I’d really appreciate it if you did.”
You smile, looking down at the photos. For a minute, you forget where you are. You forget all about your Colonel’s judgmental eyes. You put the card back into the envelope, passing it to your Colonel. He has to look over everything. He doesn’t trust you.
You slide a couple of the honey sticks from the bag, looking over them.
“You were adopted Gringa?” He asks. You nod your head. He nods, “where were you born?” He asks. You shrug. “Somewhere in the states.”
He takes the bag from you, looking over it before passing it back to you. “Don’t forget we’re going on a mission tomorrow, everyone else needs rest from the last mission. You’re my only available soldier.” You nod your head. You always got left behind on missions. “Yes sir.” You stand up, picking up the box of stuff you’d just gotten. “Goodnight Gringa.” You nod your head. You were really starting to hate that fucking nickname.
The next day, you were dressed and ready. It was still early, you’d already eaten breakfast. You sat patiently outside of Alejandro’s office, waiting for his orders.
When the time came for you to leave, you finally got a breakdown of the mission.
“It’s nothing big, that’s why it’s just the two of us. Narcos have some other kind of operation going that we need to bust up, it’s probably only 5-6 men. We’re going to move slow, try to take them out from afar.” You nod your head. The both of you got on the helicopter, and it was quite a long ride. It was silent. Alejandro sat near the pilot and you sat in the back, admiring the view of the forest. It was dense. The green went on for miles. You couldn’t help but smile down at the peacefulness of it all.
“Something funny Gringa?” Alejandro asks. You can barely hear him, luckily the headset you’ve got on makes it easier. “No sir. Just admiring the views.” You turn your head back toward the window. You can hear Alejandro laugh quietly.
When you arrived a few miles away from the operation, you geared up completely. You had your sniper rifles, handguns, assault rifles, and plenty of ammo. You started hiking through the dense forest. Side by side. You were aware of your surroundings, ready for anything. You stayed calm despite the intense situation. You had a basic idea of what might be waiting for you, but you never knew what you could be walking into. Alejandro poked fun at you, but he actually really liked you. You were calm and collected. Fast on your feet. You were skilled when it came to any kind of combat. He knows he neglects you as a soldier. He sees the way they treat you around base and knows that he should intervene.
He doesn’t know exactly why he doesn’t.
When you get close enough to see everything going on, you get set up. Propping your rifles up to get a good view of all of them. “Shoot fast, Gringa. Can’t risk any of them getting away.” You nod your head, lining up your crosshairs with them.
You don’t wait for his orders, the moment one is lined up in your sights, you fire, kicking the empty bullet casing out of the gun and lining up for another shot. When the both of you finish, you’ve only killed 4. “Others must be in the building. Go ahead, I’ll cover you.” He nods. “Yes sir.” You stand up, leaving your rifle behind and drawing your assault rifle out. You hike down toward the building, keeping yourself covered with trees and walking as quietly as possible. It was a little difficult with the vegetation from the forest but you still did your best. Alejandro watches you in the scope of his rifle, watching ahead of you and around you. He hopes this mission will go smoothly. As you get closer to the building, he feels unsettled. “Go slow gringa, something doesn’t seem right.” He says into his radio. “Yes sir.” You reply. You slow your speed, eyes scanning everything in front of you. Your senses are heightened because you’re nervous, you’re sure you’ll hear anything.
Unfortunately for you, it’s too late. You hear the soft patter of something hitting the ground in front of you, and only have a split second to react, covering your face with your arms and stepping back as the grenade explodes.
Alejandro watches in horror as you’re thrown back, dirt and debris fly into the air, a cloud of smoke covering his vision. “Shit!” He growls. He stands up, rushing to get to you. He sees a few men appearing out of the tree line, firing at each them. He rushes to you, kneeling next to you. “Gringa?” He asks.
You don’t know where you are. The darkness is nice, but it only lasts for a few seconds before you hear Alejandro’s gunshots. You’re being shaken by him, but the ringing in your ears overrides everything else. “Gringa? Can you hear me?” He asks. He shakes you again, seeing your eyes move. “Hey, you’re going to be okay.” He breathes. He’s looking over you, he can see a few wounds from Shrapnel, but he doesn’t see them anywhere serious. “Y/N!” He snaps in your face. You close your eyes tightly. Sitting up. “I’m fine.” You breathe. He helps you up and you flinch at the loud ringing. It starts to fade as you look around. It’s quiet now.
As peaceful as it was on the helicopter.
When the ringing fades out completely, you wish you could just lay there, stare up at the sky and enjoy the peace for just a second. What you’d give for it.
“Come on. We have to keep moving.” He breathes.
You move in quickly to sweep the building, it’s an old cement building, but the inside is actually pretty nice. It has to be for how long everyone stays out here. Months on end, making whatever drug their boss tells them to. You notice a few bottles of something red. You can tell it isn’t blood because of the translucent consistency. But it’s odd. You make your way back outside, noticing the work stations are all full of the same red liquid. There a few large barrels of it sitting outside. “The hell is this?” You ask aloud.
Alejandro is standing near you, and neither of you expect to be splashed with the liquid. You flinch away, turning and raising your guns at your assailant.
His maniacal laughter is what really scares you. He’s got a gunshot wound on his side, he’s not going anywhere. He’s leaned up against the barrel, plastic cup in his hand. “Es una droga sexual. ¡Ahora ambos están infectados!” He laughs again.
Alejandro moves in quick, he’s seething. “What did he say?” You ask. The man looks at you, eyes wide. He’s got an evil smile on his face. “estas con una gringa? ella no sabe español?” He laughs. Alejandro shakes his head. “¿Cuál es la droga?!” He yells. You flinch away at his tone of voice. “Vas a tener que chingarte a tu gringa linda, dejarla embarazada.” He purrs. “¿Qué significa eso?” Alejandro growls. Grasping the man by the lapels and slamming him back into the barrel. “La cura es el sexo, no hay otra. Buena suerte hermano.” He smirks. His teeth are red from his blood.
“No eres hermano mío, solo un cobarde.” You flinch as Alejandro raises his pistol up, firing into the man’s head. His body slumps forward and Alejandro stands up, letting out a frustrated sigh. “What did he say? What is this?” You ask.
He rubs his face in frustration.
“It’s a sex drug.”
You look confused. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s a sex drug, but it’s in the early stages of development, that’s why we’ve never heard of it before. He said..” he pauses. “If the infected doesn’t have sex, they’ll die.”
“And what he splashed on us.. was that-?” You look at him. He nods his head. You turn away from him. “There’s no other cure?” You ask. “No. Not something we’ll find in time.”
“Well. Suppose we should head back. Say our goodbye’s.”
His turns quickly to look at you. “What?” He asks.
You look at him. “What?”
“Y/N.. we can get through this if…” he swallows hard. You raise your eyebrows. “What? If what?” You cross your arms. Looking at him. “If I have sex with you? Are you out of your mind?” Alejandro’s assumptions have clearly stuck a nerve. “You’re loco if you think I want to have sex with you!”
“But you’d rather die? I’ll have to say Gringa, that’s pretty harsh.” He smiles. “That right there is exactly why I’d rather die.” You seethe. He looks confused. “My goddamn name is Y/N.” You growl. He steps closer to you. “Watch your tone with me.” He growls. “I’m going to die anyways.” You shake your head. “What, you’ll let us both die over me calling you Gringa? Really?” He breathes.
“It’s not just you.” You shake your head. “It’s everyone.” You voice is low and aggressive. “They call me gringa. I’m last to eat, last to shower, last to be chosen for missions. I haven’t had dinner in a week. They exclude me, treat me like shit. They corner me in the goddamn bathroom and beat the holy hell out of me. And my Colonel? The one who’s supposed to give a shit? Doesn’t say a word when he sees the bruises they’ve left. You had no right to call that man a coward. You’re the biggest coward I’ve ever met.” You spit your words at him like they’re laced with venom. Like they’ll drop him dead in a few seconds. He sighs. Everything you’ve said is true. He’s mistreated you.
“I’m sorry.” He breathes. “Querida…” he trails off. “I know I’ve been bad to you. But I can change it.” He breathes. “No.” You shake your head. “Make yourself comfortable because I’m not changing my mind.” You breathe. You shove passed him, walking into the building. You go into one of the rooms, sitting down on the bed. You take your shoes off, pulling the blanket off. Walking back outside. You walk into the woods a little more, laying the blanket out. “What are you doing?” He asks. “Enjoying the peace and quiet.” You breathe. He nods. “Mind if I join you?” He asks. You shrug. He sighs, sitting down next to you. You’re laying on your back, looking up at the sky. “Cloudy.” He mumbles. “Yeah. Hopefully it’ll rain.” You smile. “I like when you smile.” He laughs. “Why?” You look at him. “Because you don’t do it often. Earlier in the helicopter, I was admiring you.” He laughs. You roll your eyes. “Also, when you saw that letter from your family. I like their nickname for you, American Honey.” He smiles. You can’t help but laugh at this. “If this is you trying to get me to have sex with you, it’s not going to work. He rolls his eyes. “I can be a gentleman without the intention of trying to have sex with you, Mocosa.” He laughs. “I’m serious. Why do they call you that?” He smiles. “They said I was too sweet. As a kid I knew no stranger, so they called me American Honey.” You look down. “American Honey? I don’t think I’ve ever had any.” He shrugs. You think for a second, sighing.
You grasp hold of your pocket on your jacket, the Velcro making a tearing sound as you pull it open, you slide out a few of the honey sticks, passing one to him. “It’s blueberry honey.” You nod. He takes it from you. “You have to bite the top to split the film open.”
You bite the top of yours, feeling the honey drip into your mouth. You can’t help but smile as you watch Alejandro struggle to open his. You laugh. Reaching your hand out. “Here.” You say. He passes it to you and you turn it to the other side, biting it open for him. “Thank you.” He smiles. You can feel the effects of the drug beginning to kick in. You want to kick yourself for the way you’re looking at him. He’s getting more and more attractive by the minute. You hear a groan leave his lips. “This is really good.” He breathes. “It is really sweet.” He licks his fingers where it’s dribbled onto them. You have to force yourself to look away. The tightening in your lower stomach becoming harder and harder to ignore. “Here, have another.” You pass him the other. “Open it for me, Cariño?” He smiles. You nod. You bit it open, flinching as it pops into your mouth. Alejandro freezes up, having to force himself to look away from your lips, and how sweet they’re looking. He’s felt the drug working but has ignored the way his pants have gotten tight. He takes the stick of honey from you, and watches as you lay back.
The minutes tick by and his heart is racing, the arousal he feels is almost unbearable. You can barely focus on anything, his heavy breathing, the smell of him. It’s too much. “I’m sorry.” He breathes. “I’ve got to get away from you, or I won’t be able to stop myself.” He breathes. Just as he stands up, you’re quick to yelp. “Wait!” You breathe, sitting up. He turns to look at you, confusion written all over his face. You’ve shed your jacket and he didn’t realize it, but he can see how hard your nipples are through your shirt. “What?” He asks. “You.. you don’t have to.” You breathe. You’ve got your knees pressed together. Tightening your thighs to try and ease the ache you feel between them. He steps toward you, and he can see the fire burning in your eyes. You don’t move away or tell him to stop. “Are you sure?” He asks. You nod your head. He lowers himself to his knees, thankful for the blanket beneath him. He moves himself between your legs, licking his bottom lip as he leans into you. His lips brush over yours lightly. Hips presses into yours. He moans out when you rock your hips ip into him, desperate for some kind of relief. He presses his lips to yours, he kisses you hard.
He can taste the honey on your tongue, and he’s addicted right there. You moan into his lips when he rocks his hips into yours. He pulls away, but only to attach his lips to your jawline, moving down to your throat. He’s biting at the skin, feeling your heart beat as he runs his tongue along your jugular vein. He pulls your shirt up and over your head, helping you remove your bra with it. He attaches his lips to one of your nipples, sucking at it gently, feeling you buck your hips up into him. He can’t help smile into you. He doesn’t want to neglect you, moving to attach his lips to other. You wrap a hand in his hair, whining out at the attention he’s giving you. “Alejandro- want you so bad.” You breathe. “You’ll have me, ser paciente.” You nod your head. He kisses lower, over your chest and belly, tugging your pants down your legs. You take a deep breath as he glides his hands down your hips, kissing over your belly button. He looks up at you, dipping down to press a kiss against your clit. Cock twitching at the mewl you let out. You whine, raising your hips into him. Desperate for attention. He pushes your hips down, wrapping his arms around your thighs to hold you still. His tongue gliding up through your folds has a sigh leaving your lips. He moans into.
“Taste so fuckin sweet..” he mutters, chuckling into you. “You’ve got the perfect nickname, you’re just as fucking sweet.” He growls, burying his face into you, starting his assault on your clit. You blush, looking away. You try to squirm out of his grasp but he holds you tight. You clutch the blanket beneath you, moaning out as you look up at the sky. You can feel the sting from the shrapnel still buried in your skin, but you’re overwhelmed. The peacefulness and the way he makes you feel overrides any pain you’ve felt.
You’re getting louder with each flick of his tongue and he knows you’re getting close, but he doesn’t want you to cum like this. He pulls away, feeling you whine at the loss of friction. “Relax, I’ll give your pussy the attention it needs.” He smiles, unbuckling his belt.
He wipes his face, moving his hips up to yours. “You sure you want this?” He asks. You nod your head eagerly. He pushes the tip of his cock up against your entrance and you bite your lip. You close your eyes as he sinks into you, clutching the blankets hard. The pleasure is intensified from the drug you’ve taken and the both of you nearly cum right there, moaning out. “Fucking hell you feel good.” He growls, moving to kiss you. “You taste yourself on me? Hm?” He smirks, starting to thrust his hips into you. He’s starting at a brutal pace and you can’t keep it together as he fucks you.
“You taste sweet yeah? Sweeter than that honey.” He smiles. His belt rattles as he thrusts into you. The sound is distracting you. The thought of what it is, him fucking into you so good. You can’t keep it together. “I’m gonna cum-“ you whimper. “Already?” He chuckles. He’s taunting you. You nod your head. “Yes!” You moan. He lifts your thighs up, thrusting deeper, trying to get a better angle on you. “Rub your clit for me.” He breathes. You nod your head, still obeying him. You rub circles over yourself, and he fuels the burning fire with his words.
“Yes- such a good girl. Always doing what you’re told. Yeah, rub that sweet pussy for me baby.” He growls. He can feel his own high approaching pathetically fast. “I’m- I-“ he laughs at your lack of words, feeling your legs shake as he pushes you into your orgasm. You cry out, tears slipping from the corners of your eyes as you shut them tightly. You soak his cargo pants, and he growls as he feels your arousal on him. He doesn’t stop fucking you, even with you being overwhelmed. He’s chasing his own high. He leans down to kiss you again, desperate for the taste of sweetness he knows he’ll get from you. He kisses you hard, feeling your tongue move against his own. You moan into his lips, wrapping your legs around his back.
“Give it to me, Colonel.” You look him in the eyes. He growls, thrusting harder if it’s possible. “Beg for it.” He breathes. “Please-“ you gasp. “Please cum inside me, I’ve been good for you. Please give it to me!” You whine. His heart is pounding, cock twitching as he gets closer and closer to his high. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He gasps. “I’m gonna give it to you, Cariño. Trust me.” He groans. He has a death grip on your thighs. When he reaches his high, he’s sensitive before he even finishes. It’s the most intense orgasm he’s ever had by far. He holds your hips tightly into him, taking slow deep thrusts to ride out his high.
“Oh fuck-“ he gasps. He slides out of you, watching his filth spill out of your pussy. The relief you feel is immediate. Hearts are no longer racing. He lays next to you on the blanket, panting as he comes down from his high, looking up at the sky. “I’m sorry if I was too rough.” He breathes, looking at you. “You weren’t.” You blush.
Just then, your radio’s go off.
“Colonel, do you copy?”
“Colonel do you copy? Exfil is still about an hour out, it’s going to be dark soon.”
“We’re on our way.” He says into the radio.
He helps you up. You both redress yourselves quickly.
“We’ve got to make quick work of this, got a lighter?” He asks. You pass him the one you keep on you at all times and he picks up a stick, lighting it on fire. He throws it into a barrel of liquid and you both run away quickly.
The barrel explodes and the whole area around it bursts into flames. You both admire it for a second. “Let’s go.” He grasps your hand, pulling you along. He hands you back you lighter.
It doesn’t take too long to reach exfil, but the wetness you feel from Alejandro’s cum is a little uncomfortable and he can tell by the way you keep shifting yourself on the seat in the helicopter, sending you a wink every once in a while. You turn your head away from him each time, blushing.
When you get back, you go straight to the infirmary for your wounds to be treated from the explosion. While you’re recovering, Alejandro has a quick meeting with his soldiers.
“I want everyone to know that Y/N isn’t going anywhere. I want you all to treat her the same as you treat everyone else. She saved my life today and she didn’t have to. If I see anyone mistreating her from this moment forward, you will be discharged from my base. Do I make myself clear?” His voice is stern.
“Yes sir!” They all say in unison. “Thank you! Go back to eating.” He calls.
He makes his way to the infirmary to check on you. Unsure of what to do with these newfound feelings that he has for you, and what in the hell he’s supposed to do if you’re pregnant.
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jerzwriter · 23 days
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Welcome Brooke Vivian Carrick!
In my headcanon for Tobias & Casey, little Brooke joins the family on August 30, 2025. But I'm delivering this incredible artwork to you one year earlier! This lovely commission is from none other than the incomparable @/artbyainna on Instagram. I've run out of amazing things to say about her, but she never, ever disappoints.
I had hoped to write more about Brooke's birth story—and maybe one day I will—but I really wanted to share this before the end of August. Some HCs about Casey's pregnancy and Brooke's birth can be found below. Maybe I'll write a little more about them one day. I sure do love this little family!
You can find some stories about this time in Round Two and more about Tobas x Casey on Tobias x Casey's Masterlist.
Caption Pietro (the cat): To me, he's saying "Not impressed!" 😂
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Pregnancy/Birth Headcanons:
As with her first pregnancy with Sammy, poor Casey was pretty much nauseous for the first three months. That was even more challenging with a toddler underfoot. Fortunately, Tobias was always quick to tell her to rest, and grandmas Vivian and Rose were all too happy to step in when needed.
The minute morning sickness ends - Casey is famished and has tons of cravings. Tobias was better prepared for that this time. This time around, she wanted Greek salads and French fries most of all. See a little Insta edit about that below.
Tobias made it clear he wanted a big family; Casey made it clear she was the one who had the babies, and he agreed; it was her call. They never said definitively that this was their last, but they both believed it was. They really took time to cherish every moment of this special time.
Casey and Tobias were happy to see her sex drive was insane during this pregnancy, their friends asked how they noticed a difference? lol
Tobias arranged a 'babymoon' vacation when Casey was seven months pregnant. He wanted to go to one of their favorite islands in the Pacific, but he wasn't keen on Casey traveling so far from home while pregnant. He also wasn't about to take her to any states that could jeopardize her life if she were to have complications, so that limited his choices. They ended up at a luxury hotel in Cape May, New Jersey. He got a suite on a separate floor for Vivian and Rose, too. This way they got some relaxation and they could all spend time with Sammy - but Mom & Dad got plenty of alone time, too.
Once again, Tobias insisted they were having a daughter, so he never even looked at boy's names. Girl's names were also a challenge; neither could come up with anything they loved. Finally, his Aunt Cher suggested Eden or Brooke for Edenbrook. They loved the idea and decided to wait until the baby was born to see if she looked more like an Eden or a Brooke. Obviously, Brooke won! She was given Tobias's mother's name, Vivian, as a middle name.
For most of Casey's pregnancy, Sammy was unimpressed about the idea of a new baby, but toward the end, she decided it would be fun. So she was eager to meet her little sister, and when they brought Brooke home, Sammy really thought it was a present just for her.
Pietro, their cat, was obsessed with her baby bump throughout her pregnancy but had no interest in Brooke once she was born. Casey and Tobias joked it was an odd way to learn their cat was a Republican.
Like her sister, Brooke was anxious to enter the world and came a little earlier than expected. Her due date of September 20th became a birthdate of August 30th. Casey was in labor for 5 1/2 hours, but there were complications, and it was decided it would be best to have a C-section. Tobias was at her side through it all (and she was telling him to get a vasectomy most of that time....)
They were overjoyed when little Brooke was safely delivered, and they spent the next few days in the hospital suite marveling over her and trying to wrap their heads around the fact that they now had two little girls. Tobias was outnumbered, and he loved it.
Here's a little edit about Casey's cravings - well, at least the food cravings - this pregnancy lol
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kymerawrites · 4 months
hii, if your taking in requests. Could you write something about simon and reader having a teenage son who knocked up his high school girlfriend and reader thought that it was simon who cheated on her and knocked up somebody when in fact he didnt and was planing an anniversary gift.
Like the pregnancy stick could be found like in the car or in simon jacket that the son sometimes use like that.
Ooh this is going to be a fun one! I wanted to try something with !papa Simon for a while but let’s give it a go! Ty for the idea love 🤍🤍 for this I’ll use shym and Simon (NOT RELATED TO THE SIR SIMON RILEY, see it as a multiverse lol)
Life is amazing, married, settled life, 2 children of my own and a house in the city. It has been 19 years since me and Simon met, and 17 years ago since we had our first of our 2 children. Killian and hope.
As I got into the car I felt as if my worst dreams became true, a pregnancy test on the seat. Simon was still at work, we lived close at the 141 headquarters. After I became pregnant I surrendered myself from that lifestyle but Simon was still enjoying it. Even becoming the captain of the team after John price retired.
I picked up the test, tears welling up in my eyes, was he really seeing someone else?
I went down stairs to see hope sitting on the couch, she was a copy of her father’s behavior, always stoic. But for me she had her soft spot ofcourse, we parented her to be strong, wise and powerful. And I think we did a great job.
She saw my eyes with tears.
“Mamma? What is going on?” She rushed instantly to the doorway and held me “tell me what’s wrong?”
I instantly hid the test in my pocket, they shouldn’t know when I don’t have closure yet.
“Hope.. it’s fine, everything is okay. I just had a look at some old photos of me and your dad when we were younger.”
She looked up in my eyes “mom you’re so emotional, what happened to the cold and fearless lady that my father tells so proudly to everyone about?”
I laughed “being pregnant with you 16 years ago made my hormones like this!” I gave a playful push to her and went to sit on the couch.
“Love, where is killian?”
Hope rolled her eyes “2 possible options, the gym or out with friends.”
I sighed
Killian is an actual copy of his father, Simon is his role model. But he is like me from back in the days, always going out with friends or to a party.
Until I heard the door click.
Simon came home with only his mask still on, hoor laughed when she saw it, it’s not that likely to see her father with his mask on.
“Dad you look stupid!” She burst out laughing and instantly switched to mad “didn’t I tell you to not use my eyeshadow pallet anymore?! You know how much that thing costed me?!”
He chuckled and closed the door behind him, locking it before taking his hat off and throwing it on the side as usual, placing it next to his military jacket that he placed on the rack.
He ruffled Hope's hair and gently squeezed her cheek, before he walked closer to his wife and wrapped his arms around her from behind, placing a kiss on her neck as he rested his chin on her shoulder, his stubble and facial scars leaving a ticklish sensation on her skin.
He tilted his head slightly. "What's wrong love? What's with the tears?"
The sight of his wife's tears made his heart flutter. She was the most important in his life, he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. He cupped her cheeks, gently and softly wiping the tears away with his thumbs as he turned her around, lifting her chin up.
"Hey baby, look at me. What happened?" He questioned and softly mumbled, holding her close and rubbing her back, looking right at her. He was always direct and straightforward, he hated when she started crying without a clear reason.
Simon looked at hope and nodded for her to go upstairs
Hope quickly nodded, standing up and heading upstairs to her room, taking a last glance at her worried parents before closing her door. Simon cupped his wife's cheeks again and kissed her tenderly on the lips, hoping that would calm her down and make her talk.
I showed the pregnancy test “20 years of marriage Simon, and this is how you try to dispose me? Who is that fucking bitch? It’s not like she can give you what I cannot.”
His eyes widened as he saw the pregnancy test in her hand, looking back up at her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, sighing deeply as he placed his forehead on hers, shaking his head softly.
"Baby, no. I'm not trying to dispose you love, I wouldn't do that. You know I love you, why would I cheat?" He said and gently rubbed his thumb over her cheek, his voice filled with sincerity.
“Then why did I find this in our car? Who was it?”
He gently pulled away, sighing again as he ran his hand through his hair in a stressed and flustered manner, his eyes fixated on the wall in front of him. This conversation was going in a direction he never wished it would go.
He didn't answer her yet, taking a moment to find the right words.
“It’s not mine. And no you have a google cam so you won’t see me with a woman in our car.”
I laughed “I’m not stupid Simon, who else could possibly drive our car?”
We both looked each other in the eye and both came to a realization.
“Fuck it’s one of the kids.” I said
He groaned and facepalmed, shaking his head. "Ugh, I knew I raised them wrong.”
He sighed in disappointment before he continued: "I'm going to talk with Hope, you go talk with Killian. They'll only talk when we're separated. I'm going to find out what the hell is going on.”
And with that, he let go of her and began walking up the stairs, muttering "Damn kids..”
As he reached the door of Hope's room, he softly knocked, his knuckles tapping gently against the wood. A soft and slightly annoyed voice echoed from inside, her words muffled slightly but still faintly audible.
"Yeah?" She said from within the room and after a few seconds, she sighed before opening the door, her eyes immediately widening in surprise as her tall father stood in front of her.
"Uh, Hey dad," she gulped, gulping.
Ghost raised a brow to her nervousness and leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms as he watched her intently. He could tell something was up and he wasn't going to leave until she spoke.
"Hope." He stated simply, his gaze never leaving hers as he eyed her up and down. She could feel his presence intimidating her but he remained silent, waiting for her to speak.
Hope swallowed hard, her hands gripping tightly to the door as she nervously looked into her father's intense gaze. His height towered over her, making her seem even more small and vulnerable under his intimidating presence.
After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, she finally spoke up, her voice shaky and filled with uncertainty. "Yes, dad?" She managed to say, mentally cursing herself out for flinching.
Ghost's gaze remained fixed on hers, his expression unwavering. He could sense her unease, but he wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily.
"We need to talk, Hope." He stated firmly. "Now. Close the door and have a seat."
Hope gulped heavily, her heart racing as she closed the door behind her and took a seat in a nearby chair, crossing her arms in an attempt to appear nonchalant. But Ghost saw right through that façade, and he wasn't fooled one bit.
With his hands crossed over his chest, he surveyed his daughter intently, watching her every move as she waited for the inevitable interrogation.
“Is this some military training? If so maybe try this on Killian as I don’t want to be bombarded by terrorists any time soon.”
Ghost rolled his eyes at her attempt to joke, not amused in the slightest. Though, he couldn't blame her for trying to diffuse some of the tension, it wouldn't work. He uncrossed his arms and stepped closer, his frame towering over her as he looked down at her with unwavering eyes.
"Hope," he began firmly. "We need to talk about the pregnancy test in the car. Explain."
She looked disgusted
“First of, no I’m not pregnant, second off yes I did do some stuff but I always take my birth control. Very embarrassing to have this talk with my dad..” she muttered
He raised a brow, clearly unconvinced but not exactly surprised. He knew how sneaky his daughter could be, she always had a rebellious streak in her. He crossed his arms again and leaned against the wall, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Alright," he replied slowly. "And the pregnancy test? Where did that come from? Who was it?" He pressed.
She laughed “oh dad you have so much to learn, maybe ask at that irritating douche I need to call my brother”
Ghost gritted his teeth in annoyance, his patience starting to wear thin. He knew that she was still not fully cooperating and playing games with him.
"Language, Hope," he reprimanded, his tone firm and authoritative. "You need to explain this to me right now and stop playing games. Who are you really sleeping with?"
“Oh my god.. I haven’t slept with someone in weeks! But killian has some chicks being head over heels for him!”
He listened to her explanation, his eyes narrowing as she mentioned about her brother. It didn't surprise him that Killian would be a heartthrob, what surprised him was the situation happening behind his back. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
"And you know this because..?" He questioned, raising a brow.
She tried to get out of this situation “uh well, yeah uh..”
Ghost's piercing gaze never wavered as he stepped closer to her, towering above her as he firmly and assertively raised a brow.
"Hope," He warned, his voice laced with warning. "You're not leaving this room until you give a straight answer. Stop stalling or the next conversation will be much worse."
It was clear that he was done playing games and would not tolerate any more nonsense. He expected the truth, and he expected it now.
“Oh my god dad! I can’t tell that’s a secret between me and killian or else mom won’t sleep anymore”
His annoyance grew with her response, clearly not satisfied with it. He gritted his teeth, frustration evident in his eyes.
"Hope, enough with the games." He said lowly, his voice dangerously close to a growl.
"You have three seconds to give me one, straight answer, or I’ll have your mother find out what exactly is going on. And this isn’t a threat, it's a warning. You don’t want to see your mother’s reaction to all of this. Understood?"
“Fine, killian takes me to his friends house parties every Saturday so we can both have some fun and he just parties with me.. and I guess he went with a girl that evening?”
He listened intently, taking in every word she said with a serious expression. His brow furrowed as she continued and when she was done, he let out a deep sigh. He ran a hand over his head as he processed the information his daughter have given.
"I see." He finally said after a moment of tense silence. "Is this why you two has been coming back home late every Saturday night?" He questioned, his tone firmer than before.
“I’m not the one to blame here! I’m just enjoying my young years, now please get out before I make sure you somehow get out? Also go talk to killian!”
His eyes narrowed at her request, clearly not amused with her attitude, but he had to admit, she was not the one to blame this time. With a deep sigh, he nodded slightly and walked to the door.
"We will continue this later," he warned before walking out of her room and closing the door behind him. He stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath before walking downstairs to his next mission. Confronting Killian.
He saw shym sitting on the kitchen counter pouring herself a glass of wine, she looked so sexy today.
Simon couldn't help but admire her beauty as she stood there, pouring herself a glass of wine. In his eyes, she was always sexy and attractive. He slowly approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder from behind, and gently massaging it before planting a kiss on her neck.
“Baby is kil still out with his mates?” He asked shym.
Shym looked irritated ready to throw her glass at the window “what did hope say? I swear to god-“
It’s Killian Simon said
Shym looked surprised at her husband
“What did you just say?”
Simon chuckled also being not amused at all “Your daughter is too much like you, and your son is a heartrob.”
Shym smiled “we did make beautiful kids didn’t we?”
Until she heard a click of the door and Killian walked inside. And there was a sound of the front door opening Killian coming inside the house.
Simon’s eyes flicked towards the door as Killian entered the house, his attention immediately shifting to his son. He gently squeezed Shym's shoulder before making his way towards the entrance, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and disappointment.
Killian froze at the sight of his father waiting for him by the door, he gulped nervously, sensing that he was in trouble.
Shym walked behind him staring daggers in his eyes “catch it.” And threw the pregnancy test towards Killian
Killian caught the pregnancy test in mid-air, his eyes widening in disbelief and fear. He looked pale and sweat started to form on his forehead, his heart thumping rapidly in his chest.
Simon stood there with his arms crossed, his expression stern and disapproving, waiting for his son to explain.
Killian gulped, his hands trembling slightly as he held the pregnancy test.
"I… I can explain,” he finally managed to stutter out, his voice shaky and weak. “I-"
I walked towards Killian and gave him a slap on the shoulder “first of, what the actual fuck are you having unprotected sex? U are 17 Killian!” I wanted to berate him more before Simon intervened
Killian winced at the slap and looked at his parents sheepishly, rubbing his shoulder gently. He knew he had messed up, and he braced himself for the verbal berating that was to come from his mother. But Simon stepped in, placing a calming hand on her shoulder.
Simon gave his son a serious look before speaking. "Explain." He simply said.
Killian took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.
"I’m sorry, okay? I was at a party and things got carried away. I wasn’t thinking straight. I didn’t mean for this to happen, I swear." The boy began, his eyes averted as guilt washed over him. "I just...I didn’t think-"
A tense silence hung in the air as Killian explained himself. But both Simon and Shym remained unsympathetic with a stern expression, clearly not satisfied with his excuse.
Simon's gaze hardened as he shook his head. "You didn’t think?” He repeated, his voice firm. "That's not an excuse, do you understand the consequences of your actions?"
“What is the girl going to do with this baby? Are you even sure it’s yours.”
Killian looked even more anxious as his mother questioned him about what the girl planned to do with the baby. He hadn't even thought about that. And as for the paternity, he honestly didn’t know.
After a few moments of silent thinking, he finally responded. "I don't know," he admitted weakly. "I haven't talked to her yet."
Simon nodded, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. He could sense his son's guilt and fear, but it wouldn't resolve any of this.
“You will talk to her. Now.” He stated firmly, his authoritative tone leaving no room for negotiation.
“Roger that sir!” And Killian ran out of the house
Simon nodded, watching as his son dashed out of the house. He let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the kitchen counter, rubbing his temples in frustration.
Shym stood beside him, her hands on her hips as she stared at the empty door. After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke and looked at Simon with a hint of a smirk.
"You’re going softer on that boy."
“I am a mother, not a drill sergeant.” I laughed
Simon chuckled slightly at her remark, a warm smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Of course, you’re not," he agreed, wrapping an arm around her waist. He pulled her closer and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.
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altsvu · 9 months
i love what you did with my last ask so i just knew i needed to do another. how about a aaron x black!reader she's 7 months pregnant and over the phone has a discussion with aaron about the baby's skin color telling him "what if when it gets older it gets killed" and even aaron has to take a breath but over all jack heard the convo and is confused because he's like 8 and doesn't understand race like that and you and aaron explain it
complexities of race
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pairing: aaron hotchner x pregnant!black!fem!reader
wc: 1.3k
cw: underlying mentions of current climate (iykyk), brief mentions of race/racism, fluff, pregnancy
a/n: girlll your prompts are so amazing, i love that you give me a challenge 🫶🏽🫶🏽 this was so hard to write not gonna lie, but of course i enjoyed it nonetheless!!! also this is the first fic of 2024! :) also i’m sorry it took me so long to write this!
criminal minds masterlist! ✯ taglist!
“Aaron... I have something to tell you.” you smiled, leaning against the frame of the living room walkway. You hoped that he would be just as excited as you were, all those nights making love paid off.
“Sweetheart... you’re smiling, grinning even. What is it?” He asked.
“I’m pregnant.” you gushed, revealing the pregnancy test that was hidden in your hand.
Aaron’s eyes lit up in excitement. He rushed over to you and pulled you into his arms. “Oh, Y/N, that’s amazing!”
You were crying tears of joy, you were super excited to finally have a baby with the love of your life.
Fast forward to 7 months, you were thriving through all the symptoms of pregnancy. All the motion sickness, waking up in the middle of the night to throw up, the kicking, just to name a few.
Aaron made sure to be there for you every step of the way, from the moment he found out you were pregnant up until now. He would rub your belly a lot, give you foot and shoulder massages, satisfy your weird food cravings, and even read to your unborn child when he could.
You had no worries about this pregnancy. Until the intrusive thoughts started coming. Being a soon to be mom, you didn’t know if it was mother’s intuition, or just the simple fact that you were a black woman living in America. You started thinking a lot about how your baby would be when they grew up. Facing racism almost everywhere you went was not fun, which was why learning how to handle a situation like that was extremely important. You didn’t want your child being made fun of for their skin color or the way they look and not being able to see their self worth, see how beautiful they are, and that comments like those are baseless and have no real meaning.
This was something that needed to be discussed with Aaron. He sees the world differently than you do so it was important to you that your significant other understand your feelings and experiences. It wasn’t going to be like any other conversation they have had about racism; this time it involved a child, an innocent child.
You were at your grandparents’ house for the weekend and you decided to call Aaron to talk while you had some downtime.
He answered the phone fast and the two of you got into conversation quick. He asked you if you were doing okay and that he missed you and couldn’t wait until you came back so he could take care of you. You expressed that you missed him as well and asked him how he and Jackson were doing.
Then you decided to let the cat out of the bag.
“Yes love?”
You exhaled out of your nose. “There’s something I’m worried about, uh, for this pregnancy. Or at least something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about for a while.”
“What is it?”
“Our baby is black. I just- I dunno, what if... our child gets killed when it goes out into the world on their own? This world is a sick place and it’s hard to raise a black child.“
Aaron paused for a bit. He knew what you were saying was the truth, and nothing but the truth. But he had no idea how to respond. Growing up, he never really knew what it was like to be made fun of because of the color of someone’s skin, let alone now in today’s world, where people get killed just because of it.
“Y/N, I want you to know that our baby will be protected to the fullest extent. Everything that you told me is all true, and I don’t want to dismiss any of your feelings.”
“I know, and I appreciate you for that.” you answered.
All of Aaron’s words were reassuring, but you still didn’t think he understood. It’s not that you were mad at him for that, you didn’t blame him for anything. You wanted to educate as much as possible.
You were the oldest daughter in your family, and seeing how your other siblings were raised, you wanted the best for your child.
You continued talking to Aaron about it in hopes that those intrusive thoughts would go away sometime soon.
You were back from your grandparents’ house and you were now sitting on the couch at Aaron’s place, which became yours as well since you moved in with him.
He had something important to talk to you about, and a part of you thought it had to do with the phone conversation a few days ago.
“Is everything okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, um, it’s just Jack. He overheard our conversation the other day and he’s been asking questions and I think it would be best for the both of us to answer those questions.”
“I think that’s a good thing. He’s growing up and these are conversations that need to be held. I’m happy to help him understand as best as I can.”
Aaron took your hand and smiled. “I agree.”
A few hours later, after Jack came back home from school, the three of you sat at the dining table enjoying the meal Aaron cooked. Beforehand, you had told Aaron that you were gonna use the eggs in the fridge as an example since Jack was still so young to understand technical terms.
“So, Jack, we wanted to talk to you about something, and it’s very important, okay?” Aaron started.
“So I know you’ve asked about what race is and things like that. I wanna show you something, okay? I think it will help you understand.”
You got up and got a white and a brown egg from the fridge as well as a spoon and placed them in front of Jack.
“Which egg do you want to break?”
“The white one!” Jack exclaimed, taking the spoon and breaking it.
You smiled softly. “Okay, good. Now how come you decided not to break the brown one instead?”
“I thought it would look different on the inside.”
“Well, do you wanna see something cool?” You asked. Jack nodded in response. You took the spoon and broke the brown one.
“They look the same on the inside.” Jack noted.
“You’re right, Jack. The eggs look different on the outside, but when you break them open, you see that they look the same.” Aaron started.
He explained to Jack that people have preferences for a lot of tangible things, and how it can apply to actual human beings. For only being 8 years old, Jack was very attentive to what you and Aaron had to say, and was asking all the right questions.
“Because the baby growing inside of me is going to look different than you, people may not like that. But my baby is a human too.”
“Is that why you were scared?”
You nodded. “I went through it too, and I just want to keep my baby safe.”
Jack went over to you and hugged your belly in response. It made you smile from ear to ear.
“Hi beautiful.” Aaron said, kissing your cheek.
It had been evening time at this point and Aaron had just tucked Jack into bed, and you were lying down in the other room reading a book.
“Hi,” you responded back smiling.
Aaron got settled in with you in bed and cuddled. “Do you feel better about everything now?”
“Honestly, I know that deep down inside, those feelings are still there and will arise at some point but being able to talk about it freely is refreshing.” you admitted. “And that’s okay.”
He smiled. “That’s good. I’m glad Jack was able to take part of this conversation with us.”
“Me too. Surely we’ll have even more engaging conversations like this.”
taglist: @averyhotchner @storiesofsvu @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen @mstrinnyb @will-on-the-internet
138 notes · View notes
johnsbleu · 2 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 174
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warnings: none hmh masterlist
How the hell is she one? How in the world is Ronan Charlotte a year old? It seems like not so long ago, you were finding out you were even pregnant. And yet, here she is, a whole year old. Time truly flies by, doesn't it?
It's amazing how much can change in just one year. She’s grown and developed so much. She's learned to crawl, walk, and talk--some of her favorite words being ‘dada’, “mama’, ‘boo’ for Bleu, ‘toes’ for toast; her favorite breakfast, and saying ‘uh oh’ when someone drops something. Watching her grow and learn has been such a joy for everyone around her, especially you and John. It's hard to believe that just twelve months ago, she was still in your belly. But now, she's a happy and healthy little girl with a whole world of possibilities ahead of her.
Not only is this a milestone for her, but it is for you and John as well. You’ve made it through your first year of parenthood! It’s been one hell of a ride, but it’s been so fun, and what’s made it even better is knowing you have him by your side through all the ups and downs and bumps along the way. He’s been a great partner and father. You really couldn’t ask for a better person by your side. Hopefully he feels the same way.
You remember the anxiety you felt the day you were going to tell him that you were pregnant. You remember how nervous and excited you were, and you remember how happy John was when he finally found the ornament and read it. It was one of the happiest days of your lives when you told him, then 9 months later, on September fifth--on her mom and dad’s anniversary--Ronan decided to join this world and it made the day all the sweeter.
“That is still so fucking wild,” Tess says, and you look over at her as you continue putting decorations together, “How the hell did you plan that?”
“Plan what?”
Tess furrows her brow when she looks at you, “Ronan being born on your anniversary. What kind of black magic was that?”
You start to laugh, “Pure luck.”
“Fate,” John chimes in, and you smile as you look at him while Tess playfully gags despite the fact that she probably thinks it’s cute. He wraps his arm around your waist and kisses your cheek, “Definitely fate. Something bigger had a hand in this.”
“Or I just had really good timing. Maybe I seduced you on purpose that day knowing that if I got pregnant we would have a baby nine months later on our anniversary. Maybe I’m secretly a huge mastermind.” you say, and John starts to laugh, “Do not laugh! Maybe it’s true!”
John shakes his head, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about you these past three years, it’s that you’re very smart. Very, very smart, but even I don’t think you could have planned this.”
“Yeah, no, to be honest, it would have been so much work, and I just don’t think I would have had the patience,” you laugh, and he kisses your cheek, “But nonetheless, it is pretty wild.”
Tess smiles as she looks at the two of you, “How was your trip? I’ve barely had time to talk with you today.”
When you got home last night, you just got Ronan and immediately went home to spend time with her before she needed to go to bed. She was so excited to see you and John that she just couldn’t get herself calmed down enough to even go to bed. She eventually fell asleep halfway through eating a banana, which was pretty cute. You and John were laughing over how cute she was that you were both in tears.
Today has been spent decorating and getting ready for her birthday party, so you haven’t had much time to really talk with Tess.
“It was really good,” John says, and you smile at him. “Definitely a much needed trip.”
Tess grins when you look at her, “You had sex on every surface, didn’t you?”
“We had so much sex,” you laugh, and John puts his head down, his cheeks turning red. You love embarassing him.“One day we did nothing but have sex. It was amazing. It reminded me of when we first met. I don’t think I even put on clothes that day.”
“You did for about an hour before you ripped them off again,” John says, smiling at you, “It was the best day.”
You playfully roll your eyes, “It was a great day. But like John said, it was a much needed trip. It was so nice to just be the two of us. I definitely don’t want to wait that long before we have another trip. Maybe our next one we can bring the whole family.”
John steals a carrot from the veggie tray Tess is making, “We wanted to go to Switzerland for our babymoon, but you were very pregnant. I think it’d be fun to go there with the family. It’s beautiful there. We should think about going next spring or even this winter.”
“Ooh, that sounds fun to me!” you say, leaning up to kiss him. “Anyway, yeah, the trip was perfect. It was so nice to just be with John and not having any distractions. I hate to admit it but I missed having John to myself.”
“I missed having you to myself too,” John admits, which makes you feel better.
“Look, I know I tease you two a lot,” Tess says, and you both look at her, “But honestly, you two are so cute. You gross me out with how lovey-dovey you can be, but you’re cute.”
You start to laugh, “Oh come on, Tess, let the walls down.”
“Fine!” she huffs before she looks at you with tears in her eyes, “I think you two are so perfect for each other and I’m really happy that you found each other. John is perfect for you, and you’re perfect for him! You’re doing a great job raising your daughter together, and as your big sister, I’m so happy for you, but most of all, I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished these past few years. You have two successful bookshops, you have a bookbinding business that does really well, John teaches classes that are super popular, and not once have you two ever really struggled relationship wise--okay, before you give me that look!” she says when you cock up your brow, “I know you’ve had fights--all couples do! But you know what I mean! You two have never even entertained the thought of breaking up or anything. You have such a great relationship and that is so important for Ro to see. She’s so lucky to have you and John as her parents, and I love you two, okay? God!”
You and John both start to laugh, and Tess gives you a very unimpressed look.
“Why did you say that so aggressively?” John laughs as he walks over to hug Tess, “We love you too.”
You smile, “I love sensitive Tess so much. You should let her out more often.”
Tess is in full tears now, “You two are just so cute, and I’m so in love with Jimmy.”
“We know,” you say, and she pouts, “He’s in love with you too.”
“What does being in love with Jimmy have to do with us?” John asks, and you look at Tess.
She wipes her tears off her face, “Well, because I’m in love and so is Goose, and that’s good.”
“It is very good,” you say, then you rub her shoulder, “Maybe you should go lay down for a few minutes.”
“Yeah, maybe. Oh, and one more thing!” she says aggressively, which makes you and John laugh. “I would love to go to Switzerland, so it’s a yes from me but do I have to pay for it?”
John laughs before shaking his head, “No, it’d be all paid for by us.”
“Well, now I’m gonna cry because that’s really sweet of you! John, you’re the sweetest.” she sniffles as she shuffles off to the living  room, and you widen your eyes and look at John.
John laughs quietly, “Is she okay?”
“Yeah, you know…” you roll your eyes playfully, “Sometimes people are just a little sensitive. Sometimes people are so happy that they cry.”
“Yeah, you sobbed for 15 minutes when you saw a picture of me from when I was little,” he says, and you jut your bottom lip out. “A picture that you had seen many times. I just came into the kitchen to find you with your head on the counter while you cried.”
“You were so cute!” you cup his face and squish his cheeks, “Your dorky little smile was so fucking adorable, and I see so much of Ronan in it. Her nose, her eyes, her little grin, she’s your twin!”
John smiles proudly, “She’s pretty cute.”
“She is,” you wrap your arms around his waist, “So in love with my brown eyed Virgo babies. And by the way, when that happened, I was pregnant. So, you know, I had an excuse. My emotions were everywhere.”
John nods, “Yeah, you were pregnant.”
You widen your eyes and look up at John just as he looks at you, then you walk into the living room to find Tess laying on the couch scrolling through her phone.
“Are you pregnant?”
Tess doesn’t even look at you, she just bursts out laughing, “Fuck no!”
“You sure?”
“Yes,” she sits up on her elbow and looks at you, “Positive.”
You squint your eyes at her and wait for her to crack, but she just stares back. You tilt your head and do a ‘I’m watching you’ motion with your hand, and Tess just laughs.
“Have fun,” she says as you walk back to the kitchen, “I’m not pregnant though.”
John smiles, “You think she’s pregnant?”
“No, I just like to tease her.”
“Hey,” John whispers softly when you start to walk away. He reaches for your hand and pulls you back to him, “Happy anniversary, by the way.”
You tilt your head back and kiss him, “Happy anniversary.”
“Three years, peach.” he says, and you hug him tight, “I’m so glad that we were able to get away and celebrate, but I still want to take a moment to appreciate today, not just because it’s Bug’s birthday. It’s the best day of my life for many reasons.”
“I love you so much.”
John leans into your palm when you cup his face, “Today wouldn’t possible without you.”
“It wouldn’t be without you either.” you say as he smiles, “I don’t get all the credit here.”
“Well, you deserve 50% of it.” he smiles, and you let out a small laugh, “Maybe even more.”
You shake your head, “50% sounds good to me!”
The party is pretty much in full swing. Aurelio and his family arrived a little late, but that’s okay. You know what life with a baby is like, so you’re sure life with two kids is even harder. The backyard is full of family and friends, and even staff from the shops. It’s nice that everyone is showing up for your baby girl, who is currently playing in the sprinkler with all the other kids. Thankfully it’s a warm day today.
Ronan will be needing a change of clothes, so after making sure someone has their eye on her and the rest of the kids, you head inside to get some dry clothes for her. Last you saw, John was getting the grill ready, so you’re not surprised when you find the house empty. You head upstairs to Ronan’s room and smile to yourself when you hear laughter coming from the open windows.
“Okay,” you exhale as you walk over to her clothes.
You pick an outfit for her to wear today since it’s her birthday but since she’ll be having cake, she probably shouldn’t wear it right now. You’ll wait to change her after she has her cake. Or maybe you should change her beforehand, get some cute pictures, then let her have cake. You’re not entirely sure, so you stand there for a few minutes staring at her closet.
As you stand there and look at all of Ronan’s clothes, you feel your eyes beginning to burn with tears. They roll down your cheeks when you blink, and you reach out and hold an outfit Ronan wore a few months ago that can no longer fit in.
She’s growing up.
The thought has been on your mind all day, so it’s certainly not new, but…your baby is growing up. She’s not going to be a baby anymore. The thought might not be a new one but it completely breaks you down into tears.
Since I got the grill started and some food done, I look around in search of Y/N. I want to make sure that her and Ronan get something to eat. Y/N has been running around all morning trying to make sure everything is perfect for the party today, so I want to make sure that she’s getting food in her. I don’t need her getting dizzy or too hungry. I already know she’s stressed out.
“Hey,” I lightly touch Bev’s shoulder, “Have you seen Y/N?”
She shakes her head, “No, I haven’t, honey.”
I nod and look around the yard. I smile when I see Ronan giggling as she plays in the sprinkler with Finn, and I watch them for a few moments before heading into the house. It’s quiet in here, so I assume she must be either in the bathroom or I’ve missed her outside somehow. I check the bathroom downstairs before I head up to our room. Empty.
“Peach?” I call out, listening to the quiet house. I furrow my brow when I hear a sniffle, and I walk down to Ronan’s room, finding Y/N looking out the window. I walk up behind her, “Hey, food is getting done.”
“Okay,” she says quietly. I lean forward and see a tear roll down her cheek, and I quickly wipe it away, “Baby, are you okay? Hey, look at me. Are you okay?”
She nods, “Yeah.”
I turn her around slowly and look into her bloodshot eyes. She has makeup running down her cheeks too, and she’s clinging to an outfit that Ronan probably hasn’t fit into for at least 3 months. The stress and worry I was feeling melts away, and I feel my entire body soften when I realize why she’s upset.
“I know,” I nod, rubbing her arms as she cries harder, “I don’t want her to grow up either.”
“Why is she doing this to us?” she asks, laughing through her tears.
I smile, “Because she’s going to be the bravest, smartest, kindest, and most beautiful girl in the world, just like her mom. She’s going to do great things and the world deserves to know Ronan Charlotte Wick.”
“I feel like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital and sat on the couch, stressing about everything we were about to go through.” she says, and I nod. “I remember us sitting there stressing out about how to just feed her and when to feed her.”
I start to laugh, “I remember stressing out about my first night alone with her. I watched Finn alone before but he wasn’t a newborn baby. Ronan was, and I was beyond stressed out. Now it’s a breeze. I love when you’re able to go out and have a nice time and I get to spend it with her. It’s nice. I love building my relationship with her, and everything is just second nature. I don’t question myself. I don’t text or call you every ten minutes asking you if it’s okay if I sit on the couch and hold her instead of laying her in her little DockATot. And a year ago, I wouldn’t have had a fucking clue what a DockATot is. I would have thought it was like…I don’t know, some weird gadget.”
Y/N closes her eyes as she laughs, “It does sound like a weird gadget.”
“It’s a freaking bed. It’s a little lounger for your baby. That’s crazy! And the nose thing that you use to suck out boogers?” I say, and she immediately scrunches up her face, “Yeah, it’s gross, for sure. But I didn’t know that shit a year ago. A year ago, I knew one thing, and that was that I loved that little girl with my entire heart the moment she took her first breath--well, I knew the moment you told me that you were pregnant, but when I held her in my arms, all of the fears that I had went away. I knew in my heart everything was going to be okay because I had you.”
I shouldn’t have said that because it just makes her cry again. But it’s true.
“I had you to help me. I had you by my side. I knew that parenthood wasn’t something to be scared of because you were by my side holding my hand,” I say, reaching for her hand, “I can’t thank you enough for how much happiness you’ve given me since you came into my life three years ago. I am so beyond grateful for you. You are the love of my life.”
Yeah, shouldn’t have said that either. She’s fully crying now with Ronan’s dress pressed to her mouth. She’s fucking precious.
“I love you,” she says, sniffling as she looks up at me, “I am so happy that you’re her dad.”
“Me too.” I laugh, nodding my head, “I’m happy you’re her mom; she has the best role model.”
Y/N juts her bottom lip out, “I can’t believe she’s one. I just want her to be a tiny baby forever.”
Wiping the tear off her cheek, I cup her face, “You know what I’ve learned this past year?”
I smile, “No matter how old she gets, she’s always going to be our baby. Whether she’s six months old, six years old, or 36. She will be our baby. We get the privilege of watching her grow up and learn things that we taught her--us, her parents! How lucky is that? I watch you teach her things, then I watch her use that knowledge. Isn’t that amazing?”
“Yeah,” she laughs, sniffling again, “It is, and I see you teach her things too. It’s the best.”
“I know it’s hard watching her grow up, and if I’m honest, I wish we could slow down time. I don’t want this to ever end.” I say, getting misty-eyed, “I absolutely love my life with you two. It’s perfect and it’s far more than I deserve.”
She shakes her head, “You deserve everything, John. You deserve all of this.”
I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight to my chest as we both stand there, sniffling quietly. I press a kiss to the top of her head and lean back to look at her, and she wipes away the tears on her cheek.
“I think part of my issue is, yes, I’m sad she’s growing up, but she’s also getting closer to being a teenager and I’m not ready for that.” she says, and I furrow my brow. She sighs loudly and takes a few steps away before walking back over to me, “My mom and I didn’t always have the best relationship. Mom and daughters can have…complicated relationships. I want to try my best to avoid that.”
“What do you mean?”
Sighing again, she looks at me, “From 13-15 years old, I wasn’t very nice to my mom. I flew off the handle over little things. I was a young girl going through a ton of changes and I, unfortunately, took it out on my mom. I don’t want that for me and Ronan. I want us to always be close. I want to be her mom, but I also want to be her friend. I want her to want to talk to me about things that are bothering her. I bottled up everything and didn’t tell my mom. I struggled silently with so much stuff--what I was going through was nothing compared to Tess, so I just stayed quiet.”
“You can’t compare pain, sweetheart. If something hurts, it hurts. What you were feeling was just as important as what Tess was feeling.” I say, and she nods.
“And I know that now. Tess actually was the one who told me that, and of course mom was so upset when she found out because it’s true, my feelings were just as important.” she says, laughing quietly, “But I’m so scared that Ronan’s going to hate me when she’s a teenager. I don’t want to ever overstep or feel like I’m projecting onto her either. I don’t want her to feel like I’m expecting too much from her. I want us to have a good relationship forever.”
I nod sympathetically, then I rest my hands on her shoulders, “I get it. Ronan is always going to love you; you’re her mom! She’s going to love you forever. But listen to me…there is no use in worrying about things that might or might not happen twelve years from now. There’s no use. You don’t deserve to be sad or stressed out about it.”
“Twelve years really puts it into perspective.” she says, and I smile at her. “You’re right. I should be enjoying this milestone. It’s not a sad day; it’s just bittersweet.”
“I’m not saying you’re not allowed to be sad because trust me, I’m sad. Our baby girl is growing up! She’s already a year old and I hate that.” I say as we both tear up, “She’s getting older and it’s such a bittersweet thing but we’re so lucky to be able to watch her grow and learn. We’re so lucky that we have the most perfect angel of a daughter.”
Y/N laughs, “She really is an angel, isn’t she?”
I gesture to the open window, “Listen to her laughing out there.”
We both go silent and listen as Ronan squeals happily in the sprinkler with all of the other kids. I look back at Y/N and hold her gaze, and she smiles softly at me before leaning up to give me a kiss.
“I love you,” she says, and I pull her closer, “Thank you for making me feel better.”
“I am always going to be here to make you feel better,” I say as she leans against my chest, “Let’s go see our baby girl now.”
Y/N looks up at me, and I put my finger up and take her hand. I bring her into our room, then to our bathroom, all while she looks beyond confused. I lift her onto the counter and get a few of her make-up wipes, then I gently wipe away the makeup staining her cheeks. I look into her eyes and furrow my brow when I see her tearing up again.
“Are you okay?”
“This is the sweetest thing you’ve ever done,” she whispers, and I let out a confused laugh. She gestures to me wiping her makeup off, “This. This is so romantic. It’s tender. It shows me how much you care about me.”
I cup her face, “I care so deeply about you.”
“I know,” she smiles, “I care deeply about you too. God, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
I start to laugh when she tears up and throws her hands up in a playful manner since she’s crying again. I tuck her hair behind her ear and kiss her cheek before hugging her tight. She exhales and looks at me, and I wipe her face off again.
“I’m done crying now.” she says, hopping off the counter and grabbing her makeup bag. “Lemme just fix my makeup quick.”
I watch her as she carefully puts mascara on her lashes--waterproof, she told me--then I smile at her and take her hand before heading back downstairs. The closer we get to the back patio, the louder Ronan’s giggle is, and I smile down at Y/N and see her laughing quietly.
The moment the door opens and we step out, Ronan turns her attention to us and comes running over, screaming for one person in particular who deserves all the love right now.
“Momma!” Ronan screams, running over to Y/N, who kneels down and opens her arms.
“Hi, baby.” she hugs her tight and closes her eyes, “Goodness, I love you so much.”
My heart swells with pride and joy at the sight of my little family. My wife. My daughter. Both so precious, and all mine.
“Hey,” I pull Y/N aside and smile, “Think it’s time?”
“I think so.” she nods, then she takes my hand and together we sneak into the house.
I let go of her hand to open the basement door, then I gesture for her to go first and follow behind. I smile when I hear the little meows coming from downstairs, and Y/N gasps and rushes over to the kitten.
“Oh, goodness,” she laughs when she sees the cat covered in wet food, “You’re a bit of a mess, aren’t you?”
I smile, “He’s gonna fit in just fine here.”
“True,” she laughs as she walks to the bathroom to clean him off. “Do you have a box?”
I found a cardboard box and wrapped it up with colorful paper and put a huge bow on it, and some holes for air of course.
“Yeah, I got this one,” I bring it over to the couch and put Baby Cat’s blanket inside, then I smile when Y/N comes out of the bathroom with him as she dries him off. “Can’t wait for her to finally get him so we can stop calling him Baby Cat.”
“Maybe she’ll like that name.”
I grimace, “I hope not.”
“Hey! It look a lot of brain power for me to come up with that,” she jokes, and I playfully swat her knee. She carefully places the kitten into the box and closes it up, then she picks it up and hands it to me. “Here.”
I take the box and carefully go upstairs with it, glancing back to make sure Y/N is following. She holds open the patio door and smiles, looking around for Ronan.
“Ro,” she calls out and waves her over, “We got you a present.”
The poor kitten is going to be passed around to everyone, so hopefully he’s a patient little guy.
Y/N sits down and pats the spot next to her, then she looks at me and pats the spot on her other side. I sit down with the box and smile when I hear a tiny meow coming from it.
“We have another present for you,” she says, and Ronan looks up at her, “But you have to gentle, okay?”
I can tell the family is confused. We didn’t tell them about the little souvenir we brought home from The Bahamas.
Ronan nods her head as Y/N puts her in her lap. She gives me the okay to open the box, and I carefully take the lid off and move it over so Ronan can look in. She lets out a gasp and makes the ‘O’ shape with her mouth as she stares at Y/N with her brown eyes.
“What is that?” I ask, and Ronan leans over again to look. “Is that a kitten?”
“Kitty,” Ronan says, pointing at it, “Momma.”
Y/N laughs, “I see! Isn’t he cute?”
Ronan reaches in with absolutely no hesitation and pets the kitten. When he licks her fingers, she giggles loudly, causing all the other kids to come over and see what’s going on. For the kitten being so tiny, he sure loves all the attention and isn’t at all scared, which will be great because Ronan is like a tornado. We’ll teach her to be gentle with him though.
“This is our new kitten,” Y/N says, and Ronan looks up at her, “What should we name him?”
Ronan just shrugs.
“We’ll give it some time,” I say, and Y/N laughs.
“Oh, stop it!” Tess smiles as she leans down to look at the kitten, “When did you guys get him?”
I look at Y/N before looking at Tess, “While we were in The Bahamas. There were cats everywhere and he was outside our cottage one night. We took him inside and I found where he lived. They said we could keep him.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Y/N puts her hand up and laughs, “No, I kept hearing something around like…two in the morning and I was freaked out thinking it was a serial killer. I finally woke John up and he went outside and found him!”
Tess smiles, “He’s so cute.”
Y/N grins, “I keep calling him Baby Cat but John doesn’t like it.”
“Ronan needs to name him,” I say as Ronan looks at me, “What’s his name?”
Ronan looks at him like she’s really thinking it through, then she shrugs again.
I laugh, “We’ll figure out eventually.”
Anything is better than Baby Cat. Okay, I’ll admit, Baby Cat is kind of growing on me, but I won’t dare tell Y/N.
“Toes,” Ronan says, and everyone looks at her, “Toes!”
We all look confused for a moment before Y/N and I lock eyes, immediately figuring it out when she says it again.
“Toast!” Y/N and I both say in unison.
“Is his name Toast?” I ask, and Ronan smiles as she nods proudly. “Toast.”
Ronan continues talking to the kitten, calling him Toast over and over, and I smile when Y/N looks at me. We both start to laugh since of course our daughter would name her kitten Toast. We have a fish named Dada and now a cat named Toast. I can’t wait to see what else she names our future pets.
The rest of the day went really well. You cried like a baby when Ronan blew out her candles, then you cried again when she tried to feed John a piece of cake, but that time it was from the laughter. She opened her presents and instantly wanted to play with them and share them with the other kids at the party, but of course she was quick to run back to you and John to show you all her special things she got.
As the party started to die down, so did Ronan. She was trying her best to stay awake, but she eventually fell asleep on the couch tucked into John’s arms while you all sat around and talked. The kitten was tucked in there too until you moved him into the guest bedroom for now.
“I admire her strength,” your mom says when you look at her, “She was holding on for dear life, just fighting to keep those eyelids open.”
You laugh as you look at Ronan in John’s arms, who is also asleep. You smile to yourself as you look at those two just sleeping away. John is still holding Ronan but he has his head propped up by his right hand. It’s going to slip soon and he’ll jolt himself awake.
There isn’t anything to clean up since your family and friends were kind enough to help clean up and take home leftover food and cake. You’ve been up since five this morning, so you’re ready to lay down in bed.
You rest your head against your mom’s shoulder and close your eyes, “Sorry for being so shitty when I was a teenager.”
“What?” she laughs, and you look at her.
“When I was a teenager, I was really shitty to you.” you say, shrugging your shoulder, “So, I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
Your mom sits up and furrows her brow, completely bewildered as to why you’re bringing this up. She looks past you at Ronan and nods slowly before looking back at you.
“It was tough, but I didn’t take it personal.” she says, and you nod as you tear up, “All that we went through then was so worth it. The relationship that we have now? It was worth all the screaming, eye rolling, and door slamming.”
You laugh, “I slammed my door once.”
“Damn right it was once. I shut that down right away.” she says as you laugh, then she reaches for your hand, “I was a young girl once too. I knew exactly how it felt to be fifteen once. Admittedly, I should have checked in with you and it’s something that bothered me for a very long time as you grew up, so I apologize for that and I hope you can forgive me for that. I’m so lucky to have such a kind and beautiful daughter who I can call my friend.”
You look down as you cry, then you nod, “Yeah.”
“I know you won’t make my mistake, and I know you’ll always be there for Ronan.”
“You were a single mom, you had a job that was so demanding, you had just adopted another kid.” you say, and she nods, “You had a lot on your plate and I knew that. I always knew. I never thought you didn’t love me or something. I knew you did--I know you do. I’m glad to say you’re my mom. You’re an incredible mom. All my friends wished that you’d adopt them too because everyone loved you, me included! I want to be just like you when I grow up.”
She laughs, “I’m flattered, but you’re quite amazing yourself, sweetheart.”
You start to laugh as you look over at Ronan, then you look back at your mom, “I don’t want her to grow up. She’s my baby.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” she says, holding your gaze, then she reaches for your hand, “But look at you, all grown up and with your own daughter now. But no matter what, one thing will never ever change: you will always be my baby.”
Which is exactly what John said about Ronan earlier.
Nodding your head, you look at her as you both tear up, then you lean over to hug her. She holds tight to you and rubs your back, then she kisses your cheek before getting up from the couch. You look over at John as he opens his eyes and stretches out, and you give him a knowing smile because he definitely wasn’t asleep the whole time--come on, no one has that perfect of timing. Not even John Wick.
“Heading out?” John asks, and your mom nods. “I’ll walk you out to your car.”
“Oh, no need.” she smiles, touching his arm when he stands up. “You two go snuggle that little girl.”
You laugh, “It’s only 6 PM. I’m half tempted to wake her up, so she’s not up at 4 in the morning looking to play with her new toys while John and I are still passed out from running on 4 hours of sleep.”
John hugs your mom and looks out the window to wave at Dan, who is talking with Jimmy in the driveway. John looks at you and bounces Ronan a little, and you turn to your mom and hug her, holding on tight.
“I love you and I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become.” she whispers softly, “One day you’ll be hugging Ronan--”
“Nope!” you laugh as you let go of her, “I don’t want to think about her being an adult. Nope, nope, nope.”
John laughs when your mom playfully widens her eyes and grimaces. She leans down to give Ronan a kiss, then she grabs her bag and waves before walking to the door. You turn to John and exhale sharply, looking down at Ronan in his arms.
“I am…so exhausted.”
“I just had a nice nap,” John says, and you cock up your brow. “Okay, so I wasn’t sleeping when you two started talking but I didn’t want to be rude and I also didn’t want to ruin the moment, which was very sweet.”
You walk over to him and pucker your lips for a kiss, “Can we just hang out the rest of the night?”
“Absolutely,” he nods, then he shifts Ronan a little, “But I have to put her down.”
“I think that she should sleep with us tonight,” you say as you move her brown hair out of her face, “I just want to fall asleep with my two favorite people.”
John nods his head in agreement, “I think that sounds like a fantastic plan.”
Since you’ll probably come back downstairs to get something to eat later, you only turn off a few lights. You let Bleu out to use the bathroom and give him some food as well, then you head up to your room. John carefully changes Ronan into some pajamas and out of her fluffy pink dress that is slightly covered in dirt and cake, then he lays her in the center of the bed where she immediately snuggles down.
You change into something more comfortable, then you sit on the bed and look at John as he just stands there a little awkwardly. You furrow your brow and watch as he walks over to the closet, then he digs through it and pulls out a box.
“So, uh…”
“Jonathan!” you quietly scold him, “We already did anniversary gifts.”
He shakes his head, “This isn’t an anniversary gift. It’s something I’ve been working on for a while now, well, for about a year.”
You start to get up but he shakes his head and sits down next to you on the bed. He hands over the box and gestures for you to open it, and you nudge his arm before playfully rolling your eyes. You take the top off the box and reach into the tissue paper, and your fingers wrap around what feels like a book.
Pulling your hand out of the box, you look down at the book and immediately smile, “Our Baby’s First Year.”
John scoots closer and wraps his arm around your waist, “Open it.”
Flipping the book open, you feel tears burning your eyes when you see the very first picture ever taken of Ronan. Her wrinkly little hands and soft skin, just a few moments old. You turn the page and see a photo of Ronan's first smile, captured at just two months old. It's hard to believe how small she was back then, but you can still remember the moment vividly.
As you continue flipping through the pages, you see all of Ronan's milestones--her first steps, her first words, and even her first Christmas. Each moment is captured beautifully. You turn the page again and let out a laugh when you see it’s filled with twelve selfies of John and Ronan--one for every month.  
“Shut up,” you laugh, pointing to the one of her at eight months old where she’s smiling at John, “Look at how much she loves you.”
“Look at how much she loves you.” he says, flipping the page.
You immediately slap your hand over your mouth when you see the pages covered in images of you and Ronan that John has taken every single month, pictures that you didn’t even know he had taken.
“I snuck pictures all the time, I still do,” he says softly, “I had to have Tess help me because I kept getting a notification about my phone storage. She told me that I had too many pictures saved. I couldn’t tell you because…”
You nod when he gestures to the book, “John, remember what I said earlier about wiping off my makeup?”
He laughs, “Yeah. Definitely not even in the top ten sweetest things I’ve done. I didn’t do it to be sweet. I just wanted to help you feel better.”
“It was definitely sweet, but this…” you look down at the book and flip through the pages, “This is beyond sweet. I don’t…I don’t even have words. Thank you so much.”
John presses a kiss to your temple, “You’re very welcome.”
This book is a testament to all of the joy that Ronan has brought into your lives, and you know that it will be treasured for years to come. You’re already planning on putting it on the coffee table and making every single person look at it when they come over, not only because your baby is gorgeous and the most precious thing on the planet, but John took a lot of time to put it together.
Closing the book gently, you place it on the nightstand and lean into John's embrace. All the anxiety you had been feeling earlier about Ronan growing up has passed. It’s been a quick year but a great one. She’s happy and healthy, as are you and John. What more could you ask for?
Well, you know one thing.
You lean back and look at John, a smile growing on your face, “Want a piece of cake?”
“Why did I think you were going to ask if I wanted to have another baby?”
You scoff as you get up from the bed, “Patience, Mr. Wick.”
John smiles when you look back at him, “Okay, okay. You did say that we would start trying when Ronan would start potty training though.”
Turning back around, you lean against the door frame and hold his gaze, both of you smiling like absolute idiots. You smile at him as he turns to face you more, and you cross your arms and laugh a little.
“Well,” you shrug as you glance over at Ronan, then you look back at him, “I guess we only have to wait six more months then.”
Pure joy rips through John as he gets up and rushes over to you, lifting you up as you both laugh. You look over his shoulder and see Ronan still completely zonked out on the bed, and you close your eyes and hold tight to John as he carries you down the kitchen for a much deserved slice of cake.
taglist: @lilithlinen @ladyren33 @multifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @scream-queen-25 @beingnerdyissupercool @sakurachan-9
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 8 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This chapter is kind of more Eddie based than Steddie but both are still present and cute with Aurora and Dylan. I know in past chapters Eddie has always been very good with Dylan and kind of comes off more as like the fun dad so I wanted to write a chapter that explores more of the protective side of him when it comes to the reader's son. He's shown it of course with the reader and Aurora when he found out she was pregnant so :)
Warnings: This is more of an angsty chapter with fluff and some smut. There is mediation again between the reader and Charlie with lawyers and he degrades her (calls her a slut/whore). He does something extremely stupid when it comes to Dylan (Hopper has to get involved) so her son calls Eddie to help him. Eddie alludes to certain details when it comes to life before Wayne.
Word Count: 3261
“Are you kidding me?! She’s fucking two men, changed her name like that makes her fantasy scenario real, and she got pregnant! I haven’t even gotten remarried and yet she’s the better influence on my son?!”
“I think it’s convenient that you left out how you were fucking other women WHILE we were married.”
You and Charlie glare at each other across the mediation table. You really did have every intention of giving visitation back to your ex but right now he wasn’t make a great case for himself. You weren’t going to allow Dylan to be alone with him if he was going to continue to act like this and, honestly, your son still hadn’t expressed any interest to visit with his dad. 
“Last time I spent time with my son was almost a year ago. I think it’s been more than enough time to revisit visitation!”
Glancing at your lawyer you allowed her to speak for you. “We absolutely can but that’s not what this is. I mean you’re claiming that her environment is unfit but all you want is visitation?”
“My son needs a good influence in his life.”
“Yeah and he has three in the house.”
He starts to speak but his lawyer shooshes him. “Lidia, we can talk about visitation at least and go from there.”
“We can talk about it but the fact of the matter is, Dylan doesn’t seem to want to go over and Y/N doesn’t feel comfortable with him being alone in his care. Apparently, we tried that 10 months ago and it didn’t work out so well.”
“Just because I found out she was a whore and having my son call other men ‘daddy’.”
“Ok, we’re done here. If that’s how he wants to be then we’ll see you in court.”
“He said what?!”
“Eddie, calm down.”
“Baby, DON’T…don’t tell me to calm down.”, he sighed as he leaned back in his chair. “He has no right to talk to you that way.”
“There’s nothing I can do.”, you shrug. Steve’s eyes shift between you both as he bounces Aurora in his arms. “I mean everyone else is calling me that.”
“That doesn’t make it ok and thankfully no one has had the balls to say it around us including your ex because they know we’ll beat the shit out of them.”
“Oh really, freak?” You playfully wink as he makes a face at you. 
Dylan slides into the kitchen and climbs on to a chair at the table as he places his homework in front of you. “Mom, I need help.”
“Good thing you came to me because I don’t think these two can handle eight-year-old math.”
“Did you hear that, Ro? Mommy thinks she’s so funny. Yes, she does.” The baby coos and smiles at Steve as he mocks you.
Later that night as Eddie put Dylan to bed, you and Steve sat together in your room playing with Aurora.
“Dada. Can you say Dada?”, he grins up at her as she leans back against his knees. Steve cranes his neck to try and look at you as you lay on your back beside him. “What was Dylan’s first word?”
“Mama.”, you smile as you reach out to pinch her cheeks. “Mama? Do you think we should give you both your own name?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean Neil Patrick Harris’s kids call their dads ‘Dad and Papa’. Should we do something like that?”
“I think it would be more confusing for her. I mean Dylan says ‘Dad’ to us both. It’s already going to be interesting enough explaining why he calls us ‘Eddie and Steve’.”
“Yeah…THAT will be the interesting part.”, you giggle. “I told him I changed my name and he said that was cool.”
“Good. I’m glad he likes that. Yeah? You like that to, honey?” His grin grows with Aurora’s. “Mommy’s last name is the same as yours.”
“What did mommy do now?” Eddie sighs as he jumps into bed beside Steve, leaning in to give the baby sloppy kisses on her cheek as she laughs and reaches for him. He places her on his stomach, laying her back against his knees. 
“Dylan also mentioned something to me but you can’t tell him I told you. I think he should talk to you himself but I think you guys should be prepared.” You sit up and cross your legs as you face them. “He said…he’s been wanting to call you dad full time…as in no more ‘Eddie and Steve’. He’s just nervous because of everything with Charlie and he knows it will make his dad angry.”
“What did you say to that?”
“I told him it was his choice. If he feels comfortable then he should be able to.” Your eyes flick between them. “What are we thinking?”
“Can I ask you something?” Eddie continues when you nod. “If he wanted to call Vivian ‘mom’, would you be ok with it?”
“I…would be ok with it in the sense of…that’s how he feels and what he wants. It would still hurt a bit that he would be saying it to the woman Charlie hurt me with me but…” Steve reached out to run his thumb along your face. “I told Dylan whenever he was ready, he should talk with you both so you can tell him how you feel.”
“Hawkins Auto Repair. This is Eddie.”
“Dylan? What’s going on, kid?” The metalhead glances at the caller id, noticing it’s not the elementary schools or your cell phone number. “Are you ok?”
“My dad picked me up from school. I told him I needed to call mom to let her know but he said I shouldn’t. Eddie, I want to go home.”
Eddie’s cell phone starting buzzing in his pocket, realizing he had a few missed calls from you and Steve. 
“Ok, kid. Sit tight. I’m on my way.”
Eddie’s van skidded down the street just as he pulled up to Charlie’s house. 
He quickly got out, banging on the front door until it swung open and to his surprise Vivian was standing on the other side.
“I told him this was a bad idea.”
“Where’s Dylan?”
She points towards the back of the house but as the metalhead walks down the hallway, Charlie exits a room, meeting him halfway. 
“You’re not taking my son. He’s safer with me than with you freaks.”
“Said the man who just basically kidnapped him. How fucking stupid are you? Do you really think Y/N’s going to ever let you see him now?”
“I don’t care what that slut thinks or does—”
Eddie stepped forward till he was right in Charlie’s face. Both men were about the same height but Eddie’s fury made him seem so much taller.
“Watch your fucking mouth. The only reason I haven’t hit you yet is because Dylan is around somewhere and is scared enough but if you insult his mother one more fucking time…I swear to God, Charlie.”
“My son isn’t scared.”
“Oh yeah? Then why did he call me begging for me to come pick him up?”
Dylan’s head poked out of a room with his backpack on his shoulders. 
“Dil, keep playing your video games and I’ll be right there…”
Both men watched as your son carefully slid around Charlie’s angry, intimidating frame into Eddie’s arms who immediately picked him up and held him protectively.
“Dad, I want to go home.”
Your ex exhaled, closing his eyes as he realized his son wasn’t referring to him but the man holding him. Eddie took the opportunity, turning around and heading out the front door with his son in his embrace.
You were pacing in the living room as Steve spoke with Chief Hopper in the kitchen. As soon as the front door swung open, Dylan ran through searching for you. 
He tackled your body and you picked him up into your arms, not caring that he was much heavier and harder to lift now that he was older. 
“Are you ok?! Where were you?! What happened?!”
“Charlie picked him from school and took him back to his house.” 
Both you and Steve looked at Eddie, your eyes filled with more fury than they had ever seen. “I’m gonna fucking kill him.” As you started to head for the door, the chief cut you off and pulled you back into the kitchen.
“Ah, no. No killing. At least hatch your plan when a police officer isn’t here. What…what do you want to do now, Y/N? Do you want us to go get him and bring him in?”
You glanced at Dylan who was still hugging your waist as you ran your fingers through his hair. You looked over at Eddie, who’s arms were folded as his concerned eyes kept scanning over your son. 
“We never had a mom who cared about us the way you do with your son…”
“Yeah…let’s, um, let’s do that.”
“Hey, princess.” Eddie slid down next to you on the steps leading into the backyard, lighting a cigarette before offering you one that you gladly accept. “What’s running through your mind, baby?”
“Was he scared? When you picked Dylan up, did he seem terrified?”
“I wouldn’t say scared. Confused. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t call you and tell you where he was.”
“I’m glad he was able to reach you…”
Eddie blows a cloud of smoke from his lips as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. “Hey. He’s ok. He’s a smart kid and knew exactly what to do. You did the right thing to by telling Hop to arrest him. This wasn’t ok, sweetheart. He needs to understand that he can’t do things like this.”
“I didn’t want this for my son. I… I don’t want him to go through what you went through.”
Eddie took the cigarette out of your hand, squishing it with his in the ashtray, and promptly tugged you into his chest as he held you to him. 
“Y/N, he won’t. He has so many people that love him and are there for him including the man that was there for me. He’s going to be alright, baby.” You pulled back and gently kissed his lips. “I think it’s worth noting… Vivian is on his side to. She’s the one who let me in and said she tried to talk Charlie into bringing Dylan back to you.”
You nod as you wipe your eyes and head back into the house. Steve was on the floor scrolling through his phone as Dylan laid next to Aurora as she played. As you sat next to him, Steve flashed you his phone showing you text messages from Hopper. He had arrested Charlie, processed him, and whenever you, Eddie, and Dylan were ready to come down and fill out some forms. 
You leaned against the man’s shoulder as he kissed your forehead. 
“Eddie? Steve?”, Dylan called their names without looking in their direction as he reached out to tickle his sister who cooed. 
“Sup, little man.”
“Can I call you dad now like Ro will? All the time?” He was still looking away from them, almost as if he was afraid of their answer.
“Of course, kid.”, Eddie smiled.
“Of course. As long as you’re comfortable.”, Steve follows.
“Cool… and you’ll call me your son?”
“We already do.”
His little face finally looked up to meet the three of yours, grinning. As he began to stand to head upstairs, Steve reached for his shirt and pulled him back to give him a hug. Dylan let him go to hug Eddie before giving you a kiss on the cheek and running up the stairs. 
You had so much trouble sleeping that night, thinking about the day’s events and everything that happened. You thought about little Eddie seeing his dad arrested and behind bars, picturing him feeling so confused and alone. You imagined that’s why he knew what to do and kicked into protective dad mode to get his son back where he knew he was safe. 
Then, you couldn’t help but think about Charlie. When you met him, you knew he had problems with his stepdad. He always told you he would never do anything to hurt Dylan or make him feel like he was unloved. Retracing the memories of your marriage, you wondered how he got from there to here. He probably felt like this was the best option to getting his son back after feeling like he was slowly slipping away. Charlie was desperate. What he went through didn’t excuse the behavior but you couldn’t help but sympathize with him. 
Your hand reached out caress Eddie’s cheek when you saw him sigh in his sleep. Scooting closer to him, you pressed your forehead to his as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His palm slid down your lower back, pulling your hips to his as you wrapped your leg around his waist. 
You marveled at the impulse; the fact that for him that was an automatic reaction as he still slept soundly. 
“Eddie?” You gently pecked at his lips as you whispered his name. “Eddie.” 
He softly exhaled before slowly reciprocating your kisses. “Hm… what’s going on, babe?”, he grumbled in a sleepy tone. 
“Nothing. I just…can you make love to me?” 
Without hesitation, Eddie rolled you on to your back, kissing your cheek and neck, down your body until his head disappeared under the covers. On the other side of you, you felt a warm chest press against your side as Steve’s hand grazed your stomach. His eyes were still closed as his breath warmed your ear. 
“Do you just need Eddie, honey?”
You moaned when you felt the metalhead’s tongue play with your clit. “Please…I always need you both. Fuck.”
One of your hands reached down to rub the bulge in Steve’s boxers as your other pressed Eddie closer to you. Steve’s own palm ran over your smooth skin and along your breasts as he delicately kissed your neck. 
Eddie always had a way of knowing what you needed when it came his lips between your legs. His mouth and tongue devoured you in all the right ways until you felt your legs shake and you came, him licking you clean before tenderly kissing your thighs.
After gradually climbing back up your body, you opened your legs and wrapped them around his waist as he guided himself into your entrance. You both moaned as his head fell into the nook of your neck, thrusting his hips at a steady pace as your fingers tangled in his hair. 
“Thank you, Eddie. Mmm—not just for today but—mmm—for everything. I love you both so much.”
The metalhead’s movements stopped as he lifted his head to look down at your face, his eyes much more coherent. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“No, not nothing.”
Your eyes turn towards Steve who also seems more awake as he waits for your answer. 
“You don’t talk about your life in detail before Wayne. I understand that and you know I would never push you.” Your palm reaches up to caress his cheek. “I just…after today and everything you did for him…I keep picturing little Eddie being alone and scared…”
Eddie gently smiles as he begins thrusting into you again, leaning down to kiss your lips. “Sweetheart, little Edward Munson went through some shit. That’s why you four —mmm—are safe with me. I get it and like—mmm—Steve said Aurora and Dylan are going to have a better life.”
You whimper as he pumps into you faster, hitting those spots that make your toes curl. “I love you, baby. Cum for me, princess.”
As his forehead falls on yours, you pant soft moans against his lips as you cum, your pussy clinging to him as he follows after, spilling his seed inside you. 
While Eddie places tiny pecks down your neck, you glance at Steve as he curls into his frame, stroking his cock as he cums. 
“Steve…I could have—”
“No. You and Eddie needed this. I’m fine, baby, trust me.” He rises from the bed, heading for the bathroom to get a rag as Eddie pulls himself out of you and rolls to his side. 
“Unlike my dad, Y/N, I genuinely believe… Charlie wasn’t being malicious. I think he felt trapped. It’s no excuse though. For Dylan’s sake, hopefully, he’ll really shape up now.”
Steve returned quickly taking care of you before bouncing back into bed and pressing himself to your side. A breathy laugh escapes his chest as the baby monitor lights up, Aurora’s gentle cries filling the room. 
“I got her. You two try and get some more sleep. You have an interesting day ahead of you.”
Eddie sat with Dylan in Hopper’s office as they filled out their statements of the events that had unfolded. You had already completed yours since there wasn’t much to tell besides what your court order states and the panic you felt when you went to pick up your son and he wasn’t there. 
As you sat just outside waiting for them, a tiny figure took a seat beside you on the bench you were sitting at. Vivian’s sympathetic eyes met yours as she turned to give you here full attention. 
“I’m sorry for what he did. I had no idea he was even planning to do that. When he came home with Dylan, I thought…I thought you had said it was okay. But then he asked to call you and Charlie said no and…”, she exhales as she tries to form her next words. “I know… you hate me and you have every right to but I hope you know that I love your son very much. I want Charlie to be in his life but he needs to do this the right way and this”, Vivian gestures absently around the police station. “This wasn’t it.”
You nod as she speaks, absorbing her words. It comforted you to know that she cared for your son that way and should he ever go back to that house in the future she had his best interest at heart. Just like with Eddie and Steve, Dylan was safe with her. 
“I don’t hate you. Not anymore anyway.” You flash he a tiny smile. “I hate that—”
“No, no, Y/N. You don’t have to… I get it.”, she cut you off. 
“Hey, Vivi.”, Dylan grinned as he walked over to give her a hug. 
“Everything ok?”, Eddie asked.
“Yeah. We were just talking.” You smile reassuringly as you rise to your feet. 
“You made the payment, Vivian?” She nods at Hopper’s question. “Alright, let me make a quick call and they’ll bring him down here. Y/N, I’ll finish typing all this up and send it to you later to get to Lidia.”
It’s your turn to look at Vivian with sympathy as she shrugs. “My father owns that hardware store in town. He took out another mortgage so we could bail him out.”
Eddie sat beside her and without warning yanked her into his arms. Dylan watched them with wide eyes trying to understand. You on the other hand, understood exactly what was happening and the metalhead affirmed it as he pulled away.
“My mother did this dance a lot. So many times in fact that we lost our house and she lost her job. Make sure he understands, Vivian, you’re only going to do it once.” ################ @adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @luna-munson83
@notasimp4joey @manda-panda-monium @decadentwombatmiracle
@katie-tibo @marsupiooo @local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics
@lunatictardis @adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair
@actuallyspencerreid @moviefreak1205
@waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog @kik51199
@strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie @k-k0129
@micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri @sashaphantomhive
@chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes @munsonzzgf
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rom-e-o · 5 months
Bess throwing Connie a baby shower after it's announced she and Adonis are expecting Starla. Party is great: lots of great company, good food, fun games, Connie gets a BUNCH of stuff for the baby. Everyone is in good, high spirits. It isn't until the party is winding down and the 1843D girls are starting to clean up as Connie says goodbye to her guests that the question of where Bess is arises. She's been bustling around all day, making sure things run smoothly, but now people are leaving and things being picked up, and the happy hostess isn't around to instruct how to put the food away. (She's very particular about her Tupperware and such, okay? Certain containers work best for certain things and other containers are only meant for other things. THERE IS A SYSTEM AND IT WORKS.)
"Oh, I think she went to get some Tylenol. I'll go get her," Connie says. She doesn't find Bess in the bathroom, she finds her quietly crying in the dark laundry room. "Bess?"
Bess doesn't even try to hide.
"I didn't want you to see me like this. I didn't want to spoil your day. I'm so happy for you, Connie. You're going to be a wonderful mom and I can't wait to meet your baby and be an auntie. But... seeing you pregnant. Knowing Addie and Tom are trying. Gal possibly pregnant. Ethel and Hela both pregnant again. I'm so happy for all of you, I really am. ... But it's still all kind of a slap in the face to remind me that... that'll never be me. Even if Wolf and I tried, I'll never get pregnant again. I'll never have a baby to carry and hold like you will. And as genuinely glad as I am for you, it still hurts."
Hey, we don't question the Tupperware system. One, she's right, different containers do work best for different things. Two, we know a certain woman (cough, KAREN, cough) has no problem NOT returning Tupperware after her neighbors try to be nice to her.
The fact that her first words are, "I don't want you to see me like this" and "I don't want to spoil your day" are SO BESS. She didn't want to be found. Even when feeling her very valid emotions, she still doesn't want to spoil her soul sister's day.
Connie, of course, isn't mad or upset at all.
Slowly, she shuts the door to give them privacy. However, she can't just leave her. She does respect Bess' wishes and stay back for the moment, sitting against the door to make sure nobody else can waltz in.
"You could never spoil anything," she says, "This is a beautiful party, and you're so wonderful for hosting it. You've made today very, very special for me. You've made so many days very special for me."
Slowly, she inches closer, until she can scoot beside her.
The fact that Bess is seeing all these other women start the process of carrying their babies, but it's not meant to be for her...that's a lot to shoulder. Connie knows she can't take that pain, but she can hold her tight, dry her eyes, and be a bit of a shield from the rest of the outside world.
"Bess ... you never need to worry about upsetting me," she tells her, holding her close and rubbing her back. "Especially not about this."
Connie would sit there as long as needed, rubbing her back, braiding her hair, or just ... talking. Or, letting Bess talk. Whatever she needs. She just wants to be near her and provide any comfort she can while Bess feels those emotions. Emotions that Connie is perfectly understanding of Bess feeling.
There are LOTS of hugs, some shared tears of empathy, and if someone knocks on the door, Connie is quick to cover. "Sorry, I'm washing a stain! I must have gotten something on my blouse earlier - clumsy me. I'll be out soon!"
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Hello bestie, how are you doin’? I wasn’t able to be here around lately but remember the first toji request I did? I was thinking that maybe you could write for the second idea I put on the same request, the one where toji is afraid of losing his wife at childbirth as megumi’s mom did and yk just a lot of fluff and when the baby finally arrived
Bestie I am so good😭I’m on like cloud nine right now😭listen I got a different Toji request after this one lined up and AND my crush said I was pretty(unfortunately I fumbled and pretended I didn’t know what he meant…idk why I did that but what else was I gonna say???)Anywho hoping to everything he likes me back and it’s my turn to be happy😭😭Omg bestje I totally forgot to write that one, I’m so sorry, I had all kinds of stuff happening and completely forgot!!(if this ever happens to anyone just pls send it again my memory is horrible)but anywho!! Tysm for requesting pls let me know if you want to see anything else because I love requests so much!!!
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Tw- fem reader, pregnant reader, Toji fears baby and reader will end up hurt by birth, Toji overworks, Toji cries, let me know if I missed anything!!!
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Toji had become insanely protective the moment he found out you were pregnant. He wouldn’t even let you carry around Megumi, always scolding both of you which was odd because he normally never cared what you two did as long as you were somewheres near.
As your pregnancy progressed, the things Toji allowed you to do became more and more limited, until he was practically telling you to just stay home and let him do everything.
Of course you objected, you couldn’t have him overwork himself like he was destined to do because he’d taken over doing all house work, taking care of both you and Megumi in addition to his work, almost entirely avoiding caring for himself.
“Toji” you called out lightly from the bedroom, he’d spent the past half hour scrubbing at a particularly tough stain, “when’re you coming to bed…” you’re now standing at the entrance to the kitchen and he huffs.
You realize then that ever the over worker, he will not come to bed until he is forced to. So you use all your energy to lug him back into your bedroom, tucking him into the blankets securely before shuffling in beside him.
It’s the same when he tosses and turns in bed, you stay as still as possible when he’s turned to face you, his hand caresses your face softly, and subconsciously you lean into his warm touch.
“Toji” you whisper and he hums softly, “what’s wrong?” Yoh can tell and it’s then that he realizes he’s dumb to think you couldn’t tell something was off.
“I’m scared” he tells you honestly, “what if it happens to you, what if you leave Megumi the baby and me alone…” you bring your hand to his face as well it’s a silent comfort that he indulges in and no words are spoken about his fear until he’s missed the baby’s birth entirely.
When he walks into your room with Megumi in his hip you smile up dazedly, the cutest little baby girl laid against your chest, she lets out a little yawn before scrunching her little body up and both Toji and Megumi seem interested in the little girl as they stare with wide eyes though Megumi is the first to actually walk up to you peering over the rail before he softly asks you if that’s his baby sister.
That night, Toji denies it to his death bed but he shed a few tears over the fact that both you and the baby were alright, he was just so worried.
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Let me know if you guys want to see anything else because jjk as dads is so fun I love it😭😭
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pamsimmerstories · 4 months
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avery is finally starting therapy
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[lloyd]: what brings you here today?
[avery]: *snorts* where do i start?
[lloyd]: what was your motive to make an appointment with me? we can start from that
[avery]: that’s the problem, i don’t feel comfortable talking about my feelings... with anyone. i... i cried with my mom, that’s when i said that i needed help... my friend, uh, we had sex, she got pregnant... and just recently, she lost our baby
[lloyd]: your friend? and how do you feel about it? losing your baby
[avery]: i... i didn’t want the baby. i don’t know how to feel.
[lloyd]: why?
[avery]: because it was a one-time thing... and she was just a childhood friend. she wanted the baby. she was devastated. but i... i don’t know. maybe something on my throat... like something was stuck.
[lloyd]: why do you think you were feeling those things?
[avery]: i... i... ugh! this is hard... i just... i think it’s because  i was getting used to the idea of being a father. the freaking out phase was gone... maybe i was getting excited about this. and now... the baby is gone
[avery]: and i really feel bad for valentina... he’s my friend, the baby’s mom.
[lloyd]: what about you?
[avery]: about me?
[lloyd]: you’re clearly grieving the loss of your baby, but you’re worried about her. i want to know about you. why do you care only how she feels?
[avery]: because she wanted the baby
[lloyd]: but you said you were getting used to it. and you in fact used “our baby” to talk about it.
[avery]: ...
[lloyd]: when i inicially asked you about what brought you here, you told me about your mother, you cried. what happened? do you have a good relationship with her?
[avery]: we, uh... i don’t know. i love her and she said she loves me. so i guess it’s good enough?
[lloyd]: good enough?
[avery]: i... i felt like she always prefered collin, he’s my twin brother. i thought my father always pit on me and that’s why he tried to spend time with me. collin always were the easier kid than me. so it was easier for them to spend time with him, i guess
[lloyd]: and how’s your relationship with your father?
[avery]: he’s dead
[lloyd]: for how long?
[avery]: almost a year?
[lloyd]: so it’s recent...
[avery]: yeah
[lloyd]: tell me more about the reason you cried with your mother
[avery]: i had just found out about the pregnancy. but i feel like everything is happening at the same time, sometimes i feel like i’m drowning and i can’t talk to people. i think it’s a miracle that i’m talking to you right now... maybe because i see this as your job, so it’s easier?
[lloyd]: it’s okay. for some people is harder to talk about their feelings. i’m here to help you, avery. tell me more about your brother. you said you have a twin brother.
[avery]: we’re very close. not that close right now, since i moved here. we sort of got into a fight last time he was here. because of this problem that i have, that i can’t talk. he said i run from things and i think he’s right... when my father died... i ran. i could’ve got into windenburg university and i chose to be here, to run from that place... because i feel guilty for his death
[lloyd]: why did you feel guilty?
[avery]: he had a heart attack... hours before he died, he had an argument... he wanted me to go to university and i didn’t want to go.
[lloyd]: but you are now
[avery]: yes
[lloyd]: because you feel guilty
[avery]: yes
[lloyd]: how was it your fault?
[avery]: because... because i think he was angry at me. i left the room before we finished the conversation... to meet my girl... my ex-girlfriend. so while i was having fun with her, he was at home waiting for me. it’s when the heart attack happened
[lloyd]: did your father had a heart condition or not?
[avery]: he did
[lloyd]: hm
[avery]: but i feel like it was my fault
[lloyd]: well, this is something that you’ll never really know. and since he had a heart condition, maybe if you two had had a great time that day, it still could’ve happened, don’t you think? this is something that’s not under our control. you didn’t pull a trigger on him, you didn’t want your father to die. it just... happened
[avery]: i guess...
[lloyd]: when you were talking about the night your father died you said something about your ex-girlfriend, but you hesitated, because you were going to say girlfriend... what happened?
[avery]: *sigh* how much time i have?
[lloyd]: a few minutes
[avery]: ...
[lloyd]: not ready to go there?
[avery]: it’s just... a lot. but let’s just say i ran away. i broke up with her and i came here. and it’s been a year and i’m still not over her. she has someone else. so yeah, it’s hard to talk about this
[avery]: one of the reasons i, uh, cried with my mom... it was because of her. my mother thinks i shouldn’t be alone right now and that i should go back home. but freya’s there. with someone else. and it’s my damn fault.
[lloyd]: what do you feel when you think about her?
[avery]: i think i get overwhelmed with feelings. she made me feel everything. but right now, i miss her more than anything. but i’m a mess, i would just hurt her all over again. hence why i’m here.
[lloyd]: you’re here because you want her back?
[avery]: no. i lost her. she’s with someone now and she seems happy. i don’t want to ruin this. i just don’t want to feel the way i feel anymore. i feel like i should’ve never been born.
[lloyd]: is that why your mother want you back home?
[avery]: it’s possible. sometimes i just wish everything ended. i feel like i don’t deserve anything good, because all i do is ruin everything for everyone
[lloyd]: everyone? who?
[avery]: my mother had postpartum depression, so because i was a difficult baby, i just made everything harder for her... for my dad. freya... jesus! i was a jackass because i think i’ve always liked her too much, but she was always smiling to my brother, that i was just jealous, so i treated her badly, until i couldn’t hold the feeling anymore and we got together...
and my dad... we were always arguing about this... it’s just a lot
[lloyd]: avery, what i see here is that you blame yourself for things that aren’t on your control. your mother having postpartum depression wasn’t your fault. does your brother blame himself for this too? i don’t think you were only a jerk to freya, since eventually she was with you. and your father... it’s like i said before. not your fault. and arguing with people we love, it’s part of life. we will disagree with people, we’re humans and we all think differently.
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griffin-girl-r · 1 year
You always come and get me (Part 1)
Created: 13.09.2021
Finished: 18.07.2022
Edited: 22.09.2023
Age: 3
Word count: 1,526
Warnings: Child abduction, Violence, Guns
Request: No
AU: Mafia
Summary: Natasha's daughter gets kidnapped by one of her rival gangs.
Part 2
Natasha always took pride in the fact that she could keep a cool temper in an emergency thanks to her upbringing and past, otherwise, she couldn't have become the head of one the biggest mobs in the world.
Everyone knew her and everyone feared her. With time, Natasha had gained for herself the nickname of "Black Widow" because no man, no matter how strong he was, survived her in a fight.
She was cold, calculated, and fearless for the outside world. Except that there was only one weakness she had: You. Natasha's daughter who unexpectedly arrived in her life after she lost all hope of ever having a child of her own. Your birth had been a true miracle and Natasha promised to be the best mother for you. A promise she never, not once, broke and she wasn't planning on ever doing it.
For the outside world and her enemies, nothing could scare Natasha.
But when you were kidnapped by one of the rival gangs she couldn't get a word out of her mouth.
She sent Happy, her most trusted driver and good friend, to pick you up from a playdate with your cousins, Clint's kids.
Happy was driving back to your secret house, listening to your story of how much you had fun, when a car blocked his way, forcing him to stop the car in order to avoid a crash.
Armed men surrounded the car, knocked Happy unconscious, and took you.
When the badass woman who happens to be your mom heard that, her brain stopped working for a few minutes.
No one had ever seen Natasha at a loss of words until now and it shocked everyone.
Steve, her right-hand man, and very close friend, had to take the initiative and give orders to the others.
After Natasha went through every scenario in her head, she pulled herself together enough to bark some orders and ask for some favors.
She managed to get Tony Stark, another close friend and business partner to work with the police, she sent every man in the field, and she asked Fury, her mentor who had been like a father to her ever since he rescued her and saved her life years ago, to send more people undercover in the other gangs which he agreed instantly and finally, she needed some comfort and asked Pepper Potts and Maria Hill for advice, two of the few women she trusted.
You are the baby she always wanted, but thought she could never have. She thought that the ability to have children was stolen from her when she was still a child during a gang fight.
The one where she lost her parents.
But then, she somehow managed to get pregnant by a miracle with you, her baby girl, and her entire life changed for the better.
Six hours later after searching with no luck, Natasha found herself desperate and in a room with the only two women that could help her clear her mind and worries because she felt like she was about to go mad with each minute that passed and you were not with her.
"We have to find out which gang has her. Any ideas?" Maria was nervously pacing around the room
"She's okay, Nat. You'll see. We'll find her in no time." Pepper ran her hand up and down Natasha's back
"Why her?" Natasha shouted with her head in her hands, allowing herself to sound vulnerable in the company of her two female friends "She's only three years old. My little girl is still a baby. What if they did something to her? What if she's hurt?"
She was getting more and more frustrated and desperate.
Just then her phone beeped.
The redhead unlocked the screen and saw a message from an unknown number.
Inside was a video from the enemies and she didn't waste a second in playing it.
The camera was pointed to the ground when a man began to talk.
"Hello, Natalia." A deep voice laughed sarcastically "Did you miss us?"
Natasha clenched her teeth so hard that her jaw could snap any second.
"It doesn't matter." The man continued "I think we have something you want back... Take a look."
The camera shifted and focused on a little form sleeping on a metal table.
Natasha instantly recognized her child and her heart tightened in her chest.
"That's right, Natalia. We have your precious daughter in our hands. Your little angel... Isn't that what you call her?... Really looks like an angel. It would be such a shame to actually become one. Don't you think? But don't worry. We will make it quick. Even if she has to be the one that pays for your sins, she's still young. Too young to understand that her mother's mistakes are going to end her very, very short life."
A tear escaped Natasha's eyes and she quickly wiped it focusing on every detail she could see.
"Even if you don't deserve it, we will be merciful enough to send you her tiny body, so you can beat yourself even more over the fact that your actions killed your own daughter. Until next time."
The screen of the phone went black, as the video came to an end.
Natasha wanted to throw herself on the floor and cry, but she still had time to save you.
"We need to track down the address." Agent Hill took the phone from Natasha's shakey hands
"I know who has her." Natasha shot up on her feet and rushed out the door
"Who?" Maria shouted while running after her
"HYDRA." The leader coldly said
Most certain, she was right. Turns out HYDRA, one of her biggest enemies and the rival mob, took you.
This made your mom's anger take over her and she switched her temper back to the emotionless and cold leader she was known as, reminding her team why she is called the Black Widow.
One hour later, after a lot of guns, fights, punches, and torture, Natasha had already taken down everyone in the base where they held you captive. Making sure not one enemy got out of there alive.
She sent her team to search for you in the building because she was too scared of what she could come across if she searched for you herself.
She kept asking herself, what if she was late? What if they already hurt you? Or worse, killed you? She couldn't bear the thought of you, her whole life, being dead.
"Mama!" An excited high-pitched voice pulled her out of her thoughts
She looked up from the ground in disbelief, only to see you running as fast as you could to her with open arms. As fast as your little feet could carry you.
She dropped to her knees and you jumped in her arms, wrapping your tiny hands around her neck, snuggling closer to her chest.
The men that were with her had to turn away from the sight.
One, they were about to cry and two, Natasha was already crying like a baby. No one had seen the woman cry before, so no one dared to annoy her with this fact. But indeed Natasha's crying was a big shock for the others.
"Oh, my angel..." She cried, tightening the embrace
She pulled away to look you over for any injuries. Scanning your little body from your head to your toes, gently lifting your arms to check there too.
"Are you okay, love? Did they hurt you?" She looked with tear-filled eyes at you while stroking your hair and moving your head from left to right to make sure you had no wound on your face or head
"No, Mama. I'm fine." You giggled, happy to be in her arms again
"I was so scared that something bad happened to you." She pulled you in her arms again
"I wasn't scared, Mama. I was a brave girl. You know why?" You innocently questioned your mother
"Why?" She sniffed
"Because I knew you would come and get me back home. You always come and get me." You squealed with delight that you were right, making Natasha laugh wholeheartedly
"I always will, baby girl... I always will..." Your mom kissed the side of your head "Let's go home now. Shall we?"
With a happy nod from your side, you guys made your way back to your safe house.
Never once, did Natasha let you down from her arms and you ended up sleeping in her arms that night.
Natasha spent the whole night watching over you, afraid that something might happen to you if she took her eyes off of you or fell asleep.
Since then Natasha increased your security and you would only go out if she was with you. You weren't complaining and your mom rest assured because you are safe and protected with her.
She'll always protect you. She'll always come and get you. She'll always try her best to make you happy. That is a vow Natasha made to you, but most importantly to herself.
You were Mama's precious little angel after all.
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noellawrites · 2 years
His Future Wife (Part 4) - Yandere!Sonny Carisi x reader
Series Masterlist
summary: your pregnancy progresses and you eventually give birth to twin Carisi babies… alone
warnings: talk of abortion, rape mention, VERY vivid birthing description/scene
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The next day, you and Sonny stood in the bullpen as Sonny announced his new job at the DA’s office, your pregnancy and your engagement.
Fin, Amanda and Kat seemed happy for you, each of them coming up and hugging the two of you. When Kat hugged you, she leaned into your ear and whispered, “but seriously? Carisi? You could do way better,” to which you laughed. If only she knew.
Liv smiled and congratulated both of you, but you didn’t miss the quizzical expression she wore when Sonny broke the news.
“Welcome to the mom’s club! Now you’ll finally be invited to our monthly wine nights,” Amanda teased.
“I never thought you wanted to be a mother, (y/n)?” Kat asked, narrowing her eyes.
“What can I say, Mr. Family Man over here convinced me!” you said with a tight smile.
“Let’s see that ring, huh?” Fin asked, and you showed the ring to your co-workers.
“Impressive, Carisi!” Kat exclaimed, and Sonny laughed. He put a protective arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“We’ll certainly miss having you here, Carisi,” Liv said.
“Hopefully I’ll be back, I’ve asked to be SVU’s ADA as soon as they’ll let me. And I’ll disclose to my new boss, of course.”
“Which reminds me (y/l/n), I’ll see you in my office in five and I can give you the paperwork,” Liv explained, giving you a tight smile and a pat on the shoulder.
As Liv left and the rest of the squad dispersed, Sonny leaned close to your ear.
“You know you gotta lie to her, unless you want daddy pulled through the ringer,” Sonny reminded you, and you nodded.
“I know, Sonny. You don’t have to worry about it, I’m not going to risk my family’s reputation.”
“Is there something you would like to tell me?” Liv began.
“Uh, I didn’t get an abortion. And I’ve changed my mind about that apartment, I’ll be moving in with Carisi. He still lives close by, just a nicer area. He’s got an extra room for the baby,” you explained, sitting motionless in the chair across from Liv’s desk.
“Is Carisi the father?”
“Yes, he is.”
“When we talked, it really seemed like you didn’t want a baby. Did Carisi do something to change your mind?”
“We talked about it and I decided that I want to keep it,” you stated simply.
“You know, if there’s something going on, you can tell me and—“
“Olivia, I’m fine, alright? In fact, I’m doing great. I’m engaged to the love of my life and I’m going to be a mother. So just be happy for me!” you exclaimed, standing up.
You just hoped that you could repeat those words enough times that you’d believe them.
Your pregnancy had been pretty shitty so far. At your first ultrasound with Sonny, you’d found out that you were going to have twins. Needless to say, you both cried at that appointment for different reasons.
You tried to preoccupy yourself by decorating the nursery, which would be big enough until the twins got a bit older. You avoided your parents and siblings, much to their dismay. You didn’t want to have to face them, didn’t want them to know you hadn’t gotten the abortion and were pregnant with twins.
You put the abortion money in an envelope with your dad’s name on it and left it in your parents mailbox to make it look like a re-payment.
Kat was a bit confused, since the two of you had always secretly made fun of Sonny, but she was still happy for you. You made it sound like a drunken hook-up turned partners falling for each other.
You felt sick constantly, and foods you usually liked smelled and tasted sour. You just wanted to rest, but you would rather be at SVU than your newly shared apartment with Sonny. Olivia had also given you a heads up that starting on month five, you would be restricted to desk duty. She was worried, as your pregnancy was high-risk.
Sonny, however, had been an angel. Waiting on you hand and foot no matter how absurd your request was, always getting you food depending on your cravings, spoiling you and showering you with affection.
He was overbearing at times, always stopping you before doing something or eating something to check if it was “okay for the baby.” He also made you take maternity pictures, which you hated doing because you felt huge and exhausted. He constantly quoted things his sisters had said about being pregnant or having babies or being a mother. But you didn’t even want to be a mother on the first place. And here you were, with a man fifteen years your senior, getting ready to have two of his kids.
Though you still hated Sonny for what he had done, sometimes you were so touch-starved that you would let him hold you or give you a kiss. You had to admit, it felt good to have his torso wrapped around you at night. He would lay with his hands on your stomach, whispering things to you about your babies. He often fell asleep in that position and honestly, it was really cute.
You and Sonny had both decided to wait to find out the genders until the babies were born, so you had only brainstormed names. You had two picked out for each gender, and Sonny had insisted on picking Italian names.
It was so obvious how excited Sonny was to be a father compared to you. He forced you to attend Sunday dinners if you weren’t working, insisting that you were part of the family now. You met his niece Mia, who was only four years younger than you, and you immediately hit it off. She was attending Hudson, and you bonded over having attended rival schools.
His mother loved you, and told Sonny how lucky he was every chance she could. Teresa and Gina were a bit critical of you and your age, Gina even making a snide comment that you were after Sonny because of the money he’d be making at the ADA’s office. If only she knew the truth.
But Bella, she was your new best friend. The first time she met you, she brought you into a great big hug and gave you a box full of baby clothes and toys that her daughter had grown out of.
She was only ten years older than you at 35, but she constantly reassured you that you were in the right place for your age.
“Lemme tell ‘ya, I waited around for Tommy for ten years. I mean, he’s the love of my life, but it fuckin’ sucks to be pregnant when you’re older. My body didn’t bounce back like yours will,” she sighed, shaking her head.
You loved Sonny’s family, they were sweet for the most part and welcomed you into their tight-knit family like you were one of their own.
When you reached seven and a half months, the doctor ordered you to be put on bedrest. You had nothing better to do so you were able to work on some cases remotely, but for some reason, Sonny didn’t trust you to be home alone. He was too worried you’d run.
Once you officially started bedrest, Sonny began locking you in the apartment from the outside and taking your key. You could only upload case files to SVU’s drive, as Sonny had taken your phone and disabled texting and emailing features on your computer. You were pissed, but too pregnant and immobile to fight.
One day, about eight months into your pregnancy, Sonny had gone into work to deal with a stubborn witness who refused to testify for a trial that had already started. You had been working on a file for one of your old cases when suddenly, a gush of liquid burst out from your vagina.
You held your stomach in fear, protective of the babies that you hadn’t yet given birth to. You realized, this was it. You were about to give birth.
You pounded on the door for help, trying to break it down unsuccessfully. Most of your neighbors were probably at work. Great. Sonny wouldn’t be home for another few hours.
“Ahhh, ouch!” You winced, holding yourself up by the kitchen counter. You wished there was a phone or something, anything that could connect you to the outside world.
You began filling up the bathtub with water, coming to a rapid realization that you were going to have to give birth to these babies inside your apartment.
“AGHHH SHIT!” you screamed, keeling over as much as your belly allowed. You stripped down to your bare skin and climbed into the tub, breathing heavily and crying.
You pushed for an hour, maybe two, intermittently as the contractions hit. Blood and fluids leaked out occasionally as you swore hell upon Sonny’s name. First he rapes you, then he doesn’t even have to put up with you giving birth? Just the thought of it made you incredibly angry.
You screamed even louder, watching as your first baby’s head popped out. You sobbed, attempting to push harder and pull them out of you.
When the baby finally came out, you sighed in relief. You glanced down and realized she was a girl, your little Serafina. Your fiery daughter, a fighter, named after Sonny’s mother. Sonny’s mother had taken you in like her own daughter, and it just felt right.
You brought Sera up to your chest as she wiggled around, eyes closed. Her tiny hand wrapped around your finger as your tears plopped on her head gently. She was on the small side, of course as a preemie. But she looked healthy, and you had faith that she would be okay.
You felt like you were outside of your body, not giving birth to two children alone in a bathtub. You told yourself that you just had one more, one baby left to bring into this world. And then, you would be done. You would certainly never have any more kids, not ever. You’d rather chop Sonny’s dick off than let him near you again.
You resumed pushing and screaming, but was suddenly interrupted when you heard a loud knock on the door.
It wasn’t anyone from the squad, but you couldn’t open the door. You just had to keep pushing, as your second baby was fighting their way out.
A second later, you heard the door get knocked in and heavy footsteps pounded towards the bathroom door. Sera rested above your breast, squirming around as you attempted to birth your second child.
“AGHH!” you screamed, weaker than the first few times. You were losing your fight, and your bones became weak. You tried not to focus on all the blood that was in the tub.
“She’s in here!” a masculine voice yelled, and suddenly the door swung open. There stood three NYPD officers, two men and a woman, with wide eyes.
“Please there’s— I-I’m having another one,” you sobbed as another cop, a sympathetic looking woman in her fifties, knelt down next to you. Her haircut was similar to Olivia’s, which made you sad. If Olivia was here, she would help you.
You clutched Serafina closer to your chest, worried one of the cops would try to take her.
“Olivia please c-call Sonny at the DA’s office. Call SVU too, I’m NYPD,” you said to the other man.
“We need a bus!” the Olivia-looking woman yelled.
“On it’s way!” one of the men shouted back.
“I’m here, okay. Don’t worry, I’m here to help you,” she said.
You gripped the sides of the tub for dear life, screaming as you pushed out the second baby.
The woman tried to lean over and retrieve the baby, but you reached down and pulled them out on your own. Bringing the new baby to your chest, you realized it was also a girl.
“Valentina, my strong baby. Valentina Carisi,” you sobbed, holding both of your newborn daughters to your chest as you sobbed, body filled with pain.
All of a sudden, everything went black.
“A neighbor called it in, said he heard banging coming from the inside of the front door and loud screaming,” Liv explained, entering the elevator with Sonny and Kat trailing behind her.
Sonny knew how this looked. His wife, an SVU cop, trapped in their apartment and forced to give birth. He felt so much guilt that he was almost blinded by it. He couldn’t imagine you there, alone with two babies. He would’ve checked his nanny cam app, but he’d been in court the entire afternoon.
“Any idea why she didn’t call 911, Carisi?” Kat asked pointedly.
“Look, I’m sure her phone prolly died. It’s been actin’ up lately,” he sighed.
“Oh, and that would explain how she ended up locked into your apartment?”
“She gets night terrors, okay? She’ll get up and sleep walk, almost walked out onto the street once. I lock it from the inside so she can’t open it in the middle of the night. Sometimes it gets locked by accident before I leave,” Sonny explained, rolling his eyes.
He was so fucking tired of Officer Tamin, but she did bring up some points that were hard to defend. She just didn’t understand the way your relationship worked, that was all.
When he reached the hospital with Liv and Kat, Sonny took off running.
“Where is she?” He yelled at the nurses, giving them your first and last name.
“Upstairs in room 213, down the hallway to your right,” the nurse explained, but Sonny had already taken off running.
He reached the door swinging it open and pausing in the doorway. There you lay, looking pale and exhausted but healthy, with two swaddled babies in your arms.
“Sonny, meet Serafina and Valentina Carisi. Your daughters,” you said, giving him a small smile. You might’ve been pissed at him, but you couldn’t deny how adorable it was that Sonny was now crying silent tears, looking at his daughters as if he might break them.
“This one’s Serafina, she’s older by about ten minutes. She has a little freckle on her cheek, right here,” you pointed out as Sonny gently picked her up out of your arms.
“And this is Valentina, the younger one. She’s got a little birthmark on her arm,” you pointed out.
“Doll, I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am—“
“Save it, Dominick. It’s over.”
“No, I… here,” he began, pulling a chair up next to you with his free hand.
“The first time I met you, I knew you were the one. It’s cheesy, but I will never forget leaning over and catching sight of you sizin’ up me and Rollins,” he laughed, and you joined in with a weak laugh.
“I have never met anyone else like you. You’re brave, smart, kind, motivated and strong. I’m so lucky you’re my fiancée and the mother of my daughters. I love you. I’m so sorry you had to do this all on your own,” Sonny explained, sniffling a bit.
“The doctors said I lost a lot of blood. They said something was wrong with my blood pressure or something and I might not be able to have kids again,” you explained.
Sonny stared at you with a worried expression, then handed Serafina back to you. You watched as he took off his shoes and climbed into your hospital bed, nudging you over.
“You do realize they’ll probably yell at you, right?” you explained as Sonny reached for Valentina.
“They can yell at me if they wanna,” he shrugged.
“And you do realize that babies poop and vomit, right? All over that expensive three-piece suit of yours,” you laughed.
“My fiancée just gave birth to healthy, beautiful twins. I think baby shit on my suit is the last thing on my mind,” he promised, wrapping his arm around you and bringing you and Serafina closer to his chest, next to where he cradled Valentina.
“Thank you for puttin’ me on the birth certificates,” Sonny whispered.
“You are their father, nothing changes that.”
“But still, ‘ya coulda kept me off and ‘ya didn’t, so thank you.”
chapter 5 linked here
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 9 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 10 🕺🏼
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Fun fact, because I am adopted I legit thought for a bit too long that everyone was concieved via adoption. Like babies just appeared and you went to adopt them.
I remember when I finally did learn how babies were made it kinda felt unreal
For context I had met pregnant people but I just did not reflect at all how babies came to be
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Although I remember asking my guardian ”well how did my MOM get me in the first place before she gave me up?? Did she also adopt me??” and her response was ”You see, sometimes flowers appear in the wrong hands, and thus they need to give them away to someone who can take better care of them”
So I… kinda thought I appeared as a flower inside my bio mom and she gave me to my guardian as she could take care of flowers better…
This also made me fear having a baby grow like a flower inside of me at like age 5 so. Yeah.
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
I love reading random lore about your lives you never tell us anything irl
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
@supernova-number-one Found a video that describes our relationship 💜
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Ew don’t tag me in ugly animated songs stop
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Phineas and Ferb is a masterpiece, you rat
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I never watched it. I don’t watch cartoons, it rots your brain
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
I’m gonna break into your house at a random time next week and force you to watch Phineas and Ferb.
I won’t say when, I won’t say how. But beware.
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🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Should I be concerned if my daughter’s female friend climbs in from the second floor window at 1:20 AM, or should I just let it go and be supportive that she has friends?
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💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
Today’s question: If you woke up and realized you were 10 years old again, but you have all the memories and experiences from your current age, what would you do?
👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant Follow
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Yeah i’d… have an existential crisis.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
My life literally started at age 17, imagine going back to being 10. And knowing that you have to suffer through almost a decade before your life starts again.
I guess the good thing is that i’d expose my dad of his lies right off the bat and maybe make some changes there. But. I’d still be 10. I don’t wanna be 10.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Yeah like I’d get the feeling of wanting to be young again because of nostalgia and all that, but was it really that great? Sure, I’d get access to the movies and games I used to watch and play that I no longer have access to. Sure, I’d watch the kids shows again that no longer air. But besides nostalgia for media? Being 10 kinda sucked?? Is anyone in their prime time then????
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Adding to this ^ Imagine all the things that came out after you were 10. All the books, movies, shows… that you no longer have access to because they haven’t come out yet.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Anyone else getting an irrational fear of going to sleep and waking up as a 10 year old or is it just me?
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
The queer experience of meeting another person and just knowing… you’re one of us.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Now you’re not replying.
I mean I always knew but i’m still like >:o !!
We’re gonna talk about this when I come and force you to watch some P&F tonight
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
I love my posts being helped to further the plot of whatever is going on between you two
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
So I was in a singing competition once and I got in last. I’m usually very competitive, but I surprisingly didn’t care. Honestly, I was only joining because it was a competition, but I am not really interested in a singing career.
But I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I won? How would it have looked like if I had a singing career?
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
You wouldn’t like it if Bruno still was responsible. You’d be forced to "date" someone, have random made up drama…
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Oof yeah good point
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Imagine if one of the people in the competition who was not straight won, and they’d have to be forced into a straight fake dating. And they’d also perform a love song and everyone would ask who it was about and they would not be allowed to say.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Why are you vagueposting like this??
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Cause the person themselves can’t tell anything it or they would be found out by a certain someone who has not figured out their Tumblr blog and it’s just fun to keep the mystery
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🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Anonymous asked: You seem to be very interested if your daughter has a boyfriend. What would you do if your daughter has a girlfriend?
I have not considered that a thing that could happen!
Does this mean I have to keep an eye out for girls, too?!
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🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I was bored and decided to prank my stepsister. I knew she had her friend at home, so I opened the door and yelled ”stop making out”.
Now, of course, they didn’t make out at all, but they got so startled by my voice they almost hid, as if they did something.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
I thought this sounded like a fun idea and went to do the same to my cousin, who currently has her friend over.
As I opened the door and yelled ”stop making out” the two did not get startled. Rather, they just stared at me dumbfounded.
I blinked and then closed the door again. I will not let the awkwardness get to me.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Oh so THAT’S why you did that. I thought you for some reason thought me and Nina were dating (my mom thought that once so idk if that’s a rumor people for some reason have)
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📸 felicityfornow Follow
Just wanna give a shoutout to the passion fruit juice at Jam and Roller! It’s delicious!
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Ooh, we’re doing J&R recommendations? I recommend the chocolate-vanilla milkshake! It is the BEST THING I’ve tasted ever!
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Wait a minute! I finally figured you out! I did it!
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
HOW did you figure it out by this, out of all things?!
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
I was about to lie and troll you by saying that I’m not Yam, but oh well.
Matteo, it has been an honor watching you absolutely suck at figuring out who I was. I mean, there were some OBVIOUS HINTS.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I just knew I had seen you drink that milkshake quite a lot, so I went from that.
I don’t really know what had been the clear hints
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Please allow me, as someone who does not often speak to Yam irl but observes and knows everything about everyone:
Hint 1: She enjoys singing. Sure, a lot of people enjoy singing at Jam and Roller, but she is our Singer.
Hint 2: Her unhinged behavior. You’re telling me you haven’t ever just noticed her being basically like Lunita but with a more brutally honest attitude?
Hint 3: Her gayness. Now, we should never assume people’s sexualities but Yam both here and much irl has been very openly gay during the last years.
Hint 4: The way she and Jim openly talk about their relationship here. Who did you think Jim was dating??? They haven’t exactly been hiding that much irl either.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I guess I just… didn’t think much about Yam. Sorry.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
That’s ok Strawberry face, I don’t think much about you either except when I troll you on Tumblr
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Now I kinda wanna get to know you haha
Wanna go grab a drink? (If Jim sees this, I promise I won’t make moves on her)
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
I never in my life assumed you would try to make a move on someone who’s openly a lesbian but thanks I guess
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
When you say ”grab a drink” please say you meant going to a bar I’d like to see you drunk
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Well. I guess I was right. Matteo did figure it out in the most unpredictable way.
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
My childhood rival included a Phineas and Ferb reference in her latest fic I’m so proud <3
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Stop reading my fanfictions
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
You know fully well you update them only because of me 😘 Your little notes saying ”I know a certain someone who will like this chapter” is def for me
Also the fact that a character climbed through a window in one of them? Please you got that from real life experiences
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
What is happening between you two??
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Phineas and Ferb is what’s happening.
Also Vilu, please read chapter 43 of Ludmila’s 170 chapters fic, I am pretty sure she based that from you.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
It’s just two best friends who everyone is sure is in love but they haven’t realized it themselves??
I don’t get it.
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whentherewerebicycles · 9 months
2023 in review
2023 was a challenging year but it also brought a lot of joy and positive change. I spent almost 6 out of 12 months of this year pregnant which is kind of weird to think about. here are 10 things, good and bad, that happened to me in 2023:
I hit rock bottom with my horrible job and realized I had to get the fuck out. I think I was pretty depressed/not myself for most of last winter and it was almost completely because of that job (and the sense of lost identity and purpose that came with changing careers). I learned some important things about myself though! namely that I am miserable in easy meaningless jobs that ask absolutely nothing of me and that it’s not worth it to me to make a lot of $$ if my day-to-day work existence is so empty. also I just really, really love working in an university and I missed that kind of work environment (dysfunctional as it can be!) so intensely when I stepped out of it for a while.
my best friend moved to San Francisco (a very easy, very cheap flight from Seattle) and I got to see her SO much, at least once a month and sometimes twice a month. god what a source of incredible, incredible joy that was, especially during the bleak times of Bad Job Despair. AND THEN SHE MOVED HERE OVER THE SUMMER!!!!!! I know our time of living in the same place is probably limited (they are very far from family and about to have a baby) but it is so wonderful to have for now and I feel so so grateful that we will be on maternity leave and learning how to take care of newborns together. I feel like we will keep each other sane, and also I think have a lot of fun in the process.
I started cooking in earnest!!!!! at the start of 2023 I was not a confident cook at all and it took me forever to make even simple things. but this year I made 105 new recipes and became someone who genuinely enjoys cooking as a hobby. I look at recipe blogs for fun now and I get really into meal planning and I find it kinda therapeutic to spend time preparing delicious healthy meals. this is my proudest accomplishment of 2023 because I really intentionally set goals, made a plan, and spent the year successfully executing it. yay!
I went to Japan and Korea with my mom and we had SUCH a good time. it was so fun to see her with her best friend (I’ve never seen my mom with a true BFF before!!) and it was just one of those trips I think we will both remember forever. it made me want to try to travel more with her—no idea how to make that happen with a baby but I’m determined!
I got a new job :) it was truly Dream Job for the first few blissful months and it’s still really, really, really good, just about to get a little more complicated with some internal reorganizations. on the whole though it’s been SUCH a positive experience. I love my team, I really like all the people I’ve met, and I enjoy going to work every day. the one thing missing is that I really, really want to teach and haven’t yet worked out a way to do that. but I am hopeful that I can get there in the next year or two, and then it really might be Dream Job for the long haul.
I spent many months trying to get pregnant. my path was a lot shorter and a lot easier than many people I know (I got pregnant in six total IUI cycles), but lord it also wiped out my savings and then some, and I found the process itself to be joyless and emotionally pretty excruciating. I felt really bad about my body and my gender and my self! it sucked! I don’t want to go into it further just know that I kinda hated it!
I lost my first pregnancy :( I don’t have to relive it here I’ve already processed it aloud so many times but it was one of the harder experiences of my adult life, and I think was made much more difficult by the fact that my SIL was pregnant on almost the exact same timeline, so I watched her live every happy exciting milestone while I was deep in grief. I feel like I’m in an okay place about it now and I’ve done the processing I need to, but boy that was a rough summer. the good part was that I felt so, SO loved and taken care of by my friends and family throughout the entire experience. I will remember that feeling always! but I miss my little baby and I still think about him and I’m still so sad I’ll never get to meet him.
I had a great year with my dogs. I love them so much and gosh they are LOVING life in the pacific northwest—so many trails and so much more outdoor time, especially in the summer. Pip and I did an agility class and an urban parkour class this year and it is always so fun to watch him learn/problem-solve and to bond with him that way. I am hoping to try a class with ruthie this spring (although her leash reactivity is so bad indoors that it might be challenging lol). but yeah they were the lights of my life this year and a source of so much comfort and joy, as always. nothing is better than loving and being loved by little animals who live in your house 😭 I am so lucky to have them.
I started trying to make new friends! and to push myself to be better/more proactive about sustaining and investing in existing friendships! this is going to be one of my main areas of focus/growth for 2024 but I feel like I started making strides in this direction and I want to keep working at it.
I got pregnant again :) I’m 18 weeks along and so far everything is good and baby is healthy. the first trimester was rough and I did not feel like myself!! I felt like it reactivated all of the grief and fear I hadn’t fully resolved yet from the first loss, and I had a really hard time in my own brain for many, many weeks. but the further along I get the better I feel emotionally and the more I open myself up to hope. I am out of my mind excited about being a parent aaaaaaaaaa I wish time would speed up and bring him to me faster! I love him so much already and I think all the time about what he’s going to be like. I cannot wait I cannot wait I cannot wait. and I’m SO excited for my parents too, esp my mom, who is over the moon and has been so great about making me feel loved and supported in this process even as I go it solo. aaaaa I’m going to have a BABY!!!!!! a little tiny baby!!!!!!! he’s going to live in my HOUSE!!!!!!!! I’m trying to make myself enjoy the last months of only being responsible for myself but honestly I’ve had 34 years of that and I’m ready for the next adventure. yayayayayay what a joyful note to end this year on!!!
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lustnluv · 3 months
devil night - angel and john b
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tw: mention of rape
three years ago
andrew kept his eyes on the road the entire time he drove back home. he was mad because what he thought was his wasn’t acting according to plan.
i couldn’t care less. all I could think was john b’s hands on me. how his breath tickled my neck. the look he was giving me under the mask and thst it was directed towards me. how it all happened in under an hour and how alive I felt for that hour.
then andrew had to come and ruin it.
sighing i called my mom, walking around the living room of the routledge’s house. I checked in with my mom when he dropped me off and made sure she was okay. we talked and i did my homework in her bed before I found my way walking back over here.
since my dad died this is how i spent most of my childhood. going to their house for comfort and laughter and actual conversation where I didn’t have to initiate it. my mom tried her best but it wasn’t enough. she knew and that’s why she didn’t mind me going over as much as I did. didn’t even mind that I’ll spend the night even with two boys around my age in the house.
“hey honey.” she answered. her voice sounding a bit tired already. i hope she didn’t take anything.
“hey mom. I should be home after we eat dinner and we could watch the good fellas again. i know you like watching robert de niro.”
“don’t make it sound like it’s something nasty angel. he’s just an attractive older man.”
“he sounds just like dad. i see why you’re attracted to him.”
“yeah he is.” there was a pause and i know she was remembering my father. “I’ll be there in an hour okay mom? bring a plate of whatever ms bradshaw is cooking.” I said in a softer voice, hoping to pry her out her daydream.
“no go out tonight and have fun. be a teenager. im tired and won’t eat whatever you bring home. plus abby already told me that the boys are back. i’m sure that they’re gonna eat more then their fair share of food today.” she joked before a yawn escaped her.
she already took her pills. “you sure?” “yes.”
“if I get pregnant tonight it’s your fault. I hope you know.”
“i would spoil that grandchild endlessly. you know that.”
“i know. bye mommy.” “bye.”
music escaped from the other side of the house where the basketball court was. that was another reason why came here so often. why my need to come here grew despite andrew’s desperation.
the sound of the basketball bouncing down the hallways. it let me know that he was here most likely alone. i didn’t even need to see him. i just had to hear that damn basketball bouncing. it was usually the highlight of my day.
making my way into the dining room i saw that andrew was already there. napkin on his lap and wearing better clothes than a hoodie and a jeans which I was wearing. he was wearing the uniform of a perfect son. sighing I sat next to him, knowing that what was expected of me. waiting for the to come in so I could be away from him.
“hello you two.” mrs routledge greeted in her tennis skirt and polo shirt. she sat at the head of the table and like her son made sure she looked like the perfect uniform of what a wife should be.
it was exhausting being here sometimes.
i was glad for more then one reason when the music from the basketball court came off and the hallway was filled with excited chatter. at least they would provide some kind of something.
they filled the room the same time ms bradshaw brought in the food and we all started to fill our plates with food. they were all standing up though. most likely going somewhere private where they could plan their activities for tonight.
“your father had some things he needs to do in the city so it’s only us for tonight.” she explained and john b rolled his eyes before mouthing over at me. “or someone.”
it was clear that those two didn’t get along and that john b hates disloyalty and the fact that everybody knows about it but pretends not to.
but his mother is the only family member that I think he loves. he’ll never hurt her by bringing up that fact in front of her knowingly.
as soon as they went to leave mrs routledge cleared her thorat and they all turned to look at her. “it’s been awhile since we had dinner at the table together. i’ll appreciate if you boys sit down.”
a chorus of yes ma’am and chairs being pulled out soon followed and she smiled before finally eating. andrew’s knuckles turned white around his cup.
don’t know why he was so mad. it’s not like they were sitting next to me. john b sat next to him at the head of the table where his dad usually sits then jj, rafe, and pope was sitting on the opposite side of us.
“i trust that you boys are going to keep it lowkey this year. nothing too big right?” mrs routledge asked as everyone settled in and started eating.
“no choice but to. can’t have jb lose his talks on going pro because of us.” rafe explained, looking a little disappointed that he had too.
“do you miss being on the same team together? i know people on your team is good honey but it’s not the same playing together huh?”
“it’s lonely but we’re all just one call away when it gets too much.” pope admitted, grabbing more of the deviled eggs that ms bradshaw put out.
“actually i’m thinking of switching to cabeiri. they have a better sport medicine program and a better basketball team.” jj spoke up and mrs routledge nodded.
“and so you can of course continue on your bromance.” andrew grumbled.
“aww don’t feel so left out. you can come join.” pope teased and jj sat back and patted his lap. “yeah we don’t want you to be to lonely now.” they chuckled along with rafe. that just made andy grip his cup tighter.
“boys.” she said and they stopped and continued eating their food.
it was quiet until mrs routledge finished and excused herself. when we heard a door closed, andrew slammed his cup down and got up. “you better keep away from her!”
a blush ran up my body as i tugged on his arm. “can you not? please?” but he ignored me. his attention was stuck on his brother who was sitting back in his seat, chewing slowly. “who?”
the cup broke in andrew’s hand as he choked out the words. “you know who i’m talking about. leave angel alone in your games.”
he smirked sipping his water before he repeated. “who?” the boys laughed as they all got up and walked out.
i swallowed before i turned to andrew who was breathing so hard it almost sound like he was having a panic attack. “i’m not yours. i think of you just as a friend. nothing more and nothing less, okay?”
“you would fuck him if he looked at you twice like the whore you are.”
“fuck you.” glaring at him, i left the table. left to clean his mess. I hate this. one brother gave me too much attention while the other one look at me like i’m nothing to him expect when he wants to use me as a pawn in one of games.
it was exhausting.
i don’t even have the energy anymore to pretend that i care to go to a party anymore. just wanna cuddle up next to my mom and watch movies with her until she falls asleep.
I escape from the back, avoiding the four boys in the garage. i’ll see what they did tonight tomorrow when it gets posted.
walking down the road to my house, i realize how dark it is. the way home is only lit by the orange light from the lamps. the leaves on the trees is still falling slowly. the wind wasn’t as bad it should be as close to the water as we are.
the peaceful walk was ruined by red lights and the bass of the song they were playing. i walked to the edge of the road. they were most likely they were wishing to party. I didn’t want to be the reason they couldn’t go anymore.
instead of rushing by me, they slow down. the driver side opened and john b stepped out. “let’s go. you’re spending the night with us.” he demanded.
“i said let’s go angel.” when I didn’t move fast enough, he grabbed my arm and led me to the passenger behind the driver. he opened the door and instead of waiting I hopped in.
i felt eyes all on me.
okay thst was a lie. i was well aware that of the four bodies that was surrounding me. john b and jj in the front. pope next to me and the one that kept my hand on the door next to me was behind me. rafe. i could smell the cigarettes coming off of him.
we were near the edge of outer banks. it wasn’t on our side of town either. it was somewhere in the cut.
we stopped at a abandoned house and before they got out, pope handed everyone their masks. expect for me. i put up my hood and made sure that it’ll cover the majority of my hair and face.
when i was done, i got out the same time as john b did. he pulled me close and dug into my pockets. “what are you doing?”
he pulled out the box of matches I had on me. “should be asking why do you have these? planning on having some fun of your own?” he asked his head cocked to the side. I heard the smile in his voice though.
he didn’t disapprove.
“no. my dad used to buy these for me when he was alive. I like the smell of them.” like christmas. but I couldn’t tell him that part. i was trying to prove to him I wasn’t a kid. “became a habit to keep them on me I guess.” he didn’t say anything, just put them back in my pocket.
we waited for the rest to get out and we all walked in, pope carrying a bag.
it didn’t look that bad on the outside but the inside, it was horrible. the carpet and mattresses all had stains on it. most which looked like blood and pee. they were even some furniture that was broken. you couldn’t even tell what it was supposed to be anymore.
it smelt like something died in here. looking back at the blood stain on the mattress closest to me another though hit me. or someone.
why are they starting here? why bring me out of all people here?
“you know you shouldn’t be here angel.” rafe said coming from behind me.
“yeah something horrible happened here.” pope said coming from my right.
gulping, I turned so I can face the both of them. “like what?”
“beside from the obvious? a girl got raped here months ago. she couldn’t tell who assailants were because they all were black masks.” rafe continued. my eyes flicked over rafe’s mask. only thing you could make out was his blue eyes but they were so dark right now thst if you were far away they look black. blending in with the rest of his mask.
“a-assailants?” like multiple.
“there were so many and they kept coming thst she lost count on how many times she got fucked thst night.” that was jj coming from the other side of me.
“some got caught of course.” rafe shrugged.
“but there was some that wasn’t. still walking around waiting for their next victim to come to them willingly.” they all came closer as pope spoke.
“like four.” john b spoke from behind me and I turned to face him.
my chest felt tight. all I had was matches and just some converses on. that’s not much to defend myself with.
shouldn’t have gotten in that car. should’ve knew it was too fucking good to be true.
then they all started laughing and walking away from me. “joking. it’s just a drug den that got shut down and we’re making sure it’ll stay shut down. let’s light it up!” john b said as the others started splashing stuff around the first floor of the house.
they made sure every part of it was covered before entering the living room. they all struck a match and I grabbed my matches and lit one myself. the place stayed dark while I did so. they were watching me, all with their matches in hand expect pope who was recording this.
taking a look around, I thought about how many lives this place destroyed. how many people were hurt here. probably even killed here with how massive these blood stains were. maybe even kids were hurt here. it deserves to.
I threw the first one and watched it burst into four feet flames, going up a wall. they threw theirs and we watched as it got bigger.
“let’s fucking go!” pope shouted as he filled the living room get filled with flames. making sure to get every single detail.
“let’s go.” john b called and we all walked out. rafe carrying the bag pope carried in as pope continued filming.
he’s supposed to be the smart one. so why document this?
“make the call.” john b said to jj who took out what looked like a burner phone and walked away, dialing whoever.
looking around, nobody was outside but us. this neighborhood was completely abandoned or just didn’t have a lot of people here.
a strong hand pulled me to the car and held me against. I could smell the cigarettes on him. fucking rafe.
“why did he bring you along tonight? what did you guys do down there?” he questioned standing to his full height. “nothing happened. why don’t you ask him?”
“tell me the truth. you won’t like when I find out you lie to me.” he grumbled, coming closer to me and I push him back. “do you question all the people that he hangs out with?”
“only ones that’s not worth the trouble.”
“rafe leave her alone.” john b said and rafe backed off going to the trunk to put the bag away. pope and jj was coming to the car, both of the phones they had were in their pockets.
john b was at the passenger door and his mask was off. “come here angel.” I quickly went over to him as he got in the car. “you’re sitting on my lap. we got other people to pick up.” he said as jj got in the driver’s side.
when I hesitated, he rolled his eyes. “come on. or you’re going to be left here. and cops are coming so.” he hinted and I climbed in and made myself comfortable on his lap, trying to ignore the blush on my face right now.
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dirtyvulture · 4 months
😎 I have a bunch of things to get off my chest . I am sooo pissed at work . The person who bought my work place has completely fucked us over , they are constantly cutting our days and hours on the work schedule!!!!!! I am a part time worker , typically I work ( or SUPPOSED to) a couple of days a week and four hour shifts and today I went to check on the schedule and I am scheduled one day for 3 ish hours!!!!!! I am just done , I was a loyal and hard worker ….. now I am going out and looking for a new job.
On the upside I had a really good time on Mother’s Day . I went with my parents to my grandmas and then had a second celebration with my granny and her husband ( she remarried 3 years back , I typically call him by his name but don’t want to say it here) . I spent the night and Granny and I went on a little shopping trip to get a new dress and shoes for my nephew’s baptism. The baptism is at the end of June and we have a family cookout the day before, since my new shoes are open toes…. I figured that my grandma ( granny will be out of town with her husband) , mom and I would have a girls day and do our finger and toes nails…. have lunch . Make a whole day of it . I am NOT a girly girl , I am very much a tomboy so I don’t TYPICALLY dress up or do hair and makeup ( I HATE doing nail polish and things like that) but I will do so on SPECIAL OCCASIONS . What occasion is more special than my nephew being baptized ( I am also the godmother after all 😉) .
Because Mother’s Day was this month and I hope that everyone had a good holiday/ celebration. I will now be driving into some thoughts in the : SB , DK and EV universes .
In the SB universe ( and in the same vain of Mother’s Day thoughts) . Remember when I talked about how Nat might have been injured on duty in the military leaving her with the rank she has now but unable to get pregnant and have biological children. Well I believe that she and SB do foster a couple of kids …. Young siblings in fact. A boy( he is the oldest, five ) and a girl ( two years old) named Kit and Jane. Kit doesn’t like and is very scared of men ( remember SB is AMF ) , and so is scared and very weary of SB….. Kit doesn’t like SB being around his baby sister …. He puts on a very brave face and is very protective of Jane . Jane on the other hand LOVES SB ( to her they are a big old teddy bear that gives the BEST hugs ) and both siblings loves Nat .
In the DK universe the kids of the school 1000% percent all chipped their resources into a nice celebration for all the female staff at the school ( R is the main focus, Jean , Storm and even Nat are also prominent figures for Mother’s Day as well) . I don’t know exactly what they would do but the older kids have the biggest hand in planning it ( Rouge , Peter, Kitty, etc) and it’s a very nice and touching celebration.
Lastly in the EV universe….. I don’t know about any mother or motherly figures for that R , I believe that we only really know about her dad . But what about Melina and her daughters ? Do they have a good relationship in this universe and what type of things would Nat and Yelena to celebrate their mother.
That is all for now , hope everyone is doing well and hopefully I can come here with better energy and moods ( and hopefully a new job) . Wish me luck on the hunt for this new adventure. I wish everyone luck with any adventures of their own <3 .
Sorry for my delay with answering this 😭
I am sorry to hear about your issues at work, but I am glad that you have moved on and found a new one. :)
And that sounds like a fun Mother's day! I already can't remember what I did for mine lol.
That would be so cute if the Sergeant couple adopted some kids! I think they would make great parents (after much learning).
And yes! I bet all the students at the mansion would be willing to go all out to celebrate R (and I guess the other mother figures too lol). They would probably do all the cooking and cleaning for the day, and make R come out and play sports games with them. :)
We'll see more about the families of R and Nat in the EV universe. :) I will tell you now that R's mother is no longer in the picture (she passed away years ago...which also might explain why R has...mommy issues). I still haven't decided what to do with Melina yet, though.
Thanks, 😎 anon! Good luck with your new job!
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