#fundraising marketing strategy
projectwilbur · 1 year
Benefits of integrating custom API solutions
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is essentially a software intermediary that enables two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API allows different software systems to communicate and exchange data with each other.
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transmutationisms · 1 month
fundraising on here is genuinely making me cynical in ways that feel so fucking foul, do you know how it feels to sit here trying to come up with 'strategies' to tell a new interesting story every day to get people's attention for someone surviving a literal genocide. like genuinely i do not want to believe that most people are so thoughtless and careless that they would turn away from mohammed and his family simply because one of my posts doesn't catch their attention like a youtube thumbnail but what am i supposed to think when every 18–24 hours the campaign stagnates again because i miscalibrated and people didn't see a perfectly cute kid photo or enough coloured text. idek what to say i wish that i had a million krona and i would just fund the whole thing and not ever think about how to package a story so that a genocide can generate compelling social media posts day in and day out. it's the polar fucking opposite of how i ever want to think about this atrocity it makes me feel dirty and slimy and not even dirty enough to be reliably succeeding. i just want people to fucking care enough for them to buy a packet of biscuit rations on the black market and it's like pulling fucking teeth
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jeffkomstory · 2 months
Top Startup Blogs Every New Entrepreneur Should Follow
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As a startup mentor, I’m often asked about the best blogs for new entrepreneurs. Here are my top picks:
TechCrunch: Offers in-depth coverage and analysis of the technology industry, including startup news and trends.
Startup Nation: A community resource with articles on starting a business, funding, marketing, and sales.
Forbes: Features interviews with successful entrepreneurs and articles on startup advice.
Y Combinator: Provides advice on fundraising and product development from a leading startup accelerator.
Andreessen Horowitz: A venture capital firm’s blog with insights on startup advice and the future of technology.
TypesDigital Blog: Keeps entrepreneurs informed about the latest AI and SaaS developments.
Reading these blogs has been invaluable for my entrepreneurial journey.  
Jeffkom Story: Focus on one thing and excel at it. Follow these blogs for startup stories and more insights.
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datadale · 6 months
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via launching or joining a tech startup, focused on innovative technologies or disruptive business model, via work in community organization or activism, via work in digital marketing or social media management, via providing consulting services to businesses or organizations, advising them on innovation strategies, product development or new market exploration, via work in crowdfunding or fundraising. You feel abundant when you align with social causes, focus on group dynamics and embrace innovation.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in investment management, focusing on building and managing portfolios that provide stable returns, via art colleting, dealing or curation focusing on pieces that have enduring value, via work in interior design, via work in hospitality management (in luxury hotels, resorts or event planning). You feel abundant when you embrace sustainable and ethical practices, when you practice patience and persistence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via engaging in activism, advocacy work, via work in public relations, graphic design, via creative writing, screenwriting, content creation, teaching, tutoring, joining or starting a tech company focused on innovative products or services. You feel abundant when you are focused on community, collective goals, when you stay versatile and adaptable.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in early childhood education or childcare, nursing, caregiving, mental health services, via work in family and parent education, pursuing culinary arts or catering, engaging in art and design. You feel abundant when you focus on community, social connections, embrace technology and innovation, promote security and stability and use your intuition and emotional intelligence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can find abundance by managing a charitable organisation. You can earn money via work as a creative director or manager, overseeing projects in fashion, advertising or design, via writing, blogging, content creation focused on inspirational and motivational themes, via work in charity or fundraising, work in teaching (drama, art, public speaking). You feel abundant when maintain confidence in your vision and abilities, when you embrace charisma, leadership and when you pursue a creative career.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in tech support, quality assurance, systems analysis, work in non-profit management, pursuing teaching or training roles, engage in environmental research, when you organise workshops or seminars on practical skills, health and wellness. You feel abundant when you focus on health, wellness, when you network, collaborate and when you use technology.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Virgo Sun people in your life. You can create wealth by creating and selling DIY kits or tutorials. You could also learn digital or 3D art. You could sell photos on sites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock. You earn money via event planning, specializing in weddings, social events and community events, work in legal services, such as family law, meditation or contract negotiation. You feel abundant when you embrace collaboration and partnerships, focus on aesthetics and creativity.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via holistic healing, alternative medicine, energy work, via astrology, metaphysical studies, spiritual counselling, via biotechnology, healthcare technology, environmental technology, via work in cybersecurity, data analysis or investigative journalism. You feel abundant when embrace deep, transformative work, engage in financial and strategic roles.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via career in diplomacy, teaching, lecturing, work in tourism industry, work in educational publishing, work in broadcasting or journalism, work in editing or translation. You feel abundant when you engage in social and humanitarian causes, focus on education and communication, when you embrace international cultural perspectives.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via real estate development, work in corporate training and development, taking on leadership roles in non-profit organizations that focus on social justice, community development or environmental sustainability. You feel abundant when emphasize practical, realistic approach, when you use network and social connections.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via streaming on platforms (Twitch), participating in esports or creating gaming content. You earn money via scientific research, when you create or support educational programs that focus on skills for the future (digital literacy, innovation), when you create content that explores futuristic concepts, technology trends or social change using platforms like YouTube, a blog, podcast. You feel abundant when you focus on technology and future trends and when you stay true to your unconventional nature.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via storytelling, work in holistic healing fields, massage therapy, via painting, writing, music or film, via offering spiritual or life coaching services. You feel abundant when stay true to your intuitive insights, embrace spiritual and healing practices and when you focus on humanitarian and compassionate work.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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adrealucia · 2 months
New Beginnings
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tags: post Blood Brothers ending, Sean Diaz x Reader, might contain smut in future chapters, lots of fluff, romantic fluff, overall just fucking wholesome, obviously mentions Daniel quite often, sfw in the beginning, maybe nsfw in the future idk, definitely slow burn
chapter summary: more business plans, street food, and a fiesta
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Chapter six
The next morning, you wake up with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. After getting ready and gathering your notes and plans for the garage, you drive back to the Diaz house. The sun shines brightly, a stark contrast to the stormy night from two days ago. The drive feels shorter this time, your mind buzzing with ideas.
When you arrive, Sean is already in the garage, tinkering with a car engine. He looks up and smiles as you approach. “Morning! Ready to get started?”
You return his smile, holding up your notes. “Absolutely. I’ve got some great ideas to discuss.”
Sean nods enthusiastically. “Great! Let’s set up in the kitchen. We can grab some breakfast and go over everything.”
Inside the house, the aroma of fresh coffee fills the air. Daniel is sitting at the kitchen table, munching on a bowl of cereal. He looks up with a grin. “Morning! Ready to make some magic happen?”
You laugh, sitting down across from him. “You bet. I’m excited to get started.”
Sean brings over a pot of coffee and pours you a cup. “So, what’s the plan?”
You spread out your notes, detailing your ideas for improving the garage’s business. “First, I think we should focus on marketing. We need to get the word out more, maybe with some local ads and social media. And I was thinking we could offer a discount for first-time customers to attract more people.”
Sean listens intently, nodding. “That sounds like a solid plan. We’ve mostly relied on word-of-mouth so far, but I think it’s time to step it up.”
Daniel chimes in, “And we could make some flyers and hand them out in town. I can help with that after school.”
You smile at his enthusiasm. “That’s a great idea, Daniel. And I was also thinking we could update the garage’s website, make it more user-friendly and show off some of the work we’ve done.”
Sean grins. “I like it. You’ve clearly put a lot of thought into this.”
You shrug modestly. “I just want to help you guys succeed. Plus, I love a good challenge.”
Sean’s eyes twinkle with admiration. “Well, we’re lucky to have you on board.”
You and Sean spend the morning discussing various ideas and strategies, making detailed plans for the next steps. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of teamwork and shared excitement. Daniel, having finished his breakfast, listens in, occasionally chiming in with his own ideas.
“Maybe we could also host some community events at the garage,” Daniel suggests. “Like a car wash fundraiser or something. It would get people to come by and see the place.”
Sean nods, clearly impressed. “That’s a great idea, Daniel. We could raise some money and get more people familiar with what we do here.”
You add, “We could partner with local businesses for these events too. Maybe get some sponsorships and cross-promotions going. It would help build a network.”
As the morning progresses, you delve deeper into the logistics of your plans. Sean shows you around the garage, pointing out areas that could use improvement. You take notes, brainstorming ways to optimize the space and improve workflow.
“We could create a more inviting waiting area for customers,” you suggest. “Maybe add some comfortable seating, magazines, and free Wi-Fi. Make it a place where people don’t mind waiting.”
Sean nods thoughtfully. “I’ve been meaning to do something about that. It’s a great idea.”
Daniel grins. “And we could have a little corner with snacks and drinks. Everyone loves free snacks.”
You laugh. “Absolutely. It’s all about making the customer experience as pleasant as possible.”
By lunchtime, you’ve covered a lot of ground. Sean looks at you with appreciation. “I’m really impressed with all your ideas. This is going to make a huge difference.”
You feel a warm glow at his words. “I’m glad to be able to help. I really believe in what you’re doing here.”
Sean’s gaze lingers on you for a moment, his eyes full of unspoken thoughts. “I’m starting to believe in it even more now, thanks to you.”
The shared moment is interrupted by Daniel’s stomach growling loudly. He laughs, rubbing his belly. “Okay, I think it’s officially lunchtime. How about we hit up the local street food market? We can grab some tacos there and hand out flyers while we’re at it.”
You nod, grateful for the break. “Sounds perfect. I’ve been wanting to explore more of the town.”
Sean grabs a stack of freshly printed flyers. “Alright, let’s do this.”
The three of you pile into Sean’s old truck and drive to the bustling street food market in the heart of town. The vibrant colors and tantalizing smells greet you as you step out of the truck. Stalls line the streets, offering everything from sizzling tacos to sweet churros.
Sean hands you a stack of flyers. “Here, let’s spread out and see who we can talk to. Meet back at the taco stand in half an hour?”
You nod, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. As you wander through the market, you hand out flyers and strike up conversations with locals, telling them about the garage’s services and the upcoming community events. The warm reception you receive boosts your confidence.
After half an hour, you make your way to the taco stand where Sean and Daniel are already waiting. Sean hands you a taco with a grin. “I got you the special. Trust me, it’s amazing.”
You take a bite and moan with delight. “Oh wow, this is incredible.”
Daniel laughs. “Told you, the street food here is the best.”
As you eat, the three of you chat about the people you met and the responses you got. Sean seems particularly pleased. “I think this is really going to work. People are interested and excited.”
You smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment. “I’m glad. This market is amazing, too. Thanks for bringing me here.”
Sean looks at you, his eyes warm. “Anytime. I’m really glad you’re part of this.”
Daniel nudges Sean playfully. “Yeah, we’re glad to have you around. Plus, it’s fun watching you two flirt.”
You feel your cheeks heat up, and Sean chuckles. “Oh, really? And here I thought we were being subtle.”
You laugh, enjoying the easy camaraderie. “Well, I’m glad to be here too.”
After lunch, you continue to explore the market, taking in the sights and sounds. Sean and Daniel introduce you to some of their favorite vendors, and you pick up a few treats to take home. The bustling market, with its vibrant stalls and lively atmosphere, is infectious, and you find yourself thoroughly enjoying the experience.
"Hey, there's this one store I think you'll love," Sean says, leading the way down a narrow alley. "They sell the most random and quirky stuff."
You follow Sean and Daniel to a small, cluttered shop that's packed to the brim with odd trinkets and peculiar items. The shop owner, an elderly man with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, greets you warmly.
"Welcome! Feel free to browse and have fun," he says, motioning to the chaotic array of items.
Daniel is the first to dive in, picking up a rubber chicken and squeezing it to make it squawk. "This place is amazing! Look at this stuff."
Sean chuckles, picking up a pair of oversized sunglasses and putting them on. "How do I look?"
You laugh, grabbing a feathered hat and placing it on your head. "Very stylish. I think we’ve found our new look."
The three of you spend the next hour rummaging through the store, trying on silly hats, testing out bizarre gadgets, and laughing at the strange and wonderful items you find. Sean finds an old Polaroid camera and starts taking candid pictures of you and Daniel, capturing the playful moments.
"Say cheese!" Sean calls out as he snaps a picture of you holding a giant stuffed banana.
Daniel grins, holding up a fake mustache. "This is the best day ever."
You nod, feeling a sense of camaraderie and joy. "I have to agree. This is so much fun."
Sean hands you one of the Polaroids, a picture of the three of you making funny faces. "A keepsake from our random adventure."
You take the photo, touched by the gesture. "Thanks, Sean. I’ll treasure this."
After purchasing a few of the more amusing items, including the rubber chicken for Daniel and the Polaroid camera for Sean, you leave the shop and continue to explore the market. The rest of the afternoon is filled with lighthearted moments, laughter, and a growing sense of connection between you, Sean, and Daniel.
As the sun begins to set, you head back to the Diaz house, your bags full of quirky treasures and your hearts full of happiness. The day has been perfect, but Sean has one more surprise in store.
After dropping off your bags and freshening up, Sean pulls you aside. “Hey, I was thinking... Daniel can stay home for a few hours, and there’s this little fiesta in town tonight. It’s something we do every weekend—lots of pretty lights, good music, dancing, and drinks. Would you like to go?”
Your heart skips a beat at the thought of spending more time with Sean. “That sounds amazing. I’d love to.”
Sean smiles, looking relieved and excited. He turns to Daniel. “Hey, bud, you okay staying home for a bit? We won’t be gone too long.”
Daniel nods, giving Sean a knowing look. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just don’t embarrass yourself too much, big brother.”
Sean chuckles, ruffling Daniel’s hair. “Thanks, buddy. We’ll be back before you know it.”
As you and Sean head out, the night air is cool and filled with the sounds of the town winding down for the evening. The streets are lit with twinkling lights, and there’s a buzz of excitement in the air. You feel a sense of anticipation and a bit of nervousness, but also a thrill of adventure.
The fiesta is in full swing by the time you arrive. Colorful lights are strung across the plaza, and the sound of lively music fills the air. People are dancing, laughing, and enjoying the festive atmosphere.
Sean takes your hand, leading you through the crowd. “I hope you like it. It’s one of my favorite parts of living here.”
You squeeze his hand, feeling a rush of warmth. “It’s beautiful, Sean. Thank you for bringing me.”
He leads you to a small bar where he orders drinks. “Two margaritas, please,” he says to the bartender. Turning to you, he adds with a grin, “These are the best in town. You have to try one.”
You take the drink, clinking glasses with him. “To new adventures.”
“To new adventures,” he echoes, his eyes twinkling in the festive lights.
As the evening progresses, the two of you wander around the fiesta, enjoying the music and the vibrant atmosphere. Sean seems to know everyone, stopping to chat and introduce you to his friends. You feel a sense of belonging, like you’re becoming part of this close-knit community.
After a while, the music shifts to a slower, more romantic tune. Sean turns to you, a playful glint in his eye. “Care to dance?”
You laugh, feeling a bit tipsy from the margaritas. “I’d love to.”
He takes your hand and leads you to the dance floor. As you dance, the world around you seems to fade away. It’s just you and Sean, moving in sync to the rhythm of the music. His hand on your back feels warm and steady, and you can’t help but feel a flutter of excitement.
“You’re a pretty good dancer,” you say, looking up at him.
He chuckles. “I have my moments. But you’re making me look even better.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Oh, please. You’re just saying that.”
He grins, his eyes locking with yours. “No, I mean it. You’re amazing.”
The flirty banter continues, each compliment and playful tease making your heart race a little faster. The chemistry between you is undeniable, and the festive atmosphere only heightens the connection.
As the night goes on, you and Sean enjoy more drinks, each one making you both a bit more tipsy and carefree. Sean starts showing off his dance moves, and you can’t help but laugh at his playful antics.
You remember when Daniel told you about Sean trying to impress someone with his dancing at a party some time ago. “Oh, so are that the moves Daniel told me all about?” 
Sean, slightly unsteady but grinning widely, gives you a mock offended look. “Hey, I’m just having fun. I thought you’d be impressed.”
You join in the fun, playfully adding, “Yeah, Sean, I’m definitely impressed. You’re giving me some serious moves to aspire to.”
The banter continues, and the two of you laugh and dance together, the evening growing more lively and carefree. The combination of drinks and good company makes everything feel even more enjoyable.
By the time the fiesta starts winding down, you realize that you’re quite tipsy and Sean isn’t much better off. You stumble slightly as you make your way back to the Diaz house, leaning on Sean for support.
“Wow, I didn’t realize how much I’d had,” you giggle, leaning into Sean.
He chuckles, his arm around your shoulders for support. “Yeah, I guess we went a bit overboard. But hey, it was a blast.”
When you arrive at the Diaz house, Sean looks at you with a slightly concerned expression. “I don’t think you should drive home tonight. Maybe you can crash on the couch again?”
You nod, feeling a bit wobbly but content. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
Sean helps you settle onto the couch, his touch gentle and comforting. “Let me just... find a blanket,” he says, fumbling through the closet.
You watch him with a grin. “Need any help there, or should I just use my jacket?”
Sean looks at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “I think I can manage. But thanks for the offer.”
Eventually, Sean manages to get the blankets sorted out, and you settle in. The combination of alcohol and exhaustion starts to take its toll, and soon, you’re all sprawled out on the couch, trying to get some rest. For a moment Sean just sits besides you, making sure you are comfortable and not about to throw up. 
Just as you’re starting to drift off, Daniel, who had been in his room, comes out and sees you all on the couch. “Can’t believe you two are passed out already,” he says with a grin. “Guess it was a pretty wild night.”
You chuckle, feeling a bit self-conscious. “Yeah, we may have had a bit too much fun.”
Daniel teases Sean, “Careful, Sean. If you keep this up, people might start thinking you’re a lightweight.”
Sean playfully nudges Daniel. “Oh, just wait until you’re older. Then you can join us in the ‘lightweight’ club.”
As the three of you laugh and chat quietly, the warmth of the night, the camaraderie, and the effects of the drinks make it hard to stay awake. Eventually, the conversation fades into comfortable silence, and you drift off to sleep on the couch, wrapped in the warmth of friendship and the lingering buzz of a perfect night out.
After a while, Sean and Daniel quietly rise from their spots on the couch. Sean looks down at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. “She’s out cold,” he whispers to Daniel.
Daniel, still half-asleep, nods. “Yeah, looks like it. I’ll head to bed now.”
Sean leads the way to their bedrooms, and Daniel follows. The house is quiet, the only sounds being the faint rustle of your breathing and the occasional creak of the floorboards.
As they enter Sean’s room, Daniel glances at his brother, curiosity evident in his eyes. “So, Sean...”
Sean raises an eyebrow. “What’s up, Danny?”
Daniel hesitates, then asks, “Do you think you and her might, you know, become more than friends?”
Sean chuckles softly, shaking his head. “It’s only been a few weeks. I really like her, but it’s way too soon to think about stuff like that.”
Daniel looks thoughtful. “But you do like her, right?”
“Yeah,” Sean admits, his voice warm. “I do like her. She’s great.”
Daniel ponders this for a moment, then asks, “What if she likes you back? Do you think she might want something more?”
Sean leans back against the wall, considering. “I think she enjoys spending time with me, but we’re both still figuring things out. It’s better to take things slow and see where it goes.”
Daniel nods, accepting his brother’s answer. “I guess that makes sense. You don’t want to rush into anything.”
Sean smiles at Daniel’s thoughtful expression. “Exactly. It’s important to build a solid foundation first.”
Daniel then asks, with a hint of teasing in his voice, “So, what if she’s your girlfriend and I become her little brother?”
Sean laughs, nudging Daniel playfully. “We’d all get along just fine. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Daniel grins, clearly amused. “Just wanted to know. It’s not every day I see my big brother with someone who makes him smile like that.”
Sean’s expression softens. “I know. And I’m happy she’s here. We’ll see where things go.”
With that, the two brothers bid each other goodnight. Sean heads to his room, while Daniel retreats to his own. The house settles into a quiet stillness, with only the faint hum of the air conditioning and the soft rustle of the breeze outside breaking the silence.
As Sean lies in bed, he thinks about the night’s events and your growing connection. He’s glad to have you in his life, but he knows it’s important to let things develop naturally. He drifts off to sleep, a contented smile on his face, hopeful for what the future might hold.
authors note: this has been one of my favorite chapters to write so far!!! I hope you like this as well <33
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longsightmyth · 1 month
At some point you have to look at the people being like 'real fundraisers don't 'guilt trip'' and be like. They do actually. Like that's a marketing strategy.
But also pls use your brain and go hmm why would someone living under a brutal regime currently perpetuating a genocide against them say that money and/or escape and/or money for escape when refugees are being charged money to escape was crucial to their lives. Like gee. I wonder if. Perhaps. These are simply statements of fact and not guilt trips at all.
And I reiterate: it takes five minutes tops of your life to look through the notes for vetting or the olive branch fundraiser organizer if you are actually worried about scammers and not just mad that you can't pretend nothing terrible is happening in the world.
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whatiwishfanfiction · 1 month
Reminder that Chapter 9 is up
While I like the concept of Once-ler having a mean, selfish family that shows why he turned out the way he did, I'm going to make it clear that listening to them and destroying everything was his own choice.
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It was unsettling how much having his family move in made Once-ler's life feel exactly as it had before.
Somehow they still managed to make him feel like the one imposing, despite them being in his house. It wasn't long till his closets were full of their clothes and shoes, and his ice box with things like "Brett's pickles, don't touch." "Gizette's hot sauce. No Oncies allowed" or "CHET ONLY" signs on the orange juice. Yuck. Once-ler patiently pushed the orange juice aside to fit eggs and milk for his pancake batter.
Since the time he'd seen them, Gizette had taken up soccer and now kept her equipment thrown across his lawn. It appeared she'd gotten her glasses somehow, glittery pink frames that she left laying around and never wore. Brett and Chet brought parts of motorbikes they fiddled around with, that Once-ler never saw in the long grass before they tripped him. His Ma seemed to have gotten even more knickknacks, clothes, and yarn than ever for someone who always complained about having no money.
However, he didn't know if he should complain because of how much she helped with the company. In fact, she helped a little too much, staying up all night on the phone, networking, negotiating, planning ads, and scheduling meetings for him to attend. She seemed to have become an expert manager overnight.
"Didn't you know I got a degree in business when I was in my early twenties?" she told him. "I used to help yer dad back when he was first startin' his wood cuttin’ business." Once-ler had not. She had never mentioned having any helpful skills up till this point.
Some of her ideas were better than others. Once-ler did appreciate the plans to expand the market, like with the promotions she took charge of. He liked the new top hat she picked out for him, to make him look like a proper CEO. And thanks to her fundraising efforts, the blueprints for his factory were becoming a brick and mortar reality atop the nearest hill beyond his window.
However, when it came to her suggestion about chopping down the trees to gather the leaves faster for their expanding customer base, Once-ler was annoyed.
"No. Truffula Trees take a hundred years to grow back, so that's not a good business strategy. Why don't we just use ladders?"
“Well, that’s pretty demanding of you,” said his Ma. “You make us move out here to help you, and won’t even provide the proper accommodations. Brett fell off one of those dangerous old ladders the other day, and got a big purple bruise on his nose. It’s not funny, don’t laugh. You gotta learn about bein’ a decent boss.”
Once-ler’s Ma’s opinion of a good boss seemed to be one that gave her whatever she wanted. Well, why did he have to give his family whatever they wanted all the time? His stubbornness was, indeed, the last thing still keeping him from getting out his ax and being done with it. The ladders and picker really were a pain. It would be easier to just yell “Timber!” and harvest a whole head of leaves from a fallen trunk, but he didn't want to give his family the satisfaction.
Oh, and there was his promise to the Lorax too.
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ardentpoop · 1 month
idk if I have an audience for this type of post here but if you’re reading this and you’re interested, a few tips for crafting fundraising posts with a higher likelihood of success, from someone with professional experience in digital marketing.
use a headline and make it emotional. for obvious reasons people default to “negative” emotional phrases but try leading with positive language as well as that can make the post stand out and can make less engaged people more likely to share. when you’re looking to reach the broadest audience possible I recommend being especially cautious with phrases and images that evoke guilt or alarm (all caps should be reserved for your most important lines only.)
something that is frequently discussed in marketing is the gradual “decay” of once-successful language & strategies. unfortunately the more frequently a particular phrase/format/image type is used the less effective it becomes at generating engagement over time. with this in mind it’s important to change up the formatting of these posts as much as reasonably possible. it’s one explanation for why as other people have pointed out posts that feature art or multicolored text etc have appeared to work better than others.
shorter is better. less engaged people are more likely to scroll past text-heavy posts than concise posts. if you’re tagging a bunch of blogs for reach put that under a readmore so it doesn’t overwhelm readers and distract from the call-to-action.
speaking of call-to-actions: the “CTA” is the most important piece of any post besides the headline. you’ll want to make your CTA stand out from the rest of the post as much as possible, whether that’s putting it in all caps and changing the font color, trying it at the top vs the bottom of the post, hyperlinking it, etc. I recommend looking up effective fundraising CTA phrases because there are people who get paid to analyze this constantly.
edit: of course these are suggestions rather than hard rules and are worth a try if you are boosting a fundraiser on behalf of someone else and are seeing engagement start to drop.
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mitigatedchaos · 7 months
Re: Smoke-Filled Rooms
(~1,000 words, 4 mins)
I'm not going to morally criticize @eightyonekilograms for wanting the "smoke-filled rooms" back. I suspect there are two big justifications, which must have circulated through a number of books to reach him. I'll briefly describe those likely justifications, and then provide a potential alternative.
Justifying the Smoke-Filled Room
1 - The interests of each group in the coalition are inherently somewhat in conflict. For example, one faction wants to build a school, and another faction wants to build a library, and there is only $X available to do either. The representative of each faction needs to be seen, publicly, to be fighting hard to get solely their result, and if they compromise, that may be seen as a betrayal.
1A - In the smoke-filled room, the representatives don't have to put on the tough act that they do in public, and can privately make clear what they're willing to trade in negotiations.
1B - When representatives leave the smoke-filled room, they can blame the smoke-filled room for their voters not getting what they want, when actually what the voters want might be impossible, or the voters themselves might not be powerful enough to get much. (Voters distrust this as the representative could just be lying.)
2 - Without the smoke-filled room, no one really owns the party, so no one is really responsible for it and trying to line up the party's long-term strategy is much more a matter of personal moral character - it has a higher price.
What Could Go Wrong with Transparency?
Thus, the coordination on what's good for the party has to happen in the open, indirectly, where the organizational linkages are weaker, and the incentives on each agent are less favorable. At the better end, you get Matt Yglesias appointing himself de facto in charge of the party, but at the worse end, your broader constellation of party-aligned organizations may decide to screw over the party's electability in favor of their own pet issues or personal profit.
For instance, they might uselessly antagonize huge groups of voters for no practical gain because hey, free outrage clicks to keep an organization that's running low on revenue in business this week! (Or out of emotional reasons. Or petty infighting laundered through ideology.)
Pre-Musk Twitter allowed the constellation to rapidly coordinate public messaging, but that's not the same thing as policy, and that's not the same thing as ownership. So they could coordinate very well on bad excuses, but have much more difficulty actually fixing anything.
81kg doesn't seem to think the smoke-filled rooms can come back, probably because of 1B - in order to use the smoke-filled room to discharge blame, the smoke-filled room has to take the blame, so voters think "the smoke-filled room" is the reason they can't get what they want, instead of whatever the actual reason is.
Politicians have a bit of a market-for-lemons related problem - every politician could benefit from lying at least a little bit, in order to broaden their coalition. So most politicians lie. Figuring out which politicians are lying is costly for voters, so they just assume that all politicians are lying. The public statements and unrealistic proposals then become signs of directional loyalty - who are you willing to lie on behalf of? But an honest politician is at a disadvantage.
What is the alternative? We can't just have a committee to fact check all politicians, because then political operatives will just take over the committee.
But there is a way we might be able to move in the direction of increased transparency.
Campaign Promise Bonds
The longpost TIMAC - Alternative Voting Systems proposes a system of "campaign promise bonds." This is a way to get a head start on fundraising for the next election cycle.
The candidate makes a series of explicitly-specified campaign promises which are fixed at the start of the campaign period. Each campaign promise is allocated a specific percentage of the funding pool, which communicates its priority. For example, 25% of campaign promise funds for "Build highway X, if we get a majority in congress."
Donors can put money into the campaign or directly into the campaign promise fund. The candidate can take the campaign funds and put them into the campaign promise fund, including leftover funds at the end of the campaign.
If the candidate loses the election, the donor funds in the campaign promise fund pool are refunded.
If the candidate wins the election, then at the end of their term in office, they may claim the campaign promise bonds as the starting funds for their next election campaign. Donors may contest whether the bond was completely successfully, to be resolved in court. If a bond is marked non-complete, then the donors receive a refund.
A politician can choose to violate the bond conditions at any time during their term - it just means they don't get the money afterwards, and will have to do more fundraising work.
Politicians get two rounds - an initial primary election round, and a general election round.
Obviously, there's a strong incentive to load each bond with conditionals like "assuming my party reach majority in both houses," or to pick actions like "I will put Bill X forward," where the bond doesn't require that Bill X actually passes, but of course primary voters can evaluate the offerings from competing candidates.
What's very interesting about this system is that 1) politicians of opposing parties now have something to trade with each other, and 2) what's available to trade, what they could easily compromise on or give up, is made more legible.
Areas where it's basically impossible to get anything will involve big allocations of "Not X," with relatively little qualifying fine print. Areas where it's possible to get agreement will involve smaller allocations that can be more easily given up, or bond conditions with more fine print (so that the bond isn't invalidated by a compromise).
They could even agree to mutual destruction - "I'll invalidate $X of my bonds if you're willing to invalidate $X of your bonds."
Where could this go wrong? Well, if maintaining people's rights is a minority position in general, this could reveal that by making the relative power of each group in the coalition more legible through their share of the winning candidate's promise pool.
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projectwilbur · 1 year
Valuation Negotiation Service
A valuation negotiation service will work with the business owner to determine the value of the company, and then negotiate with potential buyers or investors to get the best possible deal.
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joesalw · 10 months
i have a feeling that after the fans — Update Swift Brasil has been dealing with the whole situation way better than t4f and taylor — had to do a fundraising for Ana’s funeral, and after her parents went to Fantástico to talk about their struggle, the fans’ opinions have been changing.
non-swifties are talking about taylor’s pr strategy (https://x.com/outrarosa/status/1726607487082844221?s=46&t=jiyE4qMVNI-pjc_rgRrQ7g this thread is in portuguese, but it explains A LOT), and die hard swifties are talking about their disappointment — singing bigger than the whole sky will never be enough.
i have a feeling after the last show in são paulo, if taylor and t4f do nothing to help Ana’s family, taylor will lose a significant amount of popularity here in brazil. and i don’t think she’ll ever get it back, and we all know she depends on this parasocial relationship.
it’s really weird to see something like this, someone prioritizing their brand over the life of someone that just wanted to see them (which, ironically, goes against taylor’s brand of loving her fans more than anything, of being a nice and sweet person, a strong businesswoman). i believe it’s the first time an artist this big loses brazil so fast!
people say she won’t come back, i hope she doesn’t, but i believe — if things continues like this — brazilians won’t want her here. and there you have it, taylor’s downfall starting sooner than we thought.
It’s time all these die heart fans understand that their billionaire queen does not give a fuck about their existence at all, she only cares about her brand and her image and that's it! This parasocial relationship is just a mere marketing tactic from her team to maximize their profit, nothing else.
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fernandoaguirre01 · 2 months
Fernando Aguirre's Vision: The Legitimacy and Success of DHS Ventures & Holdings
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In the ever-evolving business landscape, distinguishing legitimate enterprises from dubious ventures is essential for investors and entrepreneurs alike. Amidst this complex terrain, the name Fernando Aguirre emerges as a beacon of entrepreneurial excellence and strategic foresight. As the dynamic leader behind DHS Ventures & Holdings, Aguirre has built a legacy of transforming companies through rapid and sustained growth. This comprehensive blog explores the legitimacy of DHS Ventures and highlights Aguirre’s remarkable expertise in fundraising.
Is DHS Ventures Legit?
DHS Ventures & Holdings has firmly established itself as a credible and reputable player in the investment arena. With a robust portfolio spanning various industries, the firm’s commitment to transparency, integrity, and innovation underscores its legitimacy. DHS Ventures is not just another investment firm; it is a visionary enterprise that leverages cutting-edge market insights to drive growth and deliver exceptional value to stakeholders
Key Indicators of Legitimacy
Track Record of Success: One of the most telling indicators of DHS Ventures' legitimacy is its impressive track record. The firm has consistently delivered substantial returns on investment, which speaks volumes about its strategic acumen and operational excellence.
Diverse Portfolio: DHS Ventures’ investment portfolio is both diverse and strategically curated. From technology and healthcare to real estate and energy, the firm’s investments are spread across high-growth sectors, mitigating risks and enhancing potential returns.
Transparency and Governance: At the heart of DHS Ventures’ operations is a commitment to transparency and robust corporate governance. The firm maintains open communication channels with investors, ensuring that they are well-informed about the performance and strategic direction of their investments.
Reputable Partnerships: DHS Ventures collaborates with reputable partners and industry leaders, further solidifying its legitimacy. These partnerships are a testament to the firm’s credibility and its ability to forge meaningful alliances in the business world.
Fernando Aguirre: A Visionary Leader
Fernando Aguirre is not just a name in the corporate world. He is a force to be reckoned with. His entrepreneurial instincts and clarity of vision have propelled multiple companies to new heights. Aguirre’s leadership style is characterised by bold decision-making, strategic foresight, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.
Aguirre’s Entrepreneurial Journey
Aguirre’s journey in the corporate world is a testament to his resilience and strategic brilliance. From his early days in the business sector, Aguirre demonstrated a knack for identifying opportunities and turning them into profitable ventures. His ability to navigate the complexities of the market and make informed decisions has been a cornerstone of his success.
Strategic Leadership
Under Aguirre’s leadership, DHS Ventures has not only survived but thrived in a competitive market. His strategic approach involves meticulous market analysis, innovative thinking, and a deep understanding of industry trends. Aguirre’s vision goes beyond short-term gains; he focuses on sustainable growth and long-term value creation.
Fernando Aguirre’s Expertise in Fundraising
One of Fernando Aguirre’s most notable strengths is his expertise in fundraising. His approach to securing investment is both strategic and innovative, ensuring that every venture under his guidance is backed by robust financial support.
Strategic Fundraising Approach
Aguirre’s fundraising strategy is grounded in a clear vision and a compelling value proposition. He understands that attracting investment requires more than just presenting a business plan; it involves instilling confidence in potential investors and demonstrating the viability of the venture.
Building Investor Confidence
Aguirre excels in building investor confidence through transparent communication and delivering on promises. His reputation for integrity and his track record of successful ventures make him a trusted figure in the investment community. Investors are drawn to Aguirre’s ventures because they know they are partnering with a leader who is committed to excellence and driven by a clear vision.
Success Stories
Under Aguirre’s leadership, DHS Ventures has successfully raised significant capital for various projects. These fundraising efforts have enabled the firm to explore new opportunities, expand its operations, and drive innovation across multiple sectors. Aguirre’s ability to secure funding has been instrumental in the firm’s growth and success.
The Future of DHS Ventures & Holdings
Looking ahead, the future of DHS Ventures & Holdings is filled with promise and potential. Under Fernando Aguirre’s visionary leadership, the firm is poised for further growth and innovation. DHS Ventures continues to explore new investment opportunities, driven by a commitment to excellence and a strategic focus on high-growth sectors.
Read More: Fernando Aguirre's Vision: The Legitimacy and Success of DHS Ventures & Holdings
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511digital · 2 months
Unlocking Sales:Creative E-Commerce offer Ideas beyond discounts
Hey there, savvy ecommerce marketers! 👋 Are you tired of relying solely on discounts to drive sales? It’s time to think outside the box and explore creative offer ideas that can skyrocket your revenue while delighting your customers. In this article, we’ll dive deep into innovative ecommerce offers that go beyond traditional discounts, helping you stand out in a crowded digital marketplace and achieve sustainable growth.
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1. Bundle Deals that Wow
One way to entice customers is by offering bundle deals that combine complementary products at a discounted price. For example, a skincare brand could bundle a moisturizer, cleanser, and serum together, offering a complete skincare routine package at a compelling price point.
2. Tiered Rewards Programs
Implement a tiered rewards program where customers earn points or perks based on their purchase history or loyalty. As customers reach higher tiers, unlock exclusive benefits such as early access to sales, VIP customer support, or members-only discounts.
3. Surprise & Delight Gifts
Add a personal touch to your customer experience by surprising shoppers with unexpected gifts or samples with their purchases. This not only creates a positive brand impression but also encourages repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals.
4. Interactive Contests and Challenges
Engage your audience through interactive contests or challenges on social media platforms. Encourage user-generated content such as creative photos or videos featuring your products, and reward participants with prizes or discounts.
5. Charitable Initiatives
Showcase your brand’s commitment to social responsibility by partnering with charitable organizations or causes. Offer to donate a percentage of sales to a worthy cause, or launch special fundraising campaigns tied to specific products.
6. Subscription Benefits
Encourage customers to subscribe to your products or services by highlighting exclusive subscription benefits such as discounted pricing, automatic deliveries, or members-only perks.
By incorporating these innovative ecommerce offer ideas into your marketing strategy, you can capture the attention of potential customers, foster loyalty among existing ones, and ultimately drive sustainable sales growth. Remember to track and analyze the performance of each offer to optimize your strategy over time. Ready to take your ecommerce game to the next level? Let’s dive into the world of creative offers and unlock new opportunities for success! Free Consultation Reach Us Today!!!
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elsa16744 · 3 months
The Role of Investment Banks in the Global Economy 
The investment banking industry improves global corporations and efficient financial systems as it helps companies secure more capital. Therefore, enterprises can plan, access, and share their assets while institutional investors benefit from fair deal negotiations. This post will describe the role of investment banks in the global economy. 
What Are the Investment Banks? 
Investment banks (IBs) function like financial intermediaries between issuers of securities and investors. Moreover, established companies approach them when planning initial public offerings (IPOs) or seeking underwriting facilities. The growing significance of investment banking services results from the need to aid companies throughout securities issuance and ensure the capital markets' performance. 
Simultaneously, high net-worth individuals (HNWIs) and public funds rely on IB professionals to handle valuation, deal negotiations, and company profiling related to privatization. However, most investment banks become market makers because they buy or sell a security at a quoted price. This approach provides liquidity for trading and mitigates IPO undersubscription risks. 
Many companies also require extensive capital support to increase research, enter new markets, and expand their capacity. Therefore, they gather funding assistance based on investment bankers’ recommendations and fundraising strategies. 
Important: An investment bank can be an independent organ of an established commercial banking brand. Doing so helps eliminate conflict of interest and maintain stakeholders’ trust. 
The Role of Investment Banks in Global Economy: Market Making and Corporate Finance 
Every IB has two divisions, namely market making and corporate finance. What is market-making in investment banking? When an investment bank acts as a facilitator between buyers as well as sellers of securities, like stocks or bonds, it is a market maker. 
This role allows investment bankers to enable smoother transactions, making them popular across business development services and strategies. On the other hand, corporate finance involves helping companies raise capital to improve their balance sheets. 
Likewise, investment banking can provide data-backed advisory assistance for businesses’ mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals through the corporate finance role. 
Revenue Sources of Investment Banks 
Investment banks’ revenue depends on charging fees for their offerings like valuation support or business information. These gains can become billable commissions, a fraction of the capital lost or acquired via a transaction. Alternatively, IB firms might earn interest payments on loans given to clients, leveraging extra capital for mergers and acquisitions or capacity expansion.  
What Do Investment Banks Offer? 
1| IBs Engage in the Buying and Selling of Securities 
Investment banks help companies issue new securities to raise funds required to realize business development objectives. Buying back their stock from investors to increase the price of their shares is feasible in investment banking support. 
Underwriting services attempt to preserve stock value by committing the capital in an investment bank to unsold stocks. Additionally, such measures help business leaders mitigate financial and competitive risks via investment banks. 
2| Investment Banks Accelerate M&A Deal Execution 
Investment banks make the global economy more competitive. They guide companies in corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Therefore, fair price determination, negotiation, and some marketing activities belong to IBs. An investment bank reveals the required capital for acquiring and enriching another business entity. 
Leaders and institutional investors trust investment banks to work on M&A deal documentation and communicate with all the relevant parties. So, there will be no resistance from shareholders who might not cooperate with your strategy at the initial stages. 
Importance of Investment Banks in Global Financial Markets 
Investment banks play a critical part in the global economy by finding ideal investors for growth-poised companies. Without IB professionals’ assistance, enterprises will encounter more challenges across business mergers, underwriting, and IPO-based fundraising. 
An IB firm can also empower governments and public institutions to strategize market entries and exits. It will conduct risk assessments, develop financial models, and find a fundraising instrument satisfying stakeholder preferences. 
Thanks to this industry, one company can acquire another business to gain competitive benefits like market share or capability enhancements. 
Investment banking professionals help companies raise capital while guiding investors in making beneficial investments. While the work can seem stressful and challenging, it is integral to keeping the global economy open, value-driven, and consistently growing. 
Business development, a non-negotiable duty of every enterprise, is only possible after securing significant capital. As a result, all IB firms facilitating large transactions have contributed to remarkable corporate activities, increasing job creation and privatization. 
Responsible IB firms increase the stock value and accelerate business deals without ignoring the risk exposure of companies and investors. Given its significance, the projection that the market size of investment banking will be 221.78 billion US dollars in 2027 is well-justified. 
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Puck: Apple’s Come-to-Jesus Moment for Movies
Zack Van Amburg and Jamie Erlicht, the stewards of Apple’s 5-year-old foray into Hollywood, were summoned to Cupertino last month for a curious sit-down. Tim Cook was there, I’m told, as was services V.P. Eddy Cue, the overseer of the content initiative and the Apple TV+ streaming platform. Budgets were on the agenda, of course, as was the breakdown in content spend between series and films. And notably, Cook and Cue are said to have asked some very tough questions about the company’s recent experiment with movie theaters. Apple, in particular, has become a savior of sorts for big-name actors and their agents’ kids’ private school fundraiser auctions. Van Amburg and Erlicht, who previously ran Sony Pictures TV, are still regularly paying their series stars $750,000 or more per episode. You don’t even want to know what Reese and Jen are making for Season 4 of The Morning Show after their recent renegotiation. Ben Stiller is said to have gone tens of millions of dollars overbudget on the still-not-dated Season 2 of Severance. And in film, they’re still champions of the massive buyout, although Apple, like the other streamers, is trying to figure out how to share that risk—and pay less upfront—in new deals. All of that persists despite the monthly evidence that barely anyone is watching Apple TV+, at least not in this country. According to Nielsen, the service still generates less than 0.5 percent of total viewership of connected TVs. That’s far below Peacock and Paramount+, long considered the also-rans of the streaming wars. For Apple, original film and TV has meant very little bang for those very big bucks. I’m pleased to report, however, that Cook and Cue didn’t pull the plug on theaters in that meeting, and Cook was clear in his continued support for Apple TV+ in general—or at least, that’s what Van Amburg and Erlicht have been telling people, both internally and externally. (An Apple rep declined to comment on their behalf.) I’m told the Apple leaders did prod Zack and Jamie to explain how the company can become smarter in its theatrical endeavors—which, at least by traditional metrics, haven’t gone great. Lessons were learned, the duo promised, data was collected, and it’s early—the two career TV guys will figure this theater thing out. The biggie, a $300 million-plus Formula One movie with Joseph Kosinski directing and Brad Pitt starring, still doesn’t have a release date or a distributor attached, even though Apple has begun reaching out to Imax about booking screens. (Sony and Warner Bros. are considered the favorites; reps for both said it wasn’t theirs but that they are still talking and interested.) That F1 package was so big, and everyone involved wanted so much money up front, that no traditional studio could touch it. And now, in an ironic twist, Apple has been calling around asking potential studio distributors when they would release the movie if they were chosen as the distributor. If. At least one declined to offer that free advice, for obvious reasons. What is the strategy? is a phrase you hear a lot when talking about Apple TV+, particularly its movie initiative. If putting films in theaters is merely to boost engagement on the service, it does seem to be working a bit. Killers of the Flower Moon and Argylle have both popped up on the ratings charts of original movies, thanks to all that marketing and press. Do viewers then stick around for other Apple TV+ movies and shows? Less clear. To that end, I’ve heard the basic barometer for success at Apple is that the box office should at least pay for the P&A cost, thus making the theatrical release a cost-neutral marketing effort for the streamer. (Full article)
I'm struggling to identify Apple's goal here. Do they want to have a successful streaming service, become a prestigious film producer or create major IP franchises? It seems like they're trying to achieve all of these things at once, and are failing on all fronts. Imagine wasting such a large amount of money due to a simple lack of focus.
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