#funniest thing the mcu's done
worstloki · 2 years
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it's right there in the script 🙌
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listen. tahiti good.
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jess-emurphy · 1 year
James Gunn acknowledging the Nebula and Mantis ship is all I wanted in life. Also the implication that he knows there's a lot of fanfiction of them means he's at least searched for it.
James Gunn you could have done the funniest thing ever before leaving the MCU but I guess you blew the chance.
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violetfaust · 1 year
Okay I know it’s only a wisp of a spumor BUT…
canon “two years of Sambucky happily married domesticity while the rest of the MCU falls to pieces” would frankly be the funniest thing Marvel has ever done.
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hithertoundreamtof23 · 2 months
Watching No Way Home with my family (it's their first time) Pt 2!
Find part 1 here.
Basically, I'm writing down the funniest things that my non-Marvel family says while I show them NWH. (They don't know the extent of my Doctor Strange/ mcu obsession)
*Doc Ock talks about how he doesn't want to be fixed*
Mom- "It's just like you not wanting to go to therapy"
(Okay, but that hit hard 😭)
*Green Goblin starts beating Peter*
Mom- He's  so violent!!
Me- *silently enjoying the whump* 
*May dies*
Mom- Peter should have listened to Strange! Me- Yup
Brother- She died because of Goblin's Skateboard! It's just like the other movies!!
Mom- *crying* why May though?
Dad- All the Spider-Men had to lose someone
Brother- Speaking of which, when do the other ones come in?
(After cheering their heads off about the other Spider-Men showing up)
Mom- "wow, Tobey got old"
Dad- "well it's been like 40 years"
(Lots of laughing and calling out references)
Brother- "Hey, where did your husband go?"
Me- (I've accepted it at this point) "he's still in the Grand Canyon"
(Andrew pops Tobey's back)
Dad- that sounded so good! I could use a back popping now
Mom- that noise was awful!
(Stephen appears again)
Brother- It's your husband!
Me- he looks so done
Dad- well yeah, he was in the Grand Canyon forever
(Cloak saves Ned, Ned calls it a cape)
Mom- I thought it was a cloak?
Me- oh, it is!
(MJ falls)
Mom- NOT THIS AGAIN!! (She just got over Gwen's death)
Dad- Oh Andrew saves her! It's a callback to his Spider-Man! Me- *proud of my parents but also crying*
Mom- *sobbing* "He's emotional because he remembers how he couldn't catch his girl" *sobs some more*
Mom- this can't get any more sad
Me- it does
Mom- how?
(Tobey gets stabbed)
Mom- HE DIES???
Me- no XD
*forgetting spell happens*
Brother- that's kind of funny
Mom- *sobbing even more* " It did get worse!! WHY DIDNT HE TELL THEM? He's so stupid. Now he's alone and he has nobody to talk to and he could have made friends but he chose not to because he's Stupid!"
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callmearcturus · 10 months
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aw yeah lets do this
S-Tier, AKA the Legitimately Good Tier:
HAWKEYE: Maybe my favorite MCU thing I have ever watched.
+ If you let Jeremy Renner actually act and give him a script, he's fucking great. + Kate Bishop is a perfect mess and I love her, I love she's young and excitable but also takes things seriously, she feels like she's a work in progress, I love her. + MAYA. Holy shit the gravity well of this character, how her presence dictates any scene she is in. Truly stellar. + This entire miniseries is like an extended apology for Hawkeye in every other appearance. "Sorry we dropped the ball with this character so consistently, we will bring the A game here." + The importance of disability. I'm among the ppl who was upset that Hawkeye's disability was dropped, so the way it is centered over and over and over in this, how its practical, how it's funny, how it's sad, how it gives us the most devastatingly emotional scene in all of the MCU yes I am talking about the phone call scene, finally. Fucking finally. + Florence fucking Pugh and her entire charm offensive. + The car chase scene.
- The first episode is unfortunately REALLY slow. - Nah that's all I got. I love this one.
+ "Asgard isn't a place, it's a people" is maybe the most poignant message any MCU film has ever managed. + Literally the funniest movie, but also basically a repair job of character building for everyone in it. + The camerawork in this one makes me so happy. + Tom Hiddleston is given so much to do and he's there with heels on, spectacular. + The giant turret/pegging visual pun, god bless. + Cate Blanchett can kill me.
- uuuuuuuuh. It's not as good as Hawkeye. Yeah.
GOTG Vol 2
+ Sorry but I am a GOTG Truther, I really do think its the one storyline in the MCU that is allowed to get away with really fucking intense character drama because it's not considered "main line." There is a reason ppl rioted when they tried to remove Gunn, and I'm with them. + The only good thing Chris Pratt has done since Parks and Rec. + The way this storyline centers on death and grief is devastating. + Rocket Racoon is the best character in the MCU and we all know it.
- I think the initial treatment of Mantis is REALLY rough even though in the end I think it works, but that's a hell of a hump to get over.
A-TIER, AKA the Great for a MCU Flick Tier:
+ My biggest problem with the MCU is the creative desert of its set and costume design, the way it feels like nothing is given time to breathe in the creative process. BP is the antithesis of that. I would watch a four hour documentary just on the visual design of this movie, from the architecture to the costumes to the make-up, everything. I don't want to hear from the director or writers, I want to hear four hours of just the craftspeople talking about their work. It's monumental. + Best Villain in the MCU, bar none. + Only MCU film to move me to actual tears in the movie theatre.
- I loved this movie! For the life of me I could not tell you the plot. I understand the plot of every Mission Impossible film but I don't know the plot of this movie. - If this movie was allowed to cut, like, 20 minutes of action and replace it with more character drama, it'd be the best MCU film.
+ The MCU Movie That Pulls Exactly Zero Punches About Being About Mental Health And PTSD Holy Shit + Rhodey and Pepper get so much to do and I like an ensemble piece so much + Shane Black is in love with RDJ and I'm so happy for him + Pepper gets to be a lil monsterfied and that's hot
- Doesn't have Sam Rockwell. - The plot is kinda fully secondary to the character work, which imo is fine, but yanno.
GOTG Vol 1
+ All the stuff I said about GOTG Vol 1
- It's not Vol 2, which benefits from having all the bedrock foundation built by this movie to spring from.
B-TIER, AKA It's Fine I Guess:
It's good! It invented the wheel! Part of it are fucking agonizingly painful to watch in 2023 but it also has more heart than 80% of the franchise so.
Okay it feels shitty of me to judge this one on its technical faults bc apparently it was shot during the pandemic and that causes a lot of the issues with the camerawork, the awkward editing, and just how Weird everything was put together. But also it's REALLY stilted and awkward, which butts up against the good script and the better acting, so IDK man.
Owen Wilson is amazing. Even my mother thought the way they canonized Loki being bi was a cop-out. And the final twist pissed me off. I hope Season 2 is better.
This movie is a mess but once i figured out it was trying to be The MCU Does Gothic Horror, I was a lot more on board. It has all the flaws of the original Dr Strange and is hard to visually follow like most MCU films, but also has America Chavez, who I adore.
It has Sam Rockwell, I don't give a fuck.
C-TIER, AKA I wish I cared but I do not 8C
I dunno I like the actual character of Strange weirdly, I like what a complete fucking asshole he is, I like his god complex and how he reacts to his disability as a surgeon. On the other hand what the fuck is Tilda Swinton doing here, this is just awful. My biggest issue with this film is that it didn't have to be this terrible but every decision made about it feels so fucking thoughtless and myopic.
yanno. i cannot even explain why i fell off this so hard. Like, this one Had Me all the way up to and including the Agatha reveal, but like the final episodes after that reveal somehow left me completely cold and uncaring. it's genuinely weird.
D-TIER, AKA Oh my god no thank you
I hate the writing. Like, I haaaaate the writing. I feel like the only likeable relationship in this is Tony and Bruce, and that does not carry this movie. The quip-driven writing, the way the need for a joke supercedes naturalistic voices and dialogue making sense, it pisses me off. I hate the writing. Heartless movie.
oh my god i'm actively angry at this movie okay because for the first 20 minutes, I was like "wait, is this going to be a real movie," because it felt smaller, the action felt more realistic, that fight between the Widow and Yelena in the beginning felt like it could have been out of MI: Fallout, and the other fight between Natasha and Yelena in the safehouse was also good, I really thought for a few moments that this could be Good
and then it just took a hard right into The MCU Tries And Fails To Make MI: Fallout (They Even Stole The Mask Gag, What The Fuck Was That) and not only was I disappointed, I was like retroactively pissed for the 20 minutes when I had hope in my heart. If not for David Harbour's character, I would have just left in the middle of this movie.
Its not at bad as Infinity War! Nebula and Rocket carried this movie on their fucking backs. But what do I know, I liked Renner's mohawk of sadness.
F-Tier, AKA Fuck This Movie
Fuck this movie with a rusted steel dildo, fuck this entire fucking movie, I despise it. The writing is so actively fucking terrible I want to fistfight whoever is responsible. I fucking hate the attempts to humanize Thanos over how sad he is about the daughter he abused and then murdered, boo fucking hoo, I hate the joylessness of the superhero combinations, I hate the quip-driven writing, I hate this movie with a burning passion. This might be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Soulless and destitute.
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userastarion · 4 months
the marvels playing “memory” from cats during the flerken scene is one of the funniest things the mcu has ever done
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elwenyere · 7 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
I was tagged by my beloved @frostbitebakery: thank you so much, my friend!!!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
301,664 words
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
So far, the MCU, Star Wars, and Top Gun.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Call Me By Your (Pet) Name (MCU, Sambucky)
Tactical Engagements (Star Wars, Codywan)
Citation Needed (MCU, Stony)
Helps to Relieve My Mind (MCU, Sambucky)
Good Soldiers (Star Wars, Codywan)
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, yes! Sometimes it takes me a little while to write back if things in real life are hectic, but eventually I do, because I love chatting with readers about what they noticed in a story and what I was thinking about/working on while writing.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have never written what I would call an unhappy ending. But sometimes what we know about the canon ending can still make the ending of a fic bittersweet, and that's true of a fair number of fics I've written. I think the two fics that leave canon angst most fully on the table are my MCU ficlet A Stitch in Time, which is about what else Steve might have done while returning those stones, and my wee Star Wars piece Yes, It Feels Like That, which is a moment with Leia's grief during ANH.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I swear: I used to write plenty of fics that were happy all the way through! That happens a lot less frequently now. But Right on Time is just about the happiest ending I could give to a post-war Codywan, and my Sambucky fic Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice is (to me) maybe the funniest fic I've written.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
I've been very lucky with readers who are largely very generous.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I am a relative newcomer to writing smut, but I have dabbled, yes. I'm not sure what kind of smut it is. Feelings-forward, I guess?
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I think the only thing I've written that could come close to being classified as a crossover was my very first multi-chapter fic, Should You Choose to Accept It, which included characters from both the mainstream Avengers and Agents of SHIELD and mashed up the plots of Iron Man 3, CA: TWS, AOS Season One, and Mission Impossible 3.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet!
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes! The Stony identity porn/professor AU fic Citation Needed was a collaboration with the incredible @festiveferret, and it is the most fun I've had writing fic.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Cannot pick a favorite, but my first OTP was Mulder/Scully, and they will always have a special place in my heart.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
God what a painful question. 😅 I am a stubborn bastard, and I don't know if I've fully admitted defeat on any of my WIPs, even the ones I've neglected the most. But the WIP that's probably been waiting for my attention the longest is the sequel to my Stony fic Three Little Words; or, Five Times Steve and Tony Didn’t Actually Apologize + One Time They Did, which I cannot abandon or scrap for parts because I'm really attached to the bits that I have written, but which I haven't been able to make progress on for a long time. Bug me for snips about it if you like: I would love to be able to share what I have so far.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
A borderline aggressive amount of figurative language, narrative beats that feel layered, and I think I have a decent ear for dialogue.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm so, so, so inexpressibly slow, and I also build up increasing levels of anxiety about WIPs when I'm not getting outside perspectives about them, so I find it nearly impossible to write anything longer than 20k.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have experimented with this a little bit in the past, and I'm currently trying it again in a WIP in a language I'm not deeply familiar with, which is nerve-wracking. But I think it can be so effective when done well, and I'm excited to keep growing in that area.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Stony in the MCU: a missing-scene fic from Endgame
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I love all my children equally, but my Codywan fic Recollection is probably the fic that felt most ambitious to me at the time that I wrote it: memory-related temporal shenanigans, surreal scene changes, some heavy psychic territory, and my very first smut scenes. I'm proud of how many new things I tried.
Open tags for anyone who would like to play!!! This was very fun: @ me with your answers if you'd like to join. <3<3<3
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ultrahpfan5blog · 7 months
The Marvels - a pretty funny, if slight MCU venture...
Its no secret that the MCU has been struggling recently, in tv and in movies. I think Secret Invasion was one of the most disappointing things that have come out of the MCU. Prior to that, Love and Thunder was a big swing and a miss for me. She-Hulk wasn't funny enough to really work as a show. I didn't find Quantumania to be as bad as others did, but it was definitely the weakest of the Ant-Man films. In fact GOTG3 has really been the only clean winner since No Way Home. The Marvels released with very little hype and mixed reception. I enjoyed Captain Marvel, mainly for the chemistry that Brie Larson and Samuel L Jackson had, but it wasn't top tier Marvel for me. While I enjoyed Ms Marvel a lot, this movie's trailers and subsequent critical reception didn't inspire a lot of confidence.
Maybe because of the low expectations, but I had a lot of fun with this movie. I laughed a lot. The action was pretty good and the humor was largely genuinely funny. The SFX were up to par, which shouldn't be something I have to praise, but The Flash, Love & Thunder, and Quantumania have had shockingly poor VFX in recent times. I will say that the film feels slight, and certainly those who have watched Secret Invasion will find it confusing in continuity. This and Secret Invasion couldn't be more different in tone, and it does seem odd for these two projects to release so close to each other and be at odds with each other in a way. Zawe Ashton's villain is immensely forgettable. Arguably ranks only above a couple of one and done MCU villains.
The film's strength is the bond of the lead trio. They have genuinely good chemistry and they all seem to thrive of each others energy. Iman Vellani steals the show. She was fantastic in Ms Marvel and she's just as great here. Couldn't have found better casting for this role. She carries a lot of the humor of this movie. But Brie Larson and Teyonah Parris are a lot looser and at ease in this movie then they have been in this role in previous incarnations. And I do think they did a decent job reconnecting the Carol and Monica and giving it some emotional depth. Unlike with a lot of other films recently, I feel another 15 minutes or so could have been provided to give the connections between the characters some more depth. Samuel L. Jackson provides his funniest performance as Fury in this movie, which is a complete 180 from his darker turn in the role in Secret Invasion. Kamala's family is an absolute delight. The movie has some inventive action sequences, using the power entanglement to good use. The humor worked for me. It may not work for everyone. It is very silly. There is a sequence with a planet full of singing people, and a scene with many flerkens eating people. Both scenes are intentionally very goofy, but they just worked for me, unlike say, the humor in L&T, which clashed with the pretty serious Jane cancer and Gorr storylines.
I will say that the film was probably edited down a bit too much. There is some haphazardness and there seems to be some explanation of certain events that are missing or abbreviated. I don't know how much of that is on Nia DaCosta. Given its her first film of this scale, she does a fairly decent job. This is neither top tier, nor bottom tier Marvel. I do think its better than people are giving it credit for. Its like a 7-7.5/10 type movie. As in, its relatively forgettable, but it is enjoyable when you watch it.
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everyone keeps talking about the woman especially Daphne character acting but did y’all not see Will did y’all not see Ethan now that’s an chilling Emmy worthy performance yes sure Daphn actress was great dont get me wrong they all were especially Jennifer but the way y’all giving Meghan all the credit like it’s so typical a yt woman does bare minimum to little effort and y’all say its the work of art a masterpiece never been done especially in acting in anything really but a poc does an even wayy better superior performance and it’s silence crickets just shows how y’all have higher standard for black poc character in everything they do it’s so funny but very typical and I’m not surprised or shocked at all I would’ve accepted Jennifer bc she was insane this szn but the other yt girls sure did great but common when
Will outdid everyone this szn like he was phenomenal gave me chills the way we and no one else either could literally read him even at the end like did he sleep with his wife bc he cheated on her with Daph we will never know was that why he was all of sudden was so happy and attracted to his wif? I mean if anyone deserves all the credit praise this szn it’s him Will I mean no one not one person could figure Ethan character out what his deal was not one single person everyone was saying he was an enigma and this season the most interesting character impossible to understand yet nothing y’all not giving Will the praise credit for that is not shocking nor odd or surprising it’s very typical of fandoms in typically white only show/movie but also literally in any fandom in tv/film/book to give all the credit praise for yt characters bare minimum effort acting especially a yt woman with blue eyes all she needs to do is getting a little teary eyes and y’all say she invented acting!
I remember how y’all was doing that with Lizzie for crying for like a second in movies or wandavison it was so laughable y’all really thought she was Emmy worthy let alone that she would win never laughed so hard in my life same thing happened with Seb as Bucky tfatws but for real tho yt people especially in the mcu fandom they are some of the funniest pepz ever like I love them
The way they make me laugh with their ridiculousness every time without fault by their dumb absurd actions cant even hate them at times bc thanks for making me laugh dont get me wrong I do hate bc they are bunch of racist fcks but gotta love them for making me laugh
since ep1 I have low-key been pushing for Will Sharpe Emmy campaign but I’m now officially doing it loud if anyone deserves an Emmy for this season its definitely 100% him and Jennifer but especially him like are you kidding he gave brilliant performances for 7ep straight  
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folfar · 1 year
16, 39, 47 & 55!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So I have two pretty hefty ideas that definitely will see the light of day this year (ie I've started writing them), and eight more in the pipeline! The two big ones are a Love Island AU, where Damen has to enter the villa to save Nik's tv job, and a Persephone AU, where Damen is Persephone, because I love to cast Damen against type.
The rest of the list includes - because I never ever give up on a WIP (I believe in my heart I will finish everything I post, my most grievous fault) - some absolutely ancient ideas, such as a Yuri on Ice fic that I will probably never post, which is about... Chris. And Georgi, kind of.
And a Wandavision fic! Which is the second least likely to be posted, because it's already not canon compliant because the MCU is exhausting to keep up with. This is sad because I think it's the funniest thing I've ever written, and the premise is "What if the citizens of Westview found Wanda and told her to come back and get her creepy witch friend she left there?" But Agatha is still stuck in her sitcom-self, and they have to go and live in a canadian shack about it. And then they fuck while the darkhold seethes in the corner.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
From the Persephone AU! This is a very rough snippet - but I'm really looking forward to writing this fic:
Damen is doing spring, enjoying it but thinking it hollow. He moves through the world leagues at a time, stepping through his father’s sunbeams.
Spring is also the time of long shadows and cold evenings, when the stores run low and the calves starve, when death stalks the land; that’s how they meet. Laurent is a beautiful shade come from Hades. Damen is not unfamiliar with these pale emissaries of hell, come to take the sleeping dead in hand, but he has not seen this one before.
Damen protests at Laurent taking a spirit down to Hades. “It’s not right,” he says, “it wasn’t his time.”
And who are you to argue? The pale ghost says.
“I’m the god of spring; his sheep will lamb tomorrow, a fine and healthy crop. I have seen it - he will drink the milk and be well. I fed them ichor,” Damen confesses. Laurent stares at him, eyes as flat and silver as the coins on the eyes of the dead. 
“I didn’t like the sound of his cough.” Damen admits. He presses his case. “One more day.”
“Fine,” Laurent says, as if surprised with himself. “But you come to Hades with me - and explain it to the prince of hell yourself.” 
Damen creases his brow. “May I have a half-hour to ask my brother to take over my duties for me?”
“No,” Laurent says. “I have made my offer.” The farmer’s soul is coiled in his palm like a skein of wool. Damen looks at it, looks down at where the man is slumped by his byre.
“Fine,” he says. Laurent raises an eyebrow, and takes his hand.
The farmer wakes to see two sets of footprints - one iced over, crackling with cold - and the other, where in the indent, tiny, early strawberries are already coming to fruit.
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
hahahahha.......almost everything I have ever posted on ao3 is a first draft. when it is done i want it gone! you know when you have a fever and you're like i must strip IMMEDIATELY. like that.
sometimes I submit to a SPAG beta from longsuffering friends but i'm so impulsive i normally just post immediately and then kind people tell me "babes your tenses are fucked" and i have to revise on the fly.
don't be like me!!!!!
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
The reaction to Sunblind over the years has been so lovely it probably has to be Auguste because I am creature that lives and breathes for praise!
Also - when I started writing Auguste/Sunblind, it was because I had a personal vendetta against what I saw as a character getting put on a pedestal - the popular idea that Auguste had been everything Laurent said and more.
Given how Pacat demonstrates that character's perceptions of their own relationships often turn out to be incorrect or based on assumptions as the books go on, I wanted to do the same. I wanted to write him as imperfect in the extreme - a bit violent, a bit foolish, sweet but not as thoughtful as Laurent remembered - and a victim in his own way of their Uncle's manoeuvring, because I can't believe a plan like that comes from nowhere.
People have been really receptive to that, in a way I didn't expect when I started it - and it's taken me so long to write the damn thing that he's been with me for five years now. How could anyone supplant him?
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icannotreadcursive · 1 year
For the fandom ask game, I feel like I should know the answers to this, already, but I am GENUINELY curious. So, The Old Guard.
Okay, let's effin' go--
Favourite Female: It is a damn near tie between Nile and Andy but based on hiw often I have Nile as my POV character when I write I think I have to give it to her by a hair.
Favourite Male: Nicky [insert Marge Simpson "I just think he's neat" here]
3 Other Favourite Characters: Andy, Joe, Booker
3 OTPs: Andy/Quynh, Joe/Nicky, and uhhhhhh Booker/therapy
Notp: Nile/Booker. I really hope the Book of Nile shippers are having fun but I want them to do so far far away from me.
Funniest character: Joe, no question
Prettiest character: So I just stared at this for a good 3 minutes while my tea steeped because, like, none of the main cast strike me as pretty. Some of the actors are, depending on context, but the characters are mostly either handsome or plain, and that's not gender dependent. So mu actual answer for prettiest character is the French girl at the pharmacy--what's her name? Celest? Is that canon or fanon, I don't know. You know who I mean.
Most Annoying Character: Merrick, hands down. Bless Harry Melling he is very good at playing an obnoxious self centered bastard.
Most badass character: Y'know what, I was gonna say Andy--I'd typed it and was about to move on to the next question--but I think it might be Nile. Or maybe it's a tie. They're badass in slightly different ways. Andy has the whole "has forgotten more ways to kill than entire armies will ever learn" thing going and the badassery of persevering and trying to do what's right even when you're exhausted and feel hopeless, and Nile has the badassery of stepping up and owning a new situation you've been thrown into with little preparation, doing what you feel must be done, because it's right, even though it would be easier and in many ways more comfortable to walk away.
Character I’d like as my BFF: Hmm, can I have the whole team? If I only get one I pick [stalls for a minute to think] Joe. I pick Joe.
Female Character I’d Marry: ........if I marry Nile do I get her military pension? If not I'm going with Celest again.
Male Character I’d Marry: Nicky
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Okay so here's the thing........this movie is extremely well written. Every character does and is exactly what the story needs them to do and be. When I say I hate a character, I mean as a character, not as a person if they were real and I met them in real life. I hate characters who are dead weight, who bog down the stories they're in, who are mishandled, or seem to exist just to be irritation for the sake of being irritating--I hate the grape headed guy from BnHA, I hate Thanos as he exists in the MCU. I don't hate anybody from The Old Guard. That said, I do love-to-hate Merrick.
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anxietywriter · 1 year
AW Trivia
I thought it'd be a funny idea to include some fun facts about the prompts I make!
I ruin everything character things - actually based off a YT playlist I was listening to at the time! (Which also was called "I ruin everything")
Halloween Prompts - the first prompt was based off a very spicy but well done drawing they had seen (I think I was also thinking about Eddie Brock from MCU at this time and YOU KNOW WHY) and also my obsession for POTO which a college friend introduced me to (the 2004 version and yes I know technically there were a lot of things wrong but I know NOTHING and honestly hot damn) The last prompt under the cut was just kind of a sad reality that I wanted to give an uplifting spin to. I used to volunteer at a cat shelter so I'm always gonna be a little soft for cats
Dialogue prompt #52 - Batman was a real cat on my college campus. Unfortunately he passed earlier this March after getting hit by a car. I like to think he was very well-loved though and that he's resting now. He was a cutie, a cuddly black cat. Please remember to drive safe! Especially in high traffic areas or areas you know animals/people frequent! (Accidents happen and that's okay!! Just try to be as safe as you can!!) :3
things characters do that make me worship the ground they walk on - so many things. So so many things inspired this list. DSMP (Specifically Techno and TNTDuo), Tokyo Ghoul (Yoshimura, the nonkilling owl), Stranger Things ( Eddie and Steve), Be More Chill (Michael), myself, my high school world history teacher, and Phantom of the Opera (Erik Destler).
Dialogue Prompt #19 - My sister was the one who was very insistent on adopting everything. We volunteered at a cat shelter and if we could we would've. Unfortunately, I had to be the voice of reason. 😔 My mother will not let us adopt any pets it's a tragedy.
Dialogue Prompt #2 - Real life inspired by the fact that I call my friend a bootlicker because they like "country bumpkins." Cowboys. They like cowboys. And they wear cowboy boots too, but the point is that they like cowboys. I very much enjoy saying they have a cowboy kink only for them to try, and fail, to convince everyone that they do not. It's great we love my weird friend group.
Groupchat Tidbit #6 - A real life discord conversation between my friend and I. Full disclosure I was character B. I'm not even going to lie this was the funniest I've ever been. Like it's so cursed but I'm still giggling about it. My peak guys. My humor's already peaked and it's been downhill since.
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slayhamkennedy · 2 years
OKAY SO. I'm now part of a superhero RPG group (no MCU type shit, the DM is a proper comic nerd so this actually good shit) and ANYWAY.
My character is Dylan Joy, the disgraced former heir to a struggling, but still multibillion dollar tobacco company. He's a bipolar addict who gets disowned by his father after he has a breakdown on Twitter where he's convinced his father is the actual literal devil. He gets paid out 500 million dollars to leave the company.
Now he's a tabloid celebrity for all the wrong reasons. And then he gets powers where he can turn into (cigarette) smoke at will. Which is where the superhero part comes in.
Now if some of that backstory sounds familiar, that's on purpose. Anyway, one of the other players is a crime writer in universe. We've decided she now has a novel where a tabloid famous multibillionaire gets brutally murdered. That multibillionaire? His name is Kendall Roy.
I'm pretty sure this is the funniest thing anyone's ever done in an RPG.
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therealraeweber · 2 years
I finally got to see Thor: Love and Thunder last night! Here are my thoughts: ***SPOILERS AHEAD***
It was a really good movie! I really enjoyed it! I genuinely think it is the funniest marvel movie ever made, as I was laughing through the whole thing. Taika absolutely knocked it out of the park. Of course, I don't think I enjoyed it as much as Ragnarok, but that was a pretty hard movie to beat.
That being said, I was also a bit underwhelmed by the plot. It was very simple, with no twists or surprises, which isn't really Marvel standard these days. Now, that being said, maybe that is a good thing for Marvel. So many of their recent projects have been such huge stories to tell, with 15 different sub plots going on and plenty of surprise twists or celebrity cameos. While I absolutely love those movies, it is good to know Marvel can still make a basic (relative to their other projects) movie, and make it entertaining to watch.
All of that aside, my absolute favourite part of this movie? Matt Damon reprising his role as the Loki actor in the Asgard plays. When I say I cackled when he came on screen. I was absolutely not expecting it, but man was that a brilliant decision. That whole scene was so hilarious, and a beautiful callback to Ragnarok.
Speaking of that scene, as soon as the actor playing Hela came out (which, by the way, Melissa McCarthy was the perfect choice omg), I immediately recognized that they were playing off of one of my all time favourite YouTube videos, Thor 4D. I can't believe they used that! And they did it so well! If you haven't seen Thor 4D, it's a segment that James Cordon did on his talk show right when Ragnarok was coming out, where he got the actual actors from the movie to act out a very low-budget, discount version of the movie, and it is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen. I remember watching that YouTube video right when it came out, thinking it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen, and immediately showing it to everyone I know. I have since watched it a ridiculous number of times, and it is still funny every time. In fact, I actually have it saved on my private playlist called "Videos I have watched too many times". So, to see this random little YouTube video, which was joking about the MCU, has now become canon in the MCU? *chef's kiss* Obviously, I don't know for sure that this was Taika's intention for this scene, but it just so closely resembles it that it had to be a conscious decision. I mean, the way Thor's hammer slowly travels over to Hela, and the way she crushes it? Exactly the same. Yep... this was the best part of the movie for me. Amazing.
Aside from this, I don't really have a lot of thoughts on the movie. It was a pretty simple plot, and it got the job done. I do have one major complaint and one major compliment, however. Both of them are related to Jane's cancer. My complaint, which my friend and I were both a bit peeved about after watching this movie, is that Jane had Stage 4 cancer for 6 months and was going through chemotherapy, but still had all her hair. What? Imagine how amazing it would have been for cancer awareness if Jane had shaved her head! Imagine all the kids going to watch this movie who have caner, or know someone who has cancer and had to shave their head, seeing a superhero going through their same battle. That would have been great. But no, having her be bald was just... to much? I guess? Maybe Natalie Portman just didn't want to shave but I mean... look at 11 in this season of stranger things! There are good short hair wigs nowadays! And good bald caps! They could have done something. My big compliment, however, is that Jane made it into Valhalla. Earlier in the film they made it abundantly clear that a person must die IN the battle to make it into Valhalla. Sif wouldn't have made it in, because she was dying from complications AFTER the battle had ended. Since we saw Jane die after the battle had ended, this means she made it into Valhalla because she was actively battling cancer. I think that is a really beautiful message for this movie to give, that all people fighting cancer are brave warriors. That was really touching.
One other thing that I thought was really cute is that they cast Chris Hemsworth's daughter to play Thor's (adopted) daughter! I can't imagine how much fun they must have had working together.
Anyways, those are my main thoughts on the film! Aside from some questions that are now raised, like what movie were they setting up with that post credit scene? Who's going to be fighting Hercules? The guardians? The eternals? I'm really not sure where they are going with that one. Another question being whY DID THEY CUT OUT THAT SCENE WITH VALKYRIE LICKING THE SWORD? HUH? Absolutely criminal. How dare they. I'm also a bit bummed we didn't get a Loki appearance, but not really surprised. I know they didn't want to use him because he's so popular and it would just be fanservice.... but I am that fan! I want my service! At least show the OG Loki in the scene in Valhalla? Please? I was really hoping the Loki variant and Sylvie would make at least a short appearance, but oh well. Now we just have to hope that they make Loki season 2 better than the first one, with much less self-cest.
Okie dokie. That's my sort of unhinged review of Thor: Love and Thunder. That was kind of the last of the upcoming Marvel projects I was really excited for (aside from Ms. Marvel which I am absolutely LOVING! IT'S SO GOOD!!!), so I'm hoping the next projects will pleasantly surprise me. I'm not particularly excited for She-Hulk or the next Black Panther (I really don't see how they can do it without Chadwick). I guess I'm excited for the next Ant-Man, but only because I love Paul Rudd. The last Ant-Man was pretty average. And I really don't know much about the other upcoming projects.
That's all for now! I'll leave you with my favourite line from the film: "Go to hell, Demon" - Thor's adopted daughter to Thor, upon him making her pancakes.
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texasmadehustler · 3 months
What would you be doing if you could turn your hobby into a career?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever made or created as part of your hobby?
What song would you choose to listen to continuously for the rest of your life?
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found on the ground?
What is the most stupid thing you’ve ever argued about with someone?
What are your most controversial opinions?
Would you rather be able to talk to plants or understand what babies are saying?
Would you rather live in a world without winter or summer?
Would you rather live in a world without electricity or a world without gasoline?
Would you rather have a third arm or a third nipples?
If you could start a business related to your fetish, what kind of business would it be?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you while taking a shower?
Have you ever met someone famous or noteworthy in your fantasy?
What would you do if you could have any job, regardless of your skills and experience?
If you were a character in a horror movie, how would you avoid getting killed?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen on the internet?
If you could communicate with any MCU heroes, which one would you choose?
What’s the weirdest food combination you’ve ever tried that actually tasted good?
If you could have any “Friends” character as your wingman/wingwoman, who would it be and why?
What is the funniest accident you’ve ever seen?
Which of your abilities is the most pointless?
What three items would you bring if you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring three?
Which of your pranks has been the funniest thus far?
Have you ever been out on a date with a person who later revealed themselves to be an influencer?
Have you ever gone on a date with someone who brought their pet along?
What is the most awkward item in your refrigerator right now?
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought for your hobby?
If you could travel anywhere in the world to pursue your hobby, where would you go?
What has been the most humiliating incident that has ever happened to you in public?
If you had to choose between being rich or famous, which one would you choose and why?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever made or created?
If you could switch bodies with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
What one habit or activity from your daily life would you like to get rid of?
Have you ever gone on a date with a person whose language is not your own?
What’s the weirdest gift you’ve ever given or received on a date?
What’s the most unusual gift you’ve ever given or received on a date?
What’s the craziest or most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Which famous person would you choose as your best buddy, and why?
How has your definition of love evolved over time?
Have you ever regretted a fashion choice you made?
What’s the weirdest hairstyle you’ve ever had?
What’s the most unusual movie theater experience you’ve ever had?
What’s the most unusual movie you’ve ever watched with your family?
If you could change the ending to any movie, which one would it be and how would you change it?
What’s the most unusual outfit you’ve ever worn in public?
Is there a ceiling on how stupid a human can be?
Have you ever regretted a fashion choice you made?
What’s the craziest hairstyle you’ve ever had?
Do you think people are spending too much time on TikTok?
What’s the weirdest piece of clothing you’ve ever owned?
Have you ever had a dream where you were not a human being?
What’s the most embarrassing place you’ve ever gone for a date?
What is the silliest thing you have ever done in the name of love?
Have you ever eaten a food that you were convinced was disgusting, only to discover you actually loved it?
What’s the craziest rumor about yourself that you’ve ever heard of?
Have you ever had a naughty dream about someone else while we were together?
What’s the weirdest food that you’ve eaten for breakfast?
What would you drink if you could only drink one sort of alcohol for the rest of your life?
If you had to choose between living without YouTube or living without Netflix, which would you choose and why?
What’s your favorite thing that I do in bed?
What’s the dirtiest fantasy you’ve ever had?
What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t yet?
8. If you had to choose between being extremely tall or extremely short, which would you choose and why?
What’s the most horrible fact you know?
If you could try any sexual position that you haven’t yet, what would it be?
If you could only eat one type of snack for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you had to choose between salty or spicy food for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
What’s the most unusual type of tea or coffee you’ve ever enjoyed?
What’s the weirdest topping you’ve ever put on pizza and actually enjoyed?
How do you deal with disagreements or difficulties in a relationship?
How do you think cultural and societal expectations influence our understanding of love?
What are the most important qualities you look for in a partner? How do you balance your own needs and desires with those of your partner in a relationship?
How do you communicate love to your partner or loved ones?
What do you think is the most important factor in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship?
How do you know when it’s time to let go of a relationship?
How has your experience with love and relationships shaped your perspective on life?
What would you eat if you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life?
Whom would you choose to work for a day in the office if you could trade jobs with anyone, and why?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to meet a deadline?
If you could have any fictional character as a coworker, who would it be and why?
What’s the most unusual item on your desk?
If you could have any office perk, what would it be?
What has been your strangest dream about work?
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of the day, what would it be?
If you could add any office rule, what would it be?
Who would you be, and why, if you could transform into any historical figure?
Do you believe in aliens or life reincarnation?
Which animal, if any, would you pick as a pet and why?
What’s the most unusual way you’ve ever prepared a lunch meal?
What’s the most bizarre food combination that you’ve tried and actually enjoyed?
What choice would you make differently if you could go back and do it?
What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t yet?
What guidance would you offer to yourself if you could speak with them now?
What’s the hardest lesson you’ve ever had to learn?
What’s one thing you’re grateful for today?
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
What’s one fear you’ve overcome, and how did you do it?
What’s something that always makes you feel better when you’re feeling down?
If you could eliminate one negative thought or habit from your life, what would it be?
What is it that you are trying to change about your life right now?
If you had to choose one thing to forgive yourself for, what would it be?
What’s one thing you’re proud of accomplishing in your life?
What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself during a difficult time?
Where would you prefer to reside if you could live anywhere?
How would the world be if everyone went vegan?
What’s one thing you’d like to achieve in the next year?
What would happen if you found out everything you believed in was a lie?
If you could erase one emotion from your life, what would it be and why?
What do you suppose happens after we pass away?
What do you believe to be the main issue affecting humanity today?
Do you think true love exists?
What do you think are the most important qualities in a family relationship?
How do you think your relationship with your parents has influenced your life choices?
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing families today?
How do you think your family has shaped your personality and values?
What is something you wish you could change about your family dynamic?
How has your relationship with your siblings evolved over time?
What is the most meaningful family tradition you have?
How do you navigate conflicts or disagreements within your family?
What do you think are the most important elements of a healthy family relationship?
How do you balance the demands of your own life with the needs of your family?
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