#fuyohiko kuzuryu
a dear friend of mine once told me that everyone in danganronpa 2 is in a situationship with each other and ever since then i’ve never been able to see them differently. this is how i envision it (so far)
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extra notes:
“official” is for ships i see as actually happening within my headcanon, “potential” is for ones that have been hinted at or might not be at the present time but could still happen at a later date
this is still in development, may or may not be updated over time
twomiki & twobuki will probably be made official at some point, as well as sonia/mikan
no bitches for nagito. ever. komahina is funniest to me when it’s fully unrequited and the day i make anything even remotely komanami is the day hell freezes over
so for some of them i don’t have a defined sexuality/gender identity (at least that i know of) but the ones that i do hc are as follows: chiaki is a lesbian demigirl, nagito is gay, hajime is nonbinary (so hinanami is still on the table but i cannot imagine him as a man bc while it’s cute in theory it also kinda gives me MPDG vibes which i wanna avoid), mikan is sapphic (this is canon but i’ve heard conflicting accounts over whether she’s a lesbian or bi so for now i’m leaving it unlabeled), ibuki is a biromantic ace w/ a preference for girls, sonia is bi, akane is pan, i think teruteru is canonically bi & ofc imposter is canon nonbinary/genderfluid. everyone else i’m still figuring out but the important thing is that no one is straight
so if anyone’s wondering why teruteru is a part of this: i came up with a hc (initially as a joke but then i got attached) where teruteru has a MASSIVE crush on akane (he’s a chef, she loves food; to him, it’s a match made in heaven!) but she’s completely oblivious to it; anytime he tries to hit on her it goes completely over his head. then he sees how she has that kinda will-they-won’t-they thing with nekomaru & he’s like “oh of course how can i compete with the big buff dude boohoo woe is me” until he has this aha moment like “oh yeah, i forgot. i’m bisexual. i’m attracted to the big buff dude too.” this man wants to be their third so badly it’s insane
kazuichi has a lot of self-reflection to do before he’s actually ready for a relationship but in time it could happen
as for hiyoko & mahiru, i’m still figuring out where they’d fit. i’ll get there eventually
out of all of these nanamiki is still probably gonna be what i focus on the most bc obviously
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gayestdangantourney · 8 months
Who is gayer
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oumaharemau · 1 month
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ollierot · 3 years
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frawg-soda · 3 years
TW: gun
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Long haired fuyohiko my beloved🙏🙏
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
DR2 boys with a S/O who’s on the chubbier side and is a insecure about it? I love this blog by the way!
Sdr2 boys with a S/O who's insecure about their body!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Fuyohiko was never really in tune with others' emotions, or his own.
He didn't really pick up on how self conscious you were until one night you spelt it all out for him when you were drunk
After that, he tried to find ways to comfort you when you looked upset about your body. 
"Don't say that shit about yourself, (Y/N)" he said suddenly, looking at you.
"You're not fat or ugly or whatever the fuck you keep thinking you are. You aren't. You're so beautiful" 
He kissed you, holding you close. 
"I'm not good at talking about this shit… about confidence or whatever… but you're fucking stunning to me."
"And please let me know if you feel upset about your body. I'll tell you this all again, you know. And… find shit to help you feel better"
He truly did mean the best, yet had problems verbalizing it. 
He started to throw in more bashful compliments towards you whenever you looked nervous.
"Your hair is nice today" "I love your smile" "that outfit looks pretty on you"
He wasn't used to helping others with emotional help, but was more than willing to learn 
Gundham Tanaka
Gundham never really cared about the size or shape of your mortal vessel. 
That's why he was caught off guard when, before your date night, you said that you were afraid your dress made you look bad
"My gorgeous majesty, why do you think that?" He asked, taking your hand
You were starting to cry as he pulled you into his arms. 
"My love, how about instead of going out, I pamper you at home?"
You nodded shakily
He bought take out and put on your favorite shows and brought the devas to cuddle with you.
He kissed you all over and over, something which he didn't normally do. 
He didn't often initiate touch with you (or anyone) but did love it when you did hold each other close.
"My (Y/N)?" He asked after a while
"I… don't understand something about your mortal ways…"
"What do you mean?"
"How could someone like you feel so much shame for your body? Your body will not follow you to the afterlife, it is just a mere vessel for your spirit."
You listened to his musing quietly. You weren't sure what to say, and he just kept going.
"Especially someone whose beauty rivals those of the vessels of succubi and incubi"
"I... I don't know, Gundam…"
"And… My love… If you ever do feel this way again, tell me so I may treat you like the diety you are"
Hajime Hinata
Hajime was always self-conscious, being in such a great school with no talent to speak of.
He was able to pick up on your unease when he spent time with you and the others before any of the others. 
"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you alright? You look… upset"
You told him you were fine and didn't want to talk about it
"Well… if you need to, you have my phone number, ok?"
A few weeks later around midnight, you needed to talk about it. 
You called him, sobbing your heart out. 
"H-hey, hey! Calm down, okay? What's wrong?"
You let your emotions spill. About how you felt large and ugly, and the sore thumb of the group. 
He listened to you talk for hours, comforting you the whole time. 
"Don't worry, (Y/N). No one thinks you're any worse looking, ok? I know that me just saying that won't cure all of your anxieties, but.. I hope it helps"
Whenever you looked anxious, he would pull you aside and help you calm down, telling you how no one saw you any differently than any of your peers 
You two started to hang out on your own after a while, and you slowly felt yourself gaining feelings for him. 
You ended up asking him out, and he told you that he actually loved you too.
It was so lovely to spend time with him
He loved giving you gifts and often showered you with compliments
Imposter (Byakuya)
Byakuya noticed how nervous you looked in your dress/tux during date night at a fancy restaurant. 
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked with his cold voice
"I don't know, Byakuya… I just don't feel comfortable in this. It makes me look to… big…" you kept your eyes down
He got a waitress quickly and got the food packed in boxes and left with you. 
"Come along, (Y/N). We should go somewhere quieter" 
You followed him, quietly asking "are you mad at me? I'm sorry"
"Of course I'm not mad, there's nothing to be sorry for. Let's talk"
He sat down on a bench and you sat next to him. He looked you in the eyes.
"(Y/N), don't ever be ashamed of yourself. If you don't like your appearance you can change it to be one you love, but being heftier or traditionally unattractive is nothing to be ashamed of."
"And if it makes you feel any better, I think you look amazing… but that's the thing. You shouldn't listen to me, or anyone else. No one decides how you should love yourself but you" 
Byakuya knew he should have listened to his own words, but he had no identity to begin with with…
You guys went home early that night and spent the night at home together. 
After that, Byakuya started to go shopping with you more and helped you find clothes that you felt nicer in
He wanted you to feel comfortable in your own body
He wanted you to feel comfortable with your own identity.
Kazuichi Soda
Soda loved every single thing about you, including your body
He loved showering you in gifts and praise, especially about your body after he found out you were so self conscious
He would compliment you every single day about something new
It never felt forced or fake, either. 
It was all genuine and from the heart
He always did what he could to cheer you up when you were upset. He made you a few little toys to help keep you distracted by intrusive thoughts when you were alone
Whenever you went clothes shopping together, he would shower you with compliments.
"Are you sure this doesn't make me look… big?"
"Of course not! Why would I lie to you, (Y/N)? It makes you look cute/handsome, just like normal"
"It does?"
"Of course"
When you were at home together, Soda loved holding you close, wrapping his arms around your waist and just staying like that for a while, rambling to you.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
He knew that you wouldn't be instantly happy with yourself or your body, yet he wanted to help
Nagito Komaeda
Even before he was in a relationship with you, Nagito could tell you were always a bit anxious
He was a friend of yours for a few years before you finally asked him out
You both started to open up to each other a lot more
Nagito started staying at your house for longer periods of time, too.
One day, you just started crying to him.
Crying about how you hated your body 
He just held you close and rubbed your back
When you finished ranting, he whispered soft, sweet words in your ears. 
Words about how beautiful your body is, how sweet and kind and generous you are. 
After that, he would make sure to check on you when you looked upset.
He would go out of his way to compliment you more than normal.
You both had the habit of talking bad about yourselves, and heIp catch each other before either of you get to upset  
When his luck was causing problems and he didn't want to be around you, you would talk to each other for hours on the phone
It was really comforting to know that you were never alone when you needed love.
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru was always concerned about your health
To you, it was a shock someone as fit as him would ask you out on a date, and then another after, and became your boyfriend
You had honestly assumed it was some sick trick, or out of pity
One day, while you were walking together, you decided to ask.
"How could you like someone like me, Nekomaru? I'm just… ugly"
He looked at you in shock before sitting down under a tree, patting the grass next to him
"Why would you think that you're ugly, (Y/N)? Even if you're on the larger side, it doesn't make you look worse than others!"
"But you care so much about health, and I don't look healthy"
He let out a hearty, loud laugh. "BMI is bullshit, (Y/N)! Lots of healthy people have high BMIs, and some of your ability to lose weight is in your genes!"
His laugh warmed your heart. You just smiled at him. 
"And if you do want to feel healthier, then you're doing all the right things! Taking these walks with me, drinking and eating everyday, pacing yourself, even getting out of bed on hard days" 
He ruffled your hair, smiling. 
You two sat there for a little while, staring at the sky before getting back up and finishing your walk
He would give you more opportunities to join his exercises or design routines for you if you were concerned about your health
On his break days, you would both cuddle up on the couch and watch TV, snacking on whatever, not caring about all the little calories. 
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru honestly had a bit of a preference for larger bodies
Not to a point of it being a fetish, of course. He just found them pretty.
That being said, he didn't fall for you for your body.
He knew your body made you anxious, so he showered you with praise and love. 
He liked doing so in public to see how flustered you'd get,
but if it made you really uncomfortable, he would mostly keep affection at home, throwing in just a little bit of PDA when he felt particularly playful
Every day he would ask you what you wanted for dinner
Some days you would sheepishly say that you wanted something, but were afraid it would make you look larger
After assuring you that being large wasn't a bad thing, he would make you what you wanted. 
His food always cheered you up when you felt self-conscious 
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Jail Time - Ishimondo Fanfic
It wasn’t the first time this had happened. Just the first time it had escalated to this point. Over the course of their growing friendship, others in Hope’s Peak Academy had not only expressed an obvious dislike for the large biker gang leader but also for his new hardass counterpart. The sneers and whispers had only been growing louder as the two walked across campus together. 
“Watch it jackass! One more word outta any of the lot of ya and my fist is going up someone’s a-”
“M-Mondo, language please, you know how I feel. Use it at home to your discretion but tone it down when we’re at the academy!”
The smaller boy snagged the biker’s sleeve and tugged it back. He didn’t appreciate the newfound attention as much as he knew Mondo didn’t either, but nothing was worth either of them landing themselves in detention for something that clearly could be avoided. Mondo cleared his throat and stepped back from the group of Reserve Course students now walking away and snickering amongst themselves. 
“I know Ishi I just have such a hard time lettin people speak ‘bout you like that, ‘specially cuz it’s only cuz you’re hangin around with me of all the other damn Ultimates.”
He twirled his pointer finger around the loose black hairs at the bottom of his meticulously styled pompadour as a nervous twitch, tugging his own sleeve back from the raven-haired boy. He was gracious that the man cared enough for him to try and calm him in situations like these where his emotions tended to get the better of him.
“Mondo we’ve talked to you about this, Daiya and I both. Our friendship is nobody else’s business. Our other friends approve of us working together and what matters is so do we. I’ve really been enjoying your company as of lately.”
Taka hummed quietly as he grabbed the brunette’s sleeve again, but more gently this time as they finished making their way to their home ec class. They took their respective places on opposite sides of the room next to their partners, Taka with Chihiro and Mondo with Leon. Mondo bit the inside of his cheek as he watched Taka tie the pink and ruffled apron over his pristine uniform. The way the garment clung to the smaller boy’s frame while also making him look delectably cute made Mondo want to be so much more than close friends. Alas, if they were getting this much backlash for being friends, he couldn’t imagine the turmoil that would come from the two of them opening up about being in a relationship if it were to ever come to that.  Mondo tore his gaze away from the boy and tried to focus on not screwing up the confection in front of him. 
“So when are you and Rule Book gonna fuck?”
Mondo nearly spilled half of the box of sugar into the mixture as he choked on his spit, blushing slightly as the red-headed punk snickered into his hand.
“It’s not like that Leon shut it.”
He mumbled but he knew the other had seen the blush on his face. He looked back over to see Taka gleaming cheerfully at his creation as Chihiro decorated with finely detailed delicacy. Mondo smiled fondly and placed his own monstrosity in the oven, preparing himself for a failing grade. Not that it would be a surprise to him, the biker had been used to barely skating by for years on end, school work not being something he entirely thought would ever be of use to him or his talent. However, as of late and due to his blossoming friendship, Mondo’s grades had begun to raise. The strict man never forced Mondo to do his work, but if they happened to be hanging out while Taka was working on something, Mondo would be reflex also try his best to figure it out. It was a small change but albeit a welcome one, not only from the teachers and Mr. Kirigiri but from Daiya as well. 
“Earth to Oowada...the cake is done hotshot, c’mon man it’s gonna burn in the-”
“Then you fucking get it! Why the hell do I have to do everything Kuwata?!”
Mondo snapped at him and threw down the oven mitt, storming out of the classroom. He was done with this shit. The next person to so much at glance at him incorrectly was in for the beating of their life. He decided to just take the rest of the day off to “work of his talent”, grateful that this was allowed for the ultimate in the academy. He walked out of the front doors and started walking to where he parked his bike, figuring he could just drive to Daiya and help him work on bikes for the rest of the afternoon. He hopped on and sped as fast as he could down the road. After he had some time to cool down he figured he’d stop at his favorite diner to bring lunch home for his brother. After walking in he immediately spotted the familiar face. 
“Kuzuryu! The hell you doing here? It’s the middle of class time.”
Mondo slipped into the booth across from him, the waitress immediately placing a coffee in front of him. He ordered a burger for himself and a cheesesteak to be wrapped to go for Daiya. 
“I could say the same for you Mondo, though I’m sure you’re not actually all that surprised to see me here after all. Class isn’t something the two of us really need to be concerned about. Why we both have our own…” he paused, seemingly choosing his words carefully, “...personal helpers.” 
Mondo’s nose crinkled as he bit into his burger and talked around the food in his mouth.
“The hell you goin on about? I know you have Pekoyama but I don’t have-”
His eyes widened and he swallowed the food in one hard motion, glaring at the Yakuza. 
“If you’re talking about Ishimaru you better shut your fucking mouth. It’s not like that.”
Fuyohiko put his hands up in surrender and sipped at his own tea. 
“Fuck alright Oowada, I misunderstood so there’s no need to jump down my damn throat about it. But that does mean this conversation is going to a place I never really wanted it to.”
Mondo had abandoned his food at this point, his heart beating faster and steam starting to rise on his body. 
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?!”
“It means that I don’t approve of your...uh relation with the Ultimate Moral Compass is what I’m getting at. It’s going to bite you in the ass.”
“I’ll show you a bit in the-”
The smaller boy slammed his hands on the table and stood up, raising his voice.
“He’s bad for you! He is destroying your image as the Ultimate Biker Gang leader and quite frankly you’re letting Daiya down! None of us wanted him to retire and we were all afraid of how you were going to do and now several of your members think you’ve gone soft! God Mondo, he’s not worth it. He’s weak, fragile, and honestly would probably rat any number of us out to the police if he knew what we really got up to, and for what just a quick fuc-”
Mondo’s fist connecting with his jaw cut Fuyohiko off. He spun around and immediately spit out blood onto the checkered floor.
“Oh fuck off Mondo I-”
He was cut off again as Mondo grabbed his collar and began to repeatedly pound into him as hard as he could.
“Don’t you fucking dare speak about him like that! You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about!!”
Mondo only stopped when he felt a pair of big arms on his shoulders. He whipped around and swung without thinking, his fist grazing the police officers temple. 
The officer managed to wrestle Mondo to the ground and pin him down long enough to cuff his hands behind his back. He called in backup in his walkie talkie on his shoulder for Fuyohiko as he dragged Mondo to his car, roughly shoving him in and slamming the door. 
Mondo sat nursing his bruised cheek as he hung his hands out of the white bars he sat behind. The officer that drug him in was sitting with his feet up on his desk and almost taunting Mondo with his food. It had been about two hours since they had locked him up and he regret not finishing his burger before beating Kuzuryu to a pulp. He called his brother and he hung up with a sigh, saying someone would be there to pick him up soon. Mondo impatiently huffed, almost ready to give a snide comment to the officer before the door buzzed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to explain himself to Daiya.
“Listen Daiya I-”
“Mondo Oowada what the fuck did you?!”
His eyes flew open as Taka stomped towards him and grabbed his collar through the bars.
“I-Ishi what are you…”
“Don’t! Daiya called me and told me where you were and I...I just left in the middle of class and I... I…”
He was panting heavily as tears welled in his eyes. It broke Mondo’s heart and he immediately raised his hand and cupped Taka’s cheek as gently as he could manage. 
The boy was crying too hard to pay attention to a word the biker was saying.
It was the use of his first name that shook Taka out of his own head. He let go of Mondo’s collar and furiously wiped at his own tears.
“ ‘m sorry...I didn’t mean for you to ruin your image cuz of me. I know how much school n shit means to you I just…”
Taka shook his head and sighed.
“I chose to leave because of Daiya’s call. There was no way I was gonna sit in class and wait to see what happened to you. Now, why the fuck do you look so awful?”
Mondo looked down and he explained the situation at the diner with Fuyohiko and the mishap with the police officer, cringing when he repeated the Yakuza’s words.
“Believe me Kiyo...they don’t mean anything to me...I want you by my side because...I really like having you around me bro.”
He blushed slightly as he saw the same pink color rise to the other’s cheeks. 
“I paid your bail, let’s get you out of this hell hole.”
Mondo looked around at his cell and smiled. 
“Oh what? This? Jail isn’t so bad, it could be worse.”
Taka actually rolled his eyes but the grin plastered to it was worth it as he stepped aside so the officer could free Mondo.
“Listen, dude...I mean officer…”
Mondo corrected himself as Taka glared at him.
“ ‘m really sorry about hitting you, I really didn’t mean it.”
The officer nodded and handed Taka some paperwork for him to sign.
“You’ve got a real nice boyfriend here...maybe you outta clean your act up to keep him around.”
“No...uh he’s not...he’s…”
Mondo stammered over his words as they said their final goodbyes and walked out of the building.
“Honestly I know you were defending my honor but really Mondo you don’t always have to go to such-”
Mondo cut Taka off by quickly pressing his lips to quiet the smaller boy. He pulled back after the initial peck, not wanting to force anything on the moral compass. 
“I know...I’ll try not to blow up as much so you don’t have to leave school to come get me.”
Taka burned a bright red as he tried to calm his beating heart.
“What was...why did you…”
Mondo slipped his hand into the other boy’s and chewed on his lip. 
“I know you wrote down you were my boyfriend on the paperwork for the bail. Smart move, Kiyo.”
Taka shuddered slightly and turned to the taller boy. 
“C-Can you call me that from now on? I like it better than Ishi.”
Mondo smiled and leaned down to press their lips together once more.
“Sure thing...Kiyo.”
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Special Cookies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Ap60t0
by AJent777
Fuyohiko’s obsession with cookies lead him to an unexpected predicament
Words: 4096, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Super Dangan Ronpa 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Pekoyama Peko, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Komaeda Nagito
Relationships: Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), crackfic, Stoner Yasuhiro, how is this not a tag??, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko Swears, Fuyuhiko loves cookies, Komaeda Nagito Being Komaeda Nagito, Comedy, crackfic with plot, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied Sexual Content
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Ap60t0
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depressedcatgirl · 6 years
The signs as Danganronpa 2 characters
(note: these aren’t all of their actual zodiac signs, but some may match with their sign)
Aries: Fuyohiko Kuzuryu 
Taurus: Nagito Komaeda 
Gemini: Ibuki Mioda 
Cancer: Kazuichi Souda
Leo: Hiyoko Saionji
Virgo: Peko Pekoyama
Libra: Teruteru Hanamura 
Scorpio: Gundham Tanaka
Sagittarius: Nekomaru Nidai
Capricorn: Hajime Hinata
Aquarius: Chiaki Nanami
Pisces: Sonia Nevermind 
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actualvarric · 7 years
I love fuyohiko kuzuryu my trans son
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frawg-soda · 3 years
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This was a dtiys entry for @/tenghostsofvoid on Instagram! Proud of this one cuz I actually did a background 😳
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ollierot · 3 years
Hajime: "Kazuichi might be half cat, y'know? during the day he is fast asleep and during the night he causes havoc and drinks monster energy like no tomorrow! "
Fuyohiko: "than the other fuckin' half must be shark,"
Kazuichi, sniffling: "words hurt..."
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