#danganronpa 3 the end of hope’s peak high school
went to the international market the other day to get some sparkling orange j hey WAIT A MINUTE—
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she’s in her natural environment now…
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by talos, it can’t be—
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bubbleteaflan · 1 year
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aru-iribe · 9 months
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The Beauty of Hope
The Ultimate Lucky Student
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pof-soc · 1 year
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hi im alive hopefully,, I've been working on anatomy!!! so here you go :)) i yassed him for you. lets pretend he knows how to tie his shoes.
so tall,,, may you scroll forever. >:)
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sholmeser · 11 months
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going through it
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frickingnerd · 5 months
dating mukuro ikusaba
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pairing: mukuro ikusaba x gn!reader
tags: (over)protective mukuro, mention of fights at the end
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mukuro doesn't have any dating experience. she didn't think she was the type of girl to fall in love, yet here she was, dating you
and to her own surprise, she fell in love with you quicker than she realized it
she wasn't used to those feelings she had for you and it took her quite a while to realize that she was falling in love
it was honestly quite confusing for her at first. she had never cared much about love, yet here she was, head over heels for you
mukuro is unsure at first how to show her love and tends to be a little obsessive at first
she's very direct with you and once she realizes she's in love with you, she will confess to you as soon as she can
her confession probably wasn't the most romantic thing ever, but she doesn't believe that it even mattered
all that mattered was that you ended up reciprocating her feelings and were now dating her!
mukuro is quite protective of you and her overprotective nature tends to scare away your friends or potential suitors
dating her is a little isolating, but mukuro will give you all the love you need!
just make sure not to upset her!
once you get into a fight with the ultimate soldier and start to see that side of her, you won't be able to ever see her the same again…
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supiika · 7 months
𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
It's such a little thing but I love that when Hajime looks at and nods at Makoto in thanks.
He's looking at him with both eyes.
Izuru and Hajime together thanking Makoto for everything.
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lunart-06 · 6 months
My Makoto Naegi angst analisis thing (Hc)
(PLEASE KEEP IN NOTE): That this is just my general idea of him, kinda scared to share this cause qjdnnejf I know everyone has different opinions on Makoto so I'm just posting this in my own prespective of him. (It's a little messy cause I am unstable and disorganized when I write this so beware ooo)
Here's the art I made for this
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So like, I believe Makoto has issues I think we all established that, and the moment when komaru mentioned of how he changes a lot in UDG (but still hold some same aspects of traits and habits that just makes him.... him) after managed to contact him the first time. It strucks me so bad that it gaves me a migrane /vpos
Like, Makoto earned his new title of the ultimate Hope (with the capital H and everything) just by defeating Junko the ultimate despair? By that point he was seen by the world as the savior and as the first and only hope they have thought lost for YEARS
Makoto's ability to move everyone by just words to which he probably didn't even realised the power he held over it. He's just incredibly passionate and its because his whole body speaks GENUINE emotions, his stubborn willpower and determination undeterred by despair and everything Junko herself has set up for.
It is something not everyone has the luxury to have. His optimism. But that's the thing.
Makoto was the ultimate Hope, only because he was just optimistic in nature. It was the flock of the moment during the last trial, his contagious optimism is what everyone, his friends, the world, preceives as Hope. The enlighting feeling of inspiration by just words of support and motivations for the first time since years after the tragedy started.
But again. Thats the thing. The "Hope" they admire, they clung onto, they worshipped, and they DIE for, was his mere optimistic nature. Just like he said himself "Optimism is all I'm best at".
Its cause well, it's true. (Kinda)
All he was ever good at in his view was just being that. When I rewatched future arc I sense how unBEARABLY useless he is without that title and usual positive nature, and his words don't reach the leaders of future foundation from attempting to kill one another (aside from certain ones, and at the very end ofc, but even then it was too late to prevent the deaths). His words doesnt even managed to reach Ryota from preventing him in using the Hope brainwash video.
It just further shows how.... normal he is
Despite the title, it just shows that he is nothing but a normal guy. He's not some god everyone preceives him to be, he's just some dude that was placed in a wrong time and place.
It's like all the good he is being- well, normal. Like typical "good kid". Somehow it kinda hurts to think about it, like you're obligated to see all positive in lives for it as everyone depends on you for such.
And now the whole world was in the palm of his hands.
I feel like he's scared, despite his strong stand and brave, determined face, he is a normal, ordinary guy that scared to lose what he was ever good and seen by everyone as. Being optimistic and hopeful.
Its like he's not allowed to even be sad for a moment to cry his hearts out. Because the world depends on him, his friends depends on him, he rely on them too much, he cant lose hope cause if he does, the world will fall apart AGAIN, and people will die AGAIN (just like his classmates, just like the people who died for him) he doesnt think he can handle that the second time.
Since that one thing Makoto despises the most is violence. Death to be exact.
He was probably exhausted but he cant yet, he has to keep moving forward, for the world's sake, his friends' sake, his only remaining family; his sister's sake, and for the sake of those who had died so he can carry out their hope that was left behind.
Theres also this quote that remind me of him:
"I'm scared that the moment I look like I'm suffering. Noone will believe me anymore"
Because like. He really cant do things as much without his friends. All he has was his hope; his positivity, determination, and optimistic nature. So he stood tall, facing despair, putting up a strong look just so people of the world, and his friends know, that they all can trust him. To have faith in him.
Because being optimistic is all he's best at.
That hope he has held dearly was destroying him internally. Scary thing is it? Despair isnt what was breaking him. It was the very thing that he was good at. And the very thing everyone thought of when they see him.
Just like junko when you think about it. She- ultimate despair, destroyed herself by the very thing she is (basically executed herself in the last trial) and now makoto was doing the same thing.
"The world's hope", "the strongest who never falters at the face of despair", "the savior", "their guiding light"
How much longer should he keep that up? Before everyone realised that he's nothing but just an ordinary, plain, boring guy?
How much longer should he fall before allowing himself to hit the ground?
A sprout who never truly managed to grow old, it's choose to shelter other by it's leaves, holding still, unmoving.
Yet its roots slowly rotten by parasites and disease, trying to keep the earth together. They can't die now, they're the protector, the hope of it all. <-(quote by one of my friend Ele, which I think is neat in itself, considering Naegi's name means sappling or seedling in general ajdhwjdj)
He may have survived the first killing game that birth his title as the Ultimate Hope,
He may have survived the second killing game in the Neo world program that shows us how devastated it must be for Makoto that Nagito would go that far for the sake of hope, how Makoto's words and hope does not reach the remaining survivor,
He may survived the third killing game in the Future Foundation where it must be devastating that he's unable to understand the victims fully from preventing them to try and kill eachother off ("don't try pretending you understand them, you don't understand them at all" kinda feel), where he watched as Kyoko died for his hope, not telling him THAT she will die, letting him live because not only that he was the closest friend she ever has, but knowing her; she thinks that the world still need the ultimate hope, and because of that, she was ready to accept her fate for it, because she was assured that Makoto is strong enough to move forward even when it's hard, because she has faith in him. Because she believes that Makoto will never give up Hope.
Eventhough he had survive countless scenarios where he could die anytime of those. I feel like eventhough he had survived multiple times.. he had died, multiple times as well, to become who he is now (multiple rebirth symbolism). To the point where he is unrecognizable in his own eyes, the feeling of the old him far out of reach, who is he now?
Things are so simple to him back then, why does things don't make sense to him about himself now?
He may never feel lonely outside, because he believes that his friends will always have his back, he believes that there will always be someone that could give him a hand.
But here, in his own mind, in his own exhaustion, in his own struggle, in his own confusion, he is completely all alone. This one is his alone to go through, his friends has too much on their plate already to handle this, he relied on them too much already.. (in a way, perhaps, he try to rely on others less).
Theres soooo many I wanna say about him but this is the general idea of my view on him, or er, version ig? His accidental savior complex that is.
And don't make me start of his self-sacrificial tendency. /lh
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The Anthropologist (Part 1)
AKA, the "I want V3 to connect to the other games so freaking badly" comic.
The Anthropologist (Part 2)
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i have this one hc about a hypothetical scene where chiaki is kinda reflecting on her sexuality & how she was never good at dating sims or flirting in general & thought it was bc she was doing smth wrong but it turns out it was just bc all the romantic options in the sims she played were men (i like to think that if DDLC exists in the DR universe, that’s the game that helped her have the “aha” moment & from then on they were easy) & growing up everyone expected her to settle down with a nice boy one day so she never questioned it until she started hanging out with mikan, sonia, etc. more often & began to realize how she felt around them vs the guys & one of the girls says smth like “what about hajime? didn’t you guys have smth going on?” & she responds w smth along the lines of “well…hajime isn’t really a boy, but he isn’t really a girl either. he’s just hajime”
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handmadeangels · 3 months
how many people am i? who am i? what is this space between myself and myself?
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id: half body digital art of Izuru Kamukura and Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa. they are standing side by side. Izuru is looking at Hajime with a blank expression and Hajime is looking at Izuru with a smile. Izuru's hair floats around the both of them, with two strands over Hajime's shoulders. where their arms overlap, there is a glitch effect. the entire drawing is black with white line art, except for Izuru's eyes and Hajime, which are colored bright red. end id
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gladosluver · 2 months
the world literally ended because a high school student liked anime and some dude was gay. damn
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Girls Group 1 Match 27
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Akko -
"Special interests, little attention span (when it doesn't involve those interests), difficulty dealing with people, but all the while staying optimistic and friendly. Plus she saved the world with the help of her friends."
Chiaki -
"she’s literally just a little guy! she’s very friendly and chill, she just doesn’t have much of a grasp on social cues so she’s very direct & straightforward when she talks but she loves learning new things & still cares about her friends! her special interest is video games (she’s the ultimate gamer; tbh by that logic you could argue everyone in danganronpa is autistic & their ultimate talent is their special interest) & she gets so invested in them that sometimes she forgets to breathe while playing. she’s also always sleepy."
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angel-oftheday · 4 months
The Angel of the Day is...
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From Danganronpa series
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