#gabit events
efverse · 3 months
the thing is. it was never Just dittos mom that made her feel bad for being..."different"
it was the kids who gawked at her if she wasnt transformed on the playground.
it was the prom date who asked her out as a prank and laughed at her when she untransformed..
it was the jerk in line behind her and eon and gabite that was making a big deal about being "able to tell"...
it's never just been her mom but all these kinds of bitter moments that piled up over the years that made her think that... she was right...
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yamujiburo · 11 months
going through the ENTIRE HanaMusa Masterlist (again) and i just want to say i love that you made the decision to evolve some of Ash’s pokemon that didn’t during the events of the series (the one that brought this on being Snivy -> Serperior)
Makes me wonder if any others have as well :3
And obviously wanted to say that i love what you come up with for this AU, definitely one of my favourites, as well as one of my favourite PokeShips :D
ooooh good question. i haven't really put much thought into it tbh. looking at a list of his pokemon now and these are the ones i think would be cool if they were evolved now
gibile evolves into gabite, scraggy evolves into scrafty, palpitoad evolves into seismitoad, totodile evolves into feraligatr and corphish evolves into crawdaunt
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Chapter 32- Part 1
So as I alluded to last time, the first thing I wanna do is switch my team around somewhat. I wanna bring Kirin back in, but considering who to swap out…hm. I think…
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Yeah, this should work, swapping Prong out for the time being. If we're traveling to a volcano, it's probably not a good idea to bring a Pokémon whose only two weaknesses are Fire and Rock.
Oh also, don’t worry about that item Glare has, it’s just a Pure Incense I keep forgetting to take off of her.
So now, let's actually get to Pyrous Mountain and get this started.
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Oh, resistance already? We're really not wasting any time here, okay.
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Not even a battle? That's a new one, not sure how that's gonna work out.
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Oh no, this guy's discovered he's an impassable NPC sprite in an RPG! He knows no one can walk around or through him, he's become too powerful!
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Oh, nevermind, brute force via event programming works just as well.
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Oh right, Cal's at Pyrous Mountain too- I kinda forgot about that. I swear, if he ended up getting captured and Xera has to save him too…
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So I guess this guy's just stuck there, huh? …Am I the only one that thought Incineroar was gonna throw him off the whole cliff and kill him, or-
Ah well, let's see the inside, finally.
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The action's already ramping up- but given the time-sensitive nature of this PULSE, I guess that makes sense.
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Yeah, you guys stole the volcano first! We're just stealing it back- so really, who's actually at fault here?
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Another brand new Field…it's different from that flaming one we've seen before. This one seems to be more related to…heat. 
Well, regardless, I can have Riptide deal with both of these, so I'll switch to him.
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Well, that's annoying- good thing Gabite’s already nearly dead.
Well, with Reflect up, Ice Fang won't do much I'm guessing. So, let's try hitting Noctowl with Water Pledge instead.
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Ah-? Okay, so not only does this Field weaken Water-type attacks, but it also causes Water moves to create…steam? Which lowers everyone's Accuracy? That's…okay, well, Gabite is still dying.
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uh guys. Was there are Gabite event. THERE IS A LOT OF GABITE OUTSIDE OF HALL 3
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Have you thought about putting the underdogs with the least submissions together in the ring and have people vote their preference to find out who people actually care about the least? Because Now I Am Curious
I'm not particularly inclined to do something like this with our candidates since the goals of this event are to be more celebratory of our underdogs. It you ARE interested, I've left the 110 Pokemon who qualified for this tournament but weren't nominated below the cut.
Actually, it's a little funny to see this, but since I didn't nominate any underdogs myself, I'm seeing Pokemon that are actually pretty high up in my favorites in here. Oh well.
Alolan Diglett
Alolan Dugtrio
Alolan Geodude
Alolan Golem
Alolan Graveler
Alolan Grimer
Alolan Persian
Brute Bonnet
Galarian Darmanitan
Galarian Darumaka
Galarian Stunfisk
Galarian Weezing
Galarian Yamask
Great Tusk
Hisuian Avalugg
Hisuian Electrode
Hisuian Qwilfish
Hisuian Sliggoo
Hisuian Voltorb
Iron Bundle
Iron Leaves
Iron Thorns
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini
Tapu Koko
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ranger-rai · 1 year
Hi Ranger Rai. I wanted to ask for advice on dragons.
You see, I accidentally stumbled upon a poacher in Kalos. The poacher had a cage with a trapinch, gible, axew, bagon, charmander and surprisingly a tyrunt.
I did something stupid and impulsive. When the coast was clear, I used my pokeballs to catch the pokemon and booked it. I visited Route 13 many times before and that is where I stayed for at least a few weeks.
Well, long story short, I heard from a bypasser that the poacher was caught, the little dragons got used to me and I decided to have them as my main team. They're my first pokemon outside of family companions. Any basic care you can suggest?
Well first let me applaud your bravery, but condem your actions because that could have been very dangerous for many reason.
Dragon Types are pretty strong even at their early stages, and if they had registered you as a threat.
Not to mention that if the poacher had caught you they might have been even more aggressive and dangerous than any angry dragon type.
But seeing as everything turned out alright, I won't be too harsh on it. Next time, use the emergency functions on your Pokedex (see this post)
Before anything you're going to need to get them checked out thoroughly at the pokemon center, make sure they weren't tagged.
Also you're gonna want to make sure they are well socialized and mentally and emotionally fit for battles.
Some pokemon have trauma from events and being locked in cages and battles can unfortunately trigger that trauma as well as small things you might not expect like being inside buildings, cars, or certain pokemon.
Once they are checked and cleared, you're going to really need to be prepared for a lot of work.
If you're a new trainer then you might want to find a dragon type support program to help get more detailed training.
If you have some experience then you'll need things they can really thrash and beat up, because their training is some of the most intense.
Sure Fighting types, Steel Types and psychic types can be tricky but Dragons are serious raw power, and one bad training day can be dangerous.
It's why a lot of trainers don't raise more than 2 Dragons at a time.
You're going to want someone with you or have a counter measure against them first like an Ice or Fairy Type just in case you get a rampage on your hands. It can happen in the transitional stages, mostly when a dragon is growing into its new form, or if it feels threatened to the point that it needs to let loose.
Before you even consider going through a gym challenge, you might want to train and see who is closest to evolving, and try to have 1 or 2 of them who have evolved and are stronger than the rest, essentially an Alpha of the group to help keep the others in check.
Let's also not forget the hunger and feeding times for these guys.
They are pretty easy to manage now, but a Gabite is very volatile when it's hungry.
You have your work cut out for you, so here's what I'd suggest if you're training and exploring the region.
When you reach a new city or town, spend a few days there to restock on supplies, allow your pokemon time to rest and train with one or two at a time, this way you can keep tabs on their growth.
Have a notebook and chart their growth, when one of them starts eating a lot more, and becoming more aggressive, they might be getting close to evolving.
There's way more to go about but you'll need to talk to an expert about it.
I hope this helps.
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sinnohlunarfestival · 8 months
Random Event: Ascension of a Garchomp
After the paparazzi had died down, people were calmer and things got quieter, this event could take place.
Gible came rushing out, along with Gabite, strolling along after the little ones. Many Garchomp showed up, looking proud. They were wild and possibly feral, but when this whole congregation of Garchomp had arrived with such a quiet grace.
One looked older than the rest, sporting many scars and even missing an eye. It came up to the winner, Rosso, growling something at the younger dragon. Rosso growled back. There was a conversation between the two dragons, with many other around watching. People were smart enough to stay out of it, but were certainly witnessing something interesting.
Rosso stood straight as the elder Garchomp came closer and using a claw, marked the younger dragon's chest. If one looked properly, it was reminiscent of the one the older one had. That several of the older Garchomp watching on also sported. It would seem that Rosso had joined the procession of Garchomps who had a certain title....and duty. In a way, it was like he was coming of age.
Or marked for a greater purpose.
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fightingthetides · 1 year
More Random/Useless Muse Facts
Did they believe in Santa?: Hm... I'm inclined to say yes. I dare say he was taught about Saint Nicholas, who Santa is based off of. Saint Nicholas, a monk, was very much real, therefore, yes. Does he believe in the jolly old man who gives out gifts? No. They lived in seclusion, the very notion that some rando knew where they lived is not a positive thought.
Were they a dinosaur or rock kid?: I'm sure this refers to something specific, but I don't know what it was. I suppose you could say he was more of a rock kid, as I doubt he had many toys growing up that were sold to general public. Any toys he had were made by hand.
Bugs or slimy critters?: Maybe bugs? He doesn't like the feeling of slimy things, so he wouldn't want to be touched by a slimy critter, much less have to touch one. As for bugs, he's mostly okay with them, unless they bite/sting. It was something he couldn't risk in his younger years, for obvious [living in seclusion] reasons.
Do they fidget? How?: I can see him being more of a fidgeter when younger, but when he became an assassin, he had to train himself to stop that habit else be heard. If he does fidget, it goes to show that he's comfortable enough around you that he's dropped his guard to allow himself to fidget when nervous/anxious.
What were they frequently in trouble for as a child?: Not really. He was a relatively good boy who listened to his parents. He was a bit of a hassle, but it was more due to his energy and his personality where he took things too literally all the time. There were more days with him being a good boy than a naughty one. He did become more naughty as he grew older, sneaking out more often. He didn't get caught often, so he didn't get in trouble. Well-- until... you know.
What underwear do they like?: As long as it's functional and dark in color, he's content.
Designs on clothing or no?: No, because that stands out, and designs can make your outfits more recognizable should a witness have ever noticed you. If your clothing is plain, then it's a lot harder to pick you out from among a crowd.
Birthmarks?: A heart-shaped birthmark underneath his eye.
Do they have good self control?: He's learned to have better self-discipline, so yeah, I suppose you can say so.
Favorite franchise?: ? IDK he doesn't particularly follow anything. I guess if I had to choose... Disney? That should count?
Do they re-enact scenarios in the shower?: Like re-enacting scenes in your head? Like having flashbacks and the like? Yes. I know people sing in the shower, so if this is asking if Ravein act out scenes, then no.
Do they tell the waiter that their order is wrong?: I mean, he doesn't really go out and eat food in most of the verses he's in. IF he does ever go out to eat, and they got his order wrong, he might if it's a big issue, like giving him an entirely different order. If it's something like they added an extra ingredient or forgot to switch out a side- he'll just eat it. He won't cause a big scene. If he's with someone and they're too nervous about saying something about their order being wrong, he'll act on their behalf.
Stairs or elevator?: Stairs.
Are they an exaggerator when telling stories?: Ravein has an impeccable memory, so he can recount events as they happened from his perspective. He isn't the most expressive, especially in voice, so if he were to tell a story the most animated part about him may be his hand gestures or his facial expressions before his voice. The way you tell a story makes it more impactful and exaggerated. So he would not make a good story-teller for kids, no. Kek. As a person who gathers intelligence, it's important to relay information as they are or omit things. He wouldn't exaggerate, so he doesn't have a gabit of exaggerating.
Tagged by: @lured-into-wonderland Tagging: I don't tag
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pkmn-spira · 7 months
Wonders of Spira: Mt. Spira
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There is no secret that Mt. Spira is the highest point of all of Spira. One can see it from any location in the region, granted one is in a place that has a clear view of it. In ancient times, it has been known to be a place of ceremony, as there are already plenty of ruins that litter the foot of the mountain, itself, with several more on one's way up to the summit.
With a height of 40,000 feet, along with its unique, spire like shape, it is often also known for several other names, such as The Throat of the Cosmos.
Even back in the ancient times, the Ancient Spirans already have a profound connection to the cosmos, as at the very peak would reveal ruins. Ruins that suggests both a temple and an observatory, perhaps the first observatory to ever be built on Spiran soil. A dual purpose, so to speak. A site of worship, and of knowledge.
Cosmic energy is profoundly rich around Mt. Spira, with the potency ever increasing as one would scale the mountain, yet scaling such is easier said than done.
Several Pokémon connected to the cosmos or believed to have descended from the cosmos can be found here. The likes of Lunatone, Solrock, and Minior are a common sight, as well as Cleffa, Clefairy and Clefable. Elygem and Beheeyem are also some of the residents that inhabit the mountain. Interestingly, Staryu and Starmie can also be found here, and unlike its brethren that are oft seen on the seas, the Staryu and Starmie of Mt. Spira are more intricately connected to their cosmic origin, thus imbued greatly with cosmic energies, and as such are more powerful than their now seaborn brethren. Interestingly, the Dragon/Electric Spiran Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp can also be found here, the former two located on the lower sections of the mountain, while the latter one can be found in the higher echelons of Mt. Spira, close to the peak.
At the very peak, one can often encounter swarms of Unown still inhabiting the temple and observatory ruins of Mt. Spira, and from within the observatory ruins would be what seem to be a cradle. A resting place for the Wishweaver, now made vacant as it was relocated somewhere else, somewhere safe and secure, due to the events that had have transpired over two years ago.
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To this very day however, one can sometimes see the peak of Mt. Spira expel out large quantities of cosmic energy out into the cosmos. The reason for this is unknown. However, one visual note to it is the intensification of the aurora borealis that can be observed around its site during the evening. Based from retrieved pieces of ancient text, Ancient Spirans believed that this was Mt. Spira's way of "breathing". As it is condensing and absorbing cosmic energy from the sea of stars, it too would eventually return said energy out into the cosmos, rinse and repeat. This also led Ancient Spirans to believe that the mountain itself is "alive" at some capacity.
Scaling Mt. Spira is easier said than done, as it would be nigh impossible to many, as the cosmic energy, the strange phenomena said energies manifest, as well as the strength of the Wild Pokémon themselves tend to be overwhelming the higher one would scale. Only the most determined individuals are known to have ever managed to scale the top, and return back down in one piece, both in mind, body and spirit.
It is said that the current Champion of Spira decided to take the climb shortly after becoming Champion as well as reach its peak, something that not even the previous Champion was able to do.
All in all, Mt. Spira is a place of celestial wonder, and reveals just how deep the idea of Cosmicism runs in Spira's history.
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housenahas · 2 years
Pokemon dark rising 3 download gba rom
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In this game, they also take on new forms, with many never-before-seen Pokemon designs! This is what makes it such an addictive game to play – you’re not only battling your opponents in turn-based battles, but you’re also training your team to become stronger, so it’s about more than just winning matches if you want to succeed against other trainers. It includes the original 151 Pokemon, each with their own set of moves and abilities that can be learned by levelling up or teaching them TMs.
The Pokemon Dark Rising series has proven to be a huge success among gamers. They will become a Gabite once used! This occurs in Chapter 11 Mission 12: Finding Grovyle’s Friend – Part Two – Where do we go from here? Is Pokemon Dark Rising worth playing? To obtain this item, the player must capture or defeat a Houndoom and then use it on a Pokémon with an open slot in its moveset. You can evolve it by using the Dusk Stone (a stone obtained by completing a side quest) in your inventory. Gible evolves into Gabite at level 24 in Pokemon Dark Rising. How does Gible evolve in Pokemon Dark Rising? There are three different options for starters. It’s important to think about which one gives you an advantage in battle, but it also affects which other Pokemon are available for capture and use later on. The starter Pokemon you select at the start of your journey is a significant decision that can influence how difficult or enjoyable your playthrough will be. Who is the best starter in Pokemon Dark Rising? You’ve been training at this Academy for a reason, film, and you’re ready to go out there and find her, yeah. It was a simple, short game similar to a Nuzlocke challenge that was difficult.īut the fact that God knows like challenge mode in this game as a game mode makes me think that it won’t be like all of the destroyed, which is great because that game was extremely difficult. Where, if you faint your poker, the order basically destroys you. Every now and then, I’ll take a nap in my bed. The overall quality appears to be much higher, which is fantastic. This games actually use an RPG maker rather than a romhack, so I believe you were placed on mobile devices like the dark, rising games in case people ask, so it’s unfortunate, but I mean already. The Germans use the Pokedex to record in Pokemon data from what you’ve seen or caught, which simply says channel nice, so you might notice as well. The running shoes we can choose are my running shoes, which are nice, okay, so general check an II. Normal moves are transformed into flying moves, sweet dragon, breath, wing attacks, supersonic, and moonlight. You can go on adventures to find more pokemon, such as the wild ones. The protagonist, who was affected by the event, embarks on an adventure to discover the truth.Īlso, be sure to try out Pokemon Fusion Platinum Game File Info:Ĭomplete Walkthrough of Pokemon Dark Rising 3 PC:Īs you progress through the game, you will encounter new pokemon that you can catch. The main plot of this game revolves around a phenomenon known as “the dark rising,” in which people’s shadows are replaced by their doppelganger counterparts.
Before we download the game, let’s take a look at some of its amazing features. As we know, Dark Rising’s previous versions were for GBA platforms, so this is an RPG Maker XP game. Running shoes are unique, with new pokedex. Shiny is also a part of the game, as is official shiny. The game includes a slew of new pokemon, including legendaries. Investigate the area and discover some amazing Pokemon. With a new area and plot, the main character must continue a journey that has not yet been completed. Check out the massive new options for playing the game at a different difficulty level. Pokemon Dark Rising 3 is a fantastic game in the Dark Rising Series with a nice storey.
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This tweet makes me sad. It makes me feel lots of love towards Amanda, and still, it makes me sad.
(Warning: GABIT-critical text ahead. Don't read if you haven't attended a GABIT event and want to form your own opinion first.)
It makes me sad...
...because these events mean so much to her, and she's missing them, but actually, she's missing the idealized version of the event, the version that everyone gushes about. ...because she doesn't know about the issues behind the scenes, and it makes me happy that she doesn't know because I don't want her to be sad about it. Yet, it also saddens me that what she believes these events to be is not what they actually are—I truly wish they were. ...because she's so profoundly grateful towards the directors of GABIT and the team members and stewards and some revered attendees, believing that they are the kindest and most caring people. However, she doesn’t see how some of them (not all, by any means, but enough in key positions to influence the entire event negatively) can behave nicely and caring when she's around, only to switch the moment she looks away. She doesn’t know about the rudeness and spitefulness happening on social media and in email correspondence. ...because she thinks GABIT is this place where everyone gets included into one big loving family. She believes GABIT is a friendship factory, a place of love and kindness. She doesn’t know about the attendees who don't have that experience. She doesn’t see how friendships formed at each event are primarily between the newbies, while many who consider themselves part of the GABIT family rarely reach out to include others. She doesn’t know how cliquey the event is, with groups of people who in part dislike and gossip about each other. She’s unaware of the bullying that some people have experienced at these cons.
I wish that GABIT would stop claiming that they are the best, most welcoming, most inclusive, most kind, most fan-friendly con (“No one does it better than GABIT.” “Gabit Events are the best [...] others might try to be better, but they will fail.”) but instead set it as a goal they strive towards, being aware that it's pretty much impossible to offer to 300 people with all kinds of different backgrounds and all kinds of different life experiences the perfect, inclusive experience they are priding themselves of this con being. I wish that GABIT wouldn't see itself as already perfect but acknowledge that they aren't and that they can and do make mistakes, thereby leaving an opportunity for growth. 
I wish that GABITeers would be self-aware enough not to generalize from their subjective experiences when they talk about GABIT being one open, welcoming, big family. “There are conventions, and then there are family reunions.” I wish that when hearing from people who aren’t getting that experience, it wouldn’t just result in an, ‘I'm sad you feel that way’, but would lead to actual changes to increase the chances that other attendees don't feel lonely and that it would serve as a reminder to stay humble and not state something as a fact that isn't. I wish that those who see themselves as part of the family would actively engage in including others. I wish that the newbies meeting at the beginning of the con wasn't primarily about newbies seeing other newbies and getting information about how the convention is organised – information that hardly contributes to getting to know the newbies and including them into ‘the family’ – but that it was used by those attendees who see themselves as part of the GABIT family to actively get to know the newbies. I wish the opening ceremony and the convention booklet would emphasize how to make the con inclusive (e.g., what to do when you don't feel included, or how to help others feel included) rather than just claiming the con is already inclusive while ignoring those who feel excluded. I wish it didn’t take nine conventions for someone from ‘the family’ to take on the role of a fully active newbie greeter, making a real difference.
I wish that GABIT didn't feel the need to put other conventions down in order to elevate themselves. I wish that questions about rules wouldn't get answered in an ‘other conventions don't allow this, but we do’ kind of way but just a simple ‘yes, allowed’ or ‘no, not allowed.’ I wish that announcing Amanda for a convention that doesn't take place on the same weekend nor in the same month, not even in the same continent as a GABIT event and that offers a fully different experience to the one-guest GABIT experience, wouldn't result in a rant about those convention organizers, making it look like they're “making Amanda's fans choose” between their event and GABIT. I wish that reactions like “mean spirited”, “super petty”, “reeks of desperation”, “underhandedly clutching at straws” weren't endorsed. 
I wish that GABITeers would have enough self-reflection to be aware and acknowledge that they can be unkind and rude too, and not just react with further rudeness when someone dares to point that out. It's only human to get angry and rude when your views and opinions are getting challenged or when someone else behaves disrespectfully towards you. I do believe that the ultimate sign of a person being kind is the ability to remain respectful even in such challenging situations. However, I'm not expecting that level of self-control from anyone. When, however, GABITeers insist that they are kind even while saying spiteful things or encouraging others to do so, it makes me feel unsafe around them and disconnected from them. The ‘masquerade ball’ poem written by Julia that Amanda read at AT9? A poem about how open and warm the GABIT community is and how you can let your mask fall there and be vulnerable? That's a hard thing to do around people you don't feel safe with. I also wish that when someone missteps and does or says something that actually is or can be interpreted as unkind, fandom's and in particular GABITeers' reaction wouldn't be to unleash all wrath on this person and make all kinds of spiteful comments. I wish that no GABIT director or team member or steward would endorse this reaction.
I wish that people weren't afraid to publicly voice criticism towards GABIT out of fear of getting banned, having seen people getting banned, and out of fear of getting spiteful reactions. The fact that people, including long-time attendees and stewards, are afraid to speak out shows the kind of atmosphere GABIT has created: One where some people in key positions and vocal GABITeers aren’t open to criticism, reacting instead with an ‘if you don't like it, don't come’ stance. I wish criticism towards GABIT wasn’t often automatically classified as unkind and mean, something done only by people who “get some kind of wicked pleasure in tearing others down to make themselves feel better.”
I wish that when directors and team members and stewards decide to stick to an official GABIT rule and offer zero leeway under the pretence of fairness, no matter the individual circumstances of a particular request and how non-compassionate that decision is, they'd do so in a respectful way instead of getting rude. I wish they’d still stand by their decision and not suddenly switch to a concerned, compassionate stance that allows for leeway, acting as if they weren’t aware of the circumstances before, the moment Amanda sees them. At photo or autograph sessions, they shouldn’t switch from an annoyed ‘you’re taking too long, hurry up!’ expression to a compassionate one within seconds, just because Amanda looks at them. Such sudden changes in Amanda’s presence make it hard to believe in the genuineness of anything they say or do. How can I believe the authenticity of anything said on stage or elsewhere where Amanda can see or read it? How can I trust that anything said isn’t just to look good in front of Amanda after such displays of two-facedness? This diminishes the enjoyment of the convention, especially given the amount of self-praise on stage.
I wish GABIT would actually fully reflect the kindness, humility and integrity Amanda shows.
And none of this critique takes away from acknowledging the passion and commitment and incredible amount of hard work the GABIT directors and team members and stewards are putting into these events. None of this takes away from the fact that GABIT offered Amanda Tapping fans a truly unique way to experience her intensively throughout one weekend, which is an absolutely fabulous way to get to know her. (And by intensively, I mean the amount of on-stage time she gets. You might have more time to talk to her at autograph sessions at other conventions.) None of this takes away from acknowledging all the small, thoughtful details that make this con different from other cons: The personal charm for the cocktail party. How a steward checks in with you while you wait in the queue. How you get introduced to Amanda by team members and stewards if you are a newbie. How GABIT directors and team members and stewards support you when you're nervous about meeting Amanda and support you through breakdowns. The funny ideas to get Amanda from the stage at the end of the panel. The lovely and unique ideas for Amanda like the Quilt of Many Hugs at AT3. None of this takes away from the fact that part of the directors, most team members and most stewards are genuinely caring and kind and friendly and supportive and willing to help you! Heartfelt thanks for that! None of this takes away from acknowledging the beautiful acts of kindness and generosity that happen between attendees at the con and outside of it. None of this detracts from the con high that often happens while attending GABIT events as it happens with other conventions: The joy and the energy and the strength that meeting Amanda and friends – in my case, none of whom see themselves as GABITeer – can give. None of this takes away from the fact that these events have helped many people and made a positive difference in their lives. None of this takes away from the fact that most GABIT-disappointed people are nevertheless hugely grateful to GABIT for all these reasons.
All of this is invaluable, and still, it's the people in key positions, the people who define themselves as the GABIT family and are vocal about it and about the con, who ultimately define what GABIT is; it's them who set the tone.
A lot of good things happen at and around GABIT. I wish the nasty things didn't overshadow them.
That tweet makes me sad... ...because given GABIT's seeming lack of openness to changes, Amanda's probably the only person actually in a position to be able to change GABIT and set new rules. Yet, in order to do that, she'd have to know what actually goes on behind her back. ...or maybe she suspects, but then everyone who talks to her says only positive things about GABIT, so she isn't sure whether she just is imagining things... ...or she knows some of it but chooses to look away, not wanting to spoil the experience for the fans who are enjoying themselves, believing the vast majority is getting the GABIT experience that's being talked about on stage... There's no way to know without talking to her about this topic, yet none of the GABIT-disappointed people I know, me included, would want to do that, and it therefore follows that nothing will change. We see how very much these events mean to her, and we are happy for her. Showing her that these events that are so close to her heart don't reflect her love, kindness, humility and integrity the way that she believes they do might burst the bubble and make her sad and hurt her, and none of us wants to hurt her. And we certainly don't want for her to think that criticizing an event that means so much to her is in any way a critique of her or an attack on her as a person because she herself is wonderful. We love her and are immensely grateful to her for doing these events and for all she gives to the fans at these events and at any convention. 
On a related note: It seems that attendance numbers at GABIT events have been declining. I truly hope Amanda doesn't think that this is in any way a reflection of people's interest in an event that has her as the only guest. It isn't, it has to do with the costs, and for several fans, it has to do with the conscious decision of not wanting to attend and support a convention where key persons display and/or endorse such a lack of integrity, kindness and humility. We prefer to see her at other conventions.
Note: Everything in double quotation marks is quoted from social media or speeches on stage. Besides that, it's hard to give examples as they're so specific that it would be immediately apparent to the GABIT directors and/or some team members and/or stewards, which persons have made those experiences, and chances are, these persons would face the wrath of GABITeers. Anyone who wants to can add their personal experiences here, however. Please, stay respectful.
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captain-sassy-socks · 2 years
GABIT INSP 2022 Part V - Closing Ceremony and Personal Thoughts
At the beginning, Amanda sat aside from the stage, as did the rest of the G4 and head stewards, and was already clutching a tissue in her hand. That was the moment I realized things would probably get very emotional.
A video with moments from the first GABIT conventions was displayed.
Julia got on stage and thanked everyone in lengthy detail. The final amount raised for charity was announced. (side note: as final as it could get since they forgot to auction off one item)
Nora and Becka presented the two cheques. Amanda helped them.
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A representative from Hearing Dogs thanked us for our generosity and introduced us to their work, and explained how the pandemic was a huge setback.
Becky then shared how an idea to get Amanda back into town became a reality. She thanked Amanda for being a role model and breaking the cycle of body image issues for her daughter. This was followed by a short story about Becky's mother and her fear of the dentist.
Next, Liesl thanked everyone for being a part of the experience.
Julia got up on stage and said, “I haven’t got speech.” Amanda dramatically jumped up, shouted, “Bullshit!” and pretended to leave the room. After three large steps, she turned back and broke into laughter.
Julia explained that this was indeed the last GABIT convention since the company would go defunct. (side note: reading between the lines, the possibility of a reunion sometime in the future wasn’t ruled out)
Finally, Amanda stepped back on the stage and struggled to retain her composure. She thanked us for being part of this wonderful family and for embracing one another. For every little thing she gives us, inspires us, we give 100 times more back to her. The memories of these events and our stories have carried her through the darkest hours. She considers GABIT a friendship factory and is proud of it.
And after that, the dam broke and she cried her eyes out.
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Amanda left the hall to a standing ovation.
And a sense of finality set in.
And here are my personal thoughts regarding the weekend.
1) I was a newbie. First time convention, first time Amanda Tapping. I didn’t know what to expect. Good for me, because the weekend blew my mind. The entire time I was living in a bubble, running on adrenalin and serotonin and definitely not enough sleep. Even the one or other cocktail couldn’t take full effect in this state. lol
2) I had read many articles and seen many videos, such as the "Bite the Bullet" interview. So I knew Amanda was struggling with her self-esteem and self-worth, but I didn't know the extent of it. I just didn't want to believe that "I like to play smart, savvy, sexy women - because that's not me" was the truth. In my mind, she was one part Samantha Carter and one part Helen Magnus, smart, strong, badass. Seeing her so vulnerable deconstructed that image and replaced it with something I can't yet find the right words for. But it's definitely better. 
3) As much as we, the fans, needed this event to reconnect with her, to tell her our stories, to be enveloped by one of the best hugs in the world, I can't shake the feeling that Amanda needed it even more, a safe place to feel loved. I feel honored to have been a part of it.
4) I have gained a new respect for Amanda. After all the shit life has dealt her the last year, it would have been easy to wallow in self-pity, blame the world, and become a bitter, cynical, old woman. But she refused and continues to be the kindest and most caring person I’ve ever meet. Kindness is not just a word for her. She lives and breathes it as witnessed in the grand and little moments throughout the weekend.
5) Suanne Braun was a wonderful guest. She went with the the spirit of the event and complemented Amanda well. I really liked her dry humor and their display of friendship. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for Suanne's future projects.
6) At last, I come to the best part: I MET THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE!!! You know who you are ;-) We laughed, we cried, we fangirled hard, we had the time of our lives. It was mostly you who made the weekend unforgettable. This amazing feeling and the memories will linger for a long time and carry me through another winter that looks less promising again. And remember the promise: if one of us wins the lottery big time, we’ll go through with our plans for a reunion.
7) Earlier, I mentioned an item they forget to auctioned off. It was this. Imagine having it hanging over your bed...
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that1nkyone · 2 years
…OK. Just found this blog today, and being the person I am? I am VERY MUCH INTERESTED in your Wishing Star AU. Although, let's be real - it's because we're both a sucker for "human stuck in a pokemon body" plotlines.
Admittedly, I trend more towards longer-term changes, but learning the powers and whatnot? That's the ticket, baby.
I haven't done anything revolving around identity, admittedly. Now, I do intend to explore the impact of instincts - a bark slipping out instead of an actual word (in Pokespeech), possible urges to battle, etc. Not to mention other changes, such as having to walk on 4 legs, or the sensory shifts.
Definitely looking forwards to seeing more from you, maybe talking shop sometime or something? *Shrug* We'll see. (Oh, and before I forget - again - will we ever get to see what kicked off the Wishing Star AU? Not the actual injury - that'd probably be a bit close to body horror - but Irida finding out what happened, her initial reactions, etc. etc.)
I haven't had much time to work on Wishing Star stuff, but thank you for your message! The events that kick off this particular story is Irida trying to protect Glaceon from an Alpha Gabite during one of their outings. x4 Weakness be damned, the encounter goes poorly and Irida takes a hit on her back meant for Glaceon. Irida doesn't recall what happened after this. She does not recall Glaceon making a desperate cry for help. She doesn't recall the end result of the fight between Glaceon and Gabite. She doesn't recall someone lifting her out of the snow and carrying her back to the Pearl Clan Village.
Irida manages to awaken days later, hearing the unfamiliar voices of Espeon and Flareon. They're quietly debating on where she came from, and why she smells familiar. Her first response is fairly typical - the confusion of understanding what her Pokemon are saying - and then the very unpleasant surprise that she has somehow been changed into an Eevee. Her knee-jerk reaction, despite being in pain, is to run outside the hut that she's been cozied up and recovering in. She has to find any of the Wardens in the village, or anyone who can help.
She is not understood, and before she can try finding a different way to communicate, she is frozen in place when her own human face stares down at her. A doppleganger of her human self has apparently been here since she was unconscious. As far as anyone of the Pearl Clain can tell, Irida's been here the whole time, completely unharmed.
This is too much for the real Irida to process right now, but she's scruffed by Flareon and carried away from the village.
And that's how the adventure begins! Who is this doppleganger? Why is Irida an Eevee? Where did Glaceon go?
Spoiler alert: Irida is furious and very determined to get back into her leadership role, but as she recovers and gains an additional perspective on the Pokemon who live around her and her own Clan, she starts having to deconstruct the ups and downs of being a Clan Leader at this age, the need to prove herself again and again, the love she has for her clan, whether it was right to put her in this role, etc.
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In Which They Needed Cosmic Help - Ch 14
Summary: Ingo never really knew what to do at parties. This was an important celebration, the Pokedex had just been completed, after all. The Gods were conquered.
He didn't expect a sudden appearance of a familiar face because of an almighty deity, though.
Word Count: 451
Hurt/Comfort, slight angst
Emmet had finally managed to get through the backlog of messages he’d received. After running to the store with Drayden, he had to take a solid two hours just to read through all the messages and reply. It didn’t help that then everyone had wanted a conversation. Ingo and the girls had done a nice job of cleaning the apartment and getting it ready for living in again. Everything was spotless and back in its place, as it had been once. The windows were open, allowing the breeze in and replacing the stagnant smell of must that had permeated the space for so long. He sat on the couch in an old t-shirt and a pair of slacks (Drayden had insisted he not wear his usual collared shirt). Pressing Send on the last message, he threw himself back and sank into the soft furniture. He groaned. He hadn’t done much, but that simple task had drained him.
They’d gotten Ingo a new Xtransceiver, as his had cracked when he’d disappeared. They’d gotten Akari some new sheets for her bed and even a few little knick-knacks to decorate her new room with, to make it less barren. Food, toiletries, new soaps, laundry detergent, basically anything needed to run a home was thrown into the cart.
While out, Emmet had also asked a favor of Drayden. He’d known it was a long shot, but he had to know. “Drayden, have you been to Sinnoh lately?” His uncle had shaken his head.
“Why do you ask?”
“Akari says she derailed to Hisui from Sinnoh. She had no family. Her only Pokemon was a beloved partner, a Gabite.” Emmet paused. “Have there been any reports of a lost Gabite?” Drayden shook his head.
“I might be the Dragon-type Gym leader, but I have no clue about the little affairs of other regions. I suppose I could ask Cynthia if she’d seen anything or heard from a Gym leader out there, though. Did the Gabite have any defining features?”
“Just that it was a female.”
“I can ask if it’s important.” Drayden typed off a quick message on his Xtransceiver. Then he led Emmet into the dairy aisle.
That had been four hours ago. Emmet yawned, not truly tired with the events of the day, but mentally exhausted from the last week. Going to Hisui and bringing Ingo home had been a lot. He rested his eyes for a moment…
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alaina-berry · 3 years
I haven't seen anyone's headcanons on the actual event in which Ingo was thrown into Hisui. and why
So here's mine:
Arceus opened a rift at the subway next to Ingo, hoping to pick up a powerful enough trainer to help stop whatever the fuck Volo's doing. Arceus originally chose Ingo, and even told him to meet every pokemon, so Ingo makes this attempt, far more than annoyed that he got ripped from work, his brother, and he even dropped his pokemon, so he has no one and nothing to protect himself with as he's trying to check off this list of pokemon he's not even familiar with in the first place.
Then a particularly powerful pokemon in the coronet highlands (because that's where he'd be dropped), and I've seen someone mention that alpha Steelix, but there's Golem, Rhyperior, Gyarados, Luxray, Gabite, like seriously- a lot of pokemon that could have been responsible for maybe being just a little faster than Ingo could run, and he hits his head. Hard. Hence the amnesia, I like the idea that Sneasler rescued Ingo and took him to the Pearl Clan, or maybe one of the Pearl members was passing by when they found him unconscious.
In the meantime, Subway Security approaches Emmet, who was completely unaware of Ingo's disappearance earlier that day. Security tells Emmet, "Hey boss, this is important, you might want to have a look at this." and shows him footage of the rift sucking Ingo in, and all Emmet could do is watch as his brother fought to keep from falling into the rift and ultimately fails. In his fear and panic, he rushes and has his excadrill (which I have dubbed 'Slag') and tear down the wall the rift had appeared on. He spends hours checking the area, security had already called the police and they're trying to get information.
Days pass and they haven't found Ingo.
Weeks without a word.
Months and they begin to assume the worst.
Five years and Emmet refuses to believe his brother is dead, completely unaware that his brother is practically in another world with a ghost of a memory of his previous life.
Arceus waited too. He knew of Ingo's injury and waited for his memory to return, so he could remember he was there. "Seek out all pokemon. Help prevent a calamity." But Hisui was running out of time. So he chooses two more trainers, champions from another region. And tells them the same, and even kept in contact with them by modifying their phones. He pulls them from their world too, from people and pokemon they cared about.
Arceus prayed the same fate didn't fall upon them too.
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rwbybutincorrect · 3 years
RWBY Pokemon Headcanons - Team RWBY
ALRIGHT ITS WHAT YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, sebby’s rwby hc pokemon teams :3 
i realized that this was actually ready and i’ve slapped it in the queue. 
ive noted teams for jnpr and a couple members of salem’s side, i’ll get around to writing those next! <3
Ruby Rose
Lycanroc (midnight)
Blaziken was acquired as a starter at Signal. She chose Torchick for it’s spunky attitude and fiery spirit, and they dedicated themselves to protecting people and Pokemon. 
She spent days and nights training on live Grimm, where she found her Rockruff making a target of itself with it’s brave barking. It evolved into a Lycanroc training beside her.
Florges was caught as a Flabébé. She went to visit her mother’s grave and went to take flowers from the garden to bring to her. Where she found Flabébé and decided to keep it and raise it to its evolution. 
Talonflame was caught on initiation at Beacon. She risked her neck fighting the Nevermore Grimm alongside them and her and Weiss picked up two Fletchinder to mark their achievement. 
Garchomp is symbolic of the first use of her Silver Eyes. When she froze the Wyvern, and Grimm gravitated to the area, Pokemon were chased from the school grounds. A Gabite fled the mountains where she caught it and raised it on her journey to Haven. 
Dragopult represents the Leviathan battle. A haunting moment for Ruby where everyone’s lives were in her hands. She acquired her Dragapult before leaving Argus.(
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Weiss Schnee
Though Weiss never attended a specific pre-Huntsmen school, a Popplio was given as a gift from her Mother, all of the Schneeblings have one from her Primarina. 
Golurk represents Weiss’s first real battle for her identity. On Jacques’ challenge to defeat the Arma Gigas, she acquired the Golett to attend her to Beacon. A parting “gift” from Jacques. 
Talonflame was caught on initiation at Beacon. She aided RBY And JNPR fighting the Nevermore Grimm alongside them and her and Ruby picked up two Fletchinder to mark their achievement.
The Mamoswine was caught to represent her demonstration of a fight with a Boarbatusk in her Beacon class, a powerful ally and summon acquired from proving her strength to her peers.
Vikavolt represents the Queen Lancer summon that Weiss acquired while running away from Atlas. She caught it after the scuffle itself. 
Corviknight idk <3 undetermined origins where I might say she had it since it was a rookidee, which would make sense and even her out with other characters. it also could represent the nevermore summon but talonflame made more sense thematically for her team
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Blake Belladonna 
Blake Belladonna never attended a proper pre-Huntsmen school, nor did she have the prestige to acquire a “proper” started, however, her parents gave her a Shinx as it was the offpsring of their own partner Pokemon. 
When Blake was young, she came across an Absol. It wouldn’t leave her alone, so she caught it, of course, and it’s been a very protective and cautious Pokemon throughout her life.
Zoroark was caught in her early days of the White Fang. It was rescued from humans as a Zorua and it aided her and the White Fang with its illusions, under the same belief they were doing the right thing. 
Before coming to Beacon, Adam gave her his Kirlia. She kept it and it had completely changed its allegiances by Battle of Beacon, attempting to protect her and Yang but ultimately failing. It evolved into a Gallade where it and Yang’s Gardevoir aided in the rest of the battles with Adam.
Grimmsnarl was similarly a gift. After leaving RWBY in a flurry of emotions with Sun Wukong, they went back to Menagerie and caught two Morgrems causing ruckuses. 
Before parting ways with Ilia, Blake caught a Salandit with her in mind and evolved it into a Salazzle on her way to Argus with her team.
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Yang Xiao Long
Yang went to Signal, where she chose Litten as a starter. Unlike Ruby, Yang wasn’t looking for a chivalrous type, more of a spirit willing to win. Incineroar and Yang are inseparable and have been a team since day one.
Pangoro represents her frequent fights with “the bears.” Originally, she was given a Panchamp after nearly getting herself and Ruby killed by Ursai. Qrow caught and gave her a Panchamp in hopes it would teach her patience and protection.
Similarly, she was given a Growlithe by her father for protection against the wild Pokemon in Patch. She just hadn’t anticipated the way it got her out of a handful of skirmishes with Grimm as well.
To be honest, Kommo-o, Gardevoir, and Tyrantrum don’t have specific events, they just have vibes. Kommo-o may be related to Raven or Tai, Gardevoir is associated with Blake but I dont know when she got it, and I think she picked up a Jaw fossil and revived it ??/ somewhere?? :3 suggestions welcome! 
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