#gahhh they make me feel insane
sbd-laytall · 1 year
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srjlvr · 9 months
what would ENHA members put in their bag that reminds them of you.
idol-ot7!enha x nonidol-fem!reader | genre fluff | warnings none (lmk if i missed smth) | not proofread ! | ✎ ᝰ (‘a note from jo’) . don’t even ask me how i thought about it bc i honestly dont know
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희승 <> heeseung
he’d probably go around with your beauty products like hand creams and such.
it’s the ones you always use and even asked heeseung to buy them for you a few times when you ran out of it.
you sometimes happen to forget them when you two are going out—no worries!! heeseung is always here to rescue.
“what’s your favorite thing you keep in your bag?” the interviewer asks. heeseung looks through his bag and smiles when he sees something that reminds him of you, he takes it out and chuckles, “y/n always uses them, i thought it’d be good if i keep them since she always forgets them when we go out”
제이 <> jay
he’d definitely carry your perfume in his bag. he bought it to you once as a gift and ever since then it became your favorite perfume ever.
sometimes when you’re far from each other, he’d put on your perfume he carries around just because he misses you.
always buys extras and gives them to you but leaves one in his bag just incase he rans out of it and isn’t able to buy more at the moment.
“what’s the most expensive thing in your bag?” the interviewer asks, clearly making them to show off. jay immediately takes out your perfume and grins, “i bought it for y/n as a gift, but i didn’t expect her to like it as much as she does now, so i buy it more often now and it’s somehow the most expensive one”
“i use it a lot, i always think about y/n when i do” he smiles and nods, the members all sniffing him and giggling.
제이크 <> jake
before the two of you got together, you made him a heart shaped paper with a cute drawing on it.
he’d definitely carry that around, even if it looks old and wrinkled, he loves it.
always shows it to people since he adores it so much and wants to show off about how amazing you are.
“what’s the thing you’d never agree to give away?” the interviewer asks. jake, without a doubt takes out the heart shaped old and wrinkled paper with a big smile on his face, “y/n made it for me before we started dating, at that moment i knew i had to do everything to make her mine”
성훈 <> sunghoon
sunghoon loves taking pictures. he especially likes taking polaroid pictures with you, and of you alone.
he’d go around with a little album of your polaroids together, there’s nothing he loves more than looking through those pictures whenever you two are far away from each other.
would take it ANYWHERE he goes, and always adds new polaroids when he gets the time to take new pictures.
“what’s one thing you’d never get rid off?” the interviewer asks. sunghoon takes out the little album and smiles as he shows a few pictures of the two of you together, “it’s me and y/n in those pictures, i have this album for over a year and we’re always taking new pictures, i always look at them whenever i miss her”
the poor boy blushes and covers his face, the rest are busy pouting, “it’s the fact that he doesn’t even have pictures with us in his bag that saddens us”
선우 <> sunoo
gahhh i feel like he’d definitely carry around hair products in his bag—such as hairpins and hair ties.
he loves loves LOVES styling your hair, and always has an emergency hairpins and hair ties just incase.
your hairpin broke? sunoo’s here to fix it for you. your hair tie is not holding enough? sunoo’s. here. to. fix. that.
“what’s a thing you rarely use but still have it?” the interviewer asks. sunoo knows the answer right away and takes out the hairpins and hair ties with a giggle, “i use it on y/n mostly since i can’t really style my hair with these, but she needs them a lot so i carry it around”
정원 <> jungwon
the amount of wireless earbuds that you lost is insane. jungwon, being the responsible he is—still uses his first earbuds ever.
when you bought a new pair, jungwon decided to buy an extra one. he puts it in his bag and carries it around in case you’d come up to him and tell him you lost it again.
lost a pair again? jungwon pulls out the extra he bought you last time, and would probably buy an extra one again since he can’t trust you on this one. would he mind? no, not at all.
“what’s a thing you actually have twice of it?” the interviewer asks. jungwon laughs as soon as he hears the question, taking out the earbuds he bought recently, “i have my own earbuds, and these one are extra for y/n, she keeps loosing her earbuds all the time so i keep extras in my bag for her”
“it’s quite expensive isn’t it?” the interviewer asks and jungwon nods, “but i don’t mind since it always reminds me of her”
니키 <> ni-ki
both ni-ki and you LOVE sunglasses. you even bought matching ones once! ni-ki would probably carry one of your favorite sunglasses in his bag.
you have your own that you love and usually wear, but the one ni-ki carries is your most expensive and favorite one.
as much as he loves his own sunglasses, he’d wear yours whenever he misses you a lot, that way he can feel your embrace next to him, even if you’re not physically by his side.
“what’s your favorite accessory in your bag?” the interviewer asks. ni-ki smiles and slowly takes out your sunglasses, “it actually belongs to y/n, but i took it. we both love sunglasses and we bought matching ones, but since these are her favorites i carry them around and wear them all the time”
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••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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herlockslimbo · 8 months
has anyone talked about meiko’s happy end side story. it has been making me insane for weeks on end.
to. lengthily. sum it up, wxs come running back to sekai after making the decision to stay together. everyone’s still crying a lot (so much they’re struggling to speak 😭) so the vs are like “!?? what happened??”. to which rui responds super choked up that they did it. wonderlands x showtime are going to move forward together. all the vs are so happy they start crying too. while everyone’s having their moment,
meiko turns to rui and tells him she’s so proud of him for not giving up, and following through with his feelings, getting the ending he wanted. rui immediately tells her he can’t take the credit, because in the end it was emu’s brothers who really pushed emu to change her mind, but meiko tells rui that while that may have been the deciding factor, what he did was nothing small. meiko notes that rui has seen something like this before, that true, direct, sincere feelings can move someone’s heart. rui speaking up and telling wxs how he felt played a major part in this and he can’t diminish that to nothing. rui retorts that his “feelings” were nothing more than his own egoism, but, if what meiko said is true, he’s going to try and be “selfish” and speak his mind more :,)
there’s a final little part where meiko goes “rui-kun, i’ve watched you worry about so many things…..” flashes a smile, then she goes “now this is what a happy ending should look like!” end.
like meiko has been there a lot for rui since likee cheer squad, when she called out to his classmates so rui wouldn’t run away, then she was aware of him visiting during curtain call iirc, and then of course she helped him (with luka) during that one night in amidst a dream when he was real bad talking about how he didn’t want to feel anymore or whatever, not to mention all of their antics….so it makes me so happy for her to get to see rui push through 🥹🥹🥹
and rui himself ouuughhh…rui’s “selfish feelings” have always been a thing surrounding his character, but they especially rose with that wording during curtain call, and his desires to keep everyone together. so it makes me feel insane that he’s finally decided to embrace his feelings because he realized the impact they made…he’s not gonna let himself drown in his feelings anymore (I HOPE.) gahhh i love my stupid son
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amemenojaku · 9 months
Shinmyoumaru for the character ask prompt
I got several asks about her... thank you everyone for allowing me to go completely batshit insane
General opinion/How much I care about them: GAHHH I love her SO MUCH it's unbearable!!!! I think nowadays I wouldn't be able to say who's my number 1 favorite touhou character between her and Seija... There is a very special place in my heart for Shinmyoumaru Sukuna T_T I love the play on a classic otogizoshi (making the descendant of Issun Boushi a princess AND the ally of a horned demon at the same time is sooo good) and I love that she has this brave and regal aspect to her personality while still being a little bastard and I love her design and the atmosphere of her fight scene in DDC and her heart and everything else!!! She is cool and cute and funny god I wish Shinmyoumaru were real I have so much affection for this silly little character
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup) I made myself known here as a seishin artist many years ago and I'm happy to say they're still my absolute favorite pairing in the series! toxic yuri wins!! The way I see them has changed a lot over the years and thanks to the surprisingly big amount of material we got in the spinoffs and the books but at its core it's still the same... Lonely people who created unforgettable memories together and changed each other forever... And you can go so many different ways with them... But I guess my all-time favorite seishin flavor is best summed up in this unrelated quote (more people should read Fafoo):
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seishin fans also manifested grimoire of usami into existence which I think is incredible enough on its own to mention
A non-romantic relationship that I love: With Reimu!!! I think we all agree that their interactions in Forbidden Scrollery were perfect and that Shinmyoumaru is an excellent addition to the Reimu solar system. There's something so touhou-ish about them living together after DDC and Shinmyoumaru sewing that small kimono as a gift for Reimu and then later hijacking the danmaku festival so bad that Reimu has to step in. Literally textbook case of Reimu dealing with another little rascal yet befriending them in the process. Speaking of I think they genuinely are good friends, not just danmaku or drinking buddies... I love to imagine their daily life together when Shinmyoumaru stayed at the shrine......
The NOTP: For better or for worse she's almost exclusively shipped with Seija which is fine by me!! I've never liked seeing her with anyone else (save for a onesided Shinmyoumaru -> Reimu crush).
My biggest headcanon about them: THERE'S TOO MANY TO LIST..... I have pages upon pages of Shinmyoumaru & kobito-related headcanons because she is constantly rotating somewhere inside my brain but I can share a few ones: her family is not only a descendant of Issun Boushi but also a descendant of Sukunahikona; none of the kobito have last names except the ruling family who takes on the most sacred one - Sukuna; there's actually a little bit of Issun Boushi's spirit remaining in the miracle mallet, he doesn't exist there anymore or anything but it's like a warmth that Shinmyoumaru can feel when she wields it.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I have a lot of wips that I probably won't ever finish sadly... But I -would- love to draw some kind of comic or writing/art mix where I could include all those headcanons someday, with her past and especially a study of her relationship with the mallet
Something that makes me think of them: Hedgehogs :) and forget-me-nots!
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vampcubus · 10 months
Okay, okay, okay....Gyokko is possessive and if in love, freakily fragile. Like, even Gyutaro is a bit more secure and he can hardly handle the concept of being loved. He acts a little like Aizetsu with more vigor if jealous and in a relationship; He'll whine, pout and cry with with such an arrogant air? Like "how dare you look at another man when you already have me, my muse?!" That's Gyokko. He'd also try to revoke affection, but he's always simpering for your touch and affection, whether he admits it or not, which would probably be a not because he's so prideful. Man's a gift giver, and expects praise and utter adoration. You will have art made in your name too btw. Please muster up some kind of compliment, he loves those from you as much as Douma would. (Douma's also a praise slut, but let's not talk about him here) Gyokko, surprisingly, would admit, after swallowing ever drop of pride he has in his strange looking body, that you are the most beautiful work of art he's ever seen. I don't take him as the kind of guy to believe in gods or anything like that, but he's willing to reconsider given that you exist and rest within his palm. Although, in reality, it's him that rests in yours and melts into a puddle at any kind of affection. He's overly confident, so I hope you're patient, you'll need it. Not him, you. He can, and will get very irritating and overly wordy when describing his work to you, to the point that you'll be pretty sure he's just making stuff up on the spot to appear cultured. All in the name of art, of course, not because he wanted to impress you, because of course you're already wowed and dazzled by his very being! Newsflash, he wants to impress you. He wants it so bad, as bad as he needs blood to drink and grow stronger, he has to have your attention, your admiration and adore! Tell him your favorite colors, you may start seeing them crop up in his art, or, heavens, perhaps even on him. Comment on it and he'll deny everything, he just thought they meshed well. Isn't he so brilliant? Side not, of he asks that, that's his silent plea for any kind of praise or affection. Watch his whole body turn pink if you press kisses to either of his lips. It's funny and also kind of pretty? The ombre of pink to white on him looks good. Dude's the weirdest guy I've characterized to date and I'm sure that he'll be rather intriguing to work with. I feel like I'm looking at some special amphibious species.
I AM EATING ALL THIS UP!! AND TAKING NOTES!! you always have such good characterizations it’s insane, seriously idk how you do it! gahhh him trying so hard to impress you—even wearing colors you like on himself? i’m swooning pls i love him.
i love it when men are desperate and pathetic for the one they love. gets me everytime.
i am so excited to see what else you write for him, but for now i’ll settle for rereading this ask over and over.
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faffreux · 5 months
Not really an ask, but sort of an appreciation thing??? Didn’t actually know this before but apparently I used to see your art of Fawful a lot online as a kid? So when I discovered your account on tumblr years and years later into adulthood I was legitimately shocked and happy to find it. It’s like this strange happy nostalgic feeling of seeing an old friend despite never meeting before :)
Thanks for continuing to make cool art of a cool bean you goober you
WHAAAT FOR REAL???! I think the earliest Fawful art I posted online was 2013!! That's so insane to me to hear you remember it! I may not be happy at all with how I drew him back then but it makes me so joyous to hear people enjoyed it regardless!!
GAHHH I'm literally so happy rn reading this i'm spinning heehee ehjkdfgdfg
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milano summer festival recap
what a dayyyy !!!
first of all I arrived and the line was so fucking long I'm not kidding I had to walk 30 minutes to get to the end and the venue people had realized how many we were and opened the gates at like 1pm instead of 6pm skjsk it was INSANE and I was so emo already about seeing so many people there for my little guy 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I thought Milan in April was huge but this show was more than double the size !! it was incredible!!
so many fans are so young like I was genuinely one of the oldest excluding the parents 😭 I was like what do u study ? and they were like oh Im still in high school!! rippppp but I'm glad many people are still finding louis ! the girls next to me became fans just last year !! although all those parents standing around us not knowing the words were kind of annoying like go to the back man !!!!
also there was a big game in the stadium next to us and the line for that was right next to our line so there were all those dudes in footie jerseys looking at us with our flags and signs skjs it was very like 2 worlds collapsing and one guy yelled at us "there's the game and u guys want to see 1d??" and I was like sorry if we have TASTE ksjsk
when we finally got in everyone was lying on the grass picnic style and there were stand with food and drinks and merch all around! it was really cute !! and the stage was HUGEEE
fast forward 5 hours (🥲) to the snuts and they were good although nobody knew a word and it was v awkward sjjsks but they didn't seem too annoyed sjks I felt bad also bc I couldn't even understand them ripp
then finally louis !!!! literally nothing will ever compare to the wmi intro and that feeling!!! gahhh so good !! bigger than me was fucking amazing live I feel so blessed 😭😭😭 the visuals and lights are absolutely a work of art they look so beautiful! and then it zooms on the fans when he says it's bigger than me ??? the intelligence in that ! the emotion !!! the ART!! and not many people knew it well yet so u can hear his voice fairly fell and it was so good 😭 I'm so proud of how far he's come !!! it's so impressive!! his VOICE!! God!! and then he was like so glad we got that out of the way !!! skdjkd he's so funny 😭 he looked so cute, this little red dot running around like crazy to wave to everyone!! and on the big screens he was so HANDSOME!! and he kept interacting with the fans in the front and making silly faces and being absolutely wonderful!!! he was so happy and emotional and proud you could FEEL it in the air it was so 😭😭 I'm just so incredibly happy for him he makes my heart so full :((( <3333 when he sat down to make his speech I was crying and in the other moments u could see how much he was in disbelief and I just wanted to yell YOU DESERVE ALL THIS AND MOREEEE !!!!! I hope u get to do this forever!!!
I'm kinda sad I didn't get to hear change bc I also didn't have it at my show in April but we got BTM so it's fine skdjdk also nobody knew the words to 7 it was so Annoying like he's been playing this for ages people!! I was singing tho sjsjsk and I'm kinda glad I could hear his voice so well !! also in beautiful War God that song sang by him is so fucking stunning and hearing him say the warmth of your bodyyyy always makes me shiver !! I would do anything to be his s/o it's true 😭😭😭 also there were SO many fireworks all the time it was such a good show !!!!! the walls visuals are also so beautiful and clever!!! and the band was at the top of their game !!! Steve and Michael absolutely smashed everything and every time they were in the screens u could see how fucking hard they were going!! I'm sure everyone was emotional about the tour ending 😭😭 ltwt you were everything and more!!!!
I'm so grateful I got to experience louis' growth and healing process with him and that I got to be even a small part of that journey and of the happiness that he was radiating tonight ♡
being a louie is such an honor and constant reminder that your heart can always store more love and pride for that sweet little man ! it never ends !!! love you forever louis ❤
ps: special thanks to @weareonejazzhand for allowing me to have this experience and to @tanktop-lou for the ride ! love ya !
I leave you with a pic of the state of my poor shoes
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awfullydrawntoby · 7 months
ive never heard of them personally but do you know this one guy named fae and if so what do you think about him. very importsnt question
fae,,,,, gosh i love fae so much, like, not even joking i spend a good portion of everyday just thinking about him. he always makes me really happy n just gahhh, idk man, there's not a thing i wouldn't do for him. wait hold on i actually have a whole- gimme a sec.
rambled from three am toby under the cut
HES SO<3333
i literally love fae so much this is so genuinly insane i dont inderstand how i can feel this much emotions into one person this is so crazy.
i dont unerstamd but thats okay bevause love fae so muc and i wann give him so many kisses, on his cheeks, forehead, i dont care i wanna give him kisses im literally so love him so much hes<3333
theyre luterally the silly evr im going insane chat. if i had the choice i would give everything i could to faeo love fae so much
im so love wit fae
hes so<3333333
&$*@;(!,( im goung inane i love hethem theyre so.
positvly i literally love fae so much
i fot so happy once because of hownuch i love fae i syatted fucking crying bevause i had weird realization that fae is actually a real fuckin person yhat o can avtivley speak yo whenevr i want
like holy shit just oh my gosh im o halpy what the actual uck how is fae a real human being
hes so him andi wanna kiss him all kver and make sure hesnokay. and make him food and make sure he sleep and keep him safe and andandnandandand yk im so normal about him i think im literally the normalest abojt fae hes so<3333333333333
hes so<3
yeaim so awesome and norma chat this is sucha anktmal thing to do
butlike shoeabkdnalda im going crazy. fae is literally on my mind all day everyday im going insane. "
end scene.
and there's so much more i could say too but just gahhhh
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theclearblue · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
I have, but luckily I enjoy gushing about some of my favorite characters aksjdklkgl so I'm happy to answer again! Last time I just listed some but this time I'll 1. Do a limit of one per series and 2. Give an actual description of why I love them. Also I'm so sorry this will be mostly animanga characters just because these characters stick in my head easier for some reason? My memory is truly awwwwful. (Also also this is by no means a definitive list or order, just some that I really really like).
Zoro (One Piece)
I feel like I've talked a fair length about Sanji and Robin and why I love them so much, but I have a little bit of a difficult time with Zoro. Fun fact before I started watching one of the few things I knew was that he was a fan favorite an was determined that I wouldn't like him that much, he's the "cool and badass and broody" one and I thought he was gonna be the kind of character similar to Megumi (JJK) or maybe Bakugou (MHA) both who I like but it's not favorite archetype. But then I realized. He's just a Guy. a Silly Guy. My man is stupid in such interesting and unique ways ajfdklsl. But what I REALLY love about his character is , yeah, he is kind of broody and reserved, but it seems more like a burden he puts on himself in order to protect the people he loves rather than a true reflection of himself. He cares SO much about the people that he loves and it's clear to me that his greatest fear is not being strong enough to protect them. His "I need to get stronger" attitude honestly seems to stem a looot from his anxieties and maybe even trauma around losing Kuina at such a young age. Ok I could talk forever about him and it's actually not difficult to pin down why I love him but I'll end it there.
2. Kenjaku (JJK)
I've kind of built a bubble within my online presence where I don't really see the vitriol, but I know this is REALLY not a popular opinion, and a lot of people are confused as to why I really like them (biggest offender is my sister who gives me shit for this constantly lmao). And I get it! Kenjaku is genuinely vile in what they have done (particularly as Kamo Noritoshi) and what they're trying to do with the merger. By all means he shouldn't (isn't) supposed to be likeable. But they REALLY captured my attention when I caught up to JJK back in August and read the Culling Games arc in full. For starters, silly guy, and I love silly guys (see above example). They're pretty unique where they fall into this "mad yet cold scientist" trope but...they're playful? They're genuinely excited about sorcery and will be kind of annoying where, for the life of them, they CANNOT read the room that everyone just doesn't care or actively hates them (which makes me a little sad honestly lol)? Little bits of information were just constantly intriguing (their relationship to Tengen, being a foil to Yuki, and not to even start on them being Yuji's mom). What really cemented it for me was the Takaba vs. Kenjaku fight though. Kenjaku before this seems driven to keep going for scientific curiosity, but it's clear to me that they're bored, disappointed, and even seem depressed a little bit ("And yet...there must be more to human potential"). But then Takaba comes along. And they honestly have an instant connection while also pushing each other in ways nobody has before. Isn't that insane on Kenjaku's part? They've been alive for over 1000 years!! They find someone who understands them, they might be enemies but they are a duo. Gahhh I could talk about Kenjaku forever they have so many layers and they just fascinate me SO much.
3. Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
One of my favorite protagonists of all time, without a doubt. And I didn't even like her in the beginning (you're not supposed to really). At the beginning of the series, she's honest to god, a spoiled brat. She whines, she complains, she's incredibly weak and takes people for granted. But good god, this is one of the best character arcs I have ever seen in my life. When her entire world is thrown upside down and she's betrayed by her childhood best friend, and has to go on the run with Hak, she just matures and grows into herself so beautifully. She travels around her kingdom for the first time and sees the complexity of the situation where, yeah, she lost her father because of Soo-Won, and that hurts still, but she understands why because it becomes kind of clear that her father was pretty incompetent as a ruler. If I picked one character on this list that just has the best character development, Yona sweeps I'm sorry.
4. Killua (HxH)
Ugh this really should be both Gon and Killua but if I had to choose one it's Killua. Another great example of amazing character development. At the beginning he's already a fun character to watch, he's easygoing and quippy and just cool honestly. But with his upbringing as an assassin he's clearly not very...well adjusted to what a normal life looks like. He's raised to be a cold and ruthless killer and nothing more, and that's reflected in the Hunter exam arc when he swipes a guy's heart from his chest without a second thought. But then he meets Gon, and for the first time in his life he gets to just be a normal 12 year old boy? And as he goes on this adventure you can just see him become more human to the point he can't ever return to how he was at the beginning of the series. And to have that parallel with Gon (particularly in the Chimera Ant arc) where Gon is losing his humanity while Killua gains it?? UGH I want to give this kid a hug so bad I love him.
5. Riza Hawkeye (FMA)
On this list because she sent me into my first gay panic (at least, the first one I was consciously aware of LMAO). God, what a woman. She is incredibly hot but I do love her character as well. It's hard to talk about her without also talking about Roy (and vice versa) because they are just SO intertwined, but god if there were ever soulmates, it's maybe them. Just the level of respect and trust they have in each other is unlike anything I've ever seen, where they both are so haunted by their pasts but they keep each other going and are able to so easily rely on each other? Ugh they're just so amazing, and with Riza seeing how strong she is where her own father uses her to protect flame alchemy, and her just 100% trust in Roy to burn the tattoo?? Wowowowowow she just. She changed me.
6. Anatole (The Great Comet of 1812/War and Peace)
Ok so um. My big secret is that I'm a Musical person. I really don't talk about it much here lmao, but when I tell you I was like. Obsessed with the musical The Great Comet of 1812 for a solid two years that's no joke. Which is just. If you don't know a musical that adapts about 90 pages from the novel War and Peace (stick with me here). And my even bigger secret is that I'm obsessed with Anatole, who is the villain/antagonist. Um he's not even particularly deep I don't think, he just sucks. But he captured my heart by being a silly guy. This man is an arrogant piece of shit man but also kind of a coward, and him singing the line "Just as a duck is made to swim in water, God has made me as I am" to justify him cheating, I-...it changed something in me. Never before or after have I wanted to dissect a character's brain so much in my life. He's maybe the first silly villain that I just really loved lmao, maybe there's a Anatole -> Kenjaku pipeline (this pipeline only exists for me and no one else in this world).
7. Toph (Avatar the Last Airbender)
God choosing between Zuko and Toph was difficult for this entry, but I want to talk about Toph lmao. Just. What a unique and refreshing female character where I still think her writing is ahead of it's time. Just on the surface she's so fucking cool right. What an introduction where she's soloing all these musclehead earthbenders and putting grown men into the dirt. And such good representation of a disabled character where she's clearly not incapable and the things she can do well, she does really really well! But she is faced with the reality of needing help sometimes and she's not ashamed to ask for it, and I think there's this really good balance struck with her character between these two factors. I think she also just blends into the gaang seamlessly while also challenging them in new ways, and vice versa, and they really don't seem complete without her.
8. Eurydice (Hadestown)
Ok oooonnnnneee more musical character and this is definitely more justified lmao. Another big secret is that I love Greek mythology, was obsessed with it as a kid and still am. And Hadestown twisting the Orpheus and Eurydice story into this grim early 20th century industrialist/capitalist setting with jazz elements?? I'm a history major I'm such a BIG nerd for shit like this, and this is the best iteration of Eurydice to me. In the original myth, she gets sent to the underworld because a snake bites her, there isn't any agency to it, it's just bad luck essentially. In the musical, she CHOOSES to go down with Hades to the underworld, and that small thing does wonders for her character. She obviously loves Orpheus, but the fact is, she's going hungry and growing cold, and where before she would run away, she stayed for her love of Orpheus. And then Hades slips in to offer her food and shelter for the exchange of labor, and she leaves to the underworld, not realizing the colossal mistake she just made. She's such a flawed character but you understand why she makes the mistakes she does, and her character is just so incredibly human.
9. Mob (Mob Psycho 100)
This kiiiiiiid. God I love him. Apologies to Gojo but this is just the best instance of an "OP" character. This kid has busted ass psychic powers, powers that people literally worship. Unfortunately this doesn't save him from any of the horrors that middle school presents. He can't talk to his crush, he kinda sucks at sports, and he has little to no social skills. And on top of that he feels the need to suppress his emotions due to the consequences of his powers? GAHHH I just think Mob is maybe one of the relatable characters ever, you can be the best at something but that doesn't save you from the growing pains that being a teenager presents! And just his journey of self acceptance and kindness and love is so heartwarming to see, the way he resolves his insecurities throughout the series just healed something in me too.
10. Sophie Hatter (Howl's Moving Castle)
HMC isn't even my all time favorite Ghibli movie (top 3 though), but it's certainly the one I've gone back to the most and that's in large part due to Sophie. At the beginning of the movie, she certainly isn't in a bad place in life but there is this...melancholy? sadness? to her where it seems life is more happening to her and she has zero self esteem. When the curse is placed on her and then we can literally see her character journey and the ups and downs being reflected in her appearance, it's just so unique and realistic. It's so satisfying to see her start to actually live her life, to gain confidence in all of her various states, and how she helps both her new found family and how they help her as well. Another character where her development is just unmatched.
Thank you for sending this ask, I had a lot of fun rambling here <3
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ssalballoon · 3 months
What are your favourite art books? 💕💕love your work
thank you! 🌟 oh artbooks?! that's actually a really interesting question hmm... I don't physically own any (expensive ⚰️) but I've seen them online for some games and artists I like! idk how interesting they'll be if you're not into those specific games but nonetheless i think the art is a treat to see even without context! i'll answer under the cut, this ended up being rly long
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 & 2 / The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Kazuya Nuri)
- Nuri's soft lilac shading is so beautiful + unique to his art! I also appreciate that this artbook is mainly full of sketches and renders you don't see in game. They're so expressive, I wish other artbooks had more doodles of the characters goofing off, you can tell Nuri loves these characters a lot hehe (how often can you say the lead artist drew april fool's furry designs + canon animal plushie designs for the mcs)
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the doodles that really stuck out to me are spoilers so i won't share those, but they really feel like snippets from a slice of life anime which humanizes the characters so well
Fire Emblem Echoes (Hidari)
- Hidari's designs are so classy and elegant, the way his fabrics all have a palpable weight and texture to them, and his coloring is so warm... there's a good reason why his designs keep getting circulated with praise every once in a while hehe. I really hope they bring him back for another game!
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a personal favourite... she's very pretty!!
(on a side note i rly love Nuri and Hidari's female character designs, it's refreshing to see! not to say that modest designs are inherently better than more fanservicey ones, but i find that the female character designs are even more memorable because of it! it's mainly a personal preference)
Fire Emblem Awakening + Fates (Kozaki Yusuke)
- god of drawing armor and anatomy in perspective... his poses are so dynamic because of his mastery of foreshortening. I love seeing his work in Heroes, it only continues to get better over the years! plus he designed Lucina and Inigo so :D
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as much as i love his artbooks my favorite art from him comes from fe heroes! his units have the most unique posing in the game, it always makes me excited to see more of his art (i especially love how conscious/deliberate he is with body types in his designs)
Persona 5/ 4/ P4 Arena Ultimax (Shigenori Soejima)
- Soejima's art influenced my artstyle a lot back in 2017(?) and 2021! (I mainly enjoy his b&w rougher style since it's so bold and also a fun style to draw in, although his painted stuff is fantastic as well) I enjoy seeing the Persona designs since they're so different to what I usually draw and it's really hard to capture the grace he draws them with (especially P4's)
this video of Shigenori Soejima drawing live changed me in 2017
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persona 4/arena ultimax have my favorite persona designs out of the modern games!
Death Stranding (Yoji Shinkawa)
- It's a shame you don't see Yoji Shinkawa's artwork in the game much (to my knowledge) because it's stunning how vivid, gritty, and yet effortlessly elegant it is. The monster designs are so haunting gahhh it's so cool! The mastery he has with ink and brush is insane he can be so loose with the lines and yet it conveys everything you need to know
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the full body ink sketch of die hardman... it's so loose and yet it's very controlled aghh it's so impressive (i saw hunter schafer got her portrait drawn by him and like. imagine yoji shinkawa drawing you. ohmygod)
Okami (Takeyasu Sawaki, Kenichiro Yoshimura, Mari Shimazaki)
- when I was in middle school I didn't even know games could look like this?! The obvious traditional Japanese art influence makes the designs really unique even compared to modern games. The calligraphic brush strokes are so striking and I especially love the subtle ink bleed outside of the outlines, it honors traditional media so well. honestly this game's style in general is one of a kind
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love how playful these are! i forgot how much i loved this game
Journey (Matthew Nava)
- (although it is an artbook I've only been able to see a few of the pages! Nava does have an archived GDC talk where he presents the book that I still have to take a look at) I found the color script for the complete story interesting since it shows both the color corresponding with the literal height of the mountain for the hero's journey that the game was so inspired by. Plus the alternate designs for the iconic main character are so cute!
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masterfully crafted experience... i think this is the first time i've seen a color script for a game? (although i guess i'm not that familiar with games)
These aren't actual art books but I really like the concept art for them:
Transistor (Jen Zee)
- my favorite Supergiant game! It's a shame there's so little of the concept art out there (I'm pretty sure I saw more years ago but I couldn't find them more recently... link rot grr...) Jen Zee's painterly style is gorgeous and the colors are so warm, so uncharacteristic of the cyberpunk genre we're typically familiar with! her art was also a big inspiration for me when I was younger
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Apex Legends
- apex does have an artbook but l mainly enjoy looking at the character designs and the transition screens for compositions (especially the season 4 Revenant's trailer ones, one day I hope my background/environment art can reach a level anywhere close to that). The character designs and overall setting are different from my usual style so it's cool to see the attention to detail in fabric texture, prop design, worldbuilding, etc. and try to apply it to my designs
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this transition has such a strong sense of narrative in the illustration, it impressed me so much i drew something inspired by it (i'm not sure who the original artist is, i thiiink it's liam mcdonald...?? i really hope i'm not misattributing it;; out of the concept artists his illustrations look the most similar...?)
I'm interested in Outer Wilds' artbook and Disco Elysium's but I don't think I can look at those without spoilers! both phenomenal games that i really need to finish (i know outer wilds' main story but not echoes of the eye)
hit the limit on pictures 😔 and i've been sitting on this ask for a while... I feel like there are more artbooks that aren't coming to mind ahh I should really keep track of them better! thank you for the ask, it was nice to revisit these again 💞
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flokali · 11 months
omg i also SPENT so much money on tears of themis it isn't even funny 😭 i think i genuinely spent over a hundred actual dollars on that game... it's insane how bad it had me in a chokehold for a solid seven months lmao and y'want to know the best part?
im a nineteen year old boy.
- (a proud luke lover 💪)
OMG ToT’s power, especially Luke Pearce (TT) He’s so perfect and cute and he’s literally a puppy and ahhhh… he is my second fave LI after Vyn (something about him just hits different for me) and I’d heard his second anniversary card was good so I immediately pulled for him and after reading the story I just… gahhh that CG? The ring? He’s just? Literally… spent $60 bucks yesterday to get him home because I could not stand the thought of being Luke-less.
Everything about that card was so perfect and I am soft for childhood friends to lovers he is just so fucking jajsjsn I could talk about Luke for ever. Like, he’s one of those characters that makes me feel warm inside like, his love for MC? His dedication? The way he tries put those he loves above himself? His selflessness Everything about him? Perfect. Like, I cannot understate how much I adore Hoyo for Luke because, as much as I love Vyn, he’s literally one of the best ML’s, his growth and development is perfect and I literally am always excited to see new Luke cards and stories because he is just !!!! Like, I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who might be interested in ToT but Luke is just the right mix of angst and fluff and it lands so perfectly (TT)
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insignificantfailure · 4 months
dunno about you but I'm terrified of the washing machine, the stove, the oven, the heating thingy
no reason for this post, just some perks of living with generalised anxiety: my heart will burst out of my chest if I hear one whir
maybe I should make a list of more "unreasonable" things I'm afraid of:
when the neighbours make any sounds, I think in my head that I did something wrong (like being too loud) and they're being loud of purpose because they're mad
when the door ring starts going even though we're not expecting anyone, gosh I feel like an animal in the wild and I go tiptoeing to hide in the bedroom
when we're about to leave the house and I have to check the oven ~four times to make sure! it's off, I do a little funny thing with my fingers: so there are five buttons, and I use one finger for one button back and forth like a dance, four times in total (two forwards, two backwards), but it only needs to touch my fingertips because if I mess up I have to start again. more often than not I make my girlfriend check as well because I can't trust myself
when I hear the electricity at night and I'm afraid we'll die in our sleep from something going boom
when we turn on the gas thingy for the heating and I have to stand next to it for at least a few minutes to ensure the sound is smooth which can then put my mind at ease that we won't explode and die, only then I can go back to the bedroom
I have to go watch the washing machine every few minutes to make sure it won't go moving which could cause a water leak while it's still running which means I could die from being electrocu-, gahhh this is so stupid
I KNOW none of these will happen, what are the odds... but I'm constantly afraid. I've been living away from my parents house for six years now, you'd think I'd be used to handling everything by now
honestly if my girlfriend wasn't around to help, comfort, and reassure me I'd go totally insane
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
I remember this chapter caught me SO OFF guard, i wasnt expecting the angst to be so intense /pos goddd this chapter is so good
Another eerie parallel of hats and my life is my aunt gifted me tarot cards, and we spoke a lot about tarot when i went to visit her, wild
Apparently her mom used to do tarot but then she predicted her best friend's death so she stopped 🧍‍♂️ LIKE??!?! MY AUNT JUST DROPPED THAT ON ME AND CHANGED THE TOPIC LIKE HELLOOO GO BACK WDYM UR MOM PREDICTED SOMEONES DEATH?!??!?@?
Shits wild, she ALSO told me some hella spooky irl ghost stories
Also lmfao i love hats tubbo sm, hes so iconic
It is crazy how accurate tarot can get like bruh... whenever i do it the cards themselves align with each other so well, to the point where sometimes they'll literally say the same thing 😭 out of the 60 plus cards in my deck i somehow chose the two that say the same thing, wild (i dont have an exact tarot deck, it's a spiritual oracle one but still cool :D
EUEUEUEU i love thr reading sm
I love how immediately after the cards call tommy out for not talking to Phil, he runs into him 😭😭 its so funny i love it sm
I remember being so jumpscared by the amount of adrenaline this scene gave me like ??? Bro its a slice of life movie, Why do i feel like im fearing for my LIFE /pos THE ADRENALINE IS SO MUCH FUN I LOVE THIS SCENE SO MUCH ITS SOOFOGOSJGKGK AAAAA ABDKGKGNDKDJKGKGMFBRJGNFNFKGMNF I CANT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS FIC
I love tubbo:( all of them are so supportive
This is the most fucking awkward conversation 😭😭
Tommys such a little shit shfkgkfkf a clever one but still shfkgkglf
God i am not ready for the next few chapters
LMAO ngl I don't know how your aunt's mom could've predicted someones death when that's not really what tarot does (at least to my knowledge) but uhh idk I don't do it myself so who knows
tangerines crimeboys make me so ill you dont understand aaaaa wilbur wants to be a supportive older brother but also doesn't wanna push too hard and make tommy uncomfortable bc tommy was so young the last time they were siblings and just gahhh
I'm actually very much a skeptic of all those kinds of things tarot included, and I view tarot as more of a self reflective tool than anything else, but yeah it can definitely feel scarily accurate at times. the few times friends have done readings for me sometimes they say something insanely close to what i'm dealing with in my life and I'm just like OH
lol yeah ngl I was like "do I really want them to run into phil right after this tarot card reading" but I didn't want to put it off for another chapter bc the setup was just too convenient so I was like oh well it'll be plot convenience
it was SUCH an awkward conversation god all the interactions between tommy and phil in this fic are so tense
crimeboys <333 tommy using being drunk as an excuse to get a hug we love to see it
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waterfallofspace · 11 months
technically the first thing that comes to mind is all of ur skk snzs because I’m insane but I especially love the one where da/zai is like “baaaaabe can u come pick me upppppp” when he got shot and ch/uuya is fighting but he’s like “ugh. yeah.”
and also the v/ashwo/od where v/ash is allergic to a spray mer/yl has and he keeps stifling and woowoo is like “so don’t do that? dumb fuck” (not verbatim)
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It's okay, I'm insane too 😂😭 Thank youuu~!! I'm hugging you rn <3 I'm glad you enjoy themmm~! S/kk make me... out of my mind... so it's good that others can feel the same craziness hehe~
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hitachiincest · 13 days
for that scene with the script (when renge becomes their manager initially) in the manga and anime are actually different. in the anime, Kao and Hika are complaining about how Kao is the pitcher as you pointed out, but in the manga, as I mentioned earlier, they complain about how they were drenched in the rain, and then afterwards, Haruhi, Mori, and Hani were teasing the script, (sorry for repeating this… gahhh ;; that while it seems Hikaru is the one that leads, it’s the more mature Kaoru that drives the action, and then they were like “we work that way,” and “so what’s the diff?” just to clear that up :) but like i said, i do get why ppl do make Kao the princess and everything, but still, they’re not all about that metaphor (in the manga, there was none of that metaphor anyways) and it sounds personal, but for me it’s hard not to get peeved bc Kao is like that on occasions, and he’s not all delicate and uwu like how people make him out to be (and for the fanarts, trust me, they do exist) but sometimes i just wish people would make them cross dress together (they always have, together in the manga especially) like as alices, the witch, in their childhood, for the lobelia girls and everything. doesn’t help the fact that Kao’s hair is slightly longer post canon… ;; like, there’s so much hikakao content, but nowhere near as enough as kaohika… again, i’m so srry for prolonging this (this was an excuse to vent lol), just am glad to see someone with a similar way of thinking <3 i hope it wouldn’t be bother if we could talk more abt the twins on occasions? like dynamics, plot ideas n stuff?
ohhh I see.. that's quite a difference, huh. also I'm surprised that hikaru would allow himself 2 even mention that he's p vulnerable. I wonder why they made that change in the anime. also ehhh?! such a big part of anime!kaoru wasn't even originally in his canon?! that feels insane... did they add it to create more angst I wonder...... has it all been a lie... orz /j I do still like the metaphor tho but I'm also a bit of an angst whore so it appeals to me specifically ghsjnd
for fics at least maybe they don't have them both crossdress bc that's a bit unconventional most of the time. for smut (& i guess r18 art) at least. tho double crossdressing sounds like a treat to me lol but its p rare/a niche (& i see why. unless its specifically lingerie) & for most they prefer one or the other w typically the sub dolled up so.. alas to our poor martyral boy.. orz orz in just general arts tho, most definitely they should both be in cute dresses. less of a niche. matching cute coords. them doing each other's makeup. Peak. i think if they did grown up versions of their blue & pink kid coords they would be so pretty.
post-canon kaoru mention spotted uryaahhh he's cute.. I remember he's, like, a fashion designer (cuuute) & grew out his hair n was adorable... from my memory anyways. guys w slightly long hair my beloved.
im sure there's more kaohika stuff out there if one looks! the eng sphere might be leaning toward hikakao but typically the jp fanbase tends to be a bit more Based. so long as one can access photo translate ya could probably find a trove on somewhere like pixiv! unless u specifically wish it was more popular in the eng sphere & alas can't help ya there.. ¯\_(;w;)_/¯
ah... ur free to spitball thoughts in my inbox when it's open I guess if u want & I'll reply if I can but im not much of a socializer + ouran isnt 1 of my main interests, despite my love for it, so i dont think id be able to contribute much other than a thumbs up anyway ^^;;
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aahsoka · 2 months
vent post abt drawing class
this class is just so fucking stressful for me and i dont really get why other than i think the assignments are too close together ??? my grade is OK like im passing but at least two of my projects were never fully finished and this last one likely will not be and im just ending up really not happy w anything im making either during or after its made so it just feels like torture most of the time . my other two classes are great I have been enjoying making my prints even when they turn out kinda shitty and I enjoyed my art history lectures . i think maybe i hate large scale traditional drawing in general? because while my last drawing class was not as stressful I did get a bit overwhelmed at the end but there I was allowed to go more non representational so I didnt have to worry about fucking . Rendering. im worried if i dont get a decent grade on the final project it’ll tank my grade ???? but i should be good with at least a 65% ish? I think? I will be so fucking happy when this is over . i need a few more upper level art classes to graduate but i REFUSE to retake this class so I just signed up for life drawing again instead bc I found that class soooo relaxing . god i wish my final was like a portrait or something thats something im good at !!!!! not this . drawing pieces of instruments really really realistically shit . and i could maybe do this well if I had MORE TIME . Its all about how i have No Fucking Time !!!!!!!!!!! and adding onto that my brain does the stupid thing where it like absolutely HATES the idea of working on like 90% of these projects so its super hard when I have time to even convince myself to buckle down and work . Its insane . even when i was stressed tf out over my illustrative media class I still ENJOYED THE ACT OF PAINTING. GAHHH. I wish we didnt have a ‘final’ drawing and just like another normal project. I hate the prompt we got for this its annoying as fuck . why did i come up with the idea i came up with. its something I like but my GOD is it fucking COMPLICATED. I dont have the brain power . CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS SHIT ASS CLASS TO BE OVER GOD. ONLY A WEEK AND A HALF LEFT OF THIS SUFFERING
also since i was sick i think i deserve more leniency .
anyways . i think i am giving myself a headache
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