#gaku: smug
japaneseadventures · 4 months
Tsuda Kenjiro - Nichiyoubi no Hatsumimi Gaku 2024.03.10
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Highlights/Anecdotes of this episode:
Tsudaken tries to do the narration for his own guest appearance and dies of embarrassment
He blanked out and forgot his lines when he tried to act for the first time in a long while
Clips of his many major and minor TV drama appearances over the years were shown
His role in The Last Man made him trend worldwide on Twitter
Tsuda shared why he started acting and voice acting
He went on a 1-week holiday trip to Prague and got recognized by overseas Jujutsu Kaisen fans 5 times.
Nakajima Kento talked about how he admired Kaiba Seto from Yu-Gi-Oh. He told Tsuda about it when they worked together. On Kento's birthday, Tsuda sent him a personalized voice message, saying one of the most famous lines in Yu-Gi-Oh.
Tsuda played Inui Sadaharu in Prince of Tennis (PoT) and it changed his life dramatically. PoT was at the forefront of the "ikemen" boom at the time, and he could finally quit doing part-time jobs.
Kazama Shunsuke, who voice acted as the main character for Yu-Gi-Oh, talks about how close the two of them were in that series even though they were playing as each other's rivals. They were both newbies to the voice acting industry with no other jobs at the time, so they hung out a lot as they waited for their call time.
Kazama is particularly smug at being aware of Tsuda's charm a lot earlier than most people, and he wants everybody to know that, lol
Tsuda shares how the cast and staff from the TV drama Saiai are really passionate about the drama. Same goes from the staff of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Namikawa Daisuke shares some anecdotes about Tsuda. Sometimes tsuda texts him about eating out together, but then leaves him on read when Namikawa asks when he's free.
Tsuda talks about his latest movie, where he plays as a villain for the first time.
Tsudaken talks about his kids (!!) His daughter in particular is a bit eccentric, just like Tsuda (That's Tsuda and the TV Show host's words not mine lol)
A more detailed summary of the episode under the read more:
On his TV drama/ Movie Discography:
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Tsuda talked about experience acting in the hit TV drama Saiai. On his first day filming, he forgot his lines. It's been 12 years since he last played as a recurring character in a TV show, and for his first scene, he had to do a long presentation in front of 30 people. All he could think was that there were a lot of people, and then his mind went blank.
Some notable TV drama appearances of Tsuda:
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- Played as a host in Ikebukuro West Gate Park (2000) in his 20s for 21 seconds - A guy hitting on the main character (Inoue Mao) in Hana Yori Dango in his 30s (2005) for 30 seconds ("Ooh, I got more screentime") - A doctor in Jin (2009) for 24 seconds ("Aww, I had less screentime lol.").
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In 2023, he trended worldwide on X/Twitter as an actor for his impactful scene in the drama The Last Man. When Tsuda turned up in the second episode, his acting was a popular topic on social media.
He adlibbed in the last scene of Last Man. Came up with 30 versions for that scene, and settled on "Shintaro, are you hungry?" Figured a parent would be worrying about whether his kid is feeling hungry, cold or hot.
On his acting:
Originally was aiming to be an actor, not a voice actor.
When he started acting, he was able to let all his dark emotions out using the lines he had to act out. These were feelings such as "hating people", and "hate towards society". It was the first outlet he found for those feelings, and he found that very fun. He was able to bring out his real self when he acted. Because of that experience, he couldn't give up acting.
Unfortunately, money was tight at the time and his electricity and gas would get cut off. It even came to a point when even his water would get cut off. He kept on failing in auditions, so even if he's been practicing on his acting, he didn't really have a chance to show it to others.
For him, the most painful thing about it all was that he was an absolute nobody. He had no proof that he's actually alive. But he overcame that difficulty because he was obstinate-- He believes that this is where his strength lies. He keeps doing things until he's satisfied with it.
On his voice acting career:
Voice acting was what gave him an opportunity to link with the world of expressing himself.
Says Nanami Kento is a wonderful role to play. That Jujutsu Kaisen's influence is amazing.
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During the New Year's holidays, he went on a holiday trip abroad. While he was sightseeing, a foreigner would call out, "Mr. Tsuda?" He said yes, all the while taken aback since he was in Prague. They asked for a photo and a signature. In the one week that he stayed there, it happened 5 times.
When he asked them how they knew him, everyone answered Jujutsu Kaisen. "Nanami, Nanami." He really didn't expect it to be so popular abroad. It made him feel the power of Japanese anime.
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While he was struggling with acting, he was invited to an audition for voice acting and he accepted the invitation with no hesitation. At age 25, he debuted as a voice actor for the anime H2.
At age 29 was his fateful encounter with the series Yu-gi-oh Duel Monsters (2000) where he played Kaiba Seto.
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Nakajima Kento says his idol in life is Kaiba Seto. It was also thanks to Tsuda's acting that Kento admired Kaiba, and he told Tsuda exactly that when Tsuda did the narration for Kento's movie show. On Kento's 27th birthday, he got a voice message from Tsuda, saying "It's 27-year-old Nakajima Kento's turn! Draw!!" Kento was ecstatic. He thinks Tsuda is really cool.
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A year after Yu-Gi-oh, he played Inui Sadaharu from Prince of Tennis. The Ikemen (Hot Guys) boom was rising at the time, and Prince of Tennis was at the forefront of this trend. It changed his life dramatically. He was finally able to quit doing part-time jobs. At around 31 years old. He always felt like he was walking a fine line, so it was a relief to have a stable livelihood.
Anecdotes from Kazama Shunsuke, voice actor of Yugi Moto from Yu-Gi-Oh
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Both Tsuda and Kazama Shunsuke, who played the main character of Yu-gi-oh, were newbies at voice acting when they did Yu-gi-oh. Tsuda was still new to voice acting at the time, while Kazama had never done it before. Although they were playing as each other's rivals, they became close since they were both newbies.
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They both didn't have any other work to do, so they had a lot of time on their hands. Kazama would contact Tsuda and ask if he came to work early, and Tsuda would reply, "I'm free right now so I'm lurking nearby." And they'd have tea together. We'd talk about what we could do to be good at voice acting like other VAs.
Kazama talked about how worried he was about Tsuda. When he laughs, Tsuda does it in 3 levels of increasing laughter. At times, he'd even do 5 levels, since the animation would also have 5 different clips as the power of his laughter increases. The 3rd level would be his usual laughter, so Kazama thought Tsuda's blood vessels would burst going beyond that lol
Kazama says he's super happy that Tsuda got to have a lot of regular acting and voice acting jobs. But Kazama just wants people to know that he's been aware of Tsuda's charm for more than 20 years now. A lot earlier than most people have lmao.
On what went on behind of the scenes of a popular scene in JJK:
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Says there's a particular scene that highlights Nanami. He wondered how he'd do it, since that scene was originally in the manga. The producer told him what the mangaka said was Nanami's feelings during that scene, but Tsuda and the staff are free to play it out as they like. The director also told Tsuda to do it the way Tsuda thinks it should be acted. Leave no regrets. Like in the making of the drama Saiai, Tsuda feels that hit series like Jujutsu Kaisen are made with a lot of love from the staff, and this love is reflected in the tiny details. He believes that viewers could really tell from that.
Anecdotes from Namikawa Daisuke, who he's voice acted with in a number of works
Namikawa Daisuke says Tsuda's acting method is something unique to Tsuda. It can't be learned.
Namikawa describes Tsuda as a sloth with a nice voice. Tsuda: LOL. Say something nicer!
Tsuda would just contact him whenever, going, "I want to eat soon."
Namikawa: I'm not your mom!! When I text back, "When are you available?" He doesn't reply. He probably isn't feeling up to it right then. Staff: How long do you have to wait for a reply? Namikawa: At the latest, he leaves me on read.
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In his latest movie My Home Hero, it is Tsuda's first time playing a villain. Said he had fun doing it. He was asked to make the character very quirky, which really pleased him as an actor. Sasaki Kuranosuke would make pleased faces due to the littlest things Tsuda would do, and it really pleases Tsuda in return.
On his family
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Tsuda has 2 kids, a daughter in middle school and a son in grade school. It was his first time talking about his children in a show. Says no one ever asked, so he never had an opportunity to talk about it.
During holidays, Tsuda never answer work calls from his manager. He wants his day offs to be dedicated to playing with his children.
Wakako-san was just fangirling over Tsuda this whole episode lol "Ah, so cute!"
Tsuda talks about how his children won't speak with him if they haven't seen each other for a long period of time, and it makes him feel lonely.
His kids watch anime, and some of them are ones he's in. When he mentions this to his children, they're like, "I know." But they never try to talk to him about it. Tsuda: Why??
His kids love Detective Conan, and Tsuda actually is in the latest movie. (The host, Hayashi Osamu, uses this opportunity to flex and share that he's appeared in a Conon work before too LOL)
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Tsuda says his daughter is a bit eccentric like him. When he asked her what she'd like for her birthday, she asked for a biwa (musical instrument), leaving him very baffled. In the previous years, she asked for a pocket watch, ship in a bottle, kemari (ball from a sport back in ancient Japan) Tsuda: Huh…
Tsuda says that now that the borders between countries are dissolving thanks to the internet and social media, he wants them to strengthen their identity as a Japanese person who lived in Japan by attending lessons for Nohgaku (a traditional style of Japanese theater).
Says experiencing something is also remembering what's tough. How there's a disparity with your imagination and experience. For example, we all know that getting scalded is hot. But actually getting scalded is hotter than you would have imagined.
Tsuda talked about he wasn't an elite. If anything, acting may be the thing he's worst at. But he believes life has consolation matches. (Meaning, even if you fail once doesn't mean you're completely out of the running) Being an early bloomer isn't everything.
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indigosabyss · 4 months
Senku in Narutoverse: Academy Days
(Note: Senku's name is Shiraishi Gaku bc of the reincarnation thing but he insists that his given name is Senku, so that's what Iruka calls him when not using his family one. And Kikumaru is Ukyo, he just doesn't tell anyone his old name.)
"This is the design for a standard shinobi explosion tag. Each one is handmade by professionals using specialized ink and- yes, Shiraishi?" There was only so long Iruka could ignore the frantically waving hand on the front row.
The new addition to the class stared up with wide eyes, "Why not just use stamps?"
"Because it needs to be imbued by chakra." Iruka prayed that he would be okay with that answer, but no such luck.
"Isn't chakra conductive material a thing?"
"Yes, but it changes the feel of the chakra."
"How?" He had at this point pulled out The Binder and was now flicking through it to make editions, "We can activate the tags by channeling chakra through other materials. And can you even quantify this feel? Is there a certain element to it that makes it human that filters out of chakra conductive material?? Have we considered-"
It was one of the boys behind him who groaned loudly, "No one cares, Senku!"
Shiraishi's mouth clicked shut, and Iruka looked firmly at the boy who yelled, "That wasn't very nice." He reprimanded, before adding on, "I'll try to answer your questions outside of class time. Right now, let's move on to history!"
Shiraishi Senku was an odd kid. Despite his undeveloped chakra coils and physical weakness, he was brought into the Academy specifically for his ability to create devices which mimicked justu.
When he had made that 'gun' device to get out of shuriken training (even though he had perfect accuracy anyways) most of the gossip had been that he was part-Nara. Smart and lethargic? Of course the rumors went around.
It was laughable to Iruka though. If anyone saw how worked up he got over science and nature, they'd know that Senku was the furthest thing from lethargic. When the topic at hand interested him.
"Can you please bring a little of that enthusiasm in this taijutsu class?" Iruka was almost begging him.
Senku glared him down mercilessly, "Playfighting doesn't excite me by one millimeter. Besides, we all know I'm going to be a research-nin, so I don't see why this is necessary."
"Because all graduates require you to participate in a certain number of taijutsu classes to graduate. And it's very demoralizing for your classmates to try and fight someone who isn't trying. At all."
Also Iruka was worried that he was going to get seriously hurt one day and yes, it was kinda pathetic to watch a fight with Senku in it.
"I wouldn't worry about it." Senku picked at his ear, radiating smugness, before looking behind him, "I'm allowed a proxy, right?"
Iruka followed his gaze, and realized he was looking at a younger chunin with bright white hair walking up to the Academy with a lump over his shoulder.
"Yo, Iruka." He balanced it on one hand to give him a wave. Iruka spared him a nod before looking at the annoyingly precocious kid in front of him.
"Senku, you can't let Kikumaru do your fights for you."
"Not him." Senku scoffed, but there was a glow in his eyes as Kikumaru set it down and undid the blanket.
It was a training dummy. The kind with posts on it that swiveled around when you hit them. Iruka felt skeptical, but waited as Senku held up a panel with a few tiny levers sticking out of it that was connected to the dummy with a wire.
He flipped one lever, and the topmost section of the dummy swung around, almost clocking Iruka across the head, if he hadn't pulled back in time.
He still felt stunned enough to have been hit, though.
"You made. A Puppet?" He asked, mind spinning.
Senku frowned, "No, it's a remote controlled-"
"He's referring to the Suna ninja art of Puppeteering." Kikumaru interjected.
Senku shrugged, "Then yeah, fine, it's a Puppet. Whatever."
Whatever. As if this wasn't a skill that took years and years of diligent study to perfect that he had managed to do in a few weeks. Because he didn't want to do taijutsu practice.
He needed to talk to someone about this.
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nnseriku · 2 years
Hello! Is it alright for me to request hcs for Tenn x reader who's Gaku's sister (I wonder how would Gaku would react if he knew than Tenn is dating reader 🤭)
Btw I love your works! Looking forward for more 🫶
𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡 𝗦𝗘𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗧 // [ᵏᵘʲᵒ ᵗᵉⁿⁿ]
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 : ᵃˡˡ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗˢ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ˡᵒᵒˢᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ ʷᵃʸ ᵒʳ ᵃⁿᵒᵗʰᵉʳ
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘜𝘴𝘦𝘥 ! [ʸᵒᵘ/ʸᵒᵘʳ/ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ/ˢʰᵉ/ʰᵉʳ]
𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀 : ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ'ˢ ᵍᵉⁿᵈᵉʳ ⁱˢ ᶠᵉᵐᵃˡᵉ!! ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ⁱˢ ᴳᵃᵏᵘ'ˢ ˢⁱˢᵗᵉʳ. ᵀᵉⁿⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ʰᵃˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵈᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ³ ʸᵉᵃʳˢ
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— so, you guys have somehow been dating for a WHILE without getting caught
— Tenn is an amazing actor, he looks so calm for someone who made your face turn red like cherries the night before 😭
— ngl, i think Tenn have giggled at the thought of Gaku finding out Tenn has been dating his sister
— Gaku would ALWAYS ask you where you're going whenever you go out but thankfully, he respects your privacy and doesn't go around and spy on you
— no wonder you guys didn't get caught
— here's the thing, I think you guys would definitely last the next 5 years uncaught
— but, Tenn accidentally messed up and called you by an endearment instead of your own name, in front of Gaku himself
— was it really an accident tho?🤔 it definitely seemed like it was on purpose for one millisecond
— Gaku is wide eyed, mouth agape, no sounds, stoned and shocked
— bro was flabbergasted
— you were too probably but you did remember Tenn asking you about telling Gaku about you guys' relationship recently so you were low-key suspicious of him
— Gaku would have this straight and stern expression on his face and he'd tell you and Tenn to go sit down on the couch to ‘have a talk’ :]
— he didn't even know where to begin asking
— imagine how shock he'd be to know you guys have been dating for like 3 years behind his back
— you can practically see the arrow that stabs his back LMFAO
— “Although I don't like you dating my best friend.. I at least know that I can trust him and rely on him to take care of you”
— you have his permit! not like you needed it but you two did feel a lot more better to know Gaku accepts your relationship
— Tenn holds your hand while listening to Gaku's rules about dating eachother
— i don't really quite see Gaku being so overprotective over his siblings but definitely keep you guys on his watch
— Gaku, you're not fooling anyone. we can all see you side eyeing your sister and her boyfriend
— Tenn would definitely sometime piss Gaku off by sitting/standing closer to you or intertwine you guys' hands together in front of him
— Tenn just have this smug look on his face and Gaku's just staring into Tenn's eyes almost threateningly HAHAHAHAH
— other words, Gaku would just be really wary but also chill about you guys' relationship
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kurohebi · 4 months
FINALLY!!!! WELCOME BACK!!! (Now tell me how are you feeling about the last SakaDays chapter)
I am so hyped for the new chapter. Takamura is insane and I am itching for that Gaku rematch. I did feel a little smug about certain people suffering but I hope everyone makes it out alive.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Birthday Cake for Two
Summary: Yura x Reader x Gaku. You love your twins, and want to celebrate their individuality on their birthday. What better way than through cake?
A/N: oh my God I love my twins so much, so I wrote this for their birthday. If you aren't playing Ayakashi Romance Reborn...you should be. Also, it's so fitting that my last event post is set to go out today and it's for Professor Yakumo.
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"You're certain you can't see anything?" 
You were at Raccord to celebrate the twin's birthday, and had made them cover their eyes while you got their birthday treat out.
"Y/N, thou dost worry too much. Mine eyes are sealed shut."
"Just get it over with, before Yura smells it out and inhales it all."
You felt your eyes roll. But with their assurance you went back to the kitchen and collected the cake you and Aoi had made together.  You would have done it yourself but… it was a little unique.
You placed it on the table in front of the twins.
"Okay, you can open your eyes."
They both removed their hands from their eyes.  They both had the same facial expressions; excitement quickly morphing to confusion.
"That aroma…." Yura began, looking thoroughly puzzled.
"What did you do?" Gaku gave you a mildly concerned look.
"Well, I know my boys," you began. "And I know that Yura likes sweets, but will eat spicy food for Gaku. And Gaku likes spicy food but will eat sweets for Yura. But you are both your own person, so if you cut down the center of the cake," you proceeded to cut the cake in half, " you will find that half of it is sweet, and half of it is spicy and savory." 
You slid the halves of the cake to their respective boys, and waited for them to process the information.
Then Yura let out a delighted laugh. "My Y/N, you truly do not change, even over a thousand years."
"Aye," Gaku spoke up with a mildly smug smile, "Even in your previous life you were trying to make sure we were both happy."
You smiled hopefully, "Does this mean you like it?"
"There is only one way to truly know!" Yura immediately began digging into his cake, and, as Gaku had predicted, essentially inhaled the entire thing.
Gaku, meanwhile, took a bite of his cake, and gave you another smug smile. "Not bad. Could use more wasabi in the 'icing', but not bad."
"You know, a thank you would get the point across just as well."
"Where's the fun in that?" Gaku grinned.
Yura giggled at the exchange, and patted his stomach happily. "Twas an excellent treat, I hope to partake of it with you again next year."
"Well at this rate," you gave a fake angry look at Gaku, "you will get twice the cake next year, and Gaku will get none."
"You are too cruel," Gaku said dryly.
"Truly!" Yura exclaimed. "But if it must be done, it must be done…"
Gaku interrupted to throw some of Yura's leftover frosting at him, which Yura quickly retaliated against, but accidentally hit you in the process.  You then had to throw some at Yura, and soon it had evolved into an all out war. 
After the three of you had profoundly apologized to Aoi for the mess, and to Oji for not inviting him to join, the twins escorted you home, and each gave you a peck on the cheek before returning to the shrine together. Even though you were covered in frosting, you hoped you got to do this with them next year. You couldn't help but think they deserved all the love you could give them.
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i7transparent · 5 years
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Yaotome Gaku - In game sprites (Hoshi Meguri / Orion)
[click here for sprites with edited expressions]
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osakaso5 · 3 years
IDOLiSH7 6th Anniversary Special Story: Full of Heart...
Chapter 1: The Greatest Show
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Mister Shimooka: The day has finally come for Rabitty-kun, beloved children's character, to celebrate its 6th anniversary with a special show!
Mister Shimooka: Welcome to Kids' Room!
Mister Shimooka: And as we look back on our own childhoods with Toi Toi Toi Company's famous mascot...
Mister Shimooka: We'll also take a peek at the childhoods of idols whose fame rivals even that of Rabitty-kun!
Audience: Kyaaaaa...!
Mister Shimooka: Here come our special guests!
Mister Shimooka: Re:vale!
Yuki: Hey there.
Momo: I hope you're excited for our baby pics!
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Mister Shimooka: TRIGGER!
Tenn Kujo: Thank you for having us on.
Gaku Yaotome: Thanks. Let's regain some of our childhood innocence, yeah?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I hope you're all ready!
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Mister Shimooka: IDOLiSH7!
Iori Izumi: I'm a bit embarrassed to show you all my picture, but I suppose I'll allow it, just this once.
Yamato Nikaido: Ichi's not the only one who's feeling embarrassed, but I think I've got a pretty good shot just for you guys.
Mitsuki Izumi: Thanks for having us!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Thanks!
Sogo Osaka: Congratulations on your 6th anniversary.
Nagi Rokuya: Only you will have the privilege of witnessing this special picture of me!
Riku Nanase: Please look forward to it!
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Mister Shimooka: ŹOOĻ!
Toma Inumaru: Let's make this the best anniversary ever!
Haruka Isumi: Hi.
Torao Mido: Thanks for having us.
Minami Natsume: Thank you.
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Tsumugi's Thoughts: Rabitty-kun's 6th anniversary special, Welcome to Kids' Room...
Tsumugi's Thoughts: For this show, our members had to find pictures from their childhood...
Tsumugi's Thoughts: And this is the story of how it all happened.
Tsumugi's Thoughts: Specifically...
Tsumugi's Thoughts: How it happened for MEZZO".
Tamaki Yotsuba: ........
Sogo Osaka: ........
- - - -
Tamaki Yotsuba: Welcome to Kids' Room...
Sogo Osaka: A show where we reminisce about our childhoods..?
Otoharu Takanashi: Exactly. You're both familiar with Rabitty-kun, the children's toy that took the world by storm some twelve years ago, yes?
Otoharu Takanashi: It was renewed and began its second run six years ago.
Riku Nanase: I remember Rabitty-kun! It was so popular when I was little! Ooh, ooh! I'm Rabitty!
Yamato Nikaido: The talking rabbit toys? We had at least three of those.
Mitsuki Izumi: Wow, gramps. You must've been a real Rabitty-kun superfan.
Yamato Nikaido: Superfan? Seriously..?
Mitsuki Izumi: Our parents only got us the one, so we had to take turns playing with it.
Iori Izumi: Right.
Riku Nanase: What's with the cool reaction, Iori? Didn't you like Rabitty-kun?
Iori Izumi: I have a cool reaction to all manner of cutesy stuffed animals, in case you haven't already noticed.
Iori Izumi: Besides, don't the rest of you find Rabitty-kun sort of... creepy? Because of the way he talks...
Yamato Nikaido: Creepy..? Nope, not really.
Mitsuki Izumi: Maybe he seemed scary to you because you were so little back then?
Riku Nanase: Do you know him, Nagi? It's possible that Rabitty-kun didn't ever land in Northmare.
Nagi Rokuya: OH, I do know him! I had a Rabitty Boy of my own once.
Nagi Rokuya: He could both sing and dance, and he enjoyed when I fed him carrots and pet his head.
Sogo Osaka: Wow...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Seriously?
Riku Nanase: What about you, Tamaki and Sogo-san? Do you know Rabitty-kun?
Mitsuki Izumi: Ah... Right, I guess you guys might've...
Sogo Osaka: I-I do know of him. Though I never owned one myself, I definitely remember hearing his name somewhere.
Tamaki Yotsuba: S-same here! We had a ton of old toys at the orphanage, so we totally had one of those somewhere!
Tamaki Ýotsuba: Y'know, the, uh... R-Rabitty Man?
Nagi Rokuya: Rabitty Boy.
Riku Nanase: No, it's Rabitty-kun!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah, Rabitty-kun! What's he got to do with the show we're going on, anyway?
Otoharu Takanashi: Rabitty-kun's manufacturer, Toi Toi Toi Company, is the sponsor of this TV special.
Otoharu Takanashi: Tsumugi-kun, would you mind explaining the rest?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Not at all. It's for Rabitty-kun's 6th renewal anniversary...
Tsumugi Takanashi: ...For which they wanted to hold a big TV special where idol groups look back on their childhoods.
Tsumugi Takanashi: The chosen groups are IDOLiSH7, Re:vale, TRIGGER, and ŹOOĻ.
Tsumugi Takanashi: The show will feature not only Rabitty-kun, but many other children's toys and songs from the past.
Mitsuki Izumi: Wow! That sounds fun!
Yamato Nikaido: Are you sure our generational gaps won't get in the way? Take me and Tama, for example. We're a whole five years apart.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Speaking of which, you and Yuki-san are four years apart. That means he and Tamaki-san are nine years apart.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Whoa. He's basically old enough to be my dad.
Iori Izumi: Hush. Don't let him hear you say that.
Otoharu Takanashi: As part of the project, they've asked you to present your own childhood photos during the show.
Otoharu Takanashi: Do you all think  you could do that? If it's too difficult, we can ask them to pass on you during that particular segment.
Mitsuki Izumi: It's no problem for me and Iori. What about you, gramps?
Yamato Nikaido: I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures to choose from... Even ones that don't show where I lived back then. What about you, Nagi?
Nagi Rokuya: But of course. I was all over Northmare's newspapers for a few weeks after I was born.
Yamato Nikaido: Sure, but do you have pictures you could actually use for the show?
Mitsuki Izumi: They're not so overly fancy that they'll ruin it for the rest of us, are they?
Nagi Rokuya: Hm... Very well, I shall select the most wonderful shot  myself. And what of you, Riku? Will you have trouble preparing a photo?
Riku Nanase: I might have kind of a hard time. Especially if I accidentally pick a picture that's got both me and Tenn-nii in it.
Iori Izumi: Which you will not be doing, obviously.
Riku Nanase: Ugh, I can already tell that you're planning to pick a photo that matches Mitsuki's.
Iori Izumi: I'm not trying to be smug about it, you know.
Riku Nanase: I wonder which photo Tenn-nii will choose. We'll have to meet up and talk about this.
Banri Ogami: Are you sure you can all manage? Especially you, Tamaki-kun and Sogo-kun...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ah, um... Yeah, probably!
Sogo Osaka: I think I'll be able to work something out, too.
Banri Ogami: Really? If it's too difficult, then you don't have to force it.
Banri Ogami: I know both your family situations are a bit complicated...
Tamaki Yotsuba: We'll be fine! I'll ask the director of the orphanage.
Sogo Osaka: I have the contact information of one of our housekeepers, so I can ask them.
Banri Ogami: Okay, then. Good luck.
Riku Nanase: I can't wait to see what we all looked like when we were little!
Mitsuki Izumi: Same. I'm curious to see how Yaotome might've looked.
Yamato Nikaido: I'm more interested in Inumaru. Do you think his eyes were always that stern?
Nagi Rokuya: Are you asking because your own eyes are the same way?
Yamato Nikaido: Shut it.  
Iori Izumi: I'll contact Kujo-san ahead of time, so we won't have any mishaps with Nanase-san.
Riku Nanase: I can do it myself!
Tamaki Yotsuba: .........
Sogo Osaka: .........
- - - - 
Sogo Osaka: Pictures from our childhood...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Pics from when we were little...
Sogo Osaka: Do you think you'll find one, Tamaki-kun?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Maybe, if they've got some at the orphanage... You?
Sogo Osaka: Maybe, if my father hasn't disposed of them... I wonder how many of them we even had...
Tamaki Yotsuba: You should've told Ban-chan that you're gonna have a hard time finding any.
Sogo Osaka: ...I could say the same to you.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Well yeah, but...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Everyone else was talking about that stuff so normally, and I wanted to seem normal too.
Sogo Osaka: Me too... Even after all this time, I'm still desperate to fit in.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Same. Even though we I know I can talk about this stuff with the guys.
Sogo Osaka: I wonder why that is.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I dunno.
Sogo Osaka: It's not a problem with any of them, or Banri-san. I guess I just don't want them to feel sorry for me...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Maybe that's it for me, too... I don't feel bad about it, but I also don't wanna get in the way of their happiness.
Sogo Osaka: Right. Maybe I'm just feeling awkward, because I didn't grow up like them. I didn't even have one of those Rabitty Dolls.
Tamaki Yotsuba: "Rabitty Dolls"?
Sogo Osaka: That's right. I was only allowed to have toys that would advance my intellectual development.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So-chan, that's not what they're called. Nobody had a "Rabitty Doll".
Sogo Osaka: Oh. What were they called, again?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Rabitty Man. No wait. I mean Rabitty-kun.
Sogo Osaka: Rabitty-kun.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ooh, ooh!
Sogo Osaka: .....!? What's wrong? Did something get lodged in your throat?
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...No, no! Stop trying to pry my mouth open!!!
Sogo Osaka: It's because you made that groaning noise...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I was just pretending to be Rabitty-kun. Like: "Ooh, ooh! I'm Rabitty!"
Sogo Osaka: Ah, come to think of it, he did say something like that...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I wonder what the "ooh ooh" part's about.
Sogo Osaka: I don't know... Isn't Rabitty-san supposed to react to sounds, lights, and touch?
Sogo Osaka: Maybe he's being overstimulated to the point of excruciating pain, without even realizing it himself...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I don't think he says it 'cause he's in pain... Maybe he just can't get his mouth open?
Sogo Osaka: You think he's been gagged?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Why would anyone gag an innocent bunny toy?
Sogo Osaka: You're the one who said he couldn't open his mouth... In any case, I'll try and get a hold of someone  who might know about my pictures.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Like that housekeeper?
Sogo Osaka: Yes... They might help me, so long as they haven't resigned yet... What will you do?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I'm gonna ask the director. Pretty sure the orphanage's got at least some pics of me. Are you gonna call them right now?
Sogo Osaka: That was my plan.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ok, I'll go call from my room then.
Sogo Osaka: Alright. Goodnight.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Mmh... But I might come back if my call doesn't work out.
Sogo Osaka: That's fine. We can figure this out together.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Okay. 
- - - -
[Door opens]
Tamaki Yotsuba: ........
Sogo Osaka: You're back. How did it go?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ooh, ooh.
Sogo Osaka: Is that a groan of pain?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yep.
Sogo Osaka: My attempt didn't go too well, either. Apparently only my father has access to any of our pictures. The housekeeper had no idea what has become of them.
Tamaki Yotsuba: They had pictures of me, but I'm too old in all of them. Like, thirteen and up.
Sogo Osaka: They had pictures of you when you were thirteen?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah.
Sogo Osaka: Did they send you any?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Nope. The director doesn't know how smartphones work. Why, did you wanna see 'em?
Sogo Osaka: A little bit...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Heh. I think I looked pretty cool back then.  
Sogo Osaka: I think you were probably more cute than cool. You were only thirteen, after all. I just wanted to see a version of you that isn't taller than me.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Well I wanna see how you looked when you were little, too. Like, do you even look anything like that now?
Sogo Osaka: I should hope so, since they are pictures of me.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Heh.
Sogo Osaka: I know, it's pretty funny. In any case, I did find one good lead.
Tamaki Yotsuba: What kinda lead?
Sogo Osaka: One of my father's coworkers does photography for a hobby. He should have taken a picture of me with my uncle.
Sogo Osaka: He's someone very important, so his photos should have survived even after my father got rid of every photo of my uncle.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Your dad must really love throwing pictures away.
Sogo Osaka: I can almost sympathize with him... I wouldn't want to be reminded of such a completely and utterly ruined relationship.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So if MEZZO" disbands, you're gonna delete all your pictures with me in them?
Sogo Osaka: ........
Tamaki Yotsuba: You can't get rid of all of them, though. They're all over the world, in magazines and stuff.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So you're gonna be reminded of me no matter what. Tough luck.
Sogo Osaka: ........ ...That's true.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ah, that reminds ME!!!
Sogo Osaka: W-what!?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I knew an uncle who took pictures of us, too!
Sogo Osaka: An uncle who took pictures...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Mom liked the family portrait that uncle took so much, she kept it near our TV.
Tamaki Yotsuba: We put that picture in her casket when she died, but if that uncle's got the original data, then he can make another one.
Sogo Osaka: True. Do you know where this uncle lives?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Nope... But Re:vale might.
Sogo Osaka: Re:vale?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yep. What about you? Can you call that guy who works with your dad?
Sogo Osaka: I don't have the connections to just go talk to him. But I know someone who does.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Who? Ah... You mean that dude?
Sogo Osaka: Why do you look so upset? He's not that bad. Not anymore, at least.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I dunno. He still looks like an evil rich guy to me. 
To be continued...
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i7fanfic · 3 years
hello✋🏻 may i request how much pda ryuu, toma, and torao show to their idol s/o and how they do it 🥰
Hello! I love these three dorks. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy this! - Mod Kale Ryunosuke, Touma and Torao showing PDA to their idol s/o Ryunosuke Tsunashi - He really isn't too big on PDA at first - You're the first person he's really ever dated so give him some time and he'll gradually become more comfortable - In public, he would make sure not to do anything that would make you uncomfortable, especially since you're both in the publics eye and he doesn't want to stir anything up with his fans and yours - So holding hands and maybe a kiss on the cheek now and then - Also hugging. A lot of hugging Just not around Gaku and Tenn because they will tease him - Behind closed doors is a different story though - He would be glued to you - You know how puppies follow their owners around? Yeah, that's you and Ryuu - Expect tons of kisses and hugs - Especially tons of "I love you's" Touma Inumaru - Another one who isn't big on PDA in public - He would hold your hand but that's probably all he would do - He doesn't want to be teased by his group members and doesn't want to start anything with both of your fans - Unless you ask him for a hug or a kiss on the cheek, he'll do it - Once he feels a bit more comfortable, he'll kiss you on the cheek or maybe hug you after a show - Like Ryuu, he's different behind closed doors - He feels more comfortable and will be attached to you - He will kiss you and cuddle you - Touma would trace his fingers on you. It just calms him down a lot - Just don't tell his group members about this side of him Torao Mido - He's the exact opposite of the other two - He's not afraid to show PDA in public - Would do anything to make you flustered - Holding hands? Yes. Kisses all over? Yes. - He is so smug about it too - Will not hesitate to say he loves you in public, especially in front of your fans - Torao wants everyone to know that you're his - This man just loves you a lot
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I saw that you've seen Chousei Kantai Sazer-X so I was curious on what you thought about Miura Ryosuke as Kane vs Ankh, considering how different the two characters are
I loved Sazer-X! I've been meaning to watch Gransazer and Justirisers as well, I ought to start on that once I finish Dorokei. Got all of Gransazer on my computer already just for slow-day-at-work purposes.
Anyway, Kane Lucano is my dear son and I adore him. He was sort of the least essential part of the main team, which is a shame, but he had a good story arc and he was very sweet. Regarding Miura's performance, I think it's...pretty good for an eighteen year old with relatively little acting experience? I mean, Kane is functionally a puppy except for that one part where he's nearly coerced into betraying the team, and Miura manages it pretty well. He looks tremendously young to me in the show, which is sort of funny given that one of the things he and I have in common is that we were both 18 in 2005.
Despite how much I love Kane, though, I like Ankh better both as a character and as a role for Miura to play. Yes, some of that is because I love smug bitches, and some of it is that OOO has generally better writing than Sazer-X, but it's just as much that Miura seems incredibly comfortable as Ankh. His delivery and body language are more relaxed, he puts a lot of character into small gestures, and frankly his look is spectacular.
Now, if we can keep talking about actors who had major roles in Sazer-X, can we address Gaku Shindo for a moment? Because I still haven't recovered from the knowledge that Ad, Sid Bamick, and Killbus are all the same guy.
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
(CNY 2020 Post #2) If MC did the ‘Special Feeling Moment’ with the Twilight Gang
Tumblr media
Umbrellas are a bad idea to give as gifts because the Chinese word for 'umbrella' (伞 sǎn /san/) sounds like the word for 'breaking up' (散 sàn). Giving somebody an umbrella may insinuate that you feel your relationship with them has fallen apart...
Also, small issue but do you guys prefer this formatting because I’ve noticed my style tends to be a bit wordy and hard to read?
Toichiro Yuri   🦊 🔥
- It’s his birthday month... and I still haven’t even touched his Book because I’m broke and really thirsty for someone else like Kuro and Gaku but hey he and I are both January babies- 
- Smug ass all the way on the outside and... smug ass all the way inside. 
- He’s only ducking his head for a second to restrain himself honestly and hide his smirk. 
- Until he grabs the microphone and angles it toward you, asking you the very final and most important question,
- “Special feeling... where my dear?”
- The snow has melted so the moment is kinda rendered useless but hey, at least you didn’t have to worry about using a blusher for a good complexion on screen.
Shizuki  🧊 ❄️
- ...
- For some reason, the snow around you gets heavier. 
- You don’t know what’s colder. Shizuki’s frosty reception and resting bitch face or the atmosphere. 
- Either way, the interview has to end because the camera has frozen over. 
- Little do you know that someone secretly gets the footage still but refuses to share it with anyone else...
Kuro  🎪 🤸
- Hun, hun, listen to me. 
- You won’t ever say it to him. You just can’t.
- Because chances are HE would have initiated it and a cuddle session on top of that. 
- By the time both of you are done, the camera crew has left and you guys are just cuddling under the umbrella with the leftover hot beverages the interviewers had forgotten.
Oji  🍳 👁️
- He’s gonna be shocked but ultimately gleeful.
- Except...
- For some reason, the snow around you gets heavier. 
- You don’t know what’s colder. Aoi’s frosty reception and resting bitch face or the atmosphere. 
- It’s only then you realize the umbrella is full of sticky notes to remind Oji and you of your errands.
- And really, it wasn’t snow but the white notes fluttering about... completely undone. 
Gaku  🥁 ⚙️
- Look, this rat-tailed boy tries to act cool and all. 
- And he is!
- For five seconds, before hiding behind his workload (literally, you are probably only there with him helping to carry a sack of mechanics)
- He does agree with a single thumbs-up though so good for you!
- Until you accidentally watch the show 5 days later. This time, Gaku is with Yura and...
- He freaking stole your line. 
- And said it to his brother. 
- You almost swore the smug look on his face was nearly the same as the one he’s giving you across the room. 
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saikiyuuki · 5 years
Tsukista Review
The story is simple this time it is about Reina and Tsubaki crossing over to the idol world and trying to find what happiness is. The ending is sweet and I will leave no more spoilers for the plot.
Songs During Stage Play Part
Kimi ni Karei naru -Laila-
A different take on the middles. This was sexy on the final show Akiba accidentally lifted his shirt.
I love the part where Yoru and You holds hands and their fingers entwined.
Arata and Aoi had a scene where they used the chair and switched positions before leaning close. That was really sensual.
Another part was when Yoru and You was sitting, Yoru was as if he took a taste with his finger but You took it.
Welcome to Wonderland
The nenchou was really cute here and was used after a scene where they interacted. Kai and Haru looking so smug when they said uchi no ko was cute.
The dance was simple and cute which was surprising but fitting. Honestly 2019 casual clothes really fit the new cast as they have really long legs.
Kimi to Step
Another of the cute songs and not only dances it also has the part where all the cast interracted.
Kai being dragged with Diablo for example and the middles and just interacting. They really made good use of the songs.
Shiawase Sagashi
Its an emotionally charged song that summarizes Reina and Tsubaki’s adventure. The dances was amazing too. It was elegant and the use of less lighting here really seta the mood.
Shiawase Awase
It has one of the simplest dances but the meaning of the song is the important part here. First half of the song is just running as the scenes play out.
The characters switches partners with mostly being Procella and Gravi pair so that was interesting. Also some parts are sung by their season group. So that was fresh.
New Cast
Arata - He is like a copy of Ryohei honestly. Acting is good and is also very good at dancing. I have high hopes
Koi - Cute period. So so cute. Acting wise and also the dances too. Still very childish but is closer to canon compared to Lui as he has a more natural childishness. Instead of the act.
Kakeru - Cute too. Period. And sounds similar to Ryuu. The dances are cute. I love his tsukkomi w
Hajime - Has the softer Hajime of the later settings down pat and shows the more playful side when with other seniors. Dances well but is more elegant compared to Menjo. Menjo is more forceful. But honestly gives a more elegant take. Mutsubi no Tsuki was eroi w
You - Kurita hands down has the attitude of You down pat. Down to the walk. He dances surprisingly well for someone who says he is too old for this.
Kai - I don’t know where to start... Honestly the expression and dance was amazing. I like Doi but he does have a blank expression while dancing. Hirai has reached a point he can act and smile as he dance. Like a grin so its very Kai like and also has parts where he adlibs.
Reina - Reina was plain cute. Like really really cute and lovely. Her voice is similar to the actors the way she acts on stage hides the fact that it was her second stage.
Tsubaki - Literally Tsubaki coming alive. The elegant part and the fangirling part is accurate. The fangirling is just as crazy as Shun.
Tsukista Set List
Chikoku no Uta
Back Dancer - Hajime and Shun
It is really cute and really works for Kakeru dance wise. Honestly, Hajime and Shun looks awkward there. The adlibs before they start is amazing.
Mutsubi no Tsuki
Back Dancer - Kakeru and Koi
The scene opens with Shun and they all wear and uchikake. Agata as Hajime was erotic. The movement was more elegant. Added bonus, Agata has his shirt down open to the collar. And when he tosses and catches the fan was amazing.
Sore ha Kitto Koi
Back Dancer - Hajime and Haru
The use of the flag was cute. With Koi tossing the flag and catching it. Sorry not much to say as I was too focused on Gaku and Agata. They danced really well. And its strange seeing seniors dancing cute songs.
Aqua Refrain
Back Dancer - Arata and Koi
They used an umbrella for prop and the dance was really emotional for the lack of better words. It fits Haru’s more emotionally charged songs.
Yozakura ni Sasowarete
Back Dancer - Aoi and Haru
Honestly, the use of the two hand fan and lighting was really moody. It makes the song seem darker. The new Arata is way too good at dancing.
Back Dancer - Arata and Rui
Its actually a dance heavy song and I was surprised at how much Tatsuki improved.
Oh... Yes!
Back Dancer - Kai and Aoi
The song is back dance heavy. Yuusaku is as emotional as always. And Hirai was amazing here. Really really good. Shows how well he performa when compared to how emotional Toumei Lullaby is.
Toumei Lullaby
Back Dancer - Rui and You
I love the use of the cloth for the dance but kept to the other non-character back dancer and Kai. The movements are more emotional and shows that Hirai is really good with emotional songs and his expression was amazing.
Manatsu no Surprise
Back Dancer - Yoru and Kai
Hirai too was amazing here and kept smiling honestly. Akiba improved so much I’m surprised. Kurita is as flirty as Shuuto when acting as You. Dance wise I don’t even believe he is a new cast.
Yumemiru Mikaduki
Back Dancer - You and Iku
Another back dance heavy music but Akiba was so good at the small actions which makes the song even more emotional.
Next Stage
Back Dancer - Yoru and Shun
This really shows how much Akiba improved dancing wise. Ryoki was cute here and Taka really is an idol.
November Star
Back Dancer - Iku and Kakeru
The two juniors did amazing for back dancing as its back dance heavy. The addition of a mantle for Shun fits the music. And Taka really gave an amazing performance that shows the more serious side of Shun.
Sugar Sugar Magic
Back Dancer - Procella
Yuri was plain amazing as Reina. The dance down to the expression. Procella bowing down except for Shun was cute too. Dance wise everyone did amazing. Hirai and Taka was cute here.
Troyca -White Witch Mix-
Back Dancer - Gravi
Kanako as Tsubaki was so elegant, it was as if Tsubaki really was there. As stated the dance was made to seem like a merry-go-round and it emulated that perfectly. Gravi as back dancer was a good choice so Tsubaki stood out.
Gravitic Love
Agata was erotic for the ah part. Honestly it was cohesive and so much improvement between the first and final show. It was really Gravi there... Gaku is amazing at dancing I don’t feel a need to comment there.
LOVL - Lots of Love -
They are also cohesive and everything is done on time. There was no one being slower or faster. They improved so much too. Hirai was amazing as Kai.
One Chance
They matched the dance to MMF and it was plain amazing. Taka here really did well and everyone worked as a group. Hirai really was Kai at the Yari Kirenai One Chance line. Everyone added their own take of the character to the dance. Like Hirai giving the motion for the crowds to get louder.
There are a few parts changed and seeing the interactions between the pair really showed their growth. Agata finally got comfortable by the 5th show and the improvements were amazing.
This was amazing, everyone really are in character. It was really like seeing them live. Their take is different than the original cast but it seems everyone is taking the original work as reference and trying to be the character completely. I applaud the new casts for the amazing performance.
Harumagedon - Its funny because they tried to reenact a movie that was modified. It was meant to be a sad movie but having all med try to play it made it ridiculous. Please don’t go too crazy on the prop next time Hirai... And don’t say Donki on curtain call it will get censored.
Shitsuren Red - Final show and really I am not even sure. It got worse. SALMON PINK AND PINK IS NOT RED DAMN IT.
Kami - Really the god joke was so funny and morbid. Yuusaku no crossdressing please.
Curtain Call
Nenchou Version -
Really Gaku is as talkative as ever. And Hirai giving thanks to all the staff was amazing. Agata really got bullied but out of the four he was the one that gave the most proper greeting. He gets easily flustered too.
Everyone -
Honestly I feel bad for Kanako, I bet she had it hard that she cried on stage. The two megami cast are hoping for a megami stage.
The others are a mess and really Hirai is terrible with jokes but Taka is dying of laughter so its fine?
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november-clipse · 4 years
How do you feel about leaving home again? Excited to get on the road (er, ocean), or did you start feeling homesick the second your feet stepped on the boat?
Honestly? I dunno how to describe this... Weird feeling.
I mean, I both feel terribly homesick and buzzing with excitement, but there's something else. ...Relief?
.. I don't get it.
Anyways- Amber made me do a pinky swear to send them postcards in every city I arrive on (I hope cat's place have some cool ones) and Ryu gave me this cool embroidered handkerchief he himself made (it has a little Buddy on it!), and I got this copy of a recipe book that Yuta apparently used in his travels. I really gotta try it out.
("Imagine this. First day of the party. You got your royal knight in golden armour, covered in blood from the infested undead creatures. He stabs his spear on the ground as he approaches the fireplace with a grim expression. Everyone is confused and slightly intimidated. Then he just. Pulls out this tiny worn out book, barks at you to stop ruining the food and back off, and starts cooking the best stew you ever had in your entire life. I fell in love Immediately, You get me?" Says Gaku, ignoring a light smack to the back of his head.)
Oh, Enoch is traveling out for a brief moment, so don't worry about that. Bad timing- He does that a lot. I'm gonna write him a buch of postcards too, he's gonna love it.
Anyways- I think I might get truely homesick as soon as I set my foot off the boat, since I know all of captain Marv's crew like second family. He used to smuggle me on ship rides (it was before the previous captain died) whenever he was bored enough, so it still feels like home over here on the deck.
I might introduce the crew, here.
There's Obviously Marv- Captain Marvelous himself. Smug guy. The manifestation of a >:3 face. Snarky, got a go for it attitude. He might seem like a rude guy, but get to know him and you'll see that he cares for everyone. Also I should tell him I got his name under a wanted poster, he'll love it.
There's Mica the first mate. Aquatic elf. You can sometimes see them jump off deck and swim along the boat when They're bored. They arn't exactly the talkative type, but they're a great person. They love training and helping others, so they'll gladly teach you how to swordfight if you ask!
The dwarf lady that's somehow taller than you is Joan, John, whatever. She can kill a man with only her stare. Resident Strongwoman: Big Bad Joan. Apparently a seer told her to never go into the mines so she just hopped into Marv's crew. Impressive, honestly. She's the one that almost won the drinking contest against me. Keyword- almost.
Mary's the human girl with a soft smile. Wears pink, loves books, softspoken and petite- she serves the best tea. Looks like a cinnamon roll, but will kill a sea monster with her eyes closed. I think Marv is slightly scared of her. I heard she was from some dead royal family, but I never got to hear the answer.
The shy half-elf over there is Doc. Nobody got his real name- he's just Doc. Resident doctor slash repair guy. Shy as a bluebell, is a nerd that hoards information and tinkers on a lot of stuff, has a stutter, really soft and cute- he's kinda shying away when there are new people on boat so you might have to search for him.
And Kari's a Satyr. "Why is there a Satyr on a ship?" No fucking clue. He's the one that collects stories from all the places he's been on- he has perfect memory, so he's the guy to find in the pub if you want cool sailor stories. He Will talk your ear off if needed. He cooks for the crew, too. Best soup you tasted, guaranteed.
Oh, that got too long. Thank you for listening to me!
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Kujou Tenn: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 5
Gaku: Happy birthday, Tenn! Good work on radio.
Ryuunosuke: Tenn, happy birthday! I’m glad that you pulled my request!
Anesagi: Happy birthday. Let’s make this year the best.
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, happy birthday!
A: Takanashi-san, I’m sorry that I invited you so suddenly.
A: I wanted to ask Tenn for an impression of “Twelve Hits!” but everyone’s schedule didn’t match, so I choose group chat. Even though I couldn’t decide if I should ask you since you’ll be busy too...
9: Because Takanashi-san managed the request corner.
T: It’s nothing! I’m happy you called me!
9: I’m glad. Thanks.
T: The schedule didn’t match up so that means everyone isn’t in the same spot huh…!
G: Anesagi is the only one who couldn’t be home because of a job. We’re at Ryuu’s house.
R: It’s too bad Anesagi-san isn’t with us but I’m glad we could be together for Tenn’s birthday! I made lots of food that Tenn likes!
9: It's a huge amount. Three people couldn’t eat this much.
G: Did you see the omelette rice? I made that.
9: Don’t make a smug face.
9: But it looks delicious.
R: “Trigger” is written on it in ketchup! Tsumugi-chan, I’ll send you a picture! [T/N: Trigger was written in hiragana, hence why we didn’t capitalize it here. In hiragana it’s “とりがー”, romanized “toriga-.”]
T: Thank you! 
T: Waaah… The omelette rice seems delicious..!
G: Right?
9: He’s smug again. Even though the ketchup word is limpy.
G: Shaddup.
9: First of all, why is it hiragana?
G: After I wrote TRIGGER’s “T”, I noticed that there were too many letters and they wouldn’t fit.
R: We somehow made it into a “と” shape!
G: I wanted to put the katakana “to” but the shape was hard to fix. [T/N: Katakana “to” -- ト. Hiragana “to” -- と.]
T: I can tell Yaotome-san’s worked hard…!
A: Wouldn’t it have been fine to write “Tenn”? There would be some space but you could fill it with marks and such right.
G: [Sitting Pudding Stamp]
T: Celebrating with everyone seems very fun!
9: It’s tiring to be like this since morning.
R: I’m trying not to make Tenn move from the sofa! Today Tenn is the king! lol
G: Like passing water at the perfect timing of when he’s thirsty.
R: And we also change the television channels instead.
9: But it’s the opposite of calming though...
G: The king should be imposing (Lol)
T: That’s a perfect service!
A: Shall we start talking about the radio soon?
T: Right! I wanted to ask for your impressions about “Twelve Hits!”
*T: How was Tsunashi-san’s reaction to having his request chosen?
9: He was happy. He said “I’m glad that Gaku,Tenn, and I are TRIGGER”. He almost cried.
9: I talked about this on “Twelve Hits!” too but I hope there will be a next opportunity.
9: It’s rare to have a media outlet where I can talk about my feelings a lot.  And I liked the atmosphere of being able to talk calmly.
A: Leave it to me. I’ll take another radio job!
9: Thank you. I’m relying on you.
G: The radio was super good! Tenn’s voice really is easy to listen to. The contents were well arranged too.
R: “You’re talking about our Rabbit Chat conversations?!” were also the parts were I laughed lol
R: I’m happy that you talked seriously about TRIGGER!
9: Thanks. I’m also looking forward to both of your on-air shows.
R: Next is Gaku’s turn huh.
G: Look forward to it. I received Tenn’s baton.
9: I’m looking forward to it. 
9: I’m also grateful that you celebrated my birthday. Even though you overdid some parts a little.
9: I love you guys. I’m glad TRIGGER is with Gaku and Ryuu.
9: I can trust you two and can move forward together in the same direction anytime. It could be that being with these three is the best birthday present.
G: Don’t suddenly become honest… For me too, I love the times when we’re singing altogether more than anything.
R: Me too! From now on too, let’s work hard together!
9: I feel like I want to stand on stage with you guys right now.
9: Let’s reach the fans with the best moments from now on too.
T: Right! I wanted to ask for your impressions about “Twelve Hits!”
T: How were the fans’ reactions?
9: The fans have been sending me info about tapioca drinks a lot. I’m glad that they enjoyed it.
9: I talked about this on “Twelve Hits!” too but I hope there will be a next opportunity.
T: Right! I wanted to ask for your impressions about “Twelve Hits!”
T: Now that the broadcast is over, what did Kujou-san think? 
9: I could tell everything I wanted to our fans. But I couldn’t talk enough, so I wanted more time.
9: I talked about this on “Twelve Hits!” too but I hope there will be a next opportunity.
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diamondish9 · 5 years
Hi! I'm so thankful that someone writes headcannons for idolish7! Seriously this game stole my heart i love them so much ❤ Can i request trigger reactions to their s/o rapping in like karaoke club? S/o is also an idol itself would be great thank you so much!!! 😊😊😊
Thank you so much darling 😢
I completely understand how easy it is to fall in love with IDOLiSH7. It only took one beat map to fall in love with this series
Probably the most surprised out of all the TRIGGER members tbh
His face is permanently in an :O shape during the entire performance, especially if your image falls more on the cutesy side of things
Can and will convince you to start incorporating rap elements into your music, you're so good at it why hide it away?
If you listen to him he's so freaking smug about it
I don't know if his seiyuu can rap but I firmly believe that Gaku can a little bit and will rap with you if drunk enough
Forget him being surprised that you can rap, you're more surprised that HE can! Uso desu yo ;)
Like Gaku he's also going to try to convince you to incorporate rap elements into your music, and you'll do the same because it's a shame that such talent is hiddden
Too bad it doesn't exactly fit either of your images
Rap battles? Rap battles
You two will go to karaoke for the sole purpose of having rap battles. Loser buys the winner dinner
Goes from :O to :D in the span of 10 seconds because he was not seeing that coming
Not as pushy as Gaku and Tenn are for you to start rapping regularly in your music but would be really happy if you did
Not the best rapper in the world, so he's more content just watching you go
Has that stupid dumb lovestruck look on his face as you rap, he's so proud of you
It takes all his strength not to just, shout to the world how amazing you are
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ainana-ao3 · 5 years
by monekosensei
He gave her a smug look. "You're naughty, Tsumugi. Santa Claus disapproves."
Words: 5397, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IDOLiSH7 (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Takanashi Tsumugi, Yaotome Gaku, Izumi Iori, Nikaido Yamato, Izumi Mitsuki, Yotsuba Tamaki, Ousaka Sougo, Rokuya Nagi, Nanase Riku, Kujou Ten, Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, Takanashi Otoharu, Yaotome Gaku's Mother, Yaotome Gaku's Grandparents, Oogami Banri, Yuki (IDOLiSH7), Momo (IDOLiSH7)
Relationships: Takanashi Tsumugi/Yaotome Gaku
Additional Tags: Gakutsumu, Christmas, Nursery School Teacher Gaku, The rest of i7 and TRG and Banri and Re:Vale are kids, 12 Days of Christmas i7 version, One-Shot, One-shot in a long shot again lol, Northmare, Takanashi Papa is 100/1, Gaku on snowmobile, Gaku's mom's family, Fluff, Humor, Yamato is the best bully lol jk, Christmas Caroling, All of them have spotlights I promise, even if it's so hard to balance the i7 TRG Banri Yuki Momo scenes, Gaku is very romantic, a bit corny tho lol
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i7scenarios · 6 years
Boys with a (female?) s/o that's also an idol? (I dont usually like to put gender in requests but i was picturing kind of a j-pop girl image lol)
I got quite a few like this ^^ so of course!
Boys with Idol girl s/o
-Even though he is an idol himself he still doesn’t particularly like the fact you are too.
-He is happy you are doing something that makes you and others happy, since he knows that feeling all too well.
-Still, you are SUPER cute and he doesn’t like that the whole world gets to see that side of you as well.
-He is the type to get on your case and make sure you are taking proper care of yourself, almost like he is managing you too…
-He won’t ever admit it, but he is very proud of you.
-Being in the business he loves to see you happy when preforming and also loves that he can share his experiences with you.
-Does not like when other guys get too close or stare, your relationship whether you are dating in secret or not he will make sure that every guy out there knows they need to back off. Use those scary eyes mister!!
-He talks a big game about how awesome and sexy you are, though he does worry about your health and wellbeing, not to mention he knows this business is full of deceitful bastards…
-Your biggest fan! Even it kills him he will do his best to be at every one of your lives, with his hand made fan of course!
-What makes him the happiest is that you both get to do what it is you love and there are even times when you get to work together. Those are the moments that he treasures the most.
-He feels even more confident about himself since someone as amazing as you fell in love with him, he wishes he could shout out to the world that you are his! All though he would never do that so as not to risk ruining your guys’ careers.
-You talk about idols A LOT!
-He thinks it’s awesome that you are an idol like him. He loves watching you dance, wishing that the two of you could perform together sometime.
-He can get pretty jealous when other guys praise you or show you attention. No matter how many times you tell him that you only have eyes for him. He can get pretty smug after you state that though ^^;
-When he watches you working so hard it makes him want to work that much harder as well. Sogo always says you are a good influence on him.
-When he finds out that his sister looks up to you, it makes him even more proud, he is happy that connection is there as well.
-He loves listening to your voice, always playing your music during his travels.
-He can get a bit jealous at times from your popularity, wondering if he is good enough for you. Even after the dozens of times you have stated you think he is amazing and love him with your very being.
-Sogo has a new dream after meeting you, one he is too embarrassed to tell. He wants to write a song for you, creating a piece of music together would make him happier then he could ever express with words.
-He wants to keep growing and developing his music so you will be just as proud of him as he is of you.
-Nagi thinks you are amazing and of course beautiful. The way you make people happy is such a wonderful thing.
-Every time he sees you on TV or on a magazine he is filled with such warmth and pride.
-He messages you constantly, always pointing out how amazing you were and letting you know in detail that he was obviously watching you.
-Seeing all of the adorable outfits you wear, even he has to admit that your cuteness outranks Kokona.
-You are his idol! In more ways than one!!
-Seeing you work hard makes him push himself that much harder. Not always a good thing since sometimes he can end up pushing himself too far. Then he feels guilty that you take time off to come take care of him.
-Listening to your voice soothes him and yet gets his adrenalin pumping at the same time. The fact you met each other in this world and both get to do something you love makes him feel really lucky. Not just because someone as amazing as you fell in love with him!
-Without knowing it he tends to brag about how awesome you are to the others, they never get annoyed since Riku is so pure it’s really cute to watch him fawn over you!  
-He thinks you are amazing of course, the two of you are a perfect pair!
-Even if his father doesn’t want him dating someone in the industry, he doesn’t care, love is most import and the two of you can overcome any obstacles that you may face.
-He has a collection of everything you have done, be it music, modeling shots, merch. Though he hides that from you…
-He loves giving you sexy little whispers backstage, seeing you getting fired up because of him is what makes his day.
-Of course you are amazing, his equal in fact.
-The thing he loves most about you is that you understand what it means to be a pro and always give it your best.
-You glow on stage and he is always filled with such pride when seeing you preform and how you cater to your fans.
-Even if you both are busy often and don’t have much time to spend together, that is okay! Knowing that the two of you are working your hardest just makes those moments when you do see each other more rewarding!
-He loves to see you working hard, not to mention how beautiful you always look.
-There are times he wonders how others see you, like how he is known for being a sex symbol. The thought of others thinking of you in the same way does make him uncomfortable, but he does accept that is part of the job.
-Your days are busy so you meet up for late night drinks a lot. He loves that even in the world of show business he can be his true self with you without any judgment.
-He always searches SMS to see your reviews and how happy you made the fans. Though if he ever reads anything negative he will grow so angry that even Tenn and Gaku get scared.
-You are just as amazing as Yuki to him, so gorgeous and sexy!
-He loves watching you preform and watching your MC skills. You always manage to show everyone such a good time!
-The two of you have a lot of secret codes that you show during TV programs, little ways of letting the other know that you are thinking about them.
-On days you have off together the two of you spend as much time having a new adventure as possible. Even though you get spotted quite easily, it’s still fun when you are together.
-He loves your music; you are like his muse!
-He enjoys having you around as inspiration when composing. You don’t even have to say anything, just you being by his side is somehow motivating to him.
-Yuki can’t help but be impressed how together you are, somehow you can wake yourself up and take care of your health while being an idol, it’s impressive. Not only that but you still manage to find the time to check up on him and see him whenever you are free.
-He would love to secretly write you something. Having you sing one of his songs would be the perfect gift for the both of you!
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