#galaxymysteryelephant writes
Stay with Me
Also available here.
A joint mission between the 212th Attack Battalion and the 501st Legion is something Commander Cody always looked forward to. If only because it allowed Cody to check in on his favorite brother: Rex. Rex always knows how to make missions easier on the commander. He always helps develop plans of attack, offers to do patrols, and makes sure Cody takes care of himself, whether it is bringing him a meal or making him get some sleep.
And Cody knew that this mission would be no different.
It is late at night and Cody is reviewing maps of the planet and trying to form a solid plan on how to invade the area. The sound of his tent flap opening pulls his attention from the holomaps and to the intruder.
“Rex, what are you doing here?” Cody asks. He is not even the least bit surprised to see the other man. After working so many missions alongside each other, Cody was used to it. In fact, Cody was beginning to wonder when Rex would show up.
“I just got off of patrol duty and noticed your light was still on. It is getting pretty late and we have a big day tomorrow, why don’t you turn in.”
Cody looks at Rex and levels him with a small glare. If it were anyone but Rex, Cody would have chewed them out for trying to tell him what to do. But with Rex, Cody knows it comes from a place of genuine concern. He can even see the concern in Rex's eyes.
“I can’t sleep,” Cody says.
“And why is that?” Rex asks curiously.
“There is just too much on my mind. Sleep will just elude me. It is better to get some work done and make preparations for tomorrow’s battle,” Cody states.
“And getting sleep the night before an important battle is probably the most important preparation,” Rex retorts. He levels Cody with a glare of his own, there is a slight challenge behind it. “You will do no good on the battlefield if you are tired.”
Cody knows that Rex has a point but he is not about to concede to the younger man. Instead he turns his attention back to the holomaps and studies them for several moments.
“Cody,” Rex draws the commander’s attention to him again. “You need your sleep.”
“I know, Rex,” Cody admits as he turns off the holomap.
Before Cody can change his mind, Rex drags the commander to his cot and strips him of his armor. “Don’t worry, I will wake you if anything interesting happens.”
Rex turns off the lantern in Cody’s tent and makes his way to the tent flap when Cody stops him. “Rex, stay with me.”
Cody doesn't know why he says it, partly because he doesn't want to be alone and partly because he doesn't want Rex to leave. But needless to say, the words left his mouth before he could stop them.
Rex looks over his shoulder at Cody, and through the dim light cast by the moon, Cody can see a small smile break across Rex's features. That smile alone makes it worth it.
“If that is what you want, then that is what I shall do,” Rex says.
Cody feels a flutter in his heart at Rex’s words. Cody is grateful for the darkness that coats the room because it hides the blush on his cheeks from his companion.
Cody makes room in his cot for Rex and lightly pats the area next to him. “You should get some sleep too,” he suggests.
Cody’s heart jumps into his throat when Rex lays next to him in the cot.
“As long as I will not make you uncomfortable,” Rex says as he turns on his side to look at Cody.
Cody shuffles so that he lay facing Rex as well. “It won’t.”
Cody looks at Rex and sees that he is still wearing his armor. Cody moves closer to Rex and begins to unclasp the armor pieces in an unhurried motion. Cody relishes in the feel of Rex’s muscles under his hands as he slides the armor plates off. It is somehow more intimate than when Rex removed Cody’s armor.
“Cody,” Rex whispers in the commander’s ear.
It is then that Cody realizes just how close he is to Rex. They are chest to chest, legs tangled together, and Rex’s arm is wrapped around his waist.
“Rex,” Cody whispers back.
“I love you,” Rex claims.
Cody looks into Rex’s eyes and sees nothing but love and devotion in their honey gold color. A smile breaks across the commander’s face as he closes the distance between them, needing to feel Rex’s lips against his own.
“I love you, Rex,” Cody says when he pulls away from the kiss and rests his forehead against Rex’s. “Will you stay with me?” The meaning behind these words is completely different than they were before - this is him asking Rex to be with him in every way possible.
“For as long as you will have me,” Rex replies with hope.
“I will have you for eternity,” Cody says.
Rex plants a gentle kiss against Cody’s lips. “Then eternity it is. Somehow I do not think that will be long enough.”
“Me neither,” Cody admits as he cuddles up to Rex.
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babygirlwolverine · 4 years
I have been reading a lot of your fics recently, they are all really well written. And they are so heartfelt. ☺ There is something about the way you write Dean and Cas that makes them so relateable. What inspired you to write We Can't Keep This Undercover? Of all the ways Dean and Cas tried to show Sam they are together, which one was your favorite to write? Which one was your least favorite to write?
Awwwww you’re too sweet omg, I’m literally in tears over the fact you’ve been reading lots of my fics and you think they’re so well written!! It makes me so so happy you feel like my fics are so heartfelt, thank you so so much!! ☺️ You have no idea how much it means to me that you find the way I write Dean and Cas to be so relatable! Thank you a billion times! 
Okay so, for the first question, We Can’t Keep This Undercover was for the SPNStayAtHome event and the one word prompt was undercover. Of all the fics I wrote for that event, this idea was the one that came to me the quickest in terms of like what I wanted to do as a broad idea. Something about the word undercover made me think, “what if Dean and Cas are keeping their relationship undercover?” and then it quickly snowballed to, “what if they aren’t keeping their relationship undercover at all, what if they’re being super obvious about it, but Sam is oblivious and keeps missing all the signs.” I feel like I just haven’t seen much oblivious Sam fics, like usually he’s the one egging them on and pushing them together, so the thought of writing one where he’s completely missing everything Dean and Cas keep doing, is just really interesting and I loved the concept.
My favorite way I wrote Dean and Cas trying to show Sam they were together was definitely the scene in the hallway where they were making out and basically about ready to rip each other’s pants off. That scene came to mind very early in the story and I was so excited to write it. I really loved the idea of them being all over each other and Sam just throwing a curve ball and thinking they were under a spell instead of trying to get laid. In my head, I hoped it would hit that mark between being a little hot and steamy while also being funny with Sam interrupting. Plus, I just really enjoyed writing Dean and Cas being so desperate they can’t even make it to Dean’s room heheh.
My least favorite way I wrote Dean and Cas showing Sam they were together was the scene where they were cuddling after watching the movie. I only say this because, at first, that scene didn’t exist. The scene after the hallway makeout session was actually Dean and Cas playing footsie under the table in the library and Cas moving his foot up Dean’s thigh towards areas. But I wrote half the scene, went back and reread it, and HATED it. It felt completely out of character and just not like something Dean and Cas would do, and characterization is so important to me, so it just felt wrong. And so I deleted the whole scene and spent 20 minutes pacing my room trying desperately to figure out another scene, and then finally landed on the idea of the cuddling movie night. So it was my least favorite only because it gave me so much trouble. All of the other scenes flowed so easily and so quickly, like I knew exactly what I was doing with every other scene, but that date night cuddling scene was just so hard for me to come up with for some reason.
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
grace like rain
for @dreamnovak who had this idea and let me write it.
It’s soothing to watch the wood of the deck stain darker from the rainfall. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Dean made that deck with his own two hands - cut the wood, nailed it together, built the support beams, sanded it all down, weather treated it. It’s nice to watch something that he brought into the world come up against nature and survive still.
His eyes don’t rest on the deck for long, though, because just past the deck, sitting cross-legged on the barren patio, is Cas. He’s soaked through and will end up with a cold, but Dean knows all too well that no amount of coaxing will get the once-upon-an-angel out of the rain, or even into a rain coat, under an umbrella.
Cas tried to explain it, once, the way he feels in the rain but Dean didn’t really understand. He knows it has something to do with the way Cas used to perceive the whole of the living universe, and something to do with Jack. Beyond that, all he can do is watch, and wait, and be ready with a towel and dry clothes at the end of the storm.
Even the fine shiver that falls over his body from the chill is welcome. Each rain drop that falls against him, runs its trail along his skin, is something like radar, like a singular receptor in a vast network of drops. Through them, Cas almost feels like he’s reaching out across the whole of the universe. The birds. The trees. The fruit and flowers and bees. And, of course, in all the alpha and omega, is Jack. 
Cas closes his eyes and tips his face to the sky and can bring an image of his son forward. He can feel Jack, sitting next to him, cross-legged with hands balanced delicately on his knees, in the space between rain drops. He can feel the warmth of a living body nearby, the electric jolt that Cas always felt from Jack’s smile. The sweet tilt of his eyes and slope of his nose. His mop of hair getting wet and sticking to his forehead, his temples. The sound of his laughter, of his earnest, “Castiel, look!”
Cas had heard him, like whispers in a dream, in the Empty that final time. 
“Hello, Jack,” Cas says into the thunder of the rainfall.
And if he listens close enough, he can hear Jack saying, “I missed you so much, Cas.”
A few hours later the rain stops.
Dean has moved to the living room but he jerks up when he hears the quiet shift of the sliding door. Cas is there, dripping on the tile, and unfolding one of the towels Dean had left.
“Here, let me.”
Cas does. He lets Dean come up close and wrap the towel around Cas, rub over his arms and up his neck and across his middle. Cas is still shivering and Dean mutters something about lips being blue as he works. Another towel, to soak up his sodden pants and dry his feet - Dean bends low to do that and his knees crack loudly. A third towel, pressed over Cas’s head, rubbing at his ears and hair and then, so gently, under his eyes and along the bridge of his nose.
They hold there a long moment, Cas with a towel draped over his shoulders and cast over his head and Dean standing so close that his tee shirt is going damp as well. 
“How’s the kid?” Dean asks, and Cas just smiles. “Are you all right?” he asks, after.
“Yes,” Cas answers. And then, tucking his head into his shoulder, sneezes.
Dean pulls him into his arms and laughs. The sound is warm and soft and so is Dean, so is his tee shirt and his arms and the way his nose dips against Cas’s ear. “C’mon. Let’s get you into a hot shower and some dry clothes.”
Cas allows himself to be led further into the house and, outside, the sun refracts, reflects, disperses, and stretches the spectrum into a rainbow.
@prayedtoyou • @valleydean • @folklorecastiel • @good-things-do-happen-dean • @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you • @nesnej •  @bianca29753 • @spaceshipkat • @madronasky • @dizzypinwheel • @kayrosebee • @feraladoration • @destielangst • @destiel-is--real • @brazencas • @destielle • @flowersforcas • @50shadesofcanon • @multifandomagic • @fluffiestlou • @geo-val • @menjiiii • @top13zepptraxx • @lanaserra • @eccentriccas • @trasherasswood • @angelresort • @starlightcastiel • @dreamnovak • @jazzbabythatsme • @lyndalynn • @organicpurplepants • @cursed-or-not • @contemplativepancakes • @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner  • @galaxymysteryelephant • @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover • @one-more-offbeat-anthem • @keata-kaylee • @redsconfusion • @bennedict • @mishha • @smushedmuffins • @galaxycastiel
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angelwars11 · 4 years
I've been tagged in one of these, so I decided to make my own post!!
I've been on Tumblr for two in a half years. My story started back in late 2019 around when school started in September. I officially got back into the Clone Wars fandom and started to roleplay and write with one person. That turned into role playing and writing long stories with many people and bonding with them in multiple fandoms, the clone Wars fandom, and our own OC work! I joined discord servers and shared my love for many fandom ships with other people and I wrote seemingly hundreds of stories in one year!! It's mind-blowing to me! I even found the most loving, patient, and understanding mentor of all time who gave me so many writing tips whilst we wrote an amazing story together!
2020 has been very negative indeed. A lot of things happened to me, mentally, emotionally, physically, and I went through so many spiritual changes. 2020 was undoubtedly the worst year I've ever had. But with all these amazing things that happened to me throughout it, I couldn't be any happier and luckier!! That's why I am so excited to start 2021 off with a bang! Next year will start so powerfully and I am excited to get it started!! I just pray that 2021 doesn't end up being 2020 2.0😂
Even through the bad, there was always some good. Lots of positivity has been spreading around the internet to the people who need a bit of leeway and happiness to end off the year good! I want to join in on the fun, so here I go!
(Sorry to those I might miss or can't fit in the tag list! ✨)
I want to thank all those who have been tagged down below or those I missed but know are the reason why I had a positive change this year! From Tumblr; your support, likes, and reblogs. To Archive of our own; your kudos, bookmarks, and comments. To ALL the people I've met along the way!! To ALL those I bonded with this year and I hope to become better friends with! To all my co-authors and co-writers! This one is for you!! I am so, so thankful for your kindness and love. It's carried me so far💖👋🏼
Tagging (in no particular order at all!):
@lamafer @yall-its-me-nicole @colorfulloverbatturkey @meridiansdominoes @codywan-obikin @daisy-birb @voidzman @forestgreengirl @random-bean63 @klay97 @megapanda25 @pairinglover @alienoresimagines @painkiller80 @hastalavistaclanker @notreallybeccab @chaoticblueblog @rynae-reblogs @x-crying-at-ikea-x @lochnessgiraffe @retro-simon @a-chaotic-echo @lemon-tae @rahmas @cri-me-a-river @tylin-ol @vanillasunset @cherry-cokes-posts @cherry-cokes-world @mysticperfectionbird @galaxymysteryelephant @grandninjamasterren @501st-verified @doodledugsincebirth @twisted-falcon @ambiguousnights @steamworkblue @johnnyclash87 @theclonewarsbrokeme @nyctophillic @sirloozelite @an-anxious-alpaca @echolights96 @corvidii @sunshineandwings86 @roxythered @hauntedluminarybbq @raretyhx @cc-kote @tupdidtherightthing
Tumblr media
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kanrakixystix · 4 years
Congrats, you made me ship Cody and Wolffe! If you're still taking prompts, could you write something fluffy about them please? The boys need some happiness T_T
(Well, I’m impressed! Thank you! I’m so glad that my writing was able to introduce you to a new ship. They definitely need something soft, though, despite the word I had a friend choose for this. Enjoy!)
“I remember when these shoulders weren’t so hard,” Wolffe comments absently as his hands squeeze at taut skin. “Your whole body was softer, actually.” 
“We’re war-hardened men now, cyare,” Cody argues weakly as rests his forehead on Wolffe’s. “There isn’t anything soft left about me.” 
Wolffe snorts. “That’s not true. I can think of four things off the top of my head that are still soft about you.” 
The Marshal Commander narrows his eyes skeptically as Wolffe continues. 
“There, your eyes,” Wolffe starts, “are soft, warm, like melted honey. Your hands,” he kisses them, “touch me softly when you need reassurances. And your lips,” Cody kisses those, too, “they’re always soft, even when you’re wound up.” 
Wolffe pauses to relish in the beautiful pinkish blush that settles high on Cody’s cheekbones. He’s gorgeous like this, when he’s stubbornly swept off of his feet. 
“You said four,” Cody huffs, “that was only three things.”
“Your heart, cyare,” Wolffe chuckles and places a hand on Cody’s chest, covering the beating muscle, and he smiles when he feels his pulse jump. “Your heart is still tender. You’re still able to love and care about your men.” 
Cody shivers involuntarily and his lashes flutter at the compliment. Slowly, he laces their fingers together and exhales slowly. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, and Wolffe doesn’t need to respond. He only needs to kiss him, and that’s exactly what he does. 
Tag List:
@blazesurrender, @mysticperfectionbird, @clonedefencesquad, @chaoticblueblog, @maulusque, @mackstrut, @alienoresimagines, @mrdickgrayson, @galaxymysteryelephant, @sirena-melodie, @maplerosekisses
If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, please let me know.
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Rex paces the length of the hallway restlessly until a hand on his shoulder keeps him in place.
“You need to quit pacing before you run a hole through the hallway,” a commanding voice says. Rex looks to see Cody’s helmet staring into his. “Is something on your mind?”
“No, I am fine,” Rex lies.
“It is not like you to pace, Rex’ika,” Cody states.
Cody’s hand, still a firm pressure on his shoulder, gives a gentle squeeze encouraging him to talk about what is bothering him.
“This past mission, I encouraged my men to violate a direct order from Krell. It goes against all of our protocol but I was tired of losing men. I was tired of Krell not listening to me or valuing my input merely because I’m a clone. We are not droids who mindlessly follow order, we are men. We have the ability to think things through.” Rex releases a sigh then admits, “I am losing faith in my general, he seems different; he left us with Krell without any thought. Why would he get called to Coruscant in the middle of a campaign?”
“Rex,” Cody says his name with reverence. He pulls the captain into a hug. “I know you are not going to believe me when I say this but I am going to say it anyway: your actions on Umbara saved your men. And you are right, we are men, we think things through before we act. And that means if an order comes through, one that we do not agree with, that we can disobey it. You didn’t do anything wrong. You need to know that.” Cody pulls back from the hug. “And regarding Skywalker, there is something different about him, but we will find it out together alright.” Cody preforms a keldabe kiss on Rex. “You do not need to figure all of this out on your own, I am always here for you.”
“I know. It is a big part of the reason I love you so much,” Rex says grateful to have his riduur here.
“I love you too, Rex.” Cody bonks their heads together again. “Will it help settle you if we cuddle.”
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Kiss Me Before I Lose My Mind
Also available here.
“Make sure the room is set up for surgery,” Kix says into his comm link.
“He is losing a lot of blood,” another medic says as he presses his hands into the injuries of the commander.
Kix nods as he conducts a scan of the 212th commander and announces, “excessive blood loss, decreasing pulse, high blood pressure,” into his comm.
Rex watches in horror as Cody is taken towards the med bay. He follows behind the medics closely, not wanting to lose sight of Cody. Rex’s heart in his throat at the sight of the commander’s injuries. The injuries are pretty serious and Rex cannot help but think that Cody may not survive.
The medic rushes Cody into the room, the door slamming shut behind him, leaving an anxious Rex behind. Rex does the only thing he can do at that moment and paces, needing to let out some of his restless energy.
For as long as he can remember, they have been keeping each other safe and looking out for each other. These last three years especially. Despite the war and all the hardships that the other has faced, they always offered the other comfort and understanding.
And along the way their relationship changed. Cody was Rex’s brother, but he was so much more than that to Rex. Cody meant more to Rex than any other vod. Rex would do anything for Cody, even as far as giving his own life for the man if he needed to.
The fact that Cody’s life is on the line does not sit well with the 501st captain. He is not willing to say goodbye to Cody, he cannot lose him. And Rex regrets not telling Cody.
The sound of the door sliding open pulls Rex from his thoughts. He snaps his head in the direction of the medic, needing an update on Cody.
“He is recovering right now. You can go in and see him, if you would like,” Kix says.
Without waiting another minute Rex makes his way through the door and to Cody's bedside. “You scared the osik out of me, Cody. Please don't ever do that again,” Rex says as he takes a seat in the bed.
Kix places his hand on Rex’s shoulder. “He is going to be out for a while, why don’t you go get some rest?”
“I think I am going to stay here for a bit, if that is alright,” Rex states. Kix gives a small nod as he walks away to check on his other patients. He knows that Rex needs to be by his brother’s side if only to convince himself that Cody will be alright.
The steady beats of the monitors attached to the commander eased the restless captain. Because as long as those monitors were beeping, it meant that Cody was going to pull through.  
Rex takes Cody's hand in his and lets out a soft sigh. “I thought I was going to lose you. I need you to keep fighting for me.”
Rex gives Cody’s hand a gentle squeeze and rubs his fingers against the pulse point in the commander’s wrist, marveling in the feel of his heartbeat. It gives him the courage he needs to start talking.
“There are so many things that I haven’t had the chance to tell you, Cody. Things that I should have told you a long time ago but never did. Because I couldn’t. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. It was a risk I was unwilling to take. And who knows, maybe if I told you earlier it would have worked out the way that I wanted to. But today made me realize that I almost lost my chance, I almost lost you.
“So, here goes nothing. For the last three years I have been hiding how I truly feel about you. Part of me was hoping that you would figure it out on your own because I was too afraid to tell you. But you never did. And I suppose that maybe I hid my feelings a little too well. But I am done hiding.
“I can’t believe I am about to say this but you need to know it. You mean so much to me, more than any other vod. Because I love you, Cody. And it is different from the way I love all of our vod; it is the way I would love my riduur.
“I just thought that you should know. And today’s events made me realize the importance of telling you. Because having to say goodbye to you without you knowing how I feel would have killed me. And I would rather die.”
A gentle squeeze stops Rex’s rambling but it is the voice that stops his heart. “You are such a di’kut.” Rex turns his attention to Cody and catches his honey gold eyes. “But I guess you are my di’kut.”
Rex makes a move to go get up but Cody stops him. “I should inform Kix that you are awake,” Rex states.
“It can wait a moment,” Cody retorts. “I think we need to talk about what I just heard.”
“And what did you hear?” Rex questions, hoping against hope that Cody did not hear his confession.
“You love me?” Cody asks, confirming Rex's suspicion that he heard everything.
A part of Rex wants to deny it but another part knows that he could not hide this from Cody any longer. The latter part wins out.
“Yes,” Rex quietly admits.
“Good because I love you too,” Cody casually says.
Rex lets out a relieved laugh. “You do?” he asks disbelievingly.
“Yeah. It seems that we were both holding back on our true feelings for years. And quite frankly, I think it is about time we ruin our friendship.”
“What?” Rex asks, confused.
“I think it is high time we take the next step, don't you think?” Cody states.
“Yes, a million times yes,” Rex says. A smile forms on his face and he leans in. “Kiss me before I lose my mind.”
“Can’t have that happen,” Cody says as he closes the gap between them. Their lips meet in a chaste kiss which is quickly deepened by Cody.
Mando'a translations:
osik: shit vod: brother riduur: spouse di'kut: idiot
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It Starts with Coffee
For @mysticperfectionbird
“Good morning, Ben,” Cody greets the auburn haired man his twin brother has a crush on. “What can I get you?”
Ben looks at his phone and responds, “I would like an iced, half caff, ristretto, venti, 4-Pump, sugar free, cinnamon dolce, soy skinny latte.” 
Cody looks at him and lets out a sigh, “Shit,” he mumbles to himself. 
Ben gives Cody a confused look. “What?”
“Nothing, just wishing Rex was here to do this order, he loves to do complicated orders.”
“Oh, Rex isn’t here?” Ben asks with surprise in his voice.
“Nah, he had something to do this morning.” Cody looks at the man as he gets pen and paper, “Can you repeat your order for me?”
“Sure, of course. Just hang on a moment.” The ginger scrolls on his phone for a moment before repeating his order. 
Cody has to ask the man across the counter to repeat his order two more times, before he is sure that he has it written correctly. “Give me a few moments to get your order.” 
Cody sets out to make the coffee. “Are you fucking kidding me? Of all the days Rex had to take off, it would be the day Ben decides to order the most complicated thing. How the hell do I even make this drink? What the fuck,” Cody mumbles under his breath. 
“I know what you mean man, anytime an order like this comes in I am thankful Rex is here. It sucks to be you,” Fives says to his cousin. 
“Why the hell does he even like making these complicated things?” Cody asks, despite knowing the answer. Rex likes a challenge and always tries to find one in everything he does, and that includes making coffee. 
Cody starts the coffee and halfway through he realizes he makes a mistake adding five pumps instead of four. He curses under his breath, dumps the beverage, and throws the cup in the trash. 
“Shit,” Cody exclaims, having messed up the beverage a second time. “Shit.” 
After hearing grumblings and curses, Wolffe makes his way from the kitchen in the back to the front counter. Wolffe has never seen Cody look so frazzled and is alarmed. “What is going on?” Wolffe asks. 
“Cody got asked to make this complicated drink. He is cursing that Rex isn’t here to do it for him,” Fives says. 
“Rex is always giving us a hard time for not knowing how to make the complicated orders,” Wolffe says. 
“Do you know how to do this?” Cody asks his cousin. 
“No,” Wolffe says with a shrug. “But I am sure there are directions to make it in the back. Give me a moment to get the recipe card.”
“There is a line forming Fives, shouldn’t you be attending to it,” Cody scolds. 
Fives lets out a small laugh, “Nah, it’s just our regulars. And they are getting a kick out of this. As am I.”
“Noted,” Cody says. “Next time a complicated order comes in, it is going to you. And we will all watch you make a fool of yourself for not knowing how to make it.” Fives looks offended at the comment but refuses to get back to work. 
Wolffe comes back with the recipe book on how to make the beverages. And Cody figures out that Ben’s order is actually a combination of beverages (all of which he has made at some point in his time as a barista). With the information laid out in front of him, Cody attempts to make the coffee. Thankfully, Wolffe is there to give him direction when he needs it. 
About ten minutes later he has the finished product on the counter and slides it to Ben. “Here is your coffee. I hope you enjoy it,” Cody says with a glare aimed at Ben. Cody watches Ben take a seat at the bar, then turns his attention to the line, “I apologize for the wait. You will all be served shortly.”
He looks at his next customer and smiles when he sees that it is Ahsoka, his brother’s best friend. “What can I get you?”
Ahsoka smiles at Cody and he feels his stress leaving him. “Can I have a medium iced black tea with two sugars?” she asks. She looks around the cafe and spots Ben, letting out a small chuckle. “You know he had to look his order up, right?”
“Well, it isn’t like anyone could remember that. Probably had to write it down because he wanted to get it right.”
Ahsoka lets out another chuckle. “No, I mean he was on google. I watched him type ‘the most complicated coffee to make’ on his phone and asked for it.”
“He wouldn’t do that,” Cody says as he passes her the tea, looking at Ben who is seated at the bar only a few seats down. 
Ahsoka shakes her head and smiles, “But he did. I am guessing he was hoping Rex was working today.”
“Yeah, he seemed surprised when I told him Rex wasn’t here,” Cody states as he passes her a cup of tea.
For the next ten minutes Cody, Wolffe and Fives work to dwindle the line. That is when Cody sees who walks into the cafe. 
“You couldn’t be here about twenty minutes ago when I needed you. Did you not feel my twin powers calling out to you?”
“Well good morning to you too, Cody,” Rex says. There is a slight drawl to his voice and his New Zealand accent coming through, which only happens when he is tired or drunk (but Rex doesn’t drink, let alone get drunk). “What happened?
“I got the most complicated order, that is what happened. It took me so long to make it that a line formed.”
“Why didn’t the others help you?” Rex asks. 
“Echo was in the kitchen making pastries; Fives watched the whole thing like it was the most comedic thing and refused to get back to work for fear of missing something funny; Wolffe was helping me make the coffee.”
“Sorry,” Rex says, not knowing what to say to calm his aggravated brother. 
Cody looks at his brother. His brother looked tired, if the bags under his eyes were any indication (another sleepless night). But there was something that was up with his brother if his constant fidgeting was any indication (Rex simply did not fidget). 
“What is up with you?” Cody finally asks. 
It takes a moment before Rex answers, “I am going to talk to him today.” He shifts from foot to foot. And Cody notices that his brother is nervous to talk to his crush. 
“It is about damn time,” Cody chuckles, hoping to get a smile out of his brother. He does. “What can I get you?”
Rex looks around the cafe, his eyes settling on Ben seated at the bar. “I want to get the same thing as the red-head at the bar.”
Cody gives his brother a look, “You have got to be fucking kidding me, Rex. He is the one who ordered that complex coffee that I was just complaining to you about.”
“Well that is what I want.” He says leaning against the counter.  
Cody glares at his twin, “I know you have a thing for him but you won’t like it. You like your coffee, strong and black. Not sweet like that god awful concoction.”
“Again, it is what I want. It is part of my plan alright.”
“Motherfucker, making me make this complex concoction again. God damn it,” Cody mumbles as he goes to make the coffee again. 
With all the patrons in the cafe served and happy for the moment, Fives comes behind the counter to greet his cousin, “Hey Rex.” 
“Hey cuzzy,” Rex greets in return. “How is it going?”
“I am alright. It was quite an entertaining morning with Cody not knowing how to make a drink. And it is quite funny that you have him making it for you as well.”
“I am going to use it as a conversation starter with the cute red-head.” He looks at his brother, “What did I order anyways?”
Cody looks at the paper that he wrote Ben’s order on, “An iced, half caff, ristretto, venti, 4-Pump, sugar free, cinnamon dolce, soy skinny latte,” Cody says as he turns his attention back to making his brother’s coffee. 
“You are doing it wrong,” Rex states. 
“Well, how would you do it?” Cody asks. And to Cody’s surprise, Rex walks him through the process. 
“If you wanted this drink so badly and are just going to tell me how to make it, why don’t you make it for yourself?”
“Because you need to know how to make these drinks and the more you practice them the better you will be.” 
Cody sighs at his brother, knowing he is right. “Fine.” Another few minutes pass before he hands his brother his cup of coffee. “Good luck and I hope you enjoy your coffee.”
“Hey Ben,” Rex says to the red-haired man at the bar. “You looked sad, so I ordered the same drink as you, so we could talk.”
Ben smiles at him. “And here I thought you were using it as an excuse to talk to a cute red-head.”
“Oh, well, when you see him, let me know,” Rex flirts. 
“Well, there are no red-heads in the cafe right now.”
Rex looks at the man across from him confused. “Aren’t you a red-head?”
“Well, no. I have auburn colored hair. It is different from red. Plus I am not cute.”
Rex shrugs. “It is close enough to red. And I find you cute.”
“Ouch. That hurts me. And here I thought I was handsome,” Ben chuckles. 
“You are. But you are also cute,” Rex replies smoothly. 
“Thanks, I suppose.” Ben looks at his coffee and takes a sip. “Is it your day off? You weren’t here this morning.” 
Rex shrugs, “I had some things to do.” 
“Like what?” Ben asks. 
Rex chuckles. “How about a truth for a truth? I will answer your question as long as you answer mine.” Ben nods letting Rex know he is alright with this proposition. “Alrighty then. To answer your question, I just got off of work.”
“I thought you worked here,” Ben states. 
“I only work here on my days off, I am a firefighter.” Rex takes a sip of his coffee and grimaces at the sweet taste. “So why are you so sad?”
“My brother is getting married in a month,” Ben answers stiffly.
“Wouldn’t that be a happy occasion?” Rex questions. 
“I am happy for my brother, do not doubt that. It is just frustrating when your younger sibling gets married before you. 
“I am 29, still single and enjoying the life of a bachelor. But how does that make me look? It makes it look like I do not have my life together. When in actuality I do. I have a job I love and friends to support me. What else could I want?
“I mean I want a relationship with someone, to spend the rest of my life with someone. But I do not know if I can. I haven’t really been able to form a lasting relationship, not for a while now.
“The last relationship I had left me heartbroken and I do not want to feel that way ever again. Satine and I were together for five years. We were happy, we talked about what the future would hold for us - we talked about getting married and having kids. I went out and got her an engagement ring; I planned the perfect way to ask her to marry me. On the day I was going to propose, Satine told me she got offered her dream job in Paris. I, not one to disappoint, supported her decision to move there; I was prepared to uproot my life and move with her but she stopped me. She told me that in order for her to focus on her career she couldn’t have a man holding her back. She broke up with me and left without another word. Needless to say, it left me broken.
“I worry for my brother. He is only 22 and has been with the same girl for three years. He doesn’t know what it is like to be heartbroken. And who is to say that they will last, they couldn’t be more different.”
“I see.” Rex is quiet for a moment, contemplating on what to say to the older man in front of him. “I know I am only 24 and don’t have much wisdom to offer you but I hope you take my advice.” 
“Let’s hear it then,” Ben says. 
“I hope you know that one failed relationship does not speak for all of them. I know you are worried about your brother but you cannot control his actions. His relationship can go one of two ways: it can end with happiness and love or can end with heartbreak. You cannot protect him from getting heartbroken, you can only be there to help him through it. You need to support his decision to get married and be there for him through the good times and the bad. 
“I know Satine hurt you, but that doesn’t mean every relationship is going to leave you heartbroken. You have to give yourself the chance to love someone like that again. I am not saying you won’t get hurt, no relationship is without its faults. But you need to give it a chance, don’t write off all relationships because of a failed one. Who knows the person of your dreams could be right in front of you.”
Ben looks at Rex for a long moment before giving the other man a smile. “That is good advice, Rex. You must have had your heart broken numerous times for you to become so wise.”
“No, not really,” Rex answers dismissively. 
“What?” Ben asks, not believing he heard the younger man right.
“I haven’t really had any romantic relationships. I just learned that from my mama,” Rex says.
“I don’t believe you. You haven’t had any relationships?”
“No. What is so hard to believe about that?”
“It’s just that you are an attractive guy, I thought all the women would line up to be with you,” Ben says.
“Oh they do,” Wolffe interrupts. “Not that Rex here cares though.” Rex shoots his cousin a glare. 
“Even if women did line up in front of me, Ben, I am not interested in them. I’m gay,” Rex replies quietly.
“I’m bisexual,” Ben says. He looks at Rex for a moment, “Why is it that you haven’t had any relationships?”
“Because I tend to put my job before my romantic endeavors,” Rex says blandly. “And I am waiting for the right person,” he adds. 
“Have you found the right person?” Ben asks curiously. 
“I think so,” Rex replies and reaches his hand across the table to rest on top of Ben’s. “I am just hoping that he is willing to try.”
“Well, he would be stupid not to,” Ben admits with a smile on his face. 
“Ben, would you like to go out with me sometime?”
“I would very much like that, Rex.” Ben turns his hand over, so his and Rex’s palms are touching. “What do you say about taking me out to dinner tonight?”
Rex looks at Ben and lets out a soft sigh. “Is that what you want, to go out tonight?”
“Yes,” Ben says with a big smile on his face. Rex cannot help but return a tired smile. “Why does that not work for you?”
Rex takes a sip of his coffee, draining the rest of the contents in one sip. “No, no it is alright.” Rex looks at the watch on his wrist to check the time. “I have been up for about 38 hours, so there is no guarantee that I am going to be the greatest company. But if you really would like to hang out with me, you can come over to my place and I can make you dinner.”
“That sounds lovely,” Ben smiles. “Even if you end up falling asleep in my company at least I know it will be because you are tired, not because I am boring you.” 
“You could never bore me, Ben,” Rex admits quietly. “I promise I will make it up to you by taking you out another time.”
“That sounds perfect.” Ben looks at his watch and sees that it is 10:15am. “What time would you like me to come over to your place?”
Rex stretches and stifles a yawn. “You can come by for 1800 hours (6:00pm) and I can have dinner ready by 1830 hours (6:30pm).” 
“Alright, is there anything that I can bring?”
“No, you need not bring anything but yourself,” Rex replies.
“Can you pass me your phone? I want to put my phone number in it for you. And should you decide that you are not up for hosting tonight, you should text/call me.” Rex passes Ben his phone with a small smile. Ben inputs his contact information into the phone and sends himself a quick text from Rex’s phone. 
When Ben hands Rex his phone back, Rex rises from his seat. “I hate to cut this short, but I should go home and get some sleep. I will see you tonight though.” Rex squeezes Ben’s hand before walking away. 
Ben watches Rex retreat out of the building and stares at the vacant seat next to him. A chime draws Ben’s attention to his phone. It is a message from Rex with his home address. Ben cannot help but smile at the message. 
A bubble of hope swells within Ben at the possibility of starting a relationship with Rex. If anyone could help Ben move on from the heartbreak caused by Satine, it was Rex. The gentle and kind-hearted fireman.
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What We Deserve
For @moonlightdeancas
The Empty had come to take Cas away. 
Castiel’s declaration of love rang through Dean’s ears as he fought to keep the tears away. But he couldn’t. He didn’t even get to tell Cas how he felt about him before he was ripped from this world. And now the angel would never know the truth. 
Dean’s heart ached and longed for the one person that he thought he could never have. He wasn’t even gone for ten minutes and Dean felt like he was dying from heartbreak. 
“You didn't deserve that... You deserve so much better,” Dean prays to Castiel. “You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved every minute of every day. And if you will have me, I promise that I will do that for you. I will make you happy and show you how much I love you. Because I do, Cas. I know I have never been able to say it before but it is true. I love you, Castiel. And I need you to come back to me. Because I cannot live without you again.”
Tears fell down Dean’s face but he refused to wipe them away. 
“After Lucifer killed you, I was lost. I prayed for God to bring you back and when he didn’t I was devastated. I threw myself into hunting and was always angry, though I suppose I am always angry. But I took it out on Sam and the kid. I was just so lost. I didn’t know who I was anymore. And what I saw I didn’t like.”
Dean could hear his phone ringing but ignored it, knowing it was probably Sam calling to check in on him. 
“And now I have to go through all of that again and I do not know if I will be able to do it. You were always the stronger one, Cas. But I promise you, I will try to be strong for you. Afterall, I have to get you back. Because I can not give up on you. I will not give up on us. I will fight for you and for us, until my last breath. I will do whatever I can to get you back, Castiel.”
Dean smiled to himself as he realized his new goal: save Castiel from the Empty. He wiped the tears from his face, and with determination in his voice said, “I am coming for you, my angel. Just hang in there.”
“Dean, are you sure you want to do this?” Sam asks. 
“Yeah, Sammy. Cas doesn’t deserve to be over there. He deserves to be here, where he is loved,” Dean replies. Dean looks at Jack and gives a nod, “I am ready whenever you are.”
“You remember the plan right?” Sam interrupts. 
Dean nods. “Find Cas, convince him to come home, and return to the portal.”
“You make it sound easy, Dean. How do you suppose you will find Cas?”
“I gave Dean a spell that will allow him to track Cas using his grace. As long as there are still some traces of grace left within Castiel, Dean should be able to find him,” Jack states. 
Sam nods, “But how do you expect to convince Cas that he needs to come back with you?”
“I will cross that bridge when I get there, Sammy. Now can we do this? I don’t want Cas to have to be over there any longer. I want him home and safe.”
Before Sam can ask another question, Dean looks at Jack and signals that he is ready for the portal to be opened. 
As Dean crosses through the portal he recites the spell Jack gave him. A trail of a light blue wispy light appears in front of Dean on the final words. He smiles to himself knowing that at the end of this trail Cas will be waiting. 
Dean follows the trail for what seems like hours before he stumbles over something. Well, someone to be more precise. “Cas?” Dean asks. 
“Dean,” Cas says. His voice is far away.
Dean kneels in front of Castiel and smiles, despite seeing the distant look in his best friend’s face. “Cas,” Dean says again as he tentatively reaches out to put a hand on his angel’s shoulder. “Cas.”
Dean can see the moment that Castiel’s eyes clear. “Dean?” Dean sees fear flash into his angel’s eyes. “Are you real?”
Dean nods, grabbing Castiel’s hand and placing it over his heart. “As real as they come, Cas.”
Castiel smiles, “But what are you doing here?”
“This,” Dean indicates the vast blackness surrounding them, “is not what you deserve. You deserve so much more. And I hope that I can show you just how much you deserve. But first we have got to get out of here. Will you come with me?”
Castiel tilts his head to the side, examining Dean. “You must know, I would walk to the ends of the world for you, Dean Winchester.” 
Dean helps Castiel stand on his feet, wrapping his arms around Castiel’s waist when Cas stumbles forwards. “Don’t worry, I got you angel. I am not letting go anytime soon.” 
Dean recites a spell, which would track Jack’s grace, to guide him out of the Empty and to the portal that would take them home. 
“The Empty will not be happy that you are taking me. I suspect that it will wake up soon if we do not hurry, “Castiel admits. 
“Then let’s get going,” Dean says. 
Dean and Cas set off in the direction of a light gold wispy light. And they make their way through the Empty as quietly and quickly as they can. When the duo reach the portal, they hear a rumbling noise through the Empty. 
“The Empty is awake,” Cas says. Before Cas can say anything else, Dean pushes him through the portal and follows after. 
“Close it,” Dean orders Jack. Jack is quick to do so, and as the portal is closing they can hear the Empty screaming.
The room is quiet for a moment before Sam breaks it. “We are so glad to have you back,” Sam pulls the angel into a hug. 
When Sam pulls away from Cas, Jack replaces him, hugging his father tightly. “Castiel, I thought I would never see you again.”
When Jack pulls back from the hug, Sam places a hand on his shoulder. “Jack, why don’t you and I go start on making some snacks. I am sure Cas is hungry.” Before Jack, or Cas, can comment on the fact that angels don’t need to eat, Sam is dragging the young nephilim out of the room. 
Dean smiles at the angel standing before him and pulls Cas into a big hug. “Don’t you ever make a deal like that again.”
Cas chuckles into Dean’s shoulder and relaxes into the hug. “Why did you come after me?”
“Because you didn’t deserve that.”
“And what is it that I deserve,” Cas asks.
“To be happy and to be loved,” Dean answers. Dean pulls back from the hug so he can look into Castiel’s blue eyes. There are so many emotions going through them and Dean knows this is the moment he needs to tell the truth, “I love you, Castiel.”
Dean cannot wait another minute, he pulls Cas into a soft and gentle kiss. When he pulls back from the kiss, he smiles so wide at Cas. “And for the record, this is what you deserve,” he admits. 
Castiel pulls Dean into another kiss, this one gentle but passionate. When they pull apart, Cas rests their foreheads together, “No, this is what we deserve.” Castiel links their fingers together and his eyes shine with love. “I love you so much, Dean Winchester.”
“I love you too, my angel, my Castiel.”
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The Start of Something New
The first chapter is also available on ao3 here.
Part one
“Anakin, I am going to put on some tea. Would you like a cup?” Ben asks his brother.
“No, I am alright. Thanks anyways,” Anakin shouts from the living room of Ben’s apartment. “What kind of movie are you feeling this afternoon? Action or comedy?”
“Action, I guess,” Ben answers as he puts the kettle onto the stove.
The ringing of a phone draws Ben’s attention away from prepping his tea. The caller ID on the phone almost makes his heart stop.
Shit. Rex is calling me. I told him to only call me if he wanted to cancel. Is he going to cancel the date altogether or want to reschedule?
The ringing stops. Silence fills the space for a minute before Ben's phone starts ringing again. And without looking at the caller ID, Ben knows it is Rex.
Why couldn't he just text me? Doesn't he know it is easier to deal with rejection when you cannot hear the other person's voice?
“Would you answer your phone, Ben?” Anakin shouts.
Ben pulls himself from his panicked state of mind to answer the phone. The only way to know why he is calling is to talk to him.
“Hello,” Ben answers the phone.
“Hey Ben,” Rex says. “I woke up a while ago and I realized I forgot to ask you if you had any food allergies that I need to know about.”
Ben releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He didn’t call to cancel. He just wants to know if I have allergies. What a relief.
“None that I am aware of,” Ben answers.
“Why do you sound all panicked?” Rex asks.
“I do not,” Ben states.
“Did you forget that I work as a firefighter? I can tell when someone is panicked, it is all about the inflection in their voice. You have that inflection. So, what has got you panicked?” Rex asks.
“I thought you were calling to cancel or reschedule,” Ben admits.
The kettle boils to a whistle signalling that his water is ready. Ben makes his way over to the stove to get it but Anakin waves him off. Ben watches as his brother pours the water into a mug with a tea bag and sets it on the counter to steep. “Who is on the phone?” Anakin mouths. Ben ignores him in favor of talking to Rex.
“You really think I would have called to cancel or reschedule?” Rex asks a hurt tone in his voice.
“Well, I hoped not. But what else was I to think when we agreed that you would call only if you were not feeling up to hosting.”
Rex laughs and Ben can hear the warmth in his tone through the speaker. “I see. I apologize for causing you panic then. But just know that I wouldn’t dream of cancelling tonight.”
“And why is that?” Ben asks.
“Because I have been trying to get a date with you for a long time now.”
“Will you be up for entertaining tonight?” Ben looks at his watch and catches that it is 2:30pm. “It has only been about four hours. Are you sure you got enough sleep?”
“Yeah, I am fine. Trust me when I say that four hours is a good night sleep for me,” Rex states. He is quiet on the other line of the phone for a moment. “What would you like for dinner?”
“What were you planning on making me?” Ben asks in lieu of answering the question.
“I was thinking of doing a Maori boil-up.”
“What is that?” Ben asks curiously.
“It is when you boil meat and vegetables together in a large pot of water. You can use any kind of meat, but I was thinking of doing chicken. I mean, who doesn’t like chicken?” There is a pause as Rex waits for Ben to voice his dissent. When he doesn't Rex continues, “For the vegetables I was thinking watercress, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and kumara.”
“Kumara?” Ben asks, unfamiliar with the vegetable name Rex used.
“Oh, sweet potatoes,” Rex answers. “Does that sound of interest to you? If not, I can make something else.”
“That sounds perfect,” Ben answers. “Are you positive you do not want me to bring dessert?”
“Yah nah,” Rex replies. Before Ben can ask what that means, Rex’s smooth voice comes over his speaker. “I was going to make pavlova; it is a meringue filled with whipped cream and fruit.”
“That sounds delicious,” Ben states. He can already feel his mouth watering. “I cannot wait,” he admits after a moment.
“Neither can I,” Rex states. “I guess I should let you go. I need to make a quick run to the store to get some things, anyways. I will see you tonight.”
“I will see you at 6,” Ben says. He hangs up the phone and has a huge smile across his face.
“Who was that on the phone?” Anakin asks his brother. Anakin is leaning against the kitchen counter and leveling his brother with a stare.
“A guy I have a date with tonight,” Ben answers as he grabs his mug of tea and takes it to the living room with his brother on his heels.
“You are going on a date, like an actual date?” Anakin asks disbelievingly as he takes a seat on the couch.
“We are having dinner at his apartment. And I am pretty sure we are just going to hang out.” Ben takes a seat next to Anakin and catches the look of disappointment on his brother's face. “What?”
“You are going to his apartment?”
“Yeah,” Ben states.
“How well do you know this guy?”
“I have known him for a while now,” Ben states.
It isn’t really a lie but it isn’t the whole truth either. Ben has been frequenting the cafe that Rex’s runs with his brother for quite some time now but he actually doesn’t know much about the man himself. All Ben knows is what he learned earlier that morning: Rex is a firefighter; works at the coffee shop with his brother; is gay; and has never been in a relationship because he puts his work first.
Does that mean that Rex has not had any casual relationships? Is he a virgin?
“If you have known him for a while now, how come this is the first time I am hearing about him?” Anakin questions.
“This is the first time he asked me out,” Ben states matter of factly.
“Have I met him?” Anakin questions.
“I don’t know,” Ben answers truthfully.
“Can I have a name?”
“No,” Ben replies.
“Because I know that when I do give it to you, you will do a background check on him.”
“And what is wrong with that?” Anakin asks. “Is it too bad to want to know what kind of person my brother is dating?”
“No, I know you are just looking out for me. But sometimes you take it too far.”
“What do you mean?”
“There was that one girl that I was seeing who claimed you harassed her through social media. And that is just one of many examples.”
“I wasn’t harassing her, I was just asking her questions,” Anakin retorts. “There is a difference.”
“Either way, you made her uncomfortable.” Ben looks to his younger brother and gives him a smile. “I don’t want you to scare this guy away. He is very nice and is the first person that I can actually see a future with. Please do not ruin this for me.”
“Alright,” Anakin agrees. Several moments of silence pass between the brothers before Anakin admits, “I still do not agree with you having a first date at his place.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you don’t really know him. What if he is a serial killer? Or a rapist?”
“I am pretty sure he is neither of those things, Anakin.”
“You aren’t really making me feel any better. There is a difference between pretty sure and definitely sure.” Anakin levels his brother with a glare, “And I need you to be definitely sure.”
“Anakin, I am positive that he is not a serial killer or a rapist. He is far too nice for that.”
“Still worried. And you do know that being far too nice isn’t a good thing, right? It means he is hiding something.”
“You are overreacting, Anakin. He is a nice man and has a kind heart.”
“If he is so nice, why was he insistent that the first date take place in his apartment?”
“He was overworked and exhausted when I saw him earlier. He wants to be comfortable in case he falls asleep while we are hanging out,” Ben answers.
“You do know that more effort probably goes into having someone over than it does going out, right? I mean, he needs to clean his place and make dinner. If he was truly exhausted he wouldn’t be up for hosting. It is kind of suspicious to me.”
Ben averts his gaze from his brother and stares out the window.
I wasn’t thinking about any of that. I was just too excited at the prospect of going on a date with Rex that I didn’t take his exhaustion into account. I was the one who was insistent that we hang out tonight, and he was just too polite to turn me down.
Did I make more work for him by agreeing to go over his place? I mean, he wouldn’t have offered to have me over if it was going to be too much for him, would he?
Ben looks at his brother, “You may have a point on that,” he admits quietly. “But I think he just wants to have a quiet evening in, where we can talk uninterrupted.”
“Just be careful, Ben.”
“Always, dear brother. But I can assure you no harm will befall me.”
“Alright,” Anakin relents. A moment of silence passes between them before Anakin asks, “Do you still want to watch a movie? Or do you want to get ready for your date?”
“We can watch a movie, Anakin,” Ben states.
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Love and Arguments
Captain Rex angrily walks through the halls of the Negotiator, looking for his riduur. Some of the 212th directed the captain towards their general’s quarters.
“Cody,” he calls softly when he sees the commander in the hall outside the Jedi’s room.
The commander looks up and gives his husband a small smile. He closes the distance between them and lifts Rex’s helmet off of his head, needing to see his face. “Hey cyare,” Cody says as he rests their foreheads together. Rex allows himself to smile at the endearment and puts his anger aside. He relaxes when Cody pulls him into a hug. “How are you, Rex’ika?”
“I am alright,” Rex says quietly, “though I was worried about you.” Rex pulls from the embrace and gently places a hand on his husband’s face, looking into his eyes.
“Why were you worried about me,” Cody questions the captain.
“I heard what happened with General Grievous. Are you alright?” Rex’s voice breaks as he asks.
“I am alright, Rex. You don’t need to worry about me,” Cody assures him.
“I will always worry about you, Cody. Because you are not just a commander, a soldier; you are my vod, my riduur.”
“I know,” Cody replies.
Rex looks off in the distance, and cannot help the hostility that slips into his voice when he says, “Can you just be more careful? I hate that you have been so reckless. It is like you do not have a regard for life, for me.”
Cody steps away, putting a sizable distance between him and Rex. “Are you asking me to not take my duties as a soldier seriously? Do you want me to prioritize you and not my duties?” Cody is unable to keep his voice from rising.
“What?” Rex asks, trying to keep the anger out of his voice. “No, not at all,” Rex takes a breath and runs a hand down his face.
“Well, that’s what it sounds like you want, Rex. And it is something that I will not be able to do.”
“I just want you to make more thought out decisions instead of reckless ones. Because what you did with Grievous was reckless. You threw yourself at him with no regard for your life.”
“I was trying to prevent Grievous from escaping. I did what I needed to,” Cody says.
“There were much better ways to prevent Grievous from escaping – ones that didn’t involve putting your life in danger.”
“We risk our lives every day, Rex. It is the reason we were created and it is our purpose. Why does it bother you so much this time?”
“Because I don’t want to lose you, Cody,” Rex cries. “It feels like I just got you and I don’t want to let you go now that I have you. I have seen this war take riduur from each other and I don’t want it to take you from me or me from you.”
“That is sweet, Rex, it really is,” Cody pauses trying to take some calming breaths. “But just because we are riduur now doesn’t mean we should fall back on our responsibilities and what is expected of us.”
“I am not saying that we should nor am I implying it,” Rex says, his voice rising. “All I am asking is that you are more considerate when you make a plan that risks your life. Because it affects my life as well and losing you would hurt me like I cannot imagine.”
“When we took these vows we promised that it would not interfere with our duties. And yet here it is.” Cody shouts. “You are asking for something that I cannot promise. And if I did promise, I wouldn’t be able to keep it. You are worrying about me needlessly.”
“It isn’t needless worrying,” Rex shouts back. “I worry about you because I love you, because I want to spend my life with you. I am not telling you to take your responsibilities less seriously, I am just asking that you have more regard for your life because you are not living just for you anymore, but for me.”
“Stop having a loud argument outside my door,” someone interrupts. Cody and Rex immediately stop, their body goes rigid at the voice, their general.
Both men offer apologizes to the Jedi, embarrassed at having lost track of their surroundings and letting their emotions get the better of them.
“It is quite alright, gentlemen.” General Kenobi gives them a soft smile. “I apologize for eavesdropping on your conversation, but can I offer you some advice.”
General Kenobi waits for both soldiers to assent before continuing.
“Cody and Rex,” the general starts, “I want to congratulate you on your marriage. I am happy to see that you have found some happiness, even in these awful times.” The general smiles at them and there is sincerity in his voice. “With the war going on there is much uncertainty. You two have gone weeks without seeing each other, and it pains me to see you arguing. Because you do not know how long this war will keep you apart or when you will see each other next. And I know you will always fight your way back to each other, but that doesn’t mean you need to fight when you see each other. You have something special going for you, enjoy the time that you have together for as long as you can.”
Cody and Rex look at the general grateful for words of wisdom. It is no wonder he is called The Negotiator. And he is right, they only have so long to live, they should enjoy the moments that they have together.
Cody looks to Rex, “I am sorry for yelling at you.” He closes the gap between them and pulls Rex into a hug. “I promise to keep fighting – fighting to live so that I can spend more time with you.”
Rex smiles at his husband. “I was just so worried when I found out what happened; but it wasn’t just Grievous thing, you are getting more and more reckless. And I worry that the last time I saw you would have been my last; I know that that is wrong. I am sorry, ner cyare.”
“Rex that was never my intention, I just want to end this war, so that I can have a future with you.” Cody rests his hand on the nape of Rex’s neck and gently guides it until their foreheads touch. “Ni kar’taylir gar darasuum, Rex’ika.”
“Ni kar’taylir gar darasuum, ner Cody.”
Cody looks at Rex’s lips wanting to kiss them but aware that his general is still watching. Rex is the one who makes the decision to close the distance and place a chaste kiss against Cody’s lips.
Mando’a translations
riduur: partner or spouse
(ner) cyare: (my) beloved
vod: brother
Ni kar’taylir gar darasuum: I will hold you in my heart eternally; I love you.
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The Start of Something New 3
The final chapter is up and available here.
Part one; Chapter one; Chapter two
After finishing up in the kitchen, Rex leads Ben to the living room where the two of them can chat for a while.
The two sit in silence for several minutes as Ben takes in his surroundings. “I don’t think I mentioned this earlier, but you have a lovely home,” Ben comments.
“I am glad you like it,” Rex says.
“I do very much, it has such a homey feel,” Ben says. His smile widens when he sees Rex’s smile directed at him.
Ben’s eyes scan the room: the walls are lined with bookshelves, there is a fireplace against one of the walls, and a bay window on the adjacent wall.
Ben’s gaze lingers on the bay window, the perfect place to curl up with a good book. Ben cannot help but picture himself reading in that exact spot, with Rex in the next room making dinner for the two of them. Ben forces the thought away.
“I take it you like to read,” Ben casually says as he eyes the bookshelves lining Rex’s living room.
“Yeah,” Rex responds as he takes a seat on his couch. “I find it more enjoyable than watching the tele.”
“I know what you mean,” Ben says, a smile gracing his features. “There is nothing in the world that compares to getting engrossed in a good book.”
“Exactly,” Rex says, returning Ben’s smile. “Growing up, Cody used to tease me all the time for reading, he still does actually.”
“Reading was a big way for me to deal with a lot of things when I was a kid,” Ben admits. “It became my coping mechanism.”
“People just don’t understand the importance of escaping your world into another one.”
“I know exactly what you mean. The idea of leaving your world behind is so appealing for that reason: you can escape.” Ben looks at the wall lost in thought. “After losing my step-mom, I wouldn’t talk to anyone. I allowed myself to get absorbed in books and allowed them to take me to other places. It was away for me to forget about the world around me and all of my struggles. A pretty unhealthy way to deal with things, according to my brother. I guess to me seeing the fictional character struggle and overcome his situation helped me deal with my own problems. Most of the time, I think that reading is the only thing that is keeping me sane.”
“Is that why you became an English professor?” Rex inquires.
“How did you know that?” Ben asks, not recalling a time when he revealed that information to the blond man.
“I overheard you talking to one of your student’s at the cafe,” Rex states.
“Oh, I suppose you would have. I go to the cafe because my colleagues are so rambunctious that it is hard to get any work done. And as a result, I started holding my office hours there,” Ben admits. Ben flashes a nervous smile at Rex and Rex offers a kind one in return. “To answer your question, my connection to books and reading is only one of the reasons why I became a professor. I also have a profound love for writing.”
“Have you written anything?” Rex asks curiously.
“Yes, I have. Quite a few of my works have appeared in a couple of journals.”
“I had no idea,” Rex comments.
“It is not much to brag about, so I don't really mention it,” Ben admits with a small smile.
“You being published in journals is an accomplishment to be proud of Ben. So, do not diminish your work.” Rex levels Ben with a small glare, silently telling the man that he should not refute that statement. “Have you written any novels?” Rex asks.
“Me writing a novel is just a preposterous idea,” Ben states, turning his attention to the bookshelves. “You have a lot of books by Rako Hardeen. Is he a good writer?” Ben asks, changing the subject.
“I think he is,” Rex states, pulling Ben’s attention back to him. “One would probably even say that he is my favorite author.”
“Would you say that?” Ben asks.
“Yes,” Rex says. Rex cannot help but smile wide when he sees Ben’s smile.
“And why would you say that is?”
“Because he isn’t afraid to write about real issues. I mean he has written books where the main character is a member of the LGBTQ+ community or is a person of color. You do not see many books like that. He is also not afraid to talk about serious issues like the death penalty or abortion.”
“That sounds refreshing,” Ben states.
“It is. And many books you read nowadays are based on the same tropes. Hardeen takes those tropes and puts his own spin on them. His books always leave me wanting more.”
“That is what I like about reading so much, different authors have different takes on classic tropes,” Ben comments.
“Who is your favorite author, Ben?”
“This is a hard question, as I have read a great deal in my life. And each author I read has impacted me in some way.” Ben runs his hand through his hair before stroking his beard in contemplation. “Shakespeare is a wonderful playwright and I have enjoyed a lot of his works. He helped me get through some difficult times in my life, whether it be his plays or sonnets. So, I will have to say that he is my favorite.”
“What would you say your favorite play by him is?”
“Another hard one,”  Ben admits. He contemplates a moment before he says, “I am stuck between Much Ado About Nothing and Hamlet.”
“I haven’t read either of those,” Rex admits. Before Ben can comment, Rex asks, “Would you like some pavlova?”
“That sounds lovely. Would you like some help dishing it?” Ben asks to be polite.
“I should be all set. Would you like another glass of wine?”
“Yes please,” Ben says.
Ben is left alone with his thoughts as Rex goes to fetch the wine and pavlova. Ben’s thoughts wander to living in this space with Rex again.
Why do I keep picturing myself living here? And with Rex?
I promised myself after Satine that I would not allow myself to get attached to anyone like that again. And I have kept to that promise for so long. But then came Rex. He came into my life and for some reason I just wanted him. I want him in ways that I never wanted Satine. But most of all, I want him to stay in my life.
The scary thing is Anakin is right, I don’t know him all that well. But I am learning about him. Isn’t that how all relationships start? Yes. You need to take time to learn about each other. And I am learning about Rex, just like he is learning about me.
I am hopeful that this could lead to something that we both will enjoy, something new and beautiful. But what if it doesn’t? What if after tonight Rex realizes he just wants to be friends? Would I even want to be his friend?
“Hey,” comes Rex’s voice accompanied by a gentle hand on his shoulder. “It is alright. I am right here,” Rex shushes him. “I don’t know where you are but I need you to come back to me. Can you come back to me, sweetheart?”
Ben cannot do anything but nod. He matches his breathing to Rex’s and slowly regains his composure.
“It is alright,” he hears Rex whisper to him.
“Thanks, Rex,” Ben says shamefully.
“It is no problem. Do you want to talk about it?” Rex asks gently.
“I would prefer not to,” Ben replies.
“Then, I will not push the matter.” Rex stands and steps away from Ben. Ben already misses the warmth that Rex’s hands offered. Instead, Rex stretches and reclines on the couch.
“It has been a while since I have done this,” Ben admits after several moments of silence.
“Done what?” Rex asks.
“Dated. I forgot how nerve-racking and stressful it can be.”
“I apologize if I put any nerves or stress on you. I assure you that was not my intent,” Rex states.
“And I know that. This, what we have going for us right now, just seems to be too good to be true.”
“And why is that?” Rex asks.
“Because nothing good ever happens to me,” Ben responds.
“Good things can and do happen, Ben. What we have going for us, well, I think it is a good thing. And I am willing to give it a try if you are. Are you?”
Ben looks at Rex and sees the seriousness that the man holds within his gaze. “Yes, I want that too. But what if --
“No, don’t do that. No more what ifs, alright? I just want you to live in the moment with me. Do you think you can do that?”
“For you I would be willing to do anything,” Ben says with honesty.
“Good. And so will I,” Rex says. “Now tell me about yourself.”
“Only if you return the favor,” Ben replies.
“I will,” Rex promises, “even if we are in for a long night.” Rex smiles and settles closer to Ben.
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Beautiful Soul
A little fluffy ficlet for the day we were introduced to Castiel as a character and the love story between Dean and Cas began. I hope you all enjoy.
Also available on here.
Dean didn’t know what to expect when he was resurrected from Hell. But he definitely didn’t expect to befriend the angel who saved him, let alone fall in love with him.
“Dean, have I ever told you that you have a beautiful soul?” Castiel asks.
Dean looks at the angel confused, “No, I don’t think you ever have.”
“Well, you do,” Cas says with a smile. “It is the most beautiful soul I have ever seen.”
“I doubt that,” Dean contradicts.
“Why do you doubt me?” Cas asks.
“It is not you that I doubt, Cas, it’s the nature of my soul that I am doubting.”
“Dean, I have looked upon your soul with my own eyes and that of many others. I can assure you that no soul compares and I am not just saying that. Your soul shines brighter than any other soul, even after it was tarnished while you were in Hell.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Dean questions.
“Because you deserve to hear good things, Dean.”
“What do you see when you look at me now?” Dean asks curiously.
“I see a beautiful man with a beautiful heart,” Cas states.
“You can’t see my soul anymore?” Dean asks.
“Unfortunately not. I am losing my grace and as such the ability to see your soul. But that doesn’t mean anything, Dean, because your soul is reflected in your heart. Your heart is filled with so much love.”
“Thanks, Cas,” Dean says with a smile on his face.
“It is I who should be thanking you, Dean. You have shown me what it means to be human and how to love,” Cas starts. “Because I do love, Dean, whether you believe that or not; it is why I failed as an angel.” Cas meets Dean’s gaze, “I love you, Dean Winchester.”
“I know, Cas. We are family,” Dean states.
“No, you misunderstand me, Dean. I am in love with you.”
“I didn’t know that angel’s could fall in love,” Dean amends.
“I am hardly an angel anymore, Dean,” Cas states.  
“So you love me?” Dean asks with uncertainty in his voice.
“Yes,” Cas answers.
“I love you too,” Dean says, closing the distance between the two of them.
A big smile crosses Castiel’s features and Dean is sure that his facial expression matches Castiel’s. The two stare at each other for several moments, neither making a move.
“I have been in love with you for years,” Dean admits. “I was just too afraid to admit it. And I didn’t think that you would ever return my feelings or rather that you couldn’t because you were an angel.”
“Oh, Dean,” Castiel says. “The moment I laid a hand on you I knew you were special. It was when Metatron took my grace that I realized the extent of my feelings for you.”
“Come here,” Dean says as he pulls Castiel to him and plants a kiss to the other man’s lips. Castiel responds immediately and kisses Dean back.
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The Start of Something New 2
The second chapter is up, you can read it here.
Part one; Chapter one
There is a knock on Rex’s door promptly at 1800 hours.
It is as he goes to answer the door that he realizes he is nervous. He has to laugh at himself. Of all the things he experienced in his life and faced head on, this is the most nervous he has ever been.
Rex channels his nervous energy into opening the door. “Hey Ben,” he greets when he sees the auburn haired man waiting to be invited in. “Please come on in.”
“I bought these for you,” Ben says as he hesitantly holds out flowers, a bouquet of pink stargazer lilies.
Rex smiles as he accepts the flowers from Ben. “These are so beautiful.” He brings the flowers to his face and inhales their glorious scent. “Please make yourself comfortable while I go put these in some water.”
Rex watches as Ben removes his coat and hangs it by the door before heading to his kitchen to find a vase for his flowers.
“How was your day?” Rex asks with his head in a cabinet.
“It was alright,” Ben states. “I spent the afternoon with my brother, thankfully not talking about his wedding.”
“Is he your only sibling?” Rex asks as he fills the vase he found with water.
“Yes. Though I am quite close with one of his friends, and I think of her as a younger sister. What about you?”
“It is just Cody and I.” Rex places his flowers in the vase, then places the vase in the center of his island.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Ben says as he hands Rex a bottle of wine. “It is a berry moscato and should pair well with dinner. “
Rex gives Ben a soft smile and gently scolds him, “I said you didn’t need to bring anything.”
“I know, I just hated the idea of coming here empty handed.”
“Dinner should be ready soon. Please take a seat while I check on it.”
Ben takes a seat at the island as Rex checks on dinner. “How was your day?” Ben asks.
“Not too bad, it just got a whole lot better, if I am being honest.” Rex flashes Ben a flirtatious smile. Rex grabs two plate settings and sets out to serve two portions of food. “I hope you are hungry,” Rex states as he places one of the plate settings in front of Ben.
“It smells and looks delicious,” Ben claims.
“You don’t need to wait for me, dig in. I am going to get two glasses for the wine.”
As Rex pours wine into two glasses he cannot help but hear the pleased moans escaping Ben’s mouth at the taste of the food.
“Did you add any spices to this?” Ben questions when Rex sits across from him.
“The only thing I really seasoned was the chicken. And I seasoned it with fresh basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, and mint.”
“It is really good. I love how all of the flavors work together. And the chicken flavor seasoned the vegetables really well too.” Ben smiles at Rex, “Where did you learn to cook?”
“My parents mainly.”
“I think you could have made it as a cook,” Ben admits.
“Technically I am one; I cook at the firehouse.”
“Is that an experience you like?”
“Yes and no,” Rex starts. “The thing about cooking at the firehouse is that we always need to be prepared for a call, so it’s better to make something that is quick and easy or can be eaten in a hurry. So, it is mostly sandwiches or the like. I have recently encouraged everyone to start bringing in stuff from home, so we can just heat it up when we have downtime. Yesterday, Jesse brought in a big pot of chili that he made, it was so good.”
Ben gives Rex a small smile. “Do you enjoy being a firefighter?”
“I love it,” Rex replies.
“How long have you been a firefighter?”
“About three years. Earlier this year, I received that rank of captain for all of my hard work,” Rex states proudly.
“Did you always want to do this?” Ben asks curiously.
Rex lets out a small sigh, “No. I wanted to have a career in the military.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I enlisted after high school and served for three years. My career was looking bright, I received the rank of captain and was happy, before I got discharged,” Rex explains.
“What happened?”
“I was injured on a campaign and deemed unfit for duty,” Rex gives the short version of events.
“Rex, I know you probably don’t want to worry me but I am curious. I want to know everything about you. So, can you tell me what happened,” Ben says after a moment.
Rex sighs and gives a curt nod. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he begins.
“It was midday and we were trying to siege an outpost in the middle of nowhere. I was with a small squad when a battle broke out. At some point during the battle, I was shot. But adrenaline was pumping through me that I didn’t notice until after the skirmish was won. Pain surged through my body and I passed out.
“When I came to one of my men was by my side. He was pale and I knew from the look in his eyes that it didn’t look good, that I might not make it out alive. He told me that I was shot several times in the chest and shoulder. He had his hands pressed on my chest wound to stop the bleeding. I can still recall the smell of iron in the air and how blood stained his hands were as he called for a medic.
“The medic performed an emergency surgery right there in the middle of a battlefield. He removed two bullets from my chest which were mere centimeters from my heart. He requested an emergency evacuation and rushed me back to base, where I could receive better medical attention. When I reached base, I was rushed into another surgery due to complications.  
“A day later, I was scheduled for another surgery, this time for my shoulder. The bone was shattered and the ligaments torn. The medics fixed it up as best as they could but doubted that it would ever heal properly, even with physical therapy.
“They informed my commanding officer of my medical condition. He came down to check on me himself. He advised me that I needed to pass evaluations, in order to go back to the frontlines. I failed every evaluation and was deemed unfit for service. They discharged me as a result. When I came back home I had to undergo a couple more surgeries and lots of physical therapy.”
Rex can see the pity that Ben holds for him in his gaze. It is one of the reasons he doesn’t talk about his time in the military.
“You must be stronger to overcome such trauma,” Ben states into his now empty plate.
“I suppose you can say that. To me it was more patience than anything.”
“If you don’t mind my asking how old were you?” Ben questions.
“I was 20.” Rex looks at Ben and clears his throat until the other man meets his gaze. “Not to be rude or anything but can we please talk about something else?”
“Of course.” Ben gives Rex a small smile, “My apologies if I made you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t. I just think it is a heavy topic for a first date.”
“Is that what this is?” Ben asks teasingly, clearly trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah, I thought it was obvious. We have a homemade dinner and wine.”
Ben laughs. “When did you decide to open the coffee shop?”
A smile takes over Rex’s features. “About a year ago. Cody came up with the idea actually.”
“So, why open a coffee shop if you are a successful fireman?”
“Believe it or not, the firehouse is underfunded. We have fund-raised but never raised enough money. Cody proposed opening a coffee shop where the profits and proceeds can go to getting equipment needed for the firehouse. Since opening the coffee shop we have been able to get another engine.”
“Cody seems like a wise man.”
“He is,” Rex smiles proud of his older brother. “If it weren’t for him the firehouse would only have one engine and one rescue. We have a greater response time now with the other engine.”
“That is great. I take it you and Cody are close to have decided to open a business together.”
“We are. He is not only my brother but my best friend. We have done so much together and have always been there when the other needs them. We have gone through a lot of hard times which only brought us closer together.”
“That sounds like a nice relationship. My brother and I are close but not as close as you and Cody. My brother and I are often at odds; we disagree about so much.”
“Well that is brothers for you. You may not always see eye to eye on things, you may annoy the shit out of each other, but you always have each other's backs.”
Rex gives Ben a quick smile and holds up his glass of wine, which has remained untouched until now. “How about a toast?”
Ben returns Rex’s smile and holds up his half-filled glass, “You can do the honors, dear Rex.”
Rex smiles bigger at the endearment before he comes up with the perfect toast. “To the start of something new.”
“To the start of something new,” Ben repeats.
Their glasses clink and they both take sips of the wine. Smiles dance across their faces when they place the glasses back down on the island.
“I am going to clean up in here and then we can go into the living room to chat and have some pavlova. Does that sound like a plan?”
“Yes,” Ben responds. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“You are a guest, please relax.”
“As your guest, I insist on helping you clean up.”
Not wanting to argue and ruin this, Rex reluctantly agrees. The two begin clearing the island and washing the dishes.
Rex allows a comfortable silence to fall between them as they complete the task. He allows his mind to wander.
If Rex is being honest with himself, he thought Ben would have left after he found out about Rex’s past. After all, it is still something that haunts his dreams; it is still something he needs to deal with everyday. Most people do not want to be with someone from the military for that reason, because it puts a strain on the relationship. Rex only hopes that he didn’t ruin this budding relationship with Ben.
Rex is pulled from his thoughts when Ben lightly bumps his hip against Rex’s. It is something so casual and so domestic that Rex cannot help but smile.
I definitely didn't ruin this. 
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Hard Times Call for Cuddles
for @mysticperfectionbird
Commander Cody stood in the briefing room with his general. General Kenobi was giving the council a report of the events that transpired on the planet below.
Cody was present physically but his mind was elsewhere. There was a lot of bloodshed on the planet below, too much. A lot of good men were lost. And though he should be used to losing men, it was still hard on him. A lot of his men thought that he was uncaring, but that wasn’t true. The Marshall Commander just didn’t like his men seeing him weak, seeing him vulnerable – that was reserved for one clone only and he wasn’t present at the moment.
The briefing ends. General Kenobi looks at Cody and gives a weak smile. Though his commander was still wearing his helmet, Obi-Wan knew that Cody was not having an easy time right now. “Commander Cody,” he places a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You cannot take all of the blame for what happened while we were on world. I must confess that some of the blame is on me.”
“I do not blame you, or myself, for what happened, sir. We are clones. We all are expected to lay our lives down for this cause.” Cody lets out an inaudible sigh.
Obi-Wan nods and removes his hand from Cody. “If you need anything, Commander, please let me know.”
Cody nods and leaves the room. The one thing I want right now I cannot even have, because he is nowhere around.
Cody walks to his quarters and sits at his desk. Though the battle was over, he had to file reports.
Cody sits in his chair at his desk for an hour just staring at the reports, knowing they need to get done, but not having the correct mindset to fill them out. It is then that a soft knock comes at the door.
Cody rises from his seat, puts a stoic expression on his face and answers his door. Who he sees on the other side he isn’t expecting. “Rex,” Cody says quietly.
“Hey Cody,” Rex says. Rex looks at Cody and gives him a small smile.
Cody moves from the doorway allowing his companion to enter the room. “What are you doing here?”
“Your general contacted me.” Rex watches Cody close the door and lock it. “He told me that something happened and he was worried for you.”
“My general called you to check up on me, Rex? That doesn’t sound like him.”
Rex lets out a small laugh. “He did. He knows how much we mean to each other.” Rex closes the short distance that Cody put between them and pulled him into a hug. “What is going on with you, cyare?”
“Nothing, I am fine Rex.”
Rex settles Cody with a look as he pulls away from the commander. “I know you better than anyone Cody. Your shoulders are set tight; your eyes are distant; you have the wrinkle in your forehead that you only get when you are distressed.” Rex lifts his hand to Cody’s rest at Cody’s neck. “You can tell me anything. And I mean anything, cyare.”
Cody looks at Rex, placing his hands on top of Rex’s. “I've had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with.”
Rex gives the Cody a smile. “Well, I guess it is a good thing your general commed me then.” Rex reaches into one of the numerous pouches on his belt and removes a bottle. “Obi-Wan gave me this when he met me in the hangar bay. It shouldn’t go to waste right.”
Cody takes the bottle from Rex’s hands and looks at it. “General Kenobi sure does love his whiskey; I am surprised he parted with it.”
“Obi-Wan thought you would need it more.” Rex walks to Cody’s desk and opens the top draw to pull out a glass. “Here, cyare.” Cody pours a glass and slowly brings it to his lips. “Know that I am here if you want to talk about what happened today.”
Cody looks at Rex, his cyar’ika. “A lot of men were lost today. You think I would be used to it, losing men under my command, but I am not. And I don’t want to look weak in front of my men, because I should be able to handle this. I just can’t, Rex.”
Rex removes the now empty glass from Cody’s hand and pulls the commander to sit next to him. “Cody, it is alright that you take the deaths of your men hard.” Rex places a soft kiss at Cody’s temple before continuing. “It is never easy to lose a comrade, to lose someone under your command. And it makes you no less of soldier – a commander – if you show how losing them affects you. It doesn’t make you weak.”
“It does, I am supposed to be strong, Rex.”
“You are strong, Dee. You are one of the strongest men that I know. Showing emotion doesn’t make you weak; it just shows that you have been strong for too long and you need someone to help you come to terms with everything. Being a soldier is not easy work, ner cyare. We see and do things that most people cannot imagine doing. You are never alone. I will always be by your side.”
Cody looks at Rex and gives a soft smile. “I am so lucky to have you cyar’ika.” And before Cody can stop himself, tears begin to fall.
Rex doesn’t even mind – only Ka’ra knows how many times the roles have been reversed. He simply pulls Cody into his arms and lays them down.
Cody doesn’t know how long they stay like that, with him crying on Rex’s shoulder, or how long Rex was whispering reassuring Mando’a into his ear while rubbing his back. After what seemed like a lifetime but was probably only several minutes, Cody stops crying.
“I will always be here for you, cyare,” Rex whispers.
Cody cannot help but smile into Rex. “Thank you, Rex.”
“Anytime, Dee; I would do anything for you – even move worlds if you asked.”
“I love you, Rex.” Cody looks into Rex’s eyes, he really wanted the other man to know that his words were true, even if Rex had only heard them once before.
“I love you too, Dee. And I always will.”
Cody closes the gap between them softly pressing his lips into Rex’s. The kiss was chaste but it captured the love they have for each other in it.
“Remind me to thank my general tomorrow.”
“No need to. I already thanked Obi-Wan for us both.”
“I still can’t believe you and my general are on a first name basis. Should I be worried?”
“What? No, no need to worry, we are just friends. I need to be friendly with the man who makes sure my cyare comes home to me.” Rex carefully pulls Cody into another soft kiss. “I love you and only you Cody.”
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Can’t Lose You
I have been experiencing writer’s block and my friend, @multifandom-fanatic suggested that I just do it. So this is for @multifandom-fanatic, I hope you like it...
“I pray to Castiel,” Dean begins.
Dean is in a dingy motel room kneeling in front of one of the two beds (having booked a room with two beds out of habit). Things were difficult for the hunter and his life wasn’t what it should be.  
“I still don’t know why I bother doing this. Praying seems pointless. And you haven’t even been answering my prayers, but that is to be expected you restoring Heaven and all. And who’s to say that today will be any different? I know you are thinking that I am praying for you to save Sam, but I am not. I made a promise to Sam and I am trying my best to keep it. It is a little ironic how he wants me to live a normal life and be happy with Lisa. But I can’t. Sure I like Lisa and I imagine with time I can come to think of her as family. But that is not the same. I don’t even know why I am complaining I know I should be happy. But I am not. And I can’t seem to find it. I guess after losing everything, happiness is a little hard to come by. After all, there is no point to happiness if you can’t share it with the people you love.”
Dean lets out a chocked sob into the empty room. “I already lost so much Cas – Mom, Dad and Sammy. Please, I can’t lose you too. I need you.”
A flutter of wings pulls Dean from his thoughts. “Hello Dean,” Castiel says.
Dean stands and looks at the angel. “Cas,” he says as he pulls the angel into a hug. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too, Dean,” the angel says returning the hug. “And you will never lose me.”
Dean lets out a chuckle, “It felt like I lost you, though.”
“I apologize for that, Dean, but Heaven needs me.”
Dean waves his hand dismissively. “I know, and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Dean sits on one of the beds and indicates for Cas to sit on the other.
“I know things have been difficult for you Dean. And I should have come to see you, even if only for a short time.”
“That probably would help, Cas.” Dean rests one of his hands on top of Castiel’s. “But I shouldn’t expect you to drop everything for me whenever I call.”
“True, but from now on I will. You are the most important thing to me.”
“Things just seem so much better when you are around,” Dean says, green eyes locking with blue. They stare at each other for several moments.
“I know the feeling,” Cas laughs.
The distance between them closes before either of them can stop it. Their lips meet in a soft chaste kiss.
Dean is the first to pull away. “Was that alright?” he asks the angel.
“Always, Dean,” the angel says.
The distance between them again, their lips meeting for longer this time.
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