#gale is my blorbo <3
catiecat1320 · 11 months
Gift for @son1c, one of my favorite Tumblr people! This story is set in their 10verse.
Sails was having a terrible day.
He was crouched behind one of the many crates on deck, attempting to hide from the twin foxes that always seemed to get a kick out of bullying him. Today, Clash and Smash were particularly peeved and Sails just knew they would take it out on him. He had successfully avoided them all day, but now, things were going downhill.
Golden yellow ears pricked up at the sound of thumping footsteps. Sails curled up and held his breath, hugging his twin tails tightly. 
“Where be that freak?” One of the twins growled. “I know yer here!” 
A sudden woosh sounds out, followed by a crash as the crate is tossed aside, leaving Sails exposed. Oh, no, no, no. Clash yells in triumph and Smash runs over. “Found ye!”
Sails lets out a squeak as the twins yank on both his tails, hard. “S-stop… please, I’m sorry… What did I do bad?”
“Bad? Ye be born, that be what!” Clash said as he pushed the little fox to the ground. “Ya little freak.”
Smash goes to get something before coming back, a malicious gleam in his eye. “Say, why don’t we solve yer problem fer ya?” He reveals the length of rope in his hand, as well as an iron weight. Clash cackled as Sails stared in horror, realizing just what the two had planned.
“W-wait. Please! I’m sorry! W-we can talk about this!” But Sails’ cries went unheard as the twins restrained him and tied him firmly.
“Ye ain’t gettin’ out of this one. Freak.” Clash taunted as his twin scooped Sails up and carried him over to the stern. Despite his best efforts to wriggle out of Smash’s grasp, Sails was still very stuck. 
Dangling over the edge of the water, the ocean had never looked so daunting. Sails could already feel the cold, unforgiving water surrounding him. Drowning him. “No. No! Please! Have mercy! Ah!”
Clash and Smash wore identical smirks as they tossed him overboard. “Buh-bye!” They shout in unison.
In the split second Sails was airborne, he spotted a speck in the sky. It seemed to be getting closer; diving downward, fast.
Then the ocean swallowed him whole.
Diving into the ocean was not on Gale’s to do list for today. Then again, life is unpredictable when you’re literally the stuff of legends.
He’d been exploring for a while now and just on his way home (a half submerged metal tube thing he discovered one day and claimed as his own) when he heard commotion from a ship down below. He descended to check it out… only to find two dickheads throwing a fox kit overboard. 
Fury surged within him, and the wind picked up in response to his emotions. He wanted to toss them into the ocean tied up to see how they liked it. But that would have to wait.
Without another thought, Gale tucked in his wings, propelling himself toward the ocean and inevitably giving the ship’s crew a shock. He made a mental note to come back and give them a piece of his mind. 
He hit the water with a fwoosh, the cold slapping him in the face. Ugh. Had he mentioned how much he hated the ocean? Now, where was that fox kit?…
There. Gale could make out a squirming yellow figure sinking into the depths. He awkwardly paddled toward them, hoping to catch up before they sank too far for him to reach.
(Yes, he lived in a world of water. Yes, he couldn’t swim. Shut up.)
Sails tried to keep calm to conserve his air, but that was kind of hard to do when you’re about to die. He struggled uselessly against his bonds, hoping to free himself. His lungs burned with the effort. Was there any chance that he’d make it? 
Out of the corner of his eye, Sails spots something— someone— coming closer. The fox stills, his own sky blue eyes locking onto glowing emerald in a silent plea for help.
Gale gestures for the bound fox kit to hold still as he reaches into his quills for one of the treasures he’d found earlier: an ornate knife. He had been drawn to the intricate patterns carved into it, but now he thanked fate for giving him this tool. Unsheathing it, he worked at the rope, cursing the dullness of the blade. 
The second Sails was free, he twisted his twin tails like a propeller and shot to the surface, gasping for air. That was close. Too close.
He turns around to thank whoever it was for saving him… only to realize that they hadn’t resurfaced. Panic fills the fox once more, and he fills his lungs with air before diving back down to check on them.
The little fox was now okay; however, Gale was not. He had not accounted for his inability to swim when he impulsively took a plunge to save the kit. His now waterlogged wings didn’t do him any favors while he was trying to reach the surface. It seemed that the more he paddled, the more he sank. Shit.
Then, a stream of bubbles attracted his attention. The little fox was back, swimming down to Gale with outstretched hands. Heh, the tables have turned. 
Flashing a grateful smile he wasn’t sure could be seen, he took the kit’s hands and let himself be pulled to the surface.
Gale took in a lungful of air, gasping. He flailed for a second before stretching his wings out to keep afloat. Once he was sure that he wasn’t in danger of sinking, he turned to the kit. “You alright?” He asked while fishing his hat out of the water.
The fox nodded. “Thanks for savin’ me,” he murmurs. He studied Gale closely. “I’m Sails. ‘n you are…?”
“Gale! You may have heard of me. It’s nice to meet you,”  Gale replied.
Sails’ blue eyes widened in shock. “Gale? The Gale? Yer a legend! Capt’n tells us ‘bout you. You help people ‘n sink ‘em too!”
“Hmph. I only sink ships when necessary. Some people require drastic measures.” Gale explains, secretly satisfied with being recognized. “C’mon now, let’s find somewhere dry. I can’t fly with wet wings like this.”
“I gotchu!” Sails happily announced. The fox shifts, exposing his tail— or tails, in this case— before twirling them really fast. Within seconds, Sails is airborne, to Gale’s pleasant surprise. He hangs on tightly to the kit as they lift up out of the water completely and head towards a nearby islet.
“Why, aren’t you full of surprises? You can fly with your tails?”
Sails winces at the word tails, clearly uncomfortable talking about it. Gale has a sneaking suspicion that his extra appendage had played a hand in him getting thrown overboard. Rage pools in his gut, but he quickly tamps it down, opting to give the fox his support instead.
“Hey. Whatever they said to you, ignore it, okay? They’re a bunch of morons for not appreciating you.” Gale says as they land on the sandy beach. Sails looks at him with uncertainty, and Gale once again feels anger towards whoever did this to the little fox. “Look, Sails. I think you’re awesome.”
“Of course!” Gale responds, scooting closer and ruffling yellow bangs affectionately. “You’re brave, you’re capable, you’re probably a smartie pants too, and as a bonus, you can fly! And I’ve only known you for, like, 10 minutes; you probably can do better stuff! If that’s not awesome, I don’t know what awesome is.”
At this, Sails cracks a smile. “No one’s ever told me I’m awesome before.”
“Well, I’ll be here to tell you all the time, little buddy.” Gale replies, throwing a wing around the fox. Sails looks up at him curiously before leaning closer and wrapping his arms around Gale.
“Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” Gale murmured, gently petting Sails as the day’s events caught up to the kit and lulled him to sleep. Looking down at the peaceful expression that graced his face, Gale vowed then and there that he wouldn’t ever let anyone harm Sails ever again.
As for the ones that have already hurt him… Gale would have to make them pay. 
The sun was rapidly setting, coloring the sky a fiery orange that matched the spark that had flared within him. Gale scoops the sleeping fox up, stretches his wings and takes off toward home, carrying what would turn out to be his greatest treasure in his arms.
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zfedraws · 9 months
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I am normal about my tav <—- lying
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Gale 🥺
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strigital · 6 months
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"And that, kids, is how I met your mother"
nothing against the default meet cute with the sparkly boy but it would be better if a cliche fumbling down and falling on top of tav had happened just saying 💁
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a-map-of-gays · 4 months
What fucking crack did they put in bg3 I played it for two hours and now all I think about is those sad queer men
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explodingquails · 6 months
BG3 Origin Characters and the Florence & the Machine Songs that remind me of them
I gave in and am sharing this list now. Potentially long post below.
Between Two Lungs
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And my running feet could fly Each breath screaming "We are all too young to die" ...
Gone are the days of begging, the days of theft No more gasping for a breath The air has filled me head-to-toe And I can see the ground far below I have this breath and I hold it tight And I keep it in my chest with all my might
Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up)
*for best listening experience please substitute Midas for Mystra in your head
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The looking glass, so shiny and new How quickly the glamour fades I start spinning, slipping out of time Was that the wrong pill to take? ...
This is a gift, it comes with a price Who is the lamb and who is the knife? Midas is king and he holds me so tight And turns me to gold in the sunlight
Seven Devils
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Seven devils all around me Seven devils in my house See, they were there when I woke up this morning I'll be dead before the day is done ...
They can keep me out 'Til I tear the walls 'Til I save your heart And to take your soul And what has been done Cannot be undone
Queen of Peace
*my favorite F&TM song ever for my favorite origin character :)
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Like the stars chase the sun Over the glowing hill, I will conquer Blood is running deep Some things never sleep Suddenly I'm overcome Dissolving like the setting sun Like a boat into oblivion 'Cause you're driving me away Now you have me on the run The damage is already done Come on, is this what you want? 'Cause you're driving me away
Which Witch
*this is just the universal song for religiously traumatized characters
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And it's my whole heart Weighed and measured inside And it's an old scar Trying to bleach it out And it's my whole heart Deemed and delivered a crime I'm on trial, waiting 'til the beat comes out ...
And it's my whole heart While tried and tested, it's mine And it's my whole heart Trying to reach it out And it's my whole heart Burned but not buried this time I'm on trial, waiting 'til the beat comes out
Shake it Out
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And it's hard to dance with the devil on your back And given half the chance would I take any of it back? It's a fine romance, but it's left me so undone It's always darkest before the dawn And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat 'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me Looking for heaven, for the devil in me  But what the hell, I'm gonna let it happen to me, yeah
And that's all! I might do a second part for some none-origin characters if I find the inspiration. Thank you for bearing with me if you made it this far :)
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Was anyone going to tell me you could find a rather large group of shadow cursed fish people or was I supposed to find that out myself and get ambushed by like 15 of them with no spell slots
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miradelletarot · 1 month
Sorry you’re having a bad time!
Write about Gale giving Tav (either Sagora or my Gale with Auroria bc multiverse) a flower for the first time 🌸
ok, I can't help it. This is gonna be a little Sagora x Gale moment. There's a time in the series when she gives him flowers so why not make a little treato where he gives her flowers! (After-story-was-written note: This REALLY got away from me, but clearly I am obsessed with these two, and I don't think there is any cure for me lolol.) *this is gonna be sappy, self-indulgent, sfw fluff. You have been warned.* It wasn't long after Gale showed Sagora the Weave when things started to change between them. He recalled the gentle brush of their hands as he marveled at her ability to channel it so easily. His cheeks burned as the Weave connected them, and he saw her thoughts. Thoughts of a shy, tender romance, and holding hands with the hope of something more. *** He followed her lead, leaning on her natural instincts to help navigate them through the unfamiliar landscape not far from the crashed Nautiloid. "Gale? Are you alright?" She noticed him falling behind occasionally. This time with his back to her, bent over into a cluster of shrubberies. Her face contorted into a concerned gaze. Hesitant - as if she worried her concern for him would be too intrusive. "...Is it the orb again?" He straightened immediately as he registered her soothing voice was directed at him, and hoped he was sneaky enough to conceal whatever he was holding behind his back without her noticing. "Hm?? Oh!" He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his empty hand. "Perfectly fine. The orb appears to be sated...for now." Sagora smiled as a breath of relief washed over her. "Good. I'm glad. Just...try to keep up, ok? It's not much longer 'til we reach the Mountain Pass." Gale nodded. "Apologies. Please forgive a wizard for being curious in an unfamiliar land." She flashed a shy smile before turning back to the front of the group, and forging ahead. He heaved a heavy sigh, grateful she was too far ahead to see the longing in his eyes. He looked down at his hand, and what he had gathered and smiled. *** The adventurers made camp before nightfall. The sky was clear with twinkling stars and the occasional stray feathery cloud drifting by. Everyone retired to their tents for the most part, nursing aching muscles, sharpening weapons, or catching up on old tomes pillaged from nearby ruins.
Sagora sat by the fire, staring into it as if she searched for meaning within the flames. "Am I interrupting anything?" Gale tilted his head down, examining her vacant stare as the fire reflected in her eyes. She looked up to see the face that matched the warm voice that snapped her out of her reverie, sighing with relief. "Sorry. No. Just lost in my thoughts. Well...if they're even my thoughts anymore." She paused, gazing back at the fire once more before looking back up at Gale inviting him to sit as she pat the ground next to her. Carefully, Gale lowered himself down to the ground, being thoughtful of his already aching knees. "Beautiful night tonight, isn't it?" He craned his head back to gaze at the endless sea of stars that hung overhead. "And I believe..." he drawled out, pointing towards the sky, "That's the Arrows of the Gods. Though it's...hard to make out from here. If we were in Waterdeep I could show you so many more constellations, and the story behind each one." He leaned in, playfully nudging her shoulder. "If you'd let me, of course." Sagora chuckled, smirking as she nudged him back, trying to make their dismal situation seem more lighthearted than it really was. "If we live long enough I might take you up on that, wizard." They laughed softly together as if they shared a secret before falling silent, and an uneasy tension floated between them. "I uhh...I got you something." Gale's face burned brightly as he fumbled with the bundle in his hands.
"For me?" He nodded, the luminescence from the orb peeking out over the collar of his velvety sleep shirt as his heart began to race. "I'm sure you could conjure these in your sleep. It's nothing really...I just...well, I thought these would cheer you up." He timidly handed her a small bouquet, one of each flower from the area, neatly arranged, and wrapped with a strip of leather he found among his spell components. She gently took the spray of wildflowers in her hands, gazing at them as she bit her lip, tears brimming, and threatening their descent.
"Gale...they're beautiful. Thank you." She smiled as their eyes met, the flicker of the nearby fire dancing in their eyes, mimicking the warmth they felt within. Sagora placed the flowers in her lap and whispered an incantation that blossomed a small, white daisy. The purple glow of the orb reflected off her skin as she leaned in and tucked the small bloom into Gale's hair. It took all of her willpower to resist the temptation to kiss him right then and there. Instead, she shifted her body closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder, relishing in the comforting scent of parchment that seemed to be permanently nestled in his clothes. After a moment, she looked up at the sky and pointed at a different cluster of stars. "I think," she whispered. "I think that one is The Harp." He leaned his head over, resting it on top of hers. "Hmm...I think you're right."
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kozh-lucium · 2 months
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Sick day
(Real talk, I hate it when I help my mom in the kitchen and when I asked how much things I should add, her answer is “use your feeling”. Then she will complain if the taste isn’t right for her -_-)
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theabbyknight · 24 days
love is love is love is love 🥰🏳️‍🌈✨
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jojea · 4 months
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plays with durgetash like barbies
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bhaalsack · 8 months
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downloaded the slicked-back Gortash hair mod... and Yes... but I also miss the Final Fantasy/dumpster raccoon aesthetic of his og hair
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the-videodame · 7 months
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klkirbles · 8 months
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j.r. rogue
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theoldgaylion · 9 months
Emil: I can excuse vampirism but I draw the line at wasting magical artifacts
Gale: You can excuse vampirism?!?!
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astralpyre · 9 months
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i am being productive i promise
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