#galvan prime
grubacle2112 · 3 months
rise and grind
(i didn't make this, proper credits are at the end of the video)
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autoacafiles · 1 year
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darthkvznblogs · 1 year
If the Galvan had triumphed and wiped out the Petrosapiens, how would the frogs have affected, and been affected by, the galaxy (assuming they lasted until the modern day)?
I think they would've become increasingly isolationist and developed the strongest possible weapons and defenses they could to keep themselves safe from incursion. At best, this approach would lead to a species detached from galactic civilization and cold (if not hostile) towards most outsiders - a dangerous prospect, considering the Milky Way's dependency on the Galvan FTL network. At worst, I could see their tech being so prized that the various empires would set aside their differences and wage war on them to procure it.
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I continue to be of the opinion that the no1 best use for rivens is "dumb shit"
Time to sink three forma into a weapon I don't know if I'll even bring to sortie-level things just bc the idea of an orange crit bow is very entertaining for me
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"PREGNANT, IF I WANT, WHEN I WANT, HOW I WANT" FRANCE BECOMES FIRST COUNTRY TO EXPLICITLY ENSHRINE ABORTION RIGHTS IN CONSTITUTION The Washington Post | Published March 4, 2024 PARIS — With the endorsement of a specially convened session of lawmakers at Versailles, France on Monday became the first country in the world to explicitly enshrine abortion rights in its constitution — an effort galvanized by the rollback of protections in the United States. The amendment referring to abortion as a “guaranteed freedom” needed the approval of three-fifths of lawmakers — or 512 votes. The vote result on Monday evening was 780 in favor and 72 against. “We’re sending a message to all women: your body belongs to you and no one can decide for you,” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal told lawmakers assembled in Versailles. Thousands of Parisians gathered to watch the proceedings live on a giant television screen at Le Parvis des Droits de l’Homme — or “Human Rights Square” — in central Paris, with the Eiffel Tower looming dramatically over the scene. Before the political debate began, the television screen showed a montage of women’s rights campaigners around the world holding signs declaring, “My body is mine” and “My body, my choice.” The sound system blared Aretha Franklin’s “Respect.” Parisians driving by honked their horns. France decriminalized abortion in 1975; abortion is legal for any reason through the 14th week of pregnancy. This amendment won’t change any of that. But while other countries have inferred abortion rights protections from their constitutions, as the U.S. Supreme Court did in Roe v. Wade, France is the first to explicitly codify in its constitution that abortion rights are protected. France is not interpreting its constitution; it is changing its constitution. The outcome was “also a promise for all women who fight all over the world for the right to have autonomy over their bodies — in Argentina, in the United States, in Andorra, in Italy, in Hungary, in Poland,” said lawmaker Mathilde Panot, who had introduced the bill in the National Assembly. “This vote today tells them: your struggle is ours, this victory is yours.” People gather near the Eiffel Tower during the broadcast of the special session of Parliament, in Paris on Monday.
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
Hmm. Kind of kicking around a MegaSound, MegOP, SoundOP AU where the meeting was a trap and before Orion can speak Megatronus is taken captive and executed in front of him and propaganda is put up about him attacking first. Soundwave is convinced Orion betrayed them amd is being "rewarded" in the clutches of the Prime's palace. So he wants to kill him. Instead he finds a near feral with grief and thoroughly worldview shattered Orion Pax who joins him in leading the Decepticons and drags his people with him.
Megatron the Martyr and Orion Pax puically broadcasting the truth and a recording of his memories just really galvanizes everything.
Megatronus haunts the narrative amd slowly Soundwave, who had distrusted and disliked Orion, closes closer to someone who understands his grief and as his co-leader he can be honest around despite and because of how often they argue vehemently and call each other out on both their prejudices.
I mostly have vibes now but I have been wanting to reread the Aligned books and rewatch.
I'm sure this changes how Soundwave views Orion, and this so changes the dynamic of decepticon command in this universe
Because, if I know tfp Soundwave pre-war, of course he immediately suspected the worst of Ori
I've never read the Aligned books, but I've went through tfwiki so many times I have an 💖idea💖 what goes down
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unix10x · 6 months
Here you go, two questions: What is your opinion on Bevin (Kevin x Ben)? And who is your favorite Ben 10 character?
Bevin is a ship that I really like, I love the dynamic of enemies who become friends and then lovers (I wish people would write better fics about them). Personally, I like having Gwen in the middle, I think the idea of ​​them being a loving trio is really fun.
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My favorite character will always be Albedo, he is my sweet baby and I have loved him since I was a child, no one will convince me that he wasn't very naive and sweet in UAF although I also love his chaotic phase in OV (HE DESERVED MORE 😭 )
Not ironically, this is Albedo at his first opportunity to sow chaos on Galvan Prime:
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lillified · 11 months
can i ask what the general lore for your au is? love me some good lore
I think I’ve done a pitch outline before that’s covered some of this, but I can give you the basic background for reference! (Tumblr page search seems a bit broken the further back you get anyway)
Cybertron is an alien planet with a long history of strife. Following the reign of the Quintessons, a hostile and colonial alien species, and their eventual ousting, the remnants of a military-industrial state and its tyrannical caste system left only a matter of time before massive conflict erupted.
Cybertron: The original home planet of the Cybertronians, and the current territory of the Autobots. Cybertron is a very ancient planet formed around the remnants of an enormous organic “ancestor,” whose blood and other material is extracted for use as food. This organic material is vital to the survival of all Cybertronians, and the most important component, Energon, is extremely highly coveted. It can be found sparingly in other parts of the universe (notably other early established Cybertronian space colonies), but without access to the original ancestor, or its sparsely documented relatives and protégé, it is unrenewable, which would inevitably mark the end of the Cybertronian race. Extensive industrialization on a global scale made Energon sparse, and an exhaustive global war only exacerbated this scarcity.
The Decepticons: Made up primarily of the former lower castes of Cybertron, the Decepticons are a mish-mash group of revolutionary mercenaries, banded together to end the tyrannical rule of Cybertron. Although they were originally known as the Ascenticons, they gained the derogatory name after their defacto “leader,” Megatron, permanently maimed her rival for the primacy, Optimus, during a political demonstration that turned violent. Optimus was famously left without a lower jaw, and the brutal scuffle was used to galvanize moderates against the perceived extremity of the group.
Now, having been largely driven off of Cybertron after a battle which devastated both sides., the fractured branches of the Decepticons struggle to find places they can recoup and regather amid the cosmos. Their primary squad, team Alpha, is currently drifting in space, eagerly anticipating the day it can find the resources to reestablish communication with what remains of the Decepticon army.
The Autobots: A faction formed out of the former military of Cybertron and its allies. Figureheaded by the stoic and personable Optimus Prime, the Autobots barely hold onto control of Cybertron, and seek to persist against the Decepticons’ demands for radical reconstruction. Now made up of many of Cybertronian’s youth, plenty of Autobot soldiers aren’t fully aware of what they’re fighting for, and barely retain memories of life before the war. If the current course of the war continues, they hope to drive the Decepticons out of anywhere they’ve hidden until they surrender and concede.
The Present: With impassible stakes for everyone involved, if they want any hope of surviving and reclaiming Cybertron, the Decepticons must do the impossible: overcome their many differences and work as a team. Our story starts in the far reaches of space, where Decepticon Team Alpha is searching for resources and a temporary residence where they can begin to reestablish communication with their allies.
The members of Team Alpha include:
Megatron: the melancholic leader, whose reputation does not match her lethargic withdrawal.
Starscream: the second in command with a penchant for mutiny. Her disloyalty is kept a secret, for both Megatron’s sake and Starscream’s.
Soundwave: the enigmatic and cynically self-important communications officer and third in command. Their speciality is espionage and information control, though they haven’t seen much of it recently.
Lockdown: former bounty hunter turned medic. this mean-looking ‘Con might not be certified, but in a pinch, he’ll patch you up—by any means necessary.
Knockout: the only thing worse than a mad doctor is his lackadaisical and negligent assistant. Knockout doesn’t really believe the Decepticons will win, but his hate for the Autobots is stronger than his realism.
Breakdown: a bruiser-in-training rescued from a docked Decepticon warship. He and Blitzwing were the only trainees who survived being stasis fried. Albeit a strong and capable fighter, this ‘Con doesn’t really have the “Deception grit” yet.
Blitzwing: Breakdown’s fellow soldier. Though she was also trained to be a mercenary, Blitzwing lacks a lot of the natural talent for fighting Breakdown has. Her unrecognized skill lies in weaponsmithing, though Starscream hopes to make a competent combatant out of her yet.
Ravage: don’t be fooled—this weapon class Minicon only looks like a Cybercat. The eldest of Decepticon team alpha, this odd bot gave up his Cybertronian appearance to live out the laid back life of a lazy mechanimal. His powerful spark makes him Megatron’s weapon of choice.
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evilscuderia · 6 months
I'm getting realy worried that ferrari made the wrong choice by signing Hamilton. He doesnt seem at his usual level
nah come on, you guys have short memories and focus too much on stats that are taken out of context. he literally had a brilliant drive just two weeks ago in jeddah!
maybe he isn't prime hamilton, but experience and talent don't vanish overnight on that level. it's also worth considering that he's in a pretty unusual (i would almost say unique) situation right now. to come back with increasingly disappointing cars after something as tough to swallow as abu dhabi 2021 must've felt genuinely horrible. i think he's just completely lost confidence in the team and isn't feeling at all motivated atp. and it's not like russell is out there getting wins while he's languishing in p12 or something – the car is the main problem.
i'm sure a change of scenery can and will galvanize him. and if ferrari can deliver a good car and we get to a point when he can smell the blood in the water... well, there is no doubt in my mind that he still has a lot to give
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ben-101-rewrite · 5 months
Love the art. Can't wait to see your version of the Plumbers' Kids (and Kevin's transformation), but it got me thinking. I know you retconned the Rooter retcon, in that they're not genetically modified hybrids, but how did they come to be?
It's hard to imagine an osmosian and a human creating an offspring considering they're completely different species, let alone a tetramand or a pyronite.
I have a whole system behind hybrids in Ben 10. For starters, quite a few aliens can have kids with each other naturally if they are close enough. So a tetramand and human, or even a kineceleran and human, can have kids, they just often have to be wary of issues that could arise. But the more unnatural a pairing is, the harder to have a kid is naturally, to the point that you get cases where they can't have a kid naturally. But there are many facilities that help via science to help parents have kids if they can't naturally. This is often taking the parents gamete cells, and raising the baby in a test tube like environment so they can control the entire process from the start, sometimes having to select specific genes to make sure the kid can live a healthy life. One of the most successful facilities is on Galvan Prime, run by a galvan doctor named Doctor Geno, she's a friend of Azmuth's sister. Of course there are limits to what aliens can have kids with each other, but as science grows each day, some things that were thought to be impossible have become possible, so you never know what could be made next. Hybrids also seem to function a 70/30 percent rule, in that they take after one species gene more than the other. E.g Helen is more kineceleran than human. Hybrids can only be two things as well, you can't get a big mix of many aliens in one alien. Though there are some that break these rules, like anodites and osmosians due to how their genetics work. So in terms of the plumber kids, ones like Helen and Manny were naturally made, though Alan was made via the science route when his parents went to one of these facilities. In terms of Kevin, since you mentioned osmosians, they behave more by inheriting powers. Due to osmosian having DNA absorption, it means a lot of them are able to have kids with many races, but their hybrids don't look like them. They will always look like the alien species their other parent is, beyond maybe getting minor things like eye or hair colour. What the kids inherit is the matter and energy absorption powers, though not really the DNA absorption (unless the omnitrix is involved lol). So they're kind of a changeling vibe with them. So Kevin looks entirely human, but as a hybrid as the powers.
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crystal-moon-101 · 8 months
How would the stuff with Albedo work with Omni-Ben? He isn't actually human, so how does getting stuck as a copy of Ben work? Just his human form until UA?
Albedo is in the series a little earlier, and stays galvan for a long time. He was introduced as Azmuth's new assistant when he returned to Galvan Prime, and Ben met him when visiting. Ben liked him, but it turned out Albedo did not enjoy the idea of Ben. He couldn't understand why Azmuth would let Ben walk around with no restrictions, heck, not even have Ben on Galvan Prime 24/7, just leaving him to do whatever on earth. He doesn't believe Ben is a living creature, just advance AI that should have more rules around them. He tries making comments to Azmuth about it, but Azmuth doesn't listen in the slightest. Things ended up coming to heads when Ben was having a mild glitch due to an update, and came to see Azmuth to help fix it. Nothing serious. Azmuth was busy at the time, so let Albedo go and help him. The process require Ben to be offline, and while he was, Albedo almost wiped him of his memories, in hopes to turn him back into a regular AI. Azmuth thankfully caught him, and right away booted Albedo off of Galvan Prime for trying to harm his son. Ben, as you can imagine, was very confused when he woke up. After that, Albedo basically made it his goal to prove Azmuth wrong, and keeps going on about how Ben is a danger, shouldn't have so much free will, and that does lead to him making his own omnitrix after painfully removing some parts of Ben at one point. However, his watch is still linked with Ben, who has human DNA as his base form, so this leads to Albedo being the human Albedo we all know and love. Ben hopes that maybe being a similar form to Ben will have Albedo see some reason, but it seems to have made matters worse.
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fiestylittlebeetle · 18 days
I feel like something people forget sometimes is that Azmuth was canonically absent from Galvan Prime for thousands of years (according to I think the Destroy all Aliens movie) and as such, abandoned Malware for at least that amount of time. Like I’ve read a couple fanfics that I otherwise like, but that depict Malware as young, and it just took me out of both stories because they by extension downplay what he had to go through
I'm only gonna come to the "malware is young" defense with this
The most likely canon time is roughly 1000 years being abandoned which is already bad (and is the canon I subscribe to so -mwah-)
But the ALTERNATIVE is Malware is less then 1 year old (if trouble helix takes place the next summer after OG ends) somehow, which is worst imo because then the writers would be implying that malware was "born evil" which is a trope I fucking HATE more then Azmuth himself
No one is "born evil"
Thankfully the regular use of the plural "years" disproves 1 y/o malware outright
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hunty627 · 8 months
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These are some of the planets, moons and other celestial bodies that Ben Tennyson learned about. Khoros is home to the Tetramands, Petropia is home to the Petrosapiens and Crystalsapiens, Pyros is home to the Pyronites, Kinet is home to the Kinecelerans, Galvan Prime is home to the Galvans, Cascareu is home to the Cascans, Galvan Prime's moon, Galvan B is home to the Galvanic Mechamorphs, Flors Verdance is home to the Floraunas, Arburia is home to the Arburian Pelarotas, Lepidopterra is home to the Lepidopterrans, Fulmas is home to the Fulmini, Ekoplekton is home to the Ekoplektoids, Appoplexia is home to the Appoplexians, Terradino is home to the Vaxasaurians. Peptos 12 is home to the Gourmands, Aranaschimmia aka Arachna is home to the Arachnachimps, Piscciss is home to the Piscciss Volanns, Xenon is where Ben met Azmuth, Anur Transyl is home to the Transylians, Anodyne is home to the Anodites, Luna Lobo, Anur Transyl's moon is home to the Loboans, Revonnah is home to the Revonnahganders and Muroids, and Kylmyys is home to the Necrofriggians and Psycholeopterrans.
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benjimarii · 2 years
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I made this a while back for an AU a Friend and I are making, but here’s Malware and Ben! They’re form an AU where Ben was raised on Galvan Prime. For context, Malware’s DNA was fixed before he could do any uh, murder lol. But he and Ben become like brothers. Ben’s a little more cynical in this AU, being more easily irritated and hot headed. He’s still sassy tho lol. 
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msnihilist · 3 months
Ben 10 Fic Recs for Rare/Unusual Pairings
Note: some of these fics are E-rated. Read the tags. No crossovers. No BenRook, Gwevin, Bevin, Bwen, Benkai, or Benlie (unless in a polycule). All of the links are AO3 fics. Enjoy!
Ben Pairings
Ben/Albedo → Just Galvan Things & So Much More & Vile Urges & Nightmares Can Only Lead to Comfort & Rekindled Hatred & Trapped Together and Becoming Human & in nomine patri et fili spiritus sancti & Christmas And 3am Conversations
Ben/Argit → Argit Asks a Favor
Ben/Attea → good guy gone bad
Ben/Charmcaster → The Bad and The Worst & Magical Hands & Thanatophobia (Is what I feel for you) & Lovesick...but also genuinely sick & Shut Up and Kiss Me, Hero & Couple's Discount & We'll Meet Again & The Island Misadventures of Ben and Charmcaster
Ben/Eddie → Once Summer Ends
Ben/Elena → Lysis & The Redeem of The Swarm & Wanting vs Waiting & Time Lost
Ben/Ester → Faces
Ben/Eunice → A Very Eunisexual Christmas
Ben/Jennifer → Crossroads
Ben/Ken → Dropping In
Ben/Kenny → A Gift, From Thirty Years in the Future & New Day, Same Person & His Universe
Ben/Khyber → Distractions & Hunter and Prey & Not Yet
Ben/Looma → Conquered
Ben/Lord Transyl → La Petite Mort & Drifting off to a tempting sleep
Ben/Lucy → Future Sight
Ben/Malware → Hunger
Ben/Michael → Sorry, I wasn't born with a filter
Ben/Reiny → The Wedding & The Art of the Deal
Ben/Rojo → A Little Fun
Ben/Tetrax → Motivation
Ben/Vilgax → Sospes Sui & I'm Taking What's Mine and Your Time Has Come
Ben/Zs'Skayr → Ghost at the Bellwood Motel & One
Alternate Ben Pairings
Ben 23/Ben Prime → For You
Ben 23/Gwen 10 → Different Times
Ben 23/Rook Prime → All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned For a Thing I Cannot Name
Mad Ben/Bad Ben → Hot Mess
Mad Ben/Ben Prime → An Unlikely 'Friend' In An Awkward Situation
Mad Ben/Mad Rook → Like That
Nega Ben/Nyancy Chan → Catnip and Smoothies
No Watch Ben/Ben Prime → Never Get Out of Your Head & Insanity & Unorthodox & Don't Tell Paradox & Nothing Lasts
No Watch Ben/Bad Ben → You Saved Me Even Though We're Enemies
For Other Characters, Click Here
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gwen10k-by-ponara · 1 year
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Myaxx. Lab assistant, troublemaker.
Not much is known about Myaxx before becoming Azmuth’s assistant, and after the creation of the Omnitrix, she and Azmuth went their separate ways. But after learning of Vilgax’s attack on Galvan Prime, she knew whatever he did with the Omnitrix would add to her guilt of helping create the device. She then left to the most remote lab she had worked with Azmuth in, on Xenon, to try and get rid of any proof that she had worked on the Omnitrix. But when she got there, she found Azmuth himself, injured and tired. Not knowing what to do, she decided to help him recover. Weeks later, when he was almost fully recovered, unexpected visitors arrived: Tetrax and a human girl, and the girl was wearing the Omnitrix. Myaxx's past had caught up to her.
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