#game anecdotes
thrythlind · 1 year
So, a bit last week (like Thursday night) the players in my abandoned-space-station Monster of the Week game decided to make their way to engineering so they can restart the station's power plant and stop depending on their own ship's power.
They started noticing a susurrus of noise coming over the speakers and were a bit uncertain about how the emergency lights were alternating roughly every two seconds.
So the hacker decided to investigate the signal and asked "what's being concealed here"
I described an AI process log on loop showing a period of 5 hours in which the engineering AI, Hephaestus, was resisting the biotech AI, Ascelpius, overtaking it's permissions and authorities, consuming it, while sending official appeals for aid to the crew that went unanswered.
Hacker: Well that's grim. Drone master: We liked that when it happened to Ultron. Hacker: How'd you like it when it happened to Jarvis. Drone master: Not good, it was bad. That's why it was good when it happened to Ultron.
Then they were attacked by a shadow monster.
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Canonical bunny hug.
(I know the weather transition didn't happen like that but NG+ isn't exactly generous with the transition to switching off the zone when technically Frog was halfway through Stormblood in the first screenshots :P)
(I just wanted to make them hug tbh. I may be back when NG+ comes here for real. Lamaty'i should be here to make faces in the background while G'raha and Krile facepalm.)
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riddles-n-games · 3 months
Been scanning over The Hawthorne Legacy because I’m nostalgic like that and then I came across this line:
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I-I have to pause. … S-So you’re telling me that I could have had a scene in THL where Jameson twirls Avery around if she’d just LET HIM???? I could have been squealing, giggling and kicking my feet during one more scene had she let him-I can’t. I can’t do this anymore. WHY DIDN’T YOU AVERY?????? HUH???? When a guy is being cute and open like that, you better accept anything the man says!!!!! SMH.
This is literally only one of like five hundred more incidents where Avery and Jameson could have had a cute moment but either Avery doesn’t let the impulsive thought win or someone interrupts them. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
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Me and JLB after THL.
Anyways, that’s all I had to say. Have a wonderful day!!!! *Slams door.*
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calitsnow · 2 years
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[All Alone]
To celebrate the release of one piece red globally! Congratulations !
And also while waiting to see Uta again in the manga...
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
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here's an update for all the "tOuRiSm iS fOr ThE pEoPlE" fucks. always remember that the second anyone steps foot on that land in the name of "tourism" or any other haole institution, that is colonizing&that person is a fucking explicit modern colonizer who made the conscious decision to be one and has spent a lot of fucking money on that trip to get their title. only that kine want more of their kin there-- don't pretend that shit is for anyone else.
drop dead of spontaneous combustion specifically, not even the sharks would want that pīlau fucking meat.
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corvosdaughter · 5 months
pentiment not giving a definitive answer to the act i and ii mysteries isn't because all the suspects are equally likely to be guilty. i've seen people interpret it that way and then complain that the ending is a copout but like does anyone genuinely think ottilia did it. i know "possibly but uncertainly" is not that far off "equally likely" but i think it's an important distinction to make when it comes to understanding what the game is focused on.
it's not about who were the actual killers, it's not even about the circumstances that make it impossible for that to be known, it's about what made YOU point the finger at someone and the consequences of that choice. did you actually think they were guilty, or were they just an asshole? did you think it was someone else but held your tongue because they deserved to live? what about their age? community standing? did convenience factor into it? alternatively, what would happen if you dirtied someone's name and they were still around years later?
if there was a fixed answer everyone would just get caught up on whether they picked up all the hints and if they were chose the "right" or "wrong" path. that would detract from everything the game is trying to say. as it is, i think people who come away really wanting those mysteries solved, saying "i don't know who it was and therefore i might as well have spun a wheel and not wasted 15 hours to get here" have missed a lot of what it's really about.
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plant-cell-park · 6 months
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man i love parallels. sobbing immediately after this
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eela · 1 year
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big fan of the bubbles!
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personthattoleratesme · 10 months
Dan needs to shush I wanted to hear what Phil had to say about the gay penguins
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thegirlinprague · 3 months
@amazingphil bestie hear me out
you love money and i love you so may i suggest a storytime asmr channel you'd literally excel at it please consider it
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our-lesboy-experience · 4 months
Recently I stupidly decided to watch a video discussing the angels sensory room drama. I’m sick of folks who aren’t lesboys and have absolutely no idea about what the label even means adding their opinions. The most annoying thing was binary trans men talking about how invalidated and uncomfortable they felt about the fact that lesboys exist. Literally no one is forcing anyone to use that label if it doesn’t apply to them!!! No one is saying they all men are automatically lesbians. Also people claiming that they need articles and as proof that lesboys are valid and have historically existed and that personal anecdotes from lesboys doesn’t count as a source. Anyways, sorry for the rant it’s just really upsetting me.
I saw that video recommended to me but decided not to watch it because I knew it would only hurt me, and trying to change these people's minds in the comments when they've been spoon fed lies is about pointless. im sorry for any lesboy who's been harmed by the video, you don't deserve it
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verflares · 6 months
I’d be interested in hearing your apparent strong opinions on other Zelda games
i used to think skyward sword was too hard and nearly gave my wiimote bitemarks trying to pass the lumpy pumpkin harp minigame in 2011
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chamerionwrites · 6 months
Laying aside the question of folks with full-blown genderfeels just for a moment, a thing I’ve always found lowkey interesting is how much more common it seems to be for cishet dudes to choose to play women in RPGs than it is for women to choose to play dudes.
(The flip explanation is ofc that if you’re a straight man who is going to be staring at a character for many hours it might as well be a hot lady, but ime the pattern holds true in tabletop as well as CRPGs, so.)
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riddles-n-games · 5 months
Petition for Savannah and Rohan to have a "We can't do this." "Why not?" kissy kiss moment in a secret hallway in TGG.
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ant80in3 · 6 months
At school a friend and me start at the same time the game Summoners War (really strategic game, I like it a lot) at the same time. Yet my friend ended get much more 5 stars monsters and ultra advanced runes and sets of runes (the equipment to build your monsters and make them stronger) while I was way behind with small chips and I didn’t understood a thing about runes system.
Years later I was playing The Binding of Isaac next to my father who decided to give it a try. It been a month since I play it. Now I have 700 hours in it and this madman have the triple. Yep. My 49 years old dad just leave me in the dust with more than 2000 hours on this game.
Finally a year ago I start Arknights a week before a friend. Today I’m level 74, they’re 107. I barely have 3 Operators at their full strength, they have so much full build Operators that among them there also useless/less viable Operators fully up.
Am I surrounded by pro gamers/whales ? Does I suck even at video games ? Both ?
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palms-upturned · 2 years
ACELE — "Egg was yelling along to some jams someone was spinning, all night long. Just kept yelling until he didn't have a shred of voice left. When the sun came up over the mines... there were mines? Yeah, it was in Coal City!" She nods.
ACELE — "Egg came with us. He made this wheezing puppy dog sound all the way back. Couldn't even speak."
ACELE — "It was definitely Coal City, because it took us two days to walk back to the Fau. He just wheezed the whole way, we never really asked him why he came with us. Or who he was. I think his name is Germaine..."
ACELE — "People are sweet," she says quietly.
EMPATHY — You can see it must have been a great night. The memory causes her to go silent for a moment or two.
INLAND EMPIRE — You wish you'd been there.
Never seen anyone quote this part but it makes me want to burst into tears. People accept one another’s company without question. People stick together without needing any justification. People find the will to live in the simplest things. People fall in love so easily. With life and with each other. People are sweet.
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