#gao [ooc]
daybreakrising · 3 months
👫 (gao ying x wrio, gao ying x baizhu)
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship | @yuexian
no longer accepting.
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wrio & gao ying
gao ying's presence is a genuine comfort to him. there's simply something so calming about gao ying that puts him at ease, and he gets so used to having him around that when he's not there, it feels like something is missing. he also sleeps better with gao ying at his side.
wrio was never one for writing letters before gao ying. mostly, this was because he had no one to write to, but it was also just... not something he was interested in. any correspondence he engaged in was purely for work purposes. after gao ying, however... well, he starts to enjoy putting thoughts and feelings down on paper, and it helps to lessen the ache when they can't be together for long periods of time. he keeps every letter gao ying sends him in a little box that he stores in one of the (many) secret compartments of his personal chambers.
he takes a huge interest in liyue culture and history, and targets specific information regarding chenyu vale & anything related to gao ying's life. he's always had a general interest in other cultures & he makes a point to learn basic things from each, so he can accommodate anyone who comes into the fortress, but he definitely makes an active attempt to learn everything he can that might be important to his partner.
as soon as wrio is made aware that gao ying's puppet body is failing, he makes every effort to research adeptal energy and even puts together a (small, discreet) team in an attempt to help him. and whilst he doesn't consult gao ying before doing this, it is always his intention - should he find a way to fix it - to offer it only as an option. if gao ying wants to find peace, wrio would let him, even if would break his heart to lose him.
baizhu & gao ying
baizhu fell fast and hard for gao ying. and it took him a while to even consider acting on it, due to his belief that he would outlive him. initially, he had no intention of acting on his feelings, but a passing comment from gui about not letting opportunities slip by prompted him to take the risk of inevitable pain. thus, he started inviting gao ying to tea, asking to accompany him on a stroll, etc... slow, small steps, but it was a start.
gao ying reconnects baizhu with his home. not the actual village, as that has long disappeared to nature, but to chenyu vale as a whole. baizhu has avoided going back since signing the contract with changsheng, but with gao ying hailing from qiaoying village, he finds himself returning and rekindling his love for the area. he even takes gao ying to the place his village once stood and tells him stories from his childhood.
baizhu reveals his intentions for immortality once they start getting serious. he wanted gao ying to be aware of his mission, of the effects his contract has on his body, in case that had an impact on the future of their relationship - he wanted gao ying to be aware that he couldn't grow old with him, either because he achieved immortality, or because he died in the attempt. he cared enough to allow gao ying a chance to escape before they got too involved, to avoid that pain and heartache. this is, obviously, before he discovers gao ying isn't exactly mortal himself.
baizhu crafts a variety of potions and oils to specifically aid adeptal construct bodies once he is aware of gao ying's situation. these have a selection of purposes: to aid mental fatigue (since gao ying doesn't need to sleep), to keep the joints of his puppet body from wear, to aid any pain that can't be helped by mortal medicines, or to soothe any other ails he might suffer. these are all scented with gao ying's favourite scents, or flavoured to his tastes. no bitter medicine for his beloved-
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eunuchboy · 2 years
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young zhao gao from the da qin di guo novel
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digital-zone · 1 year
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Finally... School has almost come to an end this semester. That means I can finally be free, and with a recent life development on my side, I don't need to take as many classes this upcoming term.
So over this week, we're gonna be shooting out replies like there's no tomorrow! Hopefully!
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universestreasures · 5 months
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Brainstorming ideas for Yu-Gi-Oh! related verses for Tasuku, Suzuha, and Gao because more card game crossovers are needed.
One idea rather than just making them duelists (which could be another verse all together), is just basically modifying Buddyfight's lore just a bit to make the game work in the same universe as DM/The Manga due to it's focus on games of all sorts, mainly in relation to how Buddy Monsters are (since well I think it be weird for them to be real and walking around when Duel Monsters do not). So, it's a crossover that's going to be closer to their canon than my crossover verses are on usual, since my thought some things modified to again make it the same world as a basis and it can expand lore-wise with interactions (Like I want them to be friends for my Mokuba because my boy needs friends around his age<;3)
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cyberpawn-arc · 1 year
Vale's role model tbh, dream job
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petitexmagician · 4 months
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Not gonna lie I have been swooning like crazy, is it weird that I feel like Ga ming might be a shorter Thoma?
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Hello!! May I request 6. I Won't Say I'm in Love from Hercules with Malleus? I'm quite the malleus connoisseur !! ❤️😭 Thank you!!! <333
Hi!!! Idk why but this one was hard for me to write 😅. I tried to keep the song in mind while writing it. It ended up being less of "I Won't Say I'm in Love" and more of "I didn't know I was in love. ft Lilia" I hope that this fits since you are a Malleus connoisseur!
Note: Malleus is oblivious to love. Small Spongebob, Ice Age, and Frozen reference
Word Count: 844
Warnings: not beta read and possible OOC characters
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"Ahem," Lilia, wearing his long lab coat, cleared his throat from his spot on the couch.
Malleus sighed as he lay on his bed with his hands on his stomach. His mind was jumbled with thoughts about the Prefect. Lately, she has been stuck in his mind, and Malleus had to consult Lilia for his wisdom, but was Lilia rearranging his own room into a doctor's clinic necessary? "Doctor Lilia." 
"Much better. Now what are you here for?" Lilia smiled and returned to writing his shopping list on his clipboard. Malleus did not need to know that.
"It's about the Prefect."
Lilia nodded and jotted more items down. "What conditions are you experiencing right now?"
"That I want to be next to her right now."
Lilia hummed in thought. He waved his hand, and some mist appeared. Inside the mist was a Yuu smiling at Malleus, "How would you feel when you see Yuu?"
Malleus sighed for the nth time that day, "Well, I would feel happy like when I get ice cream, excited because I am spending time with her because I could tell her more gargoyle facts, my chest gets this feeling when I see her, I can trust her with Gao-Gao Drakon-kun…."
Hours had passed, and the sun was beginning to set when Malleus was still rambling and didn't look like he was going to stop. 
Meanwhile, Lilia had already dispersed the mist and focused on how to scare his sons instead. 
I can scare Sebek and Silver if I draw a ghost on the other side of this shopping list, put it on a fishing rod, and hang it in front of their faces. Khee hee hee, those boys will be in for a treat.
"And she occupies my thoughts day and night! Thinking about her now makes me want to praise her for everything, almost like Rook."
"What would you do if someone? Let's use Leona, had the same feelings you felt for her now?" Malleus frowned. If looks could kill, then the roof would have a big hole going through it. The sound of thunder could be heard nearby. Lilia held up a hand and shook his head. He already knew his answer. "Malleus, I know what you're experiencing, but first, let me give you a hint so you can figure it out."
Malleus sat up and crossed his arms. "Aren't you supposed to be the one to diagnose me?"
"Hush, who is the doctor here? Now, it states with an L.."
Malleus' eyes widen in shock, "Leprosy!"
Lilia chuckled, "No, no! Not that. It's four letters and ends with an e."
"Starts with an l. It is four letters and ends with an e," Malleus whispered to himself. His chin rested on his fist while his face was deep in thought. There was only one word that came to mind. 
Lilia could not hold back his laugh. In fact, he could not stop laughing (he even threw his head back and slapped his knee) for a whole ten minutes. 
"Are you done?" Malleus asked with a frown on his face. 
"Ha ha…phew…I have not laughed like that in so long! Yes, Malleus. I am now. What you're experiencing is love."
Malleus' mouth opened up in a small o, "Love…can you explain it, Lilia." 
"Love is both a physical and emotional feeling. It can turn your cheeks red and give you butterflies in your stomach. Not literal ones, of course, but it feels like it. Love is also putting one's needs before your own." 
"I see…" Malleus trailed off, deep in thought. 
Lilia chuckled, "What do you think love is?"
"Whenever I think or see the Child of Man, I feel happy. I felt the butterflies after she gave me a ticket to the VDC. She is also one of the few people who was not scared of me after knowing my identity. She even has similar interests to me. If she asked me to get her a rose from Briar Valley, I would do it. If she wanted me to follow her to the end of the universe for her, then I would; she is the Earth and Heaven to me. Had she gotten injured by Schoenheit’s overblot, I would have been devastated…. " Malleus looked up at Lilia, the realization set in his face, "Love is Yuu. I love Yuu."
Lilia smirked, "Took you long enough to realize it. You always have a lovestruck face when you see her. I'm surprised that you never concealed it." 
Malleus ignored Lilia and shot straight out of his bed with a determined look, "I need to go."
"Where are you going?"
"I need to tell Yuu I love her! Thank you for helping me, Lilia!" Malleus disappeared, leaving a small trail of light where he once stood. 
Lilia stood up and brushed off the imaginary dust off his coat, "Kids these days," he chuckled and grabbed his clipboard, "Now let me do my shopping at Sam's. I hope he has a fishing rod in stock, khee hee hee." 
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400 event is still open!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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pet-pet-peet · 1 year
Omg!!! Your latest post!! Its so freaking cute that I HAVE to request for part 2!! You don't have to write it. After that night, the reader start to have feelings for Lilia and they don't know what those feelings are so she start to avoid him again! Lilia got tired of this and did something that made her blush soooooo red!!! I hope you know where I'm going with this fluffy cloud plot!
P. S congrats!!
Thank yoouu! Omg this sounds so cute, I can’t even haha
* This is female reader, but I generally don’t use many gendered terms in my writing..just know that I’ll opt more for feminine ones if I add any (aka, probably good for anyone, but the occasional gendered term will be female)
I am trying to go through my drafts and post the ones I had done, this will not be inspired by canon!
Tw: shy reader, but not like super stuttery just very nervous and anxious; a bit ooc- but like…my simp heart, you can't blame me; kind of cheesy-
Pairing(s) Lilia x female reader who’s too shy to ask him to take her to the sky with him
It just wasn't fair- not fair at all. You would have imagined forming a bond with someone, who used to make you so timid, would cause more comfort. In your case, however, your true feelings began to sprout instead; they intensified the nerves. Anytime you were found by the fae, anytime he called out your name or lingered close, your heart lit abuzz. You couldn't shake the heat shrouding your nerves, the warmth in your face. It's grown to ridiculous levels, in your mind- just hearing his name caused you to cease functioning. As a result, you started avoiding him again. Ever since Lilia flew with you, he started talking with you more; walking you to your classes or dorm, passing notes via bat in history. You began to bond more and more, which is what originally caused your current predicament. Anything he did was enchanting to you, from his terrible cooking to his sly attitude when challenged. It made you feel like a stupid, cliche, lovesick fool; you didn't like it. You had enough to worry about. There were so many responsibilities you had to take care of, you didn't have time to fall in love. It was just a distraction, one you needed to distance yourself from. So you did just that. And it didn't go unnoticed. Lilia would patiently listen to your stuttered excuses, your reasons to not be around him. He would watch you turn a corner and immediately retreat back when you made eye contact with him. You began ignoring his notes in class, and cleverly found ways to avoid him on your way to your dorm. He didn't like it at all, but not because he craved your attention. He didn't like that you were holding in your emotions, he wanted to help you learn to be more open to how you feel. Most of all, he wanted you to communicate that with him over you avoiding him. "Gao~!" He yelled, appearing in front of you at the end of class, just before you could leave. He laughed at your little gasp of shock. "My dear, that was quite an adorable reaction! Perhaps I shall spook you more from now on?" You cleared your throat and avoided looking into his eyes. "Um..okay. I have to go, though..so.." Lilia frowned as he watched you fidget uncomfortably. He sighed, turning upright so his feet made contact with the ground. "May I inquire about your troubles?" You became noticeably more distant, making the old fae frown deeper. "Do they involve me?" You tense a bit, fidgeting with your hands before sighing and grabbing his. He allowed you to drag him away to a place with less people, patiently watching you after you let him go and took a deep breath. "It's just..that I've caught feelings.." You managed to get out, swallowing the nerves piling in your throat. Lilia hummed, "I see. I assume you mean for me, yes?" You nod in response and he begins to chuckle. Looking back at him, he has a sweet smile scrunching his face. "I'm very happy to hear you be honest with your feelings. Thank you for communicating with me, I cherish such trust wholeheartedly," to emphasize his point, he put a hand over his heart. You become nervous at his response, feeling as though it didn't exactly give any insight into how he feels about you. "So..do you? Have feelings for me, I mean.." The anxiety you felt caused your voice to soften. There was a hum from Lilia as he put his hand on his chin and studied your reactions. Your eyes darted away from his observant ones and he chuckled once more. "My dear," He whispered, his breath suddenly close to your ear. You were certain he could hear your heartbeat quicken. "If you wish for me to help you dance among the stars, I shall. As such, if you wish for me to cradle your heart in mine, I shall do that as well." You turned your face in his direction, but he had already moved out of your view and picked you up from behind. His crimson eyes looked into yours with amusement before he kissed your cheek and slowly floated outside. "Shall we go on a quick flight then, love?"
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sarlaros · 6 months
LFC: Sarlaros Brodeur
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(Art by @nehku)
● AGE: Adult (300+) ● RACE: Shal'dorei ● PRONOUNS: Male He/Him/They ● SEXUALITY: Bisexual ● ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good ● AURA/DIETY: Celestial
● HAIR: White with a couple strands of dulled silver ● EYES: Silver with blue around the edges ● HEIGHT: 7'2'' (221cm) ● BUILD: Slender with wide shoulders. Long fingers and big feet. ● DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Dark blue skin with shimmering arcane lines which are connected by white tattoo dots as if stars keeping together a constellation. ● COMMON ACCESSORIES: Trusted lantern, dagger, and a metal and wood scroll case with a purple silk ribbon.
● PROFESSION: Soap Maker & Tailor ● BUSINESS: Ross | Soap Boss ● HOBBIES: Studying stars, exploring creepy places, collecting novelty items where he's been, and wine tasting. ● LANGUAGES: Shalassian (Fluent), Orcish/Common (Conversational) ● RESIDENCE: Currently staying at his established spa in Pandaria ● BIRTHPLACE: Suramar ● FEARS: Idea of no afterlife, falling to his death from a flying object or creature, making speeches.
● MARITAL: Widower ● SPOUSE: Randei Brodeur (deceased) ● CHILDREN: None ● PARENTS: Arialah & Thealaes Ishel (MIA) ● OTHER RELATIVES: Two sisters, one brother. Multiple cousins and a niece
● SOCIAL LEVEL: Ambivert ● ONE POSITIVE PERSONALITY TRAIT: Very giving/generous ● ONE NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAIT: Willingly oblivious. Bad judge of character. ● ONE PERSONALITY WARNING: He doesn't understand feuds - he'll expect people to get along if they are near each other no matter what ● RANDOM QUIRK: Everything he is doing will be dropped if he can try a new food. ● ADDICTIONS: Wine and bubble baths ● HABITS: Keeps notes on anything and giving people soap as gifts for every holiday (even not gift giving holidays)
● Brodeur was a well respected tailoring family in Suramar ● He's got trade deals with many spas to carry his soaps and towels ● Works with relief efforts to help displaced peoples have cleanliness needs ● Frequents astronomy towers and observatories - his aura is that of celestial magics.
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( Face reference: Vengo Gao)
OoC Contact Info
Discord - Lynx#3745 Tumblr - Likes/Follows/Asks come from @kavtari​ Bnet - please message me privately for this one In Game - Sarlaros-Wyrmrestaccord (Horde)
About the Player
I am in EST (Michigan) so I’m 3-hours ahead of WrA and 1-hour ahead of MG. Age 35 with more than half my life in roleplaying experience. I will interact with all RPers 13+, but no romantic or sexual interactions with anyone under 18. I recommend messaging me on discord if you’re interested in some RP - which can be in-game or on discord!
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Dong Yue is such a troll because from the wiki I got this
At the end of the novel, the author lists twelve hypothetical questions that a reader might ask and answers them. Some of the answers are very similar in nature and, sometimes, contradictory.
The eighth asks how it's possible for Monkey to have a wife and children. He states that the book is simply a dream.
Since the Supplement is about Wukong’s desires, it would be funny if Wukong subconsciously thought Princess Iron Fan was pretty and that Demon Bull King didn’t deserve her (therefore uncle) and that she’d make a good mom for his 5 sons that he also apparently desired? Wukong desiring Tang to be a warlord though XD
Anyway bad timeline where everyone is OOC because it’s a fever dream sounds crazy awesome I wish I could read it.
Sometimes people are all about allegories, and nothing about substance! Which nothing wrong as long as it is entertaining. I do like how he anticipated the question because he knew himself, but he didn't explain them well enough. Also that Red Boy also doesn't exist in the book as it was said that these were Princess Iron Fan's first kids so its like Wukong willed Red Boy from ever existing as well! THAT IS FUNNY! He wanted a big family and no annoying nephew! Nooooo!
But you can read it actually it’s in English!
Here’s a link!
You are going to make a profile but still. Even comes with audio options if you want it out loud.
Have fun with the crazy fever dream!
While I will admit it is absolutely insane. I myself hope one day to have a script of how to make it into something of substance because I think there is a lot to work with. Time travel and inter-dimensional transportation aren't anything new but to know that this was one of the first 'time travel' books out there is pretty fun! It’s somewhere between a dream and a nightmare, where the dreams become so intense that they just go overboard. I feel like nowadays a lot could be played with, especially with how to look into what Wukong really wants and what he is willing to do to take it when in the middle of his journey. Like to measure himself mentally where he has changed from being willing to do anything in his power to get what he wants verse actually seeing the consequences of his desire affecting those around him that he has grown to care about and how their lives are ruined as well.
Sanzang becoming a general probably is too farfetched but the idea is that he becoming controlled by a Evil King because Wukong left and Sanzang lost his way. Now THAT can be interesting. Bajie tries to go back to Gao but as expected by rejected and thus he also joins the Evil Army. THAT is a cool take. Wujing being lost in all this and going back to hire hermit lifestyle, THAT IS SAD. BaiLong been forever, forgotten by his family and force the roam the Earth has a horse. THAT IS ALSO SO SAD. I don't know why people look any further for angst when if this story could be put in a more cohesive manner without the loose plot point or useless quests could be an interesting introspective of Wukong's desires have how they have changed from what he thought he wants versus what he wants now.
I do feel like a lot of the takes are more out of character but that is what makes it kind of scary and a bad timeline way. To think that because you (Wukong) can push people to new means. Maybe Wukong just wanted a big family before and missed his monkey, projecting that onto Princess Iron Fan who is deprived of both a son and husband and he understood that missing family. And maybe he feels responsible for both Bajie and Wujing on his journey to keep them together else they lose their ways and just go back to being forgotten criminals of heaven, nothing better than canon fodder. And his greatest fear of Sanzang losing his way... and becoming more like him. Choosing violence as the real answer to his problems, similar to Wukong. Any little desire he wished for Sanzang to be "more like him" taken to the extreme of him being a general sending out armies.
And it's that image of King Paramita, his desire for a family verse General Sanzang, his desire for Sanzang to be stronger (or rather just a little bit crueler to their enemies) being forced to confront each other in the climax!
Like I said there are a lot of wishy-washy side quests in the middle that really lead nowhere and are more of a commentary of the times and certain historical figures but there CAN be a lot of interesting plot points that could be SO MUCH FUN to play with! Wukong is always some of the first to say that he is a monk that left the family but maybe he still has that desire to be more than a grandpa to his monkeys and he a family man, but is that worth the cost of the friends he made along the way? I like to think that a lot of dreams are more his distorted desires which is what a lot of the book is. He even meets himself in a human form in the book which helps him out of his red strong of desire to help see reason.
It is only at the end when he sees the son he never knew kill Sanzang does he lose his mind, going into his giant form as he tries to destroy everything around him in a second.
But he can't.
Because he finally starts to wake up.
And when he sees that Fake Fish coming in as their "new" fellow disciples.
Man does NOT hesitate to snap his neck for messing with his dreams like that.
Have to admit that is definitely one way to end a story! But why anyone that is interested I definitely recommend it a read if anyone has the time!
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digital-zone · 1 year
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Hello hello to my new followers! I've been trying to stay alive- ASSJKKGGDSA- I'm alive, I promise. I swear porn bots have made me tune out.
Might need to do some casual RPs for now to keep the muse warm!
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hollywoodfamerp · 5 months
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Send us your account within 24 hours.
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codey ro, they/them, 25+, EST
andy biersack
kit connor, 19 years
male, he/him
joe locke, sebastian croft, yasmin finney, william gao
anya taylor-joy, awsten knight, ben feldman, bill skarsgard, madelyn cline, nicholas galitzine, selena gomez, tyler alvarez (also andy biersack, who i’m switching)
nope, starting fresh with kit
creating a new blog for kit
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cestlaviehqs · 10 months
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⸻  𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎 𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐃𝐎:   ¡ agradecemos tu interés, halpert ! estamos felices de tenerte por aquí y esperamos que disfrutes de la magia parisina tanto como el resto de sus habitantes. tienes 48 horas para enviar la cuenta de gao zheyuan. si necesitas más tiempo, no dudes en avisarnos.
información ooc.
nombre / seudónimo: halpert
pronombres: ella / suya.
edad: veintisiete años.
país / zona horaria: mx centro.
triggers: suicidio, pedofilia, abuso sexual, incesto, transfobia, temblores.
user de discord: removido por la administración.
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable?:  sip
espacio adicional: ES LA ÚLTIMAAAAAAAA que emoción me merezco un premio. ya, las tqm les mando un abracito gracias x leerme a quien le toque hacerlo.
información ic.
nombre completo: gao zheyuan
pronombres: he/him
faceclaim: huáng guānhēng
edad y fecha de cumpleaños: veintitrés años / veintiocho de febrero.
clase social: clase alta.
ocupación: vagabundo por el mundo – actualmente estudia ingeniería en animación digital.
descripción psicológica: ( mínimo tres aspectos positivos y negativos o una descripción detallada de la misma ).
positivos: risueño, generoso, creativo.
negativos: despreocupado, caótico, torpe.
headcanons sobre el personaje:
desde pequeño aprendió que gozaba del privilegio que te brindaba el dinero. los mejores restaurantes, los mejores maestros, las mejores prendas, los videojuegos más recientes, las consolas más caras. todo lo que podía ver y aquellos anhelos siempre le fueron concedidos por el simple hecho de pertenecer a la familia gao, líder en tecnología y entretenimiento en el país. no es difícil conseguir el mundo cuando ya lo tienes en tus manos, siempre lo tuvo claro.
desde pequeño buscó emociones en actividades en las cuales el dinero no fuese el motor principal: surf, paracaidismo, alpinismo, rafting. todo aquello que le brindara adrenalina para sostenerse en aquel mar de juntas al que tenía que acudir, entre la exigencia de las clases y los tantos idiomas que le obligaban a dominar. lo educativo jamás fue lo suyo, quizá porque significaba atarse a obligaciones que no deseaba vivir.
ingresó a los 17 años a su primera carrera, la única que sus padres eligieron por él: ingeniería informática. un año más tarde, ingresaría a ingeniería mecánica y el destino sería el mismo que la anterior. asistir a clases no era el problema, la condena de un futuro atado a las compañías de su familia, sí. por supuesto que disfrutaba del privilegio que mantenía, pero su definición de grandeza no se limitaba a eso. la carrera de piloto aviador fue la tercera que experimentó y la primera en la que se sintió feliz, lo suficiente para cursar tres años antes de que la sensación de conformidad y sosiego le invadieran, ocasionando que una vez más, dijese adiós al plan. en esta última ocasión, no solo se despediría de aquella universidad; se despediría de china. un nuevo cambio para inspirarse e intentar al fin encontrar su destino.
llegaría a parís para estudiar animación digital, inspirado en la cantidad de videojuegos que consumía; ligado al pensamiento de que escapar de manera física no era la única forma de escapar. descubrir nuevas personas, nuevas costumbres y experiencias resultó ser un componente importante para apasionarse y persistir en el mundo digital, por lo cual continúa cursando dicha carrera.
su padre ya lo habría desheredado de no ser por la insistencia y el cariño que tiene su mamá, quien es su mejor amiga y ha apoyado cada decisión por más absurda que esta sea, por lo cual aún tiene abundante financiamiento monetario.
maneja un tesla y por supuesto, le gusta la velocidad; muchos prefieren no viajar con él por lo mismo.
es adicto a las bebidas energéticas ya que le generan aquel impulso de energía.
continúa practicando los deportes extremos y siempre intenta invitar a nuevas personas para que le acompañen.
no disfruta de la soledad.
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ddingbaragi · 2 years
[An Iron Triangle drabble related to the last food you ate.]
A/N: it is past midnight as i write this and i didn't bother to spellcheck or write anything proper so have this semi crack(?) Domestic au with chef Yizhi
Word count: 320
Cw: food
Yizhi rarely minded the idea of him being alone at home whilst Zetian and Shimin were out and about running errands. Of course there are times he was a bit clingier for them but today wasn't one of those days.
He wanted to prepare a nice warm meal for his two partners when they get back. Much to his dismay, he didnt find any ingredients he would need to make a proper dish. 
Well, there were some ingredients for cake. Maybe he can make something for desert.
After looking through again Yizhi stumbled across a box on the floor. He recalled getting a package from an anonymous source the other day, but he hasn't tried opening it yet.
So taking a pair of scissors he opened up the box only to find heaploads of what looks like instant noodles.
"Indomie?" He read the lable. Definitely never heard of it before. After checking the packaging and even opening it, he figured it was safe to cook.
The steps on the packaging were simple enough, so he followed them and cooked about 5 of the packages (you never know if they want seconds).
Next up was some desert. He didn't actually have enough to make a proper cake, so after some brainstorming he decided to make some cakes in jars. Quite simple, he thought. And with that, dinner was ready.
Zetian and Shimin returned home to the most mouth watering smells ever. Like the cartoons with the pie smells that make you float, the two were immediately drawn to the kitchen. Where Yizhi was waiting for them excitedly with his array of dishes.
"Welcome back," he grinned. "You two should go get cleaned up before we eat."
And so, the trio enjoyed a heartfelt meal of delicious fried noodles and spent the night watching TV with jars of cakes in their hand.
(Most guaranteed Yizhi is getting a lot of kisses tonight)
Ending note: technically I had lemonilo but indomie supremscy in this household. Also there's two foods cause it's ramadhan and ya boi eats a lot after iftar
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yngai · 2 years
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the gang’s all here, you wish you were us, etc.  @tyrantype @etcalvariae
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thekingsavatar-fan · 3 years
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Happy birthday, Yu Wenzhou!
weibo tag: #喻文州0210生日快乐#
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