#gar has tons for her in this era
fancyfade · 2 years
how do you feel about beast boy/cyborg as a pairing?
I don't really consider it a ton b/c Ntt is where I start reading with them and in the NTT continuity they're young enough the age gap would seem big. Obviously that would change overtime.
I do kind of resent I will confess vic always being shoehorned into like 'beast boy's best friend' roles like he's friends with gar, but he's friends with many other characters too. In the comics he has a lot off really good interactions with Kory IMO (and they agree more than they disagree, which makes it hilarious when vic is like "this one time kory is right'. Vic. Dude. you think Kory is right almost ALL the time and vice versa for her)
for the 2003 cartoon i think cyrae has a lot of potential (the episode where raven ttalks about puttin a little of her soul in her spells when hes talking about his car)
for main comics i think vickory or vicdick could work. i think 2008 titans era stuff garvic could work.
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chin fucking up, amigo.
Titans 3.02
... eh?
1. you know that music video for billie jean where michael jackson would dance along the pavement and the tiles would light up under his feet in different colours? yeah? me too.
titans hasn’t met a table top or a support arch that it doesn’t want to light up in a headache-inducing blue like the world’s most boring nightlight. i mean, i’m not an expert on lighting or cinematography or just... colour by any means, and the quality of the video i’m watching is poor given that i can’t access hbo max, but all the orange and teal and neon is making it very difficult to really differentiate between say, the batcave and the gotham police department and hell, the titans tower. i feel like there’s oftentimes a gap between idea and execution with titans, with gotham being this almost otherwordly hellscape with an aesthetic pulled from a gothic horror novel, but the colours and design just... leave it flat and dark and dull.
1.5. like what really frustrates me is that titans has a delightful mix of tones--the fights often remind me of schumacher-era batman camp, with the contrived quips and the start-stop rhythm and krypto just sallying in and ending the fight with a fucking SuperBark (tm) but in the same episode you have red hood just casually pulling out severed heads out of a duffle bag and desperate people blackmailed into killing themselves out of drug overdoses. I MEAN. it’s wonderful! but it looks all the same. it sounds Absolutely Bonkers on paper but on screen both Quip and Murder happen in the same washed-out blue and i wanted to be excited about the batcave, dammit!
2. things re: red hood have happened at such a breakneck speed that it feels like there’s so much that’s happened off-screen that we’re not privy to. a real proper mystery! 
things that are intriguing about the red hood arc so far:
a) what was that chemical he huffed just before going to fight the joker? is it a regular old performance/adrenaline booster or is it something more lazarus-juice adjacent? if it’s the latter, i can’t imagine he got that much information from a lone chemistry textbook. and where is he getting the resources to set up his little chemistry lab? is somebody else orchestrating things behind the scenes?
b) the red hood persona, costume and mask, plus the elaborate plan he’s putting in place to both string along gotham’s rogues and enact his revenge against the titans seems too... fully-formed and elaborate to have been concocted in just a few days. how long do you think jason’s been planning this? just... stewing in resentment and building rage, dismissed and passed around and underestimated and realising that the power he thought he would get by being robin is no power, no protection at all, but something that’s left him even more vulnerable than before? 
c) do we think that the scarecrow is at least partly behind this transformation? because yes, it was batman that set up this whole hannibal lecter-esque situation with him, and he would be irresponsible enough to have jason-as-robin go talk to him regularly regarding “~profiling~” criminals. it’s not too far of a leap to assume that scarecrow could’ve been manipulating jason at a very vulnerable time, and that he could’ve passed along some of his chemistry know-how, too.
d) ... or fuck, i wouldn’t put it past titans to introduce ra’s al ghul in a fucking ten second aside
e) anyway, the thing that won’t leave me alone is jason seeking out the joker not necessarily to fight him, but to orchestrate his own death. the whole thing has to have been part of a bigger plan. he broke batman with it, after all. and he’s starting to break the titans, too.
f) i love it! i mean, it does re-tread some of the storybeats we had with deathstroke last season (turning the titans against each other as revenge, etc) but it’s... tighter, this time, and at least for now seems better-executed. and as a red hood story it’s different enough to be really interesting, and i appreciate the ways in which its reframed the revenge story to focus on the titans rather than just the batman. like fuck everything up, i say! turn it on its head! slash the innards out of that sacred cow and strew it like garlands in the path of the Story You Want To Tell!
(and yes i am fully aware that by the time i post this review, there will be a whole lot more information out but if i come across like a fool then goddammit i will be a fool!)
2. i love how every season of titans starts off with, ‘oh dick, you thought you were settling into a role and a life and a pattern of relationships? well fuck you, here’s a terrible and traumatic thing, tons more responsibility, and circumstances that will lead you to uproot your entire life and move somewhere else.’ and dick’s just like, ‘well, ok. fuck you, but all right’.
can you imagine? the man was just settling into leading a team in sf and smiling for the first time in years, and now he has to deal with jason’s death, bruce experiencing a full fledged breakdown, coming back to a city that represents more bad memories than good, red hood, and a frightening new case that seems to be targeting him and his team. it’s a testament to dick’s growth that he’s not reacting to this stress like he did last year, shutting everybody out, making irrational decisions and experiencing sharp, short bursts of anger. (not to mention a full fledged psychotic episode.)
2.5. but i’ve also talked about dick performing a fair amount of unwarranted emotional labour for his team(s) in that he just lets them take out their frustrations on him and... does nothing. be it his team exploding at him for jericho (both in flashback and present-day) or donna and hank needling him for handling deathstroke poorly or barbara berating him for not handling the bank situation as well as she thought batman would though just the previous episode she had talked about how fucked up it was that bruce just expected dick to step up and replace him in gotham without any real notice. i mean it’s all perfectly understandable and sympathetic from their end--and i’m not trying to bash them here!--but hank, my man, the same chin you’re asking your amigo to keep up is the one that you punched last year and never apologised for. just sayin’.
2.75. @superohclair did a wonderful breakdown of what the ‘fear’ contract could imply here and there’s not too much i could add to that. it’s just really interesting that fear ended up being such a defining feature of their lives, albeit it’s the fear of seeming less than invincible in the face of bigger, more tangible fears. am i making sense?  dick feared loss, and abandonment, and the more existential concept of turning into something that he didn’t want to. bruce so feared being alone that he’s scouting kids to replace robin within days of jason dying. 
it also goes some way in explaining the tense sort of... restraint that bruce and dick show in the wake of loss and tragedy, like anything less than complete control of your emotions can lead to tragedy. it’s conditioning that dick couldn’t shake off when he was at his lowest in detroit, hating his legacy but unable to let it go either.
2.775. but i definitely appreciate the softness that dick displays with his team now, checking on them after a mission-gone-bad, welcoming back old members with no caveats or resentments (and kory’s delight in seeing hank back! hank and dick hanging out together and hank trying to prop dick up!), and appreciating their teamwork in solving cases. that’s always been the essence of dick as a person, and the beating heart of this show: flawed and traumatised people coming together to a place that will always be open to them, where they can be their worst and be supported still, allowed to make mistakes and grow from them. that’s family.
2.8. coming back to bruce for just a sec, it’s interesting how that gotham rogue was so certain when he said that ‘batman doesn’t kill’ but it’s not a rule that either jason or dick put much store by when they were robins. the ‘no-killing’ rule clearly didn’t mitigate dick’s fears about turning into batman and jason’s never been seeing giving two shits about it. it seems to me of a piece with bruce’s distant, second-hand sort of parenting that we see in dick’s flashbacks from s1 where the fear was never about personally disappointing batman, but taking lessons from him on finding a place in gotham’s hellish ecosystem and surviving.
3. kory having waking flashbacks! i don’t buy the bullshit parasomnia episode explanation from fake!HPG (because c’mon, justin has to be some sort of tamaranean ruse) because for one, you have to be actually asleep for that diagnosis. 
(and here i was, hoping against hope that HPG would actually end up as the team’s therapist)
curiouser and curiouser! i wonder if these flashbacks are from the time between kory landing on earth and the beginning of season 1, when she was completely amnesiac? it’d be cool if the show was considering repercussions from that time, and if kory hasn’t gained all her memories back. 
4. i just love the vibes between gar and conner and kory. gar Having Things To Do is only one part of my wishlist for him, however: other parts include having an actual story arc, and actually bonding with members who are not conner and kory. (dick! dick! hank! dick!)
anyway. time to move on to watching ep3 and seeing this family bond and nothing terrible and tragic happening at all, nope, nosiree. 
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lmao i wish i could actually write this thesis so maybe i could these thoughts out of my head and focus on something else (how i love hyperfixating on shit to the point of annoying myself). but anyway i started writing my semi-coherent and probably bad opinions and i got bored halfway through so here are some stuff for the role of the jedi order in galactic politics. I think the problem really arises with canon wanting the whole pie and the dog fed. (1)
this is a six-part ask so im putting all of this under the cut lmao
The order is an organization with institutional power that perpetuates the corrupt and oppressive system of the republic and at the same time it is victim of that system. The narrative doesn’t actually present the jedi as the villains like a lot of people say is the point of the prequels like I can’t see that. In tcw the show the jedi being powerless to affect any change all the time like with the zilo beast. And there’s a lot to be said about how they have come to be (2)
in the position of powerlessness, is it by their own making because there are afraid to actually exercise any power because they fear their own potential for harm and have taken a more passive stance than they should or is more of a consequence of how their relationship with the republic is set up, how much independence do they have, how are they funded, what oversight is there, what are the consequences of dissent. But then there’s the why they have let such a relationship exist (3)
Was that the situation before the war or has the war entrenched them more firmly as a policing body for the republic. As for their participation in the war I think canon tries to explain it by showing situations like ryloth and mon cala (and even rebels where there is jedi critical subtext Hera says that the jedi and the clones saved her people) but then they also show umbara where the gar is invading a planet and fighting the inhabitants so what’s the truth? (4)
I’m not even touching the issue of the clones because the creators don’t either in any meaningful way, they don’t show the jedi as fighting for them in the senate and losing nor do they show them accepting the easy solution they are and doing nothing, canon doesn’t really take a firm stance on that and doesn’t actually deal with the horrific implications. I think that platonic ideal the fandom has of the jedi order would have worked if lucas hadn’t decided to make them space supercops (5)
. If they were an independent body that planets called for help and they got entangled in the war because people were calling for help and the clones were dying and they got involved in conflicts that weren’t clear cut and losing themselves in it and their attempts for peace were thwarted by dooku and palpatine then I think the fandom’s interpretation would fit better. As is, with the jedi order perpetuating the oppression of the republic idk. (6)
I don’t have a ton of meaningful things to add to this bc I think you are spot on for most of it. I know I keep saying this but the issue is that you can’t really read SW through a proper political lens because it is pretty incoherent in a lot of ways, has been added to and expanded upon by thousands of people over the course of 40+ years, and has gone through major overhauls in its canon. 
I’m excited to see the High Republic era when books for that time period come out. IIRC the Jedi are still a sub-body of the Republic, but hopefully we see more of that platonic ideal you mentioned, or at least some super basic criticism of the Jedi as an institution that is both chained by the Senate and a perpetuator of the Republic’s legitimacy. They remind me in a lot of ways of the weird, murky relationship NGOs have with governments - some of them do genuinely want to do good and help people, but they are so bound by the will of the state that they are effectively just an unelected arm of it.
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Thought #2 - Seasons Review
Note: Although the Slugterra wiki states that season 1 has three periods, I will count it as 3 seasons.
Season 1: “Firm Foundation”
Season 1 is what dictates whether that this series will last longer than one season. Slugterra pulls it off by establishing a firm foundation of this series. The first two episodes introduce us to the world of Slugterra and the main characters. It focuses on the worldbuilding such as the geography, species, slugs and the culture. It also establishes the basic laws in the world like slugs need to reach 100 miles per hour to transform, slug energy is required for the survival of caverns, etc. It also establishes the main characters well - regarding their personalities, motivations, beliefs and skills.
Season 2: “The Grey Area Season”
The first two episodes of season 2 clearly indicates that this series is going to be serious, and it is by introducing the grey area. The grey area changes our perception of Will Shane and Dr. Blakk by showing that Will may not always be a good hero, while Dr. Blakk is more of a complex villain. This season gives us great characters like Twist, Dana Por, Shanai, The Gentleman and Quintin. It also gives us interesting stories such as Eli having to stop Gar Revelle from discovering a way to the Surface and underwater slinging. This season proves that Slugterra can be more than a kid’s show and has the potential to be a great series.
Season 3: “Trying to Raise Up the Stakes”
When I say “trying to raise up the stakes”, I really mean it. The first episode of season 3 does show that there’s an even greater threat - greater than Dr. Blakk - and that’s the Darkbane - the demon like creatures. It is a great establishment, but I feel that the threat ends up a bit diminished as the season progresses, especially the fact that Dr. Blakk has made a deal with them. Not to say that it’s a bad idea, but I prefer Dr. Blakk being a more complex villain. The middle of the season feels like a filler until they decide to raise up the stakes with Dr. Blakk escaping prison, conquering caverns and mass-ghouling slugs to allow the Darkbane to reach Slugterra. The filler episodes may have made the ending not that well-earned due to its inconsistency. Then again, they are going to open new ideas now that the main villain is gone.
3 Movies: “New Era Trilogy”
“Ghoul from Beyond” is quite an average start of a new era of Slugterra. The movie tends to focus more on the past by feeding us information from previous episodes and off-screen scenarios due to a time jump. Though, the movie is able to earn the trust of the fans by giving us a new formidable villain and a mysterious character. “Return of the Elementals” is able to pay off the building of a new era by giving us the character Junjie and his conflict with the Shane Gang that threatens to ruin their world-saving plan. Although the movie ends with the Shane Gang planning to save Will Shane, the story takes a break in “Slug Fu Showdown” as Junjie teaches Eli Slug Fu while the others must look after the Elemental Slugs. In my opinion, “Slug Fu Showdown” is a pretty weak movie. It does have some great scenes but it also ruins Pronto’s character and makes Eli too powerful - the cons outweighs the pros. Aside from “Return of the Elementals”, the two movies kinda have given us a premonition of the future of Slugterra.
Season 4: “Eastern Caverns Season”
This is where tons of new ideas come to play - the gateways that lead to potentially different Slugterra worlds. It can be used to find Will Shane, but first, let’s explore the Eastern Caverns, Junjie’s home world! Definitely not a bad idea, and it has a firm start with its movie. I remember fans coming back from the theater to declare that Junjie is a precious cinnamon roll - oh yes, he is! His popularity even rivals the Shane! This season focuses much on bringing the Eastern Caverns back to its former glory, gaining new allies and enemies, and ensuring the Emperor is truly defeated. My issue of this season is that it’s too short and we don’t get the chance to explore the world a lot (it focuses more of a world “under China” than a world “under Asia” that has a diverse society and culture). Another issue is that the Shane Gang - either Eli, Kord, Trixie or Pronto saves the day in the majority of the episodes, instead of Junjie, who is the protector of the Eastern Caverns. Junjie is severely undermined and perhaps his only real contribution to saving the day is pushing the Emperor down to the Deep Caverns. Nevertheless, the season ties up neatly in a feel of “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” with a satisfying conclusion for our beloved character Junjie, who certainly has grown a lot!
Into the Shadows: “Fallen Era”
Remember when I say that “Ghoul form Beyond” and “Slug Fu Showdown” (and including the beginning part of “Eastern Caverns”) kinda have given us a premonition of the future of Slugterra? Yup, “Into the Shadows” is the movie that makes this premonition come true. The movie is everything what I fear that it will go down - the constant emphasis on one-dimensional characters that the Shane Gang will have no problem in dealing with them, and the ignorance of actual great characters. Unfortunately, it did happen - the King of Sling, Locke and Lode and the Scrap Force return once again. I hate it (though the King of Sling is inevitable due to “Eastern Caverns”). 
Although the conflict between the Shane Gang and the Shadow Clan is interesting, the movie instead chooses to focus much more on Tad, who I describe as a “bad copycat of Twist”. I don’t mind him being so obvious as the son of Dr. Blakk, but I am puzzled by its weak motivations - he just wants to prove that he’s better than his father (come on, nobody knows you, Tad. They don’t even know Dr. Blakk has a son, heck, maybe Dr. Blakk doesn’t even know he has a son!). Tad kinda gives the vibe of a 13 year old who wants to be popular. To make the movie worse, the story gives us more questions that are left unanswered, fracturing the plot and the series as a whole. I remember seeing many fans giving up the series entirely after the announcement of “Into the Shadows”, describing the plot as a badly written fanfiction and possibly viewing Tad as a replacement of Junjie. What’s worse is that the company decides to advertise the movie a lot, and even attempt to erase Junjie and the Eastern Caverns out of existence (and they also have a video of slugs dancing to “Despasito” on Facebook). 
Many fans feel betrayed and choose to leave the fandom, but I give the movie a chance. Although I am disappointed by it, I still want to see more episodes. The movie is supposed to start a new season, but it ends up not leading anywhere, and my friends say that the voice actors have told them that the series is cancelled. In addition, they disable the comment section of their YouTube videos since fans keep leaving comments whether there would be new episodes. 
As I look back the movie, I believe that the season will focus on Eli learning to find a balance - to care for his people and the slugs. Eli may become more mature than the previous seasons as he starts to open his mind to accept other people’s perceptions on his duty as a Shane. Perhaps Eli will become what Shanai wants him to be, and we may see some great characters returning - Dana Por is a strong possibility as she has the Shadow Walker for safekeeping and the Shane Gang will need her since they and the Shadow Clan are in conflict. Perhaps Eli will only manage to save his father once he achieves the balance. It is a great concept as it will flesh out Eli’s character very well as he’s accused as a “Gary Sue” by a number of fans. Unfortunately, we may never see it come true as this season blows up badly by one poorly executed movie as its starting point.
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hlupdate · 5 years
A hand­shake can quell polit­i­cal unrest and sti­fle impend­ing war. It can, with a bit of spit, val­i­date a gentleman’s agree­ment, end a years-long roman­tic rela­tion­ship or send a young heart rac­ing. But it all depends on the two par­ties involved.
Daisy, 21, felt a seis­mic jolt when Har­ry Styles, 25, wear­ing a striped jumper and rings on three of his five fin­gers, clutched her hand two days after this year’s Met Gala in New York, when she served him gela­to at the shop where she worked.
“He decid­ed on a small mint choco­late gela­to and I made his and the one for his friend and I said, ​‘Can I just say I absolute­ly loved your Met Gala look’ and he said ​‘Thank you very much! What’s your name?’ And I said, ​‘Daisy’ AND HE FUCK­ING EXTEND­ED HISHAND AND REACHED TO SHAKE MY HAND AND I ACTU­AL­LY FUCK­INGSHOOK HIS HAND WHAT THE FUCK,” she wrote on Insta­gram after The Shak­en­ing. ​“Like I didn’t even say any­thing to gas him up besides ​‘I loved your met gala look’ and his fine ass went and shook my hand! WHAT A BEAU­TI­FUL FUCK­ING HUMAN BEINGTHAT HE IS GOD BLESS HIM AND I HOPE HW [sic] LIVES FOREVER.”
For Har­ry Styles, a hand­shake can be a roman­tic ges­ture, con­jur­ing a potent rev­er­ence in its recip­i­ent, like the time he met Gucci’s cre­ative direc­tor Alessan­dro Michele. ​“He was as attrac­tive as James Dean and as per­sua­sive as Gre­ta Gar­bo. He was like a Luchi­no Vis­con­ti char­ac­ter, like an Apol­lo: at the same time sexy as a woman, as a kid, as a man,” Michele told me, has­ten­ing to add: ​“Of course, Har­ry is not aware of this.”
No, Styles has no idea the pow­er he wields. In per­son, he’s tow­er­ing, like some­one who is not that much taller but whose rep­u­ta­tion adds four inch­es. Styles has a seda­tive bari­tone, spo­ken in a rum­my north­ern Eng­lish accent, that tum­bles out so slow­ly you for­get the name of your first born, a swag­ger that has been nursed and per­fect­ed in myth­i­cal places with names like Pais­ley Park, or Abbey Road, or Grace­land. Makes com­plete sense that he would be up for the role of Elvis Pres­ley in Baz Luhrmann’s upcom­ing biopic. He was primed, nay, born to shake his hips, all but one but­ton on his shirt cling­ing for dear life around his tor­so. Then the part was award­ed to anoth­er actor, Austin Butler.
“[Elvis] was such an icon for me grow­ing up,” Styles tells me. ​“There was some­thing almost sacred about him, almost like I didn’t want to touch him. Then I end­ed up get­ting into [his life] a bit and I wasn’t dis­ap­point­ed,” he adds of his ini­tial research and prepa­ra­tions to play The King. He seems relaxed about los­ing the part to But­ler. ​“I feel like if I’m not the right per­son for the thing, then it’s best for both of us that I don’t do it, you know?”
Styles released his self-titled debut solo album in May 2017. The boy­band grad was clear­ly unin­ter­est­ed in hol­low­ing out the charts with more for­mu­la­ic meme pop. Instead, to the sur­prise of many, he dug his heels into retro-fetishist West Coast ​’70s rock. Some of the One Direc­tion fan-hordes might have been con­fused, but no mat­ter: Har­ry Styles sold one mil­lion copies.
Despite its com­mer­cial and crit­i­cal suc­cess, he didn’t tour the album right away. He want­ed to act in the Christo­pher Nolan film Dunkirk. To his cred­it, his por­tray­al of a British sol­dier cow­er­ing in a moored boat on the French beach­es as the Nazis advanced wasn’t skew­ered in the press like the movie debuts of, say, Madon­na or Justin Tim­ber­lake. Per­haps he was fol­low­ing advice giv­en by Elton John, who had urged him to diver­si­fy. ​“He was bril­liant in Dunkirk, which took a lot of peo­ple by sur­prise,” John writes in an email. ​“I love how he takes chances and risks.” Act­ing, unlike music, is a release for Styles; it’s the one time he can be not himself.
“Why do I want to act? It’s so dif­fer­ent to music for me,” he says, sud­den­ly ani­mat­ed. ​“They’re almost oppo­site for me. Music, you try and put so much of your­self into it; act­ing, you’re try­ing to total­ly dis­ap­pear in who­ev­er you’re being.”
Fol­low­ing the news that he missed out on Pres­ley, his name was float­ed for the role of Prince Eric in Disney’s live-action remake of The Lit­tle Mer­maid. How­ev­er, fans will have to wait a bit longer to see Styles on the big screen as that idea, too, has sunk. He won’t be The King or the Prince. ​“It was dis­cussed,” he acknow­ledges before swift­ly chang­ing the sub­ject. ​“I want to put music out and focus on that for a while. But every­one involved in it was amaz­ing, so I think it’s going to be great. I’ll enjoy watch­ing it, I’m sure.”
The new album is wrapped and the sin­gle is decid­ed upon. ​“It’s not like his last album,” his friend, rock ​‘n’ roll leg­end Ste­vie Nicks, told me recent­ly over the phone. ​“It’s not like any­thing One Direc­tion ever did. It’s pure Har­ry, as Har­ry would say. He’s made a very dif­fer­ent record and it’s spectacular.”
Beyond that, Styles is keep­ing his cards close to his chest as to his next musi­cal move. How­ev­er, the air is thick with rumours that his main wing­man for HS2 is Kid Har­poon, aka Tom Hull, who co-wrote debut album track Sweet Crea­ture. No less an author­i­ty than Liam Gal­lagher told us that both big band escapees were in the same stu­dio – RAK in north-west Lon­don – at the same time mak­ing their sec­ond solo albums. Styles played him a cou­ple of tracks, ​“and I tell you what, they’re good,” Gal­lagher enthused. ​“A bit like that Bon Iver. Is that his name?”
Har­ry Styles met Nicks at a Fleet­wood Mac con­cert in Los Ange­les in April 2015. Some­thing about him felt authen­tic to the leg­endary front­woman: ground­ed, like she’d known him for­ev­er, blessed with a win­ning moon­shot grin. A month lat­er, they met back­stage at anoth­er Mac gig, this time at the O2 in Lon­don. Styles brought a car­rot cake for Nicks’ birth­day, her name piped in icing on top. By her own admis­sion, Nicks doesn’t even cel­e­brate birth­days, so this was a sur­prise. ​“He was per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for me actu­al­ly hav­ing to cel­e­brate my birth­day, which was very sweet,” she says.
Styles’ rela­tion­ship with Nicks is hard to define. Induct­ing her into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York as a solo artist ear­li­er this year, his speech hymned her as a ​“mag­i­cal gyp­sy god­moth­er who occu­pies the in-between”. She’s called him her ​“lovechild” with Mick Fleet­wood and the ​“son I nev­er had”. Both have moved past the pre­lim­i­nary chat acknowl­edg­ing each other’s unquan­tifi­able tal­ents and smooth­ly accel­er­at­ed towards play­ful cut-and-thrust ban­ter of a witch mom and her naughty child.
They per­form togeth­er – he sings The Chainand Stop Drag­gin’ My Heart Around; she sings the one alleged­ly writ­ten about Tay­lor Swift, Two Ghosts. One of those per­for­mances was at the Guc­ci Cruise after­par­ty in Rome in May, for ​“a lot of mon­ey”, Nicks tells me, in a ​“big kind of cas­tle place”. She has become his de fac­to men­tor – one phone call is all it takes to reach the Queen of Rock’n’Roll for advice on sequenc­ing (“She is real­ly good at track list­ing,” Styles admits) or just to hear each other’s voic­es… because, well, wouldn’t you?
Fol­low­ing anoth­er Fleet­wood Mac con­cert, at London’s Wem­b­ley Sta­di­um, in June, Nicks met Styles for a late (Indi­an) din­ner. He then invit­ed her back to his semi-detached Geor­gian man­sion in north Lon­don for a lis­ten­ing par­ty at mid­night. The album – HS2or what­ev­er it’ll be called – was fin­ished. Nicks, her assis­tant Karen, her make-up artist and her friends Jess and Mary crammed onto Styles’ liv­ing-room couch. They lis­tened to it once through in silence like a ​“bunch of edu­cat­ed monks or some­thing in this dark room”. Then once again, 15 or 16 tracks, this time each of his guests offer­ing live feed­back. It wrapped at 5am, just as the sun was bleed­ing through the curtains.
Even for a pop star of Styles’ stature, press­ing ​“play” on a deeply per­son­al work for your hero to digest, watch­ing her face react in real time to your new music, must be… what?
“It’s a dou­ble-edged thing,” he replies. ​“You’re always ner­vous when you are play­ing peo­ple music for the first time. You’ve heard it so much by this point, you for­get that peo­ple haven’t heard it before. It’s hard to not feel like you’ve done what you’ve set out to do. You are hap­py with some­thing and then some­one who you respect so much and look up to is, like: ​‘I real­ly like this.’ It feels like a large stamp [of approval]. It’s a big step towards feel­ing very com­fort­able with what­ev­er else hap­pens to it.”
Wad­ing through Styles’ back­ground info is exhaust­ing, since he was spanked by fame in the social media era where every god­dam blink of a kohl-rimmed eye has been doc­u­ment­ed from six angles. (And yes, he does some­times wear guyliner.)
Deep breath: born in Red­ditch, Worces­ter­shire, to par­ents Des and Anne, who divorced when he was sev­en. Grew up in Holmes Chapel in Cheshire with his sis­ter Gem­ma, mum and step­dad Robin Twist. Rode hors­es at a near­by sta­ble for free (“I was a bad rid­er, but I was a rid­er”). Stopped rid­ing, ​“got into dif­fer­ent stuff”. Formed a band, White Eski­mo, with school­mates. Aged 16, tried out for the 2010 run of The X Fac­torwith a stir­ring but aver­age ren­di­tion of Ste­vie Wonder’s Isn’t She Love­ly. Cut from the show and put into a boy band with four oth­ers, Louis Tom­lin­son, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik, and called One Direc­tion. Became inter­na­tion­al­ly famous, toured the globe. Zayn quit to go solo. Toured some more. Dat­ed but maybe didn’t date Car­o­line Flack, Rita Ora and Tay­lor Swift – whom he report­ed­ly dumped in the British Vir­gin Islands. (This rela­tion­ship, if noth­ing else, yield­ed an icon­ic, can­did shot of Swift look­ing deject­ed, being motored back to shore on the back of a boat called the Fly­ing Ray.) One Direc­tion dis­cussed dis­band­ing in 2014, actu­al­ly dis­solved in 2015. They remain friend­ly, and Styles offi­cial­ly went solo in 2016.
It’s been two years since his epony­mous debut and lead sin­gle, Sign of the Times, shocked the world and Elton John with its swag­ger­ing, soft rock sound. ​“It came out of left field and I loved it,” John says.
After 89 are­na-packed shows across five con­ti­nents grossed him, the label, whomev­er, over $61 mil­lion, Styles had all but dis­ap­peared. He has emerged only inter­mit­tent­ly for pub­lic-fac­ing events – a Guc­ci after­par­ty per­for­mance here, a Met Gala co-chair­ing there. He relo­cat­ed from Los Ange­les back to Lon­don, sell­ing his Hol­ly­wood Hills house for $6mil­lion and ship­ping his Jaguar E-type across the Atlantic so he could take joyrides on the M25.
“I’m not over LA,” he insists when I ask about the move. ​“My rela­tion­ship with LAchanged a lot. What I want­ed from LA changed.”
A great escape, he would agree, is some­times nec­es­sary. He was in Tokyo for most of Jan­u­ary, hav­ing near­ly fin­ished his album. ​“I need­ed time to get out of that album frame-of-mind of: ​‘Is it fin­ished? Where am I at? What’s hap­pen­ing?’ I real­ly need­ed that time away from every­one. I was kind of just in Tokyo by myself.” His sab­bat­i­cal most­ly involved read­ing Haru­ki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chron­i­cle, singing Nir­vana at karaoke, writ­ing alone in his hotel room, lis­ten­ing to music and eaves­drop­ping on strangers in alien con­ver­sa­tion. ​“It was just a pos­i­tive time for my head and I think that impact­ed the album in a big way.”
Dur­ing this break he watched a lot of films, read a lot of books. Some­times he texts these rec­om­men­da­tions to his pal Michele at Guc­ci. He told Michele to watch the Ali Mac­graw film, Love Sto­ry. ​“We text what friends text about. He is the same [as me] in terms of he lives in his own world and he does his own thing. I love dress­ing up and he loves dress­ing up.”
Because he loves dress­ing up, Michele chose Styles to be the face of three Guc­ci Tai­lor­ing cam­paigns and of its new gen­der­less fra­grance, Mémoire d’une Odeur.
“The moment I met him, I imme­di­ate­ly under­stood there was some­thing strong around him,” Michele tells me. ​“I realised he was much more than a young singer. He was a young man, dressed in a thought­ful way, with uncombed hair and a beau­ti­ful voice. I thought he gath­ered with­in him­self the fem­i­nine and the masculine.”
Fash­ion, for Styles, is a play­ground. Some­thing he doesn’t take too seri­ous­ly. A cou­ple of years ago Har­ry Lam­bert, his styl­ist since 2015, acquired for him a pair of pink metal­lic Saint Lau­rent boots that he has nev­er been pho­tographed wear­ing. They are exceed­ing­ly rare – few pairs exist. Styles wears them ​“to get milk”. They are, in his words, ​“super-fun”. He’s not sure, but he has, ball­park, 50 pairs of shoes, as well as full clos­ets in at least three post­codes. He set­tles on an out­fit fair­ly quick­ly, maybe changes his T-shirt once before head­ing out, but most­ly knows what he likes.
What he may not ful­ly com­pre­hend is that sim­ply by being pho­tographed in a gar­ment he can spur the career of a design­er, as he has with Har­ris Reed, Palo­mo Spain, Charles Jef­frey, Alled-Martínez and a new favourite, Bode. Styles wore a SS16 Guc­ci flo­ral suit to the 2015 Amer­i­can Music Awards. When he was asked who made his suit on the red car­pet, Guc­ci began trend­ing world­wide on Twitter.
“It was one of the first times a male wore Alessandro’s run­way designs and, at the time, men were not tak­ing too many red car­pet risks,” says Lam­bert. ​“Who knows if it influ­enced oth­ers, but it was a spe­cial moment. Plus, it was fun see­ing the fans dress up in suits to come see Harry’s shows.”
Yet tra­di­tion­al gen­der codes of dress still have the minds of mid­dle Amer­i­ca in a choke­hold. Men can’t wear women’s clothes, say the online whingers, who have labelled him ​“trag­ic”, ​“a clown” and a Bowie wannabe. Styles doesn’t care. ​“What’s fem­i­nine and what’s mas­cu­line, what men are wear­ing and what women are wear­ing – it’s like there are no lines any more.”
Elton John agrees: ​“It worked for Marc Bolan, Bowie and Mick. Har­ry has the same qualities.”
Then there is the ques­tion of Styles’ sex­u­al­i­ty, some­thing he has admit­ted­ly ​“nev­er real­ly start­ed to label”, which will plague him until he does. Per­haps it’s part of his allure. He’s bran­dished a pride flag that read ​“Make Amer­i­ca Gay Again” on stage, and plant­ed a stake some­where left of cen­tre on sexuality’s rain­bow spectrum.
“In the posi­tion that he’s in, he can’t real­ly say a lot, but he chose a queer girl band to open for him and I think that speaks vol­umes,” Josette Maskin of the queer band MUNA told The Face ear­li­er this year.
“I get a lot of…” Styles trails off, wheels turn­ing on how he can dis­cuss sex­u­al­i­ty with­out real­ly answer­ing. ​“I’m not always super-out­spo­ken. But I think it’s very clear from choic­es that I make that I feel a cer­tain way about lots of things. I don’t know how to describe it. I guess I’m not…” He paus­es again, piv­ots. ​“I want every­one to feel wel­come at shows and online. They want to be loved and equal, you know? I’m nev­er unsup­port­ed, so it feels weird for me to over­think it for some­one else.”
Sex­u­al­i­ty aside, he must acknowl­edge that he has sex appeal. ​“The word ​‘sexy’ sounds so strange com­ing out of my mouth. So I would say that that’s prob­a­bly why I would not con­sid­er myself sexy.”
Har­ry Styles has emerged ful­ly-formed, an anachro­nis­tic rock star, vague in sen­si­bil­i­ty but des­tined to impress with a dis­arm­ing smile and a warm but firm handshake.
I recite to him a quote from Chrissie Hyn­de of The Pre­tenders about her time atop rock’s throne: ​“I nev­er got into this for the mon­ey or because I want­ed to join in the super­star sex around the swim­ming pools. I did it because the offer of a record con­tract came along and it seemed like it might be more fun than being a wait­ress. Now, I’m not so sure.”
Styles – who worked in a bak­ery in a small north­ern town some time before play­ing to 40,000 scream­ing fans in South Amer­i­can are­nas – must have wit­nessed some shit, been invit­ed to a few pool­side sex par­ties, in his time.
“I’ve seen a cou­ple of things,” he nods in agree­ment. ​“But I’m still young. I feel like there’s still stuff to see.”
37 notes · View notes
stylesnews · 5 years
The Face - Volume 4 . Issue 1
A hand­shake can quell polit­i­cal unrest and sti­fle impend­ing war. It can, with a bit of spit, val­i­date a gentleman’s agree­ment, end a years-long roman­tic rela­tion­ship or send a young heart rac­ing. But it all depends on the two par­ties involved.
Daisy, 21, felt a seis­mic jolt when Har­ry Styles, 25, wear­ing a striped jumper and rings on three of his five fin­gers, clutched her hand two days after this year’s Met Gala in New York, when she served him gela­to at the shop where she worked.
“He decid­ed on a small mint choco­late gela­to and I made his and the one for his friend and I said, ​‘Can I just say I absolute­ly loved your Met Gala look’ and he said ​‘Thank you very much! What’s your name?’ And I said, ​‘Daisy’ AND HE FUCK­ING EXTEND­ED HIS HAND AND REACHEDTO SHAKE MY HAND AND I ACTU­AL­LY FUCK­ING SHOOK HIS HAND WHAT THEFUCK,” she wrote on Insta­gram after The Shak­en­ing. ​“Like I didn’t even say any­thing to gas him up besides ​‘I loved your met gala look’ and his fine ass went and shook my hand! WHATA BEAU­TI­FUL FUCK­ING HUMAN BEING THAT HE IS GOD BLESS HIM AND I HOPE HW[sic] LIVES FOREVER.”
For Har­ry Styles, a hand­shake can be a roman­tic ges­ture, con­jur­ing a potent rev­er­ence in its recip­i­ent, like the time he met Gucci’s cre­ative direc­tor Alessan­dro Michele. ​“He was as attrac­tive as James Dean and as per­sua­sive as Gre­ta Gar­bo. He was like a Luchi­no Vis­con­ti char­ac­ter, like an Apol­lo: at the same time sexy as a woman, as a kid, as a man,” Michele told me, has­ten­ing to add: ​“Of course, Har­ry is not aware of this.”
No, Styles has no idea the pow­er he wields. In per­son, he’s tow­er­ing, like some­one who is not that much taller but whose rep­u­ta­tion adds four inch­es. Styles has a seda­tive bari­tone, spo­ken in a rum­my north­ern Eng­lish accent, that tum­bles out so slow­ly you for­get the name of your first born, a swag­ger that has been nursed and per­fect­ed in myth­i­cal places with names like Pais­ley Park, or Abbey Road, or Grace­land. Makes com­plete sense that he would be up for the role of Elvis Pres­ley in Baz Luhrmann’s upcom­ing biopic. He was primed, nay, born to shake his hips, all but one but­ton on his shirt cling­ing for dear life around his tor­so. Then the part was award­ed to anoth­er actor, Austin Butler.
“[Elvis] was such an icon for me grow­ing up,” Styles tells me. ​“There was some­thing almost sacred about him, almost like I didn’t want to touch him. Then I end­ed up get­ting into [his life] a bit and I wasn’t dis­ap­point­ed,” he adds of his ini­tial research and prepa­ra­tions to play The King. He seems relaxed about los­ing the part to But­ler. ​“I feel like if I’m not the right per­son for the thing, then it’s best for both of us that I don’t do it, you know?”
Styles released his self-titled debut solo album in May 2017. The boy­band grad was clear­ly unin­ter­est­ed in hol­low­ing out the charts with more for­mu­la­ic meme pop. Instead, to the sur­prise of many, he dug his heels into retro-fetishist West Coast ​’70s rock. Some of the One Direc­tion fan-hordes might have been con­fused, but no mat­ter: Har­ry Styles sold one mil­lion copies.
Despite its com­mer­cial and crit­i­cal suc­cess, he didn’t tour the album right away. He want­ed to act in the Christo­pher Nolan film Dunkirk. To his cred­it, his por­tray­al of a British sol­dier cow­er­ing in a moored boat on the French beach­es as the Nazis advanced wasn’t skew­ered in the press like the movie debuts of, say, Madon­na or Justin Tim­ber­lake. Per­haps he was fol­low­ing advice giv­en by Elton John, who had urged him to diver­si­fy. ​“He was bril­liant in Dunkirk, which took a lot of peo­ple by sur­prise,” John writes in an email. ​“I love how he takes chances and risks.” Act­ing, unlike music, is a release for Styles; it’s the one time he can be not himself.
“Why do I want to act? It’s so dif­fer­ent to music for me,” he says, sud­den­ly ani­mat­ed. ​“They’re almost oppo­site for me. Music, you try and put so much of your­self into it; act­ing, you’re try­ing to total­ly dis­ap­pear in who­ev­er you’re being.”
Fol­low­ing the news that he missed out on Pres­ley, his name was float­ed for the role of Prince Eric in Disney’s live-action remake of The Lit­tle Mer­maid. How­ev­er, fans will have to wait a bit longer to see Styles on the big screen as that idea, too, has sunk. He won’t be The King or the Prince. ​“It was dis­cussed,” he acknow­ledges before swift­ly chang­ing the sub­ject. ​“I want to put music out and focus on that for a while. But every­one involved in it was amaz­ing, so I think it’s going to be great. I’ll enjoy watch­ing it, I’m sure.”
The new album is wrapped and the sin­gle is decid­ed upon. ​“It’s not like his last album,” his friend, rock ​‘n’ roll leg­end Ste­vie Nicks, told me recent­ly over the phone. ​“It’s not like any­thing One Direc­tion ever did. It’s pure Har­ry, as Har­ry would say. He’s made a very dif­fer­ent record and it’s spectacular.”
Beyond that, Styles is keep­ing his cards close to his chest as to his next musi­cal move. How­ev­er, the air is thick with rumours that his main wing­man for HS2 is Kid Har­poon, aka Tom Hull, who co-wrote debut album track Sweet Crea­ture. No less an author­i­ty than Liam Gal­lagher told us that both big band escapees were in the same stu­dio – RAK in north-west Lon­don – at the same time mak­ing their sec­ond solo albums. Styles played him a cou­ple of tracks, ​“and I tell you what, they’re good,” Gal­lagher enthused. ​“A bit like that Bon Iver. Is that his name?”
Har­ry Styles met Nicks at a Fleet­wood Mac con­cert in Los Ange­les in April 2015. Some­thing about him felt authen­tic to the leg­endary front­woman: ground­ed, like she’d known him for­ev­er, blessed with a win­ning moon­shot grin. A month lat­er, they met back­stage at anoth­er Mac gig, this time at the O2 in Lon­don. Styles brought a car­rot cake for Nicks’ birth­day, her name piped in icing on top. By her own admis­sion, Nicks doesn’t even cel­e­brate birth­days, so this was a sur­prise. ​“He was per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for me actu­al­ly hav­ing to cel­e­brate my birth­day, which was very sweet,” she says.
Styles’ rela­tion­ship with Nicks is hard to define. Induct­ing her into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York as a solo artist ear­li­er this year, his speech hymned her as a ​“mag­i­cal gyp­sy god­moth­er who occu­pies the in-between”. She’s called him her ​“lovechild” with Mick Fleet­wood and the ​“son I nev­er had”. Both have moved past the pre­lim­i­nary chat acknowl­edg­ing each other’s unquan­tifi­able tal­ents and smooth­ly accel­er­at­ed towards play­ful cut-and-thrust ban­ter of a witch mom and her naughty child.
They per­form togeth­er – he sings The Chain and Stop Drag­gin’ My Heart Around; she sings the one alleged­ly writ­ten about Tay­lor Swift, Two Ghosts. One of those per­for­mances was at the Guc­ci Cruise after­par­ty in Rome in May, for ​“a lot of mon­ey”, Nicks tells me, in a ​“big kind of cas­tle place”. She has become his de fac­to men­tor – one phone call is all it takes to reach the Queen of Rock’n’Roll for advice on sequenc­ing (“She is real­ly good at track list­ing,” Styles admits) or just to hear each other’s voic­es… because, well, wouldn’t you?
Fol­low­ing anoth­er Fleet­wood Mac con­cert, at London’s Wem­b­ley Sta­di­um, in June, Nicks met Styles for a late (Indi­an) din­ner. He then invit­ed her back to his semi-detached Geor­gian man­sion in north Lon­don for a lis­ten­ing par­ty at mid­night. The album – HS2or what­ev­er it’ll be called – was fin­ished. Nicks, her assis­tant Karen, her make-up artist and her friends Jess and Mary crammed onto Styles’ liv­ing-room couch. They lis­tened to it once through in silence like a ​“bunch of edu­cat­ed monks or some­thing in this dark room”. Then once again, 15 or 16 tracks, this time each of his guests offer­ing live feed­back. It wrapped at 5am, just as the sun was bleed­ing through the curtains.
Even for a pop star of Styles’ stature, press­ing ​“play” on a deeply per­son­al work for your hero to digest, watch­ing her face react in real time to your new music, must be… what?
“It’s a dou­ble-edged thing,” he replies. ​“You’re always ner­vous when you are play­ing peo­ple music for the first time. You’ve heard it so much by this point, you for­get that peo­ple haven’t heard it before. It’s hard to not feel like you’ve done what you’ve set out to do. You are hap­py with some­thing and then some­one who you respect so much and look up to is, like: ​‘I real­ly like this.’ It feels like a large stamp [of approval]. It’s a big step towards feel­ing very com­fort­able with what­ev­er else hap­pens to it.”
Wad­ing through Styles’ back­ground info is exhaust­ing, since he was spanked by fame in the social media era where every god­dam blink of a kohl-rimmed eye has been doc­u­ment­ed from six angles. (And yes, he does some­times wear guyliner.)
Deep breath: born in Red­ditch, Worces­ter­shire, to par­ents Des and Anne, who divorced when he was sev­en. Grew up in Holmes Chapel in Cheshire with his sis­ter Gem­ma, mum and step­dad Robin Twist. Rode hors­es at a near­by sta­ble for free (“I was a bad rid­er, but I was a rid­er”). Stopped rid­ing, ​“got into dif­fer­ent stuff”. Formed a band, White Eski­mo, with school­mates. Aged 16, tried out for the 2010 run of The X Fac­torwith a stir­ring but aver­age ren­di­tion of Ste­vie Wonder’s Isn’t She Love­ly. Cut from the show and put into a boy band with four oth­ers, Louis Tom­lin­son, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik, and called One Direc­tion. Became inter­na­tion­al­ly famous, toured the globe. Zayn quit to go solo. Toured some more. Dat­ed but maybe didn’t date Car­o­line Flack, Rita Ora and Tay­lor Swift – whom he report­ed­ly dumped in the British Vir­gin Islands. (This rela­tion­ship, if noth­ing else, yield­ed an icon­ic, can­did shot of Swift look­ing deject­ed, being motored back to shore on the back of a boat called the Fly­ing Ray.) One Direc­tion dis­cussed dis­band­ing in 2014, actu­al­ly dis­solved in 2015. They remain friend­ly, and Styles offi­cial­ly went solo in 2016.
It’s been two years since his epony­mous debut and lead sin­gle, Sign of the Times, shocked the world and Elton John with its swag­ger­ing, soft rock sound. ​“It came out of left field and I loved it,” John says.
After 89 are­na-packed shows across five con­ti­nents grossed him, the label, whomev­er, over $61mil­lion, Styles had all but dis­ap­peared. He has emerged only inter­mit­tent­ly for pub­lic-fac­ing events – a Guc­ci after­par­ty per­for­mance here, a Met Gala co-chair­ing there. He relo­cat­ed from Los Ange­les back to Lon­don, sell­ing his Hol­ly­wood Hills house for $6 mil­lion and ship­ping his Jaguar E-type across the Atlantic so he could take joyrides on the M25.
“I’m not over LA,” he insists when I ask about the move. ​“My rela­tion­ship with LA changed a lot. What I want­ed from LA changed.”
A great escape, he would agree, is some­times nec­es­sary. He was in Tokyo for most of Jan­u­ary, hav­ing near­ly fin­ished his album. ​“I need­ed time to get out of that album frame-of-mind of: ​‘Is it fin­ished? Where am I at? What’s hap­pen­ing?’ I real­ly need­ed that time away from every­one. I was kind of just in Tokyo by myself.” His sab­bat­i­cal most­ly involved read­ing Haru­ki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chron­i­cle, singing Nir­vana at karaoke, writ­ing alone in his hotel room, lis­ten­ing to music and eaves­drop­ping on strangers in alien con­ver­sa­tion. ​“It was just a pos­i­tive time for my head and I think that impact­ed the album in a big way.”
Dur­ing this break he watched a lot of films, read a lot of books. Some­times he texts these rec­om­men­da­tions to his pal Michele at Guc­ci. He told Michele to watch the Ali Mac­graw film, Love Sto­ry. ​“We text what friends text about. He is the same [as me] in terms of he lives in his own world and he does his own thing. I love dress­ing up and he loves dress­ing up.”
Because he loves dress­ing up, Michele chose Styles to be the face of three Guc­ci Tai­lor­ing cam­paigns and of its new gen­der­less fra­grance, Mémoire d’une Odeur.
“The moment I met him, I imme­di­ate­ly under­stood there was some­thing strong around him,” Michele tells me. ​“I realised he was much more than a young singer. He was a young man, dressed in a thought­ful way, with uncombed hair and a beau­ti­ful voice. I thought he gath­ered with­in him­self the fem­i­nine and the masculine.”
Fash­ion, for Styles, is a play­ground. Some­thing he doesn’t take too seri­ous­ly. A cou­ple of years ago Har­ry Lam­bert, his styl­ist since 2015, acquired for him a pair of pink metal­lic Saint Lau­rent boots that he has nev­er been pho­tographed wear­ing. They are exceed­ing­ly rare – few pairs exist. Styles wears them ​“to get milk”. They are, in his words, ​“super-fun”. He’s not sure, but he has, ball­park, 50 pairs of shoes, as well as full clos­ets in at least three post­codes. He set­tles on an out­fit fair­ly quick­ly, maybe changes his T-shirt once before head­ing out, but most­ly knows what he likes.
What he may not ful­ly com­pre­hend is that sim­ply by being pho­tographed in a gar­ment he can spur the career of a design­er, as he has with Har­ris Reed, Palo­mo Spain, Charles Jef­frey, Alled-Martínez and a new favourite, Bode. Styles wore a SS16 Guc­ci flo­ral suit to the 2015 Amer­i­can Music Awards. When he was asked who made his suit on the red car­pet, Guc­ci began trend­ing world­wide on Twitter.
“It was one of the first times a male wore Alessandro’s run­way designs and, at the time, men were not tak­ing too many red car­pet risks,” says Lam­bert. ​“Who knows if it influ­enced oth­ers, but it was a spe­cial moment. Plus, it was fun see­ing the fans dress up in suits to come see Harry’s shows.”
Yet tra­di­tion­al gen­der codes of dress still have the minds of mid­dle Amer­i­ca in a choke­hold. Men can’t wear women’s clothes, say the online whingers, who have labelled him ​“trag­ic”, ​“a clown” and a Bowie wannabe. Styles doesn’t care. ​“What’s fem­i­nine and what’s mas­cu­line, what men are wear­ing and what women are wear­ing – it’s like there are no lines any more.”
Elton John agrees: ​“It worked for Marc Bolan, Bowie and Mick. Har­ry has the same qualities.”
Then there is the ques­tion of Styles’ sex­u­al­i­ty, some­thing he has admit­ted­ly ​“nev­er real­ly start­ed to label”, which will plague him until he does. Per­haps it’s part of his allure. He’s bran­dished a pride flag that read ​“Make Amer­i­ca Gay Again” on stage, and plant­ed a stake some­where left of cen­tre on sexuality’s rain­bow spectrum.
“In the posi­tion that he’s in, he can’t real­ly say a lot, but he chose a queer girl band to open for him and I think that speaks vol­umes,” Josette Maskin of the queer band MUNA told The Face ear­li­er this year.
“I get a lot of…” Styles trails off, wheels turn­ing on how he can dis­cuss sex­u­al­i­ty with­out real­ly answer­ing. ​“I’m not always super-out­spo­ken. But I think it’s very clear from choic­es that I make that I feel a cer­tain way about lots of things. I don’t know how to describe it. I guess I’m not…” He paus­es again, piv­ots. ​“I want every­one to feel wel­come at shows and online. They want to be loved and equal, you know? I’m nev­er unsup­port­ed, so it feels weird for me to over­think it for some­one else.”
Sex­u­al­i­ty aside, he must acknowl­edge that he has sex appeal. ​“The word ​‘sexy’ sounds so strange com­ing out of my mouth. So I would say that that’s prob­a­bly why I would not con­sid­er myself sexy.”
Har­ry Styles has emerged ful­ly-formed, an anachro­nis­tic rock star, vague in sen­si­bil­i­ty but des­tined to impress with a dis­arm­ing smile and a warm but firm handshake.
I recite to him a quote from Chrissie Hyn­de of The Pre­tenders about her time atop rock’s throne: ​“I nev­er got into this for the mon­ey or because I want­ed to join in the super­star sex around the swim­ming pools. I did it because the offer of a record con­tract came along and it seemed like it might be more fun than being a wait­ress. Now, I’m not so sure.”
Styles – who worked in a bak­ery in a small north­ern town some time before play­ing to 40,000scream­ing fans in South Amer­i­can are­nas – must have wit­nessed some shit, been invit­ed to a few pool­side sex par­ties, in his time.
“I’ve seen a cou­ple of things,” he nods in agree­ment. ​“But I’m still young. I feel like there’s still stuff to see.”
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Gar and Rachel in College Would Include:
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Gar and Rachel apply to a lot of different universities because they don’t think they’ll get in.
When going to open houses, Dick and Kory go with them.
Dick wants to know about the schools and make sure that his kids are going to a good school and are going to get a good education.
Kory tags along, too, and her and Dick act like Gar and Rachel’s parents so that the two of them don’t feel left out in a group of kids with parents.
Rachel was asked where her parents were by another kid and before she could respond, Kory was there with a smile saying she was Rachel’s guardian. And Dick came over and stood behind Gar, putting a hand on Gar’s shoulder, saying he was Gar’s guardian.
Dick is the dad that has all the brochures and asks a shit ton of questions to the tour guide and embarrasses his kids.
“So what’s the average GPA of this institution?”
“What’s your security like?”
“Okay, I hear you, but—“
And Kory isn’t much better, asking question about social life and clubs.
And maybe most kids would be embarrassed if their parents acted the way Dick and Kory do, but Rachel and Gar haven’t had anyone who cared about them so much that they would act the way Dick and Kory were in a long time, so they appreciate it.
Looking at the schools, Gar would be so excited about the computer labs and clubs for gaming, while Rachel gets really excited about the libraries and the different classes she’s going to take.
They agree before they get accept anywhere that they’re going to go to the same university because they don’t want to be away from each other and people who understand.
Dick, with the help if Alfred, make sure they get accept into a good school and that their tuition is paid for (Wayne Foundation).
Gar is in the Game Development program because he loves video games and wants to make them.
Gar takes the 5 classes that he has to for his program (Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Data Structures, Integrity and Literacy in the Information Age, Mathematical Reasoning, and Mathematics for Computer Science), takes Psychology for his social science context credit, and takes Myths of Greek and Roman Gods and Myths of the Heroic Age with Rachel for his humanities context credit and elective.
Rachel is in Classics with a speciality of classic literature, meaning she’s looking into literature from the ancient eras.
For first year, she takes Latin, Myths of Greek and Roman Gods, and Myths of the Heroic Age for her program, takes Psychology for her social science context credit, Astronomy for her science credit, and Literature of Trauma and Recovery for her elective.
When it comes to Gar and Rachel actually leaving for school, Dick cries. A lot. He’s been with Rachel since her adoptive mom died, through thick and thin, and he’s just so proud of who she’s become. (And he’s super proud of Gar, too, he just has that special relationship with Rachel).
Kory makes fun of Dick crying when they say goodbye to Gar and Rachel, but as soon as her and Dick are back on the road after dropping them off, she’s crying with him and they have to pull over for a while to just cry over their kids leaving the nest.
Gar and Rachel dorm together in the high end dorms (curtesy of the Wayne Foundation). It’s easier, they already know each other and they’re the only people who are really qualified to be living with the other.
Rachel is still working on getting control of her abilities and they get out of control sometimes and anyone other than Gar would be afraid and not know what to do; but, Gar isn’t afraid and he knows how to soothe her.
They adjust to dorm life pretty easily. Gar lived on his own (in a way) when he was with the Doom Patrol, and Rachel had become very adaptive during her time with the Titans, so it was easy for her and Gar to transition into living in a dorm at a university.
Having each other made it easier.
Gar takes to decorating immediately, but Rachel doesn’t decorate much. She’s more the kind of girl to collect Knick Knacks over the months and arrange them on her desk, having stacks of books in her space, and having a “wall of fame” where her and Gar can put up their good marks to help with motivation and be proud of what they achieved.
In terms of meeting new people, Gar and Rachel aren’t the best at making friends. Gar makes a few geeky friends, but Rachel likes to keep to herself, which doesn’t bother her or Gar.
Rachel likes to hang out in the library. It’s super big and filled with thousands of books. She likes just spending countless hours there, reading and learning. If she isn’t in her dorm, she’s at the library.
And there have been multiple times when Gar has gone to the library with Rachel to spent time with her/help her with a project, and he just falls asleep on the desk because it’s so quiet, and Rachel doesn’t wake him until it’s time to go back home.
Rachel helps Gar with his humanities and psychology classes, which he appreciates, and Gar helps Rachel with her science class.
The two of them really miss Dick and Kory. Rachel lost the only person she could count on and Gar lost his whole family, and then walked away from the Doom Patrol. They are both people who know what it’s like to be alone and Dick and Kory fixed that, they gave them a family and place to be themselves and it’s something that Rachel and Gar will forever cherish.
They just miss how comforting and kind Dick and Kory are and how they would always take care of them.
Dick and Kory miss Rachel and Gar a lot, too, and they make frequent trips to see/check up on them, always taking them out for breakfast, lunch and dinner when they’re there, and stocking them up on snacks and supplies.
Requested by Anon and @crystalconfections
Tagging: @thisismysecrethappyplace @aw-hawkeye @caswinchester2000 @phoenix-fire-fangirl @starryrevelations
Comments: I know these were both requested as fics, but I had so many ideas that I thought I would just write some head canons. Hope you don’t mind. And the programs and courses are all based on my University. xx
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Titans: Get to Know Blackfire
This article contains Titans spoilers.
Titans Episode 4
As the team continues to grow, Titans episode 4, “Blackfire,” re-introduces us to Starfire’s sister. If you’ve watched the previous season of Titans then you’ll remember her as the epically stylish and nefarious Queen of Tamaran. 
While Blackfire (Damaris Lewis) was less of a present threat in season two, now she’s on Earth and, as we learn this week this week, has been behind Starfire’s escalating and ever more violent visions. What she’d actually been experiencing were psychic messages from her sister, who was begging for her help as she had been captured by the US government and imprisoned deep underground. It’s a big surprise as the end of last season saw Blackfire hit Earth with big plans of revenge, but here we see her as a helpless victim and one who has to reach out to the woman she came to conquer for assistance. 
It was an emotional episode for Starfire who has to help the sister she left behind, even though Blackfire killed their parents and usurped their reign. But it’s also a wake up call for the Princess of Tamaran, who has to come to terms with her own role in her sister’s dysfunction and crimes. In the end, Gar and Koriand’r do save Blackfire, which means she’s likely going to become a regular.
So we’re here to give you the lowdown on Blackfire, who’s not only an original New Teen Titans character but a DC stalwart has also starred in a ton of your fave animated adventures. Get ready to get familiar with TV’s newest Titan. 
The Origins of Blackfire
Marv Wolfman and George Pérez already shook up the DC Universe with their New Teen Titans series when they introduced Blackfire in their 22nd issue. Unlike the more grounded and emotionally driven human stories which defined much of what made New Teen Titans so popular, the saga of Blackfire and Starfire threw the Titans into a hard sci-fi adventure that pitted them against the eldest child of Tamaran. 
Princess Komand’r made an indelible imprint when she appeared on the final pages of New Teen Titans #22 with a memorable splash page showcasing the alien queen as she declared, “Her sister shall be her slayer!”
But why does she hate Starfire so deeply? Well, it’s a particularly tragic story and most tragic of all it’s a villain origin that isn’t actually Blackfire’s fault at all. In fact she was as much of a victim as the rest of Tamaran.
In the DC Universe, the Citadel Empire is one of the most feared foes in the galaxy, and they proved why on the day that Komand’r was born. The Empire attacked Tamaran and killed thousands of its citizens and then to make things worse–and to create one of DC’s most powerful villains–they claim to have done it in the name of the newborn princess. While the blame for that obviously does not lay at the feet of a newborn babe, it began a drastically tragic relationship with her home nation that never recovered. 
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Titans: Alan Ritchson and the Journey of Hank in Season 3
By Bryan Cairns
Superman & Lois: Inside the Season’s Big Twists and that Finale Ending
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Rejected by her own people after an illness that stopped her gaining the powers of flight and propulsion that Tamaraneans are known for, Blackfire was passed over for her rightful place as the heir to the planet’s throne. Of course, we all know who gained that seat: Koriand’r. 
Blackfire and Starfire
That fateful choice sparked a sibling rivalry that would echo through the galaxy. While Starfire was raised to become the next ruler of Tamaran, Blackfire struggled to come to terms with her new place in the world, ultimately attempting to kill her younger sister during routine training. It was here that she was finally expelled from Tamaran and became a powerful member of the Citadel.
Soon Blackfire led an invasion, successfully taking over her home planet and imprisoning her sister as well as banning her from ever returning to Tamaran. During her imprisonment, Starfire was abused and assaulted, eventually killing one of her attackers. Just as it seemed the end might be near for her as Komand’r planned her execution, the sisters were kidnapped and experimented on by the aliens known as Psions. It was a blessing in disguise, though, as Kori used her new status quo to escape, eventually landing on Earth and teaming up with the heroes who would become the Teen Titans. 
Their story didn’t end there. After she exploded onto the pages of New Teen Titans, Blackfire quickly established herself as a fearsome and canny foe for Starfire. Trapping her in a cosmic prison, she mentally tortured her sister before revealing her true plan: to kill their parents and destroy Tamaran.
The version of Blackfire that we’re meeting in Titans has already achieved that dastardly dream, but in the comics she’s defeated after she and Starfire have a fight to the death on Tamaran. Starfire overpowers her as Blackfire boils herself to death in a waterfall while trying to defeat her younger sister. The epic battle also led to the introduction of their younger brother, Wildfire, who it turns out was on their home planet all along with Koriand’r’s still alive parents. While she wants to stay, they force her to leave as they know the Citadel will attack again soon and she’s safer on Earth with the Titans. 
Blackfire Beyond the New Teen Titans
Shockingly, Blackfire survived her near death experience and continued her role as a would be conqueror. She never forgave the Titans for her defeat and attempted to defeat them by pitting them against each other. Blackfire’s campaign against her sister and for ultimate power has rarely ceased and, though she didn’t have too many appearances in the classic comics over the years, she was redefined in the New 52 era. 
Most recently, Blackfire was the primary antagonist in the second arc of the cosmic Justice League Odyssey series. She battled Darkseid, Starfire, and co., even commanding her army against the unusual allies. However, in Justice League Odyssey #14 Komand’r eventually became an official member of the reconfigured team under the leadership of Jessica Cruz, who Queen Blackfire came to greatly admire in their battle against Darkseid.
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Blackfire in Other Media
One of the most interesting aspects of Blackfire’s history is her prevalence in DC’s animated adaptations. While she’s not the most well known of DC’s rogues, she has had key roles in shows like Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go!, and DC Super Hero Girls. In each of them Komand’r appears as an antagonist to Starfire. There’s something about that sibling rivalry that inspires creators to keep revisiting their relationship. It also helps that she’s a huge rogue for the Titans as a whole and reinforces the more cosmic aspects of their adventures.
In Teen Titans, the elder sister of Starfire appears at first as an ally before revealing herself as an antagonist with a plan to frame Koriand’r for her own sins. During Teen Titans Go!, the more comedic show sets her up as a sometimes ally, most times antagonist, though even her betrayals are played for laughs. DC Super Hero Girls offers up the most kind version of the character, more like an annoying and sometimes cruel elder sister than a true villain. That’s also continued in DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games, which actually sees Blackfire team up with her sister to help save the day… which we could see in Titans. 
She’s a character so key to Starfire that even when she doesn’t appear she’s still referenced in animated DC movies like Justice League vs. Teen Titans and Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. It’s a testament to how much of a key part of her sister’s lore and background Blackfire is. That’s why her arrival as a main cast member in Titans means Starfire will definitely be taking center stage as we move towards the middle of the new season. 
What’s Next for Blackfire on Titans?
Titans has already proven that it’s a show about family. From the found family setup that it’s built around to the exploration of how our parents define us through the Robins and Batman as well as Gar and his father, the superhero show has a lot of interest in the concept of (Bat)families and what they mean. It’s why Blackfire’s arrival makes so much sense. Not only is she the only surviving member of Starfire’s family in this world, but she’s going to shine a light on the past that Starfire has tried so desperately to forget. 
Like the rest of the series so far, there are layers to both characters, with no clear delineation between good and evil. Instead, we get a Blackfire who was driven to her actions by abuse and neglect, and Starfire has to deal with her complicity in those actions that made her sister feel so isolated and alone.
But there’s hope. The fact we see Starfire go against the US government to save her sister from a fate worse than death means we’ll likely see them attempt to reconnect and rebuild the trust they’ve lost. We may even see them fight alongside each other, but the big overarching question will be whether this is all part of Blackfire’s larger scheme to get vengeance on her sister. If not we could see another unexpected member of the Titans team… and if it is then we’ll likely see a war of intergalactic proportions. 
Titans drops new episodes on HBO Max every Thursday. 
The post Titans: Get to Know Blackfire appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/37XKheb
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kabargames · 4 years
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Cobain Nih! 6 Tips Farming Mobile Legends Biar Cepat Kaya
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Kalau kesulitan menjawab dibeberapa level tertentu Kamu bisa menggunakan kunci jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210 yang sudah Kabar Games siapakan berikut ini. Baca Juga : Nikahan Mantan: Saatnya Lampiaskan Rasa Sakit Hatimu Disini 5 Hero Mobile Legends dengan Kemampuan Mirip Cheat Map Hack Hiram, Update Berskala Besar Pertama ArcheAge! Ini Fiturnya Genshin Impact: Gameplay, Karakter, Review & Spesifikasi PC Kunci Jawaban Braindom Terbaru dari Level 1 – 225 googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 1 – 20 Level 1 How, Who Level 2 Add, Dad Level 3 Are, Ear, Era Level 4 Six, Is Level 5 Wall, All, Law Bonus Awl Level 6 Yard, Day, Dry, Ray Bonus Dray, Rad, Rya, Yar Level 7 Your, Our, You Level 8 Wars, Raw, Saw, War, Was Bonus Raws Level 9 Eyes, Eye, See, Yes Level 10 Gold, Dog, God, Log, Old Bonus Dol Level 11 Note, Tone, Net, Not, One, Ten, Toe, Ton Bonus Eon Level 12 Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Paly, Alp, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 13 Sink, Skin, Ink, Kin, Sin, Ski Bonus Inks, Kins Level 14 Sends, Ends, Send, Den, End Bonus Dens, Ness, Sned, Eds, Ens Level 15 Eight, Get, Hit, The, Tie Bonus Gite, Gie, Git, Hie, Teg Level 16 Worn, Nor, Now, Own, Row, Won Level 17 Black, Back, Lack, Cab, Lab Bonus Balk, Calk, Alb, Bal, Kab, Lac Level 18 Unity, Tiny, Unit, Nut, Tin Bonus Nit, Tui, Tun, Yin Level 19 Cakes, Cake, Case, Sack, Sake, Ask, Sea Bonus Aces, Cask, Kaes, Keas, Ace, Kas, Kea, Sac, Sec, Ska Level 20 Meets, Meet, Seem, Met, See, Set Bonus Metes, Teems, Emes, Mete, Seme, Stem, Teem, Tees, Eme, Tee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 21 – 40 Level 21 Pact, Act, Apt, Cap, Cat, Pat, Tap Bonus Pac Level 22 Hosts, Shots, Host, Shot, Toss, Hot Bonus Hots, Sots, Tosh, Sot, Tho Level 23 Guide, Die, Dig, Due, Dug Bonus Gied, Gude, Ged, Gid, Gie Level 24 Loves, Solve, Lose, Love, Sole Bonus Voles, Levo, Oles, Sloe, Voes, Vole, Lev, Ole, Sel, Sol, Voe Level 25 Seems, Mess, Seem, Sees, See Bonus Semes, Emes, Seme, Eme Level 26 Suits, Sits, Suit, Its, Sit Bonus Situs, Tuis, Sis, Tis, Tui Level 27 Slips, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Lisps, Lisp, Psis, Sips, Sis Level 28 Clues, Clue, Cues, Cue, Sec, Sue, Use Bonus Luces, Ecus, Luce, Lues, Slue, Cel, Leu, Sel Level 29 Petty, Type, Pet, Yep, Yet Bonus Yett, Pye Level 30 Eased, Ease, Seed, Sad, Sea, See Bonus Aedes, Dees, Sade, Ads, Eds Level 31 Doubt, Bout, Bud, But, Dot, Tub, Out, Duo Bonus Bod, Bot, Dub, Oud, Tod Level 32 Drums, Drum, Mud, Rum, Sum Bonus Muds, Rums, Surd, Urds, Urd Level 33 Hardy, Hard, Yard, Day, Dry, Had, Hay, Ray Bonus Hydra, Dray, Dah, Rad, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 34 Deter, Deer, Reed, Tree, Red Bonus Treed, Dere, Dree, Rede, Rete, Teed, Ere, Ree, Ret, Ted, Tee Level 35 Lousy, Soul, Sly, Soy, You Bonus Yous, Sol, Sou Level 36 Allow, Wall, All, Law, Low, Owl Bonus Alow, Olla, Awl Level 37 Wagon, Gown, Ago, Now, Own, Wan, Won Bonus Gowan, Agon, Gnaw, Awn, Gan, Goa, Nag, Nog, Wag Level 38 Brash, Bars, Bash, Rash, Ash, Bar, Bra, Has Bonus Arbs, Bras, Abs, Arb, Sab Level 39 Style, Lets, Let, Set, Yes, Yet Bonus Lest, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Stye, Tels, Tyes, Ley, Lye, Sel, Sly, Sty Level 40 Texts, Test, Text, Set, Sex Bonus Sett, Sext, Stet, Tets Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 41 – 60 Level 41 Flood, Fold, Food, Fool, Old Bonus Loof, Dol, Loo Level 42 Sears, Ears, Seas, Are, Ear, Era, Sea Bonus Rases, Eras, Rase, Sear, Sera, Sers, Ers, Res, Ser Level 43 Donor, Door, Odor, Don, Nod, Nor, Rod Bonus Rondo, Ordo, Rood, Dor Level 44 Apply, Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Palp, Paly, Alp, App, Pap, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 45 Catch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Tach Level 46 Kicks, Kick, Sick, Sic, Ski Level 47 Seven, Even, Seen, Eve, See Bonus Evens, Neves, Esne, Eves, Neve, Sene, Vees, Ens, Nee Level 48 Third, Dirt, Hid, Hit, Rid Bonus Thir, Dit Level 49 Knelt, Ken, Let, Net, Ten Bonus Kelt, Kent, Lent, Elk, Lek Level 50 Saved, Save, Vase, Sad, Sea Bonus Devas, Deva, Devs, Sade, Ads, Eds, Vas Level 51 Signs, Sings, Sign, Sing, Sins, Gin, Sin Bonus Gins, Sis Level 52 Snack, Sack, Sank, Scan, Ask, Can Bonus Cans, Cask, Kas, Sac, Ska Level 53 Lofty, Loft, Fly, Lot, Toy Bonus Oft Level 54 Berth, Herb, Bet, Her, The Bonus Beth, Reb, Ret Level 55 Mixed, Dime, Die, Dim, Mid, Mix Bonus Idem, Med Level 56 Bends, Beds, Bend, Ends, Send, Bed, Den, End Bonus Bens, Dens, Nebs, Sned, Ben, Bes, Deb, Eds, Ens, Neb Level 57 Rough, Hour, Hog, Hug, Our, Rug Bonus Gor Level 58 Flips, Flip, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Fils, Lisp, Fil Level 59 Ounce, Cone, Once, Cue, One Bonus Unco, Con, Eon Level 60 Brink, Rink, Bin, Ink, Kin, Rib Bonus Birk, Kirn, Irk, Kir, Nib Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 61 – 80 Level 61 Porch, Chop, Crop, Cop, Hop, Pro Bonus Cor, Orc, Roc Level 62 Notch, Cot, Hot, Not, Ton Bonus Chon, Con, Hon, Nth, Tho Level 63 Thumb, But, Hub, Hum, Hut, Tub Bonus Bhut, Bum, Mut Level 64 Swung, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sun Bonus Gnus, Gnu Level 65 Comer, Come, Core, More, Ore Bonus Cero, Corm, Merc, Omer, Cor, Moc, Orc, Rec, Rem, Roc, Roe Level 66 Yells, Sell, Yell, Sly, Yes Bonus Ells, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Ley, Lye, Sel Level 67 Stall, Last, Salt, Tall, All Bonus Talls, Alls, Alts, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Level 68 Drama, Arm, Dam, Mad, Mar Bonus Damar, Dram, Maar, Mara, Rad, Ram Level 69 Agree, Eager, Gear, Rage, Age, Are, Ear, Era Bonus Eagre, Agee, Ager, Gree, Ere, Erg, Gar, Rag, Ree, Reg Level 70 Grill, Gill, Girl, Ill, Rig Bonus Rill Level 71 Terms, Rest, Stem, Term, Met, Set Bonus Erst, Rems, Rets, Tres, Ers, Rem, Res, Ret, Ser Level 72 Would, Loud, Duo, Low, Old, Owl Bonus Wold, Dol, Dow, Oud, Wud Level 7 Hairy, Airy, Hair, Air, Hay, Ray Bonus Ahi, Rai, Ria, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 74 Crown, Corn, Crow, Worn, Cow, Nor, Own, Row, Won, Now Bonus Con, Cor, Orc, Roc Level 75 Plank, Plan, Lap, Nap, Pal, Pan Bonus Knap, Lank, Alp Level 76 Match, Chat, Math, Act, Cat, Ham, Hat, Mat Bonus Cham, Mach, Tach, Cam, Mac Level 77 Graph, Harp, Gap, Par, Rap Bonus Gar, Hag, Hap, Rag Level 78 Feeds, Feed, Fees, Seed, Fed, Fee, See Bonus Dees, Feds, Def, Eds Level 79 Sixth, Hits, This, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Six Bonus Hist, Sith, Tis Level 80 Dirty, Dirt, Tidy, Dry, Rid, Try Bonus Yird, Dit Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 81 – 100 Level 81 Bases, Base, Bass, Seas, Sea Bonus Sabes, Sabs, Abs, Bes, Sab Level 82 Event, Even, Teen, Vent, Net, Ten, Vet, Eve Bonus Neve, Nee, Tee Level 83 Lacks, Slack, Lack, Sack, Ask Bonus Calks, Calk, Cask, Lacs, Kas, Lac, Sac, Sal, Ska Level 84 Slots, Loss, Lost, Lots, Slot, Toss, Lot Bonus Sols, Sots, Sol, Sot Level 85 Lands, Land, Sand, And, Lad, Sad Bonus Ands, Dals, Dans, Lads, Ads, Dal, Sal Level 86 Blues, Blue, Bus, Sub, Sue, Use Bonus Lubes, Bels, Lube, Lues, Slub, Slue, Bel, Bes, Leu, Sel Level 87 Needy, Deny, Eyed, Need, Den, Dye, End, Eye Bonus Dene, Dyne, Eyen, Eyne, Dey, Nee, Yen Level 88 Guard, Drag, Drug, Grad, Dug, Rug Bonus Dura, Gaud, Gaur, Guar, Ruga, Dag, Gad, Gar, Rad, Rag, Urd Level 89 Spicy, Icy, Sic, Sip, Spy Bonus Pics, Pyic, Yips, Pic, Yip Level 90 Zones, Nose, Ones, Zone, One, Son Bonus Eons, Noes, Sone, Ens, Eon Level 91 Sinks, Skins, Kiss, Sink, Sins, Skin, Skis, Ink, Kin, Ski, Sin Bonus Inks, Kins, Sis Level 92 Props, Pops, Prop, Pop, Pro Bonus Pros, Sop Level 93 Mount, Unto, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Notum, Muon, Mon, Mot, Mut, Tom, Tun Level 94 Humor, Hour, Hum, Our, Rum Bonus Mohur, Mho, Ohm Level 95 Shuts, Huts, Shut, Thus, Hut Bonus Tush Level 96 Loser, Roles, Lore, Lose, Role, Rose, Sole, Sore, Ore Bonus Lores, Orles, Sorel, Oles, Ores, Orle, Roes, Sloe, Ers, Ole, Res, Roe, Sel, Ser, Sol Level 97 Fungi, Fin, Fun, Gin, Gun Bonus Fig, Fug, Gnu Level 98 Wally, Ally, Wall, All, Law, Lay, Way Bonus Yawl, Awl, Yaw Level 99 Farms, Arms, Farm, Mars, Arm, Far, Mar Bonus Arfs, Rams, Ram Level 100 Aware, Area, Wear, Are, Awe, Ear, Era, Raw, War Bonus Ware, Awa, Wae Daftar Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 101 – 120 Level 101 Ghost, Hogs, Host, Shot, Hog, Hot, Got Bonus Goths, Gosh, Goth, Hots, Shog, Togs, Tosh, Sot, Tho, Tog Level 102 Tells, Lest, Lets, Sell, Tell, Let, Set Bonus Ells, Tels, Sel Level 103 Mound, Undo, Don, Duo, Nod, Mud Bonus Muon, Udon, Dun, Mod, Mon, Oud Level 104 Theme, Meet, Them, Hem, The, Met Bonus Heme, Mete, Meth, Teem, Thee, Eme, Tee Level 105 World, Lord, Word, Low, Old, Owl, Rod, Row Bonus Wold, Dol, Dor, Dow Level 106 Firms, Firm, Rims, Fir, Rim, Sir Bonus Firs, Mirs, Rifs, Mir, Rif, Sri Level 107 Rapid, Arid, Drip, Paid, Pair, Raid, Aid, Air, Pad, Par, Rap, Rid, Rip, Dip Bonus Pardi, Pard, Dap, Pia, Rad, Rai, Ria Level 108 Hatch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Hath, Tach Level 109 Plump, Lump, Plum, Pulp, Pump, Pup Bonus Pul, Ump Level 110 Knees, Keen, Knee, Seek, Seen, Ken, See Bonus Keens, Skene, Ekes, Esne, Kens, Sene, Skee, Eke, Ens, Nee Level 111 Width, With, Hid, Hit, Wit Bonus Whid, Whit, Dit Level 112 Blast, Bats, Last, Salt, Slab, Tabs, Bat, Lab, Tab, Stab Bonus Blats, Albs, Alts, Bals, Bast, Blat, Labs, Lats, Slat, Abs, Alb, Alt, Bal, Lat, Sab, Sal, Sat Level 113 Peace, Cape, PaCepe, Cep, Pac, Pea Level 114 Shake, Sake, Ash, Ask, Has, Sea, She Bonus Hakes, Haes, Hake, Kaes, Keas, Shea, Hae, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 115 Plots, Lost, Lots, Plot, Post, Pots, Slot, Spot, Stop, Tops, Lot, Opt, Pot, Top Bonus Lops, Opts, Pols, Slop, Lop, Pol, Sol, Sop, Sot Level 116 Burly, Blur, Bury, Ruby, Buy, Rub Bonus Burl, Bur Level 117 Blush, Bush, Lush, Bus, Hub, Sub Bonus Buhls, Buhl, Hubs, Shul, Slub Level 118 Spend, Ends, Pens, Send, Sped, Den, End, Pen Bonus Pends, Dens, Peds, Pend, Sned, Eds, Ens, Ped, Pes Level 119 Grand, Darn, Drag, Grad, Rand, Rang, And, Ran Bonus Dang, Gnar, Gran, Nard, Dag, Gad, Gan, Gar, Nag, Rad, Rag Level 120 Chips, Chip, Ship, His, Sic, Sip Bonus Chis, Hips, Ichs, Phis, Pics, Pish, Hip, Ich, Pic Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 121 – 140 Level 121 Cones, Cone, Nose, Once, Ones, One, Sec, Son Bonus Scone, Cons, Eons, Noes, Sone, Con, Ens, Eon Level 122 Saint, Satin, Stain, Anti, Ant, Its, Sin, Sit, Tan, Tin Bonus Antis, Tains, Ains, Aits, Anis, Ants, Nits, Sain, Sati, Snit, Tain, Tans, Tins, Ain, Ait, Ani, Nit, Sat, Tis Level 123 Hazel, Hale, Haze, Heal, Zeal, Ale Bonus Laze, Hae, Lea Level 124 Count, Unto, Cot, Cut, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Unco, Con, Tun Level 125 Coupe, Cope, Coup, Cop, Cue, Cup Bonus Puce, Cep, Ope Level 126 Budge, Bed, Beg, Bud, Bug, Due, Dug Bonus Debug, Gude, Deb, Dub, Ged Level 127 Taxed, Date, Ate, Axe, Eat, Tad, Tax, Tea Bonus Axed, Tae, Ted Level 128 Bring, Grin, Ring, Big, Bin, Gin, Rib, Rig Bonus Brig, Girn, Gib, Nib Level 129 Aptly, Play, Apt, Lay, Pal, Pat, Pay, Tap, Lap Bonus Platy, Typal, Paly, Paty, Plat, Alp, Alt, Lat, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 130 Genus, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sue, Sun, Use Bonus Negus, Engs, Gens, Genu, Gnus, Negs, Ens, Gen, Gnu, Neg Level 131 Dared, Dread, Dare, Dead, Dear, Read, Add, Are, Dad, Ear, Era, Red Bonus Adder, Readd, Redd, Rad Level 132 Crawl, Claw, Arc, Car, Law, Raw, War Bonus Carl, Craw, Awl, Caw, Lac, Lar Level 133 Tents, Nest, Nets, Sent, Tent, Test, Net, Set, Ten Bonus Netts, Stent, Nett, Sett, Stet, Tens, Tets, Ens Level 134 Found, Fond, Fund, Undo, Don, Duo, Fun, Nod Bonus Fondu, Udon, Dun, Fon, Fou, Fud, Oud Level 135 Thyme, Myth, Them, They, Hem, Met, The, Yet Bonus Hyte, Meth, Thy Level 136 Clown, Cow, Low, Now, Owl, Own, Won Bonus Cowl, Lown, Col, Con Level 137 Minor, Iron, Norm, Ion, Nor, Rim Bonus Inro, Morn, Noir, Mir, Mon, Nim Level 138 Yacht, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat, Hay Bonus Achy, Chay, Tach, Cay, Thy, Yah Level 139 Abyss, Bass, Bays, Says, Bay, Say Bonus Bassy, Abys, Sabs, Abs, Aby, Ays, Sab Level 140 Knife, Fine, Fin, Ink, Ken, Kin Bonus Fink, Kief, Kine, Fen, Kef, Kif Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 141 – 160 Level 141 Gamut, Gum, Gut, Mat, Mug, Tag, Tug Bonus Gaum, Gam, Gat, Mag, Mut, Uta Level 142 Drift, Dirt, Rift, Fir, Fit, Rid Bonus Frit, Dif, Dit, Fid, Rif Level 143 Short, Host, Shot, Sort, Hot, Rot Bonus Horst, Hots, Orts, Rhos, Rots, Thro, Tors, Tosh, Ort, Sot, Tho, Tor Level 144 Paced, Cape, Pace, Ace, Ape, Cap, Pad Bonus Caped, Aced, Aped, Cade, Dace, Cep, Dap, Pac, Pea, Ped Level 145 Asked, Desk, Sake, Ask, Sad, Sea Bonus Daks, Kaes, Keas, Sade, Ads, Dak, Eds, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 146 Sheen, Hens, Seen, Hen, See, She Bonus Esne, Sene, Ens, Nee Level 147 Awash, Wash, Ash, Has, Saw, Was Bonus Haws, Shaw, Shwa, Awa, Haw Level 148 Brush, Shrub, Bush, Rubs, Rush, Bus, Hub, Rub, Sub Bonus Buhrs, Buhr, Burs, Hubs, Urbs, Bur Level 149 Lends, Ends, Lend, Lens, Send, Sled, Den, End, Led Bonus Dels, Dens, Elds, Sned, Del, Eds, Eld, Ens, Sel Level 150 Waved, Wade, Wave, Awe, Dew, Wad, Wed Bonus Awed, Deva, Daw, Wae Level 151 Picks, Pick, Sick, Skip, Sic, Sip, Ski Bonus Kips, Pics, Spik, Kip, Pic Level 152 Opens, Nope, Nose, Ones, Open, Pens, Pose, One, Pen, Son Bonus Peons, Pones, Eons, Epos, Noes, Opes, Peon, Peso, Pone, Pons, Sone, Ens, Eon, Ope, Pes, Sop Level 153 Twins, Twin, Wins, Its, Sin, Sit, Tin, Win, Wit Bonus Nits, Snit, Tins, Wist, Wits, Nit, Tis, Wis Level 154 Glaze, Gale, Gaze, Zeal, Age, Ale, Gal, Gel, Lag, Leg Bonus Egal, Laze, Lea, Zag Level 155 Mores, More, Rose, Some, Sore, Ore Bonus Morse, Omers, Mors, Omer, Ores, Rems, Roes, Roms, Ers, Rem, Res, Roe, Ser, Som Level 156 Pouch, Chop, Coup, Ouch, Cop, Cup, Hop Level 157 Snaps, Spans, Pans, Pass, Snap, Span, Nap, Pan, Sap, Spa Bonus Asps, Naps, Sans, Saps, Spas, Asp, Pas Level 158 Tonal, Alto, Loan, Ant, Lot, Not, Tan, Ton Bonus Notal, Talon, Tolan, Lota, Nota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat Level 159 Begin, Being, Binge, Beg, Big, Bin, Gin Bonus Bine, Gibe, Ben, Gen, Gib, Gie, Neb, Neg, Nib Level 160 Flats, Fast, Flat, Last, Salt, Aft, Fat Bonus Alts, Fats, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 161 – 180 Level 161 Puree, Peer, Pure, Per, Rep, Rue Bonus Rupee, Pere, Pree, Ere, Ree Level 162 Amber, Bare, Beam, Bear, Mare, Are, Arm, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Mar Bonus Bream, Embar, Barm, Bema, Berm, Brae, Ream, Arb, Bam, Mae, Ram, Reb, Rem Level 163 Fumes, Fuse, Muse, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Emus, Fems, Feus, Fume, Emu, Fem, Feu Level 164 Belts, Belt, Best, Bets, Lest, Lets, Let, Set, Bet Bonus Blest, Bels, Tels, Bel, Bes, Sel Level 165 Dough, Dog, Dug, Duo, God, Hog, Hug Bonus Hod, Oud Level 166 Deity, Diet, Edit, Tide, Tidy, Tied, Die, Dye, Tie, Yet Bonus Dite, Yeti, Dey, Dit, Ted Level 167 Crowd, Cord, Crow, Word, Cod, Cow, Rod, Row Bonus Cor, Doc, Dor, Dow, Orc, Roc Level 168 Muted, Duet, Mute, Due, Met, Mud Bonus Emu, Med, Mut, Ted, Ute Level 169 Batch, Bath, Chat, Act, Bat, Cab, Cat, Hat, Tab Bonus Bach, Baht, Tach Level 170 Crime, Mice, Rice, Ice, Ire, Rim Bonus Cire, Emic, Emir, Merc, Mire, Rime, Mic, Mir, Rec, Rem Level 171 Libel, Bell, Bile, Bill, Ill, Lie Bonus Bel, Lei, Lib Level 172 Admit, Amid, Maid, Aid, Aim, Dam, Dim, Mad, Mat, Mid, Tad Bonus Adit, Ait, Ami, Dit Level 173 Drink, Kind, Rind, Rink, Din, Kid, Kin, Rid, Ink Bonus Dink, Dirk, Kirn, Irk, Kir Level 174 Youth, Hot, Hut, Out, Toy, You Bonus Thou, Hoy, Tho, Thy Level 175 Ports, Sport, Port, Post, Pots, Sort, Spot, Stop, Tops, Opt, Pot, Pro, Rot, Top Bonus Prost, Strop, Opts, Orts, Pros, Rots, Tors, Trop, Ort, Sop, Sot, Tor Level 176 Snake, Sneak, Sake, Sane, Sank, Ask, Ken, Sea Bonus Kanes, Skean, Anes, Kaes, Kane, Keas, Kens, Ane, Ens, Kas, Kea, Nae, Ska Level 177 Tenth, Tent, Then, Hen, Net, Ten, The Bonus Hent, Nett, Teth, Nth Level 178 Shady, Dash, Days, Hays, Ash, Day, Had, Hay, Sad, Say, Shy, Has Bonus Dashy, Ashy, Dahs, Shad, Shay, Ads, Ays, Dah, Yah Level 179 Champ, Camp, Chap, Cap, Ham, Map Bonus Caph, Cham, Mach, Amp, Cam, Hap, Mac, Pac, Pam Level 180 Dense, Needs, Ends, Need, Seed, Seen, Send, Den, End, See Bonus Denes, Dees, Dene, Dens, Esne, Sene, Sned, Eds, Ens, Nee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 181 – 200 Level 181 Spike, Pies, Pike, Skip, Pie, Sip, Ski Bonus Kepis, Pikes, Kepi, Keps, Kips, Sike, Sipe, Skep, Spik, Kep, Kip, Pes, Sei Level 182 Canoe, Ocean, Cane, Cone, Once, Ace, Can, One Bonus Acne, Aeon, Ane, Con, Eon, Nae, Oca Level 183 Drawn, Darn, Dawn, Draw, Rand, Wand, Ward, Warn, And, Ran, Raw, Wad, Wan, War Bonus Nard, Awn, Daw, Rad Level 184 Ninth, Hint, Thin, Hit, Inn, Tin Bonus Hin, Nit, Nth Level 185 Stirs, Sits, Stir, Its, Sir, Sit Bonus Sirs, Sris, Sis, Sri, Tis Level 186 Apple, Leap, Pale, Plea, Ale, Ape, Lap, Pal, Pep Bonus Appel, Palp, Peal, Alp, App, Lea, Pap, Pea Level 187 Scrub, Curb, Rubs, Bus, Cub, Rub, Sub Bonus Curbs, Burs, Crus, Cubs, Curs, Urbs, Bur, Cru, Cur Level 188 Pasta, Past, Pats, Taps, Apt, Pat, Sap, Spa, Tap Bonus Tapas, Spat, Tapa, Asp, Pas, Sat Level 189 Helms, Helm, Mesh, Elm, Hem, She Bonus Elms, Hems, Mels, Mel, Sel Level 190 Owing, Gown, Wing, Gin, Ion, Now, Own, Wig, Win, Won Bonus Wino, Nog Level 191 Aloft, Float, Alto, Flat, Loaf, Loft, Aft, Fat, Lot Bonus Foal, Lota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat, Oft Level 192 Cruel, Ulcer, Clue, Cure, Curl, Lure, Rule, Cue, Rue Bonus Lucre, Ecru, Luce, Cel, Cru, Cur, Leu, Rec Level 193 Zebra, Bare, Bear, Are, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era Bonus Braze, Brae, Raze, Arb, Reb Level 194 Mouse, Muse, Some, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Moues, Emus, Moue, Sumo, Emu, Som, Sou Level 195 Steps, Pest, Pets, Sets, Step, Pet, Set Bonus Pests, Septs, Psst, Sept, Pes Level 196 Cover, Core, Cove, Over, Rove, Ore, Rev Bonus Cero, Cor, Orc, Rec, Roc, Roe, Voe Level 197 Rebel, Beer, Reel, Bee, Eel, Lee Bonus Leer, Bel, Ere, Reb, Ree Level 198 Cloud, Could, Cold, Loud, Cod, Duo, Old Bonus Clod, Col, Cud, Doc, Dol, Oud Level 199 Field, Filed, File, Fled, Idle, Lied, Life, Die, Elf, Fed, Led, Lid, Lie Bonus Felid, Flied, Deil, Deli, Diel, Lief, Def, Del, Dif, Eld, Fid, Fil, Lei Level 200 Boost, Boots, Boot, Soot, Sob, Too Bonus Boos, Bots, Oots, Stob, Bot, Sot Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 200 – 210 Level 201 Thank, Hank, Tank, Than, Ant, Hat, Tan Bonus Ankh, Hant, Khan, Khat, Kat, Nth Level 202 Grief, Fire, Rife, Ire, Rig, Fir Bonus Frig, Reif, Erg, Fer, Fig, Gie, Ref, Reg, Rif Level 203 Smart, Arms, Arts, Mars, Mast, Mats, Rats, Star, Tram, Arm, Art, Mar, Mat, Tar, Rat Bonus Marts, Trams, Mart, Rams, Tams, Tars, Tsar, Ram, Sat Level 204 Finds, Find, Fins, Din, Dis, Fin, Sin Bonus Difs, Dins, Fids, Dif, Fid Level 205 Mouth, Moth, Hot, Hum, Hut, Out Bonus Thou, Mho, Mot, Mut, Ohm, Tho, Tom Level 206 Story, Rosy, Sort, Toys, Rot, Soy, Toy, Try Bonus Ryots, Stroy, Troys, Tyros, Orts, Rots, Ryot, Tors, Tory, Troy, Tyro, Ort, Sot, Sty, Tor Level 207 Beams, Base, Beam, Mesa, Same, Seam, Sea Bonus Bemas, Mabes, Bams, Bema, Maes, Abs, Bam, Bes, Mae, Sab Level 208 Stalk, Talks, Last, Salt, Talk, Task, Ask Bonus Alts, Kats, Lats, Skat, Slat, Alt, Kas, Kat, Lat, Sal, Sat, Ska, Tsk Level 209 Cards, Arcs, Card, Cars, Scar, Arc, Car, Sad Bonus Cads, Rads, Sard, Scad, Ads, Rad, Sac Level 210 Doors, Door, Odor, Rods, Rod, Sod Bonus Odors, Ordos, Roods, Dors, Ordo, Rood, Dor Nah itulah tadi semua Kunci Jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210. Kabar Games akan mengupdatenya kembali jika telah menemukan kunci jawaban ke level lebih tinggi lainnya, jangan lupa baca juga kunci jawaban Tebak Gambar, TTS Pintar, TTS Jenius, Brain Blow, Stump Me dan Tebak Tebakan 2020! Nantikan terus berita terbaru dan terupdate seputar game dan gadget hanya di Kabar Games. (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
#TipsTrick #MobileLegends
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superdecade · 7 years
A levidrome is a word that when spelled backwards makes another word. Well, at least not yet. It is not in the Oxford English Dictionary. Levi Budd is a six-year-old boy from British Columbia in Canada who has coined the term 'levidrome' after spotting that the word 'STOP' spells 'POTS' backwards. After realising that there is no such word in English for this phenomena, a social media campaign has started to get this word in popular usage (hence this post). I wrote a short Python script this morning that will pull all of the levidromes from a dictionary file. The full list is copied below.
aa ab aba abac abba abo abos abut acca ad ado ados ae aga agar agas agenes ah aha ahs aia aider air airts ajar aka al ala alan alif alma alula am ama amahs amas amen amene amir amis amla amman an ana anal anan anana anes anew anger animal animes anna annat anon ante apod araara arak arb arbas are ares arf aril arret arris arum arval aryl assam asses at ataata ate ates aua auks ava aval avel avid avo awa ay ayahs ba bac bacs bad bag bal bals ban bans bard barf bark bas bat bats bed beef ben bens bib bid big bin bins bird bis blub bo bob bobac bobak bod bog boh bok bon bonk boob boord bor bos bots bows boy bra braced brad brag braw bro brod bros bru bub bud bug bulb bun bunk buns bur burd burg bus but buts cab caba cabob cam camus cap card cares cep ceps cire cires cis cit cite cito civic clat cod cor cos cot cram cran crem cur da dab dace dad dag dah dahs dal dam dap daraf darb darg dart darts das daud daw daws day de deb debut decaf decal decarb dedal deed deem deen deens deep deeps deer dees deet deets def defer deffer deffo deg degami degged deid deified deifier deil deke deked del deled delf delis deliver delos dels deman demit demits den denier denies denim denis denned dennets dens depart deport depot depots derat derats dere dered deres deros derris dessert desserts deus devas devil devils devots dew dewans dewed dexes deys di dial dialer dials diaper dib did died dif dig dim din dinar diol diols diram dit div diva do dob doc dod dog doh dohs dol dom don dons doom door dop dopa dops dor dorb dormin dorp dorps dort dorter dos doser dot doy drab drac drail dram drap draps draw drawer draws dray drey drib drier droob drool drow drows drub duad dual dub dud duel duo dup dups ea ean eas eat ecad ecce ed edile edit ee eel eels een ef eh ehs eke eked elide elides elutes em eme emes emir emit emits emmets emong emos en ene enema enes enol enows er era ere ered eres ergo eric eros ervil eses esnes espial esse et eta etas etat etats eten etic etna euk eve even evil eviler evils ewe exul eye faced farad fe fed feeb feer fen fer fet fid fier fig fila fir fires fled flog flor flow fool fra frab fret fro gab gad gag gal gals gam gan gans gaps gar garb gas gat gateman gater gats gay ged gel gelder gem gen get gib gid gif gig gins gip girt girts git gnar gnat gnats gnaw gnaws gnome gnus gob god golf gon gons goog gorp gorps gos got grad gram grub gu gub gul gulp guls gum gums guns gup gups gur gut guv guy ha habus had hadedah hah hahs hajjah halalah hales hallah hallan halos han hap haram hay he heh henry hep her hey ho hob hod hoh hon hoo hoop hop hos huh hup id ikat imaged io iris iron is it itas iwi jar kabob kaiak kak kam kara kat kay kayak keek keel keels keep keet keets ken keps kier kips kirks kis kiths knaps knar knit knits knob knop knot knots know knub knuts kob kook kor korat kow krab krans kue la lab laced lacer lad laded laer lag lager laid laipse lair lam lamina lana langer lap lares larum las laud lava lavra leat leben led lee leek leep leeps leer lees leet leets leg leir lemel leper les let leud leva level lever levins levo lez liar liard liart lias lied lies lin lion lira lit live lived livre lobo lod loges loid lone loof looks loom loons loop loops loord loos loot looter loots lop los lotos lug luxe lyra ma mac macs mad madam maes mag mak mal malam mallam mals mam man map maps mar marah marc marcs mard marg marid marram marrum mart mas massa mat maws may me meed mees meet meets meg mem merc meter mets mew mho mid milks mils mim mined minim mips mir mis mm mo mod mom mon moo mood mool mools moops moor moos moot mop mor mos mot moy mu mug mum mura mural mures murram mus mut muton muts na naan nab nae nag nah nala nallah nam named namer nametag namma nan nana nap napas nappas naps naras narc narcs narks nas nat naw ne neb nebel ned nee need neep nef neg nek neks nelis nema nemas nep net nete nets neve neves new nib nid nil nimrod nip nips nis nit no nob nod nog noh noil nolos nom non nona nonet noo noon noop noops nori nos not notes notum now noy nu nub nun nur nus nut nuts nys oat ob oba obey obo obol od oda odas offed offer ogre oh ohm oho ohos oi oiks om on ono oo ooh oohs oom oon oop oor oot op oppo orb orf os otic otto oud ova ovel ow owt oxo oy pac pacer pad pah pal palp pals pam pan pans pap par pard part parts pas pat pats paw paws pay pec peed peek peel peels peen peep pees peh pelas pen peons pep per perp perts pets pig pin pins pip pir pis pit plap plug po pod poh pol pols pom ponk poo pooh pool pools poon poons poop poor poort poos poots pop port ports pos pot pots pow pows prat prep prod prog pud pug puh pullup pup pupils puris pus put puy radar rag raga rager rages raggas rail rait raj raja ram ramis rang ranid rank rap raps ras rast rat rats raw ray re real reaps rebus rebut recal recap recaps reccos redder redes redia redips redleg redraw redrawer reed reef reeks reel reels reens rees ref refed refer reffed reffo reflet reflow regal regar regna regnal regos reh reif reified reifier reik reiks reined reird reknit reknits reknot reknots relaid relit relive reliver reman remeet remit renies rennet rep repaid repaper repel repins repot repots res resat resod retag retem retool retrod retros revel reviled reviler reviver reward rewarder rewets rexes ria rial rias ribas riel rif rim rima rime rims rip rits rob roc rod rok rolf rom rones roo rood room rooms roop roops roots rosies rot rotator rotavator rotor rub ruc rucs rug rums run sab sabir sabra sad sadis sado sados sae sag saga sagas sagenes saggar sail sair sakis sal salep salles sallets sam sama samas samen san sanes sap sapan sappan saps sar saran saros sarus sat sate sati sav saved saw saz scab scam scares scot scram scran scur seals seam seat secret seder sedes sedile seed seeks seel seem seems seep seer sees segar segol seil seined seiner seis seisor seities sekos sel selah selahs seles sellas selles seme sememes semes semina sena senas sene senega senegas sennet senor sense ser sera serac seracs seral sere sered seres seric serif serons serres serum sese sesey sessa sesses set seta seton setule seven sexed sexer sexes sey seys sha shad shah shahs shakos shales shama shay shaya she shod shoo shtik si sib sic sidas sies sik sikas siled silen sim sima simar simis sin sined sinnet sip siri siris sirra sirred sirs sirup sis sit six skat skeer skees skeets sken skeps skier skio skips sklim skool skran skrans skrik skua slab slaes slag slaid slam slap sled slee sleek sleep sleeps sleer sleet sleets slim slipup slit slive slived sloid sloom sloop sloops sloot sloots slop slug smart smees smew smir smits smoor smoot smug smur smut smuts snab snag snap snaps snark snarks snaw snawed snaws sneb sned sneed sneer snib snig snip sniper snips snirt snit snivel snod snoep snog snool snoop snoops snoot snores snort snot snow snub snug so sob soba soc soccer sod soda sodas sog soger soh soho sokahs sokes sol solah soled solon solos som some son sonnet sool soom soop sop soras sorb sore sored sorter sos sotol sow soy spacer spaer spag spam span spank spans spar spard spart sparts spas spat spats spaw spaws spay spaz spec speed speel speels spek speks spets spider spik spiks spim spin spins spirt spirts spit spod spool spools spoom spoon spoons spoor spoots sports spot spots sprat sprits sprod sprog spud spug sris stab stag stang stap staps star stared start stat state stats staw staws steed steek steeks steel steels steem stellas stem stemme sten stenned step steps stet stets stew stewer stime stimed stims stink stinker stir stirps stob stonk stonker stool stools stoop stoops stoor stop stoped stoper stops stot stots stoved stow stows strad strap straps straw strep stressed stria strig strips strop strops strow struts stub stum stums stun stunk sturts sub subah suber succus sued sulu sulus sum sumac sun sung sup suras sus susus swad swam swang swans swap swaps sward swat swats sway swey swob swone swop sword swot swots syed syes syn ta tab tae tael taes tag tak taki taks talc tallat tam tan tang tanna tao tap taps tar tared tarok tarp tarps tart tas taser tat tate tats tav taw taws te teed teek teel teels teem teemer tef teg tel telfer ten tenet tenner tennes tennis tennos tenon terces terf terra terret tes tet tets tew ti tiar tic tid tide tig til tiler tils time timed timer tin tink tinker tins tip tips tirrit tis tit toc tocs tod tog tom ton tonk tonker tons too tool tools toom tooms toons toot top toped toper tops tor torot tort tot tots tow tows trad trail tram trams trap traped traps trat trats tressed trew trig trins trips trod trons troop trop troped trot trow tsar tub tuba tubed tuber tug tum tums tun tup tut two ug ulu ulus um umu un urb utu vas vat vav vid vug wad wan wang wans wap waps war warb ward warder warts was wat wats waw way wed wem wems wen wena wert wet wets wey wo wok wolf wolfer won wonk wons wop word wort worts wos wot wots wow xis ya yad yag yah yahs yak yam yap yaps yar yard yaw yaws yay yebo yeh yerd yes yeses yew yews yo yob yod yom yon yos yrneh yug yup zaps zas zel ziz zuz zzz
It is interesting to note that some levidromes are also palindromes. I wonder whether we need a new word to describe this phenomenon also?  Furthermore, there is no word in English for "a word that you make up in order to make another word make sense". I suggest: "emordivel" ?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2nbSsPu http://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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vraiesmeufs · 7 years
Grand marché Stalingrad, 15h.
Je rejoins Safia sur son lieu de travail. Elle arrive, rayonnante, un casque de moto à la main. “Je sors du travail, je suis chef de rang dans un resto pas loin.” Elle me fait visiter. “C'est un endroit que j'aime beaucoup : le restaurant est cool et la déco est sympa. Avant, c’était un squat qu’ils ont totalement réaménagés en restaurant et épicerie fine.”
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Safia et moi nous sommes rencontrés sur Twitter après que quelqu'un m'a demandé de faire un article sur elle. La jeune fille, totalement décomplexée, raconte son quotidien, partage ses opinions et ses envies sur son Twitter et ce qui m'a le plus frappé est le nombre d'insultes et de reproches qu'elle reçoit à cause de sa façon d'être. “Quand tu es une fille on va toujours te reprocher certaines choses dont tout le monde s’en fiche pour les garçons. J'avais posté une photo où j'étais habillée en jogging avec une sacoche, un casque et une moto derrière et les gens m’ont directement demandé si j’étais lesbienne par exemple. On me reproche de fumer, on me reproche de parler mal et on m'insulte par rapport à ça mais tout ce que je peux dire c'est que je m'en fiche complètement. Ça me fait rire parce que ces personnes sont juste mal à l’aise avec le fait que je sois un peu différente et se permettent de dire des choses qu’ils ne diront probablement jamais dans la vraie vie : c’est un des problèmes des réseaux, Twitter ça désinhibe certaines personnes et ça leur laisse la possibilité de s'exprimer un peu trop fort. Mais tu sais, je ne prends pas à coeur ce qu'il se passe sur ce réseau, des fois je peux partir en clash avec quelqu’un et ça finit par des fous rires.”
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On parle ensuite des réactions qu’a suscité le reportage Dossier Tabou, passé récemment sur M6. “Je n'ai pas pu voir le reportage ce jour-là parce que je travaillais mais lorsque je l’ai revu en replay, je peux te dire que ça m’a secoué. C’est quand même très grave que dans une époque comme la nôtre, où les gens ont acquis des droits et où on peut recevoir une éducation, le harcèlement de rue ou les agressions sexuelles sont vues comme quelque chose de banal… C’est un phénomène qui existe depuis la nuit des temps et qui a toujours été banalisé, dans toutes les sociétés, dans toutes les époques et ça montre que l’homme a un problème avec la femme depuis toujours, alors que ça devrait juste être normal de respecter une femme, ce n’est pas quelque chose dont on doit se féliciter. Tu sais, je dis toujours que le féminisme ça ne devrait pas exister, parce qu'il ne devrait même pas y avoir un courant activiste qui se batte pour nos droits, car les droits qu’on demande devraient juste être la norme. Mais bon, comme nous ne vivons pas dans une société “normale”, on a besoin de ces femmes qui ouvrent leur bouches et qui se battent.”
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“Un autre truc qui me rend assez triste sur les réseaux c’est les filles qui ne se soutiennent pas entre elles. On voit très souvent des meufs dire “non mais les filles qui postent des photos de leur fesses c’est des putes” ou des filles rabaisser d’autres filles juste pour quoi ? Pour l’oeil des hommes. Pour plaire aux gars. Et c’est quelque chose qui m'énerve parce qu'en faisant cela, elles ne se rendent pas compte qu’elles sont juste en train de complètement rabaisser la cause et elles continuent d’alimenter les clichés. Je me souviens d’un sondage sur la masturbation féminine où il y avait 95% de non et 5% de oui. C’est un sujet tellement tabou et dont on a tellement honte devant les hommes que même sur un sondage anonyme les meufs préfèrent mentir. Quand j’ai répondu en disant que le score final était faux, j’ai reçu plein de messages de meufs qui me disaient “mais nous on est pas toutes comme toi, on se préserve blablabla”. Au lieu de continuer à répandre ce cliché de la femme pure et innocente pour l’homme et à rabaisser toutes les autres, pourquoi on n’accepterait pas autant la fille vierge que celle qui a eu plein de conquêtes ? Il n’y aucun problème de ce niveau pour les garçons, et je les vois moins se tirer des coups dans les pattes que nous. Comment peut on demander aux hommes de nous respecter et de nous considérer comme égales si nous-mêmes avons des comportements pires que les leurs ?”
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Sa philosophie ? Le je m’enfoutisme. “La vie n’est pas si compliquée que ce que l’on croit. On pourrait tous vivre de manière tellement simple, en acceptant toutes les manières de penser des gens. Je vais te prendre un exemple très extrême mais imagine une cité et parmi ses habitants il y a Trump, Hitler, Malcolm X, Gandhi, Ben Laden. Le soir, ils sortent tous se poser aux quartiers et discutent : chacun donnent ses points de vues sur différents sujets et tout le monde s'énerve parce que personne n’est d’accord mais personne ne passe pour autant à l’action et chacun rentre chez lui le soir. Les gens n’ont pas à obliger les gens à penser d’une telle manière et ne devraient pas pour autant porter un jugement sur la manière de penser de l’autre. Laissons les gens respirer, laissons les gens vivre.”
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Alors qu’on se lève et qu’on marche vers le métro, la conversation tourne autour des hommes et d’amour. On se racontait nos histoires d’amours respectifs. Relations toxiques, premiers amours, ruptures, ça nous a fait du bien de se confier l’une à l’autre. “C’est incroyable comment l’amour ça tombe toujours au moment où tu t’y attends le moins. Si t’es sur un mec, on peut être sûr que ça ne marchera jamais, la vie fera toujours en sorte que tu tombes sur le bon quand tu le voyais à peine. Pareil pour les types de mecs : il y a trop de filles qui se fixent un seul type de mec en particulier et qui refusent de regarder ailleurs. Il ne faut pas se typer, tu peux tomber sur des mecs géniaux et qui ne sont pas ton type. On a trop d’attentes par rapport aux hommes, et je pense que c’est pareil de l’autre côté alors qu’il suffirait juste de se contenter de voir ce que la vie nous réserve et de ne pas chercher la perfection.”
ENGLISH VERSION (translated by Mathis)
Porte de Bagnolet, 2 pm.
I’m waiting for Safia at the tramway station. She arrives, beaming, with a motorbike helmet in her hands. “I just got out of work, I’m a head waiter in a restaurant not far from here.” She offers me to visit the restaurant. “It’s a place I like a lot, I find it to be very pretty, plus the decoration is so cool. This place was a squat before and they totally refurbished it.”
Safia and I met on Twitter after someone asked me to write an article about her. The young woman, completely assertive, relates about her everyday life, shares her opinions and her desires on her Twitter. What marked me the most is the number of insults and reproaches she receives because of her way to be. “When you’re a girl, we’re always going to reproach some things that nobody cares about when it’s boys. I shared a picture in which I was dressed with a tracksuit and a purse, I had a helmet and there was amotorbike behind me, and people directly asked me if I was lesbian for example. We reproach me to smoke, we reproach me to not properly talk, we insult me because of all of this but all I can say is I don’t give a single fuck about it. Honestly, it just makes me laugh because these people are just ill at ease with the fact that I’m a bit different, and they allow themselves to say things they probably wouldn’t say in real life but hey, this is one of the social networks’ problems. Twitter makes talking easier for some people. But you know, I don’t take to heart what happens on this network, sometimes I start clashing with someone and it ends by the giggles.”
We then talk about reactions lead by the report “Dossier Tabou” that was recently on M6 (Editor’s note: M6 is a famous French TV channel). “I couldn’t see the report this day because I was working but when I saw it on replay, I can tell you that it shocked me. It is gross that in a time like ours, where people acquired rights, where we can receive an education, we still see street harassment or sexual assaults as something normal… This phenomenon exists since time immemorial, in all societies, in all eras, and it shows that the man has a problem with the woman since always, while it should just be normal to respect a woman, it’s not something we should congratulate ourselves about. You know, I always say that feminism shouldn’t exist because we shouldn’t even have an activist branch that fights for our rights, because the rights we’re asking should just be the norm. But well, as we do not live in a “normal” society, we need these women who open their mouth and who fight.“
“Another thing that makes me kinda sad on social networks is that girls don’t support each other. We often see girls say “Nah but girls that post pics of her ass are whores/hoes” or girls put other girls down, just for what? For men’s eyes. To please men. It’s something that pisses me off a lot because by doing so, they don’t realize they’re just ruining the cause and feeding the clichés. I remember about a poll about feminine masturbation where there was 95% of no and 5% of yes. The subject is so much of a taboo and a shame before men that even on an anonym poll, girls prefer to lie. When I replied saying that the final score was fake, I received a lot of messages from girls saying “but, us, we’re not like you, we preserve ourselves blablabla”. Instead of spreading that cliché of the pure and innocent woman for the man and putting all other girls down, why wouldn’t we accept the girl that had a lot of conquests as much as we accept the virgin one? There is no problem about this for boys, and I see them throwing each other a wrench in the gears much less than girls. How can we ask men to respect us and consider us as equal when we ourselves have worst behaviors than them?“
Her philosophy? The "I don’t care” one. “Life is not as complicated as we believe. We could all live in a simpler way, by accepting every people’s ways of thinking. Let me give you a very extreme example, imagine a ghetto and among its inhabitants, there is Trump, Hitler, Malcolm X, Gandhi and Ben Laden. During the evening, they all go outside to chill in the ghetto and talk: each one of them give their opinions on different subjects, and they all start getting mad because no one agrees but no one moves into action for all that, and each one gets home after. People don’t have to force others to think in this or that way, and they shouldn’t make a judgement about the other’s way of thinking. Let people breath, let people live.”
While we stand up and start walking to the tramway, we talk about men and love. We tell each other our love stories. Toxic relationships, first loves, separations, it makes us feel good to confide to each other. “It’s incredible how love always happens when you expect it the less. If you’re after a guy, we can be sure that it won’t work, life will always make you fall on the good one when you were barely seeing him. Same for types of guys: there are too many girls that set themselves to one particular type of man and refuse to watch elsewhere. You shouldn’t set yourself, you can find some great men that are not your type. We have too much expectations from men, and I think it’s the same in the other side while it would be enough to just be satisfied with what life holds for us, without looking for perception.”
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pervincetosscobble · 7 years
finished my young justice rewatch here are some Thoughts And Feelings (this is a very long post sorry to mobile users)
let me begin this post by saying bart allen is my one and only true ultimate favorite, and also if you’ve ever wanted to see (um, hear) me cry you can do that now thanks to bart allen
i was surprised by how much some of my opinions/faves changed tbh? i was. god, i was 13 the first time this show aired and 15 when it ended, so it tracks that now, 4-6 years later (???!?!?!?!?) things won’t be the same, but some changes were. significant
i’m adopting conner, for starters
conner loves sociology. pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands, motherfuckers
conner also knows a lot of really weird pieces of trivia
conner was a good student but also didn’t care about school
i remember not being really into conner/m’gann the first time around but i was kind of taken in by them in s1? these two kids trying to find their home in a world that wasn’t made for them.
conner and m’gann had a lot of date nights themed around Get To Know Earth Culture
some of these involved bioship travels and, like, day trips to paris just because they could
some of these were like. improv lessons and pottery classes.
i’m also still not super happy about the hints that they get back together post-s2. like. i hope they become friends again, that’d be good, but i refuse to believe conner would be okay with dating her again after what she did the first time.
point that has only just occurred to me: in the beginning of s1 conner is vastly uncomfortable with telepaths. by the end he’s totally okay with it because of m’gann. and i’d bet money there’s a point somewhere mid-timeskip where, because of her, he was no longer okay with them anymore.
one the note of the timeskip: five years seems RIDICULOUSLY long to me, especially considering that every plot-significant change happened “in the last few months.” like, what was the goal? aging dick up to nightwing? five years is SO MUCH missing lore, so many stories they could’ve fleshed out. make it two years. hell, if two is a squeeze, i could’ve gone for three. but five years?? nah, dude.
the best thing about the timeskip was domestic wally/artemis, which, like, i was totally enamored with them, so much, and their relationship development, and everything about them
i also liked kaldur’s character a lot more this time around, although i’ve got to say i’m not wild about them basically fridging tula?? (i’ll admit to not being super familiar with aquafam lore, so i don’t know how true to the comics that is, but they didn’t have to do it in the show) like, i know that it turns out he didn’t really go mad with manpain grief and turn evil, but i think there’s an equally powerful story in tula being injured and recovering in a world where she thinks kaldur abandoned her, in kaldur having to lie to her face instead of using her memory as justification
in general i think s2 could’ve benefitted from some trimming? i love all the freshmen, i really do, but it wouldn’t have been the worst thing if there were a few less of them.
alternately - and i know, networks and whatever - if s2 had been two seasons, or even had half a dozen more episodes, i think it would’ve benefitted from that, too
gotta say, the light gets old real fast. or at least, like, the whole “everything got super fucked” “no, everything went exactly as we planned it” things. like, you’re telling me the team never once threw them a curveball. never. really
13yo dick’s shenanigans and wordplay were a lot funnier when i was 13
now that i am an adult i feel..... a little more skeevy about canon-era jaime/bart than i did when i was 15 and i actually knew 13-year-olds who were dating 16-year-olds and saw nothing wrong with it? but i maintain that they have a solid friendship and definitely end up dating once they’re in their twenties
zatanna is my hero
this show vastly, vastly underutilized raquel. it’s a damn shame.
you know who else was great? mal. mal definitely saves puppies in his spare time and knows three languages and at least seven forms of martial arts and every teammate’s abilities and fears and favorite colors and everything there is to know about karen
artemis/zatanna is good
you know how jade just showed up and was like “yo roy look at our daughter”?? i like the idea of jade just, like, casually dropping lian’s existence into daily conversation.
“i miss alcohol now that i’m pregnant,” jade says. artemis chokes.
“this mission can’t take too long, i told the babysitter i’d be back by 9,” cheshire says. “the what,” sportsmaster shouts.
i still ADORE the runaway team, including og!roy, and man, i didn’t come out of this rewatch shipping a lot, but i love the idea of the runaway squad being kind of a tangled poly mess. ed is dating roy and asami, tye is dating asami and virgil, asami loves all her boys and understands why roy isn’t interested, etc.
like this fic for the disney film descendants
but also, like, in general, i really fucking love these kids
this show has a lot of really weird dad plots, which is strange for me bc my dad and i used to text after every episode, but also in general it’s interesting seeing the vast range of potential dads. for instance:
clark “i didn’t ask to be a dad” kent, who eventually transitions into an apparently passable dad? it’s not clear
black manta, who is morally a shitheel but also one of the most supportive dads on this show
barry, who definitely wanted to be more of an uncle than a dad
lex, who wanted to buy his genetically-experimented kids’ love
ollie, who really had a hell of a time
and of course dinah, who is the best mom and probably the best parent on the entire damn show
(also bruce, who didn’t do much dadding, but damn if i didn’t tear up at him talking to dick/tim/babs before he left earth)
gar logan is the team’s adoptive little brother. all of them, but especially the original six. and probably also zatanna and rocket.
i’d be able to go into more detail if we had more goddamn information about who joined the team when, which we don’t, because five year timeskip
but anyways since gar and m’gann are pseudo-siblings they’re closest, and then gar also loves conner, because who wouldn’t love their sister’s cool boyfriend?
conner is overwhelmed and kind of pleased by this
after conner and m’gann broke up gar was very worried that his sister’s cool ex-boyfriend wouldn’t want to hang around him anymore
conner did. conner and gar are basically brothers.
gar loves the entire original team, period
also i wanna throw it out there: ik there was a show-specific comic tie-in. i have read none of it. so if i say anything that doesn’t mesh with that it’s because i don’t care a ton about the comics? the show is probably better anyways
god i think that’s just about everything? so to wrap up this extremely long post i’m gonna go out of bulletpoint style here
i’m excited for s3! i really am. i can’t wait to see what they do with it. but also i’ve been convinced since i was 15 that the very last scene, with darksied and apokalips (which i deffo just spelled wrong but anyways), that scene only exists bc the producers were like “fuck it, we’re getting cancelled, might as well go all in” and just threw garbage in to make it seem like there was a conspiracy
like, this is a deep cut here, but there’s an episode of phineas and ferb that ended with a “next time” that was a series of nonsensical dramatic scenes, and then they tried to make an episode out of it and it was basically gibberish, and i’m really concerned that’s what’s going to happen here
but tldr i did enjoy this show a lot, and i’m glad i had the chance to rewatch it, and if anyone has their own thoughts to share y’all are welcome to hit me up!!
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