#gay jack-o-lantern
gloriousgoateedragon · 8 months
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zal-cryptid · 9 months
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SCP-3540 and SCP-2331
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boog-how · 10 months
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🎃 Freaky Delivery (2022) 🎃
A choose your own adventure series but with hunky Halloween monsters for the whole month of October. (well, mostly)
Next Part
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zenon-the-zequel · 8 months
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getting into the halloween spirit! 🎃✨
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xckhy-draws-something · 8 months
Pumpkin time!
Taking a small break from posting some drawings today because I wanted to show off this MK pumpkin I carved last night!
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(P.S.- this is my first time carving a pumpkin!)
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troisenator · 8 months
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Pumpkin Watercolor Paintings (2023)
Series 4 No. 19 - 21
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newblvotg · 8 months
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This is what I spent my weekend doing
Happy Halloween
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facetsofthejewel · 9 months
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Halloween Limited Edition Artwork: Art Prints, Apparel and More: 1-shannon-hedges.pixels.com Available Thru 10/31/23!!
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connorsartcorner · 8 months
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Day 31 of drawing smexy monsters until Halloween,Happy Halloween!
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rainbowfey · 8 months
Day 27: Outdoor Event
Genma rang the bell and counted to ten. Well, at least he tried to but before he could even get to three, Gai had already yanked the door open, the biggest smile imaginable plastered on his face. Before Genma knew what was happening, Gai had already grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside. A quick glance to the side showed him that Raidou had suffered the same fate. He too was struggling to keep up, his wrist firmly clasped by Gai’s other hand. Genma grinned to himself when he saw the helpless expression on Raidou’s face while they both tumbled after Gai, barely keeping up with his energetic pace. They exchanged a grin, Raidou a bit tormented which made Genma laugh to himself. He did know that Raidou wasn’t the biggest fan of gatherings but since he had insisted on accompanying Genma even though he had asked him three times whether he even wanted to, he had no other choice but to resign to his fate – which was wearing his usual green jumpsuit and was almost skipping in excitement.
Gai didn’t show mercy until they had crossed his living room and made it to the patio door that led to Gai’s spacious garden. Only when he had dragged them onto his patio, he let go of both of them and turned towards them, smiling at them excitedly. “The others are already here,” he exclaimed proudly, pointing vaguely behind him.
Genma peered over his shoulder and noticed a group of people casually standing around an enormous garden table with at least ten chairs around it. Genma waved back excitedly when Ebisu noticed him and raised his hand in a greeting. His gesture seemed to alert the others who now also turned to face them. Genma grinned happily when he saw that almost all of their friends had gathered in Gai’s garden. He could see Kakashi, standing suspiciously close to Yamato who smiled at Genma and Raidou. Obito had his arm wrapped around Rin who was laughing about a joke Shizune had just made. Yukiko stood next to Ebisu, excitedly waving at her brother and Genma felt Raidou relax a bit when he smiled at his little sister.
Gai grinned and gave them a soft push, steering them both towards their friends. It took a while until Genma and Raidou had greeted every single one of them and when the group finally quieted down a bit, Gai puffed himself up, smiling at them proudly. “I am so glad that you all could make it,” he said loudly and his garden fell quiet when they all looked at him curiously. “As most of you know, I wanted to have one last outdoor gathering before it gets too cold to chill in the garden. And with the help of Yamato, Shizune and Yukiko, I have managed to put together an amazing feast.”
Gai grinned at the three mentioned, giving them a thumbs up which they returned with a smile. “But all of you know that we have also gathered for one specific reason,” he continued, eyeing them eagerly. Genma started grinning. He indeed knew what Gai had lured them in with and his stomach started rumbling at the thought. He noticed that Ebisu and Kakashi also nodded, looking at Gai expectantly. Gai seemed to enjoy the attention and he stalled until the silence almost got too long. “Well, I know you’re all waiting for it – but I decided that we’re gonna have some more fun today.”
Genma raised an eyebrow and looked at him curiously. “What shenanigans have you come up with this time?” he asked with a laugh and Gai returned his look triumphantly.
“Well, my dearest Genma, there is one problem – I only have enough pumpkin pie for three people. In order to get a taste of my famous pumpkin pie, you will have to prove yourself worthy,” Gai exclaimed, grinning at the puzzled faces around him. “You will all have to compete with each other in my infamous treasure hunt!”
For a moment, everything stayed silent but then all hell broke loose when all of them started chattering at once. Gai seemed to relish in the overarching confusion and Genma felt a soft tug at his sleeve. He turned towards Raidou who eyed him a bit perplexed. “Did you know about this?” Raidou whispered.
Genma shook his head and shrugged with a grin. “No, I didn’t. But honestly, I’m not surprised. Gai wouldn’t be satisfied with hosting a simple outdoor event. No, he has to do something extravagant, otherwise it wouldn’t be successful to him.”
Raidou smiled nervously and nodded. “I guess I could’ve seen this coming,” he agreed quietly.
Before Genma had the chance to reply, Gai raised his hands and motioned for them to quiet down. “Listen, you guys. I have hidden three Halloween tokens in my garden and whoever finds one of them will get to enjoy my infamous pumpkin pie while the others miss out and have to make do with the rest of our feast.”
Kakashi shook his head slightly incredulously. “You always have to go the extra mile, don’t you?”
Gai gave him his biggest grin. “You’re entirely right about this, my eternal rival. But don’t fret, you only have a couple of the greatest shinobi in all of Konoha competing with you. Are you up for the challenge?”
Kakashi straightened up and cracked his knuckles, grinning maliciously at them. “I’ll find all three tokens before anyone else does,” he proclaimed, evoking a whole bunch of equally as belligerent replies from Ebisu, Obito and Yukiko. Even Shizune and Yamato grinned, determined to prove themselves in this challenge.
Gai raised his arms, staring at all of them intently. “Well, I wish you all luck. Ready, set … go!”
And before Genma could form a straight thought, all of them scattered into the depths of Gai’s garden. Genma gave Raidou a look and smiled. “Shall we?” he asked and Raidou nodded with a slight smile. Then they followed the others’ example, also diving into the bushes around them.
Genma couldn’t stop grinning to himself when he carefully scoured Gai’s vegetable beds for anything that even remotely reminded him of Halloween but except for a couple of turnips he didn’t find anything. After he had cleared the vegetable patches, he moved on to the thicket next to the fence that separated Gai’s yard from his neighbor’s. But this spot also didn’t yield any results. He was about to move on to the next area when he heard a triumphant call, followed closely by another one in a different voice. “Only one token left,” he muttered to himself, intensifying his efforts.
Genma was digging himself through a giant pile of red and brown leaves, right in the line of sight of Raidou who was examining a tree hole, when he heard a third shout with glee. With a sigh, he straightened himself up and gave Raidou a look who returned it with an amused shrug. They both wiped their hands off on their pants and returned to the garden table where Gai had dished up the announced feast in the meantime.
Genma let his gaze wander over the table and stared at it in awe. Gai had done an amazing job, outdoing himself with over a dozen of dishes, beautifully arranged on gorgeous silverware that Genma would never had expected Gai to have. He gave him an impressed look and nodded appreciatively. “This looks amazing, Gai,” he said and Raidou next to him agreed wholeheartedly.
Gai thanked them graciously and looked around. Genma followed his gaze and noticed that three people were holding artfully carved jack-o-lanterns in their hands. Of course, Kakashi was one of them but to his surprise, the other ones were proudly held by Yamato and Rin.
Gai nodded at them approvingly. “So, we have our winners! Congrats, you three. As a reward, you’ll not only get to try my infamous pumpkin pie but I’ll also pass on the secret recipe to you!” While Yamato’s and Rin’s faces lit up, Kakashi grimaced. “You do know that I suck at baking, right?” he asked under his breath and Gai let out a thundering laugh.
“Well, then you better make sure not to poison anyone in the process,” Gai chuckled, giving Kakashi a pat on the shoulder. “And now I’ll serve the pumpkin pie!”
With these words, Gai disappeared into his living room and they all took a seat at the table, curiously glancing at the variety of dishes Gai had already served. “You’re one lucky woman,” Genma said to Rin who was sitting next to him, the jack-o-lantern sitting in her lap.
She gave him a playful nudge and grinned. “Well, I’ll be sure to share my reward with you guys,” she said with a soft smile and Yamato agreed empathetically. Kakashi however just grinned at them mischievously and shook his head.
“You do you but I won’t share with anyone,” he said grinning but Genma noticed his quick glance at Yamato and suddenly he was sure that there was at least one person Kakashi would’ve shared with had he not found a token himself. He chuckled to himself and exchanged a look with Raidou who was also eying Kakashi and Yamato with a smile.
“What do you think?” he whispered so that only Raidou could hear him. “How long until one of them asks the other out?”
Raidou shrugged with a smile but before he could reply, Gai appeared in the opened patio door, holding the biggest cake pan Genma had ever seen. They all stared at him in surprise and Gai seemed to relish the moment before he stepped towards the table, placing the enormous pumpkin pie in the middle of the table.
“Seems like I haven’t been entirely honest with you guys,” he said with a grin. “Of course, there is enough pumpkin pie for all of you! And now enjoy the feast with the power of youth, my friends!”
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lizardgirl10 · 9 months
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The fruitiest fruitiest Punkin I have ever seen 
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koffatone · 2 years
Scott Howl Jack O Lantern
Scott Howl Jack O Lantern
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zenon-the-zequel · 9 months
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“halloween is cool” 🎃
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troisenator · 9 months
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Pumpkin Watercolor Paintings (2023)
Series 4 No. 7 - 9
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kunaigirl · 2 years
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Since it’s officially been October for a few days now I decided to draw some spooky pumpkin girlfriends meeting up for a date! I also included the sketch and lines as separate images because I’ve been enjoying sharing my process along with the final drawings on here lately! 🎃💖🎃
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