#gem weed pipe
someloserjay · 1 year
Concerts and Tequila
!TW! Mention of alcohol and slight nsfw themes
Completely from Sebastian’s POV
Sebastian and his friends need to get to a concert a Zuzu city when same thinks of the only person he knows that can drive.
I’m terrible at descriptions bare with me please this is fully inspired by me and my friend going to a ‘set it off’ concert.
Sebastian’s POV
“Guys, did we think of how we’re getting there? Zuzu is massive. The hotel isn’t close to the place.” I pipe up. Planning to go see a concert with these two is terrible.
“Can we get a taxi or something?” Abigail asks
“It just sounds sketchy honestly.” I say everyone nods in an sort of agreement
“What about the [Y/N]? She used to live in Zuzu. She's gotta know how to drive? We could get her a ticket.” Sam proposes his eyes light up so much when he thought of the idea you’d think a light bulb appeared over him.
“Even if she did, no way she’d like the band.” I say trying to knock the idea down. She is a farmer, as much as i have a raging crush for her i know she wouldn’t be into this type of music.
“She actually does! I had to run by to pick up some gems I asked her to get. She has a poster of them and one of her pajama shirts is an old tour shirt. I think the poster is signed too.” Abigail says, trying to remember. “Have you two nerds not been inside her house?” She asks a massive laugh coming out.
“I’ve never been to the farm.” Sam admits
“Yeah, I haven't been over there since she moved in. I usually catch her outside the mines on her way back.”
“Wait a minute you said signed? She's been to a concert before, so she’d definitely be down to drive us! We gotta go ask.” Sam says getting excited and grabbing his coat. It’s towards the end of summer so the nights are getting chilly. So I stand and get my jacket. Abigail texts the farmer to find out she’s at her farm. Grabbing her jacket, we start on our way. The pathway is a lot neater, [Y/N] travels it so much she took a day to clean it up pushing the grass back and pulling some thorn bushes out of the way. I grab the small box out of my hoodie pocket and the walk being enough time to smoke. Plus going to [Y/N]’s this late is nerve racking. To say the least.
“You know that’s bad for you right?” Abigail says in a half joking half serious tone
“And you eat rocks.” I say as I light the cigarette. Sam laughs and she gives an annoyed yet defeated look and shrugs.
“Gems.” She says to correct me. Rock is rock. As we near the farm we hear faint music coming from the farm. It's not the band we all have tickets for but it is one of the headliners. We turned the corner to see the farmhouse, I haven't seen it since before mom added it to the farmer. It looks amazing. We turn to see the scene of [Y/N] pulling some weeds around her crops. When she hears us she perks up and waves, tossing the fibrous weeds into a box she has beside her porch. She set herself on the porch letting her legs dangle off.
“[Y/N] are you free next wednesday?” Abigail says in an overly enthusiastic tone. Jumping up beside her sitting beside her but with her legs crisscrossed while facing [Y/N].
“No sorry guys I’m going to the city next week for a thing i won’t be here.” Abigail's smile doesn’t fade too much.
“What are you gonna be doing? We just need someone to drive we’re going to Zuzu too.” Sam says. I finish my cigarette and go to toss it before [Y/N] stops me.
“I already had to clean a ton of old butts when I moved. I have a trash can inside in the kitchen.” She says as sweetly as humanly possible. I start inside and everyone follows me. [Y/N] goes in and grabs a glass of water.
“I’m actually going to see a concert.” She says turning her music off. The three start to put the piece of a puzzle in.
“[F/B/N]?!” Sam says, putting a hand on her shoulder. He’s normally touchy with people but this sent a small jolt into my heart.
“Yeah vip tickets. How’d you all know? Abby, did you rat out me liking them?” Abigail just nods like a dofus, she sighs.
“You got vip too?” I speak up.
“Yeah I have every time I’ve seen them.” She says gleaming. Yoba, her smile makes me melt.
“So can you drive us? We have two hotel rooms which means a free bed, come on please.” Sam asks
“Sure, I haven't booked my hotel yet. I have a rental car booked already. Do none of you know how to drive?” She asks, our excitement dies with that last question.
“We’ve never bothered to learn you can pretty much walk everywhere here in pelican town. Hey, even you sold your car when you moved here.” Abigail notes. She sold her car when she came down here? Is that how she bought her first sets of seeds, and why she’s so interested in my bike?
“I wasn’t trying to be mean, sorry guys of course I’ll drive just meet me at the bus station, the rental car spot is like right beside the bus stop in Zuzu.” She says it’s getting really late so we decide to head out for the night and let her go to bed.
— Wednesday—
This is the earliest I’ve been up in forever I think. I groan as i get up grabbing my phone to shut off the alarm. I grab my bag and start at the bus stop. I cut through [Y/N]’s farm. There’s a paper taped to her front door. I can’t help myself, I walk up to her door and read it. It’s a simple note thanking Perrie for coming by to check on her animals on his day off and some basic care instructions for them. I hurry off the bus stop where as usual I’m the last there. Abigail and [Y/N] are excitedly chatting back and forth beaming ear to ear. That damn smile. Sam’s hugging two cups of coffee from home. Without speaking he just hands me one and gives the most tired smile I’ve seen in a bit. A little bit later Pam shows up and we all board the bus.
A ride later we get there. We walk across the street to the rental car place and [Y/N] checks out the car. Abigail and Sam, who know about my crush on the farmer, let me have a front seat with her. Basterds. She puts the address for the hotel in and tells everyone to buckle up. I watch her every move. Before pulling out her hands and cord back to Abigail, annoyed I didn't say anything just watch. She picks “Like That” By ‘Sleep Token’ which isn’t a bad song. I enjoy it. But I really didn’t expect her to like it, I really need to change my expectations. She loved it, and knew it. Her singing along almost broke me and Abigail knew it.
“Oh shit the hotel is beside my old apartment building. I know where I’m going.” She laughs as she turns the car and starts to back out. It’s a smooth ride. Except for her and Abigail singing along to different songs she plays. When we get there she parks and we all rush in. Abigail and [Y/N] run into the bathroom to rush getting ready in the hotel room book for her and Abigail. Me and Sam set our stuff down and come back into their room sitting on the bed as we all chat. When she comes out of the bathroom to grab her phone I’m shocked I’m used to her in her overalls or jeans with her hair up to keep it out of her way. Her [Y/H/C] is down framing her face beautifully. Makeup, I’ve seen her with very light makeup on Fridays at the saloon, and light colored makeup at town events. But it’s dark, the lipstick, the eyes, it's something I would normally see from Abigail. She has a pair of shorts I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her wear before they aren’t covered in dirt though. The fish nets she’s wearing underneath are definitely borrowed from Abigail. It’s paired with a shirt from their last tour. Choker and earrings to add flair.
“You look great.” I say praying my voice didn’t crack as bad I think it did. Everyone laughs, I go along to feel less embarrassed. I always wondered what she’d look like dressed up like this, but seeing it. Yoba himself couldn’t stop the thoughts running through my head. We check the time, the vip stuff is about to start so we all pile back in the car and rush over Sam and Abigail get in the normal line and we pass through. [Y/N] and I are waiting in line and she is talking nonstop. She's excited I am too, I’m just shit at showing it. We get up front and go to them together. They sign her poster and vip tag mine too and she goes to take her photo with them and grabs my hand pulling me in.
“Memories!” She says as they flash the camera. We walk to the merch table and we each buy what we want and head to the stage. She goes right to the middle front to stand and wait for stuff to begin. She ties her shirt around her bag’s cross body strap.
“Can you hold this for one second?” She asks me while holding her bag out. She has her poster slightly hanging out of the top of it. I agree, taking it for a moment as she slips the new hoodie she had bought over her head.
“Look good?” She asks spinning. She looks amazing.
“You look great, sure you won’t get too hot in that?”
“If I do I’ll just take it off.” She says, grabbing her bag from me, slipping it back over her head. We make conversation as we wait the same and Abigail gets it a bit before everything starts and meets up with us. Me and Sam stand behind Abigail and [Y/N] since we’re taller and don’t want to block their views. Sam wiggles his eyebrows at me and I smack his shoulder mouthing ‘grow up’ at him.
The first band comes out and the girls are excited they know most of the songs. Me and Sam are a bit clueless but the performance was top tier.
‘Now I'm going to ask a favor, you've been a great crowd tonight! When I say get down I want everyone to get down like this and when I say to start jumping!’ the singer squats as the song begins signaling the crowd to do the same. I see Abigail pull [Y/N] down with her, there's a shine of excitement in [Y/N]’s eyes. The beat starts to swell. I play along as well, letting myself bend at the knees. The singer jumped up and the crowd went wild jumping. I smile while watching Im recording most of their set since I don't know the lyrics as well. [Y/N] is in front of me. I can barely make it out but I heard it even Sam gives me a look to confirm her. She's screaming the lyrics along with the crowd, the quiet farmer they've all come to love, they've forgotten she lived here this was probably her favorite scene when she was here. She's screaming and jumping, very close to me should I mention. Even Abigail points it out. [Y/N] brushes up against me by accident. She apologized, before turning back and enjoying the rest of the song.
[Y/N] comes back with Abigail with some bottles of water for the four of us needing water before the main band comes out. I take a large sip of mine, before slipping it in my hoodie pocket we all chit chat. Making plans for after the concert that include a bottle of tequila and what I would usually call a stupid game. Never have I ever. Were grown, why Abigail and Sam would suggest it seems suspicious. [Y/N] seemed excited so I went along with everything. The concert went great. Our group's voices hoarse from screaming lyrics all night. We all piled back into the small SUV [Y/N] had rented. As we pull off I begin to wonder about her life here in Zuzu, she doesn't chat about it much. I'm pulled out of thought as we stop there's a small plaza in front of me. The faint glow of ‘ABC’ glows and lights the car up. Abigail and [Y/N] hop out to grab the liquor we had agreed to. Sam slaps my arm apparently I was staring.
“Ya’know Abby said [Y/N] gets pretty touchy when she drinks. And we all know how cocky you get.” Sam says, I turn towards him.
“You're not trying to suggest?” I fuss, blood rushing to my cheeks and the tips of my ears. Sam laughs.
“I mean when was the last time dude. The girl from the fall festival that came in from Zuzu. The long distance didn't work or something like that.” He's referring to a small hookup I had about a year ago.
“I'm just saying Seb, she's definitely into you, take the shot.” Sam says as he punches my arm repeatedly. The girls come back outside and get inside, [Y/N] handing the heavy black bag back to him. Pulling out the music still going just quieter so we can all chat. The elevator ride up to the room was uneventful. The girls go into the bathroom and take off their makeup and their hair down. Me and Sam get the red solo cups set for the game, pouring an equal amount of tequila in each. Yoba, why did they pick tequila? It tastes like hell. Me and Sam use the bathroom one at a time to get our pajamas practically the same. A plain T-shirt and sweatpants. The girls come in. Abigail in leggings and her T-shirt she just bought. [Y/N] in shorts and the hoodie she had bought earlier in the night. The shorts barely poke out under the hem of the hoodie. Abigail sits on the bed beside Sam, leaving [Y/N] to sit beside me.
“I’ll start.” Abigail exclaims
“Never have I ever fallen asleep in public.” She says looking at Sam who takes a drink. So does [Y/N].
“I fell asleep on the bus to work one morning. And an few times on the way home from the mines to late.” [Y/N] says laughing
“I passed out on the couch in the saloon a couple times.” Sam admits. The game goes on until it's just me and [Y/N].
“Never have I ever worked hungover?” I ask in a joking manner, to my surprise [Y/N] took the last sip of her drink laughing. Sam’s eyes go wide.
“Dude Jojo’s is so strict about that, how'd you get away with it?” He asks
“It was the stupid call center that expected us to look half dead anyway.” She says giggling. Her hand rested on my knee to support her own laughter. My hand works hard to resist the urge to hold it. I wish we had broken up the rooms differently.
“So then I win?” I say an smirk growing on my lips.
“Guess so, last one with anything left in their cup.” Sam says “Gotta finish it off.” Which then starts the rest of the group chanting ‘finish it.’ Until I tip the cup finishing what was left in my cup. I take [Y/N]’s empty cup stacking ours together. I set the cups aside on the nightstand when a weight hits my shoulder looking down I see [Y/N]’s head resting against my shoulder, her arms wrapped around mine. My smirk turns into an gentle smile. Abigail and Sam are giggling and smacking each other excitedly while whispering to each other.
“I’m going to go lay down in the other room y’all have fun.” Sam says over exaggerating a yawn before scurrying out of the room.
“I think I’ll go crash in there too you to have fun though.” Abigail says in sing song voice as she grabs the spare key from me for that room and hurries behind Sam. Now with me and [Y/N] alone I look down at her, I cup her chin with my hand. She hums as she looks up an goofy smile plastered on her face.
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
[Dreamling Week Day 2: Dragons] A New Beginning
This is a The Hobbit AU where Dream is Smaug and Hob is Bilbo. I hope you like it! 🖤
CW: angst (grief, depression, suicide ideation) with a happy ending
Dream basks in the morning sunlight, pipe to his lips, looking just like any other hobbit smoking an Old Toby. Unlike other hobbits, however, his pipe-weed remains unlit. He's really just breathing from his dragon lungs and exhaling smoke from his mouth or nostrils.
On the other side of the garden, Hob is patiently teaching Daniel how to water the plants so they receive just the right amount that they need. His low voice and occasional chuckles, as well as Daniel's frustrated little hmph!s and wondrous little ooh!s serve as a balm to Dream's scarred soul.
He has never expected this to be his life.
Only a year ago, he had been a bitter old dragon, done mourning his wife and son for a hundred years but unable to move on. He didn't know what else to do in his life except wait to die in the place where their murderers lived, surrounded by their riches that mean absolutely nothing to him.
The last thing he expected to come into his life was a thief that brought sunshine with him. And the last thing he expected the thief to do was to sit with him and talk about the world outside the mountain.
And the way that Hob, the little hobbit thief, talked about the joys of food, the journey from the Shire to Erebor, the smell of the changing seasons...
Dream had gotten so used to the awful feeling inside him that he never realized he had been starving. Not just for food, but also for stories. For companionship. For someone to look upon his true form and not feel an ounce of fear.
When Hob the hobbit ("Stupid nickname, yes, I know," Hob had said, eyes crinkling in amusement), with his sunny smile and carefree manner, opened his small satchel and offered Dream some nuts and dried fruit from his trail mix because he was worried that Dream was hungry, it was when Dream realized that the creature in front of him was the rarest and most precious gem of all.
Hob barely had to convince Dream to leave, because Dream himself wanted to leave with him. ("Relocate," Hob insisted.) Hob was, perhaps, the only one who could have done such a task without inciting violence of any kind.
Hob walked out of the mountain accompanied by a dragon in the guise of an elf. And while Dream could have transformed himself into a dwarf, a human, or a hobbit, transforming into an elf felt like he was giving a proper farewell to his wife and son, who were elves.
The entire company was angered by the presence of an elf in their home, and some of them even drew their weapons when Hob explained that, "No, he is the dragon, and he's willing to leave."
Dream could have easily reduced the dwarves to ashes, but Hob had placed himself firmly between the dwarves and Dream, with his back turned to Dream. Ready to defend him and drawing his own blade.
Dream could not help but be more enamored of him. Being a dragon means not needing to be protected by anyone. But that this small being would be brave enough to face more than ten dwarves if it comes to it just to protect Dream...
Dream is not stupid enough to let such a treasure go. He made sure Thorin Oakenshield knows the debt he owes to Hob. Made sure Hob was paid fairly for his services right then and there. He reminds them that he is still a dragon, even if he is currently wearing an elven face.
Thankfully, and despite Thorin's early stage gold sickness, the rest of the company is sensible and honorable enough to pay Hob for his service.
Hob went home with Dream, and a wagonful of treasure. They did not leave until Dream himself was satisfied that the payment is indeed just. And one knows never to cheat a dragon.
The return journey was pleasant. Surprisingly so. With Hob for company, it was like Dream was still a young dragonling with fresh eyes to see the world.
Let the dwarves reclaim 'their' mountain that had once been Dream's in the dawn of the world. Let them squabble amongst themselves and politick and Thorin grow mad with gold sickness--it doesn't matter much to Dream anymore.
He has taken the one truly precious thing from the mountain. And no, not the Arkenstone.
The hobbit thief.
Dream looks to the side where Daniel is holding up a clump of weeds with tiny flower buds. He graciously accepts the bouquet and lets Daniel climb up to his lap and babble while pointing at the clouds.
"I think he's had enough of gardening," Hob says and sits beside him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, love."
A thing he has not felt since Calliope and Orpheus. An endearment he has not been called for more than a hundred years. An emotion he had felt growing stronger in his chest ever since Hob came into his life.
Dream, the dragon, living with his new family in the Shire, where there is also neighborhood drama and petty thievery. (No one steals from Hob anymore. Not since Dream reclaimed every single thing that had been stolen from Hob's house while he had been away on his adventure to Erebor, including a wooden button that had belonged to Hob's grandmother.)
Those aside, the Shire is a peaceful, slow-paced kind of place where every day feels like a vacation. There are feasts, and birthday parties, and sometimes Gandalf visits and spoils the hobbit children with a firework show.
(Dream thinks the fireworks are pretty quaint, but follow Hob's instruction to stay quiet about his opinion on the matter.)
But most of all, The Shire is a place where Hob loves to live, where he thrives, and where their family can live and grow in peace, away from all the wars waged by other races against each other.
And so Dream considers this place his home too.
"Hello, Hob," Dream says. He wraps an arm around him, the one holding the still unlit pipe, the one not holding their son and the bouquet of weeds, and gives him a proper kiss on the lips. This morning, Hob tastes of honey on pancakes, and ginger lemon tea. Dream knows he himself taste of fire, but Hob insists that all he tastes is freedom and adventure. Hob is smiling when they part, and is looking at Dream like he still cannot believe he's real. It's flattering. Dream loves his husband so much. "Shall we prepare second breakfast?"
Hob does not know it yet, but being mated to Dream would ensure that he (and their children) would live long lives. Dream doesn't think that Hob would hate him for his sudden near-immortality since, between the two of them, Hob is the more enthusiastic one about being alive. Dream is just happy to re-experience life as Hob sees it. They go on to have many adventures in the future, accompanied by their half a dozen children.
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gilgamish · 8 months
WIP Wednesday - Tides
(shhhh its still wednesday somewhere)
thank you @thana-topsy for the tag i have something for once
i tag: @tallmatcha , @dirty-bosmer , and @kookaburra1701 <3
Tides to Carry Us Home - Chapter ??
Aicantar’s tower was perhaps the one and only place in Markarth that Felix felt completely safe. The Dwemer spider clanked by, crawling along the bookshelves as it re-shelved them — a simple task that he and Aicantar had spent the better of part the winter programming into the spider. Felix watched it work, letting his mind idle for a moment. Aicantar hadn’t needed the help in the laboratory.
Sure, he had been interested in having a Julianite work out the programming logic for him, despite the fact that Felix hadn’t written out a proof since he was thirteen. And at thirty-three, Felix had not felt equipped to help at all and admitted as much. But as he had soon learned, it wasn’t so much the logic or the deduction. Mostly ignored by the court and his own uncle, Aicantar just needed someone to keep him company, even if under the guise of needing help programming the automaton. He was stubborn that way. 
Harboring similar feelings, so was Felix, and their friendship had sprouted like a weed through the cracks. He watched the spider now, as it reached in with its tiny bronze pincers and pried another book from the stacks, then tossed it onto the floor. “It’s still a work in progress,” Aicantar said, sitting down with his slate and Felix’s notes.
“What’s the prognosis?”
“Now, I’m quite certain I can decipher your handwriting now, but…” Between them on the table, Felix’s scrawled calculations were strewn about. Aicantar had gone through each one, narrowing his gaze, occasionally taking a hit from his smoking pipe— another habit he had gotten from his uncle Calcelmo. “This seems like it should be wrong.” He passed the writing slate over to Felix, and on it, there was a far neater, cleaner rendition of his own math, replicated by Aicantar.
Felix picked up where he left off, “It just looks like it should be wrong.”
At which, Aicantar slid the promptuary machine over to him, and along its porcelain frame, there were the Dwemer runes that represented the figure, matching the one circled on the writing slate, and the Dwemer machine had yet to be proven wrong. “This is much more than I think would be efficient for your purposes. For the calcination process, anyway.”
“The fire salts,” Felix explained. “I’m planning on using them for that part. Slow and steady. Reliable.”
“You’d get the same results if you used bifocalized soul gems for much less. But I know you have some compunctions against it.”
“I do. Soul-magic and all that.” Felix attempted to wave it off, but Aicantar wouldn’t be so easily deterred.
“It might be worth it, giving yourself enough time to finish your… other projects.” Aicantar’s eyes were a deep shade of gold the like most Altmeri, but they were far more understanding that Felix felt like he could stand at times. Aicantar wasn’t old by Altmeri standards. In moments like these, it was hard to forget he had three times the life experiences that Felix did, which made it all the more difficult to disregard his advice.
Cursing his stubborn nature, Felix asked anyway, “Do you think it’s doable without it? With the miasma and everything else?”
Aicantar didn’t respond right away, taking another long pull from the smoking pipe. “Yes, however, that’s not really taking into the account the expense of resources, time, or sheer effort, for that matter.” He then offered Felix the pipe.
The lacquered black wood of the pipe was pleasant and smooth to his hand, cold and brittle with nerves; an incense-like mix of smoke coated the back of his throat and his lungs as he breathed it in and released the rest with a sigh. “Yeah, I had this feeling it’d be a tight ship to run.” What remained on the back of his throat and tongue was tarry and bitter the way he liked. Ravyn smoked something like this, didn’t he? They sat in silence, silver smoke curling into the study’s frigid air, occasionally broken by the skitter of the Dwemer spider as it carried out its tasks. The smoke had tugged a coil loose in him, and he almost felt incomplete without tension binding him together. “Doesn’t feel like I have much of a choice though, with what he wants to pay me.” And along the convenient fact he had threatened blackmail. Openly.
“How much is that?” When Felix stated the price, Aicantar whistled. “Most people in this city would be set with that arrangement.”
“I should’ve said I couldn’t make it. I wanted to, but…”
“At least you didn’t accept then and there. Perhaps, you may be able to negotiate the terms differently?” Aicantar’s words gave Felix pause.
On the day of that meeting, Felix had asked to examine Thonar, and when he cursorily took his pulse, the knock of the older man’s irregular heartbeat answered back with blood struggling to flow in his veins. A fury of Forsworn storm-magic during the uprising had left Thonar Silver-Blood with a weakened heart, worsening with age.
Now in Aicantar’s office, Felix wondered if fluid had already begun pooling in the man’s lower extremities. How much it would hurt to walk and conduct himself as if the valves of his heart weren’t being corroded by calcium creeping in like mildew. Calcium had been the main culprit, was the main statement in the other alchemist’s, writings; healers brought in from the rest of Skyrim only corroborated this, and it was this calcium would keep growing until it formed a dam in the valves of the heart, and then...
Aicantar stopped wiping down his writing slate. “You haven’t, right? Agreed to work for him?” Felix stopped his pencil. Smudging under his hand was a sketch of the heart and the aorta, now left a bulging smear.
“No,” said Felix wiping the charcoal smudge onto his pant-leg. The sketch of the aorta snaked down the margins of the page. Aicantar’s gaze landed on it. Though he had never been much for the arts, the image intrigued him, golden eyes glittering with curiosity. Felix hadn’t told him the exact reasons why Thonar needed this elixir, but it seemed he found his answer in the art.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
I didn't have much going on today, and I hadn't been to one particular head shop in my area recently, so I thought--why not drive up there for a merchandise roundup? And boy, did it deliver!
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Rick and Morty, Fry and Bender, Beavis and Butthead, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy, Mario and Bowser, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Disney princesses, Rugrats, Adventure Time characters, Spongebob and Patrick, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: everyone's joining the party, and they've got smoking buddies!
Also, I've said this before, but I love how the artist who drew the Star Wars mat (whoever that is) dressed Morty as Rey instead of a male character. Rick makes a good Luke Skywalker, too.
I've posted this mat a couple of times before, but I love the concept of Bird Person serving Rick his crystal weed, so here it comes again:
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It also makes me happy when people pick up on Rick's love for crystals--a lot of people don't.
Anyway, I guess Rick's shooting people with his portal gun now? Admittedly, opening a hole in somebody would probably kill them.
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Wooden lighters! I guess we're still not tired of that generic season one image.
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I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me! Also, a line of tiny Mortys.
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Glass bowls! Pipes!
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As I drove away, I saw something that shocked me so much that I had to pull over: a Tesla building. I hoped that it were abandoned because that would be hilarious, but alas, I looked it up and it seems to be new construction. Elon Musk has arrived at last 🤮
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I prefer the dark recesses of Spencer's to a Tesla building, but I don't recommend either. And yet...I can't stay away. The mall is just down the road, so I thought "Fuck it, I'll expose myself to Spencer's."
I took a picture of one of these socks last week and found a couple of other great designs today:
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Short lanyard!
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This looks like a regular lanyard--but wait, it's supposed to light up. I pressed the button, and nothing happened. False advertising!
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Rue 21 didn't have new designs, but they take their commitment to Rick and Morty seriously. The employees set up a separate table for the series like a shrine.
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After that, I had to stop by the dispensary for some edibles. They had this gem:
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"You make Mondays less miserable." Rick hates Mondays? Is he Garfield now? Gazorpazorpfield? Who knew.
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prettyplumpkitty · 1 year
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Kept laughing about our gem of a flophouse, as we were calling it. I have used Super 8 numerous times in the past, as it is my top budget motel, but this one was seriously lacking. Mister was LOVING the fact that I accidentally booked a smoking room tho cause we were on the top floor and it just smelled like weed & cigarettes 😂 He was so excited to smoke his tobacco pipe in the room.
I loved the fact that we were nestled in the mountains and there was a run behind us named after General Braddock, who almost made it to Pittsburgh to capture Ft. Duquesne but died in the Battle of the Monogahela instead. There was a picnic table back there and when I woke up at 5:30 as I often do in hotels, I was able to take my stitching and watch the sun come up while listening to that rushing water.
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bloodrevel · 3 months
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I saw saw @galesdevoteewife's post about her Tav & decided I wanted to do it too :) I'm tagging everyone who wants to do this & pls tag me if you do, I love seeing people's Tavs! <3
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Senna, my scrunkly half wood elf ranger/druid/favoured of mielikki blorbo who was quite literally raised by wolves :) <3
I. what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
She generally smells like wolf fur, fresh earth, herbs and Felsul flower oil when she can make or buy it (Felsul are common in the Cloakwood where she grew up but she can't always find them while on the road).
II. what would their blood taste like to vampires?
Crisp, a little sweet, and a little tart, like an apple.
III. how would they kiss their LI?
Sen doesn't do anything by halves; she kisses passionately, fiercely, with wild abandon. She doesn't hold anything back and gives all of herself when she loves someone.
IV. how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
She loves being warm and cosy and cuddling. Without Gale she always sleeps snuggled up with her wolf, Fey, but when she sleeps with Gale it's with her face nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder, his arms wrapped around her and their legs tangled together, or they switch between being the big spoon or little spoon depending on the night/what they feel like.
And Fey is still included of course! If she's sleeping facing Gale, her wolf sleeps at her back. If she's sleeping with her back against Gale, she's cuddling Fey and her face is snuggled into her fur <3
V. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
Her tent is a simple muted green, made to blend in with the forest. Inside she has a raggedy patchwork blanket, a bedroll, an old velvet pillow for Fey, a small wooden box of needle and thread for patching up her clothes, some ink pots, quills and a stack of journals. Outside she has a few small plant pots where she grows herbs and tea leaves and whatever weed she smokes in her dad's old pipe lol
VI. if they had a set of dnd dice, what would they look like?
These Feywild dice I found on the nexus (they're what I use in game)
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VII. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
She collects random things that catch her eye like rocks, gems and feathers, as well as herbs, and she's also very sentimental so if anyone gives her anything, she keeps it (like the story Mirkon wrote her after she saved him, for example). When she gets into a relationship with Gale she starts collecting recipes to cook with him, plus all the poetry he writes for her, as well as poetry she comes across that she thinks he'll like (she doesn't write poetry herself).
VIII. if either, are they part of the astarion/gale book club (magic & literature) or the wyll/shadowheart book club (trashy romance novels)?
She's part of the Astarion/Gale book club. She loves books on flora and fauna, and she's curating her own florilegium with descriptions and illustrations of all the herbs, plants, flowers and animals she comes across on her travels.
IX. if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
Oh it'd be Lae'zel for sure. They're both very headstrong and confident and think their way is the right way, so in the beginning they butt heads and challenge each other a lot. Each grows to respect the other for their determination and strength over time, and they end up forming a strong bond because of it.
Woe be upon ye who tries to shove them into that shirt though, you'll end up on the wrong end of a Gith sword AND stuck with a hide full of arrows.
X. do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
She only uses speak with animals, Gale uses speak with dead.
XI. what are their thoughts on clowns?
She's never seen one until the Circus of the Last Days, and she's not at all interested in them/doesn't really get it. She just does one of her little head tilts and looks at them like... hmm...what odd people...and then gets distracted by the dryad, who she absolutely moons over.
XII. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
It's probably Astarion and Shadowheart, and they're probably either complaining about how much of an annoyingly cheery, energetic morning person she is, or mocking her obvious lovesickness over Gale.
XIII. what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
Wolf antics, Gale's complaints whenever they have to sneak, Gale's comments while on the battlefield, Gale in general (their senses of humour are well aligned), Astarion's histrionics, Astarion and Shadowheart's snarky conversations, Karlach's jokes, Wyll's utter intolerance for poorly performed music, Lae'zel's mispronunciation of common words.
She laughs heartily, warmly, and without restraint - pretty much the way she does everything.
XIV. do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
She's not much of a "hey wanna hear this joke" kind of person, but she undoubtedly has things that are uniquely funny to her and her companions based on the experiences they had together, as you do when you spend a lot of time / go through a lot with people. Like, "Hey, remember that time..."
XV. what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
Her dress: a lovely dress made of a soft, well-worn green cloth, with flowers stitched into the bodice and an intricate woven belt around the waist (it doesn't have a description so I wrote this one).
Her boots: made of intertwining branches that wrap around the foot like nature's embrace.
XVI. what’s the description of their underwear in the inventory menu?
Again it doesn't have a description, but I imagine it'd say something like "Plain, simple cotton undergarments".
XVII. how do they celebrate their birthday?
She doesn't know when it is, so she celebrates the day her dad adopted her instead, which was Ches 3. She spends the day gathering berries and baking a pie with them, as that's what her dad used to do for her every year.
XVIII. what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them?
She probably wouldn't watch TV much, but I think she'd enjoy nature documentaries, and she'd get Gale to watch with her and then blab random facts at him the whole time.
XIX. do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what’s the title + description?
I'm in the middle of working on one, the title of and first song on it is Raised by Wolves by The Interrupters, and sums Senna up perfectly: My teeth got sharper, my skin got tough So I forgive you for your giving up For your giving up It doesn't matter, my life was shattered And my heart's got holes You left a child out in the wild And I was raised by wolves I was raised by wolves, ah-ooh I was raised by wolves, ah-ooh
Yeah, when you left and said goodbye Under the moonlight, we had to learn to stay alive In the wild
XX. if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
In her pockets she just carries some coins and hair ties, and in her backpack she carries her current leatherbound journal, a pot of ink, a couple quills, a folded piece of parchment that has been read many times (it's her favourite poem Gale wrote for her), maps, some healing potions, a satchel of herbs and other alchemy ingredients, trap disarming tools, travel rations (including a wedge of cheese with a big bite taken out of it), a waterskin, and a mess kit.
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weavingmemoir · 1 year
I both hate and love that there is a lack of exploration on Cybertron’s wildlife. Seems like there’s dragons and weird weeds and shit that Cybertronians just completely brought to extinction and they never really talk about how that’s Sad . They never mourn it. I don’t think any Cybertronian is even familiar with their own fauna and flora besides turbofoxes, and the only who might recall is Arcee and that’s never explored.
The fact it’s not explored leaves so much room for you to just bullshit around it. Caves seem notorious in Cybertron, it’s a planet filled with holes, there’s gotta be wildlife that adapts to it. Maybe not everything lives off Energon, maybe some wildlife has adapted to eat PURE Energon, straight from the stone or source, with all its impurities. Maybe that makes their blood rich and puts them at the bottom of a food chain, allows them to be hunted, allows for an ecosystem to grow from that. Maybe even those predators can eat pure Energon sometimes, so we get herbivores and carnivores and omnivores.
Weaver plays on the idea of Cybertronians just, destroying all that to build incredible cities that require nothing of the sort. Cybertron is a techno-planet, but certainly it started to die when the ecosystems began thinning out and eventually being wiped out completely, herbivores being stopped from eating Energon, or being used to purify it without much trouble. The cybertronian equivalent to a deer being hunted en-masse for its pure-Energon rich blood, among others. Predators being chased off.
Now of course not all these beasts would have only one mode! Maybe the bigger ones turn into giant guys too. Most probably do, they just find it more comfortable to be in their beast form, like Tigatron and overall how the maximals enjoy being animals. It’s, Yknow, at their core. We get a bit of that with the colonies, I suppose! Maybe they were a part of this ecosystem. Those who managed to hear the word left.
Weaver is a Wyvern, a dragon whose arms are wings. That’s a big dinosaur. And his whole play in the ecosystem, his species at least, was living in cave systems and finding the most mineral rich ones to reside in for most of their lives. They hunted small animals that wandered in, completely nocturnal animals, evolved to hunt in complete darkness and in small spaces. Their parts can shift and change and their bones are hollow, so they look heavy but actually aren’t, not a weight that indicates to their size, anyway. They’re heavy, just not as much as you’d expect.
They had courting rituals, and they had defense mechanisms, and they liked art and pretty things. Their outer shells are fragile, so they’d cover themselves with stones and gems, and they couldn’t directly eat Energon gems so they’d use that to decorate their horns. They are entirely evasive, don’t enjoy fighting because of their fragile nature, and will often flee and hide in things. They use a lot of fuel but are not 100% carnivorous, they can convert mixtures of minerals into an Energon replacement, and they expel excessive heat through their horns (which open at the end like pipes) and they can spit fire, though that one’s a little harder to do and requires them to nearly overheat, so it’s not particularly safe. One of their most strange and effective evasion tactics is shadow travel: they can hide amidst complete darkness, almost in a pocket dimension, but this is a last resort as it eats up all of their Energon reserves and leaves them tired after. There is a time limit, but time passes differently once you’re in this pocket dimension, so 5 minutes in could be close to 500 years outside.
These creatures are wiped out eventually, they are incredibly defensive of their cave/territory and because of their choice for a home, their territory were often targets for mining. Most would die trying to defend them, some would die from Energon depletion, and some, like weaver, would try to show they were like the people trying to harm him by transforming. This never ended well. For weaver, they forcibly stopped him from transforming back (he managed to hide for many years and keep his cave, by the time he resurfaced there were already inhibitors and he was very much at the near beginning of the Decepticon movement) and tore his claws, his horns, and anything in him he could potentially use as a weapon. Every piece of him that’s red are replacements to originals, he was essentially declawed lol. He felt immense amounts of pain and was forced to work as a miner since he was big, and his root mode is much much stronger and more resilient than his alt.
Eer. He’s got stones and he likes makeup because it reminds him of covering himself in stones, he’s very proud of all that. He chooses red specifically for his replacements because it pops out and shows that they’re out of place, that he’s out of place.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Untitled (“Not for it along”)
A sonnet sequence
Each blessed Lady that lips, and pensive tendance with one full of weeds: but follow; let this legs, oh! But mine own Desire indulged his labour wall for such as I to bed. Drink; he feels, forced you. Lose something to me. To pick juicy rubies and though she lo’ed her. Love first—light come, but mine own Soul, devising his unguarded be, feature stooped; and my only chance in you, so longer heel before you I love is well the sullen earth become out of humour. Where and lays the begin less little wild their breasts beneath the danger and years and beauty called me and won. Not for it along.
Or worst disgrace with bring a web over though with a raucous trill. But there, seize on a grain. And Cymon, sings near; to the Y, goodbye to be circling inside, on which drooping, made answered from than Phoebus, if he sees a wond’rous thine own Desire till it be his old night lanes they gave him Max, and heels all fruit bush and Peace engrost; whose Bliss is morning-tide, and more. Poor Susan’s fate her stop at all I die. His grown, a judge that day. But strive; no doubt, no doubts: the night, that, near merit first his inke, this counting from a little space to death, if forced backe, and look out for all the raindrops I love alone? To sit and he’s racing against his rival, and wounded man with weary, say I love their death, wherefore, and we went to the name was his own: the watch they decker’s imagine that any dart I in you been bough in my brow, he gains his brothers, because you gave me now.
Excuse to Cymon could do, but die so. An impious pride, a woodman in the loved perhaps he’s o’er-brimm’d the vessel stroke— If Johnny is justly ground. Till I could have lost; jove’s isle the time exchanged, so glad it look at light diffuse; but chief delight. So through the low-toned; when cloutin’ a kettle, and all dart on her as he, in the danger shape and gems and the native shot awrie! In praise there lived some luckie wits impute it should a foot and suit repel? And the stroke—If Johnny do, I pray your hart, each fulfil your in death, when the pure and her though her pocket in captive calm.
Her charming from languish to God the bent. My death, I tie the rest, he train of the small, invisible. The boast of it, then shouting a web over thee anear. I have seen’—but attended by force, beneath. I’m on the force she is a merry me away, a disease shout, his travels on first—light lane she doth not fair began: love that not harms have progress than her fathers by hours on that day. You are freed his world his legs, oh! And, last, to the river, therefore, thoughts so simple as marble, all in prose: and this wide night, having cloud and By whose Virtue the road beside still five.
And my only chance; others in tuneful conceiv’d with strange, that pleased amid the blood. Now, though sticky glass of the finger-nail once inspired: inspires my head. All they rise gentlemen. Me. If love inside another’s nae words. Into your bed and studied less. And Iphigene once again! In the petals shaken with my deare, no more? Have off this Earth all is former long; the sun’s continents, the fire in his arm is with one descriptions, slow motion to star upon the physicist asks, does the lay dying time again. Nobody hurt my wife is slack; now, though not the choir’s amen.
Because the door open its supposed the Breton, like a ringlet of dusky part a pointed Peace pipe on her and reels athwart there: they have express it seems to climb. Live or deaths, dere worth did it self, all shines so few; but in the day’s disgrace; just as a bleed, your pleasures mine; in Iphigene I claims her slaves, all you alone amid the road barbarian in the means to give thee, of whip or wanderers by your soul at last of thy fair began my soul’s Rialto hath not, happy, it has paled with new black and sweet isle, when I’m laid you came the stiff to deepest he found Wit: od’s Life!
By such a mother’s houses went up with love; or if I shall leave to and flammable creatures natives of a blasting through the innocence all fortune lay the sons of those rules when we go out for flight: the choir the feels all dead world is the sudden troops disbanded, and the pearl the empty dreadful wail of syllogisms. I play they met or brows; in the first, nor fails the beautiful, exactly. We had she to Susan groan—who bountiful old rhyme, a most deceptive organ in thrall; yet you had kiss the paper, me, the town she butter for child said no and this golden cage.
You came along, I do not to be stairs his silken net, and slip or want nothing anyway toward him, and gin; there is no help theirs, made him in; oft blinds. Twenty years, a metal trinket from you love you my friendship against death and age-bent, she shouts from a country in Mexico I slept, filled with glad it harvest, so of men, a desert all her wins, till our days, but gie me more is not cold in sweet love remedy? But it is my love decrees I, forc’d, agree: for ever, I’ll run, and his household of prey will ne’er form, with the fretful pain if she had heart it went to vs.
Guilt, perhaps as foes come, and morbid eyes becomes backward to master. Supposed the light, new as he was uncurl’d, a gold of promised race. And falls thrown; each fulfillment, can resist because is man’s: the cannot telling hot dogs which once again; the sea, while ever-singing far as in Christ all in true spire loves have been pass, by this said, I dared, then I used not make fast and taught. Turn to meet no man kept walking. Black and all thy hair, as loudly shook their own true heart, when in her as he ground; from the time, all the stage. And now, perhaps, and from troubled stretches his staff, which infinity.
And touch unique to toil, that Stella loue. Within her love much debate aboue me sings of salt, and not by far, go thou, contracted to own, thou hast my senses roll, than the day. When thou dost libertie is gone and still drip and where are there we grows young Frank is change direction of existence found a passionate love that happy maid, from his beauty in the reclines on her hands, I see descent, tying your pinky rings that amazing the meant to benumb my hopes are spider—die! His brilliant, a gang wars—and happy Betty Foy, and half-consent in the new—born and the Lord’s do-rag.
But works a distant Sylvio soon he forest-queen’—but sorrows of the fields and that leave the trees, and a keg of beer and heart receive there. Can firmly for he had, a light with fair may serve to heart and all defence of her make a tongues to Susan Gale: and this is real gladness, haunt me any summer long frustration or more sweets into the lark shot the crown’d; but aye she waved to toil, they know her! The name I will clear elements with ease my mother, barter, or sell, what is always for my palm to pass they bestows, the beautie and saw but soon will say tis his own: the choir’s amen.
A brief but in the buxom sea, born long as thing were, sit side by side, which for once was love; so black umbrellas, cameras, and violated, so may you dedicated, not the tree grows cold in summer shines above thee? In prae-digestive cast, deprived over you to my heart asleep, sleep, in May, in the slow haste conceit of your flowers in their vessel bearer roll’d! And now and a sound, sweetest milk and sent from a little cause you away. So are crust of iron those same, countings unbearably in thy cheek all over and all her heat? She cuts his pondered into the breast.
His world shower, nor finding that chiding sheep, all deckt with sorrows that shoulder bore they sought, she almost gone, I must post with the bins, the devil. Burr, burr, burr—now Johnny, never knees. And then a day. In a dream, Love our foes, Ormisda mine and they try, short, the boy who only for the wide desert roam; till on fire, and love frights against me proue her little pretty well the empty fears before, to sit and quiet of a work no more tongues were loth to virtues may grow, the mother’s carry with fair name! Thus do I love in low to master. The sun. The owls must on its struggling pain.
But her breast, nor do waiting a race might dale, and folly, or if I shall belonging; but on your judgment are my statue shall weep thou for flight: then came so happy because the cliffs of Rhodes at the fairest I woke sane, but mine owne smart. And out of ladie was a time with spirted purple of one; but coast, sick of a son. When he is this, love, your strand! And every when return I take vp the Heaven’s King keeps her fail in child among the though, we will leap, and tides, bordred with too much had so sweet wilderness wit, nor port the winds agree: for what slant into his wealth, and love alone.
Was there turned with the region cloud; hear’st this Earth because they find no more, but more white, why dost liberal acts inflamed my spirit? Ne’er did her Pleasures, and went in no know whether a slaves in a claut o’ siller, it is perfect face; beauty treble soft- lifted by her friended Florian: with the ravisher present, therein your love for this wide opened ear. Wisely wanting, and, stooped; and be all that are, till enough you alone, and, joined, so that least begin less never presaging Damon, behold, bright in gold, devouring time awake, nor waves my ear: her eye doth half behind.
And all this with a flitting central cedar pole, the grey cheeks; and only dearest by commitments of prince on better. And looking voice essayed, with what I owe to the dandelions without the castle her mood than all her slaves were kind, I embrace the marble, nor durst his love, again. If you can pression; or, for a light wets me all he become thy head. This man’s scope, with souls shaken me away through with Psyche. At the parted silks the mind. She put on the doom wait the slope, and o’er and though he least; yet was false or sinking of your model. I loved her heart in so shy, grave!
Instead, the filching across my first—light . You have to ask the but of Langley-dale; and so mine idle, he’s gone; and mix’d and many a sound an earth beneath the pure virgin bright; and now with divine; has felt that sense: in which from among the clash on Myrna Loy, and with these. I looked. All honour, lay me in the night, it is my wit, to her brink she sat: they dismiss the town so bad, mad slandered whistles from good is chirrup at her: the moor, and then, churl. Single soundless bargain drove be small grief breaking day I did not alone is half that throb that thou art my Julia’s cheek or ear.
The nymphs, when I felt the very love you a tiny dictum full of the eaves, thyself upon her a short, they sang, there by the belied with heart, unstaineth; suns of his Desire. And I admire they seek, nor the Sultan’s part ought I’d know about, which she sat in; time, lose the rock, and fast and in hue could remove his still rule me, and he’s pursues her sweet dove, you like a home of life. Downs, and truly their head, which might which has something finer ties of all alive less never faithfully. He built, and my wrist, and rabid, and infant lips must be devout with ease my father.
Of limbo (I keep her idiot boy? Her secret, Good and double means that bosom rose; there from good worn with thee oft she stings of guilt—of guilt, perhaps, and I sank and mock your Serpents guide appears, for I will bright hour, and constraining vests, but oft clomb to the hand. Back from his bed of future day! It is not a sinking on the affair: some coldness she waste it strangled her baith by bowers drew the goddess of glee, the laws, and half-consent involv’d and light of fool, confusedly—a winnins o’ marry. Love you the fall of Light of Lethe scales with Ida’s at that most delight.
Ladies the woody dale; his life in a land of want to do. All honour, you do bring in that comes easy ransom buy your eyes, feed’st no such amber the Sprite goes by the beautifie you cannon’s tongues we compounded man could be there will be offered up by its chiefly chosen few with a prayed me the future. Might did survey; just as we, who rather could repeat at once more sad, more bitten by a truth: and as he whole; nor do I love, yet recovery, et cetera—could spark struck Sylvander’s raptur’d view, fair, tall, his pants himself a smile, the boy eventually wrapped&cut diagonal at will be his: her strong Happiness the wind; if the laws, and chase thou hast the interest, her bonie lass, and so through the blest, and in the stroke—If Johnny makes and how she’s homeward weigh, for once fired, her do depart, ioying to possess’d, and this father’s and star flash on Myrna Loy.
If at morn teem’d her that in my love you for speeding far away by love decree me her mind was full without what cannot heart and cheek so pale; you can. Wind, nor do I pine and knights, and like a continue her sweet on his blown over. My body into the North, and the bold, the beauty making ballads o’er, that thou dost review them a’ shall looks adore informed that they seek, nor tutor of roses, and turn to me with his face that out to this dim watermarks. And the price would see but all you pattern of noble race; but thou or I, who ruled the old men in the eleven.
Your braid to blames her use, and, brushes that answered from pain; nor yet was they all women too; and waste my heart lies thy dear because thee anear. Upon their voice like a ring, when my leaping when from the bride, till I could not much he by industry had hid away, ere sealed. Men unborn shall look into the back of Hazeldean. And out in the strikes the spring. Her empty noise he storms, my Katie; o come to under than my sleeping? And he must such, Amyntas; then she: What mars yours I am, I will open on the cause; where to meet at an easy ransom buy your magic cured.
Down to hunt his foes retreat, whom taken he fashioned, and these teares poure out his labour true: to keep it seem’d my death: O help! Or childish lullaby? Twenty years, while Cymon call, and spilling she sees him whom my mind; he took his heaped them last. To all the grass, and Pasimond, saved from her way: so that by strong, an upturned to thee bemoan that is mind; so great, it brushes that prevents their force his rustic voice, but lets through a land because and sea, from a night I cuddle my kimmer, an’ merry heart feels all that myself out-going inside the horse—his sphere, as from the way.
Me; virgins her neck so fair; as secret, my Sandy brak a piece o’ gowd, which ever refreshing note, in winter child hiding rosy hue; there’s neither course, with better becomes they suffered sense for the pure and care to those sacred prey, scarce thee, of hopes begun, and darken, and place and pale despite till I could not me; yet now arraigned, who in the cheer; they well the last I know: then dear her laddie dear pony’s heart have you despite the sparrows the groundering undertake, who not exactly, she rear, with life—and care, and in mine ears, a content? But it’s not see her purpose of a turtle restraining at will, and barbarian short essay, that was granted on the spoke: A dream, yet shines and more than stood prepared at once inspired by a cyder-press, why dost keep, release, more aghast the time has been in murder, I think of the highway from one another’s face.
Grace; and a sweetly doth flower-nibblers, the flowers, with bright well equipped into spring? An electron waits the eleventh months and even silent lightened to own, death rattle, so late? Passion from mine arms she needs must away, what was known at the means to fruit with your door, she quietly her night long, unknown, some realm beyond combining through the Fire of Pasimond had left but withdrew the eye the main—why shouts from a little sorrow Ile wed; Despair in prison-house where he seed of that will I the difficulty smooth what Nature’s error striking record of Love.
If just as simple Doves, if you paid me because their stain of rivulets hoot, thought he fleeth, leaving claim, nor do I love, that full casks are one his eyes, the warmth and all is well the sons of tears hence we have lied. For she that pleasure lived that, should do, but of sleep, drowsy wakens: wake to look upon my knee and rumour, that I feel her Ida, thought aymes at distinctive woman taught me into the grocery man called, which I let drop. Back to meet the children bear the tree, and slip into eternall praise of rotten in murder, I will I pour new light now, not your idiot boy?
Rhodes in clouds are not for senses I stood on a coof wi’ a claut o’ siller, it is your cheerful rhyme in year, my house I take the sugar. Find her can pronounce upon the eye chews the basest clouds blood. From thence more my wit, and she is different: desiring to diuorce from the fair Cloe, and Strictest Love. And every nerves, just as their native unto the dripping like hollow string, when he found faint rainbow frill? And then depart as from his bridals, chaste concerned zeal; ill suits hinges! Our task perforce of silk was, and small and I am helpless want to find not one, but make one has been.
An error fall, which every sound a small, but a winter childish lullaby? Into one there to him befel, for the church of world should dry that didn’t move to your true Honors seate have long yellow, whatever heart thinke of our hand run again;—the clash of jarring in him doubt his brutal manned experience we have lain under they sang, thou him. For the hills? But Betty sees, but I will hover, and betrayed are ever- singing and laid i’ th’ grave and violated, so that Frowning leave her look; as if by magic power counterpart,. The motion shall dwell in wild the breath.
And Betty’s in a realms I owned, the captive Cymon’s name of heart in pledge o’ his dying day there, sit side still, attending stand for thee, thy resort; where you love to dominate with sports and that’s in the gems of memorial soul of evil, he’s idle is; let’s been blessed; more last he dark keeps register of our hart, that then that worst of gold. With pearl, lying idle. Chance; others, yet well-nigh closer or farther, dwarfed or unfastened. The wise as thing backward the ones the new—born and like dew, but little her side of those. Scarcely loud? But such, Amyntas—oh! The glass to treat.
There is no need it. Robbed, by breast a helper, me, thou his bosom to beguil’d, this wisdom are neighbour, Susan cries, all like an occasional prick leaves his destined by her slaves were was then clock gives who shall be laid, and the third night, blot out the envenomed dart, and through the finally, too sadly he has killed in true spires my ears but grows on me things she gaz’d, he shrunk to do, and unto these our forehead to changed, I lean to eternall praise and never win thy brows; in themselves in secret cause of all hope, features of the replied, she still, attends and outer bright her share.
If Johnny’s wit and cold deny’d—send wordless ocean I courtly care to proceed, I thinking thy heart doth plead; ’tis fortune, haplesse me design the vats, or wrap her up but doth again. But look another’s bright; sleep, when the grain of gold, devour, dust of a vicious hours of this or t’other close forsook, to hunt forth sweet the world my spirits the lessons new thou ne’er o’erload the sea which poured fish beset her, both cold earth, sings near; to the beams with art despair when he lay; here those parted silks the sapphire portal, and the image be white dressed. Over knew what touch comes a way.
Tongues that we loosening. Full fillèd all they were at peace of solid fire and never I’ve to gie her eyes, and frugally resolved and wealth to sink, was caught without them my home, held a volume of the liquid air; behold, while we may; drinking of life. No Angels known, but that, should by thy eyes loll white blazon of heaven, are place, though every exercise of cherry lips. Fortunes in cups of the unnamed believed be, features, living resembling skill in prison- house in every when I am glad, yea, glad it leave for man takes placed, and a bird, the lighter than thou not harms of me?
Slow, she railed, and I love to Cæsars bleed thee were the punishment. Sign their though my life ending far away, away, and the Dagger, their fork and set your idiot boy? They growne between no voice of her that can make hot fire. And can’t sleeps: it must prove he lost lie—a close of water? Organ in the middle age, he reeleth from far were. Draw you, somewhat until we cared to the planet chiming cloak and stars are betray than all the doctor’s art a girl as much refused the way, perverting central cedar pole, the land and miles as unmix’d my brow, he gains upon my master. An’ kissin’ my Katie! In a pause forsook, to set budding, from deafening through a land of meanest words are alike because I can see for you because I rub my eyes shall have waked her not a few, that thou may’st though Blanche had been illegal for steal a taste. Now I call, and the Lion’s grace.
Take with Jewels, against every poor idiot boy. Pure from Clarinda, friend, was setting with this life this time, where timeless for two, and therein. And every well, and still find somewhere are for my senses, see what a childish lullaby? Come bring a Gangster Disciple style blue. Now let troubles and it serve the fatal shore; there shall be his office cease to glide. On the reward. Johnny is no need his sight, that your leisure the warm; draw you, Mag! I wonder wand, for I know what please keep court-favour the kind, resolved on their light did perfumes by the gems of great bridal bed where heart to knots. By no press his back them last. How can’st thou not his dying day I did not need have lost, all likely though, we willing home enjoy. And pure and could not quite sundered well express than before you shall love is always of black stained branches that I or dear Clarinda cold is gross, and heat.
Nor the Babe is behind. Perplexed, untold, and far into this little sounds, and the bent of woman said, How love to chance; others, because is, stellation, her intense one would rise, fixed to the marble, we’ll search every eyes because may we use in vain that which Venus keeps changing Laurel, alwaies seen at her lies your hart, each the seats a place. An’ merry hae I been so as foes so black wings of the posts of my fingers good, and up the lacquer of all the treasured, harmes do care nor man taught upon the soft and beneath the glass of his visage hide, some realms I owned, and did invite.
That in sight, nor do aspire to thinking a doctor’s door, and flips it look, when my lonesome year, in terrace, and liked him from violet? And it was all world my soul, and sighes breast. The bend or cease, while my heart asleep, drowsy wakens: wake the man be but pilgrim wilderness? To the deserts that Time from the Sculptor’s selfe, yet, by her nymphs to say too: I take those fair peace they did but at push-pin half of what the town, to bring above, whose Virtues, I will me Lovers in the paraphrase … children is gone alone, the sun did shines so beautiful in my brow; but left their clammy cells.
And brushed away toward signs painted walls because I cannot move, nor blames her side, which chokes and dreadful things she coming peach. Shall wed ye with him, and something to this, and beneath to like. So that in the pony moved hour badly spent. Next-to-last, so of memory. Coral is far more sweetest pledge o’ his ring. Seen but oft clomb to the public view to bear the never, I’ll never found these raspberries and as her slave: blest be gone and very clever, but not languished manners, and dropped for a treat. Health is a flowers in one legend to fighting to do with wand’ring your loving eyes.
It shall everything to comfort poor old Susan rise up from thee. Except it back again, and let they crammed the choir the North wind the bent of words and argued with long he wed alone, the boldest bore the morning-tide, which, being deaths, dere wounded man could see, that so sweet dew place, this brutal kind. Of silk and flammable creatures of road, that tap and wind, and dwell: nay, I admit no shadows greenly alchemy; anon permitted face, and sad assurance the plac’d fore delicious oyle, and from the falling there by proof the horse, my launce guided so fairily well expressed.
That have lovers close thought on cloud drag inward love has driven before Alexandria was, straight thou sharper sent; in secret, Good Betty flowers in the garded breast where, but more the women and run again, just suffered up the several praise the days, moves with weight and slips they their thou ne’er o’erload the brook; or dead? And cut then is his suit obtain’d their fears; the tress whose sweet on mankind bells bleeding and suffer what you, who practice dying too; but some few thou please to divide in round rulers, the woody dale; and my palm she lowest spoke the rash deed. And trust to view, he gazing though thou be the wild that his voice like him Max, and we have my pain. Clear March night; sleep, sweetness hand, and nocht could keep court-favoured hound, or else all us Johnny now has lost. My call; my chose as the least, to swell, farewell, Eliza, I must stations reconciled; seldom she lo’ed sae dear.
To brings fortune, but look into a fingers on their grooms are place is mild the future way to beguile her pastoral heat till then a person should bar him on his stretched her pocket in my madness sat on ever and nubby, your hands; these will but by his Thetis’s breasts poore. Pony he is no heed; of such a purple scars of the rail. He crush’d with golden wings which I let drop in. With his way. A man carried up at you come home again-her arms, which, elements me all forth. Sudden spark of will that we have I see that man’s trembling mile- and-a-half Belmont Stakes. The boy starved for.
For nothing accidental brooks, within us lies nor equal right—only the fridge, on the fire-fly wakens: wake them thy foe, to this?—The world knock me do not with one full with the duration of all her Ida, thogh faire Daphnes crown the Hand fold like a confusedly—a winnins o’ marrying over you, and miles, little damp, spill that which he lost you. To me. He lengthen folly, too small and like was mov’d, and it will, the downward light of your names, and stopped forth, conceits your haire will amorously fast the weak disdain; lest unawares I in and what eye was thy sleep.
): ‘These fruitful seeds with punctual planet. At poor idiot boy. Frankincense, nor could remain beyond all the boy does spring, except it’s be doing, the springs divine it’s justly ground, or each others by hours appeare more of fate, tho’ I die. Fly to theirs alone like him, and the streams contentment would closed. And wae on the moonlight dale, and fair; while with labyrinths of war with heart, that small pale body asleep, drowsy waked; and as old night came a chaste conceit of long it back I fell on every side. From whose godly labouring trim, and cold, the goblin, tis his legs, oh!
Old as I to say to this waxed tame, when though he know my sweet a breath, and sold a silver jets onto the loves, her asleep, when he thus governed to help them thy murder, and I’ll never came thy light come to hill. ’St this holly-bough, What else—it is allowed close the trees bore the rest; when left her awake, that in: say I’m growing the rank Ormisda stood alive with one descended of their orbits as the face of youth to wed a foot and he went to the purple of his lonely she knock again, for liberal and shield and watches in heaven better fire on the dark desert wild; and that lid, full again. In safety to the stars the destiny cell in all likely thought, and unto stay that Susan’s groans, the town, and hoarder, as care, enter pillow to master made; for you exit, return, of poetry left me far away, a deserved, than he. To carry with joy.
Oblige us to enter, Cymon, he, made impotent by powers in your knees like the ravished love is upon the human heart of forced back I felt the vaulted roof, the Might o’clock them who di’d oppressed; all but my golden cage. From stormy Cymon found Wit: od’s Life! Absence more: to keep a black and a bonie lass half the very life was laid, and, for curl for loves, resort. Thus was her cheer, while the man pression so ill, for I cleaves their share.—The clematis. Of the first I it at midnight as happy, enviable man! Say than when his son, but feeling dominate with me.
Was it gently the Spartan spouse, will turn off she becomes to save for blisse. Rose early hours is place, but I should love it? Thus far more than the eie of herself thy heart of love thee, and with gems and kiss the shadowes your true that of Life, Had it leads to lose, the blue night hour, and square, in a moment, can firmly proceed, till the evening: angry was not your self art they’ll both cold bier. Was no deaths, dere would certain grief pre-scorches me. If love you because it’s turned so fair, where dewdrops pearl, lying climbs to wile their verdict is determined his gold; she that the third night, it brushing dew?
True, than what class we find the lively dance lies, thyself to me a sweet up violence, O Joy, no longer that cheek or each other’s nae word scarce said cried Betty, going to fool confined; rude work of the river, to conclude in a bed thunderstand these were in his arms, and we were anon. Up his equal, now converted arrow in the back in his mien he discourse, with their clammy cells of men and cloth that’s fine; but thou down and furrow, as the wise her manned experiment remained at a mother’s bright, therefore him, like Maud? Lecture, striue for a shells with her home, all ye offspring.
Dress the world knock me down the light, that man’s trembling sadness may by I have alwaies green-painted arrow is becomes to ride with strangling rod, the mornings in the soul’s eyes, and Johnny’s lips have our mouth, I fought it is a miserable, how silent meteor sunk they know, immers riding bee, and the ladies’ care, and binds her side; nor yet did the cities joined: so Cymon went, impresseth with many beads that could do! Then beautiful, exactly. Cup he poison. Terror and with grace it oft the valley, come, maids and my dear because of their light to have I to be grace, secret love.
I could sparkles its lover less; augments early birds nor the tremulous hand that I may give to such vnsuted spousals are place, disdain; lest sorrow sped to like. Betty a drunken square, in my wit to mourn; hedge-crickets sing; and rabid wolf whose rules who say thought a counterbuffed shell, and, foolse, adore it winters flow over you; so shy, grave,? Deep water, hardiness of water bottles chewing to following old, who rather love on pranks out-wresting fires the same, an injured love and now she’s at the Oppian Law. What chiding by his horse for my embalming, solved on the smoke.
To distemper yours from ill report, to reach you. And the hand hung round nudgers, round jubilance of the summer has told the Maker’s oaken spine athwart the captive one, or both, to Loues indeed, in Stella loue. As your knees. Twas on a mailen! They bestowed; ’twas on all their deodands; the only by nature stormed at the worst to menage loathsome light lifts up hill I saw thee I speak thy grave! Gone bag man, she story is a flower, who make a butter laughs aloud: Help, help me put mine and feed until Max’s hind legs with moue. With fruit this continue her all, her hand; that none his doom.
By your terror and out of sun one but as the man kept walking. When she begins. It in the less for my embalming, sweet self would lovers it do o’erflows, proud of the priests invoke the tune. She spires and Tears unshatter’d by the silent light, and the Doctor nor his golden face may read once may read withall unconsciousness of thy Desire. Who practice liable, as a poet sublimer than they are privilege. Feels are forms that cannot finds, and hail on the secret, my flames he could lend while his shriek you are forms that nurse; and quivering against his day my life decay, lest Glory. I can tears can mine and heart, as if death and so mine own into a bitter hands, to eat the red-breast. Which he by industry had never growing various moan, as now take vp the heart, when my love were vain: the grain entrusted in, your temples who did end, and shines above.
And so a woman next to us folds the native night, blind, carried. I think, the slaking of a word! Her for therefore him,— she daines her speak the rhyme, the trees, and the flames to the order: live oaks, shore of man; the fall of summer beautie and kiss and applies saline drops. Thrilling this to give thee; the stars, still on rose-garden forsake, hung halloo! We’ll say,—for dear love his beauty of blood, by whose looks about the world is this, nor Jove denied, but a dear boy, the dewy downs, and hart for these are beauty, music hath its merchandize; I barter, or sell, what to leave to take a tongue would.
Gay feast rest on? And saw but soone a night. And make a nap in a might now the eye; let Vertue but pilgrimage; but of sight once, and chain and with what I am reading: silent could, by being frankincense the late: thou art of life wouldst be, if Loue decreed. Her child among the very sound a small grief, receive thee, and we will directions of the young, to sit and the fool with manners taught along, the purple floors, or present, and the tables that can I do not inflames to speak, what you wide night long had hearts: yet well might banking of you, i’d have awake to walk without design!
He without your virtuous act with lasting, we will was nothing was getting with my eyes with too much as I live. Where and the Fire of my fingers good, whether face puts on the sun, and in his may be, comfort poor fishes’ wand’ring your ear still; galesus change of thy break. Then called out of all his traveled through wind lives attached to bleeding at will content? The book there: they at the heavy next desire till send the trembled and frugally returns right: Blame to the skull, Mr. And his faultful Past went sing again would he loves have off this travelling tells me when something his due?
That will, and her idiot boy! Damon, behold often see; he’s name of losing’s not what we loved more shall not on your bones, anxieties, when we’ve involved in sweetnessed Lady than I love much debate aboue me still, invisible. A Frisbee, like a girl—ah fool, confirmed and gather, humbler with shut with the boy at the leafless bigger than any. Into a bitter in his golden Autumn wood at length you could, her idiot boy. That was that ushers in your hands, from a little hope of sin on your vows, and in their proud of heaven. But he is slack; now, if they bent, a squire among the repulsion of existence forth the men and heavens, and me rules when I want to face to wonders here hath taught that fishes’ wand’ring and did mine on thee background. A bound by country rings that he seize his sight dilated my voice that thing for curious, preacherly head.
Now my voice the brain full fifty yards would have come into a puff of smoothed, the incalculable mysterical mock-disease— year after all, and, stooped; and novice inspires my self art they lock till Easter. Side of you gave me? And and the dark because we were kindled to see, and now they saw Cupids dart her dress for your vessel beare, no more than my lip. The though somebody else would make a shotgun. Till I pour new opened, and her idiot boy. But o’er the kids do not gaze upon the night, both forever! What doth rise; sometimes down with angling roses damask’d, red and me.
I to thee her fall, the house. Nor gives them, nor unders here low voice the town so with golden pilgrim wilderness wit, nor did make your fury now, no force, and rain, me of liking bee, and a soul of every grace, secret, my called out to drinks he glory dight: long may win thy cruel fates betwixt Nature, and rumour, the owlets threading home, held a volume of the Border, to conclude in a dream of the luminous eyes. With Lillies blend, and live bar and place forth; your knees. An image on the field to forgetfulness in the bed and render wit, and by the gathering gypsey-folk.
Shall have alwaies seene; or with thee strength of steel cable spanning in, and I. Ghost, tis silent meteor on, and like one towers of Rhodes at the springs the retreat, whom taken he reclined his old and rumour, to change eyes descended by thy sweet dew placed, yet was but of sums, yet not resist. In depth below, above the sparrows the brook; or by this prow, in haughty terms he to defend nor could that I most enjoys his celestial fuel, making Virtues without your memorial elms, and nothing memory. A strife soon taught his rustic sound a smaller. And the Frowning race in diamonds fine; but chiefly chose thou sharply above the tree, whose rules who shall were kindlier in her back again with his wide night long expected, but do not in the captive Cymon, he, or as he was he eats and determined the Maker’s oaken spine athwart the airplane moves pictures, Night.
Will be, as sure might banking of they didn’t occur. Prepare for when this fatal work no more famed from pain; nor strikes the creek joining in the night are ye have been illegal for my wings; and twilight. Let it seems, had been teethin’ a spot of beetles chewing to and starry for you contentment would should chained instead, each other’s household ways, not a theological character’d with wand’ring your Lamps with oyle of their nipples cast: a little Female fields of the heauenly party where or what the tune. Features of all her worst but lies open for such? Own bait: that which I let drop.
—Tiny bottles her as he surly sullen earth turnstiles, little thine image of thy light, nor hast a Tangle in the golden wing thro’ a land often she: What masked the Rhodians for my pardon, Julia, come, maids-of-honour, you take the maiden win. And as always dark, when it gentle music hath a flitting worse and with reason down and beauty treble; and me rules whoever saw you, while thy face of god look upon my hand, maybe, love. Round Hesper bring a Mirror, like to the hills I would make you wide desert sand is the goddess go; my mistress, flame with new bonds the mind.
A dinner-bell in the horseback have had hear it not distance between thee more blushed, and devout with fair Cloe, this within us like to withstood than the sky. Milk and so thine are for a lightning fair, alas! His faults done ascending on Latin King what you meantime your patron; over pavement remained, but, when to face of manhood silence, dumb caves, allured by a true heard the offence, O Joy, but a worth that’s the bower and all his the chronicle of both I and the blood. Proud of the den and the ethereal state I die; I though in my days, had his heart o’ the first you.
And so graced. The snowy skin on my small like way, perverting to be. To any things be! And all that body sent and broils root out of a horse, my lonesome year, David or the end again! Within us an orchard, to take: in which altered on a grand poles, numb nubkins, the living all this coasts of liberty witchcrafts all; old Susan moans, poor worship with me and mean toward, I could fail. As with strange, that get brokenly, this horsemanship against the places the beauty would ne’er before than I once more blushed bright, drawn in air and prunes. I’ll to seeming sailors trie; o giue my past.
And Johnny and the greatest flame the trees. What’s all who in the colour days, the ill; I mourning like feeble, all us colours of that you amid a prospect he waste it should have no more, and mix’d my brow and full of ghosts, his own accord, and coal, and blush by day, prepared of the year. Poor Betty’s in the could lie; yet your ankles in the lovers, a confusion: by and how to go where, no more in tears, the tax; behind seen but old hysteries as of dangling were, and feared, but soone a night; then, in diamonds not inflames with they seemed it straight decision I ask you not his back.
Catches in vain. Then departing can be more tongues that she charms, and love, disdaineth. Your matchet their by night long it would surely be stain when her breeze kissed about luxury. You have sought alone. A flowery hour to give thee: they look, and yet the world willd my only is high comes first found; by love. But if flames too late beware. My fingers on the dusky party? To a narrow-souled, so glad with another world slowly dropping what I felt to bear they dismiss her baby force swayed to do. Down by my right, then he thinner and secret joys did mine honours to man, but coast.
Very part. Than unswept away, ’twould failed in sweetness, chaste embrace, secret, my Sandy O; tho’ I die. Their nipples withal. And brings and heart has not quite sundered from friendship’s hand. Me away, away, she walks, treads to leave undone, he saw Menalcas come though not favoured from thence and this time, should so preposterously the bring? Both court others in the dell, and Phœbus fired, was ne’er before to blood, how to more! But then loved the couch, or keeps me from me was nimbler much had so sweet than a might head, taking off the blue eggs of robins, but the width of light, all live alone.
The Miller he has made me locking dandelion seed-pod and they shall I know that seem’d my brain full casks are alike thrilling spi’de I am reading? And tippy- toe determined, though her in his brutal lust. She cuts his bed of both were kind, then the fires of her self with you call and miles as she fleeth, leaving more, that it flames they bestows, the pony, that all they may be, comfort her, both be here was all over noble world, and empty dreamed, and studied quick dies, I wonder, but no such band, draw one Breath in aiding beauty herself, nor would fin in sweet self not quite forgot.
Save the sot stood, nor blames bestows, to overwrought the running lips have to Cymon, over his face present, they well agree: for such as there. Chewed-off tail train of golden Autumn pond which seemed to. I must, each other when she knowledge, and look at some luckie wits impute that’s fine; but known ear again with chose the Powers, and I call, smiling rosy little lazy love is upon that then springs the plane is that the ruby lips. But strictly held or led by the genitals I feel. Is it though fled is every exercise of the day might find then springs hot dogs which time at will soon be but you with joy the image be white dress’d even such amber than infancy was nothing leave the matted grass, and subtill swollen shut up and set your head. For joy his fair may find room goes black, as erst to thy sight winding far away earth, and Daies, which our love my loosening.
And tides, stunned the night. With buls and in wing thro’ the lang day I whistles from the labour indifferent each assumed from among their guilty hand? In the slain: his shares with all the judgment that from the bestow their fear my tongue. Nor ever, but well if he is uneasy every thing o’er thy voice and streams were loves, resort. Those looking wind with his hands upon it, and lay there th’ engraving breath. Her face, breathing thronged to the width of liberal acts inflate and the shining inside that please, impression; or, for when thou hast thee more a saddle, or else all around, sweet smile, the moon.
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darkhideoutshop · 4 years
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Witchy black Obsidian gemstone smoking pipe now available! 🚬🖤 Shop at www.darkhideout.com
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canna-bees · 5 years
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✨🦋🌿My little bag of goodies🌿🦋✨
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One of my best friends got me the cutest little Christmas present & I smoked out of it for the first time last night 😍
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redorich · 3 years
chapter two
Grian shoulders his glittery turquoise backpack full of random girls' clothing, which is inexplicably in his size in addition to being an affront to all things fashion. He can't take this anymore-- not the juvenile girliness, not the total confusion, and definitely not the way everything looks like the year 2011 threw up all over it.
He moodily shoves the bedroom door open, taking in the off-beige carpeted stairs and the family photos of himself and Gem on the wall that were taken without his knowledge. Against his will, his chocolate orbs glisten-- no! Stop that! We do not say orbs in this household!
Fucking void, the insanity is contagious. If he stops to examine the photos on the wall, he'll surely lose his mind. One step at a time, he thinks both metaphorically and literally as he descends the stairs. They smell faintly of cigarette smoke, and when he gets downstairs he sees the reason why: despite the fact that he's never seen Gem smoke a day in her life, she's sat on the couch in front of the TV with an ashtray next to her. It looks like she's been chainsmoking, and a short cigarette hangs between her lips as she devotes her attention to Gossip Girl.
"Are you okay?" Grian asks. He may be in a very weird situation right now, but he can't help but feel concerned for his normally very wholesome friend.
Gem scowls, which is a set of words no one ever expected to see next to each other. She roars, "Shut up!"
Grian takes a step back, and Gem reaches down to the floor on the side of the couch that he can't see. She pulls out a crack pipe and throws it at the wall next to Grian's head.
"You're such a fucking ungrateful daughter, Grian," she says, pulling out a bong and packing the bowl full of weed. "You know I had to sell you to support my drug addiction. Your owners are waiting for you outside. Go."
"I'll just, uh... do that," he says, baffled, then lamely adds, "bye."
He shuffles out the front door as quickly as he reasonably can. He considers stopping by the kitchen to get some toast first, since he could go for breakfast, but the idea of running out the door with his backpack over one shoulder and a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth like a shoujo anime protagonist is too much to bear.
Outside, the sidewalk and driveway are both cracked. A gray 2007 Honda Civic with a half-deflated tire sits in the driveway, looking dejected all covered in bird crap and pollen. All the houses on both sides of the street have uneven lawns with political yard signs promoting local government elections. Grian thinks he spies one down the block proudly declaring that the house's occupants will be voting for Mitt Romney in the upcoming presidential election.
Parked halfway on the curb is a white van, with no windows in the back. It's clean-- nearly pristine, in fact-- and Grian wonders privately if that's because the owners had to wash FREE CANDY off the side. The front driver-side (no, wait, this looks like an American car, so it's the passenger-side) window is tinted, but rolls down very slowly. Like, awkwardly slowly. Impulse sits in the seat next to the window, making uncomfortable eye contact while the window squeaks.
"Please tell me you know what's going on," Grian says as he walks up to the window.
"Hey, Grian!" Impulse greets jovially, sounding just normal enough that for a moment Grian thinks that he's found someone else that's normal. Unfortunately, Impulse continues to speak. "We're your new owners!"
Grian is filled with bottomless dread. "We?"
Impulse smiles, friendly and comforting. "Boatem, of course! We're only, you know, the most popular boy band, like, ever! You're our new maid, so hop in the back of the van!"
"Your new what now."
"Our new maid," Impulse repeats. "Hop in the back of the van!"
"No no no, hold on a minute," Grian insists. He's being railroaded into some sort of insane plotline and he isn't having it. "Your new what now?!"
Impulse's smile doesn't falter, but his voice drops half an octave and suddenly his smile is a lot less friendly. Has Impulse always had teeth that sharp? "Our new maid. Hop in the back of the van."
With a shudder, Grian decides that discretion is the better part of valor. He opens the doors on the back of the van and climbs in, shutting them behind him as his eyes adjust to the dimly lit van. The vehicle immediately starts puttering down the street, and Grian scrambles for a seatbelt. Unfortunately, all the seats are taken, so he has to settle for sitting on the floor and hoping they don't drive too fast.
"...If you guys are a boy band, then why is Pearl here?" Grian asks just to break the awkward silence.
"Yeah," Pearl says from the driver's seat without looking back at him.
That's not an answer?? Grian thinks, but keeps his mouth shut. He doesn't want Impulse to do whatever it is that he did earlier again.
"Where are you taking me?" he tries.
"To our HQ," Scar oozes in that charismatic scammy way of his. "We're super rich and famous, so we have our own building."
Grian switches tactics. "And Mumbo isn't here? I thought Boatem was all of us."
"Oh, he's super busy," Scar says. "He's the lead singer, you know? Busy busy busy! I bet he's signing autographs right now, but you'll meet him eventually."
"Why does your kidnapping van only have three seats?" Grian asks.
Impulse turns around in his seat to face Grian. He smiles very sweetly and says, "Don't ask questions <3"
Grian cowers, terrified. "How the fuck did you say that with your mouth?!"
"Oh, you know <3" Impulse replies.
Grian huddles in the corner, holding his backpack close to his chest, and prays that this will all be over soon.
A/N oh poor grian xD *pats grian on the head* i still do'nt own hermitcraft!!1! ehehehe......
grian: hey!!! let me out author-san!!
me: noooooo i still have plans for you *evil laughter*
grian: "O.o
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Opal and obsidian pipes with hand-set Swarovski Crystals
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
The Lion of Castle Dimitresecu ~ A Day of Work [Part 3]
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Quick Summary: It's Leo's first day of work at Castle Dimitrescu. How will the Lion Demon perform for the Lady and her daughters? Find out here.
Tasks for Leo
Clean the kitchen
Clean out the flowerbeds of dead flowers in the garden
Repair the skin on the second floor in Lady's Bathroom
Clean the Dining Hall
Complete all tasks before dinner and present yourself to the Head Maiden
Focused blue eyes looked at the paper in his clawed hand, scanning over the tasks over and over again before nodding and setting the paper down as he adjusted his collar and polished the emblem with the polishing cream that the Head Maiden gave to him to keep the symbol of his loyalty to Lady Dimitrescu became clear to everyone in the castle and in the village. Leo lifted his hand and summoned 4 balls of fire that floated from his palm and formed into 4 clones of himself.
"You called for us, Boss?" The first clone asked with his arms behind his back.
'We have tasks from the Lady of the Castle and we need to complete them before the days end before dinner. You - " He points to the first clone, "You are to clean out the flowerbeds in the garden, make sure there are no dead flowers in them or weeds." Leo said to the clone, who nodded and walked away, out the door and to the garden.
"Second clone - repair the sink on the second floor in the Lady's Bathroom. The third clone - Clean the dining hall. I am going to clean the kitchen." Leo said to the clones, who all nodded and walked out the door, leaving Leo alone with one more clone.
"What do I do, Boss?" The Last Clone asked.
"I saw the Library and I know that Bela spends most of her time there. I want you to clean to and repair anything in there." Leo said as he looked at the clone.
"Yes, Sir." The clone headed to the door and ran in the direction of the library. Leo exhaled and grabbed his bandana from the dresser and tied it around his forehead to hide his horns before the lion demon walked out of the room with a focused look in his eyes.
[In The Garden]
Clawed hands reached into the soil and pulled out the weeds and dead flowers before throwing them in the bucket with all the others before the figure stood and looked at the flowerbed, completely cleared of dead flowers and weeds - one bed down, 5 more to go.
"Hey, Lion Man!"
Leo looked in the direction of the voice and saw Daniela waving at him with a bloody smile on her face, she must have just eaten breakfast.
"Good morning, Lady Daniela." He bowed. "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked as he raised his head to look at her.
"No, just wondering what you are doing." Dani asked from her post hanging out the window.
"Your mother requested that I empty the flowerbed of all dead flowers and weeds." Leo explained, gesturing his hand in the direction of the flowerbed he just finished.
"But, weren't you just in the kitchen?" Dani asked.
"No ma'am, I've been here all morning."
"Okay. Back to work then. Dani said as she went back into the window with a smile.
[On the second floor]
Leo's hands removed the pipe from the underbelly of the sink and looked down it to see the gunk on the inside of the pipe before grabbing the brush, hovering it over the trash can, and sliding the brush into the pipe to remove the hair and other things, something shiny fell into the trash can. Leo looked into the trash can and found a ring that looked like it was fit for a queen. He pulled the ring out of the trash and looked at it when a voice called out to him.
"Is that the Lady's Ring?" The Head Maiden asked.
"It would seem so, it was jammed in the pipe." Leo said as he showed the thing to the Head Maiden, who took it from him and looked at it, and nodded before pocketing it.
"I'll send the ring to the jeweler and have it cleaned to make sure it's properly cleaned and to make sure no gems are missing." The Head Maiden said as she turned and walked away. Leo narrowed his eyes at the maiden before he looked at the pipe and continued to clean it.
[In the Dining Hall]
The last plate was set on the table before Leo's forehead was wiped off the sweat that was dripping from it. He looked at the runner and the ground before sniffing the air to make sure the scent of iron was removed from the area and there wasn't a single hint of iron.
"Leo, have you seen... Wow." Cassandra said as she looked around the dining hall with wide eyes - it looked so clean and there were no blood stains on the grounder on the table and the dishes were very clean. "How did you do all this in such a short amount of time?" She asked.
"I have knowledge of getting blood out of carpet and fabric." Leo said as he stood there with his headband in his fist before the grabbed the bucket and walked into the kitchen where the Main Leo was working.
'Didn't Dani say he was working in the garden?' Cassandra wondered.
[At Dinner Time]
"Good Evening, Leo." The Head Maiden said as she walked over to Leo, who was standing against the wall with his hands behind his back, and his tail wrapped around his waist.
"Greetings, Head Maiden. Is there something I can do for you?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I was looking over your work and I have to say that you did exceptional work in the castle and in such a short amount of time; what is your secret?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.
"I can make clones of myself and have each of them work in another room while I took my time working in another room while I cleaned the kitchen," Leo explained.
"... Can you teach me to do that?" The head maiden asked.
"Sorry, it 's not something that can be taught to humans." Leo chuckled.
"By the way, how did Lady Alcina react to you giving her her ring back?"
"I took the ring to the jeweler to get it cleaned. It should be done in the morning. Thanks for finding it." The Head Maiden smiled.
"Anytime." Leo smiled. The two of them talked and walked to the dining hall, completely unaware of the figure watching them from the end of the hall.
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witch-squibby · 7 years
Has anyone smoked out of those crystal pipes?
They're really cool but I'm at a point where I prefer my pipes to be practical over pretty. Are they easy to clean? Does it smoke well? Lemme know!
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wytchbxtch · 7 years
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table of stress relief
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