#gender is a quadnary
leptrois · 5 years
Nullarities (agender arities)
Forms of nullarity/zeroarity and gender an-arities in another perspective. Examples:
Anunary: agender unary.
Abinary: agender binary.
Atrinary/aternary: trinary/ternary agender.
Aquaternary/aquadrinary/aquadnary: quaternary agender.
Aquinary: agender quinary.
Asenary: agender senary.
Aseptenary: agender septenary.
Anoctonary: agender octonary.
Anovenary: agender novenary.
Adenary: agender denary.
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Gender Trinary Flag
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Gender Trinarity/Ternarity: a classification system consisting of three gender arities.
Ternary includes identities often societally classified in the Western gender binary too, however it changes from culture to culture, depending on life experience, it’s hard to categorize what is the tertiary gender entry for everyone.
Originally this was coined as (qua)ternary/(qua)trinary in mind. The “third” alternative gender base could be any pre-existing terms people give you other than M/F, such as androgyne, neutrois, agender, third-gender or even “nonbinary” as a monogender.
Due to varying interpretations it’s up for you to self-determine if you’re trinary or not. - Ap
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arco-pluris · 4 years
I say compulsory binarity and hegemonic binarities to express how both are universally understood, illustrating how they can be toxic in equal amounts just as any other gender expression when and how they dictate people's lives. Gender neutrality is another tangible thing nowadays what requires/forces a nonbinary to conform gender roles, when in fact being nonbinary means you don't conform…
I'm nonbinary and it doesn't make me less of a man, it's an umbrella term, it's not an uniform monolithic gender, it's a queer experience. There are virile men that are GNC, femme women who are GNC too. Internally I'm futch but externally I'm otter. Typically conforming to your gender expression doesn't make someone less of a nonbinary.
Not all cultures are binary, some are unary, ternary, equinary, nullary, quadnary, quinary, senary, septenary… Not all xenogenders are xenine, and so on.
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lgbtqiarchive · 6 years
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Leptary Flags (collection)
Equigender/Neugender Arity (neutrois/equitrois/equitive arity/neuarity/n-ary neutrality/equity/equitivity): equarity/equinarity/parity (equiry/equinary or aquary/pary/neutrary).
Nongender Arity (non-arial/non-ary): anarity (an-ary/niladic), nonunarity (nonunary/nonmonary/nonsingulary), nonbinarity/nonbinaryness and nonternarity/nontrinarity (nontrinary/nonternary).
Agender Arity (niladicity): nullarity (nullary), abinarity (abinary) and aternarity/atrinarity (aternary/atrinary).
Leptarity means gender arity, which includes number of pre-established/existing (implied or subsequent) gender items/bases/entry within your culture. Most people know the Western gender binarity, in which male & female are embedded into binary category system/radix. 
But what could be considered gender unary/monary/singulary or trinary? Unarity (monarity/singularity) would only include primarity while trinarity would be binarity but also including tertiarity. The primary identity would be any binarie, depending on your culture, binaries could not even exist, so everyone would be expected to be/have only one specific gender. The tertiary identity would be a third-identity (or third-gender/aliagender), neutrois/neuter, genderless/neither, androgyne/both or nonbinary/abinary as monogender itself.
The gender ternarity isn’t so clear, it could also encompass another quadnarity/quadrinarity (quadrinary), that’s why who coined it worded first qua/ternary (I think there’s a flag for a(qua)ternary/non(qua)ternary but I didn’t find).
There are also cultures with five (quinary) or six (senary/hexary) genders (quinarity/quintarity or hexarity/senarity), so some other identities couldn’t be classified intrinsically as second/ary (secondarity), fourth (quadnary), fifth (quintary) or sixth one(s).
Nullary would mean not being limited/linked to your own cultural arities or any arity at all/in general. Similar to equary, but equirity means all gender entries are equal. Ask me if in doubt.
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imunbreakabledude · 6 months
there are four genders: bitch, cunt, asshole, bastard
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arco-pluris · 4 years
Hey may you define Quadrinary in comparison to trinary?
I used quadrinary as embedding four gender arities, originally quaternary, since it could be either quadrinary (quaternary) or trinary (ternary), so I had put “non(qua)ternary).
The tertiary/third gender was neither (neutrois), the quaternary/fourth was none (agender/genderless) or both (androgyne/ambinary).
The ternary part could be both neutrois and agender. So basically trinary=quadnary, they are interchangeable most of the time.
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