#genderflux shifters
themanirealityshifter · 5 months
Explaining My Labels And Pronouns/Full List Of My Labels (Cuz I Can)
I use GenderFluid GenderFlux Non-Binary TransGuy as my main gender label, because it’s simpler and allows me to have as much flexibility with the labels that I experience, and has no set limits for how I experience what, what I experience, and etc.
Here is the full list of Genders I experience that fall under the GenderFluid/Flux-ness of me:
TransGuy Non-Binary Non-Binary Man - A gender that is both 100% non-binary and 100% man at the same time. Masc Non-Binary - A gender that is both 100% non-binary and 100% masculine at the same time. Demiboy - A gender that is described as feeling partially male. Boycreature - A xenogender that is described as being a boy in a creature way or being a boy and a creature. Agender - A gender that is described as being genderless, without gender, having no gender, and/or feeling like gender is irrelevant to them. Blankgender - A gender that is described as feeling like someone’s gender cannot be described, but is a blank space that is confusing. Quoigender - A gender that is described as not knowing how to describe their gender, not knowing what gender is and therefore being confused on what they are, and/or not wanting to define their gender. Fairygender - A xenogender that is described as feeling their gender is like fairies or has a strong connection to fairies. Offboy - A gender that is described as feeling closely represented by a masculine gender, but is not said gender. Enboy - A gender that is described as feeling either like a masculine-aligned non-binary person, or like a boy and a non-binary person. Paraboy - A gender where one is paragender, and also has a connection to masculine and/or masculine-aligned identities. One’s masculine identity will take up 51%-99% of one’s gender, while the remaining can be any other gender or combination of genders. Genderqueer - A gender that is closely related to non-binary, and basically means being out of the binary, whether in gender or in expression, or both. Bigender - A gender that means being two genders at once. Trigender - A gender that means being three genders at once. Demimasculine - A gender where one feels partly masculine and partly another gender. Demimasc - A gender where one feels partially masculine/like a man, and also feels like they’re outside the binary. Libragender - A gender where one feels agender, but has a particular connection to another gender. Libramasculine - A gender where one feels agender, but has a connection to masculinity. Bigenderflux - A gender that means being two genders at once, and those two genders flux in how much you feel them. Trigenderflux - A gender that means being three genders at once, and those three genders flux in how much you feel them. Polygender - A gender that means being multiple genders at once. Polygenderflux - A gender that means being multiple genders at once, and those genders fluxing in how much you feel them. Nonboyic - A gender that feels masculine, but not exactly male. Like they’re outside of the binary, but close to it. Gendergender - A gender described as knowing you’re feeling a gender, but not being able to describe it/not knowing what it is other than a gender. Wolfboy - A gender described as being a boy and connected to wolves and wolves nature. Or being masculine and connected to wolves and wolves nature.
I will probably add to this as I find more and more labels for what I experience.
Now, onto explaining my Asexual Labels:
Myrsexual - An ace-spec identity where one experiences multiple ace-spec identities. These identities could be experienced fluctuating rapidly or all at the same time. (Mine are experienced at the same time.)
Labels that are felt within that label:
Neuroasexual - An ace-spec identity where one may experience sexual attraction or want to participate in sexual actions, but is scared of, repulsed by, or averse to, because they’re neurodivergent, mentally ill, or neuroatypical.
Nebulasexual - An ace-spec identity where one cannot tell if they experience sexual attraction or not, due to neurodivergence or intrusive thoughts/urges/images.
Merosexual - An ace-spec identity/term where one is repulsed by/averse to some sexual actions, but comfy with some others.
Placiosexual - An ace-spec identity/term where one is comfortable with performing sexual actions on someone else, but repulsed by/averse to/uncomfortable with someone else performing sexual actions on them. Placiosexual people may be sex-repulsed or sex-indifferent when it comes to someone performing sexual actions on them. This can be caused by having dysphoria or similar discomforts about one’s body, but it does not have to be.
Dreadsexual - An ace-spec identity where one fluctuates between not experiencing sexual attraction to experiencing sexual attraction, but whenever the sexual attraction is felt, it is accompanied by a strong feeling of dread or anxiety.
Here is my full pronoun sets and examples of how to use them:
He/Him/His/Himself - “He waved hello.” “This seat is his.” “He talked to himself.” “Say hello to him.”
It/Its/Itself - “It waved hello.” “This seat is it’s.” “It talked to itself.” “Say hello to it.”
They/Them/Their/Themself - “They waved hello.” “This seat is their’s.” “They talked to themself.” “Say hello to them.”
Xe/Xem/Xir/Xemself - “Xe waved hello.” “This seat is xir’s.” “Xe talked to xemself.” “Say hello to xem.” (Pronunciation: Xe = Zai, Xem = Zem, Xir = Zer, and Xemself = Zemself.)
Ne/Nim/Nis/Nimself - “Ne waved hello.” “This seat is nis.” “Ne talked to nimself.” “Say hello to nim.” (Pronunciation: Ne = Nee, Nim = how you pronounce him but with an N at the beginning instead, Nis = how you pronounce his but with an N at the beginning instead, Nimself = how you pronounce himself but with an N at the beginning instead.)
Love/Loves/Loveself - “Love waved hello.” “This seat is love’s.” “Love talked to loveself.” “Say hello to love.”
Star/Stars/Starself - “Star waved hello.” “This seat is star’s.” “Star talked to starself.” “Say hello to star.”
Wolf/Wolfs/Wolfself - “Wolf waved hello.” “This seat is wolf’s.” “Wolf talked to wolfself.” “Say hello to wolf.”
+ Any/All Neopronouns (emojiself and nounself pronouns included and welcome!)
Terms I’m Comfortable With:
Masculine Terms - i.e. boy/man, brother, king, etc.
Neutral Terms - i.e. person, sibling, ruler, etc.
Fae Terms - i.e. fae, a fae, etc.
Thing Terms - i.e. that, thing, etc.
Critter Terms - i.e. critter, a critter, creature, a creature, etc.
Dragon Terms - i.e. dragon, a dragon, etc.
Hylian Terms - i.e. hylian, a hylian, etc.
Wolf Terms - i.e. a wolf, wolf, etc.
Here are my attraction labels and what they mean:
Homoalterous - Feeling alterous attraction for only men, masculine-aligned people, non-binary people, and any non-women.
Omniqueerplatonic - There are two definitions; One is that you feel queerplatonic attraction towards all genders, but have a preference based on gender. Or two, you feel queerplatonic attraction towards all gender, but how you define the queerplatonic attraction/relationship is based on gender. (I experience it both ways.)
Panexteramo - Feeling exteramo attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Pansensual - Feeling sensual attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Panaesthetic - Feeling aesthetic attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Explaining those attractions:
Alterous Attraction - An attraction that is described as being in between platonic and romantic. Also, involves wanting a emotional connection with the person you’re feeling the alterous attraction for.
Queerplatonic Attraction - An attraction that is described as being whatever the fuck you want it to be. Being an attraction that is outside the norms. Having a queerplatonic relationship is to have a relationship that is outside any norms for relationships or any other names for relationships. Also, may or may not come along with wanting an emotional bond/connection with someone.
Exteramo Attraction - An attraction that is neither platonic nor romantic, nor anything in between them. It is outside of all of it.
Sensual Attraction - An attraction that is described as having the want to hug/touch/kiss/etc., without it being romantic or platonic or anything in particular, and without it being sexual.
Aesthetic Attraction - An attraction that is described as basically finding people pretty. The appreciation of someone’s looks, without being attracted to them sexually, romantically, or otherwise. Just finding someone aesthetically pleasing.
My other label:
Ambiamorous - Being comfortable with both monogamous relationships and polyamorous relationships. Ambiamorous is sometimes abbreviated to “Ambi”. Some Ambi people can have a preference. (I do not.)
(Didn’t feel the necessity to add my Aromantic label, because that one is pretty simple. But for those who don’t know what Aromantic means: An Aromantic person is someone who experiences little-to-no romantic attraction. Aromantic is sometimes shortened to “Aro”. I personally fall under the “no” in “little-to-no”.)
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Introductory Post
Hello, shifter. I’m Rhysand (pronounced Reese-Sund), also known as Rhys (pronounced Reese). I’m a Neurodivergent, Queer, and Nonhuman Reality Shifter. Come along on my journey with me, let’s see how many bonds we can make along the way. :]
About Me (Neurodivergency)
I’m undiagnosed AuDHD (Autism + ADHD), PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and Pure O OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) (trying to get these diagnosed ASAP), medically recognized SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder)(also trying to get this diagnosed ASAP), and diagnosed MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Probably have PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and/or PME (Premenstrual Exacerbation), and hoping to get that diagnosed ASAP as well.
I also have undiagnosed ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), APD (Auditory Processing Disorder), and a majority of other “smaller” related things to my main neurodivergencies and mental illnesses (mainly things related to my AuDHD and OCD).
I don’t yet feel confident to label myself as disabled (because I don’t want to intrude on the disabled community or mislabel myself as such), but I probably am, due to my severe executive dysfunction, and several other things.
I’m in therapy, and I adore my therapist, even though they call me out constantly. (Keeping their name, pronouns, and terms secret for privacy reasons.)
Tone tags are appreciated when talking to me, since I am tired of guessing what people actually mean. If you aren’t sure what some are, how to use them, or what they mean, just ask me and I’ll give you some answers. Or look it up yourself! :]
My Special Interests Are: Wings Of Fire, Harry Potter, Neurodivergency and Disabilities as a whole, and Dragons in general.
My Current Hyperfixation(s): Nothing, and I’m in need of fucking dopamine.
About Me (Reality Shifting)
I’ve been aware of the shifting community since around 2020 or 2021. I discovered it from Tiktok, and did my own research into it immediately. Unfortunately, there wasn’t that many good resources, so my understanding of it was very simple, and my mindset was very poor. I tried shifting for a while at first, but then took a huge break from it, only trying every now and then, until early 2024. Now, with the help of shiftblr, I’ve been able to grow my knowledge of it and get motivation and mindset changes. I’ve also shifted to a parallel reality since joining shiftblr. I now attempt to shift actively (every night), and usually get a fair amount of symptoms. I am debating on permashifting to my Better CR DR right now.
About Me (Queer Identity)
I’m a Genderfluid Genderflux Non-Binary TransGuy. I experience a lot of genders within that label, so I can’t say them all here. Been feeling agender with a dash of masculine for quite a bit now, though.
I use any pronouns except for She/Her. My main pronouns are He/They/It/Xe/Ze/Ne, and I also very much love nounself and emojiself pronouns. I like 🌙/🌙’s/🌙self a lot, and any other emojiself ones.
I’m comfy with Masculine, Neutral, Thing, Creature/Critter, Fey, Hylian, and Dragon terms.
I’m AroAce, Aromantic and Myrsexual (Neuroasexual, Nebulasexual, Requiesexual, Rosesexual, Dreadsexual, Placiosexual, and Merosexual), and I’m Homoalterous, Omniqueerplatonic, Panexteramo, Pansensual, and Panaesthetic.
I’m Ambiamorous with no preference.
I’m also a Lesboy and T4T.
About Me (Nonhumanity)
I’m a Polytherian, Otherkin, Otherlink, Otherfix, Otherhearted, and Fictionflicker nonhuman.
My Theriotypes are: Wolf (Vancouver Coastal Sea Wolf), Fox (Red Fox), Lynx (Canada Lynx), Snow Leopard, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Nurse Shark..
My Kintypes are: Fiction (Dark Fey, Forest Type, from the Maleficent movies), Dragon (SilkWing/SeaWing hybrid), Dragon (Night-Light Fury Hybrid), and Raccoon.
My Linktypes are: Owl (Snowy or Barn) and Sable.
My Fictionflicker types have been: An OC Species of mine (Orphinki) and Hylian.
My hearttypes are: Whale Shark.
I’ve been awakened since around April of 2024. My Dark Fey kintype is probably because of a past life, although I don’t really have any solid memories of it, more just a great sense of things that were from that life. The rest of my nonhumanity is likely due to my neurodivergency. I don’t experience many shifts, but when I have, they have been partial shifts. I experience a lot of species dysphoria and species envy, though.
About Me (Other)
I’m a minor (16).
I’m taken by my lovely boyfriend ( @thesunnishboy ) and I am not looking for any more partners. (He’s also a reality shifter!)
I’m Agnostic, a bit spiritual, and am very respectful of others’ religions.
I’m celiac, and have a dairy intolerance, so fun for me (sarcasm).
I stand very much with Palestine.
I swear loads, so beware of that.
I have one older sibling (She/Her), who is also queer and a master shifter. She can shift literally whenever she wants to. She has the mindset all shifters dream of.
I love asks, so never ever feel afraid to send one!
Frequent Anons:
First Anon - 🧈
Second Anon - 🥀
Third Anon - 🐝
DR Masterlist.
List Of Shifting Symptoms.
Notion DR Script Templates.
My Queer Labels.
My Card.
My Carrd.
@rhyswiththeshiftingzone - My other shifting account. (Pretty active.)
@rhysthedarkforestfey - My Dark Fey Otherkin account. (Not very active.)
@rhysthenonhuman - My Nonhuman account. (Not very active.)
@themanirealityshifter - My random/shifting account. (Not very active.)
@neurodivergentshiftingcultureis - My Neurodivergent Shifting Culture ask blog.
@toomuchdivergentformyneuro - My Neurodivergent account. (Active.)
@rhysandtheangelofthesunandmoon - My Greek Gods DR account. (Active.)
DNI List
Any queerphobes (including those against intersex, mspec lesbians and gays, lesboys, turigirls, gaybians, etc., just basically any contradictory label, radqueers, TERFs, and SWERFs), racists, sexists, proshippers, those who romanticize age-regressors and pet-regressors, ableists (including those who demonize personality disorders), those who romanticize any sort of mental illness, neurodivergency, and disability, anti-shifters, those against permashifters, respawners, and race-changers, those against endogenic/non-traumagenic/etc. or mixed origins or unknown origins systems, those against Palestine, those who’s blogs are Christian or God/Jesus Christ themed heavy (nothing against y’all, just have trauma with it), those who directly send NSFW stuff towards me, those who can’t respect boundaries, JK Rowling supporters, and just about anybody else that makes me uncomfortable. I will block freely.
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furmewolfy · 2 years
Shifter/Shapeshiftergender: For those whose gender relates to shapeshifting (aliens, werewolves, superheroes, etc).
This gender is mostly for those whose gender is flexible/fluid, but anyone can use it <3
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worginarts · 3 years
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Drawing dump!
One day I will draw more than a bust shot, but that's what I've been doing recently to relax, so here we are.
1-Pride icon of me! 2-Regular icon of me! 3-New Longtooth Shifter character named Spot!
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skautism · 6 years
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In other news, I created an entire fucking universe within ten minutes! Here’s all the info I’ve written:
Characters: Andromeda/Kayla, Natalie/Nat, Jonathan, Emmet ————————————- Character description (Kayla): Short, uneven red hair, lots of freckles, white eyes (due to curse), Trench Era TØP shirt, purple cape w/ rainbow pride pin, blue jeans and leather boots Sexuality: disaster bi Gender: Female Height: 5'5" Weight: 120 lbs. Age: 15 Crush(es): Natalie/Nat Relations: Jonathan (adopted sibling), Emmet (cousin) ————————————- Character description (Natalie/Nat): Long, brown hair with blue highlights, a few moles on her arms, grey eyes, stegosaurus tank top, black leggings and black running shoes Sexuality: Lesbian Gender: Female Height: 4’ 9" Weight: 115 lbs. Age: 14 Crush(es): N/A Relations: Orphan :/ ————————————- Character description (Jonathan): Half-shaved black hair, blue eyes, bermuda shorts and a long sleeve black shirt Sexuality: Ace/Aro Gender: Genderflux Height: 5'4" Weight: 101 Age: 13 Crush(es): N/A Relations: Kayla (adopted sister), Emmet (adopted cousin) ————————————- Character description (Emmet): Buzzcut strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, black ripped jeans, Purple ripped-off sleeves button up Sexuality: Demisexual and gay as hell Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Weight: 150 lbs. Age: 17 Crush(es): N/A Relations: Kayla (cousin), Jonathan (adopted sibling) ————————————- Universe description: Magical world with witches and wizards, but post-apocalyptic, since the government collapsed, and monsters and creatures have gotten loose, set in 2020 ————————————- Some plot/backstory: Kayla and Jonathan have been living in their semi-destroyed house alone for awhile, when Nat finds them and offers to take them to a place to live. Kayla develops a crush on her. The place to live was apparently Kayla and Jonathan’s cousin, Emmet’s house. It’s going to take about a month to get to Emmet’s house. Nat is secretly an evil shape-shifter who plans to take Emmet and Jonathan hostage, unless Kayla gives up her soul to her. ————————————- Random things: A good song to describe a big part of the story is “Wine Red” by The Hush Sound
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themanirealityshifter · 5 months
🔥🐉Wings Of Fire DR Script🐉🔥
////////////////////////////////////////// • \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• {{ Dragon Form }} •
• {{ Name: Stormbreaker }} • • {{ Nickname(s): Storm }} • • {{ Tribe: RainWings and NightWings }} • • {{ Age (dragon years): 7 }} •
• {{ Pronouns: He/It/Xe/They (no preference) }} • • {{ Gender Identity: Genderfluid Genderflux Enby Male }} • • {{ Romantic Orientation: Aromantic }} • • {{ Sexual Orientation: Myrsexual (Neurosexual, Nebulasexual, and Merosexual) }} • • {{ Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Homoalterous; Omniqueerplatonic; Panexteramo; Pansensual; Panaesthetic }} •
• {{ Parent(s): Crocus (Dad); Kiwi (Mom); and Eclipse (Mother/Father/Parent) }} • • {{ Sibling(s): Dove (sibling); Cosmos (brother); Jasmine (sister/sibling); CallaLily (sister); and Crow (brother/sibling) }} • • {{ Other Family Member(s): Unnamed Family Members }} • • {{ Partner(s): SunBeetle }} • • {{ Best Friend(s): All siblings; Plus a couple of yet-to-be-scripted dragons }} • • {{ Friend(s): None (as of now) }} •
• {{ Description: NightWing-like snout and body; RainWing-like tail and wings; Usually stays dark purples and greens, like a NightWing would be, but switches it up whenever; Silver tear-drop scales by eyes; No RainWing ruff behind ears; Prehensile tail; Sharp claws like a NightWing’s; Black eyes like a NightWing’s; Lean body and average sized overall; Scales are very shiny and polished; Straight black horns }} • • {{ Personality: Same as in my CR }} • • {{ Accessories: One crescent moon earring in left ear; Several small iridescent blue and green studs on both ears; Small silver hoop earrings on both ears; Silver glasses twining up and around horns; A couple of small pouches across chest with personal belongings inside (books, random rocks and jewels, wire, ink, paper, random leaves and flowers in small jars to help with healing certain wounds or getting rid of headaches/stomachaches or just to paint about snout/body with); A small pouch on left back leg with a couple of earrings inside }} • • {{ Abilities: Powerful Mind-reader; Powerful Prophet; Mind Manipulation/Control; Mind Projection; Color-changing scales; Venom; Fire-breath; Can speak Human; Prehensile tail; and Shape-shifter }} • • {{ Extra Personal Fact(s): Needs sun naps like other RainWings; Not good at hiding emotions from scales; Venom is searing hot; Took a while (longer than usual) to learn how to use venom and fire-breath at the same time, usually ended up burning and melting stuff as a dragonet; Knows how to block out thoughts and how to get past even the strongest of mental shields }} •
• {{ Location: Pyrrhia (Rain-Night Kingdom) }} • • {{ Diet: Pretty much anything except for poisonous things and Humans }} • • {{ Pet(s): Gecko (named Mango) }} • • {{ Extra Fact(s): Homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, arophobia, queerphobia, sexism, etc. does not exist; There are no more wars; All the Queens are at peace together; No one dies/can die (except from old age or natural causes); There is a giant bridge made by SilkWings (and others that are good with construction) that connects Pantala and Pyrrhia }} •
• {{ Human Form }} •
• {{ Name: Stormbreaker }} • • {{ Nickname(s): Storm }} • • {{ Species: Human }} • • {{ Age: 20 }} •
• {{ Pronouns: He/It/Xe/They (preference for He/They) }} • • {{ Gender Identity: Genderfluid Genderflux Enby Guy }} • • {{ Romantic Orientation: Aromantic }} • • {{ Sexual Orientation: Myrsexual (Neurosexual, Nebulasexual, and Merosexual) }} • • {{ Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Homoalterous; Omniqueerplatonic; Panexteramo; Pansensual; Panaesthetic }} •
• {{ Parent(s): None (Was born a Dragon, so no Human parents) }} • • {{ Sibling(s): None (Was born a Dragon, so no Human siblings) }} • • {{ Other Family Member(s): None (Was born a Dragon, so no Human relatives) }} • • {{ Partner(s): SunBeetle }} • • {{ Best Friend(s): All my Dragon siblings; Plus a couple of yet-to-be-scripted Humans }} • • {{ Friend(s): None (as of right now) }} •
• {{ Description: 6’0”; Dark brown hair (wolfcut) with pale white braids here and there; Dark brown eyes; Lean, fit, healthy body; Top and bottom surgery scars; Broad shoulders; Faint stubble on my jaw; Sharper jawline; Round gold-rimmed glasses; Tanned skin; A moon crescent tattoo on the inside of left wrist; A all-black NightWing-RainWing-looking birthmark that covers whole left shoulder blade }} • • {{ Accessories: A moon crescent earring on left ear; Several iridescent blue and green studs; A pair of small silver hoop earrings; A silver industrial in left ear; A silver septum piercing; Silver hoop snakebites; One brown leather satchel with personal belongings inside (books, ink, quill, paper, jars of bugs, leaves, flowers with various purposes, cool and precious rocks, jewelry of all sorts, etc.); Several silver rings on both hands }} • • {{ Abilities: Shape-shifter; Can speak Dragon }} •
• {{ Location: Pyrrhia (Rain-Night Kingdom) }} • • {{ Diet: Pretty much anything except for poisonous things and Dragons }} • • {{ Extra Fact(s): Same thing as for Dragon Form version, except that it’s all Human leaders that are at peace }} •
• {{ Me in this DR (Human Form)(Picrew Form) }} •
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@anglptera here’s the script btw!
My siblings in my WoF DR
My parents in my WoF DR
My partner in my WoF DR
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