#queer shifters
themanirealityshifter · 5 months
Explaining My Labels And Pronouns/Full List Of My Labels (Cuz I Can)
I use GenderFluid GenderFlux Non-Binary TransGuy as my main gender label, because it’s simpler and allows me to have as much flexibility with the labels that I experience, and has no set limits for how I experience what, what I experience, and etc.
Here is the full list of Genders I experience that fall under the GenderFluid/Flux-ness of me:
TransGuy Non-Binary Non-Binary Man - A gender that is both 100% non-binary and 100% man at the same time. Masc Non-Binary - A gender that is both 100% non-binary and 100% masculine at the same time. Demiboy - A gender that is described as feeling partially male. Boycreature - A xenogender that is described as being a boy in a creature way or being a boy and a creature. Agender - A gender that is described as being genderless, without gender, having no gender, and/or feeling like gender is irrelevant to them. Blankgender - A gender that is described as feeling like someone’s gender cannot be described, but is a blank space that is confusing. Quoigender - A gender that is described as not knowing how to describe their gender, not knowing what gender is and therefore being confused on what they are, and/or not wanting to define their gender. Fairygender - A xenogender that is described as feeling their gender is like fairies or has a strong connection to fairies. Offboy - A gender that is described as feeling closely represented by a masculine gender, but is not said gender. Enboy - A gender that is described as feeling either like a masculine-aligned non-binary person, or like a boy and a non-binary person. Paraboy - A gender where one is paragender, and also has a connection to masculine and/or masculine-aligned identities. One’s masculine identity will take up 51%-99% of one’s gender, while the remaining can be any other gender or combination of genders. Genderqueer - A gender that is closely related to non-binary, and basically means being out of the binary, whether in gender or in expression, or both. Bigender - A gender that means being two genders at once. Trigender - A gender that means being three genders at once. Demimasculine - A gender where one feels partly masculine and partly another gender. Demimasc - A gender where one feels partially masculine/like a man, and also feels like they’re outside the binary. Libragender - A gender where one feels agender, but has a particular connection to another gender. Libramasculine - A gender where one feels agender, but has a connection to masculinity. Bigenderflux - A gender that means being two genders at once, and those two genders flux in how much you feel them. Trigenderflux - A gender that means being three genders at once, and those three genders flux in how much you feel them. Polygender - A gender that means being multiple genders at once. Polygenderflux - A gender that means being multiple genders at once, and those genders fluxing in how much you feel them. Nonboyic - A gender that feels masculine, but not exactly male. Like they’re outside of the binary, but close to it. Gendergender - A gender described as knowing you’re feeling a gender, but not being able to describe it/not knowing what it is other than a gender. Wolfboy - A gender described as being a boy and connected to wolves and wolves nature. Or being masculine and connected to wolves and wolves nature.
I will probably add to this as I find more and more labels for what I experience.
Now, onto explaining my Asexual Labels:
Myrsexual - An ace-spec identity where one experiences multiple ace-spec identities. These identities could be experienced fluctuating rapidly or all at the same time. (Mine are experienced at the same time.)
Labels that are felt within that label:
Neuroasexual - An ace-spec identity where one may experience sexual attraction or want to participate in sexual actions, but is scared of, repulsed by, or averse to, because they’re neurodivergent, mentally ill, or neuroatypical.
Nebulasexual - An ace-spec identity where one cannot tell if they experience sexual attraction or not, due to neurodivergence or intrusive thoughts/urges/images.
Merosexual - An ace-spec identity/term where one is repulsed by/averse to some sexual actions, but comfy with some others.
Placiosexual - An ace-spec identity/term where one is comfortable with performing sexual actions on someone else, but repulsed by/averse to/uncomfortable with someone else performing sexual actions on them. Placiosexual people may be sex-repulsed or sex-indifferent when it comes to someone performing sexual actions on them. This can be caused by having dysphoria or similar discomforts about one’s body, but it does not have to be.
Dreadsexual - An ace-spec identity where one fluctuates between not experiencing sexual attraction to experiencing sexual attraction, but whenever the sexual attraction is felt, it is accompanied by a strong feeling of dread or anxiety.
Here is my full pronoun sets and examples of how to use them:
He/Him/His/Himself - “He waved hello.” “This seat is his.” “He talked to himself.” “Say hello to him.”
It/Its/Itself - “It waved hello.” “This seat is it’s.” “It talked to itself.” “Say hello to it.”
They/Them/Their/Themself - “They waved hello.” “This seat is their’s.” “They talked to themself.” “Say hello to them.”
Xe/Xem/Xir/Xemself - “Xe waved hello.” “This seat is xir’s.” “Xe talked to xemself.” “Say hello to xem.” (Pronunciation: Xe = Zai, Xem = Zem, Xir = Zer, and Xemself = Zemself.)
Ne/Nim/Nis/Nimself - “Ne waved hello.” “This seat is nis.” “Ne talked to nimself.” “Say hello to nim.” (Pronunciation: Ne = Nee, Nim = how you pronounce him but with an N at the beginning instead, Nis = how you pronounce his but with an N at the beginning instead, Nimself = how you pronounce himself but with an N at the beginning instead.)
Love/Loves/Loveself - “Love waved hello.” “This seat is love’s.” “Love talked to loveself.” “Say hello to love.”
Star/Stars/Starself - “Star waved hello.” “This seat is star’s.” “Star talked to starself.” “Say hello to star.”
Wolf/Wolfs/Wolfself - “Wolf waved hello.” “This seat is wolf’s.” “Wolf talked to wolfself.” “Say hello to wolf.”
+ Any/All Neopronouns (emojiself and nounself pronouns included and welcome!)
Terms I’m Comfortable With:
Masculine Terms - i.e. boy/man, brother, king, etc.
Neutral Terms - i.e. person, sibling, ruler, etc.
Fae Terms - i.e. fae, a fae, etc.
Thing Terms - i.e. that, thing, etc.
Critter Terms - i.e. critter, a critter, creature, a creature, etc.
Dragon Terms - i.e. dragon, a dragon, etc.
Hylian Terms - i.e. hylian, a hylian, etc.
Wolf Terms - i.e. a wolf, wolf, etc.
Here are my attraction labels and what they mean:
Homoalterous - Feeling alterous attraction for only men, masculine-aligned people, non-binary people, and any non-women.
Omniqueerplatonic - There are two definitions; One is that you feel queerplatonic attraction towards all genders, but have a preference based on gender. Or two, you feel queerplatonic attraction towards all gender, but how you define the queerplatonic attraction/relationship is based on gender. (I experience it both ways.)
Panexteramo - Feeling exteramo attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Pansensual - Feeling sensual attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Panaesthetic - Feeling aesthetic attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Explaining those attractions:
Alterous Attraction - An attraction that is described as being in between platonic and romantic. Also, involves wanting a emotional connection with the person you’re feeling the alterous attraction for.
Queerplatonic Attraction - An attraction that is described as being whatever the fuck you want it to be. Being an attraction that is outside the norms. Having a queerplatonic relationship is to have a relationship that is outside any norms for relationships or any other names for relationships. Also, may or may not come along with wanting an emotional bond/connection with someone.
Exteramo Attraction - An attraction that is neither platonic nor romantic, nor anything in between them. It is outside of all of it.
Sensual Attraction - An attraction that is described as having the want to hug/touch/kiss/etc., without it being romantic or platonic or anything in particular, and without it being sexual.
Aesthetic Attraction - An attraction that is described as basically finding people pretty. The appreciation of someone’s looks, without being attracted to them sexually, romantically, or otherwise. Just finding someone aesthetically pleasing.
My other label:
Ambiamorous - Being comfortable with both monogamous relationships and polyamorous relationships. Ambiamorous is sometimes abbreviated to “Ambi”. Some Ambi people can have a preference. (I do not.)
(Didn’t feel the necessity to add my Aromantic label, because that one is pretty simple. But for those who don’t know what Aromantic means: An Aromantic person is someone who experiences little-to-no romantic attraction. Aromantic is sometimes shortened to “Aro”. I personally fall under the “no” in “little-to-no”.)
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kainekillinggod · 4 months
My space travel DR!!
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Me !!!
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My s/o !!!
Its based off of this ASMR thing I found, too good not to shift to :3 -> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PIU9IM0Qd_M&pp=ygULc2NpIGZpIGFzbXI%3D
Cant wait ! I'll let yall know more after I get back <3 shifting tonight, actually trying!!! WOOOOOO
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dragonsholygrail · 2 months
I really really like the idea of getting fucked buy a slime girl soooo much, she'd lean down and rub her tits on mine while pounding me and using her dick to press into all the right spots and maybe even make a little nub to rub my clit when she thrusts in
Yessss anon, got me squirming right now.
Slime gf is grinding her body against yours and just drenching you in her slime, making sure her scent is all over you. The softness of your body and your hard nipples against hers stimulates you both till you’re shaking. You can see the tremors of her body with each thrust.
She pounds away inside your dripping pussy, her dick reaching deeper and deeper inside you with every snap of her hips as she can control and lengthen her size to her own will. Furiously torturing you and giving you no relief. Hitting a new spot inside you every time.
You cry out raggedly, being taken to new heights of pleasure. As your pussy contracts around hers she can sense you’re getting close. So as to further torture you she shifts her cock into a pussy that’s as pretty as yours.
Lifting up your leg she grinds her pussy lips against yours, bumping clits savagely as though she’s gone into heat. You whine, your back arching as you desperately rub yourself off, briefly missing her cock before the overwhelming clitoral stimulation sets in that make you see stars.
Slime gf uses her slime as the most tantalizing lube you’ve ever felt. Her slime mixing with both your essences that gush and pool from your leaking cunts. Your mind and body feel like they’re on cloud nine as your orgasm starts to build again from the tight friction of your gf’s sweet cunt.
All you can sense is when she lifts off you and you whine loudly for a moment before she’s shifting her slime and slamming her cock back inside you. That whine immediately turning into a roaring scream.
“Sorry, love. Needed my cock for what I’m about to do to you. Gonna fill this sweet sweet pussy up to the brim,” she whispers in your ear. Reaching a hand down she twists your clit between her fingers as her pace quicks and you begin to shake. So so close. “Go on now, cum f’me and milk my dick for all it’s worth.”
That’s all it takes for the cord in your belly to snap and you burst all over her cock, clenching down your walls on her length. Your orgasm crashes through you in waves that you can’t help but get swept up in it. Loud cries leave your lips, your body convulsing and contorting to get more of her length inside you.
Slime gf doesn’t mind helping you with that. Through clenched teeth she continues to ram her cock inside you, working you through your orgasm. Only when it starts to fade away does she let go herself. With a final thrust she spills her hot cum inside your cunt till she floods your womb with her release. You gasp at the sensation as it sends you into another climax just as she had planned.
Grinding the base her cock into your clit she helps to further stimulate you both. The two of you weakly shaking as the exhaustion settles in. Slime gf slumps on top of you, exhaling in a content relief. Her slime also providing and a nice cooling effect to your overheated body as she snuggles with you and holds you close. Her softening cock staying buried deep inside you to keep you filled up with all of her.
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thebibliosphere · 11 months
Okay, well, I was planning to build up some hype, but
Lorehaven Bound: A Hunger Pangs Short is now available on Amazon.
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A train ride through the Nevrondian countryside should be a calming proposition, but for Ursula, it isn't. Her thoughts swirl, fixated on one thing... make that two things. Specifically Nathan Northland and Vlad Blutstein. It's not just because they are both breath-stealingly attractive—although to be fair, that doesn't hurt. It's because they surprised her, and Ursula is very rarely surprised.
Even more confounding is her reaction to them, particularly the vampire, Vlad. Just what is she supposed to do about these... feelings?
All Ursula knows is that she doesn't have time for emotions right now. Not when the fate of the world is at stake. She can deal with this later. First, she's got to figure out what story she's going to tell the sure-to-be-furious Alfbern. Then, she needs to catch up on all the sleep she missed before hitting the road again. Surely, she can do those things while being Lorehaven Bound.
This story is a 10,000-word character study/missing moment that takes place immediately after Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites. You will want to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled for the events in that book!
💖 Available now on Amazon
💖 Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, and more... (links still populating.)
💖Payhip - my personal storefront 💖
Happy reading!
Okay, thanks, love you all, bye.
ID: A red book cover showing a feminine figure standing in front of a steam strain. The title reads Lorehaven Bound, A Hunger Pangs short by International Bestselling Author Joy Demorra. There is a glittery crystal next to the text, and gold decorative swirls adorn the corners.
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mayakern · 8 months
leave a comment if YOUR soul bonded liege lord has ever broken your heart 🙄🙄🙄
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ixzotica · 2 months
NOT-SO-SMALL RANT ABOUT THE SHIFTING COMMUNITY this has been pissing me off for some time now so i'm going to yap about it and if you don't agree w/ me, feel free to block me! also please note that this is just a general rant and isn't targeted at any specific individual(s) because i've been seeing this on here and in other shifting communities.
this is going to be the laaaast time i talk about this because i don't want to be know for complaining all the time anymore LMAOAO! anyways allow me to start by saying this. if what someone's doing in regards to shifting isn't harmful, bigoted, racially insensitive, or truly problematic and it doesn't affect you, stop being an annoying piece of shit and judging people for what they do with the realities they shift to ESPECIALLY if you can't handle/don't like it being done to you. you do not get to judge and dictate what people do in their lives, who they shift for, why they shift, what wording they use in terms of shifting, nothing.
and yes i get that there's certain stuff that's just based off of morality and culture and history, i'm not talking about that because i too am personally very sensitive about that stuff for reasons of my own. i'm talking about some of you who judge shifters for wanting to shift to have consensual sex with legal adults as a legal adult in that reality. or some of you who judge people for having multiple partners because you just can't seem to wrap your head around it or simply choose to be ignorant. or some of you who even judge people because they script that they get attention and that they're smart and pretty. because think about it.
what does any of that have to do with you?
you act like YOU'RE gonna be the one living their life when you're not. many of you judge people for shit and you don't even know how they perceive it yet you're too close-minded to even think outside of your own head and consider their thought process. many of you seem to forget that you are shaming someone's entire lives for miniscule shit. like these are their LIVES. and not to mention, many of you claim that "don't mean to judge" but just because you say that you're not judging doesn't mean that you're not being judgmental. the shit you say can still be offensive or demotivating or just straight up bigoted/prejudice to the people you're talking about when you could've just kept it to yourself.
imagine if a straight person came online and said that they didn't like when queer people spoke about their queer experiences/partners/whatever because it made them uncomfortable and they couldn't relate but "they aren't judging, they just don't agree with it?" you see how fucked that sounds? well you probably don't because you're doing the exact same thing just in a different community about different shit, all of which ain't got nothing to do with you.
how would you feel if someone on this app started bashing you for who you shift for and saying that shifting for this person was so stupid and going into detail about how fucking lame you are? you wouldn't like it right? because that's your partner and you love them, right? so why the fuck do you think you can do that to other people? seriously, it's starting to get very fucking ridiculous.
please just think before you start judging people for harmless shit because they might turn around and do the same shit to you or call you out for not minding your own business and now you're all offended and getting flamed for being an asshole. and if you truly just need to talk shit about someone's life, maybe get some friends who share your values and talk privately instead of putting everything on the internet. now go shift! <3
SINCERELY, A Serial Yapper with A Lot To Say
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rs-hawk · 10 months
Dragon Girlfriend
WLW Romance Smut
Part One
Part Two
Your roommate’s long, thick fingers hesitantly touch the side of your neck. The heat that seeps into your skin makes you melt against her, encouraging her to use her other hand to pull you even closer. Her lips kiss the back of your neck along where the golden necklace sits, occasionally catching it with her surprisingly sharp teeth, drawing a gasp or shine from you.
“You’re so soft,” she murmurs, her voice low and raspy.
You struggle to find words. All you can do is lean your head to the side, exposing more of the soft skin there to her. That draws a chuckle out of her, her laugh vibrating against your skin just like her words had. The chain catches her teeth again, and this time she tugs on it slightly, forcing it to pull against your throat. The racing of your heart from that simple action makes your blood rush into your ears, nearly drowning out the sound of your moan as she curls her fingers around your throat as well. Those thick, coarse fingers pressing the chain more firmly against it.
“Such a pretty girl,” she whispers, nearly in a growl. Her hair tickles your shoulders as she uses her other hand to pull down your sleeve, dotting that same shoulder in kisses and gentle bites.
“You think so?” you manage to get out, trying to find your brain in the foggy haze of lust that’s shrouding it.
“I always have,” she insists, her tongue darting out to taste your skin.
You can’t really think it through, but for a brief moment you think her tongue feels odd. Like two little ones. Forked maybe? But the thought is driven away by the feeling of her sucking on her neck, the chain lifting away from your skin as she does. Your little whines and moans fill the room as she draws you closer into her until you’re finally in her lap.
Her nails suddenly rack across your skin, feeling a little sharper than you expected, though not entirely unpleasant. You lean against her, letting your body melt to hers. Everything feels so intense so quickly that you can hardly think. Her fingers quickly work over the buttons of your shirt, then your pants, sliding her fingers against the thin fabric of your panties and teasing your nipples over your bra. You try not to squirm, but you’re desperate for more friction. More of her.
“Please,” your voice comes out weak, tinged with need.
“Do you know what you’re asking for?” her voice is raspier than usual, sounding almost like a hiss.
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carmens-tummy-hurts · 2 months
hey please interact if you're disabled, queer, plural, reality shifter, furry, or spiritual, I need friends
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demidruidart · 2 months
⋆🐾°All the bark and Twice the bite⋆🐾°
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Guess who took forever to finish this because of the worst brain fog ever, lol. But i finally got it done, and I'm pretty happy with how they came out. So I hope you like her :]. So this is my iteration of Darlin, who I've named Orina or Rin for shot :]
Anyway, Darlin headcannons because I think their neat :]
☆ Any pronouns but prefer more neutral or fem terms
☆ Pansexual/Demiromantic and genderfluid
☆ Love language: Biting ( 。 •̀ ᵕ •́ 。) (physical touch/words of affirmation)
☆ Alt/stargirl aesthetic . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
☆ Angel taught them how to Crochet ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Does ballet and cosplay as a hobby
☆ Zoomie King
☆ Surpringly quiet (until around pack/Sam)
☆ Wears a pronoun bracelet with swappable beads (pink for she/her, purple for they/them, blue he/him, and yellow for any)
˚☽˚。⋆‎‧₊˚✧Design Notes✧˚₊‧ ˚☽˚。⋆
☆ They have 3C hair
☆ Has an under shave
☆ Piercings: nipple peices (bars), navel pricing, Ashley piercing, nostril piercings, orbital, lobe/upper lobe, and helix.
☆ He has two sleeves and a handful of small individual tattoos.
☆ She has one body mod for each mate, including her own. A heart with wings for angel on his stomach, a star with fairy wings for Babe on their forearm, sparkles on their forearm for Sweatheart and a moon in her preexisting sun tattoo on their shoulder for Sam. (They plan on getting more in the future :])
☆ The large star earrings were a gift from Babe, and the gold heart necklace is a gift from Sam ♡
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Y’all, I have a serious question.
Not me but a good friend, pls reblog for bigger sample size
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alexkaneinq · 6 months
Rabbit's Greed
Rating: Explicit
Contents: Wolf/Bunny, shifters, size difference, rimming, anal sex, knotting, multiple orgasms, praise kink, prostate milking. Light belly bulge, cum inflation, scent kink.
Word Count: 7,423
As a rabbit shifter, Boyd has never been taken seriously in the village. Of course he hasn't been. He's small, barely reaching five foot two, thin as a rail everywhere except his strong legs, and barely noticeable around his brother and sister who took after their ox father. He is small, and like all other small shifters, he is overlooked by most. 
And that is perfectly fine by him. No one gives attention to a small bunny darting around large rooms filled with bigger shifters as the evening of revelry starts in the tavern. The Dusty Firefly is a huge tavern, with the first level holding the main bar, the second holding a few private rooms for rent as well as the place where the high-rollers hold their games separate from the common hands of cards and dice that people get up to in the corners of the first level. And the third floor has the rest of the rentable rooms for travelers going through the city. It's a large, lively place where plenty of other creatures come for a night of indulgence, to find companionship, and gamble-- and it's a place where a small, plain rabbit can go unnoticed as he slips through the crowds and slices coin purses from belts. 
He's careful, he's been doing this for six years now, and he only ever takes a few coins from each before dropping the pouch near their feet so that when they stand to leave the table, or bar, they find the rest on the floor. Usually they look startled, sheepish maybe, that something like that could happen, relieved that they didn't end up losing the thing entirely, enough so, that if they do notice a bit of money missing, they think it must have been scattered to the floor, and are mostly grateful that more wasn't lost. Boyd hasn't made a name for himself as a thief because he is a rabbit, he is small, and skittish, and incapable of being a threat-- or even an annoyance-- to most other large shifters from predator to prey. That suits him just fine. No one pays him any attention and they can go on pretending that the money he gets selling baskets at market is what lets him live in his little apartment. 
Tonight, he knows, will be a good one because spring is right around the corner. Deer have grown their antlers, and everyone is awake from their winter slumber if they chose to slip into it, and they are all desperate to find someone to spend time with in the coming weeks to sate their instincts. Which means that the Firefly will be stuffed to the brim with people who are already too distracted to focus on anything other than finding a partner. He ignores his own need as he prepares for the night. He doesn't have a taste for other rabbits, especially doe, given he doesn't want children or anyone else peeking in on the little life he's carved out for himself. He still makes sure that he puts a bit of effort into his appearance for the night, wearing a loose, open top of pale olive green to make the green bursts in his hazel eyes stand out a bit more, and carefully mussing his curls so that they look appealingly tousled instead of wild, and puts on a pair of dark, tighter trousers that he tucks into his boots before tucking his shirt into the pants so that it bunches up artfully. His belt goes around his waist with his own small leather pouch that hooks with another leather buckle to the accessory, and his daggers, with their blades so small that they're barely as long as his pinky, are slipped into little bracers hidden under his sleeves. He forgoes a cloak even though the early spring air is still chilled, and heads off to the Dusty Firefly. 
He had been absolutely underestimating how busy it was going to be at the tavern. But in his defense, he really, really didn't know that a new herd of deer would be coming through the town alongside a large pack of wolves. Having so many new faces means he's far less worried about being noticed than he usually is, and as Boyd makes his way through the bar, he manages to take a great deal more coin than he usually manages. By halfway through the evening he thinks he's gotten enough gold to live comfortably in his home for two months. Enough, that it is definitely an unwise risk when he spots one of the wolves stepping in to break up a fight between two stags, both hands away from his sides, his attention clearly away from anything else going on around him, and his purse abandoned at his table with a few of his packmates who are also trying to step in before anyone gets gored. 
Boyd darts around the growing conflict and manages to get to the table. There's enough of a commotion that he just gets his hand in the bag and palms a few of the coins. He's fully intending to move away then, but he realizes, with some shock, that the shape of the coins is different. That the half-full pouch is not filled with the round gold coins with the circle in the center, but hexagonal ones with a square. Platinum. Not gold. It's recklessness that has him reaching again, distraction over the possibility of such a big score that leaves him unaware of his surroundings. And when one of the stags goes crashing through the table, he yelps as he's knocked back. 
His elbow hits the floor hard and the pain sends his instincts screaming to run, but he's not the only one on the floor from the fight getting so out of hand, and he doesn't want to draw any more attention to himself. Especially not when he sees one of his daggers has slipped from its brace and is laying among the shattered remains of the table. 
The two of the wolves alongside Oliver, a fox who works as a bouncer, gets the two stags off the floor and starts to get them out of the building. He's not expecting the third to offer him a hand. 
"Are you alright?" The wolf is easily six feet tall. Moon and stars, he might be seven as Boyd looks up, and up, and up, at him even as he crouches down to help him. He has olive-toned skin with a shock of wavy grayish hair that blends into the fur across his ears that is a mix of blacks and browns. A Gray Wolf then, with dark eyes, a long curved nose, and high cheekbones. Pretty features, but when he opens his mouth to speak, Boyd can see the large dangerous teeth glinting behind his lips. 
"Uh, I'm okay." He doesn't dare reach for his dagger, instead taking the offered hand and holding the platinum clutched in his other tight. His hand is tiny in the other man's, and as he's pulled up, he pretends that the wolf underestimated his strength and stumbles into him. "Oh!" His head barely comes up to the bottom of his sternum, and he very quickly slips the pilfered coins into his own purse before he starts to straighten up. It's not a surprise to feel the hard planes of muscle beneath the other man's shirt, but they are noticeable as he pushes away carefully. "I'm sorry!" 
"It's fine, are you sure you're alright?" 
"Yes, that was just startling!" He says, bringing his voice a little higher and letting his ears droop back to lay against his hair. He looks up at the wolf with wide-eyes, brings his hands in front of himself to fiddle nervously. "T-thank you for your help." Cute bunny things. A nervous prey animal who probably shouldn't be talked to any more out of fear of startling him further. 
But the wolf ignores it as the others start to get their cloaks and pouches out from beneath the rubble. "I'm Nicolas. Let me buy you a drink for the trouble?" 
"Oh, I don't think that's necessary-- it wasn't your fault." 
"Then let me buy you a drink so I have an excuse to keep talking to you?" 
He feels his face heat slightly. Of all of the people to get noticed by. He's about to decline again when he sees one of the others pick up his knife out of the corner of his eye. "Okay," He agrees. 
The wolf, Nicolas, picks up his coin purse and smiles at him, a little crooked, his mouth closed to hide those sharp teeth, and ignores his packmates who are still sorting through the rubble for lost coins. "And who am I drinking with?" 
"...Boyd." He gives over the name reluctantly as they start to move over to the bar. One drink. Then he'll escape before the wolf has a chance to confer with his packmates and notice the missing coins. With how much platinum he's gotten from the wolf, he'll buy a new dagger. 
Nicolas buys him a drink, getting an ale for himself, and they find a little corner of the bar to talk in. And they do talk. The wolf seems to want to get to know him, and asks about the village, his interests, his occupation as a weaver, and anything else he can learn. Boyd does his best to give simple, shy answers as he sips at his much smaller cup. A small cup for a small creature, and one that he can tell has been heavily watered down. He could have three of these before he even started to feel flushed. But he's just a little rabbit. Surely the bartender, an owl who Boyd thinks must be filling the vacancy for Tara, is doing right by such a small animal who's been cornered by a predator like Nicolas.  
The wolf, who is personable, and willing enough to give information about his life in turn. Their pack is actually three, soon to be five, consisting of his grandparents, parents, and he and his sister who both are at the age where they're going to be breaking away to find mates of their own . Hence the sudden departure from their normal hunting grounds and traveling from the wild forest and mountains stretching across this part of the country, and to populated cities. They normally don't see the other packs unless it's for a celebration like a wedding or the birth of a new pup. 
"If your grandparents are expecting to see you mated by the end of the season, shouldn't you be looking for a mate, not wasting your time with a rabbit?" He offers sweetly.  
"I don't think this is a waste of my time." He says in immediate response. "I'm enjoying talking to you. I hope that you don't think I'm wasting yours." 
"You aren't," Just making it more uncomfortable the longer he lingers as he notices the weight of his coin purse more and more. "I just don't want to keep you from finding the love of your life. We have a pack here too, I'm sure that there's a wolf among them who could be a good match for you." 
"Who said I was looking for a wolf?" 
His face goes very hot as he fumbles for something to say in response. He's never been interested in other rabbits, the only partners he's ever taken were a sparrow and a gopher, both prey and both near his own size. Predators and prey are already an uncommon coupling, but the sheer size of the wolf-- well, he supposes his parents made that work, but it's nearly as whispered about as a wolf and a rabbit going to bed together would be. "I--" he doesn't know if he's going to decline the thinly veiled offer or not, and he doesn't get the chance to make that decision for himself. 
"Boyd?" His brother's voice and shadow fall over the table suddenly, his tail flicking with his agitation when he sees that he's sharing it with a predator. 
"Hey, Jon." He doesn't usually come to the Dusty Firefly, preferring to stay out by the fields and the bonfires there for his revelry.
"You ready to head home?" Jon says, reaching for his arm. Trying to get him away from this 'dangerous' stranger. "Come on, I'll walk you." 
He bristles and pulls his arm back before those much larger fingers can close around it and take away his choice. "No, I haven't finished my drink, or my conversation, yet. I'm good." He only realizes in hindsight how bad of an idea that was. He was supposed to be looking for a reason to bail. But his brother's condescension immediately made him lose sight of his goals.  
"He said he isn't finished." Nicolas tells him evenly.
"He's my brother--" 
"I don't see why that means you get to ignore what he said." Nicolas turns his attention back to him. "But I have taken up a lot of your evening, and if you'd like to leave, you're welcome to." 
Take the out, take the out, take the out-- "I thought you were interested in taking up all of my night too?" The wolf's ears perk up slightly. As his brother tenses further. He barely glances at him. "See you later." Unlikely. He avoids going to their family farm now that he's got a place of his own. His brother looks like he's going to make a fuss, but Nicolas growls softly, and even as big as his brother is, he's still a prey animal himself. He bristles and pales, and Boyd takes a sip of his watery drink to hide how that sound makes him tremble slightly as well. Jon gives him one last glance before he disappears into the crowd, though Boyd is fairly certain he'll be back with their sister if she's here as well, or someone else he thinks can extract him from this situation. 
Nicolas watches his brother go before turning back to him. "I am going to see if there are still any rooms available. Whether or not you'd like to share it with me will depend on if you're still here when I come back. And if you're not," his voice is gentle, his grip very careful as he takes his hand in his own, "Then I had a nice time anyway." His lips press to the back of his palm lightly and he is struck again by how much smaller he is than the other man. 
"Okay." He sounds a little breathless as he says it, but Nicolas doesn't linger. He smiles at him, and then lets go and slips away from the table. Okay. Get up and go. Leave right now and hope that there are so many people in here that he didn't catch his scent and won't notice when his coin purse is so light.
He stays right where he is, finishing his drink in two gulps. It's so watery it barely burns. Nicolas is a nearly seven foot tall predator, he reminds himself frantically. Not only did he steal from him, but he is a wolf on top of that, and wolves have extra features he should worry about on top of the claws, and strength, and teeth. He should leave right now. Leave, leave, leave. 
When the wolf comes back to the table with a large iron key in hand, his tail wags a bit behind him as his smile returns, slow and smooth, and his eyes linger on his body. He offers his other hand and he needs to leave. He takes it instead. 
The walk upstairs is blanked from his mind entirely. There's a constant whine in the back of his head of thin panic because he is a rabbit and this is a wolf and he should not be preparing to sleep with him. But he goes upstairs anyway. Goes into the darkened room of the inn, only big enough to hold a water basin, wardrobe, and bed, the sounds of activity still filtering up from the floors below. He hesitates as the door shuts behind him, but when Nicolas steps into his space, when he catches his chin between his fingers, and his claws just barely touch that thin, soft skin, a shiver goes through him and the other man pauses when he feels him tremble, looking worried. 
He's spent his whole life with other people 'protecting' him from making his own choices. Becoming a thief had been a dangerous one that he ended up taking for himself. This one is a little more dangerous, a little more stupid, but he takes it for himself when he gets up on his tiptoes so that he can get his hands in the loose collar of the other's tunic and pulls as much as he can. Nicolas makes it easier for him, wrapping his other arm around his waist and pulling him up, until his toes aren't even touching the ground, and seals their lips together. 
The dull heat of spring feels like it's gone from inert kindling to a flame spilling out across his entire body as the wolf kisses him. He shifts his grip, moving one arm to around his waist, but the other hand catches one of his thighs and uses that to hoist him higher like he doesn't weigh anything at all. Boyd adjusts his grip too, trying to hold on a little tighter as the press of their lips turns into tongues moving against one another and he feels consumed as it happens. His instincts scream at him to run when his tongue is coaxed behind such big, sharp teeth. Teeth that were made to tear into flesh. He has never enjoyed feeling small or fragile, but this-- this puts a need beneath his skin that he's never felt before. 
He moans as he's easily carried over to the bed, Nicolas sitting on the edge and situating him in his lap. The blush spilling out across his face feels impossibly hot as he's forced to spread his legs so wide around the other's muscled thighs as he's left straddling him. One hand stays on his back to keep him steady, but the other goes to his tail, easily enveloping the entire thing in his palm and squeezing and stroking the soft fur and sending a bolt up his spine that has him gasping. He hears the other's tail swishing against the sheets, 
"Does that feel good, bunny?" So good as he keeps doing it that his cock is stirring already. He nods weakly, leaning back in and being given a kiss immediately, this time the wolf licking behind his teeth as he keeps playing with his tail. He's not thinking as he shifts in the other's lap, trying to push his tail back into those touches, pressing back and bringing his pelvis down harder in his lap as a result and letting him feel the start of the wolf's arousal as well. Just the start of it and he already feels a big that Boyd loses any coherent thought for a moment. Nic hums low in the back of his throat using the grip on his tail as leverage to pull him even closer, until Boyd's rapidly hardening cock is doing so against his stomach, and the predator can grind his up against the swell of his ass. 
"Ah," he gasps, his instincts going haywire as the scent of the other man starts to fill his nose now that they're away from the crowd downstairs. Musky, earthy, and... violent. Something in that smell that reminds him of blood even though there hasn't been any spilled between them. His claws are held carefully, his teeth never even chancing a light nip. But that smell is there as Nic noses down his neck and his tongue laves over his skin. 
"I'm going to eat you up, little bunny." 
That should not make him moan. It really, really, shouldn't. But it does as the wolf lets go of his tail so that he can pull his shirt from his pants. Yeah, okay, this is definitely happening. His hands tremble a little as he starts to pull at Nic's shirt too, tugging open the laces of the vest over his tunic to loosen it, but he can't take it off, not when the other's hands are so insistent as they pull his shirt over his head. He expects his ears to get tangled and pulled on-- it's happened every other time he's gone to bed with someone-- but the other catches the ends of them carefully as he pulls away the shirt. He can't resist keeping hold of one though, holding it between his fingers and stroking along the velvet soft fur along them, and Boyd shivers again at that sensation, at the feeling of the predator's large, dangerous hand against such a delicate part of his anatomy. 
"Do you need me to slow down, Boyd?" Nic murmurs, his other hand resting against his chest once his shirt has been tossed to the floor. His shirt that was covering his bracers. Boyd tries to make his brain work through his lust and quickly wraps his arms around the other man's neck, undoing the buckles as he speaks. 
"I'm not glass. I can handle anything you give me, puppy." It's enormous talk given that he's never had someone like Nicolas before, but it has his eyes darkening and the hand on his ears going to the base where they connect to his skull and giving an enticing, little tug that puts a delicious ache beneath his skin. He nearly forgets what he's doing, but he leans in and noses up under the wolf's chin to where his scent is strongest. To where, he's been told, they bite each other to become mates. It's incredibly reckless when he licks his skin, tasting the faint tang of sweat and that overwhelming woodsy scent on his tongue, before he skims his teeth over his skin. 
Nic goes stiff under him and he thinks he's overstepped hesitating dropping the bracers off the other side of the bed in case he needs the tiny knife-- and then he has a hand around his hip and he's pulling him down against him roughly as his hips grind up so he can feel how hard his cock is now. Boyd moans, fumbling and dropping the bracers anyway, but he forgets to care as he's pulled back into another hard kiss as Nicolas shrugs out of his vest and tunic. 
The muscle he'd felt beneath is curved across his chest and down his arms, the skin puckered and scraped with scars from a life, he assumes, of fighting. No wonder he hadn't blinked as he'd broken up the fight downstairs. He doesn't get a chance to enjoy the view for long because the wolf is catching his hips and pulling him up, closer, so that he can get his hand on his belt and pull that loose as his mouth seals over his neck where he doesn't have a matching scent gland. It doesn't seem to bother the wolf as he presses his teeth to his skin and sharp nips and bites make his skin tingle and him whimper in the other's lap as he's coaxed out of the rest of his clothing. 
When he's naked in the other's lap, his cock is hard and curving up against his stomach, and he's never felt so vulnerable. He doesn't know if he's ever been this hot either as he whimpers and tries to get his hands into the other's pants as well, not wanting to be cowed. His cock is so big, as it presses against him, and his hands feel way too small as he gets them to his belt and button. 
But he doesn't get further than that, because Nic grabs him around his hips and moves him like he weighs nothing. The wind is knocked out of him as his back hits the mattress and then the wolf is blocking out the rest of the world as he braces himself above him. "You smell so good, bunny." The words nearly a purr as they leave him, as he moves down his body, mouth first going to his neck as his hands curl around the soft skin of his inner thighs as he holds them open wider than he even knew he could spread them, just to make room for the other man. "Tell me if you don't like something." The words breathed against his skin as he kisses across his chest, down his flat stomach, along his thighs. 
He whimpers when his mouth goes to his hole, his tongue licking a wide stripe over him. His mouth feels so hot as it touches him there, pleasure surging like lightning beneath his skin and making him cry out as one hand clutches in the sheets and the other tangles in his thick hair. The wolf hums approvingly and licks at him again, getting him drenched in his saliva, as his tongue moves over and around his entrance, flicking and teasing at the ring of muscles until he's moaning and his hips are trying to twitch weakly in his strong grasp to try and get more. Never had someone give him their tongue over their fingers, but as he moves he feels the prickle of his claws against him again and he supposes that he doesn't have much of a choice in it if he doesn't want to tear him open on his cock. 
But Nic doesn't seem to begrudge the task. No, the way he licks at him, the soft growls and chuffs that are breathed against his skin as his tongue prods at his center, testing how relaxed his muscles are, seem pleased. Like he's getting pleasure just from being between his legs. His body opens for the other man and the tip of his long tongue slips inside, and Boyd's hand tightens in his hair as his moans pitch louder. Stars, his tongue is so big. It was already big in his mouth, but inside of his hole, fuck, he thinks he's had cocks that were smaller. His cock is drooling against his stomach steadily and he lets go of the sheets, his need so great that he has to have a touch there to go with the ones that are moving inside of him. Each little lick inside, he pulls out a bit before feeding his tongue deeper on the next. His fist goes around his prick as the other man's tongue goes deep enough to find that sensitive gland inside of him and Boyd cries out, 
"Nic!" His hips trying to jump hard in his grip.
The wolf looks up at him from between his legs and sees him stroking himself and growls against his skin. He thinks, for a moment, that he's going to tell him to stop, but he doesn't. If anything, as he watches him stroking himself, the wolf eats him out more voraciously. Encouraged by the response, he gathers his pre that has dripped all over his stomach and uses that to make his skin slick, before he wraps his fingers back around himself. He strokes himself and in turn, Nicolas laps inside of him. His hand moves a bit faster along his shaft, and his nerves sing as that pressure inside his body is mirrored by the other's tongue. The wolf lets him set the pace, and soon he's stroking himself roughly, the grip on his thighs shifting to his hips, fingers curving around nearly to the small of his back, and holding him up so that he's practically riding the other's face, even while he's still on his back. 
It doesn't take long for him to feel like he's going to shatter apart after that, the sounds of his pleasure so loud in the room that he can't hear the noise from the bar below anymore. His balls draw tight as he strokes himself faster, tighter, and Nic matches that by pushing his tongue in deep and moving it constantly against his prostate until everything snaps in a sharp crescendo of ecstasy that sends his release spilling halfway up his chest and leaves him gasping for breath. Stars dance behind his eyes as his cock pulses with the sensation and his insides clench weakly around his tongue. Nic licks and laps at his skin as he moans and trembles through his orgasm, until he whines weakly, his ears twitching, as it goes from good to too much in a matter of seconds as he starts to come down from the high. 
Then the other man pulls back, giving one last lick to his stretched, dripping hole before murmuring, "Gorgeous, little bun." 
He is too starved of breath to offer anything other than a weak moan, as the other moves up his body again, hands staying beneath him to lift his lower half higher so that his weight is easily held up against the wolves thick thighs as they slip beneath him. His mouth goes to his stomach and he licks up his release with another growl as Boyd feels his cock pressing up against the cleft of his ass. He doesn't try to push inside, but he ruts himself between his skin, and he gets even wetter as he feels the wolf's hot pre mixing with his cooling spit. Boyd moans softly, trying to get his heavy limbs coordinated enough to rock back into the motions, even as his brain starts to try and ring alarm bells as he feels how big the other man is against him. He's never had anything so big inside of him before. He doesn't even know if it's possible for a cock of that size to fit. As Nicolas kisses him, his mouth covered in the taste of him, Boyd decides he doesn't care. He would die to try it. 
"Are you ready, bunny?" 
"Please," he pleads, reaching back to get a hold of the headboard as the wolf's eyes flash with his want. 
"Such a good boy, asking so sweetly." He presses a kiss to his cheek and that, of all things, is what he feels makes his blush go hotter again. As the sweet words also make his spent cock ache sharply with the desire to fill again. Then he pulls back a bit, enough that he can see what he's doing as he gets his hips lifted high, his legs supporting his weight, as he wraps a hand around his own cock. Fuck, fuck, he's even bigger than he'd felt, easily twice as thick as himself, nearly as long as his forearm, his head flushed dark and drooling pre, a pretty winding of veins tangled beneath that velvet skin. Definitely bigger than anything he's had inside of him before, and he wants him so badly now, that he can't possibly tighten with his nerves. The other man reaches off the side of the bed and he hears him rustle through their shed clothing before he comes back with a small bottle of oil that he smears over his length before he brings his head to his hole. 
A soft whimper leaves him as he starts to push inside. The oil, his pre, his spit, all ease the way, but his muscles twitch and flutter as they're made to spread wider than they ever have before. He lets out a soft, scared chitter as he wonders if he really will be torn open around the intrusion. But Nicolas, even though he's already been so patient, even when he must be desperate for his own release, goes slowly. He makes his own soft, comforting chuffs and coos as he strokes his skin carefully with big, dangerous hands that could rend his flesh. He kisses his lips, his cheeks, his forehead. Leans in and licks along his ears. 
Boyd moans loudly as his head fully breeches him, sending a dizzying pressure all along his nerves that is so intoxicating he almost forgets that the wolf is submitting to him as he grooms his ears. He can't keep it together then, his claws scraping across the headboard. His cock is so big inside of him and he forgets how to breathe as it keeps pressing deeper and deeper inside. No, it's not that he forgets, it's that there's no room left inside him for breath. All of the air is pressed out of his lings as he goes deeper and deeper until-- until--
Boyd keens as he sees a bump appear in his stomach. So big that the outline of his cock is visible through his insides. He's pretty sure that his brain melts out of his ears then. All he can do is moan and whimper, voice cracking on a sob as his cock swells again and his pleasure goes so blinding even though the other man hasn't even moved. 
"Nic, Nic, Nic," he babbles, tears slipping over his cheeks. Fuck, he's never cried like this in bed before. 
"What's wrong, bunny? Is it too much? Do you need me to stop?" His voice, even thin with his own pleasure, his lust, seems sincere. Really would stop no matter how much he must want more, to make sure he's not broken. 
"More, more, please, Nic, please!" He begs instead. He needs it. Needs anything to make the blinding fullness change before he shatters. 
And the wolf's restraint is torn away with a snarl. He pulls back halfway before he fucks into him hard. Boyd screams his pleasure as he's made so full again. His cock is so big that there's pressure against every inch of his inner walls, rubbing against his prostate, and going so much deeper inside than anything else has ever reached. Nicolas doesn't need to ask if he likes it, if he wants more, the way he's sobbing and trembling apart beneath him must be clear enough. So he doesn't stop. He pulls back even farther this time, and gives another rough thrust that makes their skin meet in a loud, stinging slap. That spark of pain against the pleasure sends his head into the stars as he feels himself getting even hotter. 
He doesn't slow down after that. He curls his hands tight around him, holding his body at the angle he wants, and fucks him like a toy. They fall into a brutal rhythm that he's certain will leave dark bruises against his soft skin and he wants those. He wants to be alone tomorrow night touching the bruises on his thighs as he fists his hand around his cock and remembers how good it felt to be this full, this used, this small. Stars, he's never been so happy to be small in his life as the wolf envelops him in his bulk as he leans in to close those big teeth around his throat again, licking and biting, just this side of breaking skin, as he as he fucks him so hard and perfect. 
Until he stops fucking in all the way, and Boyd chitters unhappily, wanting his full length inside again. It's not until he feels a bump starting to form, brushing against his stretched hole on each thrust, that he remembers the wolf's knot. Oh, moon and stars, how is he supposed to fit that inside? He doesn't ask to stop though, not when he's so close to his own orgasm. Neither of them are even touching his cock, but it doesn't matter. He's going to come anyway. 
"I can take it," he says, not even knowing if it's a lie. "Please, please, knot me, please, Nic--!"
He snarls, catching his mouth in another rough kiss and then he's slamming that growing intrusion back inside of his body. Boyd's voice breaks; he moans so loudly as he's forced so wide, wider, as his knot finishes swelling inside of him as his insides are suddenly drenched in the wolf's cum. He whimpers as he sees his stomach swell slightly from how much is flooding his insides. And his knot. Fuck, his knot is so big and it's putting a fresh, perfect pressure against his prostate that has his own cock pulsing as his orgasm tears through him for a second time. He barely manages two squirts of cum as he feels the wolf's cock continuing to pulse inside of him and fill him with more. He can't help trembling and moaning, the pressing inside of him making him feel like he's losing his mind as it keeps coming. He can't escape his cock, can't make the pressure against his prostate lessen, and even as Nic pants through his orgasm, leaning in to pepper his face with more kisses, smearing against the tears and sweat that are spilling over his cheeks, he doesn't come down. He can't. His whole body is raw with his pleasure. When the other man stops spilling inside of him, he gives low comforting growls and chuffs as he holds him close and strokes his hair, as Boyd keeps falling apart stretched wide on his knot. 
He doesn't know how long it takes for his knot to start to shrink just the barest bit, but when it does, Nic starts to roll his hips again. He's not fucking him like he did before, but he's grinding and rubbing, and he's already touching every oversensitive part of his body. It's too soon for him to get more than half hard again, but even that has him sobbing harder around the pleasure. He can't. This is too much, he can't possibly feel any better than he already does. The wolf shifts a hand to play with his tail again and Boyd whimpers, mortified, as his cock twitches and starts to dribble out a very thin stream of milky cum. Every little roll of his hips as his sore prostate is abused again, makes a little more come out. The wolf nearly purrs as he makes sure that he's gotten every drop of his pleasure out of him before his knot shrinks away and he's able to pull out. 
Boyd's face is impossibly hot as he puts one big hand against his stomach as he does, pressing on the small bloat that wasn't there before as he pulls out. A humiliated whine slips from his lips as the wolf's cum pours from his body as he presses on his stomach, soaking both of their legs and the bed beneath them in a heady tangle of their scents. 
He's pretty sure he passes out before he's empty. 
Boyd wakes up with his mouth thick and stale, his entire lower half aching fiercely, and a bone-deep satisfaction everywhere else. And... curled up securely in Nic's arms. The wolf has wrapped his body around Boyd's much smaller form and appears to be sleeping soundly. Neither of them are crusting in dried cum, so he guesses that the wolf had cleaned them up after he-- he feels his blush go so hot it burns across the back of his neck-- after he'd passed out from how exhausted his body was in the wake of so much pleasure. He isn't being held too tightly, but he still shifts, turning into his full form, and more easily being able to hop out from the embrace as a rabbit. He slinks off of the edge of the bed before he turns back. As euphoric as the night before was, and no matter how sore he is, he needs to leave. 
He moves as quietly as possible, retrieving his bracers and clothes and getting into them as quickly as he can manage. He's gotten his boots in hand and is starting to creep across the floor to the door when he hears the wolf yawn. 
"Don't you want the rest of your payment, little bun?" 
He stiffens, but he isn't doing anything wrong per say. Lots of people sneak out after a one-night stand. "Payment?" 
The wolf hums, stretching out on the bed as he rolls over to look at him. "I had brought that platinum to buy a companion for my upcoming rut." 
Fear pulses through him followed hotly by his indignance. "I'm a thief not a whore. If you want that, you can find it at the brothel." He digs into his pouch, furious with himself for getting caught, for being duped by the pretty smile and charming words. He pulls the platinum pieces he'd taken from his purse and tosses them onto the floor. He drops his boots back to the ground, intent on shoving his feet back into them and making himself scarce just in case the wolf decides to send the guards after him. 
The bed creeks as he gets out of it and he flicks his remaining dagger into his hand, whirling to press it to the wolf's chest as he moves across the small room and into his space. Nicolas regards the small knife without any fear, but keeps his hands raised slightly at his sides. "If I treated you like a whore, then I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention when I invited you into bed last night." He reaches for him, hand cupping the side of his face. Boyd puts the blade to his wrist, but it doesn't deter him. His thumb strokes softly over his cheek. "Keep the platinum if you want it. My only hope is that you enjoyed last night as much as it seemed like you were." 
He hesitates. "Why didn't you call the guards last night? I robbed you." 
"You did. You robbed half a dozen other people too, if my count is right. But you never took more than they could spare. That's about as much honor as I suppose a thief can manage." His lips curl up into that soft smile again. "And why shouldn't you? When none of them will even give you the time of day? Even small creatures can be dangerous when they're overlooked." He shifts his hand, carefully brushing his thumb along the edge of the dagger to feel its sharpness. "I won't call the guards on you, and you never have to see me again, little bunny. But if you want to," he takes a step back, his tail swaying nervously near his ankles. "Then I'll be here for another three days before I find someone else to spend my rut with." 
He hesitates, but after another second, the wolf turns to go back to the bed, giving him a good look at the muscle corded along his back and down to his sculpted ass as his tail swishes. He tries to shake away the little pulse of heat that puts in his veins and slips the knife back into his bracer before he finishes putting on his boots. "Don't hold your breath." He grumbles, the humiliation sitting under his skin as he opens the door. 
"I may." Amusement clear in the other's voice. Boyd huffs and slinks away from the room, heading back home as swiftly as possible in case he changes his mind about calling the guards. 
It's not too long before he's in his apartment again, stripping away his clothes so he can go take a proper bath. There are bruises against his thighs and ass, little shadows of them around his hips as well from being held in the position that the wolf wanted. They ache softly when he touches them and that little sting feels good under his skin. He tries not to think about that too hard as he goes and scrubs his skin clean of the wolf's scent. 
When he gets back out of the bathroom, he dresses in soft sleep clothes, more than ready to eat and then return to bed for the rest of the day. But he pauses as he passes his purse that he'd set on his side table. He opens it back up and finds that he had really managed quite a good score the night before. Definitely enough to live off of for a few months. 
The single platinum piece still sitting amongst the gold begs the question of if he'll seek out the wolf again before he leaves. Boyd moves into his kitchen as he refuses to answer until he has some distance from the night before. 
Thanks for reading! If you liked this story and would like to see more of my work consider following! If you have a story you would like to see made real, my DMs are open for commissions!
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clowncaraz · 3 days
Deviæ - Deviæsis - Deviatypal
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An adjective to a variation where your physical sex traits are considered unnatural, artificial, or animalistic in nature.
Can be considered this way due to:
HRT or Surgery
Body Modification
Physical Biokinesis/Postfurry Identity
Physical Nonhumanity (Only Physical)
Transhumanist Appendages
Transspecies Transition
Misceverse Transition
a transspecies canine getting a knot by use of body modification/beading
disembodied transhuman genitalia that allow for direct stimulation
miscverse scent implants in the skin
tattoos for markings, scales, etc
hormones like HCG, Estrone, DHEA, DHT
animalizing surgery
use of subliminals, exercise, and exposure to nonhumanity
genitalia sleaving
Deviborn/ ANBS - Born with deviatypal traits/ "Assigned Nonhuman By Society"
Cisspecieal - Someone who's species aligns with what was assigned to them by society
HtA/ HtB - Human to Animal/ Human to Beast
Species Dysphoria - Dysphoria that affects the perception of species
Non-dichomy - Those not aligned in the animal/beast or human category
Malspecialia - Affirmation of deviæ identity for the sole purpose of attacking or discrimination
Species expression - The expression of species traits through clothing, terms, names, etc
Vocalization Training - non-surgical method helping with speaking in or around the tone, sounds, or pitch of their species
Tail Creation - The attachment of a tail to the spine permanently or frequently
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites
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In a world of dwindling hope, love has never mattered more...
Captain Nathan J. Northland had no idea what to expect when he returned home to Lorehaven injured from war, but it certainly wasn’t to find himself posted on an island full of vampires. An island whose local vampire dandy lord causes Nathan to feel strange things he’d never felt before. Particularly about fangs.
When Vlad Blutstein agreed to hire Nathan as Captain of the Eyrie Guard, he hadn’t been sure what to expect either, but it certainly hadn’t been to fall in love with a disabled werewolf. However Vlad has fallen and fallen hard, and that’s the problem.
Torn by their allegiances–to family, to duty, and the age-old enmity between vampires and werewolves–the pair find themselves in a difficult situation: to love where the heart wants or to follow where expectation demands.
The situation is complicated further when a mysterious and beguiling figure known only as Lady Ursula crashes into their lives, bringing with her dark omens of death, doom, and destruction in her wake.
And a desperate plea for help neither of them can ignore.
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites by Joy Demorra is a queer, paranormal, gaslamp fantasy romance novel featuring enchanted forests, gothic castles, and just a smidge of industrial coal dust, and is the first book of the Hunger Pangs slow-burn polyamorous romance series. Join Vlad, Nathan, and Ursula as they navigate a magical world torn asunder war and politics as they work to restore balance to the world and find love along the way. Book one is available now in ebook, paperback, and audio.
Buy the (high heat) Flirting With Fangs Edition Here. 
Buy the (medium heat) Fluff and Fangs Edition Here.
Why are there two versions, and what's the difference between them? Glad you asked! You can also check out individual content tags and heat ratings on my website at www.joydemorra.com
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ridaine · 8 months
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Happy valentines to my girlfriend and our gayass ocs
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hange-rules · 10 months
thinking about pieck after a long mission
pieck can never stand up straight without wincing after a longer deployment, always hunched over and fighting the instinctive urge to be on all fours. she can do it, she’ll walk properly, biting her tongue bloody as she does, always standing up-right in front of the eldian soldiers, she’ll put on a brave face in front of the parades welcoming the titan shifters homes. but porco is always nearby to catch her if she stumbles. it’s when the group finally gets inside the eldian warriors’ compound that she allows herself to relax, accepting zeke and porco’s help gratefully.
and when she finally sees you, standing further down the hallway, just out of view of the rest of the public? she practically shoves the boys away from her, stumbling the few feet into your arms and practically collapsing, an odd mixture of a hug and being used as a crutch. she shoves her face into your neck with a tired sigh and you can feel her eyes lashes fluttering against your neck. when you laugh, she bites down on the skin on your neck, merciless. at your yelp, she has the audacity to laugh, demanding that you take her to the physical therapist. you always do as she commands, pressing a long kiss to her hair, shifting so you take more of her weight and leading her through the winding halls of the compound, listening intently as she murmurs about her time away.
despite having a titan known for stamina, it’s her literal super power, pieck always manages to push it too far. it leaves you worried at the dark bruises under her eyes and lethargic movements. when she finally goes to sleep after a long deployment, truly sleep and not the quick naps during deployment that last less than a couple hours, she’s asleep for at least a full day. and you are, according to her, required to stay with her. she’ll latch onto you, grumbling and pulling you tighter to her when you try to escape. the only reason you get to leave is to get her food when she demands it, feeding the sleepy warrior fruits and sweets even though she can barely keep her eyes open. you press kisses to her lips between bites, heart swelling with the little giggles she gives.
when she is in her titan form, she gets hungrier much slower than normal. the titan isn’t her body, she hardly moves at all, never expanding much energy beyond mental. she doesn’t eat much on missions, it’s not necessary for her, she’s rather save it for her soldiers. but by the time she gets back, she misses eating food. so you gather all of her favorite foods, as much decaf coffee you can manage to get a hold of and prepare a feast for her. and the way her face lights up when she sees all of the baked goods and fruits spread across your dining table when you two finally make it to your guys’ quarters is always worth how much lighter your wallet feels. you both sit down to eat the muffins, the scones, the strawberries and apples, you warm up and assemble crepes for her. you love to watch her eat her food, smiling at the little grins she has when she eat something she likes, the hums of pure happiness. porco has told you more than once how much of a dope you look when you watch your girlfriend. when she eats her full, you usher her to the shower, packing up the leftovers for the morning, or whenever she demands more. you’re only given a few minutes before she’s yelling, calling you into the shower with her with a pout in her voice. and who are you to deny an eldian warrior?
pieck is a monster when she gets back from missions. once she’s finally cleared from her physical therapist, comfortably full and finally clean from an actual shower after months of rag washes, she’s all over you. she’s relentless, pressing heated kisses to your damp skin as you try to dry off from the shower, she could care less about the water still dripping down her pale skin, rivulets rolling down between her breasts. you try not to drool as you trace the water’s path. she pushes you out of the bathroom and onto the disheveled bed in your distraction, taking the towel from your hands and throwing it somewhere. she’s beautiful in the bedroom light, dark hair flowing loosely down her back, her skin unmarked and perfect and eyes black as night. she crawls over you with a smirk, dragging her tongue up your stomach, between your breasts eyes lidded as she stares up at you. she mouths at your neck, leaving marks to match the bite she’d given you earlier before she makes it to your ear, “show me just how much you missed me, darling,” before she’s capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
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sarielsnowings · 10 months
Vespertine Distractions 📚📖✨
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“It became a common ritual for Lux to wander the library halls at dusk looking for their companion. The necromancer had a tendency to lose himself in the parchment in pursuit of his research and often needed to be reminded that even brilliant minds need rest.”
Featuring Oz (@/sacrxm’s OC< he/him) on the left and Lux (my OC, they/them) on the right.
I really wanted to give these two another full illustration which made for a good excuse to explore this style to my current limitations. I learnt a lot but I also was so over it by the end ^^’ I know I want to move in a different direction, but this was still useful to see. That’s what the art process is all about, I guess!
Oh, also, seeing @morteraphan’s beautiful artworks of Lucian and Matthias was one of the main reasons I wanted to work on this one. Not exactly the same style of course, but they were a big inspiration.
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