#gentle lucifer
delphi-dreamin · 9 months
Y'know what rubs me the wrong way? People who say that Lucifer wouldn't 100% get a case of feline paralysis if you fall asleep on him? That man will so reluctantly wheel himself back over to his desk and do what he can to keep working with you asleep in his lap. But he will only go places he can from his desk chair because he doesn't want to risk standing and waking you up. He is so gently in love with you.
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electricpipeorgan · 7 months
If his first scene in the series hadn't immediately made me fall in love with him, then it would've been here. The perfect warmth in his face and voice (as well as just the wonderful writing & choreography for him) is just too gorgeous j-j
I had no idea this man would be so warm and adorable from just looking at his portrait in the pilot
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pageofheartdj · 7 months
I want some caring radioapple!
Lucifer is depressed. There are days where he just doesn't have it in him to get up from the bed. Too many bad feelings piling all at once, the dark thoughts and guilt and shame and memories pushing him down. So why bother getting up? And he can just stay. He is a being of light, he won't starve to death or anything like that, he can stay in bed non-stop for weeks. He did in the past sometimes. More often when he and Lilith got split. Except he would still feel nasty and aching and leaving that phase takes as long because of extra self-hatred.
So now putting Alastor in the picture. When one of these days hit again his intervention doesn't keep itself waiting. Alastor would teleport right into his room unceremoniously. Meet eyes with a very groggy and very grumpy King of Hell peeking from under the blankets. And then without a word pick him up with all the blankets, ignoring his yelp of suprise and complaining, teleport to the bathroom and drop the whole bundle into a bath full of cold water. Which immediately wakes Lucifer up. In all his fuming beauty, horns and wings out and all. Which is handy because Alastor plans to prin those pitiful things.
Lucifer would try to protest but Alastor would quickly shut him up "Now-now, no one gave a word to a filthy little piggy. You can complain all you wish once you are in a presentable state."
After personally bathing the embarassed pouting King("If you act like a child, don't be suprised at being treated as one"), he keeps intercepting.
"Starting a day without a breakfast? Where are you manners, sire?"
And after a good breakfast Alastor would coo teasingly "You wanted to say something earlier if I remember correctly?"
Lucifer, feeling just a little less shitty shoots him an annoyed barely hidden soft look "Shut up.."
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libby-for-life · 6 months
Lilith coming back to hell, to see Lucifer moved on and it's with Adam
Tender Sex; Lucifer reassuring Adam that he won't leave him to go back to Lilith(also queen of hell adam)
Oof. For this to work, I would need it to be with Sinner!Adam under contract with Lucifer. Hope that's okay.
Adam watched everything in a blur. She walked into the hotel with grace and fire. She looked just as beautiful as ever. Her long blonde hair, purple eyes, and elegant smile completed her look.
Lilith, the first woman, the first queen of Hell, had returned. And she was in the Hazbin Hotel. Adam felt numb as Charlie hugged her mother hard and how Lucifer asked how she was.
Adam rubbed the ring on his finger. He shouldn't be this fucking worried. He was Adam for God's sake! Not only that but the Queen of Hell. A year he had been proposed to by his partner Lucifer. He almost said no. With two failed marriages, it was hard to not think of the cons of what could happen.
But Lucifer looked so fucking earnest that he couldn't help but say yes. Fast forward to the present. Adam had thought that he had gotten over his insecurities of being abandoned after being with someone as attentive and loving as Lucifer. 'Obviously not.' Adam thought as he saw Lilith place a manicured hand on Lucifer's shoulder.
He tried to fight the urge to yell at the bitch for touching his partner. Adam did perk up when Lucifer beckoned him over.
"Lilith." He managed to say out as he stood next to Lucifer. He brought an arm around his partner and pulled him closer. Adam watched as Lilith's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she looked at him.
Could she see it now? Did she see everything she left for a place in Heaven? A petty place in Adam's heart hoped she was jealous about the whole situation.
"Adam." She said in her usual cool and condensing voice. It took everything in Adam not to snap at her. He guessed those anger management lessons Charlie had been forcing him into had actually been helping. Not that he would ever admit it.
"I could really go for a drink," Lilith said as she walked over to a free couch. Adam could already tell this was going to be a long night.
Adam clutched the sides of the bathroom sink. His mind was spiraling with everything that had just been said not just an hour ago.
'Do you really think you're the Queen of Hell?'
'You know he's only fucking you because you're easy, right?'
'He only gave you the title Queen because it feeds into your delusions. You're a toy. Something to be used and thrown away. He'll grow bored eventually. I did.'
'A Queen certainly doesn't look like you. My, you've really let yourself go.'
Adam felt like he was going to throw up. He knew Lilith would try to get into his head but he didn't think it would be so soon. He bit his lip so hard he felt blood drip down his chin.
All of the insecurities that he'd been battling for years came bubbling to the surface. What did Lucifer even see in something like him? A Queen didn't look like a pig. A Queen wasn't so ugly. Is this what Lucifer saw in him? A toy? A novelty only to be discarded when something better comes along?
A knock on the door and a familiar voice called out to him.
"Adam? Sweetheart, is everything okay?"
Damn it all to Hell! That was Lucifer!
"Um, I'm good!" He said and Adam winced when he heard how wobbly his voice sounded. Apparently, so did the King of Hell because he portaled into the bathroom causing Adam to yelp.
"What the fuck, Lucifer?! I said I was fine!" Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "Clearly not. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Adam refused to look at him. "I'm good. I'll be in bed in a moment."
"Adam, pet, I don't like when you lie to me. Tell me the truth." Adam felt himself lose control and everything came tumbling out about Lilith.
He was prepared for the backlash. That Lucifer was going to defend his ex-wife and that he better behave for her instead of causing fights and lying about it.
Instead, he felt strong hands cup his cheeks and this caused Adam to look at his partner. Lucifer had a kind but sad look on his face. "Oh, Adam. Why didn't you come to me sooner?" He took a hand away from his face and grabbed a fistful of brown hair. He yanked causing a moan to bubble up.
"Now, I need you to know that I would never go back to my ex. She's my ex for a reason. And I will be talking with her about everything." His eyes flashed red for a moment before it turned back to normal.
"Hm. I see you're still doubting me. Well, that just won't do." Lucifer said before scooping him up bridal-style. Adam let a squeak, a manly one, and struggled for a moment.
Adam shook his head, tears threatening to fall. He didn't want to cry. He didn't want to cry.
"Hush, now my pet. Daddy's got you."
Adam was soon lying in their large bed. Lucifer was straddling his waist with a gentle smile. "I love every inch of you." He began and Adam shivered as he trailed his fingers down his shirt. "You're beautiful, Adam. Don't let anyone tell you differently."
A hand slipped under his shirt and caressed a love handle. "This is mine. Don't you trust Daddy's judgment?" Another hand slipped inside Adam's shirt and gently squeezed his chest. The sinner was now squirming under Lucifer, his face felt warm and Adam knew he was blushing.
"This is also mine." A finger pinched his right nipple. "Mine because I would never give you up. Mine because I would fight Heaven and Hell for you." A cruel twist had Adam moaning and panting. Lucifer's hands left his body and Adam felt them take his shirt off. "Isn't that a pretty sight?"
Adam tried to cover his body, but Lucifer just pinned his wrists with one hand. "Don't hide yourself from Daddy, pet." The sheep demon nodded hurriedly. Using his free hand, he dragged his hand down to the waistband of his pants and tugged gently.
"Can I take this off?" Adam nodded with a whimper.
Lucifer gently removed his clothes and smiled at his naked partner. He really was beautiful, soft in all the best ways.
He fondled his pet's balls and watched as Adam fell apart. He was so sensitive. It didn't take long for Lucifer to start preparing him with lube. Adam moaned high and needy even though the King of Hell knew his pet would never admit it.
He had three fingers in, stretching and rubbing Adam in all of his special places. "Daddy! I'm going to cum!" Adam wailed and Lucifer took out his fingers quickly. His pet whimpered and begged for more but he was firm.
"You gotta let Daddy in first, pet." And then he slowly entered into his hole. Adam was still tight after all these years. Lucifer was gentle as he slowly thrusted in. He would make this loving and gentle for his pet. Then he wouldn't have any more doubts about Lucifer's love. He gave praise and encouragement as he made love to Adam.
He could feel himself getting ready to climax and Adam moaned higher and needier to indicate he was close as well.
"Cum for Daddy, pet. My good pet." They both climaxed at the same time, breathing heavily. They both snuggled into each other's embrace. As soon as Adam was asleep, Lucifer felt their earlier conversation repeat in his head.
Why would Lilith do that? What was her goal in upsetting Adam this badly? He knew they had bad blood, but this was on another level. Lucifer felt his eyes turn red again. She wouldn't be doing that again. He would make sure of that. There was a new ruler of Hell and it wasn't Lilith.
Hopefully, that was good!
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sweetbrier2908 · 8 months
have you guys ever thought about how satan's personality is actually the combo of his 6 other brothers and somehow he's still unique in his own way and that somehow creates his charisma. just as i start making satan's moodboard and i start to realize man i love him so much it's hard to breathe.
i mean, he's like the most hard-working demon in the family, lucifer works because he has his responsibility and because he forces himself the perfect figure for the whole devildom and also because of diavolo the moment he realize no one watching him he immediately drop the whole responsible act; but satan works and studies and reads just because he loves doing things and learning. he never wastes a single opportunity to learn new thing. he loves art and beautiful things, just like asmo but at the same time, he doesn't care about his look, just like beel, and they both make asmo so mad because they seems like they can't realize how attractive they are. he loves to play pranks on lucifer with belphie but somehow he is also willing to take care for his brothers when they're wasted and constantly checked on lucifer when he lost his memory. he loves cooking for his family and even when his brothers make riddiculous request he still tries to satisfy them. he's maybe the most boring guy you've ever met, he's a nerd, he starts to talk like levi when he visits destinations from his favourite shows, he looks serious in his stundent id, and he's so intellectual and normal and you may or may not have already seen someone like him in your life. he's so normal, he has nothing stand out but his love for cat. his laptop is covered in cat stickers and he has a cat wallpaper on his devices. he's so normal. he acts normal unless when he's angry. he's decent. he's also popular. but at the same time, don't you guys find him adventurous? he loves trying new things, he meets people here and there and makes friend here and there. you will see him at some super fancy restaurant and you also see him on the bleachers of some sports game. he even manages to take his whole family to a film festival because of his connections. he learns new things everyday and he tries to experience as much as he can. he loves nature, he loves camping, he loves animal to the point he flooded the whole house with cats. he knows all the things about human world and stuffs but he's not allow to go there. i mean, satan character is just the combination of many factors and he's so normal but so adventurous and caring and i can picture him having a super peacful life until you figure out he used to go to war and maybe fighted with the dragons and owns a rich comany stuff like that.
he's just doing whatever he likes without caring about people's opinion and make him...like gosh...i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him.
p.s: one of my theory is that satan wasn't born from wrath (yes i know the devs confirmed that but wasn't lucifer so angry to the point he started a war and stripped out his wings because he loves his brothers and sisters so much he didn't want to see them hurt?) but actually he was born from the love lucifer has for his family so that's why you can see satan shares similarities with all of his brothers.
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caineinthecorner · 10 months
Hi. I binged like 80 chats in a row and I have opinions(tm) about physical strength and general power stuff of the brothers. Mostly just strength related things, but I tried to cover most of their battle stuff.
Yes I know, yes I know, "they're ranked as siblings by power blabla", but that's LAME. So here are my personal takes mostly for fun. Canon is dead and I ate it.
Also I finished the dividers and general aesthetics of this blog woo
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★ Lucifer.
Generally the strongest, period, can and WILL kill almost anyone without much issue or even second thought
Physical strength, however? He’s not the best, as he doesn’t rely on it at all for battle / conflict
He didn't need it in heaven, after all
(Beel was his brawns and he was already a powerful angel so it never was a requirement)
I don't see him actively working out (anymore, at least), so most of his strength is merely his baseline
His main tactic conflict wise is intimidation.
Cough giving MC death threats cough
Very prideful of himself in battle, obviously
Rarely would ever use any sort of dirty tricks
Would probably prefer to go down the "honorable way"
Target his brothers though and he WILL play every trick in the book with little regard to his pride or his own life
This fuck looks like he knows swordsmanship and is probably the only of the brothers who does so
(except maybe Satan who is learning just to copy / be better than him)
Either that or he knows fancy sword dances for angel rituals he cannot partake in anymore (and doesn't do them anymore)
Diavolo has photos of him doing said dances but his lips are triple sealed since it is a heavily touchy subject
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★ Mammon.
Canonically this man is physically weak (or at least has a weak complexion / scrawny arms)
Probably the most disappointing in terms of strength because he is literally the second born
His saving grace is his unholy speed and dirty tricks, using it to cover his weaknesses / lack of physical strength.
A LOT of dirty tricks and bs magic stuff. So so many. Never ends
He’s the living embodiment of the “random bullshit go!!!” meme
You know Looney tunes? Yeah this man has the Bugs bunny's levels of bullshit
But he has the best stamina out of his brothers (so he can run away from his debts)
Doesn't train because he's already perfect as it is (<- that's his ego talking he can barely pick up the weights at Beel's gym)
Honor is for the dead type of person. Nothing is out of the table in battle
(^ that makes him terrifying to fight against btw)
He either tries to intimidate (imitating Lucifer) or sweet-talk his way out of conflict
It usually just pisses off his adversary more which actually leads to the fights starting, but hey, he tried 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
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★ Leviathan.
Physical strength is shit.
he will get his shit kicked if he tries to brawl with almost anyone
Except maybe the lowest hanging fruit (humans)
Magical or general strength is decent, but he's definitely not the greatest in battle out of the brothers
^ he's kinda insecure about this and he wishes he were stronger (he sulks about it)
Wishes that actual irl battles were like Fire Emblem or strategy games bcs he's actually good in those
Update: I didn't make it clear (mb lol) but I see him as the best strategist of the brothers by far, he just isn't good at front-line action
^ Being away from the front lines keeps the pressure away from him for the most part, and it avoids him getting riled up and acting rash
He once tried to workout with Beel but quickly got overwhelmed because Beel shoved 200kg weights onto him thinking it was an reasonable starting point
So he kinda has trauma(tm) about it
Despite his garbage physical prowess, he WILL start fights and get riled up easily
He goes onto his demon form immediately when he wants to fight
^ bcs his strength isn't great, and he needs any boost he can get
Plus, awful anger management
My man will get onto a fist fight with the demon equivalent of a redditor over anime waifus and he will lose
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★ Satan.
As the literal embodiment of Wrath, he does pack quite a punch and will maul you to death with only his fists. No problems at all
But that's merely his baseline strength (which is a lot) since he doesn’t really train physically
Probably focuses on other areas (read: intelligence) instead of physical strength.
Which is ironic because he could kick Lucifer's ass in a fist fight if he actually trained more
But oh well. Books do be booking
Surprisingly strategic while in fights, although not above Going Apeshit
Funnily enough the least likely of the brothers to enter a fight
Has read The Art Of War and will quote it just to be a smartass
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★ Asmodeus.
Physically? Weak.
Probably the weakest of the brothers, having more or less the strength of a human (and on the weaker side of that).
He doesn’t train whatsoever; Likes his slender figure and muscles “ruin” that.
However, he makes up for it on the "trickster" scale.
As the Avatar of Lust, he will probably go the charm route instead of wanting to directly fight his enemies, or he make someone else do the dirty work for him.
Think of Mammon but make it a bit less scummy, tricks wise.
His go-to is sweet talk.
Something something the Avatar of Lust being physically weak since sex is considered an act of vulnerability and therefore the lowering of one’s guard something something
Something something the poetic narrative of the Avatar of Lust having only power through Communication something something
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★ Beelzebub.
Contrary to Asmo; he does lift for days and can pack quite the punch, being one of the stronger brothers physically despite being one of the youngest.
I don't see him caring much for magic or other types of strength, he is content in packing the punch and has the capabilities to back him up.
Fight wise he will probably punch the problems away
Maybe use one or two tricks he’s learned
Mostly relies on his intuition and gut and it surprisingly works out
Nothing fancy; Dictionary definition of all muscle no brain battle wise
Literally one of the scariest brothers to ever fight he will actually beat you to a bloody pulp
And make a smoothie out of it
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★ Belphegor.
This fucker doesn't lift at all you can't tell me shit
At MOST he'll accompany Beel to the gym and would sleep at the benches
The strength he has is the strength he was born with
Which isn't a lot, but still above human average by quite a lot
More or less demon standard of strength. Maybe a slightly below it
But he's still above most demons by a mile in other regards, mostly magic prowess
He's stronger than Levi because I think it would be hilarious that the dude who sleeps all day is stronger than him
(or you can make him really physically strong just because it'd be funny to see the sleepy dude kick ass)
(either way is funny as shit go ham)
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★ Physical strength chart
Behemoth type strength :
Beel (only barely)
High / Low above human average :
Belphie (low diff w/ mammon)
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★General strength chart
Can kill hundreds no effort :
Satan (If apeshit)
Are not as strong but still terrifying :
Levi, Asmo (Tie)
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frostedclock · 3 months
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Well seems like I'm starting a suggestive hands series over here hahah
People liked my Alastor one
So here's almost the exact opposite with Lucifer
Wonder who I should do next
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midnight-sins-things · 4 months
I. Want. Gentle. Dom. Luci.
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sparklijam · 7 months
So… what happens when a certain fandom claws into your brain like a parasite and it won’t leave you alone and you come up with a crazy potential AU based on said fandom?
Ya make it of course-
Behold! An AU that’s never been done before! (maybe,idunnolol)
The Royal Swan AU!
…so basically, it’s a RadioApple brainrot story/AU of my creation…
Yay, or nay? ( ◕ ᗜ ◕ )💦
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
lucifer should have stroked sam’s hair more often
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 2 months
a funny couple of images, a sneak peek of a comic <3
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𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲! ^^
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radarchives · 9 months
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theoscout · 5 months
After a lot of thought, I believe that the swap aus with Adam and Lute taking the place of Charlie and Vaggie are a lot more interesting than the original Hazbin Hotel. Imagine Adam, the original person, being forced to see all of his descendents being slaughtered again and again and again, and being told there is nothing that he can do. Imagine how he must have sat in hell in complete guilt and self hatred to see his descendants suffer for something that he had a hand in causing. The exterminations were what finally made him stand up and say no to the years of oppression that he's endured, to raise a middle finger to the rulers that doomed him, and ensure a better future for his children.
Imagine Charlie being the cheerful, sweet, "innocent" face of countless exterminations, perfectly covering the bloody reality of what's actually going on. The daughter of an apathetic king who's arguably far more violent and dangerous than he is, her youth promising that she will be even more dangerous in the future if she isn't stopped.
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eth4-n · 6 months
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digital drawing practice !!
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alchemists-wife · 8 months
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get a man who will look at your child like that
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torgawl · 2 months
diluc's sun symbolism and parallels with alchemy
the magnum opus, also called great work, is the alchemical term for the process of working with the prima materia (or aether) - primitive formless base of all matter - to create the philosopher's stone - substance capable of turning base metals into gold or silver and, additionally, believed to make up an elixir of life which made rejuvenation and immortality possible. all metals in alchemy are associated with celestial bodies, gold and silver being associated with the sun and moon, respectively.
the original four stages of the magnum opus included:
nigredo, the blackening
albedo, the whitening
citrinitas, the yellowing
rubedo, the reddening
alchemists used to believe each of the metals grew under the influence of a particular heavenly body and so the connection between metallurgy and celestial bodies came to be. the process of the magnum opus can, therefore, be seen not only as the transformation of impure metals into gold or silver but as the transformation of night in day, which ties with its cyclical nature. if nigredo and albedo are symbolically connected with the moon, citrinitas and rubedo are tied to the sun.
besides the straightforward association betweent the cosmos and alchemy, the process can also be interpreted under a psychological lense. the first metal, lead (representing aether), is the personification of the ego, which must be purified in order to free the soul. is is through the lessons of time that transcendence of the cycle of life and death (like a samsara) is possible, becoming, at the end, beings filled with light and life - as pure as gold, or the sun.
in summary, what happens in each step:
all ingredients have to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter. psychologically, it is referred to as the "dark night of soul" and it's the stage of confrontation with the shadow within and it represents putrefaction and spiritual death.
washing away of impurities, bringing light and clarity to the prima materia. it represents cleansing and spiritual enlightenment, often depicted by the imagery of the white elixir or moonlight. this process symbolises the growing awareness and integration of personal opposites – your anima and animus, the feminine and masculine aspects within all individuals.
besides the literal change in color, it symbolizes the enlightenment and dawning of knowledge as materials are purified and perfected. it's the drawing of the "solar light" inherent in one's being meaning the reflective "lunar or soul light" is no longer necessary. it signifies maturation and a step closer to achieving the ultimate goal of alchemical work. it can symbolize the emergence of consciousness from the shadowy unconscious.
final stage of the process, it signifies the achievement of the goal. it’s associated with the act of coagulation where the material achieves absolute perfection and unification and it encompasses the ideas of unity and integration (conjunction), symbolizing the full realization of the philosopher’s stone. the philosopher’s stone is not merely a literal stone but a concept that embodies perfection, enlightenment, and ultimate knowledge. attaining it means achieving unity of opposites and representing the redemption and transformation of base matter into spiritual gold. it's an attempt to integrate the psychospiritual outcomes of the other 3 stages into a coherent sense of self before re-entry in the world, the merging of the ego and the self, resulting in a balanced and fully realized individuality.
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it was through researching a bit more on the symbolism of each stage that i recognised the parallels between diluc's character and the two final and consequent steps, which i believe he embodies.
citrinitas as a stage of awakening, being associated with the rising sun or dawn - imagery that surrounds diluc -, and rubedo as the reunification of opposites to create the whole. rubedo manifests through symbols like the phoenix (bird reborn from its ashes, illustrating regeneration and the cyclical nature of transformation) and its colour is akin to things like fire or blood (as an embodiment of life), that are also alusive of transformation.
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diluc's character - his red aethetic, his association with fire, dawn, birds of knowledge and the phoenix, the blood he spilled throughout his journey (the gloves with red palms) - and his ministrations as the darknight hero, facing darkness and illuminating the night with his flames, mirror both citrinitas and rubedo quite perfectly. starting with his own name that is derived from diluculum, or 'daybreak' in latin. his family owns the "dawn winery"; and, his 5th constellation is called "phoenix, harbinger of dawn" - which shares name with the sword "harbinger of dawn", that "once shone like the sun", reminiscent of diluc's own path shifting from proudly and openly having the title of "dawn knight" as part of the knights of favonious to secluding himself in the shadows after his father's death.
the rebirth aspect of rubedo is very akin to diluc's own life too. the person he used to be transformed completely after his 18th birthday. not only design-wise, with the shift from light coloured clothes to primarily red and black, but also his views and personality.
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unlike his outgoing and unrestrained demeanour during his childhood, diluc became a reserved and quiet adult. he believed in the system (knights of favonious) and the honour of serving his paeople as part of it. that innocent devotion and good intent suddenly changed when he saw his father die due to the knight's inefficiency and he learned of the ongoing corruption and willingness to taint the image of an innocent person for their own benefit. after a period of rage, diluc decided to take the safety of the people of mondstadt onto his own hands and started purging darkness during the night bringing light to people's lives as the darknight hero, becoming a vigilante. this "fake" light diluc used to represent contrasts the "true" light he gained after maturing. much like albedo adds light to the prima materia, but that isn't the light necessary for transformation and enlightment (sun light). rubedo is also, specifically, associated with antecipating the emergence of a crowned king or a figure wearing red clothes and one of diluc's titles is "uncrowned king of monstadt".
with diluc's assocation with withcraft and the hexenzirkel, and my belief that the ragnvindr are connected to alchemy and, perhaps, khaenri'ah, i wouldn't discard the possibility that these parallels might be intentional. but regardless, i feel like it's a fun detail. especially when kaeya is so associated with blue, silver and the moon (eclipse dynasty).
there's actually an alchemical stage between citronitas and rubedo called cauda pavonis (peacock's tail), a state between "sleep" and wakefulness. in this stage, instead of association to one colour, an entire array of colours appears, like the iridescent tail of a peacock. this is a bit reminiscent of this dainsleif quote about khaenri'ah, that talks about people "who dream of dreaming". an array of colours is lso interesting because of the connection between light and the different elements (elements originating in the light realm, realm of the dragons). traveler's ascension gemstone also remotely looks like a light prism instead of a one colour/element gemstone, like other characters. and we know, similar to the third descender, traveler is compatible with elements in teyvat.
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this breakdown in colours or components is what paves the way for the unification that follows. this unification in alchemy represents the union of opposites, a sacred marriage of the polarities inherent in the universe (e.g. sun and moon, king and queen). the act of combining them leads to the birth of something new and transcendent, an harmonious whole - philosopher's stone. psychologically, it represents introspection, confrontation, and recognition, as well as acknowledging and embracing the diversity within. though i don't think this stage is particularly reminiscent of kaeya besides the duality inherent to his character.
i don't know if anyone will find this interesting but i thought it would be fun to make a more extensive post on it so here it is!!
sources: wikipedia; other sites (1, 2 and 3).
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