#genuinely as cute as it might be to imagine them doing normal couple stuff they are simply not able to have that to me
starmagnets · 6 months
sometimes i think what if there was an au where kinar and shilipha were able to meet under normal circumstances and yknow. possibly fall in love but then i remember that that wouldn’t be nearly as fascinating nor as funny as what they have going on in the main universe and then i return to writing them being fucked up and weird about it
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lavenoon · 1 year
Luce. Luce. Luce.
Your Eclipse is precious beyond compare and I love him so much
Ahhh, ok, ok, just the start of the chapter makes me really soft, because we as the readers now Robin's high anxiety from witnessing it across the chapters, but it occurs to me that Sun and Moon have only really gotten to see it when it was pretty bad until recently, now that they are a thing.
But now it's easier for them to see the true anxiousness manifesting itself on something not life threatening or ground shaking as was the reveal. So Sun trying to be reassuring even if a little amused that they would be so nervous about meeting Eclipse (because he knows him) just makes me melt a little.
And kfjdhkgjh of course Eclipse was scheming since before they arrived XD In a way being so much taller would probably make him a tad more intimidating than expected haha, but I can only imagine the whiplash between the yanking, the suspicious locking of the door, and then the very serious business tone of asking help with a prank kfjhdgjfhd
(Sidenote: Sun being all worried because of y/n clearly was so nervous and Eclipse just pulling something unexpected when he was probably planning a more mellow introduction IS pretty sweet, and the fact that he calmed down when he heard them laughing haha)
oh, did I detect some hint of that brotherly tension that first moment when Sun entered the room? A mood that Robin understandably would miss because really XD Though I feel that them calling Sun out on forgetting the key lightened the mood immediately from whatever tension that might had appeared.
Ahhh, it must have been very interesting for Eclipse to see that dynamic between Sun and y/n! It's always been them and outsiders that they would mostly be polite to, so seeing how they interact with this obviously important person in their lives must have him very curious, because until now he has only had what they told him about Robin.
Hehe, the "don't enable each other too much" X3 Sun really did know how well they would get along huh? Similar chaotic energies
The whole duck deal had me cackling
Just y/n so eager to get in on it, happy with the relief, and promising to continue the prank even at home XD New bestie unlocked kdfjghsñk
Ahhh, but definitely what got to me the most was them admitting that they were so unsure about the meeting. Eclipse asking if he's too much (something that he must have heard before and that Robin has definitely heard before, especially at their job, and can relate to) just had me griping my heart for this boy. And then after y/n reassures him that they were afraid of not being nearly enough in his eyes, and Eclipse probably had so much that he wanted to say about his own worries, but rather than doing that and going a mile a minute it's much more straightforward to just show them, and just the fact that he researched what they would need for traveling, even though that would mostly fall on his brothers to handle, and then what "normal" people would do in this occassion?
AND the fact that the online advice must not have included anything of what he did do, which means he ended choosing that genuine approach instead of just following what might have been the "safe" route! Just auuugh, he's so cute, but also so genuine and I'm so glad he chose to be himself so that Robin could see him as he is. There's been enough not saying stuff in their life, so this upfront approach was definitely what they all needed.
I enjoyed this chapter, so so much, Luce! I can see those two walking away from that visit very happy that they met the other!
Very chef kiss! Great chapter as always! ^_^
Ah yes, time to dig in!
And yeah, it was fun to explore this new dynamic post confession (and already more than a few dates in, but just saying post confession is easier)! We had a couple heart to hearts post reveal, but all of those worries and anxieties were between the three of them, and mostly they understood/ related because of either matching or similar anxieties.
This is something where Sun and Moon know there's nothing to fear, so while they still sympathize and want Y/N to feel reassured, they can't help but think it's a bit funny. Even Y/N realizes it's ridiculous, but they also can't help the feeling! So we get some soft smiles and reassurance, and it doesn't fix everything, but they still feel better!
Y/N: Oh god what if he hates me Eclipse: God I hope I have a moment to talk to them in private before everything for the ultimate duck prank
Sun at least is pretty sure Eclipse's place hasn't been compromised, so it's not too serious of an issue - but he just hears a squeak, turns to find no beloved partner and a locked door, still has to grab the bags first because neither would want someone else to call the elevator and perhaps rifling through them, and then he just hears quiet murmuring as he tries to get the door open. The plan was the proper thing - introduce them to each other, exchange a few pleasantries, and carry on with the evening. The yanking changed those up a little, but at least the laughter reassures him that Y/N isn't currently breaking down or clamming up, and grants him enough awareness to remember that he owns a key to the door in his way.
There is some tension - but it's a bit of a mixed bag. Sun and Moon have already started being more open with Eclipse, and have been in steady contact for a couple months now. Four, five months, maybe a bit more. So there's mostly the old sting of "Eclipse forgot, because we haven't visited him in so long" and also "I forgot, too, because we haven't visited him in so long." Y/N picks up on that hint of embarrassment, and calls him out on it, which ends up being the ideal direction to take this conversation. It dodges the "but why did we forget" line of thinking, and focuses on the fun of it all
Eclipse was very much aware of how biased his brothers are, and what sort of soft spot they have for Y/N. Otherwise he wouldn't have planned the prank like that - but seeing Y/N too, seeing that dynamic in action, that's different. He hasn't seen his brothers in so long, and he not only gets to meet them and dodge the awkwardness they used to have thanks to the new person in the mix, but also realizes they are (part of/ indirectly) the reason his brothers changed so much. There's who motivated Sun and Moon to reach out more, and it's very easy to say how they managed to do that.
Sun, eternally suffering, drags out the bag grabbing just so the switch happens and it's Moon who has to deal with it. Moon meanwhile doesn't even need a lot of context - just a "... Eclipse grabbed our love for some private talking" and Moon already knows that something is coming. Doesn't know what, but something.
And the ducks yeah! I'm not a prank person, I went through soo many lists of pranks but some were either something Eclipse wouldn't need help with and it would be hard to find even a suitable pretense, or something food related which obviously wouldn't work, or just straight up mean. But I remembered the plastic babies around school post, and a couple similar pranks, so I went with that! and thus the duck theme for the chapter was born fhjds
Y/N of course is a menace and already thinking of leaving little ducks in Sun and Moon's work office, too. Moon starts hiding them back at some point, while Sun just collects them all and tries to hide them where Y/N can't find. They always do <3
And yeah, the bit of genuine heart to heart! It was still very very necessary to address, and Eclipse felt safer asking them in a private moment. Something Y/N does get - Sun and Moon would immediately reassure them both, but it's not the same! They need to hear it from the person they're worried about! They both try very hard, because Sun and Moon are so important to them both, and thus they want to impress the other.
Eclipse in particular knows that while he means well, he often just. Doesn't leave a good impression. People think he's too direct, or too oblivious, think he's childish for it, all while being seen as too much. He tries to prepare as well as he can - he wants to prepare everything to be as comfortable as possible, he makes sure there's all sorts of things that Y/N may not have thought to bring because they may not need them, and he wants to have a few back up plans in case he has no idea what to say.
And the thing is. He doesn't disregard any of it! Those plans are still there, he still has read them all! But he thought to prank his brothers, and then realized how much funnier it would be if he enlisted Y/N's help, and without even thinking that this is exactly what he thinks other people might interpret as "too much", he decides to do that! And then has to realize that "Y/N who is nervous to meet me" and "Y/N the potential prank accomplice" are in fact one and the same person. He can't help being genuine, he's not used to masking (good for him!) and it's a constant effort to remember to try, and he slips!
Y/N knows a bit about him from Sun and Moon, and they had their own issues with not being accepted for who they are, even if their crumbs of neurodivergency are different from Eclipse's. They get it, and they definitely get the anxiety of not measuring up to expectations, so it's easy to reassure him. They don't even need to say it, neither of them - they just admit to their own anxieties, and realize that it was a mutual fear, and that's already instant reassurance. Because if they're the same in the anxiety department, they're also the same in the "after the anxiety, I'm so looking forward to knowing this person" department.
Y/N in particular had a whole year of secrecy and not being able to just say things directly, and has very much enough of that. They know the effects it can have, and while being open is still new, they try, and it's perfect timing because that what works best for Eclipse, too.
It was a lot of fun to write this, and have them officially meet - we had the tease of it coming up in "As The Crow Flies (They Stall)", but I read through early Eclipse lore again and just. had to write the actual meeting, so I'm very happy it's fun for everyone!
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Crash Course - Bucky Barnes
a/n: this one? im in LOVE with this fic and im not even ashamed of it. there is just something about the MC helping him get used to living in the new century and im a sucker for it. so please enjoy this fluffy piece!
pairing: Bucky X Reader
word count: 3.6k
summary: Bucky is a regular at the café where you work at and seeing him struggling with technology, you offer to help him, teaching him the basics while you are both thinking about taking it a little further than just a crash course.
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The time between the morning rush and lunch time is always quiet, the café is almost completely empty, that’s why Bucky prefers to go out during that time, tuck himself away in the corner of the small but cozy place, a black coffee steaming on the wooden table in front of him, his laptop or a book or his phone reserving his attention, whatever he decides to put his energy into that day.
Today has been a rainy day, therefore the morning was a lot quieter than usually, not many likes to make an extra trip for a coffee in the pouring rain, so you’ve been enjoying the calmness, the soft jazz music playing through the speakers as you are putting away the freshly washed cups behind the counter. As if he has an appointment, Bucky walks into the café with a laptop under his arm, his cap hiding part of his face, but you can still see the shy smile on his lips as he closes the door behind him, the little bell chiming for a second time at his arrival.
“Welcome back, the usual?” you ask as he heads to his spot.
“Yes please,” he nods, shooting you a thankful smile.
You try to ignore the little butterflies in your stomach at the sight of the man, it’s almost ridiculous how you still get nervous when you see him, even though he has been showing up every day at the same time for the past about two months. You just can’t help it, there’s just something in those ocean eyes and perfect manner he always treats you with, something you don’t often get these days. Not many take the time to ask about your day or wish you a good one after you hand them their coffee, but Bucky is different. The same question falls from his lips every time you appear at his table with his order.
“How has your day been going?” he asks when you place the cup next to his laptop that’s loading.
“Pretty quiet, the rain keeps people away,” you chuckle, hoping your blush is not as apparent as it feels. “What about yours?”
“Just the same as usual,” he smiles softly and you nod, though you have no idea what’s usual for him. He might be friendly and quite welcoming when he is sitting at the café, he often chats with you about anything and everything, yet still, you know near nothing about him and his life outside of this place. It’s clear he is the kind of person that prefers to keep things to himself, but sometimes you are so desperate for just the smallest crumb of information about him. With the lack of details, you often find yourself making up things about him, like what his favorite dish is, where he likes to shop, what shows he watches on the TV. You might be entirely wrong about all of these, but it’s all you have.
Moving back behind the counter you busy yourself with cleaning it off as Bucky’s attention shifts to the screen in front of him. There are only two more customers in there and they are quite locked away in their own world as well, a college student working on some kind of assignment on her second espresso and an old lady solving Sudoku at the table near the window, sipping on a nice latte.
You can’t help but glance in his direction every now and then as you move the muffins around on the counter. He seems deeply focused, eyebrows knitted together as he is clicking away on the computer. From the looks of it, he is solving some kind of enigma, but when you walk past his table you see that he has an email open on the screen, his cursor moving around kind of aimlessly.
“Not finding the right words?” you ask, stopping to clean the table next to his that was previously occupied by a young couple. His eyes snap up to you before he huffs shaking his head.
“No, I’m just… terribly bad at IT stuff and I’m supposed to “CC” someone on this email,” he explains, using his fingers to air-quote as he glances back at the screen. “But if I’m being honest I don’t even know what it means,” he admits with a nervous chuckle.
You find it amusing, even cute that he is like an old man with these stuff. You’ve seen him struggling to type in a text message before on his flip phone that’s from the last century for sure and now this.
Placing the tray of cups down on the table you move over to him, taking the free chair next to him as you reach for the laptop, but you stop before touching it.
“May I…?”
“Go ahead,” he gestures with a nod.
You turn the device towards yourself as you click a few times, bringing up the option to send a copy of the email to another receiver.
“CC means that more people get the same email. You can put their addresses here. But you can also BCC people, in that case, the original receiver won’t see if the email was sent to others as well,” you explain patiently. Bucky tries his best to focus on the screen and what you’re saying, rather than the way your lips are moving and how badly he wants to taste them.
You haven’t been the only one feeling flustered and like a giddy teenager and Bucky didn’t choose this café as his usual spot for nothing. He spotted you the first time he stumbled in and the way you smiled brightly at everyone and the sweet chiming of your laughter made him want to come back the moment he stepped out that day. So he returned the next day and then the next day again… and now he couldn’t even imagine a day without seeing your eyes light up when he walks in while he can only hope you are just as happy to see him as he is to see you.
You help him send his email and you cheer in victory once it’s done and sent.
“See? It’s not as hard as it seems,” you smile at him gently, patting his arm that’s covered by a hoodie and your eyes fall onto his gloved hands on the tabletop.
“Yeah, I just have a lot of catching up to do from the past seven decades,” he mumbles under his breath, though he immediately regrets not keeping his mouth shut.
Your eyes flicker to his hand once again, then up to meet his gaze and he knows he just outed himself. He is expecting the usual: disgust, disappointment, even fear. That’s how most people react when they find out who he really is. But as he stares back at you, scared like a little kitten, you just smile back at him softly.
It’s not that you haven’t heard of the Avengers, because it’s impossible not to know who they are. You were just not expecting one of them to become a regular at your working place. The few times you saw him on TV he had long hair and his face was covered with a mask, so you’re not surprised you didn’t put the picture together. But knowing now who he is, you don’t see him in a worse lighting. If anything, you feel a little sad that he had to go through so much in his extremely long life.
“Well, feel free to ask any more questions. I’m not an IT guy, but I can help you with everyday stuff,” you tell him and he is in awe at your very normal, very sweet reaction. All he can do is nod as you stand from the table and grab the tray you abandoned not long ago, moving back behind the counter.
When you glance up your gaze meets his as he is still staring at you, nervous, a little anxious, but definitely relieved by your smooth reaction to finding out his identity. You shoot him a bright smile before moving to the table of the old lady who asks for another latte and as Bucky follows your frame move across the room he can’t help the small smile that tugs on his lips.
Your offer doesn’t stay unused. In fact, Bucky shows up at the café the next few days with a handful of questions for you, genuine ones, and a few he already knows the answer to, but wants to hear you explain them anyway. And you help him with anything, sitting at his table whenever you have a few free minutes between customers. He asks you about the internet, social media, online data bases and sources, going through a list from the little notebook he always keeps with himself.
The times spent with him are your favorite part of the day. You always look forward to whatever issue Bucky is going to bring up, fearing that one day he might run out of questions, but that just never comes. And you don’t know it, but your little sessions are the highlights of his days as well, listening to your smooth voice as you explain even the smallest things to him with so much patience, he is convinced you should become a teacher.
He thinks about asking you out every day, the question is always on the tip of his tongue.
What are you doing tonight? Would you want to go out with me? Do you want to grab a bite with me after your shift?
However he just never gets to actually say the words out loud. He is growing impatient with himself, he used to have no problem with asking girls out, but seven decades and another life as a brain-washed assassin later, this task feels way too impossible.
You’ve been telling him to get a smartphone for the past couple of days and though he seemed adamant, one day he shows up with a brand new one, still in the box.
“Oh my God, is that what I think it is?” you tease him with a dramatic gasp. Chuckling to himself he nods as he places the box to the counter while you are making the order of one of the customers. Today has been a little busier than usually, probably because of the special offer of 10% off from the new Cuban coffee beans your boss ordered in.
“I need a teacher to show me the ropes though.”
“Oh, Bucky, I would love to, but today is a bit crowded,” you pout as you put the lid onto the paper cup and hand it over to the customer, another one already walking in, eyeing the offer written on the black board behind you.
He didn’t even think you wouldn’t say yes, it never occurred to him that the timing might not be the best. You see as his smile slowly disappears from his scruffy face and your heart breaks seeing him like this.
“Yeah, sorry. Don’t want to keep you up,” he mumbles feeling defeated, but before he could grab the box from the counter, you put your hand on it, your fingers brushing against his gloved one, the tiny touch making both of you flustered.
“But how about after work?” you suggest and his eyes immediately light up. Spending time with you without any customers interrupting? That sounds like heaven to him.
“Y-you sure? If you have something to do, I—“
“Nothing to do,” you smile at him. You grab a napkin from the counter and a pan from near the cash register, quickly scribbling down your address before handing it over to him. “I’ll be home by seven,” you inform him as he glances down at your handwriting, noting how well it fits your personality. He then looks back at you nodding, as if he was just handed the best Christmas present ever.
“I’ll be there,” he smiles gratefully before stepping away from the counter and letting you work.
 Five minutes after seven, Bucky is standing at your front door with a bag of Chinese food in his hands as he is trying to build up the courage to ring your doorbell. He found out that you live just a few corners away from the café, so he found your address easily.
“Come on, dude. Don’t be such a loser,” he mumbles to himself as he circles his shoulders before finally pushing the button. A short, buzzing sound is heard from the other side of the door and he stares at the 6B sign in front of you as he hears footsteps from inside. A few moments later the door swings open and there you are, still wearing the same clothes from earlier, a bright smile adorning your face as you beam at your guest.
“Come on in!” you gesture for him as he steps into the small apartment. “Tried to clean up a bit, but if I’m being honest I’m starting to grow out this place,” you chuckle as you push a box out of the way. It’s a small studio apartment with everything cramped into one space except the bathroom. You have a double bed pushed up against the wall in the corner, a small sofa with your wardrobe next to it, a TV, a tiny coffee table, a bookshelf and a dresser, a little dining table near the kitchen with three chairs and a pantry right next to the fridge that stands where the hardwood floor changes into checkered tiles. It really is a tiny space that holds a lot of stuff, but all the gadgets and clutter makes it cozy, lived-in, a place that’s so much like you that he feels like he is peeking inside your head as he walks farther inside.
“I brought dinner,” he shyly holds the bag up as you lock the door.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have!” you smile at him gratefully, because you didn’t really have time to buy anything on your way home since you had to make a quick trip to the post office after your shift, leaving you no spare time before his arrival.
“It’s the least I can do for all the help,” he smiles as you take the bag from him and bring it to the designated living room area of the place. Bucky joins you on the sofa and he thanks all higher powers your place is so small that you only have a loveseat, giving him the chance to sit close to you. Your thigh brushes against his as you hand him a box and make yourself comfortable as well, starting your feast while he asks you about your day, listening to your every word intently.
When the food is gone and you’ve grabbed two beers for the two of you, he pulls out the phone that’s the reason behind his visit. He bought a simple one, not at all one of the latest versions and it’s going to be the perfect model for him to learn the ropes on.
You help him put his SIM card into the new phone and then you set his account up before finally gaining access to the phone. You start with the basic features, showing him how to make a call or send a text before moving onto the different apps and possibilities while he listens to you as if you were talking about rocket science, but in a way, it feels like that for him.
“And here you can switch to the front camera,” you explain as you push the button and suddenly, the two of you come into picture on the screen. “Perfect for taking selfies,” you add with a chuckle.
“Oh, selfies. I’m not too good with those,” he huffs shaking his head.
“Because you probably haven’t found your angle!” you smirk. “Everyone has a good angle.”
“You think so?” you knits his eyebrows together.
“Mhm, look!”
Opening the contacts you go to yours, choosing the option to add a picture that will show up on the screen when you call him, and open the camera to take one instead of choosing from the empty gallery. Holding up the phone you position it so your good angle is in the picture before snapping the photo and saving it as your caller ID.
“See?” you smile at him before handing the device back to him. He just nods, even though he can only think about how all your angles are perfect to him and that now he has a picture of you in his phone. “Let’s take one together!” you beam and moving closer to him you take the phone once again, holding it up in front of you, trying to fit both of you into the frame.
Bucky tries his best to focus on the picture, but he can’t ignore how close you are to him, he can smell your shampoo and your cheek is almost pressed against his as you smile into the camera. The corners of his mouth curl up as his eyes fix at your reflection on the screen before you snap the photo. Opening up the camera roll you take a better look at it and it’s probably your favorite photo that has ever been taken of you. Mostly because he is in it as well, smiling so sweetly.
“It’s a good one,” you say and as you turn your head to the side you realize how close you really are to him.
“Yeah?” he breathes out, definitely aware of just the few inches separating the two of you.
“I-if you had an Instagram I would tell you to post it…” you stutter as your eyes flicker down to his lips, the urge to lean in and kiss him growing with each passing second.
Feeling a little dizzy, one of your hands fall to his lower arm, the one that’s made out of metal and your gaze drops to where you are touching him, a panic filled look flashing through his eyes.
He thinks that this is where the moment is ruined, where you realize the monster he really is and decide you don’t want anything to do with him. He almost starts to apologize for God knows what reason when you reach out and your fingers start to work on the straps of his gloves. It takes a few moments for him to realize what you are doing, and he tries to pull his hand back, but you grab it stopping him from doing it.
“It’s alright,” you smile at him softly, your eyes meeting his as you finish what you started and pull the glove off his hand revealing the metal underneath the leather. Then you move onto his other hand and do the same, dropping the pair of gloves to the floor as you take both his hands in yours, thumbs running across his knuckles, feeling the difference between his own hand and the artificial one.
You see his jaw flexing at the touch and reaching up you cup his cheek in your palm, making him to look you in the eyes. The strong and confident man you see sometimes is gone now, fear and hesitation taking over his expression as your other hand keeps holding his vibranium one.
“I’m sorry,” it falls from his lips as he closes his eyes for a second.
“For what exactly?” you ask with a soft chuckle. “There’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t have to hide yourself around me.”
“You don’t find it… scary?”
“Not at all,” you assure him. “You can’t be held accountable for what happened to you. Anyone who thinks differently is just an ignorant asshole,” you add grinning and it finally breaks his fearful expression, planting a smile on his handsome face.
Keeping your hand on his cheek you lean closer, your nose touching his but you stop before your lips could meet, giving him the chance to pull back. But he never does. Instead, he closes the gap between the two of you, pressing his lips against yours, finally making the fantasy you both have been daydreaming about reality. He starts off slowly, savoring each other gently, getting accustomed to the feeling, but it doesn’t take long before the kiss grows hungrier and your tongues meet in the middle.
Your hands rest at the base of his neck while his find your waist, pulling you closer until you swing a leg over him, sitting on his lap as you smile against his lips. His kisses feel delicate and soft yet very passionate at the same time, you love the dynamic you create, tugging and biting each other playfully, it feels like kissing him is the sole purpose of your life.
When it gets hard for you to breathe you pull back, eyes opening and finding his flushed face as he stares back at you with bright, joyous eyes, his lips slightly swollen, already making you want to go back to where you were just a moment ago.
“Who knew selfies could be so much fun,” he jokes making you laugh, his heart fluttering in his chest at the sound that’s so dear to him.
“I’m glad you liked my crash course on smart phones,” you grin down at him, your fingers tracing the sharp line of his jaw. “Do you have any more questions?”
Smirking his hand, his flesh one, moves up your back as he presses you closer, your lips almost touching his.
“Oh, I’ve got plenty,” he chuckles before kissing you again eagerly.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Totally off topic but i just need to geet this out of my chest. You know, I've witnessed so many ugly judgemental comments in this fandom, specifically towards Jimin, Jungkook and occasionally Tae and I'm saturated with it. Jimin is the intruder in the couple that allegedly is Taekook, and therefore, he's disrespecting his own soulmate by engaging with Jungkook. Jungkook is not considerate towards Jimin or Tae whenever he just talks or hugs one of the two. And I am over and done with these narratives. Not only is this just some pure bullshit, it also spreads such toxic ideals on how relationships actually are irl.
But THANK GOD things are alright between the maknae line. Thank god they don't listen to these voices that might make things awkward between them. Thank god they have this solid bond between them. You have no idea how angry I get when these supposed fans put their input where it's not needed. Respect the freaking boundaries, live and let live. I really was scared when i heard about the river of emails sent to bighit in regards to Jikook being literally themselves on stage at the final shows of the SY tour in Seoul. I thought that would make them more wary and awkward towards each other cause of the complaints. But oh boy, thank god I was dead wrong.
I don't know if you're familiar with the Larry situation in the One Direction world, but I spent my last teen years growing with them, and the genuine bonds between the members is one of the things i love most about bands. And i first-hand witnessed where the shipping went wrong. I loved the friendship Louis and Harry had between them, but the ship destroyed it, making it impossible for them to even interact normally in their own band cause every little thing was scrutinized. Louis' fiancé has been harassed by "fans" for years, his family keeps getting asked about Larry to this day, and all of this ugliness hasn't stopped no matter how many times Louis has addressed it directly, literally asking fans to stop doing that cause it was hurting his loved ones, besides himself of course.
And this reminded me of Tae's words on that weverse post. And the similarities are striking. Even the "evil management" hiding the relationship is the same cliché.
But thankfully, so far at least, Jikook's bond is still flourishing from what we've seen, and Taekook is rebuilding their friendship after last year's drift. I just hope people learn from the shit show that has been Larry and many other obsessive "ships". Respect, love and boundaries, how hard is it?
We have the same goal here, the members' wellbeing and harmony, can we try and learn how to be more considerate towards these human beings?
Honestly same. I'm so happy that they haven't let all the toxicity affect their friendships. I know about the 1D and Larry stuff, but was never involved in it at the time, only afterwards. I was a more casual and occasionally listener of their music rather than a giant fan. And I cannot express how happy it makes me that TaeKook have been trying to work through whatever made them start drifting and trying to rebuild their bond and get even closer. I can imagine that Jimin probably feels similarly. Or during Festa 2021 and he called Tae "Chingu" aka, friend. After YEARS of JK refusing to drop formalities with Tae and Tae wanting him to and to be even closer with him, JK finally did 🥺 it really does speak to how in less than a year, they truly did make efforts to meet each other halfway more and work on their friendships. Calling Tae friend is not something you do with older people, it's something for essentially same age friends only. So it really speaks to how much they worked for that friendship since ITS. I really think thay talk was good for them!
Anyway, I totally agree with your rant and I think we could all use some Vminkook cuteness to cheer us up. Their friendship is the cutest and I love that for them. I'm so glad they have each other!
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I hope they stay best friends forever.
And I'll just link this, which was my response response the vminkook drama fest that occurred with some of the toxicity after how cute the maknae line were with each other during muster 2021. It was my own rant, similar to yours lol for anyone who hasn't seen it:
Feel free to rant anytime anon. I get it
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z-1-wolfe · 3 years
Parhelion Headcanons (sir this is all for you) @greenbeany
Putting 'em under the cut because they got very long O.O
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I- the gnome is Neon I take no criticism. They are often good-natured souls with a more mischievous side, and if that doesn’t describe Neon I’m not sure what does. Playful, funny, good intentions, that my good Bean is our lovable cat personified. Okay Parhelion dnd au with gnome Neon please /j.
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I AM SMACKING THE GUN OUT OF YOUR HANDS [runs into a glass wall] dammit,, guess I gotta talk now
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I- oh no,, time to fail the exam I guess (turns all your head canons upside down)
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Okay they do sleep yes they do. Actually that’s a lie only Ciel sleeps, the other two are insomniacs. Ciel has all of her day to day life planned out to the minute, so she heads to bed at a certain time and wakes up at a certain time, the other two are more of a “we’ll sleep when we’re tired” kinda duo. Unfortunately due to Ilia’s night terrors and Neon’s ADHD they almost never rest. No they do not sleep in a SANE bed, ha why would they have a bed? They sleep in a hammock all tangled up with each other. It’s hard to tell what order they sleep in when they kinda curl into each other. They do not use a duvet, why have a duvet when Neon is a space heater? There are no pillows on the hammock X). OKAY THEIR ROOM, THIS I GOT, it’s a funky mess that is somehow organized thanks to Ciel. Ilia doesn’t own a lot in general but it was her life’s dream to paint her bedroom rainbow so guess what they have now. The other two are too soft and they supported her efforts and they love her despite her poor design sense XD.
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I- why closet ASDFG I mean— No they do not share a closet they all have completely different fashion sense and if that was all in one place people would be genuinely terrified. But since they’re broke they had to make do with one walk in closet that they partitioned off into sections. YES THEY DO HAVE MATCHING OUTFITS THEY ARE SO CUTE LIKE THAT. They tend to be like those cute couple outfits with a few variations to match their own personal style. But their favorite matching outfit are these duck hoodies they own courtesy of once again Ilia living out her childhood dreams. No they don’t own many outfits because like I mentioned earlier they are broke x). Hmm thinking about each other’s styles… Ilia think both of her girlfriends have great taste, she loves the well, neon of Neon, and the prim and properness of Ciel. Neon just doesn’t care XD. And Ciel is just, she’s just standing there wishing she could help their fashion sense, but she holds back because “It does suit them in an odd way.” Ciel gets the most compliments on her style hands down, she looks organized and you can bet she saves money to buy outfits that actually accentuate her cuteness. They don’t wear makeup no time for that (in which you learn Z has little to no knowledge in how to apply makeup and doesn’t know how to answer that question)
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OH OKAY I LOVE VIDDY GAMES. Ciel likes real-time strategy games because she’s insane and that’s literally all she knows in life thanks to being raised in an upper class family in Atlas. Neon likes open world games, something something she likes the chance for adventure and determining one’s fate for themself. Ilia has never once played a video game until after she defected from the White Fang but I can see her playing something light like Stardew Valley, low stakes kinda games. Hmm, they might play Animal Crossing together? Since it has aspects they all enjoy. They each have an individual switch (Ilia has a coral switch lite) and one shared PC. Okay game with most hours, maybe Minecraft? They still haven’t beat the enderdragon because Neon keeps getting distracted XD. Neon is the bomb at party games though, you can bet she has a perfect score on all the songs in Just Dance. Ciel is a sharpshooter, god knows who taught her how to shoot like that. The biggest splatoon fan is unfortunately not Neon it is Ilia, she loves all the colors in the game ^^. But she and Neon have wracked up quite a few hours in co-op.
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Uhhh books!! Ilia likes fanfics :) it’s unfortunately one of the only ways for her to see positive representation of herself. Neon for some reason reads Epics?? Like her favorite is the Epic of Gilgamesh what is up with that?? Ciel reads webtoons :), she reads enough serious stuff for school work and such, she likes to just kick back and relax after all that. Yes they have schedules reading time courtesy of Ciel :). Uhh, they relax by baking together. None of them had many chances to indulge in sweets while growing up so they make full use of their time now. ?? SPOON?? Cuddle hours happen on a whim, the one thing that Ciel can never schedule because she never knows when it’ll occur. They relax the most in the kitchen x) because that’s where they bake, it’s not unusual to find Neon asleep on the counter while she waits for their sweets to rise. They read in the light, Neon is afraid that by reading in the dark that they’ll all ruin their eyesight. Ciel likes the sunrise because she’s up the earliest and is the only one to see it, the other two prefer sunset because that’s usually when their day is about to begin XD.
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Favorite spot for dates! The park ^^, they like to go on picnic dates with all their baked goods. There is no plan, usually one of them will randomly pull the other two out of the house because they haven’t touched grass in a while XD. There are no ideas, they share one braincell and they spend too much time doting on each other to use it. Uhm favorite movie genre,,, they like comedy movies :). Their favorite place to eat is this tiny store on the corner of their street that makes mean gyros, they heccin’ love them. Coping with horror, Ilia is desensitized to horror because of the things she’s seen in life, Neon treats it like a game because she knows it’s not real, Ciel, is okay with it, but she gets shook more easily than the other two and they often have to reassure her. No they do not like theme parks, there are too many people around for Ilia and Ciel and Neon respects their boundaries so they tend to go to more quiet places. Uhm heights, Ciel is used to heights because she’s friends with Penny and woah can that girl toss her in the air like she’s a couple of grapes. Ilia doesn’t mind heights but she would prefer to have her feet on the ground. Neon loves the ground so damn much if it leaves her she will cry because man she can’t roller-skate in the air can she, what will she do if the ground is suddenly gone? They like evening dates because it’s normally the only time all three of them are awake enough for it XD. They end a night by sleeping I am not quite sure if there are other ways to end it lmao. They absolutely despise Neon’s roller skating dates but they love how excited she gets about them so they end up becoming as good as professional roller skaters because the smile on Neon’s face when they join her is dazzling.
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I am slowly going insane. Yes each girl has a hobby I sure hope they do. Ilia knits, Ciel paints, and Neon writes. I would like to imagine that Ciel would try to schedule time for their hobbies she ends up giving up because all their sleep schedules are wack. Designated chef is Neon (probably made food for FNKI back in atlas), designated driver is Ilia (I mean I like to imagine she stole cars and stuff in the White Fang XD), designated decorator for stuff is normally Ciel though Neon does try to hijack a few of her plans occasionally, designated shopper is Ciel because the other two have no concept of Saving money, and they all work together to clean :). They don’t work together, they believe in keeping their work life and home life separate to prevent their feelings from getting in the way. They do not have pets, none of them have the energy or responsibility to do that, but Ilia did once bring a moose home one day for some reason.
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I am nomming on your arm sir. Ilia and Neon get along with Penny surprisingly well, though I do think Ilia would get along with Weiss better? Ruby and Weiss look at Ciel and see a beacon arc Weiss and more or less adopt her despite Ciel being older than the two of them. They might like.. play board games together? Like some of those more team based board games I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, may the best polycule win. I cannot see them in a cuddle puddle to be honest ajcnjsanjs I am so sorry— hmm Ruby and Neon do not know the meaning of formal, as far as they are concerned these are their girlfriend’s friends and that means that by extension these are their friends. Weiss would like nothing to do with Neon after Neon insults Yang during the Vytal festival but she begrudgingly goes on outings with her and hey, now they’re make up buddies for some reason. The parhelion gals take the fs gals to the gyro place they like :). Parhelion gang Is a lot more vocal on their dates because their love language happens to be words of affirmation while the fs gang’s happen to be physical touch. Both polycules are very very affectionate though I will die on this hill.
(Parhelion angst! How do Neon and Ciel react to the news about the dust mine? How do they find out about Ilia getting expelled? Do they find out about the white fang? Is there any faunus stigma afterwards? How does Ciel react to people bullying her Faunus GFS? Does Neon talk to Ciel much after? Do they ever reunite? Does Neon attempt to help Ciel while she grieves Penny? Where the fuck is Ciel now? Is Neon still alive? Does Ilia ever think about them? Does Blake know about them from Ilia?)
BUDDY I CAME TO THE LAST ASK AND NOW ONLY DID I REALIZE YOU MEANT PARHELION BACK WHEN THEY WHERE IN BEACON THIS WHOLE TIME I’M CRYING. (This ask is answered under the assumption that they are already dating back in Atlas Academy) Ciel is fiercely protective of her girlfriends, though people only know that Neon is a Faunus because Ilia masks her traits during her time at the academy. Neon and Ciel are horrified about the news about the dust mines. They know that Ilia is a Faunus and that her parents were working there so they rush to see her as soon as possible. But they’re too late,,, Ilia’s already been expelled for attacking her fellow students. They don’t hear from Ilia for a few years after that and the two slowly drift apart, each blaming the other for not getting to Ilia soon enough. They don’t find out about the White Fang until they reunite with Ilia unfortunately, but they feel sad that Ilia had felt that they only way for her to get revenge for her parents was by joining a militant group (I’m working under the assumption that Sienna only took control of the White Fang shortly before Ilia joined). When Neon learns that Penny didn’t make it after the Fall of Beacon she hesitantly reaches out to Ciel for the first time in a year, and she does try to help. But for Ciel it’s blow after heccin’ blow and she pushes Neon away in a rage. Ciel leaves the Academy after that and goes rogue, working as a huntsman without a license for the poorer parts of remnant. Ilia is unaware of all this drama during the Beacon arc. The next time she hears of any news is during the Fall of Atlas, and she’s scared, scared because she’s still recovering and she just heard Ruby announce to the world that Remnant is under attack, and oh my gosh her ex girlfriends live in Atlas. Neon makes it out alive, though not entirely in one piece, she now has a prosthetic leg. Ilia is the first person to see her, it’s a tearful reunion and they haven’t fully made up yet, but hey it’s a work in progress, now they just have to find out where Ciel is, but when they do they’ll BOTH be there to greet her. Blake has no idea who the fuck Ciel and Neon are lmao, Ilia never told her anything about her past romances when she was in the White Fang.
Oh gosh I think that's it-- And that is it thank you for listening to me ramble about Parhelion you get a juice box for making it this far. Sir I am sincerely sorry for turning your ship upside down please forgive me.
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forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
(iii) lean on me. // gfriend, cyn. // one-shot.
word count: 9.9k
author's note: and we're on part three! i literally did not mean for this to be so long and have so much stuff going on but i thought that certain questions would be left hanging if i didn’t write with detail 😓 anyway, this is the final part! it’s a bit lacking compared to the previous ones but nevertheless, i still enjoyed writing this and i truly hope that you guys liked reading it 😊 really sorry i dragged this on though,,,, i feel like i could have avoided certain scenes since they are pretty much pointless but i just really didn’t want to leave any loose ends 😓😓
tags (overall): high school au, fluff, slow burn, angst, enemies to friends to lovers.
tw (overall): violence, injury, bullying.
previous: (ii) lean on me.
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With your arm finally healing and being free from the stupid cast, you were back in the game. And after your infamous falling-out with Yuju, which somehow every single student in the school was aware of, things were going back to what you considered was normal. Basically, things were the same as they were before Yuju came and made a mess in your already messy life. Everyone was scared of you again, you kept your distance with certain individuals, and teachers were on the lookout just in case you do something that might get you in trouble.
Although you were once again a top dog in the school, that didn’t mean that you were as tough as you were before.
Obviously the whole thing with Yuju affected you to the point where you actually wanted to come back to her and apologize, maybe hang out with her again but you didn’t see the point in that when she has made it clear that she does want something more than being friends, and you? Well, now you can answer truthfully that romance was simply something that didn’t ‘fit’ your lifestyle. It would explain the constant push-and-pull game you were having with yourself whenever Yuju made you feel something.
I think.
You have also stopped talking to Seokmin, for obvious reasons. You silently wished him luck on his journey to wooing Yuju, although it bothers you to think about your two best friends kissing and being sweet. But you would be happy.
Yuju deserves someone who can make her smile.
“Yuju deserves someone who can do more than that.”
Ah, yes. You always had to deal with one Jung Yerin every morning. You never tried to chase her off because even if you did, she would still spend every single second of her life to bother you.
“Yerin, babe, it’s been three months. Can we just forget about all of this?” SinB asks, leaning against the locker next to yours and shaking her head when Yerin refuses to back down from a lost battle.
“I can’t sleep because of this, Eunbi! I hate it when our friends fight.” Yerin complained. She’s been at it ever since you called it off with Yuju and she has shown no signs of stopping. You appreciated what she was trying to do but you wished that she would try to understand why you even stopped being friends with Yuju. Perhaps Yerin does understand but refuses to acknowledge it because she was so close to her ‘dream’.
Her dream of finally getting me a girlfriend… I can’t believe her sometimes.
“So do I but we have to respect (Y/N) and Yuju. Let’s not force our way into their business anymore, alright?” SinB says, hoping to finally push through her girlfriend’s stubbornness and calm her down. It works because Yerin doesn’t say anything else but melt into SinB’s arms, muttering something about how things are so unfair.
“If it’s meant to work out, then it’ll work out.” SinB said. You glared at her, but she only smirks. Oh, that stupid smirk. She was trying to provoke a reaction out of you, but you would never let Hwang SinB have her way.
You crossed your arms over your chest, “You know, I really don’t appreciate it whenever you guys talk as if I’m not right beside you.” You said. It was only seven-thirty in the morning. There was lots of time for you to scold your friends, and hopefully to relax in the library a little.
“Well, sometimes you act like you’re not with us whenever we’re hanging out together! Imagine how we feel.” Yerin countered. That was because you were trying to drive them off. Yerin and SinB are great friends, but you didn’t want them to get involved in your mess. You thought that giving them the cold shoulder and not uttering a single word to them would make them stop lurking around, but that proved to be false. Obviously.
“Maybe next time don’t hang out with me. It’ll be better for all of us.” You rebuked and started walking to the direction of the library without another word. There were students crowding the hallways, it was like everyone simultaneously decided to come to school at exactly seven-thirty. Well, at least you didn’t have to literally squeeze your way in and out of the hallway because the crowds part for you.
Suddenly, you feel an arm wrapping around your shoulders and you really were about to knock out whoever dared to touch you until you hear that annoying voice.
“You’re so cute when you act mean to us.” Yerin says as she and her girlfriend end up next to you again. I’m not getting out of this hell, aren’t I?
SinB nods, “Seriously! Continue being like that and we’ll have no choice but to fall in love with you.” She teased with a wink.
“You guys are into that?” You asked, genuinely curious.
“Hell yeah! One girlfriend is a dream come true enough on its own, imagine having two!” Yerin gushed. They had a point, but having Yerin and SinB as girlfriends… would be torture. They were already too much for you as friends! And so, you immediately chuck that bizarre idea out of your thoughts but somehow the couple knew that you thought about it and teased you.
You laughed at all their jokes, “Sorry. You guys are hot but neither of you are my type.” Yerin and SinB then started booing you following your confession, but you ignored them and entered the library. Surprisingly enough, they followed along. They earned a couple of shushes as soon as they stepped inside, making you stifle a laugh and immediately run for an aisle to hide your embarrassment.
While Yerin and SinB sat on a table to chat quietly amongst themselves, you scoured the shelves for something to read. You haven’t had a novel in your hands for three weeks, mostly because you just lost interest in reading since you could finally do other things with your arm finally being on top condition. And the other reason was because Seokmin is almost always in the library doing stuff.
You really didn’t want to come across him ever. You knew that he would ask questions and you didn’t know if you were in control of your emotions enough to not shut him down.
“This looks nice.” You muttered, staring down at a book that had a particularly interesting cover. After reading the synopsis, you head to the librarian’s desk to borrow the novel for a week, but you weren’t prepared to see Seokmin behind the computer that almost covered his whole face. The universe hates me.
It was too late to back out. You were literally the only person in line and it was obvious that you were going to the desk in the first place. Walking away would just be awkward. Other than Seokmin, there was another face at the desk that you longed to avoid at least after spring break, maybe forever too. The universe really hates me.
Yuju didn’t look surprised to see you at all. She was more… happy. It made you angry. After all the bullshit I pulled, she’s still like this.
“I’ll see you later, Seokmin.” Yuju said, patting the boy’s arm and walking away. You didn’t look at her as she went, but you felt her eyes on you before she completely disappeared from the library. What the hell? They’re talking now? They’re touching each other now? They’re— actually, good for them! Yeah… good for them.
“Are you going to be checking that out?” Seokmin asked. You blinked, suddenly remembering that you were here for a reason, and then you nodded, putting the novel down in front of Seokmin and letting him do his thing. Neither of you said a word to each other during that whole minute. You looked back at Yerin and SinB, only to find them staring at you and Seokmin blankly, waiting for something interesting to happen.
Whatever they’re hoping for, they won’t get it.
...Please don’t let them get it.
“She misses you, you know.”
Oh my God, he let them get it.
You braced yourself for a lengthy argument, “Seokmin, let’s not.” You said. You didn’t want to make a scene at such a peaceful place and disturb everyone’s tranquility, also you just didn’t want to talk to Seokmin about Yuju. One thing you would never be caught doing again is talking about someone behind their back!
“We should, it’s the healthy thing to do.” The boy insisted.
“Enough, Seokmin. It’s over, alright? Can I have that book now?” You asked.
Seokmin shakes his head, “Yuju cares so much about you, (Y/N)—” 
“You don’t think I care about her?!” You snapped. You didn’t mean to. Something in you just broke, and then it was too late for you to stop yourself. Fortunately enough, classes were about to start, so pretty much every single student that was inside the room had begun to exit the library. Yerin and SinB were among those students, but they left solely because they wanted to give you and Seokmin some privacy.
Seokmin was unfazed. It was as if he was expecting you to lose your cool. Or he wanted to see you getting worked up. “If you did, you wouldn’t be so distant.” He said. His calm and reserved tone only added fuel to your fire. He doesn’t understand. Nobody understands.
“You’d never get it, Seokmin.” You muttered. All you wanted right now was to forget about all of this. Why can’t anybody see that? Even your two closest friends at the moment were pushing you to Yuju when you’ve expressed many times that you didn’t want anything to do with her anymore. Learn to take the fucking hint, everybody.
Seokmin clenched his jaw, and this was the first time you’ve ever seen him pissed. “Cut the crap, (Y/N). What the hell are you so afraid of? Why do you keep pushing people away? And don’t fucking tell me it’s because of your ‘reputation’ because I know, everybody knows, that Yuju doesn’t care about any of that. She just wants to be with you.”
I know that too.
“I don’t know what happened that day, but Yuju would’ve understood. Why would she ever leave? She loves you.” Seokmin continued. You weren’t exactly sure what was this boy’s motive, or why he was so passionate about this. Why was he fighting so hard? Did he think that he would actually crack through your thick skull and somehow persuade you to get back together with Yuju? Would you actually do it? I can’t fight this.
You glued your gaze to the carpeted floors of the library, suddenly deprived of energy. You were never good with fighting with words because everyone always finds a way to get under your skin. They always knew which words to use against you, and how could you fight people who were well-informed about your weaknesses? It was a losing battle.
“It was easier for me to lose her this way.” You said. Seokmin doesn’t say anything for a few seconds as he was trying to process your words in his head. While he was distracted, you snatched the novel from the desk but before you could leave, Seokmin looks at you with wide eyes and a half open mouth. He knows what you meant, and you couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.
“You love her.” Seokmin says rather breathlessly. You don’t say anything back. Instead, you huffed and made your way out of the library and it just hit you that you’d finally admitted it to someone, and to yourself. You never imagined that you would ever feel that way towards somebody. You always convinced yourself that you would never have the time for that. And since you weren’t exactly the sweetheart type, you thought that nobody would ever feel that way about you.
And then Yuju came into your life. Slowly, your heart changed and now you became this confused, irrational mess and it irritated you to no end. Because at least before Yuju came and rocked your world you had control of your thoughts, but now everything is just about her.
That damn beanpole.
“Are you alright?” SinB asked, putting her hand on your back. You nodded, offering your friends a weak smile. I don’t know.
Yerin loops her arm around yours, “Come on, let’s get to class.” She then started walking down the hallway. Not feeling like speaking anymore, you expressed your gratitude by leaning into Yerin a little bit and she responds by briefly putting her head down on your shoulder. If the two of them weren’t here, I wouldn’t have been able to move.
The walk to your first class was quiet, but it was comforting. It turns out that your school doesn’t always feel like hell. When the hallways are empty and silent, you could say that the place could feel… uplifting. For exactly one moment you weren’t thinking about Yuju, and that was a moment where you felt relaxed for the first time in a while.
“This is an intervention,” Just when I think that I’d be given a break, the Devil arrives. Not you, Eunha. I still like you. It turns out that you weren’t going to be left alone at all on this one fine day. First, the annoying couple you call your best friends. Second, the boy who managed to provoke you into yelling and finally, Kim Sojung. And Eunha, and Yewon. They’re like three peas in a pod. “For your information, I am not doing this willingly.” Sojung says, crossing her arms. That was obvious enough.
Yerin anxiously waits behind you, not knowing the right words to say at the moment.
“Good morning?” You fretted, scratching your head. There was five minutes before the second class started and usually, you would spend these precious minutes packing up and preparing for the incoming period but it seems like that routine will be broken today. Please do not let this go on for more than a few seconds.
Sojung closes your locker, “We need to talk about you and Yuju.” She said. Of course. You sigh deeply, everything is about her now. Just as you were about to speak, SinB happened to walk by and now you were convinced that things are just about to get messier. What’s next? Yuju comes too? Wait, I can’t jinx it. I take that back. Don’t make her come here.
“What the fuck? You guys are having a family meeting without me?” SinB mused, automatically running to her girlfriend’s embrace.
Sojung ignores the younger girl, completely shutting her out, “So, let me just say that I only went along with this idea because of Eunha and I like Yuju. But I don’t like you, and I don’t care what happens to you or what you’re feeling—”
“She does care, she just can’t admit it.” Yewon chimed in.
“Yewon, shush,” Sojung holds her index finger up to her younger sister’s face, and then she points at you. You stared back at her with a blank expression, you really just wanted to get to class. “You need to be aware of the things that Yuju has been doing ever since you broke up with her.” The tall girl said.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “I was never dating her—”
“Yeah, that’s not what I thought. I’m pretty sure you two would’ve kissed if you weren’t constantly surrounded by people,” Sojung snickered. She wasn’t… completely wrong. You never wanted to kiss Yuju, but if she ever made a move to kiss you, well, you wouldn’t stop her. Does that one time in the hallway count as her trying to kiss me? Would I have stopped her? Seeing the look of shyness on your face, Sojung smiles smugly, knowing that she has struck the right nerve. “Genius, that is what I am.” She bragged.
“I will punch you in the face.” You stated.
Eunha finally decides to come in between you and Sojung after realizing that letting her girlfriend handle this situation would be pointless, “Okay, let’s just have a healthy conversation for once.” She suggested with a smile.
You sighed and leaned into your locker, “What do you want?” You asked. The bell rings, but neither of you moved. Even Yerin, SinB, and Yewon who probably have no business being in here didn’t leave. You were happy about that though because then you wouldn’t have to deal with Sojung alone.
“Yuju… really wanted to know,” Eunha started. You shake your head, this again. You considered completely shutting everything out, but Eunha’s next words kept you listening. “She pretty much asked everybody that she thought knew about it. Me, Sojung, other people… and Jennie.”
Upon the mention of your old friend’s name, your mind goes haywire. Yuju? Talked to Jennie? About… about that?! “Why the fuck would she do that?” You asked with your voice wavering. Jennie was merciless to those she deemed unworthy of her attention. Pretty old school considering she’s just another student, but the difference between her and the others was that she was rich and she was the principal’s relative, somehow that automatically makes her someone who has a lot of power.
And if one holds power, they’re allowed to act however they want. That’s usually bad. Especially for the lesser powerful students. Students like Yuju.
“Because you didn’t tell her anything, doofus.” Sojung taunted.
“It was for her own good,” You ran your hand through your hair and sighed once again. “I didn’t… think she would do that. How does she even know about Jennie?” You uttered. Yewon avoids your gaze, Eunha shifts awkwardly on her spot, and Sojung just stares at… something. You follow the eldest’s gaze and your eyes landed on… Jung Yerin.
Yerin bit her lower lip and fidgeted with her shirt, “I only told Yuju what I know! That I guessed that (Y/N) got involved with Jennie at some point!” She confessed more to SinB who was the most confused out of everyone at the moment.
“Well, good job anyway. You successfully got the purest girl in the school on the leading lady’s radar. Nothing bad is going to happen.” Sojung says sarcastically.
Before Sojung and Yerin could argue, Yewon interrupts both of them. “Can you guys enlighten me though? I know Jennie is… kinda mean but why is this so bad? She wouldn’t do anything rash to someone she barely knows, right?” Yewon asked. Being a student who always minds her own business, Yewon doesn’t really pay attention to anything else other than her grades and whatever her sister gets herself into.
Sojung sternly glares at you as she talks to her sister, “Jennie and our good friend over here, and also a couple of certain other people, wanted to keep what happened that day a big secret so that the important ones don’t get in trouble with the principal.” The oldest explained. Well, Sojung, how do you know so much about this? I’m more surprised that the whole story hasn’t got out yet. It’s been months. Jennie’s grip on this school is insane.
“We’re not going to force you to tell us anything if it makes you uncomfortable, or if Jennie scares you, or if you just don’t wanna say a word about it at all but… since Yuju is involved now, we just want to know how bad it really was.” Eunha says gently, taking your hand in hers and reassuring you with a kind smile. You felt warm inside, you missed her being your friend.
You take a deep breath to calm your nerves. You preferred not pulling anyone else into your mess, even if it was Sojung who annoyed the hell out of you because they could get in real danger. But since Eunha was asking so nicely, and they do deserve some sort of explanation for their friend, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to tell them something. For Yuju’s sake.
“Well, you already know the guy got sent to a hospital,” You started, slowly pulling your hand from Eunha’s hold. All of the girls nod. Anyone who heard about the fight knew that much, but everything else was twisted that nobody was sure which story was the truth. It was exactly what Jennie wanted. “The thing is… that guy is Jennie’s close friend. Maybe boyfriend, or ex. I don’t fucking know, but he meant something to her and since he was the jackass that started it, Jennie didn’t want him to receive the short end of the stick.” You continued. You try your hardest to keep such grotesque images from that night out of your head for as long as you can.
The girls listen intently. You couldn’t tell what they were thinking. “If anyone with a big mouth were to ever find out about the truth… I’m not sure they would be safe.” You said. Thinking of Yuju being brutally pushed around the hallways by Jennie’s minions made your blood boil. Nobody deserves to be treated with such cruelty, especially Yuju who just wanted to understand you more.
This is my fault. I got her into this. I have to get her out.
Swallowing your own stubbornness, you made up your mind about what you could do to get Yuju out of this chaotic situation. It was probably the only way. “Has she been asking about this since… you know.” You muttered. Sojung nods, much to your dismay.
“Three months… I’m surprised she’s not dead,” You tried to joke. It landed poorly though. You shook your head, never the time for that kind of jest. “I’ll… tell her.” You confessed.
There was a moment of silence, and you weren’t sure if the girls heard you or not because they looked at you as if your words went inside one ear and out the other. What is so confusing about that? I thought it was pretty straightforward.
“Tell her you love her?” Yerin blurted out.
You blushed furiously, “The truth! What the fuck, Yerin!” 
“Oh my God, you love her?” Sojung asked, covering her mouth. “This is so much better than I expected.” She exclaimed. If it wasn’t for her girlfriend, Sojung would’ve teased you to no end so once again, you were thankful for Eunha’s existence. SinB smiles fondly at you, finally feeling relieved now that you’ve succumbed to what your heart has been saying for so long.
You were relieved too, somewhat. Because now you’re not in a constant battle with yourself, but the problem is how you’re even going to talk to Yuju after this revelation.
That’s a problem to solve for some other time.
Just as lunch time started, you told Yerin and SinB that you would be doing something important that will keep you busy for the rest of the period. They didn’t say much about it and allowed you to go on your merry way, fortunately enough. With some courage and a pre-rehearsed speech, you entered the half-empty library. Just as you expected, Seokmin was quietly eating a sandwich on one of the tables, scrolling through social media on his phone.
Taking a deep breath and muttering some quick words of wisdom to yourself, you slowly approached Seokmin.
The boy slowly raises his head after sensing your presence, and you almost laughed at how shocked he looked to see you for the second time in one day.
“Hey.” You greeted.
Seokmin rushed to swallow his food, then he cleared his throat and nodded at you. “Hi.” He said.
“Can I sit here?” You asked, pulling out the chair across from him. Seokmin nodded again and you sat down, taking out your own sandwich and putting it down on the table, but doing nothing else. How do you even start talking to someone you avoided for no reason? Seokmin did not deserve to receive the cold shoulder from you because looking back at it again, he literally should not even be involved in your problem. It’s all because of…
Suddenly, it hit you. Nothing about this was Yuju’s fault. Nothing about everything you were going through was Yuju’s fault. All this time you’ve been blaming an innocent person for nothing when all of this wouldn’t have happened if you had just dealt with it the right way instead of running.
I have a lot to apologize for… but I’ll save it for when I actually see her again.
“I’ll make things right.” You say out of nowhere. That was meant to be a thought, damn it.
Seokmin keeps nodding, and he couldn’t help but smile at your promise. “I figured as much. You would never leave any loose ends.” He said.
“Oh? You know me now?” You teased, raising an eyebrow.
Seokmin’s smile just gets brighter, “Anyone with a pulse wouldn’t just let their loved one go without proper closure.” He replied.
Hearing someone refer to Yuju as your ‘loved one’ made your skin tingle and it doesn’t help that you were aware of your feelings for her now. Some part of you wants to be hopeful and end all of this with Yuju by your side, but then once again, fear strikes you. Would Yuju be really happy with you finally opening up to her? Isn’t it too late for that? Did she actually mean it earlier when she looked at you like you were everything she was hoping to see at that time?
And were you actually prepared for all of this?
“She never stopped talking about you,” Seokmin blurted. Something about the atmosphere was making you feel strange, so you awkwardly looked around before paying attention to your friend once again. “For a long time, the only thing that came out of her mouth was your name.” The boy continued, taking out the unwanted pickles in his sandwich. You tilt your head to the side, wondering why this was so awkward for you.
“It was borderline obsession but she was cute so I looked past that.” Seokmin admitted, sighing blissfully.
“Can we stop talking about her like she passed away? Like I’m pretty sure she’s eavesdropping on us right now.” You said, once again looking around you trying to find someone who was not even there.
Seokmin laughs, “What I meant to say was… you mean a lot to her, and I can assure you that all she wants right now is not even an apology, or an explanation, but a simple ‘hi’. Literally just look at her and she’ll be happy for the next few days.”
You couldn’t say anything to that, partly because most of what Seokmin said didn’t really stay in your brain. I should probably talk before it gets weird again.
“Are you… okay? With all of this?” You asked.
Seokmin puts his sandwich down, and he doesn’t respond. He was actually thinking hard about it while you sit there, anxiously waiting for his answer. You would willingly back off if Seokmin still has feelings for Yuju because all that matters to you at the moment was getting back on good terms with her.
I think.
As if Seokmin could tell what you were thinking, he addresses it. “There’s… really no point in holding on anymore.” He said with a sad smile.
“That’s not… true. She could fall for you after all of this.” You replied. It felt strange hearing yourself say that out loud.
Seokmin laughed again, then he started shaking his head. You couldn’t tell if he was sad or angry. Maybe both, but probably not. “No, no. That girl is completely in over her head for you.” And you knew that. You just didn’t want to find out just how much. Too much love will kill you or whatever. Also you get flustered really easily.
You took a bite out of your sandwich, “Did you ever try with her?” You asked. Alright, maybe asking that was too much but I’m nosy.
“Yeah but… either she’s unbelievably slow or she wanted to let me down easily by constantly… friend-zoning me.” Seokmin said. You wince, ouch. It didn’t look like Seokmin was bothered with it. Actually, he looked like he was merry about it all. It was weird because one would think that he would be miserable, but that was not the case. 
(Of course you’d never think of it, but Seokmin was more happy about the fact that his two precious friends are going to be okay.)
Seokmin smirks as you drink your water, “Hey, at least you’re going to get some.” His words nearly made you spit out your drink, but when he lightly kicked your ankle as a tease you spilled water on your uniform.
Rather than getting angry about your now soiled shirt, you attempt to clear the air. “I’m talking to her to stop her from getting devoured by our common enemy! Not to get in her pants, God.” Who in their right mind would even try to use Yuju’s innocence to their advantage? A part of you is starting to doubt Seokmin’s infatuation towards Yuju. Did he really like her?
“Right, right. You might wanna clean yourself up though.” Seokmin gestured to your clothes. Well, this is just great. I don’t have a spare shirt. I’m probably gonna have to borrow the ones they have at the office with the school’s catchphrase and mascot on it.
You stood up from your seat and as you headed towards the library doors, you muttered some curses and threats to literally everything out of annoyance. Seokmin smiles as he watches you go, finally content that the two of you were friends again.
“Don’t spread to my skirt, don’t spread to my skirt, don’t spread to my skirt…” You chanted while running towards the nearest restroom. You earned several looks from students who were passing by and you have never been more embarrassed. Why didn’t I think of covering myself up at least?! Darn you, Seokmin!
As you neared the closest restroom you could find in the area, you heard a couple of muffled voices coming from inside the restroom. You couldn’t decipher the words you were barely hearing, but when you reached the entrance of the restroom, you recognized one of the voices inside. You could never really not know who that voice belongs to.
You considered turning back, not wanting to see the girl and deal with her for who-knows-how-long, but her next words stopped you from walking away.
“...just because you and (Y/N) had fun for a little while.”
Immediately, you pushed the door open with way too much force than you intended and entered the restroom. Jennie wasn't the only person inside, obviously. Her friends were there too: Jisoo, Chaeyoung, and Lisa. But there was another girl in the bunch. Someone who looked just a little bit out of place. The girl who has been clouding your mind ever since the first time you saw her today. I was right.
“(Y/N)...” Yuju stands by the farthest sink in the place. It looked like the other four girls were cornering her, but you weren’t sure of what was happening or what happened prior to this moment. It took you all your might to get a hold of yourself, not wanting to jump the gun. If they did anything to her… if they touched even one fucking strand of hair on her head…
“How nice of you to join us. We were just talking about you,” Jennie says with a sly smile. You avoid Yuju’s stare by looking at Jennie. Cute as ever but what the fuck does she want? “I was wondering if you’d like to come over to my place sometime this week. We have a lot to do.”
Oh, you know exactly what that meant. Somebody found out? Was it Yuju? Is that why they’re all over her right now?
You were about to go along and get dragged away without saying a word to the girl you actually wanted to talk to, but something inside you screamed at you to not do that. Get this over with. Get this over with.
“No thanks.” You deadpanned. You slipped in between Lisa and Chaeyoung, muttering a small ‘excuse me’ as you made your way towards Yuju.
Jennie stops you from walking any further towards the other girl, “You’re really going to fight this?” She asked.
“I’m not your pet, Jennie. Nobody is,” You turned around to face her again with newfound confidence. I was never anyone’s pet. Why did I even let her threats control me? I’m (Y/N) for God’s sake! I don’t answer to anyone. Stupid. “And for the record, I think it’s pretty douchey to keep hiding it as if no one’s gonna find out about it in less than two weeks. Why try to stop the inevitable?” You asked.
Jennie clenches her fists, however, she doesn’t say anything. You had a point, and she wasn’t going to try and fight that.
“I suggest that you clear the rumors before it gets out of hand. Grow the hell up and take responsibility. Trust me, it’s good for you.” You glance at your right arm which has long healed and recovered to its glory. “I know it was for me. See you never, Jen.”
The sophisticated girl scoffed, “You’ve grown soft, (Y/N). You’ll never survive here.” She said. And with that, she and her friends left without saying anything else, but you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her words. For fuck’s sake, we’re in high school! The worst you can do to someone is throw their textbook on the ocean and make them pay hundreds of dollars for it even though it wasn’t their fault.
Yuju fidgets with the ends of her sleeves, unsure of what to do now that she was alone with you. You were feeling the same. How do you even start talking to her? Maybe the best thing to do right now is see if they did anything to her. With that in mind, you cautiously took several steps towards the taller girl. Yuju had her head hung low, what’s wrong?
You raised your hand, but stopped halfway. Is this the right thing to do? Can I even do this? All of your doubts were washed away when your eyes met Yuju’s hopeful ones, and you continued your action. You carefully brushed Yuju’s hair away from her face, and you expected to see her perfect like always, but there was a cut on her cheek and it made you see red so quickly.
“Did they do this?” You asked, clenching your jaw. I knew they wouldn’t leave her without a scratch!
“No, they didn’t—”
“Then who did?” You cut her off.
“(Y/N)—” Again.
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll find them and then I’ll—” This time, Yuju keeps you from talking by taking your hand and squeezing it tightly, snapping you out of your little cloud of rage. At least it calmed you down a little, and it totally distracted you from the fact that your soaked shirt was the reason you came in here in the first place.
“Do you… have a bandage with you?” Yuju asked. She didn’t move her hand. Good.
You nodded timidly, “I have some.” You replied. Since you get in fights way too often, your brother has advised you to keep several bandages inside your jacket and your backpack just in case you start bleeding. Now you were finally going to put them to use after a while.
While you fished through the inner pockets of your jacket, Yuju waits patiently, and then she finally notices that you were completely soaked with water. “What happened to you?” The tall girl asked. You hummed questioningly, not quite hearing what she said as you were busy and when you looked up, Yuju was completely dazed. Realizing that she had been staring rather inappropriately, Yuju’s face quite literally heats up. Is that how I look when I get flustered?
“I was eating lunch with Seokmin and… it’s a long story actually, don’t worry about it.” You said, waving your hand. Finally, you got a hold of several bandages and you handed them to Yuju with a proud smile on your face. Looking down at the colorful bandages, colorful and cute animal bandages, Yuju fails to prevent a giggle from coming out of her mouth.
You pouted, “What? Don’t you think they’re cute? Look at this it’s got an excited puppy hugging a sleepy puppy!” You exclaimed as you pointed at the tan colored one. Yuju could only nod, handing you back your favorite one and putting the others on her backpack for future uses. I hope there’s never a time where she has to use all of those.
“Yes, yes, you’re adorable. Could you put that on me, please?” Yuju asked, leaning her face closer to yours.
“I was talking about the dogs… but whatever.” You muttered. There was no point in arguing with Yuju about these kinds of things because if you learned from when you were still friends, you always end up as a blushing mess after every fight about cute things. How does she even do that? Maybe you’re really just that much of a softie.
Or, well, maybe it’s because of Yuju.
You held Yuju’s chin in your hand to keep her face steady, and you noticed that blood was starting to drip down from the cut. You wiped it off slowly, careful to not touch the wound and hurt Yuju. You stared at the taller girl’s (beautiful) face, familiarizing yourself with her features once again and this time, you didn’t exactly flinch when her eyes fluttered open all of a sudden.
As you stared down at your hand with Yuju’s blood on it, you were reminded of a similar scene months ago, although the situation was so, so much worse.
That’s when everything started to come back to you again. Flashing neon lights that were suddenly blinding, deafening bad music, and more than ten pairs of eyes watching you, judging you, horrified of you. And then finally, the heavy atmosphere that made it hard for you to breathe and nearly suffocated you before you finally ran out of the room, away from everyone’s watchful eyes… and the one unconscious body on the floor where you had just been standing.
“(Y/N), hey,” Yuju snaps you out of your train of horrible thoughts. She noticed how you reacted to her blood, she took it upon herself to wipe it off and get you back to reality. “I’ll do it.” She whispered, smiling and reaching for the bandage in your hand, but you pulled your hand back.
She has to know what I did, she has to hear it from me.
Somehow, Yuju caught on to what you were thinking. “I’m not… going to push you anymore. I know what happens when I do that.” Maybe she's psychic. She tries to take the bandage again, but you still pulled away and it made her sigh deeply.
You shake your head, “Not this time.” You said. Once again, you took her chin and tilted her face up. Goosebumps spread across your skin when Yuju rested one of her hands at your hip, and the way she stared at you made you sick to your stomach, in a good way. You raised the bandage close to Yuju’s face, and then you finally covered the wound, gently pressing the bandage so that it attaches to her soft skin.
Yuju doesn’t say anything for a while, and neither do you as you were trying to collect your thoughts. Maybe this wasn’t the ideal situation, since you always imagined that you would be telling her somewhere that was not a school restroom, but she’s here right now, willing to listen. She will always be willing to listen, but if you don’t tell her now, will you ever be able to?
That was a question that ran circles inside your brain for a while. It felt like you were taking forever thinking about it but of course, Yuju stayed patient, even going as far as to not say anything about the muffled sound of the bell ringing from the hallways. Sighing heavily, you pry her hand away from your hip and take a step back.
The more you thought about it, the more you came to terms with the fact that there was never going to be a perfect moment for something like this. And again, you were reminded that it really doesn’t matter if you don’t tell her now or not because she will find it out, especially after you’ve given Jennie a piece of your mind. You remind yourself that she has to hear the story from your perspective, and then leave her to think hard about and decide what to think of you after everything.
It’s a simple job… but with extreme risks.
Taking a deep breath, you decided to get it over with, as you always told yourself whenever you faced a big dilemma.
“A few weeks into the new school year, Jennie decided to throw a stupid party since we’re all in seniors and it might be the last time we can have fun,” Yuju’s head snaps up once you start talking. Then you find yourself chuckling at your words, she was right about that at least. “She invited a lot of her friends, and some other rich students in the school. There were also these older kids, I think they were in college. They got there much earlier than I did. By the time I joined the fun, pretty much everyone was buzzed.” You said. You remember being disgusted at how every corner of the room that day reeked of alcohol and sweat.
“I was roaming around in the kitchen, looking for something decent to eat when I noticed this one girl staring at me and you know I had to talk to her about that,” You continued. Yuju nodded, and you truly hoped that she wasn’t thinking about it the wrong way. She knows that I meant that I had to confront the girl, right? Because of my temper? Please tell me she knows that. “I thought she was judging me but it turns out she was just interested, and I was super bored so I decided to play along.” Then you looked at yourself in the mirror for a brief second, attempting to prepare yourself as the turning point of that whole situation replays in your head for the umpteenth time.
“One thing led to another and suddenly she was all over me. I didn’t mind it, she was pretty. But… some people still had problems with girls hooking up,” You clenched your fist at the memory. This is it. Come on, (Y/N). Yuju stands closer to you, offering her support and comfort with her presence, but this time it wasn’t working so well. Again, you were scared because you had a feeling that she won’t be so close to you anymore when you start talking again. Still, you push through it, having had enough of dragging it on. “There was this guy, um, he was wasted as hell and he was saying stuff. You know me, I get riled up easily but I had to remind myself that he was drunk. He didn’t know what kind of messed up bullshit he was saying, right? But then he started touching the girl I was with and when I tried to tell him to go away… he said that word.”
You didn’t have to look at Yuju to know that she understood what you were saying. The longer the moment replays in your head, the more you got confused as to why Jennie worked so hard to hide it in the first place. Who was that guy to her? She would’ve rather allowed me, her literal friend and schoolmate, to get hurt rather than disciplining that guy!
“I don’t know. I lost it. As soon as the word fell from his stupid mouth, I didn’t waste another second and decked him in the face. Then I did it again. And again, and again, and I didn’t stop until a couple of other kids pulled me away,” You release a shaky breath as the image of the older guy laying on the floor flashed in your head. You remember looking down at your hands covered in his blood, then the eyes, and everything else. Your chest started getting heavy as the weight of your actions started settling in. “I could’ve killed that guy.” You said with your voice quivering.
Slowly, Yuju takes both of your hands and pulls you into her. You allowed yourself to melt into her embrace, appreciating her warmth that managed to chase away some of the horrific feelings inside your chest. However, you were immediately reminded of the situation and you pulled away from the taller girl quickly.
You chuckled bitterly, “Scared of me yet?” You asked. It was meant to be a joke question, but you secretly hoped that she would answer honestly and seriously, even if the worst of your predictions about this discussion ends up being the outcome.
“A little,” Yuju admitted. Your heart squeezes within itself just a little bit and every breath you took was like a needle poking at it, making everything hurt just a tad bit more. “But you did that to protect yourself, and the girl. He was harassing her, plus he literally called you a slur.”
Are there any right words for you to say after that? Somehow it felt like the conversation was over, but the heaviness stayed in your chest and now Yuju’s presence only gave you anxiety rather than comfort. You nodded to yourself, suddenly remembering that you had a class to attend and totally forgetting about your shirt that has now dried after minutes of being left alone.
“Right…” You muttered. What are we supposed to do now?
“Does it feel lighter?” Yuju suddenly asks. You looked up at her, confused. She steps forward and puts her hand on your chest, where your heart was. “Right here.” She said. Oh.
“No,” You shook your head, taking her hand and letting it fall down to your side with yours. What was she going to do with that information? Did she really just want to know because she wanted to understand you better? Suddenly, you didn’t get Yuju’s motives, but that was something you felt like you had to think about while laying in your bed and staring at your boring empty ceiling. “I feel sick.”
Yuju hums, “You’ve been bottling all of that in a while. I wanted to… free you from it, but I thought I had to know every single thing before I try to do anything about it. I’m sorry if I… pressured you.” She says, laying her head low. Has she always known that something was bothering me? Is that why she got interested in the first place? A lot of questions filled your head and when you opened your mouth to ask her one, the door suddenly flew open and you remembered that yes, you were in a public space.
And that the two of you were at least half an hour late to your classes.
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” You said and dragged the taller girl out of the restroom before the student that entered noticed anything that was out of the blue. Yuju only lets you lead her through the hallways because you were holding her hand, and nothing makes her happier than seeing you being so close to her.
How do we even recover from any of this? I can’t just suddenly talk to her about my feelings after all the things I just dumped on her.
That’s right. I do have feelings for her.
As you tread the empty hallways, you realized that you had no idea where you were even trying to go. Since you were late to your class, you didn’t feel like going anymore but as for Yuju… well, things might be different. You looked over your shoulder, only to see the taller girl looking at you like she hadn’t seen you in forever. Some part of that is true considering the amount of time you were apart from each other.
But a sly smirk makes its way onto your face because at some point, you knew that Yuju looked at you whenever you were in the same space, even if she made effort to avoid you too back then.
“Are you sure you’re fine wearing your uniform? That was wet, you know. You could get sick.” Yuju says with the utmost concern.
You nodded, “It’s alright. It’s dry now and I’m not—”
“Made of glass, yes. It’s a famous saying from you.” Yuju finishes your sentence, or more like she cuts you off, wearing a teasing smile.
You shoot her a playful glare, “You, Yerin and SinB… and probably Seokmin too. You all use my own words against me.” You said, letting out a dramatic long sigh of defeat. It does get tiring dealing with a couple of smartasses for friends, but you love them all the same. Speaking of Seokmin… I should probably get my stuff back. My poor sandwich is still in the library.
“I’m glad you guys are talking again.” Yuju mentions. You nodded, you felt the same. Although you didn’t imagine that the first time you and the boy have a proper conversation ends up with you spilling water all over your uniform but at the same time, it felt fitting that it would be like that.
“Did he ever ask you again?” You asked.
Yuju turns her head at you, utterly muddled, “Ask me out?” She repeated.
“Yeah. Remember when he approached you before lunch time? He was hoping to take you out on a date, did he ever do that again?” You were genuinely curious.
“No? I mean, I don’t think so. How would I know?” Yuju shrugs. It just dawned on you that she might’ve been oblivious of Seokmin’s feelings all along. You felt bad for your friend, but then again if you told him about it he would laugh with you.
“You are unbelievable, Yuju. You’re telling me that for three months you didn’t notice that he had a big crush on you?” You questioned her again.
“He did not! And why would I look at someone else when you’re around?” Yuju tries to flirt by winking at you. Yes, the charm worked but you weren’t going to let her get away with that.
“Stop changing the subject. He totally— wait, this isn’t the way to the library.” You said as you looked around at the familiar and yet unfamiliar surroundings. You were able to identify that you and Yuju had somehow landed in the science hallway of the building though. Yuju lets go of your hand and looks out the big windows, staring at the flowers down at the garden and letting herself be mesmerized by nature’s beauty, and totally ignoring the fact that the two of you had gotten lost while chatting.
This was where you first told her your name, and where you messed with her. Back then she was completely dazed at the flowers too, and you smiled at the familiarity of it all.
You crossed your arms over your chest, “You said you wouldn’t want to look at anything else while I’m around and yet you’ve forgotten about me. For flowers.” You joked.
Yuju hums, then she smiles but it wasn’t the kind of smile that made your heart flutter and filled your stomach with butterflies, it was a smile that told you that she was up to something. “Oh? So you admit that you don’t want me to look at anything else but you?” She asked, now walking towards you with that mischievous glint in her beautiful eyes. Fuck.
“H-How did you even make that connection?” You tried to avoid stuttering, but now Yuju was extremely close and somehow your feet got glued to the ground. Is this how she felt when I did it?!
“(Y/N),” Yuju’s tongue runs across her upper lip briefly, just like you did back then. You squint at her actions, finding her ridiculous while simultaneously feeling incredibly embarrassed at the thought of you probably looking stupid months ago. At least she looks nice doing it now. I was injured and it was my first day back from the hospital, I must’ve looked funny. “Would you like to talk about that?” The tall girl asked, her eyes darting from your flushed cheeks, to your nose, and then your lips.
You stifled a laugh, “Slow down. Save it for later, lovergirl.” You said, putting your hands on the other girl’s shoulders and gently pushing her back to create distance. One because you were close to combusting and two because you might’ve not been able to control yourself. The things you make me feel.
Yuju grins, “On that cute little coffee shop after school?” She asked, which you nodded your head to.
“Your treat.” You say with a smirk before turning around and walking back. This time, you were actually going to the library. Yuju jogs up beside you, still wearing a big smile on her face and she wraps her hand around yours.
“I don’t mind as long as it’s for you.”
“Oh my goodness, you let me finish!”
“Well, maybe we don’t always have to save the romantics for later.”
 After screaming to your older brother a quick goodbye, you do your best to slip on your sneakers in record breaking time and run out of the house, not even bothering to tie up your shoelaces. If you even stop or slow down for half a second, you would miss your bus and it takes a whole hour for the next one to pass by your neighborhood and there was just something that was not right about arriving at school exactly on time. Maybe it was just you. It was probably just you.
As you sprint towards the bus stop, you noticed how cold it really was. It was weird considering how it was usually not always chilling whenever you went out on your usual routine. Did I not read the weather right? Oh, who am I kidding? The weather is always unpredictable.
When you arrived at your destination, you recognized a familiar face sitting at the bench quietly and when the girl spots you, she mirrors the same look of bewilderment as you walked closer to the bench. What is she doing here? And why so early in the morning?
“Yuna, babe,” After two weeks of dating, you realized that you didn't even know Yuju’s full name and she didn’t tell you because she thought that you knew. Apparently, her full real name was Choi Yuna, and even now that the two of you have been together for a month and a half, your girlfriend’s name still sounded as fresh and beautiful as it did when you first heard it. Hell, I can’t even believe she’s my girlfriend. Girlfriend! “What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Looks like somebody forgot that she will be riding the bus with her girlfriend to school this morning,” Yuju teased. You scratched your head, dumbfounded. Yeah, I did forget that. What the hell is wrong with me today? “And I think the real question is, what are you doing here? There’s at least a solid hour before you usually come out and catch the bus.” She said, pointing at her watch.
You furrowed your eyebrows, suddenly not knowing how time works. You pulled out your phone and your eyes almost fell out of their sockets when you confirmed that yes, your girlfriend was telling the truth. “Are you kidding me! I ran like hell to get here and I’m way too early!” You shouted and plopped down on the bench beside the taller girl.
Yuju coos when she sees you pout, “Aww, it’s okay, at least we get to spend more time together at the ass crack of dawn.” She said.
“Okay, but seriously, why are you here? Like, specifically right here at the bus stop?” You asked, ignoring your cheeks that were heating up. A month and a half and she still has this effect on you.
“I was actually on my way to your house to surprise you and all that but I got exhausted so I sat down here for a bit to rest. And then you came,” Yuju explained. Seeing the drained look on your face, she frowned. She then pulled you close, letting you rest your head on her shoulder while also holding her hand. Still gives me butterflies. “Did you even have breakfast?” Your girlfriend asks. She sighs when she feels you shake your head.
“Wanna walk to a bakery before the bus arrives?” Yuju smiles when you do, because nothing makes you feel better than eating bread at your favorite place with your favorite person.
“My treat this time, though.” You said as you stand up, pulling Yuju with you.
“Oh, you don’t have to.” Yuju said. The two of you started walking to your usual path to the nearest bakery shop. You’ve gone on countless dates in different places, but something about this particular bakery was special. The pastries were delicious of course and the short distance between it and your house was definitely a favor, but there was always something in the air whenever you and Yuju go there for a snack.
Ugh, I feel tingly thinking about it. But you loved it.
“Yes, I do,” You replied, momentarily stopping at your tracks. You have been thinking about it for a while. How you and Yuju got to where you are now, what it took for you and her to get here. But more specifically, this was about Yuju and how you are so genuinely thankful for her for being with you. “I realized that… you were the one that definitely got the worst end of this… whole thing between us. When we met, when we became friends, when we tried to sort things out about that thing, and pretty much every other stuff. I want to be good to you, like you’ve always been to me. And I know bread is nothing but I promise that there are greater things that I can do to make up for all the time you waited and dealt with me.” You confessed, running your thumb across the taller girl’s knuckles tenderly. 
Is this enough? Probably not. I put her through a lot, and I will give her all the love she’s given me. Maybe more.
Definitely more.
Yuju doesn’t say anything. At first, she stares at you for a long time because how can she even respond to that? (She felt a lot of things inside. So much that she felt like she was going to explode if she tries to speak.) But then she cups your face with her hands and slowly, she pulls you in for a kiss.
It was quick, but it was enough to get the message across.
I love you more, Choi Yuna.
“Lean on me, right?” You whisper as she pulls back. She looked like she was about to cry, but she smiles at you and blinks the tears away. (You smile back at her, and Yuju feels like she was going to melt into a puddle the longer she stared.)
“That was sweet… but I was going to tell you that I have coupons we could use instead—”
“Oh, just let me be romantic!”
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shozaii · 4 years
Hey! I love your writing! It's so cute. 💖 Can you write a HC about s/o and Todoroki, Bakugou, Shinsou and Kirishima first time? (It's the first time for both of them) I'm already excited to read aaa You can add another character if you feel like to.
(a/n): hello! ahhh thank you🥺❤️ i hope you enjoy them!
ps; i’m assuming it’s their first time dating don’t come for mE KSJSJS
requests are still open!💜
first time!
warnings: aged up characters! and slight nsfw!
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can we,,, talk about this,,🥺
eijirou would be the happiest man on earth when he finds out you have feelings for him.
you had no experience of dating, so what do? you wanted to tell your feelings but then you were freaking out
i have this feeling that he thinks nobody could ever fall for him (WHICH IS FALSE) but you proved him wrong🥰
and yes, he has feelings for you too! cue him being alone in his dorm, dancing to the cutest love songs that reminds him of you jsjdj
so it’s late at night, and he called you out to have a little chat with you
you knew the chat was something else AHA
and so there you two were, outside the dorms, in the cold night. when he saw you, he smiled his usual toothy grin and signalled you to come over.
when he confesses, your heart pounded so hard you could hear it
“i’ve been waiting my whole life to say this! i get it if you really don’t want to-you know... but before i lose my chances, might as well get it out,right?”
and before he could finish, you pulled him into a hug, burying your face into his sweater.
you two are the cutest couple alive. mina takes tons of pictures of you two (sometimes sneakily)
kaminari constantly teases you two, sero feels like a proud dad😳
and when you two train, it’s like you two were made for each other. even your quirks make the perfect combo!
he texts you whenever he’s not able to see you
it’s his first time dating someone so he promises to be the best boyfriend to you! he takes you out on dates, buys you your favorite candy, gifts you tons of kisses
he knows you love his hair down so on most dates, you’d see that a lot!
he’s fine with holding hands in public because he feels this manliness in him surging😤❤️
he always gives you little pecks on your cheeks and you do the same. he just didn’t know how he was going to kiss you on the lips?? he wanted it to be special so he waited.
the time came, when you two were in his room, slow dancing with the lights dimmed out. he was nerVoUs and you were too.
that’s when he went in for it.
his kisses are slow and passionate. he doesn’t want to rush because when he’s with you, time is limitless. imagine the whole world revolving around you were just stars in the night sky. fireworks from a distance.it was momentary bliss, to be honest.
he looks you in the eyes and asks, “you okay with this?”
you blushed. “yeah.”
he holds your cheek, leaning in as your lips fit together perfectly. he even smiles in between kisses because he’s just so happy🥺💕💕💕
you two end up in bed and go ‘???how did we get here???’
then you resorted to laying down on the bed. you laid on top of him, leaving a few more pecks on his forehead before settling in.
you can never go wrong with a boy like eijirou🌸
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most probably the boy to be shook when he found out he had feelings for someone.
especially the someone being you. his intentions could never go wrong. i mean,,,look at you. a masterpiece from heaven itself.
right in front of him, blessing his sour days.
probably started around the time after the sports festival. he couldn’t help but notice your cheerful self in class. how you smile at your classmates. the little gestures that made them happy.
it made him happy too.
and you loved talking to shoto too! he was really quiet at first; but it was you who knew how to break the ice apart(no pun intended)
he told midoriya about it, sweating.
“well, todoroki. i’m sure your feelings wouldn’t lie to you! follow what’s best for you.”
he smiled. he knew his decision that very moment.
love is a new feeling to him- since his childhood days weren’t the best. and when he felt it, his emotions were all over the place.
you too, were astonished. you knew from the beginning of school days, you had fallen for him. so what were you about to do? leave it behind? find a way to let it out?
shoto also prefers to admit it to you personally. so he did it right after school finishes-while everyone was heading back to the dorms.
“y/n. i need to talk to you for a second.”
“sure! what’s up?”
he’s pretty straightforward, so he’d say it immediately.
“i like you. a lot.”
“ah! i like you too! that’s-“
“no. i like like you. um, feelings.”
you paused. well, it was obvious. you two were alone, he was blushing.
oh my god my crush just said he likes me.
it was mutual!🥰 a few were shocked to find out that you both were in a relationship. some people described you as polar opposites. others already knew that you had a crush on him, wink wonk
shoto has never really gotten physical affection for a long time, so it takes a while for him to settle in. but that doesn’t stop him from being with you almost 24/7
he learnt that he loved being kissed by you on the forehead. it was such a simple yet deep reassurance that you were there for him.
he loved kissing you on the cheek🥺❤️ he finds your cheeks so squishy and adorable. he also loves ruffling your hair during your cuddle sessions.
he loves loves loves it when he hovers over you while you’re on his bed-looking like the angel you are, and he starts leaving the trail of kisses from the cheek, slowly to the lips. it was a feathery peck. he was afraid that you didn’t want it.
but looking into your eyes, it was a plead for more. he closed in the gap between you two. your hands wrapped around his shoulders, and his hands landed on your waist.
momentary bliss part 2
sometimes you two communicate through each other’s eyes. no one else gets it😌
your quirks are a match made in heaven. it surprises aizawa on a whole new level.
he learned beforehand about a few of your favorite things so he decided to get them for you.
would max out endeavor’s card for you
long walks in the park, mall visits-anything you want, he gives.
somehow you always made him feel so special. and he was so glad his first time was a blessing.
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“i don’t have feelings! now quit it!” he says while literally blushing in front of the bakusquad. yeah i definitely see that happening.
blushes so red but wipes it off as if he’s got a fever. damn bakubake🥺
you didn’t know what he meant, feelings for who?
and that was because you had them for katsuki. like, a whole lot.
he may be an angry pomeranian, but he’s your favorite pomeranian😌❤️
everyone is so confused. how did you- a wonderful human being, so delicate and graceful, had fallen for katsuki??? nobody knew, and nobody judged.
because they knew, it was you who was falling in love🥺 so they were supportive.
remember that one dance the bakusquad and uraraka did when they got through the exam? that was exactly what they did when you told them about you liking him
i mean,,, that boy looks at you from afar during class. he chooses to watch your quirk develop during training. he goes quiet when he sees you.
like cue him screaming at both kaminari and sero. then you come in, and he goes all silent. he doesn’t say a word. just this peaceful look on his face
you know, the soft face bakugou makes when he thinks?? that one. only you had that switch
alright, he’s had enough. he’s gonna square up, walk right up to you, and say, “yeah i like you. what about it?”
easy right?
no. he was a trembling meSS. it was his first proposal thingy!! being nervous is normal,duh.
screams into the night, thinking of the words to tell you. he messes up and the whole world (namely the bakusquad) go crazy on him.
he’s gonna do it. and so the next day was a fresh start for him. walked up to you.
god, were you a glimmering beauty.
“what is it? you seemed a little riled up lately. you okay?” you asked, genuinely concerned with his face.
“ilikeyou,” he mumbles. and you go, “huh? sorry katsu, can you please-“
“y/n i have feelings for you! hear me?”
you were just there, like :0
“i don’t do stuff like this. just get it over with if you don’t feel the same.”
“hey, hey! i r-really like you too! i was just finding a way to let you know... but i guess i didn’t have to.”
“ha, well look who won,” baby boy smirks.
dude he’s so happy his heart was doing somersaults
he didn’t mind if your relationship was a secret or not; you were his anyway. but it was for a little while. he made sure you felt comfortable
the little dance comes along again from the four of them
you two love training together! he makes sure you’re doing it right and he allows you to correct him too. only you🤭💕
i’d like to think that he would stop calling you names like dumbass, or idiot. maybe it would turn to baby or babygirl. babe. hottie. sweet names for his s/o
dates with him are wholesome. carnival, a little cafe, movies. he takes you to the beach during sunset if you’re feeling down
then he gets you these gifts you could forever cherish😭
would definitely hold hands with you. tough guy game🥺👉👈
so far, he loves it when you ruffle his hair. heck, he doesn’t care at all when you do it in front of anyone. he just gives this stupid grin which says, “look at my baby.”
flusters when you hug him out of nowhere,though🤪
when nobody’s looking/during school hours, he gives quick pecks. nothing more, nothing less.
kisses with katsuki are rich in passion and devotion. you know what he means with every one he gives you. the first time he kissed you probably happened during a warm cozy night in with him, in your room. he wouldn’t ask. it was just like a surprise.
his heart beated faster than a race car. you replied, “hm? what is it?”
pecks your lips and pretends like it was nothing. you smirked, holding his chin.
“what? i just..tried? don’t look at me like that.”
“but you didn’t say for how long.”
“clever.” he said as you brought his face near yours.
you had to admit, you weren’t so brave. but seeing this boy blush after his usual screamo days boost you up. so you did it. you sealed it off with a kiss. this time, a longer one.
you breathed in his light caramel scent- now lingering on your clothes as he pulled you in his embrace. his fingers slowly intertwined in yours.
momentary bliss part 3 (god i love these so far)
all in all, i would forever believe his s/o is the only one who can see his soft side. katsuki makes sure to treat you well like never before❤️
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very, very nonchalant about his feelings for you
but he had to control the way he almost tried to swoon around you oh my god
you two have conversations as usual, it’s nice talking to him. he opens up to a whole new version of him that you rarely see.
he had no idea you had a crush on him too sksjdkd
this man is so stoic, he technically holds it all in when talking to you. (which of course, is the cutest thing in the whole world)
hitoshi may have actually been worried about the things people have told him. how they might have talked behind his back. avoided him because of his quirk.
but when it came to you, it all changed. you weren’t running away. you didn’t flinch at his sight. most of all, you were just being you.
like shoto, i don’t think anyone would expect him to fall for you or vice versa. hence, when they found out, it would be a surprise🥰
mans gotta plan this whole thing for weeks because you’re too perfect to lose😤
your classmates had to make you talk to him just because you were so shy hhhh
he texted you one day, wanting to meet you. you were freaking out, but still prepped for what was about to be the best day of your life
the sun was slowly setting. you meet him in a park nearby. he was standing next to the lamp post, looking through his phone.
he looked so good in his dark blue flannel, with his white t-shirt and black jeans. his hair was tucked back with a headband.(he was already handsome, so take this😤💜💜)
“sorry, had to call you out like this.”
“no, it’s fine! what’s up?”
deep breaths..! “um, y/n. i find you really-i just... argh what am i doing..? i really like you and-“
he placed a hand on his neck. “i don’t know how to put it to words. but i absolutely want to be with you. for a really long time. it sounds weird, but you mean so much to me”
your vision was blurry. you didn’t realise that you were letting the feels hit so easily
“hitoshi, i get it all.”
“because i feel the same as you.”
this cute grin (inherited by aizawa) when he heard those words. “come here,” he said, pulling you into a hug.
and so it began, a beautiful relationship.
you two shared so much with each other. it was like watching puzzle pieces fit in perfectly.
he listens to every problem you have and you do the same. it’s always equality in the house. one never goes down or up. it’s always together🥰
10/10 would train with you to develop your quirk. he wants you to join the journey
pda is fine with him, holding hands should do! might as well surprise you with back hugs🤪 and then he lifts you, spins you around until you beg him to stop.
only you can take care of his sleep schedule.
sometimes he comes to school without any sleep and you blow up
“what did i tell you?”
“i had six cups of coffee. no big deal.”
he shows you pictures of his cats😭😭💜 he has so many
he is the cat himself so he likes to nuzzle up when you both cuddle. and it’s a must for you to run your fingers through his soft locks😌
when he’s the big spoon, prepare yourself for some wholesome content.
praises you 24/7, tickle fights, boops your nose, little naps
hitoshi enjoys kisses on the neck too! whether it’s height difference or not,,, he reaches for the neck because this boy KNOWS your sensitive spots.🤭
when he goes in for it, he wants it to be a memory.a priceless, flavorful one he leaves with you which is hard to forget.
fun fact: kiss him on the jawline and you’re already making him weAK
but if it’s a subtle one, he would go for the face. any parts of it-cheek, forehead, bottom of your lips.
one fine day he just has you against the wall and you’re just standing there, a blushing mess.
“close your eyes.”
“w-why..?? are you about to steal kisses from me,toshi?”
“maybe, kitten. but you have to tell me if you trust me.”
you closed your eyes, and he cupped your face with his hands. he brought your face up to his, slowly connecting your lips. the last thing he’d want was to scare you
he felt you smile in between the kiss. you didn’t hesitate, didn’t pull away. in fact, you were more than happy by just returning it. his hand travelled down to your thigh, bringing it up to his waist.
his head was dizzy with euphoria. you were such a good kisser, damn. when he let go, both of you were breathless.
“i do trust you,silly.”
yES IT WAS momentary bliss part four babyyyy
hitoshi defines a godly amount of,,,heat. just,,,he’s hot. and cute. perfect.
(a/n): ayee i did it!!! slight nsfw/nsfw work is reallyyy not my thing so i hope this was a fun read!!! jekskd fun fact scenarios are my fav thing to write🥰
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betelguwuse · 3 years
I’m starting to think maybe I don’t want to get married. Hypothetically I’d love to be in a godly marriage with a man who respects me and sees me as the person that God does (and not only me but women as a whole), but realistically do christian men like that even exist? Mainstream christianity, especially gender discourse, is so watered down and twisted into something that’s more political than biblical. I feel like this is gonna piss off both the christians and feminists, even though I’m both (though some might say I’m not a real feminist, whatever idc lol). Might also tag as Side B because I feel like this is also maybe a Side B mood? But here goes.
Color coded by vague topic, bolded so it’s easier to read.
Like I recently heard of a pastor being criticized for saying it’s a woman’s duty to look good for her husband, and the boomer conservatives were acting like criticisms of this pastor was the end of christianity. There’s no way “looking good” in a biblical sense was anything more than basic hygiene, nowhere near the beauty standards of today; and that is if the idea of looking good for your husband is even in the bible. These people siding with the pastor were saying that any woman who doesn’t shave or hide her “flaws” with makeup or basically completely embody the tradwife meme are bad wives. Like what the literal hell.
Honestly the entire tradwife aesthetic seems to be the goal for a lot of young christian couples, when it’s not inherently biblical. I used to be into it myself because heck yeah staying home, housekeeping, taking care of children, and wearing cute flowery dresses sounds like a dream. But my goals aren’t universal! Some women don’t want kids. Some women want to work. Good and God-honoring women of the bible didn’t all have kids and stay home. I mean the timeline of the bible spans so long, so yeah maybe there were times when most women did. But that doesn’t mean women who didn’t were bad wives or lesser women. Not to mention there’s such a blurred line currently between cute tradwife lifestyle and creeps who fetishize the idea of a traditional (and by traditional they mean submissive) wife. Gross.
Another thing too many christian men do is say women can’t be in any position of power in the church. There is the whole specific issue of whether or not women should be the highest up actual pastor of the church, and I don’t know enough about that whole debate to validate or debunk it, but I’m not talking about that specifically here. Aside from that one position, a lot of christians think women can only teach other women and girls but not guys, even like literal child boys. That’s so weird, like imagine thinking a little boy has more authority than, or even equal to, a grown woman? Couldn’t be me. And this whole idea comes from an out of context “I do not permit women to speak in the church” from a regular human guy. And the reason he said this was that the women around him were spreading heresy. I still think it’s flawed logic to exclude all women from speaking in that situation just because most of them were wrong, but again, this wasn’t a command from God. This was just a guy recording his church experience and doing his flawed human best to manage it. Various women throughout the actual bible outside of this one leader’s timeline held positions of power in various churches. And modern day american christian men think biblical womanhood is all about subservience? Bro what bible are you reading?
I just want to make it clear that these are all just generalizations, but having been in various actual biblical communities and conservative christian communities, I can kinda pick up on the general sexist behaviors of the latter. But unfortunately in today’s political climate more and more young christians are only being exposed to political opinions that are surface level americanized good christian morals, but not actually biblical.
Even on top of that, even if a man knows of these biblical misconceptions, we live in a society. Like we’re constantly exposed to women’s sexualization, and it’s pretty impossible to escape that. I don’t want to spend my life with someone who’s grown up in a world where women are seen as weak, objects, pleasure machines, etc. And yeah we can unlearn these biases (honestly I hate the word unlearn but I can’t think of a substitute rn), but it feels like a hassle to casually figure out whether a guy can make an effort to understand what women go through, and if I were to just bring it up I’d scare them away. And that’s not to say I’m some perfect person who’s never sexualized men, we are all sinners after all and we live in a fallen world etc etc. But a whole society where women are so objectified that it’s normal for little boys to be watching porn, that just doesn’t really happen with little girls. I can’t speak for all women, but when I started seeing men sexually it was in my late teens when I realized like ‘oh I can sexualize men too? wild. ok I’m an adult lemme check it out’. Still sinful, but not ingrained in me from porn ads as a kid the way most young boys have been since like the creation of the internet.
Even the men currently in my life who genuinely want what’s best for me are so incredibly misogynistic it’s baffling. My male family members see any woman who breaks an imaginary dress code or ideology is some kind of deviant. I just want to make it clear that this is MY family and I’M the only one who gets to complain about them. We all love each other here even if the males are horribly wrong.
So I shaved my head for halloween and my dad could barely look at me, not because he was exactly mad or anything but just because I looked ugly to him. He always says ‘close the windows in your apartment because men will spy on you changing’ but after my hair was gone he was all ‘actually don’t bother because nobody will look at you looking like that’ like wow I wasn’t aware men only sexualized women for their hair. Like you really think a gross creeper is gonna be turned off by a fully naked oblivious vulnerable woman just because she’s bald? That’s not how any of this works. And just today my sister was watching a goth youtuber egirl or something, I didn’t see her makeup but my dad said stuff like ‘ew why does she look like that, maybe it’d be cool as a costume but how is she going to get a job’. Like, I’m not one to go ‘women don’t wear makeup for men’ (because most women who only use makeup to hide their insecurities and follow beauty standards very much just do it so they don’t get backlash from others, if not directly to please men), but when it’s a fun crazy look that’s not meant to be pretty, I’m all for that shit and generally I hate when men lose respect for a woman just for wearing something they don’t like. Like fashion isn’t real and your appearance should be as costumey or weird as you want without people losing respect for you. Also like...do men know that makeup isn’t permanent?? Like if she wanted a job that required no makeup she could easily wipe her face off and get one?? Not only that, but people can work from home and/or be self employed. Maybe youtube itself was this girl’s job. Who the hell cares man. And the worst thing here is my brother outright said one time “the root cause of feminism is pride”. B r u h. And this was back when I considered myself an anti-feminist, even then I knew that feminism started for good reason and I was absolutely furious. I think I kept it to myself like a coward lol, but if anyone said that to me now I’d tear them apart. In a debate I mean, not like literal violence.
Tldr: I’m not trying to say men are inherently more evil because there’s evil in everyone, but the way it takes shape in men in most societies is so insidious and inescapable. I love my family and guy friends, but I don’t want to deal with one in a romantic/sexual relationship because I don’t know if even the most educated and goodest christian boi in this world can see me as a true equal. It sucks because I want sex and children, but when the mainstream idea of hetero sex is female submission, it just makes me shrivel up and contemplate becoming a nun. I’m not even catholic. But even nuns are sexualized and degraded in coomer’s disgusting brains. In conclusion I’m going feral and starting my own woman-only church in the woods let’s go ladies.
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reegistrying · 3 years
what's your favourite thing about brenderesa?
Oh, boy, what a question! I'm gonna ramble like a madman here, because choosing only one favorite thing would be almost impossible, so go make some tea and get comfy, because this might be a little longer than I expected.
I think I mostly have an emotional attachment with this ship. TMR was my first fandom and Brenderesa my first wlw ship, I shipped them even before I knew what a ship was! And although the books are now a little blurry in my head after all these years, they still keep a very special place in my heart.
I think what lured me so much about them was what a strong presence they both had in a series where most characters were men. They were not the typical femme fatales or StrongFemaleProtagonists™ I was so tired of seing in every piece of media (I have absolutely NOTHING against female protagonist, but you guys know what kind of character I'm talking about). They felt so real to me, I loved how they were allowed to be strong, but also vulnerable, emotional, caring, they didn't have to "man up" or act like men or step on other women to be strong, respected and seen as equals (Gosh, I remember fell in love with Brenda since the first time she appeared on Scorch Trials, she was one of my favorite female characters at that time and she still might be today). They both had strong personalities, they were smart as hell. They were so different and yet so alike!
I also liked how in the books, even when there is a certain animosity between them, they still help each other out and had in mind that their goal in the end was the same. They both wanted to protect Thomas and get this whole mess done with.
And boy, when I discovered Alternative Universes. THE POSSIBILITIES, MAN! They just became my OTP at the time and I didn't even notice. (Note: this all happened in a time where there was maybe only one fic in my native tongue of them (which was unfinished) and my grip of English was pretty lousy so I couldn't really read a lot about them. Not many fan arts either, I think, so you bet I treasured each of them like my soul).
What really bothered me was how the fandom tried to turn them against each other all the time like it was some sort of competition, when I thought that once they could get over that silly Thomas thing they could really be good friends. I genuinely believed that, so it became what I looked for every time a read a TMR fic: for them not to be enemies, and later, for them to be friends and without really realizing: for them to be lovers. I wished the book had given us more friendly interactions between them and, as it didn't, I began to picture them myself. I could totally imagine them protecting each other's backs, fighting side by side, tending each other's wounds, discussing strategies, WCKED and stuff, but also spending time doing just normal things like talking about things they liked, gossiping, reading, teaching each other new things, braiding each other's hair, you know, doing normal things together like friends do. And somehow, it was super easy for me to picture them in a romantic relationship, too. For me, it really made sense for such strong women to be together, or to at least be friends. There was no reason for hatred or for them not to get along, in my opinion. (And of course my heart just knew they would make a super cute and powerful couple haha!)
So, I told you my whole story with Brenderesa, but didn't really answer your question.
They have more in common than they think and if they gave each other the chance they could really get along. And that would only be the beginning for them to take over the world together, because I know that, together, they could really do anything.
What is my favorite thing about them, you ask? That they are both strong, clever, independent women who would make a helluva team together.
So yeah, basically it's that hahaha
Thank you so much for sending this ask, I had the time going through my first steps into the fandom and I remember this ship with great love and a bit of nostalgia so thank you for bringing it back up for me!!
Thank you for asking again, hope you have a great day!♡
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Showers with Bokuto and Kuroo
WOrds: 2.5k ish 
There is a fluffy part for each of them and a NSFW part for each of them! 
Warnings: Very clearly marked NSFW parts, oral, dom Kuroo
Requests are open!
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He likes to shower with you all the time like he doesn’t care how bad he smells (you do because omg he gets sweaty but he luckily doesn’t stink that bad so you deal with it for him) he always pulls you into the shower with him wiith something cute like Y/N I missed you and I want to spend more time with you, come shower with me and he always says it with big eyes and a cute little smile and you literally can’t say no or he gets so sad 
He is totally forgetful and will tell you everything is ready to go and it’s not, he forgot the towels or forgot to turn the water on but he is always super energetic and is willing to go fix it all while he tells you to stay put because he’s got this 
Sometimes in the shower, he is super cuddly and just wants to cling to you and tells you how pretty you are and how much he loves you and how pretty of a family you guys are going to be like he gets so sappy that both of you want to cry and sometimes he is a total goober 
Like Bokuto is going to make you laugh so hard you cry sometimes mimicking other people’s hairstyles with shampoo while doing horrible impressions of them as you roll on the floor laughing and he’s beaming at you so proud that you like his impressions it just depends on the day
Bokuto does surprisingly good impressions of everyone like he just mimics them and their hair so well that you can always guess who it is on the first try 
His hair is so fun to wash because whenever your fingers go through his hair he literally melts like his whole body relaxes and he gets super smiley and clingy like he just loves it so much, he’ll sit down and wrap his arms around you as you shampoo his hair 
He secretly loves when you use your soap on his hair like then he smells like you all day and your conditioner makes his hair so soft that he can’t stop running his fingers through his hair, he would really not spike it up if it was that soft
He is so sweet when he tries to wash your hair for you but he almost never gets it right, he’ll try and put the conditioner in first or won’t rinse it out all the way or just little things but he is super sweet about it and wants to return the favor and eventually gets it right
The way his fingers massage your scalp is so therapeutic like he is so good at it and it always feels so nice that you don’t ever want him to stop 
The more you shower together the more he wants to impress you like he goes from using some horrible 7-in-1 to now having shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and face soap because he doesn’t want you to think that he’s a little kid but now that he has it he loves it like he never knew that washing your face would make it so soft and smooth like he claims that it’s magic
When you are done in the shower he 100% shakes off like a dog before using a towel he just loves the chaos of it 
But he is also a sweet baby and loves to wrap you in your towel and give you lots of kisses 
Loves it if you put on one of his shirts afterward and just cuddle with him like showers make him so sleepy and all he wants to do is curl up with you 
Bokuto has endless amounts of energy and shower sex is so perfect like not only is clean up super easy but it’s really hot getting to watch each other strip and you can just get right into it and there are no sheets to clean or anything 
Sometimes you know going into the shower that you are going to have sex because he is all over you kissing you and running his hands over your body slowly taking his time to rub gently at your breasts and tease your hole and sometimes in the shower, he just presses your back up against him and you feel his hard-on and you grind back up against him and from there it’s game on 
Bokuto loves sitting and having you bounce on him because he doesn’t want either of you to slip because he’s heard tons of horror stories about it and with you like that he can have one hand grabbing your butt and the other one grabbing at and playing with your breasts or clit and he enjoys the sight of you so much
He also loves pressing you against the shower wall and fucking you while you grasp onto his shoulders and leave marks on him that only he gets to see later like one time you bit into his shoulder and left a mark and he literally got hard every time he saw it because it just reminded him of you naked and pressed up against him in the shower wet and moaning his name like he can’t think of any better visual than that 
He might show off the marks though like Bokuto would be proud that he has a girl who is that sexy and that good at sex like you better be careful or all of the boys will imagine you naked and wet from how excitedly Bokuto talks about your experiences 
He looks so sexy like that like his hair is already wet and sticking to his forehead and his muscles are glistening and he has a blush on his face the whole time 
He absolutely is loud in the shower like he is going to be moaning and praising you like nothing else like he thinks that you are so hot and just getting to see you naked is so hot and he will smack your ass to just hear how loud it is and then smirk and do it a couple more times because god it’s so hot 
In the shower, Bokuto gets carried away and will leave hickeys up and down your chest because they are right there and he has to show you how great you make him feel and he also wants you to have marks to show from it all like he doesn’t want to be the only one 
He hates cold water though and will pick you up and have your legs wrap around him and carry you both soaking wet to the bedroom to finish what he started (which kinda defeats the whole easy cleanup but he wants to take his time with you if he can) and if he doesn’t have the time to spare he fucks you really hard and has you moaning his name as the sound him pounding into you echos throughout the bathroom 
He is going to love when you suck his dick in the shower like he loves watching the water drip down your naked body as you take him in your mouth like if he was loud before he is going to be damn right obnoxious like he is going to be moaning and praising you at the same time and he gets so turned on that he comes super fast that way and then always has to follow it up with sex because he is already hard again right after he finishes 
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OMG showers with him are so hot like he is a wall of just sexy muscles and if you are caught staring at him he is going to make a sarcastic comment about it but then he also loves staring at you and does so with hungry eyes like he is going to eat you up 
I have to say it first he loves his showers super hot and if you don’t he is not going to be down to shower with you because that is a luxury that you do not come in between and he loves his showers a lot like that is his me time and he will sometimes let you in on it
Kuroo also uses soaps that are really nice and smell really good like it is how he pampers himself and is literally so heavenly to smell (I’ll talk about that more in a sec) 
So if you are lucky enough to get into the shower with him he is going to be so sweet and loving like if he needed a shower to himself he would have just taken one but he will go out of his way to have you join him and will be secretly super excited because he trusts you enough to take up some of his personal time and he loves how happy you look in the shower with him like the way that you smile up at him makes him so crazy for you 
In the shower, he is absolutely going to wash your hair for you and even will wash your body for you and he will wash himself no matter how much you offer but he will let you run your fingers through his wet hair and massage his sore muscles because you are really got at helping him get out the knots in his shoulders and back from playing 
Kuroo loves kisses in the shower like he is going to have his hands on your waist and just give you the most delicate loving kisses you can ever get from him like he is a softie for you and really enjoys getting to spend the time with you 
He loves running his fingers through your hair which is why he loves washing it so much because it’s such a sweet and intimate thing to do together like you always get him a little emotional when he gets to do this kind of domestic stuff with you like he gets bashful even and his sarcastic remarks are minimal
Kuroo loves getting you nice smelling soaps like he will be traveling for volleyball and picks up a new scent he wants to share with you in the shower like he loves getting to treat you in that way because he is going to be the only one who gets to smell those on you and it gives him a chance to wash you and see your face light up when he gets something that he really likes 
He also loves getting good smelling soaps for himself because when he smells good you literally cling to him and compliment him about it to no end and while he may tease you like crazy he really does love it and loves how close you get to him 
He gives you a lot of genuine smiles in the shower because you are both so vulnerable and he just loves you a lot and wants you to know how special you are to him like he just imagines a future with you and in these moments it’s clearer than ever 
Okay so for normal showers he gets a little bashful asking you to join him like he asks in some sarcastic ass kinda way but if he wants shower sex with you he is going to go “Y/N. Shower. Now/” and walk into the bathroom and get in waiting for you to get in with him 
This is not going to be loving and sweet sex like it was with Bokuto again showers = stress relief and you are about to be his stress relief and this excites you 
He is a total dom and tells you exactly what he wants you to do and makes you reply with yes sir or yes daddy to everything even if it wasn’t a question 
When you finally get into the shower with him his lips are on yours in a feverish and hungry way eager to start the action as his hands find your breasts and harshly squeeze them several times before he leaves several marks on your body claiming you as his and making sure you repeat who you belong to several times 
He always has you on your knees fucking him off for at least a few minutes like he is going to push you down, grab a fist full of your hair and literally fuck your face like there is no tomorrow enjoying the sight of you trying to both please him and touch yourself at the same time 
The whole time you are doing that he is going to tease the ever-loving fuck out of you with phrases like, “You really are a dumb whore for my dick aren’t you Y/N’ or “Those pretty lips look best wrapped around my cock” and you have to try and respond to him while he 
He is either going to come all over your face or is going to pull out of your mouth and stand you up and start fucking you really hard like he is going to be merciless 
Kuroo doesn’t care if the position is risky because if it feels good then he will make sure that it works, so this will end with your legs wrapped around him bouncing on his length or him pressing you up against the wall and as he makes you moan out his name 
Kuroo is not very vocal during sex like this like he may be getting some and calling you filthy names but he real goal is going to be his pleasure and if you don’t come before he does then you are not going to end up finishing in the shower with him (he makes it up later by eating you out until you orgasm at least three times) but this time is going to be for him like no shame about it you know that getting in with him that you are not the priority 
After he is finished then he is going to go back to you and always praises you for being such a good girl and taking his cock so well and he gives you more loving kisses and washes you off after that before either engaging in the softest aftercare or taking you to bed and fucking you for another couple of rounds making you scream his name even louder than before 
The aftercare is to die for like he sits you down and brushes your hair for you before putting up the way he knows you like for bed and he likes to sit in bed watching movies with you while his limbs are wrapped around you and he gives you lots of kisses on your cheek, head, neck, and shoulders and eventually rests his head on your shoulder and starts talking about all of the things he loves about you in a lazy way with one of his little smirks platered on his face the whole time
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Freaking Me Out
Pairing: Neito Monoma x F!reader (I’m not really good at this kind of stuff…)
Summary: What scares Neito Monoma more than death, is his irrational attraction to you. He was able to hide it behind his petty insults often, until one day he saw you injured, something in the blonde snapped.
Notes: Reader is a student in 1A. If you do not like it, the exit button is there for you. Otherwise, enjoy! I honeslty don’t like how this turns out, but there you have it.
Warning: Verbal abuse (It is Monoma come on, what’s the surprise), superiority complex (obviously), fluff?Insults?
“Now I hear sounds in the hallway,
rocking chairs are moving on their own,
I’m falling for you, so much so
It’s freaking me out.”
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           You’re a student of class 1A, that is a good enough reason for Neito to pick on you. Even though you have always been polite and friendly. His distain is towards 1A in general, you just got caught up in the wave.
           He might still act like a bully towards you, but that doesn’t mean he hates you, in fact, he found you quite charming, it almost made him want to stop with his verbal abuses. Almost.
           Ironic enough, Neito has a soft spot for sociable people. Most people would be appalled with his rude attitude, which is what he expected. But he never got any reaction out of you with the usual insults. You brush them off as if they were nothing and kept that friendly façade, keep treating him with kindness. You are too nice, abnormally so.
           Neito is curious, what could make you lose your composure? You are always so calm and collected, it’s honestly irritating. How can he rip off that smiling mask off your face and see who you really are? Class 1A is full of idiots, so why are you any different. The way you act all welcoming, it’s all fake right? Inside, you must be just like those egotistic maniacs you called friends. Nothing had drawn the blonde’s attention this much in a long time, so when he caught a glimpse of your backside, walking towards the library, Neito followed.
           You had a terrible day, you got a bad mark on a recent test, accidently slipped on a banana skin, and landed sideways. It’s only a minor injury, so you didn’t bother to visit the Nurse’s office.(They must have more pressing injuries to deal with then a small cut) Now you got a bandage on the left side of your chin. So, you decide to treat yourself some quality time to relax in the library, surely nothing worse can happen in that calming atmosphere?
           Oh, how naïve you are.
           Coincidentally, it happened to be a bad day for Neito too. What’s his favorite pastime these days? Read Franco-Belgian comics Make fun of someone he doesn’t like. You’re just sitting there, concentrated on a history book, as if inviting his insults. The library is nearly empty, and the table you’re sitting at is behind some shelves, far away from the Liberian’s prying eyes. Perfect.
           Inviting himself to your table, Neito sits down across you with that arrogant smirk on his face. Then he starts to examine you. Oh, how adorable you look, so focused. Suddenly the book makes him feel jealous, how pathetic of him. He really got it bad. He wonders what you’re going to look like all angry, finally letting out your true self.
“What you’re reading there, (y/n)?”
           You are now scowling; obviously not too happy he had interrupted your reading. “Good afternoon to you too, Monoma. Has anyone told you it’s rude to interrupt?” You were hoping to ignore him, that he would leave on his own. Well, that’s evidently not happening.
           She seems annoyed. Never seen that before, interesting. Then Neito notices the small bandage on the side of your chin. It’s clearly not properly treated, as he can see blood leaking from its edges.
           “You’re hurt?” That smirk is gone…Is that concerns you see on his face? You never imagined someone like him is capable of such compassion. “Oh this? I tripped and I cut it. No big deal though.” Avoiding his caring gaze, you’re starting to feel uncomfortable. He is acting so…nice? Who is he and what has he done with the real Neito Monoma?
           No big deal? If it is not cleansed and closed properly, it could very well leave a scar on your flawless face! Monoma doesn’t know why this bothers him this much, what he does know is you need to get proper medical attention immediately. “None sense. Come, that’s get you to recovery girl.”
           “I’m fine, really. Hey, let go of me, Monoma!” He took your left hand into his without permission? What the hell? The next thing you know he is dragging you out of the library.
           “If you don’t want to cause a spectacle in the hallways, better stop being a brat and shut your trap.” Ah, there it is. The normal insults of Neito Monoma. You silenced yourself, nevertheless. Thankfully, it’s afterschool, so no one is in the hallways. You can just picture how rumors were going to spread if someone sees you and Monoma “holding hands” like this.
           The Recovery girl is busy with someone’s training injury. Much to your surprise, after taking some antibiotics ointment and a couple of cotton swabs, he decides to tend to your wound himself.
           Slim fingers carefully peeling the bandage off, the blonde’s brows knotted when you let out a hiss of pain. “It might hurt now, but it’s going to scar if you just leave it like this.” He is so focus on cleansing your cut that he missed your shock. After making sure the wound is hygienic, Neito starts applying the ointment with such attentiveness, making sure no corners are missed. His eyes are filled with worries, instead of the usual condescending attitude. It all looks too good to be real, so you stay quiet.
           Neito used to be quite clumsy as a child, so he learned how to tend to minor wounds such as yours. Fortunately, your cut is not deep or long, with the correct care it would heal in no time.
           It was not until he finishes up, after putting a new bandage over your treated wound, that Neito realizes what he has done. Not only he had literally dragged you here, but also tended your wound himself! If he does not know better, he would say he genuinely care for you. Biting his lower lip, the Blonde’s head start to spin, to think how he can excuse himself out of this awkward situation.
           “Neito?” You are calling him by his first name now? That is new. Not that he hates it.
           Then you just look at him with those innocent eyes, those beautiful eyes. And those lips, they look so tasty, he would not mind a tast-
           Wait, where did all those obscene thoughts come from?
           You two are standing in an empty hallway beside the nurse’s office, staring at each other in silence. “Thank you for that, Neito. I really appreciate your help. I wouldn’t want to have a scar.” Is that all you have to say? Normally that would be enough, but for Monoma?
           “You got two options, (y/n). One, just walk away, pretend this never happened and carry on with your normal life.” He paces towards you, you realized how he had backed you into a corner. He is close, too close-you can feel his breaths gently brushes your cheeks. Up close, you noticed he is actually quite handsome, with that well-trimmed blonde hair and those crystal blue eyes. If he were not such a jerk, he would have been quite a charmer. Wait…is he trembling?
           “What’s the other option?” You asked that out of pure curiosity. Childish, you know, but you cannot help but be amused at the blonde’s shacking form. It is not everyday you get to see so terrified and flustered, a major blush across those usually pale cheeks. A rare but delightful sight.
           Don’t you get those hints? Your innocence, while cute, is driving Neito crazy. He is so done with playing subtle. Let his knuckles brush against the uninjured side of your face, touches so soft that can be mistaken as lover’s.
           “Or” He whispers near your ear, almost towering over you; “You can show me how thankful you are for my care. I been thinking about kissing you for a while, you know.” He is buffing. Neito is screaming in his head, praying that you reciprocate his feelings. It is the least you can do after making him swoon over you for so long.
           How dare you! How dare you making him feel attached? Like you are the only thing he wants in this world? Who gives you the right to make him obsess over you?
           Neito is scared, terrified, even. This had never happened before. Due to his handsome appearance, there had been girls interested him before, but they all backed away once they learned about his personality.
           You were too astounded to move. Neito Monoma, the infamous rude prick from Class 1B, has feelings for you? Someone pinch you on the arm, to make sure this was not just some lewd dream. “What, so shocked that you can’t even speak?” Forcing your chin up with his thumb and index fingers (but still careful not to touch your wound), his face begins to lean close. You shut your eyes, half-hoping for it to happen.
           But you only felt a quick peck on your cheek. Of course he would not steal your first kiss here. Neito would want to make it a moment he could treasure forever, after a date. Not in this little dark hallway.
           “You, me, tomorrow at noon, in front of the gate.” Then he left without saying a word, almost stumbling. Only his faint cologne still lingering around you, reminding this is all real.
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Midnight struggles - Vitaliy Yuryevich Kravtsov
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Look at that Russian babe. Total sweetheart. 
A/N: I haven’t forgotten I just didn’t have it in me to finish this, but here I am again. @nhlandotherimagines​
“Listen... we have very thin walls and I heard you crying in the shower everyday this week; are you okay?”  - from this list
Word count: 2850
You would think that after dealing with insomnia for a couple of years, you would get used to it or at least find a way to make it better, but some nights there is nothing you can really do. You just have to try and tire the body even more and hope that the stars have aligned in the meantime and it will help you sleep.
Tonight was precisely one of those nights. I felt it was not going to be fun when I was getting ready for bed, not feeling tired and all. So here I am lying in my bed rethinking all of my life decisions and wondering how hard would I have to hit my head on the wall if I wanted to knock myself out the good old way.
I throw the covers off of me and sit up. The rather chilly air wraps its arms around my figure and I shiver. I reach for my robe and slip it on. I grab a pair of fuzzy socks from a drawer and put them on as well.
I make my way to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. Sipping on my drink I walk over to the windows in the living room of my apartment. The view never ceases to amaze me. It surprises me every single time I take a look. The entirety of New York drowning in the darkness, but lights in the windows and the lamp posts serving as emergency boats. If I can’t look at the stars at least I can look at a different kind of lights.
I keep staring out of the window until a sound from the next apartment reaches my ears. It’s running water, my neighbor’s bathroom is behind the wall of my living room for some reason and lately he has been taking rather late showers. Not that I have been spying on him or anything, but as I said, sometimes I just can’t sleep and when I can’t sleep I look around and listen. However, the water droplets falling is not the only sound I can hear.
Soft sobs accompany it and it makes me sad. What a terrible thing has to happen to someone to make them cry in the middle of the night in their shower? I would prefer some kind of singing much more even if it was worse than mine, which let’s face it, is not really that hard to beat.
I sit in the loveseat and stare at the wall facing me. The wall, which fails to muffle the sobs of the boy next-door. My neighbor, a hot-shot the Ranges drafted two years ago, is sort of a friend of mine. Well, more like an acquaintance.
Well, I know that he is Russian and I know for a fact that my Russian sucks and so do my social skills. Hence why we haven’t spoken much. I mean, we have made some small talk here and there, but I wouldn’t call us the best friends. However, Vitaliy has been crying for the past week or so and I am starting to get worried, but then again I have no clue how I could help him with his struggles.
I keep thinking and coming up with various plans on what I could do to make his day a little better. Maybe it is time to finally turn this relationship into a friendship of some sort. I should at least give it a shot and see how it goes, right?
I don’t remember how, but I fall asleep in the loveseat in a rather awkward position.
My neck hurts like hell, the bags under my eyes are bigger than a goaltender’s gear bag and I could count on one hand how many hours I have slept this time. A heavy sigh escapes my lips. I throw some clothes on, brush my hair and cover up the disaster another sleepless night has left on my face. I almost lose an eye applying the mascara, but I make it without becoming a pirate.
I throw my backpack over my shoulder and grab a sandwich while trying to put on some shoes. I lock the door and walk over to the elevator and so does my hot neighbor. Have I mentioned how attractive he is? I haven’t. Well, I am telling you now. He is smoking and extremely cute.
We get in with an exchange of a “good morning”. I watch him from the corner of my eye. He doesn’t look like has some heavy stuff going on at all. If anything out of the two of us I look like the one, who has cried in the shower. Had I not heard him, I would have never guessed it. I couldn’t be imagining it, because it has happened more than once already.
“How’s it going? “ I go for a small talk once again adding a polite, but nevertheless genuine smile.
“I had better days, what about you? “ If it wasn’t for the weight behind his words I would have smiled at the way his accent colored them.
“Yeah, couldn’t be truer.” I smile sadly.
“Is everything alright? “ He asks with curiosity written all over his cute face, tilting his head to side. Shouldn’t I be the one asking that question?
“Yeah, I just- I have had trouble sleeping again. “ I shrug and his face falls.
“Sorry about that. “
“Is alright. I am used to it already. “I don’t like the turn this conversation has taken. Luckily the elevator finally hits the lobby and spares me from continuing. He looks like he wants to add something, but I flee the second the door opens.
“Hope your day gets better, whatever it is that is troubling you. “ I say over my shoulder and disappear in the busy streets.
“You too. “ I barely catch it, but I am glad that I do.
During work I made my mind. I need to pay him a visit. I mean, I can’t possibly let him go on like this, I have to at least try. Before I head home I make a quick stop at the groceries and get a bar of dark chocolate.
At home I take a shower and put on some comfy, but also somehow decent clothes. I would make a cake or something, but I can’t bake to save my life and I sure as hell am not going to try and poison my neighbor I am actually trying to help. The chocolate serves as a replacement of some sort so I don’t show up completely empty-handed.
I walk over to the door and with a shaking hand I knock. Well, here goes nothing. Except there comes no response. I frown a little and try to calm my racing heart. I knock again, but nothing happens. I sigh and turn to leave.
“Looking for me? “Behind me stands the man in question.
“Yes, actually. Yeah. “I manage to get out. Wow. Great. Amazing. Put it together girl.
“How can I help you? “ He asks as he steps around me to unlock the door.
“I-“I have actually not thought over what exactly I am going to say so this is a little awkward. Instead of an answer I stare at him. He opens the door and walks inside. Looking at me expectantly he motions with his hand for me to come in and I do.
“Listen...” I start as the door closes behind me. “We have very thin walls and I heard you crying in the shower every day this week.” I fidget with the chocolate in my hands focusing on the chaotic movement of my fingers instead of his face. “Are you okay?”  I look up at him and search his eyes for I don’t even know what.
He studies me for a moment, not saying anything. Clearly, he is caught off guard and I get him.
“Actually I brought you this. “ I hand him the chocolate awkwardly. “I- I know we don’t know each other so well, but I thought it might make you feel better. “ I said. “It is dark chocolate so it shouldn’t be that bad for your diet. “ I try to lessen the tension in the air.
He takes the chocolate hesitantly with a smile tugging at the corner of his pretty lips. “Do you want coffee?” he asks and I nod happily.
Sitting on his couch a couple of tens of minutes later with a steaming coffee in hands we talk about anything, but the elephant in the room. However, he is the one to bring it up.
“You know, since you heard me, you obviously weren’t sleeping. Is your trouble sleeping really that bad? “He looks at me, curiosity written all over the pretty face of his.
I rub my sweaty palms over my sweats covered thighs. “Well, it has been bad the past week.” I give him a polite smile, that doesn’t reach my eyes.
“The last week sucks for both of us then. “ He says with a little chuckle.
“Yeah, it has been tough. “ Silence settles between us after my words.
“Things have been really, ugh...“ He trails off, struggling to find the right words. I just listen, patiently waiting for him to finish his sentence and get if off of his chest. “Hard. Lot of stuff goes on now. “He explains and I nod. “I just- There is a lot of ugh- Lot of pressure from everyone.“
Hesitantly I reach out and grab his forearm gently. “That is okay. We all have a lot on our plates sometimes.” I smile and he sighs looking at my hand. “And it is okay to let it out.” I squeeze his hand. “Sometimes guys need to cry.”
“I guess. “
“Listen, next time you feel like that you can come over and we can talk if you want to. I mean, I probably won’t be sleeping anyway. “I laugh and he chuckles. “We don’t have to talk about it, just if you need some company I am right here. Like, literally, I live next door. “Now he is full on laughing and shaking his head. I let go of his hand as my heart hammers in my chest at the sound.
“Thank you. “ He gives me a soft smile, which makes me weak.
Lying on my bed with my head hanging off of the edge I stare at the dark wall once again. I am very close to hitting my head on some hard surface if the sleep doesn’t consume me very soon. I sight dramatically and flip over settling on my stomach. Folding my palms under my chin I start counting sheep. Again.
When I get to fifty a knock on the door makes me stop my ridiculous antics. Normally I wouldn’t even hear it but it is so quiet here. The almost deafening silence is nothing I am not used to, though. Furrowing my brows I prop myself on my elbows. I grab my phone in case it is not Vitaliy standing behind the door and without rush move towards the hall. I check the peephole, relief washing over me at the sight of his messy hair. He came.
“Hi. “ I almost whisper moving behind the door so he can come in.
“Hi, you said I could-“He starts, but I interrupt him.
“Yeah, and I meant it. I wasn’t sleeping, don’t worry. “I assure him walking further into the barely lit apartment after locking the door. I turn on the lights in the kitchen and set my phone on the counter. He follows me quietly, his feet padding softly on the wooden floor.
“You want some water or something else to drink? “ I question him, reaching for a glass already.
“Water is fine, thanks. “ He says quietly. His voice is near the breaking point and I don’t like that. He stands on the other side of the counter as his hands find purchase on the marble surface.
“Do you want to talk about it? “ Placing the glass in front of him I try to catch his gaze. I fail and frown.
“Not really. “ He shakes his head. Looking at the liquid he toys with the glass. “How was your day? “ He looks up and takes a sip.
I chuckle. “Well, it was stressful.” I say leaning on my elbows. “A colleague is going through a break up and it seems like he has forgotten that he in fact is at work and he keeps ranting about how he misses her and how she was perfect and if he really deserves it all.” I explain waving my hands around. “But today I really got fed up with his antics and asked if I really deserve listening to his shit.” That sentence earns me a chuckle slipping past his pink lips.
“No, I was like. Seriously man? Do you know how many hours did I sleep last night? And he goes no.” I do my best to imitate my colleague’s mumbling and get yet another laugh in return. “So I told him. I slept 4 hours Johnny. Four. Did you know that four hours is way too little to sleep and way too much to talk about your ex?” I can’t help, but laugh at it again.
Vitaliy bursts into a heartfelt laugh throwing his head back in the process. I smile in victory, a happy gleam appearing in my tired eyes.
“I get that he is heartbroken and all that, but man it really wasn’t the day to let him cry over her again.” I shake my head chuckling slightly. As our laughter slowly dies so does his smile and a frown appears on his features.
I walk around the counter and take his hand. “Come.” I tug him towards the floor to ceiling windows. “Look.” I say and push him in front of me. The view of midnight New York unravels right in front of his very blue eyes. As he takes it in his lips part slightly and breath gets caught in his lungs. I watch him with a smile. He looks so astonished, like he hasn’t ever seen it before. “For someone who lives in New York you seem kinda surprised.” I joke, my eyes never leaving him.
“I don’t stare the window usually.” He says barely breathing. He is so cute. Like a child seeing the world for the first time. I keep getting lost in the way he looks and in my thoughts until he speaks again. “I am not child.” He is looking at me directly now and my brain short-circuits.
“What?” I ask genuinely confused.
“You said I was like child.” The lights flash in his irises as he takes a step forward.
“Did I?” My heartrate picks up and I find it harder to breath with every second passing.
“Yes.” After a short while he says. “You said I was cute so it okay.” He chuckles. “You are cuter, though.” He flashes me one of those toothy grins of his.
The way his lips curl up in a smile, the way his laugh makes my head spin, the way he is looking at me. The way his accent makes his words sound somehow more poetic or more sincere. How can I like so much someone I don’t really know? It is all too much. He is too much. Too perfect.
“I like you.” I blurt out before I can really think about it. My eyes go wide and I think I have just lost my pulse. He merely grins and comes even closer. His hands reach for mine, the touch electrifying. His thumbs rub gentle circles on the back of my hands.
“I like you too.” He says quietly looking in my very eyes. “For some time actually.” He chuckles.
“Re-really?” Is all I can come up with and manage to say. I am actually pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t complete gibberish, considering the state of my mind right now. I am so out of it I am not even embarrassed for my awkwardness.
He nods smiling. One of his hands rests on my cheek, the fingers of the other one intertwining with mine. He leans in, his thumb brushing my cheek softly. The hot air he exhales gently strokes my reddening cheeks and his messy curls tickle the skin of my forehead. At the mere thought of a kiss my eyes flutter shut.
Just a few seconds later I get to feel the soft touch of his lips on mine. With my free hand I reach for his forearm and my small fingers wrap around his wrist delicately. He takes it as a good sign stepping even closer as our chests collide. His hand squeezes mine as he pulls away slowly. Savouring the moment as long as he can he pulls my bottom lip in the process.
“Good thing I couldn’t sleep.” I whisper with a smile.
“Good thing I cried.”
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mikauzoran · 4 years
Marichat/Lila Fake-Dating/Emotional Blackmail: Betting Against the House: Chapter Six
Read it on AO3: Betting Against the House: Chapter Six: Fidelity
Marinette was so engrossed in her sewing project that Tikki had to inform her that Chat Noir was tapping on her skylight.
“What?” She looked up with a jerk, her stitch going crooked as her hands accidentally moved the material.
“Chat Noir’s here,” Tikki repeated, glancing back up towards the skylight. “Or, he might have just left. I don’t hear him knocking anymore.”
Marinette swore under her breath as she pushed herself up out of the chair and sprang into action, ascending the ladder up to her loft at double her normal speed. She didn’t see him at the window, so she pushed it open and pulled herself up onto her balcony.
He turned around from where he’d been leaning on the balcony railing, taking her in with soft eyes she was more used to seeing as Ladybug.
“Uh…hey,” he greeted, raising a hand tentatively.
“Hey.” She blinked, eyes going to the rose in his other hand. “Is that…?”
She pointed.
He followed her gaze, looking down at his own hand in surprise. “Oh. Yeah. Sorry.”
He lifted the rose, holding it out to her as he timidly advanced. “I think you dropped this—I mean, I know you dropped it. I saw you drop it, but… Did you want it back?”
A cloudy expression set into her face as she stepped forward to take the rose and then stared at it thoughtfully.
It didn’t look like her thoughts were positive ones.
“You don’t have to take it back,” he hurriedly added. “I’ll keep it if you don’t want—”
With a jolt like one suddenly waking in the middle of a dream, Marinette’s gaze whipped around to her right, and she began searching the streets below.
“…Uh… If you’re looking for Adrien Agreste, he’s gone,” Chat informed gently, not all together sure that she was even looking for him in the first place.
Marinette looked back to him in surprise. “He is?”
Chat nodded. “I kind of saw the…er…little scene…between you and him. I was here to see you, and I just happened to catch…whatever that was. Sorry.”
She held up her hands and waved them, seeming to come back fully to the present moment and out of her thoughts. “No, it’s okay. It was…” She winced, biting her lip. “It was nothing. Um… Did you want to come in?”
“May I?” He took a hesitant step forward. “I don’t want to bother you. I heard…” His brow furrowed, and he lowered his voice. “I heard a couple things. Are you feeling okay? I heard you were sick.”
She averted her gaze, her cheeks colouring slightly. “Thanks. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m not actually sick. I just…I kind of feel like crap. I probably look like crap,” she laughed ruefully, glancing down at her sweatpants and baggy t-shirt and touching her hair self-consciously.
“You look cute,” he chuckled. “I dig the messy bun.”
She cracked up at that. “Thanks, but it got that way by accident rather than design. It was a fully-functional, respectable-looking bun earlier before I rolled around and pulled on my hair in grief and messed it up.”
He clicked his tongue, waving away her protests. “You’re rocking it, Princess. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about.”
Her lips settled into a soft smile, and she motioned for him to follow her down into her room. “Come in, Minou. I could use a friendly face. For some reason, today, it feels like everyone’s against me.”
“I promise they’re not really,” he attempted to comfort her as they made their way down into her attic bedroom.
She hummed ambivalently, dropping the rose off at her desk before taking a seat on her chaise and gesturing for him to sit at her feet. “Can I play with your hair? Please?”
“Yeah, sure,” he replied, hoping he didn’t sound too eager as he sat between her knees, his back to her.
They sat in silence for a good minute or two, Marinette running her fingers through his hair to comb it and then separating little strands into sections to braid, before she finally spoke up, mumbling, “…Today kind of sucked.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered a little more balefully than made sense since she didn’t know that he was the chief cause of her strife. “Did you feel like talking about it?”
“No. I mean, yeah, but…” She pursed her lips, shaking her head. “It’s complicated.”
He waited a beat, debating before remarking offhandedly, as if he had no personal stake in the matter, “…I hear that Adrien Agreste is persona non grata around here. Apparently he’s dating that awful Lila girl?”
“Lila freaking Rossi,” Marinette hissed. “I don’t know what the heck is the matter with him. How can he just…? She is worse than awful, Chat Noir. She’s a bully and a liar and—ugh. I don’t even,” she growled. “How can he even stand to let her touch him? He knows what she’s like, and still he…he…” Marinette petered out with another “Ugh!” of frustration.
Chat swallowed hard, guilt wrapping its fingers around his heart and squeezing painfully. “Maybe…Maybe there’s some piece to the puzzle that you’re missing,” he suggested cautiously. “Maybe he has a good reason. Maybe he doesn’t have a choice.”
“There’s always a choice,” she pouted sullenly, her temper cooling somewhat. “He could stand up for himself and say no for once. He’s always been like this, Chat Noir. He never wants to cause trouble, and he always avoids confrontation. He’s spineless.”
Chat winced, feeling the jab slide clean between his ribs and puncture a lung.
“He just appeases everyone and lets them walk all over him. It makes me sick sometimes to watch him cave without a word. I don’t know what I ever saw in him, and I don’t know why I put my faith in him,” she muttered bitterly.
“Maybe it’s more complicated than you think,” he offered in a flimsy attempt at self-defence. “I’m sorry he let you down, Marinette. You’re totally within your rights to be angry, but you can’t know what’s going on inside his head. Maybe he has a good reason, and you’ll feel bad later for being so harsh on him.”
“Yeah, maybe.” She blew out a long sigh, dropping her arms from his hair to loosely hang around his neck and resting her head on top of his. “I’m just really hurting right now, Chaton. He was the one person I thought I could count on in my struggle with Lila, so I’m feeling utterly betrayed,” she whimpered. “It’s hard to give him the benefit of the doubt when I can’t imagine any circumstance that would compel him to date her.”
Chat closed his eyes and forced himself to breathe through the aching pain in his chest. It killed him to sit there useless while she was hurting—while he was hurting her. But he couldn’t explain himself. She’d insist that he stop, and then what would have been the point of submitting to Lila’s ever-increasing demands over the years?
He had to see this through to the finish.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he whispered helplessly. “I wish I could do something to make it better for you. Know that I would do anything to make it better.”
“Well,” she chuckled halfheartedly, trying to lighten the mood. “You could start by not trying to make me behave rationally and think about things from Adrien’s point of view. It would be easier if I could just demonize him and lash out at him with all of my righteous fury.”
“Sorry to take away your scapegoat,” he laughed weakly.
“Yeah,” she teased, giving his hair a little nuzzle. “Whose side are you on, anyway? Mine or his?”
He twisted around to face her, kneeling at her feet and gazing up at her earnestly. “Yours,” he stressed, desperate for her to believe him. “Yours. Always yours, even when it doesn’t feel like it.”
She blinked at him, taken aback by his vehemence.
Slowly, a warm, genuine smile danced across her lips, and she leaned in to brush a delicate kiss against his forehead. “Thank you.”
His heart nearly exploded as she pulled back and smiled down at him with a soft look that made him think that maybe he had a chance after all.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah. Anytime,” he replied dumbly, struggling to get his brain and his mouth to work in concert. “You’re welcome. Always.”
She laughed—a light, airy sound that made his heart soar—and it was obvious from the smug look on her face that she could tell how smitten he was.
He couldn’t bring himself to care. So what if she knew she had him at her mercy? He trusted her with his heart.
“Wanna play video games?” she inquired, breaking him out of his reverie.
He blinked at her, his brain still scrambled from the memory of her lips against his skin.
“If you have time,” she hastened to add, nerves flaring up at his lack of a response. “I mean, I know you’re busy what with saving Paris and regular life stuff, but…if you weren’t doing anything, I was supposed to be hanging out with my friends tonight, only that’s not happening because Adrien is a traitor, so if you wanted to hang out, play some Smash Brothers, have dinner with me and my family, snuggle on the couch and watch movies…? I could use the company,” she confessed.
“Yes to all of the above,” he replied enthusiastically, finally getting a handle on how his mouth functioned again.
Adrien was still floating on cloud nine when he returned home several hours later.
 Lila had pressured Adrien into agreeing to come up with a romantic surprise for her in response to Adrien’s claim that Nino had been consulting with Adrien about a surprise for Alya the previous day (since Adrien was, allegedly, so good at that kind of thing), and Adrien did not aim to disappoint.
He escorted Lila to her locker where she found beautiful orange lilies inside.
“Oh, Adrien!” Lila squealed, leaping into his arms and giving his cheek a joyful kiss. “They’re beautiful!”
He couldn’t tell if she were just putting on a show or if she were genuinely pleased with the gift.
She was certainly satisfied with the response of the other students as they cooed and raved about how sweet Adrien was, what a cute couple he and Lila made.
Marinette stood apart from the others, looking on in a mix of resentment and pensiveness.
Adrien wondered if she knew anything about the meanings of flowers. If so, she might know that orange lilies were not a nice gift. Perhaps she was wondering if Adrien knew the implications of the flowers he had given his girlfriend.
She caught him gazing at her and turned away, going to her own locker. Once there, she gave a start, a soft gasp escaping her lips when she spotted the sunflowers, tucked inside and waiting for her with a little note attached.
Adrien’s heartbeat quickened a little at the pleased smile gracing her lips and the rosy blush rising in her cheeks.
Alya was the first to notice Marinette’s surprise and draw the attention of the others.
“What’s this, Girl? A secret admirer?” she trilled excitedly.
“Alya, don’t—” barely made it past Marinette’s lips as Alya swiped the card and read aloud, “‘For my Princess. I hope these sunflowers brighten your day, even though they’re not half as radiant as you are. Much love from your not-so-secret admirer.’”
The girls chattered excitedly all at once, completely forgetting about Lila to join in the speculation about Marinette’s mystery boy.
Lila turned a venomous glare on Adrien, hissing dangerously under her breath, “Your ‘Princess’, is she? You did this on purpose to upstage me, didn’t you?”
Adrien frowned, leveraging all of his acting skills to feign wounded innocence. “Hey, I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that. Those flowers aren’t from me.”
Lila’s eyes narrowed, scanning him intently.
“He’s just a friend,” Marinette insisted over the din of her friends. “Just a close friend that I play video games online with. He’s a total flirt. He’s not even serious. He knows I had a rough day yesterday, and he was just trying to cheer me up.”
The girls didn’t seem to buy Marinette’s story entirely, but her persistent denials seemed to mollify all but Alya.
“Oh, Honey. I think he’s serious, even if you’re not,” Alya hummed skeptically, pitying the poor boy who had fallen for her rather oblivious best friend.
The other girls joined in with sympathetic hums of their own.
Adrien turned to Lila. “I feel like you owe me an apology for your accusations of infidelity.”
“How about not?” Lila growled quietly, shoving her books roughly into Adrien’s arms as she continued to seethe over Marinette inadvertently stealing the spotlight.
 The week stretched on with, luckily, only a few minor incidents to mark it.
Marinette continued to hold a grudge against Adrien, but she was more than happy to spend her evenings with Chat Noir.
He was glad that he could help her feel less alone, even if it were just in some small way, and the time he passed with her was a balm for him too.
It was a relief, after dealing with Lila’s ever-increasingly ridiculous demands all day, to cuddle and watch Disney and Studio Ghibli movies with Marinette, to bake cookies together, to play niche video games, or just to sit in her room working on separating things but enjoying the other’s presence.
Nino kept giving Adrien worried glances, looking like he was this close to saying something several times a day.
It made Adrien sick with anxiety.
He shouldn’t have told Nino. It felt like he had the sword of Damocles hanging over his head and never knew when it would drop, when Nino would break his promise and try to tell everyone about Lila, ruining years’ worth of Adrien’s sacrifices and hard work to protect Marinette.
If Nino asked him if he were okay one more time, Adrien was going to cry.
All he could do was lie and say he was fine, all the while knowing that Nino knew he was lying.
“Just don’t say anything to anyone,” Adrien kept repeating, and Nino would nod, assuring, “Yeah. No. I won’t.”
But Adrien could see the way Nino tensed around Lila, how he clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes whenever she invaded Adrien’s personal space or asked him to do things for her.
The week was rough and already wearing Adrien down by the end of it.
He felt sick with guilt over hurting Marinette and sick with fear about when Nino was going to crack and spill the beans. That wasn’t even taking into account the hell Lila was putting him through.
Lila was steadily getting worse. She was growing bolder with her public displays of affection to the point where Adrien was genuinely uncomfortable.
The casual touches and the expectation of cheek kisses had quickly crossed the line. More than anything, he was sick of the sensation of Lila clinging to him. The constant contact and her weight and her warmth made his skin crawl. He couldn’t wait for evening to come so his personal space could be his own again to share (or not share) as he saw fit.
Adrien had always been a little touch-starved, but, now, physical contact was something he found himself recoiling from, sometimes even with Marinette.
On the third day, Lila made Adrien move to the back of the class to sit with her, and it was torture to be separated from his friends. Classes had been a brief reprieve from Lila’s presence, an oasis where he didn’t have to think about her for hours at a time, but, now, even that solace was stolen from him.
He missed passing notes with Nino and the little sweets his best friend would often share.
Adrien had considered it a victory when, the previous year, he’d convinced his father to allow him to eat lunch at school with his friends. Now, he found himself wishing he could go home for lunch again because Lila had gotten it into her head that she needed to sit on Adrien’s lap and that they needed to feed one another to show what a lovey-dovey couple they were.
Adrien was quickly finding that he had little appetite during the day. He scarfed down leftover baked goods from Tom and Sabine’s as well as whatever the Dupain-Chengs had for dinner in the evenings when he visited Marinette, but he couldn’t keep much down during the day.
The smell of Lila’s cloyingly sweet floral perfume made him feel nauseated.
He wasn’t sure how much more he could take, but he was certain that something had to give, and soon.
He was afraid it was going to be him.
Adrien was at his breaking point, so maybe that’s why, when Ladybug asked what was wrong that Sunday on patrol, he gave in so easily and spilled his guts to her.
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prinxlyart · 4 years
God bless ya for providing your perfect takes on Willumity! If anyone hasn't beaten me to it, I would like to ask your headcanon on how their relationship would start, and how do you think thwir children would be! Oh, and on another ship, how you think Boschlow would unfold?
My heart is too full for this, I need to dump it all out into this post
Hmmm, their relationship could start any number of ways. I don’t have a favorite that I can pull from my imagination. My sad angsty polyamorous heart wants there to be a lot of sad tension between all of them (Willow is upset because she can clearly see that Luz and Amity like each other, why would either of them pay attention to her?? // Amity is upset because Luz was able to befriend Willow so easily and so quickly and they were immediately affectionate with one another on the first day they met. They deserve to be happy together without Amity ruining it or having her overbearing last name hanging over them. // Luz is upset because she’s helped Willow and Amity rekindle their broken friendship and watched it blossom into potentially something more?? She’s so scared she’s going to be left behind again. She’s had friends in the past that ditched her once they became closer to one another. Luz is downright terrified that it’s going to happen again. ) [projecting?????? Whose projecting I’m not projecting]
I feel like if anything, the dam would break what with all these unresolved romantic feelings bearing down on them all. I don’t know who would break first, but whoever she broke in front of would let her know she needs to speak to the other two about it ASAP. Because if worse comes to worst, they’ll gently reject you and insist you all remain friends. None of them would break off their friendships with one another due to unreciprocated feelings.
Once they do sit down and confess their feelings for one another they all just. Start crying in utter relief. They don’t have to lose anyone, and even better, they like me back.
RE: Kids? I have no idea. I’ve never been one for fan kids much, I usually leave that to others and appreciate it when someone makes one I actually like. I think the only thoughts I’d have on them having kids would be that these three would be the Most Supportive Parents in the world with an even more supportive network of grandparents. Like. Any kids they have will be adored so much they might accidentally smother the poor thing(s).
I feel like Luz and Willow would insist they have more than one kid (if they do decide to have kids). Neither of them have siblings and grew up rather lonely as a result. They don’t want that for any kids they might raise. Amity is only a little reluctant to agree because she grew up with Edric and Emira, but ultimately agrees with her wives that that would be best.
Oh, and family gatherings at holidays would be so fucking chaotic oh my god. They either need to enlist the help of someone in the construction coven to expand a portion of their house or consider renting out a public space if they all say they’re going to come because there’s just so many people. Absolute Chaos. Luz adores the family gatherings because she always wanted to be part of a big family and now she is.
They tend to stress Amity out only because of the amount of planning and cooking to be done, but ultimately ends up enjoying herself (it’s still weird to see her parents attend these gatherings and playing with her children and wait- did dad just sneak her some of the dessert?!?! UGH, she’ll be awake for hours thanks dad).
Willow also loves the family gatherings but gets easily overwhelmed by the amount of people in attendance. She’s the one that would go one by one with everyone that came and just spend some time with them, catching up until the conversation naturally flows to the next person. She has now idea how Luz can ping pong off the walls with the energy she does, but she’s always admired that about Luz. It also tickles her heart and makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever Luz’s pinballing ends up aimed at her because Luz will always put both hands on Willow’s shoulders, give her a kiss on the cheek and check in with her. Once they’ve confirmed they’re both doing okay, Luz will kiss her cheek again and kinda nuzzle their heads together before she’s off to talk with someone else. Luz does the same thing with Amity and even still after all these years, it reduces Amity to a blushing mess. Anyone around that witnesses it either coos at how cute they are or gags at the display of affection (take your pick at who lol).
You can’t just ask me to switch gears right in the middle of domestic fluff and just rewind way back to potential Boschlow stuff oh man. Let’s see....I personally am a huge proponent of Boscha getting her act together, not related to her feelings for anyone, before she tries to pursue Willow. Whether or not Willow is part of the process of her changing for the better can be up to you. But Boscha has a lot of stuff she needs to sort out before I let her anywhere near my plant daughter Willow.
I actually follow a couple fics dedicated to exactly that. Jackal’s Ladder was REALLY good and has finished! Idk if the author is going to continue it as a series but I’ve got my fingers crossed 🤞. The New Normal is another favorite of mine. It really looks into what bothers Boscha and makes her the bully she is, tears it all down, and makes her build herself back up. And she’s not doing it to please anyone. She’s just doing it for herself. (But then there’s tiny hints of Boschlow on the horizon that I’m super eager for).
All in all, I think Boscha is an interesting character and could have a great relationship with Willow; she just needs to get her shit together first. Idk how it would happen tbqh, but maybe Willow sees how hard Boscha is trying at being a better person? Maybe she sees Boscha doing something genuinely kind to someone else like helping an elderly witch at the market? Idk, something soft like Amity reading to kids that proves that she’s actually doing this “being better” thing for herself and not for an audience that she’s trying to fool. I think at that point Willow genuinely believes Boscha is trying and is encouraging her in her efforts, even going as far as extending an olive branch so they can try being friends. Willow’s curious about the person Boscha is when she’s not a bully. And now that she knows for certain that she’s not lying or doing this for some kind of cookie points, she’s willing to put in the effort.
I think it’d be very fun to watch Willow realize Boscha has a crush on her and then use that to flirt with her mercilessly. Because she does kinda sorta reciprocate those feelings?? But she’s still not certain of them yet. And it’s so much fun to watch Boscha turn the same color as her hair. So until she sorts out those feelings, she’s just gonna flirt relentlessly with her until something changes.
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the-bees-knives · 3 years
Hi yes hello. I saw that you rebloged the oc ask thingy and I'll be ordering for the whole table. Can I get a 2, 3 ,5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 32, 34, 37, 41, 45, 48, 50, 51, 55, 60, 65, 68, 69, 70, 73, 78, 83, 87, 89, 93, 96, 98, and 99? All for Biscuit. (IM REALLY REALLY SORRY I JUST WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM 😭)
This got real long... answers under the cut!
2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc.)
His favourite possession... is you! ✋👁👁
Jokes aside, Biscuit isn't too materialistic. However, he does like the hairband he uses for his braid; it was a gift from his mother! The bow he wears around his neck is also a remnant of a modification of his uniform from his previous place of work. Biscuit used to work both as a mascot and a cook (it would switch depending on the situation) at his family's diner (restaurant? i don't know the term), and he added it because he thought it looked cute (also he couldn't do anything too feminine :( so this was the best he could do).
I will note that the cutlery embedded into him is not a part of his favourite possessions, despite his unwillingness to part with them. They're more like a part of his body, I guess?
3. Do They get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
If Biscuit formed an attachment to someone and then saw them with someone else, he'd be wary of the new person, if not jealous. They'd have to become acquainted with Biscuit to ease him, though that might not always work. He'd still probably try to drag his companion away. Basically, he's pretty protective (possessive?) over those he likes.
5. What's their reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what they're really like?
I'm not sure how others would see him. Either it's "eccentric cosplayer (who's really in character)" or "weird dude". Probably the first one, as normal people couldn't survive with knives in their body for that long. Mostly Biscuit's just a weird dude though.
7. What's their "type"? What romantically attracts them to another person?
Biscuit doesn't really have a preference on appearance, it's more based on personality. Either it's someone who can care for him or someone who's just as feral/zero-braincell'd as him. He normally takes care of his victims, but he doesn't see that as attraction; it's more like caring for cattle before you eat it. If someone cared for him though, he'd be into it. As for the other one, it's just a feral power couple; both can be absolutely insane together (Run).
9. If they could change one part of their appearance, what would it be?
Spine that can turn 180 degrees. Reasoning: he has to sleep on his stomach because of the knives, but then his feet are bent uncomfy while on his stomach. Rotate spine for comfy feets. Plus, it'd be a cool party trick.
10. What's a simple thing that brings them joy?
Pets/physical affection. (Unfortunately, by unintentional design, this man is Unpettable.)
12. What's their position in their friend group? (leader, mom friend, chaos goblin, etc.)
The chill goblin: you can sit with him and have a nice hat, but if anything gets the interest of his one (1) braincell, he will go absolutely feral.
13. How forgiving are they? What do they consider unforgivable?
I think he's pretty forgiving, considering. If you attacked him, he'd probably consider it as play-fighting or something. He won't like it if you mess with his personal belongings, but he'll forgive you if it's for a good reason (for him) or if you give it back.
As for the things he'd find unforgivable, touching the two knives sticking out of his head is an absolute no-no. (The ones in his shoulders are sort of meh; he won't like it if you touch them, but he won't try to kill you for it.) The knives in his head are really sensitive, so he'll become agitated quick and snap if you try to move or remove them.
16. What food do they absolutely hate?
fish yucky >:(
17. Do they show a lot of affection, or are they pretty reserved?
If Biscuit had an s/o or a good friend (you know, people he's not interested in for food), he'd be pretty affectionate; he likes them and wants to show it! He might get a little close though, so make sure to set (and remind him of) personal boundaries.
19. What's their unusual quirk?
I don't know why, but I imagine that Biscuit can bleed infinitely. If you were to remove any of the knives embedded into him, the wound will just keep bleeding until they're inserted back in. I don't really have an explanation for this, but he is a human, so??? I just think it's neat.
20. Are they easy to wake up in the morning, or grouchy and sleepy?
While Biscuit does get up early, he's particularly lazy and groggy. It's kind of like those moods where you want to go back to sleep, but you can't because your body's awake.
21. What's their ideal date like?
Anywhere really, so long as his s/o is giving him attention.
32. What are they like at parties? Party animal, or awkwardly sitting in the corner drinking punch and reading?
Party animal, except everyone else is sitting in the corner trying to avoid him. He doesn’t really think before speaking, so he says whatever without any filter. (Plus, the knives don’t help. No, he won’t remove them.)
34. What’s their favourite drink? (Coffee, tea, juice, hot chocolate, soda, etc.)
Biscuit is a milkshake lad. His favourite is strawberry-banana!
37. Are they a hopeless romantic, or is that stuff just not for them?
Biscuit has a “love-at-first-interaction” mentality, like if someone shows genuine interest in him, then he wants to be with them and chases that feeling (and them).
41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?
Bold of you to assume that he’d even need a Halloween costume.
All jokes aside though, Biscuit has No Patience to put a costume together (or even look for one), so he’d probably just go with his normal wear. People have already mistaken the knives as cosplay/props anyway, so it’s just less work, instant results.
(He does have the old mascot suit, but he can’t wear it anymore without it hitting the knives.)
45. Are they always late, on time, or early?
None of the above, he forgot that event was today.
48. How dramatic are they?
Biscuit’s not the type to start drama, nor is he extremely emphatic (is that the word?) with his speech. He’s just kind of vibing.
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
Fun(?) to do activities with; will probably suggest random stuff to do if there’s no set itinerary (will probably suggest it anyway). If you’re looking for a spontaneous road trip, he’s your guy.
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
Will Never Sit Still; must be kept under watch constantly, otherwise he’ll run off to who knows where. (Just keep him on a leash or something)
55. Choose a vine you think perfectly encapsulates their character.
This video has pretty strong vibes of brainrot, so I think it's appropriate.
60. What sappy thing will they cry at? (romance movies, cute cat videos, etc.) Would they deny crying about it later on?
Biscuit loves all types of animals, especially furry ones (so dogs, cats, bats, rats… bean toes are a plus). So he’d absolutely cry if shown cute pet videos and gush about how precious and baby each one is. No denial either, if you confront him about it, he’d just justify it by gushing about them more. (He doesn’t have any pets of his own though. I wouldn’t trust him with a pet.)
As a side note, if he found out his victim was a beastkin or could turn into an animal or something, he’d be really conflicted on whether to harm them or not, but would ultimately decide against it.
65. Do they give people a lot of nicknames?
Biscuit isn’t creative enough to make genuine nicknames. However, if he forgot your name (and he probably would), he’d just name something off of your appearance (“pink jacket”, “shark guy”, things like that).
68. Are they easy to fluster? What would you have to do to truly fluster them?
Biscuit can only really be flustered by people he likes or people that he thinks are close to him. He’ll melt and nuzzle you if you surprise him with something nice, physical or otherwise :)
69. What’s their dream vacation like?
Go to the countryside and run around and be feral. Then chill in the evening and take a bath, because he needs to make sure his knives are clean.
70. Are they a good liar?
Biscuit doesn’t even try to lie. He’s really impulsive, and he doesn’t see what’s wrong with what he does. If he tried to lie, it’d be stupid/simple and obvious that it’s a lie, but he’d stick to his guns and insist that it’s true. Though, his voice/expression wouldn’t fluctuate, so you’d have to believe either in common sense or him.
73. Are they more book smarts, or street smarts?
Street smarts; this man’s head is empty (except for the two knives in there but).
78. What’s something they’re really bad at?
Almost anything that involves careful planning and concentration to complete. Things like puzzles or sewing; if it doesn’t give immediate satisfaction, then what’s the point?
The only things that Biscuit does pay attention to are cooking and, by extent, caring for his victim (as they’re a part of the cooking process).
83. What are they like as an s/o?
Loyal and (possibly) clingy. Will want to accompany you for days, then vanish out of thin air due to impulsiveness (will absolutely forget to feed his victim during this time, if he has one). Forgets about physical boundaries, but means well (trying to show affection).
Biscuit’s love languages are, in no particular order: physical touch, acts of service, and quality time. Personal hug-buddy that can cook :)
87. Do they like spicy food?
Yes he does! I like to imagine that he incorporates spice from time to time into his dishes. I don’t know what his tolerance would be though due to lack of experience (I will perish).
89. What would they get into a petty argument over?
Which animal is the best? Answer: it’s all of them. (Though he does have a preference towards furry animals, he tries to be unbiased in this argument.)
93. What type of movies do they like to watch?
Both gorey horror movies and feel-good movies (especially if they have animal protagonists). They’re just fun to watch.
96. What’s their sense of humour like? (Dad jokes, morbid humour, basic knock-knock jokes, stand-up comedy, etc.)
Physical humour, stand-up, and maybe surreal humour. Anything else might be too complex for him.
98. How competitive are they?
He’s not very competitive on his own, though if someone challenges him to a contest, he’s still going to try to beat them for the satisfaction of it. Don’t challenge him to a contest if you want to have chill times with him.
99. What would they wear to a formal event? Describe their outfit!
Biscuit has No Standards when it comes to social events, so he’s going as normal. If he had to dress fancy though (and if he had access to it), he’d probably just wear a simple pink dress shirt and dress pants + suspenders. Slick his hair back too. The knives stay.
(I don’t even think he can enter most shops with the knives, fake or not. I don’t know; I’ve never entered an establishment with visible knives before.)
This was a long post, so let me know if I missed anything;;
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loves124 · 3 years
Neighbors ch 4.
If there are any errors or mistakes please don’t hesitate to let me know :)
Also don’t hesitate to give me some fresh ideas
Thank you,
Love you,
(Shouta Aizawa x fem!reader)
I have spent the entire day prepping.
Whether that be talking to myself, trying to find the right outfit, fixing my hair and makeup so it's right. I'm doing everything to prepare to see him this afternoon.
He has me wrapped around his goddamn finger.
Currently though, I am laying on my bed fiddling around trying to calm myself down before I head over. I put on a "10 minute meditation for anxiety" video while I hop in the shower.
It starts and I begin to scrub myself down with my soap. "Hello and welcome to the 10 minute meditation for Anxiety. I want you to start by closing your eyes and taking a nice deep breath... deeper than you've taken so far today." I follow along with each of the commands the video tells me, finding that my mind is drifting to relaxation with every breath. I can feel the tension that was previously built up into my shoulders slowly start to release. Before I even realize, it's over and I am standing in the middle of my shower relaxing into the warm water that is pouring on me.
With a deep sigh I continue. Lathering my body, scrubbing off the dead skin til I feel smooth, and following those actions with shaving cream and a razor.
I hop out of the shower feeling refreshed, looking over at my alarm clock and I can see that it's already 5 pm.
He's going to be back soon.
I look through my clothes and try and decide what to wear.
Why not wear what you wore this morning? He really liked that. Hell you might even get lucky and he'll make a move.
I sigh being swayed by my intrusive thoughts. I throw on the same shorts and tank top from this morning, but add on a pull over for some extra warmth.
In the meantime maybe I'll just water my plants, or watch something on the tv.
Maybe you should masturbate to the thought of Aizawa pining you down and fucking you like the little slut you are.
Dammit mind fucking stop.
I mean you saw his body earlier, hell you even felt how tight his chest was easier. How would you like those muscles pinning you down and him fucking you raw? Hmm sweetheart?
Dammit now I'm nervous, flustered, and sexually frustrated. What the hell.
I hear a knock at the door. "L/N?" Taking a deep breath I relax and walk to the door. Opening it I am met with Aizawa's eyes.
"Hey, you still okay with coming over?" he stuffs his hand's in his pockets.
"Yeah, sorry I- my mind has just been everywhere today" I laugh.
"Anything I can help out with?" he genuinely asks.
Oh there are many ways you can help out.
"No but thank you, you're sweet" I grin at him and he returns the gesture.
"So what were you planning on us doing?" I ask as we make our way inside his apartment.
"Honestly," he sighs "I have no clue. I just wanted to spend more time with you. We can order takeout and just watch a movie, if you're cool with that?"
"That sounds amazing, there is this place I heard has the best donburi rice bowls if you're interested. I can look the menu up real quick and we can both order" you turn to him and smile.
He hums in agreement, as we both make our way to the kitchen. He grabs two glasses to fill them both with water. I lean against the counter phone in hand reading off the menu to see what sounds good.
"Oh if you want we can just do gyudon over rice, it seems like it the most popular-" I see a hand place a glass of water next to my phone and look to see that Aizawa's face is right next to mine. His eyes are focused on the screen, he is looming over my shoulder and I can smell some of his cologne.
He smells good.
Kind of woodsy.
Mumbling to both himself and me he says "maybe we should get some vegetables on the side too, and some Taiyaki."
I giggle "Never pegged you as a fan of Taiyaki." The thought of this broody man enjoying some fish shaped bean cakes is a little cute to me.
Giving me the side eye and a smirk he cockily says "I'm full of surprises sweetheart."
You roll your eyes and scoff a bit in response, and scroll down on your phone to place the order. You hold the phone up to your ear as you hear the familiar ring, Aizawa brushes his face close to you free ear and whispers "don't forget the Taiyaki."
His breath is hot in my ear and I can feel the bass of his voice rumbling in his chest. It alone, makes me squeeze my legs together. He makes his way over to the couch before draping himself over it and adjusting himself til he feels comfortable.
I can't help but stare at the man in his natural element. This is his habitat, and it somewhat reminds me of a Nature Channel where you watch all the animals interact naturally in their given habitats. I continue to order as I watch him, thanking the person over the line before hanging up.
"It'll be here in about half an hour" I tell him before setting your phone on the counter and making my way over. He looks to me and gives a nod before tapping the empty spot next to him, signaling me to take a seat. He grabs the remote on the nightstand next to him and turn on the tv flipping through channels before he lands on one I assume he likes.
We both settle in a bit and watch the show, laughing at some of the stupid slapstick jokes that come up.
It feels so normal, so natural for me to be here with him. Just doing this regular stuff together. It feels like something I have been doing my entire life.
He adjusts himself again and with a deep sigh he lays down onto my thighs, using them as a sort of pillow. Not looking at me but at the tv, his eyes barely staying open. His hair is splayed out around my thighs covering them.
His hair is so pretty, its this dark, coarse coal color. When it catches the light a bit it shines, somewhat like a raven's wings.
I might never get the chance again. I slowly graze my fingers over his hair. Brushing and raking them through his hair I play with it a bit. I'm not focused on the tv show anymore but rather the man in front of my. I work my way more towards the scalp slightly massaging it but stop when I hear him groan. I can feel it vibrate in my legs.
It makes me feel all tingly.
"Why'd you stop?" he looks up to me.
"oh sorry, I thought you started to feel uncomfortable or something" I say.
"No, you didn't. It felt really good" he breathed as he sunk into my legs more.
I like seeing him so relaxed "You want me to keep going?"
"Mhmm" is all I get out of him. I let out a soft giggle and continue on. I brush the middle bit of hair in his face to the side. Gently raking my fingers through his hair, all the way down the scalp. I start to smooth out all of the tangles. It runs like fine silk through my fingers. It's honestly therapeutic.
Until it become sexually frustrating. Through my efforts I earn a couple more moans and groans from the man on my thighs, the sounds go straight to down below and I can feel a pool forming.
Imagine grabbing onto his hair as he pounds into you.
Dammit, fucking stop, this man is right below me and I having perverted-ass thoughts like this.
I look down at him and see how calm and at peace he looks. He is no longer facing the tv but at me, eyes closed and relaxed. I let my fingers wander. They start by dragging along his eyebrows, following down to trace the bone under his eyes, slowly and gracefully tracing his face. I get a little lost in focus. My fingers trace his jawline, I can feel the scruff catching my fingertips as I continue my journey. I end up with my fingers tracing over his bottom lip.
"They're soft" I quietly say.
His eyes open and he catches my hand holding it with a loose grip, before he sits up to make out face level. I'm trying to think of how I should explain myself. Struggling in my mind the best way to explain my actions.
Sorry Aizawa, I just got lost in focus of beautiful fucking face. No, that won't work. Wow Aizawa, sorry I lost my hands for a second. How'd they get there? No. There is no way I can get out of that.
I don't really have to either because a knock at the front door echoes through the apartment.
"T-That must be the food" I nervously sputter as I get up and make my way to the door. I am just about to reach it before a hand spins me around, one hand gets a grip around my neck and the other grips at the side of my waist. I am pushed against the wall behind me, before I can even think Aizawa is practically devouring my mouth. I moan into the kiss and follow his urgency. His hand falls to hike up my thigh as he pushes himself into me more.
The feeling is practically sinful.
There's another knock that sounds from the door beside us. We slow the speed of our kiss, until it loses its pace and Aizawa places his forehead on mine before taking a deep breath and backing away.
He opens the door talking with the delivery man as I stand here stunned. I don't think I can move my legs. I don't trust myself to move I think I even try I'm just going to end up falling over.
Once he finishes paying and talking with the man, he gives a quick thank you and closes the door.
Food in hand he quirks a brow "You okay there sweetheart?"
"I- I don't think I can walk" I laugh at myself he chimes in a bit with a deep chuckle.
"Here come on," he snakes a hand around my waist and walks with me to the kitchen. Setting down the food, he outs his other hand around my waist before hoisting me up onto the counter with ease. Hands on both sides of me, trapping me in-between him. He looks up to me.
"I was wanting to take this slow, but sweetheart you just made this so difficult" he chuckles to himself. Shaking his head "but you just wouldn't stop. Calling me Mr. Aizawa, looking at me with those eyes, clenching your thighs around me, wearing these sexy shorts," he takes a hand to grab the string of the shorts again, "all of it has been eating away at me, tempting me."
He sighs and takes a deep breath before backing up a bit, "If you don't want this please tell me, I need you to tell me sweetheart. I won't bother you ever again if you tell me okay? I-"
"I want this" I interrupt, "I really want this, I just wasn't sure if you did."
"Are you sure now?" he chuckles, his muscles relaxing at the relief of knowing you want him just as much as he wants you. His hands shift and make their way to rest on the sides of my legs, his thumbs rubbing circles on them. I feel tingles shoot up throughout my body.
“You know I’m not the only one to blame here” I point my finger into his chest accusingly, “You were the one walking around shirtless, you were the one openly flirting with me, and you were the one using names like ‘sweetheart’”
He looks at you amused, “You don’t like sweetheart?”
“That’s not the point here”
He laughs, “so yes or no to sweetheart? hmm?”
“yes to sweetheart, no to teasing me” I huff out, slight pout on my face. 
“Anything else you want me to call you? Maybe sweetheart just doesn’t cut it,” he leans back hand and pointer finger coming up to his lip in concentration. 
“How about Honey Buns,” you grimace at the sound, “no? okay what about Bubble butt, you do have a nice butt” I laughed, shaking my head in a disapproving no. He leans into the counter hands entrapping you on each side, head nuzzling into the crook of my neck. It makes me feel faint, I can feel his hot breath fanning onto my skin. “How about Kitten, hmm? I like kitten, I think it suits you.” I feel like I could melt. He attaches his mouth to the side of my neck, and I hum in delight. Moving up with some slow sensual kisses, he finally reached his destination and nips a bit at my earlobe.
“I need an answer kitten” he mutters. 
Oh I can’t right now, I’m a little preoccupied: my head - clouded, my body -dysfunctional, my panties - soaked.
He nips again, this time at the cartilage of my earlobe. He’s being a little more demanding now, and it gives me the chance to muster up the courage.
“Yes sir,” I muster out. He grips and kneads my thighs with more force now.
“Good girl, see it wasn’t that hard right?” he grips my jaw, “someone deserves a reward.” 
God has blessed me, that's what this is. My mind is racing, finally everything I have been thinking about doing with this man is finally going to happen. Thank you lord-
He detaches himself from me, leaving me with an ache in the pit of my stomach “You can have first dibs with the gyudon and taiyaki,” he smirks as he makes his way to grab silverware before turning and smirking at me “how bout that sweetheart?”
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