#also sorry for the late reply; i kept getting distracted;;
gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
Soo I'm here to rq another Damian x reader(platonic). But real quick, I'm sorry if I'm requesting too much or being a nuisance. Pls lmk if I am so I can stop! It's just hard to find somebody that writes for him like dis.
Anyways, basically the same thing were theyre friends but this time it's a diff scenario. So Damian n reader are obvi friends but theyre also complete oposites. Like Damian is intelegent, focused and meanwhile has reader is a bit dumber, daydreams too much, and kinder. They also get walked over a lot.
So he invites reader over to the manor and she meets his brothers n dad. It's all fine n dandy but they can't help but notice how diff they are.
Bonus points if reader talks positively abt him to his brothers and they're all like "fym he's nice?" And readers all like "fym he isnt?" (They're just not used to being treated like a normal human being) ‼️
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Honestly I love writing for platonic! Damian. So pls don’t apologise for anything bc I’m having so much fun rn. 🦦plus I don’t know if this will read well as I’ve written this late at night when o should probably be in bed.
‘Am I seeing things or has Damian finally made a friend.’ Dick whispered to Jason, his eyes unable to tear his eyes away from you and Damian followed Bruce through the manor.
‘Nope, I’m definitely seeing it too.’ Jason replied also looking at you and Damian as if he was looking at the human personifications of night and day.
‘The fact that the demon spawn managed to get a friend sure is…something.’ Tim piped up, having overheard his brothers conversation from standing in between them. ‘I can only hope he didn’t kidnap the poor soul.’ Dick added as he was quick to click onto how Damian kept a hand on your arm, tugging and pulling you along when you stop to stare at a painting in awe for a little too long, gently encouraging you to keep up with him and Bruce by promising to go back to the painting later. Jason then looked over at Tim, ‘any ideas on who they are?’ Tim shrugged. ‘Only the fact that they go to the same school as Damian, share the same art classes and is known for being a little bit of a daydreaming pushover, but despite all that they’re still a kind person.’
Dick smiled sympathetically as his heart ached for you. It wasn’t easy being nice in a city like Gotham, if anything nice ever wandered into the accursed city it seemed as though Gotham itself would stop at nothing to see it destroyed, decimated and become as miserable and as bleak as the city itself; So it was rare to find someone who genuinely could still bring it in themselves to smile whilst in a city like this. And for that Dick had to give you props for being brave enough -and strong enough- to be kind in a place that would gladly take pleasure in stepping over and on you at any inconvenience. For it was truly a sign of bravery at its finest.
‘That kid is sure brave.’ Jason signed, knowing that people like you don’t last in Gotham but it was people like you that Gotham needed the most, but how could a retched place like Gotham heal when it’s always been a rotten city since it’s very conception? He didn’t believe it could be possible but there were always solutions to fighting the problem that seemed impossible to overcome. So who cares if you weren’t the brightest bulb at school? The education system in Gotham was shit anyway the last time he checked and he doubted much had changed when he…well you know…
Tim was silent. He was too busy recognising the protective measures that Damian was taking specifically for you; mainly the hand tugging at your arm anytime he thought you were getting distracted or wandering off elsewhere and muttering about how you need to keep or you’ll get left behind, despite the fact that even if you did Damian would allow himself to fall behind just so that he could walk besides you. While he might be part of the majority that didn’t think he’s ever see the day that Damian brought a friend home, never less a friend who was the total opposite of him. He couldn’t help but feel a sort of relief that Damian finally found a friend, and he knew that both Jason and Dick felt similarly from the looks upon their faces, silently observing how you interact with one another.
The one thing that Tim was confident in was the fact that Damian needed you as much as you needed Damian because you were a beacon of opportunity for his younger brother in many ways that Tim was certain you weren’t made aware of just yet. So while he and his brothers may tease and take this piss about how different you were from Damian, they mean well and express their happiness the only way they knew best; teasing and taking the piss.
‘This library is beautiful Mr Wayne! Do you have any fantasy books?’ You could be heard asking down the hallway, followed by the sound of Bruce softly laughing as he showed you the grand library. ‘This library has any book you can think of and please call me Bruce, it’s not often that Damian brings anyone home for the weekend.’ He says as you looked the Damian confused and a little betrayed. ‘You’ve got friends other than me?’
Damian groaned. ‘No. I don’t, you’re the only friend I’m willing myself to have.’
You smiled and gripped his hand. ‘Aww Dami! That’s so sweet of you to say, despite how brash and blunt you may come across, I’m glad to say that you’re the only friend I’m willing to have too!’ You said without shame. ‘Everyone else isn’t a nice as you are.’ You trailed off while a rare solemn look appeared upon your face as Damian was quick to squeeze your hand reassuringly, Bruce smiled sympathetically. ‘I’m not smart like your son mr Wayne, I can’t help it if things don’t come to me as easy as they do others but I try! I try really heard to do my best at every test but…but people tend to laugh of me because to them I’m either slow or thick.’ Damian’s jaw clenched and his brows furrowed upon being remembered of what people tended to call you.
He hated it and whenever he saw it happen, he was quick to utter some threatening words before taking his usual position as your pseudo-bodyguard for the rest of the school day. At first he wasn’t bothered but when you became restless in your pursuit of being his friend, he remembered vividly how people were mocking and making fun of you for trying to be his friend, that he often regrets not accepting your friendship sooner if it meant being able to be there when it counts.
‘When will you get it that Damian doesn’t want to be friends with someone like you.’ One person said.
‘Then I’ll just have to keep trying.’ You rebutted, still smiling somehow.
Another person scoffs. ‘Get fucking real. You’re a weirdo, no one wants to be friends with a weirdo who so fucking slow at everything.’
You merely shrugged, even when someone’s insulting you, your brain doesn’t recognises it as such. ‘I’m sure he won’t mind.’
‘God you’re so fucking useless that I’m surprised that anyone bothers with you. Let me say this in a way you won’t have to try so hard to understand dipshit. Damian. Will. Never. Be. Friends. With. Someone. Like. You. Ever.’ A third slowly spoke and Damian had heard enough and within a blink of an eye had laid them out flat. You blinked before looking at Damian with a bright smile. ‘Hi Damian! Did you hurt these guys, that’s not very nice.’
‘They insulted you and yet you defend their honour.’ Damian asked incredulously as you both walked down the hallway, leaving the three bullies to groan from their injuries. You shrugged. ‘I wouldn’t say that.’
‘They were insulting you.’ Damian reiterated. ‘They insulted your intelligence and your abilities. People like them often hide bigger insecurities than others.’ Damian replied, finding your ability to keep smiling after such things both annoying as it was admirable.
‘Are we friends now?’ You asked innocently enough and Damian knew he had sealed his fate, and so he sighs and looks up to the ceiling. ‘Yes, we’re…friends.’ He mutters and doesn’t do anything to stop you from dragging him to art class.
‘I was alone before Damian.’ You admitted as you looked at Bruce with a smile as you squeezed Damian’s hand in kind. ‘But now he’s here and he’s my bestest friend ever!’ Damian honestly wishes that you respect yourself more because you could claim that he saved you multiple times, but you’d never acknowledge the times where you have saved him by being unequivocally kind, sweet and over all a better person then all of Gotham’s civilians combined. ‘I was finding my first week at school horrid before I befriended l/n.’ Damian admitted as you softly cooed. The boy then swallows thickly. ‘Their friendship is much appreciated.’
‘Aww! Dami!’ You cried as you crashed into him, causing you both to hit the floor in a heap of limbs.
While Damian was cursing mom lethal threats and you were laughing, Bruce had already made his mind up about you and was certain to make sure to have Damian invite you over as much as possible. It was obvious for him to see that you and Damian were good for each other despite your vast and glaring differences, however that’s what worked in your favour, the power to have over come all odds was incredible; not to mention the fact that your friendship with Damian had lasted as long as it has was another impressive feet on top of that. Bruce knows it’s been hard for Damian to fit in and find a friend, but he couldn’t have made a better friend than he did in the likes of you.
You were more than defiantly welcomed back to the manor if Bruce had anything to say about it.
‘Get off of me!’ Damian shouts.
‘Damian, I think my foot is stuck with yours.’ You reply, scared.
‘That’s your own foot- how did you manage to tangle yourself up in yourself? You landed onto of me?’ Damian asked incredulously.
‘Sorry.’ You apologised.
‘Don’t be.’ Damian said.
Bruce smiled one last time before leaving you both alone in the library to untangle yourselves, only to be greeted by Tim, Dick and Jason. ‘Can I help you three?’ Bruce raised an eyebrow at the boys.
‘Nope.’ Dick started.
‘Not really, just…seeing how the little scamps are dealing.’ Jason followed after.
‘Damian? Nice? The same Damian who tried to, oh I don’t know…KILL ME?!’ Tim asked, revealing to Bruce all he needed to know, their breathing behind the library door was telling that they were clearly eavesdropping on the three of you. Jason and Dick looked at him displeased as Tim looked back at them. ‘I’m not the only one of us who thought that.’ He defended himself. ‘I mean it’s nice that he’s looking out for y/n but still that’s not something someone casually forgets.’
Bruce merely leaves Tim, Dick and Jason to their own quarrel, he loves his boys he truly does, but sometimes they’re more trouble than what they’re worth. He can only hope that they don’t scare you off from coming back for good because he was already planning your next visit.
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simpleeindulge · 4 months
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An Itch to Scratch🔞
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Info: fem/reader x Zoro, MDNI, Mature, implied masturbation, cunnilingus, vaginal intercourse, cock warming, enough plot to get to the point🔞
Context: You and Zoro have the same issue and come to the same conclusion.
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The feeling was both unbearable and embarrassing. The unique situation made Y/N wonder if this is how Sanji felt most of the time when Nami gave him the cold shoulder. Why it was worse now, she couldn't guess, but she needed a release.
The two faithful toys Y/N kept clean and ready failed right when she was about to peak. The first toy just took forever, and the second was only half-charged and died right at her peak. Y/N wanted to scream at the loss of sensation and flung her toy at the wall.
"Useless!" She cried as she picked up the broken toy and dumped it in the trash. Y/N then went to the ship's bathing room for a long shower at full power.
This is hell, pure hell, Zoro thought as he scratched his scalp red.
He couldn't explain what was going on with him. His usually trained body was not cooperating with him. 'The Need', as he referred it to himself, had appeared that morning. He dealt with it as usual, like an adult, whenever 'The Need' arrived.
Only this time, it wouldn't go away. Oh, he would get his release, but not even two hours later, 'The Need' would be back, stronger than ever. Zoro couldn't explain it. Not even when he was a teenager did he need to jerk off this much. After jerk-off number three, Zoro ignored the 'The Need' when it appeared an hour later.
Training, just think of it like training. A form of self-discipline.
He then hissed as his hard, throbbing cock rubbed against the fabric of his pants the wrong way as he walked to the bathhouse on the ship. Maybe nearly drowning in a tub of ice water would make this torture stop.
Zoro had just turned a corner when Y/N nearly crashed into him.
"Oh! Sorry," She said, sounding moody.
Zoro noted her wet hair and flushed skin. Worse, he could smell the soap she used mixed with her own scent. Zoro heard himself swallow and covered his face to keep from inhaling more of her alluring amora.
"Are you alright, Zoro?"
"Fine." He replied gruffly.
Y/N sighed and was about to leave when a thought occurred to her. She grabbed Zoro by the opening of his robe and dragged him with her.
“Hey! What-”
Zoro stopped his protest as he studied Y/n's body. She was tense in her back and shoulders as if something was weighing her down. If she had just taken a shower, shouldn't it have gone away?
Maybe she had a problem, he thought, and hoped it would be enough to distract him from his issue if she was planning to tell him. He let Y/n take him to a storage closet and waited for her to talk.
“Do you remember that conversation we had at the bar about four weeks ago?”
Zoro glanced up and hummed as he thought about what she was asking. He made an annoyed sound when the memory wouldn't come to him.
“That's okay, you will in a second. Zoro, I need you to have sex with me.”
His dark eye widened, and just as Y/n said, the conversation came back to him in a flash. It started with Sanji chasing after a busty barmaid and ended with breakfast being late the following day.
Zoro had made some comment that Y/N overheard. Somehow, the pair made a pack to come to each other if they needed relief. But that was supposed to be a joke, right?
The hard cock in his pants didn't care if it was a joke or not and throbbed at the offer.
“Huh?!” Zoro said as his dick screamed at him to shut-up and take Y/n’s offer.
“Look, I wouldn't ask you this if I wasn't desperate. I usually can handle this myself, but my body is being a literal bitch to me right now.” Y/n explained as her cheeks flushed with embarrassed heat.
Zoro's face also flushed since he never expected a trusted crewmate to ask him such a thing.
“What do you mean you can’t handle it?!”
“I mean, I've tried and failed. I need something else! I need…” Y/n cut herself off and looked away.
This was a bad idea. Worse, she pulled Zoro into her issue. She respected the swordsman and trusted him, but this was so inappropriate.
Y/n bit her lip and said to him, “Sorry, forget what I said. It was stupid of me to ask.”
She then moved past him with her eyes lowered to the ground. His hand shot out and grabbed her arm.
“If we do this, we keep it to ourselves. And we don't make a habit of it.”
Y/n's head snapped to Zoro. She was ready to say he didn't need to give in to her request or feel obligated to help when Zoro untied his red sash and dropped his robe. God help her; her mouth practically watered at the bulge in Zoro's pants.
“Oh,” She said dumbly. “Wait, how long-?”
“All day,” Zoro huffed as he crossed his arms. “All fucking day.”
It was her turn to swallow as the air around them suddenly thickened. She wanted to move closer to Zoro and feel for herself how hard his cock was under his pants. Instead, she breathed slowly through her nose and out her parted lips. She needed to think. To evaluate the situation.
What I need, her body and brain said in unison, is to put that cock in my-
Y/N's eyes flicked back up at Zoro. A smooth smirk played at his lips, and why not? He had something she wanted, and they both knew it. She could understand how it would stroke his pride to see how her breathing had changed and how her eyes darkened with lust.
The fact was, she had something he wanted, and Y/N could see the change in him as well.
“Please, Zoro. Just this one time.” She said in a heated whisper.
Fine, Zoro thought as he moved closer to Y/N. He picked her up and sat her on top of a crate. They could be adults about this and fuck like the crazed animals their instincts wanted them to be. Y/n blinked up at him as he pushed up her skirt and pulled down the lace panties.
I should be embarrassed. I should stop this. I should...
Y/N's mind stopped as Zoro dipped his head down, one hand wrapping around his throbbing cock. As he went down, Y/N simultaneously spread her legs and leaned back, careful not to topple over, but the crate was long enough to accommodate her.
Zoro released a long, appraising breath that made Y/N shiver and close her eyes.
"What a needy woman you are, Y/N. You're already wet." Zoro's voice rumbled.
Y/N cried out as she felt a smooth, wet tongue slide up her folds and flick at her clit. She squirmed on the crate and tried to close her legs as more of a reaction then a rejection.
Zoro slapped his hands on her inner thighs, making Y/N yelp in surprise. Zoro forced her bent legs down in a frog-like position to open her up completely to him.
He grinned up at her.
"I doubt it'll solve your problem, but I want to give this a try."
Y/N's breath stuttered, and then, her head was whipped back as Zoro dug on in. She wondered where he had learned. Her second thought was being grateful she had bathed. The last was purely worshiping her new god, Zoro's tongue.
Zoro chuckled into her as he licked and sucked, added his fingers to throw her off, or when she dared to mention "god" in the mix. He edged her close, to the very fucking edge and then pulled away. The near-angry/desperate scream she made had him laughing and smirking down at her.
"Easy there, pussy cat." He grinned as he moved over her, his cock in hand. "We're doing this together."
Y/N huffed as she panted. Her eyes were blown with lust, and her cheeks flushed as she gave him an impatient look. He chuckled again and rubbed the round head over her clit, then pressed it against her folds.
She hated the needy whimper that left her, but dammit, she needed to come already!
The smirk was gone as Zoro felt a bead of sweat running down his near his ear and neck. He wasn't inside her yet, but he knew she would be warm and snug. Just one thrust and things would change between them.
"Y/N, you sure-"
"Yes! Please, god damn you! Hurry up before I dry up and go to Sanji-"
The cook's name was barely out of her mouth when Zoro pulled her closer and bucked his hip. The feeling was painful and delicious as her eyes rolled back and her body arched.
"OH! Fu-"
"You deserved that; I hope you know that."
Y/N laughed and smirked at Zoro, "Yeah, I do. But worth it."
"You brat."
Zoro then did something Y/N didn't expect, he kissed her. She accepted the kiss as her arms and legs went around him. What followed was 20 minutes of mind-blowing rutting.
Zoro wanted longer, but she was too wet and hot for him not to lose it just 6 minutes in! Worse, he had a feeling this wasn't going to be a one-time thing.
He held Y/N's wrist down as he let his world crumble as she squeezed the life out of him as she came. The sweet mewling sounds Y/N made his ego roar as his cock twitched side her.
His sweat-covered forehead rested on the crook of her neck, and he breathed in her sweet-smelling skin. Finally, his body felt satisfied enough not to bother him for a while, and he yawned as he felt ready to nap.
"Did you just yawn?" Y/N giggled as she pushed against him, but his body refused to budge.
"Need to nap," Zoro simply grunted as he wrapped his arms around her soft body.
"Zoro, your cock is still in me."
"Leave it. It's not hurting you."
"That's not the point. Zoro, get-"
Zoro then snored, and Y/n sighed as she wondered how long of a nap he would need before he let her go. She then yawned and prayed that her back wouldn't be sore later as she fell asleep under him, feeling satisfied at last.
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bountycancelled · 7 months
Black and White
(bada x reader)
requested: yes! @badasgirlfriend this one's for my babygirl
content: fem!reader, jealous! bada(she lowkey gives possesive alpha vibes in this and im sorry, but its still hot cuz its her), kind of smut? like they don't smash but close enough, HOWL (I know and im sorry)
warnings: supa suggestive like I'm dying at what I just typed (in my defense I was listening to I was never there by the weeknd so blame him) mentions of alcohol, that's it I think.
a/n: once again, i apologise. my innner whore jumped out. also eli if you wanted it to be fluffy pls lemme know and I'll wip something else up, but I still hope you like this, I love you mwah!
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"how do I look?"
your words were met with a long, bordering on uncomfortable silence. this confused you, since you were asking out of genuine curiosity and had expected a quick answer from bada, but nothing came.
you turned away from the mirror and faced her, your eyes narrowing as you waited for her reply with crossed arms. "that bad, huh?" you said sarcastically.
sure, this dress was a bit more... revealing than the clothing you tended towards in your everyday, but in your defense, it wasn't everyday that you went to a gala dinner.
seeing as you and bada were both respected and accoladed dancers respectively, you had both gotten invites, so going as each others dates seemed like a no brainer.
you had settled on a sleek white number with the back completely open, and a slit (for mobility's sake, you swear) you looked really good, or, so you thought, but bada's reaction however, was making you second guess yourself.
she was in black silk gown, and she looked drop dead gorgeous. you were surprised that you weren't actually frothing at the mouth like some starved animal. hell, you wondered how you could make it through the whole night without your attraction to her being exposed.
"not bad at all." she finally clarified in an abrupt manner, as if she had been taken out a daze. "you look amazing. it's just different, but good different, I promise."
you nodded, though you weren't fully convinced by her efforts. in any case, it was a little too late to turn your back on the dress, seeing as your ride for the evening was parked in front of bada's place.
the ride to the venue was filled with a strange sort of tension, one that you couldn't quiet place. you weren't upset, or at least, you tried not be upset at the fact the bada wasn't the biggest fan of your dress, its not like she was actively berating you or anything harsh like that. but there was clear energy occurring between you and her, you could feel it in the way she gazed at you.
you really did try to get her reaction out of your mind, conversing with your dancing peers, eating foods you couldn't even pronounce at the table, but nevertheless, it kept knawing at you, forming a pit in your stomach. (you guessed that it also didn't really help that bada was sat right next to you, with her gaze fixed on your every move, even if she was talking to other people.)
as bada excused herself to the bathroom, giving you a much needed break from her stare, you decided that the only way to fill the pit in your stomach was through a drink.
you successfully made your way to the bar, careful not to trip on your own two feet, before ordering your usual and raking a seat, waiting for said drink to arrive.
you thanked the bartender, looking around the room to make sure no eyes were on you before downing the glass in an instant, relishing in the burn. you were right, this would definitely distract you.
"rough night?" a familiar voice asked as you ordered a second drink.
"how could you tell? the slumped shoulders or the fact that my drink only lasted about two seconds in my hand?" your reply was met with a laugh, as the owner of the voice, who you had recognised as howl, took to the seat next to yours.
"obviously I have no idea what's got you so shaken up, but if its any conciliation..." he trailed off, leaning just a bit closer to you, his voice a low whisper.
"you look stunning tonight." you grimaced internally, howl wasn't a bad looking man by any means, but you weren't really interested in him, or any man, or anyone that wasn't bada. you were about to respond, brushing off his attempt at flirting without it being too awkward, but you were cut off before you could even open your mouth.
"there you are, can we go outside for a sec? I wanna talk to you." thank the lord for bada, who had given you the perfect excuse to slip away from howl without even needing to entertain him for a moment longer.
you feigned a woeful expression, almost as if to convey that you didn't want to leave him alone, all the while letting bada lead you with a hand on your wrist all the way outside.
you finally paused when you made it behind the venue, and when you turned to bada, she was already looking at you. the expression on her face was nothing short of... silently seething.
you furrowed your brows, determined not to back away from this impromptu staredown you had suddenly entered. "you know, you've been acting weird ever since I asked you about my dress back at your place, so just tell me what your fucking problem is, bada."
she smirked at your outburst, and that only made you even more annoyed, what about you was so fucking amusing to her tonight? she stepped closer to you, effectively trapping you between the wall and herself, and you broke eye contact with her despite yourself. she was too close for you to think straight.
"my problem..." she paused, trailing her finger along your collarbone, her gaze fixated on your chest, rapidly rising and falling. "...is that everyone gets to see you look so fucking sexy, when I'm the only one who really deserves it." your eyes widened at her words, and you were suddenly extremely glad that the wall was behind you to give your body support.
her hand moved even further, her large hand cupping your breast through your dress, and her thumb grazing your nipple, making your head tip back automatically. "and then, fucking howl has the nerve to flirt with you?" she chuckled bitterly, cutting her laugh off with a quiet groan as your hand went over hers, keeping it on your chest.
"it made realise that people don't get it. that you're mine. so why don't I make you mine right here, so that people don't get confused anymore, hmm? you'd like it, wouldn't you? I know I would." her voice was breathy now, and you nearly moaned as she trailed her other hand along your upper thigh, using the slit to get to your underwear, which you had surely soaked through by now.
it goes without saying that you would like her to take you then too.
another a/n: this was also my second time writing something kinda smutty ever, so pls practice kindness in the comments😀
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absurdthirst · 7 months
High Infidelity {Dave York x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11.1k
Warnings: Cheating, fraud, mentions of divorce, payback, forced cuckolding, restraints, oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cream pie, revenge sex
Comments: When you find out that your husband is banging the neighbor's wife, you and the neighbor decide to make them pay.
Co-written with @pedropascalsx
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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The moment was bittersweet, finding out that your suspicions were correct and that he could no longer gaslight you was a temporary feeling of relief. Quickly replaced with hurt and devastation. He was your childhood sweetheart, your first and only love, and for the better part of a year he has been sleeping with the woman next door.
The same woman whose kids you babysat during the week to let her and her husband have a peaceful date night, the same woman who had sat in your kitchen a few nights earlier with a group a mutual friends and drank your wine, the same woman who had held your hand and reassured you the night that you found out your husband wasn’t able to have children.
Rewatching the footage of them kissing as they entered the bedroom you shared, him ripping off her dress as she unbuttoned his shirt made your heart lurch. Never would you have imagined it was with Carol York.
The signs he was cheating were there from day one; being overprotective of his phone, working late, charges on your joint account that just weren’t adding up and then the biggest cliche of all; lipstick on his collar. 
The urge to confront him was bubbling up in your stomach, and then you thought about Dave… Did he know? Did he suspect anything? Should you tell him? 
After going back and forth a few times you had settled on yes, he deserves to know. So you pick up your laptop, and slide in under your arm. Ready to go next door and tell him everything.
Rolling his eyes after the doorbell peels, Dave sighs and stands up from the kitchen table. His laptop open and report that was making his head throb was never fun but distractions just makes it harder to get back to work. Especially since the house is actually quiet with the girls at school and Carol at work. Moving towards the door, he opens it to find you, his next door neighbor waiting. He hums your name in surprise and wonders if something is wrong. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you reply with a weak smile, “I’m really sorry to interrupt whatever it is that you’re doing, but we need to talk.” 
“Everything alright?” Your face is filled with concern and he’s immediately on guard, eyes sliding behind you and not seeing anything that would have him reaching for the pistol kept in the entryway table.
“Honestly, no,” you admit with an uncomfortable laugh, “Can I come in? I don’t think it’s something I should tell you standing at your door.” 
Frowning, Dave stands back and lets you in the house. He normally doesn’t like having someone - especially female - at the house when Carol isn’t here. Busybodies talk and he hates that kind of shit. “What’s going on?” He asks as he closes the door. 
“Thank you,” you say as you walk into the kitchen and settle your laptop on the counter. “Look, I’m so sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but you deserve to know, and I’ve bought this here as evidence. I don’t have to show you it but I thought bringing proof was the best way to handle it... Carol and Tommy are having an affair.” 
The first instinct he has is to deny it. To question why you are telling him something that he knows isn’t true, but he doesn’t. There’ve been times where something doesn’t sit right with Dave. Carol’s ease of assuring him that Tommy will handle something while he’s out of town. “What evidence?” He demands, knowing the best thing is to hear you out. If it’s flimsy, he can start watching his wife’s actions. If it’s concrete proof, he will know.
“It’s a video,” you say as you open your laptop, “I’ve been suspicious for a while, and then I found underwear that definitely doesn’t belong to me. So I bought a nanny cam. Are you sure you want to see this?”
“Shit.” Dave hisses but he nods. “Show me.” He demands, hating how his stomach is curling at the thought. It’s not like he hadn’t thought about other women, but he hadn’t touched one.
You nod a few times before moving the laptop to face him, pressing play on a scene that makes you feel violently sick. “I’m so sorry, Dave. Never in a million years did I expect it to be with your wife… my friend.” 
Dave’s brows pull together, jaw tightening in anger as he watches, listens to the scene in front of him. There’s zero doubt that is his wife, bouncing on another guy's dick. He doesn’t even realize his hands clenched in anger as he watches, furious at the betrayal.
Seeing the fury and the obvious hurt on his face, you decide to pause the video and close down the laptop. He doesn’t need to see anymore and neither do you. “As soon as he gets home today, I'm making him leave. He can go back to his mothers.” 
Dave huffs, nearly glaring at you. “Show me the rest of it.” He demands.
You push the laptop over at him, and shake your head, “Fine, but I don’t want to see anymore.”
Nodding, he watches as you log back in and he pushes play. Glancing at you when you winch, hearing the moans and the breathless conversation as they fuck on what he assumes is your bed. “Fucking assholes.”
“She’s faking it,” you scoff, as the moans get more animated. “The man couldn’t give a woman an orgasm if his life depended on it.”
He snorts and it’s on the tip of his tongue to ask why the fuck you stayed with him then. “Don’t kick him out.” Dave decides seriously.
“What?” You say with a raised eyebrow, before both of your attention is immediately drawn back to them. Laying in their ‘post coital glow.’
“God, I swear she gets dumber every day,” your husband says with a laugh, “All I’ve got to do is pay her five minutes of attention and the stupid bitch thinks everything is fine. Doesn’t even realize that my lawyer has pretty much voided the prenuptial agreement. I’ll hand her the form to sign and just like the dutiful wife she is, she’ll be signing half her money over to me without as much of a second glance.”
“Dave makes good money, but he’s so fucking boring. He wants to ‘save for a rainy day’.” Carol hums. “But he doesn’t ever spend time with just me. He always wants the girls around. I’m tired of being a perfect mother. I honestly didn’t want Molly. But Dave had to try for his boy.” She snorts. “Too much of a pussy to give me a boy, I guess.”
Dave growls, pissed at the way she is talking about their daughter. He doesn’t give a shit about what she says about him. “She’s the fucking one who decided to take out her fucking birth control.”
“It’s been about a year,” you say to Dave, “Well, that’s when I started having suspicions. Always working late on a Thursday night, and unexplained charges on our joint account. I’ve let him walk over me for a year.” Tears start to well up in your eyes, and embarrassment floods through you. “I’m so sorry.”
“You didn’t fucking cheat.” Dave scoffs. “Don’t be sorry.” He shakes his head, “don’t kick him out. Don’t show him that you know.” He advises, the gears in his mind already turning. “Get a lawyer, start moving your money around so he can’t take it.”
“Okay,” you say with a deep breath, “I have an account that he doesn’t have access to. Fuck. I’m so stupid. I knew he was cheating, I just let him gaslight me over and over.”
“You didn’t want to believe it.” Luckily you and the fucker don’t have kids, and he would just fucking kill them both, but the girls would miss their mother. He narrows his eyes at the screen. “Get a lock box, or safety deposit box for all your paperwork. will, social security cards, jewelry. Lock them up. Start removing him from shit. Access to the cell phone plan to make changes. Utilities, whatever you have jointly, unless it’s something he uses everyday.”
“I, uh, I should write this down,” you say, nodding your head, “Dave… Thursday nights… Was she here? There were nights where he came home the next morning after claiming he slept in the office.”
He shakes his head, huffing to himself. “She had ‘book club’.” He gives air quotes. “And since they supposedly always got so hammered, she would stay there.” He had thought it was stupid, but he had also felt like his wife deserved a night out, away from the kids.
“Fuck.” Shaking your head, “I’m going to go home. Start the things you’ve suggested. I’m really sorry again, Dave. I just felt you deserved to know.”
“Thank you for telling me.” His own situation is slightly more difficult, often the agency will put people on desk duty when finding out they are divorcing and he doesn’t want that. “Let me know if they make more videos. I’m going to install a camera here too.”
“Write down your email address and I'll send you that video. I guess we will have to work out a way to approach this together.”
Dave nods and reaches for the pad he keeps next to the home phone. Ripping off a sheet and writing his private email down, along with his phone number. “I’ll think of some way to make these fuckers sorry.” He promises, handing it to you. “I’m going to be finding out the toughest lawyer in the business. I’ll let you know their names.”
“Thank you, Dave,” you say as you feel your reserve slipping, the urge to cry coming back in full force. “Let’s make them pay.”
He nods, watching as you pick up your laptop. “Call me if you feel like you’re going to tell him you know.” He asks, knowing that he would tell Carol and then Dave would have to figure out a plan b.
“Will do.” The second you’re back inside, you start the tasks he gave you. Starting with gathering up all your important documents and putting them in a temporary safe space and then ordering a safe. You wonder how long Dave’s plan will take and hope it won’t be too long, the idea of sharing a bed with your husband makes your skin crawl.
Thursday’s have become sort of a check in day. You normally end up coming over and spending the evening with Dave and the girls. Sometimes having dinner and then staying once the girls had gone to bed. Tonight is another check in and Dave pours you a glass of wine. “How are you holding up?” He asks quietly.
“Better,” you admit with a smile, “Everything except the joint account is handled. Just ready to move on with my life and hopefully meet someone who actually cares about me. How about you?”
“Most everything was in my name anyway.” Dave admits with a small smirk. “She can’t touch the house since I bought it with my VA and I’m going for custody. I might have to pay her out, but whatever.”
“I guess him being infertile ended up working in my favor,” you say sadly, “I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone because he said that it was embarrassing, but I own the house. My Dad left me an inheritance and I was fortunate enough to buy it outright with it. I’m going to miss living here.”
“Why are you going to move?” Dave asks. “If you own the house and bought it with your inheritance, it’s yours.”
“I always imagined filling it with kids,” you say with a shrug, “I don’t want to be in a big house that’ll remind me just how alone I am.”
He frowns slightly, even as he voices his next thought. “You could always bring in another guy.” He reminds you. “Find love and fill it with kids.”
“I guess.” The sadness is evident in your voice, so you change the subject, “So are you any closer to coming up with a plan?”
Dave chuckles and glances up just as there is a loud thump upstairs. “After the girls are asleep.” He promises, knowing little ears don’t need to hear his plan.
“Sounds like you have something figured out,” you say before taking a sip of your wine.
“Do you want to humiliate them?” Dave asks with a small smirk. “And get revenge?”
“Yes,” you answer with a smile, “I want him to hurt the way he hurt me.”
“Then I’ll tell you about my plan in twenty minutes.” He promises and nods to your wine.
“So drink up, you’re gonna need it.”
Wordlessly you nod and take another large sip of your wine, desperate to hear his plan.
The two of you dance around the subject, talking about things in the news, events happening in town and Dave enjoys it. He’s come to enjoy talking to you and spending time in your company. Your husband is an idiot to throw over someone who is funny and nice, actually pays attention to the world around her - he doesn’t deserve you. When Dave’s self appointed time is up, he sets down his own wine glass and leans in close. “We should sleep together.” He announces.
“What?” You say with a giggle, convinced you’d misheard him. You had thought about it, fuck the last few times you’ve slept with your husband you’d found yourself imagining it was Dave, circling your clit with such intensity that you came harder than ever before. “I mean… Fuck, I want to. But wouldn’t that make us just as bad?”
“Not if we fuck in front of them.” Dave chuckles, smirking slightly because of your admission of want. “As a sort of goodbye gift to them.” 
“Oh,” you say, thinking about the look of Tommy’s face as Dave fucks you. Tommy paraded you around like a trophy, having no issues embarrassing you by announcing to anyone and everyone that you lost your virginity to him and he’d be the only man to have been inside of you. Like you were his possession. “I like it. But I have one condition…. and you might find it a little weird.”
“What’s that?” Dave tilts his head and looks at you curiously. It’s not unusual to have conditions and he would be surprised if you didn’t.
“I want you to cum inside of me.” You say after taking a deep breath, “I’ll buy Plan B in preparation and you can watch me take it. But I need for him to see that it’s really over, and despite what he thinks… he doesn’t own me.”
Dave frowns and then he remembers the first Christmas party after you had moved into the neighborhood. Tommy had been shit housed and bragging about how his was the only ever cum you’ve had. He had marked you good and proper. Dave hums, his lips curling up wickedly. “Done.”
“Thank you.” It feels oddly liberating to think about. “I don’t think we should do it in the houses though… Maybe book a hotel. Request adjoining rooms and keep everything a surprise. Blindfolds and gags. Only reveal to them what’s happening after they’re strapped to some shitty hotel chair unable to move.”
He raises a brow and smirks at how quickly you came up with something that is so feasible. “Noise canceling headphones.” Dave adds, nodding. “So they can’t hear us opening the door and whatever, not until we are ready.”
“Perfect. I want them to suffer. And I know that’s awful to say out loud but the way they spoke about us… fuck.” You shake your head and laugh, “You know that he doesn’t pay for a single bill in our house. Works part time and the entirety of his paychecks go on his stupid hobbies… Golfing or gaming. I put money into our joint account each month and he just… Fuck. He gets nothing.”
“You have a prenup, and a clause for cheating.” Dave smirks and chuckles. “Carol’s gonna get something, but it won’t be enough for her liking.”
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face as you fuck me.” You say with a chuckle, before finishing up your wine. “What’s your favorite color?”
Dave grins and imagines you in his favorite color. “Green.” He hums. “Dark green.”
“Dark green it is,” you say with a wink. “When do you wanna do this?”
“I say we wait and do it when the lawyers finish the divorce papers.” Dave suggests. “We pack their shit that day and load it into a storage unit, change our locks and codes, fuck in front of them, drop the keys and the papers and shoot them the bird on the way out the door.”
“That sounds perfect. I know this sounds weird to say, but I'm kind of grateful he cheated. I would have spent forever living in his shadow and the past few weeks I’ve really started to realize that he doesn’t deserve me.” You say, with your first genuine smile in weeks. “Also I get to fuck my sexy neighbour in revenge.”
“You think I’m sexy?” Dave’s brows wing up and he’s flattered by the compliment. It’s been a long time since someone’s said that. The marriage had hit rocky patches before but never like this and he sees now that she’s been disengaging for a while.
“I have eyes, Dave,” you say with a giggle, “Every woman on this block stops and stares when you walk past. Those shoulders… Fuck. Those lips.”
“You’re so full of shit.” Dave huffs, rolling his eyes even if he secretly likes the compliment.
“Oh please,” you say, “Like you haven’t noticed the staring. Honestly, I’ve thought of you whilst using my wand,” you admit with a shrug, “After seeing you mowing the lawn shirtless.”
He smirks and leans back. “Might do that on purpose.” He admits with a shrug. “Tanning and all.”
“Well thank you for the show,” you giggle. “God, I can’t believe she cheated on you with him. I know he’s my husband but I had the excuse of him being my high school sweetheart. We’ve been together for years and he’s never made me cum once.”
“Bullshit.” Dave snorts and shakes his head. “Not even once? By accident?” He asks, nearly amazed by how fucking horrible that is.
“Never. He doesn’t do foreplay, and he’s never found that spot inside of me,” you shrug, “Usually I let him do his thing so I can roll over and sleep, occasionally I’ll rub my clit just to distract myself.”
“He doesn’t eat your pussy?” Dave’s eyes widen in shock and disgust. He understands that not all women cum from sex, he had a girlfriend before Carol who could not cum from penetration but he damn sure made her cum on his tongue.
“Nope. Never. He’s never even tried it, says the idea of it makes him ‘queasy’.” Looking over at him and seeing the look of surprise on his face makes you chuckle, “Guess I didn’t pick a good one.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, what a moron.” He shakes his head and his opinion of Tommy drops even lower than before and he didn’t think that was possible. “What a ….fuck, a pussy.”
“Nah. A pussy is useful,” you correct him, “I should get back. I’m super tired and he hasn’t texted saying it’s a ‘late one’ tonight so I figure they’ll be home soon. I will be counting down the seconds until the lawyers are done with the paperwork.”
“I would offer to show you what a real man does with his mouth, but I’ll wait to give him a ‘lesson’.” Dave hums, standing up and offering you a hand to get up off the couch.
“Oh, yeah? You going to eat my little pussy in front of him?” You ask with a raised eyebrow. You take his hand and let him help you up.
“Fuck yes.” Dave smirks. “If he finds it repulsive, I also wanna remind Carol what she’s missing. She fucking loved when I would go down on her.”
You hum happily, “I can’t wait to feel those lips on me.” Leaning forward you place a small kiss on his cheek, “Thank you for tonight. I really enjoy spending time with you and your gorgeous girls. I’ll be waiting impatiently for the paperwork to be completed. Goodnight, Dave.”
“Good night, sweetheart.” Dave walks you to the door and opens it for you. “As soon as it’s in, we’ll make sure they regret cheating on us.”
“Yes we will,” you agree with a smile, before walking back over to your house. Creeping upstairs and getting into the shower. Letting yourself get lost in imagining the feeling of Dave’s hands all over you, his mouth on your cunt and his cock buried inside of you. Your fingertips work your bundle of nerves as quickly as they can and you cum with a soft moan of his name. Climbing out of the shower you get dried, fix your hair and get into your pajamas. Wanting to be asleep or at least pretending to be when Tommy finally crawls in beside you.
“I got my papers.” Dave risks a call, knowing Carol isn’t checking the phone bill and calling you as soon as he steps out from his lawyers office. They don’t approve of his idea, but he also wasn’t told he couldn't do it. Just that he shouldn’t and he doesn’t agree with that.
“Me too,” you say gleefully down the phone. “You want to do it this weekend?”
“I’m thinking so.” Dave grins at the glee in your voice. “How do we want to lure them to the hotel?”
“I’m thinking we both book a room - request they’re adjoining, and once they’re both blindfolded, gagged and wearing headphones, we unlock the door and I'll lead Tommy into your room?”
“That works.” Dave agrees. “I’ll tell Carol I want to put some spice back in our marriage.”
“I’ll tell Tommy I have a surprise planned. I’ll go ahead and call and book the hotel.. and then I have some shopping to do… Dark green right?”
“Dark green.” He hums. “I’m going to enjoy ripping it off of you.” He admits, voice dropping.
“Keep playing with my pussy to the thought of it,” you whisper into your phone. “Only a few days to go.”
“I’ll book the rooms together but put one under your name.” Dave tells you, knowing that he will be able to convince them of it.
“Perfect. Is there anything you need me to do?”
“Start making noises to your husband about getting away. Doing something romantic this weekend. I’m going to ‘surprise’ Carol.”
“Perfect. Can’t wait to see the look on both of their faces. I’ll text you tonight, once I've told him about the surprise.”
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, you pop into Victoria’s secret and spot the perfect set and make your way home. Large glass of wine poured, you sip it generously as you listen to his footsteps approaching the door. 
“Good day at work?” You call out from the kitchen with a roll of your eyes. 
“Long,” Tommy groans before reaching over and helping himself to your wine, “Tomorrow is going to be longer.” 
“Oh. I really hope they’re going to start paying you for those long Thursday nights. Sometimes you don’t even make it home. It’s not good for you sleeping on your office floor,” you say with the most sympathetic smile you can force. “Anyway, I have a plan for Saturday night that’ll make it all better. A surprise for you.” 
“A surprise?” He says with a raised eyebrow and a curl of his lips, “What kind of surprise?”
“All will be revealed,” you say as you turn to him with a small kiss on his cheek, “A surprise that involved me spending a huge amount of money in Victoria’s secret for someone.” You leave him standing in the kitchen with a grin plastered on his face as you begin to climb the stairs with the rest of the wine and a new glass, “Dinner is ordered, i’m going for a bath.”
Dinner passes with its normal antics from the kids and Dave watches Carol. Nothing about her demeanor says that she’s cheating but he’s found the credit card she’s using to pay for it. It’s a secret one that she opened in his name. Not only is she renting hotel rooms, but she’s doing it on his fucking credit. It’s malicious irony that Dave booked the rooms at the same hotel that her and Tommy frequent.
Avoiding him for the rest of the evening, you have a long hot soak in the bath and only retreat back downstairs to grab your dinner and a drink. Spending the rest of the evening in bed watching netflix whilst he watches TV downstairs. 
You decide to shoot Dave a quick text to let him know you’ve told Tommy about the surprise, and check you’re still on for to meet up and go over the plan the next evening. 
‘Hey. Told him that I’ve booked a special surprise, and he ate it up. He’s told me he’s “working late” tomorrow, so I can pop around and we can go over things?’
Dave hums as his phone buzzes, Carol engrossed in her show so he slides his phone out and grins. His own reply comes quickly. ‘Sure. Now I wonder if Carol will be told about your plans this weekend? Ever wonder if he tells her that you two still have sex?’ 
You huff and type back. ‘We’ve had sex twice in the past two months, so I’m pretty sure if he’s saying anything, it’s about my lack of interest in the cheating bastard. Only fucked him so he would stop questioning why I was being distant. I doubt he’ll say anything though. The last video of them cheating he spent most of it, reassuring her that he doesn’t love me and never did. Do you think she’ll tell him about your ‘plans’?’
Dave snorts. ‘Haven’t told her. Plan on doing it at the last minute and making it seem like a romantic gesture.’
‘Good idea. I can’t wait till he is out of my house. Out of my life.’
‘Won’t be long. Just don’t kill him over the next few days.’ Dave chuckles to himself and when Carol looks up, he points to the tv. “They are so stupid it’s funny.” He explains, putting his phone away.
‘I’ll try.’ You reply before settling down for the night, wanting to be fasting asleep before Tommy gets upstairs.
The next day Tommy is ‘working late’ and Carol has a suspiciously timed meeting that runs over. Making Dave shake his head at how stupidly brazen they are getting. Still, he looks out the window and sees you walking over about an hour after he gets home with the kids.
You knock the door, dessert in hand as Alice whips open the door and immediately informs you that she and Molly are going to eat pizza in her room and watch a movie as you chat to Daddy.
Dave chuckles as you walk in. “The girls are getting spoiled.” He hums. “And so am I.”
“You have no idea,” you say with a wink, “I hear it’s pizza tonight? Sounds perfect.”
“Yeah, Carol had a “meeting”.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Strange, right?”
“Who’d have thought?” You giggle, “Well-,” you say as you pick up the glass of wine he’d poured for you, “Here’s to the last time they lie to us.”
“Are you ready for it?” He asks quietly, picking up his own glass. “For the big reveal?”
“I am counting down the seconds.” You say with a smile. “God, I hope they realize we aren’t to be fucked with.”
“I think they will figure that out when they don’t walk away with the pot of gold like they were expecting.” Dave snorts.
“I just can’t wait to see his face when he realizes that I'm not his trophy anymore.” The doorbell rings and Dave goes to get the pizza as you pour the girls out their juice, ready to take it upstairs to them for their movie night.
“Girls!” The two girls thunder downstairs to grab their cheese pizza and disappear just as quickly, each one fighting over who was going to sing the first song. Dave shakes his head and looks at you with a faux harried expression. “They are going to be trouble later on.” He predicts with a groan.
“I’m sure you can handle it, they worship their Daddy.” You say before topping up your glasses, “I’m going to miss this.”
“Why are you going to miss it?” Dave asks, frowning slightly.
“It’s been nice. Coming around and eating with you and the girls, the highlight of my week. They’re both absolutely adorable.”
“You can still come over anytime.” He offers. “If you aren’t out on dates, you know.” He shrugs and shoots you a smirk.
“Me? Dating? Unlikely. But I’d still love to come over. I mean it when I say it’s the highlight of my week.” You take a small sip and try to ignore the way he makes you feel, the past few weeks you had grown closer to Dave and started to really appreciate how good of a man he is. 
“Shit.” Dave snorts. “You’ll be dating before the fucking ink is dry.” He predicts. “You’re beautiful, kind, funny and smart. And I bet you are killer in the sack. He’s an idiot.” He tells you, talking about your stupid soon-to-be-ex.
“You think I’m beautiful?” You ask quietly. “I can’t remember the last time someone complimented me. And the killer in the sack? Well I guess you don’t have long to find out.”
“I can’t wait to find out.” Dave admits quietly. “And you should be getting compliments all the time.”
“As should you. You’re remarkable. The best daddy ever, you work so hard and it’s appreciated, Dave.” You say before squeezing his hand, “And I’m excited to show you just how appreciated you are.”
“Is that what it’s going to be?” Dave asks, grinning slightly. “A show of appreciation?”
“If that’s what you want,” you tease, “Going to suck your cock. Just the thought of it makes me so wet.”
“Jesus.” His eyes widen, surprised you even said that out loud. He’s thought about it plenty, but apparently so have you. “Then we’ll have to do a sixty-nine. Because I’m gonna give your dumbass husband a lesson on how to make a woman squeal his name.”
“Fuck, that sounds perfect. But also to start I want to look into your eyes as I'm sucking your cock. Feel you fuck my mouth,” you whisper quietly.
“Have you ever done that before?” Dave asks, raising a brow and trying not to spring a boner at the thought of you letting him face fuck you.
“Nope,” you admit quietly. “Tommy had me blow him for a bit pretty much every time we had sex. But it was tame.”
“Bet he likes you to ‘look pretty’ while his dick is in your mouth.” Dave scoffs. “When your mascara should be running and the split is soaking your chin.”
“He just wants to get off. Fuck. I want that.” 
Dave has been careful not to touch you. Not willing to put himself in the same level as Carol. He still won’t fuck you but he does reach out, talking ahold if your chin and rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip. “Then we’re going to enjoy it. You’re going to enjoy it.”
You reach out and squeeze his hand again, before taking another sip of your wine and a bite of your pizza. This time in 48 hours it’ll be the beginning of the new end, and the start of something new and exciting.
The day of, Dave walks up to Carol at the kitchen sink and wraps his arms around her. Imagining choking her, he forced himself to kiss her neck. “I arranged for the girls to have a sleepover tonight.” He hums, pressing himself up against her and imagining fucking you so he gets hard. “Booked us a hotel room.”
“Oh?” Carol squeals with excitement, “Which one? What’s the plan?” Pushing herself against him a little harder. One thing about Carol York is that she’ll never say no to a surprise.
Dave names the hotel and pretends not to notice the split second of his wife freezing in his arms. He knows she panics and the moment she relaxes, making him hum. “Figured it’s been awhile since we had a night to ourselves.”
“That sounds lovely, darling,” she says, “But I don’t want you wasting your money on me. We can just have a quiet night in.”
“Travel points.” Dave lies easily, knowing that she doesn’t want to go back to the same hotel where she’s been visiting every week. “Already booked and waiting on us. Already checked in.”
“Sounds great,” she lies, hoping the weekend staff aren’t the same as the ones during the week.
“You excited for tonight, honey?” You ask Tommy, who’s wolfing down his breakfast. 
“Can't wait to see what you spent a fortune on in Victoria’s Secret, I think I’m due a sneak preview, just to get me through the day.” He says with a wink. 
“No previews. The someone I bought this for will absolutely love it. I assure you.” You say as you go upstairs to pack you ‘both’ an overnight bag.
Dave manages to talk Carol into packing a bag, hustling her out of the house and into the car without much fuss. The girls have already been deposited at their friends house and as soon as she and Dave leave, a team of professional movers will be coming and boxing up everything Dave discreetly tagged to move into the storage unit he had rented.
You stick to the plan and wait for the text from Dave telling you they’re about to check in before you leave. Not wanting any awkward run-ins at reception. “Hey honey, I forgot to fill up my car, mind if I drive yours?” You ask innocently. Knowing that Dave had arranged for the movers to come to yours after they’ve collected Carol's stuff, and taking his car meant he’d have no reason to come back to your house.
Huffing, Tommy rolls his eyes, desperately thinking if he had left any evidence of Carol being in the car. “You’re lucky I make sure that my car is filled up all the time.” He lectures. “You need to take care of those things.”
“I’m sorry, love,” you say with a fake pout, “Had a lot on my mind.” You take the car keys from him and load up the car, seconds after the go ahead text from Dave. He huffs again as he enters the passenger side and starts droning on about how ‘he needs to know’ where you’re both staying that night. 
“You’ll know soon enough, baby,” you placate with a squeeze of his knee, “Heard great things about this place.”
The plan was for Dave to unlock the adjoining door on his side when Carol was in the bathroom but leave it shut so she wouldn’t know, and you were to do the same when you got into the room.
“You won’t tell me where we are going and you won't let me see the lingerie.” He grumbles. “I thought you were spoiling me.”
“Like I said you’ll see soon enough,” you smile, “We’re not too far from where we are staying.”
Tommy shifts uneasily as he watches his normal hotel come into view. “Here honey?” He makes it sound like that’s a horrible idea. “I’ve heard this place is a dump.”
“Oh no,” you say with a shake of your head, “It’s a five star hotel, honey, cost me a fortune but tonight will be worth it.” You say with a wink, come on, let’s get checked in. “Maybe we can order room service.”
Tommy plasters on a fake smile and chuckles. Praying that no one recognizes him. It would ruin his plan.
You notice how antsy he is as you check in and it makes you grin and shake your head. He cowers behind you at the check in desk and stares at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with anyone and practically running towards the elevator once you’ve got your keycard. 
‘Here.’ You text Dave in the elevator, pretending to text your mom. “God this hotel is gorgeous, I can’t wait to see our room.”
“Maybe we can just stay in our room all night.” Tommy manages, reaching out and snagging your waist. “Lock the world away.”
“Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart,” you assure him, “The plans I have for tonight, don’t involve you going anywhere.”
He’s relieved, planning on hiding in the bathroom when you decide to order room service. He can’t let anyone let you know about his plans, he’s not ready yet. Still needing access to the deed for the house. He wants to add himself to it so he can take it from you. It’ll be nice rental income, moving in with Carol and renting out that house.
You open the door and take a look around the room, unlocking your side of the adjoining rooms as Tommy has a “first look”  around the bathroom. You open your bag and start to take out a few bits, quietly calling him back in the room so Carol can’t hear you shouting his name. “Are you excited for tonight?”
“Depends on if you're going to suck my dick or not.” Tommy grins, thinking that he’s being romantic. The one bad thing about Carol is that she’s not willing to give him head if he doesn’t go down on her. Claiming that you might have understood, but she wasn’t a doormat. He missed someone sucking his dick.
“I promise that there will be some dick in this pretty little mouth tonight,” you tease, before picking up the blindfold and gag you had hidden in your purse, “Are you going to be a good boy and do as I say?”
Tommy’s brows shoot up. “What’s this?” He demands, grinning. “You never want to play.”
“Just thought we’d spice things up a little,” you reply softly, “I can feel you slipping away from me. I read some tips… you don’t want to?”
“No, no.” Tommy’s greedy. You might be boring in bed but you are also the only woman who has only had him. “I want to. I’m just surprised you want to. Sure you don’t want me to blindfold you?”
“Maybe later, but right now I want to do this my way.” Walking over, you untie his tie and motion for him to give you his hands, using the tie to restrain him. Before gagging, blindfolding and putting on his noise canceling headphones. 
‘Ready when you are!’ You text Dave after sitting Tommy down on one of the two hotel chairs and lightly restraining him to it. 
Lifting off one side of his headphones you whisper into his ears, “Good things come to those who wait.”
Dave hums, deciding that he would lift his own noise canceling headphones off Carol’s ear. She’s already tied up, but not in a chair. “Come on baby, I’m going to guide you.” He coos in her ear. “Trust me.”
You open the adjoining door after hearing Dave open his, and flash him a little smile as he guides Carol to the chair next to Tommys. 
“You ready?” You ask him, as he steps back and places his hand on the small of your back.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Dave doesn’t fucking care about them, they made their bed. But if you don’t want to do this, he can pull the plug and just snatch the rug out from under them without ever laying a finger on you.
Rocking up on your tiptoes, you place a fleeting kiss to his lips before nodding. “I’m ready, ready to follow your lead.”
“Do you still want to suck my cock?” Dave asks, reaching up and cupping your cheek.
“Fuck, yes, i’ve been thinking about it all day.”
He hums and pats your cheek lightly, “then strip down. I want you naked on your knees so I can fuck you right away when we get done indulging.”
“You don’t wanna rip this off of me in front of them?” You ask as you unbutton your sundress and let it fall to the floor, revealing the dark green lacy lingerie set you had picked out just for Dave.
“Fuck.” He hisses, cock twitching at seeing his favorite color on your body. “Never mind. Keep it on. I’ll strip.”
“Yes sir,” you say with a giggle, excited to finally feel his hands on you.
Dave strips down quickly, watching Tommy and Carol start to shift restlessly in their chairs. Antsy. He smirks and arches a brow when he shucks his pants and reveals his hard cock. “Sure you want to do this?”
“Holy shit, it’s gorgeous,” you choke out at the sight of his cock, “Fuck yes. You ready to take their blindfolds off?”
“Blindfolds and headphones.” He hums. “Not the gags.”
“Let’s go.” You walk towards Tommy and Dave walks towards Carol. On his signal headphones are removed and then masks. The look on your now ex-husbands face is a sight to behold. Both of them stare at each other in utter bewilderment as you take a step back and take Dave’s hand. “Hello, honey, how are you liking your surprise? Must be nice to see the woman you’ve been fucking for the better part of a year here with us and her husband too.” 
Dave chuckles and shakes his head as his face drops into a scowl at the two of them. They are completely frozen and panicked. "It's funny that you think we wouldn't find out." He tells them flatly before he turns to you. "Why don't we show them what it's like to watch your spouse fuck the neighbor?"
“I think we should,” you say with a giggle, as you perch yourself on the end of the bed. “Hurt them, how they hurt us.”
“Maybe they won’t give a shit.” The muffled protests coming from the two seems to disprove that, but Dave just leans in to press his lips to yours softly. It’s the first kiss he’s ever given you. When he pulls back he tells them that before smirking. “I want you on your knees, pretty girl.”
You ignore the sounds coming from that side of the room, and immediately get up and sink down to your knees. Looking up at Dave with your sweetest smile before gently holding on to the base of him, and placing a light kiss on the tip of his cock. The tip bright red and begging for release, you lick the bead of precum that’s gathered at the top and slowly wrap your lips around him. Not used to having something so big in your mouth, you moan at the stretch, taking him in just a few inches and swirling your tongue around him. 
“Fuck.” Dave hisses, looking down at you and cupping your cheek. “Take more of it. I know you can. But don’t choke. I’m going to fuck that pretty throat of yours.”
You do as he instructs as take him further into your throat, breathing through your nose and swallowing around him. Slowly bobbing up and down before taking him further, loving the firm grip he has on your face. You can feel yourself getting wetter the deeper you take him, the sounds he makes spurring you on and making you crave more.
“Unlike you two, this is the first time for us.” Dave groans, sliding his hand around to cup the back of your head. “So you get to enjoy the first time I fuck your wife since you’ve been fucking mine.”
You hollow your cheeks and suck as hard as you can as your nose just brushes against the patch of hair at the base. Drowning out the groans of annoyance from Tommy and Carol by moaning happily around him. Tears stream from your eyes as he keeps your head from moving, keeping you still as he feeds you the last inch or so of his cock.
Once Dave feels the back of your throat constrict around him, he pulls his hips back. “Fuck, I’m gonna enjoy this.” He groans, holding your head tights as he snaps his hips forward roughly and buries his cock in your mouth again.
You almost squeal as he fucks into your mouth, groaning in pleasure as you suck around him. Praising you for taking him so well, and telling you how pretty you look with his cock in your needy little mouth.
Both Tommy and Carol are struggling against the ties that bind them in the chairs. Shouting against the gags, but Dave doesn’t even pay them any attention. Focusing on you. “That pretty little pussy is wet, isn’t it?” He huffs. “Can’t wait to taste it. To lick you until you squeal my name.”
Looking up at him through your tear stained eyelashes you nod dutifully, a smile stretching across your already stretched out mouth. Before you resume your focus on his cock, bobbing your head to meet the snap of his hips, chasing more of those groans he floods the room with.
“You should have licked her cunt, Tommy.” Dave growls mockingly. “Now I’m going to and she’s going to realize what she’s been missing being with a piece of shit like you.” He smirks, looking over at his wife as she cries. “Can’t believe you put up with that shit. Especially since you know how good my tongue is.”
You pull off him and stroke his length, you’ve drenched the lacy material from sucking his cock alone and feel yourself flood the fabric further as he talks about eating you out. “Dave,” you say with a breathy moan, as you lick the weeping tip of him, “I need you.”
Smirking, he grabs your hand and helps you up, sliding his hand down between your legs possessively. “Fuck, you’re soaked baby girl.” He growls. “Want to see how much wetter I can get you. Gotta undress you first.” The panties are ripped off, pulling a moan out of you and he chuckles when the expensive green top also rips apart in his hands. The chairs are positioned so that the bed is on full display and he pulls you down onto it with him.
“I wanna show him,” you mumble, “I wanna show him how fucking wet I get when I actually want to suck a cock, I want him to see how you could slide right in with no fucking lube.”
“Shit.” Dave slaps your ass and smirks at the two spouses. “Never really thought about fucking her until we found out you two were cheating.” He admits. “So thank you.”
“Can’t say I didn’t think about Dave,” you admit with a shrug as you shuffle towards Tommy, opening your legs and letting him see your glistening cunt.
"I thought about it." He amends, "but I never considered doing it until now. Because I was fucking married."
“Same,” you shrug, “Shame that the people we married didn’t feel the same.” You shift back up and take his face in your hands, “I want you to do whatever you need to me, baby.”
"Fuck, I want you to sit on my face." Dave coos, reaching down to slide a finger through your folds and grins when you shiver. "Show you how a real man eats pussy."
“Yes sir,” you whisper before kissing him, watching as he lays down on his back and as he motions for you to move up. You lower yourself down slowly, hovering a few inches from his face.
“Fuck.” Dave groans, his cock twitching at the sight and he tilts his head back to look at Tommy. “Don’t know how you didn’t dive into this cunt every chance you got.” He huffs before he grabs your hips and pulls you down onto his tongue.
“Dave,” you yelp, as he slowly drags his tongue through your folds. Teasing your clit over and over. One of the hands finds purpose in his hair, tangling in his slightly overgrown style as the other grips onto the headboard. Your hips start to rock of their own accord, chasing your high, as a brand new sensation overwhelms you.
He flicks and curls his tongue, showing off for the cheating bastards who are still squirming and huffing through their gags, but also for you. Wanting to make the first time you’ve ever been eaten out memorable for more reasons than just showing up your cheating ex.
You can’t stop panting his name, moaning it over and over as you soak his face. It doesn’t take long until you’re hanging over the edge, seconds from cumming because of another person for the first time in your life. “So close, baby, so close.” You choke out through ragged breaths.
Dave groans, squeezing your hips and encouraging you to cum for him. Eager to taste it and to show your bastard husband that you deserved it.
With a few more flicks of his tongue against your clit, you’re cumming hard, flooding his face with your arousal as he pulls you apart in the most incredible way.
Dave groans and keeps you pressed against him, wanting to have you soak up every bit of your pleasure until you are sobbing his name out loud.
It doesn’t take long until you’re meeting his silent demand, and the yells shimmer down to you whimpering his name. You want to taunt your husband, tell him that’s what it looks like when you cum, but you don’t. You focus on Dave, moving yourself down him slowly and straddling his waist, before leaning back down and whispering the softest ‘thank you’ into his ear.
Smirking slightly, Dave nods. He’s not thinking about Tommy or Carol right now, he’s tuned them out. But he is thinking about you and how fucking wet you are, grinding down on his cock. “Can I fuck you?” He asks, even though you are on top of him.
“Please,” you plead, with a smile. “How do you want me?”
“Do you want to ride me to start out with?” He asks, caressing your hip.
“Can we build up to that?” You say quietly, “You’re huge. It’s going to be a stretch, I’m not used to anything like this.”
“That’s good,” Dave nods, knowing he doesn’t want to hurt you. “Lay down on your side, facing your loving husband.” He smirks, imagining the look on the bastard's face when he slides into you.
“Okay,” you nod, biting back the endearment hanging off the tip of your tongue. You do as he says, looking at your furious husband, feeling a shiver run through. Fearing what he might do once he’s unrestrained.
Dave curls around you, hand sliding up to cup your breast and then down to your thigh. “Don’t worry. He’s not going to touch you.” He promises, whispering in your ear. “I won’t let him lay a finger on you.”
Within seconds of feeling his touch, the fear is replaced with excitement and lust and the need to feel him slip into you. “Fuck me, Dave,” you plead, letting your eyes flicker up to your husband one more time, before letting yourself forget he’s in the room.
He chuckles quietly and lifts your thigh, bringing it back over his hip and opening you up to their view. “I’m going to fuck you. Been thinkin’ about fucking you for weeks. Imagining how tight and hot you’d be.” He kisses along your jaw as he slides closer and shifts to take his cock in his hand.
You let him mold you into the position he wants you, loving the way his hands feel on you. “God, me too. Fuck. Played with my pussy every night dreaming about this.”
The head teases your slit, sliding around and he hums. “Good.” He glances at his crying wife and your angry husband and smirks. “Let me know how it feels, baby.” He orders as he starts to push inside you.
You whimper as he starts to inch into you, the stretch of him feeling delicious. “Feels so good, baby,” you choke out, before placing your hand on top of his and squeezing. “So fucking big.”
“That’s it.” Dave growls, slowly rocking his hips and sinking deeper. “You’re taking it so good, baby. Squeezing my dick like a vice.”
“Fuck,” you moan, as he hits something new inside of you. Something that makes you clamp down hard around him and chant his name like sacred prayer, over and over.
He doesn’t start fucking you like it’s his last day on earth. Not yet anyway. He takes his time. Measured thrusts meant to make you cry out and yet he’s not giving it his all. Changing the pace and force often to keep things stimulated for you and remind Carol what she’s given up.
It’s nothing you’ve ever experienced before, someone chasing their high whilst chasing yours just as hard. With every moan, and flutter he praises you for taking him so well, for soaking his cock and squeezing him so perfectly.
His hands start to wander. Knowing that women love to be worshiped while they are having sex, his hands squeeze and grope adoringly. Forgetting about your audience, he concentrates on the breathless moans and whimpers that come from your throat. Seemingly made more desperate everytime he praises you.
“I think I’m go—,” is all you’re able to get out, before you clamp down around him hard and cum on his cock. Focusing on his sweet praises as you convulse in pleasure, feeling your sheets dampen beneath you as he keeps the same delicious pace throughout your high.
"That's it, fuck that's it, baby girl." Dave moans as he feels you cum all over him. "Soak my cock. Show me how fucking wet your little pussy gets when you cum." He huffs. "You needed this, didn't you? It's been so fucking long since you've really cum, hasn't it?"
“Needed it so bad,” you pant, as you come back down. “Never cum like that before. You want me to ride you now, baby?” You ask, as you pull his hand up to your mouth and gently kiss it.
"Yes." Dave pulls out of you and rolls onto his back, eager to feel you on top of him again. "Ride me, baby girl."
“I love it when you call me baby,” you say, as you straddle his hips and sink down onto him. Taking him inch by inch, until you’re filled with him. Slowly you start to rock your hips, building up to a pace that has him groaning your name. The sound of muffled cries and shouting drowned out both of your pleasure. His thumb finds his clit and he rubs gentle circles into it as you ride him, wanting to feel his cock throb against your tights walls that are fluttering around him.
You don’t bounce on his cock, or slam yourself back. It’s a slow grind that he finds himself grunting every time you circle your hips. He just keeps his eyes on you. Enjoying the way your own close and your head tilts back as you moan.
With every rock of your hips, he notches against paradise. Soft moans slip from your slips, as you chase your high again. Wanting to cum one more time before he does. Needing to feel him as much as you can, for as long as you possibly can.
One hand on your hip, another on your clit, he urges you to cum. “Come on baby, I know you can cum around my cock, again.” He groans, thrusting up into you shallowly. “Want to see it, beautiful.”
You rock your hips a little faster, chasing more friction from this hand on your clit and with a one word command for you to ‘cum’, you’re clamping down around him once more. Pleasure coursing throughout your body as he keeps you from falling forward, and continues to fuck up into you. Praising you for taking him for so well and fitting around him like a glove.
Once you have collapsed into his chest, Dave rolls you over and pushes your legs wider. Grunting as he takes over and his next thrust is hard enough to have you yelling.
“Fuck,” you scream, as he begins a breath stealing pace. “F-fill me up,” you beg, as he pounds in and out of you.
There’s renewed struggling and muffled screaming. Tommy most likely when he hears the plea for Dave to fill you up, but he doesn’t give a shit. Focusing on you and his own mounting pleasure as he fucks you hard and fast.
The sounds that are coming from you are unrecognizable. Brand new. Noises of pure unfiltered pleasure drowning out everything else. “Please,” you choke out, the word pained as another orgasm threatens to devastate your exhausted body. “Please, Dave.”
“Gonna- gonna cum.” He growls, clenching his jaw to push another few thrusts out of his body that screams for release. He knows you’re close again. He can feel it. Needs to see you do it again for his own selfish pride.
With little to no warning, he pulls you back over that edge with him. His thrusts sloppy as you clamp down hard around him, practically screaming his name as you milk him dry of his cum. He grits out a little praise in your ear, before groaning your name and wrapping his arms around you as you sink deeper into the mattress. 
Dave groans at the first piercing sound of his name, giving in and pushing deep as he starts to cum. Tightening his hold on you as he groans your name. Rolling his hips as he fills you.
“You feel so good,” you whimper as he paints your walls. You don’t want it to end, you want him to stay buried inside your desperate cunt forever. You can’t pretend that the past few weeks you haven’t been falling for him, and now being wrapped in his arms, you’re well and truly screwed. Literally.
“So good, baby. Fuck, that’s a tight little cunt.” He coos. “Never would have gone anywhere else if I had you in my bed.” It’s a shot at your husband, but it’s also true. He pulls back and presses his lips to yours before looking back at the cheaters still tied to their chairs. “We’re divorcing you both.” He announces.
“And you’ve already signed the papers,” you say with a smile, before immediately looking back at Dave. “Tommy gave me the idea. You were going to hand me an amended version of the prenup right? And this “dumb dutiful wife” was going to sign it without even glancing it over.”
Dave smirks when he sees Tommy’s eyes widen and his face drops. Discovering that his plot has been discovered. “Oops.” He hums sarcastically.
You giggle, before gently turning Dave’s face back towards yours and kissing him as hard as you can, a kiss that speaks a thousand words without saying any. “Thank you,” you murmur against his lips, knowing it’s time to face the music.
“Of course.” Dave sees the uncertainty and anxiety cross your face. He can tell you are scared of what might happen now that this is done. Pulling out if you gently, he sits up and looks towards the cheaters. “All your shit had been moved out of our houses to a storage unit. We’ll leave the keys, but you, especially you, Tommy-“ he growls, pointing his finger at the man. “Are not to come back tonight. Carol, you can come by and see the girls tomorrow. But you two enjoy the rooms.” He stands. “After we are dressed, I’ll untie you, Carol and you can untie Tommy after we’ve left.”
“You have no reason to come back to my house,” you say to Tommy, with a new found courage. “That’s why we drove your car. Don’t come back. I’ll see you in court with the video evidence of your cheating and your plans to fraudulently amend our prenuptial agreement.”
Dave ignores them as the two of you clean up and redress. Not even sparing them a glance. It feels freeing, setting out the papers and dropping the keys into a table before he smirks at you.
“Still ok to get a ride home?” You ask quietly, before he goes to untie Carol.
“Of course it’s okay, baby.” Dave stops and nods, giving you an encouraging smile before he moves back towards Carol.
You collect both yours and Dave’s things as he unties Carol, staying back just in case she decides to lunge at you. “Enjoy sleeping here tonight,” you say to Tommy, “This room will be the last thing I ever spend my money on you on. Sorry about the soaked sheets.” You add with a smirk.
Dave pulls off the gag and Carol sucks in a lungful of air. “Dave- Dave please, it’s not- I’m so sorry.” She sobs, leaping up out of the chair. “It was- God, I shouldn’t have done this.”
You see her leap towards Dave, and take another step back. “But you did,” you say quietly, “Both of you did this! For almost a year and the shit you said about us both, was worse than the fact you were fucking. You don’t deserve him and Tommy doesn’t deserve me.”
“I’m sorry Dave, I’m so sorry.” She reaches for him but he pulls back. 
“Don’t.” He warns her. “The day I found out you were fucking him was the day I was done with you.”
“Same with you,” you say to Tommy. “I mean it when I say that you’re not welcome in my home again.” Turning to face Dave, you reach your hand out for him to take, “You ready?”
“I’m ready,” he assures you, taking your hand and looking back at the other two people with a look of utter disdain for them plastered on his face. “I hope you two are happy together.”
You lead him out of the room. Hand tightly gripping his as you make your way to the elevators, and pressing the button. Wordlessly you turn to face him and rock up on your tiptoes and press your lips to his.
He’s surprised by the kiss but he doesn’t push you away. Instead, he’s wrapping his arms around you and leaning into it. Enjoying the fact that you aren’t crying like he had expected.
“I’m going to feel you for days,” you say against his lips, before pulling him for another kiss. Stepping into the thankfully empty elevator still attached to him, wanting to extend the moment for as long as you can.
“Do you-“ he pulls away and frowns. “The girls are at a sleepover and I told Kayla’s mom that Carol isn’t to pick them up. Do you want me to crash on your sofa? Make sure Tommy doesn’t decide to show up tonight?”
“Honestly, I was hoping you’d sleep in my bed,” you admit quietly, “But you don’t have to… if you’d prefer to crash on the sofa, you can.” 
“I wasn’t going to assume anything.” Dave chuckles quietly, reaching up and rubbing your back. “If you want me to be in your bed, I’ll sleep there.”
“I want you in my bed,” you say with a smile, “How are you feeling?”
“Indifferent.” He admits. “I’m angry for the girls, but I’m completely over Carol. Just cut the infection out and move on.” Maybe not the healthiest way to deal with things, but he managed. “How are you feeling?”
“Kids are super resilient and we both know that they love their Daddy, they’ll be okay.” You say with a squeeze of his hand, “I’m really good, great actually.”
“A good fucking will do that.” He teases, smirking at you slightly. “What are your plans for tomorrow night?” He asks suddenly.
“Yeah, I-uh-I could get used to that,” you mumble, “I’m free. How about you?”
“Well, considering I’m free and you’re free…” Dave shrugs slightly. “Thought I might take you out on a date. If you wanted. If not, I get it.”
“Sounds perfect,” you say with the biggest smile you’ve managed for weeks, “Do I get to wear something pretty?”
“Where whatever you want. Figured we’d go somewhere fancy to celebrate being free of them and decide what we want to do.” Dave hums.
“I like that, nice and breezy.” You say as he slips an arm around you as you make your way towards his car.
“To new beginnings, baby.” Dave jostles you slightly with a grin. “It’ll be ironic if we get together and are happy while they are miserable and don’t last a year.” He pulls his arm from around you and opens the door on the passenger side for you. “We’ll see, won’t we?”
“We will. Now that you and that incredible cock have completely ruined other men for me, I'm excited to see where it goes.” You giggle before thanking him for opening the door, “Thank you. To new beginnings.” You say as you smash your lips up against his.
Dave grins. Yes, your ex and his might have hurt you, but you are going to end up winning. He’ll make sure of it.
[A year later]
Life comes at you quickly. Your first date with Dave quickly became a 3rd, 4th and so on. The girls adapted quickly with their new changes and before you knew it, you were practically living with them.
He asked you to put your house up for sale and move in with him two months after your first date and a year on, life is perfect.
The sight of Dave napping comfortably on the sofa with your newborn son sleeping on his chest fills your heart. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted and so much more. 
It turns out that your ex-husband having an affair would be the best thing that ever happened to you.
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beneatheaven · 9 months
video call sex with soobin
lowercase intended, 1,764 words, haven’t proof read
smut under cut, minors do not interact
sitting down at your desk with all your project work out, ready to go over it with your partner, soobin. you both decided to do some over the call working sessions together along because of his busy schedule. this being the first one. it kinda pissed you off, with all the free time on your side, it felt like you could finish this sooner on your own. but it's whatever, he's really smart so maybe he can carry for the both of you guys.
you receive a text saying he's ready and on is on discord. opening up the app on your laptop, and joining the call. noticing he had his camera on. you could see his room in the background. his bed nicely made and there's a pretty shelf with all his little figures. it's kinda cute, coming from him.
"hey, are you ready? oh why isn't your camera on?". his voice brings you back. "i didn't know that was apart of the agreement. why's yours on?" you say harshly. "well just so that we can see if either of us get distracted, keep each other on track.". hmm maybe he has a point..
you don't really want to turn your camera on, you're in your loose tank top and shorts, ready to sleep sometime after this. now noticing what he's wearing, he's just in a white tee and probably some grey sweats huh..."okay i'll turn it on."
after 40 minutes of going over the subject and how to equally separate the work load, you're focused on getting all the information you can for today. you had half of your screen soobin's camera screen and the other half your school work, so did he. this also being his idea, making sure that you guys could keep an eye on each other.
this wasn't so bad, soobin made a nice study playlist for guys to listen to at the same time. thinking it would've kept you distracted, but it kept you very concentrated. possibly preferring this over being in a quiet library together.
"um y/n your.. your um strap." looking down at yourself and lifting your strap back up and into place. you didn't have a bra on either so it felt extra exposed. "thanks, sorry about that." you felt a little shy about it. "no worries, um did you want to take a break? we've been working for over an hour and a half." you agreed and moved some of your things to the side.
soobin had turned the study music off as you were about to get on your phone. "so what were you doing before this?" you look over at your laptop. making his camera camera screen larger. "i was just cleaning and getting some other homework done. killing time before you were ready. i almost wanted to get a head start cause i had so much time." that last sentence coming off a little harsh. but it was true!
"yea sorry about that.. they're been giving me closing shifts recently after my afternoon classless and i don't get to do anything until i'm home." it was out of his control..oh poor soobin..
"it's fine, at least you're willing to actually do the work, i appreciate it."he smiles at your response. of course he would be helpful. "i feel kinda bad tho, wouldn't your boyfriend be mad about spending late nights with me?" he dragged out his words a little. "i don't have a boyfriend." responding immediately , felt like you had to.
he laughs slightly at your reply. "just expected someone as pretty as you are to be taken already." his words made your face feel hot, how did he do that. he's left you speechless..
"tell me y/n, what are you doing after this?" his voice became a bit deeper, with a sultry tone. "probably sleeping, wouldn't want to stay up too late." nodding his head, seems like a reasonable to do.. what's he thinking?
"well after this i'm also heading to bed, but just before i sleep i'm going to think about how cute you look in that tank top." all the heat from your face just went straight to your core. did he mean that..
he ran his hand through his hair. "and how it'd look if i just lifted it up just right above your tits.. running my fingers lightly over you." starting to squirm in your chair. how's this even happening. "i'm getting hard just thinking about it right now, too bad i'll have to imagine it." biting his bottom lip as he stares back at you for a bit. "anyways, lets get back to work, wouldn't want you to sleep late." he went back to flipping through his papers.
you blinked at how fast he was able to move from that. he can't just talk to you like that and you get nothing out of it, no fair. after collecting your thoughts you get back to work, still no music playing. you could hear soobin's breathing, and how fast your heart is beating still.
you knew soobin's eye's shifted to your screen quite often, maybe he wanted to make sure you were focused, maybe he just wanted to just be reminded how hot you looked right now. deciding to lean in closer to your laptop, your breast would squish closer together, looking like they might spill out of your loose tank top.
soobin groans."don't do that." he leans back in his chair. "do what?" playing dumb. you notice his right hand is blow his desk, what if he's stroking himself.."you seem distracted soobin, remember, we still have 30 minutes to work tonight." he rolls his eyes, "how about another break? I'm sorta getting tired of this assignment."
you lean back in your seat, keeping eye contact with him on the screen. "sure, it's up to you." soobin's right hand still unseen, you wanna play see what he's up to so bad. "oh come on, you don't wanna show me what you're busy doing?" his tongue darts out his mouth swiping across his bottom lip and bitting down on it before speaking. "so eager? our break just started." scoffing at his reply, you lean right back in closer.
"come on let me see..i'll do whatever you want right after." earning a whimper from him, he goes to move his pc camera down slightly and scoots back a little. he was wearing grey sweats, they were pulled down slightly along with his boxers. entire cock out, stroking it slowly. you could see the small beads of precum coming out from his pretty pink tip. wondering how much that pc camera cost..
you could moan at this sight, him biting his lip so he doesn't release any sounds, feeling so vulnerable from you staring at him in this state. "you look so cute soobin." his whimpers still being held back. "your turn now, please?" "fine if you say so."
thinking about his fantasy, deciding to make it real. you lift your top slowly and letting it rest just above your breast like he imagined. his faced was so torn, losing it over how hot you looked. running your fingers all over your chest, teasing yourself with your soft touches and grazes. this just felt so hot, everything about this was so hot.
"you're just as gorgeous as i imagined, so pretty baby, can i call you that?" he sounded so good. the slight whine in his voice and pauses in his sentences, you would do anything he asked. "yes please, do whatever you want." "so needy, how cute."
still playing with his tip "wish i could kiss those pretty tits, pinch them and hear your pretty moans, could you do that for me baby?" your breathing is heavy, nodding at him. lifting both your hands, with just the tips of your pointer fingers, rubbing them both your nipples lightly. you felt so sensitive, jolting at your own touches, you could hear him moaning at you. eye lids wanting to close but you kept them open and you could see his left hand going under his shirt and rubbing his chest, you could see his abs... there's no way he's real.
after teasing your nipples for a few more seconds, deciding to pinch them, immediately letting out a loud moan. "god yes, let me hear you." you could see his fist moving up and down his cock faster as he watched you tease yourself. "wanna touch yourself pretty? please i wanna see how you do it."
he's making you feel so good and he's not even here, you need him so bad after this. your right hand starts diving down to your shorts, under your panties. "let me see how wet you are baby." collecting some of your slick to show him. "your so wet, i wish i could taste you..will you let me next time?" thank goodness he feels the same way.
going back to under shorts, you flicked your clit a couple of times, earning him some more of your pretty moans. slipping one finger in, thrusting it as fast as you could on your own. left hand still playing with your breast, everything felt so good, soobin's voice praising you and moaning after. "you wanna cum so badly don't you? wish it was my fingers?" "uh huh." nodding as you inserted a second finger, his words felt so good.
"i'm gonna cum soon baby, keep moaning for me pretty. cum with me, wanna see you lose it." you both kept going until you felt that knot in your stomach snap. thighs shaking, bitting down on your bottom lip. you didn't know you could be this loud. soobin's moans when he came were so mouthwatering, throwing his head back while he came with ropes of cum. wanna taste him..
"so good baby, you did so good for me." trying to catch your breathing, pulling your top down to cover yourself, licking your cum off your fingers. "so dirty for me." "your so hot soobin." orgasm high hitting you fast, you just wanna compliment him and kiss him so bad, wishing he was here. "that felt so good, i can't believe it."
after the both of you guys calmed down, just in each other silent presence. "i'm glad that happened. i didn't really plan for that but, you just.. looked really good right now." making you blush again, he's so kissable. "maybe we could work on the project at my place next time, or yours.." "yea i'd like that."
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kazumist · 5 months
masterlist / prev ep / next ep / wc: 473.
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it was silent when you arrived. diluc was already there, his eyes focused on his phone, typing.
pulling up the chair next to him, his attention shifts towards you. “are you certain you're okay with this today?” he asks. you nodded to him, getting your things ready.
he didn't pry any further—not that he could anyway. even if diluc did show concern for you like any other decent person would, he couldn't cross the line that separates you both from being a tutee and a tutor.
it was obvious that you were distracted.
although diluc was well aware of the fact that it takes you a bit of time to understand a lesson, this time it was just different.
it was like you weren't listening at all.
“are you alright?” he asks, suddenly stopping to explain the process of solving. you nodded mindlessly at him, your eyes focused on something else. it was obvious that you weren't properly listening to him.
“you're not fine,” he says.
that made you snap out of your thoughts. everything was running through your head. deadlines, projects, errands, and many more. it was like your brain was going overload and was about to go haywire anytime soon.
“sorry.” that was all you replied—that was all you could reply with.
he shakes his head, “no need to apologize. maybe we should've canceled for today.”
“huh? but that's unfair for you.”
“unfair in what way, exactly?”
okay, he got you there. you weren't even sure what would be unfair in the first place. “i thought so. also i would very much prefer if my tutee would be in the right headspace when she takes her tutor lessons.” he chuckles a bit—soft yet you could notice the slight deepness to his voice.
“sorry,” you apologized again. “it's just that everything is just so… exhausting? or draining lately. i’m not even a goddamn drainage to feel like this," you sighed.
diluc didn't utter a single word after that. with his eyes darting to all sorts of things that are scattered across the table in front of you, he tried to find the right words to say.
“it’s alright. i know things aren't really fine right now, but it'll be okay soon. it happens to everyone; don't worry.”
now it was your turn not to say anything back. but diluc continued on anyway. “it's okay to not be okay, (name).”
huh. who knew that diluc just said the exact words you needed to hear?
“... thanks, diluc. i kinda needed that.”
“anytime. i got you, okay?”
you nodded at him again, but this time your lips had already curled up to a small smile.
by the time you stepped foot into your shared dormitory, diluc’s words kept echoing inside your head.
i got you, okay?
maybe tomorrow will treat you a bit better.
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extra notes.
finals week felt like hell for me so i made ep 12 as some sort of small outlet
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taglist (open): @ryuryuryuyurboat @g4bbyyy @kizakiss @quackimilktea @mochiboo123 @thystarsshine @cerisescherries @jamieexistss @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @aethion @dottoreworld-page @naishite @sleepyeri @staaarhin @eroxotckv @kiyiiaarchived @fallenssun @lolmeowing @haihelokuki @astolary @kissingkzuha @axerrri @a1-ic3 @lottierulez @livelaughlovekuni @sorcerersseestars @whipped-for-fictionals @morganadorodo @briluvspnk @venderretta @xiaosoneandonly @angeilix @morgyyyyyyy @kazioli @the-massive-simp @qtange @tiredjxnna @yuminako @ratiolove @sn1perz @akitokisser @siu-ssi @artri-ad @hyeinszn @saeskiss @bubblegum-angelquartz @boomie-123 @moni11032 @sandwichmyonetruelove @cherrybb-ily @itztaki @dontmindtheevie
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ilygetou · 2 years
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getō suguru, your step-dad fingering you while on a phone call with your mother <3
cw. stepcest, squirting, slight overstimulation, cheating, usage of pet names, fluff in the end, short n’ sweet.
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your legs were spread apart, one of getō’s hands resting on your left thigh as his other hand was in-between your legs, his fingers deep inside your sopping cunt.
you were letting out low mewls and moans of your step-father’s name, he was moving his finger slowly but the feeling of his thick fingers inside you already felt good enough, though you were craving for more.
“p-please...this isn’t enough..” you pleaded, getō chucked in response, he brushed your cheeks with his hands, his expression slightly softening “nu-uh, you have to beg more for it baby” and you let out a sob in reply.
Suddenly your dad’s phone rang, he looked at the caller id and it was your mother. Getō motioned you to stay quiet to take the phone call, he placed his phone on his shoulder before resuming his actions. He curled his fingers upwards, before he added a second finger while engaging in a conversation with your mother on the phone.
his fingers reached deep, much deeper than your own fingers could ever reach, and were rough with callouses. He moved them with the same precision and finesse curling them up in such a way that they pressed firm against your sweet spot every time.
you bit your lip hard to stifle your noises as waves of pleasure surged through your body, scared that your mother might hear your moans from the other side.
“mhm, she’s been doing real good lately, isn’t that right y/n?” and a sudden wave of panic brushed past you when getō handed you his phone, slowly fastening his thrusts and you were now struggling to keep your voice in.
“y/n?” you heard your mother say from the other line, your whole body was shaking, trying to reply but low whimpers kept leaving you instead, “y/n?”
your mother sounded concerned which made you feel slightly bad until getō started thrusting his fingers at a rapid speed, that your mind went foggy and now you couldn’t utter a single word.
“oh shit, sorry sweetheart, y/n’s kinda busy right now, but i promise you she’s doing alright, how is work though?” you would think getō was doing this to tease you a bit more which was true but he was also trying to distract your mother from the lewd sounds your cunt was making, squelching wet sounds of your dad’s fingers fucking your cunt.
you arched your back and your mouth hanged open, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your tongue rolled out. Getō seemed to not be giving you any mind as his whole attention seemed fixated on your pussy.
“ah? you’re going to be here in about five minutes?” and right after saying that, your dad started thrusting his fingers rapidly, your orgasm getting closer and closer.
Getō started rubbing your clit, slightly pinching it to add to the mixture of pleasure you’ve been receiving. Your legs started quivering and you were now letting out loud, uncontrollable moans.
Your walls spasmed around suguru’s digits, your eyes because teary before a rush of clear liquid started covering suguru’s fingers, some of it slightly staining his face.
Getō stared at you in shock, his chin dripping with your juices. That wasn’t cum that’s for sure, getō smirked before he went back to moving his fingers, plunging them deep into you.
You let out small whimpers of overstimulation, “d-daddy...’s too much!” getō chuckled in reply, his movements slow but you could already feel yourself approaching your climax.
“aw, can my sweet daughter not take anymore?” a whimper left you in reply, you started clinging into suguru, letting out shameless, loud moans.
his fingers kept pressing against your sweet spots and your legs started shaking once again, your mind fuzzy, you tightened your grip on your father’s shirt before spasming around his fingers and letting out white, slimy liquid.
Getō let’s out a soft laugh, before he bent down and placed a quick kiss on your lips. He took out his fingers which were covered with your juices and shoved them into your mouth, “suck ’em, baby” you started lazily sucking on your father’s fingers, tasting yourself.
suguru’s fingers slipped out of your mouth, he brought his thumb and started sliding them on your lips, “go rest sweetheart, i’ll clean all this up” he once again planted another kiss on your lips, before helping you get up from your place.
suguru carried you bridal style and placed you on your bed, slowly.
“shit, your mom will be here any second now, i better hurry up” once suguru was about to leave you pulled him by his shirt which straddled him and made him slightly trip, you pulled suguru and kissed his cheeks, to embarrassed to kiss him on the lips.
“aw, do you like me that much?” suguru teased, which made you shy away and slightly nod your head, “well, i like you too” suguru kissed your nose and grinned, “i better hurry up now” you nodded your head once again, before watching your father walk away with lots of emotions bottled up inside you.
love? guilt? maybe even both?
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heyidkyay · 6 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Eleven
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Hiiiiii, it's been a while:) Sorry, had a lot going on tbh very hectic and stressy but I had most of this written out before life got all messy and so I just tried my best to finish it! Hope you all had a happy holidays, whether you celebrated anything or just had a lovely few days, also wishing you a very happy new year!! Here's hoping it'll be a good one x Alsooo, a big thank you to @procrastinatinglikeapro who's an utter angel and without this part wouldn't have been finished!<3
Onto part eleven I suppose!
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It’d been too long a day, though it had only just gone eleven. So Matty had decided to take a well earned break that no one else seemed to be fully aware of. He’d left George and Adam to themselves, the pair caught up in a heated discussion about a particular opening to a new song they’d been working on, and Ross was off in the booth playing something or other just to escape the rest of them. He’d had a late one the night before and was feeling the effects of it, poor prat.
Matty reckoned that he probably had a good while before Jamie strolled in though, or before George started getting aggy about the current chord progression, so he’d taken to one of the far corners of the studio to slink into the small sofa there and pull out his phone.
Messages now Squeaks I’m meant to be prepping for recording!! Stop distracting me.
Matty grinned to himself at the most recent text he’d received. They’d been at it since six this morning, but he’d yet to grow tired and so was already typing one back. 
Messages now Ditto babe So it would seem that you are the one now distracting me
He shook his head at the next reply that came through, but had to agree with her point; Adi seemed a whole lot scarier than the three twats he’d been burdened with. Even so, he couldn’t let her know that, could he? Or have the last word either. It was a matter of principle now.
See, it’d been a few weeks since that night at the club and the morning after in the quietness that was her flat- a place that still swarmed his thoughts during moments of the day when he felt his mind drift. He’d been so caught up in the moment back then, in her and in being allowed that close, that he hadn’t paid much mind to everything else. Too focused on watching, observing the way she behaved in a place so full of comfort. He only wished now that he had nosed around a bit more, her bedroom hadn’t given much away and neither had her kitchen, but those had been the only two places he’d been able to linger.
Still, afterwards he thought that the whole situation might’ve stirred things up for them, what with her dickhead of a mate and his waking up in her bed. Because most girls either fell arse over tit wanting to get into his trousers, or rather a chance in the spotlight, whilst others ran headfirst through the nearest fire exit door. 
Mouse though, she was something else.
She kept him at arm's length, that was for sure. Made it clear she had boundaries, even if she was open to a bit of harmless flirting here and there. But he’d just put that down to her being more mature than most of the women he’d met. She was also dead set on them just being mates, and he could do that, really, he could. He had tons of female friends, ‘cause why not, right? So he knew he could hold back. He could.
Saying that though, Squeaks hadn’t just stuck around for a short time to live within the confines of his fame-covered umbrella and, honest to God, it was refreshing just how much she didn’t seem to mind the headlines nor the fans that came along with him. She loved his music, yeah, she’d made that part known- or at least their older stuff, bit mean- but that was it. She asked for nothing but his company. 
And even then, that had been all down to him. He had sought her out. Not the other way around. So he was always wondering over it, over why and over her.
Usually, people like that were hard to come by these days, or were simply playing the long game. He’d seen it happen plenty times before, not just with himself, but with his parents too, and other people within the industry. It didn’t feel that way with her though. It was why he’d been so reluctant to share her anymore than he already had, ie. Jamie and now Danny too, he supposed. Although the latter hadn’t really asked much after her since their night out, on the low now that he feared Jamie was after his head. Matty couldn’t muster up any sympathy. 
And during the last few weeks, he had practically forced his way into her life even further. Too scared that if he didn’t, if he relaxed, that she would just play it safe and walk away, and he wouldn’t have that. So, they’d gone from texting at all hours of the day to phoning most nights now that he had a set routine in London for a short while. And sometimes, if he was lucky, they would facetime and he’d feel his heartbeat pick up at the sight of her tired smile.
It was nice. 
Made him feel like a kid again, in truth. As though someone liked him just for being himself. His pushy, egotistical maybe, but simple self.
She’d probably rib him to bits if she could hear him now, all soppy like. But even so, he couldn’t find it in himself to take any of it back.
“Oi, loverboy! Gonna tell us what new model’s got you grinnin’ like that then?”
Matty’s head snapped up at the familiar lilt of George’s teasing voice, who was still seated in the cushy chair he’d long ago claimed but had since turned in to glance over at him.
“Nothing like that, dickhead.” And at George’s disbelieving hum, Matty rolled his eyes and tacked on, “Believe what you like, man. You finished sorting that section or not?”
George mimicked the action, though with less of his usual irritated flare, and cocked his head in the direction of his laptop. “Just about. Only gotta tune shit up now.” Then he glanced back at him, leaning in the chair with his hands linked across his front, “So are you going to finally tell us what’s had you so distracted lately? Feels like every time I see you you're glued to your phone. Not back on Twitter, are you?”
Matty glared at the mention of the app, because yes he was, but who the fuck was George to judge him for it? So he lied.
“No,” He scoffed just as his phone buzzed once more in his hand, it really was a great fucking struggle for him not to just go ahead and quickly check it. “Just scrolling. Why don’t you mind your business, egghead?”
It was a cheap shot, but all the questions had left him flustered. He was only fucking human, yeah?
“Ah, leave him be! It’s nice not to have him in my ear constantly.” Hann, the backstabbing twat, laughed and shot Matty an amused smile, as though that would lessen the blow. Matty rolled his eyes once more.
“Yeah, yeah. Can we get back to work now?”
George’s eyebrows rose a tad but he blew out a long breath and simply shrugged, “Whatever. Just let us know if it’s anything serious.”
Matty withheld the petulant urge to get all huffy with the lot of them and instead shoved his phone into his back pocket so that he could grab the neck of his guitar and not succumb to the overwhelming urge to have a peek.
Fucking overbearing glibs. Always wanting in on everything. 
Though he supposed he couldn’t blame them, not really, seeing as he’d kept them on the outskirts of his life for so long now. Always keeping secrets, that it was practically now his trade. But well, a drug addiction would do that, and it wasn’t like he could go back and alter things. 
This was a real change of pace for him, sure, but after all the crap that had come with the past year, Matty guessed that this couldn’t be easy for any of them either. It was definitely a shift.
He’d leave it. For now, at least. They could let him have this.
“Nah, nah, go and play that again.” Matty spoke up once he’d made his way back on over, listening to the loop Hann had just hit play on, “Who put that shit in? Sounds fucking awful!” And in turn, received a notebook to the head.
“... So yeah, Ads ended up putting the fire extinguisher to good use- our first go of it, too!” I felt the need to tack on, grinning at the very reminder of it as I filled up a pot to boil. “There was a crap ton of foam everywhere-”
“Language!” The woman admonished me from down the phone and I rolled my eyes around a faint chuckle.
“I’m twenty-three, mam! You can't scold me anymore and besides, I could have said a lot worse than crap, you know?”
She still tutted, displeased, “And what if Teddy were to hear? You wish for him to be spouting that the next time he’s at garderie?”
Shaking my head in amusement, I flicked on the hob and turned to pick the phone back up. “Nursery’s probably already heard it all.” I snorted, remembering the most recent mishap made by Teddy’s friend, Issie, when she had sworn in front of the entire school last assembly. “Anyway, he’s not even here! He’s been hypnotised by the tele.”
“I don’t think I will ever understand the charm behind that invention. It rots brains, ma mie!”
“Eh, so they claim.” I retorted with a meagre shrug whilst shuffling across the kitchen floor to find the pasta I'd left on the other counter, “But all it’s doing right now is keeping him out from under my feet whilst I make a start on tea.”
Even through the phone I could feel her exasperation.
“Et encore,” The woman stressed and I smiled mostly to myself as I propped my phone up against the wall again so that I could measure and still see her. She seemed to let the subject go though, because her next question was, “What are you making anyway?”
I told her and whilst I allowed her to direct me (and berate my cooking skills- even though I was her best student! As well as her only, I supposed) I prattled on about the rest of my day spent at the studio and then down at the shops after having picked up Teds from school. The little weirdo had tried to lure a pigeon in after us and failed helplessly. 
So it wasn’t too long before she finally interrupted my ramblings, in fact I’d almost finished with the sauce I was mixing.
“You’ve been glowing lately.” I heard her say and I grinned around the finger I had popped in my mouth, having just tasted the creamy béchamel.
“I am?”
She hummed quietly whilst I chanced a glance over at her, “Hm, it’s new, nice.”
I snorted, unsure on how to take that. “Thanks?”
My mum merely rolled her eyes mirthfully, a small smile flickering at the corners of her mouth, “Have you thought about Noël much more?”
Pursing my lips, I leant forward to check on the still boiling pasta- not long now, I deemed. “I dunno if we can make it, mam. Last time we took the boat out Teds was ill for days after and I don’t want him spending Christmas like that, especially seeing as I have to be here up until the twenty-third, the second if I keep praying!”
I paused instantly and rocked back on my heels to frown at her, having expected more of an argument. “Okay? What do you mean, okay? Do you not want me home or something?”
Mam just shook her head, chuckling quietly, and I felt the crease between my brows deepen. “Non! It just means that the plane ticket I bought won’t go to waste.”
Blinking, I spluttered out, “Hang on, plane ticket?? Since when do you fly!”
“Since I realised that nearly a whole year has passed since I last saw my family! Too long, mon cœur.” She shot straight back at me and I felt myself chuckle softly at her, feeling my heart swell enough to override the evident guilt that stirred.
“I’m sorry, maman. I didn’t mean for it to be so long, just…”
“Life, mon cher, life carries on and it keeps us busy. You most of all, with your show and the baby.” She consoled, her face so full of warmth.
“Hardly a baby now.” I felt the urge to mumble but she simply waved me off.
“As well as this new glow of yours!” She added, confusing me enough to laugh a little and question what she meant. “Don’t play me for a fool, chéri, I raised you! There is someone, isn’t there?”
“Someone?” I quipped right back, very much bewildered by this whole new conversation we were now having. “What are you getting at?”
She clucked her tongue at me, as though she thought I was just playing at being dense, and so I watched on as she lifted her eyes towards the ceiling. “Someone new! A mystery man, peut être?”
I gawped, spluttered, and then shook my head, “No, non! Far from! God, can’t a girl just glow? I’m just happy, maman!”
“Ah, so I am right! You’re blushing.”
“Am not!”
My mum merely laughed at my petulance in return. “You are, Souris! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, if you don’t want to tell me more then I will leave it, for now. It looks good on you though.”
“Maman.” I groaned, “You couldn’t be more wrong about this.”
“I know my own child, crois-moi.” Was all that she replied, shrugging simply whilst I stood frozen in my kitchen hundreds of miles away from her. I knew she wouldn’t budge though. “But I want to know more soon! Maybe when I visit.” She proposed.
My eyes widened and it took everything in me not to pester her any further on what the hell she’d meant by it all. Seeing someone? I mean, she was out of her mind. I hadn’t spared even a glance at anyone in that way since, well since Teddy! And she knew this.
“Now, you should probably do something about that pot, amour. It’s bubbling over.”
That was all I needed to force myself back into the present and I swore up a storm as I rushed over to save the pasta on the stove. 
“Did you see it? Did you see it? Did you see it?”
I reeled back at the sudden presence of an overwhelming Adi, who had shot up to greet me at the studio door as I walked in, curls bouncing every which way. I laughed, more than a little surprised by the intrusion as I attempted to step around her and get further inside. It didn’t work as well as I hoped though, seeing how she scuttled after me like a baby duckling who’d just learned to walk.
“Christ, Ads! At least lemme put my shit down.” I told her, all but skidding around the settee to throw my bag onto it. “Only just about managed to escape a Teddy Tantrum on the way in.”
Even with the mention of the almost meltdown from the monster that was my toddler she still powered on, bouncing on the balls of her feet, phone clutched tightly in the hand she held close to her chest. “But did you see it!” She pestered me, the stress and excitement of the situation evident in the pitch of her voice.
Looking at her, I knew I just had to put her out of her misery. “Yes, I saw it.” I smiled slyly, shaking my head fondly whilst I moved over towards the kitchenette. “Brew?” I wondered aloud and she shot me the most scathing look.
“Forget tea! There’s no time for tea! Are we doing it, or not?!” Adi immediately fired back, eyes now as wide as dinner plates.
I tried so hard to keep my growing grin from view, messing with the cups atop the fridge, but she was nothing if not adamant.
Breaking, I laughed at her and glanced over to where she stood an arms length away, practically ready to explode. “Why wouldn’t we be?” I asked and her mouth dropped open at the insinuation of my words and the hope she’d been attempting to hide blossomed into pure elation. 
“You’re serious? You’re not just messing with me? Because I will strangle you right here, right now!”
My eyebrows rose, but I was still grinning away. “I go down fighting, babe.”
“Don’t I know it- still have the scar from when we wrestled over who got to say the first hello to Bono!”
I grinned proudly but did remind her, “And I still have nightmares about your teeth buried in my left thigh.”
“Oi, that healed!”
I snorted, “And? The trauma didn’t.”
Adi rolled her eyes and then smiled over at me. “I can’t believe you’re actually agreeing to do this.” She breathed, watching me ever so closely now.
I shrugged, feeling a little sheepish but mostly just trying not to think about the circumstances of it all. “It’s for charity- and besides, they asked. I couldn’t say no, could I?”
A crease formed between her dark knitted brows, “You could. I know I’m excited and all but, if you’re not comfortable with it…” She trailed off and I hated seeing her all mopey and concerned, it rivalled Teddy’s best set of puppy-dog eyes. An art he’d mastered since before he’d been able to sit up on his own.
“I know.” I assured her kindly as I propped myself up against the counter, “I want to do it though, Ads. It’s for a good cause and whatnot. Plus, I’ll have you there with me and it’s not like we’ll be in front of any cameras.”
“Maybe not you, but I'm soaking it all up, babe!” Adi immediately retorted and she flicked her hair over her shoulder for dramatic effect, “A face like this was made to be seen.”
I smirked and continued with the task I’d set of refilling the kettle, “And who would I be if I denied the world that chance?”
“Exactly.” She said, then chuckled, moving across the floor to shoot two tea bags into the mugs I’d gathered. “Now, all we need to do is work out what to wear.”
“And what questions to ask! They said they’re still unsure on the lineup this year. What with it being all new and whatnot.” I mentioned, having been thinking on that specific issue since the ask had come through the previous afternoon. 
It wasn’t a huge gala type event, nothing like the Met or the Brits, but it was going to be a big showcase in the leadup to Christmas. Something that was going to help provide a lot to those who were going without this year. From what I’d gathered, there would be variety acts, musical performances, comedians, dancers and the like, and it was meant to be broadcasted across the entire country. So, to say this was a big deal for us. A radio show I’d started in my bedroom! Was a massive understatement.
“I mean, an actual red carpet, Mouse!” Adi finally squealed, letting loose all the obvious excitement she’d been holding in. “Come on, even you’ve got to be looking forward to that!”
I nudged her hip slightly as I went for the milk, silently rebuking that comment, but she just laughed in turn. “I am, to be fair. It’s going to be a whole lot different from what we’re used to though.”
Adi merely flashed me a bright eyed grin, “Exactly why we need to dress to the nines, babe! Gotta show these haughty celebs that we can roll with the likes of them.”
I cackled when she did and then shook my head, extra careful not to go spilling any of the hot tea we’d brewed as we made our way back over towards the settee. This was definitely going to be one for the books.
“You got all that?”
The others all gave their own variation of a confirmation to their stressy manager whilst Matty’s attention deferred, eyes jumping ever so quickly from one thing to another.
“Matty mate, you hearing me?”
A barge shook him in his stance and he turned towards Jamie and the rest of the guys with raised brows before he huffed.
“Yeah, yeah- album, smiles, don’t be a fuckhead.” He listed off, already glancing away.
Ross snorted over Jamie’s head, who in turn rolled his eyes at Matty’s blatant tone. “Don’t fuck this one up, it’ll be good for your image, alright?”
“We won’t.” Hann promised him with that gentle smile of his just as George clapped the older man’s shoulder, “Try not to have a heart attack before we make it to the end, man.”
“I’ll be fucking lucky.” Matty heard Jamie mutter under his breath just before they were herded off towards the start of the carpet where a shit ton of fans and a horde of cameras waited.
“You doing alright though?”
Matty hummed at the quiet question, dipping his chin ever so slightly. He was alright. It just felt different, being at something like this stone cold sober. It had been too long, in truth. Actually, he’d begun to wonder if he’d ever not been on something since they’d first shot up to fame and been forced to attend shit like this. He lingered on that very thought even as he replied.
“Fine, just thinking over the opening.” He clasped his hands before him to keep himself from fidgeting any more than he had been. He was always fucking doing it, drove people crazy, or so he’d been told.
“You’ll ace it.” Ross whispered to him around a conspiratorial grin, squeezing Matty’s upper arm once before they were all called into the onslaught by an usher. “Show time, boys!” He added and with it, Matty forced out a breath.
Stepping onto a carpet always felt like entering a whole other reality, whether it was a black tie event or something sweet and easy. There was just nowhere that you could possibly hide to escape the cameras or the shouts and cries of people vying for your attention. It was easy to follow their directions though, ‘Over here!’ or ‘To your left!’, but it was much harder to tune out the other shit that got thrown their way.
“Matty! Matty! How was rehab?” One shouted, “Are you lot breaking up then?” Went another. “George, where’s Charli? And the after party, what about the after party?”
Matty bared his teeth and grinned through it, knowing he’d only be making things more difficult for himself if he gave them any inclination that he’d heard, let alone a real reaction.
By the time they made it off the first half though, away from all the blinding lights and constant flashing, Matty didn’t even get a chance to regroup before he felt himself already being steered towards the next horde of press.
He dragged a helpless hand down his face, bracing himself as best he could, before dozens, if not more, interviewers came into view, all eager to get their questions in, maybe find a way to have someone slip up and earn themselves a column in some crappy rag or paper. 
Typically, he didn’t mind this part. Here he got to work his magic, charm and woo whoever it was standing behind the camera and then swiftly move on. It was everything he enjoyed in an interview; three, four questions max and then he was gone. Like smoke in the wind.
Matty smiled at the notion, then stepped up in between Hann and Ross to greet the first bloke who’d reached out for them.
Somehow he managed to persevere on through and make it nearer to the end. Normally it was there that they could evade most of the microphones stuck their way and make a swift exit into the awaiting building. But just as Matty opened his mouth to suggest it to the others, his eyes caught on something in the corner, or rather someone.
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah, it’s been a bit mental. But it’s over now though, mate.” Matty heard one of the others say in response to him as they clapped his shoulder heartily, but they obviously hadn’t realised that he hadn’t been moaning about the whole ordeal, not even moaning at all actually. No, he’d just been fucking shocked to the core and all but rooted to the red carpet in surprise and that was all the words that he could let escape.
Before he could think to correct them, or let them know, he somehow managed to unstick his feet and start hurrying in a whole other direction. They called out when they noticed but he paid them no mind, flicking at his blazer sleeves and then wiping his hands discreetly to get rid of that clammy sheen they always managed to create whenever he was on edge.
Because how could he not be? When Mouse was standing there at the very skirtings of the crowd, just behind a staged barrier. Her of all people. And Matty couldn’t quite manage to tear his gaze away. Sights set as he bulldozed on through people to get closer and closer. 
She looked incredible. There was no denying that. Different to whatever he’d gone and made up in his head- something to do with a romantic dinner and them being all dressed up- but beautiful nonetheless. He found it difficult not to wonder over how no one else seemed to be lured towards her, how nobody else had gone over and asked why she was standing on that side of the barrier and not with the rest of this sorry lot on the carpet. Because-
Fuck, she was just stunning in that getup. Wasn't she? All red and pretty. Cheeks matching the sleek colour of her dress, smile unapologetic and wide. It was honestly so fucking hard to chance a blink let alone look away, worried she might not be there at all if he did.
She was talking with someone though, who had their back to him, eyes flickering up every now and again to check on the celebs heading their way. Actually, it was just as she did so once more that those eyes of hers spotted him through the small crowd near the edge, making her stutter in her stance and blink as though he was a mirage.
Matty grinned, unable to do much else, except manage a hurried jog the rest of the way, just needing to be near, to talk to her.
“The hell are you doing here?” Were the first words to spill from her painted lips, causing his grin to slip on into a full-on beam. 
God, she sounded so startled, so sweet. He realised then that he’d actually missed her voice- and it’d only been a day since they’d last phoned. A short thing, before she had gone and fallen asleep to his senseless prattling, leaving him to watch her for a minute, or sixteen, before he’d finally hung up.
“Me! How about you?” Matty immediately countered, shaking his head at her cheek, “You never mentioned it.”
She smiled brightly, mouth moving but unable to form any real words, before she was swiftly interrupted, “You never mentioned it?!”
Her head snapped over towards the voice’s owner as did Matty’s, and he was rather bewildered to see Adi stood there, looking lovely in a white ensemble.
“She never mentioned it??”
He blinked at Adi’s almost screech, realising then that the girl had been speaking to him, and so he nodded hurriedly in answer, still grinning away at the eccentrics. “No, she fucking didn’t! So imagine my surprise, hey?”
“You cow!” Adi tutted, elbowing Mouse who looked a tad affronted by it all. “How could you not tell him?”
“I didn’t tell anyone!” She immediately countered, rubbing at her arm, “And anyway, I didn’t know he’d be here! Why are you here?” She looked at him then, eyes narrowed and nose wrinkled in angry confusion.
Matty couldn’t stop the soft snort that escaped him whilst she merely rolled her eyes in turn.
“Fine- stupid question. But you never mentioned it either!” Was her semi-sort-of-valid retort. He hadn’t mentioned it by name, he could admit that, just that he’d be busy tonight doing crappy promo shit.
“I did!” He argued anyway, because he couldn’t not with her.
“Did not!”
“Oh, and what have we wandered into here then?” Came George’s familiar lilt just as the rest of the band’s steady presence followed behind him, “Not starting catfights already, are you?”
Matty thinned his lips into an exaggerated smile when he turned to look up at him, “Hilarious. No, as it turns out I do have mates outside of you lot.”
George feigned a look of scandal then snapped his gaze over towards where Ross and Hann were standing, “You hear that? He’s gone and made friends all on his own!” Then, being the condescending prick that he was, he reached out to ruffle Matty’s previously styled hair.
Matty was quick to smack his arm away, huffing at the thought of what storm would now surely follow when their stylist finally caught a glimpse at the pictures of him looking a state. “She’ll kill me, you dick.”
Knowing just who he was referring to, George barked out an uncaring laugh. “Oh give over, you’ll survive.” Then he appeared to remember what had brought them over in the first place, looking away he asked, “And who might you be?”
Matty’s eyes instantly tracked Mouse, who got all flustered at having everyone’s attention suddenly on her. Her cheeks flushed further and her eyes skirted everywhere but them before they finally found his, he tried to flash her an apologetic smile. Thankfully, Adi was able to save her before Matty could think of a way out of this whole shitshow.
“Adeline Wells,” She was quick to introduce, heavy gaze flitting over George’s tall form before trailing back to the two stood behind them, “We’re from Mouse On A Mic.”
Hann appeared to blink in recognition, a flash of surprise donning his usually stoic features, but it was Ross that replied, “The radio show that rinsed Matty?”
“That was you?” George piped up, eyebrows reaching his hairline as he stared down at Adi.
“No actually, that would be me.” Mouse felt the need to clear up with a strained smile, lifting her hand as though her admission hadn’t captured all of their attention. 
George’s face wrinkled further and so Matty was hasty in his move to slip in between them, closing the distance between him and Mouse so that now only the sodding barrier separated them.
“And isn’t she just lovely?” He intervened with a grin, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and settling there even though the harsh metal prodded into his hip unforgivingly. 
George frowned in confusion whilst Hann smiled politely, dipping his head in a silent hello to both of the women. Ross on the other hand was a whole other story, he just started laughing.
“Oh shit!” He called out, hand falling to the top of his stomach whilst his mouth and eyes widened in amusement, “This is her, isn’t it?”
Matty’s own eyes grew as he shot Ross a warning look, feeling Mouse tense a tad beneath him.
Adi was having none of it though, eager to know more. “What about her?” She pivoted on a sleek heel to stare the pair of them down, eyes narrowed enough to instil a bit of fear into Matty himself.
Ross raised his hands up in a way that intended he’d meant no harm by the comment, “Nothing! Well, nothing bad at least.”
Adi raised a carved brow in retort whilst Mouse just turned to glance up at him, he humoured the thought of pretending not to notice it but couldn’t bring himself to even try.
“What’s he mean? I thought we moved past all that.” She murmured to him, looking so small under him now that he fought to wave all her worries away.
“No, no we did. Ross is just being a pillock, babe. In’t that right, Ross?” Matty’s words were pointed and direct enough that when the twat looked back over at him he saw the urgent look that headed a warning. 
Ross, though, simply rolled his eyes. “Nah, I just meant, you must be the model.”
Matty swore he was slowly losing it, was he being serious?
Meanwhile it seemed that both girls had taken to just blanching at the massive muppet. “Sorry?”
George tutted, shaking his head as he finally righted himself, and put on a charming smile, “Ignore him, that one’s on me.” He admitted and was quick to continue further when his words showed no signs of reassurance, “I figured Matty had to have been speaking to someone, seeing as he’s nonstop on his phone.”
“Well, er- no, no model, just me.” Mouse replied almost sheepishly, then chuckled faintly, “Or maybe there is a model and he’s just not mentioned it.” She teased, earning a few laughs.
“As if.” Matty rolled his eyes, squeezing her arm as he somehow managed to tug her in even closer.
“And oi! You’re ten times fitter than any model Ned Flanders here could pull.” Adi said, putting her two cents in.
Mouse merely rolled her eyes, obviously used to her mate’s brashness, and Matty found himself agreeing with Adi before-
“Hang on, Ned Flanders? Bit harsh, ain’t it?”
It was either Ross or George that snorted, could’ve been Hann too actually, but Matty was too preoccupied in his bemusement to steal a glance away from a very obviously smirking Adi. 
“Nah, she’s pretty spot on there, mate.”
“No one asked.” Matty sniped back before pointing over at the girl. But before he could get another word in edgeways, Mouse was there, patting his chest softly.
“Ah, it’s alright. Could’ve been worse actually.” She smiled at him, tittering ever so slightly that he didn’t feel too disheartened by it, “And besides, Flanders was fit! Had abs and everything hidden under that jumper of his.” Mouse tried to comfort him, though it was immediately spat on by Ross’s next sentence.
“Not gonna find that here, love.”
He was just shy enough to escape Matty’s swiping hand, jumping away with a gleeful grin to hide behind Adam. The coward.
Matty didn’t find much sincerity in the rest of them as he turned to glance them over, the guys all snickering to themselves, whilst Adi gave Ross an appraising look accompanied by a mirthful grin. 
He was only soothed by the action Mouse had made, having hidden her face in his shoulder. He was so transfixed on it that he practically forgot that the rest of them were even still there, especially when she lifted her face up to flash him a happy smile.
“Abs are overrated anyway.” She whispered to him, her chin propped up on the jut of his collarbone.
His eyes danced between hers and he found himself smiling stupidly in return. It was then though, that they were interrupted, “So come on! Ask us a question then!”
Matty watched her blink and then look away, whilst he only wanted to rewind and stay there a moment longer. Instead, he found himself swallowing around the lump in his throat and following her move.
“Yeah, go on!” He heard himself say and was almost regretful when Mouse stepped away to switch their camera on, feeling the wind more forcefully now that she wasn’t shielding his side. But then she was grinning again, eyes twinkling as she peered over at him, quirking her head to direct him further into the frame.
“Alright rockstar, this had best be better than our last interview.”
And Matty could only grin as he shouldered in closer to the rest of the lads, his eyes never once leaving hers.
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sturniolodreamz · 8 months
first time - matt sturniolo
summary - Y/n finally decides she is ready to have sex for the first time, and she couldn't be happier that it is with Matt of all people.
warnings - smut, loss of virginity, protected sex. if you dont like it, dont read!
a/n - this was my first smut so hopefully yall like it! i also write regularly on my sfw tumblr account, so i am going to try and post at least 1-2x a week on here. please dont hesitate to send me requests, because sometimes it can be hard to come up with them myself. make sure to read the first chapter where i list what i will and will not write. let me know what you think! also, sorry if the ending seemed a little rushed, i didn't really know how i should end it lol
Matt and I have been dating for about a month now, but we have never done anything more than making out before I stopped it from going further. It was obvious that he knew I was a virgin, and I had never asked him but I assumed he had had sex before at some point. I knew I wanted him to be my first, I trusted him, but I just personally didn't feel ready at the time. But lately, I had been thinking about it a lot, and I decided that I felt as ready as I ever would. I wanted to bring this up to Matt, but I was afraid of it being awkward.
One night, Nick and Chris decided to go to a friends house, but Matt and I decided to stay back at the house and watch a movie together. We were laying in Matt's bed, and he had pulled up a movie on his laptop. We snuggled up under the blanket together and he hit play. I was pretty distracted with my own thoughts, so I wasn't really paying attention that closely to the movie. I kept thinking about having sex with Matt, and the feelings I had that wouldn't go away. I decided I was going to take my chance and talk to him about it. I mean, it was the perfect night, seeing as Nick and Chris would be gone until way later. Matt must have noticed that I was spaced out, because he paused the movie to turn and look at me.
"Hey, you seem lost in thought. Wanna talk about anything?" he asks me gently.
I took in a deep breath before responding. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course." he replies, grabbing my hand to hold it.
"Okay. Have you had sex before?"
He coughed, surprised at the question, but began to answer me.
"I, um, yeah I have a few times. Why, whats up?"
"I just, I've never done anything like that before, but I think I'm ready, Matt."
"Okay," he replies, taking in what I said. "Like, do you want to have sex right now? Chris and Nick won't be home for a while."
I giggled, partly out of nervousness. "Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking too." I replied.
"Well in that case, we won't be needing this anymore." He says with a laugh, getting up to put the laptop back on his desk.
He walks back over to the bed and sits back down next to me.
"Do you trust me?" he asks me.
"Of course."
With that, he gently pulls me into his lap and places a cautious kiss on my lips. I cup his cheeks in my hands and kiss him back passionately. We begin to make out, something we have done before, but this time there is more passion behind each kiss than I have ever felt. After a few minutes, I begin to feel more confident, and I start to grind down on his lap as we kiss. He moans into my mouth at the feeling, and I can't help but think about how hot he sounded.
"Can you take this off?" I ask him, tugging at his shirt.
Without a word, he sits up slightly so he can slide the t-shirt off of himself.
"Well now it's only fair that you take yours off, too." he smirks.
I felt slightly nervous, but I went with it, leaving me bare on top.
"God, your beautiful, y/n." he reassures me.
I giggle, but it quickly turns into a gasp as Matt flips us over so he is on top. I couldn't help but look down at the bulge that was now forming in his sweatpants. He begins to kiss my breasts, leaving light hickies. As he kisses down my stomach getting closer and closer to my waistband, I feel butterflies start to form in my stomach. When he finally reaches the waistband of my pants, he hooks his finger into it before looking up at me.
"Can I?" he trails off.
I nod at him, giving him permission. I wasn't expecting him to pull down both my pants and my underwear at the same time, leaving me bare as I felt the cool air hit my body. Without any warning, I felt Matt's tongue hit my folds, kitten licking my clit as I arched my back.
"Ah, fuck Matt! That feels so good!"
I felt him hum against me, sending vibrations of pleasure through my body. He continued eating me out until I felt myself getting close.
"Matt, I think I'm gonna cum!" I told him.
"Mhm, cum for me baby." he told me.
Before long, I was literally seeing stars as I had my first orgasm, overwhelmed with pleasure. Matt pulled away soon after, not wanting to overstimulate me. He wiped his mouth before coming up to kiss me again.
"Did that feel good, baby?" he asked me.
"Oh my god Matt, that was incredible!" I replied.
I kissed him again, still catching my breath. My gaze was brought back down to his crotch, thinking about what I wanted to do.
"Matt, will you teach me how to suck your dick?"
"Fuck, how could I say no to that?" he said with a small laugh.
We switched places so he was now the one laying on the bed, with me in between his legs. I began pulling his sweats down, and he lifted his hips to help me out. Once his pants were off, I looked up at him, both for permission and because I was hoping he would tell me what to do next.
"It's okay sweetheart. There's no right or wrong way to do this, just do what feels right and I'll guide you." he reassured me.
"Okay, thank you." I said.
I decided to try and tease him a little. I could see the outline of his boner through his boxers, and I lightly traced my finger down the shaft. When my finger grazed his tip, he bucked his hips up a bit.
"Sorry babe. But fuck, please don't tease me!" he told me.
I listened to him, wanting to make him feel as good as he made me feel.
"Can you take these off?"
Within seconds his underwear was on the floor, and he was bare in front of me. His dick wasn't huge, but in my eyes it was the perfect size. I remembered what he told me, just do what feels right. I started out by kitten licking the tip, tasting his salty precum. Then I began cautiously jerking him, working up the courage to put him in my mouth.
"You got this, sweetheart. You don't have to take it all at once. Just make sure you cover your teeth with your lips." he advised.
I giggled nervously, not wanting to hurt him. I decided it was now or never. I took his advice and covered my teeth so I wouldn't scratch him, and slowly took him into my mouth, jerking what didn't fit.
"Ahh, yeah baby just like that, keep going!" he moaned.
Knowing that I was making him feel good boosted my confidence, and I continued sucking him off. I reached my other hand down and began gently playing with his balls. That must have been the last straw for him, because he stopped me, pulling out of my mouth.
"Fuck y/n that felt so good, but I don't want to cum yet. You did such a good job." he tells me, giving me a kiss that said I love you without actually saying it.
"Do you want to keep going?" he asks me, making sure I was okay.
"Yes Matt, more than anything."
He smiles at me as we reposition once again to where we started off, with me laying on my back. He leans over to his nightstand, grabbing a condom and a small bottle of lube.
"Wow, you came prepared." I tease.
He just blushes and hands me the condom.
"Put this on for me?"
I may be inexperienced, but I do know how to put on a condom. I tear open the condom and roll it on his dick, which was now in front of my face. He positions himself in between my legs.
"I know your still wet, but I'm gonna use lube too. It will help this not hurt so bad." he told me.
That was the first time I had thought about the pain, but I tried to push the thought to the back of my head and just enjoy myself. He squirted some lube on his hand and rubbed it over the condom, getting closer to me.
"Are you ready babe?"
"Yes, but please be gentle!" I said nervously.
He brought his hand up to gently cup my cheek.
"Of course sweetheart. If it's too much, just tell me and we can stop, okay?"
I took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."
He lined himself up to my entrance, keeping his eyes on me as he slowly pushed himself in.
"Ah!" I whimpered, feeling a burn as he stretched me out for the first time.
"I know hon, we're almost there." he told me.
Once he had bottomed out, he paused, letting me relax and get used to him before he began moving. After a short time, I felt ready for him to move.
"Okay, you can start moving."
He began slowly thrusting in and out. He was right, I think the extra lube definitely helped. The pain slowly faded into pleasure as I began to enjoy the feeling more.
"Faster, Matt!" I told him.
He smiled down at me. "Fuck, there's my girl! You're doing so good baby." he said as he picked up the pace.
Every few minutes he would pick up the pace, going impossibly faster and faster. He leaned down to make out with me some more, while still pumping in and out of me at an ungodly pace. I felt myself reaching another orgasm.
"Matt, I'm close!" I warned him.
"Me too baby. Where do you want my cum?" he asks me.
"I want you to cum in my mouth." I told him, wanting to taste him again.
"Fuck! Oh my god..." he trailed off.
After a few more thrusts he pulled out, sliding the condom off. I sit up and stick out my tongue for him to cum on.
"Shit baby you look so hot like that!" He jerked himself a few times before I felt his warm white cum on my tongue. It was the perfect mix between salty and sweet. I looked him in the eyes as I swallowed, showing him my empty tongue.
"That's my girl, y/n! You did so good for me." he praised, flopping down beside me.
"Fuck Matt, that was incredible! Thank you for being so patient with me."
"Of course y/n, I love you so fucking much." he said, kissing me once again.
"I love you too, Matt. Let's go to bed now, yeah?" I asked him.
"Yes, please."
He wrapped his arms around me, and we fell asleep just like that.
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showf4lls · 6 months
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ʚ ― confessions ; foolish gamers
info! fluff, fic / gender neutral reader
cw! homophobic chicken
request! how foolish would react to his crush spontaneously confessing to him
dedication! @goldenstarofthunderclan (so sorry for taking so long!)
notes! forgive me homie, i just thought that this would be so much cuter as a minific. if you'd prefer headcanons, i can throw some out there! i just think this lil scenario is super cute :> also sorry for the homophobic chicken mention in here, i couldn't come up with anything better that they have in NC. also this definitely turned into a full fledged fic so sorry about that lmao. enjoy :]
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you hummed, curled up cozy on the couch while foolish did something in the kitchen. you weren't exactly sure what it was, just that he was making a lot of noise. another sigh, dramatic and loud, as you readjusted on the couch. annoyed at his absence, you shifted again, folding your hands and laying your head over them.
it seemed like it would be a while until he came back. you frowned at the thought, pulling the hood of the too-big sweater over your head. it was foolish's; he had given it to you to wear since you kept complaining that it was too cold. you tried to keep from thinking about it too hard.
finally, you had decided that you'd had enough and sat up abruptly. "foolish, what are you doing in there?" you called, not bothering to hide your annoyance. "aren't we supposed to be hanging out? you've been in there for like 20 minutes."
foolish peeked his head out of the kitchen, frowning. "i know, but i'm hungryyyy," he whined.
"do you not have any food? i swear you went grocery shopping just the other day."
"i do! but nothing snackable. nothing... worth it," he replied.
you stared at him another moment before huffing and letting yourself fall back onto the couch. "foolish!"
he was quiet for a beat. then, "i have an idea."
you didn't sit back up again, just turned your head to face him. "what?"
he leaned onto the doorframe, almost hugging it, still half-peeking out. "do you want to go get food?"
you perked up at that. "ooh! yes, i'd love to! what are we thinking?" you asked eagerly, leaning on the back of the couch, knelt on the cushions.
you both thought for a moment. then he looked up at you, scrunching his nose. "i hate to say it, but is chick-fil-a the vibe?"
"i mean, waffle fries and chick-fil-a sauce do sound really good right now..."
foolish sighed dramatically, throwing his head back in faux exasperation. "fine. get some shoes on and then we'll leave," he said, feigning annoyance even though it was his idea.
you shook your head and smiled as you stood from the couch, searching for your shoes. in just a minute he was hastily pulling a hoodie over his head and ushering you towards his car as though you guys were late to something. it wasn't that far of a drive, but the two of you still sang along to shitty radio music.
soon enough you were parked in the drive thru, humming along to the music as you both looked over the menu.
"hi there! i'll be with you in just a minute," a voice chirped from the drive thru speaker.
"no problem!" foolish responded, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he scanned over the menu.
you didn't think too hard about what you wanted, having already decided before you guys left the house. you mostly looked at the menu in case something else sounded more appealing, but you found yourself distracted by the designated driver and his carefree humming. the way he tilted his head in time with the music. the way his hair hung around his ears in the awkward phases of growing it out. and he was still wearing the bracelet you'd made him for his birthday. for some reason the thought made you blush.
then suddenly a voice was coming over the speaker again and you'd been ripped back into reality. you blinked and foolish was finishing his order, turning and waiting expectantly for your order. "what do you want for dinner? do you wanna order for yourself or do you want me to say it?"
you felt more blood rush to your cheeks at the suggestion, hurriedly shaking your head. "no, no, i'm fine. i can do it," you assured him, almost leaning over him to make sure that the microphone would pick you up. "hi there! could i please get a chicken sandwich combo with two packs of chick-fil-a sauce and an oreo shake?"
a beat of silence. you waited anxiously for the speaker's reply. "would you like whipped cream on that milkshake?"
your gaze flickered nervously to foolish, who almost seemed to be leaning towards you instead of away. "yeah, that's fine," you answered stiffly.
"alright, we'll give you the total at the second window."
"thank you so much," you called impulsively out the window before moving back to your own seat.
foolish watched you from his peripheral, giggling as he pulled the car forward. "you okay?"
you huffed, rubbing at your nose, an anxious tic. "yes. why?"
"you're just actin' a little goofy is all," he teased, still drumming his fingers across the steering wheel.
you rolled your eyes, cracking a grin. "i am not."
he put one hand up in mock surrender, the other staying on the wheel. "if you say so!" he said before mumbling a playful, "just a little bit, though."
you laughed, lightly slapping his shoulder as you guys inched through the line. more singing and then you found yourselves at the final window of the drive thru. the window clerk announced your total and you promptly began digging through your wallet for your card. "can we split the bill possibly?" you asked without looking up.
"no, no. i've got this one," foolish said nonchalantly, handing his card to the clerk with a polite "thank you."
you looked up from your wallet, nose scrunched. "huh?"
foolish looked back to you easily, both hands on the wheel now. "i'm paying for dinner."
"what? no, we always split it-"
"no, listen. i'm the one that was hungry. i'm the one that asked you to hang out. i insist on paying, it's only fair. just let me treat you," he said, and it was so casual that it had you blinking and wondering if you were the one being weird here.
it wasn't super weird for one of you to pay for the whole dinner. if you guys didn't split the bill, one of you would cover it and the other would get them back the next time you guys went out. pretty standard friend stuff. but it was also something that you guys normally talked about beforehand. he'd never sprung something like this on you before. what the hell was happening? why did he suddenly care so much about treating you to some chick-fil-a for dinner?
you blinked dumbly at him. "are you sure?" was the only response you could muster from the disoriented depths of your mind.
he laughed lightly and then nodded, drumming a quick beat on the wheel. "positive. don't worry about it."
you didn't have too much time to think about it before the cashier was back at the window, handing over foolish's debit card and your food and drinks. you scrambled to put the drinks into the cup holders and pull the bags onto your lap; it was the least you could do considering that he paid for everything.
foolish played along with everything as though it was just another evening. and maybe it was. he danced along to the tune of the radio as he drove, singing softly as he navigated the roads back to his house, but you found yourself stuck in your head. did that mean something or were you reading too much into things? was this supposed to mean something? were you missing a cue somewhere? were your feelings for him not as secret as you had initially thought? hope to god he wasn't just pushing your buttons or humoring you.
you turned to face him, eyes squinted as you did your best to analyze his body language. "foolish," you said, tone even.
"yes?" he asked, only taking his eyes off the road to look at you for a second.
"i like you."
and there it was. unplanned, sudden, all out in the open. just a second of silence, the both of you still.
"are you sure?" he asked, gaze moving back and forth between you and the road.
"oh jeez." your palm met your forehead and you squeezed your eyes shut.
"no, wait! that came out wrong!" he rushed, trying his best to articulate his thoughts well while also focusing on the road. okay, maybe this wasn't exactly the best time to be springing this on him. oh well. "what i meant was," he started again, exhaling a loud puff of air. "oh, thank god. i've liked you for like. so long. i thought i like missed my window or something."
you blinked owlishly at him, eyes round and wide as saucers. "what?!"
"what do you mean 'what'?!" he yelled, gesturing vaguely at you. "you're so. ugh!" he paused for a fraction of a second. "in a good way. in a good way, i promise."
"well, you are too!" you yelled back, the paper back of food crinkling in your hands. you smiled, nose scrunched up. "oh god, this is so weird. pull the car over, we need to talk about this."
"no, no! we're almost home, we can just talk when we get there."
"seriously? i wanna know all about this whole 'you liking me forever' thing," you teased, reaching into the bag and blindly stealing a waffle fry.
he inhaled a dramatic hiss, feigning a grimace. "i really shouldn't have said that part, huh?"
you grinned, biting your french fry. "not if you didn't want me to hold it over your head forever."
it was silent for a moment, nothing but the radio and the sound of the car driving down a sleepy road. both of you grinned, looking straight out the windshield.
then foolish turned to you, nearly beaming. "so you really like me?"
you rolled your eyes playfully. "course i do, idiot." you playfully shoved his shoulder. "now look back at the road before you crash the car."
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rafyki · 6 days
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 6!
Sorry for the little wait, I couldn't find a moment to write lately o<-< good thing I had this half written already! Anyway, have some more Nico&Leo dynamics and some more pining - and also, I promise things are gonna move forward soon!! (but I needed more setup before our two boys finally start properly acting on their crush lmao)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy didn't come to the beach the next day, the day after that, and for the whole following week.
Nico wasn't sulking about it, he was not. Maybe panicking a little inside, questioning every single word they had said to each other and trying to find in them some hidden reason that would push Percy to never go back there and leave the country just to make sure he wouldn't see Nico again. 
But he wasn't sulking.
“Take that pouty look off your face, goth boy, you're gonna scare the customers away”.
“I’m not pouting”.
“You kind of are though”, Leo said. “Which is fair, I guess, you miss your surfer boy”.
Nico felt a blush coming up to his face at the same time of the familiar find annoyance he associated with no one but Leo.
“He's not my-”, he started, then stopped and took a deep breath. “I'm not pouting”, he just said again. “It's not like he lives on the beach, right, he must have a life outside of surfing”.
Maybe he was trying to convince himself more than Leo, but that didn't matter.
The way his eyes moved around scanning the beach was automatic, as was the sigh that escaped him. Maybe he was being silly, and a little pathetic - he knew that, but still couldn’t help the way his heart kept falling again and again, nor the way the empty chair before him (Percy’s chair) seemed to lay in wait just like Nico was.
He definitely needed to find some way to distract himself.
“Sure, which is why I told you to ask for his number”, Leo replied. “And if you had listened to my genius advice, maybe you could be texting him right now, instead of sulking and hoping he shows up”.
“Why are you even here, Leo?”, he said, ignoring Leo’s last words and trying instead to change the subject. “Jason’s not coming today, you know that”.
“Am I not allowed to visit a friend? My dear friend who’s pining and suffering and definitely needs my support?”, Leo said, accompanying his dramatic words with an overdramatic hand on his heart. 
Nico just rolled his eyes at him.
“I definitely don't”, he said, even though the truth was that he actually enjoyed the company. Leo’s presence was the only thing saving him from a long and lonely work day. “And non-shift days for Jason are usually when you have your dates”, he added.
“I knoow”, Leo said, a pout forming on his lips. “But Thalia came back yesterday, so today is their brother-and-sister date”.
“Ah, that’s right, Jason did mention that”.
“Can’t interfere with siblings time”.
“So you had nothing better to do today and came here”.
“I came here to save you from your loneliness, goth boy”, Leo said. “Also, I do enjoy your company”.
Nico smiled, and offered him ice cream as a silent thanks. 
“It reminds me of when it was the other way around and you helped me when I was pining for Jason”.
Nico made a face at the memory, then laughed. “Oh my god, you were terrible- absolutely pathetic”, he said. “Thank god you’re together now”.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m gonna say when you and your surfer boy will finally get together”.
Nico’s smile faltered, his heart jumping and then growing heavy at the words - like it couldn’t decide if he felt more pleased at the idea of it ever happening or more glum at the prospect of Percy never going back there.
Few long moments of silence followed, and Nico’s mind went back to the thoughts tormenting him.
And there was also something else, something that Nico was trying not to focus too much about. 
Leo looked at Nico in silence for a while, his cheek resting on the palm of his hand. Nico could almost see the gears turning in his head. “Are you worried about him?”
Nico looked away. He felt stupid thinking about it even more than he did when panicking and making everything probably bigger than it was. 
Logically speaking, it was unlikely that Percy would stop coming to the beach just because Nico was there - there wasn't really anything between them, after all and, from what Nico knew about him, the ocean and surfing were way too important for Percy to give up. 
But it had been a week, and Percy usually came at least two or three times a week, even just for an hour (Nico spent way too much time thinking about him and looking for him to not notice this) - yet, there the beach was, full of people but with no Percy in sight. Nico felt his heart fall again as he scanned the shore around him, looking for familiar black hair and beautiful eyes. He couldn't help but wonder if something had happened, if Percy was doing alright.
“You know he might just be busy”.
“I know”.
“So I think there's no reason for you to worry about him”.
Nico sighed. “I hate it when you make sense”, he said. “Jason is definitely rubbing off of you”.
“That's what love does to a man!”
Nico felt that now familiar pang of not-quite-jealousy as he looked at the smile growing on his friend's face. His eyes scanned the beach again as the thought of I want that too crossed his mind, side by side with the image of two sea-green eyes and a soft smile.
Nico didn’t expect anything to happen. He spent the whole day waiting and waiting in the hope of Percy showing up, his heart feeling heavier and heavier with every passing hour. 
The truth was that, simply put, he missed Percy - which was stupid and ridiculous, but Nico had been dying to talk to him again, to feel his eyes on himself again, to be on the receiving end of his smile, to get to know something more about him.
He’ll come back at some point, he told himself. Maybe. 
The sun was coming down, the sky colored a pretty shade of yellow and orange and red. The day had felt infinite, time dragging on and simply refusing to pass by, but Nico’s shift was finally almost over. He looked at his phone to check the time, wishing the next fifteen minutes would simply come to an end faster.
He cursed all the gods of all the pantheons ever existed when he saw someone sitting before him. God, how he hated when customers did that.
He forced his usual work smile on his lips and looked up. Then did a double take - the girl sitting in front of him looked strangely familiar, even though he was pretty sure he didn’t actually know her.
All the while taking her order (just a cold water bottle - who even came to a beach kiosk at that hour to ask for nothing but a water bottle?) Nico kept thinking and wondering; maybe she just came there often? But there was something about her that kept pulling at Nico’s memory.
It hit him at once when she was handing him the money to pay.
Ah, it was her. The girl who usually came to the beach with Percy. Nico felt his heart starting to beat faster at the realization.
Would it be weird to ask her about Percy?
Yes it would!, his mind yelled at him. 
But at the same time, every cell in his body was telling him that it didn’t matter, that this was too much of a lucky chance to just let it pass by.
Lost in his thoughts like that, he was definitely taking way more time than necessary to get her change.  
He was worried, he missed Percy so much it was frankly absurd. And he thought his friends would probably back him up in this
“Here”, he said, as he finally handed her her change.
She thanked him and went to turn around. “Uhm!”, Nico started before he could really think about it and stop himself. “Excuse me-”
She turned to look at him again. Was Nico imagining the weird look in her eyes? Yes, she was probably simply annoyed at being called back. “Yes?”
“Ah- sorry”, Nico said, feeling so incredibly stupid. Maybe he should just back out. But then he thought of the long day he had had and of the hole he had felt the whole time. He pushed the words out.
“Uhm, you’re a friend of Percy, right?”
“Yes”, the girl said, nodding. This time Nico was almost certain that there was a weird look in her eyes that he couldn’t exactly interpret - but she looked more curious than anything else, so he counted it as a sign he could go on.
“I just- I just noticed he hasn’t been coming here lately…?”, he said, trying and failing to will his heart to calm down a little. “... is he alright?”
“Oh yeah, he’s been talking about you!”, she replied. “He’s alright, he’s just out of town. He went to New York to visit his mum”.
“Ah, that’s good”. 
The relief was soon pushed aside when the words the girl had said finally hit him.
He’s been talking about you.
He only vaguely registered the girl saying goodbye and waving at him before leaving.
Nico waved back, feeling numb. He hoped his expression wasn’t as dumbstruck as he felt.
He’s been talking about you.
Percy had been talking about him? Nico’s heart was playing athletics in his chest, the butterflies taking residence in his stomach were throwing the most chaotic party ever.
He’s been talking about you.
He put his face in his hands, hiding behind his palms the foolish happy smile that was growing on his lips.
Suddenly, the day didn’t feel as bad as before.
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writingshushf1 · 1 year
enemies to lovers w lewis!! trope just fits him so well imo
Line without a hook
Summary: I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me.
Rating: +16
Warnings: enemies to lovers, a bit of asshole!lewis and the reader is also a bit of an asshole, some mature language. W13 and W14 being shitty cars.
Word count: 3.8k
Note: WE COULDN'T NOT HAVE A CLASSIC HERE, RIGHT? I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, so here we have one! Honestly? My best enemies to lovers written, mostly because I spent a little time ressearching about it (I started writing this afternoon) and building around it.
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Guilt. That's what you felt, but another feeling managed to override it. Anger.
You were at the head of the W13 development and it was terrible, a complete disappointment. And the worst part?It was your first year in a high position in a manufacturer, all the other years you spent locked up in laboratories, you never even got to meet the race tracks or even the Mercedes drivers - unless there was some publicity they had to record inside the factory. I mean, you became friends with Mick because he was often there, but this story isn't about him.
W13 had failed and the blame fell on you and the other staff who worked on it, so you decided to put your heads down and rebuild everything, make the ideas from 0 for W14. Into that came your stress, it had a name - a powerful name - Lewis Hamilton. He spent a whole 2022 criticising the car, making suggestions that were promptly ignored by engineers higher than you, which resulted in him getting a bitter feeling about you all.
"He arrived with heavy steps inside the luxurious factory, his voice with the strong English accent bursting through the walls, he was indignant. You took a deep breath, ducking your head and went back to fiddling with some parts of the car, trying to avoid Hurricane Hamilton. But to your misfortune, he opened the door to the room next to Russell and Toto - who were just as frustrated. Unfortunately, you were the only person still in the room, it was already late at night, but you wouldn't sleep until you found out what the damn problem was with that wagon they called a car. Obviously none of them would remember your name, so you kept tidying up with your headphones blasting Beyoncé until impatient taps on your shoulder ended your moment of peace.
"Sorry... Well, I'm not the boss of that area yet, so unfortunately I'm not the one who decided that, sir." You replied, turning back to the car and sitting down on the ground.
"You guys didn't listen to my suggestions and now the car is shit." The black pilot sighed, crossing his arms.
"But you are important in that sector. That I am sure of."
"I commented to Lewis and George about who was in charge, so if they wanted to come with their questions, they could turn to you and the others." Wolff replied, which made your blood boil with hatred.
"How would you know that?"
"Sorry, that still doesn't give you the right to come at me with an accusatory tone, after all I'm not the one giving the final answer." You rolled your eyes, fitting the piece you had noticed and pulling out another to take to the analysis. "I know the car wasn't what you expected. Honestly, none of us expected it to happen. After the tests, we thought it just needed some repairs."
"I understand you're feeling that way, we're all working day and night to fix it."
"A few repairs? Wow. That's pretty subtle thinking that it underperformed. Compared to 2021 and 2020, it's useless."
"And where's the rest?"
"For God's sake!" You looked at the other two who were trying to distract themselves with things in the room so as not to focus on your argument with the number one Mercedes driver that could have you fired in a few seconds. "It's Saturday, almost 10 o'clock at night, the factory is far from the city, don't you think people deserve a rest? I stayed here because of my role as one of the heads of this project. I don't have the luxury to rest, I don't know if you understand that."
His eyebrows drew together and you could have sworn he would start shouting at any moment and cuss you out for the reaction you had, however he kept quiet and left the scene without another word. You stared at Toto for a few seconds and he told you to go home, working tired and hot headed wouldn't do you any good. And it was from that day on that you started to hate him."
2023, the first race of the W14 left a lot to be desired, George was still positive and willing to sacrifice his year for the evolution of the car, however not the seven-time champion, he wanted a competitive car. Half way through last year you were getting more seats and now you were the co-creator of the W14, which was heavy on your shoulders. Again, Hamilton and you were almost at each other's throats during the team briefing until Wolff gave you both a timeout. You quickly left the room, grabbing a coffee and sitting on the hospitality stairs. Within seconds, Mick sat down next to you.
"Yeah, Maybe he's taking it too heavily, but I don't take away the whole reason the car is missing the essentials. Competitiveness." The German huffed.
"Honey, you say that like I don't know.... Of course I do! But he could stop being a spoiled little boy. He's a grown man who needs to learn that we're constantly evolving and yes we're going to have some tough years and that can only be solved by us changing the car, which can sometimes take hours, days, months before we get back into our pace."
“I know, but in this meantime, Red Bull and Ferrari will be overcoming new things while we are stuck behind Aston Martin.” Lewis commented, passing by you two.
“No shit, Sherlock.” You snapped, walking away from both of them.
“That was too much, man.” Schumacher said, crossing his arms.
“I know��� But that’s the reality, she knows what’s happening, so… It’s not my fault.”
“So it isn’t hers alone.”
It was late at night again, you had been up for almost 48 hours, sorting people, analysing statistics, fiddling with parts. Your body was screaming for rest and this could be seen clearly by anyone passing you. It was almost dawn and you were still in the pits, sitting on the floor with a few empty energy drink cans around you, four computers in front of you, and your headphones on. You heard footsteps, but at first you decided to ignore them, it wasn't important, the focus was to understand what the fuck was going on with W14. Suddenly a "tsc" could be heard, it was then that you turned your face and found yourself face to face with Lewis Hamilton, his body inches from yours - and what a body. You took a deep breath and backed away.
"What's wrong, your majesty?"
"There." He pointed at the screen.
"Yes. I'm trying to fix it."
"But you're not succeeding, excuse me." He placed his hands on the keyboard and you were completely distracted, sleep was catching up with you.
He kept typing and changing things, clicking, even removing the headphones from your head and putting them on it, staying for a few minutes, until he looked at you.
"For someone who's in such a high position, I can't believe you missed that." He cracked a cocky smile.
"Oh! I'm sorry Sir Hamilton for being up for almost 48 hours straight, trying to fix your car first because apparently it was put on my list against my will, however as a good employee for this team, I dedicated myself exclusively to your car." You retorted, sitting on some tires. Throwing your head back, you let out a big sigh and ran your hands over your face, feeling that if he was the slightest bit ruder, tears would leak from your eyes and you'd make a fool of yourself in front of him.
"Go back to the hotel, for God's sake. The race is tomorrow and no one can be tired, because that results in failure." He trailed off, looking you up and down. "And take a shower, you're in need."
"Fuck off!"
The other day, you were still exhausted, yet better than a few hours ago. With a strong cup of coffee, clean clothes and a shower, you arrived still early in the morning, ordering everyone to do their respective jobs, while your stomach was screaming for food - you couldn't even remember when was the last time you'd eaten, so you quickly went and grabbed a sandwich to get through the day.
The race was okay, a podium, a fifth place. Could do better.
In that two-week gap without racing, you spent as much time as possible inside the factory, trying to fix the unconscionable and getting frustrated every time. This happened so often that there were moments you would disappear and hide to cry, feeling like a failure in that place - maybe a dismissal wasn't the end of the world, some other lesser team might want you.
Surprisingly, in the meantime, Lewis started showing up daily at the factory, working with everyone else - and charming everyone with his silly charm that made anyone fall in love with him. He chatted to people, asked them to bring snacks that you barely touched, your hunger seemed to disappear when he was near - along with all the tranquillity. Obviously, whenever he could, you exchanged insults and dry replies, something that could be observed from afar, but nobody dared to comment, for fear of being annihilated by one of you.
One fateful night he decided to stay late, so it was eleven o'clock at night and only the two of you were in the room. The silence was uncomfortable, deafening and suffocating, it seemed that in a few exchanges of glances you were stabbing each other. The passive-aggressiveness passed the moment you cried out in sort of relief, which caught his attention. Finally you had managed to solve a problem that had been bothering you for weeks and no one seemed to solve it. It seemed like a small victory, of many you wished were coming.
"What happened?" he asked in a dull tone.
"Look here! I managed to solve that one.... That..." It seemed as if the words had escaped his lips from so much euphoria he was feeling. "That shit that made Russell's car break down in the last race! It was so simple, but it needed a general approach, not so thorough..." You let a laugh escape your lips as he walked over to where you were standing.
"Oh." He was speechless too. As much as you said that this was a simple problem, he knew it wasn't, he had noticed your effort and frustration in the meantime, it was something extremely difficult that required patience and intelligence - things you had. "Let's take a break then, to celebrate."
You cracked a smile at him - the first time since you had met, which made him return the smile. The two of you walked together to where there were some tables after grabbing some food, no one else but you two. The silence settled again, but not as uncomfortable as before, it was neutral.
It was two am, and you still were working on the W14, but this time was improving, he made some hits and that was when you started to tease each other.
“Oh, I didn’t know that drivers could be this smart, I thought you guys dropped after a while and finished on homeschooling.” You teased him.
“Hey! I even studied engineering, you could pay some respect.” He held back a smile. “And it’s Sir Lewis Hamilton for you, I didn’t give you intimacy to just talk to me like that.”
“Someone’s feisty.” You chuckled. “Okay, sir.” You licked your lips, throwing yourself on the sofa. “Oops, sorry… Okay, Sir Lewis Hamilton, I’ll only call you like that now, majesty.”
He sucked in his breath, closing his fists before chuckling too. “And someone’s really going off the limits, maybe you should take care you know… I’m still your boss and I can do whatever I want.”
“Kinky. Power dynamics? I always thought you would want to be called daddy.” You played it off, holding your laugh.
“Oh God.” He started laughing loudly, joining his hands against his chin, before moving his head in a ‘no’ “We’re too sleep deprived to keep this.”
“Or too sober.”
“Don’t even try it, girl.” He rolled his eyes. “C’mon, I’ll ask the guard to close the factory.”
After that night, your relationship became calmer. Sure, you still constantly traded insults and irony at every opportunity, but it was an evolution nonetheless - now they weren't aggressive, with a passive-aggressive undertone, it was more jokes and banter to take the edge off the team's rebuild with W14 - which by now, had made more decent progress, a win in the pocket.
You were working through some analysis of the car, when suddenly, a Lewis removing his t-shirt because of the heat caught you completely off guard, which made your cheeks boil with embarrassment and your eyes stare longingly at his pecs to the point where he noticed.
"See something you like?" he commented, flashing you a smug smile.
"I just think it's inappropriate for you to be shirtless in a workplace. You have a trailer for that." You shrugged, feeling an unbearable heat hit your body. He was hot and unfortunately your body agreed with that.
"All right then, Miss Goody Two-shoes." You pointed your middle finger at him as the British pilot walked off, while he returned the gesture still with that damn smile.
That night, he dreamed of you. Our brains like to play tricks and make us think crazy things. And that's exactly what it played with the black driver that night. Her hands roamed his body, laughter from both sides filled the room as he could see her silhouette in just purple lingerie, while he was only in his underwear. Your bodies were glued together, moving at an incredible pace, it was just about you two and no one else. No hate, no failing cars, no guilt.
He woke up panting, before the dream had its proper end. A tent settled in his shorts, which made him groan in denial, running his hands over his face, trying to forget the scene he had just dreamt, however it was almost impossible, it was something so sexy he couldn't let it go.
For the next few weeks, he ignored you almost completely, only showing up to talk about car stuff - be it suggestions or just complaining that they would never catch up with Red Bull by the end of the season, which made you even more stressed. It felt like you guys were back to stage one. At first, you even tried to ignore it and think that he wasn't in a good mood, but when it persisted, you were ready to strike back. Meanwhile, Hamilton's mind was a mess, he wasn't supposed to have dreamt about you, let alone gone on and on and on having recurring dreams about the two of you, let alone him noticing when the white shirt was too see-through and he knew what colour your bra was. It was getting to be too much for him and his defence mechanism was to try and walk away and go back to square one. He knew he'd been rude to you at first, but part of him didn't want to apologise, to accept that you could be friends-or even the possibility that he wanted something more.
It was another early morning at the Mercedes plant, now you were already thinking about the W15, because you knew that everything had gone wrong, but you refused to tell anyone. Early in the morning, Lewis went to his usual room and found you pacing back and forth, stressed about the possibility of them never getting out of this hole, of her never being able to make him win his eighth championship.
"Did someone fall out of bed? It's six-thirty in the morning." He said, soon sitting down at one of the desks and turning on his computer.
"To fall out, I should at least be asleep first." You retorted, banging your fist on the table in anger that again, the program was giving data that was incompatible with what you had planned.
"Again? Aren't you working too fucking much?" He questioned, which honestly was the last straw you needed to freak out. Even if he wasn't being rude.
"Yes, I've been working my ass off, Hamilton. I'm on the verge of burnout and you know whose fault it is? Yours! It's all on you!" Because I work day and night, I don't rest, I keep planning and recalculating everything just to please you, to make the car you want and still nothing is good, nobody is satisfied! You felt tears fall from your eyes, but this was not the time to care about that. "Do you know what it's like for a whole team to depend on your team of engineers and you're constantly letting everyone down? No! You don't." Her voice was already cracking with sobs. "I can't take it anymore! I can't stand living like this anymore. And still have people telling the world that I'm incompetent!" You completely lost the strength in your legs, falling to your knees on the floor and putting your hands to your face to cover your crying.
He waited for you to say everything you needed to say, to get your anguish off your chest, so that after you had stopped talking, he would get up and go to the floor with you, hugging your body and passing his free hand over your locks, letting you cry as much as you needed, just being comforted by his presence.
Your relationship got better after you had a breakdown in front of him, he understood you were going under a very stressful moment, because everyone seemed to only count on you, forgetting that they were a team. That day, he took you to your house, waited for you to get some comfortable clothes and ordered food. You didn’t talk about it, just enjoyed each other’s company in silence. And that’s how it worked between you two, until it didn’t work again.
Hamilton was restless, he felt the need to talk with you by text, calls, in person, would oftenly walk with very revealing looks and take off his shirt around you, just to see your face red with embarrassment and the deep looks on his torso.
He knew there was something more, but he waited. He tested the waters first, became slowly sweeter by the time, calmer and actually never complained to you again, he tried to be more positive and improve his work with the car you had. And that made you warm up towards him, he was actually capable of change, to be a very caring person when he liked the person.
When you started to have this sort of friendship, you felt guilty for snapping at him multiple times, the same way he felt bad for being so rude towards you the year before. 
One day, he asked if you wanted to stay late on the paddock, so you could work on some things about W14, little things to improve for the race on Sunday afternoon. Of course you agreed, you have been doing that for months now, one night more it wouldn’t kill you.
The comfortable silence between you two was broken by him.
“I owe you an apology.” He whispered, like that was a forbidden subject.
“I…” You took a few seconds to realise. “I think I owe you one too.”
“So will we both be forgiven then?”
“I’m sorry. For being a brat and an entitled asshole… For not seeing you as a person, someone amazing that works like hell because she wants the best for everyone.” He got closer, touching your forearm.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you, multiple times. I should’ve been more mature.” You avoided looking at him, as much as his eyes were so hypnotising.
When you least expected it, your bodies were together in a very intimate hug. His hands around your hips, while your arms pressed his body against you.
“I’m not the only one feeling this, right?” He muttered, alternating his look between your eyes and lips.
“Unfortunately, no.”
And that he took as a consent to crash his lips against yours, in a desperate kiss, like he waited for such a long time to do that, in reaction, you intertwined one of your hands in his braids and the other lowered to his back, holding at his Mercedes black t-shirt. He soon lowered his hands to your thighs, pulling you to sit on top of some tyres. Your tongues were moving against each other, slow and needy, like a dream coming true. When air made it necessary, he held your waist and smiled.
“It took so long…” He whispered against your ear. “If I knew we only were horny for each other, we could have solved this a long time ago…” You could hear his cocky smile.
“Fuck you.” You muttered back, letting your fingers run on his neck. “If it was months ago… I would have denied it until my deathbed. I’m happy being in this state now.” You left some kisses along his jaw.
“Angel… Not here. Maybe my hotel room may be a more appropriate place for you to get all touchy like that.”
“Sad… I would love to have some risky sex in the paddock, sir.” You joked.
“Maybe someday. But let’s start at the most obvious place. A bed.” He held your hand and guided you to his car.
So… Sir Lewis Hamilton wasn’t so bad after all.
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writingjourney · 1 year
Papa(i cant decide what number 1-4) : angry at his lover, because she avoids him..
Reader in her bedroom: p-please love...kill me i have a fever
(sorry for the link im too shy to send this ask as me, but i think its kinda funny)
ghosting | papa x gn!reader
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I could not decide on a Papa either, so I kept it as neutral as possible and (I hope) you can all imagine the Papa of your choice :) and anon, you need not be shy, I am so grateful for your ask <3
summary: your papa thinks you're avoiding him but once he finally finds you, he realises that he got it all wrong.
content: 2.5k words, sick care, some suggestive remarks, fluff mostly
masterlist – Ao3 link
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Papa scoffs into his afternoon coffee, nearly spilling the hot liquid all over his papal robes. Still nothing. He’s staring at his phone, the screen cracked from when it slipped out of his pocket while he fucked you on his desk two days ago. And yet he can clearly make out the two blue hooks indicating that you’ve read his message from this morning.
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What he also sees is that there is still no reply. Your silence, your absence, the uncertainty – it drives him mad. He is so used to having your undivided attention, seeing your name pop up on his screen with a frequency that keeps him from getting any work done as of late. Not your name, though, no. He saved you under “amore mio” a long time ago. Not that you’re aware of it just yet, but his feelings for you have long since surpassed mere lust and friendliness.
His mind constantly wanders to you. Knowing your schedule by heart, it is easy to imagine what you’re doing, what may have you so distracted. Right now, you should be helping in the gardens, sweaty and panting from the exertions in the warm afternoon sun. He knows how pretty you look like that, even more so when you’re sprawled out underneath him as he gets lost in the soft curves of your body. He yearns to lick the salty sweat off your heaving chest, to hear your whimpers as his lips leave not a single inch of your skin untouched.
Alas, he is stuck in his office, brooding over paperwork.
He’s trying hard to concentrate on the words in front of him, not to stare at his screen all day like a depraved, starving man. Impatient, he even set the phone to vibrate but despite knowing he’d get a notification if you texted him, he taps the screen every two minutes to check. Just to make sure he doesn’t miss it. 
Oh how he’s longing for even the most delicate touch, a simple kiss on his cheek as you tell him to take it easy today, your hand squeezing his across the table. You used to do that, visit him in his office at least two times a day. Not always innocent. Actually, very rarely innocent. He can almost hear the echo of you screaming his name for half the abbey to hear. And yet, you have not been anywhere near these four desecrated walls in almost two days. Not since the last time you were intimate with him.
Why won’t you reply? A flash of doubt and a pang of anger. Could you be getting tired of him? Did he come on too strong? If that were the case, you should tell him. He’s a busy man, you of all people know that, and yet here you are practically ghosting him, as the younger Siblings call it. By now it’s almost dinner time, you must have had a chance to at least type in a yes or no. Papa knows if he can’t see you tonight he is going to lose his mind. He needs the confirmation or he’ll be nervous and distracted for the rest of his day.
Generous as he is, Papa gives you another hour, finishing up the dreadful paperwork before he has a quick dinner of reheated pasta from the day prior. It tastes like nothing to him and the emptiness of his quarters only adds to his foul mood. His eyes are still trained on his phone, the battery still half full, unused with the lack of texting. The only time his screen lights up this evening it’s to remind him that his screen time has gone up by eighty percent over the past week. It seems like that’s an issue you’re solving for him right now.
Papa knows he cannot go another night without seeing you. He needs to confront you, ask if you really lost interest or if you just need more space. Whatever it is, having clarity will be easier to bear than silence.
Entering the dorms is always risky business. People gossip, someone is going to see where he’s knocking, and while everyone knows the two of you are… something, he’s not keen on everyone speculating about why you’re suddenly on cooldown.
But when he knocks, nothing happens. He repeats the motion, rapping his knuckles against the wood three times, louder now. Nothing. He hears music, some sort of electronic beats, the tunes wafting over from another dorm room. A party, surely. Yours however remains eerily quiet. In a last attempt to find out if you’re even home, he tries the door.
It is unlocked, so you must be home. For a moment he considers leaving again but then a painful thought hits him: If you’re home, not opening up… it means you’re avoiding him. Clearly. 
What crime did he commit to deserve your ignorance? His anger propels him to enter, despite knowing he’s invading your privacy. But he cannot go back to his quarters without confronting you, not when he’s already in such pain. He’s feeling the anticipatory grief over losing you and it’s all because he let his guard down way too fast, leaning into your kindness, your loving nature. He always had a feeling that this was too good to be true, that despite thinking this time would be different, he’d end up in pain. Everyone just wants the sex, the fun, not the commitment that being with a Papa, maybe even loving a Papa, meant.
Fiddling with the doorknob, he feels awful for even thinking these things. You never gave him reason to doubt you, but it is just so easy to slip back into his old insecurities. Certain that he’s just seeing ghosts, Papa pushes the door open silently.
Upon entering the small antechamber that leads to your bedroom, he hears you moaning. He hears the rustling of sheets, the mattress creaking. A loud fuck.
Papa stops dead in his tracks, nearly toppling over as a wave of nausea hits him. For a second, his worst fears and his deepest insecurities melt into one big gooey ball of panic. He wants to be sure that what you have is special, but you never openly decided to be exclusive, that you wouldn’t see other people. He’s been meaning to ask, to tell you how he feels… too late, it seems.
But no. He soldiers on. If anyone else dares to touch you, they will receive all of his demonic, unholy wrath. He has a whole company of ghouls who would love to get a taste of human flesh again, if need be. Papa opens the door to your bedroom, anxious but driven, ready to face whatever lies behind. And he does find you in bed like he expected, only… you’re alone.
You don’t even look up. Are you sleeping? The room is stuffy, curtains closed and all he hears is your whimpering.
“Hello?” he asks quietly, his heart hammering in his chest.
Your voice is barely audible. His anger turns into concern as he hurries to your side, sitting down at the edge of the bed. Immediately you reach for his hand in an attempt to squeeze, but it seems like you’re too weak to clench your muscles.
“Kill me, Papa. Release me from this torment,” you whine. “Please.”
“Tesoro, what is going on?”
You groan in reply, a sound only made more horrifying by the soreness of your throat. You sound like a dying animal and if he’s honest, you kind of smell like one too. He wonders how long you’ve been in this position.
“I am dying,” you whisper.
“What happened? Are you injured?”
He’s scanning your body but most of it is covered. Before he can pull away the duvet, you try to squeeze his hand yet again, this time with more vigor.
“S-sick,” you choke out. “The flu.”
“The flu?”
Papa ignores the bad conscience that’s settling in his mind and gives into his worry. He jumps up, opening the curtains and the window to let in some fresh air. You hiss like you’ve been burned, despite the sun already setting. Disregarding your complaints, Papa finds a thermometer and pain killers on your bedside table.
“We need to check if you have a fever, tesorino, can you open your pretty mouth for me?”
You giggle at his words. “I’m too sick for that, Papa.”
“You clearly have a fever if you think I’m going to laugh about this right now,” he states, removing his gloves and throwing them aside. His scowl is not in earnest, he’s not annoyed, of course, but he needs you to know your health is paramount.
“You’re so dramatic,” you whisper but you let him slot the thermometer between your lips anyway.
“I am dramatic? Who’s been locked inside their room like they have the plague without replying to my texts?” 
Papa presses the backs of his hands to your hot cheeks, acting like a mom who doesn’t trust the thermometer. You’re burning up, worrying him even more. Your skin is ashen, hair tousled, and he can see you shaking slightly.
At his words, your brow furrows. “I texted back,” you say, words muffled by the device in your mouth.
“You did not, amore. I have been wondering what I did to upset you so,” Papa admits. “I thought you were avoiding me. Ghosting me, as they say.”
Your eyebrows shoot up and as soon as Papa pulls out the thermometer, forehead scrunching up as he reads the 38.9°C, you start babbling.
“I was not, Papa. I would never. I was so sad I could not see you.” You swallow, groaning as the pain in your scratchy throat hits you. “Can you check my phone? I dropped it.”
Papa finds it under your bed. He lets you unlock it and you’re right, you did reply, only you never hit sent. I am sick in bed, Papa. I miss you too, but I would not want you to catch the flu. ♥︎
“I would never avoid you on you purpose,” you whisper, looking at him through heavy-lidded eyes.
He bends down to kiss your feverish forehead, feeling the heat against his lips. “I know that now, amore, don’t worry about it. I’m sorry I ever thought such a thing.”
“Amore?” you ask, grinning through a thick layer of haze. “That’s new, Papa.”
He can practically feel his cheeks turning rosy under his paint. “You know I like you, gioia mia, that is not new.”
“But amore is not just liking, right? It’s–”
“You have a fever, dolce. I need you to take the ibuprofen. Where do you keep your glasses?”
You pout at his interruption and with one last look at your puckered lips, he jumps up, avoiding not only your question but also the intense urge to kiss you. You’re in no condition to have a deep conversation right now. He searches the cupboards in your tiny kitchenette until he finds a glass he can fill with water. By the looks of it, you have not eaten all day, it’s far too clean.
“I don’t know if I can swallow,” you whine upon his return.
“We both know you’re very good at swallowing, amore. Open up.”
You frown without any real intensity and it’s an adorable sight, even in your messy, unkempt state. “I thought we weren’t joking about this.”
“It is allowed when I do it,” Papa says, practically shoving the pill into your mouth. “Drink, amore. You need liquids.”
You manage to swallow and the water feels like honey but only for a moment before the pain returns and your throat protests wildly. Even so, your mind still clings to his words.
“Papa,” you whine, reaching for his hand as soon as he’s set down the glass.
His mismatched eyes flicker to yours, still worried. “Yes?”
“You never answered.”
“We should talk about this tomorrow, sì? When you feel better.” At your sad expression he gives your hand a comforting squeeze. “I will go find some soup for you now, some other medication.”
“But I don’t want you to leave.”
“I will come back, dolce, you don’t make that pretty head worry too much, eh?” 
You whimper dramatically. “But what if I am dead by then?”
Papa sighs but it’s followed by deep chuckle as he playfully rolls his eyes at you. “You win, amore, I will text one of the ghouls.”
As soon as the text is sent, Papa closes the window again and starts to undress. From your position on the bed you’re watching him like a hawk, pulling a fuzzy blanket over your mouth to hide your grin. He can’t help but find it endearing and suddenly he feels even worse for assuming the worst today. Once he’s in his briefs and undershirt, he crawls into bed behind you, pulling you close. You’re a little sweaty, not exactly smelling fresh, but he doesn’t mind. Feeling your warmth, having you tucked against him, it’s all he really needs. 
And as his heart does a flip, racing thanks to your proximity, he gently cups your cheek. “Do you think you can give me a kiss, amore?”
“But you’ll get sick,” you whisper, the protest dying as soon as he tilts your chin up.
His lips graze yours, softly pressing in more and more until you melt against him. Even your lips are warmer than usual and he keeps it chaste, breaking away to look into your eyes again.
“Papas don’t get sick, eh?” He gives a tender kiss to your forehead, gently running his fingers through your hair before they settle on your back. “Now, you wanted an answer.”
Your look is pleading and it’s like your shining eyes are trying to lure the words right out of him. He wonders how he ever worried you may not feel the same when it’s written all over your face. His nerves start showing then, fidgety fingers drawing tiny patterns on your back, and he can feel your hands pressing into his chest, gripping at the fabric of his shirt.
“I love you,” he finally says. “You are my amore, my love. Tieni il mio cuore in mano. Please, I want to ask you to be mine.”
“I love you, too.” A big grin spreads out on your face. You lean in to kiss him again, softly moving your lips against his, and you stay impossibly close as you whisper. “And I am yours, forever, if you are mine.”
Papa smiles against your mouth and for a moment he forgets that you’re sick and kisses you harder. When he breaks away, you’re breathless, coughing softly, but he can tell by the happy look on your face that it was worth it.
“I am yours, amore,” he says. “I am yours forever, if Satan allows me.”
You settle against his solid chest, warm cheek pressed to the skin just above the neckline of his shirt. After today, your Papa vows to take better care of you, to trust you fully and cast any doubts aside as soon as they arise. And so he wraps his arms around you even tighter, whispering soft praises  into your hair until you’re finally asleep again, the only sound in the room your soft and even breathing.
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non vedo l’ora di baciarti – I can’t wait to kiss you
tieni il mio cuore in mano – you hold my heart in your hand
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thesecretwriter · 11 months
more than just friends (part 2) - steve rogers.
pairing: Steve Rogers x female reader
warnings: Angst – Steve apologizes to reader, kinda jealous!steve rogers, peter parker and reader are both 21. platonic!peter parker, reader gets injured, brief description of being shot.
summary: Time has passed by, and the reader has been nothing but professional towards Steve. Steve slowly starts to realize his mistake once he realizes just how much your absence affects him. A mission with Peter leaves you injured, and Steve concerned.   
word count: 1.9k
a/n: thanks for the feedback on part 1, enjoy!
minors/ageless blogs dni.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
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Two weeks have gone by since your argument with Steve. To which you have maintained a professional relationship with him by only addressing him as ‘Captain’, making your interactions were limited and precise.
The rest of the avengers had noticed this, and expressed concern, but you assured them you were okay, and things were better this way.
Lately, most of your time was occupied by training Peter. Fury had put you in charge of him as you were both the same age and he felt that it would be the best way for Peter to be equipped for future missions.
The two of you had become close in the two weeks you spent together, much to Steve’s dismay.
He felt an emptiness within himself that was not there before. It wasn't the same feeling of not having Peggy around. This time it seemed more intense, and it took a toll on him.
You had been in the training facility with Peter, sparring together. You hadn’t noticed Steve and Bucky walk in and make their way towards the gym equipment.
Once Steve saw you, he kept a close eye as you both sparred, all the while forgetting that he was speaking to Bucky.
“Y’know you can’t look at her like that, right?” Bucky asked assessing the way Steve’s eyes kept straying towards you.
“What do you mean?” he asked with furrowed brows.
“The puppy dog eyes which scream ‘I’m sorry’,” Bucky pointed out.
The anger between Steve and Bucky didn’t last long after their argument. Bucky knew that Steve felt something towards you, but he clearly didn’t know how to express it. But Bucky also held your best interest at heart.
Your laughter interrupted Steve from replying. He now turned his entire body towards you, curious as to what you were laughing about. He missed the sound of your laughter.
“Peter, stop!” you giggled as Peter tickled your side to distract you from holding him down.
“Okay, but you gotta admit it’s a good way to disarm someone,” Peter said getting up and holding his hand out for you to take.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night,” you roll your eyes and take his hand as he helps you up.
Peter continued to speak to you, however, you noticed Steve’s gaze directed towards you from over Peters shoulder.
“Hi Bucky,” you waved to him with a smile before your eyes settled on Steve’s.
“Captain,” you nodded in greeting.
Peter had also greeted them, to which Bucky had waved back at the two of you. Though, Steve’s eyes never left yours, just as yours never left his. It was as though you both were having a silent conversation that only you two understood.
Steve’s eyes held sadness and longing. You knew he missed you from the way he would look at you longingly, but every time you felt yourself wanting to forgive him, you remembered his words.
“Y/n… why don’t we get something to eat? I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry,” Peter’s voice brought you back to reality.
You diverted your gaze from Steve to Peter and nodded in acknowledgement to his words.
“Yeah, I’m hungry too,” you said and walked ahead of Peter to exit the training facility.
Steve’s eyes never left your until you were out of sight.
“You either fix whatever is going on, or you can let her go and be happy with someone else,” Bucky stated, knowing his best friend needed to hear those words.
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Within that same week, you found yourself wanting to clean your room and change things up a bit. Which is why you found yourself going through your closet.
Just as you’re about to rearrange everything, your gaze fell upon a familiar pile of clothes. Steve’s shirts which you would wear regularly.
You picked up the pile and pondered on what to do with them. It felt wrong having them now. If you wanted to move on, then you can start by returning any belongings you had of his.
With a deep sigh, you exit your room and make your way towards his while mentally preparing yourself to speak to him.
You knock on his door once, hoping he is there. His door opened after a moment, and he gazed at you curiously. He didn’t expect you to be here, but your unexpected visit didn’t harbor any negative feelings within him.
“Hi,” he said, looking at you from head to toe.
“Hey, uhm… I wanted to return these. I found them as I was cleaning out my closet,” you held them towards him.
He looked to your hands and a look of sadness fell upon his face.
“Y/n… these are yours. They became yours once you started wearing them,”
“I can’t keep these; it doesn’t feel right,” you tell him, hoping that he takes it so you can go back to your room and try to stop thinking about those beautiful eyes staring at you.
“Why doesn’t it feel right?” he folded his hands and leaned against his door frame, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“Because it’s not good for me to keep things of the person I’m trying to move on from,” You grew frustrated.
Being alone with Steve still made you nervous and being so close to him and not in his arms was beginning to make you sad all over again.
“Oh,” was all he managed to muster up.
You put the clothes in his barely extended hands and walk away very well knowing his sad eyes were on you the whole time.
He reached out to take the shirts, and briefly brushed his fingers against yours. His heart beating faster by the minute as this was the first time you made physical contact in weeks.
You quickly turned away and walked back to your room, leaving Steve to watch you walk away from him.
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That night, as Steve sat in his room, alone with his thoughts.
He knew he had to let go, he knew he had to move on. The familiar compass lay in his hand, as he fiddled with it between his fingers.
With newfound determination, he left the compound and walked toward a lake that sat on the property.
He opened the compass and looked at the photograph of Peggy. She wasn’t his to have and hold, nor was she his to spend the rest of her life with. Which is why Steve closed the compass and threw it into the water.
This was him moving on.
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Days passed and Steve spent those days thinking of how to apologize to you. Usually at this time of night, he would have you to speak to.
He knew he wasn’t getting any sleep, so he chose to get some water from the kitchen and chose to use his walk there as a way to clear his mind.
The place in darkness along with the distant noise of the TV. Curiously, he made his way to the noise and saw you and Peter sat beside each other with wide eyes, with a blanket covering the both of you.
Steve put the lights on and scared you off the couch, literally. You fell off taking Peter with you.
“Steve, you scared us” Peter laughed and released a sigh of relief.
“Captain,” he corrected.
This had you looking at him funny. Steve noticed your gaze and took this as his moment to make things right. 
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to y/n alone,” he said not looking away from you.
Peter was aware of the situation between you two. He was reluctant to leave but you guaranteed him you’d be okay. This had Steve clenching his jaw to not say anything.
Once Peter left Steve came to sit beside you.
“Y/n-…I’m…how are you?” he stuttered. 
There was the Steve you knew, with the kind eyes, nervous as you were.
“I’m okay,” you simply said.
“That’s good,”
A silence falls upon the two of you.
You looked into his eyes and saw regret. He has regretted the words so much from that day. The look of hurt on your face forever etched into his mind.
“I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you… It was completely uncalled for. The way I disregarded your feeling was so-… I don’t even know how to explain it,” he clasped your hand in his as he said this.
You took a moment to wrap your mind around his words. You were a forgiving person by nature, but his words cut too deep for you to ignore them. They made you feel like a rebound, second choice and not good enough.
“I’m glad that you apologized… but that doesn’t mean that I forgive you. I’ll see you around Steve.” And with that being said, you left to your room.
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The mission was simple. A company had been trying to duplicate past weapons from Stark Industries. You were to get the companies intel while Peter takes down any guards that come in your way.
Everything was going smoothly until you were trapped in the lab of the company’s facility. Peter had been fighting off nearby guards while you snuck into the information centre. One of the guards saw you and drew his gun, shooting you on your side, just below your waist as you tried to retrieve the USB and duck away from him.
“Y/n?... Y/N!” you heard Peter yell as the guard that shot you fell unconscious. Peter heard the gun shot and ran to your aid.
You laid on the ground blinking up at the ceiling. Everything around seemed silent as you saw a distraught Peter looking from your wound to your face.
“Keep her awake. I’m almost there,” you heard his voice over the comms.
Your eyes felt heavy the more you blinked at Peter who had tears in his eyes.
“It’s gonna be okay. I need you to stay awake, okay?” Peter said, holding your face between his hands.
Peter kept pressure on your wound, which caused you to groan in pain. Although everything was hazy, you still felt the pain.
Time passed by faster than you anticipated, because in moments you felt yourself being hoisted into familiar arms.
“Y/n, sweetheart. I need you to keep your eyes open for me, okay? I want your eyes on me,” Steve demanded as he rushed through the hallways and to the quin jet that Natasha had been piloting.
“Tired,” was all you managed to whisper as Steve got onto the quin jet where Bruce began to work on your wound.
“No. no, you need to stay awake,” he said desperately as he tapped your cheek.
“She’s gonna be okay,” Bruce assured him as you closed your eyes and succumbed to the darkness, but before you could fully lost consciousness, you saw Steve looking at you in concern and worry.
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tagging those who reblogged:
@paarthurnax59 @terry2227 @sweater-bee @niffala @superforgottensoul
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callsign-dexter · 11 months
TK is a..... father?
Summary: TK learns that he is a father and meets his daughter.
Pairings: TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes
Warnings: angst, fluff, child abuse, mention of abortion, swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, mention of attempt sexual assult
Mini TK
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Sunday, January 9, 2022, is when TK Strand became the sole legal guardian of his 4-year-old baby girl, Y/N Dakota Strand.
Everything in the firehouse was going pretty smoothly. Not many calls had been made for the firetruck but the ambulance was getting called out every few minutes, meaning TK was out more often. So he wasn't there when Fiona Harte walked into the 126 with 4-year-old Y/N in hand. Judd was the first one to spot them and walked over to them.
"May I help you ma'am?" Judd asked her curious as to what she was doing here.
"I'm looking for TK Strand." Fiona said looking around and not at Judd. Owen having been downstairs away from his office perked up when he heard his son's and their last name.
"I'm sorry he's not here at the moment, he's on call. Do you want to leave a message?" Judd asked her and as she was beginning to speak Owen appeared. He saw the little girl but didn't want to say anything.
"I'll take it from here Judd." Owen said to his teammate. Judd left but stayed close by in case Owen needed something. "I'm TK's father, Owen Strand. What can I do for you?" He asked his arms crossed and a little standoffish since this unknown woman came into his firehouse wanting his son. He also took note of the little one that looked exactly like TK. By now everyone had gathered around but still doing their work. He also noticed the bag she was carrying.
"I'm Fiona Harte and this is Y/N... Strand. She's TK's daughter." Fiona said and the entire firehouse went silent. Owen was silent Fiona didn't say anything he looked at the little now known as Y/N, she was looking at Owen curiously.
"Why don't we go to my office and talk about this?" Owen questioned her and turned to show her the way. Fiona walked the way she was shown while Owen lingered back and motioned for Judd and he came to his Captain.
"What's up Cap?" Judd asked him and stood with his arms crossed. Owen looked to where Fiona and Y/N were making sure they were in the office before he started to speak and then looked to Judd.
"I trust you wholeheartedly to be in there when we have this conversation. I'm also going to need you to take Y/N and distract her, I don't care how, but she doesn't need to be in there. I have a feeling some choice words are gonna be said." Owen told him and Judd nodded.
"Of course Cap anything for you." Judd replied and Owen nodded and both men headed up the stairs. When they reached the office they both walked in. Owen walked to his desk and sat down and Judd stayed in the back next to the couch where Y/N was sitting and squatted down and began playing with the little girl, while Fiona was in the chair in front of the desk. It was silent for a few minutes except for Judd speaking softly to Y/N and her laughing, he had to admit she did look exactly like TK.
"How do you know she is TK's daughter?" Owen asked her getting straight to the point. Fiona sighed knowing she would get this question.
"TK and I met in 2017 and while we were both high and possibly intoxicated we slept together. He left the next day. I didn't think of anything until I was late. I went and got a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I didn't have the heart for me to get rid of the baby so I kept it." Fiona explained and Owen was silent he didn't know if he could believe her or not. He looked passed her and over at Judd who was listening and watching, he nodded to Judd and tilted his head to motion him out.
Judd turned to Y/N and quietly asked her "Hey do you want to go see a firetruck?" She perked up and nodded and Judd smiled. "Ok let's go." He picked her up and the smell of drugs and alcohol immediately hit him but just faintly. He knew that she wasn't doing anything but he knew that she had been around it. He could smell it on the mother when he was talking to her. Y/N clung to Judd as he walked downstairs her shirt dropped a little bit and he could see the bruising he really hoped this child wasn't abused but he had a bad feeling. When they got to the bottom of the stairs he sat her down and texted own.
Bruising on her shoulder and part of her neck. It's faint but there.
Owen waited for the door to close and was about to speak when his phone buzzed, he looked at it and instantly tensed up. He didn't respond just sat his phone down and began talking.
"Y/N's gone, you can drop the act." Owen said.
"What act? I'm not acting." Fiona said but knew she had been caught when Owen gave her a look and she sighed "Fine. It was true I didn't have the heart to abort her and she really is TK's daughter. I didn't sleep with anyone before or after him."
"Why bring her now and not when you had her?" Owen said getting defensive.
"I couldn't find TK anywhere and had no way to contact him until I saw him on the news. When I found out he was in Texas well I packed the little shit up and brought her here." Fiona said and each word, she said made Owen madder.
"You could've given her up to your parents or a foster system. Why keep her in a dangerous situation?" He asked her pissed.
"My parents and I aren't speaking and I could've given her up but it kept slipping my mind. Half the time I forgot she was there." Fiona said.
"4 years is too long to have been in that situation. She should've been given up the second you knew you couldn't care for her." Owen said. "When I met you down there I could smell the alcohol and the drugs on you. Y/N will be staying here with TK, his boyfriend Carlos, and me. You will no longer be able to see her." Owen finished and got up.
"Fine by me. I don't want the little shit anymore. She was a cockblock anyways. Guys find out about her and run the other way. I'm in desperate need of a fuck and can't do that while she's around even though that didn’t stop me before but now I can do it anywhere and not care her seeing." Fiona said and got up and walked over to the bag and grabbed a stack of papers. "This is the papers for TK to have sole guardianship. I've already signed them. A note that explains everything." She finished while slapping the stack onto her desk and the note on top, and she left the office.
Judd was with Y/N in the firetruck showing her around when the upstairs office door slammed and she flinched. Judd took notice of this and got out of the truck with her in tow. He got down on her level "Y/N honey, does your mom hurt you or yell at you?" Judd asked her and she was quiet.
"Sometimes. She would have guys over all the time and they leave in the morning. The house always smelt funny. Mommy and the men always hit me when I asked something or spoke." Y/N said in a quiet voice.
"Did they try to touch you?" He asked her not wanting to know the answer.
"They tried but I always ran away and hid." She said honestly and looked down with her hands in front of her.
"Hey, you did the right thing." Judd told her and lifted her head gently and then hugged and she reluctantly hugged him back, not being used to affection of love much less from a man. He let go of her when Owen and Fiona walked down the stairs. Fiona walked out of the firehouse not even saying goodbye to her daughter which confused Y/N. Owen walked over to her once he knew Fiona was gone.
"Hey, Y/N. I'm Owen. I'm your grandpa." He said getting down to her level, she did something that surprised him and Judd she hugged him.
"Hi, Grandpa." She said in a quiet voice. It wasn't much longer until the doors were opening and the ambulance was rolling in and Owen went to stand by it. TK opened the door and saw his dad there.
"Hey, Dad. What's up?" TK asked his father. He didn't say anything. Tommy and Nancy walked up.
"Everything ok Owen?" Tommy asked getting worried.
"TK I need to speak to you in the office." Owen said and TK nodded he looked at his two other teammates and shrugged his shoulders. As TK and Owen were walking, TK noticed the little girl but didn't say anything until they got to the office. Tommy and Nancy noticed her too and went over to her. Judd explained the situation.
Owen and TK got walked into the office and TK saw the papers. "Dad, what's this? Who was that little girl?" He said pointing to the papers and note and then in the general direction of the girl. Owen sighed.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. That little girl is your daughter, a woman of the name Fiona Harte came and dropped her off. These," He waved the stack of papers and the note "are for you to sign so you will have sole guardianship of her. She also left a note explaining everything." Owen finished and TK fell into the chair a million questions running through his head, Owen could see this "Fiona said you both hooked up in 2017 while high and possibly intoxicated. TK, son, Y/N doesn't come from a very good place." TK took the note and read through and after. a few moments he said and finally, TK says something.
"I don't know if I'm ready for a kid. I mean things are just now going great with Carlos, I don't want to mess anything up." TK said, "But I also don't want her growing up somewhere that she doesn't know and a possibly abusive household." He finished looking up at his father from the note.
"You don't have to make a decision right this moment. Go meet her and spend some time with her. Carlos loves you and would follow you to the ends of thr earth, he's going to love this little girl because he loves you." Owen told his son who nodded. They both headed downstairs.
When they get downstairs they see Judd, Tommy, Nancy, Mateo, Marjan, and the others surrounding the little girl. They get there just in time for Mateo to say "She looks like a Mini TK!" And they all laugh not knowing that that name would become her nickname for the rest of her life.
TK walks over and Y/N looked up and smiled at TK and Owen. Everyone parted to let them through. TK bent down to her level and she looked at him and it felt like he was looking right in the mirror. "Hi, Y/N. I'm TK. I'm your father." He said when she smiled he had decided to keep her she walked up to him and hugged him.
"Hi, Daddy." Y/N whispered to him and he picked her up and hugged her, yup he definitely knew he was going to keep her. No doubt about it. Now he just needed to tell Carlos and have him meet her.
Speaking of Carlos he had just walked into the firehouse coming to see TK when he saw him hugging a child. He walked over to them smiling, TK always wanted kids and he did too but didn't know when the right time was. Seeing TK with kids always made him smile. "Hey, babe." Carlos said to him and that made TK turn around with Y/N in his arms and smiled as Y/N lifted up and looked at Carlos.
"Hey, baby!" TK said and gave Carlos a kiss which he returned.
"Who is this?" Carlos asked.
"This is Y/N. My daughter." TK said Carlos was speechless but still smiling. "Come on I'll explain." He said passing Y/N off to Owen who was glad to take his granddaughter.
"Use my office." Owen says knowing the papers were in there, TK nodded and grabbed Carlos' hand, and led him up to the office.
Once they're in the office TK closes the door and they go sit on the couch. Carlos can see the papers sitting on Owen's desk. TK wasn't smiling and neither was Carlos but not because he was mad but because TK wasn't. He was nervous and Carlos could tell. He decided to listen to what TK had to say.
"So the little girl is my daughter. Back in 2017 when I was severely messed up I got high and drunk and slept with a girl, her name is Fiona Harte, Y/N's mother. Mom came and got me the next morning after I left Fiona. Fiona left a note explaining everything." TK said and paused Carlos could see how hard this was for him and reach over and grabbed his hands in his and coaxed him to go on. "You can read the note if you want. I want her and I'm going to sign the papers." He said and took his hands from Carlos' and grabbed the note from his back pocket and handed it to Carlos who read it.
Dear, TK
This letter explains everything about the little girl that is yours. Her name is Y/N Dakota Strand she is 4. Her birthday is May 1, 2018. I don't know what she likes and dislikes when it comes to TV shows, food, or toys. I do know that her favorite colors are blue and red.
She was conceived on August 1, 2017, the night when we were both high and intoxicated. Now I know you're probably thinking that she isn't yours but she is. But, I hadn't slept with anyone before you or after and I was late so I went and got a pregnancy test and it was positive. I didn't have the heart to terminate it.
She is 100% yours. I'm sorry it took a while for her to meet you and come into your guardianship, I couldn't find you until I saw you on the news and saw you were in Texas. So, I packed the little shit up and came here.
I no longer want her, I don't want to look after her, and I want my freedom back. I don't want anything to do with her. I have already signed my name to give up my parental rights to you, all you need to do is sign and the little shit is all yours.
Sincerely, Fiona Harte
Carlos was mad that a mother could do this and put a child in this situation. He knew she was TK's when he laid eyes on her she was the exact copy of him. "TK, I'll be with you for whatever decision you make. I know how much you wanted kids and I do too. She looks so sweet. I love her already because she's an exact copy of you and I know she'll be sweet because you are." TK started to cry he was so glad to have a supportive boyfriend. TK got his phone out and texted his father to bring up Y/N and a minute later he did.
"I love you baby." TK said to Carlos and hugged him.
"I love you too." Carlos replied hugging back and letting go when Owen opened the door.
Owen walked in and sat Y/N down and walked her over to the two men. Carlos and TK smiling. "Hi, Y/N. I'm Carlos your daddy's boyfriend and hopefully your other father someday." She smiled and looked at him.
"Hi, Papa." She said and hugged him and all of their hearts melted. TK got up and walked over to where the papers sat and started signing his name after Owen read through it. As he was doing that Carlos was with Y/N and her shirt fell off of her shoulder. He saw the faint bruising on her and instantly got mad.
"Y/N, baby. Who did this to you?" Carlos asked which got TK's attention, who was now done signing the papers and walked over along with Owen, seeing the bruising.
"Mommy and her boyfriends. She would have guys over all the time and they leave in the morning. The house always smelt funny. Mommy and the men always hit me when I asked something or spoke. They tried to touch me but I ran away and hid." Y/N told them what she told Judd. She was looking down expecting to get in trouble.
"Oh, honey. You're safe with us now nothing or nobody is going to hurt anymore. You're not in trouble." TK said and picked her up and hugged her. Y/N was shocked that she wasn't in trouble she usually got in trouble or hit more when she spoke up about her situation.
"Your daddy is right. We're here for you and will protect you." Owen said coming to stand next to TK and rubbed her back.
"You're always safe with us. You won't have to go back to that awful place or person anymore." Carlos said and came up to his family and wrapped his arm around TK. What they didn't know was that Maeto was up there and taking a picture of them being a family and smiling.
TK didn't know if he wanted to keep her at first but after getting to know her in a short amount of time, seeing her with Carlos, and having both his and Owen's support he knew she wasn't going anywhere. He knew that she couldn't go back to Fiona not after what Y/N said.
Y/N is right where she should be, with her Dad, Papa, Grandpa, and her 126 family. She's going to be one protected little girl.
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rewh0re · 10 months
-3.0k, kind of a repost but a heavily edited one, very slice of life ngl, they kiss (sorry), reader is sad in the beginning, oblivious idiots in love, bad teenage confessions, they're both too scared to confess and are idiots I'm sorry there's no gentler way of saying this, pls read I worked my ass off editing this shit:( REBLOGS + INTERACTIONS ARE APPRECIATED!!
a/n: happy birthday rin you sweet sweet child, I love his emo ass sm he'd probably hate me but I have enough love for him for the two of us (ew, can't believe I said that)
Who knew that a boy you met on a rainy midsummer's evening could turn out to be such a vital part of your life?
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A cool gentle breeze and a mildly chilly weather was not very common in the midsummer. But it had rained earlier. The atmosphere still had the lingering smell of wet soil brought about by the winds and the temperature drop was pleasant. You liked it. This felt good. It also distracted you from the lump that you felt in your throat and the tears that were threatening to fall down your now very glossy eyes. How long have you been sitting under a stray lamp post beside the children's park now? You had absolutely no clue and neither did you want to know. It was late at night and you knew the sane thing to do was go home, wash your face and go to bed. Call it a night maybe. But the body sometimes refuses to follow the mind. It just doesn't move when your much rational part asks it too. It stays rooted at the spot. Maybe it was one of those moments for you. You think at some point a stray calico cat came by and rubbed herself against your legs. That made you smile. Cats were good, they were sweet, they made you feel nice about yourself when they decided they liked you. But your sole companion of the night had also gone away and you were alone yet again.
That's when he came by.
You did not notice him at first. A stranger holding his bicycle, looking at you with his face contorted in pure confusion. Rin was just passing by when he saw you, sitting on the bench in all your sadness and melancholy, tears almost spilling out of your eyes, lips quivering. He could vaguely make out your hands clenching and unclenching inside your jacket pocket. He didn't know what to do. Should he just ignore you and let you be or ask you if you were fine. He decided on the latter. 
"Uhm, the weather forecast says it might rain tonight," he awkwardly let out the words to your idle figure.
You only turned your head at him slowly in return. You were kind of pretty he'd give you that.
You were puzzled as to why a random boy was suddenly telling you about the weather forecast, "huh?"
"The weather forecast. It might rain tonight. You better get to your home," he didn't understand what your deal was. Sitting all lonesome on a stray bench with no people around. It was unsafe too. Unless you were some sort of serial killer which was highly unlikely because what sort of serial killer looks like they're about to lose it all beside a random park late at night.
"Oh," you turned away and went back to your thinking or whatever it is that you were doing. Rin started regretting his decision of even bothering you in the first place. He should've just been on his way, letting you bask in your self pity. 
"Do you have an umbrella with you," you looked at him again before silently shaking your head.
He started to look for something inside his bag before pulling out an umbrella, "you can take this. My house isn't far from here, I'll reach in some but you can just keep it in case it rains. Uh also, you should get going as soon as you can, it can get pretty unsafe so late at night."
He waited for your reply but it never came. You just looked at him with the same wide eyes and quivering lips. So he nervously kept the umbrella beside you and walked away with his bicycle.
That was his mother's favorite umbrella that he gave away. He was gonna get it from her.
You stared at his disappearing figure. You saw as he turned the corner and finally went out of sight.
"What a kind soul," you thought to yourself and the tears finally fell.
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It had been about a week since you last met the kind boy who gave you an umbrella. It indeed did rain and you ended up using it on your way home. It had been a week since you kept waiting at night to return him his umbrella but he never came. You were about to give up and just keep the umbrella till you decided to wait after school and see if he shows up.
And much to your luck, he did. He was on his bicycle, riding it as the wind ruffled his dark hair. His teal eyes were focussed on the road and he had a deadpan look on his face. You smiled wide at seeing him.
"Hey! Guy on the bicycle!" You screamed and waved your hands so he could notice you. He slowed down his bicycle until it came to a complete stop in front of you. It was the same location except now, the park was filled with little children's laughter from running about and playing and the buzzing of people's voices. There were birds chirping on the trees as the summer sun shone at a distance. You looked very different from the first time he saw you. A wide smile on your face with eyes almost in the shape of crescents as a result of your smile. Your hair was more put together and you were in a school uniform. He gathered you too, were a high school student.
"I'm y/n, hi, nice to meet you," you finally introduced yourself. Rin wasn't the kind of boy to think much about people's looks or about people at all. But something about you was so mesmerizing to his eyes. He found you to be absolutely gorgeous, something he didn't really notice the first time he saw you.
"Yea uh I'm Itoshi Rin," he looked at your outstretched hand before slowly accepting your handshake. He took his hand away from yours as soon as he finished giving it a polite shake.
"I am the person you gave your umbrella to last week, if you don't remember me. I just wanted to return it to you and thank you for helping me," your wide smile now turned into a polite one as you took out the umbrella from your backpack and handed it to him.
Rin blinked at it twice because he never did think he'd get his mother's favorite umbrella back or see you again for that matter. But he did and you seemed better than before and he was glad you looked good.
"Well then. Thanks again. I'll get going. Have a great day," you waved at him as you turned around.
Rin didn't know what exactly came over him. He just felt this sudden boost of confidence as he saw your figure walk away from him. He did not want you to go. A sudden vile feeling rose in him as the realisation dawned that if you left he would probably never get to see you again. So with his heart almost jumping out of his ribcage, he uttered the words that he almost stumbled over, "let me walk you to your home."
And even though your eyes were as big as saucers the moment he said those words, you couldn't be happier that Itoshi Rin decided to walk you home because something in you too, said that having him as a friend would be good.
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Rin and your friendship started with awkward hellos and hi's and silent walks to the school. Turns out you lived close by and your school too, fell on the way to his. So each day he would walk you to your school and back home.
Eventually, what started as an awkward interaction turned into excited rants from you about books that you've read and movies that you had seen. Rin listened. Rin always listened. Sometimes he'd talk about the horror movies he'd liked and the mangas stored in his bookshelf.
Walks to school and back home turned into weekly hangouts after school. Sometimes at your house and sometimes at his. You learnt Rin loved soccer and he learnt you were not much into sports. He had gasped in disbelief because, truly, how can someone not be into sports? He was forced to watch the notebook with you and you were forced to watch Insidious with him. By now both of your parents had come to know of your new friendship. Rin's mother loved you and your mother always saved extra cookies for Rin when she baked. Summer slowly faded into autumn and the leaves outside turned crisp and brown and Rin would never let you see the faint smile that adorned his face when you so joyfully stepped on the crunchy leaves. With autumn came the realization that you had fallen for Rin. And unbeknownst to you Rin had slowly fallen for you too. If he thought you were pretty when you cried, he thought you looked absolutely stunning when you were laughing. Yes, even when the laughs were followed by snorts.
Rin realized he might have fallen in love with you and that terrified him because Rin did not do love. Rin did not know how to love. He never gave two thoughts to a relationship but with you, he was willing to do so. It was all so new for him, the feelings were so new that it terrified him. He was too scared to tell you.
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"Mama bear says a very happy birthday dear Rin, and she sends some of this homemade, special chocolate cake to you," was the first thing Rin heard from you as he opened his door and you let yourself in.
"Mama bear? Seriously? And you won't say happy birthday to me?" Rin narrowed his eyes at you as he shut the door and followed your figure towards the kitchen.
"Shut up, I wished you at exactly twelve in the midnight. I have receipts too. My call history also has your name. Now, do you want the cake or not Mr. Itoshi?" You took out a knife from his kitchen drawer and pointed it at him.
"Can't say no to that," he opened the package to find 8 slices of beautifully decorated chocolate cake.
"I'll take one!" You were about to pick a slice when he swatted your hand away.
"Your mom has already fed you with them. These are mine. Back off," he took a slice and closed the package.
"Rinnie-" you whined.
"Do not call me that. Ever," he pointed at you before taking a bite from his cake. Your mother baked heavenly delights, he thought. The cake was so freaking delicious. He felt like he just entered the realms of God for a moment when it almost melted in his mouth.
"But rinnie-" you saw him eat the cake, savoring each bite.
"Why are you so mean? Just let me have a piece please. She did not let me eat much of the cake and there's not much left at home either. Just one bite please I-" you found yourself shutting up as Rin shoved the last bite of the cake into your mouth.
"That will shut you up," and it did. Your mother was the best baker in town and no one could argue with that fact.
You spent the rest of the day at Rin's house with him forcefully making you watch midsommar this time. You loved spending time with Rin. While Rin was so immersed in movies, you were immersed in his face. He looked so pretty focussed.
"What?" He turned around to look at you.
"What?" You asked confused.
"You said I look pretty when I'm focussed?"
"Oh I said that out loud?" You giggle to yourself. "But yes. You do look pretty when you're focussed."
"You're pretty too I guess," you laughed at how he grumbled those words out. 
“Hey Rin,” you called out his name and he hummed in reply, face not moving from the screen. “Happy birthday. I'm glad to have met you, you know.”
A pink hue covered Rin’s face slowly as you played with his hair. You had never seen Rin blush before and you were absolutely savouring the moment. He looked beautiful. He was beautiful.
“Shut up and watch the movie,” he muttered under his breath as he unconsciously leaned in on your hand. Your smile widened at his actions.
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"Some girl confessed to me today," Rin scoffed when he picked you up from your school gate.
You could almost hear the little crack of your heart the moment Rin had said those words. You were too big of an idiot to not confess and now, someone else was doing it in your place.
"Oh? What did you say," you gulped as you feared his answer. 
"No, obviously. What makes you think I'll say yes?" He shook his head as you both walked down the hill. You let out a quiet sigh of relief.
"Well, why not?"
"I...kind of already like someone," Rin blushed and the crack in your heart increased. How much more till he completely breaks your heart?
The rest of the walk back home was excruciatingly quiet and awkward. You did not know how to act around Rin, you wanted to be far away from him. As far as possible.
"Who..who is this person you like?" Something in your voice seemed sad and bitter. There was a tint of jealousy which didn't go unnoticed by Rin. He was observant, he was oh so observant.
"Uhm a very close friend," you nodded your head silently at his words. You had so many questions. When had he met them? How long had they been 'friends?' Was he closer to them than he is to you?
"They're sweet and really nice. Kind too. Always there for me when I need them and I think I just really like this person you know," You looked at Rin to see him smiling so fondly. You internally begged him to stop as he went on about how genuinely good this person was. He did it. He broke your heart unknowingly. You realised you should have never asked about this person, that way you would be saved.
You were glad as you saw your house in the distance. Quickly waving Rin a goodbye, telling him you had a huge amount of homework to complete, you ran off towards your house. You'd distance yourself from him, you thought. Just stop talking to him for some time till these silly feelings go away.
Rin could only stand there under the orange sky of the evening as he saw you go nearer to your house and then it hit him. You thought he was talking about an entirely different person. You definitely did not get that he was talking about you. And with how weird you were acting there might have been a slight chance that you liked him back. Rin sucked at love and he sucked at declarations of love too. He had probably messed up what you both had by directly not telling you that he harboured feelings for you.
"Shit!" He ran after you as you entered your main gate and within some seconds he was there, grabbing your wrist, panting slightly. You turned around to look at him and then at the place where his hand held yours.
"Rin...." You started, confused as to what was happening.
"It's you," he stated. God he sucked at confessions. He never confessed to anyone before and now he realised why the people in his school lost their minds over it. It was terrifying with how his heart was beating erratically in his chest, hands shaking slowly.
"What? Are you okay? You seem a bit out of place," Your voice was lost. What was he speaking about? You genuinely didn't know if he was okay.
"God damn it, it's you I like!" There it was, laid out in the open for you. 
Your eyes were about to pop out of your socket because did you even hear that right? Itoshi Rin liked you? You were the person he was so fondly talking about? There were so many questions waiting to burst out of your throat.
"You like me?" You asked.
"I do,"
"You're not joking?"
"Absolutely not,"
"Rin, I swear to god if this is some kind of sick joke I will-" and he cut you off.
He cut you off by pulling you in and crashing his lips against your. You reciprocated immediately because this is exactly what you dream about. You felt his hands on your waist trailing there as you held his face. It was no way a gentle kiss, in fact it was rough, clearly a kiss between two very inexperienced teenagers. You separated for breath before you chased for his lips once more. You kissed him more gently now, relishing in the taste of mint that he had taken earlier. His lips were slightly chapped but they were nonetheless heaven to you. His cologne took over your nostrils and you couldn't quite believe that all of this was happening.
"Fuck," you pulled away as you were out of breath. This felt like a fever dream.
"Fuck indeed," and all he could do was smile after that kiss. It was his first with you. It was all he hoped for.
You both started laughing at god knows what. Maybe it was the fact that you both were two oblivious idiots or the fact that what you craved for for the longest time had taken place finally. Rin was holding his knees and you were holding your tummy. You turned to look at him, he was so beautiful, you thought. He was so beautiful and he loved you. Your laughter ceased into a smile. So genuine and full of love for him.
"What?" He looked at reciprocating the look you donned.
You met Itoshi Rin on a rainy midsummer’s night and fell for him on a cool autumn’s day. Who would have thought that a boy who met you at one of your lowest points would lighten up your life in such a way? But this was real, Rin was real and the love you held for each other was also real. At the end of the day, this was Rin, your Rin. This was love.
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