#oc questions meme
OC question game!!!! 13 and 27!
13.) Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Oh, it's briefly hinted in "I Have No Mother, Only A Brother" that out of Canvas's batch, if you were to ask Faro, it's Gunnar. Gunnar is the troublemaker. Gunnar was a mini-menace as a cadet but mostly grew out of that by the time they had their first campaign.
27.) Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Not explicitly... But also maybe? Before I got to the Umbara/Pong Krell arc in TCW, I was listening to a bunch of different songs on repeat. One of them was Brother by Kodaline and that song has felt very fitting since getting back into Star Wars for the mentality of brotherhood the Clones have for one another, in my book. The idea of "what if a bunch of Shinies never got their name on Kamino?" was always backed by the idea of "Brother looks out for Brother/I'm going to take care of you" that I use all throughout "Nice To Meet You Brother" was almost certainly because of that song at least subconsciously!
OC Questions Meme
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coldresolve · 2 years
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Send me a number and an OC, and I'll answer.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
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melamemea · 1 year
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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thesilverlock · 2 months
Fandom OC Ask Meme
⟢⋱⟡☾ a collection of asks for OCs belonging to specific fandoms
How does (canon character) feel about your OC?
How does your OC feel about (canon character)?
Has your OC ever made (canon character) laugh? / What about cry?
Do your OC and (canon character) ever cross paths?
Which canon character annoys your OC?
What canon character gets annoyed by your OC?
Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?
Which canon character doesn’t respect your OC whatsoever?
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Which canon character does your OC not respect at all? Why?
Which canon character is pissed off by the general presence of OC? (we all have those people)
Does your OC have a crush on anyone?
Who would probably have a crush on your OC?
Who would your OC most likely to get a puppy-crush on? (but it can’t be the cc they’re actually shipped with!)
Who would your OC say is their best friend?
Who would call your OC their best friend?
Who has brought your OC to tears before?
Who has your OC made cry?
Is there someone your OC didn’t like at first, but then got along with later?
Is there someone your OC liked at first, but then grew to dislike?
Who does your OC hate?
Who does your OC love? (platonic)
Who does your OC love? (familial)
Does your OC love anyone? (romantic)
Has your OC ever had to let a canon character down easy?
Has your OC ever been rejected by a canon character?
Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?
What is the worst thing your OC does in their story?
What is your OC’s ‘‘darkness moment’’ in the plot?
What is your OC’s redemption moment?
Is there a canon character that your OC needs to ask forgiveness towards?
Is there a canon character your OC needs to forgive?
Is there anyone who your OC would die for?
Is there a canon character who would die for your OC?
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m-oshun · 1 year
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draw your oc in outfit etc etc
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OC Questions on the Seven Forms of Love.
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A little list of OC questions based on the seven types of love identified in Ancient Greek thought. Obviously this is a highly simplified presentation of some quite complex philosophical concepts from Classical History, intended more for the purposes of entertainment than education. I also left out Mania, which is arguably an eighth type of love (Obsessive), because I'm keeping it mostly positive in these tricky times!
Eros – Romantic, Passionate Love.
Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
How important is sex to them in a relationship? Do they see it as something essential to their happiness? Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex?
How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
Philia – Affectionate, Platonic Love.
Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don't then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Does your OC find it easy to make friends? Or are there barriers to them doing so? If so then are these due to issues of inclination, communication, or something else entirely?
What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
What is their most fervent wish for their best friend(s)? How far would they go to make it happen?
Storge – Unconditional, Familial Love.
Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
Does your OC have children? If so then how fiercely do they love them? If they have more than one then do they love them all equally? If they do not have children then is this part of their future plans?
How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
Does your OC have any siblings? If so then did their parents have a favourite growing up? Has their relationship with their sibling changed in adulthood? If they don't have any siblings then do they perhaps feel they have missed out on an important relationship? Do they have any especially close friends who go some way towards filling that role?
Is your OC able to love without necessarily needing or expecting reciprocation or reward? Or are all their relationships to some extent transactional? Have they ever loved another person unconditionally, whether a child or another adult?
Agape – Selfless, Universal Love.
Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Does your OC feel a spiritual connection to the world around them? Do they have a particular love for nature or living things?
To what extent does your OC believe in the value (or even existence) of true altruism? Do they see an unselfish concern for the welfare of others as being naïve or foolish? Or as a moral quality to which people should aspire?
Does your OC have a religious faith which emphasises the importance of a love for all people? If so then do they try to follow these teachings authentically? Or do they just pay lip-service to them? If not then do they follow a more martial or mercantile faith? Or none at all?
Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
Ludus – Playful, Flirtatious Love.
Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?
How does your OC feel about one night stands? Have they ever enjoyed a night of passionate romance with a stranger? Is this something they are quite keen on recreationally? Or only something they might engage in under specific circumstances (such as the eve of a battle or after a difficult breakup)?
Who was your OC's first crush? How do they feel about it now?
What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
Pragma – Committed, Long-Lasting Love.
Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
What is the biggest challenge that your OC has had to overcome in a long-term relationship or friendship? What helped them get through this?
Are your OC's parents still together? To what degree do they look to their own parents as a model for their own ideal relationship?
After the initial fires of passion cool to some degree, what would keep your OC engaged in a relationship? Shared goals? Similar values? Or contented companionship?
What importance or value does your OC attach to marriage? Do they believe that it is important to make a public statement of commitment to another person (or persons)? Or are they more concerned about inheritance rights and security for their family? Or do they not see marriage as a necessary signifier of commitment and loyalty?
Philautia – Self Love.
Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Does your OC believe that it is important to love themselves in the first instance? Perhaps in order to be able to give and receive love authentically? Or because they believe first and foremost in "looking after number one"?
Does your OC judge themselves by the same standards as they apply to others? Or are they sometimes hypocritical in condemning others for faults they also possess? Or perhaps they find it easier to forgive others for things that they cannot abide in themselves?
Which of your OC's qualities makes them the most proud? Do they think more people should be like them in this regard? Or do they quite like being rare in possessing it?
Has your OC always had the same opinion of themselves or has this changed over time? Have they learned to love themselves - perhaps with the help of others - as their journey progressed? Or have the consequences of their actions only served to erode their sense of self-worth?
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kahvilahuhut · 3 months
food themed oc asks 🍅
food preferences tell a lot about us and the same can be said about our ocs. And so, here's a funny ask game.
🍎 What's your oc's favorite food(s)?
🍊 Your oc is brought to the fruits and veggies aisle of the grocery store. What do they pick?
🍌 If your oc would pick a yoghurt or something like it, would they rather 1) eat plain yoghurt 2) eat flavored yoghurt or 3) eat yoghurt with the fruit bits in it.
🥭 Does your oc drink juice? What's their favorite kind of juice? Do they mind the fruit pulp that can sometimes be found in these?
🥝 Does your oc have food restrictions? Is the reason related to health, culture, ethics, preferences or something else?
🫐 Would your oc eat something they found outside? (for example: berries, mushrooms, not eaten chocolate bar, stuff like that)
🍇 Does your oc prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Do they prefer them hot or cold? What would their usual order in a cafe be?
🧄 How much spices does your oc use when cooking? Do they prefer bland taste or spicy/rich in flavor meals?
🍤 What's their opinion on seafood?
🧇 Do they enjoy baking? What's their favorite thing to bake? What's their favorite pastry to eat?
🍳 Do they enjoy cooking? What's their favorite thing to cook? Do they cook alone or with someone else?
🥖 What's their favorite kind of bread?
🫕 Do they like cheese?
🍾 Does your oc drink alcohol? What's their favorite drink(s) (can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic)? Would they know how to mix a cocktail?
🍟 What is your oc's opinion on fast food? How often do they buy it?
🥐 Your oc is given a chance to order a breakfast from cafe - what do they order? Would they actually do that?
🥯 What's their usual breakfast like? Do they eat breakfast, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would an ideal breakfast for them be?
🥚 What is your oc's preferred way to eat eggs? If your oc doesn't eat eggs, what do they think about scrambled tofu or the equivalent in their world?
🥓 At what time does your oc eat breakfast?
🥨 Brunch picnic time with friends/partner(s)/companions/[insert your ocs' close people here]! What is your oc bringing?
🥗 Your oc is now at a salad bar (a buffet-like place where you can do your own salad). What do they put in there? Do they add some kind of protein? Some sweet fruits? Some seeds or bread?
🥪 What kind of sandwiches does your oc like/would like to eat? If they could eat it for lunch, would they only eat it or something else, too?
🍣 What's your oc's typical lunch like? Do they usually eat lunch, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal lunch be like?
🥟 What's something your oc would love to eat for lunch almost every time?
🥙 They are having a lunch date. Which place do they pick and what are they ordering? Do they hurry or would they rather be late from whatever happens after lunch?
🧆 Would they rather eat a stuffing lunch and light dinner or vice versa? Why?
🍚 They have been invited for a dinner by someone close to them! Where are they going, what are they ordering, what are they drinking and what do they talk about?
🍛 What's your oc's typical dinner like? Do they usually eat dinner, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal dinner be?
🍜 Do they love cooking dinner or would they rather eat somewhere else or order takeout?
🥘 Does your oc prefer a quick, calm dinner or would they rather have a very long one?
🍩 What is their favorite dessert? Do they get it often? What is their go-to dessert?
🥕 They are packing some snacks because they're going to be away from home for a while. What do they take with them? What's their opinion on trail mix?
🍒 How often do they eat berries and other kinds of veggies?
🥞 Your oc is ordering food from a fast food chain. They can also pick something else than the main meals. What do they buy?
🍦 Your oc wakes up at night, feeling hungry. Do they go eat? If yes, what will they eat?
🫖 Does your oc eat anything between dinner and going to sleep? How often?
☕️ Does your oc eat anything between lunch and dinner? How often?
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vexic929 · 1 year
Dark OC Asks
Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done?
Has your OC ever killed someone?
Has your OC killed a friend/family member/loved one?
What appears in your OC's darkest nightmares?
What is your OC's moral code?
Would your OC make a deal with the devil?
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Would your OC consider themself evil?
Would you consider your OC evil?
Does your OC enjoy watching others suffer?
Has your OC ever tortured someone?
If your OC was arrested, what would the charges be?
Who does your OC hate the most?
What is your OC's "villain song"?
If you draw: draw your OC's darkest moment or reimagine your OC as a demon. If you don't draw: find a picrew or write a description instead!
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moroseprose · 4 months
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Yellow Emoji OC Asks 🌟
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💛 (yellow heart) - What’s your character’s thoughts on friendship? Do they have a lot of friends? What do they like about their friends?
⭐️ (star) - If your oc could wish for one thing to come true, what would it be and why? How would this change their life?
🌻 (sunflower) - What’s something your character has grown out of? Did it happen gradually or was it a drastic change? What caused this shift?
🌙 (crescent moon) - Does your character have a moral code or a set of rules they have for themselves? If so, what made them adopt these morals or ideals? If not, why?
🌼 (blossom) - When a stranger meets your oc, what’s the first thing they notice about them? What kind of vibes do they give off? Are they friendly and open? Cold and standoffish? Is the first impression people get accurate to who they actually are?
👑 (crown) - How does your oc feel about power? Do they hold any? If so, what kind of power and how did they attain it? If not, would they ever want power? How do they feel about those that hold power over others?
🔑 (key) - What’s something your character has never told anyone? Why have they kept it a secret? What, if anything, would make them reveal it?
🍯 (honey) - What are some reasons someone would like or get along with your oc? Are these positive traits something your oc is aware of?
🐝 (bumblebee) - What are some reasons someone would dislike or not get along with your oc? Are these negative traits something your oc is aware of?
🐥 (baby chick) - How does your oc feel about parenthood? Do they have children? If not, do they want any? Why or why not?
☀️ (sun) - What’s your character like at their best?
🌕 (full moon) - What’s your character like at their worst?
✏️ (pencil) - Is your oc an artist? If so, what type (painter, writer, musician, etc.) and what is their work like? If not, what are some of their opinions of art in general and the different mediums of it?
🍋 (lemon) - What’s something your character never got over, if anything? Why did it affect them so much and is there any chance of them ever healing from it?
🏆 (trophy) - What accomplishment is your oc proudest of? Why?
🎺 (trumpet) - Is your character talented at anything? How did they gain this skill and why?
🔱 (trident) - Is there anything your character would kill for? Why or why not?
🧀 (cheese) - What’s the funniest thing that your character has ever done? Alternatively, what’s the funniest thing that’s happened to them?
⚠️ (warning) - What is your oc’s go-to weapon? Do they prefer melee weapons like swords or brass knuckles or do they prefer guns and other ranged weaponry? Do they even use a weapon? Why or why not?
⚡️ (lightning bolt) - Does your character hold a grudge or forgive easily? Why? Would they ever seek revenge on those that wronged them? Why or why not?
🌽 (corn) - What’s the hardest job your character has worked, if they’ve had a job at all? What made it so hard and what finally made them quit?
✨ (sparkles) - What gives your oc confidence? Is it something physical or more emotional? Do they inspire confidence in others? Why or why not?
🎷 (saxophone) - How charismatic is your character? If they have high charisma, what do they use it for? If they’re not charismatic, how does that affect their life?
🔔 (bell) - Is your character perceptive? Do they know when someone is upset or are they not good at reading people? How does this affect their personal relationships?
🍌 (banana) - What is your character’s diet like? Do they cook hearty homemade meals or prefer to eat out? Are they a vegetarian or a meat lover? Are there any cultural foods they’re particularly fond of?
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mistfallengw2 · 23 days
OC's Background Relationships Ask Game
Send an ask with OC + emoji (or the corresponding text), get a short ramble about the relationship of that OC with the corresponding side/background characters!
🎲 - Biological parents
👑 - Person who raised your OC and/or was important during their formative years
❓ - Estranged family/relatives they've never met
📎 - Siblings/close family
✨ - Children (current or future)
💎 - Chosen family (including warband)
🧸 - Childhood friends
🏆 - Best friends (past, current or future)
💌 - First crush/love
💋 - First kiss
🌹 - First relationship
🌶️ - First intimacy
💍 - Partners (current or future)
💔 - Exes
🍑 - Notable flings
✏️ - Classmates (including other cubs at the fahrar for charr)
⚙️ - Coworkers/boss (krewe/other charr outside of warband)
🐾 - Pets
🔪 - Enemy/nemesis
💢 - Person they can't stand
⚰️ - Someone they lost (not necessarily dead)
🩹 - Someone who was a source of trauma
🗑️ - "It's complicated"
©️ - Bonus: Canon NPC important to them
[Note: doesn't have to be in-depth, and if something is not applicable to an OC, you get to reroll!]
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espresso-ships · 6 months
Self ship game
Random relationship questions!
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Template made with Canva
I have too much spare time today bruh 😭
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sylibane · 10 months
Pop Culture and Fandom-Themed OC Questions
I came up with some pop culture-y OC questions because I like silly OC games. Some of these are more general, while others are for a specific genre or piece of media. Go ahead and reblog to use for your own OCs!
Was your OC influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them?
What genre (not counting the one they’re in) would your OC thrive in?
What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch?
What media does your character enjoy? (For characters in settings that aren’t modern Earth, could be media from their home setting or what they’d like in a modern Earth AU)
What song(s) do you associate with your OC?
Alternatively, do you have any OCs you associate with the song(s) I just sent you?
If your OC had to cosplay as a fictional character, who would they choose?
Has your OC ever had a crush on a fictional (to them) character?
If your OC wrote fanfiction (or if they already do), what type? (fix fic, ship, crossovers, AUs, smut, etc.)
How would your OC do in the last book/movie/tv show/game/etc. you read/watched/played?
If your OC was a superhero, what would they be like? (powers, title, general vibe, etc.)
What animal would your OC have as their His Dark Materials daemon?
What Pokémon would be on your OC’s team and/or what would be their preferred type?
If your OC was a Dungeons and Dragons character, what would their class be? And/or: If they were playing D&D, what kind of character might they play? (these aren’t necessarily the same thing)
How well would your OC do in a standard slasher movie?
What stock character would your OC be stuck as in a sitcom?
Who would your OC main in Super Smash Bros?
Who would your OC play in Mario Kart?
If your OC was in Star Trek’s Starfleet, what would be their role/position? Or, if that doesn’t really fit your OC: why would they get kicked out of Starfleet?
What role would your OC play in a heist story?
What kind of classic horror monster (vampire, werewolf, alien, etc.) would your OC be?
What type of Avatar The Last Airbender-type bender (or non-bender) would your OC be? Any bending specialties?
Your OC gets isekai’d to a bog-standard fantasy world. What does your OC do and how badly does it go for that world?
In the Muppet version of your story, is this particular OC a Muppet or the one human?
What would be your OC’s My Little Pony cutie mark?
Your OC is stuck in a musical episode. What song(s) do they sing? (And how thrilled or annoyed are they about being stuck in a musical?)
In a murder mystery, what role would your OC play? (e.g. detective, sidekick, wacky suspect, rival investigator who gets in thew way, red herring, true culprit)
What is your OC’s Warrior Cats name?
Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona?
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crow-posting · 7 months
Mundane Guardian Asks
Do they celebrate their resurrection day? If so, how? If not, why?
Do they celebrate any holidays?
Is their house/"home base" mobile, interim, or permanent? Do they invite people over?
Would they rather be asked about their love life or their job?
What's their favorite [or least favorite] Small Talk Question? ("Where were you rezzed?" "What's your favorite color?" etc.)
What's their favorite song? -OR- What song would they choose as their personal theme/boss music?
What do they wear when running errands?
What would they wear to a formal event?
"What's in their pocketses?"
Do they have a food combo that's unique to them, like tajin and avocado ice cream?
Coffee, tea, soda, energy drink, or another caffeine source?
What kind of hobbies do they have? -OR- how do they fill their downtime?
What's a word/phrase people don't expect them to know, but is somehow part of their vocabulary?
What's their weirdest habit when using the Light/Darkness? (eg yelling kamehameha before casting Chaos Reach)
Any superstitions?
How do they counteract nightmares [bad dreams]? How do they counter Nightmares [Pyramid constructs]?
What kind of ship do they fly? Is it custom to their wants/needs or mostly stock?
On a scale of "constantly fishtailing" to "the next Marcus Ren," how good can they drive a Sparrow?
Are they close to their Ghost?
If they were playing "kiss, marry, kill", who would be their top 3 candidates?
What's a secret (small or large) that they will never share?
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huntedsmark · 1 year
DND Ask Meme but it's random questions I've asked other players apropos of nothing within the last 6 months
Does your PC believe it’s possible to save someone?
What does saving a person involve?
How would your PC describe themselves?
How do they perceive themselves?
What is your PC’s idle animation?
What weather does your PC prefer? Why?
So if your PC had a car what kind of car would it be
How decisive is your PC?
If your PC rolled through a McDonald’s what would they order 
How does your PC fidget?
How does your PC show affection?
If your PC had to set up a date, what would they plan for it?
What’s your PCs favorite color
How does your PC feel about white lies?
How does your PC feel about marriage? Weddings?
What scents do you associate with your PC? 
What are your PCs favorite fruits (not including gay people) 
Where would your PCs fall on the futch scale? 
What is your PC’s Pokemon Gym Leader type and Signature Pokemon?
What type of chocolate do they prefer? 
What tarot would your PC be? 
What is your PC’s #1 personality strength?
What is your PC’s #1 personality flaw? 
If your PC found a book that detailed their whole life, from birth to whatever death they’ll have, would they read it and why? 
What are your PC’s charm point(s)! 
How would your PC answer the trolley problem? 
When your PCs hit rock bottom, what do they do?  
When your PCs want comfort, what do they seek out? 
Please describe your PC’s romantic type 
How does your PC flirt? 
What’s your favorite part of playing your PC? 
How much does your PC think about their actions before they execute them? 
How considerate is your PC? 
Is your PC an effective communicator? What is their communication style? 
If your PC was a dating option in a farming simulator (a la harvest moon or stardew valley), what kind of items would they like? 
Your PC meets a trickster being whose face changes to the most beautiful face a person has ever seen. Whose face is your PC seeing? 
What flower represents your PC? 
How did you choose your PC’s name? 
What would your PC put on their pizza? 
What are your PC’s eating habits? 
Does your PC have a favorite spell, and if so, which? 
Who is your PC’s favorite NPC(s) and why?
When your PCs make decisions, who or what are they making those decisions on behalf of?
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ink-flavored · 3 months
💐100 Question Romance & Love OC Ask Game💘
Do you love love? Does your OC feel the same? Look no further for an excuse to talk about everything romance! Plus there's a few about aromanticism in there! I tried to make the questions applicable to most relationships, but you want something a bit more poly-focused, here’s a link to my polycule dynamics game. Remember to send an ask to the person you reblog it from to make sure everyone gets to play!
😍Do they like romance? Have they always hated the idea, or are they a swooning hopeless romantic?
❤️How do they feel about the concept of “love”? What does it mean to them?
❓Have they ever questioned the idea of what “love” is? Where did it lead them?
💞How many times have they been in love?
💭What’s their most formative memory about love or romance? It can be good or bad.
💖What’s the easiest part of love for them?
🖤What’s the hardest part of love for them?
💝What do they want the most from a romantic relationship? Is it what they need?
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Do they prefer a steady partnership or casual dating? Neither?
🥰Who are they in love with right now, if anyone?
🔥Who was their first love? How did it turn out?
💋How romantic do they expect their partner(s) to be in a relationship? Is it a deal-breaker if expectations aren’t met?
💓How romantic are they in a relationship? Does it depend on the partner, or are they moon-eyed with anyone?
💌Which “traditionally romantic” acts (love poetry, flowers, etc.) do they love the most? Would they rather receive this kind of affection, or give it to someone else?
💐Which “traditionally romantic” acts (love poetry, flowers, etc.) do they hate more than anything? When it’s directed at them, or when they’re expected to give it to others?
💟What is the dating culture in their society like? Do they participate in it?
💯What’s their idea of a perfect date?
⏳Have they ever tried speed-dating? How did it go?
📱Have they ever tried dating apps? How did it go?
💍Are they expected by their society to date and/or marry? How do they feel about it?
💜Do they have a “type” of person they tend to date?
📃Do they have high standards about who they date? Low standards?
🧀What’s their cheesiest romantic fantasy? Do they want to recreate it in real life?
💘Do they often “make the first move” when it comes to love? Or are they waiting for the object(s) of their affection to pick up the hints they’re dropping?
📢Are they able to confess romantic feelings easily, or do they clam up at the mere prospect?
💦Is it super obvious when they have feelings for someone, or are they a master at hiding it?
💗What’s the longest amount of time they’ve ever pined after someone?
🤍Have they ever been on either side of an “unrequited love” situation? How did it turn out?
🏃‍♂️Is anybody their “one that got away”? Have they ever “gotten away” from someone else?
💔Have they ever had to break up with someone? Why?
🔂Have they ever broken up and then gotten back together with the same person? How many times? Did it work out in the end?
❌Have they ever been rejected after a confession of love? How did they handle it?
🚫Have they ever had to reject someone else’s feelings? How did it go?
🤏Have they ever had a romantic interest “stolen” before? Have they ever made a move on someone they knew a friend was interested in?
🤔Do they consider “having a crush” and “being in love” different things? Where’s the line?
🤥Have they ever lied to make a relationship more viable? Did it end well, or blow up in their face?
😳Have they ever been broken up with in a situation where it was kiiinda their fault? What was the issue?
🍨What are their methods for getting over a break-up?
🐸Do they tend to jump from one relationship to the next, quickly entering another as soon as the previous one ends? Why?
💡Have they ever been in love with the idea of someone instead of the actual person? What was the aftermath?
💛How important is being in a relationship to them?
📅Have they ever stayed in a relationship long past its expiration date? Why?
💥Did any of their relationships end catastrophically? What happened?
🤝Are they still friends with any of their ex-partners?
😲Have they ever been cheated on before? What happened?
👺Have they ever been the cheater? Were they ever found out?
1️⃣How do they feel about the concept of finding “The One”? Is it an aspiration or something they roll their eyes at?
👀How do they feel about the concept of “love at first sight”? Do they believe in it?
😨Do they have any “taboo” or unpopular opinions about love or romance?
💚Are they aromantic? Have they considered it?
✋Are they loveless? [for an aromantic perspective on lovelessness check out this essay]
💙Have they ever been in a queer-platonic relationship? Would they consider it?
💕Where do they draw the line between friendship and romance, if at all?
✊Do they practice relationship anarchy? [for more information about relationship anarchy, check out this guide]
🔢Are they polyamorous? Have they considered it?
💫How would they feel if, in a monogamous relationship, their partner asked them to try polyamory?
🗂️Do they have a hard time separating their romantic feelings from other kinds of love? Which ones?
⁉️Do they often feel like they’re “doing love wrong” in their relationships? Anything specific?
📈Do they often prioritize romance and love in their life? To the detriment of other relationships?
😡Are they a jealous partner?
👥Are they jealous of any of their friends’ or family members’ relationships?
😥Are they often left behind in love? Were they single and watching all their friends get married?
🤷‍♂️Would they be happy without romantic love in their life?
🚒How important is physical attraction to their romantic relationships?
👯‍♂️Are sex and romance conflated in their culture? How does this impact them?
🥴How often do they expect sex in a romantic relationship? Is it a deal-breaker if expectations aren’t met?
🙅‍♂️How would they feel about being in a sexless relationship?
👫Have they ever been in love with someone who was already in a relationship? How did it turn out?
📚Do they like romance as a genre? In books, movies, games, etc.?
✅Do they have a relationship they can look up to as a positive example of romantic love?
👎Do they have a relationship that’s a perfect example of “what not to do” in their life?
🤕What are their “hang-ups” or insecurities about love and romance?
👄Are they an effective communicator in their relationships?
🦸‍♂️Have they ever played match-maker with their friends or loved ones? How did it go?
🧐Have they ever been “match-made” by someone else? How did it go?
💒Is marriage an important consideration for them? Out of choice, necessity, social pressure?
👰Is marrying for love a rarity in their culture, or commonplace?
💎Would they want to propose to someone, or be proposed to?
🎉Do they want a huge showy proposal, or something more private?
🎁What’s their ideal wedding, on a scale of “courthouse wedding with 5 people maximum” to “100+ guests, massive ceremony, all-night reception”?
👗What sorts of clothes do married couples wear in their culture? Do they plan on wearing the traditional clothes, or doing something different?
🔓Have they ever had to break off an engagement? Why?
🏆What kind of love is prioritized in their society? Does it impact how they’re able to love?
🌹What’s considered “romantic” in their society? How does that impact their relationships?
👪How has their family influenced their ideas of romance and love?
🙋‍♀️How have their friends influenced their ideas of romance and love?
⛪How has their religion or faith influenced their ideas of romance and love?
🗺️What are some cultural customs surrounding love and romance that they practice?
👑Does their culture have any formal courting customs? Have they been taught how to properly court?
💄Are people pressured to fit a specific beauty standard in order to be “romantically viable”? How has this impacted their love life?
🙄Have they ever dated someone for their family’s sake? How did it go?
🤨Have they ever “pity dated” someone? Have they ever been “pity dated” by someone else?
🥣How does their culture view a “serial dater,” or someone who refuses to settle down?
➕Do they care about people’s “body count,” or how many relationships they’ve been in?
👶Would they ever be in a relationship with someone who already had children?
🤱If they ever ended up single with children, how would they feel about entering a new relationship?
🌑Would they date a widow? Would they date again if they were ever widowed?
✏️If they had the chance to erase one past romantic mistake, what would it be?
🩹Do they often give romantic advice to their friends or family? Is it good advice?
👂Do they often seek romantic advice from friends or family? Has it helped?
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mimble-sparklepudding · 8 months
Annual Amorous Asks!
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A random collection of OC asks on the topics of love, romance and relationships. From the sweet to the (mildly) spicy to the slightly strange...
How does your OC feel about pet names? Might they rather enjoy them with a partner, but find them excrutiatingly embarassing if used in public?
Does your OC remember their first crush? Would they ever admit to it now?
How much use would your OC be at helping a friend choose their wedding dress (or suit)?
Is there someone your OC has met who they would find physically attractive, if only their personality were not so repulsive? (Or that they find attractive and really wish they didn't...)
Do they enjoy reading romance novels or watching romantic dramas (or even romantic comedies)?
How important is it to your OC that a prospective partner is of the same social class or level of wealth?
What gift would they be most delighted to receive from a suitor or lover?
Does your OC need to be in love with someone to consider having sex with them? Or are the two things completely seperate for them?
What setting would they consider the most romantic to spend time with a partner? A beach at sunset? A private box at the theatre? An opulent ballroom? A private garden? Or something else entirely?
Has your OC ever experienced unrequited love? What is their relationship with that person now?
Has your OC ever read (or otherwise engaged with) a guide to romance and/or lovemaking? Have they had a chance to put this learning into practice?
What was the worst advice your OC has ever received on the subject of love and relationships?
Does your OC find other people's love lives interesting - or even compelling - to learn about? Or would they really rather not know?
If your OC were to dress up to show themselves off to their best advantage, perhaps for an existing partner, or in the hopes of attracting positive attention, what might they wear?
Would your OC be happy to be given flowers by an admirer or partner? What would be their favourite to receive?
Your OC is asked by their lover or spouse to write them a love poem. How do they respond?
Would your OC ever be confident in making the first move? Or do they prefer to wait for the other person to do so? If they are in a relationship then who made the first move in that instance?
What was your OC most surprised to find out about themselves in terms of sex and/or romance? Or perhaps what will they be surprised about in the future?
Is there a couple who your OC views as having a particularly healthy or admirable relationship? Would they hope to emulate this kind of relationship?
Does your OC cry at weddings? Did they cry at their own (if they've had one?)
How does your OC feel about virginity? And their own in particular? Is it something to which they attach moral or spiritual weight? Or is it a meaningless social convention to them? Did (or would) their first lover know about their virginity?
How would your OC respond to someone falling in love with them if they did not, or could not, reciprocate? Would they let them down gently and with kindness? Or would they sneer at them?
How well would your OC manage in a long-distance relationship? And for how long?
Has your OC ever discovered they have a turn-on or kink to which they had previously been oblivious? How did this become apparent to them?
If your OC is single do they find it difficult to relate to their friends who are married or coupled? If they are in a committed relationship then do they find it difficult to relate to their single friends? What makes them exasperated/jealous in either instance?
Does your OC enjoy holding hands? Or are they too awkward to do this in public? Or possible too clammy?
Does your OC keep their eyes open when kissing?
Has your OC been planning their wedding since childhood? If they've already had their wedding(s) then did it live up to their dreams?
Has your OC mastered (or mistressed) the art of undressing in a seductive fashion? Or is it a slightly awkward performance?
How easy is it for your OC to keep the conversation flowing with a prospective partner on a date? Or if they are in an established relationship, do they still find plenty to talk about?
If your OC is in a relationship then what do they suspect they do that most annoys their partner? Are they correct in this belief? If they are single then what do they worry might annoy a prospective partner?
Is your OC a confident dancer? Would they enjoy dancing with a lover or partner? Even (or especially) in a public setting?
Does your OC consider themselves to be as handsome or beautiful as their partner? Does any perceived imbalance in this regard trouble them? If they are single then are they looking for a partner who is more, or less, attractive than themselves? Why is this?
Is it usual for others to develop a crush on your OC? Are they usually oblivious to this? If not then how do they manage such things?
Would your OC be any use in providing advice on love or relationships to friend?
Has your OC ever had a holiday fling or short lived romance whilst visiting a foreign place?
Would your OC ever attempt to cook a romantic meal for a partner or prospective partner? How successful and/or funny would this end up being in reality?
How important is it to your OC that their partner or lover has a good sense of humour?
Does (or would) your OC enjoy just cuddling with a partner or lover? Or would they intend (or at least hope) that this would lead to something more sexual?
What was the best advice on love and relationships that they ever received? Who provided this?
What has been the hardest lesson your OC has learned regarding love and romance?
Does your OC believe that more attractive people have easier lives? How much has this played (or not played) a part in their own experiences?
If a hypothetical fairy godmother were to visit your OC, then what would they need to alter with magic in order to help them win the hand of their handsome prince/beautiful princess (or beautiful prince or handsome princess for that matter)?
Does your OC have a sense of occasion? Or do they tend to dress and behave the same regardless of where they are or who they are with? Does this make it more or less likely that they will be seen positively by others? If they have a partner then what are their views on this?
Is your OC likely to hog the bedclothes and/or take up most of the bed?
Does your OC have views on combining food and sex? Sensual and pleasurable? Or messy and unnecessary? Or a waste of perfectly good food?
When was the last time your OC cried because of something in their relationship or love life? Or lack of either of these if they are single?
Is your OC a "gentleman" (or female or ungendered equivalent) when courting? Do they do things such as holding doors and pulling out chairs for their date? If they do not then do they expect the other person to do these things for them? If they do actually do them, will they keep this up once in an established relationship?
Would they be willing to try something for a partner that they either are not terribly into or that they are unsure they would be into? Are there some definite boundaries in this regard?
Does your OC believe they are easy to love?
Does (or did) your OC enjoy "the chase" or being "chased"? Or do such things appear to them like silly games? Or even as an unequal and unhealthy basis for a relationship?
Would (or does) your OC make a good "wingman" for their friends socially?
Has your OC had to unlearn any cultural or societal messages about love and relationships as they have got older? Was this difficult for them?
Does your OC get excited for others when they find love?
To what extent does your OC view their own parents (if they knew them) as a good model for how a relationship should work?
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