#george daniel one shot
alovesreading · 11 months
Nice Kind Of Messy
Summary: Your friends set you up on a blind date, one that you aren't really looking forward to at all but when you find George Daniel there waiting outside the restaurant, there is no doubt it'll be a date to remember.
Word Count: 16.7k 
Warnings: smut.
A/N: So I wrote this as part of my Alex series but I figured I should turn it into a one shot so my George girlies could read it without having to commit to a long Alex Turner fic lol It took me a while to get it ready on one shot form but I hope you enjoy now that it's here hehehe xx
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You wake up that morning quite nervous. Your excitement makes you shiver in anticipation but the feeling brushes the line of anxiety and it’s rather overwhelming.
You’ve not been really looking to date lately, there hasn’t been any type of enthusiasm when hinted about putting yourself out there again since you got cheated on by your ex boyfriend. You couldn’t be arsed about it—the whole process of actively trying to look for a person that you felt was right and suited what you at least felt was the bare minimum was exhausting just to think about.
Going out with your friends was almost always a failed mission. They tried to get you out on the pull with them but you ended up straying back to the table and waving them goodbye when they came back with someone hanging from their arm, winking at them as if to wish them a good night.
They had only been lucky to send you off with someone a handful of times, but despite their best efforts to push you to pursue those who you had spent a night with, you had left them as that: a one night stand.
So they had used a new method this time, which entailed the fact that they had apparently been scheming about behind your back for a few weeks. You had only found out when you were having a wine night with them over at your flat, your jaw dropping and brows furrowing when they let you know they had made a reservation at a certain restaurant in Covent Garden so that you could meet up with someone they swore was the perfect match for you.
“It’s a blind date, we can’t tell you,” said one of your friends with a wicked grin on her face, sipping on her wine as you took the time to glare at your other two friends sitting on your settee.
They only offered you gallic shrugs and giggles, bubbly and high pitched which unfortunately managed to tug at the corners of your lips until they formed a smile.
A happy, “You’re excited then?” made you realize what you were doing, so you took a gulp of your wine and shook your head in disagreement as you swallowed.
“No, I’m just confused.” You really were, it was worse you didn’t have a clue who it could be because there wasn’t really anyone you think had shown interest towards you that you all knew. “Am I allowed to back out?”
You hoped you could, even if a meal at a restaurant you had been dying to go to for ages paid by one of them was on the cards here, but you were truly wary about throwing yourself into a situation where you actually had to put yourself in the dating mindset.
As you cursed your stupid cheating scum of an ex for ruining the prospect of dating for you, your friends shook their heads and said, “No.” in unison.
And they unfortunately went on to explain how your date knew about it already and had cleared their schedule for it to happen, and since you were an awful people pleaser, you sighed in defeat and agreed to go.
So there you are, slowly making your way to your kitchen to make yourself breakfast, despite the nerves making your stomach flip constantly and making you nauseous. Slowly you eat, slowly you wash your dishes and put them away.
You do everything slowly that day, taking a long shower and lounging in bed, still in your robe and letting your hair air dry. The date wasn’t until four so you still had time, and you figured if you went about it at a steady pace, then by the time you were fully ready you would have to leave and there wouldn’t really be a long space of time for you to bail out at the last minute.
By the time it hits noon, you’re doing your hair. Straightening it and curling the ends leisurely, humming along the music you’re playing on your speakers which is interrupted by a call.
“Good afternoon Miss Y/L/N, are you ready for today?” One of your friends greets you with a chipper tone in her voice, you could practically see the beaming smile on her face just from her voice.
Biting on your bottom lip, you let the phone rest on your lap as you continue with the next section of hair and shyly admit, “I’m actually nervous…”
The way she coos at you makes you roll your eyes but there’s a wave of consolation that comes over you when she says, “Good but also don’t be. He’s an absolute dream.”
The tiny piece of information actually makes you more curious about who he is, so you try your chances again as you ask, “Are you finally gonna tell me who it is?”
You had been trying all week to get anything out of your friends but they had been surprisingly good at keeping this one secret under a lock. And this time wouldn’t be different since you only get a vague, “All you have to know is that he’s fit and I know you’ll get on with him perfectly well.”
At least the reassurance that you and him would get on well eases your nerves a little. Not as much as you would like though, but that’s because you know yourself and when you first meet anyone, you get shy and a bit awkward, so you’re praying that you'll be able to get a bit of courage not to make a fool out of yourself.
Thankfully your friend stays on the phone with you as you finish doing your hair and you actually facetime her when you’re doing your makeup. She keeps making you laugh throughout it all and somehow makes you forget about how tense you had been for a bit.
Her boyfriend, Matty, comes back to her flat from a meeting right as you’re showing your friend the dress you’re wearing for the date and, to her dismay, he almost slips and tells you who it is that you’re seeing in merely an hour from now.
“Matthew!” She exclaims loudly before the name can fall from his lips and he quickly throws his hand over his mouth with wide eyes.
His honest, “I’m so sorry.” sounds muffled behind his hand and it only gets an eye roll from your friend which makes you laugh.
But you are gutted that your only chance to find out is gone that way. You whine as you complain, “Why do you react so quickly?”
Your friend takes her boyfriend’s close mishap as a sign to let you go though, completely ignoring your complaint to remind you, “You’re gonna have to get faster Miss, it’s quarter past three and it’s a twenty five minute walk over there.”
“Shit, right.” You curse under your breath, realizing you need to get dressed already and leave as soon as you can so you aren't late.
“You look fucking stunning, babe.” She states with confidence, reassuring you since you seem to start growing panicky, “I’m gonna leave you now so you can change but you have the best time Y/N/N, alright?”
You purse your lips at the camera and clutch your chest, “Thanks hun, love you.”
She grins sweetly at you and reciprocates, “Love you too. And let me know how it goes, alright?”
“Will do, but I don’t promise anything too interesting.” You make sure to make that point clear, you don’t have much expectations for the date just so you don’t end up feeling defeated for it not meeting whatever you could imagine it to be if you allowed yourself to.
But your friend is in heavy doubt of it not being interesting considering she knows who you are meeting with. So she shrugs as she smirks, “Yeah, well… We shall see about that.”
It’s the way that she looks like she’s trying not to laugh that has you narrowing your eyes at her, “What?”
Question that isn’t answered because she plays dumb and simply says, “Okay byeee! Love you!” loudly, blowing you a kiss before hanging up the phone.
You walk the best you can in your high heeled boots which were not a great pick when mixed with how nervous you are and how far you had to walk. You had debated getting a taxi when you were locking up your flat but decided against it when you realized that if you did, you’d get there quicker and you wanted to stall as much as you could.
You aren’t even late yet, ten minutes left for the clocks to strike four in the afternoon and you are merely five minutes away. The whole walk, you had been practicing in your head whatever you could say to the guy you were meeting with, just to prevent embarrassing yourself. If anything went wrong though, you had brought your camera with you and a few rolls were stuffed in your pocket so that you could at least take the opportunity to take pictures.
In your head, you had gone from any topics you could come up with about yourself, deciding against being the one to mention your tragic love life and picking a few questions that could be interesting to ask your date.
But all the inquiries and words you had been rehearsing die in your throat when you round the corner at the end of the restaurant’s street and you see the tall dirty blonde smoking a cigarette, leaning on a lamppost right by the entrance of the establishment.
You think of making a run back to your building, hesitating which way would be easiest to go and how it would work with your long dress but his eyes fall on you before you can make up your mind and when he smiles sweetly at you, cigarette perched between his lips, you know it’s too late.
On your face a shy smile breaks and you give him a little wave before approaching him, faking confidence as you get closer until he’s only a few feet away so you say, “Oh hi, I wasn’t expecting you.”
Your face is burning up and you know he can see your flustered demeanor because he smirks down at you, and cheekily asks, “Were you hoping for someone else?”
Looking up at him through your lashes, you smile harder at his playfulness and in a rush of bravery you choose to play along, “Do you really want to know the answer?”
He takes a drag of his cigarette and lets the smoke out steadily as he shakes his head, “I’m just hoping you remember my name.”
And how could you forget, “Of course I remember you, George.”
George hums, taking one last drag of his smoke as he takes in your appearance and he’s grinning mischievously when seeing the dark satin and lace of your dress contrasting on your skin, your leather jacket making you look even more stunning and coincidentally matching the one he’s wearing.
“Glad you haven’t, Y/N.” The drummer replies with a wink, dropping the bud on the ground and stepping on it before taking something out of the pocket of his dark jeans, “Y/F/N sent this for you.”
An involuntary “Oh.” falls from your lips, entirely intrigued by what it can be that your friend had wanted to tell you that couldn’t be said on the phone because George hands you a folded piece of paper that only says Y/N/N x on the front.
You carefully open it, trying your best to avoid George seeing it—which is a bit of an issue since he’s so tall he can easily read if he looks down—and you instantly blush harder when you read Get the nice kind of messy ;) x
A flashback of the moment at Glastonbury when you had been gawking at George and you had let slip how fit you found him comes to the forefront of your mind and you can’t help yourself getting a little flustered at the mere thought of it.
“He’s fit as fuck.” Your eyes are unable to move from his figure, the way his muscles contract and define with every hit of the drums and the facial expressions he makes as he plays.
Your friend snorts in laughter and leans in to ask further, “Oh, so you fancy George then?”
You stutter as you try to come up with a response, “I mean… Look at him!” You’re entirely entranced by it all and it doesn’t help that he’s covered in a thin coat of sweat already, only three songs into their set, so his white top is slowly becoming translucent and sticking to his body.
It’s like your brain is shutting down and all that it can register is the look of the drummer because it takes you a few long seconds to realize your friend has teasingly said, “I’ll make sure to relay that message.”
“Oh, no, don’t.” The panic of that happening is the one thing that helps you snap out of your trance.
You watch as your friend’s face contorts in confusion and she fights your answer, “Why?! You need to get back out there and who better than George?”
But you shake your head, “No, that’d be so messy!” You can’t think of anything worse than trying to get with your friend’s boyfriend’s best friend—you cringe just imagining how that going wrong would cause a horrendous change in the group’s dynamic.
All of your worries come to a halt and you choke on your own spit when your friend smirks as her eyes fall on George, “That’d be messy, alright. The nice kind of messy.”
In an attempt to try and play it cool, you fold the note and shove it in one of the pockets of your leather jacket, clearing your throat, adjusting the strap of your camera on your shoulder and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear like it’s all fine and normal.
But George can see the way you’re pursing your lips and how you hid the note so hastily so your behavior completely betrays your attempts to be secretive about it. “What did you say?” He kept his promise that he wouldn’t open the note when Matty gave it to him earlier that day, even though he’s been really tempted too, especially when he realized Matty knew what it said because he was giggling when his girlfriend handed it to him.
You don’t give him an answer though, only a little cough that acts as a coverup of you avoiding his gaze and a subtle shrug, “Just a little joke.”
“Can you share?” He tries further, his hand coming to nudge you softly in the arm.
Not even that helps your answer change. You shake your head and say a shy, “Not really.”
“I see how it is.” George narrows his eyes at you and adds, “S’alright, I’ll remember that.” which is a promise that has you biting your tongue.
“Shall we go inside?” The drummer says then, watching you struggling to come up with a response to his previous statement.
The new question is much easier to reply to, a soft “Yes.” falling from your lips, breathlessly.
And he takes your breath even more when he lets you walk ahead, only to rest his hand on your lower back delicately and casually comment, “You look beautiful by the way. Really like that we’re matching with the leather jackets.”
The opportunity to not acknowledge the compliment is perfect because you feel like you’re going to explode under George’s attention. You giggle and nod, “What a great coincidence huh?”
His answer being, “Hot coincidence.” accompanied by a wink doesn’t make it easy for you though and you find out then that being on a date with George Daniel means blushing every five minutes even if the chat is about mundane topics.
You talk about your hometowns and the differences between your upbringings, how different it was that you’d stayed in the same city for your entire life while he lived moving around for a good part of his childhood until his family settled in Manchester. You tell each other how you had ended up doing what you were doing currently and you end up cooing constantly when George tells you how the guys became friends and how the band had come together. You exchange stories about your jobs, finally having the opportunity to ask all that came to your mind about producing music which you had always found fascinating ever since you’d gotten closer to the band. George being fascinated about your knowledge on films and everything to do with photography and cinematography, which really comes with your job as a photographer and videographer.
Then he asks about your hand tattoo—the ‘Pure Desire’ written on the back of your hand is rather enticing—smirking when he rubs his thumb over it and asks if you have any more which ends up in you both sharing the amount of ink you have on your bodies which George beat you to by an incredible amount. You end up taking your jackets off and showing each other each piece you have on your skin.
Eventually, the chat comes back to the band and you ask him whereabouts The 1975 has toured so far. Your jaw drops the more his list continues and you genuinely have a hard time wrapping your head around them being relatively new to the mainstream scene when they are already going to all those places.
“I don’t even remember the last time I went on holiday, fucking hell.” You chuckle out in awe at the information he’s just given you.
And George turns your innocent amusement into a mess of heated cheeks, pressed lips and eye rolls when he suggests how that could be easily fixed, “We just have to take you on tour with us next time, don’t we?”
“Think it’ll be crowded enough now that Matty is taking Y/F/N with him.” Your eyebrows are raised to accentuate how serious you are trying to be about it, it’s so hard to conceal how flustered you are at his insinuation.
But he makes it difficult for you to play it cool when he shrugs, “We can share a bunk then.”
“You’re such a flirt. Bet you say that to all the girls.” It almost sounds like you’re scolding him and he likes seeing the reactions he can get out of you, but there’s one thing that has been constant in the back of his mind and he decides to bring it up.
Taking his glass up to his lips, he takes a sip and gulps softly to start saying, “Surprised me when Y/F/N called me and asked if I wanted to go on a date with you.”
“God, that’s embarrassing.” You wince at the information, hating the way it looks for your friends to be asking people around if they want to go out with you. It makes you want to crawl out of your skin and die in a ditch.
George smirks playfully, “Going on a date with me?”
You laugh in response to that, shaking your head before clearing up, “Y/F/N asking if you wanted to go out with me. You know you could’ve said no.”
He frowns at you, like you’ve just said the most outrageous thing and he wholeheartedly asks, “But why would I?”
“Oh George, stop it.” You warn him, pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes at him.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” George reaches his hand out to touch yours and you almost shiver under it.
You let your fork down beside your plate and fan yourself with your hand as you admit, “You’re making me blush.”
But that’s not something that will keep him quiet, because he confesses, “Yeah and I quite enjoy doing it.”
The rest of the date is spent between good food, good wine, laughter, a picture you take of George when he asks about your camera, and chatter that has been really entertaining and entirely not awkward like you’d been expecting. Getting to know George in a deeper way is like a breath of fresh air and that’s why, when you leave the restaurant and the drummer offers to walk you back home, you don’t even hesitate to accept.
He takes a few detours on the way, taking you around places where he had hilarious and very wholesome stories of his childhood and teenage years when he would come around to London with the lads and other friends just to mess about. You’re so grateful for the anecdotes because you’re making sure to capture each place in its unique beauty and you know now that behind each shot you’d have the memory of what George had shared with you.
George watches you closely every time you take a picture, taking in every little thing you do before and after you press the shutter. You’re so adorable to him, the way your face lights up when you press the shutter and look at him excitedly when you roll the film.
You guide the both of you back to the way to your flat and as you walk, you’re smoking cigarettes and chatting. It’s so easy to carry a conversation with George, he exudes such an energy that just makes you feel free talking about whatever comes to your mind without having to think for a split second about what you should say or shouldn’t.
And just as easy comes laughter, because not only is his laugh hilariously contagious, he is funny himself and he has you struggling to catch your breath multiple times at his quips and comments.
There is something about this evening that you just feel the need to remember as best as you can so he catches you sneakily trying to take candids of him, every time he’s called you out on it and you shamelessly lie about the frame being focused on just what was behind him—every time something mundane and boring—but by the fifth time, instead of calling you out and have you grumpily change the focus of your lenses, he allows you to take a picture of him and even smiles for you; he doesn’t miss how your eyes twinkle after you’ve pressed the shutter.
The way you smile to yourself and proudly state, “I’m really gonna like that one.” makes George’s chest swell and in a lack of any more self control, he stops dead in his tracks and turns to you, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you into him, your chest hitting his chest eliciting a gasp to fall from your lips.
“Oh hi.” You giggle at the sudden action, your hands subconsciously resting on his chest after that, but any other words die in your throat when he dips his head and traps your lips with his.
You hum into the kiss, which is a dizzying combination between sweet and determined. His left arm stays wrapped around your waist, pulling your flush into his chest but the other one comes up to cup your jaw and he keeps you at the perfect angle for him to kiss you just how he wants.
Your arms slowly move up until they are wrapped around the back of his neck and you let your fingers tangle in his hair. It’s soft and long on the top of his head which you really like. His tongue brushes against your bottom lip, his fingers clutching your tighter and you let your mouth open so you can taste each other.
You completely forget where you are until someone walks past you and whistles at the two of you, startling you out of the kiss. You really enjoyed that kiss, and it shows in the way you look up at George with burning cheeks and something written on your face.
“I liked that.” George cheekily states, getting ahold of your hand and resuming your walk.
You hum, trying not to giggle when he intertwines your fingers and a feeling you can easily recognize starts bubbling inside you. “Yeah, I liked that too.”
You felt like a teenager. Blushing to yourself while you walked hand in hand with the person you had a crush on, and it’s so ridiculous but so relieving at the same time to feel this kind of pathetic elation instead of despair and heartache for once.
Your conversation resumed from whichever point you last remember it being left at but after that kiss it only gets more and more flirty, and you like where it is going but soon enough you reach your building and you have to slowly come to a stop with a pout.
“This is me.” You mumble, squeezing his hand in yours but he doesn’t let go.
He hums as if hesitant of believing what you’ve just said and instead he suggests, “Don’t you wanna take another walk around the block?”
“George, my feet hurt.” They had been hurting for a while but you hadn’t said anything just to not ruin things, and because you were enjoying his company so much that you were willing to endure the pain for a while longer.
The drummer comes to a quick solution, “I’ll carry you.”
Which makes you chuckle, “Sure you would.” You genuinely don’t want the date to end so in a bit of a rushed decision, you bargain, “Don’t you… Do you wanna come upstairs?”
He gets a kick of excitement inside him but he wants to play it cool, so he jokes, “What, are you gonna take my picture?”
You hold back a snort of laughter, and shrug as if it was fine by you that he only wanted that. “If that’s what you want.” There’s a little voice in your head that tells you not to but there is another one that purely encourages you to have fun.
“Yeah, that works.” George casually says, like he isn’t praying that he gets lucky to even get another kiss out of you.
“Where’d you want me?” George turns to look at you as you drop your camera on your bedside tables and take your jacket off to perch on the back of a loveseat you have in the corner of your room.
You take one of the new rolls out of your pocket and change it for the one you’d almost fully used earlier that day. “Wherever you’re comfortable.” you tell him, focusing on perfectly lining the roll before you can turn to him.
“Bed’s quite comfy.'' You hear George say from behind you and when you look up to see him, you find him lying on his side, head perched on his hand and a smirk on his face. “Paint me like one of your french girls.” He teases, resting his other hand dramatically on his forehead.
All you do is giggle at his antics, “You’re such an idiot.” Shaking your head, you come up to the bed and try looking at the scene through your lenses but you aren't quite convinced by the shot.
George watches you struggle, stepping backwards and forwards, to the sides before sighing. He reminds you with a soft smile, “I’m not used to being the one to pose for the camera. You’re gonna have to guide me.”
“Okay.” Silently, you think about it as you bite on your thumb and once a vision comes to your mind, you start instructing him, “Lean into your forearms, sideways so you fit in the bed.” But you find what’s bothering you and it’s that his legs are half hanging off the bed.
“Why are you so tall? Oh my god.” You go over to the drummer and prompt him to go further into the bed, perching one of his sock-clad feet up on the bed and the other leg staying stretched on the bed. “There, now look at me.”
George looks at you with a blank face first to which you complain about but when he actually shows you a smile he starts giggling, and if there had been something you had learned about George quite early into your date was that his laugh was incredibly contagious, so you find yourself shaking with laughter as you try to take his pictures and you end up having to call him out for it.
“Don’t laugh! You’re making me laugh!” You scorn him, struggling to sound serious between your giggles.
“Sorry, sorry.” He apologizes halfheartedly, swallowing his laughter until he goes back to a stoic face and he gives you the perfect soft smolder.
You hum in satisfaction at the result of that frame and then you move onto instructing him to do the next pose, “Throw your head back a bit and close your eyes.” He silently listens and does as you say which earns him a sweet, “Just like that.” from you.
Of course, your words make George give you a look, one that had you lightly blushing and since you know he can recognize the way you get flustered, you hide behind your camera.
“What?” You say behind the device, inquiry thrown out into the air, and warn him, “Don’t look at me like that.”
George chuckles to himself, wondering if you are this naive or if you are playing dumb. So when you take another picture of him, he purposely complains, “My leg’s cramping.” to then throw himself back on the bed, ending up completely splayed over the duvet and breaking the pose.
“George!” You scold him yet again, a bit of amusement sneaking through your words.
He groans in response and without moving, tells you to “Just take a picture like this.”
You kiss your teeth to exaggerate your disapproval and shake your head, “I can’t even see your face.”
“Come here so you can see it.” He resolves easily for you, waving you over to come close to the side of the bed instead of taking pictures by the end of it. You roll your eyes at him in amusement, not moving at first but since he actually doesn’t plan on moving, you have to do as he says.
But attempting to get a picture from above while standing beside the bed is an actual failure, “That’s an awkward angle, look at me.” You try to get him to turn to his side again but he closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Need you on your side.” You say explicitly this time but he doesn’t let up either.
Instead he suggests, “Why don’t you just get up here?” He pats the bed, right next to his hip and you blush just thinking about it. At your silence, he opens his eyes and turns his head to the side to encourage you with a “C’mon.”
He offers his hand so you can use it as leverage to kneel on the bed on each side of his hips and hover above him. You struggle as you do so because you’re growing nervous and therefore clumsy.
“Fucking hell, George.” You curse under your breath, seeing him from above is an angle that you don’t really know if you can handle.
“What?” George bites his bottom lip to not let a smirk break on his face.
Yet, not even that keeps you from knowing that he knows just what he was doing but you won’t say anything, because you’re enjoying this a lot more than you are supposed to. So you stick to just replying, “Nothing.” as you take yet another picture of him.
Remembering his tattoos, you bit your bottom lip for a few seconds before hesitatingly asking, “Why don’t you take your jacket off?”
George lets his hands rest right above your knees and squeezes your legs as he teases, “Is that code for something?”
You hoped your flustered state wasn’t obvious so you can play off your nonchalant, “For ‘I want to see your tattoos’, yes.”
It goes right over his head though, because he keeps smirking as he sarcastically replies, “Right, right.”
You move so he can take the piece of clothing off without you hovering over him but when he’s done and laying on the bed again, he pats his right side so you can move your left leg there and have you hover over him properly again.
“How’s that look?” He asks cheekily as his hands go to touch your legs again, the skin up to your mid thighs showing because your dress slit allows it to open and rise up in the position you’re in.
“Amazing.” You breathlessly compliment, making him raise an eyebrow at you.
The shutter goes off again and, as you roll the film, he tests the waters, “Do you want to see them all?”
“Sure.” The word comes out so soft it could’ve gone with the wind, his hands leave your thighs for a second to grab the bottom of his shirt.
“Top’s coming off next then, is that alright?” He asks for confirmation first and you nod eagerly, your pupils dilating in anticipation.
He sheds himself off his shirt in the constricted space he had, you’re so spaced out that you don’t move but it isn’t a problem for George. If anything, his smirk grows at your inability to act and it gets bigger when he throws his shirt somewhere across the room and you’re left shamelessly gawking at his naked top half.
After a minute of your eyes wandering everywhere, George brings your back to reality by letting his hands come over your thighs again. You tremble at the same time as the drummer says, “Y/N/N?”
“Yeah?” You ask, slowly coming back to reality. Your brain has been completely taken over by the view of the taut muscles of his arms littered by colorful ink, a pair of symmetric ‘broken’ tattoos on both sides of his collarbones and his torso beautifully chiseled with a defined six pack.
“When are you taking the picture?” He reminds you, trying not to smirk too hard as to not put you off.
“Shit, sorry.” You say under your breath and, after quickly focusing the shot, finally take a picture of him like that.
There was a heavy silence that hung over you two, the trail of his fingers making your skin grow hot and your throat going dry at the growing need for anything at all. So you find yourself surprised when he breaks the silence to ask you, “Can I take your picture?”
“Mine?” You repeated like you’d heard wrong.
George nods and lets you know, “You look really pretty from here.”
In a feeble attempt not to have him do that, you remind him, “You don’t know how to.”
“Matty had a film camera a few years ago, I know how to.” George surprises you even further when he explains and just to try a bit harder, he pouts at you and says, almost begging, “Please?”
“Okay.” You let yourself accept, your mind too distracted by the view beneath you to even fight.
Once you hand him the camera, he lifts it up to his eyes and lets out a chipper, “Smile.” as an instruction, which you follow only just a bit shyly.
You’re about to get the device back from him when he pulls it away from your grasp and pleads, “Another one please?”
You sigh at the drummer’s exaggerated pout until it turns into a giggle and that’s when the shutter goes off. Your cheeks burn again when he compliments as he rolls the film, “Stunning.”
Letting the camera rest beside him, George tries his luck and lets his hands rub on the skin of your thighs a bit further up. You don’t refuse it, he can clearly see the growing hunger in your eyes as you look down at him so he continues, letting his gaze trail down your body to drink in all of your but when he reaches down to your legs is when he catches a slight glimpse of red ink on your left thigh that makes him ask, “Do you have more tattoos?”
He doesn’t remember your mentioning any other tattoos than the ones you’d shown him at the restaurant. So when you nod, he can’t help but ask, “Where?”
“One, right here.” You grab his right hand so he can touch over the fabric of your dress where the one on your rib is. Your eyes looking right into his and his lips opening further when you continue, “And this one here.” lifting the fabric up to show the ‘Divine Feminine’ tattoo on your thigh.
George lets his right hand fall until it reaches the one on your thigh, you’re still clutching the satin in your first so he can fully see it. He rubs on the red ink on your skin as he stares at it, eliciting goosebumps to break on your entire body.
He looks up and asks with a low voice about the only one he hasn’t seen yet but you had just let him touch over your dress, “What’s the other one?”
“A word.” You vaguely say, as if encouraging him to continue asking about it.
“Which word?” His fingers trail further up, making your knees go completely weak. They had been hurting from hovering over him for so long but his touch is the thing to finally have you finally sit on his lap.
And that’s when you feel him growing hard in his jeans.
His fingers had already been making your every thought go straight down to your core so you’re entirely driven by lust when you fully lift the satin up and shed the dress off your body, leaving you only in your underwear and in full show for George.
It’s involuntary, his hips jerking forward and pressing on your center, his mouth agape at the sight and he grows even more breathless when you roll your center against his hardening cock.
“Fuck.” He curses under his breath, taking one quick look at the strange word on your rib before perching himself up on his left forearm to wrap his right hand around your neck and pull you in for a hungry kiss.
You lean further into him, one arm wrapping around his shoulders and digging into his hair to pull on it as your lips move with each other. Your fingers tugging on his hair made him groan into your mouth and, as payback, he tightens his fingers around your neck, earning a loud moan out of you.
George pushes himself up with his left hand until he’s sitting on the bed, his right arm wrapping around your waist to keep you flush against him. Your tongues taste each other and your breaths grow heavy when you start rolling your hips in sync, meeting in the middle and creating a delicious friction that soon enough forces you to break the kiss only to gasp in pleasure into each other's mouths.
His fingers come to graze the ink on your left rib, your desperate side having you sink your hips down to roll against him and turn his, “What does it mean?” into a gorgeous moan.
Your lips brush as he moans and you respond to his sound with a mewl of your own and when that reaches his ears, George forgets ever asking anything for he can’t wait any longer to feel your lips on his again.
The kiss grows needy then. His hand goes from your ribs down to knead the flesh of your ass, fingers harshly digging into your skin and encouraging you to move against him. Your clit was getting so stimulated from only being covered by the thin material of your lace thong against his jeans which means you can’t kiss him any longer.
A string of moans falls from you as you quicken your pace, getting louder as you go but your actions are interrupted when George clutches you tightly by your middle and swiftly flips the two of you around so it you’re resting on your back on the bed with him hovering right over you.
Your breath hitches in your throat at the sudden change of positions, your hand flying to cup his face and bring his lips back on yours and wrapping your legs around his waist to pull his hips into your core in a desperate attempt to have the friction back.
The feeling of his hard on coming down to rub harshly against you every time he bucks his hips forward makes your head spin. He starts off by teasing you with the friction and leaving you hanging for a few seconds before going back in but when you start gasping into his mouth, he keeps himself close to you and relentlessly rolls his hips on yours, hard cock pressing deliciously against your throbbing clit.
The pace grows faster, making it impossible for you to continue moving your lips with his so he takes it as a sign to continue on with what he wants to do first. Unfortunately, that means his hips stop moving and leave you throbbing and clenching around nothing but he makes it up to you with his lips all over your skin.
Wet kisses trail down your neck, his lips taking their time to give every bit of your skin attention on the way down. Kissing, sucking, licking. His fingers run down your sides until they clutch tightly on your hips, fingers pressing hard on the skin there and making your cry out in pleasure even louder.
Your breath is heavy by the time he stops sucking bruises all over your chest and abdomen, your fingers tangling in his hair and tugging on it so he can come back up but instead his tongue runs flat from just above your belly button agonizingly slowly up until his nose bumps against the hem of your bra.
George looks up at you through his lashes, teeth coming to bite on the fabric and tugging them the slightest bit down so you know what he wants to do and you desperately nod.
Without much of a proper attempt to take the piece of clothing off, he just tugs down the lace cups on it and lets your tits spill out freely for him. He groans from the pits of his chest at the sight, hips bucking forwards into the mattress harshly in search of some relief for himself.
But not letting any more seconds go by, George dives to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. Groaning around it, the vibrations of the noise causing white heat to run straight down to your throbbing wet cunt.
He switches the sucking for flicking it with his tongue, blowing cold air and smirking as your nipple hardens at his actions, ending with a soft bite and tug that have you loudly saying his name in call for mercy.
You needed something, anything. You can feel yourself clenching around nothing and it’s almost torturous. But your cries fall on deaf ears for he moves onto your other nipple and repeats his process. You’re only ruining your underwear further, so wet you feel uncomfortably sticky with your thong still on.
“George, baby, please–” You plead in anguish when he starts sucking bruises on your tits, biting them until you whimper loudly under him.
“What do you need Y/N/N?” He asks sweetly, a stark contrast to his vicious attack on your chest.
“Anything. Just–” You try to say, your words catching up in your throat as your desperation for release clouds your logic and makes you sound stupid.
So you rely on grabbing one of his hands from your hips and guiding it down to where you’re aching. The simple graze of one of his fingertips on your swollen clit eliciting a pathetic mewl out of you.
“Oh sweetheart,” George tuts “Made quite a mess, haven’t you?” His pointer finger runs up and down your clothed core slowly and so faintly you don’t even know if you are imagining it.
Applying a bit more pressure assures him to hear every one of your needy sounds and feeling like you had waited enough, he leaves a light feather kiss over your center.
“Need help cleaning up this mess, yeah?” His words are sweet, like he’s finally taking pity on you. The thought of him doing absolutely anything at that moment sounds so fucking good your hum in agreement sounds more like a whine, barely able to make eye contact with him in your hazy mind.
His long tongue runs flat over your underwear, wetting even more than it already is and he moans at the taste of your slick soaking through it. His fingers tug the fabric down your legs and throw it somewhere behind him in record time. He finds himself almost drooling at the sight of you completely exposed to him.
If you had any hint of inhibitions left in you, you would’ve tried to close your legs under his attentive gaze but he’s entranced and you’d had it with waiting any longer so you prop your legs wide open and squirm in your place.
“George, please.”
Your pleading is so sweet, so desperate, he can’t deny you any longer. So he dips his head in between your legs and starts lapping at you like a starved man. At the first proper taste he has of you, he moans loudly, tongue running up and down your slit to gather as much of you as he can and enjoying every drop of your arousal on his tongue.
“Are you not gonna continue taking my picture?” George interrupts his task to tauntingly ask, going back to using his tongue on you, this time flicking it up and down quickly on your clit and making you shiver.
Your words are caught in your throat when he doesn’t relent his actions but still looks at you expectantly through his lashes, “Right– F-fuck! Right now?”
He only allows himself to stop for the amount of seconds it takes him to nod and say, “Yes baby, be a good girl and take my picture.”
That ‘good girl’ makes you roll your eyes in utter pleasure, and all you can think of is doing as he’s telling you to earn his praise; because you want more, you need more.
Your head turns quickly to see where he’s left the camera, and you bring it to your eyes to take a picture as fast as you can. Your thoughts are already becoming clouded by the tightening coil in your lower belly.
His disheveled dirty blonde hair in between your legs, his arms underneath your legs and hands clutching your thighs in place is all that you captured in that frame. The shutter goes off letting George know you have done as he’d said and he congratulates you by praising you with a proud, “Such a good fucking girl.” and a few kisses to your clit which make you jolt.
He goes back down, trying to clean up the mess of slick and saliva that’s dripping down your inner thighs and onto the duvet, but you’re so desperate so you start rocking your hips against his face, trying to steer him back to where you wanted him to be and, to your satisfaction, he follows the silent instruction by going back to your center and this time pointing his tongue and dipping it inside your sopping hole.
Your legs instinctively close around his head, eliciting a breathy laugh from him that hits your core as he continues tongue fucking you. His hands come to spread your legs open again, holding your limbs down on the bed strongly, not allowing you to move any longer.
The feeling of his wet tongue dipping in and out of you has you growing increasingly louder, begging and pleading with him not to stop, your orgasm so close you can feel it.
But despite your words, he stops.
At that very moment, you swear you can cry, knowing you had just been about to come undone on his tongue. But just before you can pathetically let your frustrated tears roll down your cheeks, his lips wrap around your throbbing clit and he sucks on it. The perfect amount of pressure for you to thrash around beneath him as your pleasure resumes and hits you with an incredible force, making you let out a string of moans of his name and then a bunch of “Yes! Fuck yes!”, hands flying down to tangle your fingers in his hair and keep him in his place.
“I’m gonna cum!” You yell out loud, eyes shutting tightly since the pleasure impedes you from keeping them open, and when George starts humming as he sucks your clit, you are done for.
Your legs tremble under his hold, toes curling and your fingers tugging his hair tighter than you had been before. You black out as your orgasm hits you hard, the oxygen in your lungs leaving you entirely as your back arches off the bed and you only come back from your high when his incessant sucking becomes too much for your oversensitive self so you pull him away from you.
He giggles, completely entranced by your fucked out state. Watching you cum had been an experience but god don’t you look beautiful with your chest heaving, bruises looming on your skin, a flush to your face and chest, a thin coat of sweat making your body and face shine.
But before he can give you any more attention, his gaze falls back to your cunt and it’s glistening with arousal. You taste so fucking good to him that he wastes no more time to lick you clean. Your legs tremble at the resumed contact of his tongue on your sensitive core, whimpers stubbornly leaving you as he goes.
Your fingers leave his hair alone but your left hand cradles his head as he laps up at everything you have given him, and after a whole minute of him meticulously licking clean every inch of skin that had been wet with your arousal, he starts a trail of kisses from your mound until he reaches your belly button.
Flashing a smile up at you, George rests his chin on your lower stomach and you can’t hold yourself back from brushing his messy hair back almost adoringly, post orgasm haze making you extra appreciative of him and his skilled tongue work.
His fingers rub circles on the top of your thighs, “Feel good?” He asks before leaving more soft kisses on your lower stomach.
“Very.” You answered with a smile, fingers brushing through his hair.
He hums at the feeling of your touch, “Good to know, gorgeous.”
Turning to see where you’d left it, you reach out to grab your discarded camera. Melting into the duvet under George’s gentle touch and his lips pressing on your skin leisurely, you really make an effort as you lean on your forearms so that you can get a better look at him to take a picture. He looks up at you with a dizzying smirk that you manage to capture, and you know that you’ll adore that picture no matter the outcome of this day.
His lips tickle the skin of your lower stomach when he points out, “Didn’t even have to tell you this time.”
Putting the device back down on the bed, you shrug with a grin sneaking onto your lips, “You look good.”
“Do I, now?” He teases, dropping his hands from your thighs and pressing them on the mattress so he can slowly push himself up and crawl his way up to hover over you again.
“You always do.” Your words come laced with lust, his eyes darkening as he gets closer and you just can’t wait any longer to have him in more ways. “Come here.” You instruct by wrapping a hand around his neck, fingers pressing on the sides of it until he groans loudly in pleasure and when he lets the sound leave his lips, you smirk and warn, “My turn.”
Pulling him in by his neck means that your tongues meet instantly when you start the kiss, and when you taste yourself on his tongue, you moan so loudly George growls just as loud in response.
The kiss is all teeth clashing, spit dribbling down to your chins, noses bumping, deep exhales sounding loudly and trying to overpower the sounds of your swollen lips moving together.
It’s George the one to grow louder when your hand drops from his neck, down his naked torso to the button of his jeans, which you undo with quick fingers and pull the zip down before you can palm him over the fabric of his boxers.
“F-fuck…” He lets out when your nimble fingers squeeze him and stroke him up and down. He’s so hard that your touch makes him shiver.
You can feel him so swollen and heavy under your hand, your mind already spinning about how big he is but you want to have him unravel under you so badly, you push any worries about his size to the back of your head.
His hips move slowly, helping with your movements, clearly wanting to reach his high but you want to taste him and you want it now. So you leave his cock alone to instruct him, “Lay down, baby.”
You switch positions, George laying on his back and you’re kneeling between his legs. He pants as he watches you shamelessly gawk at him, your mouth going dry at the clear outline of his cock.
“Fucking hell, George.” You curse as you tug on the top of his jeans so he can lift his hips up for you to take them off him.
He does as instructed and you’re just too impatient to wait any more, you want to feel him heavy on your tongue already. His boxers come off quickly after his jeans, his hard cock springing up to touch right by his navel.
You gulp. He’s thick, angry red tip already leaking from how aroused he is. Intimidating but so inviting.
Dipping your head down, you start kissing his hips. Leaving kisses that go from sweet to wet and messy the more he squirmed under you.
“You…” George pleads, hand coming down to cradle your head. Not to push it towards where he wanted you but to have you look up at him and see just how fucking desperate he is for you.
You feel that look go down straight to your core, clenching your legs together at the feeling. “I know baby, I know.” You say in a coo.
Your fingers wrap around him, the pressure of them making George huff in pleasure with his lips pressed together. He feels so heavy in your hand, veins popping for you to see how pained he is.
“You’re so big.” You trail off, a bit of wander in your voice. You have no idea how he’s going to fit in your mouth, he’s by far the biggest cock you have ever come across but you like a challenge.
Your tongue licks a bold strip from base to tip, eyes rolling to the back of your head when you taste the salty arousal that has already been leaking from him. He curses under his breath at the feeling of your wet tongue on his cock, but the breathy words turn into a loud moan when you wrap your lips around him and sink your mouth down onto him.
Barely able to fit half of him in your mouth until he hits the back of your throat, you pull back to catch a breath, your hand taking over for a few seconds as you inhale deeply and go back in. You gag around him when you manage to get him deeper, George moans loudly as you do so, trying his hardest not to buck his hips upwards into your tight throat.
His hand goes back to hold your head but this time, his fingers tangle in your hair, only to pull you up so you can breathe. But you don’t want to have it easy, you want to see how much of him you can take and hear every one of his pretty moans.
So you go against his hold, sinking your mouth further down and gagging around him again. Your hand stays at the base of his cock, stroking the rest you can’t get to, as you continue bobbing your head up and down on him.
George is a mess of groans and moans, whimpering whenever you gag and moan around him, your throat tightening around him driving him insane.
He lifts his head up slightly to look down at you, pulling on your hair so you come off him and meet his eyes. George is met with you panting, pink wet swollen lips, saliva dripping down your chin and neck, tears falling out of the corner of your eyes, hair disheveled but pupils dilated and a satisfied smirk at it all.
Your hand keep stroking him up and down, fingers applying the perfect amount of pressure and he moans at the combination of your touch and the glorious view of you like this, “Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect.”
The praise only encourages you more, so you lean back down and lick a strip up his cock again, this time looking up at him through your lashes. An innocent look in your eyes as you lap at the tip of his cock eagerly.
He exhales in awe, “Look at you– Shit!” He curses loudly when you sink slowly back down until again he reaches your throat, his hips bucking upwards involuntarily and making you gag loudly.
You gasp out for air for a mere second before you do it again, until you manage to control your gagging a bit better and encourage George to fuck your mouth with a simple squeeze to his hip.
“Oh fuck– Such a pretty filthy girl.” He praises as he obeys the silent instructions and rocks his hips forwards slowly and ever so slightly. “You like it when I fuck your throat?” His question is thrown out into the air in between groans.
You answer with a hum that vibrates around him and that’s when George starts feeling like he’s losing control. His hips grow erratic and you notice so you hum and moan around him even more, causing him to get closer to his high.
“Y/N/N m’gonna cum!” He warns you loudly, the wet squelching sounds of him going in and out of your mouth and your moans bouncing off the walls in a pornographic symphony that makes the scene even better.
And when your hand drops from around the base of his cock to play with his balls, he’s sent over the edge. He pushes his hips forwards and stills then as he comes, cock twitching in your mouth and his cum coating the walls of your throat with a warmth you appreciated with another low moan.
His hips fall back on the bed but you don’t relent just yet, sucking him off for a little longer to take everything you can. But he has to pull you off him by your hair when he can't take it anymore, cursing and calling out your name like he was scolding you.
“Fucking hell.” He mumbles, still dizzy from his orgasm but completely entranced by the way you come off him with a whimper and a satisfied smirk.
You wipe the drool off your chin with the back of your hand and slowly crawl up until you are laying on your side right beside him, staring right into his eyes with hunger still darkening yours.
“Feel good?” You ask, just what he’d asked you after he made you cum but in a mocking manner.
It gets you a chuckle in response before one of his big hands comes to cup your jaw and crashes your lips together.
Kissing George has you dazed. His lips are soft but firm when moving along with yours, they’re wet and swollen, warm exhales leaving his parted lips for your to swallow, tongue peeking through them to meet yours. He whimpers so loud when he tastes himself on your tongue, fingers digging into your cheek and making you mewl in response.
Your skin grows hot the more you kiss. He doesn’t even let you get a proper breath whenever he pulls back for a brief second, because he’s back on your mouth with desperation—lips smacking and tongues licking at each other.
Your hands go on a path from his face to his head, the back of his neck, his shoulders, and eventually to his back, nails digging into it when he starts nipping at your bottom lip, at the same time as his right hand drops from your jaw down to pinch your nipples, eliciting gasps out of you.
“George…” You let out in a gasp when he has your nipple pinched and twisted between his thumb and index finger.
He’s smirking right over your parted lips, amused at the way you shiver every time he goes from one nipple to the other. Your nails claw at his back when you feel the electric shocks that his touch gives you travel all the way down to your center, feeling yourself growing wetter and that familiar knot in your lower stomach forming.
His lips slot between yours again, distracting you from his touch going from your tits down to tease your cunt.
With his thumb, George starts rubbing circles on your clit, making you pull back from the kiss with a loud gasp that turns into a cry of pleasure. You could feel yourself throbbing already, and it gets worse when he picks up his pace.
He isn’t going too fast but not slow either, the speed in which his thumb rubs at your clit has you writhing your hips in response, subconsciously trying your best to get closer and closer to your high.
“George! Fuck!” You yell when he slides a finger inside you. It’s thick and long, curling inside you and making you see stars already, half lidded eyes catching him smirking at you and his breaths growing shallow when taking in your reactions.
“You like that?” He asks you teasingly, pecking your lips as your face scrunches up in pleasure.
You manage to hum in response, but he finds that not good enough, so he adds another finger, stretching you out easily and making your back arch as you moan loudly. “Yes! Yes!” You encourage, and when he curls his fingers again, knuckle deep inside your cunt, you felt yourself be completely overcome by pleasure and your words slip past your lips without even thinking of them first, “Oh my– Fuck! George, your fingers feel so fucking good.”
His fingers are slipping in and out of you with ease from how wet you are, your hips erratically moving as he thrusts them inside you to meet him in the middle. “That’s it, cum on them baby.”
The dirty talk has you completely fucked over, “George, I’m so– Fuckkkk!” You can’t help but scream out when he pushes a third finger inside you, feeling completely stuffed with him.
It feels so good how much he’s opening you up, and he’s loving the way whenever he pulls his fingers back your walls push him off so he has to slowly sink his fingers deep inside your cunt again. “I know, I can feel you clenching hard around them.” You’re squeezing his fingers so tight, his throat goes dry just thinking about how good you’re gonna feel milking his cock, “Can’t wait to fill you up and feel how tight you’re around my cock baby.”
You agree, so drunk in pleasure you just want to feel even more of him, “I need you. George, I need–”
But he tuts before you can complete your mumbled sentence, “You’re cumming on my fingers first.” You’re about to cry out like a brat, about to beg for him to stuff you up with his big cock but his words beat yours, “Come on baby, give it to me like the good girl you are.”
His voice is low in your ear, so sultry and inviting you feel it deep in your core and you just can’t say no. Not when you’re gonna earn his praise, those words he says that have you wrapped around his little finger.
So you let go. Your toes curl as his fingers keep pumping in and out of you, hitting that spot perfectly for your to see stars as you come, white heat enveloping you and taking ahold of your entire body as you cum, “Fuck, fuck! Oh– George!”
“That’s it, baby. So fucking stunning.” He encourages, watching his fingers continue to disappear inside your tightening cunt, your legs shaking and your hips moving clumsily to meet his hand. He gets impossibly hard at the sight of it all, biting his bottom lip as he moans.
You gush all over him, slick drenching his hand and dripping down your cunt onto the duvet. He can’t let it go to waste, so he pulls his fingers out and sucks them clean, moaning around them when he tastes you again.
So fucking sweet. He needed more.
You feel his fingers gathering your mess and you manage to peel your eyes open to watch as he sucks it all off his fingers again.
Shamelessly, you just watch as he dips down time and time again until he deems his work of cleaning you up done, the last one being offered out to you and you obey enthusiastically, wrapping your lips around his fingers and sinking your mouth on them to suck them clean the best you can. Your eyes stay on his as you do so, moaning loudly around them while you batted your lashes at him, just fully putting a show on for him.
The view makes George’s cock twitch, a bead of precum leaking from his head. He reaches out behind you for the forgotten camera and when you’re trying to catch your breath, eyes closed in bliss, he takes a picture of you.
Your eyes snap open at the sound of the shutter going off and you look at him all startled like you need an explanation.
“You’re so beautiful like this.” He quickly justifies, lifting the device back up to his eyes and adjusting the focus to take another one as he adds, “All fucked out. Fucking gorgeous.”
“Stop.” You whine when the shutter goes off again, hand coming up to grab at the lenses and forcing him to put it down, “I must look a mess.”
His head shakes in disagreement, tongue swiping at his bottom lip with his eyes drinking you in all over again, “You don’t. You look hot.” Skin glowing due to the thin layer of sweat your activities have caused, lips swollen and wet, your chest heaving and flushed, the gorgeous pattern of every bruise he’s sucked on your skin which are darkening more and more, hair disheveled and splayed over the pillows.
“I’m confiscating this.” It’s the brief ultimatum you give him, grabbing the camera and turning the action on him instead.
You take just one picture of him and he allows it, only to then complain by saying, “You have enough of me.” and taking the camera back.
Rolling your eyes, you fake being annoyed and kiss him quickly before pushing yourself up and off the bed, telling him, “Gonna go to the bathroom.” making a beeline for your wardrobe and getting yourself a new pair of underwear first, adjusting the cups of your bra so they hold your breasts again.
It isn’t longer than five minutes that you take, coming back to him wearing his boxers again and laying over the bedsheets—he’s discarded the duvet and left it a big crumpled knot on the floor by the foot of the bed—, a hand behind his head whilst the other is scrolling on his phone.
His position looks inviting, so you crawl on the bed and sit on his lap with a mischievous smile on your face. You reach out to get the camera he has placed on the bedside table at the same time as he drops his phone there and his hands go up to hold your hips.
“Put your hands behind your head again.” You instruct him softly, almost a mutter that sounds so shy, the corner of his lips tug into a smirk.
You take a picture of him like that and another when he runs a hand through his hair but you stop when his hands come back to grab at your skin, going from your waist until they softly come down to rest at your hips.
With a soft squeeze on your sides, he tilts his head to ask, “Am I allowed to smoke?” to which you nod and get off him to open the windows and get him a cigarette and a lighter.
Getting back on top of him, you place the cigarette between his lips but before you can give him the lighter, you grab the camera again just so you can capture the moment he ignites it alive.
George looks so fucking hot lighting it up: cheeks hollowing ever so slightly, brows furrowing, long fingers that make the lighter look minuscule in his hand, lips pursed around the stick.
You snap away and capture the moment he blows out the smoke upwards, before taking another drag and then blowing it in your direction.
The familiar scent of the tobacco and just how arousing you’re finding it all, impulses you to start moving your hips slowly on him. The sudden movement makes his breath hitch in his throat, causing him to erupt in coughs when the smoke goes up the wrong hole. He had been half hard beneath you when you sat on his lap, so you can’t really hold back from wanting to have him in a new way now.
That’s when you guide his hand to your mouth so he can place the cigarette in between your lips for you to take a drag. His mouth opens agape as you do so, the rolling of your hips only growing more intent and he starts twitching and getting harder in his boxers.
He can feel your heat, the way you’re wetting your underwear and starting to wet his own, the pulsing of your swollen clit. He can see how your nipples grow hard through the lace of your bra, and the way goosebumps rise in your skin as you go. Soft gasps that turn into hush whimpers that he wants so badly to turn into those loud moans of yours that he’s quite enjoying getting drunk on.
“Have you brought a condom?” You ask breathlessly, camera being once again forgotten somewhere on the bed for you to be able to rest your hands on his chest as leverage.
A flip switches inside George, the simple hint of him finally being able to sink himself deep inside you making his blood rush down to his cock.
“Yeah.” He nods eagerly and it’s a relief when you quickly get off him so he can rush to get it, not without going up to your dresser so he can put out the cigarette on the ashtray that’s laid there by your jewelry.
He had thought it was foolish of him to pocket a couple condoms before he left his flat earlier today, fully scorning himself for being so ridiculous as to assume you would want to shag after your date but oh was he glad he had still done it right then.
Condom in hand, George goes back to the bed but not without shedding himself off his boxers first. You bite your bottom lip as you get your bra off to throw it on the floor behind you, seeing him wrap his hand around his length and pump it slowly as he watches you almost naked figure. Your hands go down to your hips so you can quickly tug down your underwear, eagerly taking it off and throwing it on the same spot on the floor you had dropped your bra.
Crawling up to the edge of the bed, you hum as you watch him stroke himself up and down, your mouth watering for another taste of him. So when you get right in front of him, you dip your head down until your mouth is right before his hardening cock and sticking your tongue out, you lick at his head slowly.
He grows heavier on your tongue as you go, twitching in your mouth when you wrap your lips around him again, his head thrown back at the feeling of your wet mouth enclosed around him and sucking him off patiently.
But he has to use an incredible amount of self restraint to pull you off him, a hand delicately coming around your neck to have you let go off his cock with a pop and pull you up to face him.
“I’m fucking you now.”
George isn’t asking, he’s simply informing you and that makes you squirm under his gaze in anticipation. Thighs pressing together and eyes drinking in the way lust makes his behavior change. But you want a bit of control, even if it’s just for him to ruin you.
“Can I ride you?” You ask innocently, puppy eyes that you pray will get your a yes.
You take the way he pulls you in for a messy kiss as one.
In no time he’s laying on his back with his head resting on the pillows, teeth ripping the condom wrapper open while your hand wraps around him, waiting for him to put the latex on. The anticipation grows and hangs in the air like a heavy cloud as George rolls it down his length, sighing at the feeling of it around him.
You catch a glimpse of your camera through the corner of your eye and you can’t help but think there won’t be a better thing than capturing his pure ecstasy in a picture so you grab it before you straddle him again.
You lift the camera up to your eyes with one hand while the other gets ahold of his cock to line him up, rubbing his head on your clit and making yourself gasp at the feeling. You clench around nothing as you do so, and you can already feel yourself drenched.
Even after he’s stretched you out with his fingers, it’s slightly challenging for you to take him when you start sinking onto him.
Your jaw drops in a silent gasp when every inch of him starts stretching you out, eyes watering at the initial sting. Your eyes want to flutter closed at the feeling but you do your best to not let them close entirely so you can capture the way he groans loudly with his head thrown back as you let your cunt swallow him whole.
Breath hitching in your throat, you sink down completely until you can feel him so deep a pathetic cry of pleasure slips past your lips.
You draw your hips up and back down on him slowly, testing the waters on his size and what angle is good for you to feel the best. You’re both a mess of loud moans at the feeling. He’s so big, he’s filling you up in a way you’ve never felt before so your walls are clenching hard around him which has his head spinning.
“You–” George breathes out, hands flying to your hips and clutching them so tightly just to show how bad he’s holding himself back from just thrusting up into you, or better yet just flipping you around and fucking you into the mattress.
“Fuck–, I know. I know.” You say in a high pitch tone. One of your hands falls to rest flat on his chest and use as support, “I– oh, fuck…” You curse as you roll your hips forwards and then backwards this time, making you completely still at the insane sensory overdrive you’re getting from it.
George knows you need a second or two but you stay frozen for longer than he can hold so he pleads, “Baby– Fuck, baby, I need you to move, you’re so tight.”
“Just–” You try to say, rolling your hips again and mewling loudly. George moans back in response, his hands sliding down to your thighs as your head hangs in pleasure.
You establish a slow place, George’s fingers digging into the flesh of your upper thighs grounding you into the moment and allowing you to take another picture. A picture that captures your legs on each sides of his toned chest, his fingers digging into your skin, his adam’s apple bobbing as he gulps back a moan, the box tattoo on his thumb right next to the red ink of your ‘Divine Feminine’ tattoo on your thigh.
But after you press the shutter on that one, barely being able to clumsily roll the film, you just toss the camera to the side mindlessly and use your new free hand to rest on his chest as well, and the second hand of support helps you start moving your hips faster.
It’s fucking delicious the way he keeps hitting your g-spot from that angle, and when he starts bucking his hips upwards, meeting your in the middle, you can’t hold back the noises you let out. “George, fuck baby! Oh fuckkkk.” You cry out, clit feeling a bit of pressure every time you roll down and hit your pelvis, so you’re fully drunk on pleasure.
His hands run up from your thighs to mercilessly grab your ass, fingers harshly digging into your skin and stinging just in the best way. “Just like that baby. You feel so fucking good.” He praises you with a groan, helping you actually lift your hips up and down on him.
“You’re so– Oh fuck–” You’re so cock drunk, your thoughts are all stupid and leaving you without even being able to finish a sentence.
“Tight little cunt, can barely fit inside you.” George can feel himself meeting the hilt inside you every time, your cries growing in volume the faster the pace gets. “You love it huh, being filled to the brim?”
“Yes, fuck! Yes, I love it, love your cock!” You’re dripping all over him, the noise of the wetness and your skin slapping every time you meet bouncing off the walls and, combined with your moans, makes for a pornographic scene you wish you were recording.
“I know you can go faster. Can you do that for me, baby?” George genuinely can feel himself not lasting any longer with how tight you’re squeezing him.
“I can, I can.” You promise desperately, wanting to be good for him. So you pick up your pace, your hands moving ever so slightly so you can straighten up a bit and when you do so you curse out loud at the new angle, “Ah fuck!”
Your hips grow erratic, your knees helping now when you bounce up and down his cock ever so more intently, enough for you to incessantly gasp in a high pitch every time he hits that spot.
“Such a good girl for me.” His hands stop groping your ass to spank you, making you jolt forward with a loud gasp that turns into a mewl and a whine that tries to pass as a ‘yes’. His cock twitches inside you at that reaction so he does it again and again, feeling your walls flutter around him with every hit, “You're squeezing me so fucking tight, baby. Gonna cum all over my cock?”
“Yeah, yes…” You gasp, and if you hadn’t been so adamant on chasing your high, you would’ve noticed George quickly getting the camera and snapping a picture of you riding him. Hair a mess covering up your face but your mouth wide open in a moan, tits bouncing as you ride him, hands on his chest as support.
He’s just about managed to put the camera back down when he feels you squeezing him the tightest and that’s when you finally cum. “George! George! Ge–” You cry out his name like a prayer until it breaks down into a loud moan that tips him over the edge along with your cunt milking him dry into the condom as you sloppily continue to ride him.
“Fuck! Y/N!” George moans loudly, his hands going to your ass again to help you continue as he cums, his cock twitching the more he spurts into the condom, sweet relief making him see stars.
Unable to uphold yourself any longer, you collapse over him, chests heaving in sync as you both come down from your highs. It’s hard catching your breaths when your skin burns from the heat and sticks from the sweat. And George knows you’re rather uncomfortable from the way you groan into him, your fingers lazily trying to brush the hair out of your face but huffing as it sticks to your sweaty forehead.
He brushes your hair back, fingers delicately grazing your face and earning a soft smile and a sigh from you. But then his hold goes down to your hips so he can lift you up and off himself to set you beside him. You whine and pout at the loss of him, feeling so empty after he’s stuffed you to the brim.
You don’t even try to open your eyes, completely spent from your activities and snuggling into the pillows to find some comfort in your post orgasm haze.
George sits up on the edge of your bed and sheds himself off the condom, tying it so he can throw it away, and groaning as he pushes himself off the bed to make his way to the bathroom.
He takes about five minutes there and when he comes back into the room, he smiles, finding a sleepy you struggling to keep your eyes open and smirking at him. He giggles as he walks up to bed and after taking your camera and placing it on one of the bedside tables, he carries your bridal style to take you to the bathroom.
Yes you’re still on cloud nine after that orgasm but you still have a bit of sense in you then so, after thanking him with a kiss, you tell George you’re alright from there and he can wait for you in bed.
You only realize what you’d said as you wash your hands after peeing and you’re cringing just thinking about him being gone once you go back into the room. But you find that he hasn’t left and instead, he’s gone under the bedsheets and is waiting for you to cuddle up to him so you can get some rest.
You giggle like a fool when you get under the sheets and he hooks his arm around your waist to push you flush against him, your back pressed to his chest and he nuzzles into your neck from behind. Your legs tangle together and your breaths sync and slow down as the minutes go by until you succumb to their slumber.
It’s bright outside when you wake up with the horrendous need to go to the bathroom, one that you’d been sleepily ignoring for a while but that had become too unbearable to endure anymore.
George has his hand around your waist and his leg thrown over yours, effectively keeping you trapped in his hold in bed, so you try to very slowly peel yourself away from him to escape to the toilet.
You’re careful so that you don’t wake him up just yet, but when you manage to get your legs untangled from his, he stirs and grumbles, “Where are you trying to go?” throwing his leg over yours again, his arm wrapping tighter around your waist making you chuckle.
“Bathroom.” You mumble as you try to get away again but he’s stubbornly holding you even tighter to him.
You feel him shake his head as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, a soft “No.” falling in your ears that makes you sigh.
“George.” You say softly to not disrupt the silence in the room, but he doesn’t reply so you try again a little louder this time, “George.” Once again, no response, so you end up whining, “Babyyyy.”
To the nickname he does listen, but his response is just a muttered, “Mhm?”
You turn around in his arms with a bit of struggle, cupping his face and pecking his lips a handful of times so he takes it as enough bribery to listen to you, “Please let me go. I’ll just be a minute.”
George steals one last long peck from you before smiling loopily and nodding, “Okay.”
He lazily retracts his limbs to let you get up freely from the bed, and though he’s fighting his sleep, he manages to peel his eyes open for long enough to watch your naked figure walk away from the bed and into your ensuite.
Keeping track of time is impossible to him when his eyes close again after you leave his line of sight, and he only opens his eyes again when he hears you giggle softly at the sight of him in your bed as you walk back to bed.
“You took longer than a minute.” He points out with his eyes still closed.
You snort and half heartedly apologize, “Sorry, I’m sore.”
His hand comes up to rub at his eyes, and when he does so, he sees the state in which you’ve come back so he frowns and tells you to, “Stop right there.” He sounds so serious, an amused smirk shows on your face because you have no idea what he’s about to say. An accusing finger waves in the air in your direction and he calls you out, “Why are you wearing a robe?”
“Shut up.” You say instantly when hearing that’s what is making him frown, your eyes rolling playfully at him.
“Get that off now.” He instructs but you take another step towards the bed with no intention of taking it off and he grumbles, “Y/N/N…” with a more stern tone that makes you too flustered for this time of day.
“You’re annoying.” You complain with a roll of your eyes, still listening to him and slowly undoing the knot that kept your robe closed, making it a little show as you open it up and let it fall off your body and pool at your feet on the floor.
Of course, George smirks at the sight and he has no shame in looking you up and down with hunger now shining on his sleepy eyes, his cock twitches just by seeing you naked in front of him again. Fuck, you’re stunning.
“Come here gorgeous.” The drummer invites you back into his arms and you don't have to be told twice for you to go back to bed and be the little spoon for him. You’d had such good sleep being completely enveloped in him, heavy limbs acting like a weighted blanket on you and it was utter bliss.
But after seeing you naked again, skin littered with love bites he had left all over your, hair messy and tits perky and bouncing as you walked, George feels the need to show you a bit more of the appreciation he had shown you the day before.
His hand brushes your hair to the side so he can have access to the skin on the back of your neck. Goosebumps breaking on the skin there when he starts pressing open mouthed kisses on it, fingers ghostly running down your back and stopping right on your lower back that had your back arching into him. Your ass grazed his cock every time, making it twitch and start to harden.
In search of friction, he pushes his hips forward and you reciprocate by pressing your ass against him. He keeps his actions going and sets a pace that the two of you keep up, mewling out loud when his hardening cock comes in contact with your cunt, “Hmm, George.”
“Yes, baby?” His lips brush against your skin, a shiver running down your spine and making you shudder, “You’re so fucking beautiful, please let me make you feel good.”
“Yeah…” You nod quickly, it’s a no-brainer. Your breath gets caught in your throat when he pushes his hips forwards again at the same time as you do and the tip of his cock presses on your clit.
“Yes?” He moans in your ear, hand coming around your front to play with your tits, “Can I make you cum again, sweetheart?”
You eagerly nod, swallowing a moan as he pinches your nipple and when he cup your whole tit with one hand, kneading it harshly, your “Please.” came out in the form of a whine.
“Good girl. M’gonna make you feel so good baby, I promise.” His hand continues playing with your tits as you keep grinding on each other. When his cock is hard enough, you feel it come up to rest heavily between his lower stomach and your lower back, and it’s then that he lets his fingers trail down until they hover over your mound and he breathlessly asks, “D’you trust me?”
“Yeah, George…” You’re basically pleading with him to continue, hand coming to clutch his and guide his fingers down to your soaked cunt and when he feels just how wet you are, he groans and pulls away.
“Wait.” George instructs you, leaving you alone on the bed to get a condom. You hear the wrapper rip and him moaning as he puts the condom on, stroking himself up and down a few times before he tugs the sheets off you and turns you from your side to your front so you’re face down and he can hover over you from behind.
His knees are on either side of your hips, forearms pressed on the mattress next to your shoulders and he kisses and sucks all over your back as he praises you for how gorgeous you are over and over.
He keeps bruising you up until you push your ass up and beg him to do something, the ache in your cunt too unbearable.
So George lets go of the patch of skin he’s bruising and does as you ask for, spreading your legs open as he kneels in between them and rubs his tip up and down your slit.
“Don’t tease, please.” You cry into the mattress, your cunt fluttering around nothing and it’s painful knowing just how good he felt inside you but he isn’t allowing you to feel it yet.
But then he just let himself slowly slip inside you and his jaw falls at your tightness in that angle, “Oh Y/N/N… Fuck me.” He feels like he can barely fit in, but you’re dripping with slick so it makes it a bit easier for him to slowly bottom out.
“George–” You choke out, head turning to the side to catch a glimpse of him. Your fingers clawing at the sheets beside your head for dear life.
“I know. You’re so tight.” He whimpers in pleasure, barely able to move an inch out of you because you’re so snug it feels like you’re pushing him out.
“Move baby, please.” You beg again and he starts going then, a slow pace at first that grows in speed rather quickly and has your cursing out loud, “Fuckkkkk!”
He gasps into your ear with every thrust, and it’s soon that the sound of your skin slapping drowns the room along with your moans. “Gonna miss this tight little cunt so much.” He says into your neck, sucking a bruise on the back of it before asking, “Gonna miss me too?”
“Ye– Yes! Oh shit baby!” You gasp when he hooks his left arm under your leg, pulling it upwards slowly and allowing you to stretch a bit more so you feel him even deeper, “Gonna miss you so much!”
He chuckles smugly, “I know you will.”
“Oh fuck!” You curse as he hits your g-spot perfectly from that angle, his hips hitting your ass and reminding you of how sore the skin there is from the spanking he gave you the night before. “Yes, yes! Don’t stop, please!”
“If you could only see yourself right now!” He curses under his breath when he looks down to see himself disappear into your cunt, over and over. If he keeps looking at how he keeps sliding in and out of you so easily, he will burst right then so he looks back up to your face and praises you once more, “Taking me so well, baby. You’re such a good girl.”
“Harder, please.” You ask in a whine, and he stills for just a second to get a better standing on his knees before giving it to you like you were begging to, making you instantly get even louder when he hits that sweet spot with more intensity, “Oh my– Fuck! Right there, yes!”
“Just like that, yeah?” His smirk grows on his face, feeling how it keeps getting easier to slide inside you which means you’re fucking drenched and dripping all over him, your walls fluttering around him already making him see stars.
“Yes! Yes!” You chant like a broken record, the coil in your lower stomach tightening by the second and threatening to snap at any moment, “I’m so close!”
His left arm lifts your leg even higher and then leaves it there to be able to bring his fingers down to rub at your clit and send you over the edge, “C’mon baby, cum for me sweetheart!” He encourages you as he rubs fast circles on your throbbing clit, which earns him choked out moans that turn into a throat ripping moan of, “F-fuckkkk! George!”
George feels you squeeze him so tightly as you cum, making it so much harder for him to continue thrusting in and out without losing the rhythm he’s set, he can’t hold it any longer, his hips stuttering as he cums and stilling as he spills his seed in the condom, “Ah shit! Y/N!”
His thrusts become sloppy and messy as he tries to ride out your highs while you spasm around him, whimpering as the aftershocks of your orgasm have your legs trembling under him and your white knuckle grip on the sheets falters.
Letting his weight fall over you almost entirely, George sighs in complete bliss and he kisses the back of your head and your cheek multiple times to say, “Did so good for me, sweetheart.” He drops a kiss on your lips and praises you once more, “My good pretty girl.”
The way he speaks to you makes your stomach flutter, and he feels it when you clench around him. “You like that huh?” He teases with a smirk, his nose brushing up your neck until he comes up to your ear and bites your earlobe to which you mewl in response.
He pulls out, hearing you whine when you feel upsettingly empty again but he rubs circles on your hips soothingly and asks, “Shall we go take a shower? Do you want me to help you up?”
You barely manage to reply with a quiet, “Mhm…” when a loud ringing snaps the two of you out of your wonderful post orgasm bubble.
You don’t really recognize the ringing so you figure it’s George’s phone. Yet, the drummer doesn’t make an attempt to go and get it, as he flops beside you in bed for a second before pushing himself off the bed and sheds himself off the condom you just used.
He gets up to discard it in the bathroom and just as he crosses the threshold of the ensuite, he hears his phone start ringing again. He fully ignores it again, taking his time in the bathroom until he hears you call out for him to pick up the unrelenting calls.
A grunt leaves his lips when he comes back to the room and picks up the phone only to read his sister’s name on the screen so he answers with a meek, “Y’alright?” to let her know he isn’t in the mood for the constant ringing.
You hear pure silence surrounding you for a good half minute before George sighs out an annoyed, “Fucks sake.” Opening your eyes to see him, you move onto your side to watch him as he speaks. “Right now? Really?” He asks, entirely unamused. “Yeah, really busy actually.” He says sternly, looking at you naked in front of him with wide eyes. That makes you purse your lips not to laugh but what gets the giggles out of you is when he sighs loudly and mutters, “I hate you.” to whoever it is on the phone.
It’s barely another half minute that he listens to whoever is on the other side, before he ends the call with an impatient, “Yeah, yeah. Sure. See ya’.”
“What’s wrong?” You ask curiously, your fingers playing with the ends of your hair.
George rolls his eyes at the situation, “My sister needs me for something. She says it’s urgent but I doubt it.” He shrugs then, ignoring the importance of whatever it was his sister needed him for, he had only been half listening really. “I can stay though, it wouldn’t be the first time I ignore her.”
That has you snorting in laughter, “Go, you idiot.”
“But–” He tries to argue as he comes to hover over you, head dipping to steal a kiss out of you which you break after a few seconds by pushing his shoulders softly so you can reassure him it’s fine. After all, you had really enjoyed yourself so you’re genuinely considering another date with him.
“It’s okay. I had the best time with you, and that’s all I wanted.” Your hands come to the back of his head, fingers digging into the hair at the nape of his neck and scratching his scalp softly.
George clicks his tongue and he pouts to joke, “Knew you only wanted me for my body.”
You cackle at his antics and tell him to “Shut up.” only to do it yourself by pulling him into you so you can share one last kiss. It’s sweet but it isn’t soft, your lips moving together with intent as if to prove you need to do it again because it’s just too good.
But you have to stop it before it can turn into something more. You pull on his hair so your lips separate with a smack and, with the sweetest smile and looking at him with doe eyes, you say, “Thank you, George.”
“I had the best time Y/N/N.” He replies wholeheartedly then, agreeing with your previous point.
“Me too.” You nod softly to reiterate, your hands coming back down to cup his jaw, thumbs rubbing circles on his skin.
One last short kiss is all you get in that bed before you both stand up and get dressed. Well, George does, in the same getup as the day before, while you put your robe back on and tie it around yourself slowly as he finishes getting his shoes on.
“I’ll see you soon for a second date, yeah?” He says when you walk him to the door, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“You definitely will.” You assure, knowing you’d be texting him very soon about a second date if he doesn’t text you first about it.
He winks right as he opens the door, stealing one last peck from your lips before walking away. Leaving you with a stupid smile on your face that only gets bigger when you close the door behind you and go back to your room, seeing the mess you had left the bed looking like.
Yes, you were definitely going on a second date with him.
A/N: What did you think? Hope you lot enjoyed it! Thank you for reading, I'm so excited to see your reactions! xx
Taglist: @imagine-that-100 @kennedy-brooke @drinkurkombucha @vinylandcoffeecollection @butyou-callmewhenyourebored
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whimsicalpolitical · 4 months
Club // George Daniel x Reader
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a/n: first time writing George smut and it’s fun!!
summary: you’re at a club with George and you’re waiting for his set to end to show him how bad you need him
chapter warning: 18+ MDNI, oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v (unprotected alley sex), swearing,
based on this request
The bass reverberates through the club, a pulsing heartbeat that syncs with the pounding in your chest. George is behind the decks with 2 other dj’s, a silhouette illuminated by flashes of neon and strobe lights, his focus intense, hands gliding over the control. As he bobs his head to the rhythm a concentrated smile starts playing on his lips.
You’re in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by a blur of friends and strangers, the room thick with the sweet, sharp scent of alcohol and the tang of sweat. The air is heavy, almost stifling, with the mingled breaths of a hundred people packed into one space. Your body moves almost of its own accord, hips swaying, arms lifting, losing yourself in the music. It's impossible to stand still with George's eyes burning a hole through you.
As the song shifts, a familiar, electrifying riff fills the air. Your heart skips a beat. It’s the song where George found you on the dance floor the first time.
You know how the night ended that day. You and George in a dark alley, your skirt hitched up and George buried deep inside of you.
You look towards the DJ booth and catch George’s eye. He’s watching you, his intense gaze following your every move. Under the cascade of flashing lights, his eyes shine with a mixture of pride and amusement. The corners of his mouth lift in a smirk, and then, as if he’s teasing you, he winks.
“God,” your friend grins but rolls her eyes, “you’re eye fucking each other.” You hit her arm.
“Gross,” another friend says, but she keeps on dancing and seconds later they forget about George and you.
A flush spreads across your cheeks, your heart pounding even harder than the bass. The heat of the moment, the intoxicating atmosphere, and George’s attention all combine to make you feel dizzy. You can’t help but smile, a shy but thrilled expression, and you quickly look away, trying to focus on the dance.
He’s driving you mad and you want the night to end how it did when you first met him. You’ve been happy ever since and the sex god. You need him.
“Gonna go see my boyfriend for a sec,” you wave at your friends and before they can prevent you from leaving the fun group, your navigating through the crowd.
"Excuse me" you call out, weaving between bodies with a determination fueled by your desire to reach him.
Each step feels like a small victory, but also a torturous delay. You know he's watching, enjoying the way you squirm under his gaze. The thought only adds to your impatience.
“Sorry,” you mutter, your apologies becoming more urgent as you draw nearer to him.
Finally, you break free from the crowd and stand before him, breathing heavily from the exertion and the anticipation. George's smirk widens as he takes in your disheveled appearance, clearly amused by your struggle to reach him.
"Hey there, gorgeous," he greets you, his voice low and husky, a playful glint in his eyes.
"Hey," you reply, returning his smile as you start to dance beside him, the music still thumping in the background.
Leaning in close, you whisper into his ear, "So, my friends think we've been 'eye fucking' all night."
George's laughter rumbles through you, his breath tickling your skin. "Is that so?" he replies, his tone ironic and amused.
You nod, a playful smirk playing on your lips. "Yeah, apparently it's been quite the spectacle," you tease, knowing full well the effect his looks have had on you all night. He’s just smirking before tapping some more on the board in front of him.
His shirt clings to him, the fabric damp with sweat, and with every movement, you catch glimpses of his sculpted muscles rippling beneath the fabric.
It's impossible to tear your eyes away from him, from the way his hips sway to the rhythm, the way his hands move deftly over the DJ controls. But it's when he lifts his arms, stretching towards the ceiling, that you feel your breath catch in your throat.
His shirt rides up, revealing a tantalizing sliver of skin, and your gaze flickers downward, catching sight of the waistband of his Supreme underwear peeking out from the top of his jeans. It's a sight that sends a jolt of heat straight to your core, and you feel yourself flush with desire.
You try to focus on the music, on the movement of the crowd around you, but all you can think about is George, and the way he looks right now, all sweaty and disheveled and utterly irresistible.
He catches your lingering gaze, a smirk playing on his lips as he lowers his arms and turns to face you. "Like what you see?" he teases, his voice low and suggestive.
You swallow hard, trying to regain your composure. "You know I do," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
George chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, I can't say I blame you," he says, stepping closer until you can feel the heat of his body against yours. "But I must warn you, staring like that might be considered rude."
You bite your lip, unable to suppress a nervous giggle. "Sorry," you mumble, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks.
George's smirk widens, and he leans in close, his breath warm against your ear. "Don't be sorry," he murmurs, his voice sending shivers down your spine. "Just know that if you keep looking at me like that, I might have to do something about it."
You swallow hard, your pulse quickening at the promise in his words. "And what would that be?" you ask, your voice barely a whisper.
His lips brush against your ear as he replies, his tone dripping with playful menace. "Guess you'll just have to wait and find out," he says, pulling back with a smirk that leaves you weak in the knees.
You had expected him to lean in for a kiss, to fulfill the promise of his teasing words. When he doesn't, you pout, feeling a mix of frustration and longing bubbling up inside you.
"Hey," you protest, crossing your arms over your chest and giving him your best glare.
George chuckles, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "What's wrong, love? Didn't get the kiss you were hoping for?" he teases, his voice dripping with amusement.
You huff, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks. "You know damn well what I was hoping for," you reply, your tone a mix of annoyance and desire.
He raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Do I now?" he asks, stepping closer until there's barely any space between you. "Well, maybe I just enjoy seeing you squirm."
“Is that so?” You retort, your voice low and daring.
Without another word, you close the distance between you, reaching up to grab the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a searing kiss. It's hot and feisty, fueled by months of pent-up desire and the electric tension between you.
George responds eagerly, his hands finding purchase on your waist as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss with a hunger that matches your own.
You pull back slightly, your hands still gripping the collar of George's shirt as you look into his eyes with a newfound determination.
"George, please," you plead, your voice barely above a whisper but filled with an unmistakable urgency.
He looks at you, confusion flickering in his eyes before realization dawns. "What is it, love?" he asks, concern lacing his tone.
“Finish your set early G,” you say, hoping he would drop everything and come with you, just somewhere else.
“Abandon my duties as a DJ because you’re feeling a bit needy?, I don’t know,” he teases.
“You’re insufferable,” you mutter, disappointed but you know he will give in.
“Guilty as charged,” he quips, taking a step closer until his hands travel down your body to find the curve of your ass. "But you love it, don't you?"
“Maybe I do,” You bite your lip, feeling the heat rising in your cheeks as you meet his gaze.
"Tell you what," his grin widens, his voice sending shivers down your spine. "I'll finish up here, but you owe me.
“Anything.” You reply quickly.
George smirks, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before turning back to the DJ booth to find A.G. He’s whispering in his ear, for everyone around them definitely not understandable.
Your heart is beating heavily in your chest, both excited and nervous about what’s going to happen.
George grabs your hand and leads you to the crowd and you’re just following awkwardly because your mind is else where.
You haven’t even reached the exit when you push him against the wall, hands squeezing his skin under his shirt and your lips on his.
His hands are on your waist, squeezing hard which follows by a shaky breath against his mouth, perfect for him to let his tongue brush against yours.
“George,” you whine, pressing yourself into his body more.
“C’mon, let’s get out of here.” His pupils are already dilated and he looks even more hotter then 20 minutes ago.
He's on you in an instant, his hand wrapped tightly around your arm as he drags you out of the bar. You let him steal you away, out into the brisk, wintry air that does little to cool your fury or the heat beginning to coil in your core. The door shuts noisily behind your, the feeling soon replaced by the quiet from the street.
“Driving me mad here, fuck,” he groans, leading you away from civilization, to a quiet corner. He’s backing up against the wall, pulling you flush against him again, his mouth crashing onto yours again.
It's getting more difficult to think, now, with the warmth of his body against you, his thumbs shifting higher to stroke your stiffening nipples. He urges your hips forward again to meet his, and you can already feel him straining in his jeans.
“Always ends the same doesn’t it?” He pulls away from you, looking down at your puffy lips. “My girl can never wait.”
You whimper helplessly, unable to curb the way your body's reacting to him, and the soft sound causes something in him to snap. He suddenly backs you up against the hard brick of the bar's exterior and begins to grind languidly into your stomach. 
“Don’t you think I’m being too gentle?” His voice is muffled by your neck, his mouth trailing wet kisses down your collar bone. “Need a bit of patience.”
“Only behaving this way with me ain’t that right?” He’s interrogating you in the hottest way ever.
“Yes George, you're the only one," you moan around your admission. He's still crowding you into the wall, his hands greedily roaming your soft curves.
“‘S right.” His eyes meet yours, darting quickly to your mouth before he leans in to kiss you passionately like he’s rewarding you. It only lasts for a second, one deliciously fleeting second, before he pulls away. “Ruined my set, make it up to me.”
His hands drop from your cheeks so he can unbuckle his jeans. You get the hint and are more than happy to oblige. Sharp gravel bites into your bare skin as you drop to your knees in front of him. He's already so hard under all that heavy fabric and looks desperate above you.
You hastily unbutton and unzip his jeans, not wasting any more of the time, before tugging them down just enough to free his cock.
“Go on love,” you wrap your hand around him and he sighs gratefully, dribbling precum onto your fingers.
"Fucking hot," you finally reply, keeping your eyes locked on his as you lean forward to lick a broad line up his cock. He hisses in a breath through his teeth, his thighs already beginning to tremble, and you brace your hand on one.
You finally wrap your mouth around him, taking it all in your mouth. He let out a small moan, “Christ.”
His hand reaches into your hair to hold you in place. You choke around him, trying to breathe through your nose.
He only gives you a second to adjust before he's fucking into your mouth and biting back a litany of needy sounds that rival your own wet, audible gagging. Your grip on his thigh tightens as your throat relaxes, allowing you to take him deeper, and you can feel yourself clenching around nothing every time he grazes the back of your throat.
Tears stream down your cheeks and he wipes them away with a much too tender swipe of his thumb, even as he continues to force you up and down his cock. But you're too lost in your pleasure to notice anymore. So fucking good, you feel so, so good. But you need more, and you're not willing to pull off of him just yet.
“You’re f-from Heaven, fuck.” His hips stutter and you moan around him.
“Shit,” he mumbles, head shooting up from the brick wall and pulling your head away.
“Fuck me now?” You ask innocently.
The growl that rumbles through his chest is nearly soundless but powerful. An entire night's worth of tension culminating in a single exhaled breath, just before he drags you up and spins you around, pushing you against the wall.
Bracing yourself on the harsh brick, you rush to give him better access, arching your back as he tugs your pants and underwear down to your knees. A callused hand runs upward, following the notches of your spine, while his other spreads across your waist.
He lifts one leg of yours up on his side, to slide his cock through your folds. You gasp in each others mouth at the first contact of him and your wet folds.
George holds your thighs for support, plunging his cock into your wet cunt with ease, bottoming out at the first thrust. You enjoyed the stretching pain and you never had the patience to wait.
Lower lips between your teeth, you slide one of your hands to your clit, two fingers working your arousal, quickly replaced by George’s calloused fingers. You arch your back and moan loudly, “fuck George, move.”
“As you wish,” your hands grip his biceps as he keeps pushing into you, the stretch threatening to break you right in half. The street is filled with the sounds of your love-making--moans, whimpers, gasps of each other's names--mixed with the salacious sounds of your bodies coming together.
“My girl,” Your mind is completely fuzzy, filled with nothing but the feeling of immense pleasure. You can’t form a proper sentence with George fucking you into a wall.
You are clutching onto him, nails raking down his back as he fucks you deeply. "Close," is all you could manage to say to him.
“Yeah? My love’s close?” He sighs, “fuck,” you’re lifting your hips to fuck back into him, causing George to groan at the feeling of your cunt constricting his cock. He lets go of your hair and wraps his arm around your throat, as if he is putting you into a headlock but without the force. still, the action alone is enough to send you into an unexpected orgasm.
His name falls from your lips like it is a prayer as he fucks you through your orgasm. George’s hips starts to stutter as he feels his cock start to throb and that familiar feeling start to grow. He let his body fall over yours, effectively pressing you between his body and the wall.
“You’re perfect," he breathes into your ear, snapping his hips into yours harder than before. "made just for me, weren't you?” He lets out one last gutural groan before he is cumming, pressing his cock as deep into you as it would go.
By the time he pulls out, you are both a mess, more so you than him but still a mess nonetheless, your hair is messy and sprawled all over your face, a trail of drool on the side of your mouth. You try to catch your breath, while he pulls his pants up, fixing his belt and kneeling to pull your pants up as well.
“Ready to go home?” He asks, kissing you one time before pulling you against him, trying to walk to the car. Your body is numb though, legs giving out and almost collapsing in his arms.
“Easy love, let me,” he lifts you off the ground, bridal style all the way to the car.
He takes care of you, putting your seatbelt one, giving you a kiss, getting in the car, giving you a kiss and driving you home and giving you many more kisses there.
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csainzoperator · 4 months
"let's break up" ☆
summary: you text your f1 boyfriend "let's break up" as a prank.
trigger warnings: fem pronouns, mentions of seperated parents, mentions of killing (as a joke), nicknames, idk if there are more (?)
charles, carlos, lewis, george, max
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lando, oscar, alex, logan, daniel
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an: omg pls i need such responses. especially logan's cos that's literally me. but hope you had fun reading this, my loves!
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thef1diary · 2 months
𝐅𝟏 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 ‘𝟐𝟒
Strap in you filthy fuckers, I’m participating in kinktober this year. A total of 11 fics will be posted from October 1 - 31, specific dates and prompts are listed below:
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Oct 1: Dreamy Desire | C. Leclerc ~ Somnophilia
Oct 4: Yes, Sir | L. Hamilton ~ Sir Kink
Oct 7: Guide Me | G. Russell ~ Guided Masturbation
Oct 10: Fill Me Up | C. Sainz ~ Breeding Kink
Oct 13: Anytime, Anywhere | D. Ricciardo ~ Free Use
Oct 16: Hot ‘n’ Cold | M. Verstappen - Temp Play
Oct 19: Sit On It | L. Norris ~ Cockwarming
Oct 22: Hands Full | O. Piastri ~ Nipple Play
Oct 25: Behave | P. Gasly ~ Spanking
Oct 28: Reflection | D. Ricciardo ~ Mirror Sex
Oct 31: Too Big | G. Russell ~ Size Kink
— have fun, stay filthy, and let me know if you’d like to be tagged for any of these fics. all kinktober fics will be tagged with #di’s kinky fics in case you want to block the tag.
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pucksandpower · 6 months
Charles Leclerc x Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: boop! boop! boop!
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Max Verstappen strolls through the paddock, his mind preoccupied with race strategy, when suddenly a finger boops his nose.
He blinks in surprise to find you grinning at him mischievously. “Y/N? What are you doing?“
“Booping!” You giggle, already breezing past him.
Max just shakes his head bemused as you make your way over to Lando Norris, who is chatting animatedly with his trainer. Without pause, you reach out and boop Lando’s nose.
Lando’s eyes widen comically. “Wha … Y/N!”
You merely flash him a cheeky smile before skipping off, leaving a confused Lando behind.
Lewis Hamilton raises an eyebrow as you approach, but you disarm him with a brilliant smile before booping his nose lightly.
“Boop, Lew!”
The veteran driver blinks slowly. “Well, someone’s in a playful mood today.”
“Just bringing some fun to the paddock!” You trill, already bouncing towards the next target — a very confused Oscar Piastri.
As you boop Oscar’s nose with a cheerful “Boop!” that has him staring cross-eyed, Daniel Ricciardo happens to wander over, watching the scene with amusement dancing in his eyes.
“What’s all this then?“ Daniel chuckles as Oscar shoots him a pleading look.
You spin towards Daniel with a grin. “Boop!”
The Australian laughs as you tap his nose, not even trying to dodge. “You’re proper zippy today, aren’t ya?“
With a parting wink, you flit off to find your next victim. Logan Sargeant jumps when you appear beside him and boop his nose without warning.
“Gah! Oh, it’s just you, Y/N.” Logan exhales in relief as you chirp, “Boop!”
Pierre Gasly watches you dubiously as you skip up to him. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but I don’t think I want any part of-”
You cut him off cheerfully by booping his nose, leaving Pierre blinking owlishly as you dance off to accost Alex Albon.
“Hey, hey, watch out!” Alex yelps as your finger lands on the tip of his nose with a decisive “Boop!”
You simply beam at him before bouncing towards Yuki Tsunoda. The young Japanese driver eyes you warily.
“What do you want?“
“Boop!” You poke his nose lightly.
“What does that even mean?“ Yuki mutters in bafflement as you skip away, already focusing on your next target.
Fernando Alonso regards you with an arched eyebrow as you approach. You don’t even break stride, swiftly booping his nose with a cheeky “Boop!” before carrying on, leaving the eldest rookie of F1 faintly bemused.
Spotting George Russell chatting with Lance Stroll, you make a beeline for the duo. As you reach them, you boop first George’s nose with a bright “Boop!” earning a surprised blink, then turn and boop Lance, calling out a cheery “Boop!”
Lance gapes at you. “Did you just … boop me?“
“Yep!” You shoot him a sunny smile before whirling off in search of new targets.
As you roam the paddock, your gaze lands on your boyfriend laughing with his mechanics. Shooting him a mischievous look, you zip over and stand on your tiptoes to plant a loud “Boop!” on his nose.
Charles jerks back, eyes widening comically before focusing on you. “Mon amour? What are you doing?“
You bite your lip coquettishly, eyes sparkling as you watch him process what just happened.
Slowly, a grin tugs at the corners of Charles’ mouth. “Oh, I see how it is.”
Quick as a flash, he reaches out to boop your nose lightly. “Boop!”
You let out a delighted laugh as he pulls you into his arms, cradling your face in his hands as he gazes at you adoringly. Your smiles mingle barely a breath apart before Charles leans in to capture your lips in a sweet kiss that sends butterflies fluttering in your belly.
As he draws back, eyes twinkling, Charles murmurs, “Not that I’m complaining, but why did you suddenly decide to go around booping everyone’s noses today?“
You grin up at him impishly. “Well, there’s this thing called tumbl-”
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emotionaldamages · 11 months
mother- daniel riccardo
daniel riccardo x female!reader
in which y/n l/n is the mom of f1 drivers
y/n l/n
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liked by danielriccardo, landonorris, and 4,743,812
tagged danielriccardo
y/n l/n vacation
username my parents
lilymhe literally the loml, miss you y/n😍
yourusername I MISS YOU BABY 🥹🥹
alex_albon Excuse me?!
username see u all on the highway.
username please god i want what they have
username what am I doing wrong
username I need me a daniel
charles_leclerc you left me home alone 🥹
landonorris she left all of us:(
y/n l/n ill be back my children
username mother I say
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liked by y/n l/n, landonorris, and 1,243,812
daniel3.jpg my love
tagged y/n l/n
lilymhe y/n is the love of my life
username give me a chance y/n
username y/n the kids miss u 💔🤞🏻
landonorris stop thirsting over my mom
username lando is meeee
username mother is looking amazing
username the best couple
username get married alreadyyyyy
username ima need to see a ring on her finger soon
username hear me out... a baby
username y/n in black is everything
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y/n l/n
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liked by maxverstappen, charles_leclerc and 3,533,818
y/n l/n babysitting moments
landonorris ur literally my mother?
charles_leclerc I'm photogenic
alex_albon as lily said I ate that up
y/n l/n yes u did
lilymhe alex is serving
username these are so funny
username estie bestie
username last picture is two golden retrievers
username y/n would be such a good mom
maxverstappen give me chocolate
danielriccardo those are not my children guys
landonorris I'm offended
georgerussell63 then don't be y/n is a wonderful mother
y/n l/n
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris, and 3,289,844
y/n l/n no words at all
username you’re actually living my dream
landonorris I look good in a golf kart
charles_leclerc i want icecream
username yuki looks like someone just killed him
username I wanna hangout with the f1 drivers💔
danielriccardo I look angelic
username daniel gives "he was a fairy" or however it goes
username lando and max swear ur their mother but flip you off
y/n l/n that's what I said
landonorris dont be fooled
maxverstappen she flips us off while taking the pictures
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Tumblr media
liked by danielriccardo, maxverstappen, and 3,545,857
y/nriccardo we're backk did you miss us? because we missed you- kuwtk
username beautiful ethereal breathtaking beauty hot angelic gorgeous pretty cute adorable alluring elegant lovely all nice things adjectives
username ahahahahahahahaha hey there!!!!!!
username me when.
username someone sedate me pls
username their married-
username I need my inhaler
username what's next the pregnancy announcement
landonorris our parents are finally married
georgerussell63 congratulations!
lilymhe I'm not sharing you with honey badger over there😡
username I'm fine. I'm totally fine. (screaming mentally)
username AHHDUDJWUXBEJSHD that's all I'm saying
charles_leclerc I helped plan the wedding🤫
carlossainz55 mejor boda *best wedding*
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liked by y/nriccardo, carlossainz55, and 2,345,538
danielriccardo suprise??
username oh my
username this is just wow
landonorris I'm a older brother again😿
charles_leclerc mini f1 driver
arthur_leclerc every single driver cried the day we were told
landonorris keep it down arthur
charles_leclerc lando you cried the most
y/nriccardo be nice kids
username baby ricciardo
username a mini daniel or mini y/n running around in the paddock is all I imagine
lilymhe ima be the best auntie
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liked by y/nriccardo, maxverstappen, and 3,545,857
danielriccardo our babygirl is here, Vivienne Ricciardo.
maxverstappen the best baby and future f1 driver
charles_leclerc the cutest baby
lilymhe I can't wait to see my vivi
carlossainz55 ♡♡
comments have been limited
2K notes · View notes
xdacted · 4 months
twenty seconds or twenty years?
Pairing: Reader x Max Verstappen
Warnings: fluff, Regency! Au, period-typical sexism
Word Count: 4,359
Status: Completed
Max was never one for balls or parties. 
The entirety of the social season felt bothersome, a chore. His mother, however, found his resistance to society a mere ‘bout’, a passing stinge, thinking he simply had yet to stumble across the right debutante. As such, she insisted upon his attendance at any and all gatherings, responding to invitations on his behalf. 
He was expected at nearly every event until June. 
Max was previously able to busy himself with the workings of business affairs, often called to distant corners of the nation just as the season neared, but his mother had enough of his excuses. When she stomped into his office, an invitation in hand, slamming it upon his desk, he was unable to escape. 
“You will attend,” She seethed, “If you are to take the title from your father, you must find a wife.”
Attend he did, rocking along in a carriage to the first ball of the season. A rather large event, or so Victoria had said, hosted by the Russel family. 
The estate grew closer, emerging from the darkness with twinkling lights. The strong structure sat surrounded by lush grass and proud trees, gently swaying in the evening wind. Max fought the growing knot of dread that formed in the pit of his stomach, twisting uncomfortably in his seat. He wished for nothing more than to pass the evening as a mere shadow, lost to the crowd, unnoticed. 
The carriage slowed to a stop and Max was slow to descend, gingerly stepping down and straightening his tailcoat. He dismissed his driver with a nod, suppressing the urge to clammer back within the confines of the carriage. He was met with the grandeur of the Russel estate, staggering pillars wrapped in foliage, imposing walls that dripped into magnificent window frames, and adorned with intricate moldings. 
It was a sight to beyond, but Max could hardly stand it. 
The sounds of others pulling onto the gravel behind him prompted him to slip through a lingering horde of guests and the entrance. The large doors opened to a spacious foyer, marble floors drenched in the warm chandelier light. 
Max expected nothing less from the Russels, an honorable family attached to an impeachable name and title. He attended school with the youngest son, George, and hoped to find him before he was lost to the throng of other partygoers. Finding his fellow bachelors was the only source of solace Max found at such events. Many were his past schoolmates or current business partners, but more so, they were his friends. 
If he were to suffer, he saw no reason why he needed to do so alone. 
As if hearing his plea, a tall figure entered his field of vision. 
“Verstappen!” A voice behind him exclaimed, clapping a hand on his shoulder. 
He turned, the tension easing in his shoulders, “Russel.”
George stared at him, an indiscernible look on his face, “I must admit, I was quite surprised to hear that you would be attending tonight. I thought you, of us all, a perpetual bachelor.”
The comment was made in jest, but Max could not deny the truth of his words. Though he did not hold as infamous a reputation as some, Max was regarded as Unmatchable,  unrelenting in his desire to never marry or sire children. 
As far as he was concerned, his father’s wicked bloodline would die with him. 
Max could only shrug, scooping a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, “ I assure you, old friend, it was far from my idea.”
It was my mother's, the thought went unsaid, but Max was sure George knew well enough. His mother worried for him. She only wished to see him happy, Max wished she would drop the marriage matter entirely. 
“I see,” George muttered, running a hand across his chin, a moment of silence passed between them. 
Then, as chipper as ever, he exclaimed, “Well, here is to the rotten luck of some.”
With a snort, Max raised his glass before bringing it to his lips. Their banter was a long-established one, forged within the walls of preparatory academy and later enforced at university. 
Max opened his mouth to inquire about their fellow bachelors, but was interrupted by two ladies making their way to him, fans held up to their faces. He was locked into a conversation before he could plan his escape. Though Max was grateful for George’s company, the sight of two of the ton’s most eligible bachelors detached from a group of their own welcomed the yapping hordes of women and mothers. They were soon drowning in a sea of fabrics and sparkling jewels, unable to do more than listen as accomplishments were rattled off and dance cards were shoved in their faces. 
Max wished they would attach themselves to truly interested bachelors, of which there were plenty, but he suspected it was not so much them as it was their lineage. The other had always been incredibly popular, but Max, well, he knew of the rumors. 
Max Verstappen, heir to the Duke of Hasselt, is a great beast - a monster, like his father. Though his stormy demeanor deterred many, the alluring promise of a dukedom attracted far more than his attitude could ward off. 
Just as the voices began to melt into one, George nudged Max with his shoulder, “Thank you, ladies, but we must take our leave. We are required elsewhere.”
Their protests were almost immediate, pushing themselves closer to the bachelors, fluttering eyes and pouted lips directed towards them. 
Truly, Max would have more sympathy if he would be given more space. 
“Thank you,” He said, voice coming out far firmer than he meant, “But we should be going now.”
They were quick to silence, shuffling apart to clear a small opening, and Max was quicker to take it. He could hardly breathe amongst the clouds of perfume, nose burning with the assaulting scents, and was grateful for their escape. 
“You looked as if you might die,” George muttered, guiding them to a small clearing by the dancefloor, “Were they truly so appalling?”
Max opened his mouth to answer, but no words found themselves tumbling out. It was not as if he were repulsed by the idea of a woman, or even of marriage, but the unhappiness he witnessed with his parents’ marriage was something he was unable to shake. His mother had been miserable, chained to a Verstappen man with no option but to provide him with the children he demanded. 
Max could never, in good consciousness, reward that with the succession of the Verstappen line. 
They arrived at the clearing before he could gather his thoughts. There, nursing glasses and wearing knowing smiles, stood Viscount Riccardo, son of Viscount Norris, and the Earl of Monte-Carlo. 
A few of his oldest friends. 
The men tipped their heads in respect but maintained their smirks. 
“Never thought I would live to see the day,” Daniel began, “Max Verstappen at a party.”
“I rather think it was not his idea, was it?” Charles laughed, looking over at Lando who watched on with an ill-concealed smile. 
“No,” Max sighed with a roll of his eyes, “It was not.”
Laughter erupted from the bachelors, George clapping another hand down upon Max’s shoulder. Their voices were hidden from passersby by the constant flow of music. 
“Regardless,” Lando said, wiping a tear from his eye, “Perhaps a wife could be best.”
“How so?”
“Well,” He gestured to the room, clusters of women craning their necks to gaze at them, “If you were married, there would be no reason to attend these parties. You would have your solitude.”
“It is not solitude I desire,” Max muttered, running a hand through his hair.
He could hardly imagine a worse fate, but it was one he was willing to fall into. 
“Then what do you desire, dear friend?” Daniel quipped, casting him a sideways glance. 
Max could give no response, the words a thick ball in his throat, he could only push his nose into his glass. The topic was quickly dropped and conversation floated between them easily, even as they were picked off to catch a dance or two. Still, they were left to relative peace. Approaching a pair or lone bachelor was simple, it was encouraged. But, to find yourself in front of a group, was seen as distasteful, and desperate. 
Regardless, the room only continued to fill, guests spilling into other parts of the estate, but with it, so did the knot in Max’s stomach. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, fingers nervously tapping upon a nearby table. 
Parties presented the unknown, and Max had tried desperately to stay far from it - the thought frightened him more than he would ever admit aloud. Within the unknown, was love. 
Love felt completely foreign, a thing of fiction or myth, a sentiment that filled the pages of novels and fairy tales. Max was told that his mother and father did love each other, once. To present, however, that affection had long been lost. 
Max had more than one idea as to why. 
His father was a petulant man, looking to command others through fear, not respect. He was well regarded in the eyes of His Majesty, but ill in the eyes of the Ton. He was cold and selfish and, despite his prayers, Max’s father. Though Max had made every attempt to differ himself, it seemed that he was his father’s son. 
And he always would be. 
The sound of his name yanked him from his thoughts. 
Charles looked over at him, eyebrows furrowed with worry, “Is something the matter? I called your name, but…”
Max shook his head, waving a dismissive hand, “I am quite alright, I apologize. I was merely lost in the lights.”
Still, the look remained. 
“Honestly, Charles,” He placed a hand on the other’s shoulder, “I am fine.”
Max turned away from him before he could utter anything else, bringing his hand back to his side. His eyes swept over the dance floor, hoping to calm his nerves in the senselessness of the evening. Both Lando and Daniel had taken to the floor, pulling themselves towards their partners. They stepped to the music, the quartet hidden away in the balcony. A few paces over, was George. Accompanying his mother on a round of the room, and receiving praise for a successful opening to the season no doubt. 
The room was lively, couples turning in time and chatting coyly. Though it was not his preferred evening, he could see the appeal of such parties. 
He felt rather foolish. 
His eyes moved over the entrance, the trickle of people slowing, most finding themselves huddled around the dancefloor. Then, just as he was about to pull his gaze from the doors, something - or rather someone - caught his eye. 
A woman, drenched in the candlelight, moving through the crowd of people. Her entrance was met with no fanfare or buzz, but he was entranced. If no one had taken notice of her yet, how foolish they must be. 
She was the most gorgeous creature to exist. 
A gentle smile on perfect lips, a tendril of hair curling over her forehead, the softest hint of rouge dusted across her cheeks - Max was caught. He was caught within the lace of her dress, within the glimmer of her jewelry, within the silk of her gloves. He was caught and never wished to be released from her grasp. 
She was beautiful, extraordinarily so - blindingly so. 
She was unlike any other woman he had ever seen, working her way through greetings, and rounding the room with her chaperone. 
“Do you -” He forced himself to swallow, throat suddenly tight, “Do you know who that is?”
Charles nodded, relaying to Max her name and family, “I believe this is her first season. She was, according to my mother, a great success at the presentation to the queen.”
Max could see exactly why, a hand curled around the arm of her chaperone, dance card dangling from her wrist - each step was taken with purpose, with conviction. She was no simpering debutante, she was a lady commanding the attention of the room. Her strength was in her grace. 
He watched as George and his mother approached her, she dropped into a low curtsy, rising again with her gentle smile. They were too far to make out the words they spoke, but Max yearned to know. He yearned to hear her voice, to be near her, to breathe her air.
“Has she caught your eye, old friend?”
For the first time, Max broke his start, turning to glare at Charles. 
“Do not bother denying it,” He laughed, patting Max’s arm, “Ask her to dance.”
Perhaps, he dared, just for tonight. 
He glanced back over to her, her eyes moving across the room before finding him. He was sure he forgot to breathe, her gaze piercing through him. 
The thought crossed his mind. He could take her to dance, it would hardly mean a thing, but he was unsure if he would survive it. If he could withstand the heat of her gaze, the feeling of her hands within his own. 
Max never thought himself a weak man. 
He pulled himself away, “No,” he cleared his throat, adjusting his collar, “I - I - it would be best if I refrain.”
Perhaps, he was. 
He hadn’t the slightest clue what was wrong with him, but he could not possibly give himself the chance to find out, most definitely not with her. Granted, he hadn’t attended as many parties as Charles or Daniel, but he was no neophyte. Such a reaction was ridiculous, he had only learned her name, and he could not dismantle his entire life’s purpose for a woman he had only just met. 
Could he?
A look of curiosity crawled across Charles’ face once more, and this time Max feared he would be forced to hear the question that awaited him, but, as if by magic, George reappeared before them. 
“Whatever is the matter with him?” He teased, sipping from his champagne glass. 
“I think our dear friend is -”
“I am not.” 
“Oh,” George smiled, an evil thing, “I think you are.”
Max felt his face flush, a dreadful heat racing down his spine. He reached over, snatching a lute of champagne from a passing tray, his mouth felt incredibly dry. 
“I suggest you make haste, friend,” George muttered, turning to take in the dancefloor. It was filled with bodies, but Max was only concerned with one. 
She stood alongside other ladies, chatting idly before a gentleman approached. Max recognized him as a second son with little to offer, the gentleman bowed deeply offering his hand to her. She seemed to draw the same conclusion, the smallest lapse of hesitation passing over her before placing her hand in his. He turned them onto the dancefloor. 
Max was unable to answer, attention locked onto her as she danced, the music beginning behind him. Her movement was graceful and perfect, lines straight and steady. 
“You may have found your bride yet,” Charles sighed, resting his hands upon his hips, “But you will lose her if you do not take action.”
“She is not mine to have,” Max said, placing his glass down harsher than necessary, “Perhaps it is time I take my leave.”
“I did not mean -”
“No,” George stepped forward, “You never come out to these parties, stay.”
“I really should -”
He looked towards his friend, unsure of what to say. He hadn’t ever revealed his reasoning behind his continued bachelorhood, but he knew his friends recognized it as something far deeper. It was simply not in their nature to divulge such feelings. 
Wordlessly, he plucked another glass from a tray and downed its contents. Quite boorish, but the slight burn helped soothe the pounding of his heart. It was far from his favorite alcohol, but it was all accepted for such parties. The stronger brandy was hidden away in the smoking lounges, and Max hardly entered those. 
“Excellent!” George cheered. 
Eventually, Lando and Daniel returned, with George departing to greet more guests. 
Despite not being the heir, George made himself ever-useful. He was often a source of great knowledge or companionship - a dutiful host too. 
“I cannot believe it…” Lando mumbled, fixing a crease in his coat, with a scowl. 
“Lord Ambrose,” He nearly sneered, “He insists on filling up dance cards before other gentlemen can, believing it to be a ‘claim’ upon the ladies.”
Charles shuddered, “He is a brute.”
“He is a cheat,” Lando pressed, “There are open bookings at the club with no sight of a check.”
“He is an Earl,” Daniel reminded, placing his glass between Charles and Max, “To be his wife is to have security.”
“But what of love?” Charles questioned indignantly, “What of proper courtship? Of a love match?”
“What of it?” Max’s words left him before he was able to keep them back. 
“Well,” Charles turned to the dance floor, gesturing with his glass to her, “Would you court her? Or would you wish that she marry a man like Ambrose for security?” He nearly spat the word. 
“It is much more complex than that,” Max said, finding her once more in the crowd. 
She returned his gaze in an instant as if she could sense him, offering him a small smile. His heart began to pound once more. 
“Women are forced to rely on the security of a name,” He tried to busy himself with his words, “A name that can only come from marriage, a name only a man can provide. They are not left with much choice.”
Charles seemed to think. He would never truly understand, as he had no sisters, but Max did. He remembers Victoria’s first season with burning clarity, how terribly nervous she had been. Her entire life and personality were boiled down to a singular match. And once she did marry, she was removed from their family, excised, and replanted. 
Max hated it. 
“Yes,” Charles whispered, his voice nearly lost to the swell of the music, “I - I suppose you are right…”
A bubble of pleasant silence grew over them, shrouded by the music as it drew to a close. Max watched as the gentleman returned her to the other ladies, offering another deep bow before stepping away. The ladies curled around her in an instant, their eyes alight with wonder. There was a soft flush to her cheeks, but she still looked breathtaking, fanning herself gently with a hand. 
Something grew within his stomach, only it was not dread, it was something light.
“Oh, bother,” Lando hissed, eyes squirting just beyond the group of ladies. 
“What is it?”
“There he is,” He jerked his head, something quite unlike him, “And dare I say he is -”
He was approaching her, coming upon the smallest break within the ladies’ bodies and greeting them with a hungry smile. Max’s legs were moving before he could will himself to stay put. Lord Ambrose was looking around the ladies, leaning far closer to them than necessary. 
Max was cutting through the crowd, sidestepping other partygoers and ignoring the calls of his name. Anger flared within him, perhaps it was more disgust, at Amrbose’s blatant disregard for their honor. 
Of all the bachelors, he had the most notorious of reputations. Countless mistresses and bastards littered his name, but the depth of his pockets made it a mere speck upon his title. She was well within her rights to select any man she pleased, and Max could never tell her any different, but he would not allow her honor to tarnish - any other gentlemen, just not him. 
“I hope I am not interrupting,” Max interjected, inserting himself between her and Lord Ambrose, “But I was wished to ask if,” He turned to face her, heart pounding, “I may have your next dance?”
“You are interrupting, Verstappen, as I was about -”
Her eyes went aglow with something akin to relief and she placed her hand in his, tightening around him, “Of course, I would be honored.”
The murmurs from the surrounding ladies were immediate, covering their mouths with dazzling fans, but there was nothing to hide their amazement. The beast out to dance, how unlikely. He held his arm out for her, rounding the expanse of the dance floor as they awaited the music.
“I must apologize if - if I overstepped,” He sighed as they settled away from earshot, “I did not mean to make it seem as if you needed my saving.”
“Your apology is accepted,” She smiled up at him, placing a gloved hand upon his shoulder, and the other resting gently within his grasp, “But, regardless of how unnecessary it may have been, I am quite grateful.”
“Though I must admit, Mr. Verstappen,” The music queued up behind them, a gentle melody of strings, “I was under the impression you had no interest in dancing.”
Her words were a double-edged sword and Max could not deny. 
“I, typically, do not,” He swallowed thickly, unable to withhold the truth with her before him, “But for you, I suspect there are many exceptions to be had yet.”
Her blush burned through her cheeks and to the tips of her ears, Max suppressed a chuckle. She was quick to recover, moving away from him with the first steps of the dance. It was a simple one, filled with a series of spins and skips. Despite his reluctance, he was still a member of high society. His education had included such social niceties, though he never thought he would put them to use. 
“You are a far better dancer than the rumors allow you credit for.”
“Are you one to listen to rumors?”
“Only when they make such a man to be a beast,” She looked at him through her eyelashes, though it was not coy. There was nothing demure about her gaze, it was striking. 
It was as if she wished to see into the very depths of his soul, to know all of his secrets and deepest desires. 
And Max, the great fool he is, would gladly allow her. 
He spun her in time with the music, guiding her by the waist, before pulling her near him once more. This close, he was able to see her more clearly. The shape of her eyes, the slope of her nose, the roundness of her face - her beauty knew no bounds. The very dress she wore, a mere cloth of elaborate stitching, seemed to be one with her body, made for her. 
He supposes it was, but so many debutants attempted to hide their nervousness behind frilly clothing and blinding jewels. She, however, seemed to command the very fabric on her skin. 
“Is there something the matter, My lord?”
Her voice shook him from his thoughts, but there was a knowing look in her eye. 
“No, no, I apologize,” He stepped behind her, reaching for her hand, “And I am not Lord, not - not yet.”
“Many men would jump at the chance to claim a title that is not theirs,” She huffed, unable to hide the roll of her eyes. 
“Well,” Max found both her hands, lifting them above their heads before tracing a hand down her spine to the small of her back, “I am not most men.”
She sucked in a sharp breath at his touch, and when he went to remove his hand, she leaned into it, “No, I suppose you are not.”
The air between them was electric, thick with unspoken desire. There was much to say, much to do, but Max only planned to keep her from Ambrose, not the entirety of the marriage mart. 
He straightened once more, clearing his throat, “My - my mother was incredibly involved in our upbringing. I learned a myriad of things my fellow bachelors did not.”
She seemed to think for a moment, cocking her head to the side, “Like…sewing?”
“...Yes,” He sighed, spinning them around, “But she said it was more with my unruly desire to be the best at…well, everything.”
His words pulled a laugh from her lips. It was not gentle nor polite, her laughter was bright and loud, pulling the attention of a few other dancers, but Max could not bring himself to care. He adored it. 
He adored her. 
“I am quite the same,” She mused, “I cannot stand to lose.”
Max smiled before he could stop himself, “Neither can I.”
He walked himself around her, holding his right hand to her waist and the other to her opposite hand. They locked eyes, Max’s blood rushing to his ears. The shy smile she offered him from across the room melted into a genuine smile, larger than the former. 
Far more beautiful. 
The music ended with a soft chord, the floor breaking apart to clap. Max slowly moved from her, unable to fight the need any longer, his eyes still trained on hers. They clapped, but the moment the applause died down, he took her hand in his. The walk back to the group was nearly a crawl. 
He did not wish to leave her side. 
They arrived sooner than he wished, but the words came just as quickly. 
“May -” He nearly forgot himself, “May I call upon you? Perhaps…tomorrow?”
“Yes,” She breathed, still holding onto his hand, “I would like that very much.”
He looked down at their hands and waited for her to pull back from him. She did with a blush moving across her cheeks, and Max was unable to do anything but return it. 
He felt like a boy, with his heart thundering within his chest, but - they locked eyes once more, the infinite land of understanding between them, surrounding them - nothing could ever feel more right. 
A/N:This work has been cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. All are under the name XDACTED. Thank you for reading and feel free to request fics about any of the drivers <3
also, yes, there are geographical inaccuracies, but let's all just have fun and ignore them kay??? and if you guys like this and want me to continue this with the rest of the drivers, let me know
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moneymasnn · 1 year
Who Had A Cookie?
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Blurb: One where you're the f1 drivers manager, and when all the boys seem to have eaten a 'magic cookie' you're the one who needs to clean up all the mess.
Notes: I was inspired by the one greys anatomy episode lol but I thought this was a funny concept. This is also my first fic I’ve posted in 6 months!! I found it in my drafts and decided to post! Enjoy xx
Warnings: well mention of drugs, might be some swearing but other than that nothing lol Platonic!reader x f1 drivers and a little bit of reader x Charles leclerc
Who had the cookies?
You loved charity events, especially f1 charity events. You loved your job for giving you the opportunity to attend these events. A very easy night if you say so yourself, babysitting twenty grown men, what could go wrong? Especially when cameras and fancy investors are around they behave all on their own, leaving you to relax, and indulge in some free champagne.
“Y/n.” your name was mumbled behind you, startling you as your attention now shifted to your assistant.
You knew something was wrong by the way she was twiddling her fingers, her black nails contrast to her white dress as she brings her left index nail up to hold between her teeth.
“Jenny? Spit it out.” You stood up straight, urging your assistant.
She stands up straight as if she's trying to muster up some sort of courage, she looks around before she leans in closer to you, you can almost hear her shaky breaths.
“There were some cookies… and erm, well they were placed in the drivers dressing room, and I don’t know how they got there. I mean, I certainly didn’t sign them off so this is no way my fault and-“ she was talking a mile a minute you couldn't even understand her.
“Jenny!” You took her hands that were waving in the air and bought them back down to her chest.
“Take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong?” you said sternly. 
“Don’t fire me… please.” You could see the tears brimming in her eyes, but the anticipation was killing you, you windened your eyes and stayed quiet so she could carry on.
“There were compromised cookies gifted to the driver's dressing room.”
“And- and now the tin is empty, as in they've all gone. The cookies have been eaten y/n. Cannabis cookies.”
Your hands ran to your mouth as your eyes immediately darted around the room to look for anything out of the ordinary.
The room was spinning as you whipped your neck around in different directions.
George russel was the first to catch your attention.
He looked fine…he was leaning against a wall, chewing…
He was chewing on a cookie.
“Oh my god.” You started to push through the crowd of people in the hall.
“George! Drop that cookie!”
George’s eyes lit up when he saw you, one of his many managers. You could see the cookie crumbs falling from his mouth as he smiled, chocolate smudged around the corners of his lips.
“Y/n, you have to try these cookies!” He desperately said, holding up his half eaten cookie. But much to his dismay you slapped it out of his hand, letting it fall right to the floor. George’s lips downturned and your name fell in a groan from his lips as he looked at his cookie on the floor.
“Spit.” You held your hand out, as gross as it was.
“I will not!” He sassed you as you pointed your finger at him, eyebrows furring trying to be as intimidating to the six foot man as possible. George sent you one of his signature smirks as he swallowed the mouthful of cookie in one large gulp.
“George, those are not regular cookies-“
“Tell me about it! Send from the heavens.” he smiled, almost robotic, like the smile didn't reach his eyes.
Your own eyes widened as you realised one of your clients was stoned.
Completely and utterly stoned.
You were fucked.
You could feel Jenny breathe behind you, she let out a small giggle at George's actions causing you to turn and scowl at her.
“Grab him and take him to the dressing room, and don’t let him talk to anyone. lock him in there and then come back to help me gather anyone else who had had a cookie.”
She nodded as she grabbed George’s arm, telling him they were going on an adventure, George happily complying.
You sighed as you looked for anyone else.
You were at a very high class charity gala in Monaco. This night was about to be ruined and you were about to be fired for letting your drivers get out of control and well, high.
You decided making an announcement on the stage was your best bet, walking through the crowds of people you felt someone grab your arm.
“Y/n!” Lando Norris. 
He giggled as he said your name. Making him repeat himself.
“Y/nnnnnn.” He covered his mouth to stop the giggles. “Sorry, just, why does your name sound so weird?”
You had to try so hard to keep your face straight at the boy's child like giggles.
“Why are you laughing like that?” Carlos walked over, playing his arm over his wobbly ex teammate.
“Carlos!” you and lando both said in unison.
“Your hair is so soft, like fur.” Lando said as his hands made their way into Carlos's long brown locks. Carlos eyes widen as he looks at the boy then back at you, trying to pull Landos hands out of his hair.
“Carlos, did you have a cookie?” You eyed up the Spaniard.
“What cookie?” He frowned at you.
“Ugh, thank god! Landos had a erm.” You leaned into him so no one around would hear, “Some of the drivers have eaten cannabis laced cookies.”
Carlos’ head turned as he looked back at Lando, eyes widening.
“Take him back to the dressing room please, just lock him in there with George, and if you see anyone else take them with you.” 
Carlos just nodded, letting his mate lean on him as he dragged him to the back of the room.
You let out a sigh of relief, that was three out of a possible twenty.
Only seventeen more to find.
You walked up to the stage, grabbing the mic, tapping it slightly.
“Hello, everyone. I hope everyone is having a good night, erm, could all formula one drivers that have eaten a cookie this afternoon please meet back in the dressing room, important meeting. Thank you.” You smiled at the crowd, you could hear the whispers as you stopped off the stage. 
“I had a cookie, and I don't feel too good, like - like i'm not here, i've been over there.” He pointed to the corner of the room, “and I thought I was dreaming y/n. I dont know whats happening to me?” He looked panicked as he clutched onto your upper arm.
“You're okay max, you had some magic cookies.”
“Magic cookies?”
“Just come with me okay?”
He nodded his head vigorously as he followed you though the crows, clutched to your hand like a toddler. 
You noticed Daniel on the way, opting to grab him too.
“Hello.” he had, in a very nonchalant tone, unlike his bubbly self. He was definitely stoned.
“Are you okay?”
“I feel great.” he smiled, but his eyes didn't quite catch up to him.
You grabbed his arm and dragged him along with max.
“Y/n? Where are we going?” Max asked anxiously.
“To sit down.”
You dragged them both into the room, when you got in there you could see George sat curled up on the window seal, lance was sat back against the wall staring at the floor. Seb was giggling at Mick who had all of a sudden become hyper aware of his body, saying he could feel his ‘skin’.
Pierre was touching his face in the mirror while Yuki was at the snack table. 
You let out a relieved sigh as Jenny had managed to capture some of the drivers, a few turning up after hearing your announcement. 
“Okay boys go play.” You pushed Daniel and Max into the room. 
“Dan, dan, danny, daniel.” Pierre called Daniel over to the mirror. “Why don't I look like me?” Pierre asked daniel. 
Pierre gasped and turned to a very relaxed Daniel, placing his hands on his shoulders.
“Daniel, do you think I look weird?” Panicked. 
“Coolllll.” Daniel replied as he smiled straight though pierre.
“You're right, I'm too cool to care.” Pierre nodded and turned back to the mirror to straighten out his shirt.
“This room is full of some very… high men.” Seb looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“Seb? Please tell me-”
“I didn't. Don't worry. I'm watching my weight.” he winked at you. “I'm happy to look after these guys while you get the others?”
You replied a quick thank you as you quickly shut the door, bolting back into the hall. Then you realised, opening the door back open and peering through, 
Where were Lando and carlos?
You rushed back out, looking down the bottom of the hallway, choosing to search the rest of the building, you came to the fire escape stairs where you found a curled up charles rocking back and forward. 
“Charlie?” you gently called out as you crouched down next to him, placing a hand on his knee.
“Y/n?” He quietly replied. 
“It's me, it's just me. How are you feeling?” you gently asked him.
“I- i don't know, i've never felt like this before.” He said raising his head, his eyes bloodshot and skin pale, he had a cookie.
You smiled at him as you brushed his fallen hair back from his forehead.
“You're going to be alright, come with me okay?”
You pulled him up to his feet where he looked down at you, sniffing before a little smile climbed his face.
“You're so pretty y/n.” You giggled at the boy as you took his hand and made your way down the steps to the drivers room.
“Like a princess.” he added, his hands waving in the air.
“Thank you, charlie.” you giggled.
“Charlie,” he smiled, “have i ever told you how much i love it when you call me that, charlie.” he smiled and repeated the nickname again, leaning his head on your shoulder as you both made your way down the stairs.
Charles lightly sighed as you pushed him into the drivers room, “Where are you going?” Charles whispered, pulling on your arm.
“I'll be back in five minutes okay, Seb will look after you.”
Charles nodded his head to look for seb, you both grimace when you saw mick with his head in the trash can, seb rubbing his back as pierre and yuki giggle at him in the corner. 
You walked back out the room when Jenny was running up to you, “Y/n! Huge problem, Carlos and Lando are on the stage!”
Ou barge past her and walk into the room to see Carlos with a mic in his hand, Lando leaning into him in fits of laughter.
“All I'm saying is, I race really fast cars, like that's super cool, right? There's only twenty of us that do that. So cool, im so cool, im a cool guy.'' Carlos giggled as he spoke about himself on stage.
“You could die? I could die? Imagine that! The world would be so sad, my smooth operator.” Lando giggled at the nickname and then started to sing. 
And before you knew it they were two verses deep into smooth operator, Carlos opting to show off his opera skills at one point. 
You jumped on the stage taking the mic out of Carlos' hands and putting your hand over it so you could whisper shout in his ear, “You said you didn't have any cookies!”
Carlos snickered as he looked at Lando who gasped and held his hand over his mouth.
“You lied to y/n?” Lando giggled. “Oh man you're in so much trouble.” Landos face dropped as he leaned into carlos’ face, “she looks mad, we should probably run.”
Carlos nodded along with the boy when you grabbed both of their arms, “Nope. No more running, you're coming with me.”
Carlos shook his head like a caught child and both men giggled as you pushed them off the stage, apologising to the crowd before handing the mic back to the dj. 
You sighed as your name was called for about the fifth time that night, this time though, it was serious.
Zac Brown made his way over to the three of you, a scowl on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. Lando straightened his posture as Carlos crossed his arms and impersonated Zac, Lando caught onto this and all of a sudden the boys were in crying fits of laughter again. You winced as Landos cackle echoed through the hall, catching the attention of people around.
“What. The. Hell?”
“I can explain.” you winced at the man.
“What is going on here?” He eyed up his driver and ex driver, who he presumed had too much to drink.
“They're high. Someone laced some cookies and I'm so sorry, I have the situation under wraps, they won't be a problem anymore.”
But when Zac started to laugh along you realised maybe it wasn't just some of the drivers who had had some cookies.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.” You grabbed Zac as well as Lando and Carlos and dragged them back to the dressing room.
“Y/n, Your back!” Charles made his way over to you, engulfing you into a hug.
“Y/ns back!” Max screamed as he fell off the sofa, plunging his way into your arms along with charles.
“Hey get off her, she's my manager!” Max shoved Charles hand that was loosely placed on your shoulder. 
“She's mine too!”
While the two men started to fight over your attention you scanned the drivers that were in the room. Jenny had managed to catch the majority and even some of the drivers that weren't high had opted to help.
Max shoved Charles in hopes he would let go of you, instead causing you to stumble back into the arms of someone else.
“Okay okay, we get it, she's pretty but you're suffocating her, and she won't be very pretty when she's dead on the floor.” a spanish accent can be heard behind you. 
Fernando unwrapped both men as they both started to profusely apologise about ‘nearly killing you.’
You rubbed your hand over your head after smiling at Fernando in a thank you as he sent Charles and Max to the food table.
“You look stressed.” he said with a smirk as you both watched the men in the room.
“I need a cookie.” you joked, your eyes on mick who was still throwing up.
“I could always make you some.” he shrugged.
You laughed at the man before your eyes widened in realisation, you turned to him, face like thunder, “You!”
He threw his hands up in the air, “In my defence i didn't mean for anyone to eat them. It was a total accident.”
Your mouth agape you turned to look at the Spaniard ready to scream every curse word you know. He sensed your anger, “it was an honest mistake y/n, trust me. You think I would have wasted all of them cookies on these people on purpose.”
Your eyes darted daggers and Fernando understood you were really mad, in an attempt to lighten the mood he pointed at Yuki and Pierre who were having the time of their lives giggling like two school girls in the corner.
“You have to admit, it is kinda funny,” he said.
A smile crept on your face as you giggled, it was kinda funny.
Yours and Fernandos giggling soon stopped when you saw Max and Checo arguing in the corner.
“I think Max is about to punch Checo for taking the last slice of pizza.” you said.
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maplesyrupsainz · 10 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
masterlist <3
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
all poly fics
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
charles leclerc | CL16
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
carlos sainz | CS55
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
daniel ricciardo | DR3
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
lando norris | LN4
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
oscar piastri | OP81
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
max verstappen | MV1
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
lewis hamilton | LH44
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
george russell | GR63
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
logan sargeant | LS2
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
fernando alonso | FA14
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
pierre gasly | PG10
more coming soon
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
lance stroll | LS18
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
sebastian vettel | SV5
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
mark webber | MW2
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
ollie bearman | OB38/87
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
mick schumacher | MS47
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 more coming soon 🤍
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daddyricsdoll · 7 months
1k ✭ Celebration
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Thank you guys for 1k!! So as a little celebration I have some prompts most smutty and others fluffy which you can ask for with a driver. Some can be used as both smut and fluff so choose whichever one you would like and I will write you small blurb (under 1k words) with it. 🫶🏽 (Finishes/no more requests by 1st of April)
(The ones I've already written will be under the prompt)
“Give me a little spin.”
Lovely ✭ Max Verstappen
Pretty ✭ Jude Bellingham
“Oh that dress looks great on you, but it would look even better on the floor.”
“Fuck, I’ll make it fit.”
Dress ✭ Logan Sargeant
Strangers ✭ Oscar Piastri
Fit ✭ Daniel Ricciardo
Carino ✭ Carlos Sainz
Eager ✭ Ollie Bearman 
“If your parents weren’t here you’d be on your hands and knees.”
Hands and Knees ✭ Lando Norris
Family ✭ Fernando Alonso
“Let me take your innocence.”
Innocent ✭ Daniel Ricciardo
Perfect ✭ Logan Sargeant
Cause it's too cold ✭ Paul Aron
Carino ✭ Carlos Sainz
Favourite ✭ Charles Leclerc 
Show or tell ✭ Fernando Alonso
Let me ✭ Oscar Piastri
“Kiss me.”
“I’ve waited so long for this.”
“I’ve always wondered what you tasted like.”
Heaven and Hell ✭ Charles Leclerc
“You look so (fucking) gorgeous."
“Don’t make me pull over or I’ll fuck you till you can’t speak.”
Tease ✭ Oscar Piastri
Helmet ✭ Fernando Alonso
Speak ✭ Lewis Hamilton
Favourite ✭ Charles Leclerc 
“Show me what you do when I’m not here.”
“Can I hold you?”
Hold you ✭ Oscar Piastri
Princesa ✭ Fernando Alonso
“... I think- no I am in love with you.”
Playlist ✭ Ollie Bearman
“I could stay in you forever.”
Forever ✭ Fernando Alonso
“Do you ever shut up?” “Only when I’m eating you out.”
Shut up ✭ Lewis Hamilton
Starve ✭ Lando Norris
“I’m stopping myself from kissing you right now.”
“It’s hard to not grab you and fuck you against that wall.”
Captivate ✭ Fernando Alonso
So hard ✭ Arthur Leclerc
Win ✭ George Russell 
“Come here and cuddle me.”
Cuddle me ✭ Paul Aron
I love you ✭ Lando Norris
Cute ✭ Oscar Piastri
Show or tell ✭ Fernando Alonso
“Let’s do this again in the morning.”
“You have no clue how much I love you.”
How much I love you ✭ Ollie Bearman
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23victoria · 2 months
“walked in and dream came trued it for ya”
f1 grid x fem!reader (the rest)
warnings: sexual innuendos
authors note: anon🤍 thank you so much for the request!!! any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!! 🤍
part 1
1k celebration f1 masterlist
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George receives the envelope with a polite smile, his curiosity piqued. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a flush creeps across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, glancing around nervously to ensure no one else has seen.
When he catches your eye, he gives you a playful, almost shy grin. Later, when he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice low and filled with a mix of excitement and admiration. "You sneaky girl, beautiful pictures princess," he murmurs, his gaze intense. "I have a surprise for you, when this is over." His smile is charming, his eyes glinting with promise.
Pierre takes the envelope with a smirk, already expecting some kind of prank. However, as he opens it and sees the pictures, his expression shifts to one of genuine surprise and intrigue. His eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face.
He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire, and leans in close, his voice a seductive whisper. "You really know how to get my attention," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think we need to have a private conversation later." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of intense and intimate moments.
Esteban, ever the gentleman, accepts the envelope with a polite nod. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen in shock and a deep blush spreads across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, looking around to make sure no one else saw.
He catches your eye, his expression a mix of embarrassment and curiosity. When he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice a low, husky whisper. "I never expected this from you," he says, his eyes filled with admiration and desire. "But I have to admit, I like it. I’m excited to explore this side of you more." His words send a shiver down your spine, his gaze intense and filled with promise.
Fernando, ever the seasoned veteran, takes the envelope with a knowing smile. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyebrows lift in surprise and a slow, appreciative grin spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Leaning in close, he whispers in your ear, his voice low and seductive. "You never cease to amaze me," he murmurs, his breath warm against your skin. "I can't wait to show you just how much." His smile is devilish, his eyes promising a night filled with passion and excitement.
Valtteri takes the envelope with a calm, curious expression. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen slightly and a small, appreciative smile forms on his lips. He glances at you, his expression one of genuine admiration and curiosity.
He leans in close, his voice a quiet, intense whisper. "You look incredible," he says, his eyes roaming over your face. "I cannot get those images out of my head." His hand lightly brushes against yours under the table, the touch sending electric sparks through your skin. "I cannot wait to show you how those pictures made me feel later." His words are filled with a mix of curiosity and heated anticipation, leaving you breathless.
Zhou takes the envelope with a friendly smile, his curiosity piqued. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a deep blush spreads across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, glancing around nervously to ensure no one else has seen.
When he catches your eye, he gives you a shy, almost embarrassed grin. Later, when he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice low and filled with a mix of excitement and admiration. "You made my heart skip multiple times," he murmurs, his gaze intense. "I can't wait to have fun with you tonight." His smile is charming, his eyes glinting with promise.
Nico takes the envelope with a curious look, opening it slowly. When he sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire.
He leans in close, his voice a low, seductive whisper. "You really know how to get my attention," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think we need to have a private conversation in the bathroom right now." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of intense and intimate moments.
Kevin takes the envelope with a casual smile, his curiosity piqued. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a deep blush spreads across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, glancing around nervously to ensure no one else has seen.
When he catches your eye, he gives you a playful, almost shy grin. Later, when he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice low and filled with a mix of excitement and admiration. "You really stay surprising me," he murmurs, his gaze intense. "I can't wait for you to see what I will do to you tonight." His smile is charming, his eyes glinting with promise.
Yuki takes the envelope with a curious look, opening it slowly. When he sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire.
He leans in close, his voice a low, seductive whisper. "Y/N, my wife, you almost made me pass out," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think we need to leave for a bit, right now." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of intense and intimate moments.
Daniel takes the envelope with a mischievous grin, expecting some kind of joke. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire and playful curiosity.
He leans in close, his voice a low, seductive whisper. "You are so sexy. my beautiful girl.," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think you need to help me find my phone, I left it in the suite. Let’s go." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of passion and excitement.
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own

192 notes · View notes
whimsicalpolitical · 9 days
Dad George letting baba sleep in their bed when they can’t sleep or when your away and baba misses you 🥺🥺🥺
omg so cute!!
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It’s 2 a.m. and the house is quiet except for the soft click of George’s fingers on his laptop. He’s sitting up in bed, back propped against the headboard, a dim glow lighting up his face.
There’s a soft sigh as he shifts slightly, glancing at his phone, half-hoping to see a message from you. You’re away on a business trip—have been for a few days—and it’s hitting him harder than he expected.
He runs a hand through his hair, trying to focus, but his mind keeps drifting back to how much easier things feel when you’re here. Even with the late nights, the endless to-do lists, and your little whirlwind of a daughter.
The door creaks open.
George freezes, eyes darting to the doorway. He sees his three year old standing there, little fists rubbing her eyes, hair a mess from tossing and turning. Her bottom lip is trembling, and when she speaks, her voice is small, broken.
“Mommy back?”
“No, darling,” he says gently, crouching down to meet her eye. “Mommy’s still away. C’mere.”
She waddles toward him, her little legs unsteady from sleep, and George scoops her up without hesitation. The moment she’s in his arms, she hides her face in the crook of his neck, her tiny body trembling with quiet sobs.
“Miss Mommy,” she whimpers, her voice muffled against his skin, and George’s heart just about shatters.
“I know, love, I know,” he murmurs, his voice soft as he rubs her back in slow, soothing circles. “We both do, yeah? Miss her loads. But she’ll be back soon. You know how she is—always off saving the world or whatever. Proper superhero, your mum.”
He says it with a soft laugh, trying to lighten the mood, but it’s clear she’s not having it. Her little fingers curl into his t-shirt, holding on for dear life, her sobs still shaking her tiny frame.
George feels utterly helpless for a moment, wishing he had your magic touch to make it better. But instead, he sits down on the edge of the bed with her in his arms, holding her close.
“Hey, hey, look at me, love,” he says, pulling back just a bit to try and catch her gaze. She sniffles and glances up, her big, tear-filled eyes locking onto his. “You know what we’ll do when Mommy gets back? First thing?”
She blinks, waiting for him to answer.
“We’ll go get ice cream, yeah? Big ones. With sprinkles. And we’ll tell her all about how brave you’ve been while she’s been away. Deal?”
Her bottom lip quivers, but she nods slowly, her tears slowing down a little. George grins, giving her a playful nudge with his nose.
“That’s my girl,” he says, kissing the top of her head. “See, you’re a proper little trooper, aren’t ya? Just like your mum. Bet she’s missin’ you just as much. Probably sat in some boring meeting right now, thinking about your cheeky little face.”
“Mommy miss me?”
“Course she does,” George says, his voice soft but firm. “She loves you to the moon and back, you know that. And so do I. But until she’s back, you’ve got me. And I’m pretty fun, right? Bit cooler than Mum, even.” He flashes her a cheeky grin, raising an eyebrow.
Her lip trembles again, but this time there’s a tiny smile trying to break through.
“There it is,” George coos, tapping the tip of her nose with his finger. “Knew I’d get a smile out of you. Now, come on. How about we tuck you back into bed, and I’ll stay with you ‘til you’re asleep? Sound good?”
She hesitates, still gripping his shirt. “In daddy’s bed,” she mumbles, burying her face in his neck again.
George’s chest tightens, and he hugs her a little closer. “Alright, alright, I’ve got you, we can stay here.” He shifts, laying down on the bed with her still in his arms, tucking her in against his side. “Just you and me, okay?”
She nods, her breathing finally starting to even out as she snuggles into him, her little hand resting on his chest.
“When does mommy come back?”
He sighs quietly, squeezing her just a bit tighter, hoping to keep the sadness out of his voice. “In a few days, love. Not too long now.”
She goes quiet for a moment, and George hopes that answer will be enough. But then he feels her shift, her small face pressing deeper into his chest, her voice trembling.
“Few days is too long...” she whispers, and George can feel her starting to unravel again.
Her breath hitches, and before the tears come, George is already moving, wrapping his arm around her a little more firmly.
“Hey, hey, none of that now,” he murmurs, his voice soothing, gentle. “I know it feels like forever, but I promise it’s not. Just a few more sleeps and she’ll be right here. Back home. And you know what? She’ll be so happy to see you. She’ll probably cover you in kisses, won’t even let me get one in.”
Your daughter makes a small sound—half a sniffle, half a little laugh—but George can feel the tension in her still, the way her tiny fists stay curled against his shirt, like she’s holding on to him for dear life.
He shifts, pulling her up onto his chest so he can look her in the eye, brushing her damp curls away from her face.
“Listen, love. I know it’s hard when she’s not here. It’s hard for me too.” He pauses, letting that sink in. “But she’s always comin’ back, yeah? Always. And until she does, you’ve got me. I’m right here.”
She sniffles, her lip trembling again, and George’s heart aches seeing the sadness in her eyes. “But I want her now,” she mumbles, and he can hear how close she is to breaking.
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he says softly, cupping her cheek with his hand. “But let’s think about all the things we can tell her when she’s back, yeah? You’ll have so many stories to share—how you helped Daddy with all the really important stuff like… not burning the toast. You’re keeping me in line, aren’t you?”
She doesn’t say anything, just looks at him with those wide, watery eyes. George can feel her tears threatening to spill over again, so he leans in and presses a soft kiss to her forehead, his voice dropping to that low, comforting tone that usually works when nothing else does.
“But until then, how about we stay here and cuddle, just you and me, a proper daddy and daughter time. You can even sleep in the big bed here whenever you want to.”
She blinks up at him, considering, the tears still threatening but her grip loosening just a little. “Tonight?” she asks, her voice small but hopeful.
“Yeah, love. Right here with me,” George says, his heart softening as he tucks the blanket around her. “You’re safe with me. I won’t let go, I promise.”
He watches her relax just a little more, her body sinking into his as the warmth of the blanket and his steady voice start to calm her down.
“And how about pancakes for breakfast, hm? We can even invite uncle matty and his little one, how’s that sound?”
Her lips twitch into a smile, and it’s enough to ease the tension in George’s chest. He watches as her eyes start to close again, her fingers still holding onto his shirt but with less desperation this time.
“Love you, Daddy,” she whispers, her voice thick with sleep.
George’s chest tightens with an overwhelming sense of love as he presses one last kiss to her forehead. “Love you too, sweetheart. It’s already a bit too late for a little one like you, gorgeous, sleep.”
He feels her breathing slow, her little body finally giving in to the exhaustion, and as she drifts off, he stays there with her, rubbing her back gently, his own eyes closing.
It’s not the same without you here, but for tonight, this is enough.
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f1amour · 1 month
— 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝐨𝐧𝐞🏎️ 🏁
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・❥・about me ! cherry 🍒, she/her, libra, 20’s, mexican, lover of music, poetry, and formula one
𖤓 requests are open: please send requests i have no idea where to start 𖤓
this blog is 18+ only ; minors do not interact.
— 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 !
formula one. charles leclerc, carlos sainz jr., lewis hamilton, george russell, lando norris, oscar piastri, max verstappen, daniel ricciardo, mick shumacher, alex albon, logan sargeant, pierre gasly, sebastian vettel, fernando alonso
— 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 !
angst, fluff, smut, social media au’s, text au’s, poly relationships + threesome, cheating, age gaps, and some tropes for example: enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, fake dating, childhood best friends, grumpy x sunshine, brothers best friend, best friends brother, etc. if there’s a trope not listed but you want to know if i’ll write it just send an ask!
— 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 !
any dark themes, incest, sexual or physical abuse, self harm, dubcon/noncon
my blog is a safe space for everyone. racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, kink shaming, or any other forms of hate and discrimination will not be tolerated here + do not send me asks regarding your dislike for certain racers any asks/messages with any hate will be deleted and blocked.
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mrslestappen · 6 months
formula one ✩ m.list
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# ᴄʜᴀʀʟᴇꜱ ʟᴇᴄʟᴇʀᴄ :: cl¹⁶
ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙᴏᴛᴛʟᴇ :: Finally feeling familiar with the heartbreak and love songs she has composed, the world's golden girl discovers that love is trickier than it looks—even more so when it comes in the form of a green-eyed Monégasque.
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ᴘᴀʀᴀɴᴏɪᴅ :: The fact that you have to work as a Formula One driver's assistant for your final college grade is not the worst of your problems; the true issue is that no one told you that you would become a emotional support human for him.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ :: Monaco is the jewel in the crown, a world of expensive cars, casinos, and sheer luxury that conceals the true reason for its name; who imagined that a night of joy would finish with blood on your hands.
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# ᴄᴀʀʟᴏꜱ ꜱᴀɪɴᴢ :: cs⁵⁵
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# ᴍᴀx ᴠᴇʀꜱᴛᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ :: mv¹
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ᴡʀᴀᴛʜ :: Who would have thought that a mistake on your application could cost you your dream job? And that in the end you would end up as an assistant to a one time world champion struggling to control his anger issues.
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# ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ʀɪᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴅᴏ :: dr³
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# ʟᴀɴᴅᴏ ɴᴏʀʀɪꜱ :: ln⁴
ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ :: After discovering that he is in love with his best friend, Lando is determined and will do everything he can to prove to her that he is the right man for her. [ coming soon ]
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ʟᴜꜱᴛ :: After graduating from college, you land a job assisting a Formula One driver, but nobody told you that this particular driver would be an absolute nightmare and that your job would basically consist of babysitting him.
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# ᴏꜱᴄᴀʀ ᴘɪᴀꜱᴛʀɪ :: op⁸¹
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ᴘʀɪᴅᴇ :: Being hired as his assistant to help him during his second year in Formula One, you discover that the reason he has trouble expressing what he wants is not that he lacks the ability to do so, but that he is too prideful to do so.
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# ʟᴇᴡɪꜱ ʜᴀᴍɪʟᴛᴏɴ :: lh⁴⁴
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# ɢᴇᴏʀɢᴇ ʀᴜꜱꜱᴇʟʟ :: gr⁶³
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# ᴘɪᴇʀʀᴇ ɢᴀꜱʟʏ :: pg¹⁰
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# ꜱᴇʙᴀꜱᴛɪᴀɴ ᴠᴇᴛᴛᴇʟ :: sv⁵
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# ᴍɪᴄᴋ ꜱᴄʜᴜᴍᴀᴄʜᴇʀ :: ms⁴⁷
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# ᴀʟᴇx ᴀʟʙᴏɴ :: aa²³
ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ʀᴀᴅɪᴏ :: the disease series! all drivers have one, and the reader is always an assistant!
© mrslestappen :: please do not copy my work!
220 notes · View notes
igotlovestruck · 2 years
with PG10, MSC47, CL16, LN4, GR63, DR3, CS55
a/n: happy new year everyone! here’s my second attempt on making an ig au hehe >_<
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liked by ynricciardo, yukitsunoda0511, f1, charles_leclerc and others
pierregasly welcome to the world, daisy anthoinette gasly 🌼
view all 1,757 comments
charles_leclerc your godfather will meet you soon, daisy! ☺️
danielricciardo assuming that YOU are the godfather 🤨 I AM A STRONG CONTENDER, MATE. ynricciardo oh hush, brother! we haven’t decided who it is yet... 🫣
yukitsunoda0511 congratulations, pierre! ❤️ missed the chance to name your baby after me... 😔
pierregasly why would i name my DAUGHTER after you?
yukitsunoda0511 hey! it’s not only a boys’ name!
ynricciardo maybe i can convince him for the next one, yuki 🤭
pierregasly there’s no way we’re naming our next child after him
fanusername i suppose, the 🐶 worked?
fan1username STFU 😭 whyd you ruin such a cute post with this comment
— next post.
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liked by yourusername, yourbffsusername, gina_schumacher, f1 and others
mickschumacher surprise, i’m mr new dad! 👨‍🍼 matteo schumacher is finally home 🤍
view all 1,975 comments
gina_schumacher our little bundle of joy and our favorite surprise ❤️ we’ll visit again soon, send my love to teo and y/n!
mickschumacher thanks gina! ❤️
yourusername teo misses you already, aunt gina 🥰
sebastianvettel congratulations to the new parents, mick & y/n!
yourusername thank you, seb! bring emily and matilda when you visit soon 🫶
fan1username i feel like we missed a WHOLE chapter bro 😭
— next post.
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liked by arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, pierregasly, f1 and others
charles_leclerc carmen’s favorite bunny 🐰
view all 1,647 comments
georgerussell63 congratulations mate and yourusername! carmen and i will visit you three soon 😉
yourusername thank you georgie! it’ll be a cute meet up, carmen meets auntie carmen! 🥰
fanusername seems like you named her after carmenmmudnt?
charles_leclerc as much as y/n loves her paddock best friend, we really just chose the name that we thought of the moment we saw our daughter!
pierregasly daisy’s playmate!
— next post.
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liked by danielricciardo, f1, maxfewtrell, carlossainz55 and others
landonorris luke learned how to flip off his dad aka me... 🥲
view all 2,759 comments
maxfewtrell i taught luke that when i babysat
ynfewtrell youre banned for life
maxfewtrell you cannot ban me, i’m luke’s favourite uncle
landonorris NOT ANYMORE
carlossainz55 ay dios mio... i almost had a heart attack, mate. it’s because me and isa were the last ones to babysit luke
isahernaez i got scared as well, but the rolls! 😍
ynfewtrell no worries! i know you two wouldn’t teach my baby these kind of things 🥹 and IKR!! I’M TRYING MY BEST NOT TO BITE THEM
landonorris *OUR BABY
ynfewtrell 🙄🙄
danielricciardo luke caught in 4k 📸
— next post.
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liked by lewishamilton, alex_albon, lilymhe, charles_leclerc, f1 and others
georgerussell63 crikey! that’s a big foot!
view all 1,864 comments
yourusername no wonder why it hurts every time he kicked me before :(
georgerussell63 well, he’s out now, love 😅 no more pain
yourusername no more pain yet he kicks me on his sleep, just like his dad 🙄
charles_leclerc george kicks on his sleep?????
yourusername he does 🙄 gabriel definitely takes it after him
georgerussell63 and gabriel takes after you for being so loud
lewishamilton congratulations to the new parents ❤️ gabriel is lucky to have you both in his life
yourusername thank you, sir lewis! 💗
lilymhe ooh i’m very excited to meet gabriel 🥺🤍
yourusername gabe is excited to meet his godparents as well 💗
alex_albon YO for real ??
yourusername you know it, albono! 😉
alex_albon i was thinking of dyeing hair green and convince lily to dye hers pink so we could be like the fairly odd parents
georgerussell63 please don’t do that
— next post.
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liked by landonorris, scottyjames31, michaelitaliano, f1 and others
danielricciardo jude us off to steal all the ladies’ (and gents) hearts in his uncle’s farm wedding
view all 1,499 comments
yourusername my little man 💗
danielricciardo why do you only comment on my posts when it comes to jude 😭 i’m hurt!!
yourusername 🙄🙄 don’t be such a baby
danielricciardo i’m just kidding 😘
yourbrothersig aahhh! my little ring bearer 🥹
yourusername he’s sooo excited 😍 see you later!
danielricciardo i still don’t get why you got jude to be the ring bearer, he’s only 5 months ...
landonorris bet there’ll be a lot if pictures for daniel3.jpg
yourusername he hasn’t stopped taking photos since we left for the farm 😅
fanusername #seated for the pictures
— next post.
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, f1, landonorris, pierregasly and others
carlossainz55 alguien está disfrutando de su dia en la playa ⛱️ [someone is enjoying their day at the beach]
view all 1,388 comments
carlosonoros ¡disfrutar de las vacaciones! ❤️ [enjoy the vacation!]
carlossainz55 lo hare, gracias! 👍🏻❤️ [will do, thanks!]
yourusername thank you, caco! 🤍
yourbffsusername oh my lord!! the little toes!! 🥹
yourusername have you noticed that there’s a little rock(?) stuck between them 🥺
yourmomsig how was sofia’s first trip to the beach? sending love 😘😘
carlossainz55 she was confused at first, but she loved it!
yourusername fia’s always confused, comes 100% from carlos 😅
carlossainz55 🙄
— previous post.
3K notes · View notes
emotionaldamages · 11 months
boyfriends boyfriend- charles leclerc
°☆° y/n is charles gf but pierre is charles "bf"°☆°
pairings- charles leclerc x reader
authors note- the french is google translated
y/n l/n
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liked by francsica.cgomez, charles_leclerc, and 4,387,983
y/n l/n the gfs and the bfs
tagged francsica.cgomez, charles_leclerc, and pierregasly
view all 2,273 comments
username kika and y/n are just the best wags
username i'm obsessed with them
username they're so hot i can't
username y/n is charles gf, but pierre is charles bf, while kika is pierre's gf but y/n is kika's gf
username that was just too much
username are they in a poly relationship?
username nope its just a little joke
lilymhe I miss my gfs
y/n l/n we miss you too😓
alex_albon hello??
danielriccardo they look like they just woke up smh, they couldve atleast been prepared
y/n l/n I'm saying
charles_leclerc we literally were ready before you love
pierregasly exactly we were ready before you all
francisca.cgomez yeah no
username yea cool story. more red carpet looks
username the scenery is just chef's kiss
username we need more girls getaway adventures
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liked by lilymhe, charles_leclerc, and 7,937,752
y/n l/n oscars♡
view all 8,628 comments
username holy mother of love-
francisca.cgomez loml🥰
pierregasly she isnt the one you kiss
y/n l/n hate to break it to you buddy..
pierregasly shut up , that's why i have charles
username AHDUDHEJE
username charles can u fight
username mother is just wow
alex_albon hello again??
username chefs kiss
charles_leclerc ma belle fille
y/n l/n me no speak french, me only speak espanich
username fell onto my knees in the middle of my living room
username fainted
username God has favorites
username oh to be charles
username I need my inhaler, you took my breath away
y/n l/n
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liked by lilymhe, heidiberger_, and 3,862,986
y/n l/n vacations, and my home town sayulita, mexico(last two photos)
view all 3,873 comments
username we love a multi cultural queen
username I need a vacation
username i just find it hard to believe she's even real at this point
username I'm obsessed
francisca.cgomes we need a girl's getaway now!
y/n l/n I second that!
lilymhe I third that!
carmenmmundt I fourth that!
heidiberger_ I fifth that!
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liked by y/n l/n, landonorris, and 587,783
charles_leclerc date night
tagged y/n l/n
view all 1,372 comments
username parents
username they are so cute
username can you adopt me pls I'd do anything..
pierregasly what a couple
username shes looks like a little kid exploring
danielriccardo bring back a fish
y/n l/n danny...
username they are my parents they just dont know it
username how did a man who races in circles pull her
landonorris I wasnt taken because?
y/n l/n your in a different country??
charles_leclerc he still wanted to be invite amore
landonorris yea I couldve still been invited
y/n l/n
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 4,836,723
y/n l/n ah yes the daily life with formula one
tagged mercedesamgf1, charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and carlossainz55
view all 6,826 comments
mercedesamgf1 delete that-toto
y/n l/n no thanks grandpa
username we need a baby leclerc
username love everyone flipping you off
username charles hiding is everything
username carlos is just 😫
pierregasly your annoying
y/n l/n you're*
username I love that pierre and y/n argue like siblings
username date me instead of him
username y/n is serving
username proposal now.
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liked by y/n l/n, heidiberger_, and 827,863
francisca.cgomez pov the plans made it out the groupchat
tagged y/n l/n, carmenmmundt, lilymhe, and heidiberger_
view all 1,763 comments
y/n l/n I fell off the quad seconds later
username I love them
username I'm trying to hangout with them
username I need better friends
pierregasly come back home
charles_leclerc give me my girlfriend back
carmenmmundt no
lilymhe no
francisca.cgomez no
heidiberger_ no
y/n l/n I'll be back soon love❤
username they really left their mans at home
username I need a vacation school is stressful
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liked by y/n l/n, landonorris, and 2,937,872
charles_leclerc I got my girlfriend back
tagged y/n l/n
view all 2,862 comments
username I LOVE U GUYS
username pls give me a man like charles
username true love is everything I want
username i’m so happy that you guys found each other
username the sweetest couple ever
username some of you don't understand, but they are my parents... they just don't know it, but they are
username F1 IT COUPLE
username where can i get a charles of my own?
username i'm obsessed with them
landonorris guys those are my parents
danielriccardo we need a mini leclerc
pierregasly finally she wont steal my gf
y/n l/n oh gasly you just wait
alex_albon your screwed
y/n l/n you're* but better watch ur back to albon
georgerussell63 tell your gf I said thank you for bringing my gf back in one piece
y/n l/n always a pleasure but shes mine😌
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