#gerard way x yn
your-averagewriter · 2 years
"Just kiss me."
Summary: My Chemical Romance is filming their music video for I'm Not Okay and a sort of surprise romance pops up between the frontman and one of the guitarists, (y/n). This is a Gerard Way x reader fanfiction and I think it is gender-neutral.
Warnings: Swearing, making out? kissing, mentions of alcohol
Word count: 1.6K
I look at the four men across the room chatting amongst each other whilst my make-up artist finishes my makeup. 
She is amazing at her job but once she’s done her work I smudge it all across my eyes making her sigh. 
“Sorry.” I say with a slight smile. 
“You know, it’s looks fine without being half way across your face.” She says messing up my hair a bit to match my makeup.
“I know but I like it all messy. So do the fans… and Gerard.” I say the last bit quieter.
“Sorry, what was that?” She says in a mocking tone.
“You heard me!” I snap playfully before standing up and pulling on the black suit jacket I’ve been given to wear.
“(y/n)! Get over here!” Frank yells at me. 
“I’m coming, give me a minute! Got to go.” I yell back and smile to her before starting to walk over, wiping the excess make up on my trousers.
I walk over and join them in talking to the director of the music video. We’ve already filmed some of it but today we need to finish it off. 
Everyone’s already in full dress and make up, I was the latest. We split up and get into positions for filming but I jog over to Mikey quickly.
“Hey, do you know where my guitar is?” He looks up from tuning his.
“I think it’s over there.” He points to a room next to where the cameras are set up.
“Okay, thanks.” He nods with a small smile and I jog to the where my guitar is meant to be. Luckily it is so I grab it quickly then find my place on the stage set up thing. 
I hear the music play and start playing my guitar, I love filming the music videos because it’s always so fun and energetic. Everyone gets so into it, including me. I even died my hair black to match with a couple of the band members although my hair is cut shorter than both Gerard’s and Frank’s.
I hop around the stage headbanging to the beat just like everyone else. I watch as Gerard gets awfully close to the mike making the best faces at the camera, I smirk kneeling on the floor strumming my guitar aggressively as the script suggests to do.
This has got to be one of my favourite of our songs, at least so far. It’s got a great message and we all look fucking awesome!
“You wear me out!” Gerard shouts, his hair flying everywhere as Istand in front of him smiling occasionally looking down at my guitar checking the notes and all. 
I blow at kiss at him before moving out of his way so he can continue playing, obviously I hopped away dramatically on one foot.
The camera pans to me and I yell along to the lyrics even though I don’t have a singing part in this song. I shake my head around making my hair fly. The fans will love this I think as I smirk at the camera. 
I’m quite popular with the fans, I don’t really know why though. Maybe it’s my make up? Or my amazing style? Or my guitar skills? Or maybe it’s because the fans are dead set on me marrying Gerard Way? 
Yeah I think it’s probably a mixture, not like I complain about any of those though. 
I headbang along singing some backups every so often. 
For some reason a camera man or stage helper walks up in front of me (not on camera) and squirts a bottle of water all over my face. At first I’m in a little state of shock but he motions for me to get back to it so now whenever I touch my hair or rock my head the camera zooms in on me filming the water droplets flying off my hair.
Shit, what if I fall over. Nah, it’s more likely that Frank’ll slip on the water. I chuckle at the thought and the camera zooms in on me again so I stick out my tongue and continue.
The clip we’re filming goes on and off for 3:24 so we just film that much time. We might have to redo some parts later but it seems to be going pretty well.
“I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay now (I'm okay, now).” He pulls the mike forward and I prepare for my one liner.
“But you really need to listen to me. Because I'm telling you the truth. I mean this, I'm okay!” In a last minute decision I decide to do something that I hopefully won’t regret.
“(Trust me)!” I yell running towards Gerard before kissing him on the cheek and running off again. 
We looks a slight bit shaken up but continues anyway managing to complete the rest of the song. It finishes and I smirk before stepping off the stage and handing over my guitar. I walk towards the director, some of the others not far behind me.
“So, how was that?” I ask out of breath.
“Brilliant, that kiss was genius! The fans will love it!” I smile at him and look at a slightly flustered Gerard. “It’s good you guys are coming up with your own ideas together.” He says and the rest of the band including me know that it was indeed not planned and very much improvised.
“Awesome.” Ray says.
“Does that mean we can have a break now?” Frank asks still holding his guitar.
“Oh, yes of course. We’ll continue in…” He checks his watch. “Fifteen minutes? Is that alright.”
“Yeah, sounds great.” I say before pulling off my jacket and throwing it on my makeup chair.
We all walk together towards the break room making small talk. Once inside the room I start talking.
“Some dude came up to me and covered me in water!” I complain lightly.
“Yeah, I saw, you seemed slightly pissed.” Mikey says.
“Yeah, well he could’ve at least told me beforehand!” I complain slightly annoyed.
“You could’ve told Gerard beforehand.” Frank says chuckling to himself.
“Frank, I didn’t even know beforehand.” I say joining in, laughing. “I’m sure the fans will love it!” 
“Oh yeah, one hundred percent!” Ray agrees. “I’ve seen the fanfictions!”
“Absoloute works of art.” Frank agrees whilst Gerard just sits silently and awkwardly.
Everyone notices his now permanently pink cheeks and excuses themselves, Mikey being last.
“Yeah. I’m gonna go…umm… yeah I’m gonna go check on them…” He says awkwardly and leaves very obviously.
“Oh, okay. See you later.” I say waving him out. I stand up and grab a coke from the fridge in our breakroom. “Hey, Gee you want a coke? There’s no beer left.” I ask him.
“No thank you.” I open my coke and sit back on the sofa purposly spilling a bit on my face so I can lick it up sexually. 
“Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” I say, fake obliviousness.
“You know what you’re doing!” He accuses but not angrily.
“I don’t, just tell me!” I say a bit louder.
“You’re been smirking at me, blowing kisses to me, kissing me and now your doing weird things with your mouth!” I walk closer to him but not too close.
“Do you want me to stop?” I ask the black haired man with a small smirk on my face.
There’s a pause for a few seconds before he grabs hold of my shirt and pulls me close to him “Just kiss me.” He says and he pushes his lips against mine. I gladly kiss him back and the force pushes his back against the wall.
I pull back away from him and tuck my head behind his neck. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” I whisper in his ear before watching his face erupt with colour.
I dive back towards him and capture his lips. We kiss against the wall for a while my knee moving in between his legs and gradually getting higher up but before anything else can happen I hear a voice from behind me.
“No fucking way.” It’s Frank, his mouth wide open in a smile.
Gerard quickly pulls away from me but I stay exactly where I am as Frank calls the others in and I sigh.
“Mikey owes me $50.” He says in a triumphant voice with a fist pump.
“Really Frankie, you and Mikey bet on us?” I say in a slightly disapproving voice but knowing that if it was the other way around I would’ve done the same thing.
Mikey and Ray come bundling in the room. Mikey pulls out a note and passes it over to Frank with a huff before turning his attention to us.
“Fine, whatever, take your photos.” I say sarcastically with a slight eye roll but Ray and Frank both pull out their phones. “I was joking! Don’t take photos of us!” 
I lean my head back against the wall as their camera lights flash.
“Get out! That’s enough, we’ll be out in a minute!” 
“Okay, well, don’t get the room too dirty.” Frank says with a wink.
“Fuck off Frank,” Gerard says and the others scurry out of the room. 
There's a pause as we wait for them to be out of earshot.
“So, what does this make us then?” I say leaning against the wall.
“Hopefully something more than just friends.” He says gaining some of his confidence back.
“Yeah, I like that idea. We can talk more about this after but now we’ve gotta finish the music video.”
“I completely forgot about the music video.”
“Damn, I’m just that distracting.” I say giving him a jokey smile. He hits me on the arm jokingly and we both laugh.
“I mean, sometimes.” He says chuckling before opening the door.
We leave the breakroom and start walking towards the set again only to be greeted with shouts of congratulations and praise of confidence.
“Frank!” Gerard and I yell at the same time and out of the corner of my eye I see him run off somewhere.
AN: As you can probably tell I'm in my Gerard way phase, absolutely in love with this man so I'll likely write again for him. Since I saw MCR live (19/5) I can't stop thinking about them.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and if there's anything you want to request then go ahead!
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robinrunsfiction · 2 years
If You Kiss Me
Will it be just like I dreamed it?
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Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: None Word Count: ~1,400 Author’s Note: Just a sweet little high school AU one shot, in which Frank is a little shit, and there are lots of feelings. It's not much but I hope you enjoy it.
It was a typical Saturday afternoon for (YN), hanging out with her friends, watching movies, playing games, and just being teenagers. They had been watching Blade Runner, but (YN) was finding it hard to focus on the movie she’d seen so many times before.
“Tired?” Gerard whispered from beside her, as her eyelids started to feel heavy.
“Mmhmm,” she nodded.
“Come ‘ere,” he said, wrapping an arm over her shoulder and she snuggled into his side. With her eyes closed, she didn’t see the look Mikey and Frank were exchanging.
(YN) woke up before the movie was over, but stayed tucked under Gerard’s arm. She always felt safe when she was close to Gerard. They had grown up together, spending countless hours together, and there was no one she trusted more.
“So when are you two gonna admit it?” Frank smirked.
“Admit what?” (YN) mumbled.
“That you two are like totally in love with each other,” Mikey answered, barely able to contain his amusement. “It’s been obvious forever.”
(YN) sat up and looked at Gerard. He seemed as confused as she was.
“We’re just friends!” Gerard argued.
“Yea, we’re not doing anything weird,” she added.
“You two do sit really close like all the time,” Ashely shrugged from the other side of (YN).
“That’s because there’s always so many people around, there’s no room,” (YN) retorted.
“Just admit you have feelings for each other,” Frank sighed.
“We don’t have any feelings for each other!” (YN) snapped.
“Other than friendship,” Gerard added.
Their friends stared back at them with looks of utter disbelief.
“Ok fine,” Frank finally said. “Prove it.”
(YN) and Gerard exchanged a look of confusion. “Prove what?” (YN) asked.
“Prove that you don’t have romantic feelings for each other.”
“That’s dumb, how would we even do that?” (YN) sputtered.
“Yea,” Gerard chimed in, rather unhelpfully.
“Kiss,” Frank answered simply.
“Each other?!” (YN) blurted out.
“No, my mom. Yes, each other!”
(YN) and Gerard looked at each other again. “Fine,” (YN) shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.
Gerard looked a bit surprised at first, but nodded. “Yea, sure, it’ll be nothing.”
“Then do it,” Frank goaded.
“We will!” Gerard shot back, before clearing his throat. “Ready.”
“A real kiss, not just some dumb peck on the lips!” Mikey added.
(YN) rolled her eyes and shifted closer to Gerard, before looking back over at the group of friends watching intently. “Ok, this is weird with you guys watching like that.”
“Then go in the other room or something,” Ashely suggested. “But you better do it.”
“Come on,” Gerard said, leading the way to the kitchen.
(YN) leaned against the counter and crossed her arms across her chest. “This is dumb.”
“I know, like have they never seen friends before?”
“Apparently not,” (YN) rolled her eyes. 
Silence hung between them, neither wanting to be the first to move.
"They're still listening and I hate it. Guess I know I'm not into voyeurism,” (YN) muttered after a while.
"What?" Gerard asked, eyes going wide.
"Nothing," she shook her head and looked down, hoping to hide the fact that she was blushing. “So how are we gonna do this?"
“I guess like this?” Gerard took a step forward and reached up hesitantly, before gently cupping her cheek. (YN) felt like her heart was speeding up, but she didn't understand why. Gerard began to lean in and she closed her eyes just as his lips met hers. It wasn't just a peck, as decreed by Frank, but a full fledged kiss. Her lips moved against his before they pulled back. Gerard had an expression on his face that she couldn't read.
"Yea, they did it!" Ashely called from the doorway.
"Oh my god," (YN) covered her face, while Gerard groaned.
(YN) did her best to remain neutral when she made her way back to the living room with her friends. There was no way she was letting them realize that she had felt something from that kiss. Something she didn't understand at all. 
“So?” Frank smirked.
“You’re an idiot,” Gerard muttered, but when Gerard sat back down next to her, she noticed that he did leave a bit more space between them, and pain sprung through her heart.
“Seriously. All it was was a kiss, like who cares?” (YN) rolled her eyes.
"Fine, you win," Frank put his hands up defensively. "You're just friends."
The rest of her time spent with her friends went by like usual, but when (YN) was in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling, all she could think about was how she felt when she kissed Gerard. But that wasn't how this was supposed to go, she wasn't ever supposed to feel something for Gerard. He was her oldest friend, spending their whole childhood next door to him, growing up together. If she wanted to, she could go tap on his window and talk to him. She'd done it before, but what could she say now? 'Oh hi Gee, sorry to wake you up, but that kiss woke something up in me and I know I've always loved you as a friend, but now I think it's more, so let's ruin this friendship!'
She rolled over and sighed. At least she had homework to busy herself with tomorrow, but Monday she'd have to see Gerard walking to school, in the halls, everywhere. 
But it wasn't just Monday that ended up being hard, it was the whole week. She tried to avoid spending too much time with Gerard, as every time she did she was filled with so many conflicting feelings. She wondered if he noticed, but hoped he didn’t.
By the end of the week (YN) felt like she had hardly slept all week, so it wasn't hard to get her mom to believe she wasn't feeling well and she let her stay home sick. (YN) had been napping on and off all day, and feeling sorry for herself when she was awake. She hadn't paid much attention to her clock, so she didn’t realize the school day was over when there was a knock on her door. 
"Yea?" She answered, not moving from where she was curled up under her blankets.
(YN) sat up and her heart flipped. Gerard was in her doorway, looking so sad, and she hated that. "Hey Gee."
"Are you feeling ok?" He asked, sitting down by her feet.
"Is it any use to lie?"
"I wish you wouldn't."
She sighed. "No."
“What’s wrong? Is it something contagious?” But he didn’t flinch away from her.
“No, I’m not physically sick, I’m just exhausted. I couldn’t sleep this week.”
“Oh,” he nodded. “Something on your mind?”
"You seemed sorta off this week. Umm, did I do something?"
"God no," she shook her head. "No, it's nothing you did."
They sat in silence until Gerard finally spoke up. "Is it because of Saturday?"
"Yea," she whispered. Sitting next to Gerard, she knew that there was no use in hiding from how she felt any longer. She didn’t want to feel like this anymore. "I never wanna admit it to Frank, but that kiss… it made me realize I do like you Gerard. And now I wanna kiss you like that every day."
Gerard shifted to sit next to her, put his arm over her shoulder, and she instinctively melted into his side. "And I'd never wanna admit it to Frank, but he was right. I do have feelings for you, more than friend feelings."
"Can we even go back now, knowing how we feel?"
Gerard didn't respond at first, until he let out a soft laugh. "(YN) look," he said, nodding at her mirror across the room. In the reflection she saw Gerard and her cuddling close. "If you saw two people sitting like this, wouldn't you assume they were dating?"
(YN) laughed lightly. "Yea, I suppose so. And I suppose this is why Frank and Mikey and Ashely assume that we’re together."
"So what would really be changing if we dated?"
"Other than we get to kiss each other whenever we want, not just when we've been dared?"
"Right," he laughed.
(YN) looked from their reflection, up into his eyes. "You really wanna be my boyfriend?"
Gerard nodded. "Yea. I have wanted that for a long time now."
"I want that too."
Gerard grinned and leaned in, kissing her again, much like he had the other day. But this time when her heart fluttered and stomach flipped, she felt nothing but happiness.
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cosmic-ivy · 5 years
Talk Fast
Jimin x Reader
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│││ 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐭
│ ° 5ѕσѕ
││ 1:07 ——◦———— 4:50
✧ ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦
You watched the airplane take off leaving your newly ex boyfriend at the airport. You couldn’t help but cry, you were heart broken, but you were also so very angry. You had a feeling he wasn’t going to come with you. Having a hunch he was seeing that girl from his work. You should have listened to your gut. Tip toeing around the truth. In total denial. Now here you are on a plane to Malta going on a romantic vacation. Alone.
“Excuse me.” The man next to you had accidentally nudged off your arm, taking over the arm rest. You leaned towards the window more, trying to hide the fact you were crying, not wanting to bother him. “Miss-“ he tapped on your shoulder. He turned towards you, his face was kind and his eyes were soft. He was really handsome in sorta boy next door kind of way. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah..” you wiped away at your tears, you were lying. You weren’t exactly okay. His eyes studied your expression for a moment, the corner of his mouth raising for a smile.
“I’m Jimin,” he held out his hand. You took it and gave a small shake.
“Well hello YN, why are you sad on a plane to Malta?” His eyes squinted as he smiled, his nose scrunching up as he laughed softly.
“Maybe because I’m alone on a plane to Malta. Don’t you see the empty seat in front of me. That’s where my boyfriend.-ex- boyfriend should be right now. He’s been seeing another girl and decided to tell me in baggage, so i guess Im going to Malta to have a miserable time.” You sighed.
“You shouldn’t be miserable, you have an opportunity to get away and escape. To have fun.” He leaned his head to the side and wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“Are you flirting with me Jimin? Did you not hear what i just said?”
“I just heard a sad lonely girl needs to get out of her heartbreak and have the time of her life a thousand miles away from that douchebag. Good riddens.” He pretended to wave him and all your problems goodbye out of the window. “And yes i was flirting.” He gave you a wink, pulled his sleeping mask over his forehead and slumped back into his seat with a smile on his face.
You rolled your eyes, putting in your earbuds. Trying to let the sweet voice of Gerard Way sooth your heart ache.
                 ┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
└➤ FF
you get off the plane, check into the hotel, go to a bar to drink the pain away.
“What’ll it be miss?” The bearded bartender asks. You look up at all the choices of liquor on the shelf.
“Uh- Jameson, ice. Please and keep them coming.” The bartender gave you a chuckle impressed by your choice.
“I took you to be a cocktail type of girl,” a familiar voice comes up behind you.
“Jimin?” You turn around on your bar stool. “Are you stalking me now?”
“This is a small city YN,” he took a drink, his eyes dark under the low lights of the bar. Giving you a lustful gaze. Like a hunter looking at its prey. The look made your core shiver a bit.
“Here you go,” the bartender slid your drink. Picking it up and downing it. You slam the glass back on the table sliding it back to him asking for another.
Jimin leaned up against the bar, you caught him checking you out. You were wearing the dress you picked out for what was “supposed” to happen tonight. A romantic beach dinner. It’s black silk, designer, backless, sexy. It was surely catching Jimins attention.
“Sorry, its just- you look different, well not being in an old university sweatshirt and your hair piled on top of your head, you look pretty.”
“Don’t butter me up Jimin, i know what your doing,” you shook your head, smirking.
“What?” He gave you a coy smile. The mischievous look in his eye told you exactly what his intentions were. “I’m not that kind of guy.” He took a sip of a newly poured beer.
“They all say that.”
“Dance with me?” He held his hand out.
“I’m not,-“ he didn’t even try to to convince you, pulling you out onto the dance floor. You bumped into another couple grinding, and lost Jimin to the crowd. Circling around trying to catch where he went. Body’s danced around you. Your drinks starting to settle in. The Latin beat of the music making your body start to move. You started to dance, letting yourself loose, not caring who was seeing. It felt good to let go a bit. You felt a hand grab your waist, spinning you around. It was Jimin. His nose skimming the tip of yours. “She can dance?” His lips mouthing words, but you couldn’t hear over the speakers. You pull him closer, your lips grazing his earlobe.
“She can do a lot of things,” You gave him a playful wink, just like the one he gave you.
Dancing the night away. His body pressed close to yours. He could move. The way he danced was bringing out the inner hoe in you. Well that and the endless shots you had been downing the whole night. The way he felt grinding on you, made you want more. More of him. You wanted to take everything he would give to you. You know this moment wasn’t going to last forever, and you decided to seize it. You placed your hands on his cheeks, smothering him in for a kiss. It was messy and heated, but it was exactly what you had wanted. Soaking up his lust made you feel better.
He pulled away from the kiss, pulling out his hotel key from his back pocket, raising you an eyebrow.
𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘵
You took the card putting it in your pocket for later. Right now you wanted to party.
It was a quarter passed three, the bar was slowly clearing. People heading home. You had lost Jimin in the commotion of the bar. Stepping outside. Trying to see if you’d find him through the people leaving. Your drunk brain finally remembering you had his hotel key in your back pocket. Walking over, thinking maybe he was there. Drunk you was right. There he was sitting outside his hotel room door. You laughed. Holding up the key.
“Ahh-“ he sighed, “I thought you would never come.” He stood up.
“You’ve been waiting for me?”
“I was gonna drag you out of that bar, but then i saw you on top of the pool table singing along to Mamamia and i thought, ‘damn she’s having so much fun’ so i decided to wait and see if you would make your way to me, sweet heart.” He brushed your hair behind your ear. Jimin was smooth and thoughtful at the same time. You couldn’t help but be putty in his hands. Your ex boyfriend never made you feel this way. Jimin made you feel excitement. Adrenaline. Love drunk. Well maybe that was just the alcohols’ doing.
“I cant tell if you’re being romantic or sinister.” You tried to read his face, but your gaze fell to the way he bit at his lip. You found yourself leaning into his chest. Pressing his back up against the hotel room door. You could go in there with him if you wanted. You could hook up with him. You contemplated the consequences of drunk one night stands.
Shaking the thoughts out of your head, ignoring your doubts, crashing your lips into his. This was something you have never done, it felt wrong, but when his hands fell to the small of your back, it started to feel right. You couldn’t help yourself with him. You placed the key into the slot, unlocking the door for him. He looked down at you with that coy grin again. Leading you into the room with a longer kiss. Sharing your breaths you two wouldn’t let go of each-other.
He spun you around, pushing you up against the wall. His hands finding yours. Interlocking your fingers he dragged your arms up above your head. Falling out of your grasp, his fingertips trailed down your body to the skirt of your dress.
Jimin fell to his knees, reaching up, finding your lace panties hugging your hips, pulling them down your legs. Catching on your heels, he tossed them somewhere in the room. Kissing your ankle, as he took off your heels, on by one. Caressing at your inner thigh, before lifting the skirt above your waist. Revealing your eager mound. Kitten licking at your slit. He looked up at you,”Your pussy is so pretty,” his fingers teased at your inner thigh, skimming your dripping cunt, he presses his thumbs into your folds spreading you open for him. Diving his head down ,licking at your clit. He purred into your sex. Your hands running through his hair, trying to hold onto something. Trying to hold onto your inedible orgasm.
Encouraging him to suck on you, you push the back his head. Grinding your clit down on his tongue, he let it flatten out. He looked up at you, watching you use his tongue for pleasure. The sight of him worshiping you like that sent your orgasm to release all over his chin. He groaned lapping up your juices. You panted, riding out your orgasm on his lips. He kissed at your sex.
“I-“ you breathe, “I’ve never came like that before.”
“Oh really?” He stood up, wiping your essence off his jaw with his sleeve. “I bet i could give you another one,” he winked at you.
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axther · 4 years
the dead things we carry
in the end, it’s all dust to dust. 
oc x reader 
warnings: blood, lovecraftian horror, swearing 
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To live is to suffer. 
That was what Fredrich Nietzsche said, anyway. But mortal opinions were not what Gazadrdiel brought himself to be part of. He had one job, one fate, and one opinion alone. 
Watch the child. 
The child in question, a female by the name of YN LN, was not quite a child anymore. She had grown and persisted for almost eighteen years under Gazadrdiel’s watchful eye and created her own thoughts, despite the hive mind that Gazadrdiel always observed in humans. Though, he couldn’t truly expect her to have a mind like humans. Not when she wasn’t one. 
Gazadrdiel glanced down at the young woman, watching her murmur over her phone. He couldn’t care less who she was talking to; merely that she stayed out of harm’s way. Two others were at her side. One was a human girl, with a pep in her step and hair she had dyed half pink, half blue. She was pastel aesthetics from head to toe, and she seemed to flit from one sight to the other with wide brown eyes. 
Speaking of sights, the other one was a boy. He was by no means human, with a writhing tattoo that crawled over his skin like black tentacles, but he kept the guise with black hair and blue eyes. He glared at anyone that so much as glanced at the quartet before looking over YN’s shoulder at her phone. 
“Yo, Gaz.” YN didn’t look up at him but fiddled with a headphone in one ear. She leaned into the mic like she was on the phone. “D’ulli’s supposed to be around here, right?” 
“Supposedly.” Gazadrdiel floated upside down, letting his snowy wings flop down like dead fish. Mortals couldn’t see him, but the boy stifled a laugh when he turned like a rotisserie chicken. “Chances are, she’d notice Nikolai first, then you. Mates, you know.” Gazadrdiel couldn’t care less, but a quelled, laughing joy rose in him when YN pointed a finger into her mouth and gagged. 
“Hets. So disturbing.” YN shook her head and Nikolai stifled another laugh with his hand while looking away. 
“Hey!” The girl turned around while walking with a light glare. “We are not disturbing! We’ve actually got an incredibly diverse culture, and we…” She rambled off, crossing her arms and turning around again before she could see YN and Nikolai exchange a look. 
“Why is she here, again?” YN pulled the mic up again but Gazadrdiel heard her clearly. He shrugged. 
“Mandatory human presence.” 
YN gave the girl’s back a disgusted look before dropping it. “Why does she even act like that? It’s gotta be something that I don’t have…” 
“Extra brain cells. She doesn’t know what to do with them.” Nikolai gave a short huff before fondling his hair, making the mess flop in front of his left eye. YN looked at him with confusion. 
“You gotta stop doing that. You look like...I dunno, a cringy Gerard Way? We’re in twenty-twenty, dude. We have better taste than that.” 
“My taste is better than that. It’s my style.” He stuck out his tongue. 
“You don’t even look like you should have that hair. You dress like you should be an e-boy or something.” YN pulled at a lock of Nikolai’s hair before he swatted her hand away. 
“She’s got a point.” Gazadrdiel raised a relenting eyebrow. Nikolai huffed before looking off to the side. YN dropped the mic and went back to looking over her phone, texting someone that Gazadrdiel didn’t care to check. His eyes drifted over to the girl herself, watching the same black tattoo as Nikolai’s crawl around her neck and shift like a snake. It remained just under the ponytail she had, enough that it was out of eyesight, but with Gazadrdiel floating above her, it was clear within his sight. 
The guardian remembered back to the first time that he truly met YN. It was her thirteenth birthday, she had just been considered ‘of age’, and Gazadrdiel had been ordered to inform her of her status. 
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“You’re not human.” 
Thirteen-year-old YN stared up at Gazadrdiel with wide, confused eyes. Her hair fell into her eyes and she was on her bed, playing with a stray feather from Gazadrdiel’s wings. Her shyness gave way to her confusion and awe. 
“You are not human. You are one of an elite race of remote, ancient entities that oversee the lives of humans.” 
“Like...God?” YN looked from Gazadrdiel to the feather, and back. “Are you my guardian angel?” 
“If it’s easier for you to think that way, then yes.” 
“If my dad’s God-” 
“Not God. There is not one god. Not here.” 
YN faltered. “Why am I here?” Her brow was furrowed with confusion and sadness that no child should feel. “Where is here?” 
“Earth. You are here because your father, Azyrre of the stars and sky, is the eldest and most superior of the Ionians. Your parent’s best friends, Xothrith’ri of the mountain and Vhozi of the trees, decided to send you here because of the unparalleled risk and power you represent, and the fact that your father’s old lover has and will attempt to kill you using their child, who killed the Ionian of the tides, Z’undi.” Gazadrdiel nodded, like he was checking off a list, eyes half-lidded with his white eyelashes getting in the way of his slitted eyes. YN had a mixed look of disgust and confusion, with one side of her nose tilted up. 
“So...some lady-” 
“We can’t really say Iuhxyu’s a female, to be honest. It gets confusing with all the tentacles.” 
“Decided to send their kid-”
“N’ikicite of the fire.” 
“After me, who killed my...mom?” 
“Again, genders aren’t really a thing with the Ionians, but essentially.” 
YN groaned and covered her eyes. She flopped onto her back and the plush comforter puffed around her, sending a teddy bear to the ground. Gazadrdiel leaned over and picked it up, letting his tanned fingers barely trace over a beady black eyeball before placing it gently at YN’s feet. 
“I’ve been instructed to watch over you. Since your father is so…” Gazadrdiel waved his hands a bit, trying to find the right words. “Elite amongst the Ionians, and with Iuhxyu deciding to prove their dedication to your father through killing you, there are many enemies after you. And that’s where I’ve been instructed to come in.” 
YN said nothing but brought up a pillow to her face. Gazadrdiel sat at the edge of her bed, letting his bare feet touch the carpet with a grimace. He shelved it, though, seeing as the child in front of him was having a breakdown. 
“Amongst Ionians, you are Angyosz of the moon. You are a living legend, for having avoided Iuhxyu for so long.” He paused. “You can thank me for that.” 
YN said nothing for a moment, before moving the pillow so one eye peered at Gazadrdiel. 
“Who are you?” 
Gazadrdiel hesitated. “I am Gazadrdiel, subservient of the ridge.” 
“Gazadrdiel.” Gazadrdiel huffed, wrinkling his nose. “Gaz.” 
“Gaz it is.” YN moved the pillow back across her whole face. “How come we look normal? Except for your...wings.” 
“Earth cannot contain our true forms.” Gazadrdiel hummed. “Mortals cannot see me, and you haven’t decided your true form yet. So you copy everyone else off of instinct.” 
“Instinct?” The shocked cry was muffled until YN threw the pillow off and sat straight up. “Wait, this isn’t what I really look like?” 
“Nope,” Gazadrdiel popped the ‘p’. “No one will know what you look like until you turn eighteen.” 
“Ugh,” YN fell back onto the pillows. “And I gotta deal with a kid after me, too.” 
“Not quite.” Gazadrdiel stood and walked over to YN’s desk, picking up a book with a phoenix on the cover. “You’ve already got that covered.” 
“Huh? Wait, how?” 
“Nikolai. Nikolai Volatire.” 
“Wait, Nicky?” YN tittered. “No way he’s tryna kill me! Unless he, like, killed the kid or something...” 
“You’ve managed to befriend N’ikicite.” Gazadrdiel put the book down. “How, I have no idea, but you have. And he’s no longer hunting you.” 
“Wow. How many other…?” YN looked directly at Gazadrdiel for the first time since he first appeared in her room. 
“Many. Earth is essentially a nursery. They all should theoretically kneel to you, but there’s no one to stop them from slitting your throat. So it’s best that you find the local ones and befriend them.” 
“You guys are twisted.” YN wrinkled her nose but hopped out of her bed. “How am I supposed to find others like me?” 
Gazadrdiel shrugged. “You think up of a way. Humans made the internet. Use that.” 
YN gave him a half-hearted glare before nodding. 
“Alright.” YN paused, looking at her hands before looking back up at Gazadrdiel. “What are we called?” 
Gazadrdiel looked at her with surprise, honestly having not expected her to ask. He closed his eyes with a soft smile.  
“Hionera. The Ionian youth are called the Hionera.” 
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“You think that’s her?” 
YN’s voice snapped Gazadrdiel out of his thoughts and he glanced down at her. She was looking intently at something across the street, and Nikolai stopped playing a game on YN’s phone to look up. The other girl had been walking in her own little world and ignored when YN pointed across the street, into a little cafe. 
Indeed, there was someone there. She was a young woman, in a sleek black dress with red hair that oozed maturity. There was a squad of humans around her, chattering loudly and trying to get attention. More than one man was leaning across the table, talking in hopes she would lend her ear. People that passed by did double takes and some tried to discreetly pull out their phones and take pictures. Like she was struck, she stiffened and turned her head ever so slowly and discreetly over to where YN, Nikolai, Gaz, and the girl were. Her eyes, a vivid purple, lowered slightly, and it was clear that she had zeroed in on Nikolai. She looked him up and down before licking her top lip, slightly. Nikolai flushed, played with his hair a bit more, and took back YN’s phone. 
“Oh, yeah.” Nikolai looked back down at his game. “That’s gotta be her.” 
“Hehhh.” YN let her chuckle drone. “Gaz, you were right.” 
“Naturally,” Gazadrdiel hummed. 
“Should we send Nicky to the wolves?” YN gave a malicious but animated chuckle when Nikolai snapped his head up with a furious flush. 
“Don’t call me Nicky! And no! You do it!” 
“We could send Cassie,” YN mused, and the girl snapped to attention. 
“You could at least introduce me as Cassiopia to her! It’s a cuter name! And it makes me sound special.” 
“No,” Gazadrdiel shut down the suggestion. “You go, YN. We can’t force N’ikicite.” 
“Don’t call me N’ikicite-!” 
“Bet.” YN began strutting across the street, looking almost hunched over. She walked to the cafe with a purpose, and the crowd around the woman parted in awe at her blatancy. The woman narrowed her eyes before relaxing them and checking out her nails. 
“What do you want?” Her voice was deep and edgy, like she smoked. 
“D’ulli?” YN raised her hand like she was in class. The three others trailed behind her, with Nikolai almost trying to hide his entire self behind YN. “Right?” 
D’ulli narrowed her eyes, and the crowd around her seemed to shift. “What do you want?” 
“This is N’ikicite, that’s Gaz, and I’m Angyosz.” 
D’ulli’s face went from restrained disgust to piqued curiosity. “And who’s the girl?” 
“Oh.” YN waved a lackadaisical hand. “That’s just Cassie. She’s normal.” “Hey!” Cassie snapped out of her daze and crossed her arms. “What do you mean, normal? I’m about as weird as they get, and I embrace it! Not only do I…” 
The four others ignored Cassie as YN sat on the spare seat, and the crowd let out a gasp. Nikolai gave an uncharacteristic squeak and made a dive for the next seat over, and Cassie took the seat next to him and D’ulli. YN propped her feet on the table, and the men on it scattered like cockroaches. 
“D’ulli of the rains, we have come to make an oath of allegiance. Ihuxyu of the earth core is after me and I want allies.” YN crossed her arms casually, and D’ulli raised an eyebrow. 
“If Ihuxyu is after you, then why is her son with you?” She looked at Nikolai and gave a flirty wink. The poor boy took a deep breath in and looked like his soul left his body. “Tell me, N’ikicite of the fire. Why are you with your mother’s mortal enemy?” 
YN snorted before Nikolai could answer, and he glared. “She’s not my enemy…” 
“Or you’re just a simp.” 
“I’m not a simp-!” 
D’ulli raised a hand. “I get it. You two aren’t at each other’s throats-” 
“Most of the time.” YN mused. 
“Here I am called Daenerys.” The entire table fell silent, and D’ulli flushed. “What?” 
“Daenerys? Seriously?” Nikolai raised an eyebrow, and YN took her feet off the table to stare at D’ulli with shock and confusion. 
“My copy was reading it.” D’ulli reared up, clearly threatened. “It’s the name she said when I met her…” 
No one spoke, but YN blinked owlishly. There was a moment of awkward silence before D’ulli broke it again. 
“A-Anyway, I’ll be your ally.” She stiffened, placing her hands on her lap. YN smiled and put her feet back up on the table. 
“Great! Then I’ll-” 
“At a price.” 
“Name it.” 
“A night with N’ikicite.” 
“Wait, what-?” 
“Wait, what-!” 
“No, YN.” Gazadrdiel smacked YN at the back of her head, and she whined and rubbed the sore spot. “You can’t offer up N’ikicite.” 
“Thank you, Gaz!” Nikolai stood. The side of his arm had caught fire from nothing, but YN didn't so much as flinch. She flicked a hand and a jet of water from D’ulli’s drink doused the flame. “And don’t call me N’ikicite!” 
“Why not, N’ikicite?” D’ulli batted her eyes at Nikolai, who reared up. 
“Because I just met you!” He waved his hands. “And I like someone else-!” 
“You can say ‘YN’, we won’t judge you.” Cassie piped in. 
“Shut up! And it’s more than that! You can’t just do that, YN!” Nikolai whined, looking ready to cry. “That’s not fair!” 
YN pursed her lips. “You can just say no.” 
Nikolai paused, his eyes popping open. “Huh?” 
“Deal’s off,” YN turned to D’ulli, standing and bowing a bit. “Thanks, but you heard the man.” 
D’ulli sputtered as YN took Nikolai’s hand and began dragging him away, leaving Gaz and Cassie to trail behind them. She watched them go, with Nikolai gasping and stammering the way into the distance, blinking as the crowd around her murmured to life. She looked down at the table and noticed a scrap of paper. She snatched it and popped it open with a nail, before her eyes went wide. 
719 266 2837, in case you change your mind. 
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“I still have no idea what happened.” 
Gazadrdiel was floating above YN’s bed, watching Nikolai hold his head in his hands. YN’s room hadn’t changed much from when she was thirteen, and she still sported the same desk-one that she sat at with her computer open. She was on Craigslist, updating an ad for Hionera she had. 
“D’ulli wanted to fuck you. You didn’t want to. We left. Bada bing, bada boom.” She finished her sentence with a definitive tap to the period key and say back with a sigh. “It’s whatever. What can rain do against the earth’s core?” YN made jazz hands when she said and it put a joking accent on ‘the earth’s core’. 
“But still…” Nikolai watched as YN checked her phone. “What, you waiting on a call?” 
“Kinda. Don’t worry, dude.” She waved a hand and pointed at Gazadrdiel. “So that’s...what? The third that we’ve turned down so far?” 
“I can go back and say yes.” Nikolai looked like a kicked puppy. “I guess I was just surprised.” 
“Nah. Like I said, what’s she gonna do? Rain on your mom?” YN paused. “Heh. Your momma so big…” 
“We need to make sure that the next couple Hionera we talk to, we accept. The more we reject, the more likely word’s gonna spread that we’re picky.” Gazadrdiel plucked off a stray feather from his moulting wings. It fell onto Nikolai’s head, but he said nothing about it. 
“I can just talk to her-!” Nikolai started, but YN cut him off. 
“If the rumour spreads, then technically, it just makes everyone think we have an elite force. And then it’s like...people are gonna want to join.” 
“That’s wishful thinking.” Gazadrdiel hummed. “If you think the Ionians are proud, then the Hionera are devils.” 
“Guys!” Nikolai barked. Both YN and Gazadrdiel jumped, looking at him. 
“What’s up?” YN said a bit sheepishly. 
“I don’t mind spending the night with Daenerys! I can just tell her I don’t want to...you know…” He flushed, but before anyone could say anything else, Mother Mother began blasting from YN’s phone. Hayloft played as YN picked up her phone and squinted to see who the caller was. 
“You need to get glasses,” Nikolai murmured. 
“Shut up, shut up. If we’re lucky, we won’t have to talk to D’ulli again.” She waved a hand, put the phone to her ear, and answered. “This is YN. Or Angyosz, depending on whether or not you’re mortal. Uhh...whatcha need?” 
The room was tense and silent. 
“Uh-huh. Yeah, this is her.” YN nodded, pursing her lips. “Yup. Yeah.” She glanced at Nikolai. “Well, you heard him…” 
Nikolai shot up from the bed, realising who YN was talking to. Gazadrdiel flew out of the trajectory of Nikolai’s head when he began trying to pry at YN’s arm to get the phone, and his own braid smacked him in the face. 
“Gimmie, I can-” Nikolai whispered urgently, but YN smacked his arm. 
“Dude, shut up!” She whispered back. “Fucking-yeah! I’m still here!” Her voice rose again, and Gazadrdiel watched the two fight over the phone while trying to not insult D’ulli on the other end. 
“Yeah, he’s a bit shy, that’s all-” 
“YN, give me-!” 
“And he’s kinda stupid too!” 
“YN, just gimme the-!” 
“Nicky, I swear to god-!” 
“YN, there is no god for us!” 
“Yeah! We’d really appreciate it!” All the struggling ceased when YN gave him a pointed look with a smile. “Seriously, that’s super nice of you. Is it okay if I save your number?” 
Nikolai backed up when YN rose and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. 
“We can do the pact over text, it doesn’t really matter. Just so long as we have your consent. Yeah, no problem. Thanks again!” She gave a thumbs-up to Nikolai and Gazadrdiel, both of who sighed in relief. She hung up and shot a finger gun to Nikolai. 
“Ayeeee...gotcha!” She threw the paper in the trash and began typing on her phone, presumably to write the pact to D’ulli. “She was touched by the fact that we ‘forsook’ her for your comfort, and now she’s in the squad!” She made a sing-song voice for ‘squad’ and danced a little bit. “Now that’s what? Twenty-six?” 
“Twenty-eight,” Gazadrdiel smiled softly. “We got lucky.” 
“We always do, Gaz.” YN closed the tabs on her computer with a wiggle. “We always do.” 
There was a comfortable silence for a moment before YN stood with a satisfied sigh. 
“That’s probably all we’re gonna manage to squeeze before the date, lads.” 
“Wait, what?” Nikolai looked disturbed, and Gazadrdiel’s brow furrowed. 
“We have a day before your eighteenth birthday. Can no other Hionera answer the ad?” He floated over to YN, who shrugged. 
“No one could make it before the week is over. It’s Wednesday, my dudes.” She plopped onto her bed with a sigh. “It’s pregame season, or whatever football nerds say. Shit will be fucked...soon.” She waved her hands before placing a spare pillow over her face and resting her hands over her stomach. 
“It’s too soon.” Nikolai sat on the edge of her bed. “What’s gonna happen, Gaz?” 
“I…” Gazadrdiel faltered. “I don’t know. YN’s been my only ward for...for a while. I can’t tell you what’s going to happen. Chances are, they’ll just ask what you want your true form to be like. It’ll be nothing too drastic, since Iuhxyu is after you. If they do take you away, then...the chances are high we’d never see you again.” 
YN groaned into the pillow, and Gazadrdiel was viscously reminded of when he first told her, all those years ago. 
“Big yikes.” She murmured before going silent. Nikolai laid across her legs with a huff and Gazadrdiel wrapped himself up into his wings. He hated seeing YN so nervous, no matter how either of them hid it. If anything, Nikolai was the most expressive of them all. At least he took the liberties he wanted. 
Gazadrdiel shook his head with a sigh and leaned over Nikolai. “Are you going to stay the night again?” 
Nikolai nodded, tossing an arm over his eyes before scooting across the bed so he was parallel to YN. There was space between them, but Gazadrdiel still gave a stare at the two’s closeness. 
“And did you check off the calendar, YN?” 
There was an affirmative groan, and he pursed his lips and floated over to the light switch to flip it off. He still glowed ever so vaguely in the dark, but both Nikolai and YN seemed undisturbed. 
And like a sentient cloud, he hovered over the desk and hid himself within his wings, and he fell asleep, only hoping that he could protect her a day more. 
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Gazadrdiel woke up right before it happened. 
Gazadrdiel didn’t get dreams. But that night he did, with a thousand voices screaming at him and the night sky staring down at him with a million eyes. The sea crawled up his legs and pulled him under, and when he finally opened his eyes, he saw the moon. It was beautifully glowing and pristine, and when he held out his hands to hold it, it fit. Tears came to his eyes, even underwater, and a choking sensation overtook him. 
Then, the voice came. 
His eyes snapped open right before the glass broke, and before he knew what he was doing, he was kneeling over both Nikolai and YN. The hefty glass doors and windows burst just as he laid his wings over YN’s sleeping face, and immediately the shards embedded into his wings. Gazadrdiel let out a howl, and both Nikolai and YN woke. The younger of the two leapt up in his seat, panting and face to face with Gazadrdiel, but YN simply laid there with wide eyes. She was shaky but rose and began assessing the damage. 
“What the fuck?” She bit, and a wind began tearing through her room. It was ferocious, like a hurricane, and Gazadrdiel brought his wings up to protect them again, despite the pain. Rain pummeled in, and YN stuck a hand out through Gazadrdiel’s wings. He let out a yelp of worry, but she poked her head out and glared through the rain and the leaves. 
“There’s something out there!” She gasped, and nudged Gazadrdiel’s wing ever so slightly. Before he could shove her back under the protection, she ran out, and both Nikolai and Gazadrdiel yelled, at the same time. 
“Jesus Christ! It’s a hurricane out there! Come back!” 
“YN! Get back here!” 
YN ignored them both, soldiering through the rain and the wind until she came to the edge of her balcony. She held a hand in front of her eyes to try and shield from stray debris, but a rock clocked her in the cheek and made her lose her balance. She glared into the darkness. A thousand beady lights glared right back at her, and she reared up. 
“You’re a day early!” YN howled, before wincing. The tattoo on her neck had begun worming left and right across her skin, and it felt as though it was searing her skin. She brought her spare hand up to try and hold it in place, but it wriggled in and out of her fingers. Finally, she slapped it on her bicep with full force, and it writhed pathetically like a dying snake before going still. At once, the rain stopped and held itself in mid air, suspended like diamonds. She panted, staring into the abyss as Nikolai rushed past Gazadrdiel and onto the balcony, and the guardian himself cautiously approached. 
“Why are they here? Gaz!” Nikolai spun around and glared at Gazadrdiel. “They’re a day early!” 
“No,” Gazadrdiel stared at the little lights before grabbing Nikolai’s shoulder and pulling him back. “I think...we’re a day late.”  
YN ignored them both, watching as the darkness moved. A cancerous, insipid, coarse, solemn fear came over her, and her glare fell into a fearful look. Something, something baleful and sleepless and terrible, crawled out of the darkness. It had no mouth, but eyes upon eyes upon eyes and horrible lanky arms. It had tentacles for hair and it’s entire torso was a bloody, exposed ribcage, and it crawled on all fours across nothing but air. It looked as though it should have reeked, but YN smelled nothing. 
Another thing came out of the shadows, and this time, it had not one, not four, but nine arms, all snowy white and long-fingered. It’s face was long, like a horse’s might be, but huge human teeth jutted out at painful angles. In the middle of it, it looked like there might have been a human nose, and a human eye to the right, but the left was so deliriously disfigured that it looked like something from a corpse pile. It had hair light straw and a torso that looked malnourished, but all in all, it could have once been a man. 
“What are you here for?” Nikolai spat, only somewhat trying to fight against Gazadrdiel’s hold. YN’s face went from fear to being perfectly blank, head tilted and eyes wide. From just beyond the clouds, the moon came out, and like a bloodstained pearl, there were blotches of red and gold across the great light. 
The second Ionian began to speak, it’s mouth moving but no sound coming out. It only looked at YN, like she was the only thing in the world. The hand that YN had over her eyes fell, and a single tear fell out. Nikolai started struggling harder against Gazadrdiel’s grip, but it was no use. 
“Go! We have one more day! Why…!” Nikolai began to plead. “Why are you here?” 
“They came to take me back,” YN whispered in a mournful reverence. She began to blink quickly, but tears began falling out nonetheless. Some, in the bloody moonlight, looked pink, as though tinted with blood. Nikolai howled like a dog, but Gazadrdiel still held him back. 
“No! No! No! We still had a day! You promised us!” He didn’t seem to be talking to YN or the Ionians in particular, but cursing the air itself. It grew thick and warm, but no one else seemed to notice. The first Ionian leaned forward and extended a long and bony arm, letting a long, claw-like nail poke at the exposed skin of YN’s shoulder and drag across. It cut like a knife through butter, and blood began to pool out. But instead of flowing down and dripping across the balcony, it perfectly dissolved, evaporating into the air like water. YN didn’t even seem to feel it, but gave a fish-eyed stare at the second Ionian, who never looked away. 
The first Ionian let it’s claw hang in front of YN, and the hand that held the tattoo let go and began to slowly drift towards the hand. Gazadrdiel gasped. 
“YN, think before you do this. Once you accept the bloodbond, you can’t go back. If you wait until you’re twenty-one, you can bide your time. You don’t have to leave yet.” He tried to not let the fear of her going leak into his voice, but he had no idea she would go so soon. 
YN’s hand stopped moving, but the second Ionian’s mouth started moving again. Her eyes went blank and just before her hand touched the first Ionian’s, Gazadrdiel let out a yell. 
“You were supposed to tell her! To tell her the full consequences!” He looked not at her, but at the second Ionian. “Vhozi! That was your job!” 
Vhozi tilted it’s head, finally looking away from YN and looking dead on Gazadrdiel. The guardian didn’t falter, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t terrified. Vhozi spoke, and still no sound came out. Gazadrdiel felt his blood freeze. 
“I don’t know all the consequences.” He stood firm, and for a moment, Nikolai stopped struggling. “I can’t tell her. You or Xothrith’ri has to, and Xothrith’ri doesn’t have a mouth.” 
Vhozi’s eyes narrowed, and it was bone chilling. It’s mouth moved again, and then it looked back to YN. She looked at him, and at once, a thousand emotions ran through her face. Fear seemed the most prominent, but at the end, she seemed calm. Vhozi gave a shadow of a smile and moved to the right, letting Xothrith’ri take center stage. Nikolai let out a scream that felt so earth-shatteringly heartbroken that Gazadrdiel nearly let him go. 
“No! Oh my god! I wasn’t ready! I-I love you! YN! For fuck’s sake, let go, Gaz!” He choked on his own tears and spit, flailing like a crazed man and lighting Gazadrdiel’s wings on fire. “You can’t go! Not yet! We could go together! I can’t let you go!” 
YN closed her eyes, a blissed expression taking over her entire being. The moon glowed brighter, Vhozi was grinning, and quietly, YN took Xothrith’ri’s hand. 
The next thing that happened was like a silent bomb. There was no noise, nothing to prove that it had happened. But it erupted in a brilliant light, white and red and gold, all at once, and YN had her mouth open in a scream that would never sound. Her eyes were no longer e/c, but a blank white, and when she bent over in pain, her spine looked ready to burst out of her skin. She threw her head back, and Nikolai fought, and the Ionians watched, and Gazadrdiel could only silently cry as she let out one last bone-chilling, blood curdling scream. It was the scream of a soul being ripped apart, of something dying a thousand times and being reborn only once. 
Then, the light burst, and there was only darkness. 
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Gazadrdiel didn’t know how long they had been there. 
Morning had come and gone, with a sobbing Nikolai in Gazadrdiel’s arms. YN’s apartment had been completely destroyed, and the bed was nothing more than stuffing and feathers from the pillows. Neighbours stepped out and stared, but with a tired wave of Gazadrdiel’s hand, they all turned and spoke no more of it. Nikolai didn’t move besides his body-shaking sobs, and the fires he had induced on Gazadrdiel’s wings had long gone out. The guardian himself was still in pain, with the blood from the glass shards and the burns from the fire almost definitely disfiguring them forever. But at the moment, all Gazadrdiel had on his mind was comforting Nikolai. The Hionera seemed as though he would never move again, with how he refused to move from the fetal position. 
Gazadrdiel watched him, and then eyed the bright sun above them. It seemed to be getting later in the afternoon, and Gazadrdiel knew that if he didn’t get Nikolai to his mortal parents, he would have more trouble on his hands than what he was at all emotionally capable of. 
“Nikolai,” Gazadrdiel whispered. “Nikolai, we have to go. I need to get you home.” 
Nikolai said nothing but responded with a fresh wave of sobs, curling even further into himself. Gazadrdiel sighed. 
Still nothing. 
“I’ll carry you.” 
Gazadrdiel picked up Nikolai bridal-style and walked across the ruined balcony, letting the glass and splinters dig into his bare feet. Nikolai popped an eye when they entered YN’s room, only to wail louder and curl into Gazadrdiel’s embrace. Gazadrdiel himself felt tears beginning to come on, but ignored them in favour of walking through YN’s apartment door and beginning the trek to Nikolai’s house. He knew that if he pushed using his wings, they would be irreversibly ruined, but seeing as he couldn’t just waltz into Nikolai’s house with the Hionera in his arms, he knew it was a sacrifice he had to make. 
The sun was shining, people were staring, the flowers were blooming, and at once, Gazadrdiel felt the great grief of the loss of what was his only friend. He knew he couldn’t mourn, not until Nikolai was safely home, but he had no idea what YN was doing, or if she even survived the encounter. For all he knew, she was launched to Pakistan and was trying to make her way back home. The bloodbonds were so disambiguous that he could only hope that by some miracle, YN was still on earth, and all she had to do was crawl her way back to Gazadrdiel and Nikolai. 
He stopped, right in front of a tree that led up into Nikolai’s room, and Gazadrdiel looked at his wings with a grimace. They were charred and a bloody brown, but Gazadrdiel still spread them and gave one last push. 
Gazadrdiel let out a subdued scream, feeling the pain rocket through his system as he landed on a branch. Trying to ignore the urge to drop everything, including Nikolai, and cry, he pried open Nikolai’s bedroom window and slipped in. Nikolai peeked out from his huddled self and watched as Gazadrdiel gently placed him on his bed, before standing perfectly still. Nikolai sniffed. 
“Thanks,” He murmured, wiping his nose with his sleeve. He looked up at Gazadrdiel, who was staring at the ground and swaying from side to side. His wings seemed almost clipped, like they could fall off at any moment, and wounds covered his entire body. Gazadrdiel nodded, and reached up to his shoulder. He pulled out a large shard of glass and dropped it onto Nikolai’s carpet. They both watched as it bounced and landed, and Nikolai looked back up to Gazadrdiel. 
“Are you okay?” Nikolai croaked. 
Gazadrdiel dropped to the floor, and all he knew was darkness. 
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“Let her go, Gaz.” 
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
I THINK THIS IS WHERE I REQUEST SO IVE JUST HAD AN AMAZING IDEA. So, Gerard x reader. This could go two ways. Way number 1- reader and Gerard hate each other, or way number 2- reader and Gerard are dating. So the reader is messing around with Gerard or he’s annoyed at the reader and he gets really close to the reader and the reader just moans. Like on accident they moan at him. And they’re both in shock and reader locks themselves in their room and one of the other band members comes in somehow and are like ‘it’s okay, also Gerard wants to see you’ for way number 1- Reader comes to see gerard and makes out with reader or for way 2- gerard is like ‘it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed’ and they’re just in love cutely. I hope this wasn’t confusing (but i know it was).
Summary: Gerard hates (y/n) who is Ray Toro’s sibling, after a while, they get annoyed with the constant insults and the rest so they decide to hate him back. They annoy Gerard afterwards for months, back and forth bickering until Gerard accidentally makes them moan leading to confessions from the both of them.
Enemies to lovers, Gerard Way x gender neutral!reader
Warnings: making out, smoking (cigarettes), swearing, alcohol, no smut but kinda heated
Word count: 1.9K
Long car rides are boring but not today, today I’m sat next to Gerard. One of my favourite things is to annoy him and get him riled up, it’s quite entertaining to watch. He hates me, I don’t know why because I never did anything to make him hate me. 
When they were looking for a drummer I turned up for the audition and joined the band a week later. We started rehearsals and I was nervous as shit, what if they only let me join because Ray’s my brother? I did everything I could to make the others like me, I was polite, early and did my best in rehearsals but for some reason the frontman just didn’t like me. Everytime I tried to talk to him or be his friend he’d brush me off or be rude and after a while it started to affect me because even though I didn’t want to admit it, I had developed a crush on him.
I asked the rest of the guys if they knew why he didn’t like me but none of them came up with any good ideas, a few joking ‘what if he has a crush on you’s came up from Frank. I felt my heart flutter at the thought but I tried not to get my hopes up.
So once I’d been in the band for a while and had attempted multiple times to be Gerard’s friend I decided that I wouldn’t let him keep making me feel like shit. Instead of trying to be his friend I started answering back and matching his energy. If he doesn’t want to be my friend then I don’t want to be his. It also might have been me overcompensating for liking him but we don’t talk about that part.
So on this car ride, we’re using a five seater car but there’s five of us so we’re all cramped together except from the guys in the front, Mikey’s driving and Frank’s next to him sorting out the GPS and maps. Obviously I was put next to Ray (in the middle) because we’re siblings and best friends and that leaves Gerard who was put on the other side of me.
The whole car ride was full of us bickering and arguing, I would prod his shoulder and do stupid things like that which annoy him. Everytime I saw him nodding off I would ask him if he was asleep therefore waking him up and annoying him.
“Hey, hey Gerard.” I whisper to him but he doesn’t reply. “Hey, I know you’re awake.” I say starting to prod his shoulder. 
“(y/n) leave me alone.” He says surprisingly calm. “You’ve been bothering me the entire time.”
“Yeah, well it’s not my fault you smoke in the car and are a bitch about everything.” I say talking about when I took his cigarette and threw it out the window because it smelled bad.
“I’m not a bitch.”
“Oh, you so are.” I counter him, smirking. “You’re such a bitch that you can’t even admit it.” I say laughing.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” He asks rolling his eyes
“Only for you, baby.” I say blowing him a mocking kiss. 
Silence fills the car and I turn around to see everyone but Mikey (who’s driving) looking at us.
“What?” I ask with a chuckle then turn to look at Gerard. His arms are crossed and he’s starring out the window in silence.
“First time I’ve seen him silent in a while.” Frank jokes from the front.
“Shut up, Frankie.” Gerard says sounding very pissed off.
“Okay, everyone, there’s not long left, just leave each other alone.” Ray says trying to calm everyone down. 
I turn around to Ray and we just talk quietly for the rest of the ride. He wasn’t wrong and there was only thirty minutes till the next tour stop. 
This show is one of the biggest shows on the tour so the place we’re staying is slightly bigger and nicer. We grab our night bags, basically the bags with our pajamas. The rest of the bags will be unpacked tomorrow when either we can be bothered to do it or someone will bring them in. 
I grab mine and yawn as I walk towards the hotel we’re staying in.
Someone signs us in and we make our way up the stairs to our rooms. We each have our own room and beds but there’s a communal room attached to a kitchen.
Once everyone’s thrown their bags in their rooms they all regrouped in the lounge area. I walk in afterwards walking into the kitchen and I check the fridge for some beer. Grabbing one I walk over to where everyone’s sat and slouch on the sofa.
“Why do they keep giving us kitchens, we never use them.” I say opening the can. 
“Why don’t you invest in a cook book and cook us all some food then.” Frank says jokingly.
“Nah, not worth it.” I say resting my arm on the arm rest.
Gerard finally walks in and has to sit next to me because there are no other spaces. He pulls out a cigarette pack and lighter and starts clicking the lighter. 
“Smoke outside!” I say not wanting to inhale the smoke.
“Fine! Calm down.” He says jabbing me with his elbow and I…moan.
My eyes go wide and my hand flies to my mouth. Frank looks shocked but amused. Ray’s head is in his hand and Mikey’s already laughing. Gerard, I don’t even want to look at him.
I stand up quickly and hurry out the room heading towards my room. I lock my door behind me and stand not moving a muscle still in shock.
“What the fuck is wrong with me? Oh my god!” I mutter to myself quietly now pacing around the room, head in hands. 
I drag my hand through my hair, cringing at the memory of a few minutes ago. I feel my cheeks warming as I wonder what’s going to happen next. 
Is Gerard going to mock me? I know Frank and Mikey will. Is he gonna ignore me? Am I gonna get kicked out the band? I think that might be a bit too far but who knows.
A knock on the door disrupts my racing thoughts.
“Go away.” I say not knowing who it is.
“(y/n), it’s me, Ray, can you let me in?” He says and I groan before standing up and unlocking the door. 
I sit on the bed and cover my face with my hands.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He says sitting down next to me and placing his hand on my shoulders.
“No, it’s not! It’s so embarrassing!” I whisper shout still covering my face.
“It happens to the best of us.” Ray tries to reassure me.
“No, no it doesn’t, has that ever happened to you before?” He stays quiet. “Or anyone you know?” He stays silent. “See, it’s weird and embarrassing!”
“It’s not. Frank and Mikey aren’t even talking about it, they’ve moved on. And Gerard, he wants to see you.”
“Tell him I don’t want to.” I say finally looking at Ray.
“Just talk to him, it’ll be fine, and if it’s not we can kick Gerard out the band.” He says jokingly.
“Ugh, fine. Where is he? I’m not meeting him in the communal room.” I say scoffing at the thought of talking to him in front of the others.
“He was in his room last time I saw him.”
“Okay, I’ll go when you leave, I need to mentally prepare myself for rejection and humiliation.” I say with a sarcastic smile and thumbs up. 
He shakes his head before leaving, closing the door. I lay back on the bed and take a few deep breaths before leaving my room. The walk to his room feels like the walk to a slaughterhouse. Finally, I end up outside his door, I knock.
“It’s unlocked.” I hear him say from within so I push open the door and walk in finally looking him in the face. I shut the door behind me and wait for him to speak but he doesn’t.
“Can we just get on with the rejection and humiliation please? I have things to do.” I ask him as he stands a few steps away from me.
He leans forward quickly, pouncing on my lips. He kisses me harshly and I stand in shock before pushing him off.
“Nope, you can’t do that!” I say annoyed. “You can’t hate me and ignore me then kiss me!” He steps back away from me.
“I don’t hate you.” He says quietly.
“Yes, you do, when I joined the band I tried to talk to you and befriend you many, many times and you either ignored me or were straight up insulting! You’re just rude to me and you brush me off all the time!”
“You’re the same to me.” 
“Yeah, because I decided to not let you make me feel shitty anymore and match your energy. You’re shitty to me so I am back to you.” I say like it’s obvious, sadness and anger dripping from my voice.
“I’m sorry.” He says with a sigh. “I-I just, I knew that if I was friends with you I wouldn’t be able to stay away. I knew that I would catch feelings for you.” He pauses. “But I guess it wouldn’t have mattered because I did anyway.” He explains. “I thought you hated me aswell.” 
Silence fills the room at the unexpected confession I was definitely not ready for.
“I could never.” A small smile plays on my lips.
I grab his collar pulling him towards me. He stumbles but doesn’t fall as our lips crash together. I feel my back pressed up against the wall as his arms pin me to it, my stomach is tied in knots as I thread my hands in his hair. The bleached strands frame his face and I tug on them experimentally and Gerard moans into my mouth. Separting, I pull apart from him and smirk.
“Pay back for earlier.” I say and observe him. His cheeks are flushed red, his mouth open slightly releasing quick breaths, his eyes dreamy and loving. But he turns it on me quickly.
“I can’t believe you moaned because I elbowed you-” He says mockingly.
I interrupt him, pulling him back in and kissing him. He pulls me forward slightly, pressing our bodies against each other, warmth spreading between us. Shivers run up my spine as my head is pushed against the wall. His confidence overwhelms mine as he pushes his tongue into my mouth, swirling it around mine, my eyes flutter close and I feel my stomach jump. He tastes of coffee and cigarette smoke. I hate cigarettes but he pulls it off so well, the remnants of smoke play on my taste buds as the kiss deepens. 
He moves to stand inbetween my legs, pushing them apart, I moan at the sudden movement in between my thighs. Excitement overwhelms me and I feel my legs become weak.
“Hey guys, I came to check on how things are going.” Ray says pushing the door open. We jump apart as soon as we hear him but it’s too late anyway. He covers his eyes quickly and backs out the door. “Sorry, should’ve knocked, umm, well done though.” He says the last part in a weaker voice. He must’ve realised I liked him at some point.
I stand next to the wall still looking at Gerard. “Do you think we broke him?” Gerard asks and I just shrug before pulling him back in by his shirt.
AN: Thanks for the request, I hope you liked this @heaveaux!
Feel free to send in any requests you have, I'll make a post with all the people/shows/bands I'll write for.
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
My Masterlist:
Request rules - Requests are open!
The time heist - Loki x fem!reader
The Ghost: Part 1 Part 2 - Kate Bishop x fem!reader
Work interruptions. - Shuri x fem!reader
"My golden boy." - Adam Warlock x fem!reader
"I'm not leaving you." - Peter Parker x Leo Nikolaev (oc)
"You, my darling, are definitely an exception." - Hobie Brown x fem!reader
"My little fighter." - Hobie Brown x fem!reader
Imagine the Spiderverse characters meeting Miguel's assistant - Spiderverse characters x fem!reader
"They're just teenagers." - Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Two Miguels. - Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
"She's my wife." - Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Imagine the Spiderverse characters with a flirty reader - Spiderverse characters x fem!reader
Not-so-secret identity. - Pavitr Prabhakar x fem!reader
The two Mandalorians - Din Djarin x fem!reader
The reward - Victor Zsasz x male!reader (GOTHAM)
Arkham breakout - Jerome Valeska x fem!reader (GOTHAM)
"You saved me." - Clark Kent x fem!reader (SUPERMAN)
"I thought they killed you." - Rick Flag x fem!reader (THE SUICIDE SQUAD)
"Fuck off America's sweetheart." - Rick Flag x fem!reader (THE SUICIDE SQUAD)
"It's the only goddamn hat you're gonna get." - Robert Dubois x fem!reader (THE SUICIDE SQUAD)
Office romance - CB!Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
“You’re not alone.” - Eddie Munson x gender neutral!reader
Eddie Munson headcannon - Eddie Munson x autistic gender neutral!reader
"Of course not!" - Eddie Munson x autistic fem!reader
"Your water gave me cancer." - Wilbur Soot x fem!reader
Mi familia! - Pepa Madrigal x fem!reader (ENCANTO)
The Rumbling: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 - Jean Kirstein x fem!reader (ATTACK ON TITAN)
Memories of you. - Reiner Braun x fem!reader (ATTACK ON TITAN)
The aftermath - Demon Slayer x fem!reader (DEMON SLAYER)
Letters - Shironeki x fem!reader (TOKYO GHOUL)
The Quarter Quell - Finnick Odair x fem!reader
"I will always wait for you." - Finnick Odair x fem!reader
"You look... beautiful." - Young!Haymitch Abernathy x fem!reader
Warm drinks and kisses - Sejanus Plinth x fem!reader
"I promise" - Gerard Way x fem!reader
"Just kiss me." - Gerard Way x gender neutral!reader
My Chemical Romance MK Concert! - Short review of the MCR concert I went to
"I love you too." - Gerard Way x fem!reader
Sibling quarrels. - Kobra Kid x gender neutral!reader x Party Poison
Evening gone wrong? I wouldn’t say so: Part 1 Part 2 - Gerard Way x fem!reader
Enemies to lovers - Gerard Way x gender neutral!reader
“Hi baby, I miss you...” - Vic Fuentes x fem!reader (PIERCE THE VEIL)
"Smile for me, darlin'" - Josh Franceschi x fem!reader (YOU ME AT SIX)
"The Maine are f*cking here!" - John O'Callaghan x fem!reader (THE MAINE)
Follow You. - Oli Sykes x fem!reader (BRING ME THE HORIZON)
Beach proposal - Awsten Knight x fem!reader (WATERPARKS)
"Oh wait, you know me?" - Spencer Charnas x male!reader (ICE NINE KILLS)
Bad day. - Spencer Charnas x male!reader (ICE NINE KILLS)
"I wanna be yours." - Alex Turner x fem!reader (ARTIC MONKEYS)
“I’ll rip the damn thing.” “You will not!” - Taabe x fem!reader
Don’t add insult to injury. - Taabe x fem!reader
Mistletoe. -  Ajax Petropolus x fem!reader
Kisses for your work. - Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
The Snake Issue. - Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
"Breathing's harder when a pretty girl's touching your chest." - Neteyam x fem!reader
Midnight swim. - Neteyam x fem!reader
"Don't close your eyes." - Neteyam x fem!reader
Our new home - Neteyam x fem!reader
"Thank you." - Neteyam x fem!reader
Wrong number...? - Ethan Landry x fem!reader (SCREAM)
"Goddamn red dress." - Stu Macher x fem!reader (SCREAM)
"You're gonna be the death of me." - John Luther x fem!reader (LUTHER)
"We should have a sleepover." - Ken x fem!reader (BARBIE)
"Carm, the pastries!" - Carmen Berzatto x fem!reader (THE BEAR)
"God, I missed you." - Eggsy Unwin x fem!reader (KINGSMAN)
"Hearts for a sweetheart." - Timothée Chalamet!Willy Wonka x fem!reader (WONKA)
"Only for you darlin'" - Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) x fem!reader (FALLOUT)
Lipstick kisses. - Cooper Howard (pre-apocalypse) x fem!reader
"Thinking I don't love you, 'course I do, sweetheart" - Cooper Howard x fem!reader
I update this masterlist as I do more writing so keep an eye out!
Some of these are from over two years ago, the more recent ones are better quality :)
Enjoy reading!
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
Sibling quarrels.
Summary: Kobra and (y/n) are sent out to get resources from a so-called abandoned stronghold. They return to camp and Party bandages (y/n)'s head. Throughout the day soft moments are exchanged between the siblings and (y/n) amidst the chaotic world. (Kobra Kid x (y/n) x Party Poison).
Warnings: Kissing? fighting, guns, weapons, blood.
Word count: 1.8K
Ducking down I narrowly miss a bullet fired at me. I feel my helmet slide down my head so I push it back up before pulling out my second blaster, killing a few of the Draculoids surrounding Kobra. He finishes the rest of them off and follows closely behind me as I approach the abandoned stronghold, or at least it was meant to be abandoned. I crouch down behind some rocks looking as a few Draculoids are packing away supplies.
“We need those.” I point out to Kobra in a hushed voice. 
I flip up my visor and watch as they pile the resources into trucks.
“What do we do?” He replies flipping his visor up aswell. I stay silent, thinking of a plan.
“Follow my lead.” I say before flipping my visor back down.
I hold out my gun in front of me as I walk slowly still crouched getting closer. I run to the wall of the stronghold and signal for Kobra to go the other way. He nods before going the other way. I watch him, craning my neck around to see if he’s okay. Turning back around I’m met with the butt of a gun hitting me in the head. I fall to the ground but the impact is lessened by my helmet. Shuffling backwards I shoot the masked man and try to shake off the feeling of dizziness from the head injury. The Draculoid falls to the ground and I hear gunshots from across the compound. Getting up, I nearly fall back down but manage to steady myself and continue the mission.
Kobra’s taken out a lot of them but he’s a bit caught up. Shooting the two in front of me I jump behind one of the trucks as they open fire on me. I flinch, ducking my head, hearing the bullets collide with the metal of the truck. Once the bullets halt I stand back up, looking over the truck I shoot the two that are reloading their guns. Kobra takes out the other three as they stand, unaware that there were two of us.
“Some plan that was.” Kobra says as he jogs over to me.
I look down at all the bodies and hear the silence that now surrounds us. “Well, it seems to have worked.” I say with a small smirk. 
“It was meant to be abandoned.” He says looking at the very much not abandoned stronghold. 
“Yeah, we should grab all the supplies quickly in case they send back up.” He nods grabbing a couple of crates packed with food.
Hopping onto the back of the truck I pass down the boxes filled with ammunition and guns. I open one of the boxes and it reveals a trunk full of bottles of water, I assume it’s water. I take one out and remove the cap.
“Don’t drink that.” Kobra warns but I ignore him and lift the bottle to my mouth anyway. “You don’t know what that is! It could be poison.”
“Only one way to find out.” I say tipping it into my mouth. 
Kobra throws his head back, pacing around, hands on hips as I drink the water.
“You’re stressing over nothing.” I assure him hopping down from the truck. “It’s just water.” I place my hand on his shoulder. “Want some?” I ask, offering the water.
“No, let’s just go back, we’ve got everything now anyway. Someone should probably look at your head aswell” He says glancing over at the cut on my head.
“Okay.” I say grabbing the box full of water bottles, I chuck it on the backseat and sit next to Kobra in the front.
He sits in the driver’s seat and I sit in the passenger seat admiring our score from the stronghold. I turn to Kobra and he doesn’t seem so happy. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask him as he drives us back to the caravans we call home.
“Nothing’s wrong.” He replies emotionless.
“You haven’t convinced me of that.” I say. He sighs before replying.
“It’s just, just that no one was meant to be at the stronghold, why were there Draculoids?” He asks and I chuckle quietly.
“Oh come on, is that what’s got you down?” He nods slowly. “Well, don’t worry about it, someone probably just got something wrong, you know with the information and all that.” I lean over and kiss him on the side of his lips. “Don’t worry about it.” I say with a smile. “Let’s just get home and we can tell the others all about our marvelous adventure.” I say mostly sarcastically.
I pat him on the shoulder and I could’ve sworn his cheeks had a slight pink glow to them but it’s most likely the light. The sunset colours reflecting onto him or something. The rest of the ride is spent in silence but not an awkward one, a calm, relaxing silence.
We pull up to the caravans, the glow of the fire illuminating the camp as the guys jog up to us. Party pulls open my door before I can even undo my seatbelt. 
“What took you guys so long?” Party asks as I exit the car.
“Turns out the abandoned stronghold was not so abandoned.” I say stepping out of the car. 
I step into the light and Party’s face is filled with concern.
“What happened to your face?” He says hands holding onto my face, one finger swiping against the wound. I hiss as he presses down to hard and he makes an apologetic face and whispers out a ‘sorry’.
“A Draculoid hit me with their gun.” I say sounding quite indifferent. “You know, the usual.” I joke. 
“Come on, let me clean it and bandage it.” He says, Kobra, Fun and Jet have already left, gathering around the fireplace about to cook some of the food me and Kobra retrieved.
“Fine.” I say begrudgingly as he drags me into our makeshift medical room. It’s not much more than a closet but it’s stuffed full of bandages and all of that.
I lean against the side as Party sorts through the stuff. He turns around, a damp cloth in one hand and some bandages in the other. 
“This might hurt a little.” He says before dabbing my head wound with the cloth.
“Shit.” I mutter quietly, flinching away slightly. 
“Sorry.” He says but continues to clean it.
Once it’s cleaned he moves onto the bandaging.
“Is a bandage really necessary? Can’t I have a plaster or something?”
“No, you need a bandage.” I huff but accept it as he starts wrapping it around my head. I watch in silence as he wraps the bandage around me.
“You look so pretty.” I say looking up at him, his face illuminated by both the glow of the fire and the shadows that carve the canals of his face. He looks a bit shocked before he smiles.
“You look pretty too.” He says and I lean forward to peck him on the lips.
“Alright,” I start seeing Party looking quite flustered by my actions. “Can I go now, doc?” I say jokingly.
“Yeah, umm, tell the guys I’ll be out in a minute.” He says before hurrying away.
“Okay.” I say trailing off as he leaves the room. Weird, I think before heading out to the firepit.
I get wolf whistled by Frank jokingly as he sees my bandage.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get too excited.” I joke and don’t miss the way Kobra’s face creases as I do. “I think I might just wear my helmet for a while to cover it.” I say placing my helmet on my head but flipping the visor up. “Much better. Also Party said he’d be out in a minute, don’t know where he's gone.”
“Oh?” Jet asks genuinely.
“Think you scared him off.” Frank says.
“Oh yeah? I’m sure that’s why.” I say nodding my head. “I’m gonna get a drink, anyone want one?”
“Can you grab me a beer?” Jet asks and I nod.
“Anyone else?” They both shake their heads. “Okay.” 
I walk off, the conversation becoming a distant sound as I enter the ‘kitchen’. I head to the fridge and grab two beers but before returning to the campfire I decide to look for Party. I poke my head into the rooms, I look most places but he’s nowhere to be found. I head back out towards the fire and see Party talking with Kobra. It looks like they’re arguing, what about? I wonder.
I start to head over when I hear Kobra say my name.
“What are you doing with (y/n)?” Kobra asks with no response. “Leave them alone.”
“What are you talking about? Why would I leave (y/n) alone?” He sounds just as confused. I decide to hang back and listen for a while.
“They don’t want you.” He replies.
“How would you know what (y/n) wants?” He says scoffing.
“Well, they kissed me.” Kobra says and I feel bad for him, Party, if anything will feel angry about the interaction but Kobra will shrink away and become miserable. I decide to intervene and fain obliviousness. 
I walk over, into the light and sit down.
“Hey guys. Jet, here’s your beer.” I pass it to him and he mutters a quick ‘thanks’ before silence overwhelms us. “What’s got everyone so quiet?” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Hey Jet, can you, umm help me something real quick?” Fun says obviously trying to remove them both from the situation.
“Yeah, I’ll come help you.” They both get up and leave.
Kobra’s eyes are fixed on the floor as Party stares at him.
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” I say and they both turn to look at me.
“Well, it seems like we both like you.” Party says.
“Well, I’d hope so.” I chuckle. “We’ve been friends for a while now, it would be kind of awkward if you didn’t.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“He meant like, more than a friend.” Kobra fills in the gaps.
“Oh.” I say, realising what’s going on. “Wow.”
“I’m guessing you like us too, seeing as you’ve kissed both of us?” Party says with a small smirk.
“Yeah, you could say that.” I say with a slightly nervous smile.
“Okay, now. What to do with this situation?” Party ponders with a smile. “Now obviously, if this situation ends up in dating I’d like (y/n) all to myself but seeing as you’re my dear old brother I might make an exception.”
“Get on with it then, what do you propose?” Kobra asks getting impatient with Party beating around the bush.
“I propose we share (y/n), if of course, if (y/n) would like to have both of us.”
“I am certainly not opposed to this idea but I don’t want to drive a wedge between your guys’ relationship.”
“If it doesn’t work out then we can establish a new ‘deal’” Party says with air speech marks. “You alright with that Kobra?” He nods his head in response.
“This is gonna be fun,” I say looking at the two extremely attractive men who are now both mine.
AN: 100 follower special!
Hope you enjoyed reading!
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
I promise.
Summary: Things have gotten too much for (y/n) and she decides to take it further but it doesn't go to plan. (Danger Days era).
This is a depressing fic, I wrote it as a comfort fic for myself to do with attempting suicide and I thought it might be able to help other people as well.
Warnings: Suicide, allusion to overdose, depression.
Word count: 1.4K
My breathing is heavy, it’s the only thing I can hear other than my thumping heart and the sound of my tears dripping onto the floor. I stare at the cabinet as I begin to stand up. Stepping hesitantly towards the cabinet I feel a strike of euphoria. It’s not like the thought of dying hasn’t entered my mind before but now it seems like a desirable outcome.
I reach my hand to the cabinet and curl my fingers around the handle. Feeling the cold metal against my hand I pull back slightly but continue and pull open the door. A variety of pills and drugs are revealed and I’m bombarded with choices. I grab an orange container and recognise it immediately. My anti-depressants.
They haven’t worked, they never do. I take them off the shelf and place them on the counter returning to the cabinet. I rifle through the bottles of pills and settle on a few based on my guess at the most lethal in an overdose.
I place them all on the counter and stare at them. After a few seconds of staring at the bottles, I grab a scrappy piece of paper and pen. I start writing but the pen doesn’t work. I sigh before trudging up the stairs to my room to find a pen. Once I do I return to the kitchen preparing myself for the words I’m about to write. I sit down on the floor, paper and pen in hand, and begin to write a list of names.
“Dear Gerard, Mikey, Frank and Ray,” I say out loud to myself whilst copying it down. “I love you all very much and that’s why I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you how bad things have gotten. I’m sorry for any pain this will cause you.” 
I wipe my tears from my face with my elbow.
“I’m really sorry but this was the only solution, the only outcome fit for the situation. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough, I’m sorry I couldn’t keep going. And to my parents, I’m sorry for all the pain my actions will cause you.”
I have to pause for a second to steady my breathing to continue. Who knew writing a suicide note would be so hard.
“I hope none of you blame yourselves for my actions. I won’t be able to sleep knowing you blame yourselves. I hope you can all move on from me and eventually forget about me.” 
Content with the letter so far I decide to write a section for my fiance.
“Dear Gerard, I hope you know I love you with all of my being, I would give you the world if I could but now all I can do is leave you this letter. A thank you letter, really. Thank you for being the best lover I could wish for, thank you for being my best friend and bandmate. I don’t want you to blame yourself, I want you to live a long happy life which will have to be without me. I’m sorry I’m missing our wedding, I wish I could’ve seen you one more time before I left this world. Love you all, (y/n).” 
I end the letter, overwhelmed by how much I had to say. Now for the easy part: taking the pills.
I lean my head back against the cupboard door, I place my letter on the floor next to me and bring down the bottles of pills from the counter. 
I open the first bottle of pills throwing the lid on the floor not hearing the door open. 
“Goodbye,” I whisper before seeing Gerard’s iconic red hair by the doorway. I lift it up to my mouth hurriedly as I see him running towards me shouting for Frank to get in here.
He’s screaming at me to stop whilst I tip the pills into my mouth, none actually get into my mouth though as he pulls my hand away, taking the bottle off of me. Frank runs to me not far behind Gerard and holds onto me as I yell and grab for the pills.
“No! No! Give it back!” I yell tears streaming down my face. “Please! Please, give it back!” I yell as I see him pour the pills down the sink along with the other three bottles I had prepared.
“No! No, no, no! Stop it!” I yell struggling as Frank holds my arms behind my back.
“Mikey! Ray!” Frank yells holding me back as we both hear the door slam closed.
They both run in as Gerard throws the last empty bottle in the bin.
“No!” I shout as I can feel my tears sticking to my face. “Please, please.” I beg quieter this time as Ray stands in shock and Mikey reaches for the letter I wrote. 
Gerard crouches in front of me tears brimming his eyes. He stays still for a minute the only sound being the sound of me crying. He kneels down and leans forward engulfing me in a hug. I feel Frank loosen his grip and Gerard’s tightens. 
“Why would you do that?” I say quietly as I remain sat on the floor in surprise. 
Silence engulfs the house as everyone stands behind me and Gerard on the floor.
We all stay that way for a good minute or at least until I had calmed down.
Finally I rest my head on Gerard’s shoulder and wrap my arms around him.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper to him now crying for a different reason. 
“Please,” He starts quietly, head tucked behind my shoulder. “Never do that again, please.” He says a defeated undertone to his voice. 
“I don’t want to feel this way anymore.” I say with a trembling voice. 
“What way?” Ray asks.
“Like everyone in the world is against you including your own body and mind.”
“What about us?” Frank says sounding slightly hurt.
“I’m sorry.” I say wiping my eyes pulling away from Gerard.
“I think you should see a doctor.” Gerard suggests quietly.
“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea,” I say struggling not to cry whilst I look at my fiance.
“Do you mind if I go clean my face?” I say after a while. 
They all look very sceptical.
“One of you can come with me if you’d like?” I offer sadly and it ends up being me and Mikey.
I trudge up the stairs Mikey close behind and we make it to the bathroom. He closes the door as I walk in.
“You really scared us.” He says gently.
“I’m so sorry. I really am and I know that’s probably hard to believe but I am so sorry. I love all of you so much.” I step towards him and hug him, he hugs back just as hard. 
“I thought we were going to lose you.” He says voice breaking slightly. “Please don’t do that again, I don’t know what I’d do let alone what my brother would do.”
I wash my face and we go back downstairs. I’m greeted with three concerned faces. 
“Can we talk about it in the morning?” I say tired and not prepared to talk about all my deepest thoughts and feelings. Gerard shows a small, sad smile before taking his hands from his pockets.
“Yeah,” He pauses. “You guys are welcome to stay.” His face says the opposite.
“It’s fine, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Frank walks over to me and hugs me. The other two follow suit doing the same.
They shut the door behind them and Gerard an I walk in silence to our landing.
“I can sleep in the spare room if you want.” I say thinking he probably won’t want to see me, he’s probably disgusted by my actions, I know I am.
“Come on.” He says and places his arm around my waist pulling me with him.
We both get changed into pajamas and get into the bed. I turn around to face him.
“I’m so sor-” I start to apologise with tears in my eyes.
“You don’t need to, I’ve been there, I know what it’s like. I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me. I love you and we’re getting married next year, it’s important you know you can tell me about anything. I’m sorry I made you feel like you couldn’t.”
Tear brim my eyes as I shuffle closer and wrap my arms around him.
“Just promise me you’ll talk to me in the future.” He looks at me, fear and love both mixed in his eyes. He holds out his pinky finger.
“I promise,” I say looping our fingers together and kissing him gently.
AN: Writing this made me really sad but I found it really comforting. I hope you enjoyed reading my angsty creation.
Also sorry I haven't posted anything in a while.
Would you guys like more My Chemical Romance fics or other band fics? Just request if you do.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
They Can Fix Me Proper With a Bit of Luck
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: None Word Count: ~1,660 Author’s Note: TW for mentions of broken bones (nothing graphic, it's not even really described), hospitals, all that sorta medical stuff. Also I did a tiny bit of research, but if it's inaccurate, it's because I've never broken a bone (knock on wood).
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Every night of the tour so far (YN) had climbed up and down the ladder to the platform that held her drum kit without a second thought. She had no reason to worry, the crew was diligent and safety was always the first concern with all the pyrotechnics and everything going on. But an illness had swept through the crew, leaving the ones who weren't sick to do the jobs of multiple people. And that was a recipe for disaster.
The ladder felt secure when (YN) had scaled it before the show, and when the show was over she was buzzing with the high of another great show. But as her feet met the rungs, the ladder slipped out from under her, sending her crashing nearly six feet to the floor below.
(YN) cried out in pain, but could hardly hear herself over the roar of the crowd, still cheering following the last encore song. Crew members hurried over as she tried to stand, but couldn't put any weight on her right leg.
"What happened?" Gerard was the first from the band to reach her. Panic was written all over his face.
"Ladder fell while she was climbing down," someone explained.
"Why wasn't it secure?!" Gerard shouted, the panic turning to rage as the rest of the band and the tour manager Ashely arrived to see what happened.
"Jesus (YN)!" Frank looked wide eyed when he arrived.
"Can you move your foot?" Ray asked.
(YN) shook her head, wincing in pain.
"We need an EMT over here now!" Ashely shouted, going into full mama lion mode.
It took one glance from the stadium's EMT to determine that (YN) needed to be seen in a hospital as soon as possible. After a quick squabble between Ashely and Gerard over who should ride with her, she was rushed to the emergency room, x-rays were taken and pain medicine administered. After waiting what felt like an eternity, the doctor came in and confirmed the worst: her ankle was broken, and she'd be in a cast for at least six weeks, and she'd need surgery immediately to keep the bones from healing incorrectly.
Maybe it was the adrenaline wearing off, or the painkillers they administered kicking in, but when the doctor walked out of the room leaving (YN) and Ashely alone again, (YN) completely broke down.
"They're gonna kick me out of the band!" She sobbed. "They're gonna leave me here and send me home and get a new drummer and I'll never see them again!"
"Oh sweetie," Ashely brushed the hair back from (YN)'s face. "No one is gonna kick you out of the band! I'm sure they're all really worried about you."
(YN) continued to cry, not noticing Ashely digging into her purse and pulling out her phone. "Look at all the messages I have already!"
She glanced over and saw unopened text messages from all the guys, and the little number at the top of the phone indicated that wasn't all of them. She sniffled. "Can I see?"
But as she was about to hand her the phone, a nurse rushed into the room. "Ok, (YN), I'm here to prep you for surgery. Ma'am, you'll need to go to the waiting room."
"No problem, I have calls to make, but I'll be here when you're done," she said reassuringly.
"Tell them I'm sorry," (YN) pouted.
"You have nothing to apologize for dear!" She smiled sympathetically before leaving the room.
After the surgery was completed (YN) was wheeled back into her room to recover. As she started to regain consciousness, she could hear soft voices. When her eyes opened and adjusted to the brightness of the room, she realized it was her bandmates and Ashely.
"Hey guys," she mumbled.
She noticed Gerard was on one side of her bed, Ashely and Frank on the other. Gerard was the first to hear her. He had looked worried, but the worry changed to relief when he realized she was awake.
"How are you feeling, sugar?" Gerard asked.
(YN) just sort of groaned in response, her head not awake enough yet to form much of an opinion.
"Give her a minute," Frank scolded Gerard. "Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his ribs where Ashely elbowed him.
"He's just worried, be nice."
(YN) managed to sit up a bit, dragging her obnoxious new cast along. "Why're you all still here? Aren't you supposed to be in… someplace else?"
"We couldn't leave you behind!" Ray said brightly, joining the others.
"We canceled the next show," Gerard explained.
The words jolted her from her fog. "No!"
"It's ok sweetie, everyone understands, and just wants you to heal," Ashely said, placing a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.
"What about the rest of the shows? I'm sure I can figure something out, I mean if the drummer for Def Leppard can play with one arm-"
"I called Tucker, he said he could fill in for the rest of the tour," Frank explained.
"And no one is kicking you out of the band. You can even stay on the road with us if you'd like," Ashely said, answering her questions before she could ask.
(YN) nodded, not noticing the look being exchanged between her bandmates.
"You thought we'd kick you out?" Mikey asked. He almost sounded a little hurt.
She glanced up, feeling her cheeks burning. "I… I dunno. I was on a lot of painkillers and emotional."
"We would never kick you out of the band, especially not for this," Gerard said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.
She smiled, both at the sentiment and the feeling of her hand in his. What was even better was how he didn’t let go. (YN) was certain that just about everyone that Gerard came in contact with developed a crush on him, it seemed impossible not to. At least that’s what she reasoned so she didn’t feel guilty for the feelings she harbored for him.
Having the band, her closest friends, with her in the hospital room made the situation so much less miserable, but try as she might, she couldn’t help the grogginess that was tugging at her eyelids. Soon she'd drifted off to sleep again.
When (YN) woke up, she wasn’t sure how long she’d been out, but it seemed brighter outside the window and a lot quieter. She realized that only Gerard was still by her bedside. It took her a moment to register that he was doing something to her cast.
“Wha are you doin?” She mumbled sleepily.
He looked up with a start. “I wanted to make your cast pretty for you.”
(YN) sat up so you could see better, and found an amazing skull design with roses around it. "Gee, it's amazing," she murmured.
He smiled. "You like it?"
(YN) nodded. "I'm almost gonna be sad to have it cut off in two months or whenever."
A faint pink dusted Gerard's cheeks, as he turned back to his work. “Maybe they can save it, or I can redraw it for you.”
“That’d be nice,” she said before pausing. “Not that I don’t enjoy your company Gee, but where’s everyone else?”
“Visiting hours are over,” he said, not looking up from what he was doing.
"Wait, then how'd you get them to let you stay? Were you hiding in the bathroom or something?"
"I said I was your husband and they didn't question it," he said with a smile that clearly conveyed how clever he thought he was, while you blushed feverishly.
"That's how rumors get started, ya know," you mumbled.
Gerard shrugged. "They can't say anything, right? Hippo or whatever it’s called."
"HIPAA? I think that means they can't talk about your medical stuff, not, ya know, public record stuff."
Gerard paused in his drawing, before shrugging. "Oh well."
(YN) laughed and flopped back against the pillows. “You could at least take me out before claiming my hand in marriage.” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them.
Gerard glanced up at her, eyebrows raised, a smile forming on his face. “That so?”
(YN) panicked internally for a moment before nodding. “Yea.”
“Well, next day off we get, let’s go get dinner, just you and me.”
“You won’t mind waiting for me to hobble around on crutches?”
“You were the only one who always waited and walked with me when I had to use the cane.”
“You noticed?” (YN) found herself blushing again.
“Of course,” he replied. “I kinda loved it because we got to be alone for a bit.”
“Oh,” she laughed lightly.
Gerard got up from the chair he was sitting in and sat on the side of the bed, taking her hand. “I feel like an idiot for not realizing how I felt, I think I was lying to myself. But when I saw you hurt, it broke my heart. I realized I wanted to protect you, and keep you safe, and,” he paused. “I really like you, (YN).”
A proper grin spread across (YN)’s face, the first since the show ended the evening before. "I really like you too Gerard."
"Can I kiss you, please?" He asked, almost pleading.
"Of course," (YN) smiled, as Gerard leaned in, his lips meeting hers. He kissed her with deliberate care, like he hoped it would somehow heal her broken bones. When they finally pulled back, they were both blushing lightly.
"Ya know, you're probably not gonna be able to climb up into your bunk anymore," Gerard said, unable to hide the smile playing at his lips.
"Oh you're right," (YN) nodded.
"I guess you can share with me," he replied smugly.
"Are you sure you didn't sabotage the ladder as an excuse to get closer to me?" She smirked and he laughed.
"It was purely coincidental, scout's honor," he replied.
"I doubt you were ever a boy scout, but good answer," she replied, pulling him in to kiss her again.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Weird specific request, but could you maybe do a Gerard x reader where reader’s band is on tour with them? Her band has accidentally left her behind at a rest stop and MCR does her a solid and gives her a lift in their tour bus? And this gives Gerard more time to talk to her and it’s all cute
Forgotten and Found
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: Anon Word Count: 1,100 Author’s Note: Yes I'm posting on Thursday, no this is not smut lol just some fluffy goodness to help you all through your week
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“You have got to be kidding me!" You exclaimed as soon as you stepped out of the convenience store.
Pulling out of the parking lot was your band’s tour bus, completely oblivious that you were not onboard. The worst part was your cell phone and all your belongings, except for the bag of chips and a soda you’d just purchased and about $2.64 in change, was on the bus as well.
“Was that your bus?” You heard someone ask behind you. Turning to look, you saw Gerard and Ray walking out of the convenience store.
“Yea! And I don’t have my phone or money or anything!” You exclaimed. “I’m so screwed!”
“Happens to the best of us,” Ray laughed lightly.
“You would know,” Gerard said sheepishly before turning to you. “We may have forgotten Ray a few times back in the day. Come on.”
“What?” You felt like your ears had failed you. 
“Unless you wanna stay here in… wherever the fuck we are,” Gerard laughed.
“Oh hell no,” you shook your head and followed the musicians.
You had yet to see the inside of My Chem’s bus. Your manager had been very clear about giving Gerard, Ray, Mikey, Frank and Bob their space. They were the main event, you were just the opening band, and you were to remember your place, pay your dues, so to speak, and not be a pain in the ass to anyone. But of course, the guys from My Chem had been nothing but gracious and kind to you and your bandmates whenever they got the chance to hang out and talk to you, but sadly that wasn’t often as you'd like, as they were so busy. 
“Picked up a straggler,” Ray announced as you climbed up the steps into the front lounge of their bus.
“Hey (YN),” Mikey nodded, glancing up from the comic he was reading.
“Hey, thanks for letting me come aboard!” You winced. “That sounded so dumb.”
Frank snickered. “That sounds like something Gerard would say.”
You glanced over at Gerard, whose cheeks had a hint of pink across them, and you were certain it was the cutest thing you’d ever seen.
“Shuddup,” he muttered under his breath.
“We couldn’t leave you behind!” Ray smiled at you.
"I appreciate it!"
After borrowing their tour manager’s phone to call your manager to let them know where you were, you settled in on the couch with the cursed snack that caused you to be left behind. Ray and Frank had gone in the back to play video games and Mikey continued reading, You had yet to see Bob, so you assumed he was asleep in his bunk, or just being himself and avoiding everyone. You were curious what Gerard was up to when he came out from the back, a backpack in hand.
“Hey,” he said, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch from you. “Bored yet?”
“A little,” you laughed lightly. “I wish I had the book I was reading or something. What are you doing?”
Gerard held up the sketch book he had pulled out of his bag. “Drawin,” he replied.
“Oh cool style. Do you just do that for fun, or are you working on a project?”
“I’m working on a comic. I dunno if anything will happen with it, but I have an idea I wanna explore. Do you wanna see?” He asked. He sounded a little nervous.
“Sure,” you nodded, sliding closer to him, so you could see his drawings better and Gerard put his arm over the back of the couch so you could move in closer. He was so enthusiastic about getting to describe his characters, the world he was building for them, and what he wanted to have happen in the story. It was fascinating just to watch him talk, but he was also wonderful to have a conversation in general with as well.
Somewhere along the way, between talking about your how you spent your summer vacations back when you were in school and your current dreams for the future, Gerard’s arm slid down from resting on the back of the couch, to over your shoulders and you tried to contain how much that thrilled you as you moved in a little closer to him. You were so lost in the moment that you didn’t even notice Mikey getting up and wandering deeper into the bus. If you would have looked up, you would have seen him roll his eyes, and shake his head as he left. You also didn’t notice the bus was slowing down.
“Ya know, I think I’m actually really glad that my bus left me behind,” you said softly.
Gerard nodded. “I am too. I’ve been wanting to spend more time with you, but everything is so busy, I haven’t gotten the chance.”
“Really? Me?”
“Yea,” he nodded. “I mean if you wanna spend time with me.”
“Yea, I want that,” you whispered when you realized that you and Gerard were somehow even closer now.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, noses brushing as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Yes please.” The words were barely out of your mouth when his lips met yours, ever so gently, but more intently as you moved together. His hand that was wrapped around your shoulders slipped down so it was on your waist as you grabbed at his t-shirt while the kiss deepened.
“What the hell is going on?”
You and Gerard jumped apart like a couple of school kids being caught under the bleachers by a teacher. 
“Why are we stopped?” The manager called up to the driver, and you realized that his concern was regarding the bus, not you and Gerard.
“Traffic is at a stand still,” the driver called back. “Radio is saying an accident up ahead has all lanes blocked, so we’ll be delayed, but we’ll still be there before the show tomorrow.”
“Looks like you’re stuck here tonight,” the manager said to you before retreating to the back to inform the rest of the guys..
“I guess I better get comfortable on the couch,” you rolled your eyes. 
“Umm,” Gerard started, and you glanced over at him. “Not to be too forward, but you could share my bunk if you’d like. If not that’s ok, you can just take it, I can sleep out here.”
“You’re so sweet, but I’m not going to put you out. I will however take you up on your offer,” you smiled.
Gerard grinned, getting up, and offering you his hand before leading the way back to his bunk.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Cutting Me Open, Then Healing Me Fine
Pairing: Basement Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: @nordic-fangirl​ (sorry tumblr at your original request!) Word Count: ~1300 Author’s Note: A bit of fluffy, some cliché moments, but that’s fun sometimes. I hope everyone, especially the requestor, enjoys the story. I’m afraid it’s not my best work ever, but I’m trying to get over this writers block.
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“(YN)?” Gerard watched as his friend blinked, shook her head, before looking up at him.
“Are you okay?”
“Yea, why?”
Gerard ran a hand through his hair. “You’ve been a million miles away all day. For quite a while actually,” he replied. “You didn’t even hear when I asked if you wanted to get pizza. I thought that would get your attention for sure.”
“Oh,” she laughed lightly. “I just got a lot on my mind I guess.”
“Like what?” He asked, hoping she wouldn’t think he was being nosey.
“I… I think I’m gonna break up with Jordan,” she answered, staring at the floor.
He felt a mix of emotions bubble up immediately; relief, excitement, nervousness, anger. “He’s not hurting you, is he? He’s always seemed sorta… aggressive.”
“Oh no! Nothing like that,  it’s just… I don’t feel, I mean I feel like…” she paused and sighed. “I don’t like him like that. He just isn’t the person for me.”
Gerard nodded in understanding. “If you wanna talk more about it, you know I’m here.”
(YN) smiled and nodded back. “Yea, that’s why I-” she cut herself off. “That’s why you’re one of my closest friends.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, she was staring back at the floor. Gerard was just thankful that she didn’t see the look of disappointment he was sure he wasn’t hiding well.
“So pizza?” He asked after a moment, breaking the silence.
“Yea, sure, let’s go,” she smiled.
It’d been a few days since Gerard last hung out with (YN). Nothing more had been said about her relationship once they left the house, and Gerard didn’t want to pry if she didn’t want to talk about it. He just hoped that she’d be happier once it was over. It was as if a dark cloud had been hanging over her for the longest time, and he hated that for her.
He had been reading when his phone rang.
“Hey, did you hear?” Ray asked immediately, his tone bordering on giddy.
“Hear what?” Gerard replied, a little annoyed by his friend’s antics.
“(YN) and Jordan are done.”
Gerard almost dropped the phone. “Whe-where’d you hear that?”
“Here at the cafe! It just happened right here! He was pissed.”
“Holy shit,” Gerard mumbled, completely stunned.
“So what are you gonna do?” Ray asked.
“Whaddya mean?” Gerard asked, feeling himself blush.
“Gee, I’m hiding from my manager in the back, so I can’t really talk. But we both know how you feel about her! Now’s your chance!”
“She just got out of a relationship! Besides, she said I’m her closest friend-”
“Shit, I gotta go, my manager is looking for me, but now is your chance, man! Do it!” Ray said before hanging up.
Gerard shook his head before getting up and pacing his room. “I should be there for her,” he muttered to himself. “Not for me, for her. She’d do the same for me.”
But no sooner than he’d pulled on a clean shirt, he heard the doorbell. He raced up the stairs and found (YN) on the other side.
“Hey,” she smiled, but she sounded tired.
“Hey. Ray told me,” Gerard blurted out.
(YN) laughed as she walked in, just as big raindrops began to fall from the angry sky. “I had a feeling he’d say something when I saw he was working.”
“Are you ok?”
“Yea,” she nodded, following him back down to his room. “Like I told you before, he just wasn’t right for me. I think if anything, he made me realize what I want, what I deserve in a relationship, ya know?”
Gerard nodded sympathetically as they both sat down on his bed. “Wanna watch a movie or something to take your mind off it?”
“Yes please,” she nodded as she settled back against the pillows like she’d done countless times before. But when Gerard glanced over his shoulder, he noticed her smiling at the framed photo of the two of them next to his lamp.
When he had a movie on, he settled in next to her, close but not quite touching, but to his delight, she started to snuggle into his side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and could have sworn she sighed contentedly.
“Up for another?” Gerard asked as the end credits began to roll.
“Sure, sounds good. I’m gonna run to the bathroom before we start the next one,” (YN) she said getting up.
Gerard nodded and fiddled with the remote until he noticed that she’d left her phone and she was getting a call. He didn’t pay much attention until the screen lit up again. He picked it up and saw the name on the display.
“Leave her alone,” Gerard said as soon as he had answered.
“Ha! I shoulda fuckin known,” Jordan snapped. “I shoulda known that you were the reason she left me.”
“I don’t, I’m not… what the fuck are you talking about?”
“She never shut up about you, I shoulda fuckin known that when she said she was in love with someone else it was you.”
“She loves me?” Gerard said slowly, completely stunned, but not totally believing the man on the other end of the phone.
“Gee?” (YN)’s voice was small as she stood in the doorway.
“Yea, she does. I shoulda known,” Jordan repeated before hanging up.
Gerard jumped up and hurried over to her. “I’m sorry, I answered because I was gonna tell him off for harassing you ‘cause he was calling and calling and he said,” Gerard couldn’t get the words out, the look of fear on (YN)’s face overwhelmed him.
“I just wish I could have been the one to tell you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’ll go.”
She brushed past him and grabbed her bag from where she dropped it. She started to reach for her phone, still in Gerard’s hand, before shaking her head and rushing up the stairs.
It took a moment for the shock of everything that had just happened to wear off and for Gerard to run up the steps and out the door. He worried he'd be too late, that (YN) would already be gone.
Instead, he found her sitting in her car, her head against the steering wheel as she sobbed. He ran through the rain that was now pouring down, climbing in the passenger side and pulling her to him as she sobbed against his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I’m sorry Gee, I should have told you right away, but I was worried how you’d react  and now everything’s ruined."
Gerard ran his hand over her wet hair and shushed her softly. "No, no, it's ok sugar. Nothing’s ruined, nothing at all.”
(YN) pulled back and looked up at him. Even though her eyes were red and puffy, she was still perfect to him. “What do you mean?” She asked tentatively.
“I mean,” he paused, his heart suddenly leapt into his throat. “I’ve been in love with you for… forever. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, I could only hope that one day it might be with me.”
She reached up and brushed away a strand on wet black hair that had stuck to his face. “I love you Gerard, so much. I want you, you’re all I want.”
There was only a moment of hesitation between the two before their lips crashed together. (YN) let out a small whimper as they deepened the kiss. One of her hands in his hair, the other, gripping at his shirt. He held her tight by the waist, not wanting her to run away from him again. But when they pulled back, (YN) began to cry again.
“What’s wrong?” Gerard asked, panicked.
“I’m finally so happy,” she laughed between the tears.
A smile broke across Gerard’s face as he pulled her to him again and held her tight as the rain poured down around them.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Can you do a fic about cuddling w frank (maybe revenge era and during tour)?
Pairing: Frank Iero x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: Anon Word Count: ~1,000 Author’s Note: Inspiration has been fleeting lately, but I’m glad to be able to have something new for you guys today. I appreciate the patience. This is set during Warped Tour 2005, if that wasn’t clear (I dunno if everyone is as versed in The Summer of Like as I am 😅)
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The summer rain kept a beat steadier than half the bands on the Warped Tour could manage. It was late, but Frank couldn't sleep. He hated when he was the only one in the bunks, it made him feel lonely, even though he knew Gerard and Ray were only a few feet away in the back lounge working on new music. He wasn't exactly sure where the other two members of his band were.
Rolling out of bed, Frank opened up the door to the front of the bus to find (YN) and Mikey were there, deep in conversation. He didn't want to interrupt, well, he did, but only because he wished he could be talking to (YN). Mikey had a girlfriend, and maybe also a boyfriend if rumors and livejournal updates were to be believed, while Frank just had his massive crush on (YN), so it was hardly fair that he was monopolizing her time like that.
"Hey," Mikey called to Frank, pulling him from his thoughts. "Can't sleep?"
Frank shook his head before making his way over to the couch across from them. "No, guess not."
"We were just having this discussion about," (YN) started, but was interrupted by a yawn.
Frank nodded and couldn't help the smile that formed. "Oh, so you're that tired?"
"What does that mean?" (YN) asked, eyebrows raised.
"When you're really tired, you start getting philosophical," he shrugged.
"Pfft, I'm philosophical all the time," (YN) grumbled.
"Yea, that's sorta true," Mikey laughed.
"Shut up, anyway, like I was saying," she continued. 
The three of them conversed for minutes, or maybe hours, Frank couldn’t be sure. It was still dark and the rain was steady
"I mean, I think we have a duty-" Mikey started.
"Heh, doodie," she giggled.
"There she goes," Frank laughed.
"Wha? He said doodie!" (YN) exclaimed.
"And when you start making poop jokes, that means you're to the 'everything is funny' stage of being tired," Frank replied.
"Oh what do you know," (YN) rolled her eyes.
"I know you!"
"Prove it!" She giggled.
"I just did!"
Frank didn't notice the glance Mikey gave both of them. "I think I'm gonna go to bed now," he said, excusing himself.
(YN) took the opportunity to go sit on Frank's couch. "What gives you the right to know so much about me," she giggled as she settled in next to him.
"Because I like, I mean, like you're my friend," he stumbled over his words, as he was getting sleepy himself and his mind was having trouble keeping up with his tongue.
"Mmm," she hummed, studying his face. "Then what comes next?"
"I dunno, I think you usually crash after that, " he shrugged. 
(YN) shook her head. "No, well, ok yes," she giggled. "But, if I don't, I usually get emotional, and or cuddly, depending on how the night is going. But honestly on those types of nights, I usually cry myself to sleep because I'm alone."
Frank felt his heart leap into his throat. "Oh (YN)."
She smiled sadly. "It's ok, it's not your problem."
"What if I made it my problem?"
She drew her eyebrows together. "What do you mean?"
"Come 'ere," he said, holding out his arms.
(YN) hesitated only momentarily before scooting closer to him. She put her legs over his so her side was leaning into him, her head resting on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her as they sat in near silence, the rain still keeping time on the roof above them.
Frank couldn't resist resting his head against hers, and when he did, he felt her sigh. He hoped it was a sigh of contentment, and not annoyance, but the way she snuggled against him more closely, indicated it was a good thing. 
Frank's eyelids started to get heavy as the rain started to lull him to sleep. But then he realized that (YN) was trembling slightly in his arms. He glanced down and saw her wiping at her eyes. "(YN) are... are you crying?"
"No," she sniffled.
"Hey," he said gently, placed two fingers under her chin and tilted it up so he could look in her eyes. "Why are you crying?"
(YN) sighed. "Because my stupid brain is romanticizing this moment and it..." she trailed off.
"It what?"
"It makes me sad because it isn't real,” she said untangling her limbs from his and got up. “It isn't real and you don't like me like I like you and I just need to accept that. God this embarrassing, I am an embarrassment, fuck!” She exclaimed before turning to head back toward the bunks.
"(YN) wait," he said, grabbing her wrist before she could reach the door to the bunks. "I dunno about you, but I don't just cuddle with all my friends like that," he said with a soft laugh, hoping to lighten the mood and get his point across.
(YN) paused for a moment before her eyes went wide. "Oh," she breathed. "You mean you..."
Frank nodded, his grip on her wrist loosening, but before he could pull his hand away from her completely, she reached out and took it in hers.
"You're not just saying that because you’re trying to placate an overtired emotional wreck?"
"Nope," he replied, squeezing her hand.
"What does this mean? For us, I mean," she whispered.
"Why don't we decide that in the morning. For now, let's go sleep," he said with a smile.
(YN) nodded, letting him lead her toward the bunks. He opened the curtain to his bunk and she smiled and blushed a little before she climbed in. Frank could barely see it in the dim light, but it made his heart skip.
Once they were both tucked in, (YN)'s head on Frank's chest, his arms around her again, she again sighed contentedly. "I like this," she whispered.
"Me too," he replied. "No more tears, right?"
"Right," she smiled up at him, before glancing down at his lips. Frank noticed as she leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips. He kissed back, happier than he had ever been that he couldn't sleep.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
You’ll Never Fight Alone
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: Teen (for bullying) Requested By: Anon (but I know who it is lol) Word Count: ~4000 Author’s Note: I really wanted to write a fake dating story, but I knew I should be working on a request. Going through my inbox I found a request for a story with shy Gerard and a confident reader and no other specifics. I found a fake dating prompt I wanted to use and here we have that sweet sweet combination of a fake dating story set in a high school AU. Aww yes. I mashed in another high school AU that I had started and stalled out on, so I’m glad I got idea taken care of as well. Anyway, I hope it’s good and you all enjoy (fun fact unrelated to the story: the girl in prom dress in the moodboard below is actually my friend and that’s a photo I took 100 years ago)
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You were at your locker, gathering your books at the end of a very long, tiring week when you heard the teasing begin. Your blood began to boil before you even realized to whom it was directed.
“You’re such a fucking loser! Are you gonna go to prom? Probably not, you'd never get a date.” Brock smirked, and his friends laughed along.
You glanced over your shoulder and your fears were confirmed, they were teasing your friend Gerard. He was trying his best to ignore them and get his things into his backpack, but since he wasn't getting a reaction Brock had started shoving him. You knew you had to do something quick.
“Hey!” You shouted. “Leave my boyfriend alone.” You marched across the hall and took Gerard’s hand in yours. In your peripheral vision you could see the confused look Gerard was giving you.
“(YN)? You’re dating him?!” Brock scoffed.
“Yea, and he’s taking me to prom, but I heard your mom was his second choice.”
“Fuckin bitch,” Brock muttered before turning and walking away with his friends.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Gerard mumbled once they were out of earshot, dropping your hand.
“It was nothing, I can’t stand those assholes.” You'd lived next to Gerard your whole life, and even though it could be argued that you were sort of popular due to your place on the varsity tennis team, you would always be loyal to your nerdy, but sweet neighbor.
You'd just turned back to your locker when you heard Gerard clear his throat. "Hey (YN)?"
"Yea?" You turned to face him.
"What are we gonna do about prom?"
"Oh," you started. "Right, because they're gonna be looking for us there."
“And if we aren’t, they’re gonna be even worse to deal with.”
"Well would you like to go to prom with me?" You asked with a smile.
Gerard's eyes went wide. "Really? You mean you don't already have a date?"
You shook your head. "Nope. I spend too much time at tennis practice to line up any dates."
"Right," Gerard replied like he was lost in thought.
"Sooo," you coaxed. "If you don't wanna, that's fine-"
"No! Yea, I mean, yea, let's go," he nodded.
"Cool," you grinned. "I'm glad this worked out actually. We haven't hung out enough lately," you said heading toward the door with him.
"Yea, I missed you, I mean, hanging out with you," he corrected.
You gave him a smile and took his hand.
"Wha-what are you doing?" He asked nervously. 
"I told Brock we're dating, we should act like it, don't you think?"
"I guess so. But won't this be social suicide for you?"
"Who cares what they think?" You shrugged as you and Gerard walked home hand in hand.
The next morning you were up early, despite it being a Saturday, for a tennis match. But when you arrived, you knew that word of the prior afternoon had already spread.
"Hey (YN)," Ashley started with a smirk and an overly sweet tone. "I heard you and that nerdy guy Gerard are going out? Please tell me that's a joke."
Panic swept through you for a moment. Was it really that unbelievable that you’d be with Gerard? It shouldn’t be, you reasoned. "Nope! We've been friends forever and it just naturally blossomed," you answered, trying to sound convincing.
"Then where is he?" Another teammate, Megan, asked.
"It's 7:30 on a Saturday morning, he's probably still asleep."
"Oh, because our boyfriends are here supporting us," Ashley nodded to where Brock and another guy were paying more attention to their phones than the match that was about to begin.
"He'll be at the next afternoon match," you shrugged, but inside you were worried you'd gotten both you and Gerard in over your heads.
Your fears were not assuaged at all when you returned to school on Monday. You were walking down the hall when you heard someone call your name. When you turned, you found the younger Way brother behind you. “Hey Mikey, what’s up?”
“Gerard finally asked you out?”
You weren’t sure you correctly heard what he said. “Wha- hang on,” you grabbed him by the arm, pulling him to a quieter corner. “What are you talking about?”
“I heard you and Gee are dating?”
(YN) glanced around. “Some asshole was making fun of him and saying he couldn’t get a date, so I jumped in and said we were dating and going to prom together. So if anyone asks, yes, me and Gee are dating.”
“What if someone asks for details, like how long you’ve been going out?” Mikey asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. 
“I dunno, say a few months. But what did you mean by he final-” You were cut off by the bell ringing.
“I gotta get to class, see ya,” Mikey said quickly before rushing off, leaving your question unanswered.
“Ok, time to figure out what we’re doing for prom," you said, plopping down next to where Gerard was sitting on the edge of your bed. He came over after school that afternoon so you could make a plan.
“I haven’t been to a formal yet,” Gerard said sheepishly. “Is it like the movies?”
You hummed in thought. “Yes and no. I mean I’ve only been to homecoming the last couple years, but it really seems like the night is what you make it, ya know? We can go as big or small as we want.”
“I gotta wear a suit, right?”
“Yea, sorry,” you grimaced.
“It’s ok, I bet it will be sorta cool,” Gerard replied to your surprise.
“Oh, cool! Umm, we don’t need to get a limo or a hotel room, or go someplace fancy for dinner before.”
“I can borrow my Dad’s car,” Gerard offered. “But we probably should get dinner before.”
“True. Oh, how about pizza at Luigi’s!” You suggested and Gerard grinned.
“Yea, that sounds good. Umm, do you have a dress already?”
You nodded excitedly. “Yes! I’ll show you,” you said, jumping up and hurrying to your closet. Pulling it out of the garment bag, you took a moment to hold it up in front of you, gazing at your reflection in the mirror hanging on the closet door. You loved how the pink color went with your skintone and the way the sparkle in the fabric caught the light. When you turned to show Gerard, he had a soft look on his face. “Do you like it?”
That snapped him to attention. “Yea! You’re, I mean it’s really pretty. You want me to get one of those flower things?”
“That’s the one."
"If you want to," you shrugged, hanging the dress up before sitting down next to him again. “How are you feeling about everything? Was Brock bugging you as much today as before?”
“He kinda backed off,” Gerard replied, picking at the paint from art class that had dried under his nails.
“It makes me so mad that they do that to you. Like they should just get to know you and they’d find out how cool and sweet you really are.” You fully believed what you were telling Gerard, you’d always felt that way about him, but as the words were leaving your mouth it was like they were shining a light in a different way on him for the first time. 
You glanced up at his soft face, his hazel eyes that held sadness that broke your heart, his nose that made him look elvish. He truly was a beautiful person both inside and out. Never before had you actually considered kissing him, but now, to your surprise, you found yourself really wanting to.
“I don’t want them to get to know me, I just want them to fuck off,” Gerard sighed.
“That’s fair too,” you nodded. You were about to pull him into a hug when your mom knocked on the door, and burst through without waiting for an answer.
“I made cookies!” She announced happily.
“Thanks mom,” you answered, trying not to let your annoyance creep into your voice.
"What are you up to?" She asked as she sat the plate down next to you, eyeing you suspiciously when she saw how close you and Gerard were sitting.
"Just talking about prom," you answered. 
"Oh! Are you going together?"
"Yea, but just as friends," you replied.
"Alright, well that's nice. I'll leave you to it," she nodded and left, not shutting the door behind her.
"I don't think she believed you," Gerard said, shaking his head as he reached for a cookie.
"I guess we must be convincing," you laughed. "Ya know, even Mikey asked if we were dating."
Gerard's eyes went wide as he choked on his cookie. "He did?"
You noted his reaction, but decided against bringing it up. "Yea, but I filled him in so he wouldn't blow our cover. Maybe when we're at school we should do more, like holding hands and stuff, so people don't question it."
"Oh, ok yea that's probably a good idea," Gerard nodded.
"And would you maybe be willing to come to some of my tennis matches? I already told the other girls you'd be at the next one."
"Of course," he agreed. "But you really don't mind doing this with me?"
"Not at all!" You reassured him, putting your hand on his. "Is this ok?"
He nodded as he met your eyes. The air felt thick with anticipation. You held your breath as you wondered what was about to happen. 
"Gee-" you started.
"(YN)! Is Gerard staying for dinner?" Your mom shouted from downstairs. You sighed and rolled your eyes at the interruption.
"I should go, I have homework," he said getting up.
"Oh, yea, no problem," you nodded, following him down the stairs to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See ya," he said with a quick wave before hurrying to his house. 
The day of your next tennis match, you made your way back to the courts behind the school and found Gerard was already waiting, along with a handful of other spectators. You couldn’t help but grin as you hurried over to him.
“You're here!” You said excitedly, throwing your arms around him and giving him a big hug. It wasn’t for show, you actually were so excited to see him. 
"It’s what boyfriends do, right?” He said with a nervous smile when you pulled back, but his hands lingered on your waist, sending butterflies through your stomach.
"Of course," you grinned. "I gotta go talk to my coach, but I'll talk to you later."
Gerard nodded and you headed over to where your coach was assigning which court you'd be playing on as the other team arrived. You were told which girl you’d be facing off against, and headed down to the court to warm up before your match.
Gerard followed along and found a bench by your court so he could watch. You gave him a wave as you realized how absolutely proud you felt to have him there for you, to say that Gerard was your boyfriend. That’s when you remembered that he wasn’t really your boyfriend and for a moment your smile faltered. Then your smile totally faded when you saw Brock and his friend Nick walking over.
"Hey Gerard, have you gotten in (YN)'s skirt yet?" You heard Nick snicker.
"I’d bet he’d rather wear her skirt," Brock mocked.
"Shut up," Gerard snarled, but you could see that just set Brock off.
“What’d you say?” Brock threatened, starting to loom over Gerard.
"Brock," you snapped, pulling the bully's attention. "Why are you so obsessed with Gee? Why do you care about us? Are you jealous or something? Go watch your girlfriend and leave us alone!"
Brock glared at you, muttering insults under his breath before retreating off to where Ashley was standing with her arms folded across her chest, looking pissed that he wasn’t paying attention to her.
You ran over to the fence by Gerard. “Are you okay?”
“Yea, thanks,” he mumbled. “Don’t let him distract you from your match though.”
“You’re right, babe,” the term of endearment slipped out before you could stop yourself, but luckily Gerard didn’t seem put off. In fact he looked elated.
The moment was interrupted by the referee blowing his whistle to get your attention to start the match.
“Gotta go!” You said
“Have a good match,” he waved.
You weren’t sure if it was because Gerard was a lucky charm, or if you just wanted to give him a good show, but you easily won each of your matches that day. You tried not to gloat too much when you heard that Ashley hadn’t won any.
After a few more weeks of going through the motions of being a couple, you could no longer deny your full blown crush on Gerard. You reveled in the moments when you'd get to see him in the halls between classes and hold his hand, or be pulled into a hug by him. All of it felt so natural and right. 
When the day of prom finally arrived, you took your time making yourself look extra nice. You wondered if there was a chance that the night would feel like something out of a movie, like with Gerard confessing that he liked you too as you danced to a beautiful song while lights twinkled, your lips meeting for the first time in a perfect kiss, or maybe pig's blood would get dumped on Brock's head. Both would be satisfying to you.
You were double checking yourself in the mirror when you heard the doorbell ring downstairs and your heart began pounding. This was it, showtime. Hurrying downstairs, you saw your mom had let Gerard in, as he stood nervously by the door. 
“Hey Gee,” you smiled. He looked so nice in his suit, with his hair washed and combed neatly. “You look great!”
Gerard looked stunned when he saw you. “Wow, (YN) you look really pretty.”
“Aww, thanks,” you smiled. “I got you a boutonniere, if you want?”
“Oh sure.”
You were pinning it on when the flash of a camera startled you. “Mom,” you whined when you saw that she was taking photos.
“This is too cute for me not to commemorate!” She said, “I’ll send copies over to your mom too, Gerard.”
“Thanks Ms. (YLN),” he said politely.
“Ok, I think it’s on right,” you said, stepping back and making sure the flower wouldn't tumble off his jacket.
“Here’s your corsage,” he said, holding up a box. Inside was a beautiful pink rose that matched your dress perfectly, surrounded by small sprigs of baby’s breath. 
“Oh Gee, it’s perfect!” You marveled as he took it out and slipped it onto your wrist.
“Will you pose for one photo?” You mom asked.
“Do you mind?” You asked Gerard.
“It’s fine,” he nodded. You stepped closer to Gerard and he wrapped his arm around your waist. It felt so comforting having his arm around you.
“You two are adorable,” your mom said after taking a few photos. “(YN), don’t forget your curfew is midnight.”
“Yes mom,” you rolled your eyes as you and Gerard hurried out of the house to escape your mom before she could take any more photos.
Luigi, the old man who owned your favorite pizza place, was working behind the counter when you arrived and he seemed very amused to see you and Gerard there in your formal wear. He even gave you each a free cannoli when you explained you were on your way to prom.
"Do you still like that one song, 'Here It Goes'?" Gerard asked between bites of pizza.
You lit up. "Yes! It's such a fun song! You remembered I like it?"
“Yea, I heard it the other day and it reminded me of you," he replied, his cheeks turning a little pink.
You nodded, but inside your heart was fluttering. Knowing that Gerard was listening to your favorite song and thinking of you made you feel so special. "It's too bad there's no chance they'll play it tonight," you shrugged before taking a sip of your soda.
"Yea," Gerard agreed, but he seemed distracted. 
When you and Gerard finally arrived at the hotel ballroom where the prom was being held, it was full of your classmates dancing. The music was ok, but you were worried Gerard wouldn’t have fun, knowing that the music wasn’t really his taste. 
“Wow, I didn’t think it’d be this nice,” Gerad said looking around at the decorations and the lights illuminating the dance floor in a soft glow. You looked over at him, and the look of awe on his face warmed your heart. He glanced back at you and smiled. “Thanks for asking me. I never would have come otherwise.”
“No one I’d rather be here with,” you replied. “Can we grab a table? My shoes are starting to kill my feet.”
Gerard led the way to a table near the dancefloor where you could people-watch and chat together. You didn’t get up to dance, as none of the songs felt right, but as the night wore on, it seemed like Gerard had something on his mind.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick,” you announced after a while.
“Ok,” Gerard said, glancing over his shoulder at the dance floor. You knitted your brows together in confusion, but he didn’t notice.
When you came back into the ballroom, you noticed Gerard seemed to be looking for you and your heart skipped knowing that he was looking for you.
“What’s up?” You asked when you got back to him.
“I, umm-” he started. But he was interrupted by the start of a familiar song.
‘On, it's on, I declare my room a scene gone, then gone’
"Wait, are they playing Jimmy Eat World?" You gasped and then it dawned on you. “Gerard, did you do this?"
Gerard grinned and nodded.
“Come on,” you said, taking his hand and pulling him on the dance floor. If other people were watching you dance like weirdos with barely any rhythm, you didn’t notice or care because your favorite song was on, and you were with your favorite person. 
“(YN), I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me the past few weeks,” Gerard said once the song was over.
"It was really nothing. I've had so much fun and," you paused. You'd wanted so badly to tell him how you felt, it may as well happen now. "I really li-"
Just then Gerard was shoved toward you. You grabbed his arms to steady him and when you looked up, his face was inches from yours.
"Fuckin loser," Brock muttered as he walked past.
You saw anger flash across Gerard's face before he turned to the bully. “What the fuck is your problem?!” He barked.
"Gee, no! It's not worth it," you shouted, grabbing his arm and holding him back.
"You finally man up, Way?" Brock taunted. "Why don't you fuckin-"
"That's enough," the voice of Mr. Spencer, one of the gym teachers, cutting him off. "You're out!"
"What?! What for? " Brock whined. 
"Harassing other students, and I can smell the alcohol on your breath from here. Let's go," he replied, marching the bully out.
You let out a stunned laugh watching Brock, Ashley, and their group leave. "Wow, I really hope that's the end of it."
"I doubt it," Gerard mumbled. "Sorry you have had to put up with that."
“It's fine, I know it's him being a jerk, not you," you smiled up at him reassuringly. "Umm, do you wanna go now?"
"We haven't really danced that much yet," Gerard replied to your surprise.
Then, as if on cue, a slow song started. "Well would you like to dance?" You asked.
Gerard nodded and when you looked up into Gerard's eyes he seemed so nervous, but hopeful. Your heart skipped a beat as his hands found your waist and you placed your hands on his shoulders. Glancing up again, you gave Gerard a soft smile and he smiled back before glancing away nervously.
For a moment you considered telling him how you felt right then, but you didn't want to make the moment awkward if he didn't feel the same way. It was totally ok if he didn't, but you wanted this memory to remain beautiful. That's when you noticed Gerard tentatively sliding his hands from your waist to your back, pulling you closer. You smiled contentedly as you rested your head against his shoulder. Yes, this is how you wanted to remember this night.
"Ready to go?" You asked when the song ended, and another loud song that neither of you liked began.
"Yea," he nodded. As you headed through the crowd to the door, he took your hand, surprising you a little.
"Wanna go someplace else?" Gerard asked when you reached the car.
"Milly's diner?"
"Ooh yes! I could go for a milkshake," you nodded excitedly.
When you arrived, the diner was practically deserted, but that made it even better as you settled into a booth.
"Were you really going to fight Brock back there?" You asked after the tired looking waitress dropped off your menus.
Gerard laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I dunno, he'd probably kick my ass."
"You could tag me in," you laughed. "You know I'd do whatever to help you."
"I know," Gerard said looking at the coffee the waitress placed in front of him. "Thanks for that."
You just smiled and reached across the table. Now would be a perfectly fine time to tell him, but the words stuck in your throat. You gave his hand a squeeze and hoped it somehow conveyed what you felt. 
After a couple hours spent in the booth at Milly's Diner, Gerard settled the bill and you got back in the car for the short drive home. It was a quiet drive, the radio filling the silence until Gerard pulled into his driveway.
You both got out and wandered to the front of the car. You knew you weren't ready for the night to end, and it seemed like Gerard felt the same way given how he lingered.
"So I guess this is it then?" He said finally.
"What's it?" You asked.
"Prom's over so you don't have to take pity on me and fake going out with me anymore," he said, fidgeting with the keys in his hand.
You felt like you'd been punched in the heart. You nodded and decided this was it, your last chance. "But what if I said I want to really date you?"
Gerard looked up, surprise written on his face. "What?"
"I mean, unless you don't wanna date me, it's ok," you replied, and tried to keep your disappointment hidden.
"I do though! I do wanna date you (YN)," he replied, a little stunned. "I just didn't think you cared about me like that, like this was all just an act."
"I'm really honored that you think I'm the next Meryl Strep, but nope. I stopped acting a while ago," you said, turning to face him.
"You don't care what people will think?" He said looking down at his shoes.
"Why start now?" You reached out and tilted his chin up so he was looking at you. "All I care about is you." 
"I really wanna kiss you," he said softly, surprising you a little.
"I've been waiting to hear you say that," you breathed as he leaned in and his lips met yours softly. You leaned into him and draped your arms around his shoulders as he held you tight, the kiss deepening. Your heart was racing, this was everything you’d hoped the night would be, and you couldn’t be happier.
"Wanna come over tomorrow and hang out?" Gerard offered.
"Yea, I'd love to," you nodded excitedly. "I'll see ya then."
"Goodnight," he smiled.
"Night," you replied, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss before heading inside to spend the rest of the night dreaming about the wonderful evening you'd just had and what was to come.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Hold You Here
Pairing: Frank Iero x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: Anons Word Count: 2,000 Author’s Note: I’m combining this with another similar request, which resulted in a longer story! I hope everyone enjoys! TW for a brief mention of Gerard’s addiction struggles in 2004
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To be in a band meant that your bandmates were your most intimate friends. Hours, days, weeks spent cramped together in small confined spaces meant that everyone saw each other at their best, worst, and everything in between. Platonic physical affection wasn’t an unusual occurrence and neither was sharing beds so that the fewest number of hotel rooms could be reserved to save money, curling up under a blanket together while watching a movie on the bus, not to mention all the on-stage antics, it was all taken in stride. 
It also helped that everyone looked out for each other, but it seemed as if Frank looked out for you more than the others. When things became hectic, or when you were suffering from one of your migraines, he’d always be the one checking up on you to make sure you were okay. Spending hours up late at night talking with him was one of your favorite ways to pass time on the bus. You’d developed quite the soft spot for the chaotic guitarist.
The band had been touring what felt like non-stop for ages, but especially now that Three Cheers was out. It had been a very long, hot summer full of meeting fans, rocking out, and if you were being honest with yourself, way too much partying on everyone’s part. You were feeling pretty burnt out, but the success of the band made it worth it.
Now it was the last week of Warped Tour 2004 and you could tell summer was ending by how quickly the nights were cooling down. As usual when the tour was stopped over for a couple nights, both a bonfire, and most of the bands, were lit. You were standing as close to the fire as you could without melting the rubber on your chucks trying to keep warm.
“Hey,” Frank said, walking over to stand next to you.
“Hey, how’s it goin?” You asked
“Good. Cold?”
“Yea,” you rolled your eyes. “I decided to dress cute, and now I’m freezing my ass off.”
“Who were you dressing up for?” Frank asked, unzipping his hoodie.
“No one really,” you replied, watching as he took off the sweatshirt. “What are you doing?”
“Keeping you warm,” he replied.
“You don’t have to,” you started as he put it over your shoulders.
“Too late,” he replied with a smirk that faded into a soft smile.
You looked up at him, in the dim light of the bonfire and you felt your heart skip, like a switch had been flipped. That soft spot you held in your heart for him suddenly felt overwhelmed, like the quiet feelings were now screaming in your ears.
“I bet it’s warmer on the bus,” you suggested, deciding to lean into the moment. You just hoped you were gauging the situation correctly.
His eyebrows went up in surprise, but he nodded. “I bet you’re right, wanna go back?”
The walk across the parking lot was silent, as your hands brushed against each other’s, shoulders bumping occasionally. Climbing into the bus, you wandered to the back and confirmed no one else was around, and when you turned back to Frank he seemed a little nervous.
“Ya know you do look really cute. Like not just tonight, like all the time,” he said.
“Thanks,” you replied, tucking your hair behind your ear nervously. You were in your 20s, why were you suddenly feeling like a middle schooler talking to their crush?
“Wanna watch a movie or something?” He offered after an awkward silence hung between you.
“Sure. Nothing scary though, I’m tired of horror.”
“How can you be tired of horror?” Frank asked with feigned shock.
“Because that’s all we watch and we’ve watched almost every movie we have 100 times over.”
Frank started flipping through the stack of DVDs that the band had accumulated through countless tours. “What about ‘10 Things I Hate About You’?” he asked. 
“Yes,” you nodded eagerly, plopping down on the couch and pulling off your shoes.
Frank put the movie in the DVD player and turned off the lights, sitting next to you. You glanced over, trying to gauge what he was thinking. He glanced back and you snapped your eyes back to the tv. As the movie progressed, Frank casually put his arm over the back of the couch and you settled into his side. 
“I wanna go play paintball, like real paintball, some time,” you said, watching Kat and Patrick’s date on the screen.
“We should go then,” Frank replied.
“Just us? Or,” you trailed off.
“Yea, I mean unless you wanna invite other people.”
You looked up at him, and he was looking back down at you. "No, just us," you said softly.
"Cool," he said with a goofy smile.
You had to bite your lip to keep from giggling, but in that moment, the energy between you shifted. Frank started to lean in and you closed your eyes as his lips met yours. At first the kiss was soft and tender, almost tentative. But then his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer and your hand ran through his hair as he deepened the kiss. 
When you finally came up for air, you couldn't help the smile on your face when you saw how happy Frank looked. "That was fun," you laughed.
"I've been wanting to do that forever," he said, running a hand through his hair, smoothing it down.
"Well we should do it again sometime," you replied.
Just then, loud, drunken voices could be heard outside the door to the bus and you both jumped apart.
"They're in here makin' out or something," Ray shouted over his shoulder with a giggle. You knew there was no way they could have seen you two just minutes before, but the joke still rattled you.
"No they weren't," Mikey said disbelievingly, as he and Gerard followed.
You glanced at Frank who was shaking his head at your bandmates before he changed the subject to something totally random. Things had literally just started with him, and it felt fragile. The last thing you wanted was to have it all fall apart like nothing happened, and be left wondering forever what could have been.
The next day, nothing about the prior night was discussed between you and Frank, but it had been a busy day of press, playing, and meeting fans. When you were climbing back into your bunk, completely exhausted, you spotted a folded up piece of paper on your pillow. You closed the curtain behind you and turned on the small light above your bed. When you unfolded the note, you immediately recognized Frank's scrawling handwriting. 
(YN), all I've been able to think about today is how your lips felt on mine and wondering when I can feel it again. I can't remember anything that was said to me because I was thinking about how I'd rather just be talking to you. I hope sometime before the end of this tour we can hang out alone together again.
XO, frnk
You bit your lip to keep from squealing with delight.
The last few days of Warped Tour were just as much of a blur, and when that tour was over, you were quickly shipped off to another one. Gerard was struggling and the whole band was impacted. Everyone dealt with it in their own way, and luckily you had Frank to brush away the worried tears when your brain wouldn't quiet enough to let you sleep at night. 
Soon after, Gerard got the help he needed and when he rejoined the band, you were immediately sent back out on the road. Everything felt a little brighter that fall.
You and Frank were as good as ever, but still keeping your relationship quiet. His hand would find yours when no one else was around. You'd each sneak into each other's bunks and spend the nights cuddled together. Then there was the series of excuses as to why you two should share hotel rooms, which included Mikey texting too much, Ray talking too much, and Gerard keeping the light on all night drawing, among others.
So when you were blindsided with a migraine one morning, you were not at all pleased. The pain throbbed through your head as nausea rolled through your stomach. You groaned as you slid out of your bunk and stumbled to the front of the bus, which was obnoxiously bright, to the cabinet holding the medicine. 
"There's sleeping beauty," you heard Ray laugh, but you just grunted in response. You grabbed the bottle of Excedrin and silently prayed they'd do their job quickly as you took a dose.
"You ok?" Frank asked as you slumped down on the couch.
"No, migraine."
Your bandmates groaned, knowing how much of a pain, literally and figuratively, they were for you.
"So you don't wanna go grab lunch?" Mikey asked.
"Please don't make me think about food or I might get sick."
"Do you want me to stay back with you?" Frank offered. It didn't even register how much concern he was showing toward you.
"No, I just wanna sleep and hope it goes away before we have to play tonight."
"Ok, we'll leave you alone. Come on guys," Gerard said, shooing the guys out. You glanced up and saw Frank giving you a sympathetic look before leaving the bus.
You dragged yourself back to the bunks, closing the door to the main room behind you and looked at your bunk. There was no way in hell you were climbing back up into it. Instead climbed into Frank's. 
You pulled his blanket over you as you curled up in a ball facing the wall. His pillow smelled faintly of his shampoo, but not enough to make you feel sick, or maybe the medication was finally kicking in.
It felt like no sooner you'd fallen asleep that you heard voices in the front of the bus. You wondered how long you’d been out, but didn’t care enough to check the time. Before you could drift off again you heard the door opening and closing softly. Shuffling steps stopped behind you and then you felt someone climb in the bunk behind you.
"Hey," Frank said softly, his arm wrapping around your side.
"Hi," you answered, a smile forming on your face for the first time all day, not that he could see it.
"Feeling better?"
"A bit. Not 100% yet, but better than earlier."
"Mind if I nap with you?"
"Please do," you replied.
Frank drew the curtain shut and settled in behind you. He brushed aside your hair and placed a soft kiss on the side of your neck before giving you another quick squeeze.
You drifted back to sleep for a while, and when you woke up again, your headache was mostly gone you were relieved that you'd be able to play that night without feeling awful. As you stretched your legs out, Frank shifted, pulling you tighter against him.
"Better yet?" He murmured sleepily.
"Yea," you said, not moving more, afraid of disturbing the comfortable cocoon you two were in.
“So at lunch the guys were talking,” Frank started.
“‘Bout what?” You asked, rolling over.
“Oh?” Your heart rate going up.
“We went to this café for lunch and I got you a cupcake, it’s in the fridge by the way. And they were just wondering if there’s something going on between us.”
“What’d you say?”
“I just brushed it off, they were just giving me shit.”
“Oh,” you said, suddenly feeling a little dejected.
“Do you still wanna keep us a secret?” He asked.
“I dunno," you mumbled. "Do you?”
Frank intertwined his fingers with yours. "It's been kinda fun this way. But I also kinda wanna tell everyone I know that I'm the luckiest dude in the world BECAUSE I'm with you."
“Let's decide later,” you replied. “For right this moment, let’s just enjoy this.”
"Good idea," he replied with a soft smile before leaning in and kissing you lovingly.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
If I Fall Down
Pairing: Mikey Way x Female Reader
Rating: General
Requested By: None
Word Count: ~2,700
Author’s Note: I really love writing band member reader fics, and this morning I was thinking “how would the Ghost of You video change if there was a girl in the band?” And that got me thinking and I managed to churn this all out in a day?! What?! I hope you guys enjoy! Happy birthday Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge!
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"Alright, so this is the concept we came up with for the video. It's a lot different from anything else you've done so far," the director Marc started as everyone sat around a large conference room table. "It's going to be a real emotional gut punch."
The bandmates exchanged curious looks, except for Gerard, who had a hand in planning the concept of the video, he just looked excited.
"So what is it?" Ray asked.
"The idea is that it's World War Two," Gerard started. "We're all soldiers-"
"Even me?" (YN) interrupted.
"Erhm, no," Marc cut in. "You're going to be the girl back home."
"Oh, umm, ok," she sat back.
"So it starts out with us playing like a USO show, but about halfway through it changes to us storming the beach at Normandy," Gerard explained with excited hand gestures.
"Storming the beach?" Ray and Frank said skeptically at the same time. (YN) smirked, suddenly very okay with not getting to play soldier if it meant she wouldn't have to be getting cold, wet, or dirty.
"And Mikey is gonna get shot down," Gerard said much less excitedly. Mikey just glanced down at the coffee cup in front of him.
"That's the emotional gut punch," Marc pointed out. "We're gonna cut between shots Gerard screaming for his brother, and (YN), for your lover."
"My what?" She squeaked out, feeling a blush spread from her cheeks all the way to the tips of her ears and she prayed no one noticed. 
"It's just for the plot of the video," Gerard said reassuringly. 
“Right, of course,” (YN) nodded and glanced over at Mikey who was looking at her, but he quickly looked away when he realized he'd been caught.
The director continued on about the roles the other guys were playing and when the shoot would be taking place, but (YN) was only half listening. She thought she had been hiding her crush on Mikey pretty well, so did Gerard notice? Is that why he suggested that role for her? But what else could she play in such a specific scenario? And she wondered at the end of the day just how much acting she'd really have to do.
"I'm here for my costume," (YN) she smiled, finally starting to loosen up now that she was all dolled up and looking cute.
The first day of the video shoot was out on the beach, so it was only the men that got to play soldiers that had to film out in the cold. The following day was the indoor shoot, and (YN) was nervous as hell when she walked into the old VFW hall where the shoot would be taking place. The one thing that made her feel better was knowing she’d first get to play drums on the beautiful vintage kit she saw on stage when she walked in.
Her first stop was at hair and makeup. In the time it took the makeup artists and hairstylists to get her totally ready, they had only halfway tamed Ray’s hair, much to her amusement and his annoyance. Her next stop was wardrobe. 
"Here you go," the wardrobe woman said, handing her a beautiful, 1940s style party dress and shoes to match.
"Nooo, I'm not one of the girls at the dance, I'm in the band," she argued.
"Let me check," she said, looking at her clipboard. "No, says here you have this dress first, and then this one later," she motioned to a more simple dress that must have been for her solo scene.
(YN) didn't know what to say, so she took her costume and headed to change. As she slipped into the dress her blood began to boil and by the time she came out, she was on the warpath.
"Where are you goin'?" She heard Mikey ask as she stomped toward where the director and Gerard were talking. "Wait, why are you dressed like that?"
"That's what I want to know too! Why am I just one of the girls?! Why am I not playing?! I have a hard enough time getting taken seriously in this industry and now I'm just," she shrugged broadly, "I'm nobody, I could be replaced by any of them," she said gesturing to the other girls who were waiting to shoot.
"I'm sorry," Mikey replied sincerely. "You do look pretty though, and you know we could never replace you."
The compliment disarmed her. "Oh, thanks," she blushed. "And it's not your fault, I'm just on edge today. I like your costume too, by the way."
"Thanks," he smiled. "Why are you on edge?"
"Umm, just the fact that I've got like a real role in this video, more so than just looking good behind the drums."
Mikey nodded. "I was sorta nervous yesterday and all I had to do was die." (YN) burst out laughing at the remark. "You still wanna go talk to the director and Gee?"
"Yea, but thanks for calming me down before I got my ass fired."
“Wouldn’t want that,” Mikey smiled back, as he walked with her.
“Hey Gee? Marc?” (YN) started and they looked up.
“Yea? Oh you look really nice in your costume,” Gerard smiled.
“That’s the problem. Why am I in this and not like, the girl version of that,” she said motioning to him and Mikey.
“We thought it would just be easier for the audience to follow if you were with the other girls. It would make more sense with the context of you being left at home,” Marc explained.
“But I really wanted to play! Who is even gonna take my place?” She whined.
“We have one of the actors from yesterday that will sit in, but because of the angles we’re gonna shoot from, they won’t even see the drummer,” Marc answered.
“Gee, you know how people already don’t take me seriously as a musician, why?” She asked pitfully.
“I’m sorry (YN). I guess we didn’t think this through enough. We’ll make sure whatever we do going forward, you’re treated more fairly,” Gerard said sympathetically.
“But you are really gonna be the star of this,” Marc added. “I think it’s gonna be great.”
“I’m sure it will be," she replied, but remained unconvinced.
Not long after the shoot finally got underway. (YN) sat with the girls on the bleachers on one side of the gymnasium, while all the guys dressed as soldiers sat on the other. While the other girls had been directed to appear curious and hopeful about the guys, (YN) was to be entranced by the band. They had her film a few shots of her looking lovingly at no one, but it would be edited to appear as if Mikey was returning her glances. It wasn’t hard for her to imagine gazing at Mikey lovingly, she probably did it more than she’d like to admit already.
“(YN), we need you back on set!” She heard someone call, pulling her out of her thoughts.
Then began the long, boring wait while they filmed the band performing and the crowd dancing. (YN) sat around, watching the scene, and wondered how she’d muster up her big performance and if it would end up being any good.
“We’re gonna have you stand here, in front of the other girls,” Marc showed her to her spot. “And the guys are going to walk out, then we’ll shoot the other angle with the band.”
The scene didn’t take long to shoot, and the extras were all dismissed. Afterward, the band moved to the bar area for the next few scenes.
"For this, I want to get some shots of all you guys sorta celebrating, having a good time, and then some with just Gerard and Mikey together and just (YN) and Mikey together," Marc explained.
Everyone nodded in understanding as the ‘drinks’ were poured by the actor portraying the bartender. This was by far the easiest, and most enjoyable scene for everyone to shoot. The atmosphere was much more relaxed, with everyone laughing and joking like a normal evening after a show.
“Ok, (YN) and Mikey,” Marc said after dismissing Frank and Ray, and having Gerard step out of the scene. “Are you two comfortable touching each other?”
“Umm,” (YN) felt her cheeks burn up instantly, and she looked over at Mikey to find he was blushing as well. 
“I just mean like caress her cheek, touch his arm, look at each other like you're in love."
“Oh, right,” Mikey laughed nervously.
When the director called action, you walked up to Mikey and tucked your hair behind your ear and looked up at him. 
“Hey,” he said softly, a smile forming.
“Hey,” she replied. She followed the suggestion of the director and placed her hand on his upper arm, as he put that hand on her waist, and the other caressed her cheek. She leaned into the touch, then up at him through her eyelashes. And for a split second she thought he was going to kiss her.
“Cut!" Marc shouted, making both of them jump with a start. "Great, you guys are really giving me a lot of great stuff to work with here,” Marc called. “(YN) can you go get changed into your other costume. We’ll finish up with Gerard and Mikey now.”
(YN) nodded as she headed to the wardrobe room again. She slipped out of her party dress and into a more plain, everyday dress and shoes. The makeup department touched up her makeup before she made her way to the last set.
"Wait, why are you all still here?" (YN) asked when she rounded the corner and found Frank and Ray, both changed into their normal clothes.
"Moral support," Ray said with a pleasant smile.
“No, I’m already really self conscious about this, you don’t have to be here, I swear,” she shook her head, but before she could object further, Marc came around the corner.
“All set?” Marc asked.
“I guess,” (YN) replied nervously.
“I wanna show you a rough edit of Gerard's performance yesterday, so you can sort of build your performance around it.”
(YN) felt her heart breaking as she watched her friend scream out in agony, the look of terror in his eyes was so intense, and the way he was pulling away from Frank and the other actor trying to get to his brother made her want to cry.
"Ok, and this is what happened with Mikey, for context," the director said, bringing up the opposite shot. She watched as Mikey went down in the sand, writhing in pain.
"Oh my god," she whispered.
"So again, we want something like what Gerard did, screaming, crying, whatever, when you open up the letter."
(YN) nodded and stepped on the set that was meant to look like a living room. She glanced over and saw Mikey and Gerard had joined the other guys, both back in their street clothes as well. Mikey looked like he had run a hand through his hair, but Gerard was still rocking his pompadour. Mikey gave her a reassuring smile and she took a deep breath.
"Ok quiet on set," the director shouted. "Ready, and action."
(YN)'s hands were already trembling as she opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. It was actually typed up to appear like a real letter from the military alerting someone of the passing of a loved one. She imagined how she would feel if she was in a relationship with Mikey and he was stolen away from her by a cruel war. She dropped the letter and held her shaking hand over her mouth, tears already streaming down her cheeks, though she had been fighting them since she saw the footage from the beach.
She fell to her knees on the scratchy rug and sobbed. She put her hand over her heart, as if she could feel it breaking. She reached out, like she was reaching for him, but no one was there. She called out for Mikey as she cried and cried.
"And cut!" She heard the director call, but she couldn't stop crying.
"(YN), are you okay?" She heard Gerard ask as her bandmates came onto the set to check on her. She felt someone rubbing her back sympathetically.
"That was incredible," Frank complimented. "Even better than Gee."
"You're ok," he murmured, and for a moment she did feel totally alright.
"Thanks," (YN) sniffled, finally calming down after a moment. When she looked up, Mikey was offering his hand to help her up, but he had a sad look on his face. She took his hand and as soon as she was standing, he wrapped her in a big hug. 
"How did you do that?" Ray asked.
(YN) took a step back from Mikey and wiped her eyes. "I umm, just imagined what those war widows were going through, the helplessness and agony, ya know."
"Have you ever thought about acting?" Marc asked, coming over to her.
"No, no," she laughed as she shook her head. “I don’t know if I could do that again.”
"Well consider it," he replied. "I think that we have everything we need, so that's a wrap on the band!"
(YN) bid farewell to her bandmates as she headed back to wardrobe to change into her regular clothes. In the mirror she saw how her mascara was running down her cheeks. She cleaned up best she could, but left her hair done up because she thought it looked cute.
When she got out to the parking lot, she found Mikey waiting around. “Hey,” she called over to him. "What are you still doing here?"
"I just wanted to tell you that you did really good today," he smiled.
"Thanks," she nodded, looking down at her shoes. "But I lied."
"'Bout what?" Mikey asked.
(YN) sighed. "What inspired my performance. I mean I did think about those things I said I did, but I thought about them in the context of how I would feel if it was me and I was crying over… you." Her voice had gotten progressively quieter as she spoke so she ended just above a whisper.
"Oh," Mikey replied and she winced.
"It's fine, I'm fine," she said with a wave of her hand, still looking at the asphalt under her feet instead of at him.
"I lied too. Or rather Gee did for me," Mikey said, breaking the silence and (YN) finally looked up.
"What are you talking about?"
"He told me the idea he had for the video, but he didn't know how you'd fit in, and I suggested you could play like my," he trailed off.
"Your girl back home?" She filled in.
"Yea," he replied, this time it was his turn to be fascinated by the ground. "I didn't know you wouldn't get to play drums though, I'm really sorry for that. And it's too bad the story was such a tragedy."
"Well it's a good thing we aren't characters in a music video," she replied and he looked up.
"You mean, you would wanna?" he trailed off again.
"Really be your girl? Yea, like, a lot," she laughed lightly. "I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't cry that way over people I'm not in love with."
The words slipped out before she could stop them. Her eyes went wide and she blushed again. But a smile broke across Mikey's face before he took a step to close the distance between them. He reached up and caressed her cheek as she placed her hand on his arm, just like when they were filming their scene together. But this time when she looked up, he leaned in and kissed her. She leaned into him as he pulled her closer, and she smiled into the kiss. She never could have imagined that the day would have ended like this, but she wouldn’t change any of it.
When they finally pulled back, coming up for air he rested his forehead against hers. "I love you too," he whispered with a soft smile.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Do you think you could do a gn reader with any of the mcr guys where they come out as non-binary? It’s totally cool if you aren’t comfortable writing it. Thx😊
You Must Like Me For Me
Pairing: Gerard Way x Non-Binary Reader Rating: General Requested By: Anon Word Count: ~500 Author’s Note: I’m going through and cleaning out my backlog of requests. I hope I did justice to your request! Also I didn’t specify which era the story was set in, but I just really like this current era gif of Gee, he’s so cute and makes my heart happy.
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(YN) chewed their lip nervously as they stared at the half-drunk coffee cup before them. Across the table, Gerard cleared his throat. (YN) looked up quickly to see the soft smile he was giving them.
“Are you ok? You said you had something you wanna tell me?” Gerard asked gently.
(YN) had asked Gerard to meet up for coffee, telling him on the phone that they had something important that they wanted to talk about in person. They’d assured Gee that everything was ok, but now that they were face to face, sitting in a quiet corner of the same café where they had their first date a few weeks prior, they were very nervous at how he’d react to what they had to say. They hadn’t been going out long, they weren’t officially anything and everything felt very delicate.
“Umm, yea,” they nodded, gathering all their courage, but again staring at the coffee mug instead of Gerard. “I hope what I’m about to tell you doesn’t change things, but if it does, and you don’t wanna see me again, I understand.”
Gerard reached across the table and placed his hands over theirs. “Whatever it is, I promise I’ll keep an open mind,” he replied. 
(YN) looked up again. Gerard’s face was so gentle and comforting, they felt like there was no way that he’d react poorly. But then again they’d thought that before, and they hadn’t heard from those friends again.
“I know we’ve gone out a few times now and I really enjoy your company, but I want you to know if you still are interested in going out with me after this, I need you to know,” (YN) paused, realizing they’d forgotten the well rehearsed speech they’d planned, and had started rambling. Gerard gave their hand a comforting squeeze. “Gee, I’m… I’m non-binary. I really hope you’re ok with that.”
Surprise flashed across Gerard’s face for a moment before he smiled and nodded. “Yea, I’m totally ok with that. And thank you for telling me. I guess I shoulda asked what pronouns you prefer and not assumed before.”
“That’s ok, it’s something I’ve only recently come to terms with and I’m not super open about it yet. They and them are good,” (YN) nodded. The relief they felt, the weight off their shoulders, was immeasurable.
“Of course! I was gonna ask the next time I saw you if you’d be my, umm, partner?” He asked tentatively.
(YN) beamed. “Yes, I would love that.”
“Great,” Gerard’s smile matched (YN)’s, as he seemed relieved as well. He got up and leaned across the table, planting a kiss on (YN)’s lips.
“Thank you for being so understanding,” (YN) said when they pulled back.
“Thank you for trusting me,” Gerard replied. “So you wanna go to the comic book store?”
“Yes, let’s go!” (YN) nodded. They both downed their coffees, and left the café hand in hand.
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