#get ‘em cap’n you got this
blindfoldcd · 4 months
ooc. me, checking in on my dash, seeing childe chasing kaeya around… y’all so entertaining
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pumpkinsy0 · 10 days
Tim,Dallas and Two-Bit trio headcanons?? I need more of them in my life. Bonus points if you throw in some Darbit in there.
ay aye cap’n🫡
•RARELY dally sleeps over at tims place and tim is fine w two bit sleeping there too (literally only sleeping tho anything after that and whatever happens to u is warranted) but two will literally never ever take that offer w all due respect
•god forbid angela, curly, or pony have to get picked up from school, these guys SUCK to have drive u around
•if dally AND tim got locked up around the same time, two but was like the only one of the gang who would have updates on em and nooobody knows how
•dally and twobit helping this guy two bit get darry is like two having an angel (tim) and demon (dally) on ur shoulder
•buck should b like, their unofficial rare 4th member, theyre always at his bar just doin anything, sometimes it annoys buck but he has his moments w em
•not a lot of ppl actually know about them hanging out, mostly bc they dont rlly hang out that often bc of their own lives, but the LEAST ppl the gang expected was like tim and two, tim came in one day and acted all buddy w two and they visibly went “????” but didnt say much
•i swear seeing them hang out all together is like seeing an actual cryptid
•two and tim generally have the same body type, but where tim is more muscular, two is more chubby, and ik they tease dally for being more skinny
•one time, they all went to bucks w darry and tim just dragged dally out to give darry and two their “alone time”
•the idea of two bit and dally ranting about their love lives while tim is sitting there waiting for it to b over is making me giggle i cannot lie, tim can only say sm
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mickimomo · 1 year
Attoye-Week Snippets (Part 1)
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So, I decided that since I’m participating in Attoye-Week, I’d drop a snippet of the first chapter of each entry I intend on dropping for each theme as I work on them. Hopefully it’ll either get you motivated to participate or interact with the peeps who make something for this Attoye-centered creation event. 
For whatever reason, Day 6: Fairytale had my brain ready to type out every thing. So, this is the first snippet you’ll get outta me. The final draft will definitely have more added to it, so keep an eye out for when Day 6 comes around for @attoye-week! 
Siren Tears and Fairy Wings (Fairytale AU)
Torrential rain dropped from the heavens as a group of men chased after a flickering ball of light.
They ran through the dark forest filled with a few bioluminescent plants and fungi that glowed eerie shades of pink, violet, and teal as they pursued their target.
“Where is it?!?”
“It’s just up ahead! Go! Go! Go!”
The men spilled into a small clearing and began to search around, hitting bushes with sticks and prodding leaves with blades.
“Damn it, Cap’n! We lost em’. I just saw the lil sprite dive intah one of these bushes!” One man grunted. “It’s so hard tah see in this storm!”
“Keep looking!”
The man nodded as he tried to blink away the rain and continued his search.
“Come out lil fairy!” Another crew mate sang softly as he abused a few bushes with a slew of violent swings. “We haven’t got all night!”
Another man moved closer to the captain as the rain poured down harder, making it nearly impossible to see beyond the forest line that circled them.
Just like the others, his white-puffed-sleeve shirt was soaked to the point that it clung to his skin, while his dark brown pants whispered threats of chafing his thighs with every step he made.
“Captain Namor, it’s getting harder to see and we’re not familiar with the terrain or wildlife of this island. If we don’t stop, someone may get hurt-”
The older pirate glanced back at his quartermaster. “Do you know how much money we’ll get with that fairy, Attuma?”
“Lots.” He bit the inside of his cheek at his captain’s incredulous look.
“Not just lots, Attuma. Enough to stop going out to sea! Enough for us to all settle down and live comfortably with our friends and families until our souls depart.” He narrowed his eyes as his eyelashes became curved ledges to raindrops. “Two fairy wings are worth so much. Too much for me to be pouting over someone slipping and busting their ass in the rain or getting nibbled on by a feral critter.” He held up two fingers and wiggled them. “Do you know why?”
“Because they can extend one’s life.”
“Because they can extend one’s life.” He nodded with a grin before tapping his two fingers against the taller man’s chest with each word. “We just need one little fairy and we’re back on the ship and on our way home.”
“I understand, but this weather could cost us a few men.”
“They all want this fairy just as badly as I do. We’ve already injured the little bug, so it’s an easy job.”
“Right, but-“
“-If you want to minimize casualties, I suggest you help us look, so we aren’t out here much longer.”
Attuma’s lips parted slightly before he nodded apprehensively. “Aye, aye captain.”
With a curt nod, Namor walked away leaving the soaked man in a corner of the woods as shouts of possibly spotting a fairy stirred the others up on the other side of the clearing.
This was all futile.
It was only a matter of time before someone got injured and he was forced to patch them up.
Namor was a great captain, but his dreams and ambitions made him reckless and uncaring of the sacrifices it took to achieve them.
Always reminding everyone about how their voyages and discoveries benefited the greater good.
Never caring about the sacrifices, it took to benefit the greater good.
He loosened the collar of his shirt around his neck before he began to look around for any signs of the fairy.
Shouts rivaled the thunder as the men rushed onward, leaving Attuma behind as he quietly searched the clearing.
Part of him wanted to call out to them to slow down, but it would only go in one ear and out the other.
There was no point in chasing after them and trying to convince them to give up either.
For now, he could only make sure he was safe and well enough to help in the event of an emergency.
From where he currently stood, he could find his way back to the ship without any issues.
Those idiots would probably get lost and need him to come find them or lead the way back to the ship.
It was only a matter of time.
He shook his head at the thought before examining a small patch of mushrooms beneath a bush that had been smacked and rattled by one of his crew mates.
He carefully lowered his head to find a pair of shaking legs by the base of one of the mushrooms and sighed softly.
He turned around to make sure he was alone before reaching out to carefully scoop up the hidden fairy.
“LET ME GO!” The fairy screamed before tossing a handful of mushroom spores at his face.
“Hey- shhhhhh.” He hushed her frantically before falling into a fit of coughs. “What is that?” He frowned as the rain slowly cleared his senses.
“Something that should have killed you, but surprisingly didn’t.” She scowled as she tried to free herself from his grip.
“Hey. I’m trying to help. My name is-”
“Will you be quiet before you summon my shipmates?” He hissed. “I’m trying to help.”
She let out a scream of frustration after slamming her tiny fists into his hands until she was temporarily burned out, her fairy magic dimming until she was lightless as she panted.
“Hey, will you just calm down and listen to me?”
“Calm down?! Calm down in the hands of a fairy hunter?!” She squirmed in his hold and tried her best to claw at his wet hands with her tiny fingers as the rain poured down on them.
“I’m trying to help you.”
“Help me?”
“You can’t help me, and I don’t need or want your help.” She glared up at him as rain slipped down her bald head. “You’re with those monsters.” She slapped his hand. “You are a monster.” She curled her hand into a fist before rapidly opening her hand, as if to shoo him off with a sharp flick of her fingers.
“So, what if I am? I want to leave. It is not safe here.” He frowned. “I don’t care if we capture a fairy or not.”
He huffed as he carefully lifted her and rose to his full height. “I don’t intend to argue with you all night in this awful weather. I need to get you somewhere safe and go find my shipmates before someone gets sick or injured.”
“You don’t have to get me anywhere. Just let me go!” She smacked at his fingers before landing a bite with her sharp teeth.
He let out a shout of pain and his hand opened. “Fuck-” His eyes widened as he watched the fairy drop to the ground with a wet thud, sparkling dimly as she sat in the mud and tried to flap her broken wings.
“Stupid human.” She spat as she stared up at him. “You were crushing my wings to worsen my injuries. You did that so I couldn’t get away, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t do it intentionally.” He frowned as he looked at his bleeding finger before taking note of the sparkling blood that coated his palm and fingers. “You’re bleeding.” He whispered as the rain slowly washed it from his warm tan skin.
“It’s your fault.” She scooted back a little as her body shivered in the cold rain. “All you humans ever do is take and destroy.” She narrowed her eyes. “You do not know how to coexist peacefully or let things be. You’re always trying to conquer things that are deemed weaker and murder what you do not understand.” She looked around the forest as an inkling of grief shined in her eyes. “You all will be the death of my home. A terrible illness.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
The pirate slowly crouched to look at her properly.
Her skin was a sparkling dark brown that was lined with dimly glowing white and black markings.
Upon further inspection, they were various symbols that he couldn’t comprehend but he knew they meant a great deal to her.
She wore a tattered red dress that sparkled with her blood and was damn near a permanent burgundy brown from all the mud and rain.
Her wings were transparent, but extremely iridescent, looking as if they were paper thin slivers of detailed glass.
Every twitch they made in the light the lightning provided as it danced across the stormy late afternoon sky revealed a bright rainbow.  
He leaned in to inspect the damage that had been done to them, only freezing when his close proximity earned a nasty hiss and baring of sharp teeth. The sound and gesture explicitly promised to do more damage with her razor-sharp teeth if he touched her again.
“I won’t touch you again unless absolutely necessary.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Let’s just talk.”
“I do not want to talk. I want you to go away.”
He sighed. “Look, I’m sure every single human on the face of this planet has a flaw that will prove you right for hating us.” He stared at her solemnly. “I am sorry for hurting you and for assisting with hunting you down. A lot is depending on your wings right now.” He held her fiery gaze. “However, right now, I just want to get my men and my captain back to our ship without any casualties.” He pressed his hand to his chest. “They are like family to me. I don’t want anyone to suffer.” He pointed a finger at her. “But… if I could get you somewhere safe and sound, far away… I could tell them to give up on their pursuit because I know they’ll never find you.” His gaze softened like melting chocolate as he stared at her. “You’ll never see us again if I can get them back to our ship. I just need you to trust me.”
The fairy stared at the pirate long and hard before screams and shouts of panic filled the air in the distance as a loud beastly roar filled the air.
Attuma looked back with wide eyes before looking down at the fairy.
A wave of curiosity graced her features before shifting into a soft smile.
“W-What was that?” He whispered.
“All of you will be punished for coming here.” She looked up at him. “You will all die here.”
“And you’ll die too.”
“I’ll be just fine.” She scoffed. “I belong here. You do not.”
The screams grew louder as they drew near and Attuma reached down carefully. “I have to hide you.”
“If my shipmates see you, they will kill you. You can’t escape in your condition.”
“I’ll just hide here.”
“This place is not safe.” He frowned as the shouts came closer to where they were.
“I am not afraid of death. The death of a fairy will curse a hundred men.” She spat.
He shook his head before carefully picking her up. “You can curse some other humans, but not my men.” He scolded her softly. “They have friends and families to return to.”
“Do not touch me!” She struggled to smack away his hand. “Put me down! All of you deserve to die! I’ll be fine-” she snarled before falling silent as he pressed a finger to her lips. His body grew tense as the trees rattled and the bushes began to shake.
He slowly backed himself into the forest before hiding amongst the bushes they had searched earlier, keeping his dark brown eyes locked in the clearing before them.
The fairy froze and looked out into the clearing with curious dark brown eyes.
A ferocious roar challenged the thundering sky as Attuma watched a large monster’s silhouette get highlighted by a strike of lightning.
A slew of bloodied and battered pirates came tumbling and stumbling out of the woods into the clearing, following their mighty captain in hopes of escaping the pursuing monster.
Attuma gently placed the fairy in his shirt. “Hold on.” He whispered before getting up to run parallel to the fleeing men.
A/N: Alrighty! I’ll drop the rest when Day 6 gets here. Check out @attoye-week​ for the deets on when that is and all the other info if you wish to participate.
I hope to see you then and stay tuned for other snippets! <3 
p.s. And yes, I’m working on updating Storm and Exchange. I am slowly and steadily making my way back to the Attoye cookout. 
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danco110 · 1 year
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“Burn their fleet to the waterline, and sink whatever’s left.”
Angrath turned away from both his captives and his own crew, shocking both groups with his orders. The bound vampires kneeling on the deck trembled in fear, and one particularly brazen deckhand even stepped forward in their defense.
“Er, don’t that seem a bit much, Cap’n?”
The minotaur turned back to face the others, his arms folded across his chest and his face twisted into an angry snarl.
“I can only use my chains to control so many prisoners at a time. And any one of em I don’t lasso could stick me in my sleep. It’s the safest way.”
“But, Cap’n,” pleaded the goblin, her confidence waning, “we can watch the dogs for ya. I’ll do it myself if ya’d just-”
Angrath clenched his fists, causing the already glowing chains wrapped around his chest to glow white with heat.
“You, I trust. The rest of you…”
Angrath glared out at the rest of his crew, causing them to shudder just as much as the vampires.
“…I could throw further. I’ve got half a mind to use the chains on y’all, as well. Just to make sure.”
The goblin took a daring step forward. “Cap’n…we’re loyal. All of us.”
“Are you, now?”
The rest of the crew nodded frantically as the deckhand continued speaking. “Yessir. These mosquitos…I’ll admit, I dunno…”
Before the captive vampires could profess their loyalties, truthful or otherwise, Angrath waved a giant hand in their direction.
“Tie em up in a dinghy, and send em back to what’s left of their ships.”
“Yer makin the right decision, Cap’n.”
Angrath let out a sad laugh. “I know for sure that I am not. They’ll be back, on some other ship, some other crew.”
As the rest of the crew carried the prisoners to a nearby skiff, the deckhand closed the rest of the distance between her and Angrath, solemnly patting the minotaur on his pants leg. “Don’t worry, Cap’n. We’ll get you home.”
“No you won’t,” Angrath snapped instinctively, before immediately softening. “But…thanks.”
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[Headcanon: Angrath’s spark ignited from being backstabbed, sold out by a friend in classic spaghetti western fashion.]
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ternfic · 7 days
Chapter One: Lost At Sea
Thank the Man Upstairs for the fog, was all Metalbeard could think as they lost sight of their pursuit- who hopefully had lost sight of them as well. The Sea Cow was one of the fastest ships to ever sail the seas, but even she couldn’t outrun Bad Cop’s flying forces for long.
“Captain, where are we?” Skeeter asked, squinting to try to see through the fog. It was so thick, they couldn’t see the bow from where they stood at the wheel.
“I’ll tell ye in a bit,” Metalbeard murmured. “Methinks we lost ‘em, at least for now.”
“Land ho!” Mollie shouted.
“How is she actually seeing through this mess…?”
“We must be comin’ out of it now.” Sure enough, after a few more minutes they came through the other side. It was like someone had cut it with a knife, it ended so abruptly. There was no time to relax, though- they had to put as much distance between them and that fog as possible, lest Bad Cop find his way out, and them, again. They sailed on for several hours, hardly daring to speak as though they would be heard somehow, when once again Mollie called down to them.
“Captain! Look!” Metalbeard glanced in the direction she pointed. It was an island- not a very large one- and on its beach was the strangest thing. From a distance, it looked like a coffin had washed ashore.
“Oh that poor soul…” the pirate captain murmured, turning the ship toward the island. The crew didn’t even need to be ordered to prepare the ship, apparently of the same mind as their captain. They got as close to the island as they dared to get before dropping the anchor. Metalbeard picked a handful of crew members to come ashore with him, taking a longboat the rest of the way.
“That be a strange coffin, Cap’n,” Sly muttered. “Awful complicated.”
“Aye,” Metalbeard agreed. “Tis makin’ funny noises…” He pressed his hand to the lid as he leaned in to get a better look, and startled when it gave a sudden hum and hiss, the lid popping loose. He gave it an experimental nudge; it slid aside easily enough. And inside was an equally strange sight.
It was a young man, as far as they could tell, dressed in a protective blue suit, his helmet cracked. The yellow glass of the visor had come loose and slid off at some point. Metalbeard recognized the logo on his suit; he was one of those astronauts from Cape Space. There was a faint beep, and the young man started screaming and thrashing, staring blindly into the sky.
“Sink me, he’s still alive!” Metalbeard yelped, jerking back to avoid being smacked by a flailing limb. It was a few seconds later that he finally calmed, blinking quizzically at the sky before shoving his helmet off and gasping for air. “Easy, lad,” Metalbeard soothed, helping him as he attempted to sit up. The young man looked at him. “Do ye know where ye be?”
The astronaut glanced around, taking in their surroundings then looked back at him. “Pirate’s Cove, by the looks of you guys.” Metalbeard nodded to himself, satisfied. He was coherent; that was a good sign.
“So he be as lost as we are,” Ridge laughed.
“I’m not lost!” Metalbeard bellowed at his belligerent crew, earning a snicker from the astronaut. “I just need a bit to get me bearings!”
“We got chased out here by Bad Cop, and we’ve no idea where we be at,” Ridge continued in explanation.
“Who’s Bad Cop?”
The pirates fell silent. “…Ye don’t know who Bad Cop is?”
“Uhh, duh? I wouldn’t ask otherwise.”
“Lord Business took over the world and outlawed Master Builders. Bad Cop’s his attack dog, he’s been hunting us down.”
“You’re all Master Builders?” The astronaut wrinkled his nose in distaste, and Skeeter rolled his eyes.
“Great, another one of them. Just leave him, Captain. Bad Cop will probably find him and pick him up,” he grumbled. Metalbeard looked thoughtful.
“Nay, we be takin’ him with us,” the captain decided. “And bring that fancy coffin with ye!”
“It’s not a coffin, it’s a cryostasis pod,” the astronaut explained, accepting Metalbeard’s offered hand as he climbed out. They stared as he wobbled several inches above the sand. He glanced down, as his eyes went wide. “Whoa. Uh.”
“…I take it ye don’t normally do that?” Metalbeard ventured.
“Not really, no. Crap, how do I get down??” Skeeter fought down a snicker and reached for the astronaut’s shoulders, gently pushing him down until his feet were firmly planted in the sand again. “That’s kinda freaky…” the astronaut muttered, then grinned. “And kinda cool.”
“Well come on then,” Metalbeard said, gesturing for the astronaut to follow. “What be yer name, lad?”
“Benny!” he chirped. “Benny Blue! I’m the engineer of my crew!” He gasped suddenly, freezing in place. Sly cast him a concerned look, at his horrified expression. “Oh stars, my crew-”
“We only found ye, Benny lad,” Metalbeard told him softly. Benny didn’t look like he was taking that news too well.
“Wait wait wait,” the astronaut said, his breath quickening. “What day is it?”
“It be Thursday,” Metalbeard answered, confused.
“No no, month and day-”
“June second,” Ridge told him, catching on. Benny went pale.
“Oh- oh sh- How long was I in stasis?! Our flight was in August! Don’t tell me I’ve been under for almost a whole year-!”
The pirates glanced at each other in concern. If he didn’t know Business was in control of the whole world… “…More like almost four, if ye don’t know of Lord Business or Bad Cop,” Metalbeard admitted reluctantly. Benny’s legs gave out at that, dropping him to the ground.
“What… So it’s- it’s Ninety-Two now? Ninety-Three?”
Metalbeard’s heart sank. Oh, this poor lad… “Try Two Thousand and Nine, lad.” Benny wheezed, grabbing his head and hunching over.
“Ye be in shock,” Metalbeard said. Not that he could blame Benny. Based on his guesses, he’d been in this ‘stasis’ for a couple decades. “Come on, come aboard. We can take ye to Cape Space, to yer hospital there.”
“Yeah. That’s- I think that’s a good idea.” Benny shakily got to his feet, and Metalbeard offered his arm for support. The astronaut nearly fell onto him, grabbing onto his offered arm and clinging to it for dear life. “So uh. What’s your name?”
“Me given name’s Jonas, but most know me as Metalbeard.”
“Oh. Cause of the-” Benny giggled, bordering on hysterical. “The metal beard. Yeah.  That’s- that’s pretty cool, actually.” The crew grabbed Benny’s pod, dragging it to the water and tying it to the longboat to float along behind them. As they rowed back to the ship, Benny burrowed into Metalbeard’s side, shaking like a leaf. The captain didn’t comment on it, instead launching into one of his infamous stories to distract the distressed astronaut.
“I got picked up by a pirate crew when I was a wee lad of only four years. A plague had been sweeping the islands, and me parents didn’t wake, so they found me wandering the docks alone and took me in…”
Skeeter, Sly, and Ridge kept silent during the telling. They’d heard it before, of course- several times, even- but Benny really seemed in need of something, anything, else to occupy his mind with. He was barely responsive as they boarded the ship and Metalbeard tugged him toward his own quarters, giving him some space and some privacy to have a breakdown if he so needed. The stasis pod was hauled aboard and stowed in the cargo hold.
“You know, I never would have guessed you were from the islands if you hadn’t said so,” Benny chattered. “Though I guess if you were picked up that young, of course you wouldn’t really sound like it anymore.” He quirked a grin at the pirate captain. “That’s something we kinda have in common.”
“Yeah. I was born and raised in the Old West.”
“Well shiver me timbers!” Metalbeard laughed. “Never would have pegged ye as a country boy.”
Benny wrinkled his nose at that. “Yeah. I got poked fun at a lot for it, when I first started college. Everyone kept asking me what some backwater hick was doing studying engineering.” He smirked. “I showed them, though. I was twenty-four when I flew my first mission into space! Youngest astronaut ever!”
“Gracious, lad, and ye look even younger.”
Benny snickered. “Yeah, I get that a lot.” He tilted his head as Metalbeard grabbed a blanket and shook it out, moving to drape it around his shoulders. “Dude. You know I don’t need that, right? My suit’s plenty warm as it is.”
“Aye, maybe ye don’t need the warmth, but I’d feel better knowin’ ye be comfortable.” Benny sighed, but didn’t protest any further. He nuzzled into the material; it was very soft.
“Thanks,” he murmured after a moment. “I don’t know what you’re expecting to get from me, for all your help, but I do appreciate it.”
“I’m not expectin’ anything, lad. Just helpin’ a soul in need.”
“You’re really not was I was expecting a Master Builder to be like.”
“Aye? And what were ye expectin’?”
“Well, when I… left… Master Builders were massive jerks. If you weren’t one, you were worthless, in their eyes. I worked with a couple, before. They were always sneering down at me for ‘thinking I could be like them without actually being one of them’, or some such nonsense.” Benny rolled his eyes. “I would have loved to see them figure out my cryostasis system.”
“Ye invented that stasis contraption?”
“Well.” Benny gave him a sheepish grin. “Me and my crew, anyway. I wonder what happened to them…”
“…Rest, lad. Maybe ye can find out when we get ye back to yer own realm.”
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seeingteacupsindragons · 11 months
I'm not sure if this is too broad of a prompt, and obviously only if it feels interesting, but:
"trapped in a jungle base"
You have earned 419 words of unedited nonsense that's practically all dialogue. This immediately made me think of Return of the Jedi, so it's sci-fi. Hope you're into that.
I'll do any more of these later; I gotta get to bed soon for work in the am.
“How much longer ‘til Cap’n gets here with the rest of the crew again?”
“Last I checked the signal, he was only three hours out. ‘N that was five minutes ago, Raylin.”
And I’d spent those five minutes eyeing the wild cats outside. Not a species I recognized, and even if the fort had some xenobiology textbooks, I didn’t care to read ‘em right then. Now if they had something more like a sharp stick to wave at ‘em to keep ‘em out…
But it didn’t—or it did, but the wet jungle rain had rotted the rust spear tips right off their poles. So you know. Same thing at the beginning and end of the goddamn day. Either way the steak was cut, the cats were eyeing us like we were dinner and reinforcements were three hours out.
Two hours and fifty-five minutes. What the fuck ever.
“So like. We know if these things like human?”
“Like human, as in, are friendly with the species, or like human, as in the taste?”
“My grammar ain’t that bad, Jerrod.”
“Dunno. Don’t think much of anything likes human. We’re too stringy, I hear.”
“Hear from someone who ate one of us?”
“I guess so.”
“Well, ain’t that so damn comforting, then.”
“We don’t have any records of causalities in this system.”
Yet. That was a big yet. And we were still out of weapons. “Cap’n’s gonna have our asses for needing a rescue like that. There goes that promotion you wanted.”
“Well,” Jerrod said, thoughtfully. “We could try to figure out how to get out of here ourselves.”
The cats prowled around the door again. “I’m all ears if you got any ideas, but it better be a good one.”
“Maybe they’re sentient.”
“Does it matter if they’re sentient if they want to eat us?”
Jerrod ignored me and leaned forward, just enough that his mouth was against the screen. One of the cats pounced closer—just close enough for me to jump half out of my skin but not close enough to knock the screen out. Careful balance, that one.
“Hi,” he said, because why be casual with the cats you’re trying to impress. “Do you have someone we could talk to about this area?”
The cat responded with a growl and a swipe near his face. Jerrod backed up in a right hurry.
“Bad idea,” I said. “You got anything better?”
“That promotion isn’t worth getting eaten.”
Couldn’t have agreed more.
Hoped the cats weren’t too hungry, then.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Ex Wive's Club, Chapter 9
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings:  slight angst, relationship juggling, mentions of sexual encounters. 
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“There’s my girl!”
Ari grinned as his grand daughter all but leapt into his arms, the little toddler giggling wildly as she wrapped herself around him to the best of her abilities.
“God, she’s getting so big!” Britt cooed, two of her own three children bouncing eagerly on her hips.  Sam grinned a little bit wider, offering himself up so that the could help take one of the babies off her hands.  He settled for little Arianna; the one year old happy to be off her mother’s side.
“I can say the same for your little crew!” Sam smirked, playing with Arianna.  Ari put Kaya down and she instantly ran to Ari and Britt’s eldest, three year old Israel.  The two hugged each other, “ABBA is Kaya and Sam!”
“Good job buddy.  That’s your niece Kaya and her daddy, Sam!” Ari smiled.  Israel stared at Sam in disbelief and reached for his father, “what’s wrong buddy?”
“Cap’n Ameri-duh.”
“Yeah, buddy…Sam is captain America!” Britt laughed, “we’ve gone over this!”
Israel squealed in delight and rushed him, his little arms wrapping eagerly around him now that he remembered who he was. 
“Is Nia here yet?”
“Just finished my shift on the med bay with Doctor Cho!” Nia grinned, walking in the door. 
Kaya ran up to her mother, attacking her legs, “hey baby girl!”
“Are you guys alright here so I can get dinner started?” Nia asked gently, “Sam you got everything prepped before dad, Britt, and the kids got here, right?”
“Started?” Sam jokingly scoffed, “baby I got it covered.  Only thing you have to do is get changed and pull the stuff out of the oven.”
“You got it done?”
“Yes ma’am,” Sam smirked, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek, “Potatoes are in the oven, chicken marinaded all day and is in the oven as well, and the broccoli is steaming.  Oh, and I even made your grandparent’s recipe for a chocolate hazelnut babka.”
“God I love you!” Nia giggled, pressing herself against Sam’s side long enough to give him a sweet kiss, “you’re okay with the kids while I get changed?”
“Of course!” he grinned, “Britt, if you want to get the food out of the oven, Ari and I can take the kids into the living room and keep em occupied.”
“I’m up for any plan where I don’t have to make the food myself,” she smiled, looking to her husband, “we’ve been married for years, and I’m still surprised we don’t get food poisoning every time he makes dinner for us.”
“I’m not that bad!” Ari smirked, “and anyways…you never seem to complain when we get to dessert.”
Britt’s eyes went wide and she playfully slapped her husband’s shoulder, “Ari Levinson!”
“You two are still gross even after all these years,” Nia laughed, handing her daughter off to Sam and heading down the hall, “come on Britt…let’s tear you away from dad for a second so you can help in the kitchen.”
“Remember Thanksgiving, back when you were eighteen?  And that year when we spent the fourth of July at the lakehouse?” Ari teased.  Britt’s face got red and she passed Isaac off to him.
He shot her a wink, “oh when we get home…you just wait.”
“Let’s keep it PG here,” Sam chuckled, “we’ve got four sets of ears under three, so keep your freaky business behind closed doors.”
“Daddy play!”
Ari sighed, letting the playful banter go while Israel latched back onto him, pulling on the leg of his pants, and pulling him to the living room, while Kaya did the same thing to her father.  The two men sat down on the floor with the children, letting them toddle and run around, while they sat and watched them. 
“How’ve you and Ni been?”
“Good…good…we uh-we’ve been talking about moving out of the tower,” Sam admitted, “and I’m thinking it might be better if we get a house closer to you and Britt…”
“You guys want to move out of the tower?”
“I-I do,” Sam admitted, taking a moment to look over the couch and down the hall.  The door on the master bedroom remained shut, and Sam sat back down, “i-I just think-with all the craziness that’s been happening it’s for the best.”
“You mean how you and Cami broke up and she left that house with you…”
“I really think that Cami and I broke up for a reason, and it was because it meant Ni and I were supposed to be together…” Sam sighed, swallowing down his nerves.  Ari shot him a look and the superhero licked his lips, “look, Ari…I know you haven’t like me since the day you found out about Nia and I, bu-“
“You’re jumping between my daughter and Bucks…”
“Cami and I-“
“Look…you met my daughter when she was 18…so nothing was wrong when the two of you got together and had Kaya…but she was dating Lance at the time.  She had gotten that house with him and they were supposed to be living together…then next thing I know, she’s moving into the tower with you and knocked up with your kid…”
“We’d been seeing each other for a few months before she found out, Ari…”
“You started dating my daughter after she cheated on Bucky…with Lance,” Ari chuckled, “did Bucky tell you about that?”
“I’ve talked to Buck a few times about Nia…and Cami…he just wants to make sure I’m not hurting either girl…and I’m not.”
“Do you have feelings for Cami still, Wilson?” Ari asked firmly, “you look me in he eyes right now and tell me that you still have those butterflies that you had for her the day you met her and I’ll back off…but otherwise…you know this relationship isn’t a good idea, Sam.  You and Nia broke up when she was pregnant.  Then you got back together shortly after because you two thought Kaya would keep you two together…and then you started seeing Cami when you two broke up again.  Now you’re trading Cami back in for her?  There’s too many lines being crossed, and as a father I have to ask about it.  I have to ask about your intentions with my daughter.  Because the two of you have a daughter now, Sam…and Kaya may only be two, but you two are shaping her life whether you realize it or not.  Your relationship can’t just be a light switch to turn on and off whenever you please.”
“I understand, Ari…”
“So tell me, Wilson…do you still love my daughter as much as you did the day that you met her?”
“Come on, Ni…you deserve to have fun for once in your life…”
“I don’t want to be he-“
But Nia’s words fell flat against Cami’s argument as she saw Sam standing in the corner, talking to her ex-boyfriend, a beer in his hands.
“Don’t worry…you know dad’s over it…” Cami said sympathetically.  She looked like she wanted to continue, but stopped speaking when a man wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a deep, possessive kiss.  When she pulled away a blush was creeping up her cheeks, “Steve.”
“What, sweetheart?” Steve teased, the first captain America holding his wife in his arms as he playfully taunted her, “you embarrassed to be kissing your husband and the father to our unborn children out in public?”
“Steve,” she giggled yet again as the man placed his hands over her stomach.  She lightly, playfully pushed at his hands, but ended up placing her own hands over top of his, “I think they feel you, daddy to be…they’re jumping all around when they heard you.  Did you feel them?”
“Oh god, I can’t wait until they’re finally here!” Steve grinned.  He leaned in once more, capturing Cami’s lips with his own. 
“Steve…we’re surrounded by people!” she reminded him, “a little restraint, kind husband.”
Steve’s grin fell away when he saw Nia standing awkwardly near them.  She swallowed her nerves, nodding at him, “Steve…”
“It’s Captain Rogers,” Steve reminded her firmly.  Nia bit her lip and Cami lightly smacked Steve on the chest, but he only gave her an innocent look, “what?  She works for Doctor Cho.  I can’t let everyone at the tower call me by my first name…”
“I-it’s okay…I get it.”
“No…really...it’s fine.  I-I’m going to go get a drink…do you guys-“
“We’re fine,” Steve said quickly, cutting her off, “I came to actually steal my wife away….”
“Oh Captain,” she giggled playfully, reaching for him yet again.  Steve smiled once more, turning his charms on with his wife, “lead away, captain Rogers…”
“Oh, bunny…if you call me that I don’t know how long I’ll last.”
Nia was quick to walk away, not wanting to see anymore of the scene between Cami and Steve.  Ever since they had gotten married, it seemed as though Steve was a touch bit more controlling.  That the girls saw less and less of Cami.  But they all played it off to the fact that none of them really got to spend as much time as they wanted wth one another anymore. 
Sasha was off at MIT.  Em had moved to Knockemstiff with Lee, where he had become mayor.  And while Maddie was working on a degree to be a teacher and had already given birth to little Tyler Jensen, Britt had ended up doing online classes after she’d found out that she was pregnant with her and Ari’s first child, a little boy they planned on naming Israel.
“You alright there?”
Nia was snapped out of her thoughts when she came face to face with none other than Sam Wilson, the Falcon. 
“Oh-I-I’m sorry, am I in your way?”
Nia was quick to turn around, looking to see if there was anything she was blocking the superhero from.  But she was quick to turn back to him once more when she heard his laughter.
“You know, I was coming over here to talk to you…”
Sam nodded, “yeah…you…the beautiful woman that works in the med bay…Nia right?”
Nia felt her breath catching in her throat as she nodded with Sam’s question, “ye-yeah…I’m Nia.”
“Sam…Sam Wilson.  And the pleasure is all mine.”
Ari looked surprised to hear Sam’s answer so quickly after he’d asked the question, “What?”
“I love her…hell I may even love her more than I did before we had Kaya.  Because whether you choose to believe it or not, me and Nia have talked about it,” Sam admitted, “Nia and I feel like we’re back together for a reason.  And we think that a big reason we even broke up in the first place is because we’ve based our relationship off of every other one that she’s had.  The Barnes put us in a corner.  Bucky made her feel trapped…and well, Cami…I just wanted to take care of someone so bad, that I put my entire heart into that.  But I love your daughter, Ari…and if you want to discuss intentions those are mine.  I love your daughter…and one day, I plan on marrying her.  And if that’s something you can’t get behind, I want you to tell me now…that way we can remove that barrier right out the gate.”
“Sam that wasn’t wha-“
“It’s okay, Ari.  You don’t have to believe me…”
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“Girls…be nice…”
“But mommy…she-“
“I don’t want excuses,” Cami said firmly, looking between her three year old twins and the two year old who was holding onto Sam like her life depended on it, “you’re going to be on your best behavior, right?”
“Jamie nice!”
Jamie glared at her twin turning to her, “Stephie nice!”
“No arguing,” Cami reminded the twins, “Sam has to go on a mission and he wants us to take care of Kaya until he gets back…you two remember Kaya, right?”
“Baby!” Stephanie said calmly, “bubby!”
“No bubby!” Jamie growled out, “baby sissy!”
“Kaya’s not like your new baby brother,” Cami said with a pained face, “remember how Mr. Sam spends the night sometimes…it’s gonna be like that…only instead of Sam Kaya will stay with us.”
“Baby sissy!” Jamie repeated, pointing at Kaya.
“Kaya sissy?” Stephanie asked yet again, cocking her head at her mother and Sam. 
An exhausted Cami looked to Sam for help, “Sam….”
“Sissy!” Kaya said softly to the twins, repeating what Jamie and Stephanie had said. 
“Stephanie and Jamie ar-“
“Sissy!” Kaya repeated, a little more authority behind her voice this time around.  Both Sam and Cami looked at one another, wondering if it was the right thing to do in continuing to correct them.
“Should we?”
“Seems like a losing battle if we do!” Sam admitted with a sigh. 
Kaya reached out to Cami, “mama…nap.”
“Momma?” Jamie asked, curious as to another baby calling for her mother.
“Alright baby bears….it’s nap time!” Cami agreed, not having the energy, “Sam…maybe you should go before they-“
“Daddy no leave!” Stephanie said quickly.  Cami sighed yet again as the twins started sniffling and began wrapping themselves around Sam’s legs.
“Shit,” Cami muttered, more to herself, “Sam I-“
“SHIT!” Kaya squealed.
Chapter 10
Tag List:  @Cjand10, @huntress-artemiss, @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @elbell20-blog
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3wisellamas · 1 year
SCC Week 2023 -- Family / Friendship (What are they like with others?)
(Note, this makes pretty heavy use of my own background / family headcanons for these guys, including the OCs from Behind the Music!  For reference, Suite = Sweet and Cecil = Cap’n (And Cakes = K_K, obviously.))
"No, Suite is the first-timer.  Fortissimo was here last year!"   As the Swatchling flipped through her clipboard anxiously searching once again for the name, Viola leaned forward, speaking in a hushed voice.   "He...might have been listed under the name..."
"Oh, yes!  Here sh...he is, ma'am!"  Handing Fortissimo his nametag, the teenaged speaker could finally rejoin his siblings on the bench along with his mother, who looked over the quartet of performers, ensuring everything was in place. Particularly eyeing Cadence and Suite carefully, she motioned towards the viola the child in the purple-checked skirt held.  "You, play me Follin's Symphony in A, first movement."  Picking up their instrument, the child played to their mother's satisfaction, each note perfect.  "So you are Cadence.  Good, the last thing I needed today was you and Suite switching clothes again and embarrassing me as well!"  Shooting another cold glance at Fortissimo, who shrank in his seat next to his twin sister Fermata, Viola sighed in both relief and anguish.  "Now, I expect the four of you to play the pieces you've rehearsed to perfection.  If I don't see four blue ribbons when I return to retrieve you..."   Viola didn't even need to finish her statement, as her children knew exactly what awaited them if they didn't win, as usual.  Well, three of the four did, anyway -- Suite was simply excited to be there, finally able to join his older siblings in the annual Cyber City Youth Solo Competition, in the ages-10-to-15 group.   Though his mother insisted the stakes were high, just being away from home, at a public school gymnasium temporarily converted for the purpose rather than a high-profile stage and filled with other Darkners his own age, was a rare treat, and the little speaker bounced energetically in his seat, taking the new experience in. Of course, as Viola left, Suite nudged Cadence's arm, giggling.  "I still can't wait for you to teach me to play your viola.  Then we'll really mess with Mother!" "Oh, don't worry, we'll get her..."  They mischievously laughed to themselves, and got some smirks from Fermata and Fortissimo as well, the twins proud to pass along their penchant for schemes to the younger duo. But, as the speakers eagerly waited for their turns to perform for the judges, Suite again fidgeted anxiously, watching the groups of other children as they sat around the waiting area, chatting and practicing amongst themselves.  It was the only chance he'd get, until the next year's competition.  "Hey, guys, um, I'll be right back!" "Suite, wait!"  Cadence tried to catch her brother but it was too late, he'd already jumped up and dashed to the nearest group.   At first as he approached none of the other kids seemed to notice, too distracted by one of their number, a radio-based Darkner, plucking an unfamiliar tune on his own violin, and Suite spoke up as the short melody subsided.   "Hey, that was pretty good!  But, I think you missed a B-flat there, you played a B instead!"  Instantly, all the other kids turned to give Suite a sudden sneer, making him take a step back but not dulling his enthusiasm in the least.  "Um, anyway, my name's Suite!  Can I hang out with you until they call my name?" "We know who you are," a different child, this one an Addison, hissed at him, pointing to the nametag attached to Suite's purple sweater.  "You're the new Concerto kid.  And no, you can't hang out with us!" "Yeah, go back to your own kind," a Pluggirl shouted, prompting her friends to laugh. "My own...kind?"  Suite stared at them, confused.  And...yeah, My name's Suite Concerto.  Do you know my brothers and sisters?" "Know 'em?!"  The Pluggirl stood on her toes, trying to tower over Suite even though, as small as he was, she still couldn't quite match him.  "You guys are the worst!  You and the others get first place in every category every single year!  We never get a break!" "Yeah, a lot of us even learned violin this year so we might have a chance!  And then here comes Suite Concerto," the radio with the violin added, pointing to the violin case in Suite's hands.   "I..."  Suite wasn't sure how to even respond to the accusations.  This was only his first year competing, after all, and the first real time he'd ever had any other Darkner kids to talk to!  "I just...wanted to be friends..." "Well, we don't!  Not with you!"  They shooed Suite away, laughing, and he trudged back to the bench where his siblings sat, on their own, far away from all the other kids who'd undoubtedly done the same to them in previous years, as Suite saw in their expressions.   Cadence patted the spot next to her for Suite to climb onto again, and no sonner had he done so than she pulled her little brother into a tight hug, with the twins soon joining her.   "We're not...that bad, are we?" Suite asked, stifling a sob, and the others all shook their heads. "Other kids are just mean sometimes," Fermata explained, "but your family will always have your back.  And maybe, someday, you'll find someone else who cares about you just as much as we do.  Right guys?"  Fortissimo and Cadence agreed, with the latter holding Suite's hand for much of the rest of the afternoon, until they returned home and delivered their four first-place ribbons to Viola. Someone else who cared about him, just as much as his family...and aside from his parents, Suite's family were his favorite people in the entire Dark World.  They were his only people in the entire Dark World.  He couldn't wait for the day he had more. --- It was just hard to watch, but Cecil's parents held firm, staying on the sidelines so as not to embarrass their son.  It wasn't like he needed any more of it. Of all the opening lines, he had to pick "So, you come here often?" "I work here," the Addison cashier at the ticket counter flatly responded, and Cecil's face flushed bright blue instantly.  But he didn't give up so easily, paying for the movie tickets using the Dark Dollars his mom had given him and giving her a strained smile. "Y-You know, I can't wait to see this one.  I've read all the books!"  Technically.  He was still halfway through the last one, wanting to see the ending on the big screen before reading it in print.  It was a long series, but his dad had pulled copies of each one off the library shelf to save for him, as his excitement for the film adaptation of The King of the Things made it the only thing Cecil even talked about anymore...though, it made the young boombox's first few attempts to flirt that much more pitiful.   The cashier tried to look past Cecil, motioning for the next person in line to approach, and he got desperate.  "Hey, maybe if it's good, I can get another pair of tickets and we could see it together?" "I've already seen the movie."  The cashier gave him a look of disdain.  "The hot elf dies." With the tickets in hand, Cecil sadly stepped over to his parents to hand them off, shuddering.  "...The elf doesn't die, right Dad?  She had to be kiddin' around about that, right?" Edward just pulled at his collar uncomfortably, not daring to say a word either way about the spoiler.   The three found an empty spot in the movie theater lobby to wait until showtime, close to the noisy arcade machines tucked into one corner, but Cecil didn't bolt for one of them like usual, just staring at the floor tiles after his rejection.  Quietly, behind his back, his parents played a quick round of rock-paper-scissors to see who'd get to reassure him this time. Scissors beat paper, and Anna gently laid her arm across Cecil's shoulders, squeezing him close to her despite his protests.  "Honey, you were so excited to see this movie, up until you talked to her.  Now it's like everything's acid rainclouds and sadness. You wanna talk to me about it?" "Mom..."  Blushing again, and glancing around to make sure no one saw them, Cecil tried to pull away, but his mother held on tight.  Cecil had to get his stubbornness from somewhere, after all.  "...I'm really gonna be the only boy in my grade without a girlfriend, aren't I?" Anna blinked at the question.   Both she and her husband knew their son was growing up fast, the way he'd started getting embarrassed whenever they hugged him in public, and the way he'd begged them for prescription sunglasses despite there not being any sunlight in the Dark World just so he would look like the characters in his favorite teen movies, and the way he'd started very uncomfortably taking his first steps into the world of romance. "I'm sure you're not the only one without one, Cessie!" "I am," Cecil shot back, cupping his head in shame.  To him, it seemed like overnight that the age-old rivalry between the boys and the girls in his class had come to a ceasefire, with the two sides mingling on the playground and during study hall.  Two by two, everyone seemed to pair off, the different cliques switching around, leaving Cecil behind like always.  "Every single boy's got a girlfriend already except me!  Well, and the two guys who are with each other.  But I can't even get a girl to talk to me, much less date me!" "Do you want a girlfriend, Honey?" "No!  I mean, yes.  I mean..."  He groaned, sinking to the floor and gripping his knees.  "I just want everyone to stop makin' fun of me.   It's bad enough I wear glasses, and read books, and..."  He folded his hands, instinctively hiding them from view. But, Anna took one of them, gripping it and weaving her fingers in between his as she knelt next to him and smiled.  "I'm sure you're not the only boy your age who doesn't have a girlfriend," she repeated.  "Some of the kids in your class might only be doing it for the same reason you are, they don't want to get left out.  But someday, Honey, I know you're gonna find someone really special, who loves you just as much as your dad and I do." Edward tapped her on the shoulder, pointing out the time.   "Hey, we better go find our seats before all the good ones get taken!" Sniffing, and glad his sunglasses hid his watery eyes from view, Cecil jumped up, following his parents into the theater, his excitement slowly returning with his mother's words.  Tonight, it was all about the movie again, with dating and finding that special someone at the very back of his CPU, and tomorrow...he couldn't wait. --- "Honk, honk!"  The tiny green CD player rolled their tiny green toy car across the back of the playground bench, until it went right off the side and down the armrest, to race across the seat as well.  But, that of course meant Cakes needed to stand out of the way, and so did the aide on duty that day.   She was relatively new to the job, having only been with the orphanage a few months, but Cakes had already taken to her, the green Addison's pixels making them feel an instant connection.  And so, on the childrens' first outing to the nearby playground with her in charge, Cakes and their toy car stuck to her like glue, seeming to not even notice all the others playing together elsewhere. They pushed the car forward, threatening to bump into the aide's thigh as she failed to get up in time, but Cakes blinked and cocked their head curiously as it simply phased through her instead -- evidently, they were still too young to understand what a hologram was.  But, she retrieved the car and, with a smile, passed it back to the little robot, who'd already shifted their focus onto a nearby dent in the metallic ground nearby, which would serve as an excellent ramp. "Cakes," she addressed them, as the car made a perfect landing, "don't you have any friends who might like to play cars with you, too?" They looked up at her, confused.  Of course they didn't.  Why would they need anyone else in order to play? The aide looked around, studying the playground, and then gripped Cakes by the shoulder, gently nudging them towards a yellow Addison child playing nearby, who they'd never seen before.   "Cakes, do you see that little boy over there?  He's playing all by himself, so why don't you go and ask if he wants to play with you and your car, and be your friend?" They hesitated at first, trying to resist.  Cakes was fine by themself, they were having plenty of fun just playing pretend on their bench racetrack!  But, clutching their car to their chest and steeling themself, Cakes trudged across the playground to where the aide had pointed. They gave the boy a big smile -- if nothing else, they could always make a good first impression.  "Hi, my name's Cakes.  Do you wanna be my friend?" The boy stared at them, giving Cakes an odd look that they couldn't quite parse, then glanced down at the toy in their hands, and finally gave a smug smile.   "Sure.  Let's play." The Addison had a few dolls spread out on the metallic ground in front of them, plastic and wearing different outfits, one of which happened to resemble a mechanic which he pointed out went quite well with Cakes' car.  He spun up a story of the doll being the car's owner, fixing it up after it'd broken down, which Cakes went along with even if it meant it couldn't drive anymore -- it gave them a chance to examine the other dolls, and the colorful dresses and suits they all wore.  Another one was dressed as a ballerina, and Cakes had fun twirling them around in the air, with its owner's permission of course, and as they played they kept glancing towards their car, wondering when the repairs would be complete and they and their new friend could drive it across the playground. But, it sadly didn't come to pass, as soon the boy's mother called to him to pick up his toys and get ready to leave. "Okay, one sec mom!"  He scooped up all of the dolls in his arms, including the ballerina and the mechanic, and including Cakes' car, which made them yelp in surprise.   "Wait a second, that one's mine!" The boy just winked.  "We're friends now, right?  And friends always share their toys, that's what my mom said!" "They do?"  Cakes had heard that they had to share toys with the other kids at the orphanage, since they only had so many to go around, but this was the first time they'd heard the same for friends.  "I don't have a mom.  But, that's my favorite car.  Maybe I can share a different toy with you?" "I'll just bring it next time my mom takes me here, and you can have it back then!"  His mother called again, sounding more impatient, and the Addison waved goodbye as best he could with all his toys in his hands, leaving Cakes standing there with nothing.   "Cakes, there you are!"  They finally noticed the older Addison aide calling for the rest of the children as well, to lead them back to the orphanage before it got late.  "How'd it go, did you two have fun?" "Yeah!"  They remembered the fun they'd had with the ballerina doll.  "Do you think I can learn to do ballet dancing someday?" "Um...sure.  Someday.  But, Cakes, where'd your car go?  Didn't you have it earlier?" "He said friends share toys, so I shared it with him!  And he took it home when he left."  They grinned, proud at how good a friend they'd been, even without a mom to tell them how to do so, but the aide didn't seem to share their excitement, actually opening her eyes in shock. "Cakes..."  Kneeling down, she gripped the little CD player's shoulders.  "It's nice to share your toys when you're playing, but when you're done you need to make sure you get them back!" "He said he'll bring it back so we can share it again!" "Oh, Cakes..."  She sighed deeply; they just didn't seem to understand.  "I don't think he'll bring it back, honey.  I'm not even sure if you'll ever see him again.  He might've...done something very mean, by taking your car away." Cakes' expression dropped.  "So...he isn't really my friend?" "No."  She sighed deeply, struggling to change the topic.  "But, if you try really hard, someday you'll have lots of friends who you can share all your toys with, and they'll care about them just as much as they care about you!" "Really?!"  The possibility made Cakes almost forget about the boy they'd played with.  They didn't need friends...but they'd had fun that day.  They couldn't wait for more friends to have fun with, even if they had to share their toys. As Cakes smiled, so did the aide, taking the CD player's hand.  "Come on, Cakes.  You can help me round everyone up!"
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downstarr · 2 years
Revenge of Oak Island
After discovering a massive treasure in a wrecked Spanish galleon, the crew of the Revenge debates how best to conceal their booty. Ed leads them north, towards a small island off the coast of mainland Nova Scotia called Oak Island. There, they inadvertently lay the seeds of a legend that will last for hundreds of years and drive men to obsession. --- This is an adventure fic where the crew of the Revenge is responsible for the mysteries of Oak Island and the origin of the myth of buried treasure - mostly by being their delightfully idiotic selves.
Chapter 1: A Galleon of Treasure
“That’s a lot of treasure.”
“An understatement if there ever was one, cap’n.”
“I’ve never seen so much money.”
“We shouldn’t stand around here staring at it like a bunch of slack-jawed idiots. Let’s pack up this shit and take it.”
“Jim, hold on…let’s think about this. Is this treasure worth the price that will get put on our heads if we take it?”
“It’s so…beautiful…”
“They gotta figure out it was us first.”
“Why don’t we…?”
“Oi,” Ed let out a sharp whistle to draw the crew’s attention back to him. They all collectively startled at the short, sharp sound. The crew had weathered a hurricane by sheltering in a small cove, but a Spanish galleon hadn’t been so lucky. The galleon, for some inexplicable reason, had been carrying a small fortune in its hold. That fortune was now spread out in front of the Revenge’s crew, on a small, sheltered beach. The galleon had gone aground, its belly torn open with jagged rocks, gold and jewels spilled out on the sand like shimmering guts. “What part of ‘pirate ship’ makes you think this is a democracy?”
“Actually, em, the pirate code does give us many rights and privileges. especially, the right to…” Lucius suddenly stopped himself when he saw the way Ed was glaring at him. He hugged his ledger close to his chest. “Right. Right, not a democracy, yes sir.”
Ed sidled up to Stede, who was staring at the booty with a mixture of awe and terror. He hooked his fingers in his beltloops and then leaned in towards his co-captain. “What do you reckon?”
Stede swallowed. The Revenge had been having difficulties making ends meet since he gave up his fortune. So this, was in many ways, a true windfall. But it was risky. “I think someone very powerful owns this treasure.”
“Captains.” Wee John stuck his hand in the air. “Can I say something?”
“Yes, Mister Feeney?” said Stede.
“I used to be signed onto a ship that would search for shipwrecks after storms. This one was definitely on our route. So I’d suggest whatever we’re doin’...” John looked around at the crew, “...we do it quick-like. Or we’re going to have to fight for it.”
Stede glanced at Ed and pursed his lips. He leaned in to murmur, “Can we risk it? If we load all this treasure, we’re going to be weighed down. We’re going to have a hell of a time spending it, especially since a lot of this looks like family jewels that can be identified. Which means…”
“...which means we’ll be sailing around with a hold full of stolen goods.”
“And whoever this stuff belongs to, isn’t going to give a damn about salvage rights.”
Ed grunted in affirmation. He looked up at the crew, who were standing around expectantly. Black Pete had already started toeing at the treasure, fingers twitching in anticipation. After a glance from Stede, who nodded, indicating he was deferring the decision, he raised his voice. “Get to work. Get as much of this loot as we can carry into the hold. Any coin goes to Frenchie for inventory and adding to the ship’s ledger. All the other identifiable items, I want you to crate up. Don’t write that shit down…” he pointed at Lucius. “As far as anyone knows, we just came across a small amount of coin.”
“And the rest?” asked Stede.
“The rest…we stash for now.” said Ed. “Until the heat dies down. And we sell it bit by bit. I’ve got some contacts.”
“Where will we stash the loot?” asked Black Pete. 
Ed considered the options. Most of his usual hiding places would be watched once word got out that there was this much loot in play. But there was one option. “We sail north.”
“...how far north?” asked Lucius.
“Mr Buttons. Plot a course for Nova Scotia.”
As the Revenge sailed north, the clear blue waters of the Caribbean slowly gave way to the darker waters as south Atlantic slowly turned to north. The crew, who were not used to the cold breeze of the open ocean, went about their duties with even more grousing than usual. It was still summer, but they were all very acclimated to the weather in tropical climates. 
“You’d all best get used to this,” said Ed as he swaggered across the deck toward the helm. He was actually comfortable for once. The leathers insulated him from the snap in the air. “It’s going to get a bit colder. We have to stay in open water and away from the shipping lanes. Which means rougher seas and northern winds.”
Stede waddled up to Ed. He was wearing a very impressive wool jacket with a puffy fur collar that swallowed up his face so he was nothing but a halo of ermine and blond hair. 
“Aw come on, mate. It’s not that cold. You should take off some layers and let yourself get used to the little bit of chill. You’re never going to need fucking furs. It’s summer in Canada.”
“It is? I didn’t think they did summer.”
“That’s a myth. It’s actually pretty nice. It’s just the open water that’s a bit nippy.” 
Reluctantly, Stede shed his outer fur coat. He draped it on a railing. No sooner had he done so than Lucius picked it up.
“Ah, thank you, Mr. Spriggs! Back in the closet with that!” 
“Screw that,” said Lucius as he shrugged it on. “I’m fucking wearing this.” He wriggled into the giant coat and snapped the fur collar around his face. 
Stede opened his mouth to protest, but Lucius had already sashayed away. He rubbed his hands together and shifted close to Ed, close enough that he could pick up on some of his body heat and use him as a wind break. “Em…why are we going to Nova Scotia? It seems a long way to go.”
“I’ve got a hiding place there,” said Ed. “One that no one knows about, but is easy enough to get to. We’ll stash the stuff there and come back for it in a couple of months. It’ll be easier to sell identifiable pieces up that way anyway. I might be able to reach out to some old contacts when the time comes.” 
“Sirs,” said Buttons as he walked up to the captains. He stood at attention, chin up. “Roach informs me that with the route we’ve got plotted, we won’t have enough provisions to make it all the way there. It would also be prudent to have certain safe harbours identified in case we encounter poor weather. The route we’ve chosen takes us out of the main shipping lanes, aye. But there’s a reason for that. We’re more likely to hit rough waters and squalls.”
“I anticipated that, Mr. Buttons,” said Ed with his usual swaggering confidence. “We’ll turn due west after about two days of sailing. I”ll provide you with coordinates. I’ve got a friend who can resupply us. It’ll cost us, but I’m actually hoping to fence a few of the pieces to her at the same time.”
“Aye, cap’n,” said Buttons. “Very good.”
Stede leaned in towards Ed. “Was that really in the original plan?” he whispered.
“Fuck, no,” Ed admitted with a nose wrinkle. “I just thought of it right now. But one of the rules of captaining is to always make them think you’re more prepared than you are.”
Stede beamed. “Ah, brilliant.” And then, with a quick shoulder-check to see if anyone was looking, he pecked Ed on the cheek. 
The makeshift brig below decks was actually one of the warmer parts of the ship. Izzy Hands had felt the air grow colder even from his cell. After Ed and Stede had reunited, there was a lot of debate about what to do with him. In the end, mercy won out. 
Though Izzy didn’t really call being kept prisoner in the belly of a ship full of idiots mercy. Death wasn’t exactly preferable, but an English jail or being stranded would be better as far as he was concerned.
Izzy heard footsteps as someone descended the steep wooden steps from above deck. Oluwande appeared, followed by Jim, who had their knife out and in hand. Olu was holding a wool blanket. 
“On your feet. You know the drill. Back to the wall.”
Izzy glared at both of them, then slowly unfolded himself and complied. “Well, that confirms we’re sailing north,” he rasped as he eyed the blanket.
Jim unlocked the cell, and Oluwande stepped in. He tossed the blanket towards the sleeping platform, then turned to leave. “That’s none of your concern.”
“None of my concern?” Izzy chuckled. “I’d say it fucking is seeing as I’m on this ship.”
“You’re cargo,” growled Jim, “...not crew.”
Only after the cell door was secured did Izzy move away from the wall and approach the bars. He slid his hands around the bars and leaned in towards the pair. “Where are we going?”
“If you want to know that, you can ask the captain,” said Olu.
Izzy’s jaw clenched. “He won’t see me.”
“Tough shit for you, then,” said Jim.
“I do hope that your friend can supply us with more blankets, furs, and warmer clothing. I’ve lent out every one of my frock coats from my much-depleted wardrobe to the crew. And the more they wear them doing general pirating, the more I worry for the silks.” said Stede as he spread out a fur over their shared bed.
“Once again, we’re not sailing into the fucking arctic, Stede. It’s not going to get much colder than this,” said Ed. Despite his own assurances that it wasn’t that cold, even he’d swapped out his one-armed leather jacket for a calf-length one decorated with bits of snakeskin that Stede had made for him as an apology gift. The jacket was lined in purple and had purple stones as catches. It looked grand and intimidating but was much too warm for the Caribbean. For their current waters, it was perfect. 
“Maybe not, but…” Stede stepped up to Ed and slid his arms around Ed. “...feel me!” And he pressed ice cold hands against the small of Ed’s back.
Ed jumped and shivered like someone just dropped chunks of ice down his shirt. “Ahh, yeah, you’re chilled.” Instead of shifting away, he let Stede’s hands steal warmth from his body. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around him. 
“This is my fault,” murmured Stede. “If I hadn’t given up my fortune, we wouldn’t have to be dealing with hot booty.”
Ed snort-laughed. “Stede…that’s what pirating is all about. C’mon, it’ll be an adventure.”
Stede looked up at Ed and smiled. “I’m sure it will be.” And then he kissed him gently. 
As promised, two days later, the Revenge tacked towards the coast. It was just as well, as Buttons detected strange clouds on the horizon. 
“What do you reckon the shape of those clouds be?” asked Buttons as he handed the spyglass over to Ed.
Ed examined the shape of the clouds. “Barnacles.”
“Storm’s a-brewin.” 
“Not brewing,” said Ed. “That’s the same one that sunk the galleon. We’ve just caught up with it.” Read Chapter 2
0 notes
amphxtrite · 3 years
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cedric diggory x fem!reader
warnings: smut, alludes to innocence kink, experienced cedric and first time reader, oral (both male and female receiving), praise kink, daddy kink, use of pet names, alcohol, fluff at the end.
do not read if you are uncomfortable.
summary: the reader has never been with anyone when she transfers to Hogwarts for her last year, what happens when a party, fire whisky and a game of ‘never have I ever’ push her to ask the infamous playboy how to love?
a/n: hey everyone, it’s been a while! bear with me this ones still being edited but I finally finished it so here you go!
hope you enjoy!
Sunlight streams from a window into Cedric’s eyes, slowly waking him from his slumber to throw a stabbing headache at him, a consequence for his activities the previous night. Sitting up and glancing around the room that was not his, the blue and gold accents decorating the four posters made it obvious which dorm he was in, and glancing down at the mess of black hair beside him, who’s was it?
“Fuck, not again.” Cedric murmurs, standing and tugging on his trousers and buttoning up his shirt, walking out the doors as the girl in the bed begins to stir.
After winning the Triwizard tournament Cedric had become almost a celebrity in the wizard world. He was handsome, smart, and now a champion of the deadliest competitions in the world. He gave Gilderoy Lockhart a run for his money at Witch Weekly’s Most Charming smile. The fame was everything he wanted and more, and with the girls practically throwing themselves at him, it wasn’t long before he became a notorious play-boy too, rumoured to give the best anyone ever had, before disappearing the next morning.
Sitting down at the hufflepuff table, next to his mates, Cedric reaches across the table and grabs an apple from a basket in the centre of the table and takes a bite, nibbling slowly as a headache pounds through his head.
“Hello there Diggory.” A voice laughs, dropping down beside the hufflepuff. Cedric turns his head to see Zacharius staring at him with an eyebrow cocked.
“Y-Yeah, what’s up Smith?” Cedric sighs, turning his head and massaging his forehead.
“Oh don’t tell me you were drinking again cap’n!” Zacharius groans, taking a swig of milk from his cup. “Doesn’t matter.” Cedric shrugs, shaking his head.
“We’ve got a game today!” The blonde exclaims, poking Cedric in the head.
“And we’ve got it! I’m only a little hungover.” Cedric smirks, pushing Zach back with his elbow.
Zach rolls his eyes and pulls his wand out of his pocket, “this should clear your head a bit.” He states, tapping the tip to Cedric’s forehead and muttering a soft spell.
Cedric smirks, instantly feeling the cool feeling of the drink’s impact being brushed away.
“Thanks mate.” He sighs.
“No problem Ced, now let’s get down to the pitch captain, we’ve got a match to win yeah?” Zach laughs, grabbing a slice of toast.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Cedric grins, standing and walking out of the cafeteria with Smith beside him.
“Wake up sleeping beauty!” The giggle and squeal of your new roommate wakes you, followed by a pillow to your face.
“Ah- Brinley!” You groan, sitting up immediately, and grabbing the pillow before she tries to throw it again. “Today’s tour day and then a surprise!” Brinley laughs in a song-like voice.
“W-What time is it?” You sigh, bringing your hand to your eyes and rubbing away the sleepiness.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s the weekend and Hogwarts is huge!” Brinley smiles, falling onto her own four-poster and closing her curtains.
“Get changed y/n, then the tour will commence!” She declares like a quidditch commentator.
“I got it, I got it.” You call out, throwing your covers off of you and quickly getting changed, eyes still barely opened as you pull a sweater over your body and call out to Brinley.
“Brin ‘m ready.” You sigh, standing up from your mattress and tucking your wand into your pocket.
“Finally, c’mon!” The brunette cheers, throwing back her curtains and grabbing your hand to lead you out of the dorm and out the common room.
You spent the rest of the day running from class to class, from courtyard to ‘special corridors.’ Seriously, where did this girl get all her energy from?
“Oh and there are some house ghosts! Oh- over here is the Charms classroom!” Brinley continues, tugging harder on your arm and stopping abruptly.
“Brinley what the-”
You’re cut off by Brinley���s sigh of content and legs practically melting beneath her.
“Look.” She smiles in an almost dream-like voice.
Your eyebrows furrow but you follow your gaze over to a group of boys in yellow robes, laughing and shoving each other about, you note the design as quidditch uniforms, they must be a team. You glance back over at the awe-struck girl to see her smirking with her finger in her lip.
“Cedric Diggory, tall brunette with the perfect smile.” Brinley giggles, nodding at the boy in the centre. “Playboy, school golden boy, Hogwarts champion…” She sighs, leaning against you.
“He’s absolutely stunning. There’s a rumor he can get a girl’s knickers off minutes after he pulls them away.” She breathes with glee, undressing the brunette with her eyes. You smirk at her and find your gaze following the hufflepuff’s frame.
Your eyes trail up with chest, taking in his toned shoulders and strong arms before admiring his long digits underneath his tight fitting gloves, how they flex and stretch as he walks.
Finally your eyes fixate on his face. Piercing grey eyes that seemed to stay serious even while he was smiling, the colour of storm clouds over a forest, calm but strong.
Moving downwards you trace down his defined jawline and cheekbones, sure to have anyone crawling on their knees for him. Soft pink lips almost gave the illusion he was innocent, but as soon as they pulled up to reveal a smirk, you could tell he was experienced, daring, the kind of person up for any kind of challenge, even if it meant jumping in harm’s way.
It was a face everyone in the wizarding world grew to know, the handsome hufflepuff that had not only survived, but won the triwizard tournament, he’d managed to get the entire world swooning for him.
“Hey there captain, where are you heading?” Brinley calls to Cedric once he’s close enough to hear.
“Back to the common room, can I help you sunshine?” Cedric murmurs, stopping for a moment.
“I’d like you to meet my new friend, Ceddy, this is y/n.” Brinley smiles, taking your hand and pushing you forwards.
“Well hello there y/n, say that’s a pretty name.” Cedric smirks, reaching out and taking your hand.
“O-Oh, thank you.” You smile, shaking his hand gently as he raises your fingers to his lips to press a kiss to them.
“What do you say we get away?”
“We just met Diggory, don't get cocky.” You laugh, watching his smirk grow.
“Oh, so the kitten has claws?” Cedric teases at your sudden change in tone.
You blush, and Cedric chuckles softly. “No worries, nice to meet you kitten.” Cedric nods, walking off with the rest of his team.
You’re frozen for a moment, feeling the heat grow in your face and in between your legs, did that really just happen? You blink, turning back to Brinley who has a huge grin on her lips.
“Oh I can see this…” She murmurs, glancing back and forth at you and the hufflepuff.
“Didn’t you just say you like him?” You laugh, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I said he’s hot, not that I like him, there’s a difference, kitten.” She smirks smugly, putting emphasis on your new nickname.
“Haha sunshine, any chance we could go get something to eat? I’m starved.”
“Why would you need something to eat when there’s a full course meal right ahead?” She jokes, winking at you with a playful smirk.
You roll your eyes and she slaps you gently on the shoulder.
“Hey! I’m teasing, come on it’s almost lunch anyways.” Brinley giggles, grabbing your arm once again. “After lunch I’ll show you the pitch, I have a feeling you’ll love your surprise.”
Lunch is quick and uneventful, you manage to sit down long enough to grab a sandwich, but as Brinley glances around at a clock her eyes widen and she takes your hand.
“On second thought lunch can wait, your surprise starts in ten minutes and we need to get good seats!” She laughs apologetically, placing a sandwich into her mouth as she pulls you away, luckily with yours still in hand.
“Let me guess, the surprise is a quidditch game?” You question, catching up to Brinely and walking by her side.
“You got me, just thought it would be nice for your first day.” She shrugs, walking out the door of the castle and starting across a grassy field.
“Sounds fun, who’s playing?” You ask.
“Hufflepuff, obviously, and Ravenclaw, bound to be an exciting one.” Brinley squeals, swinging her arms back and forth. “Oh?” You add.
“Ever since Cedric and Cho broke up their games have been pretty interesting.” She elaborates with an awkward smile. “Some people say they still sleep together, but everyone knows it’s because they both get hot and bothered when they’re drunk in the same room.” Brinley hints, raising both of her eyebrows.
“They sound… serious?” You joke half-heartedly as the brunette beside you breaks into a fit of laughter. “Both of them have made it crystal clear they do not want to be together, both of ‘em seem to be impossible to tie down.” Brinley giggles, catching her breath to calm herself before the two of you get to the stadium. “Exciting.” You shrug, beginning to climb a flight of stairs up to the seating area with Brinley close behind you.
“Oh that’s Hogwarts for you.” She sighs playfully, pushing you further up and forwards to find a seat.
“Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you!” Madame Hooch calls to the two teams facing off at the centre of the pitch, every player nods to the referee and she throws the quaffle up into the air, signalling the beginning of the game.
“Here it goes.” Brinley smiles excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat.
You watch in awe as the chasers fly skillfully across the pitch, passing the quaffle with speed and perfect aim, only for it to be cut short by another player who then goes zooming in the other direction. The quaffle is in possession of hufflepuff, then is stolen by ravenclaw but taken back again. Every moment is filled with suspense and when Ravenclaw scores the first goal the section of the stadium filled with blue goes wild. Up above the beater’s are hitting bludgers back and forth, defending their teammates before sending it off to the other side again. Their movements are smooth and strong, hitting every swing on the dot. The keeper’s are positioned defencefully at each end of the stadium, using tactics to save the quaffle you had never seen before. They maneuvered themselves back and forth quickly and forcefully, even taking quaffles right in the stomach to stop them. You winced more than once trying to watch the Keeper’s save each goal.
Finally, up above were the seeker’s flying up, down and around the pitch in full alert for the snitch, both Cedric and Cho had their goggles pulled down over their eyes and their heads snapping back and forth every second. You could see the competitive nature in Cho with her teeth gritting everytime Cedric dove a little too quickly or turned to try and trick her. If Cedric was having fun with this he wasn’t showing it. His lips remained sealed in a tight line and by the looks of it his jaw was clenched, both of the seeker’s hair were blowing behind them even though there was almost no wind, almost blurs compared to the other player’s a little ways below. A yellow blur here and a blue blur there was all you could see, then they would stop, scan for a moment and wait. You nibbled on your bottom lip as the scores began to grow, each team displayed new tactics the other didn’t know and soon Ravenclaw was leading 170-130. Even the golden snitch wouldn’t be enough to help them win, and you could tell there was some slight hesitation on Cedric’s face as he kept scanning.
As if he knew you were staring, Cedric’s head moved for a moment, glancing down over in the direction you were sitting in and among the sea of people, he found you. Neither you or Brinley were wearing any house colours other than the colours blue and yellow painted across both of your cheeks, guess you couldn’t make a decision, he chuckles, flying a little closer to the booth you’re sitting in, and in a teasing manner he removes the outer jacket of his quidditch uniform and drops in down, right onto your lap.
“Hold onto that for me won’t you kitten? It’s getting rather hot.” He shouts, pushing back his slightly matted brown hair and throwing a wink your way. He watches you nod bashfully, before chuckling and turning back to the game. Teasing you was so fun, how could he resist.
Turning back for a moment he catches Brinley nudging you gently with her elbow and your eyes roll as your cheeks go a light shade of pink.
He grins, but then sees it, the score has changed in his favour and as his smirk rises, he dives.
Your eyes widen as you watch Cedric plummet towards the ground. Did he spot it? Did he see the golden snitch? Cho seems to notice this too and begins plummeting down in Cedric’s direction from the other side of the stadium. You lean over the edge of the railing with Cedric’s uniform still in your arms, eyes zipping about trying to find the familiar flash of gold when, out of nowhere, Cedric looks up, and pulls the front of his broom forwards and skywards again. A loud uproar erupts from the crowd at the stunt Cedric manages to pull, leaving Cho gritting her teeth harder and stopping for a moment right at the ground before pulling up again.
Up above where Cedric was heading, you saw it. The golden snitch flutters above the stadium moving from left to right, up and down. You look over at the scoreboard and your mouth drops. 170-150, Cedric had spotted the snitch at the perfect time right as he had distracted Cho into thinking he was diving for it. You’re sitting on the edge of your seat as the chase begins. By now the sky was already changing colours, the bright azure had faded into a mix of baby blue and pink, creating a very serene backdrop for such a heart-racing chase. The snitch was as mischievous as ever, dropping down, moving to the side, up and then running away with Cedric right behind, his fingers just grazing the back of the shining snitch before losing touch again.
Cho was beginning to catch up and her gritting teeth changed into a smirk as she began to tail Cedric. Her arm raises and she begins to push herself further, almost neck and neck with the hufflepuff when the snitch jumps up suddenly, pausing for a moment as if to watch the two seekers practically leave it behind.
To it’s dismay however, a hand wraps around it at the last moment and grips it tight. The whistle is blown and every stand erupts in cheer.
Cedric sat on his broom, panting and throwing his fist, containing the snitch up into the air over and over again. A huge grin is plastered on his face as he cheers in victory and his team swarms him and starts patting each other on the back. The group of seven touch down and cheer in unison as the stands begin cheering a mix of “hufflepuff” and “Cedric” You smile, watching the seeker high five his team mates and push back his hair once again.
You don’t even realize you’re clutching his quidditch robe right against your chest until the scent wafts up into your nose and your eyes slowly drift downwards.
At first all you can smell is faint hints of citrus lingering for a moment, but taking a deep breath the soft but powerful mix of musk and sandalwood cologne fills your senses, you smile. The earthy cologne suited Cedric. Glancing around, there seemed to be no eyes on you, so you raise the fabric closer to your nose and get hit full force by the sweet aroma. It was just strong enough to make your knees go weak, but not enough to be overpowering, perfect. You smile to yourself, but feel a pair of eyes looking at you. Looking down at the pitch again, your eyes meet a pair of sharp gray ones and you know he has caught you. Cedric smirks tracing his tongue over his teeth before turning and walking into the changeroom.
“Hufflepuff won so you know what that means!” Brinley squeals, taking your hand gently and helping you stand. “What?”
“Party in the common room tonight dummy, come on!” She exclaims, tugging you off again.
“But the ro-” You interject.
“You can give it to him at the party, now hurry up!” Brinley cheers, cutting you off and running with you in tow back to the castle.
By the time Cedric and the rest of the hufflepuff team reached the common room, the area was already filled with dancing students, drinks and people making out left and right. Cheers and applause went up for a moment as the winning team stepped into the busy room, before stopping again so the partying could continue.
Your eyes had been scanning the entrance ever since you stepped in, so as soon as you saw the familiar gray eyes and brown hair you stood to get to him but Brinley, already a couple fire whiskeys in, grabbed your hand.
“Don’t h-he’s gonna go take a shower now, don’t wanna talk to him, he stinks.” She murmurs out in between giggles. You roll your eyes and look back up again, but sure enough Cedric has disappeared and you sit back down.
“You sure you don’t want to- drink some?” Brinley asks, lifting a cup to your nose.
“Brin I need to be sober enough to give it back to him, later okay?” You smile, pushing the cup back to the brunette. She mutters a short ‘suit yourself’ in response.
For a while you simply sit on the couch with your leg bouncing nervously up and down, you keep glancing back and forth at the clock and the robe in your hands and as you finally begin tuning Brinley’s drunk rambling out, Cedric emerges from the boy’s staircase in a casual white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Standing again, you weave your way through the crowd and tap Cedric on the shoulder to get his attention. He turns to face you and a playful smirk lifts his lips.
“Well hello there kitten.” He teases softly.
“Hey Ced, h-here’s your robe.” You manage to stumble out, words getting caught in your throat as glistening beads of water slipped down from Cedric’s damp hair down his cheek.
“I don’t know, you seemed pretty attached to it after the game.” Cedric chuckles.
“Oh, t-that. That was nothing just-” You’re cut off by another voice.
“Y/n, they’re doing a drinking game, come on we have too!” Brinley laughs. “Oh hi Ceddy, would you like to join?” She asks, taking both of your hands.
“Sure sunshine, lead the way.” Cedric shrugs, ushering you forwards and nonchalantly placing his hand on your waist.
The three of you take a seat on the couches again and are handed a cup by another student.
“What are we playing?” You ask, turning to Cedric.
“A muggle game called ‘never have I ever.’ You just take a shot if you’ve done something they say.” He explains, thanking the person who begins filling up your glasses.
You nod and take a deep, trying to focus on your drink and not Cedric’s hand resting on your hip.
They start off with generic questions, “never have I ever broken a bone,” “never have I ever broken up with someone,” “never have I ever lost a bet.”
Soon at least everyone had taken at least one drink, you included.
“Alright, never have I ever had sex!” Brinley questions smugly, watching as one by one everyone threw back their drink with a smile, only to stop on you.
Her eyebrows furrow, “aren’t you gonna take a drink y/n?”
“Oh- aren’t the rules if you have done it?” You question, worried you had been playing the game wrong.
“No-no it is. But you’ve never ‘done the deed’ before?” She asks, tilting her head in confusion.
“Well, no.” You state, shrugging.
“Honey, are you saying you’re in your last year of school, and you’ve never had a good shag?” She giggles, losing her filter with the amount of drinks she had.
“Brinley!” You scold, burning up with embarrassment.
“Aw, y/n!” She coos, wrapping you in a tight hug as if you were a lost puppy. “You’re so innocent and sweet, it’s adorable.” She slurs, giggling and turning back to the game.
Your lips purse and your eyebrows furrow. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to do it, you just never had the chance. You kept repeating it over to yourself as if that would change anything, but your mouth remained sealed and your eyebrows furrowed.
Cedric notices your change in demeanor and leans down closer to your ear.
“Are you alright kitten?”
It may have been the alcohol giving you a boost in confidence, or maybe the teasing you couldn’t stand, but you squeezed your legs together shamelessly right for Cedric to see.
Glancing up at the brunette you shake your head and stand from your spot, you extend your hand out for Cedric to take and he obliges, allowing you to lead him down to a more secluded area next to the boy’s dormitory staircase.
“Is everything alright?” Cedric asks as you cut him off.
“C-Can you help me?” You stammer out, wringing your fingers together.
“With what y/n?” Cedric implores, tilting your chin up to face him.
“Y-You’ve done it before right? A lot?” You continue, feeling your face grow hot.
“Listen kitten, I can only help you if you tell me what it is.” Cedric states firmly.
You swallow your pride and feel your knees buckling under his intense stare, with all the courage you can muster, you take a deep breath and murmur.
“Can you show me how to do it, c-can you fuck  me?”
Cedric’s eyes widen and he has to blink the shock out of his eyes. He’d never been asked to help someone through their first time, he found it surprising you would ask him of all people, but at the same time, it was no secret he had done it all when it came to this and your request had his cock hardening in need.
“Alright kitten.” Cedric smirks, taking your hand into his and leading you up the stairs to his private head-boy room. “If you want a lesson, I’d be happy to give one.” He chuckles darkly.
You can already feel the arousal from his words alone dripping from your core to your panties as you nod slowly. Cedric pulls you into his dorm, shutting the door behind him in locking it.
“Now be good darling, and let me teach you.” Cedric smirks, pinning you against the wall and lifting your chin up to him. “Y-Yes…” You respond shyly.
“Yes, who?” Cedric teases, leaning closer to you and ghosting them right over yours. “Call me whatever feels right, kitten.” Cedric smirks, noticing you deep in thought.
“Yes daddy.” You respond meekly, almost like a question. Cedric’s eyebrows raise and his mouth begins to water at your words.
“Say it again, louder.” Cedric teases, placing his hands on your hips and squeezing tightly.
“Yes daddy!” You repeat louder, watching as Cedric’s sharp gray eyes go dark and his lips are on yours. Cedric groans as your lips mould to his, and he takes the lead, moving you in sync with his movements and tilting your chin for better access.
The brunette had never had a lover call him any nicknames before, they usually stuck to his name as he fucked them, but Merlin was this better.
His hands fly to the hem of your sweatshirt as he breaks the kiss for a moment to throw it off before connecting your lips again, slowly prodding his tongue along your bottom lip as you submissively open your mouth to give him access.
Cedric glides his tongue against yours gently swirling it around, taking in the taste of strong firewhiskey essence left on your breath and the sweet smelling perfume on your skin.
His hands travel down your chest and onto your hips as he drags your pants down by the waist, leaving them in a pool around your legs, leaving you only in your bra and panties.
Not taking his lips off yours, Cedric takes your hands and places them at the hem of his white shirt and you get the message, slowly, you take the soft fabric in between your fingers and tug it up Cedric’s chest, pulling back to maneuver it over his head and dropping it on the ground beside you. Taking your hands into his again, Cedric guides your hands to his torso and chest, inviting you to touch him as he deepens the kiss once again.
You oblige and place one hand on his toned shoulder and the other finds its place around Cedric’s abdomen and on his lower back, pulling you impossibly closer to the hufflepuff.
Your breath hitches as you feel the brunette’s hard length pressing against your lower stomach and you pull away from the kiss for a moment to look down and gulp nervously.
Cedric looks down at you teasingly, watching your eyes go from excitement to anxiety.
“What’s wrong kitten? Do you want to get on your knees for your daddy?” Cedric chuckles, placing his nose against your ear and whispering in a hushed tone.
“Y-Yes daddy, but-”
“Shh, daddy has it covered, kitten.” Cedric smirks, bringing his long digits up and placing two in front of your lips.
“Now show me what you want to do, and then we’ll put those lips of yours to real use.” Cedric nods, doing his best to keep himself upright as you nervously open your mouth and take his fingers down to the knuckle, Cedric swallows his urge to just fuck you right there and bites back a groan as your tongue begins swirling around his fingers. Your movements are slow and timid at first, but you move your hand up to hold Cedric’s fingers in place and begin moving your head back and forth, moving quickly but taking your time to drag your tongue up and down Cedric’s long digits.
“Fuck that’s perfect kitten.” Cedric smiles weakly, feeling his cock begin to throb in desire.
“Does it feel good daddy?” You ask, pushing Cedric back a bit so you have room to get down on your knees. “Yes, so good.”
You smile and pull down Cedric’s sweatpants by the waistband and his hand finds its way into your hair, softly at first, but as his length finally springs free, his grip tightens and you smirk knowingly.
Taking Cedric’s shaft into your hands you begin teasing the hufflepuff’s tip with your tongue, running it up and down his thick shaft as his grip on your hair tightens and soft groans leave his lips. You pause for a moment, and Cedric, sensing your fear, places his other hand on your jaw and gathers your hair into his hand.
“You’re doing so well, kitten, making daddy feel so good.” Cedric sighs contently with a grin. Your smile returns to your face and you nod, taking Cedric’s length into your mouth as far as you could and using your hand for what you can’t reach, and like with his fingers you begin swirling your tongue around, testing the waters and glazing up to see Cedric’s reaction.
Eyes closed, mouth agape, and incoherent curses spilling from his lips, you feel your confidence grow and you pick up the pace, bobbing your head back and forth and slowing down to tease his tip. You grow daring and attempt to go deeper, and as Cedric feels his tip hitting the back of your throat he lets out a low groan and feels his hips rolling gently.
With tears pricking your eyes you take Cedric’s cock as the arousal in your pussy grows and with eyes clouded by pleasure, the gray-eyed hufflepuff smirks.
“Use your finger kitten, and make circles around until you find the right spot.” Cedric instructs, watching your hand travel down past your stomach and into your panties.
You experiment around, slowly moving upwards until you feel it, a sudden burst of pleasure hitting you right in the perfect spot..
“Mmh!” You moan, moving your fingers faster against your clit, finally feeling the need in your lower stomach being satisfied.
Your moans send vibrations up Cedric’s shaft and send the brunette doubling over in pleasure with one hand on the wall behind you for support.
“T-That’s it kitten, fuck.” Cedric sighs, watching your hand move back and forth against your clit while your tongue swirls addictively against his cock.
For a moment, with his eyes practically rolling into the back of his head Cedric forgets ‘the lesson’ and delves deeper into the pleasure, his eyes train on your lips wrapped around him and your fingers moving innocently, still too nervous to go deeper, the feeling of you gagging was enough to get him to snap out for a moment and let go of his grip on your hair.
“W-What’s wrong daddy?” You ask, looking up to Cedric with wide eyes.
“N-Nothing, it’s just time for our next lesson.” He explains, helping you up and leading you over to his bed.
Pushing you backwards onto the bed, Cedric watches intrigued as your eyes fly about his room instead of looking at him and he bites back a smirk.
“That’s enough kitten, lay back.” Cedric commands.
You oblige immediately, slowly lowering yourself onto the soft bed and wringing your fingers together over your stomach.
Cedric pauses, dragging his eyes over your body and taking in every curve, you feel the insecurity bubble in your stomach and you move your hands to hide it, when Cedric grabs them and whispers a simple, “don’t, you’re beautiful.”
Your face flushes red and you allow Cedric to place your arms at your side before hooking his fingers on the sides of your soaked panties and pulling them down.
The full scent of your arousal hits him full force and the sight of it glistening all for him made the wish to just drop to his knees now unbearable.
“Okay kitten. I want you to spread your legs and play with your clit again.” Cedric orders, stepping back and crossing his arms.
“Spread your legs and fuck yourself with your fingers, kitten.” Cedric repeats, watching in amusement as your eyes widen and your lips purse nervously, legs spreading and fingers finding themselves on your clit nevertheless.
“L-Like this daddy?” You ask, gently teasing your fingers down your slit.
“Faster kitten.” Cedric replies plainly, smirking to himself.
You gasp suddenly as your digits begin to pick up the pace, moving in circles around your throbbing clit. “L-Like this?” You pant, throwing your head back gently as the pleasure
“That’s perfect darling. How does it feel?” Cedric smirks.
“Good. So-So good!” You squeak, curling your toes at the euphoria rushing through your abdomen and through your veins as you push your fingers faster and faster.
Your hips buck upwards and your panting grows heavier as your thoughts and movement begin to grow erratic. Cedric licks his lips and steps forwards, lowering himself down onto his knees and prying your hand away, he watches in delight as your eyes widen in confusion at him, your mouth opening and closing as you try to regain your thoughts.
“Just relax, kitten.” Cedric coos, inching closer and licking a thick stripe up your core, lingering seductively on your clit as he pushes it around with his tongue.
“O-Oh fuck.” You moan, tightening your grip on the sheet as you watch Cedric suck gently on the sensitive bud. His large calloused hands massage your thighs as he works, gently caressing them as they shake in pleasure.
He shifts his attention downwards, letting his tongue slide down until he reaches your slit and then, agonizingly slowly, he begins to dip the tip of his tongue in and out, again and again, watching you shake and whine impatiently, waiting for you to break.
You try to pull him closer to you by burying your hand into his hair and tugging on him, but he keeps his pace, no matter how hard you buck your hips or grind down on him he persists until finally you beg.
“Please daddy, please. I-I need you! Fuck go faster.” You cry in pure need.
Cedric smirks to himself victoriously and obliges.
“Whatever my princess wants.”
As if a switch was flipped Cedric begins darting his tongue out as quick as he could, going in and out and lapping up and down.
The hufflepuff moves his hand from your thigh and begins slowly teasing you as his tongue swirls around your clit. You whimper at the feeling of his fingers sinking into your slit and grind your hips instinctively at the feeling. Your core clenches as Cedric’s digits pick up the pace, your mouth parts over and over again, trying to find your voice, but no words come out. You couldn’t think, couldn’t move, all you could feel was Cedric fingers thrusting in and out of you and his tongue sending delicious shockwaves up your stomach it was too much, but it felt so fucking good. You could feel your body clench and something tightening inside you that kept tugging everytime Cedric’s fingers slammed back into you.
Cedric chuckles to himself, sending even more vibrations up your core. He knew what was coming. Your breathing was growing erratic, your hips were bucking and you were squirming around in his grip.
“Do you feel that kitten?” He smirks, watching as you nod vigorously.
“Let go, darling. Relax.” Cedric hushes in a soft tone.
His fingers don’t stop as you finally give in, white flashing your vision as you cry and feel your release, crying Cedric’s name over and over again as he helps you ride out your high.
“Beautiful darling.” He murmurs, cleaning you off with his tongue as you whimper in response.
“How are you feeling? We can stop if-”
You cut him off.
“No! P-Please daddy, it feels so good I want more.” Your eyes widen at your own words and your face flushes a deep shade of red, you look down.
Cedric’s eyes widen for a moment before his grin returns and he nods.
“Very well then.” He murmurs, ditching his sweatpants that were wrapped around his ankles and climbing onto his bed.
Pushing you back gently he positions himself above you and takes his lips into yours in a soft kiss, waiting for you to return it.
Your eyes close and you tilt your head to the side, allowing Cedric to part his lips and tease his tongue along yours.
You breathe sharply in through your nose as the taste of your pussy still lingers on Cedric’s lips, but you find yourself moaning at the sensation, wrapping your arms around Cedric’s neck to pull him closer to you.
His hands move to your back where he skillfully unclips your bra, breaking the kiss for only a second as he pulls it from your arms and tosses it away.
Before you even realize it his lips are on your again, harder this time and far more passionate, he moves his lips slowly but fully, making you moan in satisfaction.
You feel your arousal grow again as heat builds up in your core, you swing your legs impatient around Cedric’s torso in a wordless plea to fuck you.
Cedric smiles into the kiss and without removing his lips from yours he uses his hands to loosen the grip from your legs and place them back on his bed. He pushes them apart and gets himself into position, before slowly pushing his length into you. You drew a sharp breath as he pushed deeper into you, but the sharp feeling went away almost immediately as you shifted yourself into a more comfortable position.
Cedric has to restrain himself from starting as he waits for your permission to start. Being your first time, he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you, or start before you were ready.
He lets out a breathy groan, you wrapped around him so perfectly, he had to pull away from your lips for a moment to bite his lip.
You capture his lips back into yours and whisper softly for him to start, Cedric doesn’t hesitate and begins to roll his hips in and out, building speed with each thrust of his hips.
“Fuck kitten you feel so good.” He moans, moving his lips to your neck and sucking on the sensitive skin as you sigh in pleasure.
Your breathing came out in rough pants with each thrust from Cedric’s hips, mixing with moans of ecstasy as he filled you up each time, hitting the spot deep in you that had your toes curling and your head lolling back.
“Faster daddy please!” You cry as Cedric nods and quickened his pace making shallow but thorough thrusts and sent vibration all the way up your body and through your veins.
“F-Fuck right there.” You beg, holding onto Cedric’s back like your life depended on it.
“You’re doing so well for me kitten, f-fuck.” Cedric praises causing light shivers to go down your spine.
You whimper softly.
Cedric chuckles softly as he buries his neck in your neck again and bucks his hips, burying himself fully causing a sharp gasp.
“Kitten you feel so good wrapped around my cock, Merlin I could fuck you for days.” The brunette murmurs darkly.
Your face darkens even more and you can only squeak out a small ‘thank you’ before Cedric begins snapping his hips back and forth again.
“Oh- oh fuck.”
“You like it when I praise you kitten? Tell you how perfect you feel while I fuck you.” Cedric taunts, pressing hard kisses down your neck.
“Yes daddy, I love it!” You shout, tightening your grip on his back as Cedric thrusts faster and harder
The tight sensation in your stomach was back and it was getting harder to hold in your climax with Cedric thrusts still hitting your core perfectly.
“D-Daddy, I’m so close.” You pant, arching your back and dropping your head into the pillows below you.
“I-I’m almost there kitten, you’re doing so well.” Cedric breathes, moaning in pleasure as you clench suddenly, trying to keep your release at bay.
“It’s alright darling, cum for me love.” Cedric murmurs, connecting your lips once more as his thrusts grow slower. You nod firmly, arching your back and feeling your eyes roll back as ecstasy pulses through your being.
The shockwaves from your release and the sound of your voice shouting his name pushes Cedric over the edge and after one final thrust his vision flashes.
“Oh fuck y/n.” He moans, slowly rolling his hips to ride out his high.
Cedric smiles as he finishes, collapsing gently beside you.
“How was it, kitten?” Cedric asks teasingly, placing his hand on your cheek.
“W-Wow.” You mutter after a moment. “It was perfect Ced, I learned so much.” You smile.
“That's great kitten, you did… amazing.” Cedric smirks, finding his voice getting caught in his throat as he speaks.
You glance out the window and see darkness pouring through the glass panes.
“M’ getting tired Ced.” You sigh, getting ready to throw the covers off and try to get back to your room.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright. You can stay here, I’ll clean you up.” The hufflepuff insists, sitting up suddenly and grabbing his wand.
You nod and close your eyes for a moment, he murmurs a spell and when you open your eyes again you are cleaned off and Cedric was walking towards you with clean clothes, wearing his sweatpants again.
“Here, I-I’ll get you some water.” he smiles, laying a large t-shirt and a pair of his boxers onto the bed.
You nod meekly and sit up carefully to grab the clothing.
Shrugging on the shirt, you watch as Cedric makes his way to his door.
“Thank you by the way.” You sigh hoarsely, smiling to yourself.
“Yeah, no problem. I’ll be back in a moment.” Cedric nods, opening the door to his dorm and leaving.
“Godric…” Cedric sighs to himself as he leaves. For a moment he leans on the door and just breathes. This was just supposed to be a ‘lesson.’ A one night thing where you’d be together one night and forget. But, how was he going to forget? The way you touched his skin, said his name, called him ‘daddy.’
By the time he reached the common room the party had died down to only the hufflepuff students who were either passed out or cleaning up.
The refreshments table still had a few pitchers of water no one had touched so Cedric grabs one and two cups before turning and walking towards the stairs.
When he returned you were half passed out on his bed, your eyes flutter lightly as he walks in and Cedric can’t help but smile. You look so beautiful lying there, exhausted, but absolutely stunning.
“Hey, I brought you something to drink.” He whispers, pouring you a drink before helping you sit up.
“Mm-” You nod, taking the cup from his hand and drinking it.
The cool water feels amazing down your dry throat, you smile and thank him again before handing the cup back to him and collapsing back into bed.
“I-I’ll sleep on the floor.” Cedric mutters, placing the cup onto his bedside stand.
“No- Can you stay with me, please?” You murmur out suddenly, shifting to the side of the bed and snuggling yourself into his blanket.
“Yeah, of course.”Cedric smiles, sitting beside you before laying and getting situated in the covers.
You turn as soon as he’s comfortable and cuddle yourself into his chest.
“G’night Cedric.” You yawn, feeling your fatigue pull you into unconsciousness.
“Goodnight y/n.” The hufflepuff murmurs, wrapping his arms around your torso and resting his chin over your head.
There was something soothing about your breathing, the scent of your hair, the feeling of your skin against his. Something about you felt right, you felt perfectly sculpted against him.
Almost, ethereal.
But you deserved so much better than him. More than a playboy that has used every trick in the book. More than someone who could barely remember his nights because of alcohol. More than him.
You were innocent, more or less, compared to him. You still had a chance.
He sighs, pulling you closer to him.
For tonight though it didn’t matter, you were asleep peacefully in his arms and he was there with you. You could make the choice in the morning. But for now he was here, with you.
And that was all that mattered.
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adhdeancas · 3 years
Nonbinary Claire goes to Dean "can I borrow some of your shit my boobs don't go with my outfit today" even though they don't fully come out and he's just. Oh. Okay that's a thing now.
anon i’m in love with you 
(did i tell anybody about the dream i had where i was at a wlw conference, met and started dating kathryn newton, and we both started taking testosterone at the same time? no?)
Dean’s just putting flour in the sausage for his massive batch of biscuits and gravy when he hears footsteps coming down the hallway. He swears lightly; he thought he’d have at least another half hour before anyone was up (except for Sam, but he’d already gone out for his run and Dean already made up his stupid little green smoothie for him). The biscuits wouldn’t be out for fifteen minutes. 
“Hey, look who’s up early!” he turns and greets Claire in a caricature of a jovial parent. She’s still dressed in her plaid pajama pants and one of Kaia’s overlarge sweatshirts, this one with the random name of St. Mary’s College in Indiana emblazoned across the front. Her hair’s a rat’s next as per usual at this time of day, and it manages to cover up her grimace at Dean’s high volume so early in the morning.  “Damn, you look like shit. You and Kaia party last night?”
She gives him a look. “We’re in an underground nerd bunker in the middle of bumfuck Kansas, how are we supposed to party here?”
 Dean shrugs. “I dunno, Sam, Cas, and I have never had trouble.”
 “Yeah, well, you’re old.”
Dean throws a towel at her which, being a towel, ends up three feet short. She snorts. He turns back to his sausage and adds some milk. “Well, hate to break it to you, kid, but we’re still like ten minutes out from any of this being edible.”
There’s a weird moment of silence, but Claire jumps into it after a beat so Dean thinks he must’ve imagined it. “Oh that’s fine, I was gonna shower first anyway. Nah I just wanted-” she starts over again, her voice taking on a newfound casualness that Dean recognizes as forced. “Can I borrow some of your shit?” she weights the word shit with some kind of meaning Dean is baffled by. “My boobs don’t go with my outfit today.”
Oh. That kinda shit. Dean freezes for a second, back turned and mind trying to scroll through all his interactions with Claire to see if he’d missed a coming out. Nope, definitely not. So this was it, then. Fuck he loved this kid. “Oh, yeah, uh, sure thing,” he turned the burner down to simmer and strode past Claire, waving her to follow him back to his room so he could dig through his drawers. “Alright, my newest ones’re probably too big for ya but I think I’ve got a couple of old ones in the...” he reaches blindly into the back of his drawer and digs around. He can feel Claire shifting behind him, looking anywhere in his room but at what he’s doing. He pulls out a small black binder a little streaked with deodorant and tosses it to her. Another tan one gets thrown her way a second later, this time a half tank style, and she only catches that out of instinct. She looks up at him.
“You can keep those. Not like I’m gonna shrink back to that size anytime soon.” he grins, and she grins back at him. 
“Yeah, I noticed.” she sends a scathing look to his stomach, and he narrows his eyes at her. 
“Hey!” he points a finger. In the back of his mind is his memory of the first time he’d bound his chest, hidden in a shitty motel bathroom, and slept in the tub so he could be in a room with a lock, in case John came home early. He’d woken up in a panic attack in the middle of the night with sore ribs and no air in his lungs. “No sleeping in them, take ‘em off after 8 hours, and don’t even think about trying to run in one.”
She rolls her eyes at him then salutes. “Aye aye, cap’n.” Then, “You think I run?” she scoffs. She moves to leave ahead of him, then pauses in the doorway. “Thanks.” she says quietly. 
“No problem.” She starts off down the hallway and he calls after her quietly. “Hey, do I need to be calling you anything else?”
She turns halfway around. “Nah. Wouldn’t mind if you called me they either though.” 
He grins. “Okay. I can do that.” She nods and keeps going. “And hey, absolutely no fucking hunting in those either!” He whisper-yells at their back. They wave him off and disappears into their room.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Hoist the Colours  -  1/3
Pairing: Pirate!Bucky X SeaGoddess!Reader
Summary: Bound to your human form and cut off from the sea, your life is exchanged from pirate to pirate, until a ship of the King intercepts a sale, taking you onboard and saving you from a fate worse than death. 
Warnings: Language, Angst, Fluff, Kinda slow burn
Word Count: 2.2K
A/n: I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for so long so I figured meh, what the hell. It’s mega inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End cause Calypso owns my uwu and I love the story of her and Davy Jones. Um, I hope you enjoy! 
His hands gently caress your skin, gentle with you, a stark contrast to the man who rules the seas. He treats you as if you're delicate, though he knows you're not.
His touches are so, so tender.
"I love you, my (Y/n)."
Fingers skimming over your back, trailing over your spine and down your legs. His hold on your body is soft, while the hold on your heart is strong.
"I love you, James.  My love for you will never die. You hold my heart in your hands." He holds the back of your head with one hand, tilting you back a bit so he can look into your eyes, crystal blue depths pouring out emotions while saying few words.
"You have my heart, and you shall continue to have it until the day I die."
“Are we ready to set sail, Captain?” The young man looks up through his lashes, squinting against the harsh sun and the spray of the sea.
“Aye, I think we’re ready. What say you, James?” The blond man looks to his first mate, who stands by the edge of the ship, staring out across the open water with a small smile on his face.
“The wind will be with us today. Our journey will be bountiful. There’s a change in the tide, a new dawn on the horizon.” Steve grabs his friend’s shoulder, looking into his eyes.
“I can feel her, Steve. We’re getting close. I know it.” The blond smiles and looks over to the boy, nodding once.
“All hands, prepare to make sail!” He shouts, running down the stairs to alert the rest of the crew.
Steve walks over to his helmsman, patting him on the shoulder.
“Where to today, Captain?” Sam asks with a grin.
“We head for Tortuga,” he says, glancing over at James. The brunet nods, eyes focused on the sea.
“All hands! Battle Stations!”
You shift to your knees on the hard wooden bed, looking out through the tiny porthole.
“What is it?” Wanda asks, her voice scratchy and hoarse.
“The Royal Navy,” you whisper, bound hands grabbing handfuls of your dress to move it out of the way, allowing you to sit more comfortably to watch as the three ships converge on the one you’re currently imprisoned upon.
“What will they make of us?” She wonders aloud, fingers spinning dainty red circles in the air. You bite your lip, knowing too well what they’ll make of you.
“Our chances of survival are higher with them than with our current captors.” She shrugs, lying back down as cannons boom overhead.
You close your eyes, exhaling deeply through your nose and conjuring what you can.
It’s effective, and the sky is soon booming with thunder. The ocean tugs and turns, waves crashing against the ship, the fighting getting drowned by the rain.
You hear the tell-tale thuds of the ship being boarded, and you know it’s only a matter of time before you’re transferred from one cage to another. But you hope that the new cage will be slightly more comfortable.
Two sets of feet clomp down the stairs and you and Wanda both sit up.
A man wearing the signature red and gold of the King walks towards you.
A young boy, easily no older than sixteen, stumbles after him.
“Boy!” He shouts, turning to him. He cowers, clearly not wanting to get hurt.
“Why are these women in chains?” He demands. The boy looks at you, his eyes widening for a moment before he swallows hard.
“C-cap’n says that they be witches. He locked ‘em down here to protect the crew. Said it bad luck to bed them.” The King’s man stares at you then at Wanda.
“Witches? How?” The boy’s fingers tremble as he points to Wanda.
“Th-that one there, she be a true witch. With red flames and a sixth sense. She can control men to do her bidding. Cap’n locked ‘er up with them special chains, keeps her powers at bay.” Wanda’s eyes glow a fiery red as she’s reminded of the mistreatment the Captain has shown the two of you.
“And this one here?” The man steps closer to your cell door, eyeing you closely.
“She be of godly descent. Power over the wind and tide, no doubt the conjurer of the storm. She be tied to the ocean and the ocean to her. She controls the monsters, the demons that lurk in the deep. Cap’n treated her better than any woman deserves, but he stopped, got lazy. And this is her punishin’ us for it. You mark my words. She created that storm.”
The man cocks his head to the side in curiosity.
“Bring them over. The boy too. The King will want to hear about this.” The boy quickly unlocks your cells, and then you’re being ushered up the stairs and above deck.
The sky, which was dark and dangerous nought five minutes ago, is clear and blue. Dead bodies lay askew on the deck, blood staining the wood.
The men of the King stop and stare as you and Wanda are ushered towards the gangplank.
A man whistles, his hand coming to your shoulder, and you wrench yourself out of his grip, levelling him with a hard glare as a boom of thunder explodes overhead, a crack of lightning touching down on the water beside the ship.
Everyone is silent, the Captain staring at you in wonder and awe.
“No one is to touch the women,” he announces loudly, making sure all his crew can hear.
“They are to be treated with the utmost respect. Do not touch them. Do not even look at them in the wrong way, understand?”
He’s met with a series of “aye captain”s.
You square your shoulders and cross the plank, Wanda right behind you.
The two of you are then promptly led to a small office.
“The Captain will be with you shortly,” the man says, closing the doors and standing outside, his back to you. You glance at your friend and nod slightly, a silent ‘I told you so’. She rolls her eyes and looks around the room.
“He means to bring us to the King. We will no doubt be exploited for our powers yet again. There is no way we win this.” You shake your head, eyes finding a paper on his desk.
Anthony Edward Stark.
The name rings a bell, but before you can put your finger on it, the door is opening and the Captain walks in.
“As I’m sure you’ve guessed, I’m the Captain. Tony is what my friends call me. I suppose you may call me that as well. So... witches. Do you have names?” You’re shocked, and it’s obvious on your face by the way that the man laughs.
“We’re not barbaric. It’s obvious to me that you were being held captive on the HYDRA ship. You may as well get comfortable here with me.” Wanda stays standing by the door, but you approach him.
“I am (Y/n). This is Wanda. What do you plan on doing with us?” He sighs heavily and sits down at his desk, pouring himself a glass of alcohol.
“I plan on continuing my route as I was supposed to. We’re to make port in Tortuga for some business, then we head back to England.” You furrow your brows.
“Why not take us back to England now?” Wanda asks, her eyes red with suspicion.
“Because anytime away from the King is time I cherish. And I think the two of you will make excellent company.” He smiles, winking at you.
The glass in his hand shatters and he curses, jumping up and away from his desk.
“Not that kind of company! Jesus! I just meant that I would like to learn more about your powers.” You look over at Wanda, whose glowing eyes are trained on Tony.
“And how do we know you won’t treat us the same way they all did?” She asks, her voice a venomous whisper.
He sighs and looks at the two of you for a moment, his eyes lingering on your necklace.
“Because. My mother was like you two. A sea witch, born with powers unparalleled. And I saw what men did to her for it. I will not let that happen to you as well.” The two of you are surprised at his words. Silence hangs heavy in the air for a moment before he clears his throat.
“I’ll see to it that the two of you have proper quarters, as well as changes of clothes. And I humbly welcome you to His Majesty, the King’s, esteemed ship: The Avenger.”
“Jesus Christ,” Steve whispers, taking off his hat in respect as they approach the wreckage in the water.
Sharks are circling, picking at any scraps of human flesh that they can find. Ship splinters and rope pollute the water, and the crew instantly know that this is the work of the King’s men.
“A quick fight,” James says, watching from the quarterdeck. Steve nods, curious about the events that transpired.
“Man overboard!” Someone shouts, and all eyes are searching for the body in question.
They see the subtle splashing, the man’s body mostly on a large piece of wood from the mast.
“Haul him up!” Steve shouts, hurrying to the spot to make sure the man’s okay.
When they finally get him over, he’s nothing but coughs and water, fingers trembling as he regains his bearings.
“What’s your name?” Steve asks, patting the young man on the shoulder.
When he finally looks up, everyone gasps. “It was the witch,” he whispers, blackened eyes darting around in fear.
“Witch?” Steve asks. This piques Bucky’s interest.
“Sh-she called the storm. Dragged the ship down down down, and now she goes on the celebrate with the King.” Bucky pushes forward, grabbing the man by the collar.
“The witch, what was her name?” The man shakes his head, eyes lolling to the side.
“Never name, only a witch. Never trust a woman... she be beautiful as a sunrise but deadly as a snake. I’d rather face a siren than that witch again. She owns the seas, is one with the winds, and she has a hatred in her heart for men.” The man stops to cough up water, his eyes rolling back as he starts convulsing.
Bucky stumbles back a step, his heart pounding in his head.
“Buck?” He shakes his head, climbing up the ladder on the mainmast to the crow’s nest. His eyes strain to see anything, any sign of where he should go.
What he sees leaves him feeling more hopeless than before.
Three of the king’s ships, on the very edge of the horizon, each going in separate directions.
He takes a deep breath in then climbs back down, furious with himself all over again.
“Buck? What the hell was that?” Steve demands, grabbing his best friend’s arm.
“It’s her, Steve.” Those three words are all it takes for Steve to understand.
“Which way did she go?” He asks softly, trying to help his friend.
“I’ve got no clue. There were three ships, all heading in different directions. There’s no way to know which ship has her, and we can’t very well follow all of them.” Steve sighs, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“We’ll find her. I swear. But until then we maintain course.” The brunet nods, eyes finding the wreckage in the water and praying to the gods that he finds you soon.
Tears wet your cheeks as you stare at the locket, fingers stroking the cool metal gently.
“If the memories pain you so, why conjure them so frequently?” You glance over at the brunette, wiping the wetness off of your face.
“Without the pain, I would forget my hatred. I would forget my purpose and I would lose hope.” Wanda nods thoughtfully, leaning back against the wall and sighing.
The quarters you were given are lovely. Soft beds, plenty of blankets, and a door with a lock. It’s all you could ask for and more from a ship belonging to the king.
“What do you suppose he’s going to do with us?” Wanda asks, fingers spinning a quill in the air above her head.
“I’m not sure quite yet. He seems to be genuine, but I fear he has ulterior motives. Surely, he’ll bring us to the king at some point. But until then... I only hope we fair better here than our last ship.” She nods, closing her eyes and lowering her hands, the quill dropping to the floor beside her as she spreads her fingers, red seeping out of her hands and down through the floorboards.
“There’s a change in the tide,” she whispers, her eyes opening and glowing red as she glances over at you. “Can you feel it?” You close your eyes, feeling the pull of the ocean deep in your gut.
“I feel it,” you whisper, “a change in the wind. A new presence is upon the waters, a dark one. I fear they are stronger than they seem.”
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tired-mushroomed · 3 years
Oh I got another one! How are they around younger kid? Like ages 3 to 6
to be honest i had no idea how to do this one, i just kinda.. stared at it for a week while. but it’s gotten easier to think of things so here i am!!
glad to see you guys actually are requesting stuff!! i have no idea how i’m doing, so i just gotta hope for the best and keep my expectations low </3
- they strike me as the type to not know what to do at first, just kinda of standing there awkwardly like “oh…… a child”
- “what are you doing here all alone? where’s your parents?”
- probably incredibly concerned for the kid, but after a while they just end up.. babysitting
- “oh- oh are you trying to get on the dj stand? here, let me show you how”
- end up getting half the police department chasing after a flying box in the sky with a tiny robot and toddler
- but also really careful at the same time
- if the kid tries to do something dangerous, “oh nonono you don’t wanna do that.. come over here, please- oh god help what do i do- where’s Cap when you need him-“
- offers the kid a hug, doesn’t want to let go
- “okay.. we should really go look for your parents now..”, ends up stalling for another four hours
- good with kids. he just strikes me as the type
- “hey Sweet, it’s a you clone!!” “shut uuppp”
- tried very hard to be pg and ends up replacing swear words with words like… cheese and fart
- “oh, fu- fff- fart!!”
- may not seem like it to outsiders but probably really enjoys spending time with little kids
- “bud” “buddy” “kid” “pal” “bucko” “lil guy”
- extremely protective over the kid even if they barely know em.. now i have an entirely different angst ideas. oopsies :)
- headpats. so many headpats
- “hey, nonono, don’t cry, bud.. it’s okay, it’s okay.. shh.. you’re okay. you’re safe buddy.”
- would try to teach the kid skateboard tricks
- i don’t have much figured out for their ‘backstories’ and i don’t know if i ever will, but something tells me that Cap would feel.. melancholic
- hm.
- [squats down to be at eye level with the kid] [ also probably straight up lies down]
- would definitely offer candy
- actually yknow what. stranger danger but it’s the toddler offering K_K candy. we all know they would definitely get kidnapped.. or cakenapped
- “wow, tiny friend!!”
- if given the chance, would definitely sit with the kid on a rooftop and just eat candy together
- [picks up like doll]
- they will have so much fun together watch them go
- they would also probably commit casual arson together. don’t leave them in a room by themselves
- sees kid is chewing on their hand, goes “hey don’t do that.. [noms their own hand out of curiosity]”
- if the kid starts crying, K_K cries with them /hj
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cyberaxolotl · 2 years
i wrote an scc drabble where they checked each other’s bodies for anything that needed to be repaired but i never finished it so here’s just a lot of scc touchy feely touching each other and shit headcanons
copy pasted from discord. you know the drill, that pocky is killing me
i feel like their first times doing [repairs] with each other were. very slow and awkward. they kept pelvic checks for afterwards so that they could do it with themselves since it felt weird for all of them to have each other be getting close to their. well. junk.
but after a few times they got more used to it and , of course, more trusting of each other
so now they just. fully allow each other to make every check that’s needed
that’s the fun part of how i interpret the three
they started *very* slowly in just about every aspect. between how comfortably they spoke with each other, worked alongside one another, how they checked each other, and eventually how they touched each other, it was all very slow and careful. they all took the time they needed to let themselves get comfortable and that i feel actually made their bond a lot stronger
they learned each other.
going further
once they were all comfortable with it
there was a lot of “round-the-world kissing”
it’s what i call kisses placed all over the body, in both contexts where it fits
it was something they did to appreciate each other, sweet does it with short bits of static rubbing instead of kissing, but it’s still something they do with their face
they do it to appreciate each other’s models and ins and outs. kisses capn gets on his torso make him feel better about his size. k_k getting kisses on the spine makes her feel better about being a “skeleton.” sweet just likes being kissed, they’ve got a lot of space for it to be done
and i know that gesture is sometimes used sexually but they. usually use it just to appreciate each other like that
they all have different ways of touching too.
sweet’s generally got a very firm, very exploring way of using their hands. they know what parts are and they know what to do with their hands around them. they’re the tech nerd, of course they know how to handle tech, and they handle their partners as though they are precious; which they are. to sweet they are, at least.
cap’n’s movements are more smooth, fluid, and swooning. he moves from one place to another very quickly, draws circles with his finger, feels indents with a sort of passion. he also moves with a form of rhythm- moving smoothly and then taking a jolt or a stroke.
k_k uses her hands playfully, doing a lot of squishing, rubbing, etc. if she finds a part she knows the other likes she’ll stay there for the most part. she also works a lot in symmetry and two-hand power, it makes her feel more organized
let them feel safe with each other. safe to know none of them are gonna damage each other and that none of them are gonna do something that they don’t want.
they’re very trusting. they know their boundaries and each other’s limits.
just let them love the way they wanna love
it’s very easy to tell when any of them are getting flustered because their body heat will just. increase from their engines going into overdrive
it really is the little things for them. the way sweet touches that makes them feel like precious machinery, like one wrong move could break em. they know how to make someone feel precious. the way k_k feels so comfortable to just let her hand wander a little more than usual ever so slightly to bring on new feelings, shows that she trusts them to tell her if something’s wrong and that she trusts herself to know that too. cap’n’s ways of giving up and getting back onto his smooth flirtatious schtick when it’s needed, he’s playful, but knows his place.
it’s the little things.
i love them a lot my brain is soup
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r0b0-writes · 2 years
Heyaaaaa! Wondering if ya still accepting drabble request, if ya aren’t that’s cool! Sending good vibes your way homie! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Maybe a little tender moment where Sweet’s hand get hurt and Cap’n is there to help him bandaged it up (even if Sweet tries to push it off at first)
Then Cap’n sealed the boo boo with a little kiss on the knuckles skskskksksk
Ofc, ofc!
I'll keep raining down SweetCap moments for u guys! (see what I did there)?
I had so much fun with this one! I love hand holding and anything to do with hands in general when it comes to comfort. You struck me at my core! I hope you enjoy!
Title: Happy Accident
Words: 1,566 (wow I really did get carried away, my b)
Cap'n flopped down on the sofa, eyes closed as he nodded his head to the smooth beat playing through his headphones. He tapped his fingers to the tempo. Cakes was out at the store so it was just him and Sweet holding down the shop. Which meant Sweet worked in the back while he maned the counter. Even though he wasn't near the counter. He didn't worry, Sweet's nagging would get him to move eventually. That or a customer, but business was slow today, so why shouldn't he relax? They got this sofa for people to sit and wait, he's waiting to do something. He's just making sure the money they spent wasn't wasted.
There was a muffled noise coming from his headphones. He stopped bobbing his head. "(Are they busted)?" Cap'n turned the volume down and listened for any odd humming. He didn't hear anything. Must've been his imagination. Volume up, he pretended to be playing the drums as the song continued playing.
He heard muffling again. His eyebrows pinched together, this time he sat up and removed the headphones entirely. "Tch, these are new ones too, what's wrong with 'em?" He was getting ready to open the back and look at the wiring before he heard a pained groan. Cap'n looked up and towards the back of the shop. "Sweet?"
A loud shout and a string of unpleasant words followed. Definitely Sweet.
Cap'n raced to the workroom, forgetting the headphones. He skidded to a halt at the door, almost sliding past it.
"Sweet? Sweet, are you okay?" He stopped short when his eyes zeroed in on the cube. Sweet was on the floor, cradling a hand in the other. Close by him was a welding torch, lying on the ground.
Cap'n ran to him, sliding to his knees. His hands hovered over the cube, "let me see it." It was a demand.
"I just burned it a little-" "Let me see it." There was no room for arguing with his tone.
Sweet's defiance wouldn't be tolerated, not when it came to his health. Cap'n repeated himself once more, his hand already on Sweet's wrist. The two were at a stand-still for a moment before Sweet relaxed and let Cap'n inspect the wounded area. He let out an annoyed sigh as Cap'n gently turned his hand over.
"You burned it pretty good, dude." "It's not that bad, it just hurt like hell."
Cap'n's features shifted, distress evident. Truthfully, it wasn't nearly as bad as what Cap'n was making it out to be. The glove on Sweet's hand was burned through. It looked like the glove had taken the brunt of the damage. Their hand itself was a little tinged and misshaped, nothing that couldn't be fixed quickly. However, that did nothing to help his concern. This might as well be worth an entirely new hand to him. Sweet might be more durable than he was, but that didn't mean they weren't without limits.
Sweet pulled away, “it’s fine, Cap, really. I can handle it myself.”
The cassette player grabbed their wrist, careful to avoid hurting them. “Stop being stubborn. I’m helping you whether you like it or not.”
"You don't have to, it was my mistake. I should've been watching-" "I know I don't have to, I want to, idiot."
There was a few seconds of silence. The only sound was the steady beats from their chests.
Cap'n sighed when Sweet didn't respond, "I'll get the aid kit. Just- don't move, okay?"
When Cap'n left Sweet looked at their hand for themself. It wasn't that bad, why was Cap'n acting like it was so serious? They looked at their wrist. He had held it with earnest, not meant to be forceful, it was almost desperate. Sweet sighed, what was he going to do now? Knowing Cap'n, he'd insist on closing the shop, lazy. And when Cakes gets back he'd be smothered by it as well. Their chest tightened, they didn't mind being cared for. This was just... embarrassing. He'd never burned himself before. This wouldn't have happened if he had been focused. He wanted to say this was Cap'n's fault, but it was an unfair accusation.
While Sweet had been working, his mind had drifted from the metal pieces in front of him. He wondered how Cap'n was fairing upfront. Maybe he was bored and slacking off again? If he was... they could always go join him, work together at the counter. Which, truthfully, would just mean the two goofing off by themselves. There wasn't much to do in the shop anyway. Yeah, goofing off was okay on a slow day like this. Especially with Cap'n. He just had a way of dragging them from work and letting them relax. Yeah, it would be okay-
And then the burning sensation had struck his hand.
Cap'n walked back in with a small basket of tools and other material. He sat down beside him, took a bottle, and dabbed some of the liquid onto a towel. "Take your glove off. Carefully," Cap'n emphasized. Sweet did as asked, holding back a grimace when it slipped over the burn. Cap'n held a hand out for them. The speaker complied and placed his hand in Cap'n's.
"This might sting a little," Cap'n studied Sweet's face as he placed the towel on Sweet's wound. It caused him to jump, the mechanisms in his arm extended as he fought the urge to push the towel away. "Sorry, sorry," Cap'n moved the towel. "Let me... try something else." Something smoother might be better. Plus they needed to cool the burn to keep it from spreading. This might be a better idea than the disinfectant.
Cap'n took off his own gloves and found a bottle, he poured some of the gel into his palm and took Sweet's hand. "Let me know if this hurts," he mumbled. Slowly, gingerly, he massaged the coolant into the wound. He made sure to not apply too much pressure, just enough to get the job done. He took note of each tiny twitch from Sweet's fingers. The gentle flexing of their palm as the coolant set. Cap'n swallowed, he hoped he wasn't hurting him. He wasn't sure what he'd do if he made his pain worse. Once in a steady groove, the massaging became methodical. Circular to avoid any scrapes, gentle pressure near the center, apply more on the outer area, and don't look up. Don't look up.
He didn't want to meet Sweet's gaze for a few reasons. If it was pained he'd have to stop himself, convinced he wasn't doing something right. He'd watch as Sweet catered to his own wounds. The greater reason was the mental image he had already painted in his head. Sweet looking down at him, his eye zeroed in as he repaired the burned metal. The way they wouldn't be looking at their hand but at him. The thought alone made his hands unsteady. He needed to be focused.
Meanwhile, Sweet wasn't sure how he could feel hurt, seeing how gentle Cap'n was being. He didn't want to admit how it felt comforting to have Cap'n's hands holding his. The gel hadn't stung as bad as the first thing Cap'n had grabbed, and in honesty, maybe that was partly because he wasn't focused on the pain. They closed their eye, only feeling the slightest throbbing from their hand as Cap'n continued.
"Are you okay?" Cap'n asked. Sweet hummed as a response.
It was relaxing, comforting to feel his hands on his. He was being so attentive, such an odd characteristic of the cassette player. Not that Sweet would complain, this was nice after all.
Like a happy accident.
The massaging stopped and Sweet's eye opened to see Cap'n digging in the box. He pulled out the industrial tape and began wrapping Sweet's hand.
"I don't think you should be in the shop for a while." He was probably right. What use would he be with a hand he could barely bend?
"Fine, are we done?" A smirk made its way to Cap'n's lips, "not quite yet. Gotta add the final touch."
Cap’n brought the banaged hand to his lips and kissed the space between his knuckles. "There. All better." He winked.
"C- Cap!" Sweet blushed as he yanked his hand away, which only caused Cap'n to laugh. "What? Doctor's prescription, gotta seal it with a kiss," he shrugged. Sweet rolled his eye and held his hand to his chest. "Y- You just like seeing me flustered!"
Cap'n shrugged, "maybe? But say-la-v, ya know?" "Say-la-what?" "That's life, maybe you'll figure it out or you won't." "You mean... c'est la vie?" "What did I say?"
Cap'n had finished putting everything back in the box. "You probably shouldn't wear a glove on that hand, by the way. But I'll get you an old one just in case." He stood up with the box in hand, "try not to think about me while I'm gone," he made a kissy-face.
"As if!" Sweet shouted as he disappeared from the entryway.
With Cap'n gone, momentarily at least, Sweet looked at his hand. The wrapping wasn't too tight or too loose. It seemed to allow for as much mobility as Sweet would normally want. Disregarding the odd stiffness. They placed their thumb over the space, repeating the motion Cap'n had been doing earlier. Maybe he should have accidents more often?
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capricioussun · 3 years
Do you think sweet cap’n cakes overheat or malfunction since they’re robots? What do you think happens to them when it happens?
I do!
Similarly to the way Queen can run out of power, I’d imagine they’re susceptible to the same kind of mechanical wear ‘n tear.
In the example of overheating, that sketch I posted the other day, I kind of imagine it being like the robot equivalent to sensory overload? Literally can’t process everything happening and overheats! I was thinking as far as dealing with it goes, it’s just a matter of…well, cooling off for a minute, going somewhere isolated, or where they can safely cool, maybe with the aid of the other two to keep out excess sights or sounds. Probably feels a little like what we’d feel getting overheated, close to heat stroke, tingling through the limbs and a static numbness in the head, trouble breathing (or whatever might be their equivalent (venting?)), inability to function, maybe producing a high pitched tone of distress. It would gradually go away pretty readily with proper attention, otherwise may lead to a system overload and short them out (essentially passing out) until their system has reregulated itself (like when a phone shuts off and won’t turn back on when it’s overheated).
I think of the three, the most likely to deal with overheating is K_K, though Cap’n probably deals with it sometimes, too. I’d think Sweet is the least likely to overheat, but regardless, I’d bet they all know pretty well how to handle it!
As far as things like malfunctioning or viruses, I’d equate like, a stutter or nervous tic to different glitches, or perhaps if one of their parts got damaged like a disability (battery damage? Maybe have more problems with overheating or fatigue. Speaker damage? Verbal or hearing impairment. Faulty wiring job? Maybe mood swings or a new glitch.)
And as for viruses, I’m thinking they can get malware, but it’s essentially their version of cold ‘n flu, just kinda. Messes em up for a little while until they either recover or get a temporary antivirus chip to get rid of it (like an antibiotic).
Though, all that being said, equating stuttering to glitching has unfortunately made me think of that cry-beatboxing vine, and now I’m imagining one of them getting so upset, they cry, and the other two being like “I feel really bad for him, but this track is fire”
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