#get back to work! : ooc
thankstothe · 6 months
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moronic-validity · 2 months
I have been up for two hours and all I can think about is texting best friend Gaz like dude, fuckin tired. Can't sleep. Weighted blanket missing. SOS.
(just some thoughts bc I'm tired and not used to being awake before 10. 18+ due to a singular comment, but this is self serving fluff)
And Gaz replies, because he always does when it's you.
Be there soon.
You don't even check your phone when it dings, you know he's already on the way.
You try your hardest to try to get yourself back to sleep, but all the blankets and pillows in your house simply don't have the weight to help you relax enough to sleep.
He parks his car next to yours and lets himself in with the spare key you made him (in case of emergencies), and he kicks off his shoes at the door before making his way back to your bedroom.
You were covered in pillows, blankets, and every vaguely soft item you could find.
He snorted. You flipped him off.
He pushed all the pillows and various other items off of you (why the hell did you have a pair of slippers mixed in with all the pillows) and got comfortable, laying his chest across yours.
You sighed happily, finally comfortable enough to fall asleep. He was heavy, warm, and everything about him radiated safety.
"Need me to tell you a bedtime story too?" His chuckle reverberates against your chest and you nod, making him laugh again.
"Alright so, have I told you about the time I fell out of a helicopter?" You can distantly hear his voice as you drift to sleep, a welcome rest after 18 hours of stress.
You wake up at some point later in the day, Gaz's arm wraped around your waist, holding you close. It's comfortable, familiar.
You nudge him.
"Ky... Lemme up, need t' pee." He grumbles, stubbornly pulling you closer against him.
"Kyle, I'll piss on both of us, lemme up." Your threat means little to him. He's been covered in worse and it would just leave you with a mess to clean up.
You sigh.
"Kyle. I can feel your stiffy against my back, lemme up." His eyes snap open and he lets go of you, holding up his hands in surrender while trying to explain the concept of morning wood.
You wave him off, walking to the bathroom.
Single easiest way to make him wake up.
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pokemonranch · 2 months
Y'all won't BELIEVE the three months I've had
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writermask-0807 · 4 months
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this is a personal speculation/headcannon of mine (it’s probably extremely ooc so i apologize in advance); but i feel like king baldwin iv would never approach his beloved or confess his love willingly. though he views this illness as a blessing from God, i feel like there’s some part of him that will not allow himself to love his s/o like any other *normal* lover. because there’s still that part of him that views himself as nothing but a battered body- carried only by weak tired bones and ruined skin and polluted blood, and you are far too precious to be burdened with his suffering. he loves you too much for that. so he loves you from afar, and contents himself at the sight of your smile, bright and laughing and innocent, his blue, blue eyes cloudy with longing. and he aches, oh, he aches. (and the worst part of this is maybe the fact that he knows it has nothing to do with his sickness this time.)
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efverse · 4 months
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i was having an old man yaoi moment earlier and this draft fromthen is kiling me,
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thevoidlands · 4 months
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faeriegirlshroom · 4 months
- @transfem-goddess-temple -
Let’s make a deal~
I can grant the powers indomitable, the station of angel in my high court, and the right to fuck any of the sluts within my temple walls. All I require is your obedience, and your worship of my massive Goddess cock. Does that sound fair?
If so, the deal is struck~
See, this one's a tough one for me. I've been lurking about your temple for a bit, and you seem very interesting... but.
I've never had much faith in the gods, fate, or divinity. Really, all I've gotten from your ilk is hurt. So, in fact, I've honestly developed quite the resentment of the gods. Besides, this deal of yours could use some work, honey~. So, from fae to goddess, I'll give you gesture of, well, good faith, if you will, as a freebie this time around, and give you some advice.
You're gonna need to work on your specifics, darling, if you want to get anywhere with my crowd~. Both for your safety as well as ours. I'd like some details on your "powers indomitable", and what the role of an angel in your court entails, responsibilities and benefits and the like, as well as what you'll command me to do in my obedience of you... because I'm not signing a contract if I don't know what I'm getting myself into. Wording as well. "Any" of the sluts in your temple is a descriptor that I'd say includes you, dear~
So, prove to me you're different from the rest of your kind, and perhaps I'll consider your offer...~
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recitedemise · 1 month
OOC, but tomorrow's my 'broke up with my abuser' one year anniversary! Or I guess escaped, really. Whooping! Hollering! Clapping! I started writing Gale shortly after that horrible trial of a break up (which took literally 3 days before they essentially finally let me go. read: FINALLY let me go, because I genuinely needed permission to break up), and Gale coming out of a toxic relationship himself made me really sympathize with him. :' ) Anyway, it's been a whole year, and I feel...so, SO much happier. I still have deep anger that crops up very often knowing I'll never get closure for what happened to me, but you know what? I don't have to wake up nervous about getting bombarded with texts anymore or checking my phone throughout the work day to get yelled at.
To commemorate, I'm looking at just ONE example of the hell I put behind me. :P
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Anyway, that's just a taste.
Like, lmao, where the hell did this come from.
It's funny cuz I wanted to break up countless times before this, and the problem each time which I REPEATEDLY told them about while even providing examples on HOW to fix it was how they spoke to me especially when they were angry or distressed. They eventually told everyone I used threats of breaking up as a tool to get them to behave instead of a genuine desire to break up.
It's so bewildering. Someone talks to me like THIS for over a year, and they think my wanting to break up (after a period of extreme exhaustion, depression and mental duress) was fabricated and a manipulation tactic and that I'm just emotionally abusive and playing victim...because evidently, the distress they caused me couldn't be real seeing as how they never do anything wrong ever.
All abusers can have a happy go rot in a pit.
Extra: when they apologized, they literally pulled the 'my therapist said it, not me' line. Rank fool is stupidly incapable and unwilling to take culpability for literally anything. Literally has never done it ever in their entire life. Abusing me then weaponizing their therapy? It's more likely than you think.
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rurihana · 4 months
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...Uh, meow?
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ro-rogue · 5 months
i need more irrelevant details about the darren-dating-leilah-and-sera-living-with-them situation, because, while the whole wanted terrorrists thing is ofc very sad and stressful for them, it is also absolutely hilarious. like, imagine you just found out that your ex-school nurse, a grumpy, eternally tired man who you honestly thought would die single, is dating your (canonically) hot kind older sister, who you hadn't seen in years because she ran away from your abusive parents. also, she and him both sorta work for a terrorrist organization now. the same organization that stole your ability. your sister actively helped to develop the drug that disabled you. her solution to the problem of your ability loss is to also join the terrorrist organization. the terrorrists backstab you and disable your best friend. you decide to betray the organization, but then you're declared a wanted terrorrist by the government so you hide in your sister's apartment. that she shares with your ex-school nurse. before he quit, you spent more time around this man than around any of your actual teachers. then the government busts your future brother-in-law's door down and you have to go on the run. with your sister and her boyfriend.
do leilah and darren do a lot of couple-y things? does sera see them kiss and immediately wishes for the sweet release of death or at least some fresh air, only to realise she is stuck inside with these two for the foreseeable future? is it like the covid lockdown but worse?? at least covid never shot you on sight if you ever left the house on a grocery run.
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nollatooru · 11 months
Okay this new picture confused me enough to post about it.
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It's lovely, love the cat. But I'm confused, what exactly are they're going for here? I'm supposing this:
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But the problem is they didn't bring Saito's arm and the cat actually in front of Okita (btw Okita's referring to this). All three of them are depthwise on different level, though Okita's finger is too perfectly close to look like he's touching the kitten's nose. Yet being on different levels they're all staring at different things!
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I mean this is the supposed side view of that picture.
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tio-trile · 1 year
Did you hate the season 2 finale? Are you still looking forward for season 3 because of it or are you turned off of looking forward for any tv show good omens from now on?
What season 2 finale? Good Omens has never been adapted into a TV show. I love the book tho!
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gemkun · 4 months
i just wanted to say to people that i have written with , have yet to and have still not interacted with ( i’m so sorry ) that if i am not meeting your expectations , i will take no offence if you unfollow. i have an awful tendency to not reach out because of shyness and on top of that i am . . . a terrible replier. and i am so sorry for that. since this is a critical year for me and it’s the first time i’ve faced full time employment , my speed has absolutely fallen but i have always been relatively slow. i also get so easily overwhelmed and forgetful so if i ever miss your messages or anything please don’t hesitate to prod me again i won’t find it as pestering as long as it’s a gentle reminder. thank you for understanding i love you all.
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innocencel0st · 22 days
Trying to buy a car. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I get this Mitsubishi. Send thoughts, prayers, vibes. Whatever it is you roll with. I need them.
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fluffghostrp · 2 months
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Still going back and forth with Health Concerns (tm). Getting better, we may have Pinpointed The Problem, But It Will Need Doctor Intervention For Future Eradication.
But also i'm awol due to ffxiv and ttrpg reasons. so the semi-hiatus Continues.
So... I'm lurking, i'm here. If you need me or want to interact with a muse, literally just throw something at me. I'm just not able to be properly active on the dash until my schedules elsewhere clear up.
my drafts weep and my muses are Mad, but the hyperfocus is real. so ya'll know the drill - just ask me for my discord if you want it.
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eorzeashan · 7 months
Long time no swtor thinkpiece, but.
Thinking about Eight in the IA class story and then who he is post-Alliance; going from a bold, daring and casually ambitious wildcard to someone who feels as if he's lost most of his zeal to become rather...listless. Empty. Not to say that he isn't fulfilled by his work in the Alliance (who all make exceptions to have him do anything but murder all day) but he starts picking up more mundane activities like, peeling potatoes for the Alliance cantina, or doing minor tasks that don't involve much thought on his own volition-- a stark change from a man who only cared about his blade and who it fell on. It's like he's been soundly defeated by the circumstances surrounding him.
Then there's the issue of his companions, who only knew him as their cunning leader who stopped at nothing to achieve his goals, even using some of them in the process, who now appears to be an entirely different person. One who quietly fades into the background, instead of being in the thick of it. He's changed.
His skills haven't waned, but his voice is flat, his eyes without gleam, his all consuming desire that drove him to accomplish the impossible by the day naught but simmering ashes by the time they reunite with him in KOTXX. He even apologizes to some, without explanation. This distresses Vector, in particular, who witnessed the worst of his sides way back in the day. "It's not me you should apologize to, Agent." Vector can only quietly say, "I have never held you in ill regard for the choices you've made, anathema as they were to my principles." It's a conversation that peters off, but one that Eight never had, never had soon enough --his firm refusal to rectify or acknowledge that Vector could choose him over his own ideals is one that gnaws at him on the inside for years, on his own belief that people cannot change what they truly believe in, and so there is no point in trying to make amends for what bridges he burns in the pursuit of his own wishes. This, and many other denials, compound over the years into a rather hurtful self-made solitude that follows him long into the Alliance. (A mother will never give up her son. There is no other way. I cannot change my nature as a weapon. Their rejection of me is something I must accept.) A punishment, but for who?
Perhaps he still feels he's failed the last mission Keeper entrusted to him. The one that asked him to become a real, living person, and not just a sword dressed in imperial colors.
Eight spirals during the events of the Eternal Empire. He watches his downfall happen in real time. There's little he does about it. His home is gone, as are the people he fought for--Keeper, Watcher 2, Intelligence--and this new age is only filled with allies he cuts down faster than he can imprint their names into his memory. He's alone in this fight at the behest of others who do choose their ideals over him, who, in the end, turn away in fear and disgust when he bloodies his blade in their name. He makes no effort afterwards to right his image in their minds. He plays the villain, if others will not. For the first time, he tires of killing.
This leaves him alone, an outcast even among friends. Eventually, amongst the ruin their failed Alliance leaves in its wake, someone asks why things turned out this way; his lack of a will in the greater fight comes to light and sets several alarm bells off. Lana reduces his duties on the battlefield. Others, out of shared guilt and a fear of the bloodshed he wreaked on their orders, give him a wide berth to live normally for a while. It's not much and does little to his disillusionment and estrangement with his allies, but...it's a start.
Eight the Assassin turns into just Eight. And Eight the former agent, ex-Cipher, killer extraordinaire who never once dreamed of the stars, turns into someone who quietly watches the sun set on a world he barely recognizes,l but still stays up to see it, potato peeler in hand.
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