#get him nadir
carpeossa · 2 years
Nadir and Erik goes to the market in Paris
Erik: *the whole day*
“Ugggg, my neck.”
“Damn this back of mine.”
“God, my shoulders.”
“Ah! My knee!”
“Oh my hip! Just wait a minute, Daroga.”
“Gah! My hands are killing me.”
Nadir: “You know, Erik. If you slept in a regular bed and not a coffin you would not have these issues.”
Erik: “Ah yes, but a regular bed is for a regular man with a regular nose. I am not a regular man nor do I possess a nose. Therefore a coffin is my resting place.”
Nadir: “Erik, how exactly does not having a nose affect you while sleeping? All I’ve heard you do all day is complain about how you hurt. I know you have enough money to buy a decent bed or at least put cushions in your coffin! There is no excuse for not sleeping in a regular bed except as a means to complain as a child!”
Erik: “Oh my dear Daroga. Are you so simple to understand that as a living corpse a coffin is the most fitting place of rest for me? That I should become accustomed to the things in the next life, even in how I will be slumbering for eternity?”
Nadir: *slaps the back Erik’s head with his hand*
“You are a melodramatic child who should have learned his lesson when the Viscount punched you in the stomach. I only wish that boy had hit you in the head! Perhaps it would have knocked some sense into that moronic mind of yours!”
Erik: *mumbles* “It was a lucky punch.”
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cowgremlin11 · 1 month
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being the #1 daroga stan is like being gods least fav soldier
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catboyglover · 10 months
i think about this scene a lot.
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danny very briefly breaking character in the background of the final battle of pillows & blankets is so funny to me
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transgendercastiel · 10 months
the banana king tut scene is so funny… Troy you are literally the only one laughing at Abed’s jokes and then when Pierce makes a joke it flops so hard.. he’s literally right for once troy would have laughed if Abed made the joke…
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youreviltwin · 10 months
dan harmon is, in no small part, responsible for the objective best good autistic representation (abed nadir) and bad autistic representation (rick sanchez). do with that information what you will.
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troynabed · 7 months
troy canon breeding kink is insane like what were they thinking
he wants to make babies for abed. abed is feeling fertile tonight. what more is there to say
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windypuddle · 5 months
sorry i didnt respond to your texts i was envisioning an imaginary community episode where jeff goes on estrogen and abed figures it out and reassures him he doesn't have to come out to the group until hes ready or at all or until he figures out what he wants to do about it
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conanssummerchild · 6 months
wtf y'all jeff's only acknowledgement of hitting abed is "i slapped you, man." with a little smirk
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maneaterm1a · 1 month
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um, hello art people? post-canon curly haired long eyelashes batsignal tattoo britpop fan abed is joining you. yes i'll hold
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desire-mona · 10 months
put abed and i in a room for an hour and he will come out with a new set of pronouns
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parkercore-69 · 8 months
resonating with abed a little bit TOO much recently, because i too feel like i’ve been passing through life never really understanding the people around me and never really understanding myself, either. Connecting with society through movies and tv and using what I’ve analysed in film to try and make sense of people, yet still being thrown in a loop whenever someone does something I can’t personally ever imagine my own self doing.
and THEN, finding someone who I thought I understood perfectly and vice versa. Finally finding someone who’s mannerisms I could read like a large print book and who’s thoughts i could click together like lego. I felt like i could be fluently understood without any reasoning, like we were both speaking some language only we knew. Loving every moment i spent with them as if it was some sort of sacred experience I may never get to see again- but being ensured that this was forever. Yet, inevitably, being chucked back in the loop when they still leave and I find myself slowly forgetting words in a language that used to feel like second nature.
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i love when the study group sees abed after watching his movies and troy says “get him!” like what was he possibly gonna do
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doppel-dean-er · 1 year
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the definitive answer on who Abed thinks is the best batman
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The actual face my heart makes anytime someone is remotely mean to Abed Nadir
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emblazons · 11 months
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mood: loving you's a bloodsport
Nadir • Half-Elf | Gloomstalker (Ranger) | Outlander true neutral playthrough • Baldur's Gate III
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