#Erik is a giant child
carpeossa · 2 years
Nadir and Erik goes to the market in Paris
Erik: *the whole day*
“Ugggg, my neck.”
“Damn this back of mine.”
“God, my shoulders.”
“Ah! My knee!”
“Oh my hip! Just wait a minute, Daroga.”
“Gah! My hands are killing me.”
Nadir: “You know, Erik. If you slept in a regular bed and not a coffin you would not have these issues.”
Erik: “Ah yes, but a regular bed is for a regular man with a regular nose. I am not a regular man nor do I possess a nose. Therefore a coffin is my resting place.”
Nadir: “Erik, how exactly does not having a nose affect you while sleeping? All I’ve heard you do all day is complain about how you hurt. I know you have enough money to buy a decent bed or at least put cushions in your coffin! There is no excuse for not sleeping in a regular bed except as a means to complain as a child!”
Erik: “Oh my dear Daroga. Are you so simple to understand that as a living corpse a coffin is the most fitting place of rest for me? That I should become accustomed to the things in the next life, even in how I will be slumbering for eternity?”
Nadir: *slaps the back Erik’s head with his hand*
“You are a melodramatic child who should have learned his lesson when the Viscount punched you in the stomach. I only wish that boy had hit you in the head! Perhaps it would have knocked some sense into that moronic mind of yours!”
Erik: *mumbles* “It was a lucky punch.”
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soothedcerberus · 7 months
Erik!! I keep seeing your adorable centaur OCs and I always wanted to ask what's the story behind them??
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Plushi!! Sorry for the mega-late reply… 🥺I was so happy to get this ask but I didn't know how to explain my silly ocs…I will try now-more under the cut.
Dael Braam (dwarf) is a cooped up farmhand looking to see the world, but being immune-compromised from birth it took a lot of persuasion to convince her parents to let them go. They relent under the condition that she finds a capable and strong person to travel with to keep her safe… Just so happens that a strong and capable centaur knight is visiting in town…
Rembrandt (horsey) was created from a dark fusion spell by an amateur mage, who had intentions to construct a powerful warrior to do his bidding.
However, the spell cast did not result in a powerful and fully-armored warrior…. but instead a frail baby knight centaur, with only its top half made of living armor. The mage, not wanting to raise any kind of child, promptly abandons his creation. He can always try to make another one after all.
Into adulthood, Rembrandt still carries a lot of pent-up abandonment and self-esteem issues. You wouldn't know that from the proud facade he puts on though, lying about being a royal knight yet helping all those he comes across with a smile, but never staying long. When the opportunity of having a long-term travel companion (and perhaps a friend…?) arises from Dael requiring a bodyguard, his craving for companionship and affirmation outweighs his worries about her seeing eldritch elements of himself.
Dirk (beefy dragon thing) is the second (and more "successful") attempt from the same mage to create a powerful monster. Think Rembrandt's "big evil" brother. Except he's quite a bit younger. Dirk emerged fully-developed except for his wings-which remain as little nubs. Despite his brawn and warrior-appearance, Dirk was mostly a glorified errand boy, using his impressive strength to terrorize the nearby towns and their land-collecting resources for the mage.
Dael and Rembrandt meet Dirk after hearing word of a giant dragon-knight ravaging villages (and their livestock yum yum).
(I also like the idea of the mage sending Dirk to capture Rembrandt + Dael when he recognizes is his first attempt is not only alive and strong, but also quite proficient in battle.)
One way or another Dirk ends up roaming with the two. At first, Dirk is over-confident, rude, and stubborn... Overall a huge pain for them to travel with. After being shown kindness for the first time and being subject to more than a few humbling situations, Dirk allows a protective, loyal and softer side of him to emerge.
Lots of found family shenanigans and adventures occur-and yeah! This was rambly but thank you for reading about my guys! 💖
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potol0ver · 1 year
Could you write a fluff piece for Erik where yn is reading and Erik wants attention so yn reads to him? Something like that! Gn reader pls
I love fluff pieces with Erik so much- this will most likely be pretty short (sorry) but I hope you like it.
Tags;fluff, GN reader, Erik being the shy man he is, Erik being absolutely obsessed with the reader in the best way.
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It's been a while since you and Erik had this kind of day, where it was slow yet comfortable. Him somewhere in his abode going between his diorama and his music, all while you do your own hobbies in a corner he made just for you. The low lighting of the candles with the cosines of your corner calmed you as you read your book.
Lazily holding the book in one hand you could see Erik sitting at his organ in the corner of your eye. As you read you can’t help but start to feel sleepy, you never realized how comforting the air Erik has was until now. Your eyes were fluttering shut before you saw Erik looking at you, quickly turning his gaze elsewhere when he realized you caught him staring at you.
With a lighthearted chuckle, you call out for him to come over to you with a tone you know Erik couldn’t resist. He walks over to you trying his best to not have a bashful expression. “Mon ange, would you like something from me?” you ask looking up at him.
A barely visible blush covers his cheeks and his eyes flicker off of you for a moment, “Yes mon amour… Erik would like to spend time with you…” he said like a timid child, turning his head away slightly from you as if he was trying to hide more under his mask.
Smiling you move over a little and pat on the love seat for him to sit down with you. When he does Erik gently pulls you close and lays his head on your chest, your legs tangling with each other. As you both settle he wraps his arms around your torso, hugging you like a giant teddy bear.
Smiling sweetly you gently run your fingers through his hair, causing Erik to slowly relax more into you. “My angel, I only have a couple of pages left until I'm done with this chapter… would you like me to read them to you?”
Erik doesn't look up at you but gives a small nod with a quiet hum of approval. People might think he only likes your voice when your singing or laughing, but the truth is the mere sound of it gives him ease.
As you start reading, you hold the book in one hand and your other gently carding itself in his hair. In the moment Erik was convinced he was in heaven, the sound of your heartbeat and voice with your touch, enveloped him so warmly he started to drift off to sleep.
You don't truly know when Erik fell asleep, but when you did realize you could feel your heart skill a best from the soft relaxed look on his face. He really did feel at peace with you. With a small sigh, you set your book down and kissed the top of his head before leaning back and trying to sleep yourself, enjoying this tranquil moment.
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hyperpsychomaniac · 9 months
The Faratok Tree - sorta ep analysis, sorta rambling discussion of themes
Okay, I want to talk about 'The Faratok Tree'. This is one of the more serious eps of the series. Or at least it seemed pretty intense. A lot of this is down to Hilda's intensity - like she's so desperate to get the giants to stay. This is the girl that stopped Trolberg being destroyed, and enabled the peace between Trolls and humans. You'd think she's done enough. But no. It's not even her world. But a part of Hilda seems to understand that if she can get people to not see the giants as monsters now, that this is going to thread through 'history' (this worlds future), and perhaps mean that the humans won't chase the Troll's away when they finally settle Trolberg. That they'll make peace, and the events at the wall, people like Edmond Ahlberg, and Erik, simply won't become what they were.
Maybe she did accomplish that at least.
Woodman as the voice of reason somehow weirdly worked. (I have to admit when I saw a screenshot of Woodman on the flaming wood pile I suspected this was something he had gotten them into and Hilda was saving his arse.). And what I absolutely love the best about this episode, is the theme that changing things takes time. Our actions may not have an effect for a very long time. People aren't just going to change like that. It takes time.
Honestly, whilst this maybe wasn't my fav ep, as there were other episodes I laughed more at... I think this is actually the best episode of the third season. It gets right to the core of who Hilda herself is. This kid, magical part fae or not, is so bloody persisitant the actions she chooses to take are going to ripple throughout time (look at how much Trolberg has changed. Trolls coming to nighttime events? Not posssible without Hilda). Imagine what this child would be capable of as an adult? But one thing's she's going to have to come to realise is that those changes aren't always going to come right away.
I can't really fault it in and of itself. But what I would've loved to see?
That theme of change to have carried through to the rest of the season. 'The Faratok Tree' was a powerful enough ep to set that up and to push it through.
This does also tie in 'damn there should have been more eps' because that's what this would have needed to happen properly. But I would've liked to have seen that theme carry through such as:
Have a marra ep. They've aged up to. How have they changed? Are they better behaved?
More eps with Louise. I really love this kid. Would've liked to see more of her hanging out with the freaky friends, and how this changed thier dynamic.
Safety Patrol. Hell, there should've been a safety patrol ep, with Gerda and Alfur. How are elves and humans interacting now its more official? Also, how are people responding to how Safety Patrol has changed. Gerda's in charge, and the direction is very clearly making contact with the magical creatures and forging alliances. And as bad as Ahlberg was, organisations do not like change. Show safety patrol officers not really wanting to change things and being a pain. Show the public not liking the change and protesting. 'Things were better under Ahlberg!' Show how the city is responding to the changes Hilda enabled through Safety Patrol, because you know they (ie: GERDA) would be driving this.
Victoria Van Gale. This was an arc that actually did get realised, though I would've liked if they'd linked it up to the change takes time theme (and obviously, though Victoria has changed, there are certain things that she cannot change). This might have worked good as its own episode, rather than tied up in the rest of the finale. (I frikkin love her but she does kinda steal the show as things played out).
And yeah, you know I was coming to it, but if you're going to have the season theme change taking time you absolutely cannot leave out Erik Ahlberg. I know he's a pain in the arse, and not a nice person, but the movie handled him really well. And one thing that got across was this man scared the absolute shit out of himself enough that he has plenty of motive change. But he's going to have to practically change his personality, and that's not going to happen in the the year (2 years?) between the movie and the last season. Have Hilda run into him in an ep, and having him trying and doing an absolutely terrible job of it. He's still much the same guy, but he has changed enough that instead of being destructive to those around him, he's beating himself up everytime he fails. Have Hilda tell him it's okay, change takes time, he's still accomplishing something even if it doesn't feel like anythings changed.
And, finally, that theme should be linked the the series final. Hilda ends up in a world where things are 'perfect' but they also don't change. And no change means no growth. I've got to be honest (and I know there probably weren't enough eps for this) but I would've put Victoria's arc in another episode. Which probably would have meant Astrid had to sacrifice herself... but... well... that would actually have worked and sometimes change does suck. Pretty much the Faratok Tree's themes would have tied really well to the series final - they just weren't quite connected as well as it could've been.
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dross-the-fish · 11 months
If Christine has no responsibility to Erik does Victor also have no responsibility to Adam?
What is this question. It makes no sense.
Victor has some responsibility to Adam because functionally he is Adam's parent. I cut Victor slack because he's young and in poor health and he was absolutely not prepared to parent his giant undead abomination but Victor has far more responsibility to Adam than Christine has to Erik.
If anything, since taking on his role as the Angel of Music and positioning himself as her mentor ERIK has some responsibility for Christine's health and wellbeing.
I really don't know what it is with some of y'all trying to make Erik out like he's some kind of helpless child who doesn't know better. He's a grown man, he fully knows what he's doing he's just desperate and willing to kill himself and everyone else to get what he wants.
You need to get more comfortable realizing that Erik is the villain and it's ok to feel sympathetic for him and even like him as a character. He's still my favorite in the book! Villian =/= irredeemable and for the number of you that claim to like redemption stories you don't actually like for your blorbos to be the kind of horrible, broken people who are most in need of redemption. Erik can be the villain of the story and still have enough goodness to make him worth saving. If you read goth lit and take an "all or nothing" approach to the characters then you're missing the best part of the genre, which is its complexity.
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
Could I ask you to please feed me some Laxus x Cobra headcanons? Both sfw and nsfw ofc
Do u want to get married real quick --
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Anyway, yes, of course. Anything for my one true pairing.
I elaborated here that Cobra and Laxus fit together well because they can understand each other without the need for words, something especially beneficial to guys that aren't good at communication.
They're both involved, but a little on the outside too, not able to match the energy of the main roster of characters. They get each other because they're of the same inbetween space that's trying to be a decent dude and not always sure of how to go about it.
I've also said that Cobra is very possessive and jealous, and this is where that comes in. Cobra is intensely aware that despite not always being easy to get along with, Laxus is well-liked and respected, and could basically have anyone he wanted. It's not nearly as cute as with other relationships, since Cobra can be pretty bitchy and temperamental given his insecurities. But they work through it.
Cobra and Laxus have a tense early relationship, because Laxus' instinct with a guy he's dating is to have an arm around them at all times, whereas Cobra disdains and deters being touched. There are silent arguments that arise from Cobra feeling like Laxus is trying to make some pretty little girlfriend out of him and Laxus feeling like Cobra is disgusted by or angry at him.
Among those insecurities I mentioned is Cobra's body. Cobra was raised an underfed and abused child slave, then raised by Brain in a guild with him and two other skinny guys, and then underfed in prison for seven years. Despite Laxus genuinely thinking he's sexy, he's often uncomfortable thinking about how Instagram-ready Laxus is, and how much bigger and well-built Laxus is than him. That, on top of the slashed-out eye, leads Cobra to believe he's going to lose Laxus to someone else because he isn't attractive. He's wrong, of course.
Despite everything I've said, these two are attracted to each other and fond of each other, and when they're getting along, they're really getting along. Laxus will think of some smart remark he's barely holding back and Cobra will laugh, or Cobra will bluntly call a spade a spade and Laxus will smile. They'll be having an argument and Cobra will make some remark about Laxus being such a bitch because he's into him, and Laxus will silently respond, and Cobra will blush--actually, genuinely--and then punch him in the side.
I cannot stress this enough, Laxus thinks Cobra's giant snake, dragon scaled arms, and eye scar are legitimately badass and sexy. Like, he's so into Cobra's aesthetic. Cobra obviously wants to come off cool but, after the dissolution of the Oracion Seis, isn't sure how to feel about someone thinking he's cool for him.
At first Cobra thinks Laxus is just one more Fairy Tail wizard, and then Laxus just starts casually talking about that time he punched Master Hades in the face, and Cobra stops short with the most stunned look on his face.
Laxus is the perfect lover for Cobra because he understands what it's like to be angry, and prideful, and wrathful, and not understood well by a lot of people. Loving Cobra is like loving a wounded, scarred animal that will lash out if you move too quickly, and he wouldn't rather love anyone else. He is so real with Cobra when he needs it, and so tender with Erik when he needs it.
I also said here (in the tags) that Cobra is the one guy who could make Laxus consistently bottom, and I stand by that. There are plenty of tops Laxus could date and conceivably coax into adjusting, but Cobra is not one of them. And as with Gray preferring a more intimate sex life, Laxus is just as amenable to Cobra being strictly on top.
Cobra is very dominant and domineering. He needs absolute control in the bedroom because he is that against feeling any kind of vulnerability or intimacy. Laxus takes it well, even though Cobra is very rough sometimes. Even though Cobra is scared of vulnerability, he's also very against doing anything he thinks Laxus might not like, so he keeps very careful track of Laxus' thoughts and bodily reactions to make sure he's fucking Laxus in a way he likes.
Laxus might be a top in the average day-to-day, but Cobra very quickly works out the right ways to get him moaning and gasping. Not even the mighty Thunder God is immune to a good dicking that makes him see stars.
There is, as with most dragonslayer ships, a lot of biting. It's different with Cobra, though, because his fangs are longer and sharper than average, and kissing him can be a dangerous game if he doesn't keep control of his powers. Laxus loves that risk and loves taking it, and savors every kiss Cobra gives him and every bite mark left on him.
Cobra accidentally lost control and went dragon force mid-fuck once. Laxus was thrilled and thought it was the hottest thing ever.
There are, very rarely, occasions where Cobra bottoms. He still needs absolute control, and he's very slow and cautious when he goes cowboy. But Laxus loves it because he gets to actually see Cobra, feel him, and Cobra loves it because he can hear all the lustful ways Laxus is thinking of him, seeing his body and genuinely finding it sexy.
Cobra'd probably be more amenable to bottoming if Laxus' dick weren't so damn big
Laxus treats Cobra's body like a work of art, got it? Whenever he gets the opportunity, his hands are everywhere, his lips and tongue everywhere, every scar gets kissed. Cobra is treated to blowjobs so good they send him to the shadow realm for a few minutes.
After they get done, so out of breath and fucked clean of any bad feelings, they just lay there, and they both sleep away all their exhaustion and wake up with the strangest, yet most secure contentment ever.
Laxus has no ability to read thoughts. But after he gets bent over, face pressed into the pillow, and fucked vengefully while hearing "Don't - you - ever - leave - me - got - it?!" he figures out what's really up and calls Cobra out on trying to avoid saying "I love you". It's the one compromise he won't make for Cobra's sake--he makes him say it, right then and there, and when he does, he tells him he loves him back and kisses him.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
Sorry that I was a little absent the last day, I was busy sewing. But I read through all of the Dino Squad Au posts (which I loved btw) - I especially loved the reader is the smol dino and the others don’t know that they are the dino.
Now about you dark!dino au post? What exactly would that entail? I’d like some details.
Also I read the this could be paradise post and the lotus eater post and honestly I love it!!! and I’d actually not be opposed to eating that shit, because it sounds so peaceful. The question I have is this? What would happen if the reader was somehow immune to the thing that makes them all “pink”? Like if the food or the meds don’t work on them?
Also about the High school Au parent question: I think Charles is a good contestant, just because he has the headmaster vibe and the reader gives off giant favorite student vibes. Also Erik for the same reasons and because he seems like he’d be a strict and feared teacher, but a total simp for reader and he’d let them off with everything.
Also, while I’m at it, what would happen if in the dark!au, reader accidentally passes away while the four are on the run, because of the previous injuries they got when they were kidnapped and tortured, and the other three can’t handle it and the other mutants find the three around reader’s body, completely distraught. (If this is too angsty/Dark, I’m sorry)
- BeaBee 🐝
No worries, 🐝BeaBee! You take care of yourself first and foremost, okay? I can wait. It's no problem. We all have lives outside of Tumblr, and those have to be taken care of. So it's okay.😊
For the Dino Squad AU: Depending on which AU/post you read, Reader is either a Dakotahraptor or Compsagnathus, since you're referring to a small dino... There is also a post where they were a Spinosaurus, so if you want, you can check that out, too! The main AU has Reader, Scott, Rogue, Remy, and Pietro as the five Dino Squad members and Reader is a Dakotahraptor there, while a request someine asked for was if i could do the Brotherhood with a Compsagnathus Reader...
For the Dark Dino Squad AU: Something bad happens that makes Reader wounded or ill, this causing their teammates to turn to Victor (who takes the place of Veloci in the AU), and they kinda go to the dark side. So Reader is possibly on borrowed time or at the least wounded, trying to escape/talk sense into everyone (Logan is in the background, unhappily, as he did not agree to contact his crazy older brother) (This has a few ways it could go, but I'm deciding which path to ultimately take at the moment... it's a hard choice...)
For the Lotus Eater or This Could Be ParadiseAU (as I'm not sure if you meant just one of them or both of them): Huh... if Reader were immune... that might be a problem. Because now the platonic yan adults are trying to make some serum or drug from the flowers/fruits that WILL work, all while Reader plots their escape and has to play along... (and, well, yes! It is hard to say no to the flowers/fruits, and I know eating one doesn't sound so bad, if only to forget for a few small hours, if not awhile longer... and also tastes good, so, there's that going for it!)
For the Mutant High AU (the one you called Mutant Highschool!): So, Charles isn't the headmaster or the parent. If he were, that WOULD be fun! Buuuut in this one instance, he isn't. He IS however, their biology/human anatomy teacher, as well as a school doctor/nurse, because why not? If he were Reader's parent, that would be so sweet! He is a good father figure/adopted dad, but he isn't Reader's biological dad and they aren't his legally adopted child. Reader isn't related to anyone, but they are adopted (found family style) by everyone of the school who are not the (spoilers spoilers spoilers)... I will reveal what I can, but a hint to help you guess what's going on... Watch out for how Erik, Victor, Remy, and Hank act... They know something, but they aren't the problem... rather... they're the ones dealing with it in the shadows... (you are on fire with this AU! So, good job, 🐝BeaBee!!!)
Foe the Dark AU: If Reader actually died... well, you just reached the ultimate angst. The platonic yans would likely not handle it well. Scratch that, if they weren't crazy before (they were, by the way), well, they sure as fr*ck are now. If they had a way to bring Reader back from the dead, say, either a mutant who can do that or a science-y solution, they are doing it, no ifs, ands, or buts... And the other three teens who are with Reader? Remember, they watched Reader die the first time. If they had to go through it a second time? While still newly traumatized by surviving or being brought back from what happened to all four of them? What sanity they have would be on the thinnest sheet of ice. Press any harder, and it all cracks wide open...
(Thank you for asking your questions,🐝BeaBee! I am glad to answer them! If you want to ask anymore questions, feel free to do so! I hope I helped explain a bit about the AUs, and that I gave a few hints as to what's going to happen! Stay safe and take as many breaks as you need, okay?😊) (And I do like hearing from you, and everyone else, but we all have things to do; so no worries. Take whatever time you need. You all don't have to ask any questions. But if you WANT to, you can. Just don't pressure yourself, okay?)
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that-fandom-godess · 1 year
A Russian Rose
Chaptre Six
The footsteps keep coming and I fear the worst. What if my husband found me? He would surely reprimand me for being partially naked with another man. Would he try and hurt me in front of Erik? If so, would Erik do anything to help? Or would he do nothing? I tense up and try and cover myself even more when Erik speaks up.
            “This is not a good time, Dargoa.” He calls into the doorway.
            A shorter man appears with a basket in hand. “You tell me that every time I come here, Erik.” He stops in his tracks when he sees me. “And who is this?”
            I look between the two with wide eyes. They clearly knew each other, but the way Erik is acting has me on edge. “She is none of your business.”
            “Don’t be rude old friend.” He turns to me and bows politely. “My name is Nadir Kahn. I am an old friend of Erik’s.” He is clearly not from around here. Monsieur Khan has darkened skin, most likely from the sun. He wears a warm smile and has lines that show a lifetime of happiness. I don’t understand the tension that Erik is showing towards him, but it might be for good reason.
            “When will you leave me alone?”
            “When I die.” He says and sets down the basket.
            “I’ll make sure to poison your tea next time.” Erik pulls down the blanket from the back of the loveseat and hands it to me. I cover myself as much as I can with it.
            “Then you will miss me so.” Monsieur Khan comes over to me. “I didn’t quite catch your name Mademoiselle.”
            “Anna. Just Anna.” He holds out his hand and I give him mine. As he bends to kiss my hand, he notices my wedding ring.
            “I apologize, Madam. I didn’t realize you were married.”
            “It’s alright.”
            “Excuse me.” He bows again and goes over to Erik who had picked up the basket and headed to his kitchen. I can hear the echo of their voices. “Please tell me that this woman is here on her own accord.”
            “Of course, she is.” I hear things being moved around. “Don’t think so little of me, Nadir.”
            “I don’t think little of you, Erik, but I just wanted to make sure. How did a married woman find her way down into your home and still be breathing?”
            “It is a story too long to tell right now.” I hear a loud sigh. “Just know she is safer down here than on the surface right now.”
            “Is there anything I can do?”
            “No, I have it handled.” They both emerge back into the main chamber of the cavern and Erik comes over to me whereas Monsieur Khan goes and sits down in a red velvet chair closer to the giant organ. “Tell me what happened.” I glance over to Monsieur Khan warily and back to Erik. “Ignore him. He won’t tell a soul what happens down here.”
            “My husband wanted me to look as flattering as possible when he met with his partners, so he drew my corset too tight and tied the string in the back into a knot. He instructed my maid to not undo it no matter how much I pleaded.” I noticed tears starting to form in my eyes. “He kept commenting on how I needed to stop gaining weight because it embarrassed him in front of his colleagues.” At this point some tears were escaping and falling freely down my cheeks. I do my best to wipe them away. “I shouldn’t be complaining. It’s my fault he treats me like this.”
            Erik speaks harshly. “It is no one’s fault but his.”
            “But it is mine. He says that if I would just do as he asked, he would treat me better.”
            “What is he asking of you?” Monsieur Khan speaks up.
            “He wants me to give him a son.” I take in a shaky breath before continuing. “I have been having trouble conceiving. We have been trying for years and he says that-“
            “To hell what he says.”
            “Erik!” Monsieur Khan scolds Erik.
            Erik turns his attention to his foreign friend. “Her husband should not be punishing her for not being able to give him a child. Especially by constantly damaging the woman he wants to carry it!”
            “Erik, I know you are angry, but you need to get ahold of yourself. We both know what happens when your emotions get the best of you.” Erik looked like he wanted to argue back but I drew his attention to me by shifting in the seat to be able to cough again.
            “Would you mind making Anna some tea, Dargoa. It would help with the cough.”
            As Monsieur Khan stands, he says, “It wouldn’t kill you to say please, Erik.” Erik just shot him a dirty look.
            “I really don’t mean to be a bother.” I take a deep breath and the blanket falls from my chest to my lap. I don’t realize it right away, but it makes me feel how cold the air is down here. It sends a shiver down my spine. Erik starts to pace and I look down at my ripped over-shirt. It can be fixed, but it would take a while. It would take a skilled seamstress to fix it and make it look the way it was.
            “Erik is sorry for ripping your shirt.”
            “I suppose it was my shirt or me though.” I look up at him and back down at my lap. I only now realize the blanket off my chest, so I pull it up to my chin. I focus on the stitching of the blanket while I wait for the tea.
            There is a few more minutes of silence between us before Monsieur Khan brings a tray of tea out and sets it on a small table next to me. “My own blend.” He hands me a steaming teacup. “Careful, it’s hot.”
            “Thank you, Monsieur Khan.” I lightly blow on the cup.
            “Please, call me Nadir.” He makes himself a cup and sits down on the organ bench.
            “Thank you, Nadir.” My tea is finally cool enough to drink. It really does sooth my throat and it tastes amazing. “You have a talent. This is the most wonderful cup of tea I have ever had.”
            “Thank you, Anna. I have spent years learning how to make it just perfect.” He smiles.
            “Yes, thank you, Dargoa.” Erik finally speaks up, but he sounds more exasperated than anything.
            “You’re welcome, Erik.” Nadir takes a sip. “But as much as you might think I did this for you, I didn’t. I did it for Anna.”
            This makes me smile. I take another sip of the tea before asking about what to do next. “What do I do now?” I read the room and try again. “I mean, do I go home or should I find somewhere else to stay? And what about my shirt? I can’t go out in public like this.” I have a million questions running through my head.
            “You do not need to worry about this now, my dear.” Nadir speaks up before Erik can. “You are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need.” He sets his empty teacup down on the tray before us. “As for your shirt, I will see what I can do.”
            I allow him to grab my shirt and inspect it while Erik continues to grumble off to the side.
            “I never said she could stay here, Dargoa.” I avert my eyes to the almost empty teacup in my hands. “Her husband will be looking for her and the last thing Erik needs is another manhunt destroying my home!”
            “Erik, will you please stop with this tantrum and look at the bigger picture?”
            I am afraid that they will get upset with me if I make a wrong move or say something, so I keep my head down and my breathing steady.
            “I am looking at the bigger picture and that endangers me. Do you not remember what happened last time a woman came into Erik’s home and someone came after her?”
            “I understand the risks but Anna is too weak to travel to my home and none the less half-dressed.” Nadir sighs and regains his composure. “This will be best for her own safety and modesty.”
            Erik opens his mouth to retaliate but Nadir cuts him off.
            “-And that is final.”
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archivist-crow · 7 months
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On this day:
On February 26, 1946, a broadcast from Helsinki radio in Finland first turned public attention to some extreme sky phenomena near the Arctic Circle. Over the next many months, reports poured in referring to objects—elliptical, cigar, or football shaped, or shaped like a giant soap bubble—that left spewing trails of luminous vapor or emitted sparks while they navigated, raced, strolled, rolled, dove, climbed, and backtracked through the sky. Sometimes the missiles traveled in formation, disappearing into deep space with a thunderous rumble or a hellish hissing.
The mysterious missiles were deemed ghost rockets, and reports increased as the year went on. They were visible night and day, though usually only for seconds at a time. Hundreds of reports of the aerial lights came in from across Europe and as far away as India. Sweden began witnessing them in the thousands. Norwegian pilots reported missile-like objects that emitted a greenish blue flame, traveled 6,700 mph, and flew anywhere from 25,000 feet in the sky to just above the treetops. One bright afternoon, Erik Reutersward, while hiking with his wife and young child in the forest, climbed an old watchtower to enjoy the view and took a picture, accidentally capturing an image of one of the rockets. The photo was published in newspapers around the world.
Russian origins were suspected and ruled out. Occasionally, the objects crashed into lakes, sometimes sinking immediately, sometimes skimming along the surface first. Military searches underwater revealed such things as a rare crater or ripped water plant, but mostly found nothing. Following explosions in the sky, searchers infrequently found a dark slag. By December 1946, almost one hundred impacts and thirty pieces of debris had been found. Eventually the sightings tapered off.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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verstappentime · 1 year
superposition ch. 1, extended author’s notes
i’m going to be doing these for every chapter, just to give anyone who doesn’t read the comics a bit more context, and make some notes i’d like to share. this fic has been in the works for a very, VERY long time, and now i don’t have to shut up about it anymore!
first off, this fic was inspired by michael fassbender’s road to le mans show on youtube, which is incredible. all the pictures of him in his racing gear are real! his trainer being named “felipe” is a reference to felipe laser, michael’s coach, teammate and good friend — because sometimes you just gotta add a reference only you will understand.
the first song for this chapter is, predictably, superposition by young the giant. “when things fall into place, superposition…” i mean, these two meeting is kismet, right? the second one is the night we met by lord huron. ignore the sad part — this song is the tentative beginning of something. and, i mean… this is the night day they met.
the daily bugle is the publication where most mutant news comes out in the comics. trish tilby is a human reporter from the x-books — she actually works for a made up TV station, but that’s fine.
charles accidentally pulling erik’s coffee order out of his head is an homage to tough little baby telepath, where charles accidentally orders erik’s thai food without having asked what he wanted. in the same way, he doesn’t even realize he did it.
we get a light introduction to a couple of characters here:
emma frost (our dear white queen of both the comics and movies, of course — but i’ll be relying more on her comic characterization, where underneath she’s just in it for the people she loves, and terrifyingly brilliant), erik’s best friend & agent
a couple mentions of scott summers, a driver who races against erik & emma’s boyfriend (our beloved cyclops, of course.)
a one-off mention of miss lorna dane (the crown princess polaris). if you haven’t read the comics and don’t know lorna, you’ve probably seen her used as erik’s child in lots of fics. while she’s cannonically erik’s daughter, in this fic she’s not — just a badass who has erik’s same power set and incredible green hair. y’all are going to love her. :) (don’t worry, we may see dad erik yet.)
and yes, erik’s ex-team lead is brian braddock, the brilliant captain britain! i adore brian, but someone had to play that role. if you’re not a comic fan, i don’t think you need to worry much about this one.
p.s. if you’re confused about why erik’s life sucks so much right now, don’t worry, you’re supposed to be.
feel free to hit the replies or inbox if you have any questions. :-)
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What are you doing to ensure you will be together?
.... This is going to probably ruffle some feathers.
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One of the great things about having a twin soul in spirit and having a secured direct line of communication with him is that I can learn about what I need to do to ensure we will be together in our next life.
Unfortunately I still have at least one more life on this planet before we are done here and we at least have a life in between lives. It doesn't mean I just sit here on my ass, say I have a ts in spirit and that's it. Most people assume there is no work or communication involved.
A sure fire way of communicating with your twin soul directly is via telepathy and\or pendulum. You're going to get the most direct answers this way. Signs, tarot, 3rd party mediumship is okay if you are just starting out, just learning to use pendulum, or just plain old not ready for the directness. That's okay but you won't have the same conversation you would have. Using a pendulum is like texting and telepathy is like speech. It's just conversation. Everything else is left for interpretation like tarot. You can be real good at it but it's not the same as the directness of speaking to someone else.
With communication you have so much information at such a close range.
With this information it would be a giant waste not to use it to your advantage. I mean by working out ways with your twin soul on how you can ensure a life together! Wouldn't you like to be together? You can't do that if you're not actively working together.
Now, I'm not saying I have all the answers.
I'm posing some obvious things not so many people consider obvious. It only makes sense that you must work out karma so you can be together!
For example...
The most important past life Erik and I have is as Augusta and Augustus. So many elements of that life echo in this one. So of course I need to work out: living without him, emotional pain, rejection, and motherhood. Those are key elements of that life I need to work on in order for us to be together. So I need to do this by the time my ass is literally grass:
Live on in spite of loving someone who isn't available (or living) this includes...Working out my emotional pain regarding that all while dealing with social rejection and being a mother. I need to accomplish some kind of success in these areas. In that life and this life I delt with those very same things and it has definitely carried over. It fucking sucks the life out of my soul every single day. Believe me, it's not easy.
To reiterate for importance...
I can't give up on love, lock myself away, I have to speak up for myself, raise my child(ren), stay in therapy and try to heal.
So I get why some people are hesitant to communicate these things with their twin souls but I have to be blunt to say this is just obviously necessary! If you can't be bothered to work out the things you need to, you can't expect to be on the right path at all or to be with them forever. It just can't happen and again it only makes sense.
Your twin souls should obviously be encouraging you every day to work out your karma, pain, difficulties, struggles, challenges, etc or they just can't be your twin soul. I just don't see the point of them being in your life while they are dead if they aren't helping you be a better person. If they are trying to help you, and you're choosing to sit around and do nothing, it's on you and of course your ts isn't mad or disappointed in you but you are slowing down your spiritual progress and for what? Demons and figments of imagination or delusions dont encourage or want you to grow spiritually. It only makes sense so remember that.
Is your ts in death teaching you how to communicate? Are they helping you understand your life and karma? Are they encouraging you to expand your spiritual growth and psychic awareness?
I feel the answers should all be yes. If not, ask yourself why. Someone isn't being truly honest.
😘💕 Stay cool out there!
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askfanden · 2 years
I am incredibly intrigued by the werewolf lady, (Yrma, or something similar if my frail memory isn't failing me) and would love to know more about her and her story!!
(ic or ooc?, either or, really)
Glowing regards, Sir Galaxy 🌌
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(( Since you're asking so open ended and vaguely, I'll answer ooc. :>
She's a relatively minor character in a pretty early point in my story, but let's see what we got... ))
(( Born in pre-Christian Norway (anywhere between 500-800, no specific date decided) she is Eirkir's (Erik for simplicity sake) older sister.
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This guy. Way back, and then after he figured out how to shapeshift. Shapeshifted version is ca 3,5 meters tall because he likes being tall. He's a Mara.
The way a Mara and Werewolf was believed to appear, was as a punishment for the parents crimes: like infidelity, doesn't matter which parent did it. Or if the mother tried to ease her birthing pains through magical means, but those reasons are largely Christian influenced in nature. Or as the 7th child. Sometimes the family's just cursed. Or they get cursed with it through their lifetime. Among other things. Exiles and berserkers could also become werewolves.
You would get one or the other if those conditions were met, as they were born conditions. The most common thing was for boys to become werewolves and girls to become a Mara. The Mara is a sleep paralysis demon, similar to the Incubus\Succubus.
Ok, with that little contextual lesson out of the way, Ylfa.
Ylfa was Erik's sister, and the family's favorite of the two.
Erik was a pretty weak guy, would constantly sleep at random times, always tired regardless of how much he slept, wasn't able to do heavy work without accidently harming himself. He was, frankly, a twig of a man. (Honestly, he has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but that's not a thing people would know about back then. )
Ylfa on the other hand was a hard worker, strong, opinionated, a bit of a hot head. But a top notch girl.
She learned about her being a werewolf after finding her werewolf fur after the first transformation. She tried to keep it under wraps from a pretty early age, never telling anyone about it. She hid her wolf fur as well as she could, away from people and other's eyes. The occasional obligatory nightly transformations was sort of livable, but. Yeah.
People in the area got more and more restless as the ghost wolf more and more frequented the area, and people would warn each other about staying out too late at night. That was a dangerous time, after all. The vette were out and wanted their peace as well, but this giant ghost wolf thing is kind of a worry.
When Tyken came to town, (they were considered a seidr practitioner, so constantly on the move) she JUMPED at the chance to speak to them to learn more about her own, and Erik's conditions. Though she would ask them in private since, erhm. Woof.
There they learned Erik was a Mara, and she learned that Tyken took one look at her and diagnosed her with Werewolf. Second sight is nothing if but practical!
Still not accepting of her condition she swore them to secrecy, and they just nodded and went on with their life. They didn't care that much, if they're honest.
Erik decided to, in a fit of panic about not knowing what to do, latched on to Tyken and started to live with them. Main problem with that is that Tyken was a wandering person who never stayed for longer in any settlement than a few days at a time, and was basically in exile for personal reasons. Self imposed, but still.
Tyken did settle a bit for Erik's sake, but the two didn't get along well for years. Though they became best friends eventually.
When he moved she was largely alone with her own thoughts. No longer did she have to care for Erik, make sure he was doing alright. Take care of someone else. She was just sitting with her own problems, and no one to really go to.
Besides Tyken who was at most neutral about it, and not that close to her personally. And they lived far off from where she lived.
The transformations got worse as her mental state worsened.
It was manageable if she wore her fur she had hidden away, the wolf could run faster than she could walk, but she didn't like wearing it. It felt too freeing, in a way. And she couldn't accept that. It was uncomfortable.
After this incident, she had to admit to Erik that she was a werewolf, and she's so sorry about not being able to control herself when when she attacked him.
Erik assured that it was fine, and that he felt guilty and terrible for letting her take care of him for almost all their lives as the older sibling. For monitoring his health, taking his work, making sure he wouldn't get into situations where he could potentially hurt himself from his conditions.
She just seemed to have everything under control. She was so strong, and he never noticed. He knew but never noticed.
She assures him that it was fine, since she had tried to hide it and it was easier to reflect her own issues onto him to avoid confronting things.
Tyken let her stay at their place for a while to sort things out. Taught her a few things, helped her get comfortable with the freedom her fur gave her. Who knew being around people who accepted her conditions, didn't make her feel she had to hide it, and understood how being an ''other'' felt like could do well for the soul?
And after a while she decided that, you know what? Self imposed exile is ideal for her and her life situation. This isn't so bad. And the community of Vette within the In-between aren't so bad for as long as you understood the social norms you had to adhere to.
For anyone else exile would be a death sentence, but she's a wolf. She is meant to be in the wild.
Shame for her husband, but who cares about him. He can think she's dead. She only married him because her father said she had to.
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arcadiafm · 1 year
𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄  𝐓𝐎  𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀, rowynn  xavier-lehnsherr,  arlo  dane-summers,  siri  lokisdottir !  the  face  claim  of  tashi  rodriguez,  bex  taylor-klaus,  abigail  cowen  are now  taken.  you  have  24  hours  to  join  the  discord  from  your  dms  or  your  role(s)  will  be  reopened.  check  out  the  new  member  checklist  and  have  a  look  around!    
⟨Tashi Rodriguez . Non-binary . They/them .26.⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  CHARLES XAVIER AND ERIK LEHNSHERR  child’s  name  is  ROWYNN XAVIER-LEHNSHERR  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  HATE ME    by  BLUE OCTOBER  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  SOCIAL,  but  also  RUTHLESS,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  BARTENDER  at  LOCAL BAR.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  MUTANT  skilled  in  HEALING FACTOR, TELEPORTATION,  ANIMAL EMPATHY,PYROKINESIS AND HYDROKINESIS.  no  surprise  there  !  
⟨  bex taylor-klaus. trans-masculine.  he/they.  26.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  LORNA DANE & ALEX SUMMERS’  child’s  name  is  ARLO DANE-SUMMERS  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  HABITS  by  TOVE LO  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  COURAGEOUS,  but  also  SLY,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  UNEMPLOYED.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  MUTANT  skilled  in  MEDIUMSHIP & SHADOW MANIPULATION.  no  surprise  there  ! 
⟨  abigail cowen.  demigirl.  she/they.  at least 900 - appears 25.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  LOKI & SIGYN’s  child’s  name  is  SIRI VALA SIGNE LOKISDOTTIR  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  SILVER SPRINGS  by  FLEETWOOD MAC  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  astute,  but  also  insouciant,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  OWNER OF ENCHANTED ANTIQUES.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  1/2 ASGARDIAN / 1/2 FROST GIANT  skilled  in  FROST GIANT/ASGARDIAN PHYSIOLOGY, NEAR IMMORTALITY, SHAPESHIFTING, SORCERY, TRANSMUTATION, PSIONICS, TELEPORTATION, ALLSPEAK & COMBAT.  no  surprise  there  ! 
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happer08 · 2 years
player interactions!!
Okay so this is the whole list of people ive met and the brief interactions. 
Kurtis Macdermid: his is very quiet, and kinda shy. He so so nice and will remember your name if you tell him. Ive met him a few times and hes always giggly and laughing at things people are saying. The last time i met him was right after he shave his beard into the full mustache he had going for this birthday and he pulled out of the lot with devon and rolls the passenger side window down and says my name then strokes the stache and says 
“You like the stache?” 
So hes a giant teddy bear and i adore him. Also his car smells good. 
Devon Toews: this man is whole comedian, making jokes and making everyone laugh every single time ive met him. Usually in the car with Kurtis, (devon drives). He also sticks his whole head out of his window for pictures which is fun. Hes funny and super sweet to the kids especially. 
Andre Burakovsy: this man drives the nicest car ive ever seen in person and he is kinda quiet but always sweet. Has apologized on multiple occasions for not having the time to stop and take pictures. The first time i met him (it was on his birthday) there was a small patch of ice near where i had been standing and i had my room resting on top of it and when he walked out and i heard his voice i shifted my weight wrong and almost slipped on the ice. He laughed at me and told me to be careful. 
The most recent time i met him he walked down the lot till he got to where a few of us were and just stood and sighed and talked for a while. His accent is precious and he smells super expensive but like intoxicatingly so. 
Cale Makar: I am convinced this man is an angel, like not joking at all. He stopped to sign for an old man that was in town to get something avs related for his wife (i will sob) and he drove out and took a ton of time talking and signing for this man and being extremely sweet before doing the same for everyone else. So here is how our interaction went. 
*I walk up to his window and introduce myself*
“Hey how are you?” He was SMILING. 
“Good good cale thank you so much for stopping” “Yeah no worries, by the way, your name is super pretty” *Me fully about to die* “thank you, i like it” *he laughed, we took a picture and he looked at me* “It was nice to meet you cale” “Yeah nice meeting you” DID YOU KNOW IM IN LOVE WITH HIM?!?
Erik Johnson: hes quiet and nice, signs and leans all the way out of his car to talk and take photos. Super sweet and you don’t feel like you are in a rush to get to him or get done. He feels very very familiar? In the weirdest way possible?? Like it felt like ive known him for a long long time??? IDK?? So we took a picture and he said “Hey that looks pretty good” and i laughed because god bless that man is HOT and as he was about to pull away after checking to make sure no one else needed anything i looked at him and said 
“EJ please buckle your seatbelt before you pull off” He locked eyes with me grabbed his belt “promise” then BUCKLED HIMSELF IN AND LEFT. 
Alex Newhook: Newy and i have met a few times and he is just like such a dude? If that makes sense? Like he doesnt give off hockey player vibes at all, he gives off college best friend vibes which is sick. Sometimes he rides with a Bo or Nak which is fun because they are funny together. The first time i met him i was just hanging out on his side of the truck he drives while people were talking and taking pictures with Nak and we were just talking and i asked him where his favorite place to go was during the season and he said boston and then asked if i had ever been. I told him no because the farthest east i have been is chicago and he looks at me and goes 
“We should go” HUH?!?  
Then the most recent he got out of his car and hugged me and remembered my name and brought up going to boston as a joke. 
This is the sweetest child alive i SWEAR. 
Josh Manson: big. Thats it. Just big. He asked me how tall i was when i was standing next to him, then called me short in a super sweet joking away. Accidentally matched his shoes to the color of his pants and didnt notice till i pointed it out. Hes super cool and like has puppy energy and laughs at just about everything you say and i adore him so so much. 
Logan O’Connor: another one that was just super sweet and charming. made a few jokes a out his car and how messy it was. i told him his hair looked soft and he like half offered to let me touch it but i definitely did not. then after i walked away i was talking a few others about him being “boyfriend material” and he heard me and half leaned out his window and goes
Nico Sturm: very cute accent and kinda had nate like features. i met him the first home practice after the calgary game when he almost got hurt and i had my hand on the window sill of his car and just told him he scared me and i hoped he was okay and i swear this man put his hand over mine and said “i’m good are you okay i don’t like scaring you”
Mikko Rantenan: okay so i havent met him fully yet but he yelled at telling me he was hungry and not stopping because he wanted Chipotle? because hes a big hungry boy? that was the funniest part of my day?
Nathan Mackinnon: this one is a lot. I kinda blacked out? Like just a little? He has the bluest eyes iver ever seen, the are as clear blue as you could ever ever imagine and he tries HARD for eye contact. I complimented his car and he like rubbed over the steering wheels and goes “thanks i just got it washed” (dork) 
When i walked up the his window he goes “Nothing to sign?” And i just shook my head and said “not today just wanted to grab a picture or two” 
“Okay that works” After taking them he asked for my name and when i told him he just nodded which i think is weird but whatever. So i thanked him and walked away and he goes 
“Nice to meet you” and used my name. 
Everyday i regret every second of that interaction (fml)
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hraishin · 2 years
AU-gust 2022: 3 — Countryside
I missed writing family aus for cherik so my muse allowed me just enough inspiration to write a short thing for AU-gust :) I'll be posting this on ao3 this week still but here, enjoy it ❤️ (I don't know if I'll be able to continue the AU-gust prompts but I really wanted to write this one dhsjkf)
"It's quiet."
Charles' eyebrows raise as his son's voice reaches his ears, eyes leaving the road to look at the child sitting by his side, staring at the world outside with giant eyes and the wonder only a four year old could have. In the front of the car, Charles notices Erik's mind becoming a little more interested in the conversation, blue-grey eyes looking at the rearview mirror and at them, allowing his senses to take care of the car. Charles would be worried if it had been any other person driving, but it's Erik, so he allows himself to remain relaxed.
"How does your head feel?" Charles asks, letting his hand brush against David's dark hair, which sticks up by a stronger force than gravity.
"Good," David quips, trying to get rid of his seatbelt to climb onto Charles' lap as he's used to doing, being stopped by Charles' calm hands keeping the boy where he sat. "Doesn't hurt."
Charles' eyes meet Erik's through the rearview, and he can see the sides of his husband's eyes wrinkle a little as a smile forms on his face, relieved. David's developing telepathy hadn't been kind on the boy, and any kind of comfort for him is a reason to cheer.
On the passenger seat, Lorna seems to let out a relieved sigh as well, a hand running through messy green hair to keep it from her face as the wind blows it everywhere, turning around with a grin on her lips and twisting her body enough on her seat to poke David's waist gently. The teenager has the same mischievous glint to her eyes as her father, far too alike him, and her grin only widens when David turns to her and gives her a pout and glare.
"No more screaming in your head?" She asks, and Charles can feel the worry in her words, knowing Lorna had been just as worried about David manifesting his mutation as Charles and Erik had, even if she had been the only one to keep her cool during the whole process, able to calm David down when not even Charles had been enough.
David seems to look at her, bright eyes focused on her face and making the girl raise one eyebrow. He blinks, and Charles watches it curiously when David gives her a frown and asks, "Who's Alex?"
Lorna's face grows pink, eyes widening at the mention of the name, and soon she's facing forward again, ignoring the wind on her hair or David's now constant taps on her shoulder as he waits for an answer.
Right, David is still learning not to go deep into someone's mind, unable to control when it happens yet.
Erik only gives the girl a quiet look, but thankfully doesn't push further about Lorna's reaction — at least not yet, considering Charles can see Erik trying to remember someone they know with the name. It wouldn't do to try and push her for answers, not when the idea of that trip had been to give everyone a chance to relax.
The countryside outside the car's window is, in fact, quiet, only a few minds around that Charles can feel, but nothing overwhelming. It makes Charles himself sigh in relief, knowing that his grasp on his own telepathy can be loosened without the many minds to breach his awareness. David's rest would end up benefiting him more than he thought it would.
"We're almost at the house," Erik announces, eyes once again meeting Charles' in the rearview mirror. "We'll be there in ten."
"Hours?" David screams, jumping a little on his seat.
"Minutes," Erik clarifies with a chuckle.
"Why? Wouldn't you like to be on a road trip with us for ten hours?" Charles questions. David's face is of utter disgust at the idea.
"No," the boy says, shaking his head to make his answer even more clear.
It makes everyone in the car smile.
By the time they arrive at the small house, far away from any big city, and by the time Erik helps Charles into his wheelchair again, David has already taken the chance to run around the open space, Lorna running after him to avoid him from running too far. Charles can feel the amount of pent-up energy in the boy's mind from the trip, and he knows David wouldn't stop running around so early.
When Charles is comfortable and able to move around, he's met with the sight of David tackling Lorna's legs until she falls to the ground with a yelp. Both him and Erik laugh from where they are, next to the car. The wind bustling the leaves of the nearby trees and the sounds of their laughter as well as David's and Lorna's are the only things around, the feeling of only his family's minds around him making Charles feel comfortable and tired, like a heavy weight has been lifted and he can finally relax. He can only imagine how good it feels for David, who's not used to the onslaught of minds Charles deals with daily, and that he'd deal with from now on.
The countryside had always been a telepath's best friend.
"And how's your head?" Erik asks by his side, hand resting over Charles' shoulder gently, lovingly. Charles gives him a smile at it.
"My own head's noisy, as always," Charles says with a chuckle, seeing Erik tsk in agreement, knowing well enough that Charles' mind never stopped. "But it's definitely quieter."
"Do you think a week will be enough for him?"
"I'll help him as much as I can," Charles mutters, hand reaching for Erik's on his shoulder to give it a squeeze. "It'll allow him to get used to having his telepathy, and we'll just have to pray it's enough."
"At least he'll have fun," Erik says, smiling as Lorna picks David up and puts him under her arm, the boy laughing out loud and trying to get himself free from his sister's iron grasp. "And you'll get to sleep more than five hours a night."
"I brought the papers to grade."
"Charles," Erik complains, following Charles with his eyes as the telepath starts to move away, pushing himself forward with his chair as fast as he can to run from his annoyed husband. "I told you to leave work at home. It's your week off!"
"I'm hungry! Are you cooking dinner? I saw that the house has a garden with fresh ingredients!" Charles quickly screams, both Lorna and David stopping their pretend fighting to see Charles zooming towards the house with a stomping Erik a few steps behind him.
The week sounded promising.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 54″
Masterlist HERE.
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"Back to life, back to the present time Back from a fantasy, yes Tell me now, take the initiative I'll leave it in your hands, until you're ready
How ever do you want me How ever do you need me, how How ever do you want me How ever do you need me"
Soul II Soul – "Back To Life"
"Prince N'Jadaka! Prince N'Jadaka!"
Erik opened his eyes.
The sky was a different color… muted… and the sun had long passed beyond sunset. The bubbling gurgles of the creek dragged him back to the world of the living. He couldn't wipe the huge grin from his face. Unseen and in total harmony with the ancestral realm, his parents roamed freely together. Love united them even in death, and they were always available to him when he needed their guidance. He sniffed his skin. Their scent still clung to his flesh from the other side.
Noxolo knelt down next to him with raised eyebrows and fear in her eyes. He sat up and glanced around Black Creek. The tranquility enveloped his senses.
"I'm alright," he said, reaching for his clothes.
"Queen Mother Ramonda and King T'Challa have been calling for you. I told them you were still admiring the creek, but that was an hour ago. What happened to you?"
"I took a swim and rested. Fell asleep," he said.
Standing, Erik slipped the leather pouch around his neck with the pipe, then stretched his limbs.
"Let's go," he said.
He followed Noxolo through the dense foliage and across the wooden bridge that led to the clearing where the Scorpion Fighter floated low to the ground. They boarded the aircraft quickly. Erik tapped his kimoyo and sent T'Challa a quick text that he was on his way.
He lounged in the back of the aircraft, feeling like he was coming down from an intense high that he couldn't contain. It rippled through him and he was a kid again, reminding himself of all those times he was filled with too much candy and soda after an exciting day at Disneyland.
Erik had touched them. Kissed them. Held them in his arms and told them all the things he wished he had as a child before life ripped them away from him. By the time he joined his living family, Erik touched the center of his chest. All the broken and disheveled things inside of himself had been lovingly replaced and put back on their proper shelves. The psychic wounds of his traumatic life faded into something less daunting. The tyranny of the past couldn't hold him in its clutches anymore. He no longer felt abandoned, nor tethered to yesteryear.
"I will be king again," he told them.
"Rightfully so," Califia said with a saucy smile.
She held his hand as they meandered around the picturesque creek.
"You have made an incredible journey, N'Jadaka. I am sorry I could not complete the task of freeing the diaspora so you could live without all the hurt you carried for so long," N'Jobu said.
"It wasn't your fault, Baba. You did everything you could."
"I wish I had been strong enough to stay with you, baby," Califia said.
Erik nuzzled his face against his mother's cheek. She touched his chin.
"I can't get over how you can look down at me," she said.
It was odd. His perspective had always been looking up to her literally, and to suddenly see her as a grown man made him feel even more protective of her. She had always seemed like a giant like his father, but being just over six feet himself, her shorter inches didn't seem possible to Erik.
"I have children," he said proudly.
He instinctively reached to tap his beads to show them pictures, but his kimoyo was gone from his wrist. Califia wrapped an arm around his waist.
"We know what they look like, JaJa," she said.
N'Jobu clasped Erik's hand in his.
"We were there for you when they were born," N'Jobu said.
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"Riki came out looking like he was ready to take on the world with his feisty self!" Califia said.
"He stole your mother's entire face!" N'Jobu joked.
"Looked me right in my eye and I just knew he had your personality, JaJa," Califia said.
Erik's lips parted with astonishment.
"N'Joba arrived with a quiet knowing… remember, Califia? Her eyes were so shiny and focused the moment she came through. Somehow, JaJa, you bequeathed to them the talents you struggled with for so long, before we even knew what it was," N'Jobu said softly.
"Their mothers raised beautiful babies," Califia said.
"So you both already know how… my situation with Yani and Disa," Erik said.
He glanced away from them both with shame, and his mother stroked his arm. His father pressed his forehead against Erik's.
"We watched you fall in love twice," N'Jobu said.
Califia sensed Erik's embarrassment and clucked her tongue. N'Jobu touched Erik's shoulder.
"In the ancestral realm, we can bear witness to your life at certain times. My son, in your darkest and brightest hours, we were there with you. You are never alone. If the barriers of the worlds were removed, my Bast, you would see a light so bright filled with the energy of your ancestors who surround you at all times. Its brilliance would blind you. They are all here, from both sides of the ocean," N'Jobu said.
N'Jobu directed Erik's attention to a gap in the trees where many other men and women dressed in traditional regalia watched them from afar with a respectful distance.
"There was so much we didn't know, Baba. So many lies about you… us. All this time I saw T'Challa as my enemy. He was just as lost as I was. I didn't know he loved you as much as I did," Erik said.
N'Jobu closed his eyes, and his lips trembled.
"I always made space for him like he was my son. You don't know how proud I am to see you both together. The way it was always supposed to be," N'Jobu said.
"Umama… she really showed out for me," Erik said, wiping his eyes. "Zinzi and so many other Wakandans stayed believing in you. Being here now, having children, living as a citizen… it changed me, Baba."
"More changes are coming for you," Califia said.
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N'Jobu glanced at her and his mother shirked off the warning expression he gave with his gentle eyes.
"Why did you look at Mom like that?" Erik asked with a chuckle.
"You know how your mother is, always jumping the gun," N'Jobu said.
The playful chiding tone held cautionary energy behind it.
N'Jobu turned to him.
"In this place, we can see that time is not linear. It is a curving, overlapping entity. We know the past, present, and even the future. We are allowed to observe when you call for us and intercede on your behalf if we can by the grace of Bast, but the future is the forbidden limit for us," N'Jobu said.
"He's been through enough. I think he should be given—"
"Califia, we cannot, my love. He is a grown man and must make this journey in his own steps," N'Jobu said.
Califia's fiery eyes squinted with annoyance.
"Your mother will still fight all the Gods for you, JaJa, just to make you happy," N'Jobu said, clasping Califia's hand with his and kissing it.
"I have missed you both so much and I used to think I would have so many more questions to ask you if we ever met again, but the only thing I can do now is to be grateful that I can see you. Hear your voices again. Let you see me as a man," Erik said.
A quiver in his voice elicited a hug from his father again.
"Why did he do it, Baba?"
N'Jobu hung his head, and Califia stared at N'Jobu with love.
"You know why he did it. Fear. Jealousy. He wasn't ready for the changes that were going to come despite his negation of it," N'Jobu said.
"He left me! He let Mom die!"
"JaJa, don't. It's not important anymore. We are past that now," Califia said.
"I'm not! He ruined my life. All of our lives. He lied to T'Challa, Umama, Baba Z, Ramonda, his people…"
Erik ticked off names and tapped his fingers as he did it.
"He lied to himself too," N'Jobu said, placing his hands on Erik's shoulders. "Let that go and look to your future with a clean heart."
"Have you forgiven him?" Erik demanded.
The air crackled with energy all around him. The effects of the herb were slowly wearing off.
"You are still on earth having a spiritual experience in human form and I understand it will take you a long time or maybe never to get past what my brother did to us. I have forgiven him," N'Jobu said.
"Why?" Erik's voice betrayed no pain in hearing N'Jobu's words.
"I love him, and the flow of time has detached and washed that betrayal away from me here. Among our ancestors, we have reconciled."
"What about you, Mom? I know you hold grudges hard like me," Erik said. "Even on the ancestral plane, I know you would whoop his ass for me."
Califia tossed back her head and laughed, and the sound thrilled Erik.
"Trust, I did, and he felt the sting of my rage, but once you arrive here and let go… things are different… long-sighted in the bodily transition and not easily digested by the living mind because you are always limited by the spiritual barrier to your vision. Listen to your father, baby. We are beyond that pain here. It doesn't mean we don't sympathize with your valid feelings. You just don't see what we see, and you don't know what we know."
"What do you know here?" Erik asked.
"Love," she said. "An overabundance of love and new life."
She cradled his face.
"You gave us beautiful grandbabies. Three! You have a long life ahead of you and many bumps along the road to come. Don't be afraid. We are surrounding you and yours. Every time you cried out for us, we heard you, baby. Each time you thought you wouldn't make it, we nudged you along. There are many with you who will do the same in the physical world. Hold on to them tight," Califia said.
N'Jobu patted his arm.
"The family is waiting for you. Your children want to see you, my son," N'Jobu said.
"Tell Grandpop to lie off the fatty foods tonight. He's eaten way more than his belly can handle since he's been here," Califia teased.
"I will," Erik said.
She hugged and kissed him. Her fingers ran across his scars. Erik watched the pain in her eyes come to the surface as the fleshy lumps told his wretched story all over again without her being in the world with him. N'Jobu gave another hug and kiss on the cheek before he threaded his fingers with Califia's and pulled her back. Her eyes were glossy with tears and she held her fingers to her lips as her eyes took Erik in as a man.
"Go be a father and a king," N'Jobu demanded. "The world is yours."
"Don't weep for us anymore, JaJa. Your father is with me forever, and we're filled with all of your love and prayers. Ogum was right to choose you, and so were your children," Califia said.
His mother touched her full lips, and a mischievous look crossed her facial expression. She blurted out fast words.
"JaJa… there's a child who is coming—"
"Califia! No… always hardheaded," N'Jobu said, smacking her backside with a gentle hand.
Califia blocked a second strike to her butt and playfully twisted her husband's arm to stop him from doing it again. N'Jobu tried to cover her mouth with his lips.
"She's going to be more like you than the other children you'll have—"
"Who are you talking about, Mom?" Erik asked, trying to help block his father from silencing her.
"You have a child coming in the future who will need your love and understanding later in life because she's going to stir up Wakanda. Stand by her side, baby. She will be the hardest one to raise with the biggest voice, too. Love her hard and fiercely, no matter what she goes through!"
"Enough Califia!" N'Jobu said. "You are telling him too much. Allow him to enjoy the journey with that one without spoiling it!"
"This is stuff I need to know, Baba!" Erik said.
"I didn't tell him which one it is," Califia pouted.
N'Jobu threw up his hands.
"I already have three. How many more am I having?" Erik begged to know.
Califia pursed her lips and N'Jobu held up a finger. She grabbed it, and N'Jobu threw his arms around her waist and lifted her up to his shoulder. Their laughter made Erik's eyes grow blurry. In an hour they had been a family unit and it was like old times, especially when his father kissed Califia on the lips.
"Y'all still doing that here?" Erik said, pretending to be grossed out like he was as a child.
"Forever!" Califia shouted.
The enhanced colors of Black Creek dulled faster. Erik rushed forward and threw his arms around his parent's necks. Their last moments together were just holding each other and N'Jobu sang Lullaby Little One to Erik the way he used to when he was little. The softness of his father's voice and the softness of his mother's hand on his back returned him to the temporal world as a spiritually whole human being.
The Scorpion Fighter banked left and descended. Noxolo landed the aircraft near a sparkling lake that captured the last colors of the sunset across its surface. T'Challa, Umama, Baba Z, and Dante waited for him at the entrance to a lovely villa compound. Music played inside the enclosure, and joyous laughter bounced over the walls. The secured interior had slate gray, bronze, and glass circular buildings with a central gathering area filled with round tables covered with wooden roofs matching the natural color scheme that blended well with all the trees surrounding the compound. Roomy, with eco-chic touches, Yani's new home suited her with a beautiful lake as an extra gift.
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"Everything alright?" Umama asked.
Erik smiled and shook his head, despite the shedding of fat tears.
"Life is good," Erik assured them all. "I got to say goodbye the right way."
"He's here!" Dante shouted to the nearly one hundred people seated and ready to eat.
Yani, Leona, and Twyla led a small staff to help set up food they cooked themselves. Leona's old catering skills came into play and for a moment, it reminded Erik of being back at the island compound, where they used to feed large groups of dangerous men.
"Food is ready! Come and get it!" Leona shouted.
Famished family members lifted plates from their tables and lined up. Erik enjoyed watching Yani's St. Thomas family fuss with each other in heavy patois while overseeing the enjoyment everyone had eating their food.
Disa brought his children out from one of the guest houses. They changed out of their mourning clothes and dressed in new bright colors. Barefoot and happy, they shrieked with excitement when they saw Erik and raced to him. He lifted Riki up first because he was the fastest.
"You smell funny, Baba," Riki said, sniffing Erik's neck.
"Funny how?" Erik asked.
"Like smoke or something," Sydette said, tugging on his tunic.
Erik got down on one knee and gazed at each one of his children.
"I love all of you so much," Erik said, feeling his voice tremble.
"We know Baba," Sydette said.
She kissed his forehead, and Joba hugged his neck.
"I'm going to be the best Baba for all of you," he said.
"You're already the best Baba, Daddy," Joba said.
"You finally made it. We worried you got lost," Disa said.
Erik stood up, and Disa immediately noticed the change in him.
"I'm not lost anymore," he said.
He reached out and squeezed her arm.
"Let's go get some food!" Erik said.
He ushered the children toward the linked tables piled high with island food and a lot of Erik's favorite Wakandan dishes. Twyla and Disa assisted Erik in making sure his kids had full plates.
"Come sit with us," Sydette insisted.
Erik nodded and slowed down his steps when he faced Yani. She dished out more plantains and patties from an assistant onto one of the food tables.
"Mama, I wahn another patty," Riki whined.
"Eat the one on your plate first," Yani said.
She wiped the back of her gloved hand on her temple. Her gaze settled on Erik, and Disa moved the children over to a table by their grandparents and T'Challa. Shuri waved at him from their table and Erik gave her a head nod and turned back toward Yani.
"You not hungry?" Yani asked.
"I was making sure the kids had food first. Forget to fix my own plate," he said.
Her big eyes were animated inside her round face.
"Y'all should let the staff handle this so you can relax," Erik said.
"My family wants to serve. My mother and aunt are loving all the attention," she said.
"Move over, I got this!" Halston said.
Yani's father tied a full apron around himself and made his daughter move to the side. Her younger sisters' laughter distracted her for a second and her cousin Kendall held up a black power fist at Erik when he moved past with a plate of jerk chicken and vegetables. They flew in to be with Yani for the last week of the mourning period. Her face beamed at having more of her family around.
Yani wiped a piece of a leaf from her father's wrapped locs. They both wore bright island colors, and Yani's dress was a simple wrap-around that she tied in the front. His mother's prophetic words drummed in his head. She turned back to him with laughter on her lips from joking with her father.
"Want me to make you a plate?" she asked.
"Nah, I got that, I just…"
Her beauty mesmerized him. His parents had been with her when he couldn't be there because of his exploits. They knew Joba and Riki before he did. What child would he have in the future with her that had his mother breaking ancestral rules and defying God? Yani was the woman he wanted and needed. She had to be the mother of the one that was coming.
"What?" Yani said.
Yani caught sight of the blazing fire in his eyes. She had no inkling that she was the moon to the wolf inside of him that wanted to howl her praises to the heavens. Her love for him kept her going for all those lost years. She held him down even when she didn't know what happened to him. Erik wanted her to have his best, and that meant staying at the Temple of Bast. He would go up that great mountain and live among the priests until his coronation.
Leona stepped forward and handed Erik a plate of all the things he enjoyed with a glass of ginger beer.
"Thank you, auntie," Erik said.
He left the buffet line and walked over to his children. Great music played, and everyone indulged in the scrumptious meal and loving vibes. Erik sat down free from the burden of the past. He would cherish that old darkness as a gateway to his present state. Looking down at his plate, he watched Riki steal his beef patty with a fork and move it to his own plate. Erik laughed so loud with a hearty vigor that it made the entire table crack up.
"He's greedy like you," Dante said.
"Easy with all that fat meat on your plate," Erik said.
"I'll watch my plate, and you watch my belly get full!" Dante said.
Erik glanced over at T'Challa and he regarded the sense of peace that settled over his cousin too as he ate. N'Jobu wanted them together. He would make sure he abided by his father's wishes.
Eating, drinking, warm hugs, and laughter went on all night. Yani and her family provided after-dinner entertainment under the stars, with Wakandan drummers. Kendall beatboxed a familiar tune. Riki stood up on his chair to see better and began singing.
"Queen Mary, ah where you gon' go burn? Queen Mary, ah where you gon' go burn?" Riki sang out.
"Ooh!" Sydette squealed, jumping down from her seat. "Queen Mary… Queen Mary!"
Umama and Baba Z glanced around, confused, near Erik.
"What are they singing?" Umama asked, leaning her head in toward Riki.
Ramonda shook her head. "Queen Mary, I think."
"Who is that?" Shuri asked Riki.
Erik's son threw up his hands as if he couldn't believe no one had heard of his greatest grandmother.
"Queen Mary!" Riki shouted.
Kendell jumped around as the center of attention, and Sydette shook her little hips with him. Marisol stood up and danced with Sydette, moving her arms and legs in a samba that matched the rhythm of the Queen Mary song. Twyla and Yani's sisters joined her, singing the chorus and entertaining everyone. Riki clapped his hands and sang loud and off-key. Erik held the back of Riki's tunic to make sure his son didn't fall off of his seat. The boy dashed away from the table and jumped around Kendell and Sydette. Erik stood up and searched for Yani. She hung back near the food tables, watching and bobbing her head.
"Yani, tell them about Queen Mary," Erik encouraged.
Yani stared at him like she wanted to stay in the shadows, but he waved his hand for her to go to the center.
"Sing, Yani," Erik said.
She hesitated, and Erik tapped his kimoyo. He swiped files until he found the one he needed. He synched up his kimoyo with the compound sound system and Kendall's old song "Fiyahburn" surrounded the audience with aural power.
"Yani…" Erik said.
The pleading in his voice roused Yani to trudge over to her children and family. Erik tapped his kimoyo again to start the music from the beginning and lowered the volume so they could hear her voice.
"Listen to the words, Umama," Erik said, touching his grandmother's hand.
Riki and Sydette danced around their mother, and Kendell grinned at her. Yani glanced over at Erik, opened her mouth, and sang.
Chapter 55 HERE.
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