#getalt of rivia
fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
Modern AU S3 Jaskier having his hot girl summer and sending this to EMT!Geralt
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
Mainstream media when asked to write an autistic character: 😴
Mainstream media when asked to write a socially obtuse, loner, grumpy man who enjoys solitude and suffers from intense mood swings: 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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lorrainestea · 1 year
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There I fixed/ruined it✨
Because we all know Vilgefortz should never be here...
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lilith-of-rivia · 3 years
Monster House
Trigger Warnings: Claustrophobia, mentions of self-hatred, self-degrading voice, panic/anxiety attack, mentions of blood and gore.
Summary: after Geralt lashes out at you and leaves you alone in a house, you have an anxiety attack/panic attack.
Word Count: 1,676
Paring: DAD!GeraltXFemaleMinorDAUGHTERReader
Request: Hello! Could you write one where the reader is Geralt's child surprise. Reader is in her teens and gets in trouble. Geralt is pissed and grounds her. Reader cannot leave the house. The reader has developing claustrophobia so no fresh air for a while eventually gets to her. Reader starts to have an anxiety attack but doesn't dare go outside for a quick breath of fresh air. Geralt comes home and tries to calm her down and stuff. Thank youuu!!! 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you for the request, my dear, so sorry for the wait. Hope you like it?
“Geralt! You’re being unreasonable. I didn’t do anything wrong!!” You yelled. Your hair was a mess around your face. Dirt smeared all over with some blood that thankfully didn’t belong to you.
“Did nothing wrong??” Geralt’s face to you, now eye level. He had to bend down to be eye to eye with you. His eyes searched yours. You could see the anger, fear, and concern on his face. Something you had only ever seen, no one else got to see that.
He sighed heavily, his hands rubbing down his tired face. He was attempting to calm himself down, knowing he could sometimes be a bit too harsh with you.
“You deliberately left the house after me. You could’ve gotten killed.”
“-But I didn’t.” He sighed, grabbing your chin in his hand making you look at him.
You did leave the safety of the house, even when he said no. You wanted to come with him. It was only a pack of wolves. Nothing he couldn’t handle and you wanted to help, more than anything. You hated not being able to help him with anything, you could never do anything unless he was by your side. He or Jaskier. It made you feel like a burden.
“You’re right you didn’t. But you could’ve. You’re not to leave this house for three days. You stay in here, read the books Yen gave you. Unless I am by your side you do not step foot past that threshold. Do you understand me?” His voice was deep, stern, mean. You hated it when you got grounded. You sighed deeply, nodding in agreement.
“Good. I’m very disappointed in you Y/N.” He stood again, his back to you. Before you could say anything else he was out the door. You had half a mind to follow him but chose to listen to him. His lingering disappointment still thick in the hot air of the cramped house.
You walked to the corner of the small room, sitting down in the pile of blankets. You grabbed one of the herbal books Yennerfir gave to you and began reading. No matter how many times you reread the same paragraph about mugwort you couldn’t absorb the material. You were getting hotter and hotter, the hot summer sun now at its full peak at noon making the small cabin you were in getting hotter. You grabbed your water canteen and slugged it down. To your disappointment, Geralt had taken his own with him.
“This isn’t a house, it’s a shack. With walls enclosing it around me.” You huffed to yourself. Gathering your hair in your hands you tied it back, hoping it would help. But it did nothing. The room began to feel smaller, tighter. The air getting thicker.
Your mind wandered over Geralt’s words.
“He’s right. I’m such a disappointment. He should’ve left me years ago.” Your hot tears began to stream down your red cheeks. You put your hands on your face, holding it tightly, squeezing it as your eyes shut. You tried to not let these thoughts penetrate your head, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were a burden to Geralt. He constantly had to do things for you. You never did anything for yourself even if you wanted to. No matter how hard you tried you always felt like you were only a burden on him.
Your breathing became ragged and harsh as you cowered into the corner. Your body trembled, the walls around you closing in around you as you watched the floor move up and down like a monster’s mouth.
“If you ever need me; scream my name, I’ll hear you.”
His voice echoed through your head as you moved to the window. You pushed the small glass panel open and sat below it feeling the very soft breeze that came through. Your throat felt like it was closing. Your body shaking more as you cried harder, the thoughts of Geralt not coming back for you.
“GERALT PLEASE COME BACK!!!” Your screams echoed off the walls of the house. Your head in your hands as you cried harder and harder, your throat beginning to hurt.
“Please...please...please...please come back Geralt.” Your head began to get heavy as you laid on the hard floor. The door of the house flew open, but you didn’t have the energy to open your eyes, but you knew it was him. His smell was all too familiar to you. His arms quickly grabbed your limp body pulling you into his chest, his hand quickly grabbed your chin making your face turn to him, your eyes still not opening. You couldn’t.
“Jesus Y/N, your burning up. Did you eat something bad??” His voice was full of panic, it made your heart hurt. All I ever do is cause you pain. Your thoughts were filling your small head, making it harder for you to stop crying.
“The house is eating me.” You crooked out. He quickly lifted you, carrying you quickly out of the house. The fresh air instantly made you take in a breath, your tears subsiding.
You could hear the splash of water as Geralt walked into the river near the cabin. He kneeled into the water, using his hand to cup cold water pouring it over your face.
“Open your mouth.” You did as he asked and drank the cold water from his hand. Your senses slowly started to return, your eyes opened and the bright sun made them burn. You slowly moved them around the running water. You could feel Gerlt’s fingers stroking your hair behind your ears as he completely sat in the water, no regard for his clothes. You locked eyes and gave him a weak smile.
“What happened?” His voice was softer than before, it was deep, comforting. Made you feel safe, even in the unsafe world you lived in.
“I feel like nothing but a burden...you never trust me to do anything on my own. It's like I’m a leach to you…” you couldn’t look at him, closing your eyes feeling the cold water rush into your back.
“You're not a leach, you're my kid. It's my job to protect you.” your eyes snapped back to his own. For years he never referred to you as his kid, or his daughter. At least not out loud. He treated you like his daughter. He was all you ever had when it came to parents, other than Yennefer.
His hand gently combed your hair from your face, sitting you up fully, your legs submerged in the cool rushing water.
“If something happened to you, if you died I wouldn’t be able to live in this world.” The smile that overtook your face made him roll his eyes playfully.
“You love me.” You cooed in a sing-song voice as you pointed your small finger at his face. He grunted, rolling his eyes.
“Of course I do, kid. I didn't have much meaning in life before I found you.” Your smile only grew as the big bad witcher gushed about his kid.
“Could you actually say it?” You asked, lifting your head slightly as he washed the dirt from his arms, you two slowly separating, leaving a foot between your bodies as you sat in the water.
“Say what?”
“That you love me. You've only ever said it once. But I don't think you meant to then.” Geralt eyebrows furrowed together.
“A long time ago, you had gotten badly beaten by a group of banshees. Yen found you and brought you back with her. She had no one else to help, so I had to. I was barely eleven yet. It was scary, you were all… bloody, and cold. Your eyes were stuck open- corps like.” Your eyes were looking all over his body, and the earth around you. The story was never easy for you to remember, but you never forgot it.
“I honestly hate that I remember it so much, I remember watching Yen cry as she tried her best to stitch you back up. She just kept begging and pleading with ever god she thought was listening to her. It was horrible.” Geral's hand gently held yours, his finger softly stroking the back of your hand.
“I didn't forget it though. You woke up the next day, and I've never cried harder.” You said with a soft laugh.
“I hugged you, too tight and it hurt you. And I said I was sorry and I was just happy you didn't die. And you asked me why...I didn't know why you asked that stupid question. So I just said because I loved you. And you said it back. But you haven't sense. And honestly, if I'm your kid, you should say it more often. Because only telling me after you die really fucking sucks.” This time he laughed.
“I love you, Y/N. More than any father could ever love his child.” his arms wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest as you held onto him, a smile ear to ear.
“I love you too, fuck face.” he groaned into your hair as he rested his chin on top of your head.
“I'm like this because of you.” You mumbled and he nodded his head, humming softly.
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This Jaskier with this Geralt:
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Goth Rockstar AU anyone?
Where a moody 19-year-old Jaskier becomes enamored with Geralt, 35, the frontman of deathmetal band "Rivia".
At first Jaskier blends into the crowd, but through the flashes of the strobelights Geralt locks onto those dewy eyes the size of moons, and he finds he can't look away.
Art (C) @disturbedbutgorgeous
Joey screenshot by @AdoringJoeyBatey on IG. Geralt cosplay by @Maul_cosplay on IG.
Tagging accounts who may enjoy this post! Love y'all!
@jaskier-royale @andyet-here-we-are @itsgeraskier @geraskier-hell @geraskier-trash @bardsingingasong @dandeliongeralt @jaskierssilence @remijcrowley @mystic-majestic @geraltxjaskier @yappingjaskier @lankygeralt @geralt-jaskier @verobatto-jaskierxgeralt
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My sister got me a paint your own ukulele. I couldn’t help my self! :)
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sweetest-honeybee · 4 years
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Role reversal kind thingy?
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itsgeraskier · 5 years
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"Modern!AU sort of, where Jaskier and Geralt are not officially a couple but they are living and traveling together like in the show and one day they have a fight and Geralt says some mean things to Jaskier (... like in the show)."
Cirilla loves Jaskier very much and Jaskier loves and adores Cirilla as much as she did.
They are best friends and Cirilla is suffering as much as them.
And she just wants them to fix it 💔
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the masterpiece pictured above was drawn by my friend @broetry, @/poetry.rae on Instagram. enjoy.
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howlongtillidie · 4 years
My obsession over the Witcher has gone TOO FAR!!
I have seen the show 3x, I’m reading the books in the original polish (even tho I struggle to read in polish), I’ve seen the original Witcher show (the one in polish from the early 2000’s), and I can sing the chorus of toss a coin to you Witcher IN FIVE LANGUAGES!!! ( English, polish, French, Italian and Russian), I also listens to ONLY that song for 2 months.
I mean who does all this?!?!
Because I am an obsessed idiot.
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longitud-de-onda · 4 years
the list of men that i would currently go straight for:
henry cavill in the witcher
that is all. thank you very much for coming.
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actually-a-menace · 5 years
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I made myself sad ):
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algor-mo4tis · 5 years
Let’s be honest the biggest hoe out of all of them is Geralt, I mean, he managed to snag a bard and an all powerful sorceress respectively before they sorted out their shit I mean c’mon
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lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
Hey everyone, I’d just like to apologize for the lack of updates and requests. I’ve been going threw a lot of issues with my mental health and some days it’s hard to even get out of bed. But I’m slowly starting to feel like myself again and will hopefully be back to updating soon. Thank you for the constant love and support. You people are amazing.
All my love!
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mtlluck-blog · 5 years
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My favourite dysfunctional family at the top of the most popular celebrities of IMDB 👏👏👏👏
PS: Yes, I’m including MyAnna Buring
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girlinapapercrown · 4 years
okay does anyone else, when watching The Witcher, rewind where Geralt curses just to hear Henry Cavill say fuck or anything else again?? Or is that just me...?
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